##VIDEO ID:XGQ1J1iUOF0## I would like to call this meeting to order this is a regular session of the bo Township Board of Education held for the purpose of transacting appropriate board visites in compliance with chapter 231 WS of 1975 the notice of this meeting is advertised in the mor sty Del record copies of the agenda of this meeting were appropriately posted and made available to the public Mrs B here Mr brander here Mrs Cabana here Mr Chin here Mrs Herman here Mr Johnson here Mrs McBride Mr Mills here Mrs noer also presid Mr fatini superintendent principal I see our student representative Chris pck we have a quum great thank you please stand for I pledge alleg to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay welcome uh the first item on our our agenda this evening is a presentation by by miss m Lee from Miss Saia and Company our our annual audit and welcome good evening everybody I'm going to pass out my um should I leave a copy thank you well hello it's been another year so I'm here to give a a brief highlights on the annual audit uh for the year and 63024 so the uh Su I passed out just now is front and back and on the top corner you can see page one I'm going to go over financial highlights first and if at any point in time you have any questions please feel free to stop me so on the top of the first page is the uh comparison of the fund balance between 63024 and 63023 at 63024 the overall fund balance in your operating fund is $3.8 million which was a slight decrease for the previous year and most of that is restricted in var's reserves you have about $70,000 in incomes those are the uh Goods that you place in order for as of 6:30 but haven't received as of that date a little over $2 million in capital reserve that you can use for any um projects in your long range facilities plan $350,000 in maintenance Reserve that you can use for any required Main your school facilities $58,000 of unemployment compensation that you can use for unemployment claims $280,000 of current year excess Surplus which you require to utilize in your upcoming budget in your 2526 budget cycle the prior excess Surplus $564,000 you're using right now in your 2425 budget and then that LE do with the 2% un assigned fund balance of $522,000 and then the metal section is just a recap of um what makes up the over $440,000 decrease of uh fund balance compared to Prior year uh I'm going just going to highlight a couple of these numbers here for example there's an excess in state revenue which means above what you anticipate as Revenue in your budget of $200,000 and that's most from extraordinary Aid $580,000 of unspent budget appropriation but but you when you factor out the $70,000 in incumbrances you are left with about just a little over $500,000 unspent which is only about 3% of your budget which is not really that big of a number then you as I mentioned before you utilize $280,000 to balance your budget and between the budget and Bo resolutions you uh took out close to $180,000 on capital reserve we also anticipated um aate additional um funds from the prer access they made okay and the bottom is a recap of the trend of how much fund balance you've you been using so for 23 24 like I mentioned just a second ago you're using a total of 447 2425 563,000 and part of that uh in your budget part of that is going into your capital reserve so that's for one time expenses and then 25 26 uh you're going to be required to use of 2 280 okay and then if you put to the back of the page page two the top is just a recap of the activities in your Capital maintenance Reserve so um as I mentioned before Capal reserve a little over $2 million and then 350,000 uh the metal section is a comparison activities in your food service fund and at the end of the year you have about um a little under $2,000 un uh unrestricted that position which is a decrease from the previous year and long-term liabilities uh I'm not really going to go over that unless anybody have any questions cuz that's really you don't really have anything here that you really need to put in your budget it's just for um accounting purposes really for the district by financial statements that's it for the financial highlights anybody have any questions I have a good question so the acccess in the state so is that more than we expected or why is there an excess in those so uh for example there's usually excess for Extraordinary Aid because you don't never know when you do your budget how much extraordinary Aid you going to get because of the timing of when the budget is done versus when you apply for Extraordinary Aid and know how many uh special education students that you can have so it's additional funds for state for special education yes well it's it's accounted for for special education but you can use the funds when you get them for any any one time I always recommend one shot one time deals you can do a facilities project with it CU you've already spent the money before and you're getting reimbursed for that so it's almost like a windfall and you're able to do things that you can't include in your budget you can do a paining project you can do partial roof or something question question sure sure and it's not a high number area but under Food Service what was why such a difference um from the previous year I think it's because of the it's just the food cost right no so the only the only revenues we