what's this party stuff this is for the dirt roads thing oh where's George he's up working in the Park yeah he's in the park he's weeding no do not Oh I thought you were going to text him what did I miss I thought you were gonna text George no sleeping there oh my God ter have you opened the meeting yet yes open are we being recorded yes yes sign this pass it around who wants to come in someone no James somebody l somebody's always listening to you J oh big brother is Alive and Well yep all right no meeting minutes from before audience participation many many many seeing none come on down Dave not too much going on today but um so I I submitted two two payments for um beachill Road okay Bridge um there didn't like that we paid more money than usual ahead of schedule okay so anyway so anyway I um I have a um an amendment here for it um you just need to sign it that's all okay and then I can email it back to him today um so what they're what they're doing is instead of having um more money towards the end going to be less money at the end yeah down here could we spent 60 was over $60,000 already two payments okay and supposed to have like 34,000 so we're paying the same amount we just paid more early right um so now it comes to another part too they're going to keep on going to this so this is all done and over with okay and um be back speed water won't be won't be able to submit any any of their funding until the following year yeah so um I was thinking I could I could use a chapter 90 for that and maybe they would reimburse us reers some of it yeah we were looking at using some of the chapter 90 for another project but weren't we just talking about using it for for over here yeah is there enough for both oh there is but I just I just I submitted $22,800 for over here just the portion of it for chapter 90 um I just got a phone call from district one and they're in they're in the process of of you know that fair fair share um um they're going to take that check they're going to take a check to the town put into a an account and he wants us to draw off of that for now okay okay I saw that there was an email about yes yeah okay it's I so it's different on your end in terms of paper yeah and the accountants have everything they yes um I gave them all the information they need and they know what to do with them okay but account to go into and so and so so um wrong way like oh I spoke to Legal about um School House Hill Road um he s he he gave me like four or five suggestions of what to do how the council go about it he said he suggested the easiest way to do is just get a meet make a meeting with the land owner and go from there um what's what's Carl Carl yes Carl yeah yeah oh I didn't know yeah he was complaining because he didn't have access off a night or thr to get through I thought I thought he had access through Schoolhouse yeah we done off with night Brook down the hill I I talked to DJ I was down there about two weeks ago yeah and I asked him about that you know I said hey did you have trouble getting down your property he goes no not now so there's your answer what he told me CU I asked him personally I don't know if somebody heard yeah somebody heard through the Great Vine or something so he was fine with it okay so he's good now um I talk about the oil oil remind me um used oil we have okay yeah um he said that he'll he'll schedule with me during the off hours okay to um put them down there okay that makes sense so then our guys are going to do the oil changes um I would prefer it'd be nice if they would but the problem is that it takes them all day to do an oil change yeah you're better farming it off yeah exactly that way that I the guy out working on roads and we pay change exactly especially short the guy depending what vehicle he does he can do probably two to a day yeah so now um Bobby used to live over he has he actually comes out and he'll suck the oil right out of the trucks and do it on site yeah yeah filters and everything so you don't yeah this this company does the same thing okay so then you don't need to worry about dumping the oil no okay all right so once we get rid of this oil we have no used oil left over which is nice well we have a little bit I think but not as much as we have right now okay and mowing we start I started mowing oh I saw you out there the again okay slow process yeah very slow doesn't help me to get phone calls and email [Music] I don't understand why you don't have a desk in that TR I I know I do I do I I got I got a pen and I got my phone and I can do text I can do emails just can't pull anything up off my desktop yeah okay all right I'm not done I got I brought up Russell Road to you order by the by the retaining wall exactly I know you I went down there today yeah this morning because I had to go down that way that crack that's in the road y if I was riding a motorcycle and got into that very dangerous we have a lot of motorcyclist come up that road can we get something to catch that as soon as I get detail because I can't go down there I understand unless you want to you want to come out with us I certainly will but the cops cars won't like me because I'll ticket them all wouldn't bother me a bit so no I just want to get it on the some so we can get it done I don't mean tomorrow or next week well it ain't going to happen until probably a week or so in July that's fine I I get that but I just want on we I know all about that no I know but we I just like to bring it up because it really bugs the hell out of me because I ride a motorcycle I thought you don't ride no more um so do you did you