##VIDEO ID:krpHF410xfI## um I mean yep someone's on so that means you get in go mhm yes sir I'd like to call the to order the regular meeting of the bota board of education for Tuesday September 17th 2024 please stand for flat United States of America to the for stands one nation God indivisible with even the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of the public body at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with this provision of with the provision of this act the bota board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time placed thereof posted in the Boda B Hall communicated by letter to the record f with the clerk of the burough of Boda and posted on the Boda Board of Education website Mr Sal Mr Alvarez present Mr Alvarez present Mr Chavez present Mrs Cruz absent Mr Navaro present Mr pres Mr record pres Mr Miranda pres we have the also presid superintendent Damen Kennedy board attorney Drew hey Drew I almost sitting in for Thomas coin School business administrator board secretary eron eel assistant board secretary Elizabeth Ruiz we have no student representative tonight and also president is our Council wman and liaison Lisa Kohl's thank you um I I'd like to open the floor citizens remarks on agenda items only do I have a motion to Move Motion Mr Chavez do I have a second second Mrs rocket any more discussion all in favor any oppose any member please state your name you have five minutes on agenda items only anyone in public anyone raising their hands we should move these meetings to once a month so people been making nothing I'm gonna move to can I have to move uh close gearing the citizen remarks under than the items only motion chz do have a second alare Alvarez any board discussion all in favor I any oppos thank you uh before I move Drew I wanted to thank you publicly because recently you helped me out a lot I didn't know you were principal yeah was and a teacher and a GU supervisor and princial advice wow so won well he's saying is attorneys make more money than but I did want to say that because um coin would often call me and say there's several people in our office who do you want and and at first he would send this Drew and then someone else and most recently I said well Drew is an Ace and he didn't know why I said that and I told him this because I had an opportunity to sit with him on an educational conversation about how should perceive with certain things and he guided me and he had a lot of information that I've never heard come from an attorney and he had a very good no it was just an educational scope of things so I wanted to thank you for that that was really it's really good it was really good information and it was primarily just so you know um on the SOS and what they can and can't do and today we've improved some of the things that we could have done that makes sense um okay I'm moving on to three one section of the agenda superintendent report Mr Kennedy good evening just a couple updates first High School bathroom update uh everything is past inspection there's some cosmetic things that have to be taken care of uh we met with the AR architect and contractor today it will be coming in second shift uh starting Wednesday or Thursday possibly Friday to get in and just fix a couple of things that we weren't 100% happy with uh so although the bathrooms are usable and have past inspections um we wanted to make sure that we were happy with the overall work that was done which we were not so uh they will be coming in fixing that uh and we will be moving forward on that also each year we have to report graduation Pathways last year's graduating class we had 91 students uh of those 91 students we have to report uh each year there's a graduation requirement uh a testing requirement that students have to pass uh this year's group last year's group excuse me had to pass NJ GPA if they were not elig if they did not pass that the two times that came up they also had an opportunity to pass a substitute testing requirement such as PSATs SATs or accuplacer so all of our students last year passed either the P the NJ GPA or a testing a substitute testing requirement 20 students passed only a substitute testing requirement 36 students passed both the math and the ELA and GPA and 35 students passed the ELA and then the math substitute testing so in total we had 71 students pass the ELA part of the testing and 306 pass the math part uh which again those numbers have improved so we were happy with that back to school night starts this week tomorrow night at Bixby Thursday night at Steen school and then next week at the middle school on Wednesday night and the high school on Thursday night also just a reminder everyone out there to please check out our new website also the app is uh brand new and it is a very visual stimulating to the eye and it has a lot of upto-date but also new to the app is we have pushed notification that now instead of opening up text messages and clicking links now you get that notification right to your phone and it says but go to public school so you know exactly who and from where it is so if you have not done so please do so because tweets and things like that that I put out that push notification comes right to you and you can see it now so if you haven't done so please do so it's on our website uh where to find it also my last newsletter and that concludes my report thank you a million other it's a great app though I've used it as a parent say have before and it's amazing please download it it's it's just another thing we're doing right whoos to everybody here for state in the course um today you know for those who may not see it on social media there has been some some really nice comments for about watching the progress that these feel you know I get it um I'm simply not designed that way like I just know that if something is going to happen you just got to make it happen so I'm totally I think a lot of blame when I sit across someone who has no faith in in progress I I take the blame because I'm sitting there saying everybody learns everybody grows I for you to not have any faith in any kind of progress it often I guess I don't know doesn't matter it doesn't me well with my emotion so I of have to downgrade myself to say I get it it's to happen I used to be like you got to kidding me you know this is going to happen you have nine people out there like working their rears off to make this happen and I'm sorry I want