rob you look amazing thank you it's like you're running for Republican do yeah how are you did you get the link no no no did you get the link okay 720 she's gonna buy a house Sor when she comes to buy a house because I think it's it's eventual you know I'll definitely call you good evening everyone I'd like to call to order the work and Action meeting of the bagota board of education for Tuesday April 23rd 2024 please stand for the flag salute States the repblic stands one nation God indivisible with li that means you all did this in school one time every day it was like all synchronized the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of the public bodies at which any business affecting thees is discussed or acted upon in accordance with this provision sorry with the provisions of this act that a go to board of of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted in the bagota board burough Hall communicated by letter to to the record and file with the clerk of the burough of Boda and also posted on the bota board of education website Fon Mr here Mrs Sol present Mr oliv pres Mr Chavez present Mrs Cruz present Mr Navaro present pres okay thank you Mr Sola absent Miss rucket present Mr Miranda present we have the quum thank you Mr Fon also present is our student representative Ashley Ura welcome uh superintendent Damen Kennedy board secretary I'm sorry board attorney Thomas coin sure gets paid like that and school business administrator board secretary eron epel and assistant board secretary Elizabeth Ruiz and a board tonight right I'd like to open the floor of citizens two citizens on agenda items only do I have a motion Alvarez Mr Alvarez do I have a second Mrs Alvarez any board discussion all in favor any oppose all right let's do this any member who would like to address the board on agenda items only you have five minutes uh please State your address right cu no more names or please say your name no more address they get that out of there you have five minutes go on yeah is it the Jeopardy song we should be having there a little more interesting do I have a motion to close citizens motion motion Mrs rucket do I have a second Mr Alvarez any board discussion all in favor I all perfect Mr Kennedy I believe you have the floor okay good evening everyone first up will be our student rep Ashley we're going to ask for her student report hello my name is Ashley Arena I'm your student representative for today before I say anything I wanted to apologize for my absence in these last couple of months I have been working for a little recap of these couple of months we have concluded with our fall and winter sports each individual team had a very fulfilling and heartwarming experience the radium girls play was a hit and so was the Percy Jackson play our prep rallies have been extremely engaging and we are excited to plan out our last one soon our spring season has started as well we hope to see more success and Brilliance throughout the rest of this year finally thank you Mr Kennedy for allowing me to attend this meeting thank you thank you thank you okay now my report first up is our Hib report uh we had two reported hibs since our last meeting uh one in the high school one and Steen both were unconfirmed we are also preparing for state t uh testing that is approaching uh starting next week with science and grades 5 8 and 11 followed by the njsla for grades three through nine in ela and math and then we're going to sprinkle in some dlm testing and AP testing so we'll be quite busy the next five weeks with standardize testings in all of our building uh next week is also a very busy week in District again on Monday night in the high school we will do this for the second time and have a joint spring concert with Bixby and Steen school together uh last year I thought that was a great success so we're looking forward to it 6:30 in the High School auditorium uh on Tuesday night we have another board meeting that will also be our budget hearing and then on Thursday the high school will host an open house uh this is open to all families in District not just our sixth grade families and seventh grade families uh I I think what I've heard over the last couple weeks is we're doing a lot of great things in our high school and people have no idea what we're doing so we want to give a chance to everyone in District come meet our staff learn about our clubs our Sports our activities what we offer for course offerings see the building and then also over the next two or three years the amount of work that's going to be done up in this High School uh and across the street with the CTE building uh lastly uh I like to say this a lot we had a really great bot night a couple weeks ago um we had the bota school Community versus the world famous Harlem Wizards in a basketball game shout out to everyone that participated in the event a bunch of board members who played uh board members who attended who helped uh during that night the gym was packed the kids had a really good time there Smiles on their faces started at when we arrived and uh didn't end even the next day I was walking around the kids that were very happy about it so a lot of time and energy went into getting this off the ground so a big shout out to Sher and the steam