contact UM police you're waiting on a detail is that no I gota wait until after the fiscal year oh okay I understand okay funing is it um can we like spray painted or something no no oh no no no no don't do that okay it's not too bad in a car motorcycle ever got into that lean it could be pretty bad where is it right on the on the corner where the retaining wall is where but a to line there go that makes any more easier that's it thank you okay just I'll just keep I'm not going home Tak some home no Geor said he takes them home I need it I need it he made it uh we were worried George um so I've got the contract Eric KF this is the one at this beauty hiding all right so we've already approved this I'm going to sign this is just with the Amendments for this year okay we don't need to vote on it again um and then we have an a contract renewal for novice it's not actually a contract renewal it's just Jackie worked with them and she made some notes on it it has to be put in contract form this is not this is not what I'm looking This Is We I might have sent that to you no I I gave you a heart copy there um or did I send it your email I didn't do anything it's in a box and it's ready to send it to you in an email and I never send it okay that's all right um do you want to explain Jackie do you want to explain I thought that was a Ral the renewal it has to go is there a place to sign yeah oh you got something yeah sorry Jackie I didn't look through the whole thing I just saw it was their proposal I didn't realize that there was a place to be signed oh may I that it's not in contract okay so if they're looking for approval though like online approval so if you guys are good with it I can just send it back and say it's been approved all right so I should have did they send me an online a docu sign I don't think so no no they don't do that there's no official contract set up um that's just a quote Oh this is but I looked at it against last year's quote the amount that up yes sorry it was 22980 okay so it went up like 2% overall okay okay so um is this worked into the budget do we know um it's not a huge increase I I'm pretty sure okay okay um so motion to approve the Novis um renewal for 22980 48 for FY 25 right right um is there a second second any discussion all in favor I I so if we need something to sign we can sign but to have an approval okay thank you thank you very much for doing that all right so um sorry I was reading the same time welcome back hello again um so we have dirt road project stuff did you need to project anything to share anything or no because I didn't think it was capable of doing that I didn't do a PowerPoint you're fine no worries I'm essentially here to just kind of go over what we did and future plans and answer any questions okay um I apologize about the getting you the stuff late no that's fine I know that it was here it was just wasn't in our hands but I have the Zip drive in my computer right now with some of the documents pulled up if there's anything you want me to I did meet him in a parking lot and chicke sounds sketchy hand it over an envelope oh my God you're lucky you didn't get arrested yeah had to get the um letter of support for the dirt roads Phase 2 so okay and then I came that so perfect it could end up just in a couple I got it y it's here now um so this has been a two-year project part of the MVP action Grant it included uh assessment of the unpaid Road in Blandford as well as Community meetings uh last year there was outraged to the elementary schools um they did the beaver presentations and then this year Blandford had the beaver study which we still don't have yet from fuss and oal okay the deliverables of two culverts um blandford's culverts were oh no that's is it the um shepher Road shepher Road Gibbs Road Gibbs road and shepher road got it yeah so just the two it looks like there was a replacement oh replacement needed it says um Blair are you looking at the report or the one I looking at table on existing unpa roads and bl yeah I'm looking at the report okay this is the task 15 cobbert Concepts okay that our consultant did so they um basically for both of them three sided open box CT 13 fet on one this is Tiny letters hard to read okay here we go 12 feet on the other so essentially they're both small Bridges and you're looking at 7 thou 770,000 for Gibbs Road and yeah that's a different price than I got 7,000 oh $9,500 for Shephard Road based off PV I mean uh F and O'Neal's analysis and concept design okay you said how much 900 what 9,750 for the second one and the first one was9 700 950,000 and7 900 yeah yeah almost a million dollar for cover the one cover go okay so 770,000 for Gibbs and 950,000 if for shepher yeah what yeah I remember I was Qui when you said I something does it sound right that's insane it's because of the cost of the design and the permitting they all go from culverts to small Bridges so you have to get 401 quality certification through D 404 Army cord um Construction general permit Mass doot chapter 85 permit because it's a small Bridge uh how do I expect small times to afford these things it baffles me we can't that we can't afford that I RS for it there are covert replacement grants and MVP action grants can both be used for it how much are they the covert Grant won't go this High um so it doesn't even cover one you might be able to get an MVP Grant or the other option is depending on what kind of Records you have to go for a female brick Grant or Hazard mitigation Grant de yeah that's the one I said but it doesn't go that high do we have to put in a small Bridge we can't