all right ask we being recorded we are couple times um we don't have any previous meeting minutes are you recording I did yes um audience participation on down down thanks for asking two quick things for tonight U I asked Dave walren whether it' be feasible to have one of the Town employees transport several yards of pinart mulch up uh that are going to be donated to cover by Centennial Park and he said he needed the authority of the select board for him to deploy an employee to bring transport the Bol the molch up to the park so I'm asking you folks to give him the authority to do that yeah I that's fine okay and the second thing I'd like you to authorize uh a committee to do a feasibility study for the repayment of the town uh post office and the training center for the fire department uh to see if it's feasible to do with volunteer labor and volunteer donations for paint I don't know if we need a you think we need a feasibility stting well what do you want to call it yeah the authority to research it and come back to you with a a report of what it would take to do it and whether it's going to be feasible to do it without spending a great deal of money yeah sure okay course what you're the chairman you're the secretary be a committee of one thank you George all right uh Highway come on down how's it going a not too bad how you all doing little crazy keep her head above water I think right [Laughter] yeah um I need somebody to check on the letter of support letter letter of support from our representative Senator and um for the yes grants yeah and I'm not sure if he started one for the select board yet who knows um so this was the letter of support for for both your grants from you said you were getting one already from a couple folks I've gotten the school bus Gateway and I also just received one last week from spring for okay so you need one from the select board correct is that it and you also need one from Representatives also need Representatives correct do you know which representatives he was reaching out to um senator Paul Mark and representative Mr Bata I'm sorry who was the other one bu you going to spell that there go I can picture the sign in my head okay um and can you send me the information on the project on the grant so that I have yeah um I don't know I I can get you a copy of the last Grant you guys did for nor that give you a rough idea and I can just throw some stuff into it that would be perfect and then I'll can we just change it up for S board and representatives and then we'll send it out to them the draft well I need them send us letter that that they agree but if we have their previous letters can we just send them the wording we're looking for I think I only have no I don't have either one of them I have Senator P Kelly's that's fine we'll just steal the wording yeah that would be easier for me if I steal the wording say this is what we're looking for change the project yeah cuz that I might be able to handle but like in all honesty anything else is like a stretch right now so but um if you so I'm going to put waiting on Dave's yeah email okay all right what else you got um the chapter 90 um process on how you apply for um projects and reimbursement okay has changed fantastic yeah well they say it's going to be easier I've had one Zoom class so far um to ask questions you have to type not very well yeah but um I I I talked to um Dave Stokes from district one about it and so and and so forth um it will make it easier to apply okay um it will save a a few steps you remember when when I used to do I used to have have you all sign it and then submit it to him and then had come back for the reimbursement to do the thing all over again um right now it's just the one person who's authorized to do it okay um he suggested that the town um superintendent be the one that authorizes it so he can if you do it you're going to have to do all the work the Town Administrator the want to authorize it uh um is that what you're saying right if or the highway super most likely the highway super okay I was going to say that um all right that's good awesome all right that's that uh Gibbs road is has been graded I hire somebody to go out there and do that um no materials added just had well it's definitely a lot wider isn't it right yeah okay yeah it's a lot wider up there so um I would like to have him do it again sometime sure do do a few more of the roads in count on that who was that a white wolf yeah um let's see here I got a hold Cen Bond about the um proposals from over here and down there um what's over here oh over here over there thing it's in the thing you know it's in my notes no it's it's it's the playground okay and the other plac is done by the overpass Russell stage thank you he said he should have it to us by by this week okay so then we'll find out how much it's going to cost to have it repaired okay yeah that is big big breath yeah it's going to be expensive I mean obviously the Bridge is a priority yeah but it' be it defin be nice to find out actually you know what can be done and how much the cost yeah okay um that's all I have right now okay that's not to bad yep I know uh I know it's on the back of here where we go oh I lost it oh um new business number f um we postpone that next week new business number contract yeah yes please do that yeah okay uh new business F so motion to table Highway superintendent contract discussion until next week okay discussion all in favor all right okay okay now I'm done so you're going to um do you need to send us something in advance of that to look at or we're just gonna no I I'll give everything all set up and I'll give everybody a copy okay nothing nothing are you staying just because I wanted to tell you you don't have to I just wanted to tell you that we're gonna talk about what