all right are we being recorded yes said some people yes all right uh I'm GNA motion to go to new business b a update a second any discussion all favorite come on down marget wherever you like so you got a fura update for us um yeah the only really update is I found out like a week and a half ago that um the board of Selectmen in Huntington decided they no longer handle any of the administration stuff or garage toer a van or anything that the driver was fired um so they claim a letter was sent to all the hilltowns involved with fera okay to the boards of Selectmen an email or a letter they said letter huh have we seen anything SE that um we haven't seen that have we no okay so um anyways I was we at the time we only had one person for the last couple of years using the V vehicle they were using our vehicle for the most part um and a person that was using it is now deceased okay so we have nobody using the feran um what I would like to find out and it's not something I can do okay um I would like to know if what kind of a stipulation there is in the cherry sheet because the cherry sheet a portion of that I think like $22,500 pays for that Transportation vehicle so if we can use that piece yeah to offset the blanford COA vehicle and possibly upgrade I'm not asking for a new vehicle but we really have to consider upgrading okay um and can we use that money towards yeah that would make sense okay um the the vehicle is a handicap cap acceptable their's was intended to be handicapped accessible but that portion of that vehicle hadn't worked for several years yeah how many people are using Ric Mar um right now we've probably got three or four on and off doctor appointments groceries you know that type of thing and who's driving it still is it still on we have all volunteers um we have we have Judy Linda Mary uh Donnie Carpenter just signed on okay to be a driver um Lloyd Martin is a driver all of our drivers have been CPR certified they've all taken the stoly certification M that's fantastic now that that uh that vehicle is like a mini bus there's it's like a pvta type of vehicle okay yeah do any of the drivers require a chauffer's license no ours no on on the little van no but on this on theirs um I don't know I have no idea would be good to know because uh you know it someone get stop you got group of people on there yeah I think our system is running well that's our system is running well I just would like to upgrade our vehicle just something new so you need us to figure out if the cherry sheet money can be used any idea what the other hilltowns are doing that we're currently that we're previously using for um Middlefield for a long time just did volunteers they use their own vehicles I wonder what they do with their cherry sheet money see I don't know I I did ask Middlefield and I never got a response okay um Chester I have no idea what they're doing um Russell had started using fera again again rather excuse me and um obviously Huntington was using it because they were the lead town of that whole program okay so we can check and just I curious to see what they're doing if they're able to get their we can collaboratively try to petition for that to happen yeah if we don't need right okay I just you know I feel it's important because we do have people that use it a lot for doctor appointments especially how many how many other towns have you seen the hunting pin vehicle do you know um the number seems to change um initially it was R Russell Huntington Middlefield Lanford Chester and then Chester dropped out Middlefield dropped out Russell dropped out we dropped out well we didn't drop out we just only had one person using it um we had one per another senior that was using it every week um but he was being left at the grocery store in the bler in summer heat for an hour after he was supposed to be picked back up um he also um wasn't going by the schedule the driver wasn't he would forget to pick him up he made his own doctor appointments and then just do doing no show so we just said you know we do have one person that's using it we'll leave it with that and then we'll just have to figure out what we're going to do and sadly that person passed away so we have nobody Now using it okay yeah I think it's a good idea thank you for bringing it to our attention all right appreciate it all right and if we can find any grant money to help us out that would be great too so okay all right thank you guys and thank you for moving me up no problem all right um we have examination of meeting minutes from April 1 AM thiser sorry 30 yep you know what it is you know what it's supposed to be 26 thank you no I three years 27 27 all right um motion to approve meeting minutes of April 1st 2024 is there second any discussion all in favor all right you're going to obain yeah I wasn't there there you go um audience participation all right um Dave come on down be here TJ how are you doing all doing okay right you got for us oh let's see here um I'd like to have the select board endorse Ro projects coming up for Grants okay so that we can I'll agree that yes you are all for it okay okay also um we the select Board needs to vote to um appropriate funding okay for each of the for a portion of the Town money towards the projects um the one is for one for beill is 25,000 the other one for Gore is 50,000 and I'm put in 50,000 for from chapter 90 another 50,000 into Gore from chapter 90 now this money will only be used if we get get the grant so you're looking for us to appropriate $225,000 of town money to in addition to a grant that we would get correct because they're always looking for help from the town yeah same way we did with um North blanford