##VIDEO ID:yHRGXh8z2tw## e e e e e oh okay like what am I doing wrong I've that before Public Works is aware okay well all right I will uh I will call the city council listening session to order this is Monday September 30th thank you all for being here we will start as I said uh everybody get now we're a couple minutes behind schedule so everybody you know seven eight minutes or so uh we will start with Sally so last time I was here I commented again about my name being on Seven Police reports and then two council members give giving their you know giving reasons that the police would be having my name on reports but I wasn't calling I wasn't even at listening sessions I was pretty much absent so again I want to know why my name is on Seven Police reports I wasn't calling the police they shouldn't have been putting my name on a report seven reports and there on there and I should know I should know why the police were putting my name in seven police reports seven that I know of may I ask a quick question or make a clarification just just for your information Sally I I think the only th those were given to you because you made a data request for them correct yes okay so they're not public record you had to specifically request them first off so everybody that's not a public record public it is a public record only if you ask for it like you'd have to go get it it's not like they just put it out in The Ether right I mean those are call reports they're not technically police reports so what they are is and um is when somebody is asked by Dispatch to go to a place they make a they make a call report that says they did this thing because dispatch asked them to okay that's different than saying like there was a reported robbery and I went and I made a police report out of it like with a name and a case number and all that kind of stuff so just for clarification purposes these are a lot more like think about it more like um call notes and not an official police report and so I have police coming into the neighborhood with my name on a call note I would like to know why I mean why is my name yeah I get that question I just I would I question I just want on what it is that we're talking about because when you yeah I sent them all I sent I sent you guys them to the public it has a certain connotation and I just want to be sure know that it's it's not an official police report but it's serious all the same to have my name where police are coming into the neighborhood with my name I mean so that happens usually because again there's the reasons you two two council members gave it last time no reasons I had not called the police for several months here's what here's what I'll do Jamie's obviously not with us tonight so I don't know if he he's connected with the chief yet he and I haven't talk talked about that uh but I I will ask Jamie again we will follow up on that and if the police can recall and this was how many years ago now um it was the end of 2019 the beginning of 2020 so that was four years ago now we and we'll see if we'll see if they we'll see if they Recall why your name was put there and I we will ask them and then we will tell you whatever we find out and then that will be the answer I mean are we can we agree on that no it doesn't make sense it's you if my name is in report there has to be something to support it you just don't go let's go into the neighborhood and put her name on a report I will ask them the and if they say it's because we had heard from her many times or we knew there was issues in the past or whatever that was what whatever they say and I have no idea what they're going to say that will be the answer can we agree on that no because it doesn't make sense my name you want I want to know why it's on the report just just said we will ask them and get an answer from them and I will report that to you and then that will be the answer previously when I've received answers from the city they haven't made sense for instance the disability parking you know I say there it made sense to everybody but you apparently Sally because the city staff was okay with it the police were okay with it Dar Brook was okay with it but it wasn't State Statute compliant and now they are so I have a city giving inaccurate information I keep with it to get it accurate and now they are properly putting the buses to not block the disability parking it made no sense that the entire city as you were okay Sally we're talking about this issue let's talk about this issue and what I'm going to promise you I will get an answer I will give you the answer and then we're done talking about it all right no you to to say again with the disability parking that's pretty much what you said we answered it but it was inaccurate you should want the accurate information I think we said that the police chief was meeting with Daryl Farooq and the state to fix it that's what we told you and and it happened it got fixed um and and the city manager said they are temporarily parking there that was inaccurate as if temporarily parking there was okay until it and I continued with it until it was fixed until it was accurate it's similar to like the um with the ice cream truck all right Sally thank you thank you yep Michael hi name my name is MJ Healey and I am eight years old and me and my grandma started going to the creek when I was about four years old and and we started just going on the paved paths and then we started going on the unpaved paths like dear paths and we've seen a lot of things since we've seen I mean a germinated Acorn we've seen coyote bones deer bones and what else have we SE like we've seen just some a lot of Nature and we think that if there if we can keep all the stuff that we have there and not add bike paths that it'll stay it'll be really nice and that there will still be a lot of Nature and that um like animals can live there and if there's bike paths then that's it's kind of killing the environment because there's not a lot of places for Animals now because of how much City there is and that's a place where every a lot of animals can just live in peace and my background with the creek is good and um and we I think that just all the birds chirping to the wind to the creek just hitting the Rocks