##VIDEO ID:A27R7gC3kzY## I like to call live I'd like to call to order the regular meeting of the bota board of education for Tuesday October 15 2024 please stand for the flag salute pledge Al to flag uned States the New Jersey open public meeting law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of the public body at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the bota Board of Education has cause notice of this meeting to be published by having the day time and place thereof posted in the bota bur Hall communicated by letter to the record file with the clerk of the burough of bagoda and posted on the board of education website M Mrs Alvarez absent Mr Alvarez present Mr Chavez absent Mrs Cruz present Mr noo present Mrs solivo absent Miss rucket present Mr Miranda present we have the also pres Damen Kennedy uh board attorney Thomas coin who just walked in administrator business administrator board secretary e Fon Fel or secretary Elizabeth Ruiz no student representative i' like to move the FL uh motion to move floor hearing of the citizens and agenda items only do I have a motion Alvarez do I have a second all in favor any board discussion all in favor I any oppos any member of the public would like to state your name we have no one present do have a motion to move to close Alvarez Alvarez do I have a second second alade any board discussion all in favor I oppos moving over to agenda agenda items in section of 31 superintendent report Mr Kennedy okay real quick just a couple things uh I do have the testing presentation and the district goals that I want to present tonight uh testing presentation is time sensitive so uh we have to do it tonight but uh information went out to Bixby parents and staff about uh the bota town will begin construction project for sidewalks and Ada ramps and curbing near Bixby school so the police department has been in contact with us we are working together to make sure that morning drop off and pickup will not be affected also when it comes time to uh close a street we will get word out to parents what streets will be closed for drop off and pickup because we do all use three entrances and exits so two of them will be uh utilized during that time so that information went out to the Bixby parents and staff already so just everyone's aware about that uh and now I just like to get into our testing presentation so let me just make this I want to share so okay this is for the spring in 2024 this is our njsla and dlm testing results New Jersey student learning assessment is the njsla that's a federal assess assessment requirement uh Dynamic learning Maps is the dlm that's for alternative assessments for students with the most significant intellectual disabilities participation rates as you could see over 97% in all grades uh furp is when only 10 students you have to have at least 10 students in a subgroup to report them out so uh you'll see a lot of that later just so everyone understands the uh grading there's exceeding expectation of level five number one would be do not did not meet partially met approaching and meeting expectation meeting expectation is 750 but the highest score being 850 and the lowest being 650 this test is for grades 3 four five 6 7 8 and nine and geometry with any ninth graders taking it proficient scores 200 points or above for science same thing four levels 43 2 one 300 being the highest score 100 being the lowest so our our DFG and our subgroups have to be reported out State requires school districts to report Federal subgroups data due to fle laws a district will not report data for subgroups less than 10 students for privacy when you have a small District if you have a certain ethnicity and there's only two kids in third grade you're easily able to pick those students out purpose of reporting subgroups is to ensure schools providing the opportunity for all students subgroups data can also provide district with data determine if districts are making Necessary improvements to close achievement gaps subgroups report a gender race ethnicity economic social educ special education elll Learners and migrants our DFG is our district Factor groups where the purpose of comparing student performance on Statewide assessments across demographically similar school districts but go to DFG is a de but so everyone understands that's based off the 2000 census where boto was in 200000 and where we are in 2024 I think is completely different so um just so everyone understands that aspect of this our Ela scores as you can see our Ela scores continue to Trend in the right direction uh the blue is Bod the DFG is schools similar to Boda districts and the state is in yellow as you could see third grade 46 for bota 44 61 in ela 51 for the state 58 and 52 as you can see I'm not going to go through each single one of them but uh we will through some of the highlights but Ela 7th grade we did a very good job this year 73% compared to the state at 54% uh Ela 9th grade 69% compared to 58% so we are very happy with the trends that we're seeing in our ELA test scores just another way to look at it but here you can see pagota and state in the difference again we highlighted ela7 but across the board you can see uh overall we were 60% compared to the state 52% in our DFG same thing we were 60% compared to 47% in our our our DFG group and here are the trends from 2016 to 2024 um bot in 2016 I think we were at an all-time high right before covid we were really cooking uh in 2019 at 70% uh and the state being 58% so those were numbers that we're proud of and as you could see we're still uh we're getting back to those numbers as that continues to rise but we still uh outperform the state similar with our DFG group we continue to outperform them uh throughout the year just so you can see the district average test score again at alltime high 766 in 2019 and then right now that's trending upwards at 7 56 here is our subgroups male and female uh one thing that we did uh are we we are looking at in certain grade levels