##VIDEO ID:RPIXtWabRWU## 30 seconds yeah we got people in so it's up and running ready to go you can hear us yes yes Ione I like to call the work action meeting of the bota board of education for Tuesday October 8th 2024 please stand for the flag salute States good evening everyone the New Jersey open public meeting law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of the public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the bota board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted in the bagoda burough Hall communicated by letter to the record filed with the clerk of the Boda of the burough of bagoda and posted on the bota board of education website Fon Miss president Mrs Alvarez present Mr Alvarez present Mr Chavez present Mrs Cruz present Mr Navaro present Mrs olivo absent M ret absent Mr Miranda and we have the cor uh for the record Mrs olivo isn't feeling well and Mrs rucket has some personal matters also present is superintendent Damen Kennedy board attorney Thomas coin business administrator and board secretary irvon fil and our lovely Elizabeth Ruiz board secretary there's no student representative tonight I'd like to open the floor hearing on citizens C of citizens on agenda items only do I have a motion to move Alvarez Alvarez do I have a second second Chavez any board discussion all in favor I I any member please come up state your name and you have five minutes is there any member raising their hand online no I have a motion to move hearing of the public motion as Chavez do I have a second second alal any board discussion all in favor oppos moving on to 10 oh I'm sorry that was a big jump almost finished moving on to our superintendent report Mr Kennedy thank you Mr oh Frank can you do me a favor and get Aly for me in a second but uh first this week we are celebrating our uh week of respect and all schools in the district along with all schools across New Jersey uh this is where we focus on promoting respect kindness and preventing buling through fun activities and presentations also we had great turnouts for our back to school night so kudos to all our parents getting here which was a great in all great turnout in all four buildings also C te building is moving along with the anticipated opening in September of 2025 uh we're looking forward to having Automotive Culinary Health Care Building Trades and Technologies as new Pathways for our students in future years next week we will have our NJ SLA testing presentation and go over our district goals and then I asked Alie to be out here right now because uh we wanted to recognize her and her team uh for healthy kids and usda's food and nutritional service announced that 39 school districts have received 53 healthy meal in sensitive recognitions Awards this August for trailblazing and Innovative work innovating work and improving the nutritional quality of our school Meals one of 39 schools was bot's cafeteria team great job our school food Serv service provider pomptonian specifically won an award for Innovation and preparation of School meals award specific healthy meal options recipe photos and menus were submitted to the USDA for review as part of the award meals that were submitted were the homemade beef lasagna honeynut squash soup and local cranberry sauce so we just really want to recognize Ali and the pomptonian Teen and say congratulations and thank you for providing healthy and tasty meals thank you thank you and I won't take too much Thunder on this I'm sure we're going to have someone want to speak about it but I did want to recognize um the groundbreaking ceremony uh was a success uh and as a person working in District specifically at the high school and going to those fields for the last 15 years uh I'm very excited about the uh opportunity to have these new state the Art Fields uh what is more uh exciting for me is that when you come over that hackin sack river is literally going to be the first thing you see that you cannot it's not GNA it's going to be for everyone to see in plain sight so along with that I did also want to um recognize Mr Miranda in this project because uh when he became of the board president he called me up and one of the first things I remember clearly to this day one of many phone calls he said to me what do we have to do to get pagot to New fields and he said you tell me what we have to do and we are going to work to get that done and to see this all in action is uh is truly inspiring and to see the community just people down there when I go down there to check on them there's people looking every day to see what's going on there so this is truly going to be a great thing for our community and uh I do believe that you were a you still are a major driving force in getting this done so kudos to you as well and everyone here for helping with that and that concludes my report thank you Mr Kenedy um I appreciate that I do um for me uh the ceremony was sensitive I mean I'm glad I didn't shed any tears as you speak uh it hits me right because I had uh some time ago I was on the council and I was trying to push for a Rec Center as my speech said in the groundbreaking ceremony that coming from being a city boy in a poverished town city part of the town you know section part of the city um and all the trouble I got into thing that got me out of trouble was boxing out of boys and girls club and baseball and we didn't have gloves and we didn't have things we just kind of got it all donated and I was a phenomenal Fighter um and