six o all right six o'clock meeting opened um first up we've got meeting minutes from March 25th are we being recorded I should have said first yes yes we are twice for good measure sorry I just couldn't think of the word for guard rail about two minutes and don't be stealing my blankets over there and buy some 10 I count them over there I put them in my house I said now who would leave these here I didn't want them to get put them back we have to cover no actually I saw you you didn't hear me I asked you if you needed a hand covered them and you drove away at 110 miles hour so both of your windows were closed and you and you yelled to me and said do you need no I was standing on the deck on the de and I know you need a I didn't hear you no Carrie's gonna do that I can't climb up 110 miles hour she was heading to Westfield on that where were you did you go to Westfield yeah I see that was like 4:00 I had to get out of here for a little bit happens computer's spazzing out accept the minutes is [Music] red all favor I all right there you go all right audience participation on down George H birthday I brought you something from Road a what you bottle what do you want what do you want me to there your can don't put one in front of me what you where it's empty I don't care what it is one for you disgusting and there's a they're washed I took time to wash them out there's your Whiskey Bottle those were picked up on Blair Road and as part of the cleanup and there's much more that's on its way to the dump this week so happy Earth that you all yeah there were too many and it's all alcohol bottles out there it's really sad surpris you didn't find any nip bottles those are like magnets so many it was just yeah I is it with that cinnamon what is oh there it is right there oh that's that's the favorite booze you find on the roads yes yeah that doesn't look like a three minute situation it is it is really it's it's a it's a couple of other things what do you got one and a half pass over right there one Fe you uh Mike already has one I gave a week or so ago Mike this is the role of the community leas on for the dirt road project I stopped in to see you and gave you a copy of it um I would like to suggest that for next week or the following week we put on the agenda a thorough uh discussion about the resilient dirt road project and where it is and how soon it's being done and what has been accomplished so far so I understand it's supposed to be completed by the end of June and we're too much short of that and I think it should be reviewed and find out what needs to be done yet and what has been done what you have in front of you is the role of the community Lon that I got from Chris uh when the pro soon after the program started um it uh outlined what needed to be done so you have a good outline there of what accountability should be uh called for also um this has to do with the spending of money uh $5,000 for the hiring of a person to uh oversee the program and get some get things done and to find out what has and done so forth I think it deserves more than three minutes so would like to suggest it be a major item on the agenda for next week or the following week uh Dave you want to fill us in on that be what I said last week on she's waiting for the lawyers to get back with everything all written up about the Beavers noi and the C I think we should get a progress report this has been Billy D and for long long time now and we keep hearing excuses people that are lawyers yeah it looks like you're pay if if you're paying them you can that's the problem well it doesn't look like we're not on schedule it says the second session uh to anticipated March through April we start still in April um may be a little behind but I don't think it's cause for concern yet if you want to just um Dave just have an update for us at the next yeah I contacted the project coordinator asked her when there there's supposed to be a close out public hearing at some point before the end of June okay and she said she's not ready for it yet okay is there a community lay on if there is I don't have a contact for that's that was $5,000 and there should be that Paula Paula oh I don't that who do you speak with Dave I speak with anyone okay pardon I speak with Angela Angela person all your questions Angela hello so you please come and join us okay how are you I'm well I apologize for being a few minutes Oh no you're fine um so George is a resident uh who's coming up and he just has some questions about um where the project is um the dirt road project and when we should expect to hear more information about it he's just giving you a copy of the job over you okay um there's several parts to it 90% of pioneer valleys deliverables are done okay uh they're in a Google Drive that I'm going to have to share with because Chris had it previously okay so we developed a driveway bylaw driveway permit standardized Beaver permit to promote collaboration between DPW and conservation a bundle notice of intent for road work that focuses on implementing green infrastructure and and we're developing a standard oper so standard operating procedure okay that is dependent on our consultant fuss and O'Neal getting us their BMP best management practice Library they also owe us a beaver report too and the two covert designs okay the actual dirt road study has been completed and submitted to the town okay has has the interviews with the people on the dirt roads been done yet I don't was that supposed to be part of the project I understood it was they want pictures and stuff it says question Mary yeah um excuse me where did you come from because Paul abill was our dirt roads Leo's own and we paid her quite a bit of money to do that um I'm not the liaison I work for pioner Valley Planning Commission oh Ste PA was paid $5,000 I understand the on and that was all last year okay what happen then what happened to Erica lner she left she did okay okay so was the money paid to Paula yes yes so you're looking for I'm not I'm just trying to find where it says that there will be interviews I see photos of of our dirt roads during one season um and I'd imagine that those are part of the report um sharing through uh I think it's Fourth paragraph up from the bottom we actively promote awareness of do listing sessions so those should have been done last year I'm not seeing anything that says interviewed with people that it says Community L will work with Council and aging directors to ensure effective Outreach to all older residents it doesn't say interview Outreach I'm sorry yeah it should be Outreach to okay so have I would look at the um plan and see if there's any discussion of that in there or we would talk to marget and see if that happened but I don't see anything where that's not in the dirt road assessment report that's strictly just technical assessment details okay so that's not going to be in there all right have we seen the dirt road uh report it was submitted to Chris last year so would imagine that Chris brought it before us Dave do you remember did Chris bring it before us or was it like right when he was leaving I think it like he was leaving okay I have a copy of it either I'd like to suggest that all that be pulled together and we look at it next week so that um you know we only have two months left and we can find out what Loose Ends need to be cleaned up to have a quality report done yeah we can take a look at it next week that's fine if you want to add perhaps we can find out how the $5,000 was spent last year and what was what we got for the $5,000 there's very limited information on what the liaison did in the community meetings from last year I did not wa for Pioneer Valley I'm only going off of what files I have okay okay so let me ask a question you mentioned something about the beavers and that with do and the dirt roads and that and but a lot of these uh Beaver situations are on private property so we can't go in on private property and address the situations according to the roads so what I developed is a standardized Beaver permit and it does have a section for property owners sign off to give DPW permission to look at Beaver issues on private property for instance have been any meetings with the Springfield Water and sore about their property in town and beaver dams on them no that was not part of the scope of the work it was just to look at the existing beaver dams that were identified by Chris and Dave and then fuss and O'Neal went and did field studies on them and are preparing a report so we don't have that yet okay so let's put the dirt road on for next week um and we can ask Paula Belo um Mike if you can invite her to the meeting too to come and talk about that um and we can talk about it it is a lot of information to email good so it's great the dirt Roose study yeah yeah okay um so well all all the various deliverables okay that's great I can put them on a flash drive I mean I brought my laptop okay can can you print it out so other people can have it I don't think we want to waste all that paper I'd rather it be digital if it's that large of a report I don't think anyone besides um if we get it on a flash drive then we'll have it here George and we can have it put up on the website I think we probably get it done that might be the easiest way to do it get a copy of it because I have to come back next Monday for a concom