meeting's open all right are we being recorded spell tried one okay uh meeting is open we're being Ed I would make a motion to um approve the meeting minutes of February 28th as amended Joan there was just one spot where it said um that we were looking at um talking about shared police sheet it was supposed to say fire that was it um is there a second second any discussion all in favor I motion to approve the meeting minutes of March 4th 11 and executive session minutes for March 11 there second second discussion all in favor all I have to abstain because I was absent from one of them audience participation come on down George before you start talking I'm going to tell you that the woman that we hired to do our gardening for Watson Park and by sentennial just emailed me yesterday and told me she's accepted a job offer in Tennessee and her family so we are putting that out to bid so that is my answer for those questions that you're about to ask well may I may I likely suggest that before she moves to Tennessee for the amount of money you paid her that she give you a written report of her findings at her recommendations did she does she she wasn't doing findings and recommendations she was doing maintenance oh she didn't I thought she was recommending what needed to be done with the pars no oh so okay so we're at that stage then we're at the planning stage back to the planning stage we're at the stage where we need to put out a bid to hire someone to do maintenance as I recall some time ago that was a long time ago there was a study of the parks and recomendations of what planning should be applied in the Parks to bring them back to the quote Old Stage of plannings with flowers and bushes all done is that right Mary yeah that's all been done so that exists Mary I think it's been done George the stuff was I'm asking if it exists that would be a starting point they have that as something that whoever comes in to work on the parts looks at and says yes I can implement this or no I can't implement this I think it's already been implemented we're just looking for maintenance Josh took care of that one yeah and a lot of the stuff that has been done has been done yeah so we're just some of it my liking that plan exists so you can and I don't know where it is somewhere so that needs to be located then why well because whoever's m M the park should be working from that plan and then knowing what plants are there so that they can provide the prop Garder they're going to know what plants they're looking at right well if you if you spent the money to put in the right plants then you should be maintaining the the plants that have been installed if you do a plan you should follow the plan so if there is a plan and it has been partially implemented then that plan should be carried forward and whoever you hire should look at that plan and say yes I can implement this I know what fertilizers these plants use I know what this tree needs I know what this needs and be able to follow through with that plan rather than just go off into the left field with no plan and Destroy possibly some of the money that has been spent for appropriate plannings in the Parks sure right does that make sense sure okay so the you got next so the important thing is to find that plan okay okay so let's see we can find it and we'll talk about that later now the other issue I have is the resilient Dirk road project that was begun a year ago come on down for this one I know you do he reported on it last week okay I I didn't hear that report we I'm sorry why would you did well I I watched the video but I didn't catch your comments on it oh As I understood a year ago there was a there was a public hearing which I attended at the COA and the people from the Piner Valley Planning Commission were supposed to come back and interview people who lived on dirt roads in town and especially those places that were close to Beaver Dams or Beaver ponds as far as I know none of that has taken place and there was supposed to be another public hearing this spring to talk about this held by the P rail plan commission so I'm asking where does it stand at this point as right now they they been out and evaluated all the beer areas already okay so um right now we're waiting for the overall package to be sent to us um they've been working on the noi for call replacement all that also yeah um that's just about done it's been sent to D now this is the P Val plan commission okay an MVP yes the real world now when is there going to be that public hearing that's supposed to be held this spring I have no idea yet okay but there is one g to happen as long as I know they do it will happen I can't tell you when because just got here is is it pirer Valley that's putting up the uh conversation on the beaver situation yes okay so we're waiting on that on that yeah along with the noi and everything else okay good um my other question question was there was I believe and I'm not clear on it a building assessment that was done few months back to see what needed to be done in this building and in the post office I don't think it ever happened it never happened yeah we were talking about uh that was right around Christopher was leaving about hiring someone um to come in and do an assessment of all the buildings um and then I think you had asked if we would use local people and local people said that they were not um available or um equipped or interested in doing that so that's where it left off um and then Christopher left and we haven't touched it okay what are your plans now I don't have any plans with that as of right now we are just introducing a new Town Administrator and not overwhelming him is my plan all right as far as building assessment Maya did do an assessment of the building and we've actually gotten a we discussed the report of that uh meeting M so we do know some of the issues there was talk um of doing an assessment of all of the buildings in town and just getting an idea of um I think part of partially for our Capital plan what we wanted to sort of build into it um but we sort of put that on hold it was just a discussion and I don't think it ever went any further than that is the Ada assessment that's been done count for that yeah I mean that's gotta be part of it absolutely yeah and that's on the website okay I I also concerned about the maintenance of the post office building and you know the sprinkler system here and all the other kind of things that are those are things that are on our radar that are being need to be done okay um is there a possibility that several of us might get together and begin some work on B Centennial Park I.E cleaning the bricks and things like that there's just had an ice storm and snow yesterday you're killing me it's barely spr the uh TR blossoms are out the their Prim level Washington DC I saw Washington D I saw this morning they're beautiful this your first week here just because saw ice the trees on North cord Road as I drove in yeah once we once it's spring George and we are yeah but but can we plan and and get things underway it'll get done it gets done every year it'll getal Park who's in charge we're in charge no I mean we have a single person that takes responsibility for take Krist no no we've been hiring Krist you well no wait a minute you come in with all these IDE willing to participate so I think it's only fair that while you're coming up with all these ideas for somebody else to do steep to a plate I have already talked to Jeff and I had a the other week Jeff unteer to break the leaves and clean out all and I volunteered to work with Jeff to steam the brick work up there because Jeff quietly acknowledged that he had the equipment to do it and I said i' work so there two of us will so now you have to I just want make in June 37th that sounds good um we I just heard yesterday that we have to put the project back out to bit the whole project the the maintenance of Bicentennial and the maintenance of Aon Park are going out to bit because so you're going to include the cleaning of the bricks in that yep rather than have it done with volunteer help all right I mean unless you want to do it well if Jeff you want a guarantee to do it every year we'll drop a contract I'm willing to volunteer to work with Jeff this year and do it you're volunteering Jeff I gotta wash my car that day Jeff I'm throwing it out I'm going to work with Jeff because I know he has the equipment I