##VIDEO ID:onXaXDLTkqI## all right meeting's open and we're being recorded a couple times um we've got some meeting minutes just executive session all right uh motion to approve executive session meeting minutes from August 26 2024 second trying to get to them guys sorry all in favor you here I'm still I'm still within the time frame I get three months fine well not really but not really now was the same thing all right so that's the only one that I have to approve you have to approve them just the executive session sry okay no worries all right so motion to table the other meeting minutes until next meeting okay any discussion all in favor audience participation come on down please to say we're coming down the home stretch looks good up there there's one window that needs to have a trim painted and then all the painting will be done the touchup has been done the last couple of days on the FL and on the walls and on the blue molding around the windows um the storage of the leftover mulch um so that it can be used next spring I've talked to Chuck Benson and he is available Thursday morning at 9:00 to open up the barn so it could be stored in one of the barns in the in the park for the winter and so he will be available to do that I have a call into rainy letting him know that Chuck is available at 9 o'clock also and I'm waiting to hear back from Randy about that um the one window in the front of the building on the right hand side as you probably realize it's been broken for some time um I'm willing to take it out and take it down to Westfield glass and have it repaired if you folks can appropriate the money to have it done out of your maintenance budget or whatever do we have an idea of how much I might guesstimate only because I had a window of my house repaired recently it'd be about $125 to $150 that's that's a guesstimate at this point they will come and take it out they did in my house well if you want to pay for it I mean if you got just try to save I'm will to to have them come up and do it but if you guys you know want to save a few bucks I I I hate doing openings in December and January so you know I want to slow down a little bit so if ask them what it is to come get get enough I don't want to see you doing that well it I go to westfi one day a week at least so it's it's not a problem for me to do it I would cover it take it out cover this place with with cardboard take it down in the morning pick it up in the evening and bring it back up and put it up if if you guys are willing to fund them coming to town to do it I'll call them Tom my point is they come they measure it they make the glass they come put it in you don't have to take it apart they'll do everything yeah well let's get a price yeah get a price both ways okay all right great do that um the final push now is in the area of getting all the windows washed and inside and out and getting them prepared the we were talking before the meeting about the lamination on the post office windows on the inside it keeps the heat down from building up inside the lamination is as you probably seen is deteriorated tremendously I've talked to the uh sorry I blank her name I think it was named Joyce post the woman who works in the post Holly Holly thank you um Holly is is very interested in having that done in fact she said I I'll check it out with the postmaster in Russell she did she said there may be some issue about someone other than a postal employee working inside the post office to do that and she's trying to she's trying to find out from the postmaster whether or not someone from outside a volunteer can come in and do that job or whether they have to have a postal worker do it I thought it was just the front windows in the lobby it is that's open 247 to the public all I know is it's the same issue we had with the with the sign and the post office sign it could you know it couldn't be done by just anybody the post office has to have certain specifications to have that sign made in a certain way and it's solved only by postal employees so I think we just need to be careful because we don't have a big budget for maintenance interesting the the cost of the lamination and so forth the materials is about $85 we still have that money in the budget you could spend it out of the $85 for every window or no well all those rectangular windows that have the for the whole job is $85 that is my anticipation I didn't do a full measurement of them but I looked at the kits down at Home Depot I looked at what's involved in doing and so forth depending on depending on what's involved we're looking maybe under $100 I would say to do it we still have $100 left in Home Depot money to use or other money that has been given the project okay so we could we could fund it from that without too much problem uh Home Depot has been absolutely super in terms of taking back stuff that hasn't been used and giving us credit to use for maintenance and other things we want to use it for um so that's that once we hear back from the post office whether they're going to do it or they want us to do it then we can move ahead with with with that part of it and and see what happens still is the question I don't know where the question of uh the faucet for the outside of the building is it it was supposed to be a plumber coming you give an estimate on what would cost to have a b put on the outside just just just it was relevant um I don't know do we have I know that um Aaron had recommended someone else to come up and take a look Christina right is that the last he did he has not come up yet okay he is going to though okay any time table no and I think that you had a note that when he does come up we were G to ask about the cost of the installation yes so that's on the radar okay um any question about the electricity on the outside the there could be uh plugs put on the outside of the building so if you want to