um know it's not letting me get into are we recording is anyone recording recording umoc yeah I don't know why I don't know why yeah I probably should okay there we go that's oh my God is open uh previous meetings we have none audience participation I don't see any be that's enough no just just to be clear dirt Road's not happening tonight I know that and that's my question can we put it on agenda for two weeks from tonight no I'm not putting on agenda and still we have a Town Administrator who has settled in and that's not the first thing I want to hit him with it's just not a top priority for us right now so you're going to let it fall I'm going to let it wait because we have a lot of very important things um that when we hire a Town Administrator which is probably not going to be in two weeks I want them to get a little oriented you know orientated to the job before we okay so I can count on it not coming up for next three weeks correct take a vacation yeah thank you I will all right uh Department reports come on down Dave Highway you're our only one you're your own Department there should be more though there should be want to be first that's a valid point yes before Dave gives this report would it be appropriate to ask for a moment of silence for the passing of su Robins remind me again how old some was he was born in 1925 he was short of his 99th birthday would have been in September absolutely that was impressive um so yes a moment of silence for the passing of su Robins who was a lifelong resident did SAR have the golden cane yeah he did so that will be passed on now do we know who has the golden cane me no that's a marget question yeah gotta be like Mrs Bean or or Mrs peace in mid is there like we do a celebration for that do we do we have like some cereem neat okay Dave what do you have for us let's see um I received all the letters except from the select board we have ours signed and tonight awesome um George Thursday May 23rd from 10: to 12 a.m. the agenda for the advisory committee meeting res J roads wow this is you George what I'm trying to that what day 23rd where here here time here right here in this very room okay 10 to 12 could hear 10 10 to 12 yes and you can also go online and do the zoom too what's up girl huh is there going to be refreshment sir um yeah I'm going down to BL land and grab some water no both Mrs M right oh yeah that's a good stuff so yeah that's um there's some stuff on here um that are won't be here the some updates on fossil Neal um they'll be here the deliverables will be June 30th but pretty much everything's least at least by looks like a 90% done okay so PR so that meeting is going to just catch residents up to yes okay where can we share this information so that people are aware um she is going to put out a zoom oh right here it's already it's out where did it get out so matter of facts you can have this copy or I can get her to Joan okay so it looks like so there's a zoom meeting but how how will this get out to people we we should put it on the website Mary Mary will put it out we put it on the website yeah um we can post it on the bolon board yeah post it out there do we want to do um a reverse 911 for something like this or do we not want to do no it's not an emergency not an emergency we don't do reverse1 okay um so I guess best way to get it out is newspaper and Facebook yeah and this is the to 12 public hearing and we can do um TJ can you get it on the yeah up Park yeah yeah so soon we'll have our sufa sign oh really so we can be putting on that but until then yeah we'll put it out there okay cool thank you yep um that's pretty much it there's oh so one of the things that they did they did a um two cover pipes in town all right one over on shepher road yeah down the end almost there about a four foot Galvin ice pipe and the other one is over on Gibbs Road first set of pipes off of 23 all right um I'm glad you guys are all sitting down oh gosh this one okay the one the one on Gibs all right they're going to turn they're going to re this is just a price estimate about pretty much it could be higher or lower all right they're going to do a um a box cover all right p P them out put put a box C in it and you ready for the price no 1.16 million that's it next one jeely pay out of his retirement because I know how much he makes this one here is live on what I make uh this is one that's on Shephard road which is um uh 1.43 million this is for the C yeah to replace that and put a um box card in so so what are your thoughts for this like how do we fund something like this grants that's the only way you're gonna be able to do it so this is our first step in looking for Grants is getting oh this is this is just a preliminary of the pricing for it okay so next year we have apply for Grants okay um d R is probably yeah deer is probably is the worst one to apply for okay yeah you need an engineering degree to figure out everything there is to put into it there are questions that you don't even want to answer okay on there um but that's that so is that something that might be worth Contracting out to have definitely a for us okay yeah yeah um let's see that that oh yeah my garage door broke today okay oh yeah didn't we no was the garage door we fixed the fire department no we put new ones in there we yeah we put new ones on there no I had brand new one at sbor oh this is here okay yeah spring broke on it okay so um installed installed overhead doors overhead are they years ago years ago so there's no warranty they no warranty on them okay so they're coming up hopefully next week to repair it the new panel on it new spring and all that stuff um I do have let's see here um so since I had a few minutes prepared for this and one later on um