would start my thing and it won't start so I don't know it was too cold to pull it over I'm not strong enough anymore so gotta wait till it warms up a little what else you got anything that's it fantastic thank you thanks George all right than for caring any other audience participation Jennifer you tell that yeah um on that um the grant for South with Southwick it expires June of this year so we're just renewing it so we signed it three years ago I just need and we're also getting a um inspector with this one and anything else you sign there and then she signs it South signs the to and I'll getop in your they're hoping that contract will up 25 years that would be nice what happens thank you thank you um will you just let Joan know what that is for the minutes do you know what that is Jo sure I'll just okay you know I'll just scan it in and send it to you okay um all right Highway Mark do you want to come down with Highway so that I know you probably want to leave you can talk about that I mean I don't know what we could possibly have better to do than be here give you a list all right bab you want to start sure um give Ro C's all done fantastic went well what what road C Gibbs Gibbs y all finished actually finished Tuesday okay um raed to Road up that area there p a foot and a half maybe maybe a little less but looks good nice look real good um and that's the one that was all paid for correct yes wow yeah after since 2018 I was going to say it's been a while it yeah what's that is it working I was out there the other day it was oh good but I think it's the first time I've seen no water on the other side didn't know how long which color the one by Fontaine Farm bottom of the hill no y yeah it's um I have Ty and bond coming over tomorrow okay to look at the water place over there on Russell stage for the bridge um no major incidents this weekend the uh the crew did an awesome job out there yeah they did um not a whole not a whole lot of power outages but there's you know quite a trees branches and all that now um tree company will be in town on Gore Road tomorrow Wednesday and Thursday those going to be shut down tree company yes I'm not sure is this through eversource it's um I believe so they can be either Northern or it's not a town situation okay no um they're they're going to close your whole road down for three days um they said they're going to have a crane down there get some trees out so I'm going to beat him beat them tomorrow morning okay and find out what they're doing all right um the other crew I believe is Northern on North blanford they're doing some removal here and there I do have a cutting a list or I should say map from ever Source it's like 30 pages long okay um it's about trees in the area actually the roads they going to be recut so okay is going to be good um the ma truck is back M Truck is left um took it to M to swacks uh the other day to have evaluate the the plow and the plow head on the on the uh truck okay so that is all that I have for now so trees down mark thank you we thank you Dave um any other areas in town that we think we need Town tree cleanup or besides Watson Park anyone or another guys you're out there uh this morning doing some um tree clean up here and there okay down on um on Chester Road for now and what I've seen driving around there really isn't a whole lot okay you know minor branches here there what do you think about the park do you think we'll have to call someone in to do that or I don't know if I mean it's a separate entity Al together right yeah because I think we've run into it before where we couldn't use Highway money or tree Warden money it's got to come out of the right I don't know branches that fell on this side we can use sound money branches that fell on the other side that's over trust me yeah I dragged a whole bunch over to this side um I took a ride through there was one branch that was blocking the road I cut that up through it out the way um looking at it there's maybe a day day and a half's worth of work in there okay um I've got a couple of options depending on how you want to go I've got my regular tree guy or I've got another guy because everything's already on the ground it doesn't require a bucket truck oh it just be us it's going to save you about 500 bucks a day okay so yeah let's do that then um just before spring I guess before we start to get a gardener then so I I want to get right on this one yeah um just because it's public people are in and out of there all the time okay you know I really don't want to see somebody tripping over big Limbs and whatnot but at least the road is passable all the way through I did that this afternoon if you if you're brave enough to drive on it for we drive um will you let Doug emoo that we're taking care of the trees cuz I saw him out there today trying to pick up trees we don't we don't want them to no one wants dougy with a chainsaw or of please no he's never going to live that down how many of you can actually remember he won't I don't think I was even in town they shook my garage door he said he like 100 or something like 10 gallons of gas and throw a match in it come around oh man all right um Dave while you have Mark here do you have any other uh tree things you wanted to run buy him any RADS or projects you were planning that you needed he doesn't have enough money I don't have enough money and the town don't have enough money if you were thinking next year though what would you want to plan there's so much out there to changes it it it changes after every storm you know um I guess I just want to know like your priorities so that we're like blending I mean pretty much what I use my budget for is anything that I feel is a hazard to be a dying dead and then obviously the ash trees are all going quicker than we can cut them yeah ever Source has stepped up here last year or so and done a ton of removals which is helping yeah um but there's still a lot of places that there's as trees right along the road okay um I would suggest instead of tying up the meeting maybe Dave and I get together that would be fantastic put a plan together maybe as you know two departments okay kind of going at it next year to get problem areas okay fig out since since we brought that up I was bring it later but um I know Mark has the same problem as I do um is the funding okay um for me $20,000 only last seven days the other portion of that goes to the police detail um that's a big headache with a lot of these major roads Russell stage North clanford Chester beachill yeah you got you got to have two police officers on it if a police officer sees us they throw us right off the road I do try and do it without a detail but yeah they get angry yeah um then they don't take the detail and it ends up being the sheriff's department so yeah and then you're spending more but um my my thought is um is that maybe this year coming up we could have a a line number on the um warrant or whatever for say 20 $5,000 M and that is just used for um police details plain simple that's all it's used for so that we can use our money instead of using it for seven days we can do it 14 days or whatever if if it would extend both our budgets doing that plus it would benefit water I guess we that's that's an interesting point we'd have to look at um how much we've spent in police detail past years to see what we need to put in there all around I think accounting could probably do that for us pull up any one way tand uh saved money my father's police chief over there what he ended up doing to save money on traffic control uh when people retire out of the police force they can't patol but they can still sign up for traffic Duty and what he did is that he also hired uh people out of the town to do just traffic jobs where they get paid a lower rate than a a cop getting overtime pay they get a a flat rate where it's Falls underneath the police chief but it's a separate entity of uh traffic control where they have the Cruisers that can do it but they can do uh work with these guys and traffic what what are they paying these gentlemen an hour I don't know the exact rate I can find that out because I know both them are $55 an hour I don't I don't know what their rate is I just know that it's cheaper for the town to hire them than it would be to hiring their uh police department the other option would be looking at a company that specifically does certifi flagging okay I don't know what they get