##VIDEO ID:Iusjf7lb-wE## get ready okay I would like to call this meeting to order this is a regular session of the boen Township Board of Education held for the purpose of transacting appropriate board business in compliance with chapter 231 laws of 1975 the not of this meeting was advertised in the Mars County Daily Record copies of the agenda of this meeting were appropriately posted to made available to the public Mrs borock Mr Brandon here Mrs Cabana here Mr Chen Mrs Herman here Mr Johnson here Mr McBride Mr Mill here Mr no also present Dr Rosanne Humphrey inter superintendent we have a Corum thank you please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge to the flag of the United States America to the for it stands na indivisible and justice for all a sad tonight first I would like to welcome back Dr Humphrey as our inter superintendent principal than you thank you we're very grateful that you're able to come and us out it's been great it's I saw some familiar faces and it's been I've been welcomed and it's just this is my favorite place to work really I've been in many districts and this is the best so very happy to be back oh we're very happy to have you thank you and with that we have no student Representatives nor should we in August and that brings us to board this is motions 1 through eight motion please is there a second there any questions comments or discussion not the questions on the adoption of board business motions through all in favor say I I anyone oppos say no any extensions I need to abstain I was out um not present for the meeting July 17th so you're abstaining on BB bb6 bb6 actually I am too right there was there was so many meetings in that time same meeting y same meeting okay thank you that brings us to the administrative report starting with the business administrative report second report Mr M okay just a few items as we start to wind down the summer getting ready for the school year uh all the classrooms have been cleaned and set up for the New Year all of the office cleaning and rug shampooing is complete most of the hallways have been cleaned and waxed and the remaining hallways will be completed this week and everything will be ready for the return of teachers and students after Labor Day summer maintenance all of the summer preventive maintenance projects are complete the this includes painting hbac filter repairs rooftop unit exhaust fan maintenance boiler repairs cleaning and inspection the upper gym and Stage floor refinishing will be completed at the end of this week a few new roof leaks were discovered and we will be addressing those in the next few days and a number of corroded leaking hbac ping pipes in the ceiling were discovered and those were either repaired or will be repaired before the start of school school supplies are all in and delivered out to the respective classrooms and offices and the Auditors came through and finished their field work on uh during the week of August 5th and I continue to work with them behind the scenes answering questions providing additional information and documents um as you can remember you may remember in the past couple of years pension information wasn't ready from the state until sometime in September October um from what we're hearing is probably the same thing so the audit can't be completed until that happens so hopefully we get everything in the audit is completed we can present it for approval or acceptance probably around October so that is uh oh they were happy to report that uh they indic the district continues to be in excellent Financial shape and they have no issues with that is all I have to report gr was the um roof leak during the excessive rain we just had this pass to us y so what'll happen is you know you'll if it doesn't run off as quickly it might find find its way in so we're addressing those this week we we'll be up there and make whatever necessary repairs but that was the remember so did you walk into that on Monday we um well our our staff opens up at 6:30 in the morning and they do a sweep of the building and they discovered it and found it and then we notify the roofer right away so again again those were the areas that were in the referendum right but we'll continue to keep them tached so we can come up with a future plan John I might miss this we did we talk about doing the tables in the upper gym is that something yeah that was uh I have a couple of quotes out there I didn't kind of like the the prices I saw some um negotiating I'm trying to find some other prices but I plan on doing that probably over one of the breaks okay but that may be in the 70 or 80,000 range thank okay thank you and that brings us to our superintend report Dr Humphrey okay um well I met the uh the newly hired superintendent Ken and he's lovely and I think he's going to be a perfect fit for uh Rockway Valley school and together we interviewed two applicants for the special ed director is it going to be a director or supervisor's position it's hasn't been changed so that's probably the director's position director's position okay so um and what happened was the first person that we interviewed we really liked and we offered her the position and she refused it so the second person who was also very good the difference between the two of them was the first person um had a little bit more experience in the field whereas the second didn't have quite as much but she was you know she knew her stuff and she was really you know pretty impressive so we offered it to her and like I said it was uh Ken and me who interviewed her and Ken was the one that called the two applicants there were and let me just tell you there were 16 applicants there were about six of them that weren't qualified at all they didn't have the proper credentials and um two of them were consider two of them were actually interviewed but first by Leah and Christie and then they were um the one there was another one but she cancelled the interview so and the one that we selected she had a positioned someplace else and she told them that she wouldn't take it she would prefer to work here so she can start September 1st which is good she was released from her contract so yeah and then I've met with um the administrative team and I saw a few of the teachers were coming in and out and you know spoke to them so it's been pretty good EXC okay thank you and we're all set for next week for and I I have to give credit to Leah and the people who were here before they've got Catherine they've got everything already I expect it to come in and have to you know do the opening day stuff it's pretty much done you know we're tweaking it here and there but it really is they've done a great job so we're in a good place great thank you very much