is how our female students are doing much better than our male students uh which we're having conversations about and looking at because they are sitting in the same classrooms with the same teachers so we have to look at we were talking about sixth grade there's a maturity level sometimes where some of our female students are a little more mature than our male students or a little more focused so this just something that popped up that us this year for the first time that we're looking at uh but if you look across for the most part are are we cannot report many social economic groups and ethnicity and race uh we can report out on economic disadvantage uh there is not too much of a disparity there which is something that we are happy about and we continue to work on students with disabilities continues to be something that we have to to work on that uh these are students that are struggling on these uh State assessments compared to our students without IEPs uh similar with our Ells uh same thing where that FPA number is not allowing us to report them all out math scores math is on the rise again as you could see we're a little below the state in some and much higher in other grade levels if you look at math 3 46 is our Oda 44 is the DFG 48 is the state 44 and 45 36 in math 5 and 40% in math 5 math 6 33 math seven was something that we were happy with we were very happy with what was going on in our middle school because that's what's really setting us up for high school so math 7 scores 52% compared to the state at 37% math 8 27% compared to 19 at the state Algebra 1 we were 37% and the state was 39 and this was we were a little upset about our geometry score because these are our honors kids so we really have to did we we're doing a deep dive into why they did not do well on this test uh but it was uh one of the first times that we did not do well in Geometry but overall 39% for buot 34% for the DFG and 40% overall for the State numbers and again that's here again geometry is the outlier but math 7 math 8 continues to Trend in the right direction again at the end of the day our algebra one score is what really is the most important score that really predicts future success and that's what we're putting uh our efforts and energy into compared with our DFG group so groups similar to bagot same economic and social and ethnicity makeup uh as you can see we outperform them across the state and our DFG groups so here's something that we started really focusing on is that path to math to Algebra 1 math 7 math 8 and Algebra 1 and as you can see each year those test scores have risen that where we're going to where we really need to get to but we felt the focus on math s and math 8 we are now doing a two-year algebra one course because again at the end of the day Algebra 1 really predicts future success so here are our Trends again 2019 being the high at 51% compared to the state at 43% and right now 39 and uh compared to 40% so pretty much on par with the state DFG group again uh if you look at 2019 we were at 51% compared to 42% and then this year 39% in bota compared to 35% average test scores right again High 750 this year was 739 and then math again this is what the furo and what can and cannot be reported uh there is not trem there's not a huge discrepancy across any grade levels that has popped up so this is just something for everyone to see economic disadvantage is uh something that we continue to monitor but as you can see for the most part we're not looking at 80% versus 20% it's all trending in the similar Direction science science continues to be a state problem um across the state people are just struggling with this test uh so the numbers speak fors we have a plan in place which we're going to get into after this but 10% we saw a rise in the high school which we were happy about because it's been the opposite our fifth and eighth grade so only Fifth and eth grade and 11th grade take these classes um so in the the past our math five and math 8 uh science 5 and science 8 have outperformed the high school where this year our science was much improved in the high school and I think at the end of the day what I could say is that our high school science department we have some continuity there with some good teachers and at the end of the day when we have good teachers that are staying in place teaching the subject matter it improves overall test scores so we're going to get a little bit more into the science but you can see the difference 177% we're not happy with 3% 3% as overall the district is minus 8% compared to the state with our DFG group we outperformed in eth and 11th grade but underperformed in grade five so again Trends throughout the year 2017 14 16 compared to 25 23 27 24 so this is the entire State proficient students in these grade levels in sence DFG same exact thing there your numbers average test score uh we did go up a little bit with the average test score from 154 to 163 and same thing with our subgroups here they are male female ethnicity economic disadvantage again you don't see major uh difference there students with disabilities what we spoke about earlier our dlms like I said this is for for students that should be taking those State assessments but due to uh some learning uh uh IEP issues uh they do not have to take that state assessment and again sit for a different assessment that counts towards their graduation requirements we don't have enough students that take these tests so there's really nothing to report on on them so District analice overall performance bota 60% outperformed State average by eight percentage point six out of seven grade levels exceeded State exceeded State averages strong secondary performance in grades seven through nine so that's where we're trying to get to B go to outperformance both the B the DFG and the state averages in most grades the Gap is particularly notable in grade seven where bota 73% significantly exceeds both the DFG and the state by almost 20 percentage points areas