put for instance of lights up at Christmas time or whatever um because there's no way to put uh uh wires without having the face unlocked kind of a thing as the AR plugs are on the inside of the building not right now that's not um I mean like like I said we're working on a narrow budget so if we're going to do the the window window the glass for the window that we were just talking earlier um and then we've got Plumbing issues we've got you know we got to be careful where we're where we're spending it making sure that it's like necessary but if you're having other plumbing work it would make sense to Plumbing yes but not electric okay all right um so the only thing that has to be done yet after the touchup tomorrow will be cleaning all the windows inside and out and if you know anybody wants to loves to wash windows so do they still hire someone to do the cleaning at post office they do the inside they take care of their Windows that's not a problem it's the windows on the fire for the fire department's Training Center that need to be all washed and stickers cleaned off and everything else and you know that part of to finish up so place to looks you know Fair good in terms of that and then it once it's all done the question is what's the future what what plans can be developed to the maintenance of the park and the maintenance of the the building so we don't fall into this disrepair again three two years or three years um something we'll have to look at yeah I you know I I I hate to walk away from this project um without a plan um my thought that I said last time um I would be interested in putting it to the town to see what the town is interested in if they would like us to move forward with trying to sell the building and relocate the post office or if they want us to maintain that building with the knowing the current Le situation and the amount we put into utilities and whatnot so that would be something that we would have to present for Town's people to vote on but what about the Park yeah that would that's something separate they're not the same well that that's what I'm concerned about we've already um talked about that the park and Watson Park were putting together an RFP come the end of the season okay to look at maintenance for both of those okay so you're going to put it together as one the Watson Park yes they've been historically they've been put together so that'll be one project and the maintenance of the the building build is another correct yep okay that's good good to know okay okay that's that's everything we're good okay thank you again for I'll assume you'll talk to rainy because I don't know I don't see him here yeah okay thank you yeah come on we the next Monday I just voting I'm doing the vo right now that's fine and then when you get to Del license can you somebody come and get grab me yes AB for that thank you so what is the part with um Board of Health that oh here we go so motion to approve um Department report from Board of Health motion to table it until next week so any discussion all favor okay um all right Christina what do you have for us so rain here one of the things that I've come across recently is well not we knew about this before but so the Gil engineering project on beachill for the bridge it was a project that was done through one stop we got $100,000 in grant money uh the Gil engineering contract came in at 13,759 and I didn't see anywhere that the 3,759 was appropriated we only have the 100,000 through the OneStop Grant so and I had talked to you cara briefly about this apparently there uh Springfield wat there was some talk about perhaps Springfield wat SE are budgeting for that and helping us with that but that wouldn't be until next fiscal year and this bill would is like kind of it's current right so we almost at our $100,000 Mark with skill engineering the additional 30,000 is not far away so it would be great if Springfield Water and Sewer does pay for it next fiscal year however we're still on the hook for it currently yeah so Jackie I don't know if you're are you are you listening okay so uh I think finance and select board would have to decide Finance could make a recommendation where you think that that should be appropriated from yeah that would be helpful like I said yeah it's 3,759 yes I spoke with Nicole um she had already put in as a request for this fiscal year um help with the brush trucks and so that was already approved when I I think I spoke with her in like July just as the budget was going through um so she said that she would put in a request for the 30,000 um next fiscal year but is a request so it's still it's not a guarantee either way um but it is I mean has to be paid so and I just want the money might come back is what you're it might come back there's no guarantee exactly I just want to use this as an example and take a minute to highlight we can't be signing contracts when the money is not appropriated right like contracts can't be signed if the accountant doesn't sign off stating that the funds are available to support the contract and I keep running into this and this is just just another example of it yeah uh it's great that we got the $100,000 through the onstop grant to do this study but now it's now it's at the feed of the town to pay this possibly $30,000 and it's just for a study right like no work has been done and on top of that moving forward the One-Stop Grant applications that were put in for this fiscal year to actually get into the construction phase of the results of this study all were denied so so now we could possibly be on the hook for $330,000 to this engineering company and don't have any funding to even do the work can we tell them you got your 100,000 we're done we can't afford it well that's why we can't sign these I'm just trying to look of a way to get out of it that's all I hear you well no was there an estimate on the engineering