have in that program are the milk is the milk money right because the home and School Association runs that program right the expenditures on on the other hand we pay the district pays for all the mentioned this in finance committee the free and reduced lunges so that's an expense to the budget and then we have to fund that so they really reeven that much of an increase in that yeah depends on every year of how many students come in uh you know might might apply and qualify each year and the cost of the food has gone up too absolutely oh yeah oh yeah and the C so that's our expense on that think that like I bet you that's a thank you and I just want to commend you know uh the the business trador and his um staff for doing always being prepared for the O it makes our job easier um there are no formal recommendations in order so congratulations um job we have a great staff we have a great district and uh we're a good Financial St yes so other than that um that ends my presentation unless anything any additional questions thank you very much thank you very very much always thanks to our Administration for their great work in that area and that brings us to our student representative Mr welcome how are you everybody so northw Soccer Championship they are headed to day won the other day and they are heading to the group one state championship Saturday 3:00 at Franklin High School tonight the Mountain Lakes High School debate exhibit exitation took place at the Mountain Lakes Public Library I happened to pop in for on my way here so uh really great uh for some young kids there very informative very educational for them also November 25th girls flag football Juniors versus seniors Powderpuff will be taking place at the turf December 9th is the 8th grade open house and that will take place for the class of 2029 at the high school I intend to be there I think it would be great for me to uh be there and uh spoke to Mr Man and we're excited for that uh December 13th we're going to have ref freshman dance bringing class 2028 together and then we have December 12th is our choir concert December 18th is our holiday is our band concert uh so that's really what's going on in that L great well thank you very much really appreciate it and as always if you have somewhere else you need to be or homework or anything to do we will not be offended if you have to leave thank you you thanks CHR have a good night brings us to board bu motions 1 through three may have a motion please is there a second any questions comments or discussion and if not the questions on the adoption of board business motions 1 through three all those in favor say I I anyone oppos say no any exensions I'm going on2 one BB2 okay and I'll stay on one and two thank you and that brings us to administrative report starting with the business administrator report secretary Mr Murray okay just a couple of items um as you recall the November 5th election um as is in in our rearview mirror and the results are for three board members three seats Mrs Bardock received 1324 votes Mr Chen received 1279 votes Mr Johnson received 1,95 votes and there were 44 writings uh the finance committee met prior to this tonight's meeting we discussed agenda items we discussed um uh the the audit as well as a proposed summer roof project the 2526 tentative budget schedule um we've uh distributed all the budget sheets to the staff they're due back for the 25 26 year on December 15th right before the winter break and the budget preparation is still ongoing and we'll be meeting you know internally we'll be meeting with committees um in the coming months summer roof project I met with the architect and the roofing consultant to develop a scope of work and a preliminary budget for the proposed summer roof replacement project the roof area under consideration will be from room 20 out here that that wing all the way down to almost the uh the parking lot down by Valley Road and it's approximately 700 17,000 square ft I'm waiting for an estimated budget figure so that uh we can present make presentation of the finance committee the facilities committee will'll get together and we'll have a recommendation hopefully by December for board meeting to proceed ahead and the funds for the project will be coming out of the capital reserve account that Miss Lee had mentioned the fall reports the district report of trans uh transported resident students known as the drrs was submitted in October by the deadline and uh November 15th by the November 15th deadline and the application for state school a the Assa is the October enrollment snapshot that's due in early December the date has not been released yet but both of those um reports are used to determine our state aid so we'll get those in on time and then uh we'll be in the mix for determining what the state aid is probably sometime in February usually late February and then uh as you heard M Miss monley from missan gave the what report all I have to report great thank you and that brings us to the superintend report uh Mr P great thank you we've had a lot of great things going on in the school in celebration of The Fall season we're engaging in a school spirit activity called scarecrow alley students and faculty are building RVs scarecrows that also support social emotional learning the scarecrows will personify characteristics of the qualities that our students are most proud of