it's just a lovely place and that there shouldn't be bike pass because there's um it's really sensitive that environment and it should stay like that and that's why everybody here thinks that y there shouldn't be bike pass and then it should stay that way and we think that just having that place is super special having all the trees having all the nature having all the nice plants it's just super special thank you MJ C do you have a question I do hi MJ I'm Lona nice to meet you question for you um how do you get to the park today huh how do you get to the park today do you drive or do you walk like grandmother take you there drive and yeah we drive and then we sometimes we explore places that we haven't been and some and sometimes we go to places that we have been because there we every time we go there there might there's something that we find that's different yeah what part of the what part of the creek do you normally hang out in well when I was little we hanged we were in like the left side that path but once we started to go on unpaved paths like deer paths we started going on the right side okay great thank you I appreciate it and everybody knows that there's a lot of bike paths in Bloomington and that there should there um has to be at least one or two places where everybody can go and just be like this is really nice and not have to deal with the problem that maybe there's a bunch of bikes and that there's people just scooting around and if there's bike paths if they're too close to the walking path that maybe there could be an incident when someone gets hit and run over by something and that's not good also any additional questions of MJ very good anything else to add good well thank you thanks for coming today thanks for your hi everyone uh yeah I know it's hard to do that uh pu out here too that' be really they're coming y uh I'm Robert Coleman and I'm here to talk about um some of the things that are on the agenda today um obviously there's so there's public hearing opportunities that I will be speaking at but um I have some concerns about the the Luther Kia application that uh is on the consent agenda and so does not you know get anything like that um remember so just a quick question this your discretion here but normally we don't talk about things on the agenda and I also just want to recognize that we have we have your email and have read it very thoughtful so I think it was in the public package was the public back it was public I think the fact that it's it's not a public hearing opportunity of being on the on the consent agenda just want to clarify y exactly yeah okay thank you um I think that uh I mean some of the stuff I have mentioned in what I uh my written testimony but I I just want to uh say that um to like connect it to some of the other things that cuz obviously individual public hearing is only for that that specific item but I kind of want to give like a what I think is like a big picture view um also because um I think that the uh when like I look at the intent statement for um the the C5 District that the Luther Kia would be in um it it really uh has like a very optimistic it has a very um you know it talks a big game about what that District should look like and um but then it it's a the underlying code doesn't really back that up because there's this carve out from 2015 that allows the uh the floor error ratio which is one of the most important Tools in that toolbook um to be arbitrary based on if if if there's like any increase to the the the intensity then it could be anything as opposed to being the minimum of 0.1 and when I look at the uh the application that it is it doesn't follow the intent of the C5 District if I can if you can humor me for just a moment as I uh read some of it um the intent of the C5 district is to provide high-intensity mixed residential and commercial land uses in locations where excellent accessible Transit service is anticipated to be available uh the intense uh number one is to encourage the incorporation of highdensity residential uses to promote uh an attractive streetscape through building placement and design three restrict incompatible uses such as gas stations auto repair and car washes and four reduce the visual impact of parked Vehicles by requiring the placement of vehicle parking areas to be to the side or rear of buildings and it really feels like um the the the 2015 carve out doesn't uh it doesn't help towards that like I I remember hearing in the the discussion about the rs1 uh change is that it's important to have the intent and the co underlying code be in Harmony and I don't see how there's it feels irreconcilable how those two uh parts of the code uh interact together so so um I think that the important thing is that the 2015 carve out says may the city council may give uh you know wave the uh the minimum floor error ratio for those uh for auto sales in the C5 district and I think that um it I I hope that you guys will talk about it we'll talk about the intent of the C5 district and to not grant that flexibility and also um and when I uh think about what the uh when I if I try to connected in my head with the the um the remote Airport parking moratorium and the uh and Southtown it really uh if I'm you know if you're thinking if you're hanpen County or you're the Federal Transit Authority or you're the state or the you know uh or congress trying to figure out uh especially when it comes to money like uh we're looking for an earmark for the sanitary sewer capacity and hopefully if American Boulevard Transit way moves forward they would hennipen County would be funding most of that hopefully some from the FTA as well and it really feels like the uh the pen American Plan and the South Loop District plan and the city code intent statements they really they paint a different picture than what the actual underlying code uh shows because if you're if you know if you're working at the FTA and you're like yeah I really feel like the you know the future now in the future the American uh Transit way corridor plan like it it says a lot of good things but if we can have if the city of Bloomington is you know putting in code these car outs and then using them in 2024 to undermine one of the most important tools of the