meeting okay so probably be easiest for me to put everything on a flash drive and then okay just drop it off okay that works great we set up maybe the following Monday to discuss yeah maybe two weeks because two weeks from today it makes more sense so two weeks like a copy of that please um if if it's that big we'll just he'll have the digital copy and then I don't know study itself is only 16 pages but so the notice of intense like 16 three pages um okay so just I'm a little confused you identified the beaver dams in town they and are they talking to the owners of the property that these beaver dams are on nope all they are doing is looking at the Beaver Dam and providing a recommendation report and that's what we knew going into along with two CTS for upgrading okay okay good all right all right thank you so much thank you yeah um did you have more for us while you're here yes are you on are you on my agenda for later see you on there no so it's dirt roads 2 .0 okay we're happening again yep okay for another two years um I already spoke with Dave about it I sent him a letter uh that I need before Friday okay letter of support um you want me yeah go ahead so we are forming the Western Massachusetts un paved Road climate resiliency Coalition okay we are working with Berkshire Regional and fer C and doing all of Western Mass we're combining our assessment with fur cogs work under a 604b grant that developed a different ranking focused on where the best focused on the highest areas of flooding and the best areas to install best management practices to promote infiltration slow the velocity of the water and keep the roads in good condition um and part of it is updating the 2001 Massachusetts dirt road manual to meet current standards uh so this year we're doing three separate towns um Chester is not involved just because I haven't heard back from anybody there oh okay um but we're doing Goan who's going to start off fresh and do the assessment we did for you guys with the new flooding BMP assessment um blanford will just be re assessing for the bmps in year one and then year two it will be a training site uh part of the grant is going to purchase the materials needed so we will identify locations to install drainage culs or put in plunge pools um and then have trainings for other towns to come and these bmps are designed to be low maintenance cost effective and easily installed by Highway Departments of like two to four so we'll be receiving materials through the Grant and will be the town where people are coming to do the training yes can I have we like freyle question yes I live on one of the dirt roads and traditionally the major problem because of flooding which has occurred in the last few years is that dealing with the Springfield Water and Sewer Department which owns the land which has the flooding which is causing the backup which has the beaver dams is impossible to work with are you capable of intervening and bringing whatever to be be on the Springfield sewer and water so that they take responsibility for dismantling beaver dams on their property or do you just tell us that it needs to be done and we have to go to court and and go through the legal process to uh have them take responsibility that is a complex question it's a simple answer though I it's not I think she doesn't have a simple answer I mean reports are great but I do have connections with Springfield Water and Sewer Jamie bartac used to work at Pioneer Valley any commission and she's pretty high up in there so I can try to coordinate with her on this I mean that's the chronic problem I think at least having them be a part of the discussion is really important we're trying to um be uh work with them as opposed to you know seeing them as the enemy you know sort of it's um so we want to work with them they're working with us in terms of helping us with um funds for a brush truck we want to sort of like build that relationship so we so what they're going to tell you is that beaver dams are good for public water supply because they hold back water and promote recharge and infiltration which supplies the wells yeah but they're not good for the roads but they also breed mosquitoes in the in the Marshland which is a hell of Hazard that is correct um they be the birt not enough there are mitigation measures like installing Beaver deceivers and stuff that you know allow the flow to happen we haven't seen them do that I think that's part of the discussion with Springfield Water they were asking that they use those measures on and they pay for those measures on their properties so that we don't end up in these situations with our um we have had some assistance with um some removal this year but of course that's just a short short term um and even then I wouldn't even ask people for money for removal because it's flushing it down the toilet CU and then that's what we they just come right back exactly the ones you take out like the new kits the new litter just going to optimize on it so in you know in the past we've received things from them that said like go ahead you can pay for we'll allow you to have someone come on our property and do a Beav receiver and we say no we're not going to pay for to do something on your property right you need to to do that yourself so I think that's it's not that expensive it's like 2500 bucks for three grand to get in there to put it in there and he includes three to five years of Maintenance in it yeah so I don't know how they don't have $5,000 to put in a beaver deceiver at the absolute most yeah well actually the real problem on Blair Road is not it is the Beavers but it also more of it is the dams yeah um on both sides of the road I I talked to be receivers about um yeah and they said well we can go out there we can do a little bit but as for a flow device on the one side he asked me go how far you want to drop it I want to drop it 3 feet I go but we you going to do all water on the opposite side you can drop that probably 3 ft to he told me that this side's easy the other side is going be way more expensive because they got to put everything together get little and stuff and drag it out all the way out there about a good couple hundred yards yeah it's not readily accessible from the road right what road is it Blair Blair Road I believe um f O'Neal went out there also and looked at it so I met them over on C Mountain one day I was out riding so maybe I'll swing by there well I still have like look thank you yeah I did come into Pioneer Valley having 13 years experience as a municipal conservation director so I'm very attuned to the needs of municipalities I tell Dave all the time I'm not really a planner I'm more of a doer that's kind of why I changed some of the deliverables like oh let's review your subdivision and talk about how you know we can put in curb cup cuts and fancy Planters which is useless so let's do something that's actually going to help so that's when we came up with the model driveway bylaw and a driveway permit that would have a $500 Bond so anybody that puts in a street entrance you know would put that Bond Dave would check it out make sure you know if they need a drainage pipe that it is either the same size or bigger than the uphill because if it's smaller or it's not set right then you're just going to end up causing more Road flooding cuz it'll miss the pipe and okay you know that's great Paving the first x amount of feet but if it's a dirt road doing a um anti-tracking pad so to speak which is the larger gravel base and then like I said I developed the uh standardized emergency permit for uh Beaver removal or installing flow devices or breaching dams that initially Board of Health would sign off but then it will go to conservation cuz for flow devices and breaching conservation got a sign off and then it has a whole property private property sign off and then the bundled notice of intent for Highway work that addresses both um um paved and dir roads and then moving forward with phase two like I said with the assessment for the flooding in the bmps we're going to do a full Culvert conditions assessment of all the coverts in town so you'll have a CT condition assessment with prioritization there and then phase two of that is um having BSC group work with Dave as a training site and get the materials to start installing what uh fov Franklin County their bmps for dirt roads and cold water Fisheries right are there any programs for residents of dirt roads so that they know how to drive on dirt roads and training programs for like uh ups and other delivery trucks that are using time funny you asked that because one of the deliver or one of the community outreach parts of the grant is to do stakeholder interviews slash conversations with UPS FedEx and Amazon about dirt roads I mean that's and it's going to start with like oh what's your experience Dy blah blah blah and then it's going to sorry all I can smell is this alcohol that's that's part I mean had I known I would have stopped myself go forget the fireball there oh you know what that is so you need a signature you need a signature from us yeah Dave has the letter okay perfect so we can do that I know it from all my roadside cleanups because Fireball is very popular in to find on the side the seems to be BL I I just want to suggest something while you're up here all all right and you were talking about