I was taught by the people um and and then you you often become a fighter then you get yourself in trouble because you're good at that but just the just the community kind of works with you and it teaches you and and and there's things that come out of being part of a place that you can go to and you know you'd be amazed how many people have insurance and and can't find counselors in today's Insurance environment who I speak to many people who have a broad Insurance platform they could barely find a neurologist there's like five neurologists on an Obama plan in the whole state of New Jersey that'll take one plan and then there's like limited psychiatrists and psychologists for your kids limited real limited to the point that it's now an app so when you think about that you often realize you need a community to support you when some of those kids cannot obtain those I don't care what people say but if you talk to people as much as I do and I ask a lot of questions to learn because when I get up here and I'm anywhere in my life anything I say as I often say comes from experience not what I know but what I've heard and what I've actually seen from my own eyes to that point my wife my niece uh her mom is uh works in the city and has a really amazing job paywise and has 32bj and she can't track down a child psychiatrist so there's you know so what we've done as a family is put our knce into bball into programs to keep her going and busy and and it's working out because kids today are are struggling I don't you know they're coming out of Co and we're B but they're struggling so these things are necessary for our children and to think that boto didn't have a home that was decent enough for them because when I got here I'll never forget this I I coached the day I got here uh my son was one and a half years old I try to get involved by the time he was two and a half three I started getting into like the whole t-ball conversation and when I walked into what I was I was expecting a Rec Center you know like pool tables and pin pong tables and and Chinese pool and and I got in I was like is this a wreck is this what you call the recck center I I cannot I cannot fathom cannot swallow what we had for what they call the rec center I mean have you looked at our rec center please go visit it there's it's just a building with with four walls and one divided kitchen that is underused so it's more it was more for parties if anything but they didn't have anything so so to see this and to motivate the mayor and the council to go push it forward you know I was trying to get a rec center and it didn't happen because of differences in politics and elections and people lose and people win and at the end everything gets in the back burn in different agendas so you know a lot of people want to get into politics with no understanding of the history of MOT but oh good luck it's I was in it so I know it and I was in and I was a driving force and I still am a driving force but this is not about me it's simply about how is it possible that we don't have just a mere basics in in an era today and you know what I often go back and forth logical conversations and thinking and fightbacks on Facebook with people but I do realize I do totally understand where people come from when they say in this modern era there are certain basic needs because the truth is what appealed to us didn't appeal to the Future and that's just progression that's Evolution so today people have a different expectation primarily because the tax base is different and people really you know I I want to start giving one of the things Kennedy that I really want to drive here is if if there's a a way that we can get some sort of ster to teach people what the tax base looks like and where the pie breaks up and divides because people truly don't know and I don't care how more professional they are they don't know how it divies up they don't know where the increases come from they don't know how to look at a document and say oh the board of vet hasn't done a tax increase for five four years at five and we've been up here I've been six I think right now so so they don't know that that and and if they did they will focus because they also don't know they were like 60 some per of the tax base in bot maybe like 64 I have to break it up but that's about average right what it is in normal towns so is in the 60s early 60s but to that point if you knew what the tax base is and where the majority of it comes from you would have an entire hallway of people asking questions and giving us the need to stay here longer so when you see all of that and it comprise all together you put all together the fields are born and I'm so happy because it is not about me the mere way that it happened was you get people people said I mean this was a conversation guys politics usually is a conversation I'm with Jose and Jose meets me on the field and he asks me a question on and boom Jose gets him and then I'm with Susan and we're hanging out with Susan on the Youth Academy because people often forget get who were the real parents Behind these programs right cuz that's where I met them they let me in I didn't have a kid in the Youth Academy they let me in they spoke to me they told me their needs boom Susan's here BC's here idalia is here I can go on and on right and then you need a hot rod realtor Al those are my opinion I'm sorry but realtor to that talks about moving things forward doesn't have a child but has more passion than most