##VIDEO ID:w1ggW4SZ0SY## meeting's open we're being recorded tce I got I'll bring it you when I'm done please don't do that sry TJ not me that's she went away but I didn't get notification did you guys read all the minutes already am I yep you're way behind all right spent to much time socializing you want me tell you about the project I do firstday that I didn't start yet you don't have time to start reading wow yeah I have mine now are you going to lunch on Monday Gary am I doing what going to lunch on Friday I don't know yet oh wait I just read this one no excuse huh some of these are the same on the 18th and the fourth what some of the meeting minutes are the same oh my god well cuz one is um executive session and no no that's not it 18th November 18th and the 4th after that says examination meeting minutes that's 18 yeah these are the 18 the fourth look the same to me though did I give you that's not the for I didn't read That's AE so that is that one and then this one's the 18 four oh the fourth is different sorry right me sign the one I just didn't change the you were just checking to see if I was actually reading me I was like I thought these two guys they're ready to approve something this is like shopping with my wife on know waiting for you see you're still working on your patience at least he goes my husband doesn't even know where to why would you want your husband to go shopping with you than he can pay exactly by the way guys shopping is like taking my wife to a museum she has to stop and read every l listen joh is way worse than me yeah right that's what she tells me oh are there more oh goody wait this one says November 4th did I just sign I didn't go through that's a regular meeting no this is the right I just signed this one I'm going to just toss this one because I signed the other one I didn't comment now I got October 28th hold on DJ we have company behave yourself oh all right all right motion to approve the do I have to say them all I guess I do executive session meeting minutes October 21st second wait hold on let's do it all select board meeting minutes October 28th executive session meeting minutes October 28th select board meeting minutes November 4th uh executive session meeting minutes November 4th select board meeting minutes of November 18th and executive session meeting minutes of um November 18th second any discussion on favor I I I um here all you guys you want sign all of those and I'll just these that [Music] one that one for All Right audience participation do we have anyone here audience participation we have a gentleman here from B FL hi come on down welcome feel free to have a seat he's here too je Hi how are you what can we do for you so we're looking to get an updated HVAC certification okay for I'm sorry did you say HVAC or do you mean HCA HCA excuse me all just I wasn't sure I thought I heard Community RL a r m l this is the Town Administrator I I probably should have done that first thanks um um so you need an updated host Community agreement yes yeah we're getting everything ready for the U state so asked us to update that would it be possible to get by end of this meeting or was there a wa I don't think so but you need it soon is what you're saying as soon as possible as soon as possible okay um so we would have to look at the one we have previously yeah they changed um I just recently had to do one for yeah uh so the Cannabis Control Commission has changed uh the format of their host Community agreements uh that that that were acceptable in the past I do have um because I knew you were coming or I thought you were coming Jan told me I do have a copy of the model post Community agreement um that the Cannabis Control Commission do you have a copy of this I don't would you like it Happ yes absolutely and I can grab your email at the end of this so we can talk more but um so that is the one that is distributed by the Cannabis Control Commission and when pting Hill had come to us to talk about this I had sent it to Legal just to make sure like is this what we want to do legal had sent back a they took what was in here but made it more robust to protect the town um we had submitted it and the Cannabis Control Commission kicked it back okay um they were going to reach out to the commission's director of Licensing and confirm that the indemnification Provisions are customary in the town's contracts if you like to resolve the concern there and then there was just specific to pting Hill they were calling themselves a micro business okay I think that's different for you guys there's a different classification for you guys so that wouldn't be an issue um I think it's just up to the board on if you want to use the uh template that's provided by the CCC or if you want me to update the one that was provided by legal um to work for Bel floor which one did we end up um for Ping with putting since it they're just such a much smaller operation we I did amend the um the template that's provided by cannabis Control Commission um and they were on they needed it like back in November so when it got kicked back I contacted legal it seemed like it was going to take a lot of steps for them to be able to get to where they needed to be to get their HCA updated so I just amended the template to include what like the meat of what okay legal wanted um and then we just submitted the the template one okay but it that is a much smaller for my understanding operation than okay um and it's nothing similar to the one that we have in the past there's no way to no the on I haven't seen the one that we've had in the past specific to Bel Bel Flur but the other ones that we've had in the past are like a page okay pager two these are L more has legal