##VIDEO ID:ZOF0FgKH7Xg## good evening welcome Happy New Year uh this uh before we get started this is U the first meeting of the uh of the school year it's one of the most important because we do several things for board business we elect officers hopefully we seat uh some of the liais on and the U the other position uh we prior to the meeting we store in our three board members they read the Oaths so now we can do a roll call with them this is the reorganization regular meeting of the booten township Board of Education held for the purpose of election of officers appointments and transacting appropriate board business in compliance with chapter 31 laaw of 1975 the notice of this meeting was advertised in the Mars County Daily Record copies of the agenda of this meeting were appropriately posted and made available to the public uh previously we swore in our three um new board members board members Mrs bardak Mr Chen and Mr Johnson previous meeting at the results they're here uh for three three term threee terms and we'll do the roll call Mrs Bardock here Mr Bron here Mrs Cabana here Mr Chen here Mrs hermy Mr Johnson here Mrs McBride here Mr Mills here Mrs no wi also present U Mr fatini superintendent principal I do not see our student representative Mr ilck we have a quorum could you please stand and join me with uh Pledge of Allegiance plge of alance to the flag of the United States of America rep stand One Nation God indivisible and Justice okay at this time call for nominations for the office of President a second is not needed do I have any uh anyone that wants to be nominated for president Mr Brenner have a nomination for Mr Brenner any other nominations hearing none nominations are are closed uh Mrs bord yes Mr Brer yes Mrs cavana yes Mr Chen yes Mr Johnson yes Mrs McBride yes Mr Mills yes this is the wi yes okay congratulations thank you at this time uh I can continue on you choose sure first I'd like to thank you all for your continued confidence in me and being your board president I'm happy to continue if you wish me to and and very you know really appreciate your confidence and in me in continuing to do so thank you and thank [Music] you in the past I've always taken advantage of the fact that Mr Murray begins and can continue the meeting so allow Mr Murray to continue okay at this point in the uh the meeting we call for nomination for the office of Vice President hear any nominations Johnson nominates bck any other nominations hearing none nominations are closed for the office of Vice President Mrs Bardock yes Mr bradner yes Mrs gabana yes Mr Chen yes Mr Johnson yes Mrs MC yes Mr Mills yeah Mrs no wik yes okay we have item any speeches any no I have big shoes to I appreciate support the U the routine portion of the uh the agenda are items B1 through B18 had a chance to read those take a motion for B1 through B18 I'll move hardock I'll second Mr Johnson all those in favor I know exensions motion carries okay and um at this point we have um the appointments item number seven on the agenda know Mr Brer had reached out to everybody to see if there any areas that people might want to serve on we uh the most important one obviously because Mountain Lakes is rely on us to have a board member um if somebody wants to fill that position probably go there first and then take care of any other business I'll take the M hermy wasn't here she was I nominated she didn't show up hi and that's that's A5 okay are there any other appointments that anybody would like to fill the other ones obviously you need somebody for the um Educational Service Commission volunte for that my glasses aren't working today so that is that a a I'll should start with the after that sequential yeah Rand there okay A1 we have a primary and a secondary on the it Foundation if anybody really wants it they can have skip those are on you need some app and those are serving on different boards uh so A1 is for the it foundation so Mr Chen anybody that would like to do an alternate I'll alternate with him again okay then we'll skip down to A3 Home School Association I'll stay on it if anyone doesn't I don't have the current listbody alternate I think CH alter I don't remember I I never alter if you're busy last year theary we alterated both of matter you know what's interesting is last year since Lee was on the board of education for Lake she didn't she also didn't really I guess when she in her she didn't she didn't transmit her any desires to be on home school's La in I mean Lauren and Ben right okay that is A3 a four is the Delegate for the Mars County School boards Association I would like to continue I would for that that's you like was iate for that I'll do that SBA unless someone else would like to do Mars County that was so A6 is now the New Jersey school boards Association again and Alternate you had Ben and you had Grace last time I can do it again or I can do it okay that's A6 A7 is now the township committee I'm happy to hold it unless someone would like to step in I can do the backup okay moving right along A8 is now the Green Team well should we put Liam somewhere here she does like the Green's doing good things so I don't I don't think it's out wa until she be primary ingredient yeah I fig say that again so she's the primary yeah okay and then I will be and then A9 is a representative to the boot Township CAG I okay good very efficient it's really great we don't have any same initials pray for me yeah okay so we have uh filled all the positions A1 through A9 I'll take a motion to approve as we discuss this evening I'll second okay this is a roll call Mrs B yes Mr Brandon yes Mrs C yes Mr Chen yes Mr Johnson yes Mr MC yes Mr Mills yes this is the wi Mo par at this time we are at Open Session number one the public comment period be limited to reorganization agenda item items only please state your name and address for the record all comments are limited to five minutes anybody from the public would like to speak hearing none hearing none open session is closed okay at this point we're at the regular portion of the meeting I think like going to continue you to take over you don't want okay so I see no student represent so there's nothing there no presentation okay administrative reports um since this is just the reor meeting and we'll have a another meeting on the 22nd there's no report for me no report for me no response and we quickly are at the Open