so the 25,000 would be coming out of highway or would be coming out of the 25,000 be coming out out of the to itself so um it would be next Year's coming out of next year's yes it would be yes so it would be something we would put in for like free cash yes okay and the other that's that for beachill and for Goro it'll be 50,000 be the same thing um also on the town correct um I'm putting in 50,000 from chapter 90 and 50,000 chapter 90 okay and how much are you trying to get for grants for both of those 75 a grant I don't know oh oh one's going to be like 1.7 million okay and the other one's roughly I'll run it off 700,000 I understand I was different yeah um what is what are the projects like the overall project let's see here Gore Road will be a complete full depth wreck from top to bottom okay beachill will be a full depth from the Town Line to julius's Hall okay and then a 2inch top from there all the way down to 23 okay was the second G and um that also includes $180,000 into the overall budget of the of Bill would be the rough estimate of having tree canopy all done okay tree tree canop included yes um I got a quote through um northern on that um tree tree tree removal tree trimming both sides of the road all the way down for Gore as well or just Beach just Beach g g is pretty much done yeah what about any um drainage um we got to do two more P pipes on the very end and some drainage here and there along the way down okay yeah and that's included in the grant work no that's the work we're going to do that's the work you're do okay yeah okay so you need um a vote from the town or it goes on the or vote from the select board or goes on the warrant vote from the select put on the warrant to put on the warrant yes to put it on the warrant okay so in two separate votes correct okay so we would motion to um approve the appropriation of $25,000 um towards the be Hill Road Project on the town warrant is that sound corre okay y second second any discussion all in favor I I motion to approve $50,000 appropriation for the project on bore road on the town warrant second any discussion all in favor I I and like I said it will be only use if we get the grant yeah okay otherwise it just goes back into exactly yeah yeah okay let's see here second is that on excuse me on Door Road like I had asked you earlier uh is that going are we going to be able to expand the drainage stitches on Cor um we'll be able to redefine the ones going down the hill on the right yeah because a portion of them are like very well not maintained but they're paav yeah and we're going to do more work on the left side going down and see if we can put a couple more runoffs yeah up into the woods so and can we widen it I would love to um the road width is 20t right away is 40 feet so you actually go 10 feet on each side farther but then you're going to be running into money and moving telephone pools oh yes sorry and having it read done you would have to have a a construction company in to dig it all out put out new base in the whole nine Earth all the way down through so I know the road really tighten that yes it does yeah um let's see hold on another thing is um need appropriate when Christopher was here and we got that grant for the bridge bridge design yeah yes um the grant was $100 $100,000 and the quote from yil was $1 13,759 so I don't think Christopher had time to get in contact with Springfield Water to see if they wanted to help out with that part on that so what's the difference you said it was 37,000 37 $3,759 um 137,000 correct total total yeah you got 100 that's $37 $37,000 right say that number again please confed 130,000 yes 759 it now sorry okay so we're looking for about 31,000 um and why would would um Springfield be interested in why well because their water runs underneath it okay um it would be it would help trucks and stuff them with everything just being they should okay um I asked them about doing it for the the road itself but they've already done their their budget already for this for this year so now we're looking for next year correct okay do you have contact information for with them who do you usually speak to I speak I I I hook up with Nicole okay and um I I also sent her an email the other day um asking her for support a support letter for the road so and so forth and I said well I'm already writing her letter so I asked her if she would be able to you know fund a portion you know yeah and that's when she came back and might got a copy of the letter too okay stating that you know their budget was already done okay but um I'm just waiting on their letter from them I also have a letter from uh let's see where did I go anyway I got a I got a letter of support from Gateway School and linsky's bus garage okay so right now I'm waiting on um too Stone and two representatives of our area so great oh and and your guys um and you need us you need us to reach out to Springfield looking for some funding from next year um yeah because this is this is uh this is done quarterly for funding for payments you know um right now I talk to um Dan crille from Gil engineering and he said they're between 15 and 20% done so far okay on it so it still has a long ways to go still have to do all the permitting the design and and everything else all right what else you got um Beerman services um I finally got a quote from them or I should say estimate for fixing what's wrong with the fuel tanks okay um that was 69 $6 6,970 and it was I mighte put out an email along with Joan about putting on the warrant okay for coming up so and that's those are the tanks up at the okay isn't anything cheap anymore uh no not really it's going to get worse um if the