Bor people about I grew up here this has been the same this has got to change and he was born right Rob Alber so when you put all that together that's what it it was a community of people who came together didn't talk about political agendas or if you're a red party if you're a blue party if you're non-party it didn't that wasn't the discussion what are we GNA do because I often told a lot of them if you're going to complain then get in it get in the game and that's what they did and I had left for a little while and they pulled me back in they said well you told us to get involved so get in it too so we get in it and this was born and then it doesn't take away from an Administration who also because they can push back but when they have the same vision the same processes and everything and they have the same thought then this comes to life but no more than that I I you know I thank you Kennedy it takes a whole team right d it takes everybody it just takes a lot of talking a lot of discussion I do want to thank uh pomton and an Ali because I have never seen this before and I could just be h off right I don't know everything and I don't know nothing actually but um I noticed that when we have these like ceremonial events they show up and whether it's cupcakes and coffee and juices I had never seen that but that I want to tell the board that that's that's basically their gratitude about who we are and what we're doing people don't support you if they didn't think you were doing a darn good job and when people come out like that a super visor who got involved one of the first things we complained about if you all remember was that the kids and the parents were say the food side that's not a conversation anymore why because someone like Ali who I met later on got involved became a supervisor or maybe she was here I don't know but whatever she did we we're extremely supportive of the organizations that serve us and then this is born better food I mean we have Multicultural they're eating all types of Multicultural food I heard about mangu the other I'm ecstatic you know you all know who know me I love it so just a lot of great things happening the ceremony was was beautiful um and I hope that I delivered what I was trying to deliver which really give credit to the people who really did the job to get that done and because I can't you just can't forget those people because I couldn't have done it and to give credit that even through adversaries and and difference of opinion there was a common goal and I thank the D on record I'll thank the DP and Green Acres again uh Annette lovess and oh man I forgot the other ncy Lawrence I mean you got to understand they come with a hammer right it's like gabble these are the rules these are this and then you talk about what we have and then you talk about what we don't have and immediately the balances weighed over and they're like we get it we get it and one of the loveliest things they said is we just never see that a town and a and and a board of vet it's actually working together that didn't happen right I got to tell you guys there's some people down there that might have thought I was a different kind of person at the time and then I reached over and we shake hands and today they agree that I was never the person they perception and thought because everybody wears either a Democrat or independent or republican stuff right so when you do that so look the Go's come into life I'm going to reiterate it again the night before I went to the council meeting on my own to make sure that invited them um to and also as a resident to make sure that bota doesn't look like a you know a gangster neighborhood there's things that have to look clear and clean um because one of the things that I said verbally and they could hold me as accountable that I want to be in a more affluent town that I want an affluent town I want more people to see us from a different images because I tell you wherever I traveled in bota every before they didn't know where the hell I live and excuse my language but they didn't know go to what or go to where and and today that's not the case you hear a lot of great things how did you do that in bagola I've had teenag people right CH on the bus this city how did you do it how did you get the refer I didn't do it it was the residents right but how did you do it you guys were like not even a thought so it's amazing where we're at in bod and I think Rob Alvarez can attest to the property values right and everything that's happening so I I just really really thank you guys I really thank the bota residents um I you know I hope we finish these tasks and I can go home but I'll tell you man I I truly appreciate guys involved and and and the residents of Boda and and our our staff and and to cero most people don't know we're going to have cameras all over the parks that's not something everybody has and KERO sat there talked about fiber optics I've learned more about different things in the last year that that we're going to have things that the Richard town don't have so uh it's good to to see that and I just want to make Trina's not here but Trina asks me and Sandra Spina they rather hear the laugh because I'm throwing them on the bus if we should we should consider some air fryers in our snack stuff because there's towns that now you get involved and you can fry some food and sell like chicken figures so let's talk about that because that's not something I thought about but I'm hoping we have that