I'd like to call this meeting to order this is a regular session of the bo Township Board of Education help for the purpose of transacting appropriate board business in compliance with chapter 231 of 1975 the notice of this meeting was advertised in the Mars County DA record copies of the agenda of this meeting were appropriately posted aable to Mrs B here Mr brander here Mrs Cabana here Mr Chen Mrs hermy here Mr Johnson here Mr mcbry here Mr Mill here Mrs no here also president Dr Angelo superintendent principal we have a quum can please stand for [Music] the we're off tonight 7:32 and he's [Music] like this time represent brings us at this time a motion for Mo excuse me you want to table bo uh motion number yes at this point I yes we'll move board business motions 1 through two at this time please I'll move is there a second I'll second any questions comments or discussion if not the question on the adoption of boes motions one and two all those in favor say I I anyone oppos say no any extensions we will introduce board business motion 3 later in the meeting after we go into close session toly um talk about that motion and this time we are going to be business administrator board Secretary of this report Mr Murray okay thank you Mr brander just a couple of items um basically all Building Systems are open running no issues to report but I am happy to report that there was no damage or injuries from the recent earthquake or the solar eclipse uh New Jersey school board's conference is coming up in October October 21st through the 24th online registration portal is open so if anybody in the hotel blocks are limited and they go pretty fast so if anybody's interested email me if you're planning on attending the next board meeting we can do the approvals for whoever wants to attend but if you let me know I can make the hotel reservations cuz if they do you know they sell out then kind of a freefor all on where you where you find them yeah yeah so you know I guess if the approval will do for the whole time but I think last time you didn't do it the whole time but then we can always cancel out but the reservations are the important part I'll ask uh Mr marray to send out an email I will thank you and we're limited to how many can go no we'll do the approval that way you can do the whole board you know just depending on the budget everything else [Music] only present that would be cover I think once you reach a certain level it's a great for the whole board once you reach a certain amount of board members it doesn't more after that yeah and about your point The Afters if you're registered and you can download the app you can access pretty much the information from any of the session so you can go back and read a Leisure or see the videos so if you attend if you if you're ready registered you're going to be able to the don't make it you can still so if we hit if we hit the group rate you know the number of it makes cost sense to do that then the whole board would have access even though you're not going to the session I think last year Mars County was 100% represented time that's it great thank you that brings us to the superintendent report Dr Angel okay good evening everyone a few items to report these are just some in for for your information some general reminders and otherwise njsla testing for grades 3 through 8 in math and language arts and science for 5 and 8 Begins the week of May 6th a letter was sent out to our parents via the Genesis portal marking period three ended and grades will be available for parents to view in the Genesis portal on Friday this Friday at 300 p.m. the solar eclipse uh that came and went on Monday on the 8th it was it was unbelievable a great experience for all of us I I know that I had emailed the board uh and then emailed the staff first thing Monday morning and reached out to some to some of our parents but I was contacted over the weekend this past weekend by a producer from ABC News who wanted to cover it here because you know they're they're looking for a story obviously and there were a number of districts not necessarily in Morris County but but in New Jersey that had decided to close or or uh dismiss early for for reasons that were really surrounding student health and wellness you know concerns over if especially the little guys are going to be looking up at the eclipse and things of that nature so we we obviously opted to to remain in session and um I was just very proud to be able to just share in that remarkable educational experience with our students our staff our parents that were here and I was very grateful to Kelly Enis our fifth and sixth GR science teacher and the Education Foundation for all that they did for us to make the event so meaningful um and that ABC's Michelle Charlesworth and the Daily records Bill West Hoven took an interest in the story in our school and provided a broader audience the opportunity to see the wonderful things that happen with teaching and learning here at RBS not just on the eth but but all the time um so we look forward to the same sort of experience and turn out in 2044 when we're all in Montana so but it it was great and we we appreciated the coverage for our school school spirit day is this Friday we're wearing green and gold as we know recognize our school and school pride and remember to donate to the Interfaith Food Pantry which members of our student