so it's not necessarily what you are on the outside it's what makes you up on the inside so they'll have pieces of paper and things that like that that has embedded through the teachers that are part of the Scarecrow on the inside and some displays on the outside as well is that what's in the circle that's covered up for the the impending rain oh right rain that we never get anymore yeah and it comes just in time for our scarecrow uh students family and staff are welcome to come by into the circle from now up until the 29th to look at the scarecrows uh there there is going to be some voting in the group that wins the most votes will get a pizza party to celebrate uh the school was also involved in the annual penny wars $1,700 was raised for Wounded Warrior Project and k9's for warriors uh the week of October 21st was fire prevention week for the K3 students our volunteer fighter fighters took time out of the day to teach our students and provide a meaningful experience on fire safety and I'd like to take this time to do a quick shout out for those that not only keep our students safe but put themselves In Harm's Way for others when there is a fire they're volunteers and they do it because they're moved to help the community and it is some sort of high calling if you will not out of obligation so during this time of Thanksgiving it's appropriate for all of us to show our gratitude for them as well as other volunteers such as our Board of Education thank you uh on October 25th a representative from mors County Vocational School of Technology visited RBS and gave a presentation to our eighth grade students in the library regarding vocational and various education opportunities and paths um on let's see I think it was October 28 I had a meeting with with Dr seel Dr seel we uh presented um social learning social emotional learning aspects and it was attended by over 30 people which included faculty board members and parents from both districts uh I'm presenting uh something for the Community called Rockway Valley Round Table their monthly meetings with the superintendent on the first Monday of each month where the community can come in and have an informal chat with the superintendent at 6:00 to 7: p.m. in the library here flyer has been sent out to the school community and it's also posted on posted on social media and we're also getting word out through the local news Outlet so I'm encouraging all community members not just RBS parents to join us here at the Rockway Valley Round Table the next thing we have will be the the Rockway Valley radio we're starting a podcast to interview all guests about education discuss educational topics and even just the life of the oldest person in the community or a resident who has a certain expertise in a certain field any interested residents please contact me at my email K patini BTR bs. If you'd like to be included as a guest on our podcast I am going um to M Lakes very often meeting with Dr seagull we're having ongoing meetings conversations and we just met twice in the past two weeks to discuss uh District articulation enhance and uh ways to enhance communication between our districts we've also discussed having joint field trips and experiences with Mount Lake students at the both the elementary school level and the Middle School level uh there's also an open house at the high school for 8th graders on December 9th and here at RVs we're going to have our holiday Boutique on the same day the fifth and sixth grade Fall Fest was the night of October 25th I'd like to say thank you to the Ed foundation for their support in maintaining this tradition and providing this opportunity to the students they also supplied pumpkins for the fifth and sixth grade fall festival and all the other classes in school which came out to be about 100 pumpkins in all the service Squad thanks to them helped unload all the cars and bring the pumpkins in the school again thank you to the be uh the boen township Ed foundation for for purchasing the company drum for the music department and the truck Retreat on Halloween was well attended and I had a good time judging the cars the theme for the RVs play was also revealed is going to be Beauty and the Beast and uh a thank you to the HSA for providing soccer balls footballs and now pick ball nets and paddle balls and and paddles for the students to play with at recess time and finally fall Sports the boys soccer team finished the season with a record of 73 and two the team Advanced to the semifinals where they lost one to zero against a very competitive team out of 17 players 11 scored throughout the season the top four goal scorers were Evan lukan Landon Costa Brady golden and Jason pans Charlie Jansen stepped up as a new goalie and allowed only seven goals in net and had numerous saves girls soccer team went six and five during the regular season where the losses were close in in terms of the competition and the girls lost in the semis to assumption 2 to Zer Kelsey glass was the team's highest scorer with 13 goals goalie Annie bush had 56 saves during the season every Athlete on the cross country team improved their personal best times throughout the season out of over 900 athletes competing in the great level races Ian Johnson finished with the overall second best time once again that's over 900 athletes Austin shreer Lily diorio Jonathan Ponte and Ian all took home ribbons