before we had the engineering done was there an estimate it was going to cost 100,000 and then so there's a cost overrun yes do we have an explanation for the cost overrun no they they always knew it was 130,000 so it was we already so we didn't appropriate anything in our budget for that correct it got missed or somehow so okay so do we have to put it on the town meeting we have for approval from the town people we'll have to find out from Finance yeah I'm just ask kind of Jackie I guess she not sure it depends on where we take the money from okay yeah okay thank you yeah no problem uh what else is there oh you guys have if it should be in your packet the igas I had a meeting with Springfield water sewer last week um and Nicole submitted the intergovernmental agreement for the North Lane work yeah right and the uh money for the brush truck so once you guys sign the igas I can submit those to Theo their Law Department over there and then we would get the money for the brush truck and they can proceed with the work on North Lane is North Lane North Lane I don't know where North Lane that's in that's in Granville North Lane there must be something to do whereas North Lane is an unpaved Road within the public Lane the town of lford maps 414 the only one I know is the one that comes from susman farms in in the bordon brook Surf and drainage improvements on North Lane like least yeah I think there's a mistake on that to do they have to cut through like any any of our roads to get there way back back be chill is really that and then the other are once you go on the bottom across that bridge that's all BR yeah um perform work as reasonable discretion in the public way to conduct Road surface and drainage maintenance and improvements within portions of North l so maybe it is just our public way that they need to get over there they're not mentioned in that they're mentioned in North Lane which we don't have a North Lane can you look on Google Maps where's it show up Jackie can I show you yeah absolutely I would know right looking at it I've been here a long time I never heard of count yeah you've been here forever no I just said I don't know North LAN you want to find the or no you want me to find them both to council [Music] okay yeah I'll just us and there's another there's what's what's the name of that beachill Beach where it goes out straight now Bridge it goes all the way out to 57 fix when I that's where it came so um I would make a motion to table the um until Town Council has reviewed that okay one second any did you motion to table them until Town Council revie any discussion all in [Music] favor and then what else the Green community report is almost is almost done I should be able to I just need you guys to sign it once I it's finished so at the next meeting probably sign it and then I'll be able to submit it okay and I think that's really all I have for you guys oh uh you had asked me to get the reports on the availability of the money and the trusts yeah and it's a s was trying to get it from kincher at the moment because they're the ones who I guess uh care yeah okay not question have we uh heard anything about Highway superintendent we haven't posted it yet oh you haven't poed it yet no I have not working on it okay um speaking of which Rainey you with us is I don't see Ry unmute yourself hello Hi how are you tired yeah I can hear it um all right what do you got for us tonight not a whole lot um line painting might be starting tonight they're going to be finishing off in Chester they're going to try to do some of ours but they'll be returning next week to finish the rest because they're just trying to get a jump on it but they're actually scheduled for next week um their timetable was held back four five noon um we've been doing a lot of work on Huntington Road um the 350 is back from having the flatbed put on um and uh basically there's a whole lot of U billing that I'm re reviewing because there has been an exorbitant amount of money spent on maintenance and it's been outside vendors and I'm trying to end that right now it's ridiculous um but other than that uh honestly I'm kind of tired I really am not thinking clear and I don't have no notes in front of me got them in the shop that's fine um I don't think I have any questions for you are you guys good did you guys see the lines that were they yeah I saw the line there's lines in the parking lot very nice thank you rainy but he didn't put my name out there I know there no are well I I honestly there's a couple lines crooked so I didn't really want to put my name on it that's all right thank you Ry I appreciate it have a good night you too thank you um all right uh Jess sure where wherever you're comfortable hello hi so you got your helper one of them um so I have received the barn books The Barn inspection books from the state okay I have an email out to the state to see if there's some sort of list besides people that I know I'm not really super comfortable taking my own personal van to people's homes uh sometimes I don't mind if I especially if I know them but if someone showed up at my house in a personal vehicle without any sort of besides maybe like a letter that says here are the minutes from the town when I got appointed um I probably won let them in my garden so is there some way that or somehow or something to be able to go do these inspections in town that is with the Bland first yes we have the pickup truck out front it's available to you at any time okay yeah absolutely okay so if or when I need that would I just come here and and Christina okay great you know I I would suggest like you know give them a day notice yep no I'm gonna try to coordinate yeah bar inspections legally I can't just I mean I can knock in people's does if they want to let me in that day they can but that can be dangerous especially here but uh they don't have to and I can't wander in