stuff so you're going to be um in communication with um Christopher is gonna help us with some more stuff y so hold on second one more thought um chapter um Mass Works grants since we don't have an A administrator yeah or administrator to send applications in when they're done or I should say um I I talked to one of one of the um gentlemen there at NAS works and he told me no problem so he made me the administrator okay for that so for instance if Gordon wants me if he's done with his stuff he can submit it I can do it okay all right and you're okay with that you know how to do it okay I have no problem thank you y um yes going to keep popping up that we're going to be like ah yes it is it is um so but yeah that's it and we discuss it other St later on okay a long DayDay all right so we've got a bunch of appointments um can we do these all in one or do we have to say them all separate I have to write them all separate but you can do whatever you want let's see could we just say uh move to make the appointments listed in action items a through J as written feel like that's legit legit a through M what about k k is payroll yeah kind of mixed up wait a minute no a it's only a through J A through J and then we got to do the payroll was there second second discussion all in favor I beautiful look at that uh motion to approve warrant number 21 payroll nobody you get paid this week all right is there a second crazy all in favor hi hi there you go s um all right so Christopher done uh we'll make the motion then we'll talk about motion to appoint Christopher Dunn consultant for town of Lanford sh oh so discussion um Christopher sent let me pull up what he sent me but it might take me a second because it's on an email that you know how they get like moved around okay at some point it was the one that started from Janet and then it got all um this is it so he sent perfect um he spoke with Dave thank you Dave um for talking with him about um what we needed for warrant and budget and he said that he could do um he's proposing 10 to 12 hours offsite virtual attendance of the mini town meeting I'll send this to you Joanne so you have the um or did I already send it to you okay um inperson attendance of the annual meeting based on availab availability and remaining hours rate of $50 an hour the deliverables will be the fy2 budget operating end Capital Town water Enterprise and Broadband Enterprise the town meeting warrant and the fy2 narrative um letter um so he was putting together a list of questions that need to be answered and then he'll be following up with different departments to help to get those resolved so I think that that's fantastic it helps resolve some of our big issues right now DJ you good with that I'm good with that maybe we could sort of lure him back time not gonna happen all in favor I I hi okay so I'll send him a text that that's all set and he should be starting to reach out all right we have a motion to approve the warrant number 22 for accounts payable second that is you want look at that one just sent you a picture of Chris's baby oh this is a reimbursement that looks like this is the water one oh you didn't sign than this is a big one oh the V there you go that'll do it all right was there a second schol yeah this is there's uh 20 20 um 3,000 coming out for locational all in favor hi hi is this m you're still working on this an apparition pH were you just talking about talk to you about an no no were you talking about Maya you okay thank you I thought you had already approved that here we go um so there's the Maya fy2 renewable proposal for approval Jennifer you were here to talk about that right can I just sit right here wherever you like fine we have some that stuff yes stuff I was told to give you stuff thank you I'm gonna speed through it so stop me if I go fast stop okay so the first part is just informational of how I'm able to do this okay that you know in the past 15 years I have done this with the um insurance companies and getting mod rates lowered okay um and then I just listed all and it's supposed to say in but not limited to on number B in but not limited to got it yes I kind of wrote that in so the town completed two out of 65 risk management requirements in 24 okay um 75% out of a 7% credit was given and 3% out of a 3% was given um that's really really low for you guys um with that you got $349 credit a whole walking 349 so just think if you completed at least half of the 65 what your credit would be yeah okay um and providing that the percentage rating so if you look on the page where it says the Maya rewards report I don't know if you're familiar with that at all this year this is not this is the past year 2024 okay oh I guess it would be this year since that's what fiscal year we're in um and the way that they work is that your what comes out in August of 24 which is going to be your fiscal year or 25 will not get credited to you until May June July that time of 206 okay so it's always it's what you do now that's going to help you the next year okay that's how it works um so it just shows you all the percentage of all the items that you can do and save money on so in the past how have we um you never have we've never taken full advantage never I spoke with the uh um I can't Mick I think his name is from from Maya and I asked him about that so you never have our most of them online trainings no they're in person no and I think that's what part of the issue is and it's not just an online training or an in-person training it is if you look they're asking for things to be done like and I'm surprised that nobody's ever really seen any of this I think the only thing that ever comes across is how much money we have to pay for the next year yeah you know um so if you look and um I just picked I just did a few examples for