council consequently will be visiting in a couple of weeks to help volunteer and learn about the operations at the Interfaith Food Pantry our art show and upper B Upper Grade band and chorus concert is next Tuesday the 16th and the concert for grades 3 through 5 is Friday the 19th give back days right now uh we have three remaining unused emergency closing days and that right now we're giving back the Thursday and Friday before Memorial Day Weekend the 23rd and 24th and then the third and final give back day I'm just holding on to because I remind everyone they're not just snow days they're emergency closing days so we'll hold on to that last one for a few more weeks but if all goes well that give back day would be on Tuesday May 28th the Tuesday after Memorial Day Monday and that concludes my report great thank you and you will had a chance to look at these seven additional reports that are listed on on the reports that brings us to commodation commendations for the evening congratulations to the entire largest ever casting crew of Mary Poppins for their outstanding production we appreciate all the hard work the students put into making the show such a huge success and to the multitude of parents helping to bring their efforts to fruition you all are super frag calistic X alidocious sorry I just thought I would throw that a big thanks to the Ed foundation for funding organizing and functioning as producer again this year and the students uh certainly wouldn't have this amazing experience without all of their help many thanks to teacher Kelly Andis for organizing the solar eclipse viewing event on Monday it's a rare opportunity to watch mother nature and action as I said in a safe and supervised fashion the students who stayed after school will be in their 30s the next time this phenomenon rolls around again many thanks to the Ed foundation for funding the safe viewing glasses and the Sunspot telescope Miss Andis also put us in touch with RBS graduate Deborah scapic a teacher professor and NASA Ambassador who set the stage perfectly for our students to have an understanding of the eclipse with a variety of assemblies before spring break Flying high in fourth grade for March congratulations to Imran aback Lucas Brown Leo hittinger Jane crer Talia diorio and Julian sportelli Spotlight on student work for March congratulations in preschool to a Snipes and Maddox mcer in kindergarten Addison de santis Maximus Hogan Sawyer Le Beckham Lynch and Colin Ricker in first grade the El Burke Jaden Duchess Tobin fleak and Isabelle Holtz in second grade Essa chargery Connor endine Stella seminario and Elijah vincenti and in third grade Z Hamill Drew schne crout Brena verie and steel Wyatt to our Falcons of the month for March congratulations to in fifth grade Luca Liberator in sixth grade Andy bush in seventh grade Christopher coflin and in eighth grade Arthur Chen and those are our commendations great thank you I don't want to take H old I'll be next it brings us through correspondence 1 and two and then Open Session number one the first public commentary will be will be limited to agenda item only the second public comment period will be open topic please be mindful the public comment period are available to enable the public to turn the page give comments and feedback to the board personal matters and day-to-day operations are not appropriate subjects for court meetings these can always be most effectively resolved with the appropriate staff members or administrators according to the chain of payment and concept questions may be directed to the appropriate School personnel through email please state your name and address for the record and all comments are limited to 5 minutes anyone from the public to address the board on agenda items at this there no one we'll move into liaison reports starting to be out board of education okay so their last meeting was March 18th and there were four presentations and um my notes were voluminous from that meeting so I'm going to try to keep it kind of short and then I'll send them to you because I have um some images from some of their presentations that you might find interesting um but the board unanimously voted and welcome Dr Bradley seagull uh the his contract will begin July 1st 2024 and will end June 30th 2029 um Dr seagull's experience includes currently he is a superintendent of Upper Saddle River School District he was former High School social studies teacher and J assistant professor K 12 supervisor as director of curriculum instruction and assessment so he's bringing those uh skills and it was unanimous vote and uh both M mlea presidents thank the board for the opportunity to participate in the process um that was a very Feelgood moment for the school or for the district um the student like I said there was a long detailed list of reports but um some highlights from the student government was that um numerous students Reed leadership awards through the DECA program there there will be act tests for juniors coming up and uh they had taken first place and debate highlights um one of the presentations are at the end of every Sports season they do a recap of the season so a recap of the winter sports where that there were four division championships at the high school um both basketball teams um wrestling and wrestling and swimming division championship that's right um Isaac U balinsky also received