to apologize publicly if I can't necessarily fit but I've always I've always been told that I'm a driver I make a lot of holes and things that I'm going to doing someone and that's just probably I guess there's person a and and C's and I'm just one of those guys but but to then leave fin um several things I saw I saw people show up to football games that I had not seen before uh and they post about them and it's great because you get to see they got to see something we going to happen another town so that's phenomenal right um and then I go over to over Park and I said K can you believe going to have better football FS than this and that makes you feel l two strikes of the great emotion and then someone who I actually saw um several times throughout the course of this process say you really think this going to happen Frank the recks were promised this was promised you were down there do you really he never came from a a a negative place just like like I gave up on mot kind of attitude and then he goes on and says look at this this really happened this is happening and and and takes personal interest and saying I'm an engineer I go down there I talk to The Architects they know what they're doing and I and I have to second that I have had enough time so has Kennedy Jose actually went down there with me as well and you talk to these guys and they they are with uh just to just elaborate a little bit we found a second pipe system that discharges more water that was crap and unleveled unelevated I guess unleveled right because it's supposed to unpitched that's the right word it's supposed to pitch downward and it's pitched upward because it was wrong so these these contractors founded we got a change order is all public knowledge for about 20,000 fund 15 15 okay so about 15,000 um to improve the exiting of water so so if we were 80% better I think we're going to be 82% better I don't know what that means I often ask a lot of questions like what's the rate of discharge and you know I think the The Architects look at me like what is he asking but I just want to know are we gonna so I obviously know common sense says if you have one p with four you know 4 foot diameter two foot diameter now you have another one or you're going to get a little more discharge um away from the field so that means it totally improves um that situation that everybody was concerned about all I put that publicly because that means we're in a little better phase that we wouldn't have known if we didn't break the ground right we wouldn't have known that um and you'd be so surprised how some people are fighting oh I want to remove the trees from the back of my house that are in the field I've had that because I want to be able to see the new games when you feel it's hilarious how you see residents say that but the most important thing was I had a conversation with a dollar um in front of her house the other day and it was a brief it was about totally something else and she said to me I can't believe we actually took what divided this town between this and that guys we took off the field we took off this little manmade which by conversation of DP you can't call it that just so you know that little man-made Creek that we thought we had was an actual pipe that was under it was it was just something that was done you called it manmade when you hear manmade you don't think there's a pipe right so that's all that replacement all I'm saying is is if you don't venture to the Future you don't know what it looks like simple as that and and we could call each other whatever we want and out there people can listen not everybody gives us credit but you have the guts the nerve tenacity to venture to the Future and this is what we're finding we're going to have some beautiful stuff and uh you know we're going to do a groundbreaking I'm hoping on Friday uh we'll move it but we will like to have as much of the public there we were going to do it tomorrow but we have back to school but we gota we got to come up with a date maybe Friday I want the public to be there because this is not what we did time time on Friday we we gotta we could discuss it afterwards I guess Friday we pay Park rdge away oh we have a away game yeah so then let's come up with the date the idea is this this is not us who just did this is a there's a whole group of this community that's voted 6 to one that that wanted this and and they have the right to be there um when you look at the color she and the schematics just so you know I was going to send to this board um the color picking for the track when it was brought out to my attention I said Mr Kennedy I think you got to put it back on the coaches because they have a say too people like for and the Clarks they've been there they their whole lives pitching in students students they have They too had a desire to have that um and we picked the colors right but with all the pride but at the end of the day I I didn't think it was right for me to put it on the board not because I you wouldn't have picked the best color ever but simply because the they're Educators here they're coaching here I I can't believe how coaches go you call them coaches teach go home and all a sudden they're coaching 24 hours a day they deserve to have an input and I wanted to put that back so I apologize if anybody feels any sort of way maybe you didn't get it I'm just let I know that none of you well I know that most of you don't think like that but just so you know I put it back on the Educators because they lifelong B gotians lifelong coaches uh some were great track runners and and players I wanted them to pick it so you know one of them decided students here first and then they became Educators here they came back give back and they gave back and and I wanted it I think you feel good about that right so all as well I will want to report on the notice that went out for the uh on on our behalf if you all saw it for the supporting the go to Police Department I personally said I support him and we support him because we do uh they gave out a lot of summonses uh last few days some serious amount of suances and unfortunately we have to support that because there's a lot of things that should not happen and they are happening and we have closed calls every single time and it's ignored until it's a real call we get over our 911 um you know I've sat in those meetings uh for those of you who are involved in those meetings you know and in the