##VIDEO ID:N_pbGEnSt1Y## got your wish start off apolog welcome thank glad uh thanks everybody I appreciate your Indulgence we've got one person on the list here tonight it looks like Sally Andy you looking to speak as well or are you a casual Observer tonight sounds good so as we typically do uh we we parse it out but we give you no more than 10 minutes so uh yeah I know all kinds of time for days if I might I had a resident contact me wanted to connect virtually um a number of things I don't know that she's going to be able to do that okay um if I might just be able to get like a minute to just kind concerns and questions yes on on her behalf because we had a a lengthy conversation about I think that that would be very appropriate we'll make sure that's on the list as well great thank you good evening Sally welcome I I have one question can officers anyone for any reason under police surveillance I don't know the answer to that I I believe the notion of police surveillance comes from Command Staff I don't think individual officers ERS can do that but I don't know that for certain okay so it would come from Command Staff from your your just that would seem reasonable any I would uh ask the question if you're suggesting that well that was going to be my next question yes I was just your name being in the report uh is the same as police surveillance because I don't think that's the same thing yeah yeah I do think it is the same thing and you know somebody is driving into the neighborhood with my name in a report and how does it get into a report it just doesn't show up into a report it's not like you know I could say to the police officer I could call him on a personal line and go yeah could you you know my neighbor's bothering me could you just come and check that neighbor out for me you know and then the police putting it my neighbor's name in a report and driving into the area I it's not it's it's more official to get your name in a cad report and just speaking to what he had said well but I I my next question was going to be because I know exactly where you're going with it Sally and no as Jamie said you I don't think this does not constitute police surveillance I think police surveillance I think his decisions made at the Command Staff level and your name being in what do we they weren't even police reports they were is roll call notes is not the same as it's not roll call notes it's a cad report CAD it's computerated dispatch is what CAD stands for yeah and so for the name to get there it has to get there in some some way it gets there it it doesn't just show up there there's some reason it's in my name is in a report you're you're right and you asked that question and I asked that question of the chief and the chief asked the question of the officers and no one could recall the details of the specifics behind all that they they they could not it was what nine years ago now so they did not they they we asked that question we answered that question and don't what else we can do I mean they don't recall five years ago but I had started asking for an internal affairs investigation I had start started inquiring about this much earlier than five years I mean it's like I do a lot of work before I come here in front of the council it's not like I have you know an immediate complaint and come right in here I do background work I do emails back and forth I try to get someone to engage I want to know what had happened why was my name in there and there should be some official reason you for instance police officers can't just look up somebody's phone number number and see who it is or for instance if I had somebody parked in my driveway they can't run the plate they can run the plate if there's a reason if there's a legal reason to run the plate that would be the same with my name being in a report there has to be legal reason my name is in report and what's really disturbing is I don't feel like any of you guys see how important this is how really Distributing it is you can't have police what Rogue I mean they can't just decide oh I'm going to drive in the neighborhood because I heard something was going on over there and then to clarify again I wasn't in the area at all since like the end of September so this makes absolutely no sense there's no data to say eight there's eight reports and there's no data and I'm not getting an impression that any of you care it's like oh yeah police can check up on our residence anytime they want and it's like no they can't you legally can't and I want to know why and you guys should want to know why too and you also should hope that I'm the only one that it's happening to and you should hope to investigate it and say this is it Polie this doesn't happen again we are fixing it we don't do this to our residents our residents should know that yes if they're doing something that's illegal they will have police presence but unless there is a legal reason we leave our residents alone Sally your initial question was why your name was in there we asked and there was not they did not come up with an answer no one could remember why your next question does this warrant an internal investigation I don't believe it does and that's what I my comment was for is that's disturbing it's disturbing I understand I appreciate your comment on it and I heard your comment on that I appreciate it I don't believe this situation warrants an internal investigation and why I mean are you okay that the police are just driving into the neighborhood to look at one person that that isn't what happened that that isn't what happen how is that not you had your hand up please was there another party in those reports yes thank you and it wasn't one person okay yeah it it was the Dar Al faroo building so were they surveilling them in your opinion no so no my understanding from the email I got it was generated because of them if it was there should be data behind that they can't just go darl FR wants us to go look at sell that's not what