fevers if you cross over the turnpike up here and take a ride on the service road you'll see a a stream that goes on the left side of that road I don't know how long what is that road about quarter mile yeah about that yeah yeah there's nine Beaver damps on that stream going down toward the pike entrance yeah it's pretty crowded trapping them doesn't do anything because there's too many they don't have natural Predators well we can bring them to New York no bring them to California California wants beavers do they because of their drought drought yeah I always thought that would be a great there's a market in there for us there you go I mean the people that trap the Beavers send their pellets to Wall Drugs South Dakota so why not find some way to send the whole Beaver like another thousand miles to California there's some resources for the money there we go okay so um we'll sign the paper for Dave um with Dave I don't have it with me though you don't have it with you okay so we'll put that on the agenda for next week to sign oh wait I need it by Friday by Friday um so Dave's gonna bring it in tomorrow and these two are gonna sign it because they're here so um maybe we can make a motion what is it called it's the the name of the dirt road Western Massachusetts unpaved roads climate resiliency project okay so motion to um support that is there a second second any discussion does that involve any funding from the town all in favor money from the town no it's it's a in L of that doesn't involve any money from the town it does not involve a cash match and the same as the first one right where we it's just ours we're trying to get so this year they dropped the match for every Community to 10% okay and then they have this appendic M for Inland flooding where they list towns um that's why I contacted Goan that was one of them so they qualify for zero match I think I can justify with the full-fledged culbert condition assessment to get a zero match and then we don't have to worry about match tracking fantastic but if not I have developed um a Google doc that's on the Google Drive for everyone's match tracking and okay I kind of do it myself you know they show up for meetings I'm like two hours here two hours there or I had an hour call with Dave excuse me would you please repeat that long title again for western Mass Western Massachusetts unpaved Road climate resiliency project West Massachusetts unpaved Road climate resilience resiliency project resiliency thank you okay um so we look forward to receiving the reports when they are done um regarding the Beavers that are with the company that you keep saying and I can't remember Fon thank you and I'll be honest I'm not sure I'm not sure how good they G to be and I apologize for that Chester was not that happy yeah okay so that's why this I said Chester wasn't that happy they felt like they just C and pasted out of Wikipedia and said like four out of the five dams aren't a risk so that's why I went out with them okay myself to stress that they need to make site specific recommendations to alleviate the flooding thank you we do have a timetable when that's supposed to be received I have been asking them for over three weeks okay maybe four when do they get paid they get paid by Chester and Chester's been paying them I've had I'm sorry um your three minutes are up thank you very much we appreciate your time um we will put the dirt on the agenda in two weeks and we'll get back to then can I all right thank you my number two oh come on George you're killing me what do you got I'm sorry I want to catch you up on B it's important issue um the town clerk's office has been very helpful in gathering information over the years of the spending for the uh Park and it has been discovered that not only has 14,000 been done donated by winterford arms but an additional 7,000 was donated by her to the fund and uh we're having a hard time tracking what happened to that $7,000 we talked about that last because it's been like almost 25 years and that money would have earned a lot of money that could have been spent in the park and so forth so we're on the trail of that and hopefully we'll find out where that money is and so forth there's also been a couple of incidents at least one incident where money was spent Inon Park out of that fund rather than used for the park and that needs to be straightened out so there probably is some money there uh for use to reinvest and to generate some money for the care of the park and I was wondering where things are in terms of the advertising for the service for the mity par here I'm not advertising I'm just getting i' I've called three landscapers to come in give me prices it doesn't have to be advertised no okay this is not okay and my third you won't be spending $100,000 on it okay I I'm just curious where the process is that's all thank you thank you thank you all right Highway come on down you got to put the town names in oh yeah sorry yeah I'll just give you're welcome your time's up too George used it so as much time you took up I'm for these six months take a deep breath I know I need my relaxing well cross that one off she's here um I'm still waiting on an answer from TY Bond about the park in the um by the in the by the bridge okay okay on that part just waiting for scope of work and the price figure it all out um IA Ira binski yes and I spent two and a half hours today zooming was very interesting on um M workr okay going through it you know bit by piece by piece so on so forth um so I've asked Mike to contact our state area reps the letters of support drafted those yeah and um I also need two of them from the select board okay for beachill Road and Gore Road okay Water Bridge no no oh just this is just Ro work oh okay just standard maintenance kind of open Big Time Ms Y big time uh let's see here discussion good thing we yeah I put that there he knows put that there oh yes um the bucket trucks should be back this week or sometime next week for Flags to replace them we got any new ones no I'm just bringing this up because there we have them they just need to be put back up but his bucket truck is broken and I don't want somebody to come in here and complain that the flags aren't there's a reason okay so that's why I bring this up in a public meeting it will be done and douge putting it in the ladder in the back of that trailer is very dangerous yeah Doug said he's he's done putting a ladder against the F he's getting that so you ain't kidding now yes what what with the bucket truck what needs to be done is it it's a electrical issue there was a hydraulic leak right and it's been leaking for quite a few years so there is a control in the back panel of the truck so you can start the truck and do all your odds and ends well it wasn't working so that was part of the failure of the inspection so they had to repair that part and have it inspected so it'll pass inspection so when is it going to be ready it should be ready this week um hopefully this week or next week and just one more question the fire hydrant on North blanford Road by the cemetery Y and we know what happened to that it fell over it just fell over yeah come on the Wind you see the up here come on bad I don't know but I see a little BS that happened two two ohly cow two years ago and Chris Chris is was supposed to be working on it through the insurance company okay and that was that was the end of it but but it was standing yes it was it's that's it's set just fell over out by itself it got hit last two years ago with the wing on a plow yeah so Gordon Gordon is in the process of getting repaired oh okay so he's waiting for something I talked to him a week or so about that okay and I didn't really get really into it because he was he was on a rooll that day you know you know how that goes I gotta uh I don't think I have any other questions um will you remind me I know I did have one question we talked about the trees across from the Martin's house yes did we say what what did we say where did Mark's supposed to be working on that okay they are like coming down very very they got to be remote yes they do um okay so he like he's working on it like we were here together okay and there's another one that a resident came in and complained about on where's your mom live her ro oh yeah there's one right near my mother's driveway that's real bad told about it last week and it's not done the guy came back in and I texted Mark again today and Mark said yep it's on his list so maybe you're on his list too okay you talk about the ones on Chester ro oh yeah those are scary those are yeah you drive by them and you're like especially the one last one well the wood peer's been pretty busy oh my God it's like it's going down and those are big birds yes they are yes they are God if anything I'm not sure what his fun looks like what he has now I I don't have any yeah um so Mark has something left over he may be able to do it this year okay before it ends fisal Year I'll send them a text and just hum there couple of those ones that overhang the road they come down they're not only going to take out the wires they'll take out a car yeah that's what I'm worried about someone getting I drive fast TJ yes the way you go by the wind should blow down I'm not that I tried to follow you down hill I can't keep with you okay don't say it all right thank you Dave I'm multitasking