##VIDEO ID:QqhM-Z01khY## okay I would like to call this meeting to order this is a regular session of the booten Township Board of Education held for the purpose of transacting appropriate board business in compliance with chapter 231 WS of 1975 the notice of this meeting was advertised in the Mars County Daily Record copies of the agenda of this meeting were appropriately posted and made available to the public Mrs Bardock here Mr Brandon here Mrs Cabana here Mr Chen here Mrs Herman here Mr Johnson here Mrs mcry here Mr Mills here Mrs Noka here also present Mr patini for superintendent principal we have the FL thank you U please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pled to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands Nation indivisible and justice for all before we begin this is the first regular meeting that Mr ptin has been with us so I'd like to welcome Mr the school Val school to here thank you so much today Mar third full week at Ro what a tie my fault it is James and or it's a good s thank you and with that we are beginning with a presentation uh for the Board of Education and District goal setting with Charlene Peterson from the New Jersey school boards Association welcome Charlene thank you I know it feels a little weird not to have been here you know seen friend for a while we spend so much time together um so it's really not so much a presentation it was really more of a discussion right about goals and um and so that's one of the important things we do once we have hire a new superintendent because goals are part of the evaluation process of making it sure that it is clear to both uh the the the superintendent and the board what those expectations are um for the for the coming year um and then also to talk about the work of the board so you know we had a strategic planning process a couple years ago and so last year come the thought was that we were continuing to use those strategic planning goals as the district goals so recognizing then the district goals are those say three or four things that we think are so important to move the district forward that we're going to hold the superintendent accountable by putting them in their evaluation um so this way it makes it clear what direction that the district is moving in and then that should set the stage for what's happening in the rest of the district um and you know it should touch on everyone at some point in the district to you know even to the effect of this making a difference what's going on in the classroom and then that feedback should get back to the superintendent and get back to the board so that it's some point it's touched everyone in the district um and then when we look at our goals for the for the board it's um you know more separated by all of the tasks to accomplish them have to be the work of the board it has to be our work so we recognized that you know there's more and more evidence that high performing boards that work together with their superintendent can make a positive impact on student achievement so we need to look at our continually look at our work and say you know okay we're doing good but what can we continue to look and say how can we continue to evolve and improve and further focus on our governance work to make sure that we're giving our students every opportunity that we can um so having said that um like I said this conversation really is more of a discussion about kind of identifying what those priorities are and then you know should the decision be you know like sometimes if we decide even to go with the Strategic plan go goals um recognizing that the task to accomplish those goals would be completely different this year than they were last year because we're continuing to move forward and make progress so part of that may be if we agree that those say those goals are still the direction then we may need to hear back from the superintendent then like so what are those action steps or what are those priorities going to be under those goals for this year and the board may also have some thoughts about that tonight as well it can also be that we say you know what we've evolved and perhaps you know we say that that the Strategic plan and the goal should be an an Ever Changing living breathing type you know document so we may be at a different place now than we were a couple years ago that may suggest that um things need to need to change a little bit and that's fine too cuz that's what should be happening um but typically the goals are broad enough that perhaps the we tell them when they're initially put together that the plan you know spans 5 years so the goals should be broad enough that they are still effective over a 5year period but again like I said there's things that come up or other priorities that um surface so we need to consider those um so having said that um you know and you guys usually have your goals on your agenda right I don't know do you have them or I brought last year's goals if if you don't have them as kind of a starting point um we took last year's off you took them off they're I just P upun old meetings they're also on our website okay so does anybody want to pay for copy please okay thank you y so we'll start guess you know talking about um the district goals and like I said they were the last year they we did use the the Strategic plan goals to kind of model what we you know considered to be the district goals so we know then that there were three of them that we looked at so the first one talked about um the relationships of our families and the community in the Mountain Lake School District the second one was our student achievement goal to create an an academic environment and it was and I remember this during strategic planning sessions himself the importance of the focus on all students right and what success looks like for every student um and then a safe and welcoming and inclusive School environment that um promotes student curiosity and Leadership while reflecting the values of the community in increasingly diverse world so those were the three areas of priority that were identified in the the strategic plan so now I guess that the thought of the conversation is whether those continue to be the priorities um and can you're welcome to jump in and share your thoughts at any point as well you know we should acknowledge that if we kind of you know stay in our lane and say that we don't run the schools we need to make sure from the person who does kind of what their thoughts or you know identification of the priorities but then we also need to be involved in the process because we're the representatives of the community so we have to make sure that as we're setting these directions and determining the priorities that they're in alignment with what our community's expectations are for their students so that's why this needs to be like a collaborative process where we both kind of work together each kind of from our own lane of helping make this standing goals that truly reflect the reflect the work that needs to go on in the district and you know it's in alignment with what our community wants um so having said that um I don't know how you want to start the conversation um in terms of you where we feel like we've accomplished last year things we've been working on do we still think there's work that needs to be done in these areas are there any other things on here or even or maybe even things under that would go underneath these goals that we think are important for the next year we're starting with District goals not board goals okay okay so on the district rules my I'm just knowing something out there to get the conversation started my thought was we looked last year we kind of pulled some specific objectives within the plan that needed to be done I still think we can debate whether they need to be there some of them I think do probably continue but since it's you know just forties for here um and I think it's like I'll call it a listening learning figuring out right what's going on getting your your lay of the land there's an objective in here that says to hear and understand the needs and strengths of all stakeholders including teachers staff students and Community I think that'd be a great goal to have for the new superintendent be able to take all stakeholders uh opinion yeah I'm in agreement with that I am also in agreement with keeping these three goals here because there are things that I've identified with the other administrators that support these um particularly like doing a New Jersey uh ntss uh tier system of support which would then help to create that academic environment for all students well yes I just a quick question how specific are we supposed to be with our goals would you say that there they should be more kind of Broad and overarching or can we be quite specific so typically you know from it can be specific but you don't want it to be too limiting and a lot of times the the specificity may need to come you know there's usually two parts to this of kind of us having a conversation about the what kind of what are the priorities and then turning it over to the superintendent saying okay now you lay out the action steps you tell us how you're going to accomplish this what that we've helped determine and then a lot of time the specifics are in that action plan of saying okay what are the steps who's going to do with what resources do you need and then what are the indicators of success how will we as the board know that we've accomplished this how will the community know what kind of success we're having so specifics are