all right uh meeting open we're being recorded S I'm supposed to say are we being recorded recording um meeting minutes are those for next week table those the 25th they're not on there first thing I forgot to give it to don't worry okay we'll get it next week done but I forgot to and he's been so busy all day that I didn't want to bother him that works motion to table meeting minutes of March 25th second uh any discussion all favor I forgot I put them on there that's right audience participation negative um so we're gonna skip Highway because he is at conservation right now so I'll let you go ahead um M all right um have a list of things you asked me to look into first the sprinkler um we actually looked at that U select anal and Mr hoppy we we looked down at the control room mhm and I think the reason is when we actually looked at the tank it was empty but it wasn't it wasn't empty no it showed empty oh oh so well only because John called me the I saw him the next morning and he turn the water on slow to fill it up which is what we have to do call the water department because it takes so much he got when the alarms went off it was going out the back where it's supposed to when it's over full so 3:00 in the morning he had to come here and shut it down okay so it the thing wasn't showing that there was any water in it and we were like looking at it right Mike where did it go cuz it's not on the floor you know we thought first but but there was some in there that thing wasn't telling it what how much so so is the the tool that measures that is that a digital no it's a it's a FL so was that not working is that not accurate didn't know at 3:00 in the morning he just shut water off okay and and then the pump when we ran it it sounded to me like I it was cavitating that means air like it wasn't having any water it could be the the pump is just worn out the pump maybe okay and and if you can get parts I don't know enough about those but you can get an impeller in a gasket set and pop it in and and then see but I don't know enough about it and did you ever get a hold of anybody to come look at it yes I did I want to talk about that um before I get to that Gordon was there a lot of water in the back because Gordon Avery told me that uh they Ed 13,000 EXs gallons that day oh so that seems like it did excess water but I don't know how much um I have a a quote to do to check it out and and uh repair it says unknown tank inspection and repair um last repair five years ago but the price is eyew watering 5460 how much 5460 I'd like to maybe $ 5,460 would you like me to get a a couple more prices before I go with this or at least one more um at Le would I would say one more but we do want to make sure we do it quickly yeah cuz you know the money it saves in insurance if we told them we didn't have a sprinkler system or Insurance I'll bet you it would almost double so yeah we can't mess around with it so if you can get another price I don't know there's not that many sprinkler companies around anymore let me see what I can find I believe I saw one out of Texas with an office in llo there's one in Westfield I know that I would say try to get someone in here what day is it Monday Y at this week absolutely I want someone in here this we Union negotiations they had a pretty extensive um list of of information they wanted and I got that to them and I've been asking them to schedule initial negotiations uh they just don't seem to be that uh eager we have a very very small Union okay so I'm I'm just you know following up with them and when they get somebody out there that here they they'll get somebody out here um it's they used I think to negotiating bigger contracts with with a lot more fees attached to them they just have not been that uh that responsive and um are you keeping Dave informed as to what's going on okay uh Landslide update um I don't know if you've been by there to see what happened um I have gotten a hold of the uh uh the owners I went up and visited the tenant who's the father of the owner one of the owners and I I did manage to get a uh uh a contact they're no longer in uh an fielder in tall in Connecticut now okay but I do have a packet there's of entry with their information on it okay so so what is this will you explain to me the right of Entry uh a right of Entry at gives us the it's a license to enter the property for the purpose if we need to of Shoring that up or uh uh addressing any landslides okay um I would have preferred a temporary easement but that would have to go to town meeting okay but this uh this can be signed by the board of Select them and they were okay with this they were eager to give it to me did we find out if the property is it is conservation land it is we should some kind of Grant we can't afford to pay to fix that thing short it up do you don't you agree I'll see if we can there got something conservation or something because so conservation so does DCR is in charge they are aware of it they are aware they are aware of it um that's been going on since the 55 foot if that stuff sliding out so are they responsible for repair then DCR I don't think so but I can ask I can talk to uh believe it would be Mr Stinson in uh okay in uh Springfield but he's aware of that he's been aware and uh when the initial uh collapse happened he uh conservation uh got in touch with him okay yeah I would um check in with him and see if there's any um because we know that we're going to need it at some point any funding that could be available