##VIDEO ID:G_aCyf7WUN8## okay good evening call the mean to order by the salute to the flag pled to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands Nation God indivisible and justice for all roll call please may here here councilman Catalano here Council Del R here counc Graziano sorry here councilwoman Hudson here councilwoman Schubert here councilman yassie here okay we also have our Municipal cler Brianna Smith business administrator Michael sandmire and bur attorney da solivan this meeting is called to pursu to the provisions of the open public meetings law adequate notice of this meeting was advertised in The Herald news on January 12th 20 24 copies were provided to the local news media and posted continuously in a municipal building a copy of this notes is available to the public and on file in the office of the missal clerk as per state fire code I am required to acknowledge that there are two emergency exits in this council chambers the main entrance which you enter through and a secondary exit to the left of where I am seated if there is an emergency walk orderly to the exit exit through the door down the stairs and out the building there any questions please raise your hand see you none we do have one non-agenda item which is a resolution to um enter into a shared service with the schools for our Police Department fire department there's a repeater going to be it's either in the building going to be put in the building to help out our radio system we just have to formally do a shared service for them allowing us to keep our equip it in the wal T Burg school I believe is is um okay can I have a motion to open up early public comment so second all in favor I okay anyone wishing to speak please come up see no one a motion to close so moved second all in favor I okay report of committees um mayor uh for the library um this actually the senior center uh there um September calendar is up um uh also so this uho what has is they're going to do an event at the Gazebo uh with the uh band U corate band uh what date is that even the Saturday September 28th and we should be able to use it by them hopefully which uh um said um also uh they have um the September 27th is their turtleback zoo trip um and all of this is um available on their uh their uh website and uh to contact uh Pat gany um for any of that information they're walking Club is is uh still going on it's a Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. and uh the Senior Center calendar is up with all of their the chair robics um they do have a a there's they have a Walker's breakfast at 9:00 a.m. uh the fourth um and all the the calendar is full until uh through September 30th um for triar I don't have any new numbers to report um the gentleman was on vacation but they do have their emergency medical responder class that's starting in September I don't know how many people they had interested in signing up but it's still available classes start uh Wednesday uh September 18th through um November 6th and it's $100 and the number to and you should call Gail at 973 838 0657 um for the library um sometimes the library has this uh this service which is a a make a will event and um but this this one is actually being held by U the county of the say and it's uh it's free and it's free to any senior age 60 and over and to any veteran regardless of Ag and uh it's the date is September 13th and it's from 10: to 4: at the St Luke Baptist Church Carol Place in Patterson and it's at no cost which I know um we had it here delived there was a lot of interest in that and and I have questions about that um also uh they have their special dates are for um there they have their Stephen King book club that's uh Tuesday uh September 10th at 6:30 p.m. with the book the stands of course they have so many uh other um activities to look at at the boale uh free public library page um and one of the important dates that are coming up for the um the is their Paint and Sip and they're painting one of those um um welcome boards which uh it's November 3rd and um I asked for her if she had a flyer for it yet and she didn't but that's um that's going to be a a Full House Event it's very it's very popular um then for I know this weekend they the kids were I saw them all over for a tag day in town for BBC and uh this Saturday is their their first game um they're moving forward fast um their first game is on uh well they they they've started um they did all their scrimmages and let's see first first game um [Music] out but it's available on the the Bloomingdale Butler um youth club um website and if uh and they also have a um they're they're fundraisers they are coming up to uh their calendar raffle um that they're they're still selling the calendar raffle uh there's a um September 5th is a d to donate at um and it's they pep rally a fro yo um on Main Street they're doing a they're doing a uh dying to donate all day um there's 10% discount on all the athletic GE that is available during the games um and on their website and um they also have a Paint and Sip a paint Fusion art event uh Thursday um October 17 6 to8 at St Anthony's um and they're doing Court signs attendees pick up whatever design they want it's $50 per person or $60 and it includes Pizza um and that's it for they are they oh and then they Al the pep rally is September 5th um to kick off the season homecoming uh Pink out is October 26th and uh their salute to the service uh game which is always nice is uh on November 9th okay okay R nothing uh public events we have the 911 candle loock uh candl light ceremony and walk that is September Wednesday September 11th at 7:00 we start in Butler Park and March 2 