important in this process it's just sometimes it's a question of where they best fit do they best fit in the goal statement itself or do they best fit in the action plan that the superintendent will provide for the group I'm asking because um you know I tried to kind of think ahead of um this meeting H some District Falls and one of things that I think all of us would like to see is a very specific kind of increase in the percentage of students who achieve great level Proficiency in core subjects such as Ming and then kind of specifying it that you know this would be this period of time by this and this much is this too specific it's not but that's probably a multi-year goal right like sometimes to move the needle like that like I've seen districts use have a goal like that but it's usually a three to five year goal recognizing that it takes that long to make that happen um so kind of how I framed it if you guys don't mind I can read it maybe you can tell me how you feel about it um so increase the percentage of students who achieve great level Proficiency in for subjects such as math reading science on standardized assessments within the next 3 years by enhancing curriculum all I and curriculum alignment targeted interventions and dat driven instruction so in another thought too is sometimes I've seen districts say perhaps rather than increasing the percentage more focused on the growth and saying to look at measuring the growth of students perhaps versus a percentage so I wanted to look at again consider that as well so but the you're on the right track of if we're here to advance student achievement we need to make sure that we're setting targets or goals um to make that happen I think if you're looking at academic achievement you want and we talked about this in program the other day look at the cohort track the cohort are they improving meaning the individual student as opposed to this the overall percentage I think in general if that's going well if you're tracking the cboard and they're improving you're going to see the percentages nature I think some of the things that I'm going to talk about in my administrative report butress some of the things that we're talking about in terms of creating that academic environment and it also leads to the increas in standard as test scores not only that but assessments that they that they uh utilize in the classroom these uh these benchmark assessments that are going to be using for link provide also some data for us to drive the instruction particularly supports but we were talking about all students not those just those students that need support we're talking about the njts access the three tier systems which will allow teachers to meet the differentiated needs of all the students in the class your tier one kids that are in the classroom is in addition to the tier two and tier three so arising tide missile ships maybe what we could do is your your goal Lea aligns really well to goal two and kind of we could reward it I don't think we have to reword them here tonight right just get the concepts down and then so we could take the second goal add to it that longterm plan do I really like but the the thing is about getting very very specific is if we're talking about academic environment we can list a lot of different things that could help that academic environment which is one of the reason why this goal is very important because we can attack multiple things here different types of Assessments blinket differentiation ntss IRS process so for us to like focus on certain percentage I believe is is appropriate but I also feel that there are a lot of things that we need to uncover before we can get spefic so is it better to leave it broad then and then let it get more specific from Mr patini you know is that yeah let that be part of the action plan right right keep our goal Broad and then let the specifics come from the administration yeah because like you alluded to before this is a dynamic process and as we uncover things what we feel that something's more appropriate in terms of a program any any one of the things that I mentioned are even more then we kind of drill down and find out where we need to go with that information then we can get more specific I agree with you 100% we do need to increase the number of students or the percentage of students each year or following those cohorts to increase the percentage of those students that are needing and exceeding the standards so what I'm hearing then is to create a datadriven academic environment yeah so then the next goal in another year or two would be the actual intervention is what you're talking about yes later on like down the road get the data then there there are things that need to happen immediately I would say you know like we we've already kind of identified some of the things in terms of like differentiation of supports um and processes so those things are happening immediately um but I do I do feel that you're on the right track where it's like okay let's get some let's get some other information then we can Target some things but it a lot of it we a lot of the conversations that we've had already with the faculty include data um they like using link it and identifying some of the specific areas not only for individual students but for the cohort across the grade level like what skills and concepts are common are causing a pattern that we can attack in terms of our instructure Alicia you mentioned three things I'm just trying because it's not in front of me can you what were the three things that curriculum um that would be done through enhancing curriculum alignment targeted intern interventions and data I like all those like I'm not saying that the academic environment should be limited to those three but I I kind of I also like lifting them out because because it gives our community a little more insight in what we mean by academic environment so yeah I think it's it can we can expand upon number two adding that and I think that is the start of a really good goal right I well I would let you suggest that you could combine them in a way that makes sense for the district uh what was that third one you said alignment targ interventions and andu oh yeah thank you sounds like that's exactly what you're already thinking so just helps articulate the one thing that I thought about men is is students opportunities for personal and emotional growth by offering a wide range of extracurricular activities and I feel like this one specifically tries really nicely with the one that we already have which is number three question safe and issues of school that students curiosity and Leadership while reflecting by commity so having those additional extracurricular experiences activities um or even clubs you know additional ways of kind of finding yourself in the world figuring out what you like what interest do which path you may even person you're on that contributes to you becoming you know more to finding your ways in the world and being able to contribute contribute better that world I don't disagree with anything you said but is it too specific for a goal I it's really part of number three right I are all with all respect like Mr ftin need to be able to say maybe it is extra maybe there's something else too like let's let kind come up with an in telling rather number number three kind of covers it's a good maybe it's more action and like it's like yeah the actual it's a great promot student curiosity comma leadership comma yeah right actually one thought s go number two and I agree with everything that was said about the the specific kind of Benchmark go I think the I'm sort of P up on the last two words like can succeed I think that's needs to be a sharper I think succeed to the maximum of these students potential more than succeed but succeed can mean all students maximize graduated I think there a little B more tee on what suceed me I don't have anything actually WR to gra it but to me it seems a little bit um too big so when I think about that word uh succeed um without the previous words in that sentence could mean a lot of different things for me and of course we can talk about this um when they talk about the academic environment I'm thinking more more like the uh specific content areas and even more specifically what we were discussing before about standarded test and assessments so to me that's that's the essence of that one where the students are uh engaging these in these uh academic activities and lessons and performing in accordance with what we feel is you know sufficient and that and therefore if they are able to do these tasks and things of that nature and quote unquote understand that they will be able to succeed and get good grades and so on and so forth but if we expand that definition of success um you know then we start to spill into some of the other areas like uh number three for example so if you want to um as you said like sharpen it a little bit like what would you what would you say would you kind of like change it to like I don't know to me it seems like I mean I think improve improving test scores and proficiency is a fantastic goal but with every student doesn't increase their test scores are there still ways that that those students can succeed as we Define it or can find success or success school like how do you def success is it indivual right I don't want to limit to say well the test scores are up yeah you know because that's great but other students were missing in that agree agree agree so what about if we um discussed changing the end part where we talked more