for health I'd like to ask conservation to make that contact um we bued heads about 10 years ago so okay um all right uh bid for Bicentennial work um we found the information that the uh that's really the whole thing the uh request for uh public information that's been addressed I found the uh uh information you were looking for and let me find that as far as and but it did raise a question uh according to uh the uh accountant there is 14,500 in non-expensive principal funds available and 7,000 $663 in Expendable funds uh which we can spend uh but there was a little bit of a a uh what I put it a a contradiction as Mary found some information the 7s we had three contributions and they are um noted in a state audit report that there were three contributions of $7,500 each from winterford and it's clearly marked the Robert arms Bicentennial Park trust fund so so that means that there should be at least 21,000 in the non-ex 228,000 so somehow there was something spent out of it shouldn't have been SP either spent or it wasn't posted ACC to the or it got posted to the wrong account then the money needs to be restored but somebody's got to take the time time and go back and find out where the error occurred okay is that what who's that a job for is that a Sarah or a Sarah can go back well it's her baileywick but it also many of the prior Town reports had the treasurers um report indicate what funds were in the hands of the town that were non-expendable okay and it listed the trust and the dollar amounts trust and the dollar so it would require some research okay on that I think that Christopher was working with her before he left to see if we could do something to um to boost it up a little bit so it sounds like this could be a solution if we can find that missing 7,000 well back in 20081 whenever they did the wall over had like 50 something thousand in that account right 52 Grand yeah so we paid for the repair of that wall with that as far as I know am I correct M on that okay so I don't know what that cost but just wondering where you know and how much how much of that 50,000 went to the $42,000 that we spent on the folio ladies Landscaping we would have to look at that was a big chunk of change and if money Inver should have been two different accounts it should have been one for there and one for there yeah there definitely was and and if it was posted incorrectly that would give us some extra dollars okay so let's ask Sarah um Mike you ask Sarah to try to see if she can find that um Poss well it would be the Delta is 8,000 even okay so um so you're working on the putting the bid out um I would just like I said base it on the last bid that was put out okay um I'm trying to think of do you remember what Kristen's company is Kristen Thomas in town I was just trying to think it might help him to find it in the I don't know that name she's the one that was most recently doing the park and Thomas is Landscaping no I can look in my files I'm sorry my brain doesn't hold that stuff see going I know I see it have a copy of the invoice from the last time it was uh yeah you want it right now uh no tomorrow will be fine then I can I can call them and get a price yeah she's the one that's not fitting anymore because she's moving um but well should have a scope of service on it for whatever she do know what sugar those aren't the ladies that was the one before thats and then he moved on to somebody else I'm afraid my brain doesn't hold that stuff un taking root design taking root garden design got it I searched your email we'll get that out then um post office plumbing issue we've discussed may we we discussed that online no okay so you know that it has been addressed um there was an issue when the pipes were cleaned out it did break the um break through on the top okay um fortunately it was a top and not in the bottom if it was in the bottom it would have to be uh repaired immediately but um Mr Hoy was going to wrap it with uh um some kind of rubber tape for the short term so we can get it repaired properly but uh so you said that the pluming inspector had seen it who is someone reaching out to get a quote for repair I done that yet now I can do that yes please yeah they're coming over here to use the toilet oh that's not good it's working now is it is it working now should be yeah Thursday there were ear what's happened is it's so rusted inside it's got like stag Ties on it and the paper's catching on it because if the water goes down around the outside it doesn't just go down the center goes down in a Vortex matter so it's surprising that the top has gone usually a on the bottom where the Pip's a little off and it'll rot through there but it is what it is fix fix happy fix for now yes it's all set for now thank you okay and what's going on with the building meeting the building commit meeting the um the OPM and the engineers had Representatives attending through Zoom uh good part of the meeting was just a recap of what had been done before and reasons why the site they come to the conclusion that the site at uh by the salt shed was the only practical one yeah uh they talked about some of uh uh for example the Public Works uh building that there's just simply traffic issues getting in and the site really isn't big enough um so and then we just talked about next uh next uh uh actions phase a for development of of a of a site and a building and then a schematic design as phase uh as uh phase B okay so uh it was mostly a recap of what was been done in the past