I brought some things up you know specific things what needs to be done for roads and all that stuff or overall General yeah okay so I wrote down drainage Calvert maintenance road maintenance am I going too fast in therea okay drainage C maintenance road maintenance railroads tree canopy and vehicle maintenance yeah um steps to get there and everybody all knows there's only 300 five days a year right um it only takes one or two storms to throw everything off like the went like the storm we just had you know I had plans to do other stuff but now I got some roads I got to repair real quick and all that stuff also trying to get everything ready for next for 23rd and 24th so anyway um the funding we have funding not a lot of it all right grants we are not guaranteed Grant every time we apply for a grant right um I wish we were it'd be nice um now if when the water department starts putting their stuff into the system for Mass Works grants and all that I know I that they had like three or four of them in there I got two um we are just fighting against each other you know for the grand so whoever they think is better idea to get they'll get the Grand and we'll be just you know won't get it that year could get it next year it don't really know um another thing that I I thought of and I know there's another town or so that is thinking about doing it is a road Bond um is to pick you know three four roads and have them redone you know that way you can you could sit and take your chapter 90 money and start working on more and more on the gravel roads to get them up the par now didn't we just pay off a road bond that rainy had done no I'm not sure am I wrong crazy no one else ising I thought we took out a road bond with Rainey and then paid it off was that for um Cooks road several roads in this center of town here some know they did it all at one wack oh I I don't think I don't think that I don't think was a bond I think he did that with chapter 90 I think was it really okay so yeah yeah it wasn't a bond okay he maybe he talked about doing a bond he might okay yeah um and a highway stabilization fund right some towns are doing this some towns are you know depending on what type of funding they have but I believe we we we should start one in this town and if you have if there's going free cash you can just transfer it to this fund and it's only for it can be for only emergencies or for big huge projects you know um I went to the town of becket's um annual meeting because my wife had to go and um they're a little they have a little more fun than we do you know and they they put 240 into it I know I know we won't be able to do that you know but something is nothing for the future you know yeah um if if we were if we were to get a grant and it's either we do all the work for the prep it's like going to a job site you know you're the first people are you get to the job site and you got prep everything that's there um that's what we do all right we try to do as much as we can before the contractor comes in or we you start hiring parts of it out all right um we you start hiring and out you start you know losing funds but for us doing it it takes a little bit longer we do like for instance G have you seen g r yet yeah how's a look okay have you seen it lately yeah okay I took a ride down after you did it oh did you so you you didn't get Di's uh complimentary email yes I did okay yes yeah so but yeah um stuff like that um and I know most of these items are not feasible to happen you know so that's something we had pick and choose on certain things you know so which one's more of a priority than than the next one but now that's it okay here from that guy on Cabo Mountain Road which guy there were I don't know somebody what when you're done oh I I thought you knew something sorry I just want to speak after you're done oh oh what joh I don't know someone uh put an email in about something about Cabo Mountain Road and I emailed them back and explained to them it's not really a Town Road yeah it's a state road yeah and uh I was wondering if he ever got back to you no no I forget this name I'm sorry I'm old okay I'm with you when did that become a state road the entire State Road Dam Dam dam dcam has it now dcam um the Department of Conservation management well it sounds good right proud um yeah they took it after 911 and that was the whole thing that we were fighting took it at the dissolving of the hamon county and uh it went to and then that's why we had no say when spr through water Clos so that's who we were um requesting yeah yeah thank you that's okay it's a very long confusing story my plans are just go down and patent yeah you know so for now yeah I mean what else can we do we exactly yeah we don't want to put big money into it um we can just discuss this later today yeah okay did you ever oh I'll ask you that later no worries okay okay Joan um I want to bug you about the flags again sorry I called I called them today they're still working on on the uh the phone from China or what well it's it's a company down there and you know get things backed up are you talking about the big ones or the small ones for the the smallest the ones that on the yeah waiting for the lift to be repaired hopefully she's talking about the small ones for the cemetery on the flags no you're talking about the ones that go on the no not the cemetery ones that go up on the pole he's he needs his lift douy does not want to climb up on a ladder anymore I don't um so he's got a lift that he's having repaired to put him back up and I'm hoping they get up before Memorial that's what I told them so second thing is um he's going to be picking highway is going to be picking up that Playhouse for the library oh and be leaving