about what the students progress is or um individual achievements and things like I just thinking every student can demonstrate growth mhm I'm not sure if that's uh someone I think that's yeah individual growth or individual growth potential and you know yeah I think like a lot of times when we when we look at these goals we say so everybody can reach their full potential almost like it's an endgame and I always like to say like even with teaching we don't want to be we don't want to be average we don't want to be the rule we want to be the exception but you can't live imp Perfection you can't you can't ever achieve it it's a constant progress it's a constant reevaluation of oneself so so I mean if we're going to change the wording of this to have some real true meaning we have to really think about what do we want what do we what do we want it to look like in terms of us seeing the kids and the kids seeing themselves for that constant motion forward for them to continue to make progress so that they can be on the path for their full potential to to self-actualization if you will you like the idea the progress idea success kind of go sort of like I like your progress concept I don't have any right now you're in good company need that but I agree with you that's you know it does seem to need some [Music] help anybody else has any ideas on that I really appreciate you know even now or after the meeting you know usually Charlene accumulates the goals and and creates her interpretation of our discussion but there but there's time for so there's time to uh you know to tun you find two these things we just have to get our Concepts out where does the action plan fall like is that public board is it our responsibility for the district it's how how do we put that together I don't so the action plan is the work of the administration it's going kind of their identification of the how and so while the board would approve the goals approve the what the board doesn't really approve the how it's just essentially the administration laying out what that plan looks like um so that you know kind of when it comes time then to talk about the evaluation it's you know as we're looking at how did we accomplish these goals recognizing you like when you look at the the depth of these goals and saying how could we possibly say like with student achievement that we've ever accomplished it right so it's essentially then looking at the action plans and saying did we do what we said we were going to do these were the things that we targeted for completion for this year for accomplishment for this year how do we do on these things and that's really then how the board should be assessing then the kind of the progress of the effectiveness of the gos and even on the board gos so the board can hold itself accountable to that same thing of saying okay how are we going to know what we accomplished in our board goals and how you know how are we going to move them forward course in some boards the board goals are kind of casual you just kind of set them kind of have a checkin and there's not really formalized plans and some boards it is a little more formal and they might like assign it to committees to come up with like actions perhaps that in the committee that it's most relevant to to bring back to the board um or you know some boards that have a governance committee kind of assign the governance committee then to be the one to kind of be in charge of the board goal and be identifying kind of what the action steps and the progress is on the board gools so um is there any more kind of conversation and thought like so we we talked about I guess we kind of start so let's kind of do a recap right so we kind of started with Goal number three right about the the safe and welcoming envirment I think you brought up one of the objectives right that was under three right to to be heard and understand the needs of all the stakeholders was that that's right yeah so I think we can reword goal number three and I think it it it fits my what I was looking at was an objective from the Strategic plan and just kind of updating goal number three for that objective and then also talked about the extracurricular um you know consideration could fit in there as well as kind of a step to have how to Foster that you know promote that student curiosity and Leadership would be the extracurricular is a good way to do that um then in goal number two when we talked about then the the student achievement goal kind of saying that that our ultimate goal is going to you know we're kind of right now setting the stage to reach a point where we're going to be able to kind of identify like a longer term kind of growth objective or a an objective for our students to demonstrate you know increases in achievement should now we're kind of setting the foundation to get there right so we talked about kind of in some of the ways that you mentioned was the curriculum alignment right the targeted interventions the the data driven um process um and then and you mentioned that kind of all the the tiered system of supports right and other ways of looking at data like or using Benchmark data as well like the link data and then we also said that we wanted to look at kind of redefining that can succeed in kind of looking at it more from students being able to reach their full potential right um is there any I missed in in that summary or oh when you when you mentioned reach their full potential potential I was thinking more the lines of what you mentioned before about progress we discussed so continuous progress moving y Contin uh continuously progressing in purs of his or her potential yeah okay and it also gives that that idea that what we want kids to do is we want them to persevere we want things to develop grit and even in the social emotional realm you want to expand the academic environment working with other kids developing empathy kids make bad choices all the time it's not that they're bad kids they just made a bad choice except else to help them learn and pursue becoming better kids and making better choices once they identif with a kids of understanding and they devel empathy that's progress that's a Pursuit that's something saying oh I want to be a better kid I want to make better choices to be a the problem Sol independently the skills the tools that we give them so they can make those independent choices that are more positive good so you know we didn't really talk is there anything under the goal number one about looking at those relationships is there anything in particular about that goal so what what I don't love about this goal is it so strengthen and improve the relationship of RVs with its family's community and the Mountain School District so that the expertise of each can be utilized to its fullest potential I don't really understand what that like like what do we expect to see from that you like the expert I don't feel that's like an action but not like a goal like use utilize the whole potential to what end for like I feel like should come back to that sense that or the benefit of supp you know like I just it it doesn't speak to me really I take it back the item that I was talking about doesn't fit actually sorry um that's why I was kind of starting there so that's why I was trying to take from the Strategic plan which is more let me read it again the battle help and and we can see if we don't have to use it word for word but it can be guide um um it was one redoing one and to hear and understand the needs and strengths of all stakeholders including teachers staff students and community so that's more of a broad goal that we could we again that's not exactly how we want to word it but that's the idea you think L say about Lakes um I was thinking more this is very general saying teacher staff community other districts yeah I think that's more potential there stolder very broad so in general it's giving this Fortin the opportunity to listen right and understand what's going on that's really what I wanted to get ACR they also they mention Us in my personal opinion is just by virtue of the fact that if I have to hear and understand the need and Str of both stakeholders and the teachers steps Community just just that in of itself tells me that I need to have a partnership and facilitate something that's happening between the two school districts I don't feel that I need to put anything for me that's his action plan your action we have that but I think that that's a broad enough goal for the district right Mr should be like you know p with everybody else in the community with the fames with the parents with people who don't even have kids in school right that's in could word that word SM a little bit but that was everybody agrees just it's on the Strategic plan it wasn't last year so I thought maybe we your word one replace it with something like that and then leave that way it's not the ambiguous [Music] number okay any other thoughts about District goals before we move to board goals okay good conversation thank you okay so let's look at then what the board would like to identify for itself in terms of things that the board would like to focus on um so we'll start with last year's and um so the first Bo goal the board had for itself was to continue the evaluation of the district's long range facilities plan Safety and Security infrastructure system to determine needs and the financial so is this something you see as is ongoing work for the board or is it something you feel like you made significant progress that you would not need to continue to have this related to