sloom Park September 21st the blooming Dell Celebration Day in Bob kotka 5K which John will talk more about the 5K uh Saturday October 19th Expedition Bloomingdale Town scavenger hunt that's 9:30 a.m. at Sloan Park um and then she's to go on a little bit November 11th the veterans ceremony 11:00 a.m. at Sloan Park Park uh Board of Health the board was approached by pay County um this is the second time we've actually been approached by them for pay County to provide Health Services to the burrow the first time was years ago and we would have been the first um at the time the Board of Health decided um against that decision uh we were approached a number of months ago Again by Pate County who now has five towns under their belt um and through much consideration uh the board has um unanimously voted uh to go with pay County um that will be somewhere between a 25 and $30,000 savings to the burrow a year um so we will be starting with the county on January 1st according to the contract so the next next couple months we'll be working with uh Panic to transition all of our records over um I really want to give um a lot of credit to the uh to the board they spent a lot of time on this um and it was a tough decision but um I think they made a great decision and um you know they they worked really hard on that and I than you know every every one of them if if anyone's not UND not OD that board is a um autonomous autonomous board thank you John I was getting there um they're an autonomous board which means that they vote as nothing to do with the council uh all decisions regarding the health and well-being of the burrow pretty much goes through the Board of Health all new laws everything and they're voted on exclusively by uh the board of health so thank you to them and I think it's a great savings for the buau and we're going to be getting the same Services hopefully even better with the county pretty exced there's some stuff in that with the school now so right they're going to do um well they do school ponic does a school now um but we put in there that we wanted very specific number of Education um services for the schools we wanted very specific education a number of Education Services for um the adult community um so I think it's uh I think it's going to be good for us okay very good anything else no thank you John okay just one thing was a reminder this Sunday the 8th there is a recognition for Gail LEL 3M at the fire hall this is um I'll say being thrown more by the bpco um but more specifically I think lend and Gail's a she's been a big help on the bbco for a number of years now she's been a big integral member of that as well as a SLO Park Festival so we wanted to recognize her for her for her efforts so all are invited and again that's September 8th in glenw Lake picnic you want to geted Sunday yes this Sunday uh all First Responders police Fire EMS uh the council uh volunteers are invited to uh Glenn Wild Lake for a picnic um as a thank you they do that every single year I believe it's 12:00 yeah 12 12 o' um and we really appreciate that they do that every year and that they recognize uh the volunteers it's a nice day it's a lovely day fingers cross the weather will be good for everyone Sunday should be Saturday though yeah okay down here um I just wanted to say uh on the consent agenda there is a proclamation about uh prostate cancer as well as ovarian cancer but I like to point that out as a prostate cancer survivor myself um early detection was obviously very key for me because I was only 50 at the time of my diagnosis and I do totally credit that was saving my life I'm sure I would have been deceased by now if I had not detected it then so it is very important and the ovarian cancer one uh one of my suppliers who I'm actually very good friends with and he is very active um on the Rockaway Council he approached me a number of years ago because his sister is an ovarian cancer survivor uh so that's where the proclamations over the last number of years have come from is from her so I thank her for that report from Bo it's comment on sixday was the first day of school here in town and having children go for the first time I say the police and school did a really good job dring traffic this morning everyone got in safe so thank you being out there getting School schol top the contract back fix the grass Po in Salk started last Thursday and Friday this week right and we have the senior center yeah I did get the email okay the Gazo is 99% done they got to do some gutter work and some down spouts but it is up with the roof looks I'm show you photo chance over to Second Street and take a look at I found it wait you sent an email out no put it up on the screen oh oh sorry it actually is very very nice um it's a long time coming it's a lot bigger than I thought it would be um I stopped back there one day and the seniors were coming in for an event and they're all stopped in their kids they can't wait to use it what's nice about it too our our um boy CS can use it for the flag burning um to do always do a little presentation before they burn the flag so they can use it for that the as Evie said the the Jazz Band I think is going to be playing out there um so I think it will get used I think that would be nice too for the garden um the community garden to have functions in there yep looks great yeah I just asked that when if you're going to use it just make sure we touch space with the seniors to make sure they have nothing planned to to use it it seems like they're going to want to use it a lot so um there's still some more work that to be done in the garden itself and then around the back of it mold we have to