##VIDEO ID:SN801J8csPA## this is Tuesday October 1st 2024 at 7 p.m we call the workshop meeting agenda to order for the burrow of Bloomingdale first order with the salute to the flag I to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under indivisible liy and justice for all roll call please mayor D here councilman Catalano here councilman Del rer here councilman grao here councilwoman Hudson here councilwoman Schubert here councilman yai here okay we also have in mpal cler Brianna Smith business administrator Michael sire and bur Attorney D Sullivan this meeting is called to pursuant of the provisions of the open public meetings law notice of this meeting was advertised in The Herald news on January 12 2024 copies were provided to the local news media and posted continuously in a municipal building a copy of this notice is available to the public is on file in the office of a municipal clerk as per St fire code I am required to acknowledge that there are two emergency exits in the council chambers the main enters would you enter through and a secondary exit to the left of where I am seated if there is an emergency walk orderly to the exit exit through the door down the stairs and out the building there's any questions please raise your hand I'm seeing none we do not have any non-agenda items on tonight I'd like the motion to open up early public comment some move second all in favor I I anyone wishing to speak please come up to agenda items address you guys now to agenda items that's on this paper no okay next one okay uh see you no have a motion to close someone second all in favor I okay report of committees eie um mayor the um the senior center um as always they their um October calendar is up with the uh P County division the nutrition uh service um calendar and their um monthly calendar of events um and they also have their trips that are coming up and those are located um the sign up sheets are located in the um at the um Center um I spoke to um Mike about a couple of um concerns that they had U you know with the uh Gazo and um he's addressing all all all the questions and um hope and they were uh they're looking for the garden the some kind of plantings um and also um if any um they did mention something about some kind of a Outreach with uh children if they wanted to help out seniors in any way um that's something that they want to um give across and also um their wish to they're going to try to get come up with some kind of a form letter to put into the bills because a lot of seniors are not on Facebook and they don't have access to that so that's something that going forward they they would like to um with your approval do and they're um planning on preparing something soon um for the library um Sunday November 3rd uh um they have their porch leaner um uh fundraiser that is a pretty big one for the uh Lendale foundation for literacy $55 a person um and uh you could bring your own snacks and beverag to the Bloomingdale fireman's Hall um as always they have a lot of crafts um for children and adults and everything is online um they're um Coming they they also have a a cookbook Club um that meets October uh Wednesday October 23rd at 3 at 7 p.m. um and this meeting is going to be held at the senior center um there is also a uh ABC murder book club October 15th um 6:45 the book is um homecoming again and also there's um their story time schedule for children um which started up again in the in the beginning of the school year um baby time um story time is from 0 to two years old um then there is a 400m uh book time uh ages 2 to 5 and there's a play time scheduled Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. and Saturday uh story times um which is the fourth Saturday of the month starting at 10:30 um that's for the library and um you know I also mentioned that they had their new um uh they want the children to be supervised which is something that I mentioned last time that still holds true I don't have numbers from from from Tri burough for September yet um but as always they have um uh they do if you did need any kind of um medical equipment that you could give them a call 973 838 1688 and they could help you with any um medical equipment to share and that you need to return that's it okay nothing here we're good you sure yeah nothing I can share okay uh public events Saturday October 19th is Expedition Bloomingdale the town scavenger hunt 9:30 a.m. at SLO Park which John I'm hoping you're giving a little bit more information on November 11th which is Monday is our Veterans Day ceremony 11:00 a.m. in Sloan Park um I want to thank um Bri and um some of our surrounding towns that joined us in a proclamation for ovarian cancer awareness um I did want to read this um the month is um for all those who are battling ovarian cancer who have lost their lives to the disease their loved ones and our state's many dedicated healthcare workers in spreading awareness can committing to public education embracing hope for a better diagnosises treatments and cures um we have gotten a great response from some of the surrounding towns um that have also um done the same Proclamation that we had uh and I want to thank you Brie for spreading the word um to pay County that was wonderful um also uh October 1st today starts Breast Cancer Awareness Month uh breast cancer awareness month is an international Health campaign that's held every October the month aims to promote screening and prevention of the disease which affects 2.3 million women worldwide known best for its pink themed color the month features a number of campaigns and programs um conducted by groups ranging from breast cancer advoc advocacy organizations to local community organizations to Major retail tailers they're aimed at supporting people diagnosed with breast cancer including those with metastatic bre breast cancer educating people about breast cancer risk factors encouraging women go for regular breast cancer screening starting at the age of 40 or earlier um breast cancer screening is also um uh that is doing blood tests along with um your regular whether that's an