per hour I've never used them they're they're I believe but I believe they're going to be a little bit better than the police it's like 30 bucks an hour yeah yeah I don't think they're that much no they might not even be but but it might be worth looking doing 152,000 contract with a company specifically for yeah pleas details flag flag could you do some research on that Mike just a just a warning I I look into it but uh since we rely on parttime police that is a good part of their income and that's a the BL police yeah that would tend to dissuade them from staying with the Department if that's uh cutting their income significantly okay because we do have to fill those rules on a regular basis from from what I understand now talking with the chief of police uh it's kind of hard to get people for details to uh I've never had that so that would be an alternative that I I'll certainly look you do it okay maybe even if we can find a balance between the two to try to save some money and give them some hours um maybe have a conversation with the chief M for having the police but yeah you know the town can save some money yeah absolutely you know and I'll see what the rates are and what the differential is okay so t uh I just heard back T's paying their traffic control 50 to $55 an hour yeah yeah okay yeah that's a good point thank you yeah um and last meeting we had here um they're talking about Abandoned houses in town y um I know the town of Becka has a line number also designated just for abandoned houses to be tore down and it's rotating it just sits there until it's used and the next year it gets replenished it doesn't get used it still sits there and we can do the same thing with the um the detail the police details you know if we use a portion of it and say you reuse $10,000 was 15 left in it so he's add another 10 to it the following year just keep it at yeah yeah yeah that's not a bad idea okay yeah if you guys get together and then just let us know what your plan is sure for next year and you've already done budgets right have you guys met with yeah you met with you haven't yet oh you're not get anything can't take the time for your budget oh no no no can you find some time to at least sit with me and I can talk the finance can be absolutely all right all right are you typically here 95 yeah okay except Friday I leave at three generally on Friday I'll reach out and try and set something up early 9 o' some first morning that'll work if that's all right early good what what about the $4,500 for the work on Jethro Jones Road for the water department those trees that he want to cut down because of the work on the skater project com 4C 4C she said action item approve water department uh ash tree removal did you see that Mark that's why oh that's why that's why here I thought you were here because I sent you a text about the park all right um so this is the how much is it doesn't say count number which one the one that 4500 I believe we talked about the one at $4500 yeah yeah I'm just for the paper is it in here Joanne is what in there what we're voting on the action item do I need to vote um sign anything or noord came in and said I want to use this ash tree we've got to get rid of the ash oh that's right we told them we put it on the meeting next week so I'll put it on the and that's all I know about thank you okay what do you got any of you guys been out there there's one Ash Mark I don't think there's even an ash on that Ro no think he's talking about as part of all the overhanging that's coming into the road I went out and took a 5 minute video driving down the road today if you guys want to watch it so there's no I have absolutely no problem driving track with a 53 foot box behind it all the way out there okay there was one branch in the road from the ice storm I got out and threw out the and plus there's one that's leaning out door the road deeper in the woods there there's a couple of little things are kind of hanging out there there was one good siiz one that that was I cuz when he started a complaining I took it right out there too I chased David around and and anyways uh when I took it right out there there was there was a couple of brush that you know but other than that there was just this one tree and I think it was maybe about 200 yards before you get to the plant okay on the left hand side coming in and it and it's there's a big tree that it's next to and if it falls that bigger tree is going to push it to the road okay but I don't know if it's an ash or Not So based on my survey through there this afternoon I only see about a day worth of work um my normal tree guy is $2,400 a day my other guy is two grand a day the guy was just a chipper and obviously all chainsaws and dump trucks and whatnot um either one of them could go through there in a day and cut what's marked okay um but we can't take it out of the ash we would have to take it out of I can take well here's my other bone of contention um there's a gate at the end of that road while it was wide open this afternoon nobody was there typically it's closed MH the only people that leaning out of there are the water department I understand that it's technically still a Town Road so I guess I'd be looking for guidance from you as to whether you guys feel that town tree Warden money should be spent on something that only the water department has access to is are the trees that are marked are they like a high priority is it something that we're really concerned about for the most part other than what TJ was explaining they're all about this big they're all saplings there's there's nothing over CU I would say that I mean emergency wise we need to be a to we need to have access to the water department sure but I don't think that if it's not a top priority I don't think it's an emergency I mean we just had an ice storm and there was one branch in the road yeah I'm just you know well he was telling us that it needed to be clean to get equipment and to do repairs that little box van coming in or straight I don't know what repair was talking about so I don't know but I figured they were taking a crane in there to lift something out I've never been in there personally so I don't know I drive a 100 ton train in there well if he so what we'll do is we'll vote it vote it tonight or do we even have to vote it can we just leave it I mean if you guys make the decision yeah I'm going to have my guy do the park he could go out there afterwards spend a day and get some of it done I mean I'm not opposed to any of it it's just I strongly feel that is it wi enough to get in here Mark you want to see the video I I'll see it after I don't want to tie it to meeting yeah I you're I'm trusting your word cuz I trust you I mean I took my F550 service truck over there that's 9 and 1 12 ft tall at the rack well the the whole you know from tree line to tree line that's got to be 30 ft if not for the most part you're you're a good 10 ft off the road with everything right yeah when they did all the dam improvements way back when and put the plant in that that road is wide open I mean it is it is to encroach of course it's so like when I drove out there nothing what a good brush hog could take care of on both sides of the road even I don't know if you are still in the western I know they stopped the Western this program I don't know you still get a tractor but I mean a tractor mounted brush hog do the same thing okay or I mean the water department has an employee that kind of does maintenance stuff St yeah um I don't see anything there that he couldn't handle cutting down if he could maybe use the the chipper yeah no excuse me but did uh did they Mark any of the three that they Y no they already did okay so you know what they was all right so um I would say let's just motion to table that until uh and if the water department wants to revisit it is there a second second question all in favor hi okay all right so yeah we won't now okay thank you yeah and Dave before you go a quick question uh on Blair Road after you go past the cemetery going out door 23 y you go by house property and then you got that Hill that goes up and around and that yep uh that's pretty damn near one car road now is there anything we can do with that I don't have enough money well I know you're but can we can grade that a little bit better what make it lower or well I don't know I mean you say it's not wide enough but that road's been that