looked at the ones from CDC they said CCC yeah or CCI yep that's okay no they did so when I first got this um the post Community agreement from the Cannabis Control Commission I had sent it to legal and I think legal was not necessarily sure like what what type of um operation yeah so and a pting hill is so small that when it came down to it I just amended what was in here and submitted it so maybe we should go with the that from legal we can so to answer your question we wouldn't be able to do this by the end of the meeting today um but I can certainly look into um updating the one from legal to reflect your company's uh information and we could try submitting it that way so so could we motion it um contingent on approval from uh Town Council this wouldn't go to Town Council again okay it would I would just fill in the information relevant to belur okay and give it to them I would say I signed the last one for um okay so it doesn't doesn't need to come back before the board no okay that's I was just trying to figure out a way to get it to not have to the only thing I'm asking from the board is would you rather the temp or the one from legal and it sounds like you guys want to do the one from legal yeah I think so so I will um update the one that we have it's sort of just like a boiler plate one from Our Town Council and put your information in there sign it and send it over to you if that works works yes and then just one other question did you get a chance to see the monitoring report from our Levesque um they did a report on January 2nd for your property I guess there's an issue with the silt fence I don't know if you wanted to take a look at it um they say which one I there's pictures I don't there's a whole report from AR it's nothing crazy nothing bad it's just the silt fence I think got knocked over and then there's one other uh like more permanent fencing that I think needs repair but everything else came came out good yes it's been really windy that's probably why are you guys close to being fully up and running uh our goal is well we're hopefully to get into a contact with CCC in the next couple weeks where they should have interview by zoom and then after that we're hoping they come into visit the site yep and kind of give us an idea of where we're at and how much more work we'll need you guys we opening before spring um that's kind of my time line is seeing on the things that they may require and where we're at now okay so just fingers crossed that there's more uh major delays I know well I'm hopeful it's move Road for you guys now it's been I know you guys it's been a while yes yeah we'll make sure to uh get the defense fixed um if you could just give me your email address so I can reach out to you this week my first name ARL a r m e l bellur b l l e f l e r mass.com Mass okay thank you're welcome thank you so much is there else know you're all set set oh yes no we're just we just want to make sure F you wanted to ask us that's all yeah um yeah I think that's it and if we have any more questions wek you all right is here uh he's listening but I don't think he has anything to contribute all right um your mind I was thinking something um Chris yes so we have we I had given TJ thank you for your response he agrees that it should be signed um okay so um just if we could sign it I will send it I don't I don't think there is an original I think it's just waiting for to pick whichever one you want um yeah whichever copy you want you me S this one yeah no those are minutes oh if you guys want to just sign that one I oh okay there might be other things in there to sign still is it all that get no agre I know right this one might be done oh that one either they're same I think I really mayor of the Town look at that I got to sign it we'll never live it every time I go into Circle Cas better than goes here's the Mera blord SAR please my neighbors call me that too Absolut there one of the things one of the many I don't have any neighbors B Mary's my best nebor all right do you need a motion for that motion to approve the fog Highway bids uh FY 26 contract second uh any discussion all in favor I all right um I had a meeting with thank you much okay all don't worry um right you had a meeting I did I had a lot of meetings uh I had a meeting with kiner um Kelly are accountant and Sarah her Treasurer um for the transition for Kelly to take over so Kelly is all set up she's got her email um she has access to I believe Vadar I know she's waiting for her access to Vadar and she uh has access to softrip for historical information um moving forward uh she just got her emails today so I'm going to I did send to Joanne and the water department that uh moving forward anything warrant wise or payroll wise uh for the month of January to be sent to not only kin Sheriff's firm but also Kelly so that they if Kelly has any questions Kelly is goingon to be doing our next warrant um so that if she has any questions she can just refer to Eric um for any questions she might have um yeah that's really that's really kind of it that she's she started January 2nd and we had a meeting January 2nd and she seems good to go okay um the I there's been sort of like an ongoing thing with pbpc and the historical um the houses what the oh um putting the houses on the historical whatever yeah registry yeah okay so I guess uh according to Linda she was under the impression that uh there was leftover money in FY 24 of $2,500 and supposedly Mike had told Linda that they would roll that $2,500 into fy2 in addition to the standard $5,000 that's in that account didn't get done and it didn't get done so there is $5,000 available in that account because that's the standard amount for the historical