##VIDEO ID:UUoBIkaRML8## okay right good evening this is Tuesday September 17 2024 at 7 p.m. and call the regular meeting agenda to the goverment body of the burough of Bloomdale and start off by the salute to the flag I to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible liberty and justice for all roll call please mayor deato here councilman Catalano is not here councilman Dela here councilman Graziano here councilwoman Hudson here councilwoman shuber here councilman yai is excused we also have Municipal cler Brianna Smith business administrator Michael Sand and bur attorney d s s Sullivan excuse me this meeting is called to pursue on the provisions of the open public meetings law adequate notice of this meeting was advertised in The Herald news on January 12 2024 copies were provided to the local news media and posted continuously in the municipal building a copy of this no is available to the public as on file in the office of municipal clerk as per state fire code I am required to acknowledge that there are two emergency exits in these council chambers the main entrance which you enter through and a secondary exit to the left of where I am seated if there is an emergency walk orderly to the exit exit through the door down the stairs and out the building there's any question please raise your hand um seeing none U we don't have any non agendas right all right we do not have non agenda item like to have a motion open up early public comment second all in favor I hi anyone wishing to speak please come up seeing no one uh motion to close early public so second all in favor I report of committees um mayor uh the BBC um is in um full swing they have they had their pep rally on the 5th um on October 26th they have their pink out and on uh November 9th is their salute to the service um they have um some uh special uh donate donation uh dates coming up um there's a fundraiser uh a paint it's a paint and uh Sip and paint event uh uh Thursday October 17 uh from 6:00 to 8 at St Anthony's Church they're doing porch signs um and they can pick whatever they want and it's a $55 charge per person or or $60 and it includes a pizza um they also um okay that's for that um also for our um the senior center as always um um Pat has a lot of events going on um Brianna is nice enough to always post the um the schedule that she has with all of the um uh events uh for September including um movie Nights L line dancing uh there's a uh uh their walking Club every Wednesday they have their J aerobics um on the next and also their trips and they still have they have Bingo um everything's available on uh the Bloomingdale website site um you go to the bottom and it's under uh Senior Center uh they also have their trip to Turtle B Zoo uh September 27th and uh Octoberfest October 4th um they will be doing a concert um with the new uh beautiful gazebo that um was built for them in the backyard I believe that's September 28th at 2:00 and um everything's available on online we also have uh for the um the library um their meeting uh they also have lots of um things online to catch up on um this month is library card sign up month um which they uh want people to um encouraging everyone people new tenants that move in to uh to go to the library um and also they have um a lot of uh events coming up as well they also have a um a paintting sip event at the clubhouse and um there is a newsletter that's almost approved and about to come out um but I do I do take did take a picture of it because um that Paint and Sip is Sunday November 3rd 1M at Blooming Dale fireman's Hall and there's a c uh QR code sign up available for that and um they also have adult crafts um on the calendar September 25th is a fall craft c um event and they also have crocheting um available plus um all of their book clubs and they also have um book clubs for children a Stephen King book club again all this is available online and uh they do have a an unaccompanied minor policy that is um that has always been in effect however um they need to just remind parents that children under 12 especially should be closely supervised by a parent um or a care caregiver of 16 years old or more so um this is um a a policy that they want to start enforcing um next is the um for tri Barrow um they didn't have a good uh attendance um for the class that they wanted to run but uh gaale instead created a um like a CPR class the dates are September 18 23rd 25 30 and October 2nd instead of the $100 for the Emergency EMR class that she wants to start it's only 40 and um and that's coming up also um they did have a like their version of a tag day over the weekend um there will be um some events in the future um for August their uh calls were 139 year to date um CH bur took up 111 calls they covered 94 calls and they missed 17 Butler had 55 calls Bloomingdale had 40 kinan had 39 Mutual Aid was five so year to date of all the calls it was uh 1,76 calls alog together um and their training uh for September is uh suicide and mental health this is stuff that they do sometimes at the schools um and last year's in comparison uh last year August their um year-to date calls were 1,24 which is a little more and um they're County so Butler calls last year were 59 this year was 55 lale calls last year were 48 um lumel was 40 kenon last year was 36 kelon this year