The Ref the and I are we doing it again this year I honestly feel that I mean we have to evaluate that of course and we because we've had a failed referendum the community is looking know what's happening next are you going to be so we have a responsibility whether we do a referendum or not I think figure I would just reorder it I I would reorder because number you know looking at the four goals number three should be number one that has to be reach first I probably would well oh you're doing yeah because first first we want to resolve goal number three are you talking about you talking about all I don't I feel but I I feel that this goal should reflect that we need to reach out to the community to find out like why they why they turned it down and like in consider them an important stakeholder so that when we go go back to do another referendum that we have so is a different continue evalu is it continue evaluation there there's is it dialog surve survey or incate all stakers in building what viations evaluate need to deter with the inclusion of the community St did we not include this community dur this long and they don't know NE continue I think you're saying kind of some new project continuation yeah I think the beginning of last year we had been evaluating our infrastructure after our last Bonds were retired so it was sort of a process that was going on before we actually got to ref stage I suppose so that's why we probably use the word continue last year we you know continuing and then the result of that was I would say yes we can check the box that we achieved that last year we did evaluate the so it's in the same we still need to do this but it's not that goal I get what you're saying it's communicate to the community it's different cuz what are we trying to accomplish because we we know what we need to fix in the facilities like there's and I think we know roughly what the financial impact is we did ref at the bond but we know like it's done now the step is different if it's we don't we don't know why folks didn't like it that's a different goal that's my go the goal I'm talking about so I think it's different than this cuz I don't think you have to evaluate it we know what it is we know what got to fix we know roof's leaking and we know roughly how much it cost if it's related to that I think it's a different goal we have to evaluate how to pass it that's the goal I think that's the goal that it's different yeah that you can't always predict you never know how the temperature there we take a step figure as a district you have assess as you mentioned look at what really needs to be done and and be convinced that's what you need and then sell the community it's it's not a matter of getting them all involved in the daytoday formulating the plan but the communication extremely important reevaluate long that or or review review ways to implement the district's long range facilities utilizing feedback kind use sameti feedback evaluate the differ and I wouldn't just make it well I guess in the action step we would make it more specific right yeah cuz I was thinking you want to assess and and surve not just your stakeholders but the people who are actually working the yeah right right yeah so I do like Al's like seek feedback we get I think that's a goal that's achievable you can put an action plan against seeking like there's various ways we can SE CLE up information What specifically you get it from teachers from community members from whatever figure out why people who didn't vote vote why is it is it even more pointed to just literally say Seek feedback of why the referendum did not pass like has nothing to do with the fa yeah that's literally what it is we don't need toate I would say well I would say Seek feedback re-evaluate right our needs like get it more pointed to what the community is looking for and then you know communicate to give me something it's not just figure out why it fail we got do some actions after that and lot things referencing action plan so determine the best you know thinking high level it's deter the best way forward to implement the district seek feedback on why the referend and then to determine next steps as it relates to long range something like that like cuz you're going to do the seeking the feedback but I think we were more ambitious in our goal than just asking why like what your feedback is you want to take it do something that would be like the first and thinking of it like that's the first step of the action plan like you when we sit down you know and look at it again um you know find out what happened you know review the what we proposed what happened you know where were there any concerns from the stakeholders and is there anything we can change and then you know determine the best way forward to implement our facilities facilities which could be another referendum at some point you know road but all the things we mentioned are very good action steps you to accomplish it get feedback have meetings to determine do we want to change anything you know do we need anything else you know that's not there do we need to eliminate something you know all good steps but but yeah it's almost like reevaluate or determine the best way forward to implement our long range facilities plan what is that the one thing to remember too is when the votes came in a lot more in the community voting then have a connection to the school right how you do that to reach out to the broader right so I do like the idea of letting them know our board goal is to get feedback St in the community um including that I mean I know that's an action item but I feel like they should be aware that we need to reach out to that not going to be to and then you looking at other other you know after the dle looking at how other districts may have done it we have more tours or you know you the building you know I know another District in Mars County had tours before the board meeting you know for months like 3 months in a row where you know if you missed this one you got that one you do about them in advance so you get you know just get people in and you see it like here's what we need done here's why we need have done but that's like part of the action yes plan they kind of but I think one thing that kind of need to be clarifi to John's point I guess is like what are you seeking from the community like you saying like as a board or as the district like you identified the the projects and the things that needed to go on the referendum so what feedback are we getting from the community not necessarily like is to we put the right projects cuz we've done work to determine these are the right projects but did we not sell it the right way did we not so like what is the feedback we specifically want and like so we saying we don't really want their involvement in identifying what should have been in the referendum but how we should have gotten the need for those things across to that like kind of what were their needs that we didn't so I just want to clarify what like when we say we're want Community feedback what I would disagree we do want what we thought were the best project the community said no so we need to know what what is a no nonstarter so that we can get to the Crux of what we really need to fix I mean we we needed it all but clearly the community didn't feel that way so we need to repackage it relook I didn't mean to relook at it it's not just that it's just getting to vote who have skin in the game with this half the population of the school didn't vote half the communicating for sure but it's also getting what what's the issue with you know what we put out there we should get yeah those are a way to you know to reward that goal I mean a lot of the things we're talking about are definitely action plan is there a way to reward the goal to communicate to our community what we're up to this this school year I guess like we definitely want to I guess reevaluate then the district's long range then to make sure we have it right um see feed and and gain feedback from all the stakeholders and then determine the best way forward to implement is that enough kind of okay and then since this is like a facilties go it can always come down yeah between now the next meeting we can eat and sleep sure and that especially for I mean and you definitely have to feel more flexibility more time to the board goals I me ideally the district goals you know because the superintendent evaluation has to be done by July first and you're usually kind of starting that in like you know may is time that you want to make sure you're giving the superintendent the longest window possible to start working on these goals but more goals are not required like there's not a defined timeline for them so we have a little more FIB there okay um so the second one looked at you know the board holding itself accountable to providing the support and mod implementation of the Strategic plan you still feel like that's something that you need to leave on here I'm in differenter I think a lot of work went into it from the community members and so I feel that it needs to be there I would almost double down on that and say that we had a strategic uh planning for long range planning committee um that we kind of disbanded last year because we were supposed to talk about different parts of the Strategic plan in the curriculum meeting or in the facilities we cont but I mean it would be good to to have another committee again to to meet quarterly or every other month meeting them to review it and and see if if we're all on the same page and does