um project I reached out to Linda and Shannon Walsh she's the individual from pbpc who does the project and I let them know that there was $5,000 available and that whatever happened beforehand I I can't speak on because I'm not sure unfortunately that 2500 is not there um there's no trace it would have rolled into yeah got rolled into the general fund it's just unfortunate that I believe her when she says that she was told that but I mean if it becomes an issue then we can talk more about it but for right now there haven't even spent what's in there so right um I did send an email to all departments as a reminder to turn in payments received to the treasurer within one week of receiving them um the water rate study the accounting uh kerff did send I don't know if you guys remember Gordon last week was saying that he's been asking for some information for the water rate study um lot of the information that he was asking for was just very generalized stuff that the town of blanford doesn't even do like it's just not how our system is set up so they kinu did send over five years of annual Town reports that contain the fiscal information that the water department would need they even highlighted what he was asking for so so he'd had that road yeah um I do have a meeting tomorrow uh with Sarah our Treasurer and the bond Council to discuss uh the Water Department's requested green light letter um Mary will be there too and I believe somebody from UniBank as well a representative from UniBank so has we where's where we at with this well so there's some confusion with this because Bond Council has reached out to Sarah asking basically providing a checklist this is what we need Sarah and I worked together we got everything that was needed thank you Mary um because she was also very helpful I mean I went through it Sarah went through it everything that they were asking for was in this packet and it was all original and there was nothing that was stamped or a copy I had a wet signature on everything I overnighted all of this to Sarah so that she could get it to bond counsel she did she got it all to bond counsel three weeks go by we don't hear anything and Sarah had reached out a few times saying you know hey you know where are we at you know everything was submitted and um Bond Council replied at the end of last week and said no this is wrong this is wrong that's wrong we still need this we still need that and I'm going did the lady even open the package cuz yeah all of the stuff that she's saying is missing or isn't there is all of the stuff that we provided and sent so I I really don't know what's going to happen tomorrow all I know is that um the green light letter is not coming anytime soon my God what is the green light letter I'm trying to get words for this sure so the green light letters so that we can move forward with the loan so that Gordon can pay back the people that he owes money too um to your knowledge Gordon has halted all work at the yeah so um he did say that today today he said to me that Jim from right in Paris I believe is going to reach out to B state that is the vendor who we have not paid and has put a stop like a on the work for now oh Jim's going to reach out to base date and see where they're at and I'm like well we know where they're at we're not going forward with any more work until I want to see the contracts that water has with all these companies I requested them don't you remember me asking for them at the meeting last week so none of us has had eyes on nobody no did you get them no no so ask no oh you knew the answer for they sign can water sign a contract of that size without the select board I don't I don't know the size of the contract the contract in question for base date um I don't know what that goes up to I know obviously at this point we know that it's $600,000 at the very least I don't know so there's no way I just find it hard to believe that another board could enter into that sort of a contract without select board I don't think it blows my mind and then copies of the contractor would have to be with Town Clerk and the accountant right yes is that where they accountant should have signed it as well we shouldn't be entering into any contracts for any amount of money that do not have the accountant Signature verif Sign it it's there and then go forward we should sign every contract for this so we want to see don't you agree um you want me to reach out or do you want to reach out to Gordon and tell him that the sard asked to see the contracts he said signed it too so did say that um I don't remember signing it but and he laughed and said they signed it said so what Gordon they not responsible for you looking at your budget what are you talking about so um yeah I think that we just need to make sure so if we did sign it there should be a copy with the accountant in the it just in my point of view you guys are like the I think what makes sense to me would be the last to sign it right so it should be legal and the town account that the fund the funding is there to support the contract then you guys get to see the contract and see okay the accountant says the money's there and legal says this contract is good then you can go what I think happened there was he came and we signed so he could go after that funding yeah May I'm pretty sure that's what happened you know and we gave him approval to yeah and he but we didn't have any contracts we gave him the said money to go after the the maybe saying that only Cara signed this contract um for base date which doesn't I maybe I did I don't know we sign a lot of stuff um either way I would still I'm getting confused here now the contractor is not Bas St it is I'm sorry it is yes