at the grade level races fifth graders had great showing throughout the season on their first official School sports team and that concludes my report great thank you very much and you've all had a chance to read the nurses report the student attendance report and the staff attendance report and that brings us to accommodations Mr patini I'd like to thank our teachers for the care and thoughtfulness in which they prepared and conducted their parent teacher conferences last month thank you to the HSA for bringing us the fall book fair the students enjoyed enhancing their home libraries additional thanks to all the HSA HSA room parents for their help with Halloween parties and the parade and a big congratulations to Mr Bortel on another successful Veterans Day concert it was well well attended packed Auditorium even spilling out into the hallways uh many thanks for the meaningful music bulle and boards and arranging for the speakers for all grade levels it was a fantastic day at RBS uh next is a spotlight on student work uh September congratulations go to uh in preschool Arthur oror and Carter Winters kindergarten Nina K katanzaro Gavin Coleman Cooper Feldman Delany hlin and Rosy aone and Maxwell cetti first grade Colin Cortez Willa tarzik John T and second grade Kade Hager L he Byron marwitz Colin ramik and pip Snipes third grade Evelyn Chen Jackie Langan Audrey latowski um and Flying high in fourth grade congratulations go to Angelita Brandt Steele Wyatt annia McDonald Nathan snra and Ella be Meister Falcons of the month for congratulations go to in fifth grade Shanti star sixth grade Alana San Filippo seventh grade Ryder zesi and 8th grade Joey Barber thank you very much and that conclud my report yeah thank you and you've also had a chance to read correspondence number one and with that we get to open session number one the first public comment period will be limited to agenda items only the second public comment period will be open to any topic please be mindful that public comment periods are available to enable the public to give comments and feedback to the board personal matters and day-to-day operations are not appropriate subjects for board meetings these can always be most effectively resolved with the appropriate staff members or administrators according to the chain of command concept questions may be directed to the appropriate School Personnel or board through email please state your name and address for the record and all comments are limited to 5 minutes will anyone from the public wish to address the board on agenda items at this time yes all right uh brenon ERS 337 powerville Road um Mr Murray you mentioned the uh summer roof replacement in your report um totaling about 177,000 F feet I was curious about what percentage of the roof that is and knowing that work has been done this coming summer in the last couple years what percentage of the roof remains unaddressed and still needs to be uh fixed in the future we actually did uh that same topic came up in our finance committee meeting and with the summer project we would have completed about 70 almost 72% of the roof which leaves another uh 20 roughly 28% of the roof to for the future now the majority of that roof the rest of the roof was all in the referendum project thank you thank you very much would anyone else like to address the board on agenda items at this time if not we'll move along to Le on reports starting with the mountain L Board of Education okay um just to add to what our student report said um there's a few other good things were happening um with the students the Key Club participated with the trigger sweets for PG PG Chambers school where um that's where they go through hotel room by hotel room it was a wonderful experience by them the uh academic team qualified for Nationals um and uh oh regarding the auditorium I we've caught up on this in the past but um they had to um postpone again so they fall drama and turned into musical was all fully canel at this point it's really the bummer it was um first because of they made a musical it was going to be elf they figured they could do it in December U but it wasn't going to be ready in time and then they switched to be at Charlie Brown musical there was a cop there is an issue with the copyright and getting the permission to do that show so um hopefully that the students had a great time practicing and the drama you know just um it's unfortunate um it it should be finished um mid December um Mrs sesi gave her presentation on njla scores it's great presentation and it's up online I'll put a link to it in my notes up but um they had very positive results um pretty much across the board Ela um they're working to move uh students into four group four and five out of into meets and exceed expectations um so in ela they went from 85% to 89% and they decreased The One and Two from 6% to 4% so good in both directions um they're seeing stability with the children who have IEPs um and in nth grade in Geometry oh no that's yeah there was a really really overwhelming trend of what 23% increase something great um math they improved from 74% to um 77% and the decrease went from in the lower in 1 to two went from 12% to 7% so again just really great results um while their science was a little bit lower than last year um they had and it seems they had a 57% um proficient and advanced which seems pretty low but the state