texting Mark soon okay um I'd make a motion to go to uh new business C historical Commission come on oh second second so um I'm actually coming more as being on the ada8 committee disabilities I'm trying to cover two birds of one stone you didn't bring us empty alcohol bottles nope thank you sorry um I wanted to discuss uh some of the Ada committee uh or the when they came through and and saw what was needed one of the things was the access about this being able to access the um Park y accessibility and I think it was about a year ago we talked about um The Far Side of the Gazebo needing stair repaired and I mean that's a liability if you've gone up and looked at it that's that's in pretty rough shape okay so um my thought and uh with the support of the historical commission was that um we use some of this Ada grant money to repair that and make a a ramp so that it is accessible to people disabilities that's on the back side L of course it would be on the lower so now they can get a wheelchair up on there you're going to have to put a gate across the front of that so they don't go down the front stairs you know we'll have to do something no no I just I'm saying was thinking that would be a great yeah you know skateboard shot my question my question is is the whole area accessible though because it's just grass there's no path or anything well that's what I mean you need a path to come down and then you'd have a um a ramp going up onto the I just don't know if that kind of funding is available in ada8 Grant I don't think it's because I'm thinking to build a path if you're talking about like a sidewalk and then which I agree 100% but I don't know if there's that much funding where would you want to put that at from what part of road is that from from where the school used to be okay so you have the parking area come down through that that path that used to be right there between the stone walls um Mary go ahead um if you look you've seen the old postcards from the park and it shows a boxwood lined path coming down yes there Mike do you know anything about what the funds are in there yes see there were three separate grants and they work for very specific things doors uh uh doors and entrances uh grab bars um accessible handles uh things like that I don't think it's money we can move around no it's not something that can be reallocated although uh if this is a priority I I can get someone out there to get me an estimate and I could apply for a grant in the next round I would think a priority would be repairing the stairs for sure um got to get fixed the that would be like a number one priority I think that the rest would be a dream but I think that it's going to be pretty expensive to to create I mean because I would say um that we don't have handicap access to our playground like that's another thing that we talked about I would be having a path come down so that because here we have this handicap swing and no access for children to reach it so I mean if we were going to do that it's it's a bigger project I think than well we should have enough money in the trust fund to fix the stairs to fix the stairs absolutely I think that's something that is that got handrails on it my memory's not that's I think the taller side has hand I think so too but if we're doing those I I don't know if they're still it's not that big extense that's going in when we're doing it but the other thing that um because that is a historical Park yeah you know so it seems like um the Historical Society and the historical commission should be involved with some oversight with the repair sure um so we can reach out to some local Carpenters to get some prices for um the stairs and possibly railings yeah I would think would you think some railings on that would be a good idea absolutely yeah I think with the height of it I think that's um what is it I was going to say legal but that's not the term that I mean you know that's required they have handrails on it yeah I think the last one that worked on those stairs was 20 years ago and I was feeder Milford probably that wasn't 20 years ago was yeah I don't think it was years ago it was since we've been here we've been here less than that um so Mike if you want to reach out uh off the top of my head there's John Piper there's um Keith bro Bloom Rose um it's another Carpenter in town now do going to have to work in conjunction with the Watson Park I didn't know there was a Watson Park committee what are you talking making stuff up no you want to go outside and Duke it out don't want today what's the committee that's always complaining about the plants and the historic commissions that's me how's your foot a committee what do you mean but all the other footprint on my tongue come on that's why that's why I said I would like to have the historical society and the historical commission be involved in this okay okay I thought what is I believe you refer them as hysterical she's the historical commun she's oh she's on I always thought to read hysterical but that's okay that's what he refers to I just want Linda to know that I started working on getting another barrel for Watson Park um yeah we approved that right yeah the board requested another Barrel um the barrel is around $700 and they want um about $280 to ship it so I haven't ordered it yet I think I'm just a little gunshi I remember right buy it yeah I know it's annoying I'll get the price together where is it where are they shipping it from California I don't think it matters where it comes from well pricewise it does I don't know um I have um I looked at a couple cataloges I'm going to look at Home Depot but I don't think they have anything not as nice as that we don't yeah so it's just killing me to spend what happens with anything that has to do with Parks it's just crazy expensive and there's not much but I I haven't forgotten um so when you get those two gentlemen that I if any anyone can think of another local Carpenter um we'll give you another name but John Piper said John Piper I thought he said Tom no um keep please keep historical commission and Society in the loop that would be nice thank you very because otherwise they're going to get mad and they're going to go to you and you're GNA have to deal with them we're it's on my list on your list how long about L here I wanted you to know that I was in Westfield and who pulls up next to me but a truck that says piing route oh with a guy in that that's um Matt he goes to she works in Springfield so the whole company they just keep the name on right up uh no he just drives around advertising I think but if they don't work around here she yeah yeah so I'm going to bring one thing up quick on B Centennial Park one of the beans is rotted out next to my house and that that wall is illegal the way it stands because it doesn't have a safety rail I want to take a couple of them down cut one and put it there and keep the other beam maybe up to the park you know garage there Barn whatever cuz I we should take I'll have to take three of them out to get to it and I'll gladly donate my time to do it but I just want the permission to okay you need anything do you need I don't know I start no I'll be able to use what I take off okay because that wall is so high it's over you're supposed to have a fence up above it and when it was first built it had a split rail all the way down it okay so people cuz the kids jump over that into my yard oh so I've scared enough of them now they don't they set a trap no no I'm the Trap I said listen I'm not yelling at you but I am going to hit your father so no I I'm kidding but so I can go ahead and fix it yeah see why not all right I'll keep the rest of it cuz they're still good iot card if you need what's that I have a Home Depot C oh okay I think spikes I'm not sure anybody rather have you help me um while we're on by Centennial I have to give you my receipt looking for it well we're on B sentennial um yeah taking rot is the one that had given us the um before they're moving so I tried to contact her she respond so when I was um telling you the name of them I just wanted you to look and see what the scope and sequence was on those bills so that um you could use that going forward unfortunately none of the bills that we could locate were for vice Park they didn't have that okay but what I would like to discuss with you at some point is a plant list because I have talked to the U talked to the various uh um landscaping companies and they said what do you want to put in there and I said I don't know so um that would be up to them so we would be asking the experts what plants they would recommend putting in there and then would put those in there for and I'm talking annuals the perennials should be fine yeah I'm just talking I could see you making a face and I knew I was reading your mind what sort of Aesthetics are you looking for in there purple lot of colors or yeah I mean any annuals that would just I mean so I we're not specific I don't think thats in it needs to be weeded and just maintained weeded pick your pardon it's weeded well it will be need needs to be weeded maintained um and then just some annuals thrown in there but it doesn't have to be and I want to thank your daughter and her team for putting the flowers in yes they did a fantastic job I froze my butt but they had fun I know I saw you out there I was going to bring you