this make sense now and start or with the governance committee committee can be involved in the board goals I guess so you could kind of leave it AB bre I think it needs to stay we're not we're not through the 5e Strategic plan it needs to stay on we're not it's not miss I was surprised it was like it seems like it was a long time ago it was 2023 so let's all that work done no I guess like to me that's an expectation that is it a specific of the board kind of like show the board like to me I don't know if it's like the that's why I said I'm Different like a basic expectation a board is to monitor the Strategic plans so I'm just like all right like okay we put it there to put it there but I think it shows the US holds us accountable really holds us accountable which I know we should be anyway but also shows the community that we're committed to it yeah I think it's good to I guess then just to Le's point I think we need to be more action oriented on it because otherwise we don't really do anything with it like it's on there and it's expectational and they part of me is like I don't want to meddle too much with what mrini and administration are doing in the action plan which I I think support and monitor maybe is okay yeah like when we go when we start talking about like implementation though I get like worried that are we overstepping as a board what administration is doing like we're happy to support and monitor and like give vision and Direction but I don't want to be telling Mr fi or the admin how they should be imp we take out the word implementation District we could just like we're doing board and District goals tonight there there are board and District goals in the Strategic plan so the focus would be for the board to focus on the board goals that might be in the 5-year strategic plan you know that we that we you know should be you know actively involved in like the stuff we were just talking about you know like the facilities you know like as a board we want to explore that you know from the board level but you know all that sort of thing and that's in in the five plan but so I would say that that would apply to the extent that they board goals about support board plans support monitor the board's objectives within the district's 5e strategic plan I it's a good goal just delet the word implementation I like that yeah only comment I have similar is also disseminate communication in the sense of okay you've taken all this time we've worked as board members on this with the community and the administration so now can we as a board almost use this as an opportunity like our committee reports where we have a report on the Strategic plan cuz we haven't heard about it right support and monitor support Monitor and communicate the community District so it goes back to governance then that group would be coordin so okay so how about support Monitor and communicate the progress of the district I don't know how you do it but you do it take I think three to make life easy just stays yeah that's f I I do agree but I think it needs to be broader in the spirit of how we're writing all the other goals isn't our goal to have a to negotiate a send receive contract as soon as possible and then the action plan is with Mountain Lakes or there might be other other things that fold under that that's what I me that's kind I'm sorry I'm not you cross out the words with M education and success negotiate the district receive the action is I think need change I get what you're saying I just don't think it will make a practical difference I I think I'm kind of different on the change but I don't think change how we approach anything to I might what if we double down on that double that for a minute and successfully negotiate a successor agreement to the district send receive contract as soon as possible in addition to completing theability study or you can make a feasibility St SE goal I'm just sort of I'm just sort of like good with leaving it as it is because that's our goal and you know I mean if we fail that goal that's a separate issue but my my thought is like that that's serve our our should I kind of agre would be the most practical goal and and hopefully we will succeed in that goal and like I said not a goal but name the district uh well just seems like seem seems still practical to do so I think I I don't think it's necessary a good community relations I I think it' be a little bit too much obvious St right I don't think it gets you anywhere to do it so we're saying we're leaving it in or leaving it out the name of the district I'm fine want to leave it in I think I think it would be best to leave it in person personally because that is the goal yeah that is our goal makes sense that is the goal and we hope to achieve that goal if we it's our aim if we fail that goal that's you know that's a separate issue but like we hope we hope to this go point do we have a goal to complete a feasibility St it's a SE it's a separate goal I know what you're saying we don't complete it but we need to ensure it is complete and review what I'm saying we do not I'm fine with it the way not keep that one okay so we're leaving it as is right that's the bottom line okay and then was the last one then was the training goal um that the board set to look at on boarding of new members and enhancing your board governance so just kind of a general training so we we already have a lot of goals but one goal again double down on my uh the goal I had for the district goals is supporting the new superintendent in the administration that's that's exactly a goal I thought develop I know it's but I think it's an important F that it needs to be number one I'm sorry to really change over going to number true it's a lot of it can go one of the other ones yeah we could number one I think it is number one I think support the like I don't know how you say the transition or the whatever of the new Administration into RBS and grin them whatever like anything we can do to support that have I mean supporting the Administration the superintendent don't it is uh and not that we didn't support the previous but I think there's always when when you have the turnover we've had with the superintendent Administration you need a little extra time you want to make sure you're understanding their need and we could do that very practically in committee meetings in these meetings like so I think it's a valid I think it's so do you want that in place of the training goal or in addition add in addition I I saw it on another I won't mention the district but I saw it on another District's website and say I saw it words around a little bit yeah um so but the uh support the new superintendent of schools uh and administrator successful transition to ensure High leadership standards and promote continuity and student you don't have to come all that but that go is that I think we can use that and I do think it's separate than a board training go in addition to so that we would have five go yeah it's good to know like there's been a lot of change in the months it's good to put that down it just needs a little bit of extra Focus I wouldn't say we be on there maybe next year but it should be our constant goal to support a then I'm going to complicate things even more I six go loading up the board here question about training I to go back to training too there'll be no new members I believe in the next year this on this board um so I I don't know if that just leave it handing I don't know I don't know if there's anything to be tweaked there um I the new we talk yeah can we get a and then we have to book you for some more meetings I looked before I came and I think you guys have so like you kind of have to start the process over again so you have to get the 16 credits over 4 years and I think you were at 13 so today 14 so then You' need two more then then we would qualify to do whatever that certified again and then another 10 credits after that to get the Carol Le Larson again so could we get it this year the Carol Larson Master certification so you can get the CER the recertification first and then you was that a goal just get the recertification we could get our F board certification tell you next next week ponic is getting their used to be in a very select group and now there's people who are like laughing us and there's a lot of districts who have that can we do car election in one year or a lot so do we just do this year just to be like re like to be like eligible whatever I don't know what the term is but that's the goal so like that means we just have to have certification level we have to have two or three trainings during the year got the go so just last week it was part of my M lak's update but um Charlene was there at the board meeting last week they just got their board certification for their for them it was for their first time has not been certified since the year 2000 yeah so that was the so they got recertified well not certified ceri like they went through the whole 16 like they had to repeat the whole process because it had been so long are there a lot of districts in that category like they've gotten it once and now they're going for it again um so you said there's 580 School Districts right how many are certified you think so I don't know how many are certified cuz like you say it kind of comes and goes and maybe they got it but like you have to keep it up like to keep it up you have to then you know if we save 16 credits over four years then you kind of have to hold yourself to a schedule of kind of four credits a year right um so some boards get it and then