and then a discussion of uh finances which um was a little bit hard to take I mean some of the numbers that were thrown around pretty high and I I don't know you we've got to come up with a solution for building that uh is palatable to the taxpayer um are we still talking Highway and fire together no you were talking fireing fire only fire only okay for now as uh okay as a first phase okay so um what is the next step with that meeting is there um meeting scheduled 18 scheduled another meeting for the 18th uh we couldn't do a Monday and because uh next Monday is uh patries day yes don't come here don't come here what is thank you V what is um what do we hope to have accomplished by the 18th um we got to wait for them to come back they got to come back so that's what I mean like what for them we're hoping they'll have rough design okay and some they don't know if they can get it done so we can see something and get some numbers working so we can go forth with this you know okay and I I asked them to look into the possibility of doing a modular construction uh the advantage to that is instead of paying for someone to site built at a prevailing wage it can be built in a factory in another state and whatever they pay their their employees it's not necessarily going to be it might be a way to save a little bit okay um then we would just be paying prevailingly for the site work and for the assembly okay so they're going to look into that and bring that I asked them to yes okay all right and finally one thing more I had just so you you know uh the former administrator had applied for grant money uh to do Ada um upgrades including uh handles uh grab bars that sort of thing I believe all of that was completed state is now asking us to do an audit so I'll be uh having to provide quite a bit of information to them uh mostly invoices and that sort of thing so I'm going to have to collect that okay and get that to them I've already told them that uh we're working on it what's the date that that's due by they didn't he didn't set a hard and fast dat okay um and I think he was happy that I was responded within a very short time so okay but it's something that does have to be done and we we have to uh provide that for the state that was one of the discussions we had today at the finance committee how you know how do we uh when we get grants do they follow up and I they absolutely do follow up and make sure we spending money as we are supposed to okay um anything going on with the roof anything new there nothing new with the roof okay now that the weather's better I I should be able to get up there and see what what uh what I can do or what we can do it's necessary okay so what's the next step with that do we have a next step or well in the short term uh I'd like to get it patched so it's it's uh in uh not going to be leaking anymore although it hasn't really more sense okay uh we've been discussing it I mean next year's Capital Capital Improvement plan there is a uh building assessment mhm so if we can get to that obviously roof assessments would be part of that and we'll see what we need to do to uh get to where it should be unfortunately even the age of that building that may be a the roof on this building yeah Millions I don't know if it'll be Millions but it will be hundreds of thousands um who who are we yeah it sounds like the I thought the swing was squeaking in this room GH it's a cobble Critter um do we know who will patch it would that be hoppy or are we looking to hire someone oh no I i' want to get someone a roofing company um so um we should probably look at doing that soon so you're going to look for quotes for that yeah okay I've got to get up there it's it's just been the weather hasn't been Cooperative lately you would have think after that ice and snow and have rain we would have got it a leap there but it didn't yeah it may not be bad glad it didn't but it just no it may not be bad at all given gone or something we've had heavy winds we've had rains and uh it seems at this time to be a one time advant um okay I'm just trying to think if I had anything else I don't think I do all right thank you um we still have uh Dave we wait on that so we've got U motion to approve warrant number 20 accounts payable for payment there a second second any discussion all in favor I hi excuse me um motion to approve the right of entry for I just have to look at the excuse me the address 75 uh Russell stage 75 Russ stage Ro is there a second second all in favor I um new business we have the all Department yes I need you to oh the motion on your uh acceptance of the town clerk's office purchasing the image cast prec to tab didn't we do that need no I I need to notif the Secretary of State's office has to be done extra in writing and so move second second any discussion all in favor I I thank um expenditure report the only concerns I saw were um Highway oh could you maybe explain to us um on under police it's not gonna thing is not now I'm just going to cheat two days under police it's saying that it's um it's a special town meeting it's so it's special time meeting 11:22 A8 garage ramp doors that's for fire department oh sorry police is up top so police is at zero spent because that's a chunk that we'll just spend okay so it was fire you were concerned about so the stuff that's in carry forward because if if you look at the end that first one is at 158% so is that something that we don't typically worry about because it's a special town meeting oh we absolutely