weather is fine um they're going to come in uh May 23rd 24th to start the rubber chip on the roads who day all okay on that um and I haven't went to the Massachusetts municipality Association they had Saturday did you go to that yes I did oh good I'm glad yeah Northampton how was the breakfast okay okay it's okay it's okay um how was it did you gather any um valuable information they talked the first portion of it was talking about um the Senators and all that stuff in the house you know doing all the bills and talking about chapter 90 and how much we really needed out here appar what they get it you know east side and they also the one one thing that was really interesting was the affordable housing act yeah I thought yeah um actually um it was that was probably like probably I want say two hours worth not maybe longer but um actually the town of Becka is doing it are they yes so the gist that I got is they they go around to different towns mostly over here because there isn't a whole lot of housing in the areas and they'll look for unoccupied houses or houses that are taken by the towns and they purchase them and they turn around and they sell them at an affordable cost very affordable so this is the state is purchasing yes interesting um we've got some houses they can I just so one of one of the questions was that I I don't know where they did this house um they bought this house either they're they're going to do a free Fab or whatever the whole cost of the house is $500,000 yeah so to you and me that's not affordable correct so what they're going what they're going they're going to sell it for 200,000 wow and people ask how can you do that you know he says that's how it goes so I said so they're putting money into them yes oh yeah our doll work well it's better than on it's better better your own it's better than your own money W to work it still is our own money it is you know but you know the house is around here well we'd get tax money that we didn't get exactly it long enough to see it um so how do you express interest as a town in this uh I can find out yeah that would I'd be curious because I'm just thinking of a few houses off the top of my head that I know or there was a they also looking for L small Lots yeah that are that are able to hold I don't almost like a townhouse you know but like maybe like a townhouse or whatever or a um like a condo thank you yeah you know two or two apartments four Apartments you know yeah and so they're looking for something like that also you know piece of land so in come in development yeah was we have to have quite a lot the only thing I my one my one thing is is that years ago we had a meeting in Hadley with the Pion Valley Planning Commission and uh this affordable housing is all well and good now they they buy a house they refer and they put it back on the market for what whatever2 $250,000 now you get a family Bo it moves in MH the taxes that the town would collect on the houses would not pay for the schooling of their children because our schooling is what $115,000 a student or more so if you're getting you know say say say you're getting $44,000 in taxes MH you're at a loss yeah but because more families to live in well it is what it isru is a is a a cost that a lot of towns can't afford you know but there's a lot of towns that can't afford not have anybody move in also yeah well it's it's a catch 22 Yeah but but the the the thing now with with uh Boston was is they were looking at high-tech industry coming into Boston and they were really accounting on this East West rail MH for commuter which one which is still the the the original one this is the another the new one is different they're also working on another one yeah yeah they got they they got three different they're looking to go from North Adams all way across also yeah they got that one then they got the one that goes to rers and then they have the one going toester P yeah pist yeah but the thing is is that the idea is is that they we have affordable housing so they get the high taxes we get the affordable housing and have to invest in infrastructure the idea is affordable housing so that families can yeah but now you got to go Schools Police Department fire department and all that so when they talk about affordable housing it's affordable to some people but out here it's not we have a whole different set of circumstances I'll be curious to watch how it works in Becca yeah if you can get us in I'd be curious for more information on that yeah thank you you're welcome hold on see you go through three or four not books a month no actually um I started this 2021 oh wow so yeah must write small no I don't say a lot even better yeah um but my comment to you my comment to you you said it was all your fault remember how we talked about the the greater and all that stuff need so Ray was out there two days ago and he wanted to move it you know the blade yeah blue hydraulic line what happened hydraulic line blue oh hydraulic yep so he he took four of them off because they're just getting bad anyway and uh we're having redone yeah all right okay anything else I think that's it I don't think I've air this room in the Next Room is the worst unbelievable it's cooling down in here though isn't it so Havey turned the heat down yeah so now all of the rooms that were the coldest are now the hottest okay that's literally what happened he's coming tonight till look B 81 81 open the yeah all right um we have Tom administrator I don't have much t i um you've got a quotation in front of you from Kingsley for the generator uh This was done last November uh but apparently there was no one there to respond to it at the time okay they