let it drop so you kind of have to keep it going but I mean you know while you guys we talked about the Cary Larson like so there is probably I think that um recognition has been in place since 200 I don't know if it's six or eight or something like that and like you guys were one of the early boards to get it but even now this many years later we're still only maybe up to about 50 Boards out of the 580 that have ever even accomplished it so for you guys to have it a second time yeah that that would be is that just moris County or the whole state that's the whole state a lot of them are in Morris County yeah I mean morot is a competitive County right it's like when one board hears that one got so what do we need to do to get like umis but but that's a good thing because you know like my other colleagues will always say to me like hakam or's County like seems to have it all together and I'm like I'm like I'm like they put the work in you know like the boards are willing to to to do the work and it makes a difference so I think yeah is it certified did you have I how you phrase all that you say just certified complete the steps to earn board certification this year right and that means just another two training yeah I mean there's other things like the you have to do like the policy well let's check like there's some other steps to it that but it's accomplishable okay yeah you have the pass qack right governance check theard the board self evaluation what was with the bargaining unit um we just have to you know our um labor relations department has a on our website like all of the the different um bargaining agreements and so they just if we don't have your latest one to make sure that you submit that so that part database coming up this year we got add that one coming up successfully renegotiating a new agre that's this year too oh my gosh I think the end of year righto so some this year we have to in process has to be initiated negotiations time FES is there a previous go we used successfully negoti Township successor Cop from The Archives yes we're just going to copy number three and replace with are you actually doing the negotiations this year or just starting the planning for I I mean in the we should the goal should be we successfully negotiate I hav I've never heard of a board that had six goals before AI feel robbery we get some extra credits towards you so you're going to boil it all down and then you'll get it back to me and we'll distribute it and and the board can then look at yes and like I say then the board you know similar to the way you've done in the past then to formally approve the goals so that it's clear to you know clear to everyone that these are what your goals are Charlene is there a board training for um for negotiations for Teacher like Union contracts yeah our Labor Relations dep get on does that count as certification let's do that one we they can only participate remotely CU they're down by Trenton but if you have the ability for them to remote into your [Music] meeting I think the whole board has together to get the credit so we'll definitely reach out and see if we can at least get you if we needed four credits typically four credits in a particular year um we we we'll reach out to you and at least get you another time this year if we can perfect and and or the people from CH so so we all are we all good so so you'll get your um a version of that back to us we can share it with the board and then we can I guess decide y tweak it from there and then if we want to you know run anything through any subsets of us Perfect all right thank you thank you everyone again and have a good night and you guys are definitely going to have a busy year not as busy as last it's all relative reelection so we don't know that's true that's true zero oh thank you again my pleasure okay looks like we we can roll right into the rest of the meeting we do not have doent representative so with that we have board business I'll just do I'll do those separately board bues motions one and two May motion pleas second any questions comments or discussion if not the questions on the adoption of ores Motion 1 and two all those in favor say I I anyone oppos say no any extensions one okay thank you any other exensions if not that brings us to motions A1 A2 A10 12 13 and 14 um I any motion for those is there a second any questions comments or discussion and if not the questions on the adoption of motions A1 A2 A10 a12 a13 14 all those in favor say I I anyone oppos say no any exensions and that brings us to administrative report starting with the business administrator board secretary Mr Murray okay just a couple of items uh on the school opening we opened this year it went very well from a a facility standpoint with no issues to report bus RPS have all been running well since the beginning of school with only minor beginning of year uh items that U have occurred uh a Paving project in booten Township affected the high school and RVs bus routes parents were notified and students would only be affected for a couple of days and that Paving project supposed to end I think by Friday was out in wooden wooden Street out by w uh summer roof project I have a virtual meeting tomorrow scheduled with the architect and the roofing consultant to discuss potential areas for the roof replacement that would need to be included in the 2526 budget to plan for an upcoming summer project uh since the roof replacement was part of the failed referendum no State funding is available for the project so the project would be funded through the district's capital reserve fund uh and then we just found out that our lunchroom milk cooler um died on us and we're getting quotes right now but they uh they look like they're in the neighborhood of $3,500 to replaced it so that's all I have to uh to report great thank you and that brings us to the superintendent report Mr patini uh thank you very much uh I think it's important for us to go back prior to the first grate of school uh we had a meet and greet picnic at rbaa a significant amount of Faculty showed up as well as class three police officers other representatives from the Township Police Department and Board of Education members thank you very much uh the first day back for the teachers was on August 28th we all had lunch together I was able to show up that day and thanks to the HSA they provided lunch the teachers worked very hard I want to acknowledge them for their personal time and off hours preparing their classrooms uh special not to thanks and recognition to our custodial crew for preparing the building for the arrival of the students and for the teachers um I also wanted to a give a special thanks to all of our teachers parents and students for their warm welcome uh they've given me invitations to stop by to see their lessons uh invitations to see athletic games uh all the nice manners and a visit to a students M need St uh I would also like to thank the board for welcoming very warmly and for making a goal to support me thank you very much um I want to publicly recognize and thank uh Mr gner M Bon and Mr Murray for their assistance of putting together uh all the things that need to be put together for my arrival and the team of uh new Administration as well as the uh other administrative assistants who have done the Herculean job of onboarding quite a few people uh Tuesday September 3rd was the first day of school for booom Township and my previous district and because the difference in start time and end times I was able to be present at both schools in both towns for both arrivals and dismissals um in fact uh it was it was a quite a long day but uh someone said to me you really should see the dismissal procedures here at R and it actually served as a model for another school in a different District it it's a very very smooth operation um I was very impressed with the Positive atmosphere and how everything was you know done just right uh again I've mentioned this once before in one of my uh statements this is a testament to the attention that the faculty gives to the operation of the school and the overall support of the parents can't go unnoticed um one thing that I made particular attention to which is very uh important to me uh is the Safety and Security of the building that was very noticeable the second day of school here September 4th uh was my first day once again arrival and dismissal went off without a hitch uh recess and lunch were smooth buses in and out everything was again impressive uh kindergarteners were back to eting in the cafeteria there were parent volunteers all this in full swing just on the second day of school uh teachers parents and staff were involved in different areas of the building and invest in all of these areas arrival dismissal launch recess and again just something that I took a lot of not with uh took note of um I met with uh the police chief uh Kiev on Friday uh September 13th we discussed their program and considered to the new program uh lead this is the preferred more updated program that many other police departments and districts are using we're going to be exploring this through the course of this year l e a to repl there correct what's the stand for [Music] um I forgot he told me but I forgot uh we also use this in the previous District that I'm that I was in but a lot of acronyms uh the chief uh John gerner and I reviewed and tested the emergency response system everything's working fine and in order um the New Jersey quality single accountability Continuum also known as NJ PAC is the Department of Education monitoring and