kind of kitchen setup all right because I think we're going to drive it for me I'm a businessman so forgive me it's not always rainbows and butterflies for me I'm all all I'm wondering is how is the go to Bard of Ed gonna make some money when those fields are rented to other people that's what I think about I know our kids a benefit it's all about how what do we do to to host events so that people can make some money you know the high school team or or or you know like um just the kids can allocate those funds and use it for their own well-being and use it for their own uh like graduation and because there's ways to profit and I don't want to call it prophit I don't know if I'm within the means of that but is way to generate funds for our kids to thrive right and teach them what it is to earn money and and I think that this is going to be a major outlet for for bod and the children of bod all right so that's the end of me um but thank you I really do uh it's it's thank you I'm moving on to 41 approvement September 17th regular open meeting minutes do I have a motion to move forward oh I'm sorry now we got is there any discussion no under Section A there's no under section 51 no policy under Section 614 any questions 710 any questions 812 any questions or discussion 91 any okay this is an approval item is this our Moscow lighting okay mus mus lighting so moving on to resolution 91 buildings and ground section which is for the approval of contract with muscle sporting lighting yes we're getting lighting is there a motion to move 91 motion Chavez is there a second second Al any discussion roll Callan Mr yes Mrs alvers yes Mr olers yes Mr Chavez yes Mrs Cruz yes Mr Navaro yes Mr Miranda yes uh motion carried thank you moving on to 101 committee reports does anyone have any committee reports 111 Old business do we have any old business so real quick Kennedy one of the things I would like to propose to the board uh so we have a steps program and we haven't never really inaugurated the program or or showcased it to our community which is the 18 to 21 program we had a death in town of someone who went to bota went to bota schooling system and and was taught by his community uh Dr fitzgeral I think you all remember uh our our chairman of the of the Planning and Zoning Cado and a few others and he learned to live life and then you know unfortunately passed got Hill Vinnie and I think that if there's a a better example of a of a and Roberts might not like this but of a true Yankee fan who learn how to wash his clothes and live his life um I think it's just my opinion that we should maybe give him a Placer renamed the steps program after him because he was um a special needs individual who grew up in bod stayed in bod until he could not no longer keep up but I'll never forget my conversations with him and everybody because he had the same conversation with everybody he can give you more stats about the Yankees than anyone can and he loved judge he was infatuated with judge and before that it was Jeter and before that I keep going the Bernie will he was always loving the Yankees but I'll tell you what he was he always told you I learn how to wash my clothes um I do the he would explain to you his process and how he cooked and how he did this so it was a beautiful thing right he sit there listen to him at some point said Vinnie I gotta go Vin but I just thought if there's a way that we could give it a small name or something what do you think Kennedy I mean we can discuss it as a board but it's often I mean I see people that donate one time to a placard and a thing and everybody's asking where the placard when it falls down some of it doesn't even have names I'm not a I actually my grandmother told me give me flowers when I'm alive not when I'm dead so I often want to U I want to do that for people but in this case he's passed and interesting enough when we did the steps program I had still said man we should name that after Vin now that I've learned so if you guys can consider that talk about it discuss it there's one more thing that I want to bring up probably should have been a new business so Mr Kennedy fights me on this idea that I have and I all I kind of told him it really wasn't his decision but Mr Kennedy I don't know if you know his history in bod and how much he mens with kids and how much they love him and and how he can tell any principle here or any I would been there done that right cuz he was the principal then he was out there in the games the guy doesn't go home I of have tell him to go home and and he's just so I I when I first met him I thought he was from bagoda was raised in bagoda and lived in bod he might as well had Mash all those checks but I want us to think about what are we going to call Damian and Kennedy at those fields because I don't care what he's saying no and I don't really care what he says but we named F field we all this stuff please tell me where's your memory right so yes memory goes on and then there's new memories so what happens to the new are we're gonna wait to Damen Kennedy passes away 50 years from now to name something that he could have seen in joy and given him his heart and soul he gave it I know because I talked to him at 11 o'clock at night I know because he called me back at 11:45 the other day to talk about picking colors I know because he's on top of me every single day about picking I'm sorry I'm not listen I'm shortlived in this board I'm sitting here saying it is should be our duty it should