people's properties without um so I just don't really feel super comfortable knocking on a door if I'm civilian let's say vehicle that's not some kind of a badge that say you're the health inspector um I'm just something does our machine still could have some kind of identification Joan can get you an ID um and then on the side note if I'm going to go out and potentially knock on doors because I won't have contact information if the state doesn't have a full list which they should but um I did call Terry from last time to see if she had a list or where the copies are uh legally a copy would go to the state a copy would go to the homeowner and then a copy would stay here MH or she would keep them I don't know where they are who has them um she didn't respond she okay uh so I don't I don't know I'll just wait for the state to see if l i mean I can drive around and see who has what but if you're on the way back behind the house or something I yeah yeah I'll be missing I don't know if she would have kept a paper copy of anything here I mean I think we really people really do much anymore with that um yeah see what the state says okay and I'll try her again I guess is there um the potential to come and type up a quick letter with maybe like a blamer letterhead that I can leave on people's doors yeah if I knock and Joanne can get you um letterhead she can email it to you the assessors might have a list of people who have farm equipment that's exempt or has a different rate on it okay try that way too but yeah in terms of like letterhead and badge and all that stuff yeah all right great then I will go my business with that right thank you thanks all right so we're skipping Jen um all right so we've got warrants for payroll no payroll no payroll but I do have warrants for payment yes are they hold on oh here they do you want to take a look at one we do have that just not payroll everybody got paid we just don't have the actual paperwork yet because of Vadar she's still fighting with it oh I see that 70,000 for the beach Hill expense yeah that's it was it's grant money so do fair share this 34 was okay this is what he had been talking about last week for n i okay that did you say water right motion to improve motion to approve um warrant nine for select board nine for water department and then what was this last one this was just one of them is refund okay and the refund warrant second any discussion all in favor um so these are all table these are done all right motion to appoint um Susan blose to election po workers for the term July 1st 2024 June 30th 2025 second any discussion all in favor I motion to approve Judith McKenna um for to election P worker for the term July 1st 2024 June 20th June 30th 2025 second any discussion in favor all right uh motion to appoint Britney stuff to election P work for the term July 1st 20124 through June 30th 2025 second any discussion that's I won just all right um the warrant for state election I here I Carri I got a little creative there that's right come on down Jen no it's really not oh I didn't think I needed to oh you don't wherever you're comfortable dear what do you have for us no she just wants to be here for the liquor license that's right sorry liquor license Mo all right real I just you need to decide um you know what the fee is going to be because we we reduced it two years a yeah I remember that um I think we should double it and add one3 I don't know what the was it was 300 then it was went 150 150 right during right and then you were very very generous and for two years we didn't have it during Co but of course no place was open during Co yeah and then um we were just getting back on our feet last year um you approved it for 150 and I'm just ask was going to ask if we can not go to 300 we're really are a small town we have you know only two places and is the extra you know 150 going to make or break the town we go to 200 I'm serious everything else is going up your neighbor okay 75 I think it's pretty minimal honestly minor 150 is good 150 is good I think $149.95 I'll um is that all we need to decide on the price I don't have anything to sign for that do I I don't see it no okay do you want to take this now you know okay it save you the what's that it'll save you yeah thanks so motion to approve um the liquor license renewal fee for the blanford Country Store and the blanford country club at $150 s um all in favor all all right thanks you're thank you very much thank you for the country club as well thank you what you no they're beyond now you have to come during Open Season Open Season oh that's a little alarming I'll come next Mee thank you thank you all right we have uh inter oh we we table those yeah perfect all right um payroll errors Joan oh I just wanted to let you know that I'm working with Sarah now um and there are a lot of Errors legal errors in payroll sometimes there's adding errors too and that's what I'm going to try to focus on but they're things on a payroll sheet apparently are there for a reason um they're tied in with where you sign where I sign there's different levels of legalities and it's just it's just a mess and it's not being signed properly okay so I know I'm going to have a battle ahead of me to get everybody to but I just want you to know that I'm doing it in case I crying to you saying nobody's listening to me I was wondering if we shouldn't have a department head meeting and sort of of a training that'd be great I could put something together yeah and explain to them why it's set up that way because the first reaction is I the first reaction abely I talked to two no only one person gave me a hard time so we could um put something together and even if you need to have some people join via Zoom if you know wor come tose and everyone can't make it because I know okay that happens then yeah we can do something on Zoom if any help with the technicalities of