of Excellence we talked about grade seven grade nine in grade four and areas attention and action grade six performance matches State average grade three are smallest margin above State average grade eight re relatively smaller gap between the state bringing writing professional development to from seventh grade into the other grades piloting more Rous rigorous Ela curriculum at the K5 grade levels and improving our core F foundational reading skills at the K2 so students are reading to learn by grade 11 and we're going to continue supporting struggling readings through RTI after school tutoring and summer instruction math bota overall performance is slightly below the state but above the DFG areas of Excellence math 7 math 8 Algebra 1 we're going to continue to Monitor and support positive growth and Trends Algebra 1 honors 91% of our eth graders in algebra one honors passed areas for attention geometry closely monitor progress make adjustments to the schedule so like we said with algebra we've been focusing more on giving them extra time making a two-year course doubling up periods we're starting to look if we could do something like that for geometry or is that just a one-year outlier uh like we said algebra 1A and algebra 1B we're going to evaluate the 2-year algebra program so kids this year taking Algebra 1 will now have taken a two years before they sit for the test we also are going to look at the study successful practices from math program to replicate that in other grades what did seventh grade do so well that we can move to other grade levels we're going to continue developing targeting interventions for math 6 transition we're going to consider additional support structure for high school math courses we're also talking about a summer math acceleration for advanced students to reach calculus that over the summer they would take an advanced course so they have the opportunity to sit for calculus senior year we're going to investigate curricular instruct support for students with iips and MLS again I think with our Mentor check and connect programs and having specific es uh ml teachers and uh check and connect connect uh mentors working with our MLS that's helped a lot as well science District Nows overall percentage lags behind the DFG and the state areas of Excellence High School science shows the strongest performance relative to DFG middle school science science outperformance of DFG upward Trends from elementary to high school we expanded stem opportunities for ex advancement and acceleration Bergen Academy's uh maker space for Middle School fdu stem classes on Saturday for high school students areas of attention overall District performance indicates systematic challenges so for the 2425 school year we we unleashed a new science program for K5 my mystery science and in grade 68 a new science program Open science Ed which aligns with the njs njsls more rigorous and more Hands-On Labs we're ensuring vertical alignment and signs in grades K5 to support grade five assessment and ensure Earth and space standards are taught and divided among the high school science courses for biology chemistry physics and environmental so that's the testing presentation and what I wanted to do tonight also was just present the district goals we're not going to vote on them tonight we're just going to uh I want to put them out there to you and the public uh of where I see our Focus this year uh for the district so the first two I would like to continue doing um our math and Ela progress monitoring right we want to make sure that k6 students meet or exceed the proficiency standard tier one in our by our metrics students taking star math Assessments in grades 710 will approve their overall average score by at least 10 points by May 2025 provide intervention support for students at risk and math through RTI and after school support using Title One and high school high impact tutoring grant funding for two for foundational reading proficiency improve the overall District reading proficiency of students in K2 normed assessments will be measured with dibble's e8th Edition so the last two are two that I think are important for the district and our community so we want to make sure that we Implement a redistricting plan in a way that minimizes disruptions to students educational experience and supports families during this transition so this is going to be a big transition for a lot of students next year so we want to make sure that one of our goals this year is providing clear communication to the parents we want to make sure students are in these buildings before the first day of school we want to make sure that there's uh available um helplines for families that are going to have questions like last year when people like oh we didn't know we were redistricting we're were like this is something that we talked about for a year it was on the referendum it was clear as day um so we really want to have a plan in place to create this transition for our students and our families School visits we're talking about maybe we have to look at doing a bus run from Steen to Bixby and Bixby backs to Steen so there is no confusion about how can I get my kid if I can't drive I live across the street so we're looking at how we could do that in a simple drop off and pickup areas around schools so we're going to investigate all these things and have a plan in place for uh the end of this year and then the other thing I think is very important is the last one is we want to Rebrand the school district I don't think people realize the amount of things that go on in our district I think we try to put the word out there with newsletters we try to post on Facebook but unless you're a part of the program people don't realize that we have the preschool program we have the 18 to 21 year old program we will have CTE classes next year we have dual enrollment courses for students not only to get their associates degree from buron Community College but also to start taking courses if