be the right thing I wish everybody was here for us to discuss that something has got to be called Kennedy the Kennedy snack stand the Kennedy building the Kennedy something you know give me the air fryer okay but I want to put this to the board Ken I fully intend to continue to push kenned something I thought we can still keep FAL field and call it the Kennedy the entrance as you know is going to have an arch the poll the the scorekeeping that sounds good actually the Kennedy 505 something I want to knit I is just my personal eye my I have no say here it takes a whole board we don't have to discuss like I I and if I have to sell you I'll sell you right that's my job in life the guy went with me to every PT meeting every event and we did it two of us you know and we know that if you called the Miranda you know but go to goes that joking but it's him he put the work in and what about one of the field goal posts and the uh the Kennedy three-pointer yeah something I want something something shot that would be cool he puts a lot of hours here guys when you miss you know we're the elected official right and we often say we miss things and we do this but Kennedy m i fight with him you know your daughter's here your son is here he would rather be at a football game and then run to pick up his kids at 7 o'clock at night that's that's not he sits there he he's dismissed that something and there's not enough money in your life to pass you by for your children and your wife there's not enough money and I can't give them all the money in the world because this is public sector but what I do recommend the piece of of this life that we call P go Frank I I I want to say that I agree with you and I think Mr Kennedy should get something and I'll be honest I didn't have much to do with this because I wasn't on the board when this past the only thing I had to do was I was a voter and I voted for it but the the level of commitment and I know the whole board worked on it but what you have done Frank and you know you and I don't always agree politically social on a lot of stuff we don't agree but I have to always admire your dedication to getting this done and I do think we should name something after Kennedy but I also think honestly we shouldn't have a Miranda snack stand or something like that because what you did was get all of this done and the amount of work that you've put into this is is above and beyond what any elected officials calling it um I'm really sorry I missed a ceremony I wasn't going to take photos with everyone anyway because I don't want to take credit for something I didn't do but I did want to be there to support everyone because honestly what you have done in this town like I said Frank I know we disagree sometimes and we argue about stuff but I have worked with politicians before in other states and and other things and and when you say you're going to get something done you really do your best to get it done and I think what you have accomplished with this field and with this referendum is something that should be commemorated like I said so it should be Kennedy but I also think something should be named after you because of all the work you put in for this thank you but we'll talk about let's let's uh get all the projects done first before we start naming things after people yeah but but you're gonna be I'm just telling you keep that in mind I I actually it's funny you bring that up I was thinking that we need to come up with a paper sector like an entry paper sector where every elected official can pay for their paper branded paper because I think that that's a beautiful thing money goes back to a purpose of the children to buy stuff so keep that in mind and care about me keep that in mind but Kennedy has served in this building and has helped a lot of kids in this building in in the whole District so I just want you guys to keep that in mind I wanted to bring that up was one of the things that I always had and I want to forget it and then things happen and get it so keep it on record guys all right that's that's the end for old business I believe right new business 121 I think that was part of it 31 I want to open the floor to hearing of the public once again do I have a motion to approve hearing of the public sure motion motion idalia Alvarez do I have a second Alvarez Mr Robert Alvarez that's a good one double Alvarez double Alvarez any discussion all in favor I any member want to uh address any topic with the board you have five minutes please just state your name Mrs Harper you so much thank you so much I appreciate it um I'm uh coming before you for a couple of different matters so um while everybody's congratulating yourself which you know it's a it's a big project the project was supposed to be in Improvement project not an entire reconstruction project but um putting that aside you know there are residents that live here and at 6:30 in the morning you know these bulldozers start moving uh we have so much dust you know that's coming our way when it's windy there's dust coming our way we can't open up our windows we haven't been able to open up our windows for months I'm not the only one other residents tell me that too um we are concerned about issues of putting cameras everywhere do you want cameras on your house well maybe we can arrange for that too um so I think you need to be thinking about that with respect to this next planning phase before it goes in on cameras and lighting and how that impact imps our homes