you okay so one of the things they were looking for last year was job Hazard analysis so that shows you that's what they're looking for I gave you an example okay um and then they were looking for certain and they give you everything that they want you to complete so it's not like it's a you're flying on your own okay um and then I did another example with the toolbox so is it just a matter like for this job hazard analysis um I mean are we doing these things anyways and we're just not doing the paperwork yeah because this looks like stuff that we're no I don't think that you I don't think so because I don't think the fire department would is doing it's broke down in sections think the fire department the water department the police department the Board of Health the um Highway I'm sorry I could okay um are not in even in this building so it's the entire it's everything and employees typically get paid to do the training like they're on obviously they're on so the way that I and this is my opinion I've I've done this in the past I've put these programs together um the way that you would do it is you would start out you would have to have somebody that was in charge of the um safety risk management program and then on a quarterly basis they would have the uh their team which would be the highway water whoever okay from each department does it necessarily have to be the superintendent of each one if in case they aren't busy or whatever you could get somebody else but somebody from each department would be and you'd meet them on a quarterly basis and you'd give them everything that they need to complete and then they take it back to their employees or the people they work with and they complete it together throughout of the Court yeah and then you meet again and you pass it in in the meantime your coordinator meets with the um with Maya MH and they approve the stuff and you start accumulating your points would this be like encompassing a TA job the coordinator or is this something I don't think the the TA would know half of what to do for this because I don't believe that's what they're trained in okay so you think this is more of a separate this is a position sep to create this is a separate position to create you're creating a risk management and they then they have to be qualified interesting okay so I guess we'd have to look at like what the budget would be to support that position I would think and then make sure that it offsets the game okay right I mean otherwise it wouldn't make sense for us that whatever you do you have any idea like what I'm just curious if other towns have this position and then think that they're slowly starting to bring this in because I think your oosha and your state is starting to come down um on the towns for not having I think the bigger towns are starting and it's starting to come down to the smaller towns okay I wonder if this is like an opportunity for a shared position among towns do you know what I mean if that might be something we could explore um do you share your insurance with the other towns it's not going to no but I'm just wondering if other towns have Mia if the programs are similar and there was a coordinator right just managing that if that would open up a more um appealing position I mean you could say um and I'm not picking on you Dave you could say that Dave like would have to do everything and follow all the directions and what Maya wants him you know what Maya's looking for for each for quarter MH you know and he would handle his Department okay but with that being said I think you still need somebody who's going to see that that gets done and now you're putting more work on Dave because now Dave's got to come up with sure the toolbox talks the thing with the police department they've got to they'll have to come up with theirs and it's just there's certain programs that you guys were supposed to have done that weren't implemented um a to do with this I mean you guys are have a potential to save a lot of money here yeah um now is there what the cost is there a program for the coordinator that you know say like we appoint a coordinator for all this is are a program for instruction for the coordinator what their uh responsib the what these would be so their responsibilities would be to work with the insurance company and when you get your new risk rewards report review it with them set it up and as I said before you would get the material and with Maya you'd work with them get any material if you're stuck if you know how to do this it's a breeze if you don't you're going to struggle yeah um it believe me you're G you will struggle um and then you just pass it out on a quarterly basis I don't think you're looking at a whole lot of time you think it' be like a um do you have an idea of like how many hours a week type of job oh I don't even think it it has to be a week okay you know like a stien type of position I think it's a very minimal if if you get a person that knows how to do this okay yes very minimal but I was thinking I I guess I stated it wrong is there like a training program for to up for coordinator if we point one yeah they should be trained and yeah well who would do the training where there's something you would have to send them out for training that will be expensive know where so I think what our maybe we right here I'm sorry I didn't mean me a training you got to go to the schools and then some webinar two to five hours for which one what page are you on Jeff um five so me say where it the May training yeah I'm just reading what's there I don't that has nothing that's not that's not for the coordinator position no no no somebody that you're hiring you're hiring um and again I'm not you know Highway you H you you hire Dave because of his credentials right yeah and doing being