they cannot uh uh put all the time in to get the associates degree they have the ability to start taking two or three classes maybe they have to take a a basic skills class before they could take their first math class we give them an opportunity to take those classes save some money while they're still in school we have internship programs we have a big-time videography program I just think we need I want more people to understand the amount of things that are going on here and that I think is a whole rebranding of our uh identity so I want to put some uh committees together I want to get some feedback from stakeholders I want to also talk about where are we going in the next five years right like I think we've done a lot of great work to get where we are today but now our next progression is where are we going the next two or three years to to uh get this word out to students to really have a uh pathway for all students now with our Career Technical program so those are the four District goals that I would like to uh move forward with and then I'm open to any questions right now on testing or um goals or comments anyone my only comment is keep working hard and let's let's move both forward all right I'd like to know something though about science you you mentioned that that's um Statewide when you speak to your counterparts and you said that you were going to look into why that's so low period um when you speak to your counterparts or the Department of Education you know they're not concerned with that I mean that's two-folded question I know I'm sorry I um we we do speak um and again we're trying to implement new programs new curriculum and that's what we try to do um we do talk to we we'll now once the test scores are released uh what Sam likes to do is look around our area to see who did really well and then say hey what did you guys do so that's something that we will look to do but again it's a it's a state problem right now so when you look at those numbers it's it's a big problem across the state so that's not something that we want to hang our hat on but we want to course look how we can improve from what from what we can do here is what we can control and the state should be worried also the state should also be offering more support I can't speak for the state I can just tell you that we as a taxpayer for the state I can speak for the state and say they should be offering more support that's okay I I just wanted to see if you had any other Insight on that thank you really the only thing that jumped out at me as well the in the gender line while the female population is outpacing the male population in daa the star difference in math is concerning like a lot of those questions are word based so what's jamming them up when it comes to actually executing the math versus just reading because the difference between them in Reading you would expect some level of closeness since it's so many word problems in math right but the difference in math is significant especially geometry something that the young ladies are just not getting in there I'm well we I I don't think geometry was good across the board for us so and again that's a small number that might be 16 kids that's not 100 kids so again it could be specific outliner to outlier to those kids um but it's something that we're looking at anyone else all right thank you Kennedy we're moving on to resolution 41 approval of agenda approval of minutes SE September 17th open regular minutes um do I have a motion to move for one motion that would be rocket and trino Leo is there any board discussion roll callon M alal yes Mr Alvarez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr navaru yes Mrs solivo yes Mr ret yes Mr Miranda yes under Section Five no policy toight tonight uh 614 education section which approves 61 through 613 they have a motion to move 614 motion same too same is there uh then they do it at the same time any board discussion roll Caron Mich cder yes Mr alar yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr Navaro yes Mrs Oliva yes M ret yes Mr Manda yep motion carry seven sorry yes 710 sounded like my son there for a second uh moving a resolution 710 Personnel section approve 71 through 79 do I have a motion move 710 motion barel second second rocket any board discussion Roll Call F M yes Mr Alvarez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr Navar yes Mrs olivo yes M record yes Mr Monda yes motion Carri moving 7:15 no I'm sorry 812 which is agenda items 81 through 811 oh I had checked it off sorry I'm moving resolution to move 715 Personnel section do I have approval of J's items 71 through 714 to move 715 motion second well that'll be alivo Naro any board discussion roll call or F M aler yes Mr Alvarez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr Navaro yes Mrs Oliva yes Mr ret yes Mr Manda yes motion Carri so ask you a quick question I don't motion on anything do I or can I no the Motions were have been made you're just presenting it so I never am able to motion you can because I'm a vote you can usually it'll come out of the committee still okay we do it a little differently a lot of times the committee person makes the motion second no I just never I did it now I've never done it and I wondered you want to just try it no it probably would even work I'm just wondering if I would say do you have a motion to move 812 on the finance section of approval agenda items 81 through 811 I'm motion so I just Alvarez second second alal any more discussion roll call Mr alal yes Mr Alvar yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr Navaro yes Mrs Oliva yes Mr record yes Mr Miranda yes motion car mve in resolution a13 also in the finance section which is approval of the contract with everyday labs in is there a motion to move 813 alas second C board discussion roll call Mr alal yes Mr Alvarez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr Navaro yes Mrs soliva yes M ret yes Mr Manda yes motion car moving resolution 93 buildings and