just put in a bigger round cul no not to meet the mass stream Crossing standards you can't it has to span 1.2 times Bank full width if nothing is done what happens um well technically if nothing's done and the Culver blows out then you could ask Conservation Commission for an emergency permit to replace it that sounds good yeah cuz you're you're talking a million eight to do these two yeah and that's only two yeah how many hundreds do we sarcastic but W it's backing it's actually ridiculous it's the cost of concrete it's the cost of Labor police details all the stuff that's involved yeah we can have the Beavers watch on GBS r that can be our I don't have the beaver study yet again I apologize for that is that your fault someone's doing okay so then other deliverables this year um was a standard operating procedure for dirt roads I don't think the newest ones on your disc I think you only have the inspection schedule and the maintenance checklist but we finally did get the bmps from fuss and o'neals O'Neal for dirt roads um so they have five different best management practices to help with a Ren one of them is ditches their swales to sediment traps so vegetated SES to piles of rocks to stop the water slow velocity um another option is uh they did a a French mattress and under drain so with a French mattress you'd essentially like find an area of road that significantly erods M and take a chunk of it out and then fill it with Crush Stone on the bottom 6 inch and then uh sub base and then either a geotextile fabric on top and then a smaller half inch and then some stone dust and then stabilize it roll it that that Fabric's not cheap either no the geotextile grids aren't that cheap no yes George is Old Chester Road considered a dirt road yeah yes if it is what do they say needs to be done with Old Chester Road what's hold on I'll get hold on that yeah she's getting through the deliverables and then they went over different ways to Crown um they originally were looking at you know your traditional nature based Solutions which is green infrastructures which are like B swes and Rain Gardens those don't work on dirt roads the number one thing that causes them to fail is f and the number one thing that washes off a dirt roads is f and even in the summer if you're in a drought the dust is the fine and that ends up in the water so they went even though they called it nature based Solutions I worked with them and they're all they're not your typical nature B so I'm going to address that in the recommendation reports because there's no way to do it you just got to use rocks um so yeah there's a section about crowning and then um plunge pools so if you have steep slope you could do plunge PS on the side but a major elming factor is knowing the right way of the road and if you can even fit some of these in it so it's better to try to go with the things that are in the road like crowning it differently using different types of aggregate spending a little more money on washed Stone getting away from like your Cory River Rock stuff and buying specific like crushed gravel at [Music] certain diameters and then layering it and yeah the last one um Broad B dips so they're for areas where you have dips in the road and how to get the water away from there they're often associated with stream so so did they um recommend like which roads need which of these interventions so our report [Music] did I see like a rating scale for each one if you're looking look at that you would want to go to page 11 okay George what was your question my question was if oldchester road is considered a dirt road what are their recommendations for it adding new gravel that's all yes that ain't going to last that's what most of them are George adding more gravel to it it's only going to wash down you we need uh we need drainage stitches and then at the bottom where you get by the uh electric lines there there's at there's going to have to be a cover so that the uh water that comes down the hill on the banking gets across the road right now it water makes its own path so you know where to put the culber yeah all right and as far as those drop basins go they have to be well away from the edge of the road and we got a little problem coming up with Old Chester Road somebody that owns property there it's going to build a house and live there year round so that Road's going to have to be plowed and maintained oh there that se of the road is fine where they at okay well so you can't you're not going to leave it's down farther that's I didn't know where the property was but the biggest problem with that road is that Springfield water is on one side you you got be very careful what you do over there um and yeah it needs it needs be rebuilt Advantage big time you know the Coler pipes are in the wrong direction they should be going diag across the road not straight across the road so the water can actually go into the pipe instead of Dead Heading and then going into the pipe um there a lot of um millings and material all all the way up and down that road that like you said once the water gets a spot it just goes with it you can't really get through now right I mean you can I don't even think four-wheel drive somebody told me the other day oh is that right yeah I I haven't been out there so I can't but it somebody said they couldn't hardly get through there with a four-wheel drive so I just started that pvpc last year I didn't write this SC if I did I would have wrote it very differently um rewrite it then I did for phase two okay and that's for 2.8 million instead of 300,000 um I did work with