the superintendent in charge of Highway right so it's the same thing okay you're gonna somebody who has the credentials who has the background in insurance has background in the insurance has the background in you know everything I think my thought is um maybe reach out to Valley planning and just see what their experien is in working with other towns with this and just sort of get some more information on um maybe job description um an idea of budget and then we go from there okay is that absolutely um research this I can reach out to Ira and Eric over at Pioneer Valley planning and just see if they know anything about other towns and um just how it works you know them in other towns and then we can get an idea of what we would have to set up and if it was a stien phys or thing I think sipon tends to work best for us right fin yeah minimal okay yeah I don't think that thank you for bringing it all to our attention it sounds like there's definitely a lot of money we're leaving on the table you are you are okay so you can save but I would start the new one comes out in August Okay so so you would want to jump on that and get get some of those in place I will um put have it put back on the agenda when I have more information okay to share you know okay thanks thank you all right where my agenda go all right we've got uh all Department expenditure reports we wanted to look and see I put a note on it for you you don't have you don't have a digital it's in front of you okay I have too many things open so this we want to look and see what was left in our TA budget so the last pay is is this 3,000 Y and then this is what's left 13 no no that was it sett oh that was the that was a settlement so that's what's coming out of the TA that's not reflected there because that's an old that's a month that plus um I don't think we paid for no you didn't holiday vacation that's I think those are the words Sarah's in there okay I didn't think we were okay um I'll just have to double check the contract I didn't think that we were paying out for anything other maybe I read it wrong sometimes hard to find Sarah she's in the other room do you want do you want to talk to her just make sure that's the right amount yeah but I don't know if we can talk about that in Open session we just did I don't know if we can go in detail with Sarah though okay I just don't want to get us in trouble but it's gonna happen is what I'm getting at she she's trying to give it to him right now so tomorrow might be too late should we take a recess we can't just go into executive session because you don't have it on that you have an executive session on there it's just even without anything listed it just say executive session there's nothing says if needed on M yeah it says um you just added it there Jeffrey um finish up going ex session contract negotiation okay um um baa update I don't see marget we'll table that till next week second favor I I dirt road study tabled until for the notice all favor I I wonder room school house I did not send anything to um our attorney so I apologize at first I was trying to figure out how to scan it and then I just thought I'd take a picture and then I quite honestly forgot but it is on my 2D list I apologize um so I'll send that out I still have the copy in here we Meed the blackard it's it's 12 by 3 feet 12 feet by 3 feet okay um and you are going to reach out to someone about trying to to Shannon Walch at PPC and she has not returned my call okay okay yeah she has ideas that would be fantastic so that's table yeah um the highway superintendent table to next week eversource Peter hey Peter how are you hi okay I haven't seen another email I I'll have to have him send it to you okay tomorrow it needs to be a docu sign yep so just some uh short background um I don't know many of us have con some extra other diservice other than ever source for Our Generation I happen to have constellation um and I thought well for the fiber Hut I could save a little money if I called them up and see if they would take that he came back they came back to me with a rate and I said well I said wait a minute we have a number of uh accounts in the town of blanford can we include all of them as an aggregate yeah and he said yes so Joanne is like the hero here she got she got all of the records believe me it wasn't easy because the bills come in at different times and in the meantime they eversource changed all the account numbers that was what was that was yeah all right that's fun so I went back to Constellation this is the guy in Houston Texas and gave him all the um oh there was that 102 Main Street I don't know what that is but he fudge something else in there he came back with a rate we're currently paying ever Source uh 16 uh 16.17 n cents per kilowatt hour um we have uh there is the option of doing uh you know 12 14 24 uh 36 and and 48 and 60 month contract with constellation uh um I would say uh the 60 month would be the most um practical because of the you know want to do it every year they came back with a quote of 122 12630 okay per kilowatt hour so our average kilowatt hours is 277 341 um so the annual cost for um the original would be 44871 if we went to Constellation it would be 35 that's a savings of 9,843 per year awesome yeah based on uh this current usage is that a locked in rate or are we going to sign with for five years it would be locked in okay um and uh I mean obviously the rate is less if you go fewer years it's the way it works um but I I uh having I did my personal account we I I've used that for years and I go to five years um so that's what I would recommend that that we do that and it would affect every town fire department the highway department uh everything okay 102 yes and no that's our building well that was a that it so he was put in there as a