it Nicole asked to have it stored behind the library fantastic hidden a little bit until they get around to building it thank you okay thank you okay thanks Dave all right so we have um a resignation letter from um John Van hinan who was our electric wiring inspector um effective do it say when it's August sometime maybe uh it says August no in August okay so effective August um training he's gonna get this guy up up you know it's nice that he's doing that so yeah he's recommending um Nate f who is here um Nate you're welcome to come on up if you want join us I don't have much to say if I do I'm loud enough anyways okay that's fine um as interested becoming the assistant wiring inspector and eventually taking your PL taking his place um so I make a motion to approve the resignation of uh John vanhan as wiring electric inspector um yes effective August 30th 2024 is there a second second uh discussion all in favor hi hi so then we have a letter of interest from Nathan qualic a beachill road resident um [Music] so you hold required electrical licenses um to be an electrical inspector state so Nate he's going to sort of take you under his winning and help you um with the specifics of the position before have you done any um inspector work before yeah I'm also the inspector in Montgomery okay great so you and do they use Perman over there they're going to move to it they haven't yet okay John's going to train in in so you'll get some training you'll bead yeah that'll be good too okay for sure okay excellent all right um so we don't have to vote on so okay so the motion is to appoint um Nathan qualik as assistant electrical inspector for the term May 13th 2024 through June 30th 2025 second any discussion all in favor I I are you related to Ed no no but my uncle is up past you rich oh okay okay thank you oh Elm electrical okay I see all that Co oh and you work on the water department in westv too so yep has our water department reached out to you for at any point maybe through Mike here okay yeah because Mike Works down West too cool any interest in joining the water department and stay there well I mean if there's people Nate if you ever had any interest in joining the um water department I don't think there's any positions right now um but just a thought yeah um for sure right in town cool all right um motion to appoint so uh Jennifer jard to risk management for the term of May 13 2024 through June June 30th 2025 there second any discussion um so Jennifer has been kind enough to volunteer to do this for us to help us collect some data um so uh last week you talked to us about some of the money that we're missing out of by not um doing the all the courses we're supposed to be doing through Maya um and so you volunteer to do that we can collect the data of how many hours it takes you and then how much money you were able to recoup and then hopefully look at doing like a stip in position um I did re reach out to Pioneer Valley just to ask if there was anything like that um he hadn't heard of anything but thought that it would be a great idea to start something so they're interested in the daude for us and for other towns so we appreciate it um all in favor I I I thought we did John Carrington did we just not sign the letter John we already appointed them no didn't we did we did sorry you don't need a motion just sign it just sign the paperwork fell through the cracks because it got brought up at a meeting before the paperwork was done which is why the paperwork needs to be done ahead of time all right so if it's in here we find it it's in here it's in there sorry all right that's okay motion to point dictates to Conservation Commission for July 1st 24 through June 30th 27 second discuss all in favor I I motion too dou emo to Watson Park grounds keeper for July 1st 24 to June 3025 second discussion all in favor I I um motion to Appo Joe Henning veterans agent July 1st 24 to June 2025 is there a second second discussion all in favor I I motion to appoint marget mcy to register voters for July 1st 24 to June 30th 27 discussion or sorry second second discussion all in favor I I motion to appoint Justin prin to Recreation committee for the term July 1st 2025 to forever just kidding June 30th 2028 thank you all in favor Mo Jennifer duel is an animal control officer for the term July 1st 24 to June 3025 second uh discussion all in favor I I motion to appoint uh J for is blord inspector for the term July 1 24 to June 30th 25 second uh discussion on in favor I I just brought up to him does anyone else notice all the cars on Main Street in that house you know the house okay you know the house we've had cleaned up yeah just before it just before that there's five cars if you're driving down the hill there's like five cars to the brick house but I don't know if it's on this property the guy that used to work for the town they're his cars okay so I brought that up to Jason to take a look because I I think do we have a byw Mary about one you can't have a bunch of Cars full cars and you're like unregistered unre so hopefully we'll get some information two no when mull had it yeah but they put that addition the same house Anderson's old house it's if you look in by the brick Bild and they're stuck in the woods behind it where it's so it's the road off of no no it's it's on Main Street yeah it's the one before the menites house just up right but they're in the back look there's five or six did there a long time ago that one I'm I'm looking at yeah yeah all right so hopefully wear it doesn't look well okay second John oh we said all in favor foron John Piper Conservation Commission July 1st 24 June 30 27 all in favor uh Joan Martin absolutely not on Aging July 1st 24 to June 30 27 second all in