a shot of something but I didn't jeez hey that's what a good neighbor does right but he didn't do it I didn't know what to bring yet de says bring her hot chocolate we had a Jen Gerard took care of them sure oh she yeah but thank your daughter I appreciate it what she get yes it was really sweet to see all those kids working in there um Town Administrator all right I got quite a few things on here first there's a uh authorized signatory that you need to complete for contract for contracts yes contractor this guy here yeah you all got to sign that no just uh just her okay now the next thing is uh we we need to open the the town annual town meeting uh it's time uh I don't have everything set for the budget there's still a few more things out there but very few okay um I just got the vot tech rates today yeah we've got a lot of kids going don't we how many they didn't have enrollment they just have the rights the kids got in I know that kids got in so we didn't get a number I did not get a number I know uh I've got a current number for Westfield and that was one in each grade so four total okay uh so one presumably would be graduating but I don't know for who's coming in or if there's anyone coming in how many for Smith you don't know nope they didn't have that for me I try to I call I know at least two or three kids that just got in going okay I've got the rates um oh it's awful let me find that uh for Smith it is uh 20,8 47 per student and for insane for Westfield it was $2,075 so if we have five kids it's over 100 yeah but anyway I would ask you to open the warrant and uh uh my intent would it needs to be uh posted by the 20th of next month okay um I hope it would be you know a little before that I I don't like cutting it to the uh cutting it to the last day but uh okay as soon as I start getting things in I'll start assembling the warrant did you email it you're saying uh I need you to open the warrant and uh I will send out a notice that anyone having uh to wanting to submit article can begin doing that um do you need a motion for that I well typically everywhere I've been that it's a of the board of selent to open the warrant okay motion to open the warrant for uh annual town meeting second any discussion all in favor I yes Mary um has everybody seen the referendum question that the students yeah that's on the agenda to talk about okay um it's from the town clerk's office could we shorten that please have you heard from Town Council has he read it I haven't no I haven't sent that from have council could I see I sent it to him okay so he should have it and you should have it too okay I'm sure I have it somewhere um let me over it's overly long and to print that to print that whole thing on the ballot too is going to be yeah I mean I think so the idea was we gave it to them to draft because it was a good for them right and then we were going to take it and yes yes and so when we after we get it back from Mark rich I think we should send it back to them with notes I think it would be a good part of the learning process for them to see okay yeah what's our phone number here at Town Hall sorry b79 4279 thank you I know you yeah why the kids weren't even that bad yeah we'll talk later um okay what else do you have for us you got um I've got sprinkler big you have two separate um one of them was they for two separate purposes one the main pump is leaking uh but it's functional okay uh it's not uh required that we we repack it uh to get the system up and working but it is I believe 5600 bucks to do that so it's functional but for how long like do I would recommend getting it done it's putting a lot of water onto the floor um it's meant to it's meant to drip it's not meant to leak okay and there's a steady flow of water out of it uh the other bid was for 15,000 and something and and that was what's that 16 call it yeah uh and that's to get the system up and working again functional is that with a new pump or no no the jockey pump what's that 21 grand total the pump no the we're talking about the jockey pump oh the second uh the main pump is the one for $5,600 the jockey pump is a little pump that uh what it does is maintains pressure in the lines sprink in the sprinkler lines um because these need to remain pressurized at I I think around 90 lb um and that was uh they said they they don't think the jockey pump needs to be replaced it's all for the controllers that need to be put in so we're talking about 21,000 21 to do everything yes looks like well yes is it uh 22k for the whole thing about with all the nickels and dimes and that now did they uh what did they say about the tank that is that is not part of this project it still needs to be recertified and I have a quote for that uh for another I think 5600 bucks and that is a 5year certification on the tank uh I didn't want to do anything with that quote till the system is up and and running it it made no sense to me to uh to do the cerification and when the system is not functional well I'm just thinking ahead if there's something wrong with the tank and have the system down wouldn't that be the time to repair the tank this wasn't a repair it was a recertification yeah um I can ask them if if it's going to be down I don't know that they're going to be draining the tank though for this I that didn't think that's a that's lot of water to you know that tank fails that's they can exr I'm sure they got pable they said might as part of the recertification they might put be putting a diver into it okay that's a horrible job God having worked in Wastewater I can think of fireworks um okay so where do you suggest we take this 21,000 out of I may have to I I don't know that I have a place for right now I may need to go to uh finance and and talk about a reserve fund transfer okay we don't have a whole lot less left in buildings M maintenance uh yeah no we don't so or I could start looking and see if we can if I can find some of the money and transfer out of other accounts because we're getting to that point in the year um no so nothing is going to come in from insurance to help I've requested it I'm going to talk to Mick again and with Maya and see if it's gone anywhere okay uh but I think that's a Hail Mary frankly don't that's just regular maintenance on that thing it's what it's put in what 2001 or two something like that when when they put the addition on that's when they did it back around early 2000s I think so it's probably never been touched since knowing probably so do you need you need a motion for I don't have I'm trying to look for it's not touch screen trying to look for the exact numbers for the motion okay so uh we so the total I see is $2,777 do you want to do both now don't you want to do the ceric that's for the plus the 56 that's for the 15 roughly 15,000 for repacking of the pump and then it says the 5,662 is for that is for re building the main pump repacking the main pump okay um just a point of of information on the main pump I'm told repacking it you aren't really replacing equipment it's you know you're just repacking it and and sealing it so that they can do I'm told if anything major goes in the pump parts are no longer available it's it's an obsolete pump so we're going to spend money on an obsolete pump did they give you kind of an idea what a new pump no no I didn't request and they didn't suggest it this time I was just given the caution when when I got the uh when I got the estimate that it is a it is an obsolete pump but if we don't fix it now we're left without a sprink system oh no we can it's working it'll work it just drips a lot there's an inch of water on the so should we spend that 5,000 or should we start looking at replacing the pump I'd like to get a price on a new pump having a certification done and what was the other part for the 15 the main 15 was just bring it back online with the control system the new controls okay so you want to wait on ceiling repacking the pump yeah just I have for too long okay I don't want the floor's getting wet everything's getting rusted you're going to do damage down there with moisture eventually so I'd like to see if a new pump was 177,000 why put 5600 and something that's 20 years old kind of like putting in a new motor and a rusty car you know I so I'd like to just have a little option yeah that makes sense okay I I don't know if we could put a sump in there just to evacuate the water that that swamp out there you start digging in there to get water out of there you're going to have water coming up through the ground so I wouldn't touch it no okay okay so then we'll make a motion to to approve the $1,115 for controls the controls with and Encore fire protection so that's one motion is there a second well the the certification I would like to wait for and see what the pump is how long do we have how hold on one second do you want a second yes all in favor I I okay go ahead that's okay the certification how how long is that good for is it up five years is it up it's up how much is it up by U let me I've got to check um I don't know if it's completely up yet but it's okay that's why we play a time if we got time if it's up I don't want to play time with it you know I want to get it up and certified so if something happened our insurance will say hey your Tank's not certified and you get nothing yeah so I I I'm just being a little more cautious and trying to see