um a championship for the P bolt and uh one of his events and the wrestling this was their first round in state championships for their programs was pretty um the uh in the Arts um El MOA uh one was the former RBS student was a winner of a photo show um Emily ban had her artwork at the black Hall center of the Arts in mortown Courthouse um Claire hery won the photo award award um photo R award for at the end of something rotten it's for her contribution for years um helping out of the place and she's backstage and Dasha Fender um for excellence and commitment spirit in P student so they just got back from Orlando they had 141 students that they took to Orlando yeah um for their choir and their um band programs um there is a presentation from special services and it was um very detailed they mentioned I'll comment on some of them um how they their thoughts on RBS she talked about um by Carri Dent um talked about the alignment with RBS um working that they she's been working on placement in um some of their special programs she's discussed doing some joint professional development with RVs on patterns of strengths and weaknesses um for their child study teams she's been working on case management liais on with the ninth graders for um District parents uh 8ighth grade transition activities and parent presentations to the high school um the Mountain Lakes child study team is going to RVS to get perspective on where students come from that happened already um and um they're considering um placement for rbsi district students right um there was a budget presentation the total budget for their school district is 42.5 million um 56% is tax levy 30.7% is tuition and 3.4% is a withdrawal from reserves to go to specific programs um they're going to be doing some maintenance um work on Reven their view is to work on the revenues and then look at Appropriations to achieve the revenues so um they're working on maintaining the enrollment rates and ID identify opportunities for more itinerant services for the um students going out to other school districts to provide services to them um the last few years they've increased the revenues and created a fund balance um regarding Personnel they're working on having a pair of professionals also substitute teach um and they're while they're not looking to do any reduction in course um of staffer programs but they will see some scheduling uh changes coming up um and um they they did have in their technology plan to focus on one toone Initiative for technology um but that might not happen at the start of the year but they're looking to try towards um next year so we'll be see um so in from their Reserve account start looking at doing building painting and flooring for maintenance and um they're going to use 8 8 800,000 from the capital funds for the L Drive drainage valves High School windows and wildwood fire panel um longterm planning uh just and focusing on longer term planning to support um facilities um regarding the send there was a question regarding the send receiv received um there I um they put up their preliminary budget adoption which I voted no to because it doesn't align with our budget um so they're looking I believe I mentioned this before but it's continuing that they're they budgeted for tuition rate for from Township $2,084 um and we have budgeted for um 18, $1,714 so the the difference for the $198 students will be $271,200 so they Alex went through a long explanation of the details on on our misat budgets and basically they expect that it will go to the county um Department of Education for review and um and that they mentioned that there's petition in the and we'll wait and see what the count says um so uh just in other news coming up Lake Sports Club golf outing is April 17th and the Mountain Lakes Education Foundation gala is April 27th great thank you very much that brings us to New Jersey school boards Association a much shorter report um just to note that the N is MIP conference this Friday at count moris future session with how districts effectively as well as some issues aware of I do like media addition session on how districts expain magazine in St M community be held be break sessions for presidents and vice presidents that will be available thank you I think has advertised for the school boards workshop for and anyone interested in attending you know please reject to John I guess you're going to send an email still you know keep an eye out for that and let John know if you'd like to go I highly recommend it there's a lot of good stuff there and with that we have the bars County School boards association yes the next meeting is on Thursday May 2nd it's going to be at the Roxbury High School um this is their celebration their annual celebration meeting so board members will receive um who receive the ceric in the last year of the honor and bar I know you fall into one of these categories I foret which one let me read them all right let me read them new board member boardmy certification certified board member Master board member Master board member okay than go certified board leader that to okay cool and then there's going to be Milestone award so I think the only ones who eligible for these probably Christine myself are married 15 are you landing on any of those are okay I'm coming up on 10 you should be past 10 I'm in three [Music] categories I'm going to I'm going to reach