way for yeah I know a while know I would have to take both BS out you know at least another what 10 10 ft in each side yeah bring a whole bunch of material in then I got to reput my my Dage dishes in that I don't know it just seems like it's getting every year it gets more dangerous you wear glasses yet huh you wear glasses I don't need I had cataract oh good good don't touch it quiet over there you youngsters be quiet all right than you thank you days little you hang on for uh since we're going to be talking about the pavement management study meeting you were at that meeting uh did you want to take the clerk first or did sure sure uh the town clerk yes we go to see I gave you all paperwork this is something that we would really like to purchase and we would like to have your support in taking it to the finance committee it is called an image cast Precinct to tabulator it will count the votes it will eliminate hours upon hours of work and down the road it's going to help cut the cost of our elections um it's lightweight and versatile it'll read the ballots there's a picture of it with its specifications there is a quote from LHS there are over 400 of these currently in use throughout the Commonwealth and there are just 37 or eight that have just been upgraded from a prior to this brand new machine uh Russell just got theirs um Beck had one and Beck has one too they all have one has one and it's it's a it's a safety issue also um it'll it'll be secure I think it'll be more yeah the accuracy in this um compared to what we're using now I mean this past election The Ballot Box was just got stuck way too many times are we talk about the pranker Yep this will replace the pranker unfortunate it is sad it is it is sad because I think it's a cute little box it is soal but yeah we can put that in a historical societ yeah right but this is just you know I think it's a it is a safety issue it's going to save on your um budget cost um but I think it's really important that we get this ordered in now but they'll bill us after um after July 1 so we can talk with with the finance and I'm sure but we would really like to use it for September and November but we need to get the order in ASAP so that we're in the line to get the equipment and then there's the training so it's just does it eliminate the need for people counting on elections eliminate the need for as many people to work at pools as we've had you'll still have your own privacy you know fill out your ballot and stick it in the it's a really simple process like what she said yeah you get a little coverby hole you go in there they give you a card yeah you you fill in little circles M you go over to the machine put it in yes M 6,700 I think it's well worth it um yeah you would have my support um to the well I know they have trouble count so I think I think be better five you think Joan and I are the best they are we are there yeah speaking as our election Warden she she's a warden yes you woulds I don't think you need an official vote from us but when you go to finance we would like to have your support with the finance committee it's really critical that we get in line to get this equipment why are you sitting here why didn't you order it well they finance has to approve what's your credit card well I don't the finance is going to approve this first I think that because the the we're going to go ahead and order this and ask for forgiveness later well here's the problem though is that it's not going to be the budget's not approved yet so I don't know about the legality of ordering something before the be over budget there you go nothing like we can look at it that way or we can basically say that their budget right now is 4500 for the election service part of it for the year so yes for for the year so what you're really asking the finance department this year is that for an extra $3,000 because moving in to 25 because they're not going to bill you I mean whether Finance approves it or not it's whether the town V so yes I do you know what I'm saying the town still has to approve the budget yeah but if we wait for a town meeting we'll miss the right I totally understand that I'm just do we have anybody in free cash that could cover it for now and then do go to so you're just going to be over budget like you know some of the other departments so we'll have to come for transfer funds throw our on mercy of the finance committee I I don't know this is a critical piece of equipment it's a critical need and we need to do it I'm just saying I have an obligation too you going to me Chief procurement officer and I can't knowingly approve a large purchase that we don't have an appropriation for if finance committee says okay that's fine perhaps we can pay them back later if they'll approve uh use of I believe there still about 32,000 in the in their Reserve fund and yeah I think that would be the promise to pay them back from either from next well not not that'll be too late but we can find the money somewhere after in the last two months when we can do the transfers yeah I I feel like that would be a better way to go I just would feel much more comfortable if we had identified money people weend it yeah I agree with that um so yeah let's bring it to finance and just when are you meeting with Finance do you have we've already met with Finance we need make appointment go back but we wanted you're you're not meeting with Finance again for a couple of weeks you have to have a special one okay so is it possible to meet with Finance next week I can trans they available I get that going yeah I'll call Janet and yeah so just do her name let's just do the meeting next week time what what's the timeline on on this what you know like once you order it how long do you wait for delivery we will receive it after the first of the year which will give us time for training yeah we won't be able to use it we can't use it for our our local election right right but primary will give us an opportunity to troubleshoot anything that you first of the year ju July so thats like plenty of time then so a meeting next week it's yeah I I agree Mike that I would rather have an idea where the funding is coming if I could comment on the machine itself I've been using one one of these for years and they do work well in fact I'm going to be using one tonight if I'm home and they do work well but it will take some getting used to by the uh uh the citizens because you do have to make the little round thing and people check marks still in that bubble do not leave a blank space we've drilled into us from sat barking more than one thing it it's going to take some education not just of the co-workers but of the citizens to get used to it but as far as you know they hand it to you you just get sucked into the machine and by the time you walk walked out the door it's already been counted so maybe um once it's all said and done and you've been trained and we can um put something out to the public public just let them know it'll be come to vot and and will before the September primary yeah we have to okay but this is um it's going to assure our security for the elections moving forward okay okay sounds thank you while while we're here I had submitted two requests for the agenda to be included on the agenda and I don't see them one was to Appo asked if you would consider John Carrington to serve on the Hilltown ambulance and the other was uh from the cultural Council would you please appoint Terry Carr okay to be a member of the cultural Council what is the term for that do you know Mary uh cultural council is a fiveyear term is it too late I mean is it so important that I can't wait till next week and I'll get it on the agenda this is getting messy so is getting messy it's feeling messy for you um we can do the um Terry Carr certainly next time I just I'm just thinking John is here okay yeah so then we can appoint John and he can swear in supposed to be on that's what I'm all right um okay so Mary I'm just GNA wait and do that actually let's just do that I would make a motion to appoint um John Carrington as our representative for the Huntington NOP Hilltown Ambulance Association second any discussion all in favor all right thank you you're welcome thank you congratulations yeah um all right we'll go back to Town Administrator report all right um Mary can you please tell me after about the Terry car thank you before I get into my my list I've got also