exactly so if we got a little time left on that mic wait on the certification get a price on a new pump and the controls will run that new pump and let's see where we're there okay okay so we're looking for a timeline on the certification yeah and the price of the new P just so we know where we're at I mean if it's only a little bit difference let's see where we're at um okay so next up we have the building committee update yes do you Jeff do you want to just address that or do things have actually changed since I thought we we we're talking about just the fire department building period we voted on that to have them give us prints on there yeah and I talked with Adam and Tom affley tonight I when I went over to get my mail and I I'm concerned about the cost of a sprinkler system in the building in the in the fire station fire station I don't think we need one because if you look online nobody's ever lost the fire department building but the town BL just in the 40s so you're you're probably actually going to add $300,000 to the price of that building I don't think it's worth it no John Carrington go ahead John that's a false statement the town of tall and lost their Firehouse do a fire as well didn't know that it doesn't show it on the internet but anyways not everything's true is it John um no um I don't know what the code will require because it's a municipality building so that's what's going to dictate if we have to have a sprinkler system or not not if it's on 7,000 sweeter 7,000 sare ft or less you don't have to have one and that's what I talked to Tom and Adam about tonight and they said they could live with that okay now just you save money out of sprinkler butes affect our yeah like yeah what about the insurance it does save you some money but it take you 50 years to pay it off so you're saying it doesn't balance out gu and I'm exaggerating 7,000 square feet isn't a very large building so it is it it's 100 by 70 TJ that's huge you said 7,000 that's 7,000 square feet was 100 by 700 7,000 square feet if you go 7,000 you don't need sprinklers they're only asking for 79 I asked them if they could eliminate that 900 to that's what we talked about today so what else did you go talk about your just that just that oh um they were had modular design flat roof buildings okay we decided Paul and I we all talk said we don't want a flat roof building okay we don't want a modular building they're just coming out with them and they they said they should last 20 years I want something yeah so we opted for a steel building with 4ot walls you know concrete walls with the bigger doors and the all the stretch code stuff that we have to do the heating and all you know that all be the same the windows and the doors and that's that's about it have you guys landing on a site they're going to draw something up to fit up with the salt shed now and Adam had a couple other guys he wants to talk to so okay we're we're just getting the building so we got prints to show the people what it could cost us okay and that's where we're kind of at okay I I've had some uh subsequent discussions with the The Architects and they've also made the suggestion of a uh prefabricated wooden building I don't want wooden building we don't want a wood building I'll that's why we said what we said Mike Wood building fair enough yes Mary but who said so we did the committee oh we discussed it and voted on it so go ahead Mary um where is the peak of the roof in relationship to the bay doors please I don't know I'm not designing it just firmly say again as I've said before please can we have the bay doors not under the over I don't know if it's possible on a metal building I really don't um I can't answer that because I'm not in at least nice long Eaves then yeah four at least 4 foot overhead so what's your next step what's the next step they're we they're going to design something and send it to us so we can look at it talk to Adam and every because he wasn't here the other night go through that with him see if that is effective for him if we can do this or that and do you think there's gonna be something on the um annual T meeting to vote it's G to be close we're we're shooting for it but we had to do something Paul said let's just do this and get one one thing started and I think he's right so that's what we voted on and great that's we're sticking Forward Motion fantastic okay I mean we've been dragging our feet for so long ridiculous I'm glad to hear that okay so that's about the size of it okay I did some calculations on the effect on the tax rate okay uh I I had last year's assessment uh FY 23 I don't how much it will have changed you can get that later from the assessors but this was I took off a do website based on uh blanford's total assessment uh every $26,000 we spend at a town meeting for anything not just this building uh would be about 10 cents on the tax rate so uh and I I did some some calc calculations based on we talked about a $4 million building and if we uh we bonded for 30 years at 5% that would be about $260,000 a year to pay it off over 30 years so about a dollar on the tax rate can I mention that I had a conversation with Sarah and she said that we have one big major loan that's almost paid yeah by the time this moves in yeah slides right into that and there's virtually so she should make a statement and I think that's part of what was showing us do you remember he had the visual presentation who Christopher um and he was showing us that by the time this comes into place it's not going to really affect our tax rate much at all any because of um those Bond because we paid something off last year I think we paid is it last year I thought Sarah said it's almost paid off I think we off and then we have another coming and so I think that it's us I sat down with Sarah this week and we have almost $100,000 coming on for Broadband yeah um and that's coming out at least uh my understanding it's going to be coming out of the general fund not the uh Broadband Enterprise okay why is that what why is that I'm told that that was that's was not a um I I don't know why the decision was made it was was made made Prime to be me prior to me being here and I uh my understanding from what I was told is they didn't think that the Broadband revenues could support it and everybody here is pretty much on broadband so it's not that it's uh it's adversely affecting a a small group it's for the benefit of a small group and and socialized over the larger group unlike say water which benefits a relatively small part of the town everybody's on broadband that's that's one of my new subjects my my big thing is just get the water department the pay payes only vote on your water department stuff not the whole town I we got to separate it's not fair that you can vote on something for the water department I got to pay for it I don't know or you got to pay for it I how would you separate I don't know how but it can be done I talked to a couple people and I'm not an expert on it I won't say but he said yes it can be done why should somebody vote on something when they don't even have it yeah you mean when they don't use water they don't yeah we don't have City Water I know but you know I have kids in this town but I PID we all been through all that you've been through it for 30 years it is the same thing it is the same thing no it is not why not because we're paying for it you've never paid a dime for water at your house unless you have Town one we have 2 everyone does use water in town well they don't pay so therefore if the if if you do and then there's a problem with uh the Water Department and you have to come to the town for money then we're paying for it even though they're not on Town water well I don't know how to separate that problem like Hazard mitigation you got all right uh no we we're our Hazard mitigation plan is due uh for an update we have uh we have a grant for it and I've also applied for an additional 5% for administration I just wanted to inform you that I had made that that application for additional funding okay for the uh um for the grant I have it somewhere here it's the total updates about 336 I think and I applied for an extra 1,800 for administration okay we have in kind cost but there they're or um we have our own contribution but it's being handled through uh staff time okay so there's no a pocket for that okay uh I've already mentioned the V Tech rates uh I went to a meeting on Thursday of last week uh for Hilltown ambulance they have the new rates out um and they've gone up quite a bit uh there was a presentation by pvpc they did a study for them uh so IA did quite a bit of the uh uh the study presentation and I have it uh I have it in uh a PowerPoint form I can send that to any of you that wanted but I really didn't want to spend the paper to to print it up uh but it's the requested rate is uh $502 up from the current 352 per per resident that is a very large increase it's over 40% um my understanding and and I spoke to Don humson the next day because he called to let me know uh Huntington promptly uh met and rejected the increase so this is one of those situations where some town if some towns reject it it all falls apart yes uh Huntington approved half of what they asked for so the increase was about uh this was $15 per resident they approved 750 so uh I don't know where you want me to stand on