average was actually 25 so it's a little bit of the nature of the test and and and what's um being taught but so they outperformed the state by 32% um and they compared themselves to other District factors and um the district Factor J that they're in had a 5% in proficient and they were 57 so they're kind of like right in Target with their um like like schools um so um yeah so and they also looked back at how they performed against the district other District factors in ela and math and the out doing um although there's always room for improvement intervention strategies that they're looking at working on are um they're working on a new curriculum program um looking at benchmark assessments from 6th to 12th grade um that will be created by the teachers uh so they're very um nice movement in their um benchmark assessments I feel like they've been working on them they feel like they have a lot of good buying with the teachers on um on the Ben assessments um they're also looking at uh test focusing on test Readiness um with math they're working also the state is also clarifying and delineating standards between Algebra 1 and two and separating the standards a bit more so they're going to revise their curriculum over the summer um they're focusing on standard language and the standard and unpacking the standards language the language of the standards and incorporating that more into the curriculum that makes sense all right and um working on professional development and examining the subcores science and work on some professional development there [Music] um there uh the board president had shared how excited she is and how excited the community is that we uh resolved the send receive agreement she's gotten tremendous feedback and um a lot of good vibes going on um within the community uh let's see superintendent had to say that um they well successfully hired twoo officers um and the off office of emergency management Homeland Security was coming to the school to do an evaluation which is schools do from time to time and they'll get a nice recommendation so that they can update the security plan High School um my notes go on and on um it was it was it was great so um trying to hit the topics the the kitchen is almost done they're going through inspections this week so the kitchen will open up again we talked about the auditorium Lake Drive vestibule is getting a bid for the second time they didn't get bid the first time so if no one bids then they can go out and and find something high on their own they don't have to put it out for it um happen to be at the oh no this is M the Uncharted water I was at the presentation between Dr and Mr and it was it was fantastic it was really wonderful to see so many Mountain Lakes parents and staff members here at here in our library yeah fantastic um that's that it the cafeteria is at in high school yeah SCH so it hadn't been open um they had like food trucks and they've been making it work yeah um but uh yeah they're getting a total grease traps new everything it's like it's going to be the layout's still the same right it's just the kitchen itself they um as far as the process of food I think so yeah um sports updates um there was a recreation committee I think that's uh that's pretty much it we have we know about the concerts and um the MLF is going to do Aid fundraiser they do a 5050 so um that's been that's the big thing com that there support okay great thank you very much I can also say I do attending the presentation and I want to commend Mr bertini and Dr seagull for their initiative and collaboration in making that happen it was a really great presentation thank you that's F and that brings us to New Jersey school boards Association uh yeah so um October 2 to 23rd uh myself Lee Alicia attended the njsba workshop 2024 in attic City also there Mr patini Mr Murray we also met Dro and Tom CH ucation uh in the in the event um there were just numerous to many less good good train sessions and sessions put on by njsba some topics included um special education for governance the power for committees preparing and Le School climate surveys um building Partnerships uh campaigning for referend successfully and building a positive board partnership and if we have any as well CH in but I thought it was a great um a great event and great to network with MERS and uh a little bit of board excellent thank you very much and that brings us to Mar County School Association uh gra is not here I'm trying to think is it December second it's coming up soon um if You' like to go I think it's going to be in Mar School District I'm not sure I think Mar High School um I I think actually one of the topics if I recall is governance board governance um I believe um drci and some folks that are going to do a presentation on that so if you're able to come uh you know all the mar School Board Association meetings are also great to attend you uh more local and you can Network and learn a lot of stuff there too so if you look on I highly recommend uh but don't quote me on the date I think it's December 2 but check the re and then Educational Services Commission of Mars County um I'm our representative uh to that um I attended the meeting last Wednesday um I have to say that meaning there this routine business was conducted and next is the F Township special education parent advisory group um here is what's new of our special uh