out no no no I'm get acknowledgement I'm going to reach out to them and ask them reach out to you okay so all three of us are I'm knocking on the door I think she has and Bar's at 15 so is this you said they're going to be um doing an award yeah they just call out the names like they'll list like for a certified board member they'll list all the boards not the boards but members and the and the boards P support um and then they'll go up and get their thing and then these milwards when is the next meeting Thursday May 2nd there's also going to be student recognitions um some scholarship recognitions um some additional unsung hero Awards um although I thought we saw every one of them that night we saw a lot we saw a lot I don't know it was great I don't know what missing maybe there's a couple um there's going to be an tuition award to the pen College of Mars much more and then um some uh New Jersey school board school board so that's it for me I think that's the last one of the year as well you thank you I will say in order to get those things it's pretty much I just attend the marks count you know meetings I uh I attend whenever I can I attend online training and do the training whenever you know I can and U it just you know just fell the place you the New Jersey school board offers a lot of great training and services congratulations thank you thank you I think I got the one in the PO and the one more I'm assuming you will be in attendance yes I shall but thank you thank you to new J New Jersey schools and that brings us to Educational Services Commission of Mars County I did attend their meeting at 6:30 from this very table um and pretty much they uh conducted PR visites there's nothing of note that I can report on and that brings us to the bo Town trip special education parent advisory group on March 19th CAC held a parent Ling night and went on went over survey results with members c will be compiling data collected beond survey in formal report that will be shared with the district at the April 16th CAC meeting with the administration this April we are looking forward for to an evening virtual presentation on transitioning from high school to college for special needs this is being organized by Mountain Lakes special education department and will be hosted by Elizabeth h Mrs humblet is e learning disability specialist and she is a nationally requested speaker on preparing students with disabilities for successful College transition the date in time for this will be shared with our school Community was more detail on April 16th there will be another parent listening night at 7:30 p.m. at the United meod District church it's all our welcome sorry on April 24th at 6: p.m there will be a presentation of on the overview of the special education process by special education attorney Mrs gra alard this event is going to be hosted here at RPS and this will be the second time Mrs alard will be presenting on this topic to go to Township special education that is that's going to be Place ail 24th at 6 p.m. and it's here and that concludes my report great thank you um I can say with the um the um transition to college it is interesting um if you have for anyone that has high school students that are getting close to graduating high school um if you have an i in high school the accommodations can transfer some of the accommodations can transfer to college we will give you some of those accommodations you have to reach out to a particular person at the college and provide them a copy of the IEP and then you have to apply to them for accommodations and you can still carry accommodations forward into college which is is really really interesting so so anyone that has high school students in that you know about to graduate that has an I that's I strongly urge you to attend that High School presentation great presentation informative and that brings us to the township Education Foundation I I know that I can speak just briefly I know that really the Focus right now for the Education Foundation is on their biggest fundraiser of the year is coupled with their uh golf outing the golf outing is on April 22nd um at the N the n and um yeah right yeah West and they're they're working diligently to make that event as rewarding as it usually is for every yes TRS is coming up again this year with fifth grade uh starting with with the new batch of four kids classes for our fifth grade students great so keep an eye out for that so that was interesting about that last year um that brings us to the Rockway Valley wom School Association okay their meeting was last evening we talked about the April 16th art ice cream social concert which is next Tuesday at 6: p.m. and then we were talking about different fundraising initiatives for the trip and how much they've made to date there's also an author coming I don't have the date on the author may later May May 20th okay thank you and we talked about Teachers Appreciation week which is May 6th to 10th and different things that we're planning and then Administration Appreciation Day admin appreciation day uh field day is scheduled for the lower grades May 2th 1 if there's a rain date May 22nd if for the upper grades June 5th rain date June 6th and that's all I have great thank you and that brings us to Township okay tomorrow April 11th uh bo Township celebrates its 157th anniversary and um an act to divide the township