##VIDEO ID:qDID3LxEd1E## no at the hind Center for January the MMA no I haven't signed up for that it it says saying on sold out online is it are you looking at 2024 oh [Music] 2024 I was hand I November 18th again my God all right we'll have to make sure we do that then okay all right meeting is open and we're being recorded we have some previous meeting minutes from November 4th no I we don't I depend on nobody coming in and bothering me and that didn't happen okay no worries oh it's in a new location this onni hotels okay um so motion uh not trade uh table that until next week any discussion all in favor I any audience participation none I think you're on there George so that's not you um Department reports is Renee in there no he's not H Christina um a few things so both of you I believe should have a copy of the uh suggested updates to the highway superintendent job description that were worked on with r um it's total draft form julan is mind in my email never mind I'll steal tjs if you guys could just take a look at it over the next week y mark it up do whatever whatever C is for you and then bring it back to me Monday okay um I will make whatever changes you would like when uh we could then go from there on that okay um the title to the vehicle that we donated to Chester ACO I found it and I think you guys just need to sign it sign up okay that's been a mystery for a while good find there uh it well it was in a folder label of Highway not Highway uh vehicle information it's fantastic and the town administrators are correct there must be an original yeah it's like a green piece of paper it's not that one that says no that says retail license that's the yeah what are you looking for the title what's there it's here okay I got did I give you a pile of papers payroll payroll payroll you don't need to sign anything so it might just be in your pile Oh they don't have to sign the back of it oh I don't know I think they do okay that's you oh oh this is the original oh I was getting nervous about where exactly sign with these things on the back I think it says this is coming this is when we were the purchaser so now we are the you're signing it over to Signature seller so I signed down this says dealer's license signature license dealer no you don't need any yeah but that's already signed this is when we got it from Alex this is for liced dealer this is LIC dealer and that's LIC dealer Title by owner would be here but somebody sign signature of seller that's where you're supposed to sign whever that is that's the Alex guy sign there I don't know but what do you think do you think there's somewhere else that would be sign I sign one on Sunday I think maybe we just re assign signed is where it belongs to yeah we can just okay let's just give it yeah I'll put it back put it is that okay um okay what else so I did uh Rainey and I did have a meeting with Gil engineering regarding the outstanding work to be done on beachill and since the second round of grant funding for that project for the construction phase did not come through they are in agreement that we don't really need to pay for the permitting at this stage so that would just fall off um so we that's like around 13,000 that we're not going to have to put towards that um so that is good so we don't have to pay it at all or we just right now okay so um eventually the work I guess does need to get done so we can apply again we can do a expression of interest for for the OneStop Grant I believe in March again okay and um they will assist with the expression of interest and i' actually Dave Stokes too I think so all the money didn't come through or just some of it for the construction phase yeah none we got approved for nothing it was about 30 something thousand left no we were supposed to get 100 right so so the construction phase in so we did get $100,000 for the engineering for the engineering phase yes was 130 roughly 130 roughly so we're going to all 30- oh yeah 23,000 rough numbers yes so but the point of the meeting was to see that like can we drop off the permitting for now since we don't need it okay um and yes we can okay um oh I spoke with Nicole from KP law regarding the host community for putting Hill MH and I guess it is very involved it's very different than it used to be she is going to be drawing up a new post Community agreement I'm waiting for her to get that to us and then you guys will be able to sign that okay I had a meeting with Scott fot from Mima and we have worked together and have our new comprehensive emergency management plan now this is not our Hazard mitigation plan this is something completely different um it's 84 pages long so I didn't print it for everybody but I can certainly email it to everyone um and it does I don't have to submit this to anybody but it is asking for the select board share signature but it's just for our records okay how often do we have to do these um every five years I think okay of course I could um is email okay email is perfect than [Music] you and then on Wednesday I had a meeting with Eric kiner um he wanted to speak with me uh regarding hiring a new town accountant he says that he's eager for us to advertise for a new town accountant although under after 30b we are not obligated to go out to bid for a certified public accountant um he said he's eager to help finalize the transition so he would like for us to get someone ASAP okay uh the I had brought it up before there was some question about the cdbg grant uh and I think it even came up in one of the meetings with Eric that jna said that there was about $39,000 that we did not get it looked like we were in the deficit in that Grant account what ended up happening was it was because there were checks that were cut to pbpc either in duplicate or in error and so I just requested those checks be voided and so that that account will go back to not it'll it'll be zero and we'll be able to close that out um that's great yes it's great that we do not have the outstanding stuff but we did not get back uh the Sula sign we had we had talked about this I did counter with them yeah they did agree to 2500 so fantastic good to go congratulations paid as well yes what was that the sufa sign the suas sign yes we got rid of that yes we good yes it's over um let's see I did speak with Jen um Jennifer Gerard uh because Adam had reached out about the brush fire and apparently there's an issue at 83 Main Street yeah and so I think J's GNA go take a look and see what's going on there what number was that I 83 Maybe and think was really do I need to log anything about that to meet no um I have been in touch with Weston and Samson and City point I have a meeting on Wednesday with Dave Dr Hopson just because I want his uh assistance in making sure that we're putting all of this together correctly okay uh and then once we do once there is something to like