grounds which is approval of agenda items 91 through 92 do I have a motion to move 93 motion second that Naro any discussion roll call so yes Mr Alvarez yes Mrs Cruz yes M Navaro Mr Navaro yes Mr solo yes Mr record yes Mr Miranda yes motion Carri moving on to committee reports are there any committee reports this evening moving on to attend 10 what number is 101 moving 101 with is approval coverage of a maternity leave do I have a motion to move it moot that's U Mrs rucket second was Mrs Cruz any Ro I mean any discussion roll Caron Mrs Al M alal yes Mr Alvarez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr navaru yes Mrs olivo yes Mr rocket yes Mr Manda yes motion carried moving on to committee reports any commit well we just skipped right no committee reports this evening uh next on the agenda is old business do we have old business I'll just brief it have you looked at the fields yeah have you looked at those fields yeah shame on those who thought we weren't going to make it happen I'm going to keep drilling that down great you see those PS yeah so I so just so you know I go every day down there to make it a point right Kennedy for someone to see me and I wave and they know me there's a gentleman there who's like on point I think he's more focused on who's coming from the bur cuz the minute you show up he walks up to your vehicle and I was shocked because I so forgive me right for not knowing but I'm I'm ask him a lot of questions that I just don't know so you talk about elevation I'm like okay so we're supposed to be elevated why do we have a pitch why do we have a drop I'm looking at the edge of like I'm lower than what I was supposed to be what are we talking about but it's just how over the years the way they teach is like the way the park looks so you see it even but it's not even it's like ditched we are bringing it up I'm I still can't make sense out of it because all I remember was that I walked from here to there and I was walking level to the street to me it looks so much more leveled now like I'm seeing it even out but there's no way to level if you sit if you stand at the center of that field you're about 2 and 1 half ft lower than the road that's what I mean like when you were there everything was like you know so I guess but but to me I was like I used should just walk straight up that's not happening so I'm I'm asking a lot of these engineering questions like if we're supposed to elevate six inches above flood planes and six feet what are we doing why doesn't and you remember I was like where so they pitch all the water out it's it's just weird right I'm not I'm saying weird that's not the right word it's unknowledgeable right for me personally because there's Engineers who totally together and I contacted another engineer to just ask him all these questions and reaffirm anything they're telling me because it simply doesn't make sense to me and I'm and I I'm I'm pretty um uncomfortable person when I can't figure something out so I'm just like this doesn't make sense but it makes a lot of sense as we come along but the best part about it I saw it saw it on Friday I saw it on Saturday and then Sunday and then and then Monday morning was when were you doing the video wasn't that Sunday that was Saturday that was Friday no that was Friday and then Monday I I feel like I'm inside of a stadium all the pipes are up all the for the fencing is ready to go up the the color of the play is ready to go down it's beautiful I mean it's just beautiful the way it looks and somebody alluded to maybe driving monster trucks and destroying our field but whatever remember that comment Marco oh yeah so uh I prefer someone not joking about it because it's so many years listen I know it's funny but when you think about wow that probably be a cool but you use crappy places for that not this and I must say that I am so like impressed and I'm I'm I'm at awe all the time was I mean I was just there with the truck like I was just here yesterday how is this happening and I don't know these guys but man they're doing a darn good job and and I was telling K he all he says you're moving fast right and and Kennedy said today and and I'm going to admit to something right now maybe I'm not a true new jerseyan yet when Kennedy said today I know you know what I like is grabbing my sandwich pulling up early in the morning just taking a look at the progress and he said yeah I did a Taylor egg ham and cheese so you don't know I've never had a Taylor egg pork R huh pork roll so today for the first time I had a bagel pork roll sandwich thank you k um and I so but listen guys even jerseys divided as to what worry about I'm delam guy you know but live up here it's Taylor Ham it's Tor live down south por yeah so and it seems like is the only company that Mak it's good whatever you want to call Ag yeah but but you know today I was able to Parlay without keny but have my tailor EG which I've never had and and just look at the fields and if feels good feels good I was on the other side cuz I was uh at flag football this last Sunday and I was staring at it from the other View and I just don't was amazing so if you go there so now it's like you I'm coming back from hackin sack so now I pulled over again today and you we can play baseball right now just like I played it in Harlem with no grass I'm sorry I did don't invite that right now nobody go on that field not right but I'm just saying we could I'm just saying we could it has the whole cut out it has everything it's just a feel-good experience and to see it right before your eyes that it's actually happening it feels so good and I'm just watching it and now don't get me wrong I'm trying to figure the whole thing out like okay how does it look it looks small all a suddenly it looks like inside and and it just reminded me of weeh Hawking we went to wehawken and play a bunch of Middle School sof uh baseball and they had and it's it's just coming together you know the walking path is already done 100% so I drove by there