conversation you truly know how this all transpire um you know I I want to make sure that the public knows that the board is wholeheartedly I mean some members of the board wholeheartedly focused on the safety and attention to traffic issues that we're dealing in and around our schools and how the board here uh the administration is working on even improving it so we're going to try to look like a PR Old Town the council is fully supportive of us um and their administrator as well we've had some really good conversations are those in all areas or just by the Ste area no we're we're we're talking about everything right now we're we're really talking about everything Steen was our biggest problem right we identified and if you recall we put out a traffic study we we voted to pay for a traffic profession came out the they gave us a bunch of different reasons what we could do and what we can't do and then some is County Road some is Town Road so we are mediating that based on what we can do for us and then we're going to have um Connell uh Miss kleam there as well uh she's liaisoning a conversation between us them and the board of and the county to try to figure out uh what we can draw and and label to just make it safer so there's some stuff happening I just wanted you to know that and that's that's it for me am I missing anything guys we're all good all right moving on to um 41 which is the approval of August 27 2024 regular meeting minutes is there a motion to move for one motion Mrs rucket do I have a second Mrs Alvarez any board discussion roll call Mr alal yes Mrs Alvarez yes Mr Alvarez uh I have to OB because I wasn't here that day Mr Chavez yes Mr Navaro yes Mr solivo yes Mr rucket yes Mr Miranda yes motion carried moving on to 51 resolution F in the policy section of the agenda uh the second reading and Adoption of policies and regulation do I have a motion to move 51 motion motion do I have a second second any board discussion roll call Mr Mr yes Mr Alvarez yes Mr Alvarez yes Mr Chavez yes Mr Navaro yes Mrs Oliva yes Mr ret yes Mr Miranda yes motion Carri and policy reminded me that for the record Mrs Cruz is out on family uh s things out in Colorado she should be back tonight she couldn't make this meeting so moving on to 61 uh 616 I'm sorry moving on to the res Lu education section which is approval of agenda item 61 through 615 you have a motion to move 616 motion who was that do I have a second second Mrs rucket any board discussion all in favor I'm sorry roll car sure M Alder yes Mr Alvarez yes Mr Alvarez yes Mr Chavez yes Mr Navaro yes Mrs olivo yes Mrs ret yes Mr Miranda yes motion carried moving on to resolution 714 Personnel section approval of items 71 through 713 do I have a motion to move 714 motion thank you Mr Chavez any second second Navaro any board discussion Oran Mr alal yes Mrs Alvarez yes Mr Alvarez yes Mr Chavez yes Mrs Mr Navaro yes Mrs olivo yes M rocket yes Mr Miranda yes motion car moving on to 810 which is the finance section of the agenda approval items is 81 through 89 do have a motion to move 810 Alvarez Alvarez do I have a second Mr Alvarez do I have a second second Mr Chavez any board discussion roll call Mr Al yes Mrs Alvarez yes Mr Alvarez yes Mr Chavez yes Mr navaru yes Mr solivo yep Mr rord yes Mr Miranda yes motion carried moving on to 91 of the buildings and ground that was a good one 91 buildings and ground section which is approval of disposable of computers and electronics equipment do I have a motion to move 91 motion motion Chavez do I have a second second any board discussion roll call M yep yes M Alvarez yes Mr Alvarez yes Mr Chavez yes Mr Navaro yes Mr solivo yeah Mrs ret yes Mr Miranda yes motion car it's I would say that it's absolutely acceptable I don't think there's a kid today that doesn't say yep you know so it's okay I'm getting used to it but I do want to bring up something that's how my memory plays out Kennedy uh Mrs rucket works for a prestigious law firm and they're looking to donate computers and cameras and things of that sort uh so I would like you to get with her I think we they have to pay for like delivery what is it shipping shipping but they're giving out a bunch of stuff if we can have any use I'm sure we do I will ask I will put our right you know Frank Frank will tell us yes or no if it's compatible if we need it so yeah I was holding that for new business but um absolutely it's monitor arms monitors that are less than a year old we're moving to a new building and we buy everything new um webcams keyboards mice so far I think we have like 275 monitors to get rid of okay wow with the arms so they're going to come with the arms is that like f 25 an hour for first year but hey look Bott today I noticed it was like quick off among the million things she does throughout thing cuz I talked to her and and she's like hey we should you know and I was like wow so it just came up I'm sorry it's okay it's okay all right so moving on to committee reports does anyone have committee reports no moving on to uh 11 one agenda old business anyone have any old business moving on to 121 new business do we have new business yes um I wanted to discuss with the the board and I'm glad Kennedy brought up the capabilities of the website the text messages are getting to a point where I'm not reading them anymore because they're so frequent and they're not about something that is urgent or even emergent so it's getting to the point where even I'm getting callous to opening and I don't want that to happen like there was a time where we lived by those text messages we needed to know when where we coming back to school and winter is coming and that means there could be you know snow days or snow mornings I just don't want folks to get callous getting so many of them so maybe we need to look at using the website for some things that are not urgent or emergent so that when parents see that go off they know to read it and read it now because it could be really important so that's that's twof folded though so if you're on the website I mean on the app and you sign up for each school to get alerts then you'll get alerts from each school so I mean it's something we could talk about but then I mean I mean what I hear from most people is they don't know what's going on so I we would have to figure out a way to make that work so I get it because um we do talk about it as Administration team that like on this Friday I sent out a newsletter the Middle