MRI or um other forms of um breast cancer screening and also fundraising for breast cancer research uh October 19th is our confidential shredding that's 8:00 a.m. at the senior center parking lot October 14th burrow is closed for Columbus Day that is no DPW pickup and all burough offices are closed um we have a skin cancer screening October 9th that is Wednesday through Panic that is here at the fireman's Hall if you have any interest um you can just go to our website um there is a flyer there you can click on the flyer and there's QR codes you can sign up or you can call the number on um the flyer and um sign up for a time then uh hydrant flushing is also continuing throughout the burrow through October 16th um if you want to know which days that your street is on you can go to our website main page go to announcements and you will find the hydrant flushing um program days there uh John I did make a note can you talk about the Fire Department open house yes um and also our auxiliary the fire department auxiliary is still running the T-shirt fundraiser you can go to the Facebook page um for the auxiliary and there is a link there you click on the link and it's super easy to order they're doing t-shirts long sleeve regular sweatshirts and hooded sweatshirts and it's a great fundraiser because everything that we do for the auxiliary supports our fire department directly done okay okay so I'll touch on Expedition Bloomingdale for that that's sponsored by the economic development commission and it's a scavenger hunt where it takes you around town to about nine locations I believe each one has a clue you have to take a picture with your team with the clue and if you get all of them you come back and if you're in the top three meaning the first second or third finish you get a u it's a donated item from some of our businesses a $50 gift certificate right things like that um that's what's being awarded as the prize you do have to sign up beforehand it's a team event not really just a one person thing so you need a couple of people to sign up uh right now the signups are a little low so we will have to cancel if we don't get a couple more before the day so encourage everyone to spread the word let people know about it it's good for different organizations team buildings things like that as well um it should be a really fun day there some creative Clues it's um should only take you probably no more than hour or two depending on how quick you are and guessing what the clues are but I want to thank the EDC for putting that on a lot of thought into that one and hope we can get some more signups yeah the other one is uh a thank you for celebration day also from from the EDC so a lot of planning and thought went into that I want to thank the DPW um I know Frank himself was out there helping to direct traffic at one point uh which was really useful and very helpful the police department did a great job good volunteers from the high school I want to thank some of the folks up here I know helped out various different ways that the 5K was phenomenal as well um it was a good day and I really want to thank everybody for for everything they did to help contribute to it and then the last thing uh IID mentioned that there was a ribbon cutting ceremony for Creos it's the new restaurant on Main Street we're pushing that back it was going to be not this Saturday but the following Saturday we're working with them I don't think they're quite ready yet so it might go into November I'll keep you all a prize as we figure out what the day and time is going to be so it's not the 27th then correct yeah not the 27th okay more to come on that y exactly okay good y anybody me sir just two short comments so uh one uh environmental committee will be meeting tomorrow just reiterate uh for Celebration Day really was an excellent event I know they put together a great table talking about storm water runoff we had the honeybees uh the kids are really enjoying it wck did a great job I know a lot of pumpkins were decorated they actually emptied the box out which is excellent um and then uh just on our content agenda tonight uh I know re we really excited that we have the installation the adult exercise equipment going in that's start y that is a it's a quick synopsis until the end of the month okay I'm assuming Pas signs are coming up shortly they will be shortly yes they started they started yeah I saw an email for registration um sorry man I just want to um say you know I've done the your the Bob Cat around a couple years in row but this year I Did It For My Neighbor um Margaret coleno and I know there were other teams but um I really appreciate you did the the Bob katcha did give her um a check and that was very generous and um also something that I forgot to mention there is another with BB YC the they have a paint Fusion art event which is another por sign uh that's October 17th from 6: to 8 at St Anthony's it's h also it's $55 per person um if you or $60 and it'll include Pizza um they also have with the in regards to October being uh breast cancer awareness month for the pep rally I mean the pep rally was um SE uh September 5th on October 26 is the homecoming game and it is a pink out and then um November 9th is the salute to the flags and um it's a patriotic game and then there's also a uh clothing drive that um they're doing to uh collect um items um for BBC uh the location um of the event is at the BBC uniform shed in uh Richard Butler parking lot um Pearl place it's uh Saturday October 26 from 900 a.m. to 12 it's a clothing and shoe fund drive so if you have any types of clothing that are used wearable clothing items blankets pillows spreadsheets if you're doing any kind of spring cleaning toys making room for Christmas um this is a good place to drop them off which is uh October 26th at the um BBC uniform shed Richard Butler parking lot um 9 to 12 okay so now you went twice so next month we're going to skip [Laughter] one the mayor no report no report this evening mayor okay just a couple things with me um the Bob Costa thing went really well we had 167 participants