zoom and sharing documents and any of that stuff just let me know she sent a letter up too so I'm using her name as well you have to do this I'm send Christina after you if you don't do it thank you for the letter to to too I appreciate it thing the flushing letter oh yeah I I laminated it so hopefully they put it up but okay can't make them do that right thank you um all right and then we have Recreation resignation oh um so we have to do we have to accept that I don't think so I gave one to as well we're all set um yeah so we need new recreation members spread the word we short it's been there's an ask in the paper this week yeah thank you so the um Halloween is just uh we're not doing games this year we're just doing um the popcorn bar the hot chocolate cider and then the trunk or-treating out front um and if anyone's interested in helping with the games we need they're very old we need help with there's any Carpenters or anyone interested in helping to sort of um build new games or anyone with ideas yeah because if you buy those things man they're they're very expensive and they're I mean they're vintage that's we'll call it that vintage classy um all right so Mike do you want to come on down I see that you here do you want to come on down for unfinished business thanks for coming in that be wel um so we had been talking about um the fence up at highway right um so my understanding of events uh was that you um you were concerned about the fence because of the plowing situation and the snow eting push onto the common um so you wanted to repair what had been broken up there um I know that you went to Jeff and you went to TJ outside of Select board meetings and you said you spoke with Finance um and you said Finance had told you there was some money in there right um so before we can do a project like that we do need to make sure that it goes through and it's budgeted in the the actual budget for that year um so I think that's where we had come back to and I don't know we were kind of using TJ as a goet which maybe was our mistake sorry TJ I was told there was $10,000 and for that common no it's not for the common it's for the veteran services it's totally different yeah the so it's for veteran services like um in need of heating or something like that that's the 10,000 where's the money for for the common then so the money we have for the common we have budget we we just budget enough every year for the maintenance of the common we haven't budgeted where's where's the main that's been done for the there it's just the mowing of the common that's what we budget yeah that's all that we've budgeted for that's all that's been requ who takes care of the flags of the flags has been volunteer I believe well who pays for the flags it's disgusting up there it is disgusting the flags are F now they're all grii it's horrible if the flag we can like that's a different topic we can definitely talk about the flags I don't want them to be in bad shape and anytime that there's we realize that certainly replenish them with new Flags um just puts them up at the old yeah we just and so Joanne takes care of ordering the flags for us I don't know off the top of my head where that budget comes from um but I know that okay so we just paid for the Mowing and that's it that's all that we have budgeted budgeted for every year if there's something else that needs to be done we can certainly have discussion about it and then put it in the budget and then have the town vote on it I misunderstood because I went to the finance and finance said there was money there to go ahead and do it so that's when I went down a few days later gave $2,000 out the legion's pocket yeah out the legion signed a contract for it and um and then I get a phone call a few days later that the power is going on and off here and they have to take that money and put it towards the power I said well whatever take what money the veteran money yeah whatever no God whatever but anyway I was told that I said okay I said well well we'll do I say the legion will pay for the balance of it and then new people can go and put it into the budget for next next spring or Whatever Whenever that's what I was sold so I went on it and I wasn't going to lose the $2,000 I could have the legion could have gave up the $2,000 I could have stopped it but I can't see wasting $2,000 so anyway so I went down and then of course I added a little extra for a bottom rail so they could H high enough so they can weed whack underneath the fence so I did that planted flowers out of the Legion in my own pocket watered them all summer long took care of all that stuff you know every three days I was up there water them and stuff like that is nothing fun same way I donated the stone up this Hilltown Cemetery donate IR Insurance paid for that Michael was it yours at that point it was mine I could have taken that stone and said I want it in my yard because that was my property where that Cemetery stone is so um the thank you for doing the flowers I just had a conversation with Eileen Gates reached out to me today she was asking about the Planters up there I guess the gardening I don't think it's a gardening club but they had donated the Planters and she was just asking cuz she's going to refill it with moms now so just so you know that they will continue to replenish the flowers and maintain that and I said yes go ahead please fill it with the moms cuz she said that you would move them and she wasn't sure um but in terms of the fence we yeah it's just it the process you you understand the process wasn't fall so it's really hard for us because we can't um we can't just have the precedent being sent of some set of someone just like putting something up on Town property and then asking for it to be paid well I can take it down well I mean it you understand that that that's a problem that we couldn't just say someone could just see