favor all uh warrant number 22 payroll uh second all all in favor all right um Jennifer jard election Warden July 1st 24 through June 3025 second all in favor all right new business expenditure report do we have one digitally Joanne no we don't have a new one okay T that till next week I never know if it's gonna come in again so I just put it Maggie's back for visit um so we had the letter of supports we got those um from Vega for strap Grant mascar as well as marks and then the lber we already signed ours fantastic um the sufa letter came in I said yes to both of those Joanne we do still want it in um the same design that we had chosen before I don't think there's any changes and the same location Mary we were fine with that I have a link in an email that I can answer those questions and then it'll move forward I don't understand about if it's paid for I don't understand any of that but arpa right um Chris got a separate Grant oh he did okay so I'm sure Chris is taking care of it but at least it's moving forward now for a while it was it was just sitting okay good it'll be just in time for the new patio perfect um and then I see update letter opioid litigation did we sign that oh this is just the this is as as a we joined sort of towns remember this is a thing we got like $300 square or something yeah um says municipalities throughout the come our parties to National litigation involving opioid manufacturers and Distributors and are currently receiving allocations of settlement funds based upon negotiated settlements arising from such litigation as you are aware the national Consortium of attorneys representing plaes in this litigation is seeking authority to amend existing litigation complaints to add additional counts against new defendants based upon the roles of Pharmacy benefit managers and opioid crisis and their alleged failure to undertake their duties of monitoring opioid prescription practices authorizing such an amendment would permit cities and towns to participate in that expected litigation and possible benefit from settlements or judgments with respect to those additional of defendants whether to authorize the Amendments is a policy decision for the city or town however the decision must be communicated to the Consortium honored before May 17 so we do we want to um approve that Amendment so let's hold on let me make a motion um motion to approve the amendment uh to permit uh blanford to participate in expanded litigation and possibly to expanded litigation in the matter of the opioid litigation um any discussion all in favor I I so Joanne could you respond to this Mark rich and just let them know that we had that that made that motion you mind no okay um and just say yeah BL for okay um the small flags do we know if that's happening for Memorial Day is there anything we need to do about that uh Doug is usually right on top of that okay so I also got the barrel the new barrel for Watson Park uh Linda remember I was saying I was really upset because it was way too much money it was like s or then they wanted another $260 to ship it and I just was sick and didn't do anything Linda came in and she and I sat down and looked at forgot where we looked and we found one for $300 that she's very happy with oh good and it came in did we ever do the second dog station the dog poop bag station a few years ago and and now they're all set it looks like they're all empty maybe we need to me Happ poop bags no one's picking up poop pick up the poop um I asked I'll send him a message now all right I asked Jeff because I think we had left it with um Mike about the stairs on the Gazebo so Jeff's gonna take care of that now in terms of getting someone fix stairs with a rail okay I I think George could probably do it for free there you go not George um but yes um I believe it was a grant that just came out I think I fored to to you or Joan but um 88 came out through the FED okay for that kind of stuff okay I'll see if there's anything of course we have no one to apply for a grant right now but um okay thank you Dave if you have to apply for a grant that's true that's true okay so um I don't think we even other new business oh no we got to talk about the budget what am I thinking it's not down here um we wanted to talk about where we're at with the budget but we are not having a meeting with Finance because it's not we don't have a posted meeting with Finance so we just kind of wanted to check in I know I got an email from Christopher that um they had received what they needed from you guys Dave and Christopher and they were plugging in the numbers um that were missing and he was looking for a little bit more information Mary did you get that from Christopher he was looking for some information and I I sent it back to him um we also understand from David that the referendum question should not go on the ballot without a public hearing okay but I I have no other information about that from KP law who would the public hearing is this a planning board or is it the referendum for I don't know we'd have to think about that or maybe is that is that something we could do with the mini town meeting I don't know if there's time to post it no not really you don't want to don't want to mix your apples and oranges so we are going to have another special time meeting to do the fire department situation anyway so we can just hold it for that yeah and also I it was not in did you see the draft or the one um I don't think I've looked at the draft yet I think I think I just got it before I came and it was yeah I haven't looked it yet and think about putting the a resolution regarding the non-binding referendum on the town warrant or do you want to wait or do you want to you can say I don't know if