sent me a follow-up email asking if they wanted us to close out wanted to close out the uh estimate the quotation uh I don't know do you want do you want to move forward on this apparently uh there's two issues with the generator one is the uh battery is is not in good uh condition and is too old and uh needs to replace the uh lock heater and finally uh there's something wrong with the engine and I'm not really sure what wet stacking is I don't know if either of you do or any of you do never even heard of it diesel right I don't know wet stacking is what do they want wet stacking it said uh they said there's issues with the uh uh load Bank unit due to wet stacking and I don't know what wet stacking is it's a new one on me anyway I would you want to move forward with this uh what was the quote quot is [Music] 32736 sorry Mike I didn't hear any $3 32736 thank you it says that when a on that's not a touch screen every single time um I just had it and now okay uh diesel engine has to have exactly the right air fuel ratio and be able to sustain its designed operational temperature for complete burn of FO fuel when design diesel engine is Opera in light loads it will not attain to correct operating temperature when it runs below its designated operting temperature for extended periods unburned fuel is exhausted noticed as wetness in the exhaust system the phrase wet stacking that's for stationary diesel so um I would say yes I think that it needs yeah ab and it's G to come out of town hall M maintenance all right so mtion to approve um Kinsley quote um for 32736 for work on the generator second any discuss question all in favor I you also have a request for a transfer it won't be operative till the 1st of May uh for the Assessor's computer okay you'll be you'll be entering into the two month period when you can make transfers between accounts without town meeting approval so this won't go into effect until I won't send it in until later okay so um do we need the finance here for this I was ask that question because he's having already they've already approved that they approved it okay I'll have them sign it so motion to um move $800 from Assessor's education training to the Assessor's expense account is there a second second any discussion all in favor I I motion to move $442 154 from the Assessor's miscellaneous expenses to the Assessor's expense second second any discussion all in favor okay all right that's all I have today okay things considered okay um we do we have an appointment letter for John Carrington or is that did we sign anything for we did that last week okay I had it on my list um you're going to have about 10 of them every week for a little while and then I had a new pump price we didn't get anything back on a pump price Mike for the um sprinkler system the sprinkler system no it was 56 $5,600 okay repacking iation deadline what that mean I need to take better notes um um and then we're going to invite oh was two weeks out so we're inviting Pam ride out next week with the dirt road so now we have the dirt road um in our hand and we can take a look at it we'll put it on the agenda in two weeks invite two weeks yeah so next week we'll invite Pam right out and we'll and we will have had a chance to look at the and I think I don't know if um we should get a copy to um Dave C of yeah that's um M did you ever get the um the drive from um I can't remember her name the woman that was here from came in I I emailed her and asked her about it and and no she hasn't got me yet she has a zip Drive I think she was gonna she's a poster but um I when I talked to her she had she had forgotten about that okay yes what is p r out she had had been the um what was the term for the position liaison the liaison um when that job was posted two two years ago it was it was Paula Paul oh Paula B will you invite Paula V is that a Pam right out I'd like somebody to tell me what we're talking about so um Paula Billo was the um liaison for the dirt road project and so we just to have her here when we go over the report thank you yes talk question um the report you're looking at there is that available for public to see um I don't see why not I haven't looked through it yet so I literally just just produced or is it something left over she just dropped off from June okay I'd appreciate having a copy of that um I as Mike knows I've asked for the thumb drive to be sent and she didn't do it it's she's here if you want to go ask her for so she's gonna do it in the next day or two I guess and we'll get that okay for next week um the question I had is are Amon was that there was some question of whether that person was hired for the last first year of the two-year project or whether she was hired for both years and I'm still not clear whether anybody has found that out and the original documentation for the project I don't know we can um speak with her and then um we can speak with um the woman that provided us with this from Pioneer Valley planning and see if she can find out I know she's newer to the project so she wouldn't have been a part of it at the time but maybe she can help clarify that okay yes can that go online please along as soon as we have a digital we don't have a digital right now I just have this okay um all right so uh appointment for Janet sturg to cultural Council for the term uh April 1st 2024 to June 30th 2026 second one is typo it should be to 2027 for Leisa okay 2020 for lease okay um so moved for Janet does anyone second second any discussion all in favor I I motion to approve Lisa Bruno to cultural Council for the term April 1st 2024 to June 30th 2026 seven any discussion all in favor I I are we done is there anything