something and then decide that oh we need a fence here put it up and then come to the town for the well know here's the biggest problem right here now that fence has been up quite a few years that the granite post and everything every year they Park their stuff there they bend them over break them off chains are hang it down it's sickening there it's just like the transfer station they go up the transfer station after I did all that work up there what do they do they break the gutters then they go around the corner they break the other gutters off and and then transfer the guys that PO up the trash there's a big hole up in the end of the building all they got to do is fix it send the bill to the or they'll deduct it off the trash then of course the highway goes up there they're back home and bust all the rafters where they're banging down the metal in the metal B me so I think when they G stop I think that you'll see if you are seeing something like that that's concerning to like the the um the post you're saying and the way that they're doing this s if you reach out to Christina and we bring it to the Christina went up there and shot yeah so if you reach out first to the select board we have a really good record of addressing those issues with um rainy Rainey you're talking we can hear you sorry so that's okay we could we we will no no I know but we will address you know if you come to us with that first you know if something's frustrating you instead of you know trying to sort of go about it in the way that happen if you come to us first we can definitely address the plowing situation Michael if you inter you brought me an estimate after we had town meeting and I said I will give it to Joanne we don't have the money in the budget for that now you remember the conversation we had right out there I don't remember well I did and I said I will give it to her so we can get it on and put it in the town meeting that's the way it has to go so I remember having that conversation with you and you just went okay and off you I I don't remember that anyways that's how it has to work Mike we can't just have people going around doing jobs in the town you you're if you got hurt somebody whatever I'm not saying you did it but liability is not there you're not an employeer to town so makes volunteer things so but it this way you know how many years I've been off the board but when I was on the board here it's just like up the dece we put a leech Fielding up here right it cost almost $100,000 right all I we argued back and forth who is supposed to mow that emo supposed emo started no it's not his job the people with the school come to find out nobody mow it finally this spring I'm sorry excuse my language I got a hair on across my ass and I went up there and I cut the trees down myself and took my tractor up and clean that all on you did but I also was in the process of getting quotes from people so I wasted my time and wasted vendor times coming up here to give us quotes and next thing I know you had done it right so because there is a process to these things it's not that I don't appreciate it it's that now vendors have been here they've given me quotes I've spent my time trying to get these quotes and again to Jeff's point it's a liability to the town God forbid something were to happen with v problem something the thing is the thing is I bitched about this for years since I've been off the board nobody ever did and the shoe and the trees were up at 152 feet high I mean I think you'll find that now that we have a Town Administrator we are operating like a business in the past we have not operated like a business years ago this town was you you know I don't need to explain to you now we are operating much more professional than we have in the past so we have um a more sound process for budgeting we have more sound process for complaints um and we go through our Town Administrator so there's definitely you will see that things get done things are done differently than they had been in the past but that's because we you know we're following due process so what do you want to do now you want me to take the fence down so I rainy wanted to say something so I'm going to let him talk go ahead rainy um yeah I would like to interject Mike just so you know um once I got here I had found out that the transfer station gutters were damaged and they were damaged by Highway Personnel I contacted Brett I have gotten number of quotes and I have awarded to be repaired and they're also going to repair the highway department stutters um should you have a complaint with something like that if you don't go to them at least find out if we're involved in it already because it's already a done deal it's gonna happen next Friday I I didn't complain to you I didn't complain to you what I did is I complain to Brett because he's in charge of transfer station I charged well the thing is the thing is Mike is I'm not trying to get on your case I'm just saying um you didn't know and I was in charge of of finding out because we did the damage and I only felt it was right that we corrected it we're also doing some work on the highway department and uh it it's in fact TJ you were out there when we were talking about the highway department but anyways I had gotten quotes uh it's within the budget for me to go ahead and take care of it and that's going to be taken care of this coming Friday okay appreciate that what I think we need is a form so if a person comes in to complain or something we what department the department head or if you want to come in or get a form you can say hey this is what's wrong this is what I know so she can start the process because talking to each other you forgot I forget we all forget but if we got it down on paper and have it in a file we will know what is going on because it's always like oh I forgot about that I didn't do that you know just like get