the report said that's not what the report said we all saw the report it's what it said and what did it say it said you and them and they went to the neighborhood not to you not to anybody else they just went into the neighb if they go into the neighborhood darl fruk wants us to check out the neighborhood that's fine but that's not what it said it said because of Sally and darl fruk and again to clarify I wasn't in the the area after the end of September so why was my name in a report in December and January so if I may Mr Mayor just just very quickly let's wrap this up because to go on a ride along with the police I would highly recommend it here's why because when you get to roll call they are given data as part of turnover and that turnover data includes these cads that say Hey we've been asked by Command Staff to do to do extra Patrols in these areas for a variety of reasons that could be because of previous complaints those complaints could have been from three or four months ago they could have been from a year ago we don't know and we we don't have that data they get those kinds of reports uh because they're asked to do additional community policing that it happens at the Mall of America it happens at Bloomington blooming Meadows it happens on the east side on the west side for example um there were a rash of car jack car break-ins in the in at the big the big apartment building that's over by 106 Street a legal reason no no it's not a legal reason that's the legal reason it's not Breakin it's reports it's reports of Breakin legal Reas reports of Breakin but they could be they could be here saying they could be hearsay don't have any evidence but there's no there's no hearsay of illegal reports nothing council member point is the the call record is the exact same call record you're talking about when they went there because of this to clarify too you you just don't like that answer but I get that clarify you said there would be data there would be dat you go to a roll call and there would be reasons why it would be on the cad report that is the data you had been at that roll call five years ago you would have heard the reason and the roll call is print and the roll call is printed out it's not it's it's it's moral history I've received roll calls before I have not received any for this an oral history as far as I know I've never seen a generates a rle call would be data somebody would have a report I just don't like the answer s and I feel bad case for instance like you said there's break-ins there's data to back up why we're there there were break-ins so yes you drive into the area there were reports break-ins and then there were and then and then to put someone's name in it there were reports of break-ins in that I don't know Mr Mayor if there's that been any change to policy that we don't put first and last name of anybody in them anymore maybe that's been done I don't don't know you do you do if they're actually doing something illegal Sally we're at time okay and I and I want to say again Sally your initial question was asked and it was answered that the police do not recall specifics the details they don't recall that your second question do we support will we have an internal investigation unless I get an overwhelming response from the the council here I do not believe this merits an internal investigation and I look to the council now does anyone believe this merits an internal investigation I think this is a misunderstanding so your two questions have been asked and they have been answered thank you Andy understand quite well want me to sign that or yes please please out in you I got it it's all right maybe that's it all right looks like so I wanted to talk a little bit about uh uh a thing that I brought for protection of the police chief and something a little more positive maybe on the police but I put an email forth to the principal of Kennedy High School and to Chief Hodes about unsafe conditions that exist in the crosswalk at Kennedy High School 98th and nickolet I dropped my daughter off there like once a week but what's happened is you've got kids crossing street from holiday and Burger King coming across obviously not using the crosswalk pretty much jaywalking and you got basically parents dropping off their kids the middle of nicholet Avenue I'm talking just open doors with flowing traffic you know kind of either way so last week I observed good old police up there on the median right watching things so I just wanted to say a thank you to the police in that regard you know because I think you guys know that these have kind of become and uh Hollenbeck over the principal did put an e up talk to all the students said don't don't do the j walking right but I think you guys kind of know around these crosswalks it's kind of it's kind of crazy how much traffic when you take a two lane move one lane it gets kind of it gets hectic and the parents you could probably email them all day long and unless there's enforcement from traffic you know and these are getting more dangerous as you guys know around these intersections at the school so but it looks like we've got some police there so I just want to say thanks to the chief for actually following up and putting some police some uh law enforcement um in place you know on that matter so some safety in the community I guess you know on that um and I will say Andy and you saw you saw the uh the cones out there all fall and that was to have the Crossing the the the safety island in the middle of the crossing so right trying our best and trying to do different things to try and there's another intersection I wanted to mention it's over on 86 and 12 right and they took a stop light out there right and there's a four-way in there and I don't know if they're going to turn that into a a roundabout at some point but I see people blowing through that intersection even though you've got the bright flags on the on the corner there that intersection that's kind of become a dangerous