it's just for me personally we had three families that were devastated by uh pacreatic cancer who participated in our event this year it just tells me that the disease is out there it's still there it always seems to be every year when we get involved we have people locally that are affected by this and I am pretty proud of the fire department and all the help we got the L auxiliary the police the DPW to help me put that event together and it's really for a great cause and I know the kostka family really appreciates it um she tells me every year that you know we we we started 11 years ago fig let's see how far B this is going to go it's 11 years later and we're probably going to be about $120,000 donated in 11 years from a small community which is which is fantastic um the other thing that's happening for fire prevention week is next week for the kids um the fire department will be visiting the schools I believe on Wednesday and the daycare centers um to let the kids look at the trucks we're also having an open house on o October 115 to 8:00 I believe it is and they're going to have the trucks out here the antique so the kids can come down and look at the trucks you know go on them and they're going to have snacks and and refreshments for the kids so it'll be an event they're going to have some demonstrations going on and it's going to be held here behind firemen's Hall in this Firehouse which is uh Station 2 so that'll be a nice event on next Friday night for the kids uh the other thing I'm really proud to say um for for us as a burrow we finally got the final award for the Green Acres $750,000 to do Bo Pond going along with the approximately 500,000 for the open space so that will be an early spring project um there's some paperwork that we have to file and get in on time I think it's by November 12th November something like that November there to follow through with this but this is I believe the biggest Grant that our talents ever receive and we're going to get a brand new State art playground at BO Pond which is going to be great and we picked that all Mike actually met with the vendor right and we know what it's going to look like um Dominic will be happy he going to have to have the rubber floor um with that for the kids so they fall they don't get hurt it'll be fenced in um which is all part of the green ACR process so um that is a great thing for our town to get a brand new park is the one we have up the is over 30 years old um one thing I will say the Gazebo that's in the center will be staying we dedicate that to a child on SRA Lane so that is huge for us so like to thank you know Mike um Brie for making a ton of phone calls um to follow up with everything there and we hired a grant company which paid off and the other 500,000 you mentioned it's all grants from open space from the county so between the county and Green Acres this will cost the burrow Bloomingdale tax payers zero for 1.25 for 1.25 million project project it's fantastic yeah much needed yes playround old and playgrounds are expensive I mean it's you think slide you for a slide it has to be safety it has to be AB accessible there's a lot of things involved that you have to follow being on Green Acres so anybody will be able to use this partk no matter no matter what all right and it ties into what's there with the benches and the picnic tables we already put in so it should be a great area for our young ones to go hang out and with their with their family so that's fantastic okay okay all right resolution number 2024 10.1 consent agenda do I have a motion to to approve the consent agenda s second any questions um just one so 10.12 the vehicle just curious really um we have uh guess what's the intent for that who's going to use it is it going to be DPW or please please it's one that we uh confiscated in the rate that if it gets adjudicated in court looking for $700 payoff you get it use as an un C going forward okay I was just curious what we using it for thanks okay any other questions roll call please Catalano yes Del rip yes Graziano yes Hudson yes Shubert um we this is for all every all of them yes all of them 1 through 12 1 through 12 we do this pretty much at every meeting [Music] okay we can pull one you can say all other than yeah yeah just the uh May we've had this since Friday so if you had any questions Mike could have answered yeah I know just a um just everything Yes except I that's interesting okay um I just need to know are you abstaining or abstain okay number nine Penny Item second FAL reading public hearing ordinance number 17224 accepting the dedication of holster court public ra V sorry yeah it's on the yes on all of them I thought he voted I thought I missed something okay I thought you V sorry right we got question okay okay public statement please yes Mr Mayor this ordinance was posted in the municipal building published in The Herald news and copies were made available to the public so that a motion may be made that it be read by title you have a motion to read by title second all in favor I an ordinance of the burough of Bloomingdale County of fa state of New Jersey accepting the dedication of folster Court okay you have a motion open up public hearing some move second all in favor I anyone wishing to speak please come up see no one a motion to close some move second all in favor I motion for adoption so move second any questions roll call Del Ripa yes Graziano yes Hudson yes Schubert yes gazi yes Catalano yes okay we do not have any new business motion open up public comment second all in favor I anyone wishing to come up state your name and address for the record please my name is Sean Hoyer I Live 125 Lal Avenue how do I know you with you a cable paish yes you did that's right that's a long time ago yes my name is Sean Hoyer and I've called Bloomingdale my home for 42 years on May 2nd of this year my mother of 82 years did something incredible she opened the door of her home to a father and son who thought who she thought needed help James McBride a 61-year-old army vet and my mother were co-workers they were friends but all that changed