you're welcome you and that brings us to combinations on the last page Christoper RS class 2011 recently donated alone for the instrument music program this instrument will be added to our L program which enables our M musicians to play an instrument if their instrument is getting repaired they've forgotten their instrument at home or unable to afford an instrument rental these ler instruments are ke part of our success here at RVs thank you once again to Christopher and we have a spotlight on student work in June congratulations to in second grade excuse my pronunciations if I don't get these right uh Bron Chen Angelo diorio Dakota edgert suiv Le cafrey Luciano Addison newbie Thomas sander and miao Shiloh schider and in third grade stone Papa Rocco regano and emie Mills and we also have many thanks to our custodial maintenance Crews for their un flagging work getting the building cleaned and ready for school reopening the business office staff for their assistance and attention to detail while the Auditors were on campus the secretarial staff for their preparation and communication projects to help inform and keep our community on target for coming back to school in the most prepared way possible the extended school year staff for the wonderful job they did keeping students on track for September our summer technology intern Hunter nage who helped with many tasks needed to have all of our devices pre and ready for opening of school and congratulations and best wishes to Mar D longtime administrative assistant and transportation coordinator Mary has been with the district since 1998 doing a myriad of tasks and assignments including transportation and we wish her well in her retirement and finally our help heartfelt thanks to Dr Lee londes for 13 years of dedicated service to Rockway Valley school and the boen Township Board of Education Dr londes was not only our assistant princip but also managed all of our state testing function function as curricul well before we gave her the title and created or engaged professional development for our staff strengthen our social emotional learning components serves served as our HIV specialist was troubleshooter in Chief and cheerleader for every student while she practiced restorative discipline most recently she filled in as Acting Superintendent while we were in need of of leadership during this transition period we can't begin to thank her enough for all she's done for the school community and wish her every success in her career in educ in education continues and that includes recomendations uh that also brings us to correspondence which you've all had a chance to read and that brings us to open session number one the first public comment period will be limited to agenda items only the second public comment period will be open to any topic please be mindful that public comments periods are available to enable the public to give comments and feedback to the board personal matters and day-to-day operations are not appropriate subjects for board meetings these can always be most effective would resolve with the appropriate staff members or administrators according to the change M concept questions may be directed to the appropriate School Personnel or board through email please state your name and address for the record and all comments are limited to five minutes from the public wish to address the board on agenda items yes okay Mary Leo 24 Glen born Drive I just want to know the part that leaked of the roof is that the part that that um was not redone correct so how much is there left to do what's the percentage it's about about a third of the the building so certain areas like the gym and the hallway where the leaks were were down in the 56 Wing So that okay so we have a good maintenance plan but uh you they definitely need to be replaced they're old yeah cuz I noticed this year was the first year quite a few of that they haven't been working on the RO so they hav been working on they haven't been working they hav correct yes and then the other thing like I spoke with Cather today I just want to say the floors look amazing in the school I'm it was just I we walked in today and I and his crew as sap are just amazing so they do a fantastic job they looked wonderful and welcome back Dr thank you thank you yes Marta Pascarella 12 Dogwood Lane um I had a question with regards to the getting the grounds ready for opening school is bedar still our contracted person bedar is I've been in touch with them they're doing all the weeding they everything will be trimmed and ready to go I mean do they also do like the mulching because you got like dog vomit in the I mean that's what it's called it's that fungus that [Music] grows the ground will be ready they're going to go through all the planting beds they they just started doing some trimming they're going to go through I mulched actually towards the end of the year so we have a fresh bed of MK mulch in it just Spruce it up yeah that'll be a good shape we have some nice plantings up by the the front of the building and down by the sign okay thank you we're not going to cover up the dog no you got it thank you would anyone else like to address the board on agenda items at this time okay if not we'll move on to the E on reports starting with the Mountain Lakes Board of Education hey the Mountain Lakes Board of Education hasn't met since our last meeting with an exception of a very short meeting to approve new hires um their regularly scheduled meeting which would have been Monday is now 26 so this Monday coming up um and other than that there our former eighth grade students will have orientation tomorrow morning at the high school so I'll be walking in for the first time with their schedules in hand um the first football game next Friday night and classes begin on the 20th thank you making that tomorrow morning us to New Jersey school boards Association than you Mar school boards Association I think first meeting is early October oober double check youra for that I believe if you go Educational Services Commission in Mars County they had their meeting a week ago today um there was just basically routine business at that meeting excited to report and us to the special education Cent Advisory Group um Le is not here but I don't think they've met since the last meeting and BRS us toship Education Foundation that is yeah I doubt they met last and Rock Valley School Association probably the same then Township I'll report busy um as we know uh John sent an email the groundbreaking ceremony for the M municipal building and police headquarters addition and alterations will be this coming Wednesday a week from today August 28th at 12: noon all board members staff and the community are invited lunch will