District self- evaluation system for public school districts we passed and were designated as high performing according to the state's criteria congratulations thank you um that congratulations to the previous administration and the board and all the teachers for achieving that um I can basp in this F with that um I met with the boot Township sorry that's me I met with the bo Mountain Lakes superintendent we were been in conversations and we're developing ideas to develop faculty and professional development shared C topics and we're looking to co-present the parenting workshop on helping parents help children who are experiencing significant emotional events we're anticipating offering this Workshop in late October details to come we're also um on the calendar to meet with our special education parent advisory group Mrs Morgan Roth and I met with the cpag representative and we're hosting that meet and brief on Thursday October 10th right here in the RBS library at 8: a.m. a flyer is forthcoming and that's my report of law enforcement against drugs and violence there you go I was just going to say that thank you very much thank you and that brings us to combinations should superint I gu on the back page you want me to I got it any AC this uh many thanks to the Homeland School Association for providing the staff with a welcome back lunch during orientation days also major thanks for donating gift cards for random dra that made both days a lot of fun several eighth grade girls have been helping kindergarten classes at lunch time opening drinks helping with catered lunches and pizza day we appreciate their assistance thank you so much to Kate Cooper cila gon Bri and luell and Ella B on Saturday night Marco sah was honored at Theo Performing Arts Center in Morristown in recognition of outstanding achievement and Leadership and the study of Music Marco has been inable audition to the uper b as a percussionist these by example Marco was one of the first rehearsal and D about about learning his Parts he's also suppor of musici and L him the upper van is lucky to have him for one more year and miss him Gres unless certainly not least some of our seven8 grade musicians play along with the NS p f on Friday night as the herd one the homecoming they learn some new music quickly and performs along with RSL onni and we're proud to have our musician play part of the every and thank you very much thank you and that BRS us to corresponding but we all have a chance to at and that brings us to se number one the first public comment period will be limited to agenda items only the second public comment period will be over topic please be mindful that public commentaries are available to enable the public to give comments and feedback to the board personal matters and day-to-day operations are not appropriate subjects to board meetings these can always be most effectively resolved with the appropriate staff members or administrators according to the CH Comm concept questions may be directed to the appropriate School Personnel or board through email please state your name and address for the record and all comments are lied to the 5 minutes anyone from the public wish to address the court on agenda items at this time there being no one that brings us to our on starting education okay all right the high schools off to a great start back to school night was very successful um we talked about there was a lot of faving happening the first few days it's all done it's beautiful so it's very smooth and safe feeling now um homecoming was last weekend the football te won their first game the stands were full because it included members of the Rockaway Valley schools of grade band Led by Mrs cart who um the band played along with high school C band um they their Club Bears have kicked off and all the clubs are in full swing and if you take a look at um their agenda from September 16th it's pages and pages and pages of clubs both paid and unpaid a lot UNP by faculty members um I'm not sure how they they work that all out but it's phenomenal um truly makes you feel that every student has the place um they had everything from drama Multicultural celebrations business sport Dungeons and Dragons It's like goes on so it was just exciting there seem to be just a good very good VI um happening at the school I feel only say that I have a ninth grader and a junior so I'm very consci of like what it feels like for RVs kids to come in to the the district so far to as you you um that there was some discussion between um the Mountain Lakes Education Association and the board at their meeting regarding some fundraising because the fundraiser um they have to happen in the fall and they were not we all they didn't have a chance to get approved by the board and so they're working streamlining that and looking at some of the policies because a lot of the fundraisers collect a lot of money that stayed in fundraising organizations and so they're they're looking into this a little more carefully so if members of the public want have opinioned or were impacted by the fundraisers they're welcome to provide feedback to be Min um so Charlene Peterson was there at the last meeting so um as she mentioned they just received their certification and that was pretty great um just means that all the board members were up to date on all their mandatory training and they got 16 hours U of training together um and I I'm glad that we put it into our goals because I was I was hoping for that um cat to Shared learning language and commitment to advancing students achievement um then um oh at the New Jersey school boards um Workshop there will be um it's it's coming up in October and one of the high school students Mato cordi um produced a short film for their short film festival um and so it'll be her film will be um presented and there'll be a talk with the artist only student from Mars County so it's pretty um pretty amazing to be screened by about 8,000 people so huge um there's superintendent Cofe talks coming up with um Brad seagull and um October 9th there'll be a morning one in person and a virtual one in the afternoon uh they're interviewing for school resource officers uh to and um the board accepted with much regret resignation of M School District business administrator Al um he was huge asset orist to the district and'll be leaving um end school year no sorry end of this year December end of the year calendar year um also learned more about the sounds start babies program I haven't known but it's program for babies with fum loss and it's operating out of the Lake Drive school so there's three rooms there that are dedicated to the sound b um they were recently certified for the entire state of New Jersey and they serve over 106 families um they work to create awareness and education for go intervention they've sent then sent seven kids to the Lake Drive School from their programs um and the cost for running that school is gone up and so they'll be reaching out to community uh more Partnerships and trying to figure out how to grow their program um and our high school kids do do service hour great and that brings us to New Jersey school boards Association um just really quick the um NJ SBA directors met um on the 20th might not attend person but summary um highlights there been AED Ed training change to the Govern two training focus on poliy training that out Mon and um second Point um as we mentioned there the workshop place in October available on website and also a mobile app thank you and that us to Mary schs association yes so the next meeting is next Wednesday October 2nd the theme is mental health resources for your school district we'll be three speakers and the last speaker is from NJ Board of Directors for Morse County and that talk will be about stigma free communities um in addition to mat Lakes being recognized for their certification the additional um there are additional districts Kon lill mum p and unity Charter will also be mentioned and um awarded and then pantic Township Board of Education as I mentioned earlier they are getting their callson Master [Music] for thank you very much it's yes what date next wednes intend person hybrid yeah you have to um you have to want me sure online the emails or you you yeah free regly I've I've been in a position where it's the day of like yeah sometimes it do it to late and you can still show up and sign him if you really still you still can sign question about um and John you might know this but uh I was wondering will everybody be registered whether they go or not we we register the district so it entitles you to any of the handouts anything that uh workshops that place down there so you have available the district all those so any even if you can't attend in person you download the app you can still access presentations and things and they'll post everything after somebody's presentation after back a actually post it before some do yeah that's great going experience let's see that brings us to the Educational Services Commission of moris County they met two weeks ago on September 11th um business I would say report from the meeting I attended and that brings us to the bo c special education Advisory [Music] Group services and for October 10th at 8: a.m in the scho library and additionally there'll be a um Campa first school year and that's going to take place [Music] oer chch thank you and that brings us to the to Education Foundation uh and foundation's off to a good start four kids classes have started and the only thing is the event on the 23rd of November the whole har 7 p.m. at that is going to