you can do this or not but do you want to say uh would the town like to have this on a ballot in the future we don't want to have a special election because it going to be expensive are you talking for the um the referendum question for the highway no for the exit that's exit yeah um okay now that makes sense sorry I didn't know you were talking about that okay so we're talking about um did you reach out to mark do you want me to reach out to Mark and ask him well I sent him a copy and I haven't heard anything and the last of my question was to Mike and he hadn't heard anything either okay so I'm I don't know if I sent I sent Christopher a copy of a referendum okay and it's it's in its entirety it's too long to put on the okay but it could go as a resolution Maybe see what you want to do about so put it on or hold to special yeah and do we need a um a hearing sounds like time here tonight um because I have we have another question about the recision of article 20 on the 2020 annual town meeting which was um to allow the town to vote to borrow up to $50,000 for fiber optic drop construction and we want to resend it I I don't know why but we need to put the verbiage of that article into article 17 on the town warrant propos why why are we resending it I don't know so where did that article come from it's article 17 it's on the bottom of page two where did it come from from though um had it from what Dave and and Christopher something to do with the budget so we'll have to ask Dave okay does it with with something that's four years down the road with the okay I'm sure there's a reason but okay we'll double check and see what that and we'll go over the warrant next I know I hate to pull up we're going to go over the warrant for the mini town meeting right at the mini town meeting mini town meeting Monday it's Monday I thought it was the 30th no it's the 20th but before the mini town meeting opens at 7 we'll go over the warrant with Dave and finance committee so will you make sure that our next select board meeting is posted with Finance as a shared meeting Finance I'm assuming you want to be all of you here yeah next Monday as well as the mini town meeting the mini town meeting is at 7 right yeah so our select board meeting should be select board share meeting with Finance at six o' start no be at six I think that'll be PL time you think yeah unless unless we end up with a ton of stuff on the and then we can always push stuff if we need to and right Jeff I might have created that might have been a typo that I made because somebody else asked was it the 30th so sorry sorry okay um come on the 20th okay but regarding the budget jaie do you want to you were working on the budget yeah I mean the whole group is working on the budet all of you guys okay yeah I mean J worked on really cleaning it up after you know Michel and putting all the detail in and then we met last week the team and came up with what our recommendations were we all set there and looked to see whether or not there were any challenges that we saw and then um I think the last thing was putting the expenditures in here to date and that was about it so we closed it up right okay it's pretty good shape yes I shipped it off to Dave and Chris today or last night and said we're at that was just the expens side that so what I heard from them is um some of the figures for this is the warrant um he said oh I guess this is all about warrant this is not touchcreen oh my God all right I thought I heard from him regarding that too maybe that was a text too many places and now I'm going to forget to talk text John hoppy because I have to cancel it up I just wanted to say that the whole team with date um Kevin and Deb you know we just bang through it as quickly as we could Friday and just cleaned it all up and you feel good about it feel pretty good about it some things that we need help with the water overhead right the indirect cost yeah so so you really cannot we need guidance on that one so here's let me read what Christopher just said um got updated draft budget with fincom and plugged in a few more items sent a draft warrant um he said no need to panic on the budget warrant front um and then he give him a call later this week and um there's some bigger decisions that we need to make to finalize things so I'll give him a call and then we can work on that um as far as water goes do you does Finance feel different do you feel one strongly one way or the other about what water is proposing because when we go to the floor I mean if you don't agree with no no it's not that we don't agree it's just that they the war department put a a certain amount in for their indirect costs Y what their indirect costs have been historically and then um so we're really don't have the information to make that decision without I think Christopher could probably help us so are they have they changed the um percentages that they're basing their indirect cost on I don't think so well the previous ta wanted it to be enormous right yeah and I know the town water bills are also a consideration yes I'm still holding them they haven't been paid we didn't we say go ahead pay them with checks I think we no they told me to stop who count it because it's still being considered their TR still considering trading against overhead and they haven't made that decision yet so they oh water Mike was involved in this and he just handed them back to me and said just hold this is the real challenge right this is where we were stumped too because what happened was is mik K updated the spreadsheet to show the bills on on the expenditure list yeah well we don't normally do that in the budget it's in the water side so all we're really looking for is clarity right so we