School sent out their newsletter Steen sent out their newsletter so it's like how how do what do I say don't send out you know what I mean don't send out a newsletter so it's kind of like I get it so it's something that we could talk about that maybe we schedule it where the Middle School sends it one week Ste School sends it one week but if the PTO has a message that they want to remind parents to get out so or we're trying to remind parents of games now hey there's a home game today or we're at over peek Park tonight so maybe that should happen not in school time because when it buzzes during school I as a parent now I'm panicked what is this and then I open it and it's not urgent and I'm like I don't want to feel this level of AA every time ready because we got four back to school night come right and then so that means that day I'm going to get like four of them but on the off chance that and I Haven forbid that there is something urgent like when we had the smoke condition I don't want folks to say I'll get to it because it's probably just a game I want them to continue to you know it buzzes you need to look at if something could be happening so there you know it's so interesting and I would love to make this a public forum in marketing which you all know that's my my feeding grounds there's this thing where underc commmunication and overcommunication and we're often I think it's why we still exist because we need to deliver a message in such a short time frame without overc communicating and if you underc communicating well then you're not a brand and it shocks me because I'm having the discussion every single day we as a company are overc communicating because that's what our customers want and then you get people who are concerned because we're on the communicating right so it's such you're right I'm hoping that maybe these apps um have segments that we create where if you're in Ste you should you should maybe we're sending one every few days check your app and go to your section you just have to go to your app and make sure you're not getting from like I have a niece that left Steen and is now in the middle you know you don't want to have Ste with having no kid in Steen what I'm thinking too is because I agree with BC like when you see it during the school time you're like oh my God like is it something bad because there's so many bad things happening in schools and I think it can freak the parents out you know a little bit um but I I I love the app I think the app is great and then if the app could send notices then I think you feel less stressed when it's the app sending a notice than when you're getting a text message yeah we should look at some so the app we're trying to do it where it's uh nonemergency stuff and like uh non- urgent right so that's what like it's new to us right so we just have to look at the app and see if it has what's called facial messaging so it'll come up like your iPhone will come up and you'll see it yeah you can put versus an actual text message it's probably something we can talk about absolutely and BC I gotta tell you I I would normally say God forbid you said heaven forbid that's a cool thing so just I like that I like that I like that it's a little different I like that I like all right so I'm not done I'm not done um in staying in the in the vein of communication I like what I'm seeing on on the social media I really am I think it would be great if they if we figure out how to push that more since everybody's clearly on it you know maybe we need the app tied to it somehow because that's what we're doing right now be you know we need to just we just need to make you know as as Mrs pone indicated we need to keep emergencies emergent because and there are people with children in multiple buildings so they're going to get multiple messages I just don't want people to take their eye off the ball during school hours because if the administration needs folks to pay attention or to come to deal with something I don't want people to just be like you know whatever so maybe we combine the social media with the website I have a question are there individual like Facebook pages for the for the schools yep yes because like for example like with the Community page everybody looks at that and the like the more you look at something the more it shows up everybody's on social media so the more they look at that like there's probably some information that's not urgent that is something that they can go look for and it's on that Facebook page so if you like maybe that's a good Avenue to have it on the Facebook page for that school so here I'll to give so everyone understands where we're at um the Facebook page that we had was tied to my personal account when we did the referendum because all I did I didn't accept friend requests all I did was post on the family page because that was the easiest way to get the information out there so now that we switch to this new app Frank uh created a new Facebook page that now we will share with everyone but he had uh he wasn't in last week so we kind of waited for him to get back so we could set that up so that when I do it for because right now I can post from my phone to Twitter and Facebook but we didn't want to mess around with it because it was tied to my personal account and I don't post anything very rarely my wife doesn't tags me so more people will see it because I have more friends this just how it is but um we're hoping that this week we can make that live and we're going to share that to everyone hey follows this is the bota Public School District Facebook page because there's a million of them out there but follow this one and then that information will always be up and and that's what I was going to say the problem is people have taken it upon themselves to create volleyball social medias this social media and and I think from a from a legal standpoint I think at some point we're going to have to figure out how we take those down because there's a whole thing that you can replicate someone's page and you can't do anything about it but if you're sharing certain you know I have a personal problem when third parties I'm trying to figure out the legalities because I say you know as a parent I consent to the public school to put my child on their social media page most people consented that assuming I'm assuming that the public school has a bit of a control who's looking at that right right then you have a