because this has really impacted us this construction if you think that it hasn't it has when people are trying to sleep when you're sick when you're trying to work while everybody goes up the hill you know there are people down the hill that are that are sitting here and dealing with us on a daily basis so that's that's one thing I wanted to raise the other thing I wanted to raise was not related to this but related to football as some of you know that my son does play football unfortunately he did have an accident and an injury um but one thing I noticed is that kids nowadays during practice they wear those guard those those paddings on their helmets and now some professional football players are also wearing that too I would like this town to consider having our students wearing that sort of padding during the games you know just coming back and watching the games again now I see that almost every single game there is some kid who's getting hurt not just the wrist like my like my son has where he broke his wrists but kids who are of course getting concussions over and over again and since there is something that may reduce that impact and may mitigate any potential brain future brain injuries I think that we as a town have a duty um to look into this and seriously consider um adopting something like this this on the football helmets thank you very much thank you uh that is something I know coach Appleton uh has spoken about and uh it's something that is in talks uh already so I don't know how fast something will move on that but that is something that has been uh discussed about uh the future Mr Kennedy I'm sorry I just I I didn't get to hear your remarks because I was on a work um related uh call beforehand but I'm not sure if you had an opportunity also to let us know when this construction would be completed thank you so uh what I was speaking on was with uh to coach ABS about this uh option for our student athletes playing football so it is something that we are looking into um so that is something that uh we'll have further discussions about because we do see the benefits of it and then uh on the cameras it the cameras are going to be focal points to where children are going to be and not your backyards U that's actually been thoroughly studied it's more within where they can hang out and they're not visible to the public a lot of you know some other towns have them too right so if if you looked at the project you can almost pinpoint them you know they're going to be in areas they're going to keep the kids safe right cuz that's what we are we that's where you finish your statement with who how we're going to keep these children safe the the next thing is the lighting uh as you know we just voted for M musco lighting I thought it was mosco musco lighting um and those lights has has been reiter it's going to be reiterated now but has been reiterated many many many meetings is that those lights are also focal generated LED where they're no longer widespread um everywhere um like the hologen lights of the past they're very on the field um and as far as the dust you know what you're right I I have heard that um I have heard it from other residents a little twist to it you know residents say we love it we know it it's dusty it's dusty we can't open our windows but you know what we want to see those Parks Frank and they live right at the bottom of the project I mean I had a few attend the ceremony and say you you know how amazing it is to for them to see the progress they often re they ALS they also said they actually knew more about the project then you can imagine about the piping sizes because our contractors are communicating with the community as they come ask they tell them we we're expanding on the pipes from 16 12 to 18 inches we've added more pipes we're bringing a wall has anyone driven over the bridge and actually look down there's a wall there's a there's a brick not a brick a retaining wall wall with an entire drainage system in the back guys it's awesome so you got to look at that and I would say though that the pro you know I I urged the construction company to please do do everything as best as they can and to hurry up without telling them to hurry up because as you all know and Mrs Harper you you know very well that there was a BAL Eagle in question there was um Environmental situations in question that will limit our time frame you also know because you've asked the question in the past when this project will conclude and we've told you that it's either January 1 and depending how fast we can finish we may may or may have to may or may not have to start back in August one so that means that we can go a whole eight months without touching the ground again it all depends on how much of the turnover of the project is completed and whether we're just putting down mats and stuff like that so this would be like the fifth time but we we don't know the estimate I can say though with a lot of certainty that behind your house which I think is where you're probably most and you often broaden it but behind your house they said we should finish by mid November and start seating right by end laying the sh down lay in the I'm sorry C lay in the sad by mid mid November to end of November the back of your house um and I think I don't know have we already cleaned up all the all the brush and all the fences right behind Susan's house have we cleaned that up okay because one of the things we went to that wasn't part of the project was