they're subcontractor right oh okay because uh then who is the main contractor writing Pierce so they're buying their stuff through Bay State no so w and Pierce is they're kind of like the they're the engineering company okay B state are like the doers like they're going in and do the actual work Elm electric y Elm electric as well so we we can't really do anything unless we see a contract I've asked to see it we've all asked well it's up to them to provide it I know did you cut right and Pierce or I try not to go near that no I'm just ask I was just asking if you without stubbing your toe um I know I I've had meetings with wri and Pierce and uh bay and M Water trust in conjunction with the water department just so that I can try and understand what is actually going on here um but as far as like getting into side conversations with them I have not done that because I just don't no no I about it I get where you're at I just and I also don't want to ask a vendor right like pretty embarrassing yeah yeah I I think I think we need to have Gordon you know just just say we need the contract if there's no contract we can't move further yeah well I've also cont not doing anything right now stop everything yeah well but they still want their money are we inuring interest we can't that's the only thing go about it okay um well keep us clst to let us know what happens tomorrow guess I'm hoping that do we have a copy of everything that was in that packet or no um the pack that we sent to bond Council oh yeah okay and but again they're copies so Bond I I can Bond Council has the original but we we've got everything but the contract no no we're talking something different oh you turn the page um and then also our report came out for um roadway um chapter okay 4,951 no no it's just fair share oh okay it's not yeah okay so this is that money that we get that we actually get that money right and we can use it for whatever we just have to submit um a report of like what we did we don't actually have to go through all the steps like chapter might I'm sure ring his thoughts and plans yeah I think his thoughts and plans are to go back to enjoying retirement so are closer to a super well the we have some applications but we're waiting for the posting to close and then we're going to reach out and do our interviews and go from there okay good okay that's it me that's it Jennifer come on down I don't really have a lot okay have anything from you I think so is there any um updates on either of the properties in one property has um offered has received an offer oh um and they're waiting to hear and the other one we're just holding off okay um waiting to see what happens um I'll give it another Mo okay before I think um so we'll see that's exciting well hopefully yeah you know get that moving um but they're very very hard to get in touch with those people it just takes a long time for the communication with them so Mary question yeah what property are we talking about please the ones that Nicholls owns both on Main Street both Main Street con which one is had an offer um just I don't I don't know what the numbers are off handm I don't need the num numbers but which house I believe the white one probably I believe it was the white one thank you um we've just had a bunch of complaints um just I bet you can tell you one of them because I got whacked on it today when I walked into a place what was it some little furry Critters yes that was one of them I know yes that was one of them the guy left where his position working and followed me out the door talking about it I you got to stop shopping publicly is I go out of town now so I I thought I was out what are we talking about I'm not saying a word you'll know in a minute yeah it's not it no it's not but yes so yeah yes just a minute she'll explain F just FES yeah they're furries there's fures don't write that down no don't write that down live animals or or no look what you did Jeff know I'll tell you later Bary we can't put it in the paper I really this F me in just that we have furry Critters no you said you've been getting complaints that's so that that was one of them um another one was a trash one um and then of course our same one from Brookman drive and I got a call at 4:30 this morning on that one again I know I know well there's I wouldn't answered it well I didn't I didn't oh 8 o' I didn't but I did take the voicemail in case it was important and I had to call back so and it wasn't it was just the same complaint so I'm going to assume I don't know why at 4:30 in the morning um and and that's been an ongoing that's been one we've dealt with the D with and so you know she's just got to do her okay her part um and we're up for doing our inspections by the end of the month um for the Whatchamacallit transfers no transfer stations due for their inspection this coming Saturday um by the the and but we're doing our inspections for the plazas okay and for anybody who has a business they're coming up by the end of this month um that's it that's I think we are going to look into per periz permanized whatever it's called um and see if we can get on to do the transfer station stickers only we can't do it for our plans because we really have to look at the plans stamp the plans um so we're going to look and see what that would do for us and if it's going to be an extra cost which I'm sure it is we might have to go up on the transfer station stickers okay so I just want to talk to the guy and see sure see what it's about and I think that's it thank you when when are you going to do what do they call it the stop shop or Swap Shop oh you want to talk about that yes we can talk about that um um well we need we got the 6,000 um but Brett said we