figured we put it through the way it is and talk to Christopher and davee before it gets to the final and make sure that we're all clear right so I don't have a copy of the budget I haven't seen a copy of the budget I okay um so without looking at it I'm not really sure how much has it changed since the last well they had put we had put a there's a 32,000 line item right on the and it was 43 right so they went so their indirect cost went up okay well that's fine um we just need to make sure it goes up at the amount that utilities and whatnot has gone up right okay so but we can clear that clarify and clear that all up before we come to the table on Mond day so I guess did Karen put the budget together for them sha who put it together so we need to check with her and see what her you know formula was I guess okay so that's it's just a matter of following up should but as far as water bills go we've we had decided that it made more sense for us to pay the water bills would check I was told a long time ago don't pay them and I never heard anything after that we I know we decided we had that conversation that because you had said you were told not to and we were on hold and there was the conversation with Christopher and then I want to say like two months ago three months ago we said not to pay it no we said go for because there was a controversy about the truck and I did put them through after that Cara you said to me yes you're supposed to be paying them I put them through and they bounced all of them and said this is not set up yet there's no money in that account none well I think if we when we sit down with um Christopher ands and then they'll give us some guidance as far as that because that's always I mean that's been for decades at that I just want to get that figured out before we go into next fiscal year because that's got to well wasn't part of it on something about office space rental toour or something yes that's the indirect cost that's yeah well that's what I'm saying that they wanted that was what was inserted in the budget at $32,000 above that's that came for happen I just heard remember Mike talking about it one time and I was like wow that seems crazy but I didn't get a number but that's what it was okay I just clipped in the back of my head something about the computer too is it our computer and they use it no they the challenge we have is that there's a $32,000 plug in there right Y and we don't have any backup to say how did how did this number come about this has been kicked around for decades so we're not going to come up with a solution the 32,000 that was there there was a formula for each line that was looking at the percentage of time that the account spent in the using doing water dep Department work the time that the tax collector Etc so there was reasoning behind that I have no doubt so my question is how have those percentages have those percentages changed um or is the 43 just because you know we're looking at a larger total and well I think in reality just like J said we need to talk to Christopher and say how was this done in the past yeah I can give you a little in that's Sor Dave feel free to come on up too I just I don't want to invite the whole finance committee up because then we're gonna be having a multi meeting and we can't do that so so IAL I talked to Chris today he had a couple questions about budet talk about later but the water department was was pretty simple he had reached an agreement with the water Department debt because the um offset had essentially doubled during Co for various reasons that instead of building the the town for the water they gave us that and then paid $34,000 or $32,000 into general fund for half of their cost so that's why we're not paying water bills so that's why we're not paying water bills so when I saw in the budget that there was $332,000 I think that might be put in for water bills what that really was was do we reach an agreement with the water department again that that $32,000 is Grace and then we only charge them $34,000 as the rest of as long as that's clearly documented because in the past we tried to do that and it wasn't clear and it was just a nightmare and then it was like they thought the town them and do you remember that period of time yeah not a good audit and Bill [Laughter] yes so so that's that's where we wereing that so we need to check with the watera Department just to see if they're willing to continue that agreement moving forward or if we're going to do a different offset and then I think we whatever we if that's what we decide then we need to have something I don't know do we need something written up by like Mark rich or something that states that and is I think moving forward it' be good idea to have something written out so that okay as people change in these different positions there's something to to look back at you got a record yeah yeah this is policy Bango yep okay all right that's um and other questions Christopher head you you got feel like you can wrap up is there anything you need from us or it was well see B he had question about if you because of the change and when he was looking at the fuel expenditures and we low one low last year yeah we kept it the same and so I understand that the per C gallon rate will come back sometime the end of this month um this month next yeah so that if you knew how many gallons you actually used in your fuel expenditures you can multiply that by the new rate and that would give us an accurate number for that for the budget now that might well Chris thought you would have a record of how many gallons you actually use and then when you got the price per gallon on the birp contract You' be able to multiply that out and actually