would be worried about that yes if it's overspent so that one I'm just confused because it says that we it's for the garage ramp doors well those would have been when we put the new doors in at the fire station and they dug it out and they put a new cement pad across I'm thinking and we approved that at our meeting right yeah we did as I'm sorry that's why it says special time meeting near 1128 I guess I'm just trying to understand so it says $566 carried forward but then we've expended 9,15 so it has us atga 3,345 so I'm just trying to understand let me find out the anwers okay in the next meeting um the other ones we talked we were looking at we at Highway we'll talk to Dave when he gets here um not Highway the uh total town office as we know this is the new town hall maintenance and repairs is at 90% and that's with already the additional 8,600 um the to Town Hall utilities 83% and miscellaneous expenses at 86% so those are both really high cost stuff yeah can't control that but I didn't see anything else I was really those were the only one I concerned with um and then I saw the Hilltown ambulance quarterly report basically they responded to nothing is opening here why is that happening um toal call 26 they responded to 24 transported 17 responded to the paramedic level for 24 did not intercept Bry 20 seconds um from the tone to response and 18 minutes 37 seconds for response time all right um I have uh I went to the Beacon Hill um in the birar on Saturday at Lennox um and we had um Kim Driscoll is it that right Kim Driscoll um I'm trying to think of anyways um there were a lot there was uh Paul Mark was the the host of it I thought it was really interesting um yeah Kim dco lieutenant governor um was the opener um a lot of talk about um the housing crisis in the state and there's a lot of support um for plans with that right now which I thought was kind of interesting and it had me sort of thinking back about in the past Adam and I talked about looking into doing some um elderly housing in blanford for people that wanted to stay in town but maybe couldn't necessarily stay in their house sort of with the contingency of if we're doing like a affordable elderly housing that the house that sold do be done at an affordable rate for the where the real emergency is in the in this this state right now is first-time home buyers so um I guess there are programs out there that have that sort of idea behind them um that's the only type of affordable housing I could see blord residents being interested it there's no interest in just affordable housing but there might be interest in affordable housing for elderly oh I agree so um that was kind of just a thought um the state however is not funding plans they're only funding like shovel ready work so we would have to like just something to kind of throw around um they talked about the East West Rail and assured us that it is very much in the works um they're at a phase right now where we're not seeing as much but um they're doing a lot of work on it which is pretty exciting so hopefully sometime in our lifetime we'll see that roll out which would be amazing for our population here I think um they're going to do right up here and work at McDonald's well they would live here and work um Boston right maybe never know never know um oh I wrote side note they had a huge projection screen on their stage and it was such a great I was like that is something that we could do on our stage I'm always looking at that stage how terrible it look and I know the cost of they did have curtains behind it the cost of curtains is excessive but then they had this huge projector screen and I thought that might be something that we could do in town hall here for like if we had like movie events or something or even if town meeting were showing PowerPoints um just kind of a thought just curious how much it might be I sent you in a picture the curtains would cost more than should I order it no um it's pretty fancy also coming up is the 250th anniversary of the Revolutionary War and there's a lot of money going into marketing um tourist spots so I don't I know we have some stuff here but if there's anything that we're interested in beefing up a bit now is probably the time to do it there's a lot of funding out there for that so um I don't know who we would go to probably historical CH the chips chip big on that one so if um I'll have a conversation with chipon there's anything that he's interested in maybe we can try to apply for some grant funding to get ourselves on a map and then maybe beef stuff up a little bit we' got the Tea Party Guy up there cemeter yeah some sort of I don't know if we can get some funding for gardening or signage or just something to like make it if if it's out there um and then um there was a lot of talk about the M Municipal empowerment bill um which um they're talking about that growing the youth into positions in municipalities which I was pretty proud that you know Gateway is already doing um such an awesome job of with Christen Smitty which you wouldn't have thought of cuz the Huntington select board was there complaining about it but he just was grumpy I think um so I thought that was really cool and I think that that stuff that we need to like continue to we were talking about um just when there's positions in town that we're having a hard time feeling looking at like making sure talking with Kristen and like are we maybe boosting some of these positions and and training for some of these positions