thirdparty PTO or a third party bota page reposting the same children well they didn't sign a consent right so what happens then you dilute the whole process but the thing is you can't you can't really help that because once you once you put it out on social media it's it's out there well hold on there's certain things that are not sharable they're not sharable someone could take a screenshot and share would be in our legal prors to send letters and say please you could make Facebook there's a reason why Facebook now tells you shared your stuff and I think it's also standpoint if the account is private then it's not sharable if it's public then it's sharable there's a lot of ways I think we have to look at it this is guys there's a lot of parents who you and people can still take a picture you can still with a phone take a picture of someone's phone and still have the picture I'm just saying I think if we start trying to police what other people are posting with Snapchat snap snap good Snapchat yeah I I think if we just the thing is if we start trying to control what other people are reposting or posting or taking screenshots of it's we're gonna go down a rabbit hole like chasing Congress is going down that rabbit hole now but I disagree but I do think that whatever is in our control we should control we should control I think what we can't control we can't control and that there are Bad actors that may you know whether they have good intentions or not you know Road the hell is paid with good intentions yeah we can only control what we can control and we should we should do that as much as we can and if we have some seriously responsible individuals leading our pto's and you know they're I'm sure going to understand where we're coming from especially like Frank pointed out these are images of other people's children we have to put in place whatever guard rails there are available to us I think if we just make it private and non-shareable then if somebody takes a screenshot there's nothing we can do listen you there's a notice you are not to I'm always want to cover our boundary right because I often can see I know what I kind of drama I would create right I would off you're going to sit there and debate it another lawyer is going to debate it a different way I simply signed the consent for you not for you so so let's talk about I think it's something we have to look at as as we then start because this is where I see it right thinking as you Esquires once we start owning a Facebook page once we meaning the district start owning well you have other responsibilities to uphold right just like the owners of social media Pages who did not think that they were going to face billion dollar lawsuits and Congressional hearings because you own it and then you became irresponsible I want to make sure that from the gate the public knows that we are at least attempting on record to be responsible dated whatever date it is and whatever time that we are attempting PTO members and your public patries figure it out we're asking you I've heard it from parents already so I'm not just bringing this up I said to someone wow that makes a lot of sense so I think we need to just close that Gap and at least assert our uh opinion as a board that you have to be a little because now your page is open to everybody else the other the other thing that I wanted to bring to your attention Kennedy is how are you going to communicate right so now you open the Facebook because this is what's the most mindboggling for me guys I had a child at a very young age and I was I guess overly responsible I never once went on social media to ask if I'm supposed to bring a notebook if I'm supposed to bring a uniform on a public forum you have a district you can pick up the phone and call and that's where all these Loose Ends because one has an opinion the other one and the other one's complaining because it personally affects them but the district has rules and and we sit hours upon hours thinking about what color pens what this what are we going to do what's the future and then they just go and ask the public I think that we that application this is your phone number contact your school this is your principal come so that we have a clear policy right I'm tell simply if something is posted to a site that a page that we're we're controlling we could simply have one comment only and the comment is with the phone numbers and then turn off comments yeah yes and then turn off that's they're going to expect to your point we we don't hire anybody we don't employ anybody to be a a web page moderator moderator make that's I was just going to say you can close the comments right can close the comments so I think that there should always be one comment listing the the general number to the to each building and then shut off your comments so that that's it you got a question those we can even erase their comments you could but imagine after it's been answered if the person continues then no I don't think you can we have to figure out to figure out the reason the reason I'm bringing this up I have been because of what I do on a national scale I am receiving I mean companies with billions of dollars are getting complaints and they're getting sued for little things so we are like I want to make sure that while we're great we're trying to do all these great things Mr Kennedy we're protected y somehow look I'm not a First Amendment lawyer but I do think that you can turn off comments but I don't think you can delete people's yeah you can you you know but what you what you can do because so just from Facebook you can delete everyone's comment want so if you post something I don't like I could delet not from a public stand saying Facebook is you the gives you the ability to do it I know Faceook gives you the ability to do Facebook page I am not sitting there and policing the comments All I got bigger fish when I when I went to the to like the first orientation or whatever you know like I said I don't I don't do first amend so I don't know but they the lawyer there gave a whole speech and it made sense because I know that there's been some some new Rec because this is all pretty new in terms of case law and whatever but I think it's that if you're an elected official which is why I delete comments and I can't if you don't have an if you if you have an official page then you can delete comments on your personal page if you don't have an official page