budgeting I should I uh should I budget for the entire yes I will do that then I think that what we've always done is like when we were dealing with the school budget we would budget and put that on the annual town meeting warrant and then if we get to the meeting and other towns have already turned it down and you know we can we can change the numbers on the on the floor if we need to um but I I mean I don't know about you guys I'm a beli in budgeting for the worst case and then we need the coverage I see Westfield what was their reasoning now what was Huntington's reason I so 40% they came they came in talk with you did you remember yeah and they had they had a figure that they gave us and now it's that figure has changed again so what's the reasoning they changed again think that is the ambulance is paid for by a separate assessment which we which we pay that's uh the ambulance assessment rate for replacement is uh a 6% serve charge on our annual contribution which right now comes to 3659 um the reasoning As I understood it is that they feel they've never been on solid Financial ground and they they feel that uh they they need to have um better reserves right now the town's contribution uh is about 30% of their budget uh the biggest biggest section is obviously the Billings the Ambiance Billings but they would like to bring that up to 40% they feel that they'll they'll be on more solid Financial ground if they do that I don't think that the numbers change TJ are you sure the numbers change from what they well they're they're explaining the reasons for it and why it's gone up so much but there's been some push back for it when they came here few months ago 40% I know that yeah it was a 40% increase but apparently there's been wish back for this um I'm concerned that if they become in any way insolvent uh involvement we don't really John will you mute yourself sorry we're hearing um jeffro as cute as he is um yeah it is a major concern and we've talked about um like going out to bid and it's been a nightmare you don't want to go there again I don't think um there's no doubt that they need the money there's no doubt that they and I know that IA has been working with them and everything they're asking for is legitimate it's just it's just my my only problem is is that you know at so far before we come to town meeting the number have changed and this is the third time it's changed I don't know if that's fact I don't know that that it has changed but it's just the increases it may be changing now if if uh the increase is not supported well let's may I speak on the Hilltown sure go ahead John uh I just received an email earlier today that we have another meeting uh later in April to give the information about why they're increasing for the warrant I will be able to give more information on that once I have that meeting I wasn't able to go to last month's meeting due to being out of town thank you John will you just let Mike know and he'll get you on the agenda okay and could you let me know when that meeting is I I think I'd like to attend it also uh yes I can do that I also need a letter uh saying that I was appointed so I can uh be on the board and I will forward you the email for both uh the appointment letter and for the meeting okay okay thank you John all right that paper headline Westfield's 20% that's a big jump too but I understand it's the cost is crazy for medical and they were explaining that when they get called out remember they have to pay anyways I know it's awful yeah they don't they're they're always behind them billing it's not that they don't do their part it's the State and some other it's crazy it's not a good business being we we need them just as an aside too they mentioned during the presentation and I I was sort of blindsided by it um this is a presentation prepared by uh pvpc the possibility of having a satellite uh satellite ambulance uh station here in Blandford yeah um I wish I'd known about that ahead of time because it it should certainly be part of the discussions if it's going to happen um Adam had talked about that have no place to even store had talked about that with the because we're building the new um fire department and if the location is the salt shed which is very close to the ter exit if we could get some Aid in funding a bay um from do and just uh after the meeting I you know I had some discussions with IRA and some other people and uh the the hunington police chief was absolutely uh opposed to it so I don't know therapy if that'll stop things what's his problem she got hit by a deer yeah poor guy I was glad to see that he was okay racist um okay and uh what's the last thing I've got just uh um just letting you know I received the uh um the application for our engine on duty uh Insurance renewal okay I don't have a number yet because I've I've asked the fire chief to give me a an updated um list of of uh okay so people that you know I need on the policy uh police is uh not part of this policy that's covered by Chester as part of our agreement okay got it I'll let you know what the number is as soon as I get it and this is this is basically a summary what medications which one is that that's the uh M oh yes uh oh that's the other that's the other insurance one I'm sorry I didn't have that on here I should that's the Maya Property and Casualty yeah uh it's only going up 1% however when you see it on the budget it's going to be going up a lot more than 1% because for whatever reason we dramatically underfunded it this year we only funded it at $75,000 but the policy was for 95 we've already pretty much spent it out close sorry so that's something we're going to have to address on the floor okay so that plus 9% is the increase uh no the 9% uh we we had a 0.9% for liability because we had pretty good uh it's we were 9.5 for health uh health insurance but only 0.9 for um property casualty but again it's going to look bad on the budget because we under budgeted this year I don't know how it happen Okay um motion to approve uh warrant number 20 for payroll any discussion all in favor all motion to approve payroll 21 accounts payable for payment any discussion all in favor I I uh we talked about um the referendum and Mike you're going to send that to mark for um I will have yes okay I'd like it in uh if possible I'd like like it in uh someone have it in uh word format or or an electronic format so if he wants to Mark out I think they emailed you send it it's in word form another copy okay don't bother I'll find it okay so Mar last question I have for you what's going on with the UN Union negotiations I have contacted them and they sent you a text on March 17th I read it it was on the union President's phone he goes why hasn't he responded I have responded to them oh they said you haven't that's what they're I have they sent me sent me extensive list of uh questions which I've responded to mostly because some of them were kind of beyond the scope of what they need needed to know all of the uh I sent them I've got a uh I've been in contact with uh rajie stolen asking for a date he doesn't respond well he he said he hasn't heard anything back so I'm just I'm following I don't know what he's telling them I'm I know that I've been he didn't tell him anything he got the same text you got that's all he told him and he showed it to me he goes what's going on why haven't they done anything I can show you the uh I can show you the I'm not I'm not going to call you a liar by no no I I'll show you the emails that I sent to I believe you I don't you see him if you said you sent them I you the new departmental expenditure report do we have that or no we said the scanner was down I sent it to you that was the only thing that I was able to sent to you because I already scanned it to your folder okay all the other paper I gave you I couldn't scan okay I've got one here if you want to review it all right I've got a digital one hold on let me look April 75 but we're close to May so we're on 78 right well the treasure salar is spent it is and that was probably because they were budgeting for Lynn and now Sarah's in in there and Sarah gets more money than yes she does okay was salary would transfer to town meetings um we amended it original budget was 38 we amended 26 but we've expended 11 we subtracted 26 yes that we went down to treasur collector Professional Services okay U down to line 8 thank you okay so but we've spent 90% of that one so we're going to need more money well that will at least take us to um to May when we can uh do transfers internally okay um we still have money in assistant Treasurer yeah that could okay yep so we're at 90% for Town Hall repairs and Town Hall utilities so we know we're going to need just round it up quick yeah uh we are negative for mowing and miscellaneous and we're about to have the leaf they'll do a spring clean up and we're going to they start mowing in June May for Memorial Day yeah Prett so we're definitely going to have to transfer some funds there um why is everybody always afraid to put enough money in that account every year that every year I don't understand why is that so that's like remember I I wanted something on the town warrant about 10,000 for building maintenance yeah I think we should put that on there and let we need to have some money for this stuff I mean every year random we have to look at what we're