in that mode well I'm get you told me last year and I brought it up and I don't even know if douge was supposed to do I I don't I don't remember I just don't remember mik to be honest with you no I I understand it but never got nothing done I think I think too like when we had we hired somebody to go up there and brush AET and the septic system yeah they frush talk but all they did was make a path yes and uh then I went up there cuz they didn't want to go into the brush cuz there was an old mower in there and old roller old old equipment that was just talk there really and I dragged all that out and then you went up and you you did it so I mean we we both did stepped over our bounds which I'm and you you and I are famous for I'm not blaming you what just no no but the thing is is that we what we we need to do is we need to prioritize like maintenance for Memorial Park all right we have to list what what's involved in that maintenance not just mowing obviously it's taking care of Defense the flags that's all involved in that partk and I mean so that should fall under parks and wreck and that that should be maintained but a definite list of what is covered under that department on each of the parks and that we do not do and that's that's and thanks to you now we know we have a problem there you know and uh it just it just seemed like over the years you know that everything I did would oh yeah nobody's arguing with that the okay we know that but we got to have a process now so that we can all be involved and understand what's going on that's why I think we need something Sor Jack Sor really quick I mean from a budgetary standpoint it's really important to figure out what are all the places that we're not covering we talked about a couple right with George too stuff and lay out who owns that where does it go onment and then I can at least make note during the budget process to say hey do we have money in there cover any XYZ yeah absolutely and the fence was how how long it 10 year fence the long they don't blow it over with plowing or over what you mean the one I took down no one put up well I moved the to give the highway another eight or 10 feet okay see but I put the granite post down there you got you can remove my water but I laid them down so they wouldn't go and back into the new fence so the yeah so I don't really know what the next steps of the fence are um to be honest with you there's a couple things um Highway Department we're looking at is going to be replaced at some point the building is not you know it's not great um and we have our laid out years ago um a plan for Veterans Park and to do some updating um which has been on hold for a while well I know I I've been um promised but past selectman oh we're going to um change the road we're going to do this Tom ACC we you know and time goes on next thing goes four years eight years 12 years well I mean things come up that are priorities and where you know we have to spend money and that just hasn't been poor guys up there that died and fought for our country that's I agree that 100% but there you know there are priorities in running the town that when we're working with finance that you know we have to prioritize where we're putting things this building is going to need a new roof that's a priority we need an entire new electric you know that those are priorities to keep the town running um electricity that yeah the entire new electric program um so I don't know I mean personally I would have I liked the look of the historical fence my own personal opinion um I don't love the look of the new fence I wouldn't have um voted for that one but I don't know like even legally where we go with with paying for this um I I hate for the VA to swallow the cost I don't want that to let me explain one thing a past selectman came up to me and said Mike we're taking over the common the legion took care of that common we mowed it we paid for the flags and everything I told the selectman that you know you're going to pay for Flags you know what the Flags cost you cost $1,500 for all these new flags and everything else take care of it no problem okay and since that day there was nothing been done at that comment and that's been quite a few years I went up there this spring we didn't have a prade or memorial service up which I was a proud of I would because the Dand alliance with this High I mean don't get me wrong your son your husband bows it and everything I like to have once a week if he could because people come around that corner and that's the first thing they should that should be beautiful yeah so so budget for once a week that's what we budget for for mowing and and I fertilize that thing but y this spring it was disgusting and I fertilizer Weed and Feed and 10 10 10 and you name it and a lot of that money came right out of my pocket with I'm glad I things that that we're seeing a need for if you can um if you let us know then we can put them in the budget for next year so that we're okay we need to buy F fertilizer we're budgeting for that we can do those things if we know we don't know that it's happening and we don't know we have to budget for it let's get back to let's get back to uh paying for dis fense now when did you have that estimate done was it before the end of the physical year or was it in July no I did it the spring it was in the spring I would say I have to M more yeah so so what what happens is then is we got an estimate in down payment in one phisical year and then the next physical year the work was done and that's where the problem with paying for it comes from oh that's more than that the problem with paying for it is it wasn't approved by it was probably a June that too but I mean I would say it was June or J I know I waited for two months for him to put it up it was just before we went to the town meeting Mich you hand me that paper to give the Joan and I said