of Pino created boen Township on April 11th 1867 parents can still sign up for summer camp online wwwb and township.com Camp runs from June 24th through August 2nd April is distructive driving Awareness Month marking the launch of a Statewide high visibility enforcement effort to mitigate the menace menace of distracted driving on our Rose between April 1st and 30th law enforcement officers in New Jersey will work together to enforce laws prohibiting texting and distracted driving you drive you text you pay Mars County division of Health Management will host a health fair this Saturday April 13th at the Mount Zion Baptist Church on Church Road the fair runs from 10: to 2 with many programs and displays Geared for our annual Earth Day Rockway River cleanup will be Saturday April 27th volunteers meet at 31 Rockaway drive at 10:00 a.m. to begin the cleanup more information wwwb township.com uh Township wide garage sales will be Saturday May 11th from 8 to 2 and the Rockway Valley Garden club's annual plant sale will be from 8 to noon at the municipal building you can sign up for the garage sales online Bo township.com May 11th is also the Laker lightning lacrosse tournament at the RBA Fields the next Township shredding event sponsored by Tony F Frederico will be Saturday May 4th from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the publ Public Works garage and that concludes my report great thank you and that brings us to the bo township Green Team the next Green team meeting will take place this Friday April 12 at 4:30 p.m. we meet in the municipal building anyone interested in attending the meeting or joining our team is more than welcome to do so last month the Green Team held the first in the series of four cleanups and the event will very successful many dedicated Township residents showed up approximately 20 large commercial size La bags of litter have been collected unfortunately there are still many areas that remain polluted and so the next scheduled cleanup will take place in just 3 days this Saturday April 13th the cleanup hours are 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. we will at5 power road which is the Municipal Building location all the necessary equipment will be provided so the participants will be able to borrow borrow reflective vests with her offer tools protective glovs and of course uh trash BS all you have to do is show and it was R coming up on my on my list but UMR already spoke about it so that concludes my report great thank you very much and that brings us to facilities Transportation I don't think the committee met there was no committee meeting but we do have a motion tonight based on 12-1 in our thank you and with that I have a motion to approve facilities motion number one I'll move is there a second any questions comments or discussion if not questions on the adoption of facilities motion number one all those in favor say I I anyone oppose say no any exensions and that brings us to finance there was the finance commit did not meet last and with that have a motion to motions 1 through our parliamentarian figure that out Mr Mr MC are there any questions comments or discussion and if not the questions on the adoption of Finance motions 1 through five and this six like all those in favor say I I anyone oppos to say no any exensions and that brings us to Personnel personel committee I believe didn't oh I'm first okay so we met I'm going to say right before spren gr and we talked about different staff updates and the medical leave and retirement that are both on the agenda this evening some professional development initiatives and then next board meeting staff approvals for conducts for next year that's it great thank you and with that may have a motion for personal motions one and two is there a second I'll second are there any questions comments or discussion just comment yes to thank Mary for her many years service she's beening um pres in our front office thank you Mary yes thank you 26 years right really yeah that's right6 yeah thank you see what that there any other questions comments or discussion and I agree with Mrs her's comments you you wish our Mrs dreak well in her retirement and you know and thank her for many years of service thank you and with that this is a rot call Mrs bar yes Mr Brandon yes Mrs gabana yes Mrs hery yes Mr Johnson yes Mr mry yes Mr Mills yes Mr NWI yes okay thank you the next item is program uh program CC committe did meet on April 9th uh we discussed the that The Curriculum maps are in the process being updated with the new Ela and math standards and this process has been going on since December when we first receive guance from the NJ do meeting uh we have an author visit coming up it looks like May 20th for grades 5 through 8 and the author is Wendy Mass um we discussed the HIV motion on the agenda this evening which we'll talk about in Clos session shortly uh we talked about the uh agreement with CCM that was on the agenda I believe also we talked about the njsla testing which will begin the week of May 6th uh we also talked about the handbooks this is much later that will be are already in the process of being reviewed and updated and will be approved at the August meeting for the handbooks parent and student handbooks that uh that are um approved then uh let's see also Dr lendes and M marel are working on a mentoring program for Flex time with