the pavement management study meeting we had uh David and I met with a couple of members from PVB PC uh they have suggested that we redo our pavement management report which was done I think four years ago you said yes it was done with I think um Josh was here and I think that was the grade gave us like they gave us a b yeah yeah pretty much they evaluate all the paid roads and so on and so forth okay but they uh Dave suggested that that was done with the grant at that time yeah what cost now 16,000 approximately yeah and the question is do we want to spend chapter 90 funds on that or do we want to just spend it on the road now there's value to to the report and it helps you to prioritize roads yeah but um again 16,000 that could have been turned in Asphalt yeah I know and it it was really Val valuable I remember having that Grant or I mean if you get the most complaints for people that's the road you fix is there not necessarily are there any Grant funds um can you do we we looked at that already only thing out there right now is a one one stop Ms Grant we we can go through that we can I can certainly apply for one yeah the thing is is you know um the more the more you apply for yeah is the more you're you putting yourself against it so if you put in one or two or three or four you're competing against yourself for Grants oh in terms of Grant yes I mean granted it's only a small Grant I mean we proba have a great possibility chance to get it yeah you know but you're saying you don't want to put another gr out there because the big Grant you guys are working great didn't you just put something in go ahead M on the other hand sometimes when there's a little bit of money that's sort of um extra they'll fund a small a small project small project so we don't really it's kind of like gambling we don't really I mean I mean it's worth a shot you know but my feeling and the overall idea is that you know the first time they did it it was probably more expensive I would imagine and now the template's all made yeah and all they got to do is go buy and look at everything and then just yeah add to it I think it's a little expensive yeah you know but is it something we should put off for a year and talk about next year I think I think we can I mean then maybe I we're always going grants we're always yeah um I don't know what do you guys think I think that they right go for the big one so wait wait a year and see absolutely we should table this for a year okay so let's just leave it then back you've been very aggressive about calling me on it get used to it I think they want I think they want the funds because you know they well we can break it down into four quarters and you can pay $4,000 at a time you know it's it all it's all going to come from the same budget well do they have access to any grants no about it there's nothing on there right now um if this was brought up we could bring that up again after the fiscal year because they us they get funding them also for certain things okay so we can look forward after the new fiscal year we approach them and see if they have anything y um at that meeting we also I just add this on here um they uh mentioned the joint Transportation committee meetings okay and I'm going to start attending those I believe they're virtual now they didn't use to but uh I I used to do that in the past fto not fto no through pvpc okay but uh you know they they do the transportation Improvement plan at the uh J meetings and I found that you get a lot more uh if you're there at the meetings okay you're a lot less likely to get your projects caught so I'm going to start those regularly and and I used to get some good funding for LL when back in the day okay almost 20 years ago okay um anything I don't think um you're gonna wait a year for Grant application pursue the road study right okay thank you and not use chapter 90 funds I think I'm else what else um this this past week um detect I'm sorry selectman keno and myself met with Maya regarding the action plan for our uh property and liability um we didn't do too bad but we have some I don't know if you want to hear the mandatory requirements uh uh mandatory recommendations um well that's what they call it mandatory recommendations they want this done they want a facility maintenance and water weather loss by mechanical failure prevention point which would Implement a formal written program that includes scheduled maintenance inspections and PRI prioritization of corrective actions repairs due to the level of risk for your buildings and hatches this program should also include protocols uh to help property loss due to Mechanical failures due to extreme weather uh consider using aaya Grant which I will look into okay but uh that's one of the three U mandatory uh job Hazard analysis um should be performed for high Hazard Andor frequently conducted activities and controls put in at the highest feasible levels using the hierarchy of controls uh J jha's help identifying control hazards and can be used to develop uh DLS required personal protection equipment Hazard analyses standard operating procedures training documents and operational budgets um your risk manager uh will show you how to do this I don't know that we we don't really have a r manager okay I guess I'm the closest in the behalf so I'm going to have to figure this out okay um and finally they want an accident incident and near Miss investigation ation uh program in place um OSHA has uh uh some templates that we can use for that but they want all of these in the next three years okay there's some other things they suggested but uh I don't know if you want to go into that now the whole town or is that for the employees of the Town what is those three action plans for they they're uh to protect uh employees in high-risk positions basically having uh protocols in place for preventing accidents and investigating them when they happen so it sounds like something you're going to want to meet with each Chief and head of Department to design those plans yes the ones that actually I mean the town clerk's office probably doesn't have to be part of this plan but uh certainly uh fire and and Highway and water will be part of these PL please yeah okay uh what else did we do in that we also uh discussed uh this is good saving money they they suggested ways we can uh increase our our rebates next year okay uh through the programs that they have so it was a pretty good meeting and we found some uh glaring errors in our in our issues like a huge uh uh a huge uh claim against the our school department which we don't have oh it was actually not a School employee was but it was our employee okay but we got that corrected okay good so that was uh it was a good meeting I thought okay yeah well Mary question um just a a point um Doris and I went to a security training program last week for election specifically and it was a 4H hourong program given by a separate organization on contracted by the state this former state trooper now retired does this really intense program on how to protect yourself your workers whatever else is going on during the course of an election and um we are in a high-risk situation believe it or not and this is what they projected and what they told us and we signed up for a security assessment okay so the the state's GNA come out okay and that's yeah uh just throw that out there yeah it's great when the state gives these programs but I get ads for programs all the time and then I look oh that sounds like a good program and then it says okay one day program is $800 yeah so yeah this was required by the secretary of state so they they paid for it didn't they so or did they pay for it pay for what did they pay for the program um they they didn't charge us contor okay didn't that that scares the hell out of me yeah well I'm we're here from the government we're here to help I had a uh I attended virtually the meeting uh with mass do over the uh travel plazas in town yep um apparently uh once every 25 years the leases expire MH so they have uh extensive work plan okay uh they're April and May they're going to be doing uh they're issuing request for information uh to gather uh as much information as I can and then late in the year there's going to be a uh request for proposals to actually do work there so we can expect in the next year or two to see uh a lot of work at both of the plazas um they were very non-specific uh one of the