is 39 um again and they also as always they do let people borrow equipment um and any other kind of um wheelchairs um there's a to call at 973 838 1688 and they do have a website available and that's it okay go um I have a few things um Hydra flushing September 16th to October 18th um if you'd like to know when your street um is being flushed you can go to our website under announcements and the hydr flushing dates are there uh public events this Saturday we have Bloomdale celebration day it's 11:00 a.m. um John will talk a little bit more about that the 5K John um you can discuss still signing up or no is everything closed no that's not closed okay um October 19th Expedition Bloomingdale town and town scavenger hunt uh let's see the election um pic County uh has a comprehensive voter education initiative designed specifically for pay county college students um if you go to pay County's website um it's called voting University um it's a great initiative that they started um I have to give a little shout out to my daughter cuz she did a um video for them um and uh it it's really good information for college students so I suggest everyone try that uh Panic Health Department is doing a skin cancer screening on October 9th from 9:00 a.m. to 1: p.m you can go to our website on the calendar on October 9th you click on October 9th the skin cancer screening flyer pops up you can sign up by a QR code or you can call 908 8 461 9960 um again our website under the calendar uh I believe Eevee hit the Cornet band on September 28th uh October 19th we have paper shredding um Mike actually meant to ask you about that it's 8 a correct yeah I looked at the F today FL says 8 A.M F says 9 so change that it's okay oh you the recycling flyer says eight um no I think the actual F itself will fix it no big deal um but I I believe it's 8: a. just stay tuned for um our website and social media and we'll update that uh wreaths Across America the kenon and Butler um uh the reads Across America for kelan and Butler are having a fundraiser Tuesday September 24th at Wendy's and Butler it's 5:00 P p.m. to 8:00 p.m. uh the Bloomingdale Museum the grand opening is September 19th at 6: p.m uh the auxiliary fire department auxiliary is doing a fundraiser for t-shirts you can find it under the social media page of the auxiliary and the fire department um really every all the proceeds that the auxiliary makes directly goes to our fire department and supports our volunteer fire department so I really suggest that everyone go on there and purchase a t-shirt a sweatshirt whatever it is um I want to thank Tri burough our Police Department our fire department um our omm department for all uh allowing us to use the logos because um it's basically a Bloomingdale Emergency Services t-shirt and I think it came out really good uh lastly we have really good news um our environmental commission uh was awarded the bronze level certification for Sustainable New Jersey is a really big huge thing that they did and I want to thank um the environmental commission I want to thank the staff here at Town Hall that all um helped with that um Karen from the environmental commission really put a great deal of time into getting that certification out of the 150 points that we needed to get we actually got over that we got 170 so it's really impressive and um now that opens this up uh to Grants um I did bring along a little something so everybody kind of understands what Sustainable New Jersey is um so uh it is a free certification program for municipalities that want to go green saved money and take steps to sustain their quality of life over the long term as New Jersey faces issues such as the climate crisis a glowing uh growing um equality divide and environmental pollution municipalities want to be part of the solution of these challenges so that is what Sustainable New Jersey is um so congratulations to them big deal the paper Shing is not on the public events count fly we actually took it off because it's not really a public event um it is on recycl on Rec calendar which is right to right next to it on the on the website right um but we actually have a separate flyer um and I think it said nine it's no big deal the green flyer that's made of separate says 9 say recycling calendar is 8 o' is 8 o' I believe it is 8 o' I think that they changed it because um they were having some issues with traffic people were kind of really backing out onto uh Hamburg Turnpike they wanted to make it a little bit earlier okay but you got to get there early because it is first come first serve Mike and it usually goes pretty quick right uh yeah it does go pretty quick yep the minute they fill up they're gone so yes okay okay two items uh for me so first one you mentioned Celebration Day the Saturday so so far weather looks okay let's hope that continues setup is at 9:00 for anyone that has a table and the event starts at 11: really gets kicked off with the the end of the 5K um that's the the Ceremonies for that and the event will conclude around 4:00 um we have the Shamrock School of Music they'll be performing for over three hours there also be a couple of demonstrations and things like that during the event too so should be a good day and the second thing is we have the new restaurant in town kios um there where Cafe chameleon was so we have