PTO but it was truly uh like I like to say it was a great bota day it was a great bota night so Sher wherever you are please take a bow because that really went above and beyond for uh the community and that concludes my report thank you Kennedy um I also want to thank a halfcourt fivepoint shot from our man Damen Kennedy I have the videos to prove it he was the highlight for the next week um shout out to Sher and the steam PTO brilliant idea I I truly wish it was every week that we could get something like that it takes a lot of determination a lot of drive a lot of pestering a lot of bothering Frank Miranda um I I got to tell you from are we're going to have tables are we're gonna have tablecloths are we and and I was like Mr Kennedy can you please make sure we have tables can you make sure we have tablecloths and and I want your jerseys to look great is Rob Alvarez making it is Chavez making it it was a you got a lot of that right please please please please post and and so it takes a big Community they say it it takes a community to make it happen I I I if I had to guess there were 400 people there between kids and parents or plus um you know it's not always about the money I'm not sure how much money they made but but it was just about how many hearts they fulfilled um my daughter wore that Jersey for three days after I mean every time she got home she threw the Wizards Jersey I saw kids outside shooting the basketballs um I somehow have three of those basketballs in my truck I don't know how I know I gave a card and they showed up so so at the end of the day it was a true bota event and and and and again you know I there was a lot of talks all over social media about this fivepoint shot and it was Damen Kennedy um he showed his skills for real thank you to Dr lash for being there um and I gotta tell you thank you to the teachers I mean the amount of running that happened there some of the showcasing from these Educators there was a true spirit and I want to thank you for my part because usually when you have four members co-mingle um with the educational World they seem to keep it uh very separated very dry that's also a testament to the job you guys are doing they see us as one they see us included they see that we care and the and the way that they treated at least us three right it was like we were a staff member we were part of it come on Frank let's go I heard it and I was it it humbled me a lot because it truly you know you know just so many people that were there uh they they they included us it was a beautiful thing so so I I was really happy to see that I was and the turnout was amazing so thank you to Sherry thank you to the steam PTO Sherry we're gonna miss you um and and we didn't understand that we saw it last week I know you know after all the Tylenol I said who else would I drink Tylenol four um I I gotta be honest guys it was my first time in my life I don't take so so it just she makes you makes it happen right so it goes a long way thank you to everyone thank you to everyone for that it was beautiful um moving on to resolution 43 approving March 12 work Action meeting is there any motion I don't think I have to pick motions any questions any discussions uh moving on to the policy 51 section any questions any discussions moving to 612 this is getting boring educational section any questions moving on to 714 which is the Personnel section any questions all right moving on to 817 wait I did want to make one go ahead because I did just remember that um on here is uh Mr Eng glaz's resignation uh he was named uh the superintendent in Fairview starting July 1st um so he's the he he's been in the district and I worked with him very closely uh as superintendent over the last six years but even as the high school principal and vice principal so that's going to be um some big shoes to fill we already have over 50 applicants for the job um so we're going to start the interview process uh next week and try and get down to two or three uh finalist before making a decision so but uh we wish him uh good luck I didn't want to uh not say something I originally want to put it in my superintendent's uh comments but I forgot and then looking at this I just remembered so uh we we'll have time to celebrate with him and uh work with him but I just wanted to make note of that tonight thank you Kennedy and you know thank you for reminding me um we we I don't think you wanted to bring it up because we just don't want to let him go um in knowing what I know of him in the last few years and prior as a principal I don't know how you you pose your interview questions but you know Batman question has to come along all the things he does for those those kids he really loves school he runs a really tight ship uh to the point when the prek playground was being done he was out there 247 like a general contractor and you can't put the fence this way you can't do this he's very meticulous in a lot of his ways um you know Kennedy taught me often enough when you visit him you change up some of his desk and it and he just gets really frustrated and puts it all back to where he had it so that's kind of his principal behavior um in learning here about the special need special ed and he really you know you need five uh tooth