remold some areas because the wash out what it is stop back there it's very it's really very nice you know have we just food For Thought do they have any um like sun shades that we could attach to it for um certain times of day when people want to sit out there especially for the seniors I'm sorry Mike we haven't thought about it yet but good idea next thing to get electric out there that was not included uh to actually get electric from the senior center to there for power and a light or fan inside whatever I have a really long extension cord for you that's what they're going to start with whatever works so but that's that's good it's all good anything else that's it mayor nothing to report I just too late oh wait I'm sorry go ahead the library card that one of the um resolutions are library cards sign up month uh where the library um is uh welc welcoming which is you're opening it up today just some to encourage people to sign up sign up for be members of the library library okay one nothing to report this evening mayor okay um just for me there's um the project down on vanam that we worked with the county the county took over the culverts um that project is complete the county came through or actually Advanced Plumbing came through and cleaned out underneath all the culber except for the one between Walnut and tce cuz it's all underground um with We Believe concrete Lids that run all through there um that was done many many many years ago so that would be something we might look into we are afraid that the water lines and possible sewer lines and gas lines are going right through the covert so we stopped um advance from um jet backing it because if he goes there and blows a gas line out or sewer line it could really run to some big problems I will say that one big rainstorm we had I believe it was a Sunday where we got like two and a half to three inches of rain in an hour and a half um After the Storm I went down there the roads they didn't have enough time to to block it off the water went away so the street did Flood but Bo down towards Tyson Walnut versus all the vanam down to Chestnut Street so the work that was completed there really helped out our flooding problem down on vanam um it's never going to solve it totally cuz it's the flats and it's named the flats for a reason or it it's flat um our next objective down there should be starting from Chestnut and working our way to the brook we did some research behind there um but we're going to wait till the weather change gets a little colder so our engineer um can walk the whole remainder of the brook and see what we can clean out of there hopefully with some of our DPW guys or we have to plan it with our store management plan but that was a successful um project to get that cleaned out and the only one problem we have is that the the people residents need to keep the brook clean behind them because they own it we don't um weed whacking or whatever they have to do but when the rain comes through it moves so and now the county will have to keep up and keep it clean under their sections which I think um is going to help out a lot down there um so anyway with saying that cuz normally would that sun would have happened I would have got a phone call from a resid on corner of Chestnut and vanam like this that my backyard is completely flooded to my basement I didn't get one phone call so I just took a ride down to see what it was about it was in really good shape considering how much rain we got in a short period of time um Bob kosman 5K we got over 60 people signed up still sign up online till September 19th um sponsorships came in um some big ones came in which will advertise for that um so that's going to be another successful event this year so I'm really pleased with that and the Costco family is pleased with that there is two families that have joined up this teams one for Carol's angels I mentioned at the last meeting which is a lady's auxiliary member out of the abuan yes fire department who she passed she passed but she had a really um I'll say she had uh she fought it really hard and for a very long and for a long time which shows their success with the research that's going on we have another family the steinhouse family um which um is is friends with the koskas um Jan kaska's nephew or Bob's nephew and they're coming in with another team in honor of Andrew uh steinhouse who who is currently fighting the battle and courageously going through the whole process but they they're having a bunch of people come down in honor of him and walk in the race um through there so I think we get the word out to a lot of people that you know that really realize um cancer in general how bad it is and like Richard saying and things are other ovarian cancer but uh pancreatic cancer they all need attention but I feel really good about um working with lard and and donating a lot of money to them for their research and that's what they do it seems to to be working um little by little so it's really um a good thing that what we're doing so that's pretty much all I have okay item number eight resolution number 2024 9.1 to consent agenda do I have a motion second second any questions roll call please Pano yes Del rbot yes Graziano yes Hudson yes Shubert yes yesi yes okay just like to thank Matt Redfield for his time on the uh Economic Development Committee um due to work constraints he needed to step away from that so we thank him for his efforts appreciate it and also appointing Justin Hill to the um to the search and rescue Justin is a dedicated first responder he's a member of tribe first a squad and member of the bloom fire department and now he is um going to join