a draft finalized for the warrant I will send it to legal counsel and then I will email everybody okay you guys the finance committee legal obviously town clerk will be given a draft as well and believe that's it okay and no other departments need anything on the warrant not they do there's other stuff there's about 10 but you already have everything okay okay was the reference to the brush fire and Jen and Adam the ones Saturday night yes and what So Adam had mentioned that on the property of 83 Maine there's just a lot of garbage and uh whether it's debris or illegal dumping or some some sort of issue that's that's going on there because the property is abandoned I guess to my knowledge from what I understand nobody it's vacant vacant thank you and uh so we were going to have Board of Health take a look and see what's going on now is that the red house yeah yes okay I think the bank owns that now in fact I'm sure the bank owns it that's what I thought too but Christina was looking up and it actually is owned by Nicholl Still Still they were close twice they got two redemptions on record with the registry um to get it back so I know they were there just yeah yeah they almost got four clothed on and then we I think put a tax SC on it at one point but yes and then for me I think that's it okay Rene I don't know if attending we might not be okay all right um nobody there we have a blet country called license for this year right here you don't have to sign anything I just need a motion okay motion to approve Lanford Country Club L license for 2025 second um any discussion all in favor I motion to approve the blanford country store liquor license for 2025 second any discussion all in favor I I um and then we have the request for plowing from Maple Lane and Eagle Club so we're good there so motion to approve um the flowering request from a lane and be club for this winter season second any discussion all in favor and then we've got some warrants here I'm going to give you payroll and I'll look at this payroll It Up Round of Applause for Sarah she got the current payroll up here you don't have a expenditure report to look at do no I can like print one okay I'm just curious but you are no I we have everything that we need we we've can getting not current not current I can look them up they haven't been sending us anything now but if anybody so nothing has changed there and we're over on a couple accounts because we weren't stopped did a reclass uh well Joan actually did them submitted the reclassifications for a lot of things that were being paid out of the incorrect accounts yeah um and then Jeff I had spoken with Jeff about this there's two Encore fire protection invoices that came out of the new town hall maintenance and repair account that account was only ever budgeted for $9,000 for the year those two oncore fire protection invoices total over 10,000 wow so that account right now is over $7,000 in deficit but we I did reclass all of the eversource bills that were coming out of that account for some other reason yeah I guess so H you don't need oh I'm signing the front they do if you need a report I can get it fore of anything take resolving fund and move it over so they post out4 I they were or they weren't they were not okay I can take a look again thanks you're welome this is the water one yeah so nothing's coming out of that we want to make sure that nothing was coming out of a water yeah this is this ska project we've got money coming out of is this that one we were just talking about I believe the loan that's not granted yet yet this is for right Pierce is that they are also working on it right and Pierce is an engineering compan and a consulting company but there that's not the Wade Watson person that keeps calling either that's totally different but it's the same project so my I guess my question is is there money in this account that they're taking money they're trying to pay bills out of do we know I don't know you want me to know yeah maybe just yeah maybe we'll just hold on that one or if you want to go check it I can go check it right now it's the last one it's the 4,500 all right um so motion to approve the um payroll warrant 10 for payment second uh discussion all in favor I I um motion to approve the warrant 11 for the select board accounts um for payment second any discussion in favor so you know what I didn't put in there on my excitement yeah we do have payroll warrant 11 oh I didn't put it in there because I did it last week and we never have it do you need me to do you need a motion uh yes it should be there right yeah we just signed two payrolls one for 10 and one for 11 so motion to approve um warrant 11 for payroll second any discuss all in favor thank you for being patient while I work that through my brain of course T brain um all right uh George rart C Queen up give one of these to Jeff earlier only got two minutes it may take a tree I met with Christina last week and gave her a report of the project and I showed her this which I'll pass over to you to look at this is a report copy of which has gone to whip City fiber and that one is going to be mailed tomorrow to the home office of the Home Depot Foundation down Atlanta Georgia uh as documentation of what took place on the project um I met last week with a man manager of the Home Depot in Westfield and the folks at whip City fiber and spent time showing our appreciation for the support we had with the project and letting them know um what was accomplished thanks to their support um the project is all but done today the the new sign was put up at the post office which uh they reminded me met the federal requirement for a post office sign and it looks exactly like the last post office sign when the paint is fresh and looks nice um last week the window the broken window was replaced uh in the training center and today I touched up the paint um around the edges of the uh window and tomorrow I will scrape the the excess paint off uh because it'll be dry and ready to go um last week um the park was cleaned up for winter the hoses were all put away and uh all the leaves in the park were cleaned up and the park itself was swept um so it is as ready as it will be for winter um which leads me to the point of what happens now to the park um and that's my major concern because it will quickly deteriorate um if we do not take appropriate steps to manage the park and uh look to the Future for it um I think we're facing a a golden opportunity right now to uh address the management of the park system both Watson Park and B Centennial Park um through creating uh a part of the highway department superintendent job description some of the other hilltowns have done this in the past and it makes a lot of sense to have uh the parks under the management of the uh Highway Department SL Park Department um allows for the sharing of equipment