intersection I think there's been some accidents over there so I don't know if you guys are aware but 86 and 12 is kind of a Victor you know what I'm talking about or no kind of a little bit what's that Jamie our traffic division's aware of it yeah they I think they know but yeah they pulled out a full stoplight so I don't know you know roundabout in there or I imagine it'll be a redesign at some point you know kind of like a lot of communities are moving that to that kind of roundabout kind of kind of model so um the other thing I wanted to bring forward um I wanted to ask Mr vugi um are you guys still using high performance organization or was there like a little kurur fuffle inside the city that we haven't we haven't uh used that training for a couple years is there a reason that you guys pulled that out away from it we decided so you just didn't like it anymore or what what happened to it exactly we decided not to use it anymore okay so it's just not not being utilized are you using another model to kind of organize the city at this time or okay okay I was kind of pay yeah go ahead somebody yeah so but I know it's not specific to the employee level but we do have something on the agenda tonight in terms of um um our budgeting process and things like that and how we look at performance on that yeah Mr May C it's not like it's not like I don't think the city managers went H whatever so it's Mr Aon council members uh different things the priority based budgeting is a different thing what Mr th is talking about yeah uh the high performance organization model was the uh staff development and organizational change model that we were using for a number of years uh and uh we we moved away from it a couple years ago like I said so a lot of the principles are still in place but we're not actively training staff not using that model anymore you guys pull it away or whatnot so I was going to mention too he Sally I know she's been speaking at a number of meetings but I know actually have some friends that are actually personal police officers usually they keep pretty good detail on notes as far as surveillance so could I be surveillance be launched on me without me knowing not surve there's no surveillance going on surveillance surveillance occurs in the course of an investigation okay okay gotcha there's not surveillance going on it's just kind of like coming in the neighborhood driving in the neighborhood of the DAR Peru what happens sometimes is that uh during roll call uh the sergeants will request directed Patrol in a given area right uh and that's what was the case in the circumstance during that roll call is that a often times is that just communicated to the the people that are in that on that it's done kind of it's verbally done so it show up in a data request watch it yourself right pretty much yes if I show it up they saying hey watch this watch this it's kind of a Communications thing that wouldn't show up in a data request I think if you you contacted the police department requested to do a ride along right invite you to come to oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah so you can't just walk off the street in aend roll no no bo I hope my name a waiver to go on a drive yep you got I've got a friend that works at vonka he's a police officer but it's it's definitely eye opening when you do some ride along so you know kind of see what goes on so have fun you know behind the scenes so it's if I may also um police actually patrols Highway Patrol anybody on a cruiser practices running ples automatically and they don't have to have a reason they just a car in front of them happens to be there run the plate just to and and to be honest a lot of the big arrests that they have had these people that had uh uh warrants for a long period of time that's how they have been busted so normal for police to do that they don't do it to to bother you but once somebody pull an officer pulls behind you they're running your plate and you know that automatically it's quick they move on if you don't have any problems they move on to the next one it's normal technology is now as they drive down the street it's being read automatically and if if they get a hit a light flashes that's right yeah they they they scan the plates automatically as they're driving they're Auto scanning you know which is Al nice yep so surveillance but back to the the deal you know like so basically like the police on their shift they might talk verbally amongst each other and say hey we've got to keep an eye on this neighborhood you know or whatever type deal like that there's not roll call or or yeah so there's no no no real doesn't really have to be a report if if a followup on that is what what you're saying so yeah no anyway I said traffic enforcement at Kennedy I think the the kids know not to I said it's just dangerous over there so I just wanted to bring that to the council's attention so yeah and you know and it goes and Cycles because we we had the conversation about six months ago about speeding in front of Jefferson High School it's darnest thing you give kids driver's license and give them a car it's a dangerous yep I teach these 16 to 18 year olds so I kind of get it's they're crazy drivers right and some of these 168 they're dropping their brothers and sisters off at school you know so it's like but I I made a I don't know if you guys know this but at and middle you know there's a they put that turn lane in there and I put a pretty good letter forward about that because they had some bad accidents over there too but they actually put a turn lane in so that I think that's helped out a little bit it has still gets crazy over there we also have now the the the beacons the beacons and the the school zone and everything we're working as hard as we can as fast as we can in all those areas on purpose and I think my favor school on because you go 30 and then you go 25 and then 30 30 like there's a gap in between schol Kirk uh traffic engineer no no no he he