Combs he does an amazing job we're going to miss him he's really big shoes to fill we're going to miss him but I'm really proud in all his years I just learned about he kind of told me about all his years in education and how he's taken this and and some of the big steps he's taken in his career and this is a big Power wow for him so you know congratulations to you uh you you truly deserve that uh moving on to I was at the finance section 817 any discussion uh moving on to 93 buildings and grounds um I don't think we give committee reports this time around right does anyone want to report you want me to do it briefly uh for those who have been questioning about fields and so on so forth just know we're out to bid again on the fields we also recently met with the liaison at the mayor at the council and we met with the buildings and grounds council members uh to hash out some of the D details of the interlocal agreement I guess it's called Sher Services agreement and um the spirits are amazing the conversation and and and I'm gonna say this as I can my first one of my first conversations that I've experienced in eight years and I've heard about it prior to be able to discuss with the council and everybody is on the same page about the direction we're going uh Lisa Co was there Pat male was was there um uh Johnny Mitchell was there uh let me know if I'm forgetting board administrator board administrator was there our attorney was there their attorney was there oh and the new he he he didn't make it uh Mr Kennedy was there Fon was there so we had everything from Financial discussions so basic Architects were there and and I can tell you if I go back seven years or eight years we had a a joint meeting once with the board of when I was on the council and that did not shave well and then there was a moment where I try to we try to come in here and that didn't go well I was locked out so just letting you know that I can say this it was an amazing meeting it was all the level minded people I think right am I wrong it was great we've come to a general consensus the point is we want to deliver to bota what we promised and what we've committed to doing and and we're on that way so we have to put that out there because it doesn't always happen and this the stigma in bota is B ofed doesn't like down the hill that's what they call it and down the hill doesn't like up the hill but at the end of the day I'll say it I said it at that meeting it's one bucket of tax dollars how it's spent it's one story but it's same bucket I know that when they take my money they don't take three checks they take one so at the end of the day we're working together we're working for thex taxpayer and that was a meeting that proved everything against any stigma that has existed in boto that was a very good meeting so I want to thank the council members the liaison and the building and ground members who who were there for us and and it was just amazing to see it to see it transpire and it was a lot of Hope going forward um that that's what I would say for the building and ground moving on to committee reports I think we're done right old business 111 any discussion and they need 121 new business 31 open the floor to hearing of the citizens on any topic motion you have a motion second a second from Al uh Chavez any board discussion all in favor any oppose any member of the public uh that want to address us on absolutely anything please state your name you have five minutes I'll take a motion to close hearing of the public motion Mr Chavez do I have a second albarez Alvarez any board discussion all in favor I any oppos so tonight we will have executive session on Personnel matter action may or may not be taken right yeah I don't think we're taking any action we're not taking any action so I'll just read it whereas the C 231 PL 1975 also known as a Sunshine Law authorizes a public body to to meet an executive or private session under certain limited circumstances and whereas said Law requires the board to adopt a resolution at a public meeting before it can meet in such executive or private session now therefore be it resolved by the bota Board of Education that it does by here determine that it is necessary to meet an executive session on April 23rd at approximately 721 p.m. to discuss matters involving the negotiations litigation and personnel that the matter of discuss will be made public when confidentiality is no longer required and action pursuant to said discussion shall take place only at a public meeting action we're not taking action do I have a motion to go executive session Chavez do I have a second Alvarez Alvarez Alvarez Mr Alvarez any board discussion all in favor any opposed I guess we'll be back about we're going to be very quick I think yeah two minutes I have yeah it's going to be very okay so we'll be back at approximately 7:30 just 31 for e e what e e e you [Laughter] be great I got my husband saying it's gonna be great be great that's Rob's thing it's gonna be great my cousin do I have a motion to reopen the public meeting motion Mrs rocket do I have a second second Mrs um we're not taking action do I have a motion or adjourn motion Mr Alvarez Mr Chavez Mrs Alvarez for second all in favor I any oppose have a good evening everyone