a ribbon cutting that's scheduled for them that is on October 13th October 13th at 400m so that's a Sunday right before Columbus Day I believe um at 4M I think they're inviting people in you know afterwards um they have the bar there right some some food and things like that so it should be pretty nice event so I hope everyone can make that and I believe town hall is closed on 14th whatever the Monday is the next day 14th yeah for cl it rich nothing for me uh yeah hopefully tomorrow they're going to hydro seed Hilltop Terrace and get that project wrapped up um today we had a sinkhole start to open up on Wallace near the corner of Hamilton I thought it might have been a water break but they listened and there was no leak right under the way new mainwood put uh it's under the warranty so the contractor be coming out uh with our engineer to take a look at it tomorrow if they weren't there this afternoon and then we were in the process of doing some police construction Renovations downstairs uh converting what used to be their old locker room into their break room and the break room into some other stores facility is on the way okay report thank you I okay for me I got invited to a recovery celebration down at Rifle Camp Park on Saturday um which is for drug addiction people that went through the whole process and has recovered through it there was quite a few people there um all the Mayors in the county were invited by the county to go down and and just recognize um the work that's being done for um people with addiction problems so it was really nice um to go down there and see these people that have straightened their lives out and are on the right path which is which is really the way it's supposed to work um the Bob kotka 5K signups are great doing really well I just want to make note we first the first time we've instituted teams and we have three teams there of families or people that have been affected by pancreatic cancer and it's great to see the showing to support of those families um I don't really want to mention their names without their permission but um there'll there'll be several teams going through and and walking or running in in the race so if you see groups together if you come out and people come out and want to wave and just support these families because it's a really really trying situation to go through um what they're going through and and we've experienced 11 years ago with Bob and his family so it's it's no party and it's people that are suffering so um it's good to see those families have have huge support and it's affecting people that are locally around us so it's it's there so this is a great event um for that but that will kick off and you signups will technically close tomorrow tomorrow night but people can still sign up on Friday um in the firehouse we'll have a table set up and they can sign up the morning of of um we're doing everything electronically now there's no paper trail for this so which is going to be new for us so um should be interesting to see how that works take donations as well also yes we will take donations as well and there's been quite a few donations coming through and we experience that every year we do this um especially people that live out state that are are tied to the kco family or somehow tied to the burrow which is actually really nice um so that's pretty much all I have I'm sorry I have something else to mention I just uh because today's the meeting for bbco he just sent the an update um he has a bubo's uh a dine to donate um for bubus at on Tuesday October 1st all day and if you mention BBC um there's some kind of a there's a flyer coming and also another event where the Flyers not attached but coming um they have a CDS clothing Drive Saturday October 26th I know those usually generate a lot of people that want to declutter so to mention that uh Saturday October 26th um I'll I'll try to find the the flyer when they when it's available to have post okay all right let's uh move on uh resolution number 2024 9.8 uh the consent agenda they have motion to approve the consent agenda so move second um roll call there's any questions pretty small this month or this week Dela yes Graziano yes Hudson yes Shubert yes okay okay pending items second final reading of public hearing ordinance number 16224 Amendment chapter 11 uniform construction code fees public statement please yes Mr Mayor this ordinance was posted in the municipal building published in The Herald news and copies were made available to the public so that a motion may be made that it be read by title okay do I have a motion to read by title second all in favor I an ordinance of the bur of Bloomingdale County of faic state of New Jersey amend ing chapter 11 building and Housing section 11- 1.2 fees of the code of the bur of Bloomingdale okay do have a motion open up public hearing move second all favor I anyone wishing to speak please come up see no one a motion to close so move second all in favor I motion for adoption second right any questions roll call Graziano yes Hudson yes Shubert yes Del [Music] yes okay new business um discussion Council to acknowledge received of Bloomingdale's annual status progress report of the burough flood plane management plan under the Community rating system report uh prepared by our burrow engineer and submitted to