be served following the ceremony the municipal offices and police department will be relocating to the modular offices on the front lawn of 155 powerville Road on August 30th all Municipal services will be maintained from that location except as noted on the township website the location remains as ping place for the November election and as an early voting location so it'll be in the module units that will go in there and vote yep uh and save the date for family fun night Friday September 6th beginning at 5:30 there will be food a DJ bounce houses and fun for the whole family more details to follow and that concludes my report great thank you and that brings us to the GRE team some there as well have students volunteered so it wasn't like a full tomatoes and all that this year no so we offered it up to community members but there were still a few extra plots than and that BRS us to facilities Transportation which I don't believe be did meet last week um we did discuss uh the current status of Township m l tuition agreement um we are possibly we're still I guess this would be a good place to just insert that we are still you know um having discussions with M states and their representatives and we will having discussions and everyone should know that you know your children will still be going to Mountain Lakes High School there's nothing nothing affected by that you know but we have ongoing discussions at this only Topic at that meeting that may have a motion for finance motions discuss I had a question Yeah so basically what we do is um the extraordinary Aid is for money that was spent in the 23 24 year children individual students that are over $40,000 for that student so we'll get Aid based on that we get it set it up as a receivable and then what we're allowed to do is spend it in the uh the current year 24 25 25 year so what we've been doing over the last few years is is sort of to get it as a wind you're able to do things you're able to buy over time textbooks we buy technology things like that we wouldn't be able to include in the budget so what this motion is allowing the board to do is receive accept the funds and they're already ours and what I the easiest thing to do is to put into one account and then as we need during the year for various Le transfers we'll put it in rather than going in and trying to determine at this time what lines we want to put in we drop it in reopt the budget and then we uh we spend that but we have you know specific project that administrative team put together but I can tell you we've already earmarked a lot for some some maintenance that popped up um the other thing that we planned on was the feasibility study that we're doing that was sort you know unbudgeted so part of it goes towards that and then we've got a number of Chromebooks to outfit quite a few of the class that's how we that's how we oper seems to work pretty any other questions or comments or discussion not the questions on the adoption of Finance motions 1 it looks like you have one motion BR yes yes Mrs her yes Mr Johnson yes Mr Mills yes car thank you personel anyone any addition questions comments or discussion about person motions so we have session but anyone have any addition questions okay with that um the has not met recently um however we have personal motions have a motion please second the other questions comments or discussion that are allowed in session not the questions on the adoption person great Mr Brandon yes Mr saan yes mrman yes Mr Johnson yes Mr on the agenda is pram Rec we have agenda second any questions comments or discussion yes um so uh [Music] highlighting is not the highl notf for the to tell you what was different from last year there are very few changes in any of those a lot of Chang I was thank you any other questions comments or discussion not the questions on the adoption of program this motion all those in favor say I hi and oppos say no any OBS policy policy motions yes just the update with policy that I emailed to the policy committee the job description we have for superintendent principal combined and also New Jersey school boards and we're working just looking through it um to come up with that policy or that destion the policy is going to combine the two right yes well we have ours and then we have school board so we're looking at the two to make sure everything and with that we session number two the second public comment period will be open to any topic please be mindful the public comment periods are available to the public to give comments and feedback to the board personal matters and day-to-day operations are notate board meetings these can always be most effectively resolved with the appropriate staff members or administrators according to the chain Comm concept questions may be directed to approprate school person Bo email please state your name and address for record and all comments through minutes anyone on any matter thank you that BRS us to Old business come um I I just have a couple of thank you to say truly um one is well first of all thanks to the the btda they threw a really nice picnic to welcome Mr patini uh last week it very well attended some games were played and it's just nice to see everybody get up a fun event um and also I wanted to shout out to L um the for Chi to give her a gift as a token of our appreciation for the infinite ways that her Legacy of hard work leadership will continue to improve lot of our students so a little Sni our card to her but we we're very grateful for how she stepped up and helped us all summer long um also I just want to thank administrative staff like all of them I can't imagine that you can't comprehend what it's like be to have all the leadership change at so just I feel a lot of gratitude and that and thank you and and just best wishes to Mary Jack as well you know they've put in many years here and um we're also gr for them and some luck in their next chapters thank you thank that busard not we have motion to go into close session uh have a motion to enter into executive session to discuss issues that were confidentiality as committed the open public Mee 231 in 1975 these matters May or have to be available when the public reconvenes they will be made public the subject is no longer warranted topic is AG and there will be no board action taken when we Rec during the meeting and for those that might be leaving and not waiting for that thank you very much for coming enjoy the rest of your summer let's left of it and back at this time it is 9:03 p.m. we returned from our closed session there is no other board action have a motion to adjourn I'll move is there a second second all those in favor say I I I thank you very much enjoy the rest of the summer we'll see you in September