the budget's already been set I I can remember like it was yesterday so I'm just yeah that was set for yeah so I said we really can't do anything we we're not budgeted for it so I guess we can have a conversation with leg oh with um Finance whatever if you pay for it fine we don't like I said can wait till next year whatever it's not like we want it tomorrow but um Joan will you just note that the flags need to be replaced there's which flags need to be replaced probably all of them left American flag okay I thought we replaced we just replaced the one over here is that the only one and they should be taken down after Memorial Day all except for the American flag I I know you order I order them all I do you got one or town that's we changed the one at the Old Town Hall so Doug must have done it okay okay I'm guessing I don't know us come to me and say order a 5x 10 flag or whatever usually come to us and let us know when we need to reorder well I just want to let you know I'm going to get up there when I this or next spring we place the ropes and I want to when we put up the pole um flag poles and all that we put the tie downs way up high okay as people had like fingers so I want to lower them down that way somebody can keep the ropes tight with the flags okay so we need to replace ropes and flags yeah okay that's fine when you need them just let me know and I'll order them but a question um somebody said that that flag that's on the tall pole out front is not big enough could you take a look at it and let in front of the building let me know what size flag should be on that pole because I don't know okay thank you there's no problem okay so yes we we will um put in an order to replace the flags and we'll put in that order the um ropes as well but if you just let Joan know which flags exactly need to be replaced besides just the American and how many sizes holes you need rope for I think it's a Marine Core flag okay but another thing also I did I did on my own one the poles was leaning uhuh I dug out one side and this ain't going to work dug out the other side got it straighten up and I read put more in there because you can't dig that too deep because of the um so you I appreciate that but let us know I mean if if we are made aware that there's an issue then we will get right on it especially we've always been you know with the flags right away and we have been taking down the flags after um day and keeping them down we have uh I believe doggies have been doing that with the help of highway to get some some of them so all right could I add one more thing please no go ahead r no it's just a matter for record um five years ago we replaced all the Armed Forces flag when I was there same time we repaired one pole and we took out those monstrous bushes um you remember they were like seven to 10 feet up and they were covering they were covering the stones so that that was the last time that the the highway department was really involved in in doing any of that work but I just wanted to say like you know that okay Mike's brought it up but it's probably about every five years you're going to have to plan to replace those flags okay thank you there's no one person that really pays attention to all the flages in town I know it's sort of been an ongoing thing but we had and then we had someone like nominated officially and then they sort of disappeared get old when you know um volunteers move on yeah and then um we were making it the job of I think we made it the job of someone in the highway department Highway doing the half mask yes and then douge did the one there yeah I I don't know where El used to I don't know if he still is was doing the one here John well I forward him the emails when they're supposed to be okay so are you forward them to John yeah I forward them to Highway and um someone's get everyone's getting them though good long as someone gets we got some El that's right you keep doing you and I'll keep doing whoever the budget should perod right well yeah where I don't know where under somebody's budget which it needs to right along with all the other things that Mike is talking about just to maintain it's city property right is a plan property then you know to me it goes under Town maintenance like everything else that's town so I think if you want to put together a list of a couple things that you'd want to add to a yearly maintenance for the the town common and send that to finance then they'll have that in their pocket for next budget season that would be my suggestion like your fer ferti yeah fertilizer any bushes you might want to change you know no I just planned it on I know but I just met you know down the road five years we need to redo these or you'd have an idea cuz you pay real good attention to it so pled two bushes up in the hilt Cemetery in front of the each side of stone great Fair time yeah somebody boxs over one of them you're kidding no oh yeah I saw look good knocked right over I've been watering them every 3 days this summer and I I'm hoping now they going to die putting enough the thing for parking I asked them I said don't don't let anybody park near those ston yeah and we should have left that down the be tle around there well I took it down because I never thought about the fair you know okay that's on thank you for coming in app okay all right well whatever you can work out if not well okay we leave try to figure out something okay all right um we have executive session do we anyone else anything we actually only have just one it's uh bargaining all right so motion to go into executive session accordance could you call the meeting time Clos please oh I'm motioning to go into executive session not to reconvene okay second um the section 21 A2 discuss strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with un personel s contract says yes yes all in favor I and that's at 7 o'clock you're welcome