the towns to change several of the deliverables and tax 16 which was a regulatory review going through your bylaws and codes of where to implement green infrastructure for like your subdivisions and ex exactly so we changed that to do a bundled notice of intent um for Dave and for conservation that we're working through um the standard operating procedures that has now been updated and has troubleshooting so like if a Culver's clock what do you do if this area is constantly washing out what do you do and it has recommendations for specific Aggregates Stone to use okay um will you help me understand the prioritization score is the higher the score than the more priority the road has is that correct okay so our highest priority road is um Schoolhouse second division so the road is Schoolhouse from second division to Russell Road right because that has a 45 okay and then the next two would be Hayden and Virgil ly and Virgil lyd is that based on traffic or priority set it looks like it's taking the CR criticality score and the sensitivity score and adding them together so so we model we basically took what BSC group did in 200 11 or not sorry 21 I think for Sheffield and two other towns and use the same exact thing um use their methodology so sensitivity looked at intersections entrench roads which means the road is lower than the sides uh adjacent to seep slopes tree canopy the number of culverts uh the grading and the slope of the road if it's in a flood plane the stability of the slopes the crown proximity to Wetlands so all that gave you your sensitivity score and then the criticality score I believe was based on cost of repairs maintenance cost Community Access impact to public health and safety and impact on local economy the one major thing our assessment is missing is all of the ecological stuff and the impacts to the cold water fisheries and the streams and management of invasive species and how to holistically approach it all in one sort of method so that's where we joined Pioneer Valley with birkshire regional and fov Franklin Council M and applied for this 2.8 million uh unpaved Road phase two okay um Middlefield is having a section of Road designed and engineered that literally goes straight through a wetland and it's very complicated and it's going to have to be raised and that's going to be a test site so BS we're working at BSC group now and not fuss okay should have probably worked with BSC group to begin with I don't know why because they're the ones who methodology we adopted but we're working with them moving on okay uh INF furog has their own manual that is very specific to the ecological problems in cold water fisheries and they developed an assessment method that can be done inhouse by the BPW directors so banford signed up for that so year one me and Dave will go out and I'll help him do the assessment on like one or two or three roads and then he can try to on another two and will pick the highest ranking and from there we'll go to year two where the grant provides all the materials for the town to install one thing is right size drainage culs so that will be looked at so we have money for culs um right type aggregate so there's money for Aggregates uh so the materials there's money for materials so it's supposed to be so the town can do it themselves and reduce costs and also be a test site so for one road we can do our we'll get materials and CTS for one of our roads or you saying for for all of them no not all yes George go ahead I what concerns me is the timetable I saw the priority list in terms of the roads that need attention in terms of your coalescing with Dave in terms of saying okay we agree that Dave agrees you agree on which roads need the attention how can you work with the town Dave to develop a timetable and look at the materials and the avilability of money to make these things happen in an orderly way it seems to me that you know if you have Priority One you'd want to get to it soon but if materials aren't going to be available for two or three years to deal with that then you have to say well maybe we can do priority number three because we have the wherewithal to do that without the PRI materials I I see there's a dis disjointed situation here where there needs to be some sound priority planning and on the basis of resources is available now and available next year and the following year and the following year and have a three-year plan to say which ones which priorities we're going to address when because of the availability of resources I think it's more waiting for the grant isn't it yeah do you not waiting for materials you can get that any day you want pretty much George the two of the grant will reprioritize the priorities by combining the methods so to speak taking what BSC group did and furog did the one that supposed to be done so Blandford will only do the fer Cog field assessment which is like eight pages and addresses and bases like I said in areas of erosion directly into streams and then some other towns for instance Goan joined up Goan is going to do a fullblown assessment that's going to be a combined assessment of what we did here with fur cogs to get a much more holistic picture and that will probably reprioritize the priorities you you you're lost me so that might change the roads yeah okay well definit because it starts with doing a sort of GIS over overlay of what runs closest to like cold water Fisheries or main tributaries to the Westfield MH um and then that GIS desktop analysis will be compared to our prioritization chart and then we'll pick five to eight to do further