the D you want to discussion not just to acknowledge it was dropped in the Google Drive you just have to every year we do the same thing done by the state there's any questions okay any questions about this okay no discussion okay adoption resol resolution number 2024 .10 Municipal obligations payment of the bills do I have a motion second any questions roll call please Hudson yes Shubert yes Del Ripa yes Graziano yes okay item C introduction of ordinance number 17-223 accept accepting the dedication of holster Court have a motion to read by title second all in favor I an ordinance of the burough of Bloomingdale in the county of pic and state of New Jersey accepting the dedication of holster court and second and final reading will be on October 1st at 7 p.m okay um have a motion up late public comment second all in favor I I anyone wishing to speak come on up are we adding the third thing to the ex have we appr person y um at the last meeting or minut ago you had mentioned about the um the flood plane on Main Street but business is not going to be able to do it's going to be very hard to do it yeah so I also remember years ago when they did a flp plane on bandan one of those streets there and D went to the D and they were able to change it know how he did it but he was able to speak to them and have them come back and re at the the flood L yeah I believe we did that over on Walter drive we did up there first we did up there first and we were able to take several homes because going back by the old mapping plan they have L all legs Dam would break and flood out Oakwood obviously the Dam's on the other side of the lake it'll affect more Lake people be able to get out of there um down to vanam I know we were trying to do that down there a lot of people's houses did the FL plan I I I don't remember that I know plan it's not perfected yet and we're we're in court with him yes do you remember the guy that came and spoke to everybody Nick right Nick MH okay he never finished the process to go through to get people out I don't think anybody was taken out because I know I got questioned by people across from the um um basketball courts I get call every week that so we are in our attorney has filed um suit suit against him for not completing the project or at least we need to get what he has done and we're not going to obviously not going to pay them so that's where we are with that that's in in the courts so can can this same be done to more repal person I guess for Main Street uh but it's the problem of Main Street is the governor changed the flood plane throughout the state and he raised the flood plane 2 feet so you're not going to be able to get anybody out unless he changes the law yeah flood plane elevation was raised two two feet exactly whatever you got to do but that's next year um I just don't know how people can build a house on the ocean and we can't build one on the river that's um I can tell you I went to a meeting with the mayors of um our district several weeks ago and the and first thing we were told was I can't do anything about affordable housing and I can't do anything about flooding first two things but two biggest and that's the two biggest things we were going to ask about about so they can build commercial on Main Street right but they will not allow any residential with the elevation chain because the people getting stuck in there flood comes so that's what puts the St the that you already have on Main there is in can you still do that existing stays anything new that they're going to knock down and build new I believe if you change the footprint that's when it goes out the window I just keep the footprint just where if somebody want to take I'll use lenus for example it's established right and want to remodel Lenas I don't think they would have any problem if somebody want to pick up Lenas and move it to the back and put retail with residential at this point we don't think they would be allowed the D um is controlling everything so they are yay or nay so you have to fight with them and we know what that's like with SLO Park but we went through over there for several years um I know there's people trying to work with them to develop by Lenas and um so far he's they they have been unsuccessful and my understanding is is no one's grandfathered in either to that no um cuz I had uh a friend who was in the process of building their house they once that law went through they had to go back pay for all of their architectur all over again and have everything redesigned according to the equ need it's awful it was a lot of money for them yeah so and it hurts a lot isn't just hurting us it's hurting every town around us you know and we haven't in a long time so okay oh 730 Mr Catalano appearance in public yeah okay um anyone else wishing to come up on Dave say something do have a motion to close L public comment second all in favor I I okay we do have three matters of um to go into executive 7 one is a matter of personnel attorney CL client privilege and special counsel and to the Board of Education those are separate um they're all separate items but we do have three items that we're going to discuss and no decisions will be made there'll be no business taken afterwards right do I have a motion go into executive some all in favor hi Hi D and John everybody else