dummy because he couldn't find the the um Bill the ever Source I called ever source and and you know I have it as a service reference number and the account and and they told it but when Gary put it through it got rejected so he said we'll just put in I think it's 102 right here that's the post office I know it yeah um post office and we can't find the bill we have not received one paying it no no we have not received a bill recently we're baffled by it that's the one you're talking about the oneing yeah I haven't seen it I've been waiting for this bill to come you to the post office I have another one for the Post Office oh I don't I don't see that the post office has to and I have not seen the bill it might be like you said it doesn't exist anymore well he tried and tried to us for nothing I guarantee you that he he said I'm just going to put in I'm going to take another s uh you know estimate and put it in there and it'll be in there when that bill comes through we can resolve it if it com I'm my a Joanne like I said Joanne yes isir um so so you um I had received the email to do the doc you sign so I should get another one because it had expired and then if we approve you want me to sign it um and we can go forward with switching yeah I mean I could have signed it but I think you should sign it so okay you guys are in favor what's the motion motion to switch our electrics provider to conation term of generation service is what it is we're Su you know other people must have their second you know other on the thank you thank you for doing the research who's the hero here it wasn't me never done that I will uh email Gary tonight and say uh please send you a doc you sign yes they do expire because yeah you got to catch them quick yeah right thank thank you um I do want to talk about the TA J posting but let me just see how long s here happy that was my next she's be another hour so we talk about anything usually no so um yeah so Jackie court and I think Dave you guys have been working on posting it and she just had some questions I just wanted to run through a couple of them um before do we do we do a background check right yes yeah we did the okay um uh do we do drug testing no uh is military personnel do they get a preference think so not according to the no what you currently have in there okay um we call references yes uh are there non-negotiables you you you have set up the parameters for what you're looking for so that was Bach verbal y Masters so those are really the things that you folks came up with it's not up to us to determ whether the ne okay so we had the high school degree college degree former ta experience I think um we should be flexible with some I mean I don't know what I'm noticing is that um the folks that we had that did not have the TA experience worked really well for us I mean Joshua and Christopher I don't know if that's so I just I would encourage the committee to be flexible with that if you see is there other relevant or other relevant experien it says former we could add that or other relevant um are we willing to be flexible on the college degree no um in my opinion I would say yes because I think a lot of people that have a ton of experience working in municipality that would be um more valuable than a college degree I I mean I think it depends on the you know the person and the experience and it's kind of funny because you don't require a college degree in administration is required for a bachelor's degree which so summoning without a bachelor's degree versus a bachelor's between art I'm not sure Boren AR helps much exactly so so you might want instead of saying a bachelor's degree required you put the Bachelor or Masters preferred okay which eliminates the need for but you you still have to have relevant experience somewhere else okay uh Dave yeah did you book of administrator and deck no education yeah yeah selftaught um proven professional writing skills indirectly managed people influencing skills public speaking yes on Microsoft uh so asking about benefits I just have to narrow that down I don't exactly know what our benefits we do no Dental is that right but we do Vision I think we just added Vision Dental do we do dental yes okay so Dental just came out Vision do we offer 401ks no um no 401ks okay that was the only one I wasn't sure we have a count okay yes George has there been any thought that hiring a head hunter to look out for the position no we did right there sitting right there yeah we got Hopson Dr Hopson uh all right so the rest of those questions I think were good I just wanted to answer those so um we and and the grant raing yeah we have that absolutely just and then I think I would like to just sort of revise some of our questions based on experience um so David Nixon got back to me he is not he was the retired TA from Hadley and he's not able to do it um so we do not have an interum right now um I thought Wendy Burman had emailed me a couple names but maybe it was Wendy foxman look back at that email because I reached out to Wendy Burman she had no idea what I was talking about so I've been in touch with Ira again he can't do it um but he's still looking around for us I'm just concerned with this daily stuff I don't want to put more on Joan I don't want stuff to start slipping through I'm okay the cracks I know but there's things that are going to come up that we're all of a sudden go up like this come up like this list that I have like I like do that really actually can't do those things but I'll try but like there's just you know there's just things that are going to start to um so I don't know what what else besides Pioneer Valley planning and there's anyone else that we've had in the past that has helped us out I know Dave's helping us Jackie court has been helping us which has been really