today my mother-in-law and she was like oh this is so exciting so great you know what's best about it so now you come over hackin so so I don't know if you all felt the same right but when you go into hackensac on Maine it was be I love that building they did because I used to say what a waste of a parking lot now taxpayers in hackensac may feel a certain way and I totally agree about all this buildings but I will say I used to wonder bowling ice hockey nothing it was so empty it was like and now there's this beautiful building so when you get there there's a different feel now you return and there's a different feel in boto a whole different look even the wall right it's all used to be grass and garbage but even I don't know if you've all like taking a look there's a whole wall that's been built for the prevention of the river and I got to say it's awesome it's just like it just looks different so it feels I want to bring it up looks like a French train again it's yeah yeah yeah yeah it's a retaining wall and then the but it's just awesome like just look at it it looks clean it looks it makes bota look so much better just in where it's at exciting so it's exciting and and I'm sorry it's just really it's a baby right it's one of those we're going to nurture it and get it there but that was all for me anyone else any new business just with new business um I did email the uniform committee we got a proposal from one of our students um so so I'm meeting with him but uh I I'm going to let him know that we're working out dates but after uh we get some dates we'll figure out have a virtual uniform committee where he can present uh what he is working with with other students so uh we'll have more information on that but I did want to mention that because he's been uh very good about going about the process and the proper channels right now so um kudos to him on new business I wanted do the inauguration that we've totally missed it and and I just want to do it because not because of this but you can't forget anyone you have to try to like really remember everybody in this situation in life where we serve or not say things wrong and you know it's it's a it's weird what is happening we need to get along but uh I would like to do the steps program right away let's do a ribbon cutting let's let's show it off to Bod I've just learned that a lot of people don't even know we have that they don't know why we why we signed a a lease so let's get that roll out and and I think I mentioned in the past that I would encourage the board to maybe uh name it give Vinnie a placard in that because he was one of those uh he was a candidate that that had special needs and had to learn how to wash and he came from bagot went to bot so he's a bagoan and he's past and not that I like to give people things my grandmother always told me don't give me flowers when I'm dead give them to me while I'm alive and and I followed that tradition 100% And I still say it give me flowers when I'm alive show me love While I'm Alive not when I'm dead it's useless so so I unfortunately that's the case but I did want to um kind of get that going I also want us to get together and take a walk through on the CTE building right get started yeah I don't know if it's uh that they're diing out got a report I don't know if we can go in there yet okay can you find out it' be great to show our community because we've been talking about the fuels the fuels but they don't know about everything else yeah just a peep in or something okay look we already almost have an elevator going in we have our hard hats already so yeah yeah we got boots we take full responsibility listen all we want to do is step in I mean you can't see much but it just it just you when you show contractors that you k here and you support they often reciprocate and I saw that in the fields and I'm going to I'm going to really give that really quick so when I first went on the fields I went two times and then the third time I was talking to the gentleman and I said um we need to hurry up and he kind of looked at me like that was out of my mind I probably had three snakes and I said look I don't mean that but these are the circumstances we dealt with and he's said oh my God I only briefly heard that but I didn't know to what extent is it really a possibility that this can stop I'm like yeah he said thank you for telling me right and he said okay and he didn't say much he said no commitment but okay that okay is what you saw we weren't even close to that okay into what you saw today that was few weeks ago so all I'm saying is that sometimes I think people appreciate that you co down you say thank you and I appreciate you and you know we really care because it's genuine in people right right is you meet some you say I met them they actually came down they didn't just come do a ribbon cutter they come down they say hi they talk they offer coffee they they care for you right so I I that's just my personality but maybe if we go down there just say thank you you know really huh do they have a trailer down there no no but it's it's it's a if we could just go check saying thank you is good yeah in the in the right aspects of it right yeah so good stuff I would love to do that um and then let's let's review our time frames again because because I would like to these projects to be expedited and and I want to get into the auditorium I pray that it's not next year but just speaking out loud let's look at those time cards again that's all for me anyone else I ID like to motion open the floor to Citizens on agend on any subject matter motion motion do I have a second second any discussion all favor I any oppos uh any member please state your name you have five minutes no one have a motion to close Al have a second second all in favor I any oppos there's no executive session this evening good evening I mean good night everyone adjourn motion to adjourn Alvarez have a second second all in favor I any oppos oh want to stay here all night good evening