have a hard number to find so that may have to be something that changes between next Monday and in the actual to meeting because hasn't their number I mean I suppose you could take and ask what thinks it's going to be right who knows until they but you must have given them how many gallons you yeah we did yeah so you at least have that okay all right we touched a little bit on the warrant um we were wondering about article 17 to um uh resend the a previous article on let me pull it up from the annual town meeting in 2020 um just what that was about where it came from um to resend article uh 20 by annual town meeting held on July 22nd 2020 what was the article was to see if the town will vote to borrow up to $50,000 to fund fiber optic drop Construction and installation in connection with the construction and buildout of the town's broadband system the motion made and carried and carried unanimously and is that somehow in contradiction to the Broadband articles that are on the town warrant already for this year why are we doing this I don't know the only thing I think from top of my head is we never actually barrowed that money the final have to so maybe that's a Peter lmore question then of whether we borrow that yeah I haven't seen the mar so oh oh do you want me to send you what um he was going to but I think he might have just he sent this to me you're on here but he sent it to the that's not the right one right is it the Gmail one you'd rather well that in it that's the one oh I just you didn't go to that let me for I've been I've been out straight in no that's right let me I'll for the other address at the Gmail one but so we were thinking that next week we'll have our selectboard meeting at 6 and we can go over the warrant a little bit more and then we have the minitime me at 7 and that way we'll be a little more confident in okay right all of the articles I can cross that off my list and the um referendum about the turnpike I personally don't think that's inappropriate I mean maybe if you want to put on Tom War but it shouldn't be on the ballot at this point we have Tom meeting yeah so we could do it at a special Tom meeting with the fire when we talk about fire policy remember we were saying the other day we have to have a special tell me that anyways well it would make sense I think from educational perspective to have that person come and do some kind of hearing with town and her findings before we move on to actually having a town meeting and putting it on okay so I will have to let I'll have to let Audrey know that okay um that looks like Miss Kaa no no WR um okay did we have any other budget questions we feel pretty good on budget um one think do I have any more warrant questions not touch screen um pretty small warrant education Gateway Regional vocational education Transportation uh on Treasure bar there's nothing we just want to make sure all the standard articles are on them yeah there's nothing controversial on at all I don't think yeah just the borrow money ones okay we don't have any Bill things I guess we needed to put on there there were no outstanding bills at that point we'll do those at speci at a special I don't have any no okay that were done yeah they were done at the special town meeting okay but give us time okay always one that falls through the P do you want to um update us on where we're at with the search commit or yep so we do have six people that have expressed an interest we do have a number of applications I I was going back and forth to Jackie one applicant that we had from indeed so far is really not a solid applicant so we'll see if any else but we do have I think three three maybe four really solid great people with with some background um at this point the six people that are comprising the selection committee I've emailed them out questions they've gotten back to me about new questions about changes the questions um and about how to rate them what we hope what I hope to do is is to have somebody two or three people any reaction before the closing day okay so we can kind of maybe be ready to hire somebody on the closing date rather than start the interview process of Select board at that point okay so everybody on on the selection for me Jack he a new person on the selection me did um Nicole so response I didn't get back okay be okay um and do you have any idea when you want to do interviews have you thought about that yet or no so hopefully probably by the middle of the week I will start doing reference checks on people that we have okay thank you um when I responded to them I said would you allow us to do reference checks before interview because generally they don't have to that's the finalist and so far everybody has said please do that okay so I'd like reference checks before we meet with the committee yeah I'm getting answer here uh I was talking with Jackie earlier uh I don't know today yesterday whatever and uh the questions that we asked on an interview they they're pretty I don't know they're not really conclusive you know uh they're more General and I think that's where uh we kind of make our our mistake uh they're not difficult questions and I don't know how we can revise them or or that or is it too late to or what no so so I think part of the problem in the past was um the questions the select cour asked and the question selection ask almost the same yeah Jackie's come up with a number of changes to how we ask those questions yeah um Nicole has thrown in a couple of things so I think the questions that we ask as a selection Comm be a little different knowing those questions you may want to look at other questions because if the selection committee six or seven people looked through that and said we think these people