fantastic um the building committee meeting is still you guys are still going to move forward you're going to manage it Stu yeah we haven't got anything in okay like one day before they said no plans are done yet and they were supposed to be done get two weeks it was just a Ru we're trying to get something to present to the talent yeah and we have have nothing as usual so people have by town meeting I don't know I really don't know not just me you got time right that's I'm just nervous that something's not going to get on the warrant that's I mean I'm feel very confident that Christopher is going to provide what we need him to provide um okay and then um the other thing we needed to discuss was the water department the management of the leak but water Department's not here so um the leak was uh yesterday through today I think like 30 houses were affected with the water but um the turnpikes are still shut down last I heard so they still is that true Jennifer they still don't have any water they shut down they boun the leak it's more on the westbound side okay they're going to start digging at 7:30 tomorrow morning um then the D's going to come in test the water they're going to try and do an emergency test so they can push it through to get them open um but it's now a do problem it's no longer water it's a do and board health problem now okay so because they can't open without our approval since they're going through yeah um but overall there were a lot of concerns brought up about the emergency action plan for the water department it looks well this is dated re revised 24 but um I think Mima is going to be writing um a letter that probably is going to be very friendly and um hopefully work with water to revise that I'm not sure if we have to be a part of that but emergency management team has to be there just wasn't clear communication it was very uncoordinated the fire department wasn't alerted the police department wasn't alerted um did the do wasn't alerted until today yeah no it was it was alerted yesterday well the guy I spoke to just this afternoon at 4:00 he wasn't really happy well that he wasn't brought in until I I I called the emergency number I also called the mate uh gentleman down here on the pipe and um and then Nema also called them also so he put signs up and change everything on the bike taking that was Clos yes thank you for doing that so I'm not sure maybe the hire is not talking to be lower I just don't think um everything happened in a timely manner I just think that there needs to be a clear um plan for you know if water's off and it's think that we think it's going to be a long period of what's GNA you know taking into account does have a I guess you want to call an so they do but to me has to do what we just did no I agree with you there was I don't think that this was necessarily referenced so it's basically just McDonald's that doesn't have water now is that correct because um like Jennifer was telling us the other day you can't Gordon said you can't turn the westbound off without turning the eastbound off so both of them are turned off even though a week is only on one side but it was like 125 gallons a minute and if we didn't turn it off we were going to up well yeah so they had to shut it down um they were both out of the West which was funny the westbound had water when it was turned on but the eastbound did not it was really strange because the leak is more towards so it might just be the level level I don't know I mean I just we just need to clearly it was it it didn't go too bad as far as like the downfall of it but we need to like review our plans I think and come up with something little bit more efficient yes Katie when you have the uh emergency um reverse 911 I think it's called that makes these announcements would be really helpful if they could repeat it twice because if you're not at home and your answering machine answers you miss the first part of what's being said and you you just hear I mean you hear such and such a road and you don't hear any of the rest okay um and and also um there seem to be some discrepancy about who you ask whether the water was okay to drink yeah I agree I agree yes I don't think it it was they were very clear and I and that's not just the water department whenever the reverse 911 if they can repeat it twice or if they can repeat it say it I mine does repeat it was twice they said if you want to repeat you're not there you not there you can't press one you're out in the garage you don't hear it I can ask I'm not sure if that's a um option when you listen to it it's an option you're recing can't you still press one if you're there no when you listen to your recording no not connected anymore um and that reminds me Jennifer could you send the signin information to the fire department so they have access thank you um but now we have a lot of water at Town Hall we have a lot of drinking water at Town Hall to um in Cas when in case of another emergency um but we should have had that probably on stock in stock anyway now we do I don't know where that's going to be paid out of supposed to be water but I don't think they're happy with that well I'm happy with anything um and did we need to reimburse someone right away was there someone that paid only I've I've taken care of it's all set okay y he's Adam's going to get that bill to me from that company uh and he already gave me the bill for the gallon bottle water I'll take care of it is that it is there anything else any other disaster we're we're taing the all Department expenditure report yes we are we just wanted to see what was left for yep it's an old one so then we would go Motion to go into executive to discuss contract negotiations there a second faor says yes we're just wondering the was just whining about I mean Chris Isel