which most most of us don't then you can't delete comments on your personal page as annoying as you may find but also there's already a a recent for case with that with the Jersey city mayor and he was ordered to not to delete or block anybody and also with the Facebook pages you can put like it because it's a clo it should be a closed group like for example each school maybe has their own Facebook page that it's a closed it should be verifiable that's what I was going to and before before somebody's admitted a lot of the Facebook CU it's a question it's a communication medium but before they're admitted into the group there's a disclaimer and then there's question there's things like points which they have to abide by so it's if you're not and to the whole um form their signning the cons consentment you're right that's where I was going with this if you're in Ste just give me your son's your child's name teacher school that's it if that's verified you're approved because you're not going to approve them yesterday so or today right you wait you check because to your point it is we're public schools for public Boda we're not public schools for public Tac so to your point it's something to look at in the future yeah could be because so we're we're still waiting to um our newest Venture into the communication with parents is we're creating a like it's uh called parent Square yeah and we've been waiting for the back end to catch up to where we're at where it's almost like a Facebook for the school community that only the parents can sign up for but then there can be community members can sign up but you can select what you want going out there so that's something else that we're hoping to roll out within the next month so we might be getting off of Facebook Al together and saying you're parent this is where all our school information is prob IDE I I think that would be better so but we're but Frank has been working on the back end because we're trying to get the the two phone numbers uploaded it's only taking one contact and we're trying to make sure that both parents contacts get uploaded so that they have access to before we roll it out so I don't want to get into I have access to it I don't so until it's all fully I'm hoping within the month that it's completely rolled out and that might end lot of this conversation because then we won't be posting on Facebook any yeah that sounds like the best the last point I wanted to make to you Kennedy is maybe the link to the lunch apps put it somewhere where or you know where folks can get it I know this time of year no one remembers to do it it's not on paper anymore and so probably less people remember to do it so if it could be somewhere where folks can just click it and fill it out so if you go to our website it says lunch front center but I also just sent the newsletter out that had all the information that had what link to press and if you couldn't have access to it you could come to office and we would help you but if you h Lunch resource it takes your yeah my neighbor was like I think I'm supposed to do a lunch for I'm like yeah that was supposed to happen a while ago you ask me I gotta ask my wife did anyone see the website recently have you seen the website I've seen the app it's phenomenal I use has video clip of our schools and like I mean the high school the board it's a really nice it's it's it's really come to life um I'm I'm excited because I was always complaining about that and I think Frank just put tape like the website is pretty cool it has moving it's it's a really good guys good job good job to her for paying for it good job to good job to Liz I'm sure you had to sign those bills and you know just good job like uh so many things are happening at the same time I love the app honestly it makes that's why I haven't even looked at the website because the app has been really useful that was a big part but we recognized that moving forward that people are not logging on to computers anymore we wanted to make sure the mobile interface was pleasant and easy to use compared to some the older websites so again the only person I could take credit for this is Frank cero Victor and Our IT department we just sat there and said I like the way that looks I don't like the way that looks urin has to press a button not too hard great J and he's not he's not kidding like if you if you see the passion the IT department when you address these questions they're like oh wait till you see what we got in store it's like they went to a shopping cart but it was it was months of building so kudos to you guys too I apologize that I didn't get you include I have two questions yep um field progress are the students being updated students being updated uh not yet not yet I mean I would like them to get excited about all this progress and to understand what was put into this to get to where we're at so they you know I mean this this was for them not the legalities of it obviously you know um and are we documenting it in any way to you know I know we you plan on having groundbreaking and I'm just thinking how that's all as you say I'm thinking what can we do you're right there's a there's a a media Club you have a media club right so and you also have morning announcements here I I I I don't I don't at the elementary school for you know but something posters posters or the morning announcements when they do their things with Rockford maybe you know let the kid something going on I'm sure the art club would like to like posters everybody involved right I think the children should know that um you know why they're being delayed I think the football players know because I'm constantly letting them know you you know I don't know about track maybe Rockford lets them know or you know maybe the coaches are letting them know in some way but I think the rest of the student body should know as well they they should because they're very excited about it but they're like oh it's probably not going to happen till when like they don't they're not they don't know about it you know anyway those were my I think you're right on the money with that and I'll tell you why I had no I wasn't even thinking that far but I often said I used to tell Kenedy last year we have a video Club so I'll tell you why yes public my son is a Don BOS I'll say that because some people frown when I say it but they needed they wanted him he's a great musician and who doesn't take that opportunity