education parent advisory group parent Representatives recently met with the school administration to discuss plans for uping presentations once the dates are finalized all relevant information will be shared with the public we do have one upcoming event and that is on Thursday December 5th at 6:30 p.m. here in our School's library there will be a special presentation focused on understanding the field of special education topics will include the key differences between an individualized education plan also known as an IEP and a final for plan a detailed explanation of the referral process for special education services the presentation will be led by Mrs Nan bu a school psychologist and consultant who ra both professional expertise and personal insight as as a parent of a child with dyslexia Mrs buy is deeply committed to supporting literacy and works closely with various organizations across New Jersey including the learning disabilities Association of New Jersey New Jersey Legacy for literacy Coalition Jersey C fre for NJ the coding dyslexia NJ as well as various other New Jersey CS this event promises to be highly informative and valuable for parents Educators and anyone interested in understanding and supporting the needs of special education UNS we we encourage all our time was it time again it is um it's going to Thursday December 5th at 6:30 here [Music] atland great thank you and an update on MAR SCS Association uh their meeting is Wednesday December 4th and I believe you can arrive at 6:00 and their presentation starts at 6:45 get that correct and that brings us to the township Education Foundation uh so the Ed Foundation has their annual fundraiser Saturday and uh noce Finance motion number seven we thank the uh the foundation for [Music] generous programs around 8500 the students I forgot to mention too but they gave about $2,500 to the high school for two GRS there as well great well thank you thank you for the foundation and that brings us to the rway valley home and School Association so there are a bunch of sales that have closed this week so the holiday Pi sale closed yesterday pickup for pies is Friday the wreath and point stadia sale ends tomorrow um HSA is sponsoring ice cream which will be sold on Thursday starting tomorrow at lunchtime and then the holiday Boutique is December 9th to 11th and their next meeting is December 3rd thank you and that brings us to Township I do not have anything to unfortunately thank you and lastly the boot township Green [Music] Team um so the green team has been focusing on um we had all these great cleanups and we were out in the community and and now we're kind of focusing on um what we're going to going for next so we achieve the bronze for 150 points you achieve you get points by actions that you take within the community so the silver is 350 points so that we're hoping to do that in the beginning of 2026 so we'll be working on this year um one of the interesting actions that we were thinking of working on is Municipal Water story and um it's actually very timely since it's been so dry lately but um it's just understanding how it's a shared resource among our community and who's on well and who's on water and where it's quality and what's the plans if something goes wrong how do we care take care of the river you know it's like all I come to saying it should be really interesting to uh just kind of be able to tell stor we all understand better shared resources so um we'll be meeting on um Saturdays at 2 um going just checking in and if anybody would love to like to help out at all you'd love to have that resource we hope to be to do this we'll have to work with the township the planning board the environmental commission and different parts of the community to gain your information for it so Cate Saturdays at two where Saturdays at two it's virtual okay um and uh I guess the link will be in the um the Friday a email that goes out to the commit not the backpack but the um no not the back times or news for the week great thank you very much and that brings us to facilities Transportation I don't believe the committee has met but we do have a motion for facilities motion number one may have a motion please is there a second I'll second any questions comments or discussion if not the questions on the adoption of so motion number one all those in favor say I I anyone oppos say no any extensions that brings us to finance the finance commit the finance committee met before this meeting um so miss hermy um Mr um rner myself and Mr Chen were in attendance um Mr Murray stole my thunder so I think he talked about everything went over we did go over the audit and happy to report there were no findings as we heard both the auditor and Mr Mur want to thank Kudos of the administration as well for a clean audit and Good Financial standing it's uh it's not it's been every year so it's yeah much thanks there um we went over the standard uh motions that are on the finance uh um board agenda tonight they're all very uh standard nothing about your report there and we did discuss a future group project as also after mention great thank you and that bring exist to finance motions 1 through n may have a motion please I'll second Mr Murray I want the call that any questions comments or discussion if not the question is on the adoption of Finance motions 1 through n all those in favor say I hi anyone oppos