be their annual November 23rd 7. RC it's fun it all har har yeah yeah they said that next year will be party this year well [Music] yeah that brings us to the scho Association so the HSA is fundraising right now for Charleston now so you can bu around CH support the AG and then trunk Retreat is October [Music] 18 October just what they could get um and conflicting P all that kind of stuff so I know I was in in a nearby store Christmas Stu out just buy Pap that BRS us to Yes uh a few things to report blue clinics are October 1st from 3 to 430 at the Montville Township Municipal Building and October 17th from 4 to 6 at our Municipal Building see Township website for any details um the annual rabies clinic is Saturday October 12th from 9:00 to noon it's going to be held at Rockway Valley School Entrance by the flag pole and any details can be found on the website of the township and the last thing is the semiannual shredding event is Saturday October 19th from 8:00 to 11: at the recycling center and it is sponsored by Tony federo and that's my report thank you and lastly theti GRE than and moving on facilities and transportation no but um John you close to there you have your I will we'll we'll sit we'll meet and then we'll go over discuss and that BRS us to finance the finance committee the finance meeting committee me uh well really just last week um to discuss the mountain link syy the main uh topic and then the briefly the the agenda items that are on here today which are all that I have any motion forance motions 1 through 10 I'll move is there a second second any questions coms or discussion I question not necessarily agenda I in general what facilities facilities I a fac I can hold it old um okay any other questions comments or discussion on finance motions and if not the question is on the adoption of Finance motions1 all those in favor say I Ione say no any exensions and personel person pass but we have personal motions one through three a mo please second has to pull [Music] that all right any questions comments or discussion allow and if not the question is yeah Mr Brandon yes Mr cab yes Mr Chen yes Mrs Herman yes Mr Johnson yes Mr mcde yes Mr Mill yes no way motion thank you that brings us to the program committee by regret to but I forgot my notes went the door this I'm not Mr Johnson I we had was our first program committee with Mr bini went very well we discussed a broad range of topics so it was just kind of setting the ground for it but we definitely discussed um the articulation with mountain links um the overall I would say curriculum with gened and special ed and you know how things might progress and you know what Mr seen so far um we discussed a little bit about jsla score link it using the data around those too um and then I could just say the call approach philosophy right of what what you're seeing um unless you have anything else to add I know there were many other topics but I didn't have them all down I think you thank you yes we'll put that in program prr notes soon thank you and with that we have a program motion number one a motion please is there a second second any questions comments or discussion question performing and the other question is discussion and question is on the adoption program motion number one all those in favor say I I anyone say no any exensions and we do not have any F motions this evening so that brings us Al probably we should we should meet either we will be I'll be out some dates and figuring morning or afternoon what works best so we can try and get together square up the great thank you and with that we are open session number two the second public commentary for the open topic please be mindful that public comment periods are available to the public to get comments and feedback to the board personal matters of day-to-day operations are not subjects for board meetings these can always be most effectively resoled the appropriate staff members or administrators according to the CH command concept questions may be directed to the appropriate SCH Personnel Board through email please s your name and address for the record and all comments are Li to 5 minutes anyone from the public wish to address the board on anybody since you're all looking this direction have a long night G um I guess I just want to say thank you to all the board members I have um our two boys here tonight actually observing a public community meeting as part of their requirement for an eal marip badge um so I want to just appreciate all of your efforts that you're here you know giving up your time for the students who generally don't see this happen and don't understand what really goes on behind the scenes and that a group of individuals of differing backgrounds can come together and have conversations and come together and make plans and um and do it in such a civil Manner and to get things accomplished on behalf of the school of the community so thank you to all of you we shall watch the rest thank you there's a we'll preview the agenda more next time thank you very very much for your kind words and you probably still don't know what we're talking about right but thank you for coming really appreciate that is there anyone else from the public that wishes to address the board on any matter there being no do we have any old business that come before the board fac facilities item I think we have facilities I was wondering what the status is of the um the lunch tables who were that looking I've got some I got some quotes in there some of them were all over the place I have a co-op price that uh uh we're probably going to go with so probably at the next meeting we will have an award to do it so right now we're discussing timing because they have to pull all the frames out of the walls and everything so it's it's kind of a summer project but we're trying to see if we can maybe fit it in you know two-day project within in one of the braks or something like that okay how many all of them on the wall we're going to replace all them on the wall just so they all match we're going to change the color to match all the other ones so it'll be a lighter lighter color um you know i' I've kind of Bandaid them to keep them going all these years and they're they're safe everything but it's time to kind to those are Originals um no they were replaced at some long before I got they were replaced at one oh so I was questioning That 80s thing I don't know I'll upate when you ready to go and then up facilities as well and then you see okay thank you sounds great is there any other old business that come before the board is there any new business that come before the board if not we have a motion to enter into executive session to discuss issues that were confidentiality committed by in the open public meetings act chapter 231 of the walls of 1975 these matters may or may not be made public when the board reconvenes they will be made public when the confidentiality of the subject is no longer warranted the topic of discussion is bton Township Mountain Lakes to negotiations or tuition agreement and when we returned there will be no no other board action unless we're going to do that committee thing I don't know negotiations committee for btea oh yeah actually as we're closing out there's two things I was thinking of [Music] um to go into close session and we'll continue on new business you did bring up a good point earlier to we just have to establish we don't have to name the people on the committee but we have to establish yeah so so so we like to create a negotiations committee but uh for the purposes of negotiating with the BT or whatever we call that yeah it used to be a standing committee so right now since it's not then you do it as an so we have to make a make a motion to create an adoc committee negotiations committee yes for purpose of negotiating with the btaa do it now or do um we can do it now we're creating the committee but the the members are appointed whenever thank you any questions comments or discussion on that motion if not the question the is on the adoption of the creation of the ad hoc negotiations committee as I said before all those in favor say I say no any exensions and anything else did we forget okay oh no I know go there I know but I just want look we only have two mic I just think that we should make an effort to go back and listen to the video and make sure that we can hear the superintendent when he's talking the air conditioner kicked in while you were speaking and I don't know for the sake of the video like we've got quality enough sound sound so oh okay great thank you there's a button up here that activates the air just [Music] me a mute turn that just Kidd okay thank you uh okay with that may have a motion enter to Executive session discuss issues that work confidentially as the perod the open public me exact chapter 231 laws of 1975 these matters may or may not be made public when the board reconvenes they will be made public when the confidential subject is over warranted topic of discussion is the Bo count Mountain Lakes tuition agreement um there will be no bo action taken will we reconvene other than to adjourn the meeting may have that motion please is there a second all those in favor say I I and thank you so for those that are would probably don't don't probably don't want to stick around and watch us adour our meeting thank you very much for coming okay it's 9:58 p.m. we have just returned from our closed session uh we have no other board action I have a motion to adjourn is there a second all those in favor say I I thank you very much see you next month