are qualified given the questions there's no need need for you to ask the same questions so at that point you could come up with a whole different list of questions no yeah I had a couple that I had just based on what we learned from last time want to put on this like yeah um so we can work on that when it gets time for um us to do it and we'll see the questions that they've asked do we get to see the responses or no we don't get to see we we don't we typically don't share that so I think that's why we've had similar questions in the past so that we can hear some of the responses um but you can look at those questions that the selection committee asked and then say how can we dig deep into that question asking it a different way or Manner and and you know it's all we do as s commun is none of our stuff it's all destroyed at the end of the process but people take notes in different manners for the questions they ask and it's just a general rating overall are those people qualified and move forward forward and again in the past and I would suspect you want us to do that continuing is we'll move at for at least two names because you can't just name one Bo otherwise we've done the selection all the way and we don't rank them for you because if we rank them and and then you choose number three and we rank you know because you have a different set of questions you have different parameters it's really not our purpose to rank them it's our purpose to say these people we feel are qualified to serve as Town Administrator it's up to you to look through those finalists and say all right based upon whatever the three you decide is the one you're going to offer and then negotiate final cont now did you do a scenario one last you did a scenario question rate where they take did a couple of couple of scenario questions that they actually gave a written response which we could share with you yeah and if there's something that you would like to have a written response before that you'd like us to use as part of the scenario our screen M let me know and we can add that so I was I was going to uh come up again with two or three questions that we were send out prior to just because that's part of the selection process and last time it was really interesting because you get a response back and to me anybody that misspells or has poor grammar when you had a chance to do this without Under Pressure time is just very talent I thought that was helpful last time when we took a look at and I think that the candidate that we had all really that we had offered the job to initially last time really good for girl yeah but we had read her response I think that we all likeed that that that response that was all our so the same process and so again if you have a question that you want to pre answer for us to use the section comme well now when when you do the uh uh check the references I know you have to be careful how do you ask questions because they're they they're liable for their answers and uh is there a way you can phras question like you know this guy worked for you or this person worked for you and if you had an opening would you consider them you know because that that to me is tells you something right away if the answer is oh yeah on a heartbeat you know that and then I think you can ask that question right my my goto is would you hire this person again oh you're you're direct yes that's mine but you have to remember that the last section we went through I did the reference checks yeah that's that okay so that's that's not gonna happen again we did not do them until after right we had done the interviews and offered a position correct yeah so now we'll have that done before offering that's a little backward yeah that was a little backward so you live and learn so yes I understand I I have done a couple reference checks our R here just a few okay well it sounds like everything's moving along um I just keep I started a list I I think I emailed you guys um I don't know if I included you Dae of just um things that I was concerned about falling through the Gap um in this time period um I don't know if there's anything you do about them Watson Park and um Bicentennial bids have not been put out and that's like a priority because um obviously springtime's coming so I don't know if there's anything we can do about that but we need to get um some work started um just trying to keep track of some major items that might slip through because of this weird time period um but if you think of anything else if anyone thinks of anything else um send an email and we'll start that list I was going to try take a look at the list that Chris had left and see if we could update that and see where we are in some of those projects and then have something to give the next person that starts that's a little bit more up to date um I would imagine that a lot of those things need to be are just where they were we just re we need but okay thank you so I guess we'll meet next week and look at the warrant for a little bit closer and yeah because I think depending on the revenue side you may want to change some of the hor articles a little bit okay but it should be a pretty quick annual tell me it looks like right am i g to jinx it am I jinxing it it's always so hard predict because sometimes the simplest thing from the longest yeah we've seen that many times all right okay we do have an executive speci motion to oh adjourn at 702 oh I don't if if Chris has questions he's been to reach out so you need to vote we haven't just haven't gotten there yet we will we just haven't gotten there yet I just adjourned us oh no didn't adjourn us thank you um so motion to go into executive session to discc 212 cont yes and you say yes not oh