spending every year oh I understand but I've gone up on maybe I haven't gone up enough enough okay yeah I mean let's look at what we've actually spent the last three four years and see what we actually need to funded at um no is that just for Town Hall mowing it's not the park right it's not it's not the park Watson Park comes out of some out truck that's also the library and the library and the library and Old Town Hall old town hall and then the veterans gets paid us something else I believe right veterans Memorial that's got it own line item doesn't it yeah uh yeah I think so that's separate and then Tracy does historical is that separate yeah they the Historical Society they pay Town common yeah but both the town common meaning like in front of Highway and historical both get mowed and charged and what else is there is there any other the park he does in the old oh the little up there near the next to the cemetery yeah and across the street where the old school was that pretty good it looks a lot better than it has in years I know it's done a lot of great work over there I believe for maintenance and repairs at Town Hall just from memory I believe I and the spending I put it up to 15 do you think that's not high enough I want it for the whole town I want I want like a yeah because if they need to get a new door at the fire station or say they need to paint the front of the the post office it's horrible it needs some Woodworking and we need to buy a couple windows for it because if we put 6,000 in it we can add 12,000 to the price to sell it roughly give day um so you you're saying you want it up to like 20 from 10 no no no 10 start at 10 it start it's at 10 this year and we've already spent 10 12,000 almost then yeah it's got to go up I I thought oh miscellaneous yeah that's start coming in Fast and Furious now especially this but I think it's got to be at least 20 yeah I think you're right um there's also maintenance to repairs of 7,000 but that's low too yeah bring that up to 85 that's just for this building yeah 8500 and that we've already transferred we've amended it but another 8,000 8600 in it yeah and we're already at 90% yeah and this building is just going to continue get older it's going to be a money pit that's why I think we need to bring post office over here because then they can help us fun wait look at all this room those look at all this room these people need their own office they do not need an entire classroom size office well didn't they have a temporary post office set up here here we have EMP so much space we we should be making money swap out the water department with the post off no PO we're not swapping anyone over there po people over here we have the accountant's office they they're off site the accountant Oh you mean Sarah no the the account office frankly sorry Jason for but he comes in about once every three weeks and was in his office for five minutes yeah it's I mean really and the water not water yes water department does not need the entire room no and they knew that conservation the entire room started growing yes they claim they don't have the entire room charge them for all of it they got they're fine no that's a great I thought they were all full I didn't know no I feel like there's so much space in here if we can get more but we'd have to shift everything down so that those old people can't walk down there I mean if they walk down there for lunch they can walk down there packages with nice to put the post office I'm sorry to interrup the post office in the police department move them down behind the the safe in there safe in there I had the same thought the post office have a safe they have a little one but they can't use our safe that's for our whole city town for years and years and stuff they can't you can't have anybody have access to that that's we'll do it you know what if we go to um what's what's in that office down there now is that just storage well there's a there's a storage office down there that's full of box cuz I was going to say that has a window so that has a potential for a walk up that is full of King King information Jason have window he does that's as long as we got the square footage they want they have bathrooms we have plumbing and we still need to fix that has anybody heard that from the plumbing inspector on that have you heard nothing further it's been a month okay um all right expenditure report are we done with this we got distracted I'm sry no I fed into that no that was great um 158 no that's not important Hilltown ambulance I I want to look at that just curious what did we budget last year for hillt ambalance let's look at that uh last last year 50,000 it's going to go up 40 so it's like so we're looking at about 90 about 90 no no that couldn't be that high just rounding it off last year was uh 42 768 Plus for the ambulance uh replacement another 2601 so that total is about just under 49 little over 45 it says 50 in here in that report got the assessments here if you want to look at it says originally budgeted 50,000 we carried forward 2,000 for the do you see that and then we've expended we've expended the 45 so maybe um maybe we over budgeted Mike yeah 45369 which is so that's what I okay so we we will have an extra $463 in that account this year to move around we certainly have places to put it yes um see 99 highway equipment rental see that's you you still here yeah there is 96 highway vehicle fuel I 95 oh no that doesn't matter 90 100 oh that's all never mind never mind um cardigan tipping is at 99 so Board of Health needs to know they they're close there for uh yeah for car and tipping everywhere else they look okay why aren aren't they paying out their stiens they're donating them they're only at 22% I mean it's not much money but department help to help um I guess stop squinting I'm going to get more wrinkles Li doesn't matter you're going to get them anyway the kid said to me you're just like my grandma excuse me right dare you my child is your age all right it's the only thing I see okay uh um done jungle gy donation we got a donation yeah a gentleman called Adam bisa um he has a jungle gem that he will not use he said it's worth $4,000 and it's in pieces and he wants to donate it I don't know how you guys feel about that if that's something that can even happen did it send pictures no he sent me somewhere to look it up at some website and I couldn't find it okay I don't know what he means by jungle gym is like I'm wondering if it's like a playhouse at his house like usually like a Home Depot no it's one of those you know CL you climb up here and you there might be a slide here and it's all one big piece yeah okay yeah I mean it's not metal I'm sure it's wood yeah we would have to get it and put it together sounds like it's new we just never used it Mary what what what they were over marking out at the library the other day some contractor in the front now how far is that if you're looking at the front how far is that going to the right because there's a septic tank there somewhere the septic tank is in the corner yes I know right off the front entrance yes I know that and we're not going to go that deep on it well I just didn't know if anybody didn't know it wasn't there or forgot it for some reason and I was looking know I just wanted to mention it to you because it just clicked in my head and I to have as Nicole said you're right downhill um yeah right do you want um that Joanne will you have him would you mind asking him to send us photos and then maybe just let him know that the rec committee when we meet again buet that sounds like put up to the library the kids can go we'll get the photo put it in Tracy's yard it's not a terrible idea right no put it anywhere along here my only what I what I was thinking was if we end up moving this thing that's where I was thinking but I mean well if we move that we can move a piece of wood yeah at that point um yeah let's take a look at some pictures and I'm sure that Justin would help us put something together I volunteer him okay just now you he doesn't even know about it yet he doesn't even know yet he'll be thrilled perfect I love um yeah so if it looks like it's something that is more of a um gift than a liability yeah I get you all right um yeah the only other thing is we did our uh Earth Day clean up uh it was me my daughters and barbule we got I I thought George brought it George did not that was that was P up we got two giant bags of trash right um eastbound McDonald's and the other side I saw it was really gross but the other thing I saw your daughter empty the trash at the little park tell her thank you CU I was going to tell John because John usually does it but it was full and I I saw your daughter do it so tell her thank you very much put another bag in I know I watched her you can't get too much by fantastic was it Carrie or apparently he's one of the nosy neighbors yeah I think so I protect our town what did you ask me is was it Carrie or Regan that oh Carrie oh I don't think rean would get that J not yet she's still too young for that all right is there anything else I need to sign I signed this all right um is that it we need to talk about the swing no that's funs from W okay we're good 739 called adjourned um okay so you need me to take that home I take that home and read it Mary do you what is this it says from Mary apparently