administrators there asked the question are these things going to be shut down for any significant period of time and they said we hope not but maybe okay they don't really know at this point uh but it's going to be pretty extensive work I think it it may uh be uh significant outside work and and maybe a change over vendors wonder if it's a good time to build an exit I think it's a great time to build an exit actually and certainly U this wasn't the meeting to put that forward to but I would you know if there was an interest it would be the time to do it yeah okay yes may we in in the town clerk's office we did have a records request for the purpose of moving forward with the environmental assessment they have to do an environmental assessment to see what the impact is going to be and this is something that's required by NEPA which is a federal for an impact on the renovating of the oh okay they wanted you know how many bushes are there how many trees where's the water come in from where does so close to those on the westbound side they're so close to East West there's Wetlands y it always makes me so sad if you ever get a chance to drive out there it's so beautiful and it's so disgusting because McDonald's is right there and there's trash everywhere but there's like so many birds and to there was a I dig there was a PowerPoint and I requested it from the uh oh good and I will get that to you when when they get it to me I have yet quick question are we owed money from the service areas I believe they have one of the vendors there has a large water bill that needs to be resolved that's just do yeah in general, how much almost 200,000 westbound the McDonald's y shut off their water it gets built not shut down water that's the problem and you can't shut it off because they have one water line the shut off is outside and it's one water line that goes in so if you shut it off and I shut off we shut everything off so that means we're shutting off the side that pays look and if you shut them off then we fire department has some station in there and covered and paid can we legally not that's why when they redo the the whole turn bike they need to really sit down with the water department so they can make sure that they take so if if they're coming to us with anything now's the time to to hold that I think over their you know over their heads and try to get that paid I'm sure you guys have sent them demand builds yes they get sent all the time they get kicked back but the thing is are they going to the wrong place is what I no no they're going to them but the thing is it they they just leased the location they're not the property owners you can't lean the state so what are you going to do they're they're a they're a huge portion of our budget every year now so if the state's the property owner y all right have we notified the state that they're delinquent we have to get a a a contact that deals with that we we kind of put feelers out in the past to find out who it is but now as they doing this project I think it's going to give us a little more access to who's responsible yeah because I coming from a real estate point of view it's either got to be in their lease agreement I I've never heard of I never heard ofay debt before but the leaser usually pays for everything water gas they'll pay they'll pay for they'll pay for um water usage and stuff but the debt I don't I don't understand that and that's the thing too water debt even though they tear that McDonald's down their debt bill is still there so they're going to have to do something with the state because the state's now going to be liable for that debt charge every quarter I don't care if there's a a porta Porta toilet up there the state is the property owner and they will still be responsible for that de that's why we when people go away for the winner you can aate their usage but you cannot aate their so yes so my question is who do you send the bill to you send it to McDonald's all right send but it's two different McDonald's because one side is owned by McDonald's Corporation the other side is owned by yeah it's like a yeah all right so which side is the one that uh West owes the money westbound W okay so no that's aanch so so then what you're telling me is is is we have to tell a land owner like we did on uh Route 23 here in the center of town hey they're delinquent it's your responsibility yeah but if the land owners the is that should be done right and if they're if they're going to be tearing the McDonald's down we're going to have we're going to definitely need to sit down with them because they're going to still be you know you have to sit with you have to sit down with them anyway so you're going to have to tell the commissioner that they have to have a sit down with the state because their tenant is not paying its bills yeah yeah um Mike sooner than later any other meetings will you just try to see if you can bring in water just so the the conversation is head uh they said they want to hear from uh the whole point of this first meeting was to hear from uh the residents the locals from just as they called it stakeholders okay and certainly the water department is a stakeholder okay so yeah so we've got two major things one they owe us a lot of money and two we want an exit maybe yes um okay next what else for water also uh we have a meeting um last week it was a productive meeting and um decision was made that that Gordon would uh go forward and and create a schedu in budget and he's done that okay so uh if you're happy without it well it's a draft it may have some changes made and but uh based on that as soon as as there's one he's comfortable with I'd like to uh send the letter and and this budget into uh the save to fulfill out and Chester is good with this budget sent it to Don he hasn't gotten back to me okay um I'll be seeing him tomorrow at the for the fire meeting so we'll discuss it probably before that I'll go a little early so we can talk that budget is just to use up the grant funding too that's not like all of our Personnel budgets that's that's that is through September 15th use up the remainder of the grant funding so you're going to um take you're going to Bill I'm just trying to think from an accounting point of view you're going to um for payroll you're going to have try to have payroll coming out of the grant fund I'm just wondering have you talked to a county about that how that's going to work well Iris uh helped us to uh negotiate this uh Thursday afternoon when we had the meeting and it's up to uh is it the is it the chair of the water commissioner that's going to sit down with chester to make up Chester's schedule or are you you are okay so when do you plan on doing now they have to get back to mik first to see if that's even that's going to work for them okay so if that works for them then not Bob is their chair and if that works for him we're going to kind of stick on up so that schedule kind of say the same same for the month so we know what days we have everybody they know what days they have everybody it's like a 5050 split so my question was though that accounting wise how are we going to take so what they said that we come up there sure well I'm just thinking because I know what you can't is my understanding of the budget is that you can't take like a payroll out of a um uh what's the other word I'm the grant but the the grant is allocated for for payroll so what what I and them suggested we do is so we know what we have so what they got to do is that's why they want us to use like you know so when I'm working on Grant stuff my time no longer comes out of my payroll budget but it comes out of the grant okay so but I'm just saying you know how you're going to build that yeah what we do is we have two time so Stephen's been doing it now for almost about a month and a half he does two time sheets so he does when he works with us he works here's a blanford one he gives us to that Y and what we're gonna do moving forward is that time sheet will come out of blandford's and then the one he writes down out of Chesters will come out of the grant if I do any hours my blanford time will come out of blanford if I do any joint stuff between Chester and blanford it will come out of the grant okay same thing comes too what they'll do is um they're going to have Chester will have their chest their budget and when their oit comes to work for us they'll pay him out of the