assessment using the BMP that fer Cog designed which is specifically for cold water fisheries and from that combin ation the list will sh May shift and you might find other roads more priority go ahead George I feel that this whole thing is chaotic and I don't feel that there's a bonding between the finder Valley and the town they in terms of coming up with a a rational plan and an orderly way to proceed everything seems to be mish mash out there and may or may not happen for me I would be if I was a D's position I'd be worried that I'd put a cul in and next year find out that it could have been paid for by Grant number seven instead of this and that and not have any plan to do it because he put the you know spent to money putting the cover in this year I I I see that there's tremendous lack of coordination between Pioneer Valley and the town and you know frankly I don't care what's happening in other towns you can have all the studies in the world for them it doesn't help us but if if you say yeah we're committed to meeting with Dave twice a month and looking at the priorities and seeing it through the next three years then it makes a lot of sense but it's it's just marshmallows out there at this point as far as I'm concerned da do I not I'm I've even come and hung out in your trailer all right like so you can't say there's no coordination I talk to Dave once or twice a month I come to his trailer and hang out with him and talk about stuff got a trailer in the wood somewhere Dave right I don't know what you call the DPW without air conditioner that I refused to be swea in so you won't stay too long so there is a commitment then to work on ongoing basis with the got on my way to help Dave on other grants doing the armat tool with him teaching them how to use it like okay I feel better that heing that because up until you saying that it seemed very disjointed and I mean I'm a boots on the ground girl there's also a huge part of this that will do a fullblown covert assessment for the town using the new condition assessment that's not the old con assessment that wild and Scenic Rivers did that's like oh is this Culvert big enough for salamanders and turtles to go through this is one that was designed specifically for dpws Highway supers to look at culs and be like how eroded is it how old is it like is this corrugated metal pipe breaking at the scams how many scenes is it breaking at like so it as that and Scott Jackson for me mass um who is developed the assessment and is the states like cold water Fisheries expert is going to be doing trainings with towns as well in coming out so look at CS Mar yeah Ang you just mentioned is this CT G to be big enough for a turtle to go through um do we have the information on wildlife that we're getting have turtles or TOS or bunny rabbits or whatever's been use to for getting over the other sh of the early Believers was that part of the anthological study that you say we're missing yeah that would be part exactly and so that's something do we have to do that that hopefully we get this second Grant and then we can do it because it's part of it so of the grant money that you got now that that's summation of everything that you found is in that template you have um this is the summation of ppc's Transportation Department work using the BSC group assessment okay and they act came out and drove the road drove the roads that y because some of the roads that are mentioned there's no houses on and uh we have we have a full two in the superintendent and we're short two people as it is and the comp the way the work is compiling I'm wondering how is our Highway Department going to have to work with all this and then make do their regular maintaining as it is I mean you're only talking five people and that's why we're hoping with the new that we get the phase two Grant um and get all the materials that we can provide um and BSC group is going to come out and work with Dave to show him and the staff how to install cheap cost effective measures to stop Runing washboarding erosion into streams hopefully we have more employees at that point we're still working on it and then the covert assessment will be done um in conjunction with Westfield wild scen ders and unass so we'll get if we get it we already have like three interns on board to do it so the way the way I see we're we're juggling Environmental and the needs of the population and conservation and we got this whole thing coming together and uh I just I I I I'm I'm lost just you know got too many angles coming in here because I think there's a lot of things to consider I me it's not yeah it's it is like I agree but uh did like this is Phase One and we're waiting for phase which will yeah so phase one was more the research yeah the research of it and uh so phase one should tell me how much material I'm going to be needing what uh you know a timeline for doing the work I don't think that's phase two necessarily part of the yeah that wasn't yeah it neither was the eological stuff so when I'm writing my recommendation and review there's like a you know problems se you know what problems did we so so what you're telling me base one is the planning phase one I think was more assessing those those three those two needs right the criticality and the um's the other one so phase one is lining up all the problems that were confronted with yeah the sensitivity so they were taking all those things into account yeah and so so then going into phase two all right we're going to be starting to line up the materials and everything that we need so phase one has decided what materials