answered it very well the distance between and the different timing of the schools oh gocha is that makes sense is this 25 M you know the speed limit I know you guys have dropped the speed limit right but I'm I'm I'm driving I R driving in Bloomington a lot you know the kids in sports and all that but it seems like nobody's really slowed down you know they're still at 35 I don't think neighborhood I I I disagree with that and I've talking folks I mean anecdotally I mean I don't is it going down a little bit me like people are slowing down okay and and I I've heard that from other people as well and I I talked to Kirk Roberts about it and who drives and bicycles a lot so he especially is ATT tuned to it and he also has the sense that you know without data to back it up but just anecdotally and feeling that people are slowing down good good especially around schools I said it seems like after Co and you're seeing more and more people drive to the schools there's a there's an increased amount of pressure you know kind of coming into the the schools in general i d around the community a lot and just anecdotal of course but uh I always Peg myself right on top of the speed limit and there are not people blowing past me on that's good it's really steady I haven't been passed on 106th in the Middle Lane since we did it so that's good right thank you very quickly how are the cards from the yeah know you there's a couple getting better carts are seems like they're they're on top of that I think they're getting better I mean I still see a couple you know the cart Patrol is whatever you guys are doing maybe they're picking them up more or maybe they I like you brought that up yeah you brought it up and we about carts no see if you forgot about it we're doing something right there must there must be because I live over in that side of town over East you bring it brought up for a long time and it seem like a legitimate issue there are fewer of them though I'll say you know because I I see a few here and there but not okay because we have a rotation on the council that we all have to sit out there and get those cards you guys are so we I just want to end that you guys are pushing the carts it's Victor's turn thank you Andy thanks for stopping by this evening appreciate it council member thank you um I had a r contact me this is totally on me that wasn't able to coordinate with her to be here tonight it was about her property taxes we're going to talk about that more uh but she wanted to bring forth the message she owns a mod town home and her property taxes went up 28% this year I think it's a situation that we've all been talking about for a long time that our most affordable houses are getting impacted by increases in valuation um I will connect her with Mr buer to go through that with her she was also frustrated by the thing that I think we're all frustrated by that um you get your tax assessment in the spring and then you find out what that means in the fall and I told her you can't do anything until next spring she did not like that answer I don't like that answer totally agree with her but that that's the situation and so I know because of my own fault she wasn't able to connect with us this evening and so I just want to bring that forward her concerns and questions on that um I'll work with you Jamie to to get her connected to go hopefully you reminded her that that timing sequence is state law that it's not the city that determines that so oh my bad I told her as a city manager no no no I I I told her the stay law also I also told her that it is something that we continually talk about I also told her that because of some of our former colleagues that were working on those issues in terms of the homestead tax credit the property tax relief that automatically goes out to people without application and uh explained how that that's all working but that that timing glitch is still a weird one and when we talk about legislative stuff I would love to see a way that people could at least see what that's going to look like for them because I mean I see I mean I'm on Facebook I see people that are their property taxes are going down and then I I talked to her and they're going up 28% I'm like I know what our Levy is and and that and then but it's not just that so right one may comment on that just um my my personal opinion is that uh if we could pick a legislative option that we could advocate for um I I don't understand how why the the taxable amount of your property can't be indexed I don't understand it the the volatility in the market right now should not be a reason that we all pay what we pay and there's it could get capped it could get capped it never not to increase 15% or not to increase 10% your valuation it could be done from a state tax perspective and not have impact and I don't know why cities don't Advocate more for that if it was up to me if I was King for a Day I would be asking for that I think that is actually currently if it goes over uh 10% then the there's an additional property tax uh baitman from the state if you qualify but at a at a certain point you don't I thought it I thought that was income independent I think it's kind of a circuit breaker that if you have uh an amount that's higher I think you're right I'll I'll talk to Tim and see if we can I think that it has to be reg just like 50% no no no it's 10 it's like 10 I don't think so or El it would have happened to this lady and it didn't happen to this lady tell me why that's what I'm trying to say like no no because it's a separate thing the tax goes up but you have to apply for the property tax say something you have to do you should just cap it call Nathan that's what he's working on I'm asking us to call Nathan as a body that's exactly we get him on the phone we wait for the I don't think should be on us I would entertain a motion to adjourn we have a motion and a second to adjourn all in favor are adjourned we willst thank you so I just y then we don't get the money