need about 15,000 more so we want I know that's all well that's all well right he wants to build no we want a permanent with doors and you know people yes no what are you talking freeb fre Fab building freeb um I don't think that's what I think whichever is cheaper he's pricing them out right now um whether to build it or to have a pre fab what size is that then you know I don't know no I have it in my notes I just it's it's not it's not that big deal I'll measure yeah I mean we've got the thing all laid out concrete yeah we got the slab in we so you know we do have that part done um if I had thought about it but of course we didn't know about the Grant I think it came in at the same time our town meeting we would have went in and asked for money as well so what happens if the grant money isn't spent this year it will be because well I mean we started this project two years ago and first we done thing then last and then the year we put the slab down then we did this grant we waited now we have the grant you know people are asking for this all the time so the grant will fund a partial build a partial it's going to cost about 20,000 alog together probably a little less but so in our meeting today he said Brett said about 15,000 okay so this is like gently used appliances things like that yep applian any you know anything I think Chester had a pretty clear list of what you could and couldn't drop off I'm sure you guys will it'll be yeah it'll be posted on the microwave because you'll have a thousand of them there right I've seen that my daughter they' had it yeah it is it is it's I think it's a really good good program to have um so I mean they sort of do it now but kind of takes the stuff and puts it out on that big stump there that's out in front of the building and he puts all the good stuff out there and then people come in and take it well you know I mean people hate to throw things away that somebody else could use and it's better than putting it on the street yeah like some people yes so all right I think that would be really beneficial thank you thank you thanks Jen all right we have no Gordon here so um can we put um Aaron poti on the agenda for next week what's your um what's your um talk about periz I know we've done it before so I'm just saying I feel like he hasn't come before yeah we has we've talked about this before a little bit isn't he the one that wanted that y that's what I thought hi mayor I said I don't I really don't mind that it takes me more time that's just times a year it's because when I it's a mess when I go in there I can't find things things aren't noted right that the the um it's paid for and it's months old but it doesn't say it's been issued um he he's appointed Not Elected right yeah we appointed him so just that's all I'm saying is we've talked to him about this before I'm not sure that he can I'm not sure he can help it I'm not sure he can he doesn't like that technology and he has a real hard time with it but especially the checks he's collecting the checks yeah intentionally I believe that's that's so that's where at least we can have him and and let him know that we would prefer not to do the checks and do it digitally well especially because in the end he's not charging the $25 that it takes that I know of because the fees are small small that he brings in it's supposed to be an extra 25 for for a manual a manual of course maybe what he does is has them put the I don't know what he does okay I just know it was a mess it took me a long time to figure out and yeah so what I'm hearing is that he's aware of how it's supposed to be done aw and he's not doing it so if we're going to call them in I think there needs to be like hey you're not doing it this you know otherwise we're just yeah I age so let um and only I thought he just said he's the one who asked for it didn't you just say he wanted yeah yeah and I believe he's not doing it because he didn't get an iPad to enter the stuff in he wanted an iPad and we told him no so I don't know if that's part of it but um yeah let's I guess in the meantime let's try to figure out what I guess what the protocol is for repr protocol is for the emails to go forward to the inspector and but he doesn't even do that I'm seeing protocol for like him not doing it for I don't know if the word reformating is what I want to use but it's close reprimanding an appointed official so I don't remember having to do this I don't remember having do that oh yeah I don't I don't think you got that far with it no um so I don't I that's just what my question nocy that I've spent all day staring at so is there like a are we giving a warning are we you know what is the I mean there are specific but then if that's the case is that a executive session situation so I don't know well so we should probably not talk about we have another person that can do pluming inspection he's got a backup no he yes he does back but he lives in Chester that doesn't matter okay let's close the meeting all right time the time meeting is closed at 640 thank you question sorry Mary um not not really bring it to her sheut it up that entitle so many users yep it does yeah but that would be a different program so the the one that we have is for for like inspections and stuff I don't know if that's different we've got one with the town clerk's office and dogs but it's different I couldn't use yours for my stuff I don't think she could use mine for her stuff it be different different no but just it's very expensive every time we add a new so there ought to be a flat rate there something I think that's probably more of a comment for periz there's nothing I can do about that no no but find out maybe sure yeah absolutely contract this is