allows for the use of personnel accordingly allows for the financial management of the two it allows for followup um and accountability which we don't have now for the park system um and at the time when we're looking for a new highway superintendent it seems that it would be appropriate to include the parks uh in that job description so that uh when we interview and uh and create that position we also have a good just description of what needs to be done for the parks on an annual basis um for the for the season um I think if we don't do that um unfortunately we all know that it hasn't worked well having this Parks taken care of by the select board they're too busy and they have too many other things on their agenda for everyday activity and supervision of personnel and to deploy personnel and money accordingly what it's needed for the parks so having it under one uh paid superintendent um seems to make a lot of sense for a lot of towns and I think it would make a lot of sense for blanford to adopt that position um in the future um couple of small items in terms of the uh condition of the building um I was putting away the paint today uh after touching up the paint and notice that there is a drip on the faucet in the kitchen area of that building um that sink needs to be uh the faucets on the sink either need to be repacked or replaced um we could have a serious leak there at any time um when the building isn't occupied um and there needs to be follow and I would suggest you can include that in your efforts to get a plumber in there to do the other work that needs to be done um it's that's just another example of not having a person in charge of buildings and maintenance and looking at things that need to be done on a regular basis to prevent more serious expenses to the town um the preventative area is just so important now and that we don't uh let things deteriorate um to the the point that that runs into big expenses for the town and all you need is one major pipe to break in that building and you have a real mess both for the Post Office and for and for the fire department so I strongly suggest that that that small item which could be a big item be addressed by the plumber you're hoping to get in to solve the other plumbing problems in the building um I don't know what has been done yet in terms of the outside Plumbing or the finish of the plumbing in the building whether that's still up in the air but I certainly hope that it gets done soon and that there is a faucet installed so that um Jeff doesn't have to volunteer his water beginning in the spring and go all summer uh next year it won't happen again George trust me well if without water that put the water in their building I agree with you 100% I just um I'm just concerned we have 30 aelia plants planted in there we have over 400 bulbs planted in there we have the whole we have uh 500 I'm sorry not 500 we have 52 three bales of mulch now stored in the red barn for next spring um and without a plan for the maintenance of that Park in the spring everything has come to a screeching hle as of now um so we have a few months to get ready you have an opportunity to hire somebody uh who has the background and will have a job description to include the park if you want to move in that direction and I'm strongly encouraging you to do it after I finish up tomorrow I consider my job finished great okay thank you for your time absolutely and in the trust funds and and I it's been years since I looked at them George there was a point where my memory and it's only memory no Town employee could work in either one of these Parks It Was Written in there so I don't know if it's still there or I'm just remembering something wrongly read I don't know it since you cannot use a town employee in either one of these trust funds are I sincerely so and I don't think you're going to get a highway superintendent going to want to take that responsibility person well other towns have done it other towns are using their highways It's a combination Highway own Parks too well most towns have parks and and most towns have parks that are endowed to some degree that I found out oh that's great the I don't think that as far as I know exists in my research about Bicentennial Park the only thing that I've been concerned about is the missing $77,000 that was donated by winterford arms after five or six years of the parks operation um the the management of that funds is is a serious question and that's one of my pet pees right now that we look at there's supposed to be reports to the town quarterly on the interest of the monies that are invested and I don't know where those reports are I haven't heard them mentioned at selectboard meetings at all but I'm going to pursue those and see how much money has been uh earned by our investments over the last few years and hopefully um maybe in the very near future we going to address that issue to see who I know from um what you was said earlier this evening you're going to be looking for new accounting firm and I think that's uh from the little I know already it's fall overdue and I hope you find a firm that is also U able to Monitor and invest the funds that the town has wisely because from what I can see from the outside it's been very poorly handled at this point and we lost thousands and thousands of dollars so I'm going to be looking into that uh just for my own personal interest and trying to find out uh what's gone wrong and and what can be done about it but unless I see that Jeff in writing that there is some stipulation that and I I said it's a long time ago yeah I think it's a rumor I think it's one of those famous legends around town that because I've never seen in all the nonprofit world that I worked in any stipulation being put in place that the town emplo can work on town on Town property because it is Town property so so I hope you consider I'd like to see those trust funds I would too and that's what I'm going to be pursuing it and get in copies of them all right thank you thank you um so there is money in this account yeah that's the total that was budgeted for the full year so after that they're only $5,000 okay so motion to approve um FY 2511 for the water department second all in favor I thank you thanks George um okay yeah right that's too much information oh all right so I think we're good I think we're ready to go to Executive session but I don't have the wording we do it's just on the back and I don't the wording yeah I found it yeah all right so motion to go into executive session for Union negotiate uh GLC 30A section 21 A2 discuss strategy sessions incoporation negotiations with Union Personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with un personel haris says yes Jeff says may yes okie dokie out there all right are you gonna turn that off all right bye George bye Mary thank you very much