we're going to need for phase two or is phase two going to be deciding what materials phase two year one is going to decide well we already kind of know what M materials we're going to need think based on what the recommended repair yeah plastic corated coverts approximately 24 in in diameter give or take it could be a 18 it could be a 30 depends on for pated metal or the plastic the plastic okay the PCV yeah okay so that's the right size drainage part of year one if we get the second when will you know hopefully beginning mid July okay and you'll let us know okay so it looks like three of the recommended repairs were raing um and Dave is um someone coming in to do the training did we determine that for grading for the grader I haven't found it by where you TJ had some oh I'll I'll I'll done contact with you all right it looks like um Gibbs Road from OD to Sage 2.3 miles uh Hall Road from unnamed road to Beach Hill and um hon Blair from oage to the end all three were recommended um that needed the the greeting so I would imagine if it says greeting they don't need the new the gravel as well they just need to be graded that Cas some may need uh stone or gravel yeah I can read it more in depth too I was just sort of thinking that those are some things that since we have the grer and we're working on training that would be a good St even if you have you know let's say those three right you still got to include and maybe you guys already talked about this the man otherwise see right yeah um and if DA's already T to um if he's already tapped with just keeping up right we got to make sure that if we have to Outsource or we have to you know Tire or whatever what's that c yeah do you guys think that out no so going with the fur Cog they um similar but very different recommendation report they're designing it so it can be done by the town so in retrospect it would probably I mean Middlefield like4 mile section of engineered full depth reconstruction is close to 400,000 and then when you throw the cover in if we can get a away with it because it's technically a wetland CT or Wetland Crossing and doing like three or four smaller coverts than determining the existing stream that's a braided channel so it's like tricky yeah but that project right there is like 400 Grand to do yeah not even a half mile yep and engineering and design and materials no is that they're going to do that theel that's part of phase two but town and Middlefield is going to do it theel the work work itself or is it going to be subed out it's probably gonna be subed out okay yeah one George yeah talk laugh a little bit and talk about prin she's just giving us an example is that on the last Old Chester Road yes yes Old Chester is on the where is it what number all Chester Road is let's see it just needs it comes in a number 33 which um is so the highest number is a 45 uh so that's relatively low yeah cu the lowest is instead yeah also remember that this process was done over a year ago so things shift and yeah so that's what Angela was saying was that when they come back in and add those other two um uh assessments and that it may shift again so where does it come for Dave for instance to set the priorities he travels the roads he looks at him he get he comes back to his office and said we got to do something about this road now we got to do something about that road tomorrow and sets his priorities now is he as he bound to say the priorities that pioner Valley came up with not at the moment ores he make the decision where the money is going to be spent to maintain the roads here not at the moment I think that maybe it sounds like in year or two of the next phase they he'll be more bound to um what they've been meeting monthly about to talk about and committing to those roads once we they you know they're supplying materials what not so Dave still can make the decisions about the local roads today yes Dave can make the decisions about the local roads as long as the high use the highway superintendent he can take this report and shove it on a shelf and never look at it he wants I mean that's the reality of it that's what's I'm thinking what George is getting out if we're going to be putting money into these roads and some of the roads need to have money put them in this year all right and then going further down in in a couple of years PBC comes in and says well you know you guys wasted a lot of money doing this what we're trying to figure out is how much money are we going to invest in these roades this year so that they're faible for the next couple of years until all those comes together I mean you know but that don't have PR to throw money but so I think that so Angela's here reporting on the the work that has been done and letting us know what work is coming at next next right like any of those decisions obviously there's still the roads are constantly changing with the weather that's something that Dave is going to have to you know um make a decision at Angela is not GNA you know answer all of our questions in terms no it's just it's just that I don't I don't want to waste a lot of money fixing road if we're not going to fix it to the standard that we going to be looking at we don't even know a test but if you if whatever you put in there for stone and dirt or whatever it's going to be there they can reuse it it's going to make less that they need them in most cases yeah yeah most spend it you spend it it'll be there that's my personal opinion getting back getting back to Old Chester Road is there a plan from not at this time George okay so they they AR specifying what kind