C5 district and to um and the and you have you know you have this awesome America uh Pan-American District plan except there's this secret agreement between the city and KRA Anderson where they signed away most of the important stuff or you know the the South Loop District plan has you know says we're going to phase out um uh remote Airport parking and these are the tools and it seems like maybe we're going to change that policy decision it really doesn't feel like um it it doesn't feel like it it's going to have like lasting effects for decades because um for example for the Luther Kia that building they're going to be building a brand new building and it uh they're going to have an expectation that it's going to stand for decades we're not going to see another uh opportunity to have it be look like the C5 district for you know could it be 2034 or 2044 uh I don't know I just really don't feel like um those are the things that we should be uh we should be looking towards the future and not using that carve out Mr Mayor hi Robert um sorry great kind of ranting um there's a couple uh clarifications ask you about really quickly um so to your point on the Kia thing I had asked some questions of of Staff earlier because I had a similar impression of what we had been working towards um so I'll be holding that and we'll have a discussion about it tonight so can't tell any tell you what we're going to vote right but that'll happen at least I'll be asking to hold it um regarding the other two things though I just want to be I want to be careful I don't know that there's a secret agreement between blo the city of Bloomington and K Anderson about anything and if you know about it it can't be secret so I just want to be careful with our ter olog there I guess what what I was thinking is that like when I was originally you know researching stuff about American plan A lot of it is out in the open like the plan is out in the open and then later there was the the the development agreement there was I I didn't know it existed until I was at the the the Planning Commission hearing and they were like yeah this agreement happened with K Anderson and like I looked back in the in the um like the the minutes of when it was passed and there was no way for me to able to see it because of course the the packets I don't even know if it was in the packet at the time but the packets aren't uh they aren't archived and I wasn't I only got it like 2015 itself yeah and um I got I I only complet I got a uh a data practices uh request and it only finished I only got it back a few days ago and even then it wasn't really what I wanted we're at time now but I I would I would concur with council member dallesandro I mean words matter and you got be careful about saying secret agreement between the city and cross Anderson because again if it it doesn't exist I mean it's it's not easily accessible to the public well that that's that's different than a secret agreement and I would disagree with the fact that it's not easily accessible also but as council member dallesandro said she's going to be pulling that so you'll be hearing the conversation I think later this evening so thank you yeah thank yep well the K1 will be public comment right that is correct yes yeah and sh I don't know how I go about going about saying all this but I have a problem with my neighbor yeah it's been going on for a while and I've called the cops the cops have been there had a talk with them and yet it continues uh apparently he has a problem with his horn at 1230 yeah 12:30 a.m. 11:30 p.m. 3:00 in the morning he doesn't just go to lock it it takes him 45 minutes to lock it yeah be be yeah and then he does it before he leaves the work because he has his little kids crawl in there and beep the horn for about a half an hour before he can leave yeah it's he's a piece of work and recently he uh went uh through some uh branches that were at the end of his driveway and somebody else put them in between the garage and M fence which is close and he threw him over my fence and I'm like you can't do that and he said well it's your effing tree and I'm like okay we're done here I called the cops I know it right yeah and so I was kind of offended by the officer I do have video as you know I had my cameras and I videoed all that and I was offended by his uh things he had said CU I didn't go over there and get the branches put them in my yard I said see my yards all clean you know so you know and the cup tried explaining stuff to him and he's not understanding he said if it rains in your yard it's your rain if it snows in your yard it's your snow you can't just throw it over there he's not understanding this yeah and then these little kids that he has he has nine had a recent one yeah great yeah and they get in the car unlocked and now they're slamming the car they're getting in no adult around they're in the house you don't know if they're going to they get behind the wheel of that vehicle you know and so I don't know I've sent the owners certified return receipt letter they have been there they've seen me outside you know not a word so I don't know what I'm to the you know I keep coming here the day I you know I had I came here the next day I called the cops it was like I don't know start like at 10:30 at night it's like really you know we're going to start beeping already you know and I can see in my camera there goes up there he goes I'm like well there's something wrong there did did the beeping stop no it did not no police left before the beeping stopped oh no they were G oh no he he he'll pause for a little bit then you think he's done you're like okay NOP 15 minutes beep beep it's like really yeah it he needs a I don't know I don't know what needs to be done at this point well then I come to the police station and I said well something needs to be done this is this is almost every night here this is ridiculous and uh so I played for him while I was talking to the officer I said do you hear that and he goes yeah I said 45 minutes to lock a vehicle yeah he says well call when it happens I'm like but I did and then he said he goes well they come down they might go sit down the road to hear it it's not a matter if they hear it I heard it that's why I'm calling