s eth grade students and younger students and also we talked about a spirit rally and and take your child to workday which I guess in my case been often is working at home so I don't know Regina will probably come to school and with that we have policy okay the policies on the agenda for first read 22 24 and 2255 pretty straightforward there's no updates to these policies um and then the policies I discussed at the last meeting are up for approval tonight the four policies great and just I guess we did have some um a comment to the board about policy 5142 uh point2 um the board I guess adopt had two policies to consider a New Jersey school board sample policy and a St hase policy and and the U they're the standard language so whenever we look at a policy of this magnitude it's usually you know taken from the standard language of the policies that are developed by Attorneys at each of those organizations eded through those attorneys so we have chosen not to make any modifications to those policies um so we're the policy that we're using in stra smme it's their standard policy it also happens to be the same policy that place uses um as well and and at this point we would would choose to leave leave it with the language that has been Ved through the attorneys of those of that organization and with that may have a motion for policy motion number one I'll move is there a second I'll second are there any questions comments or discussion um on the email that we received I really appreciated that she gave a lot of insight into how that policy plays out in school district so I just want to let her know that it was um received and heard and appreciated absolutely and I think I also spoke with her um before the last meeting as well thank you and with that this is in all of those in favor say I I anyone oppos say no any extensions and that brings us to open session number two the second public comment period will be open to any topic please be mindful that public comment periods are available to enable the public to get comments and feedback to the board personal matters and day-to-day operations are not appropriate subjects for board meetings these can always be most effectively disolved with the appropriate staff members or administrators according to the chain of plan concept questions may be directed to the appropriate School Personnel or board through email please state your name and address for the record and all comments for to 5 minutes anyone from the public wish to address the board on any matter there being no one we will move to Old business is there any old business that come before the board is there any new business to come before the board yes um at the last meeting Dr Anga wasn't here but we accepted his resignation and I just want to say thank you for your service I'm sure we'll have many opportunities to say some nice things about you app appreciate yes we did at the special meeting we we uh accepted your resignation and uh we will we will absolutely the futuree wish you well and your endeav for sure thank you all and thank you for uh for your eight years years here years we did accept no honestly it's you know I know that I've said this to to many of you in committee as I've had an opportunity to speak with you but it's been my honor my privilege to to serve this community to serve this wonderful school district and our staff and our parents and our students and um it was it's it's a Bittersweet departure for me but um you know it's it's I'm looking forward to to the new challenge but I will greatly missed my time here at RPS and appreciate the support of the board over the years I know that boards changed and one thing that hasn't changed is your support of me your support for our students and uh I really appreciate that and I'm grateful to all of you for it thank you I have a chance to say that again at the future meeting too thank you very much and that thank you Mr with that we have a motion to enter into executive session to discuss issues of more confidentiality as permitted in the open public meetings act chapter 231 of of 1975 these matters may or may not be made public when the board reconvenes they was made public when the confidentiality of the subject is no longer warranted we have three items today for close session one is student matters two is superintendent search and three is Township Mountain Lake sending receiving relationship um when we leave close session we will be voting on the motion bb03 which is uh accepting affirming and adopting the superintend decision of the findings in in that in that motion and that's the only action will'll be taken when we return other than a journey so that may any motion please I'll move is there a second second all those in favor say I I thank you and for for those that are going to wait U it might be a little lengthy um but otherwise if you leave thank you very much for coming and we'll see you soon okay we have reconvened it is now 10:40 p.m. M and at this time we are going to take other board action I would like to um request a motion for board visits motion number three I'll move is there a second okay and there shouldn't be any other comments or questions on this point so is all in favor say I I anyone oppos say no any extensions and at this point I have motion to adjourn I'll move second or second second those in favor say I I thank you and thank you all for coming