of gravel to use or what kind of PL or metal CT or anything else on Old Chester Road it's totally up to Dave to figure Old Chester Road out well if you go to the standard operating procedure document that's now complete it does t talk about the types of stone that should be used so B should adopt that as his tool to do the work he should follow the guidel they can reference that as can reference it because it's a standard operating procedure for gravel road maintenance okay and IT addresses several factors that that justifies his expenditure of of his resources and his budget if it calls for using XYZ Stone and that's $20 more a ton than what he might have used otherwise they'll use the more expensive stuff to he can use that he can use that as a reference when he goes to finance committee yeah y okay so if if he Assuming he's adopting that now because it's in the report that's how he does the work that's how that's what he so it's not in this report it's a separate delivery but he has it yeah Dave you have that I can resend yes Mary um that on be online the whole thing is so much this the basic like this report um we can yeah we can put that online I guess this is what it is so the specific composition of the soil materials used in gravel road construction makes a big difference in terms of performance and durability good materials should contain portions of different types of soil material we don't call is that in the form of a manual for Highway Department superintendent to use yes it's eight pages okay so I don't think you have it because I was waiting on a f and O'Neal deliverable to fix it up but you can get that to Dave so that he knows what to spend his money on so be sure to buy Crush gravel rather than Banker own gravel no I'm asking you if you have that guideline report to give today so he can yes she said yes yes but I'm just explaining your question about the gravel czy so goes into the road base material it needs to be strong and free draining you want to have at least 3 in in size but no greater than 6 inch and you want to have no fines you want to make sure it's washed so you're spending extra money for the basement gravel for washed gravel not River Run Bank bank run yeah which you see on a lot of roads which is just dirty in random stones that looks like you went to the beach and a you have then it goes over crowning and graving how soon can they get she just said I'm resending it today I will literally email it to Dave right this second F thank you you're very welcome IT addresses ditches IT addresses drainage card and then it has a whole troubleshooting section SE and I tried to summarize it as best I could to eight pages so um if you have length erosion running straight down the road there's a troubleshooting for that washboarding tire running mud um dust loose gravel erosion going this way potholes CS that overflow Crush CS uh the road erods around the CT the covert is eroding around the ends the cover filled with dirt the bottom of the ditches then it goes into ditches the ditches eroding the sides of the ditch are eroding the crown of the road creates ponding in the ditch and then it has a maintenance schedule so when do we want to look at the road way itself the slopes the ditches and the covers and then any Outlet or stream buffer and then you would and by keeping track and using just these two simple forms at the end stick them in a binder if you go for a FEMA Grant this will get you your benefit cost analysis of one which is problematic for many small towns to get because of the lack of record keeping but if you start doing this and keeping track of how many times a year is that on my Zip drive no this one is not cuz this you only have the is it stuff that you can you can go ahead and email you don't need to put on another Z Drive no it's only an eight page jop okay I'm just thinking for the future ta for Christina to have just so that she um file it if you can um send it to administrator yes Mary you want to bear in mind for record any documents that are read referenced at a public for have to be available to yeah they okay so they'll be online sure not all of the stuff on the Zip drive but just the regular report we can the final wrap up of this stuff all right Dave you're getting it and George I'mma copy you so you can have a copy to add to your binder thank you you're very welcome moving right along all right that's it we are we are open to uh enjoying fresh snacks lots of sugar call it please meeting is adjourned at 6:56 thank you for your report Angela you're very welcome thank you this was a double give hard time my son broke his switch and I was trying to find one online and there was one for s 60 bucks did you find it I me I cut Bo they make a switch like that's I did and met me in the parking lot and I did my elic switch deal nice cool um double score Joan I think I need to notarize I need someone to notarize this Mary are you is Doris here I I do need to notor for pvpc she's still here all right I'm taking this out I'm going to put it here I'm going leave it on the ta's desk okay we have a new ta we just hired last week she's fantastic excellent that's my and that was the reason I raised my hand I'm sure [Music] that done it yeah hold on let me disorganized she's not disorganized we are because we haven't had a t since January 1 if we had had a proper ta since January 1 George rord all of this would look much more organized yeah you got to be patient and wait for that PA to get in here yeah oh yeah I know I apologize because they would have had it middle of April had Mike given you the flash drive