so it's out there but this is what I like about having a child in a I don't see it but a prestigious school is they really think out the box and how they fundraise because they're based on that right like 50% of their Foundation his donation right when I went to the school for the first time um which I cried to tears right Mr kenned I told you I didn't know how I could make that decision considering all we've put into this school district and then my son the very one you know because say what you want to say but when you sit up here you have your kid at heart and every decision you make you say how do you feel but what's going on over there what's wrong you drill your kids a little bit to try to figure out am I making the right do the kids feel well forget about what the parents feel they hardly ever even know of their feelings so you drill the kids to try your kid your only access I drill be's kid I've drill Trina's kid I've drill idalia's kid I always drill Jose's kid always I'm trying to find out right so yeah you may not have kids and you serve up here but if you really care you're with the kids and everybody will tell you that I'm in tune with the kids I'm so in tune with every kid the ones that are not my I I get down to that level and I'm cool to try to figure out are they going to tell me something that I don't know about our educators are district and I go to Kennedy he's like hi here all this stuff but I had a hard time with n and and when I went there um there's some amazing opportunities he's going to be opening up December 6 because of Music uh at the Rockets so that's something I want us to try to figure out how we could do that too while them and not us I shouldn't be saying that but it's the truth right uh when I went in they had QR codes all over the walls and it's called Uh come meet your club and you do the QR code and boom it puts you in a club and there's an interest and information that's amazing it's all over right so these kids are I saw a bunch of kids standing there like okay so I'm going to do fishing Mr Kennedy is a big fisherman used to be he just told me that the other day so maybe we should look at a fishing club the hackin sack Rivers there under the age of 16 and stuff I'm just thinking out the box think about all these things gr club that that that's very important and I can tell you this as someone who's currently coaching a trial team what's really hard is that there is a lot of clubs but the club people we're not coordinating with the coaches with the sports and then and I'd like to be able to do that because I have some really talented kids that are like oh I can't make it here and I can't make it on this day so we're having trouble getting a team together because body's on other things and I'm like I don't mind coming in Saturdays and Sun whatever like to so go to that the clubs know when they're in the time it it's amazing that would be really essential part of some other stuff that I've seen and like Johnny Mitchell says I'm sure Lisa can affirm to this why them and not us he always says that about every town Johnny Mitchell will send you a million pictures of every town he goes through a bur County so when I often said we're the worst feels you want to know why because for five years I'm getting Johnny Mitchell's this is wind this is this this is that so I knew I didn't have to go to every town and he was showing it to me every day he sent me a message Councilman Mitchell about that this is has been his lifelong dream and and he'll if you get called he'll say thank you that's all he says thank you thank you he call him I'll give you his number he'll say thank you with tears because that's all he's a big coach right he's always talking about man on first that's how he runs everything it's am i l Lisa even meetings yeah so so he's a big coach and and that's how I knew right so all I'm saying is there's a lot of things that we need to look at that we can copy and bring it together here and bring it together and and one of the things I recently learned is there's one committee we're missing so we have a um student representative and we have all these committees and there's a community called uh student Innovation and then what happens is you pick two or three kids from every school and you meet with them in their school some of us some of them and they start telling you what are their needs you know they're not going to get everything right but we often know that part of progress in the future um there was an administrator in town that was very good at January 1st are going to laugh January 1st he sent out an email of all his accomplishments the year prior how good he was I don't care that's awesome because you're showing we were able to do this we were able to accomplish this we're able to do this we to do earthon does something similar right progress report students should have that too because when they go get a professional career in any field you often have to kill the shame and go to your boss and say I've been able so I think I want to open that that up if you guys agree that we look at how we do it where we meet with a group of kids and tell us what you need I was going to say why don't we have like meetings with all the student body people and invite whatever students want to come and it doesn't have to be all of us but it could be like you know maybe three of us right just just three of us like and we can take turns and we could do it like every two months or three months something like that keep they do it once a quarter so a few members go on different members and they just every semester yeah every quarter them and they'll tell you we listen we listen and you're going to hear a lot of sound bites of things they don't even know what they're asking for but they're talking to us we could never make make the best and informed decision if you're not involved and we know unfortunately that's why I think it's very important to show them what we're doing that we care for them and that's what I mean I agree Trina I think getting them involved is is glad you open up this discussion I wanted to do big again maybe I'm just over the top and the whole marketing mentality Tre them I was and you know I always used to say Kennedy why are we not videotaping the great things inside of our and we're not putting it out there guys sometimes you get a donor who sees something that came from a minority town and says I want to give these guys $100,000 I