at the high school level to get people interested in Municipal jobs that's sort of a big you know a big thing right now it sounds like um also funding for that type of stuff so just those are thoughts um yeah it was interesting I would love to go to the other one but I realized that there was another one coming up in great barington the MMA thing but Charlotte has a track meet or something that day and John's in Key West with his class and I was like oh I can't abandon them all weekend wait wait John gets to go to Key West and you have to go to a meeting I know right wrong with this picture I know he's well he's the advisor for the senior class and they chose Qs so I'm he's so upset about it um so yeah anyways but if we can think of any Representatives I was thinking the Adam might be a good one to send because it looked like there was some interesting things going to be talked about and he's always sort of got his ear to the ground so I was going to see if he was interested and if that's the case then maybe um we can register um but that's it that's all I have um Dave you want to come on down sure hi what's new Ste look out back it's all green again I know yeah when I saw Dave what day did I see you when you were a walking zombie yesterday couple days ago do I have to say Jeffrey again okay Ma well I guess I missed George tonight right no George Tonight George George free night all right um right now we're waiting on boss and O'Neal's report to be done for the rule loads and the beavers and all that stuff okay so once that's all done and over with she'll get in contact with us matter of fact down below going through the N with conservation oh good okay so and it's I don't be part of that part yet yeah okay 64 Pages oh yeah no thank you um NY Brook is all done um they're coming back tomorrow morning that's the slide right the slide yes the slide they're coming back tomorrow throw some I got some grass seed okay we'll throw it down there she's bringing up some um some straw or hay or whatever it is and cover it all up and hopefully it'll take it but till it gets covered again contractor um all how much do you think we're out so far um 138 14,800 yes where's that coming out of I'll paid for you okay um and the property cost the property people that own the property with this Landslide that's um Robert vour yeah we just signed you miss that we signed the right entry all right with for them they signed it with us okay um and Mike was telling us that DCR does own the land he's going to look into he owns the land above it there a sloth that goes up through and goes up around behind it DCR doesn't own the land it's conservation land but it's it's chapter land it's uh okay it's it's private land that's held in in the this conservation land for the tax abatement that comes with oh 61a yeah so Mike's going to look into seeing if there's any funding available for maybe helping us okay with that oh okay anything's good yeah um and Jeff asked about the right of way Road width down here on Russell stage um the road width is 22 ft the right away is 50 ft so you look at that 25 ft on each side so it's like another 3 feet into the bank was it Russell stage or Chester I think that's I asked I'll get to the Chester Ro yes which he knows about he's been there yep okay um your turn 125 ch the road I know you've been there with you went up there withj DJ right yeah we did we came back and talked about it and there's nothing we can do about it of course there is the ditch on if you're going towards Chester the ditch on the right side is our property there's there's pipe there that goes underneath you know yeah that should be cleaned out by our responsibility it's ours it's not anybody else's but the town of blanford once you get over there 3 feet cuz I measured the Rope cuz he had it all back lapped out those trees that are dead there yeah you know you can knock them over but that ditch he was told would be maintained by the town of blanford long before you were there from one of the old-timers in town the owner and he says I'm getting water my basement I never did till this started happening because it runs across the road goes into his front yard there has no place to go okay so that side should be that ditch should be cleaned how far 15 25 ft I mean I don't know if you get a machine in there and start I mean you got to cuz it's got a little bit of a sale there and then that's where would you like to put the material leave it right there put it in the woods I don't give a where you put it I'm sorry I can't talk about that sorry okay put on Chester Road I tell we we we got to just do something this guy's paying taxes and the water's running across the road he had videos of it he was and goes right across into his front yard and down into his cell said it never happened before that was done or you know so he's only been there five years but Mr Wright across the street who lived there whole life yes he goes they had an agreement with my father-in-law to take care of that ditch all the way out to the back so it would run to the other side well does he have paperwork no we never did paperwork we did it with a handshake back then so I told them this is why I listen listen we can't go on somebody else's property we can come up to it and I mean if we went a foot and you were happy with it okay but we can't do your whole ditch unless we can find an agreement that says that's what happened I mean I don't know what else I can say if you looked at I mean I did somebody has