there's been many many years of overgrowth Greenery like weeds really ugly long people haven't clean the fence when we were down there myself the administrator Kennedy and everything else we basically said look can we ask the DPW or we're going to contribute and we're going to clean that up because what sense is it to have a beautiful park with beautiful things and all the fences are just covered in garbage so in Grass not in grass but the the weeds you don't want right so we're going to clean that up Mrs Harper I hope that helps you know where your view to the park but that was all right that's about right I just want to add real quick that as as someone who you know worked in with law enforcement for 16 years I was a prosecutor I think cameras are absolutely a deterrent to Crime every um police officer will tell you that every EV every like every person involved in law enforcement will tell you that when you have cameras in a location obviously crimes are going to go down and I think it's the best way to protect our kids and as far as the homes are concerned I don't think they're facing the homes I don't but even with that I mean everyone's got a ring camera so so technically there's cameras everywhere anyway but I I think that the cameras are really important thank you I appreciate you saying that and I agree too that cameras are a deterrent but you know I don't I don't think that there should be an assumption necessarily regarding uh cameras and homes and uh quite frankly I don't want a camera on my home and if there are cameras facing my home of course then you know we'll we'll get to that at some point in time but I'm sure you would not want a camera facing on your home and having police looking at your home or whoever is looking at your home because at some point in time you guys will all turn over okay as as as elected officials and maybe not Mr Kennedy but but sometime you will all turn over so I think that's very important that that's established here that people don't want cameras on their home and in their backyard Harper thank you yeah so so just so the board is aware with the policies unless we're having open dialogue like an open Forum so when you have the public makes their request and then we respond this is not a DI understand I get it I get it thank you it's it's for the whole board so let's not get to the practice because you'll be here for a long time but just let they'll ask and then you just respond okay and then they have five minutes so you you violate other people's rights is anyone else yes okay antonet Ramirez m Ramirez hi guys how are you how are you I'm I'm doing good thank you um I just I wanted to bring up the Middle School soccer program because um I'm thrilled that pagota is trying to grow the program I'm thrilled about Middle School soccer but they really there was a lack of uniforms for the kids in the Middle School um they have shirts and I believe last week Henry and I went to one of the games it seemed like they were three different shirts the coach um wasn't given shorts for the kids or socks and that was pretty disappointing because to me the program starts there you know middle school and then those are the kids you want to be your varsity kids eventually and it really makes them feel bad that you know a lot of them don't have you know not everyone played soccer and not everyone has the black shorts or the socks and they will only given shirts so just something to think about you know for next year please I mean my son will be in the High School part by that point but for other kids if you could please consider making sure that they have uniforms for them for next year all right thank you for bringing that to my attention I'll look further into it thank you okay anyone else all right so no one else so I do I have a motion to close citizen remarks motion oh um okay hold on Mrs Alvarez and Jose Chavez is that fair for a second all in any discussion all in favor okay guys we got to go into executive session does Miss Alvarez have a link Miss Alvarez use the Google calendar invite that you were on before so I'm gon this quickly okay thank you whereas c. 231 PN PL 1975 also known as the Sunshine Law authorize a public body to meet an executive or private session under certain limited circumstances and where whereas said Law requires the board to adopt a resolution at a public meeting before it can meet in such executive or private session now therefore be it resolved by the bagota Board of Education that it hereby determined that it is necessary to meet an executive session on October 8th at approximately 7:44 pm to discuss matters involving negotiations litigation personnel and that the matters discussed would be made public when confident dentiality is no longer required an action pursuant to set discussion shall take place only at a public M meeting no action is being taken no I don't think we're going to take any action after right after and it's probably only be like 15 minutes ma no action being taken yeah it's advice to councel on a bit award up thank you we'll be back do I have a motion session motion approv all in favor oppos all right e e e e e e e e e e e e e the nice thing to open the public meeting motion I have a motion to open the public meeting motion Susan Cruz second Navaro all in favor I any opposed do I have a motion to adjourn this meeting motion second alal second any board discussion all in favor I any oppos good evening I mean good night everyone we have dinner ler Briner Briner