say no any extensions and that brings us to Personnel so Personnel me yesterday right yeah yesterday and we approved a staff resignation which has also been a staff hiring of a preschool teacher and then we have approving tonight Mrs Morgan Roth transitioning from sped director to assistant principal so congratulations and thank you that's it great thank you congratulations as well and with that I have a motion for personal motions 1 through S is there a second is there are there any questions comments or discussion if not uh questions on the adoption of personal motions 137 this is a roll call Mrs B yes Mr brander yes Mrs Cabana yes Mr Chen yes Mrs hermy yes Mr Johnson yes Mr Mills yes Mrs Noka yes motion Carri thank you that bring program the program curriculum Comm me this morning and we discussed uh various things we discussed committee goals we discussed uh the math curriculum we discussed um using data in using data use of data in enriching our curriculum we also discussed our curricular articulation vertical and horizontal that's within marway Valley school and with Mountain Lakes uh we also discussed uh the use of Assessments and and consistency and reliability of Assessments we discussed the a curriculum review cycle because often you know different curriculums will come up for I guess review at the state level there's like a time frame that all those go on so we can discuss the calendar for looking at that and we also discussed ort Gillingham training uh both current and future and with that may have a motion for uh program motions one and two is there a second second any questions comments or discussion if not the questions on the adoption of program motions point and two all those in favor say I I anyone oppos say no any extensions that brings us to policy we have not had a meeting although we set me meetings for both December 2nd and January 6th because there's several batches of policies that have been updated and need updating on our behalf from the new New Jersey school board so we have that planned in the future and we can get these policies updated great thank you and that brings us to open session number two the second public comment period will be open to any topic please be mindful that public comment periods are available to enable the public to give comments and feedback to the board personal matters and day-to-day operations are not appropriate subjects for Bo meetings these can always be most effectively resolved with the appropriate staff members or administrators according to the chain command concept questions may be directed to the appropriate School Personnel or board through email please state your name and address for the record and all comments are limited to 5 minutes would anyone from the public wish to address the board on any matter there being no one that brings us to Old business is there any old business that come before the board is there any new business to come before the board yes so I was at a new New Jersey school boards um Charlene Peterson was finding one of the sessions and it was on governance and um Retreats and and self evaluations so there like kind of all that and so may we think that it's time we should do our self- evaluation before we start the next year technically I think it can be done at any time so I would love to see that absolutely we did we did last year we we resurrected that should sure excellent thank you and also I guess new business that we have to get the governance committee to meet um sometime probably after Thanksgiving and before the next meeting you know to you know catch up on some good stuff and so Mr BR I think we made arrangements for Peterson to come also uh yes for New Jersey one of our board goals is to uh get our cert recertification uh at the next level and uh we have scheduled uh for the next board meeting at 6:30 starting at 6:30 Charlene Peterson who will do uh actually it's not going to be Charlene Peterson it's going to be someone from njsb their state office who will just uh talk about Labor Relations because we're about to embark on our our negotiations with our teachers uh in our district the BR hand Education Association so we thought that would be a great topic to to present and that will give us credit for for our certification moving forward and it's just a good thing so December 18th will begin at 6:30 6:30 yeah yes we have create the board created the committee so um of course the year is coming to an end we have to reestablish in January so I'm not sure if there'll be much happening this year at this point so yeah so we just may reestablish the committee again and then appoint members to it at that point um but um but definitely anyone who would be interested in being on the negotiations committee uh for the TAA contract you know keep that in mind and send an email asking for your you know money to be on it you know please you know say you're interested and I guess if it gets to be January then it's just going to be part of the all the Comm asking your interest uh and that with that is there any other new business to come before the board if not there is no closed session we have no need to reconvene and we have no other board action so I have a motion to adjourn there a second second all those in favor say I thank you very much and thank you all for coming and have a great Thanksgiving and we'll see you in December thank you for coming