been taken care of the ditch area over growth because those trees are probably 25 years old and I know that because I I know rainy when rainy was here he didn't we never went up there I talked to Brad today about it he says he's never done it in 15 years so those trees got to be at least 25 years I agree with you you knowe you but this is what we'll do we'll go up there we'll clean one side out the entrance see if you can open the other side up a little B if you can get in there I don't want you get stuck and are we talking our property or his property well train goes out his property okay it's our it's our drain we put it in okay no that we didn't oh who do you think would have put it in Dave seriously howy you never know these days they didn't do that maybe Bob did it he tell Bob doesn't know that what well yeah yeah you're right things did get dou tap back there in D just at least peek at it and see it that's that would make me water I can't tell you when we're going to do it though but I didn't say tomorrow I just want him he like nobody ever responds to me and I'm I I don't understand why so he said nobody he says TJ was supposed to to get back to him we thought it was me and and when you called me I said I'll be right down we bought it back here the I don't know what day we TJ and I went up there but we discussed it up there and then he said that bring it back here and you know inform the board that there's other we can do about it yeah you know so well the right as you look in towards that the right side is definitely ours you can clean that for sure and there's a there's a c there or or a cement thing I going to crawl down in the water and look at it to be honest yeah Brad told me that in 15 years ago they replaced the catch Basin because of crush fell apart in in the PIP and one of the other things I know it's not under year but across from Martin's Farm yeah did you see that tree that that Beaver no I think it's a I think it's a woodpecker I'm worried about that tree falling across the road I mean it's just far from the road yeah I know you're what are you talking about Martin's Farm well P fuel land Road when you start there's a green building it's right there the trees just big around it's dead on the top like six of them up there yeah those are but I'm worried more about that one CU something's really getting to it there's a lot of wher yeah that's what I was surprised that eversource didn't take that one well touch it yeah but it's still tall enough to fall on their lines W they're they're quite picky no I just wanted to mention I didn't know if You' seen it we should think about something well Mark's supposed to be looking into it I remember Mark was saying last year or so ago that but I just wanted you to be aware of it too so we all know I see it yeah I see it okay I also asked Mike Mark last week about the ones on Chester Road there's about four or five yeah those are the ones those are the ones yeah oh okay sorry I didn't recognize that's um it's across from Mr Martin Mr Martins were they very and he just said he hasn't had a chance to get to it okay yeah they they're looking pretty drive very fast freak out I drive fast anyway but I drive fast I know do I think you can't keep up with her when she goes down the mountain you better put your high speed shoes on I don't get tickets I don't drive that fast I just on the edge little thing I try not to yeah of course I do you have anything else no okay um all right I don't think of anything other questions for you I don't have anything else here we have we signed everything sign those to let me see oh we have two of the invoices Valley but I don't think we need to next one um no they're all of us 8 24 to sign did you guys have anything for us are you just here for listening pleasure okay you guys should make a wle ball team a w ball team so listen we're gonna we're gonna give you this job on Memorial Day are you going to be here for our Memorial Day picnic I don't know okay so we're gonna you the job of starting you got to round up and get a t-ball or a softball game going on the field because we used to have some pretty mean softball games um after adults had been iding a little bit um we used to have some really fun softball games out here and I haven't seen one we used to no maybe it was the it was like the anniversary of it was the 200th anniversary or 150th those were long those were in the 70s was when my was the Year my brother was it was 80 or something 76 was 86 we had like a I remember having like a huge North Street yeah we had the parade we probably had a 100 fire trucks started huntingt they came all way up Huntington all the way down um so if you would like to get um a game started that day you got the gather to your friends we'll have the equipment here okay so you'll have to maybe bring a glove if you have one but yeah that would be fun and if you wi we'll get you t-shirt and the ice cream truck is going be here free ice creams pretty nice the when town I know maybe remind Carrie about equipment because she's got a ton of baseball equipment oh okay remind her too I know that um Justin had said we had some in the sheds so oh okay we also have a lot of stuff that do need it for the town cleaning out the basement okay yeah looking all right um so meeting is adjourned at 6:42 oh Cara also um Mr was talking to me he was saying that we're going to dedicate like he's going to try so Monday over April vacation we's going to try to get students that volunteer to make up like a