grant you know it'll be this the same kind of thing they said it's the that's the easiest way to do it it's you because basically we're going to send the bill they're going to do the same thing so want to make sure you were tracking it and near end that's yeah yeah yeah yeah we have we have we have Karen keeps everything we have double everything okay we're keeping track of our side what they do for their side he told us what to do they should be doing it whether they do or not I can't speak for them now so when when you hear from Chester now or if they're not happy with what you have scheduled you're you're going to sit down and they're supposed negotiate they're supposed to Market up what they want to do yeah and then get it back to to Mike and and we'll get it and kind of like work it through yeah we'll work it out real quick the idea was to get it done this week but realistically we I mean it'll probably maybe the end of this week or beginning of next week before we sooner than later yeah yeah but I mean and the budget you were here TJ so the idea what they I I put the two option down yeah maybe if the if the if the summer intern thing works and more help we got and was people go on vacation we'll obvious have the coverage and like I said we got plenty there but and we're I don't even think we're still going to I don't think we're going to use it all up that's all right we want to use as much as we can exactly you know and put the rest in my pocket don't say things like that I can't you can't because I'm old know you got to hold this pocket you know that fall jail my grand kids follow me around all right do you got anything else for us mik uh just uh we have the meeting tomorrow in Chester for the uh to explore uh shared services for fire possibly starting perhaps with be shared Chief but maybe progressing uh so the the meetings haven't been held in well I guess this is a kickoff meeting then I forgot that's in Chester yes uh it's gonna be a little tricky for me because I got to pick up my daughter here at I get her here at like 55 so I'll be late all right I'm sorry about that no that's okay I just I forgot that it was in Chester it just throws my schule it was it was suggested that we have it there because it's a that you know they have a fire department that can actually uh I remember where their fire department is okay yeah um Don actually didn't know the yeah I know I want to go if anyone else wants to pick up Violet no takers can ask my wife how much you pay zero she cooks she's a fantastic cook do you want Jess to do it seriously because she's got to get Jethro already and I'm GNA be at that meeting oh yeah maybe but then I don't know yeah let's talk I don't know how I would get her well she need to talk to you anyway okay she I know the swing I know so I asked on the address and he he started saying 200 look it up yeah it's right on yeah you can't miss it it's right on the Main Street going into Huntington I don't even is that he said it was on group 20 grou 20 goes from Chester though yeah yeah that's pretty much it except Maya Health came today to uh do interviews and sign up with uh Public Works and at this point we may not have our minimum involvement I'm not sure what the what the uh results that we need more Town employees yeah and this is to sign up for insur insurance i' got to I've got to get the details she just was on a on a way out and she said there are some issues with your minimum enrollment I will look into that get back to any more on that uh it may give us some issues with some of the optional Insurance okay um we're not having enough people signing up for it I don't think it's going to cause any of for the main Health Plan okay but some of the optional things may be an issue okay and I'll find out more about it but that was all I learned from that meeting I wasn't in that meeting it was a sign up meeting she was there for a while um sorry I was just looking for I had gotten an email back from Christopher on something I was looking um do you know if you have a um do you have a building meeting scheduled yet me no yes I don't can you um look to please schedule uh building um what did it was it what do we call it building with the OPM with the OPM okay I can do that um just so that we can uh touch base where we're at so that's on Jeff Jeff do you mind getting him a list of who's on that there's probably an email somewhere not for me but um yes I'll get that scheduled um all right let me see if I can find that email that I was looking for I had asked okay so one of the things I reached out to um Christopher about was I remembered that we' had a conversation about someone um from town helping with the Union stuff and his response was that yeah Kevin green had talked about it and also Dave Hopson so those might be um I'm thinking Dave Hopson would be a good person to include just because he's the super he's EX superintendent from Gateway who has a lot of experience with that um so if you don't mind reaching out to Dave Hopson team could be interested in joining you with the Union negotiations um and then the other thing was regarding the capital Improvement plan we were looking at who to contact for that did you still need that information Mike he to get back into that yeah the Colin Center uh put together the document he said I was just at the stage of trying to get cost estimates for building assessment so that's what we talked about earlier because that is the key piece missing from it um and then he says EDM and West and Samson were some of the firms that he had talked to about building assessments did they say who they were talking to at Collins um he did not I'm going to forward this to you I'll call Mar cardi and if she's not she can point to whoever it is all right I just sent that to you okay um we've got payroll warrant number 18 um here somewhere is this no that's treasury oh by the way Mike did you follow up on that uh grant for the library patio thing yes uh oh yeah that's oh that's that should be on cont we just got yet I want to discuss that a little bit before you sign let do this first all right motion to approve warrant number 18 for payroll okay any discussion all in favor I I I motion to approve uh warrant number 19 payable for um payment second any discussion all in favor all right hold on have a contract there but I'd like to uh discuss it before you sign it I'll that you trade me that and I'll give you that okay so I'll bring it up for discussion um I'm going to say motion to approve the contract report more live patio project pending um sorry contingent upon the uh receiving the extension those are is there a second for discussion second okay all right um and we were hoping to get that today the uh yeah didn't come in yet no um so she said uh the the program administrator did did not have the authority to Grant the extension that we requested okay and it was requested by Christopher a long time ago just not wasn't acted on um but uh she's working on it now she's got to deal with with her superiors uh she sent an email this afternoon or this morning that said it we'd have it this afternoon or tomorrow morning okay so I don't know if you want to just uh make the motion to sign a contingent on remove on receiving that extension yeah uh the contract itself been has been reviewed and approved by Town Council okay um and that's you know we just want to make sure we have the the money in place uh because it is an appropriation and and we want to make sure we have that much money available yeah otherwise we would have to find a replacement for that $155,000 it is a minority of the money for the for the patio itself I mean most of the money is coming from various Town funds but uh we're still counting on that to to get the total that's required on that contract okay um yes that was the so my motion was um contingent on receiving the extension right I in addition to the grant funds the libraries uh State Grant will be used to S yeah okay um what is she that you keep referring to what is her name uh she had an unusual her last name is Mel what's that cor uh he starts with a C Core something okay uh and her last name is mire m e l c h o i r can't remember her first corvis I think it was CIS corvis c o r v s was it something like that her name is as soon as it comes up corus corus I'm sorry that's her first name okay all right so that that all in favor I so that'll work we did it contingent so um it's all