search and rescue which is good cuz he's ENT qualified so that will actually help them out in the woods if you have a medical emergency in the woods so thank you Justin okay um roll call please you're good we did that already right yeah okay uh new business adoption of resolution number 2024 .5 DMC land survey services for municipal storm water mapping update do I have a motion second okay this is just simp ly part of our store Mor management um um obligation and with the mapping they just locate all the um areas that need attention they need to update our storm order Municipal math last done in 2013 we got a grant for 15,000 last year been sitting there um they're doing it for $29,000 uh the 15,000 once they complete it we submitted in there's another 10 we get it will cost us 4,000 in the end to have the done okay okay has to be done has to be done yeah roll call please Del Ripa yes Graziano yes Hudson yes Shubert yes Yi yes Catalano yes okay introduction ordinance number 16-22 for amended chapter 11 uniform construction code fees do I have a motion to by title second all in favor I in ordinance of the burough of Bloomingdale County of cic state of New Jersey amending chapter 11 building building and Housing section 11-1 point2 fees of the code of The Bu of Bloomingdale and second and final reading will be on September 17th okay all right we do have the one non agenda item which is is resolution number 2024 9.6 which is um entering in a shared service with the um school board and it benefits the Our First Responders our Police Department fire department also benefits the school because they have emergency radios within the school that work off these repeaters do I have a motion so move second um this is uh this agreement is is that if they break it they're going to repair it school is it's the school breaks it yeah they go up that's what the agreement is really is well they're allowed to put the computers on their building but then also one of the things we have in there was that if they're working up there doing something in damage it yeah okay is it something we have currently somewhere else and we need to add new ones or we have it there we have it there we currently have it there yes what you're saying is the only change right now is that if they break something because they're but I know I know there's plans in the future and they're looking into it now um is to add a repeater on one of the other schools so it's good that we're going into a shared service so we can do that what the repeater does if we get out of um Regular range they have direct talk me to you and then if I can't reach you you're wherever you are it hits the repeater bounces and gets to your radio so you can talk and talk back and forth it extends it to range our police Department going back um several years ago I'll say maybe three or four years ago um we went from what they call low band radios because the federal government's taking those bandwidths and they want all the First Responders to go to highb band and there's different levels of highb band so we bought a high band channel built a radio system and part of that radio system is putting a repeater usually the the manufacturer will come out and they do a survey in your town where they have to be the burger school was a perfect because you got norn green and it could bounce and go pretty much anywhere and it penetrates buildings a lot better um there is sections of town that are dead for police and for and for fire um so when they decide to add a repeater it'll fill in the Deb spots and make communication better for our First Responders we don't have any problems just we want to make sure we have no problems and going back what we did is we gave uh handheld units in your world walkietalkie okay to each of the schools so if there's a problem in a school God forbid and they can't get to a phone they can call the police desk right away through the radio and then everything kicks in yeah all right so it's for emergency response and it helps out our school system helps out every resident T so we invested a lot of money within that so we just want to make it a little bit better but this is just covering case question always been there we've never had agreement and I don't know if there new attorney brought it up that there should be something saying hey barl has equipment on our building there should be some type of assured service saying you can hous your equipment on our property and that's what it's all about for a bun gotcha yeah for some reason I think there's one at the day school but I'm not 100% sure there's a a new Wi-Fi we put in there looking at do yeah okay but either way right this agreement says for both schools I saw it was the day school as well as yes yeah so there must be there's a plan for the day school I know that U but that's the best places to to put it it's because you need power to power it up and everything is right there if we have to get in there for some reason to fix it we have keys to every school Polie have it and we can get in and do what we have to do without without the school all right a knockbox they put on the side building all right um can we do all in favor or you want to vot roll call okay unless anybody has any other questions roll call Riano yes Hudson yes Shubert yes Yi yes Catalano yes Del Ripa yes okay I have a motion L public comment second all favor anyone wishing to come up see no one motion to close second you all in favor I okay we do have two matters of attorney um client privilege um in executive session but no action will be taken you have a motion to go into executive session move second all in favor I I thank you for coming