want to give because I saw I really care and I've always been said I want to do little videos maybe we should get that team that um you know to videotape the progress of the fields to videotape the progress of the schools the before and afters you know that those are beautiful things because they're vested in the progress and so Trina to to your point that's absolutely been there thank you for let bringing it out and we should not stop that conversation our kids we should talk really have pride in it in why the the the classes before including our coaches who are here giving back from being students to the students that that knew it was coming and didn't get to enjoy it to the ones that are here that are now going to enjoy it and ending with a Kindergarten class and this year senior class coming together yes and everything takes time we get it but but let's let's work let's do it you know let's do it what about a timing like conversation we have to start planning properly yes to make this you know really hit off it come to fruition the right way can't be last minute no what about assigning it like as like a project like the video club that you were talking about assigning it like like as a project something that they do they do like they can CommunityWide project can all be involved delegate it to them where they can be involved in in in documenting it yeah I think we should I think we should look at that I mean not I think I know we should and we should all pitch in and get it done let's make them be proudful prideful of their what they this is theirs this is trust me when we were moving that referendum I bet you there was a lot of kids who went home and said mom and dad you got to vote we need this and to your point earlier about um what you said about how you know in the real world when you be when you get a job how you have that January 1 letter shooting out how Eran gives a progress report that is the way of the world now when you have a job you have to actually before you get your review from your boss you have to review yourself and you have to toot your horn and say hey I did this and then if you don't know how to do that properly then you really your reviewed stale it's stale so you know we have to start showing our kids how to do that too told me recently on the Facebook page that I needed to get off my high horse because I parade the board you know what I'm going to continue to do it because I know what we did I know the sleepless nights the conversations that they did I know it I was on top of a balcony BC 9 o'clock at night with Kennedy and architect we fight with everybody for the best interest of MOT people often you know don't give us credit that's fine you know we're volunteers whatever if I give if I sit up here and say BPD thank you rescue thank you thank you then thank you to the board too H and that's I have learned that the way of life is basically showing that you're the best at it isn't that what social media influencing is about yeah right huh isn't that the richest group of the world right now because they say I'm the best at the makeup I'm the best so what's wrong with that often that comes from people who just don't simply have a little bit of drive to say I get why they're doing it let me join that bandwagon so we we're better right so that was it but I I like like that you brought that up Trina this is a true genuine conversation I love that and it's funny because I was thinking like that I see it from other schools and I know that we could do it too we could definitely do it too and and let's do it you know let's do it I'm just sad I'm not gonna have mate and Nate in the mock trial team this year that's all it breaks my heart I was really looking yeah yeah yeah but let's keep going let's keep bringing some great stuff I know in the Middle School Kennedy just to wrap it up uh when there was a previous principal we were doing like a niking competitive thing that we did Dr bregers we need to figure out how that continues because however you place it it's business and we need to we need to get our kids involved how we become better is through exposing ourselves when I first got to bota I heard someone who told me they took private cars to Broadway because they were afraid to be kidnapped and and there was an official in town and coming from New York City I I was utterly shocked I said what do you mean you kidnap in Broadway that's the Place well yeah we take private cars because my wife and I will never succumb to a kidnapping they said but you but if you get out of a taxi and you jump into bro so it was you'd be surprised it's also like going to the Bronx and talking to a Puerto Rican guy says I've never been to man ver W and you say wow right so we need to expose our kids I truly hope that in the future from a public school standpoint in New York I met I met a very amazing principal for years and he was taking kids that like if you score certain ways CU you also get these kids to compete they were traveling to different Japan and stuff so they were fundraising they would get to fly around the world I'm just saying maybe it's bigger than our scope I'll never say that and I didn't admit to that right but but it's something we should look at there's a lot of programs like closeup and whatever that they can they can fundraise throughout the year and get it done and we can also do little rewards like if that if the the video team does something well like I know people that we could get like a tour of NBC for them or whatever cuz I some producers there like some kind of stuff like with the mock Tri team I took them to the city they went to the law firm they just exposing them to different things I think is a great idea yep all right I still need to hear the public y oh yeah I I know that I just want to make sure they heard us enough moving on to 131 section uh open the floor to hearing on the public of anything on anything I'm sorry is there a motion to Move Motion floor to hearing of the public Chavez second Alvarez alvare Mr Alvarez any board discussion all in favor any oppose any member please state your name you have five minutes no one all right I'm moving on to closing hearing of the public motion that's Mrs rocket a second alal second hold on any more discussion all in favor all right I I guess I move to I motion to adjourn do you have a motion to adjourn motion second motion second all in favor more discussion thank you guys thank you for your heart