signed intend it to the Bild there until for counter signature until we we know we've got that money in place okay perfect um and then I I think we've gone through everything on the agenda but then I have this here the budget program revision for the community block is this just something that needs yeah that came in today um you've already recall you sent the letter on cdbg program uh requesting a uh uh or endorsing the pbc's request for revisions to the timeline yep that's the so you oh that was the email you just need a signature that's all you need and I sign under authorized signature for grantee yes so the name and title is done sign all of them I don't know why are there so many that's just a hand out to I'm just okay like buying a house all right and then I have this letter from Pioneer Valley um correspondence with a mirani I definitely butchered that name was the uh the that came to see us regarding the uh payment okay so we're not signing this got it thank you well we're interested but not not not flush enough to yeah all right um I think that's it yes Joan have a couple things okay can you talk to Dave about the oh yeah thank you for reminding me Dave playground um we use we have some money in the budget this year to look at do um redoing the mulch um also maybe some of the plastic edging so that the mulch doesn't just spill out everywhere and then um John I know you we've had there's one of the swings underneath the swing there's a concrete pier that it's only a matter of time before we get a call for somebody smacking either a leg or head off it so there's yeah so there's a we're concerned about injuries out there but um we need to talk to you because we need to make sure we're bud in to next year's budget some way to fix the water from flowing through and thought I told you last year about when but John Hoy and I looked at it yeah and he suggested that we could do a u a French of drain in there okay yeah um where the sidewalk is okay is put a little catch basing right there and run the line out and down and do two um sides off of it okay but the biggest problem that we were looking at is how we going to run the the um the drain off that way when you got your whole sew system over that yeah yeah the storage line goes out that way and then goes up to the leing field up so if you come out like a almost like a square come out and go across you can't go out to the one that's out in the back with a stone that's always got water to hard R it okay you think so um D do we need to look at having like someone cut them in to look at resolving itely do that so then that's something we need to budget a lot of that when they put the addition on it was a sidewalk and it had a big drain underneath it and it used to run out there when they put that on they filled all that in raised it up and now you had a problem so do we need to hire an engineer to look at that is that what it is because that seems pricey I mean no H an engineered is is isn't the pricey part fixed is the pricey part okay but we need a price so that we can budget it um do I do I ask John to to contact someone because he does the building or do I ask you I could ask John I I can do it I mean I I I'm GNA meet an engineer tomorrow okay could you would you mind yeah he's dealing with water also okay thank you if you wouldn't mind just asking him so we can get a price and we can try to put something in the budget but in the meantime um if we can order the the um the stuff Joanne through Recreation and then we'll at least throw a couple bags on the part where John's talking about so that we've got something to for now to cushion it and then um when we get edging and stuff in we can look at doing a volunteer thing bab do you have a jackhammer do I have a jackhammer yeah you don't have one question Gordon yeah what about that stuff you know that's that new mold State like they basically just like it's like one big piece oh I don't know I haven't heard of that we did the tire mulch last time oh yeah this is the like the newer Parks now they don't have the mulch it's basically they come in rubber mats big rubber mat crazy expensive I mean we can look at you're talking thousands of dollars for just that little area um I mean ideally yeah that'd be awesome but really expensive the cheapest thing to do is the wood how big is that P do you know oh oh this I don't know the C it's sticking up probably good this far out of the ground I don't know how far it goes down I didn't I didn't pull out a shovel and start digging next thing I know I probably hit Spring under there also your wife was also saying that the swings are really high and I think that's because the mulch has gone down so much so it's like kids can't get on the swing they like I I not I no I have a problem I have a run and jump on it and I'm a short guy so uh kids need to get old Alle to get up in there yeah yeah so we got to um maybe also order some chain to um we might have to redo the swings I don't know if we can I mean I don't think we're going to raise it up that much right like we might need to is it cost to run a jack hammer you want to take rid of that here here it's Chip it up enough to get it down below ground level is it is this no there's nothing in it it's just we'll run all right that sounds like a Hoy job yeah said if you dig it out in this Jackhammer down and then put mul over it probably be your best and then it's a deal right um do you want to ask John happy about that Russell Highway Department might help yeah he might actually do have Jack do you have a compressor yeah do we have a no okay they have a compressor they hav had a compressor they borrow stuff from us it's time for us to borrow stuff from them Joan what else you got for me what water GH can somebody please tell me what I'm supposed to be doing with water GH I was told this is going to be go against their overhead so I don't pay them that'll be in exchange back and forth so I don't pay them when did was that Christopher that told you Christopher so Christopher I know we had talked about not paying them because we were going to that's the last I heard we didn't want to like cut a check back and forth but I don't think we ever agreed on that okay well it didn't get played last time so you want me to go for and pay water I would say go forward and pay them but we're not paying any demands not happening no you can't um yeah Sarah already has a motion giving her permission to take interest in pen okay so let's just paym so that there's a clear path that we showing we don't need two McDonald's no and I have been working on revising the shared servic costs okay the water department has never been that happy with the way it was done water department is never happy have you met wait what was that went all nothing not Happ way the shared services were calculated but when all said and done they may go off you be careful what you asked for I'm not a commissioner yeah um when we had the forensic Auditor in and she took a look at them she thought they were very fair I don't know we'll see well we were some things that weren't some things that didn't seem to belong in there for example the uh assessors um considerable amount of the assessors bill but on the other hand I don't think that uh we were assessing properly for the building use itself so okay it'll probably wash or maybe a little bit more okay mistal s's fa all right I think we're good get back by 8:00 you I will not be voting okay right just want one real quick no yeah uh real quick I just want to do a shout out to yes Chester blanford for this weekend um they ended up pulling in an extra officer and placing them strictly in blanford which with everything going on with the storm helped relieve the fire department tremendously we didn't have to go to every tree touching a wire so that we had a busy weekend with some other calls but we didn't have to cover both with specially with low maning uh right now that's awesome we I wanted to give a good shout out to them so just like for and the people know that they did a huge job this weekend in helping us out and the town thank you and I know the fire department was crazy busy this weekend so we appreciate all the the work you guys put in abely sure it is Beau oh yeah it's absolutely beautiful get out of my neighborhood I hope you don't I said Cara's going to be mad at you meeting in the jur well I just want to go on ready I won't be here for the next two weeks you