else oh I have to sign these all right we got uh new business that uh Lindon and Rick Barnard about the old school on their property um so old business oh um it's an old school it's well it's old business I know Christopher had been looking into um work uh grants to help us to move it but I don't know you don't think it can I look at the building it's in very found was you found a contract with my great-grandfather oh cool and I Not only was willing to give it to you but it according to this contract it is yours oh wow so okay so um we're just wondering how you want to take care of it because it definitely needs to be Tak care of so you're looking for it to be torn down that feels so sad um okay so there was a some talk about the um Blackboard the Blackboard is that something you think we could get to historical for I would think that that's where it should go as yeah is there anything else in the building that you think should be moved to the board I thought there were two I thought there were two things a Blackboard and something else am I mistaken there's two there's two black boards all one long one but it's in two sections oh okay that's probably when you take it down whether it's going to years great no uh we have uh I don't know if there's any state login burning down a school building it's not a school building now but like uh when we built the new garage at the cemetery there was an old Cottage there and we we could burn down the cottage but we couldn't burn down the barn because it's illegal to burn a barn anyhow I was wondering if uh we get the shock board out of there uh if we could have the fire department do one of their practice fires with other fire departments and just burn it down and then we'll just be responsible of cleaning it up or first it's got shingles on it so youd have to take the shingles off before burn okay there what shingles on the roof yeah burles so I think our first order business will be just to um I'll pass this through Council just to make sure that is indeed ours and then we can move forward with either um looking at funding um a tear down on the warrant or checking with fire and seeing if something that they're interested in and you're out how the heck we're going to that chalkboard I don't want to lose it yeah I would I wouldn't like to see the chalkboard save yeah I how heavy do you think it is pretty heavy it's slate right ask Mary very heavy gosh I don't even know where to begin like where we would look at where could we put it well I don't even know who we would look at I feel like we need to talk to like some historians to talk about like you know what I'll do is I'll talk to Shannon Walsh who is she from the pvpc okay the historian and um see what her recommendations are yeah if she knows anyone that would assist in you know making sure that it was taken care of properly we moving it and then we would have to speak with maybe chips and see if there's space in historical society or I don't know how big it is because I haven't I haven't seen it bigger than that whiteboard bigger than thater so either that or um the fair or um one of the Barns and figure out where would be best to put it I guess so yes you might talk to chips about getting photographs of the inside and outside before it's demolished yeah we're already doing an inventory pictures and so historical commiss okay thank you um so I'm going to say that you um going to get back to us after you talk to Sharon was Shannon Shannon about how to move it this contract was always uh was back in 1921 and uh States right on your paper there about the removal of it okay well since then nothing's ever been done and I'm paying taxes on it yeah you know and I have the property is 61 but the the name me delete two acres because of the schoolhouse so I'm paying taxes on something to stop M so is this saying that the prop the building and the property belongs to the town no the building just the building it's when it was no longer used as a school the would take the building off of property okay and they were paying a whopping $10 a year F what are you with all your money yeah I was trying to figure okay um so Christopher is the one that found this just before he left so okay all right so I guess we're we're done about this is this the thing that was donated that's the thing that he's trying to donate so it's Mary what do you think about this the back Library lawn it's super tiny near your flower garden in the back it's brand new it's worth $4,000 it's cute it's not like it's would you want to bring it to Nicole and see if she wased let me ask Nicole has been looking at a playhouse and I personally strenuously objected to a playhouse that's enclosed so that you can't see in yeah this you got a picture me happier yeah this is really cute if that if the library could use that I think because I was looking the other day when I was dropping off books and I was like I feel like there's room back here for a little something in between sort of the garden and before Tracy's property Rel quickly because the been sure offering us but we don't to get that fast cool call it call it call at 6:42 oh sorry we not going to have an executive session um we didn't have it on the agenda for this week is listed as a there is a listing for an executive session no it just says doesn't say anything I have empty on mine do you have something different no right here no I would have put words in so I didn't have it um and you can talk more about that if you want when the meeting's Clos whenever you want to do okay meeting's closed 6:43 um I didn't put it because I was just waiting for our back and forth did you receive the email I sent you on Friday I