when James McBride decided to abuse the privilege of my mother's kindness and use a loophole in the system to invade our home this was supposed to be a short two week stay and now has become four months we have squatters in our community they write reside in my home and they have no intention to leave and he does he doesn't have to become he doesn't have to because the law of this day protects him and his 22-year-old son Killian he has not paid anything and he is living rentree as my mother and I live in fear of what he might do James has disgrace disregard our wishes to leave and has claimed squatter's rights uh my mother doesn't know how to use a Blu-ray or text message and she sure doesn't know anything about landlord tenant code but somehow the law believes that she has abuse the right of James and Killian illegally occupying our homes and we we now can conclude that this man baited my mother from the very start nervous it's okay my name is Patrick Lewis I live in L Park I known the hoer family for 32 years and I've been in this house twice now since this happened his brother in Texas contacted me last week to tell me this was happening he just found out what he says is true I've never seen anything like it this man is squat I feel it's important to come here today to tell you this man isn't just sting he's also driving your children to school every morning and home at night he works at J in bus Jordan I have successfully filed the summ with patteron for clerk for a r of summ to take back possession and I've got in the court date highly confident I will get this judge to agree with me that this man is in fact trespasser I was able to do this with the help of my property manager Jude FL over at Bieber Gardens she was able to navigate me through this when I went there these two are literally doing exactly what they say they are living in a tiny bedroom no bed and a door they includ and they are not leaving I've never seen anything like it I've heard of squatter's rights they are actually claiming illegal teny in this man's house this man cannot leave his home this morning is 82 years old she's not eating she's exhibiting signs of adult failure to thrive she's out of her normal routine she's not eating she's not going to Beauty Bar she's not getting her hair done she's getting massively depressed but I want to bring awareness to this Council we have a squatter this is a tremendous opportunity to show any squatter bu this our area what you think of I would ask that the community to be aware that you follow up with this family and that you reach out to this family to give them any type of assistance we have a court date of the 21st and I'm confident we will get this man trespassed just let me just ask you a couple questions because first obviously we're hearing it have you I just want to correct I I was made aware of this I know I had a short conversation that's why we're here to Pi you I appreciate you guys being here have you spoke to RPD if I may I've never seen anything like this either he did he was desperate he did not know what to do he started to bang pots and pans a few weeks ago the police came and favored the transient and gave him the homeowner a public disorderly ticket which he now has to fight the cop said there's nothing they can do and that wasowski uh the uh Mo was said he was going to send it in the mail and he threatened to arrest me if he had to come back okay well let me just follow up with that because I just want to get counil for theet you do okay all right so that that's I can't do anything obviously we can't do anything about that it just frustrates me but your mom's going through at 82 that the law protects the person there it doesn't protect your mom now I don't know what the law is because obviously that's not what we do um so they know the law very well they don't sounds like it yes um do me a favor give me your contact number okay and let me I don't know what I if we can do anything as a council but be made aware of what's going that's so the town knows so this doesn't happen to someone else because people are getting older and he just creeped right in okay let me just and you live there as well yes I'm the homeowner not my mother I'm the homeowner he made a deal to talk talk to with my mother a verbal agreement no R so you're the owner of the home yes and your mom let them in who not the owner yes correct so you didn't give them permission I gave I said to my mother yes they could stay my mother gave him permission under the GU two week verbal agreement okay but verbal verbal agre yes which really probably has no weight because it's verbal not written you would be surprised surprised yeah okay so I don't want to get in the legal side of it because obviously we don't know that I'm glad you made us aware of it um I'm not promising anything what I can do I do want to have a conversation um and then here give me your if you want to write your write your stuff down you and I will call you with whatever I can find out like I said good or bad a problem but I will follow up appreciate your time that's not a problem yeah thanks for letting us down go on the 21st it was the only I tell and put put your address down there too so I know I don't know EV if you remember me you were the one who showed me my home I how long have they been living there they've been there for 16 weeks now or down 7 you fig he's saving up for a deposit in the down house probably back about 10 ,000 under their house pay them one they've never asked for a dime never had a 10 agreement this was an act of Charity and Contrition and then when it start to get hairy where it was enough two weeks Mr Hoyer said I had enough get out and that is when he said we are P we are not leaving he's getting fully employed two jobs two jobs that like I said I knows that's all this is about I appreciate you bringing to our attention anyone else see no one the motion to close second all in favor we do not have an executive session tonight um our next meeting will be October 15th um 7 p.m. right here have a motion to adjourn move second all in favor thank you