this needs to stop and you know and now they have the little kids in there slamming takes them about an hour they're in and out of this car they're little they're like ages 2 three four and five and they're crawling in with no adult around and I don't know so a couple of things I I would say as the if the beeping continues I would continue to call the police that especially late at night I mean that's a that's a violation and and you can't be doing that kind of thing so I would continue to do that uh environmental health might be the people to talk to regarding branches or brush or whatever and and that lot line dispute so uh we can we can make sure that environmental health reaches out and in terms of kids playing in the car I that's not illegal I mean unless he gives him the keys and and fires up the vehicle there I think the kids could play in the car a thing in gear something oh boy I agreed not a not a good idea but NE not necessarily IL legal or or in violation of city code or ordinance of any kind so and and I would suggest I don't know if you've had an opportunity I I appreciate that you reached out to the owner of the house I think that's a good idea and perhaps just to talk to him as well I mean has he ever explained why the beeping goes on or uh no I uh have you asked yeah when they first moved in I had issues with them coming over to my property the the little kids they're digging in my rocks pulling stuff away from my window and doing all this I no I don't want no I don't want you over here got a yard over there stay over there because they pull screens off they take down spouts off and no my house is not looking like that they want to ruin that one you go ahead but you again have have you talked to have you talked to your neighbor about all of this no I I don't see them very often but recently they've been there now the people on the other side they start putting up bushes because they want like boundaries and the owner got so mad and of course I had that recorded too you know but um so mad they started yelling at her finger in her face and everything saying you can't do this I'm going to sue you and no is the owner of the house or renter owner of the house was saying that's what I'm saying so that's why it's like it's not going to matter what you say to them I've told them before can you tell them to stay over I told the the uh the woman the owner I said can you tell them to stay over there I don't want him you know I mean there's not very much space here I mean my bedroom window here his driveways here and you're honk honk honk and then you got little kids coming over and I put up a little plastic fence they don't care they go around it you know so and no parenting so now I'm to the point where now it's like now I want to talk to the chief let's do something because no nobody wants it sitting outside their bedroom window and you're here during this and even on a Saturday too when he's not going to work the noise issues I I agree are are something that need to be dealt with and and the brush issues and so on kids in the yard I mean that it gets it gets a little sticky with that I mean we're we're not going to haul away Kids for playing in the neighbor's yard or or playing in the car I mean that kind of I'm just pointing out because they're so little I get it ages two three in a car and I don't know I guess my other my my only other suggestion would be to to try and talk to him to try and get him to understand your point of view and and to make these you know just to make the the connection and talk to him and see what that leads owner I I would say the renter the oh no he's no he he's not even gonna not with me okay he's already when I told him he can't do that throw the bushes over he's already swearing at me so right then I stop somebody else needs to handle this because he's not going to listen he's no well we can and quickly we got to wrap up here Mr R um noise noise violations are are misdemeanors correct um and they are they can be cited does that go to the person or does that go to the property so like in this particular case would the renter be the the person who would be issued the citation for noise violation or would it be the property owner I can check and we'd have to check on that I don't know for sure the only other the only reason I bring that up is that that's also an Avenue if there is a citation that can be issued and it is to the property owner that might be incentivizing to the O for the owner to actually work with yeah that's a good point too so may quickly y last question here we got to wrap up not a question you clarified that there's a owner and a renter we have very limited ability to make your neighbor be a good human being we can't do that that's not in our ordinances to do that renter the owner of a property if they rent it we have more control because that's a business and one of the things I would suggest is a potential to look at because we decided not to go forward with short-term rentals but one of the things that short-term rentals have historically done is put in place rules regarding noise and parties and things of that nature and we may have we may have tools I'm gonna be honest with you city government moves slowly it's going to take a while if it's something we are able to do but we may be able to do some things like that to deal with a rental situation um much more so than if if they own the house themselves well that's what I said to the police officers what can you contact the owners then because other sounds like that didn't work if you contact no the owners didn't care they didn't care about my letter no and so and that's all I'm saying is there are it's still not great yeah but there's slightly more there with a business that has to get a license to the city agreed yeah agre thanks for that that's a good perspective those and if there's anything there or anything we can do sympathize with Y I do too yeah we at time thank you much for tonight we are at time i' look for a motion to adjourn our listening listening session tonight so Move Motion in a second all in favor please signify by saying I I I opposed motion carries 6 Z and we are adjourned we will see you downstairs thanks everybody for coming tonight appreciate it Che