Session number two anybody uh additionally from not open session number two is closed no no and I know with the holiday break in there probably no meetings took place or any gon reports anybody wants to report on oh go ahead no no go ahead I don't know what order we're well Mountain Lakes uh we have New Jersey school boards New Jersey school board's next meeting is February 5th it's Au I'm sorry nothing for me done for you and uh February 5th is the nexts count sorry Mars County okay the next Educational Services Commission the Educational Services Commission met an hour before this meeting at 6:30 and I attended a meeting for you and um they had a representative assembly meeting where they approved the rates for the upcoming calendar year they had a regular meeting where they actually approve purchase of build um School they' R for many years that used to be owned by the state of New Jersey now they own okay thank you Mr Brandon the next is the Education Foundation oh is that c you're right you're right the C okay just a quick reminder that the next parent listing night will take place next Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the church church now we at the found Foundation um we'll just give a thanks to theed Foundation for contining to give grants I think it's Mr but tomorrow I believe theaters are going on a special trip that was funded by Foundation to do simulation tomor very cool so thank you foundation for that um and then obviously very musical I think uh auditions are next week and then the musical will be March was the first day 20 21st uh 21st the 23rd I believe March of the actual 15 16 okay the next item is the booten Township School sy so the HSA has not met but the rehearsals start this Friday for the talent show the talent show is January 31st and just a reminder there is a scream still being sold on Thursday at lunch [Music] $2 okay and next item on the agenda is the township committee uh only things is at the township reorganization meeting Tom S Filippo was reelected to Township committee for his third term Brian Honan was elected mayor and Bill kinger as deputy mayor for 2025 and dog licensing is going on during the month of January that's my report thank you very and the last item is the Green Team January you said February February for January yeah you said January did you say January or February I thought I was hoping I said January she heard March and you heard February I got January January this I real quick like February no March real Qui the actually did watch their video they they had a reorganization meeting it was pretty standard they uh went through their committees um they went through all the Liaisons um they swore in their new members and they had some very nice things to say about Mrs herming so I just wanted to thank her for her time there oh so you went to the meeting I didn't I watched it had some nice thing and the the uh board had some nice things to say as well to Mr so that just so that was pretty much uh lee was in the audience she was not actually on because it was a new year so she and is Joan barus president she is okay no same and M Parker is did they get their right in candidates they had some vac they did they read out the total votes and I didn't see them in the audience so I don't know I think they they swore them in I think C but yeah they I think they they oh they they they let everybody know who won the uh how many points each got okay there are no facilities Transportation items next agenda item number 18 Finance we did Finance did not meet because of the the short meeting so okay at this point I will take a motion for finance number one second any discussion those in all in favor any knows exensions motion carries next item on the agenda is Personnel personel meeting then the next item on the agenda is item number 19 personnel number P1 have a motion else any discussion excuse me pretty straight okay uh Mr Bardock yes Mr Brandon yes Mrs Cabana yes Mr Chen yes Mr Johnson yes Mr Bri yes Mr Mills yes Mrs no wi motion carries a program policy uh at this time we are in Open Session number three anybody from the public uh I see by aing no okay at this point I don't know 23 old business any old business to come hearing none old business is closed anything on a new business uh I don't know if it's new but how do we do the committe those are presidential appointment so now that oh not we don't have to no a presidential point so I'm sure you'll be having discussions feed actually if you linger after the meeting for a couple of minutes in groups of four or less um we can quickly discuss a few quick things you know got those smaller groups just remember the things that are probably of a meeting concern we have budgets we have Finance we Personnel item negotiations is coming up so so keep those in mind do we still have a nego new business right um so negotiations we didn't have one technically the finance kind of but then send receive acted as a negotiation do we need one the association would I think we have a negotiations leave it we just hadn't filled it last year yeah we we typically hadn't filled it or last year when we did the Mountain Lakes negotiations we decided we were just going to do everything as a a board but then it ended up that We the finance committee was heavily involved in it you know ended up attending the meetings with L some of the members that have served on the Personnel on the negotiations committee it is you'll have frequent meetings they they get called and the board might have to meet to look at proposals look at different things so that is an important committee that that you will spend some nights final meeting 3 or 4 a.m. when you when you get close final one here so and it's you know it's an exciting uh well for me and I'm there as an advisor but it's it's important for the the board committee because uh you know you are in face Toof face meetings with the association at times um we come to a quick agreement I just wanted to make sure we have the committee but it sounds like we do we just have to fill it yes cre we created the committee and then yeah and it will be important very important to me for the next okay okay and there is a oh yeah I had one other thing um our board certification um as that that we're working towards we need I think two more trainings workshops whatever from New Jersey school boards and they happen to have an advanced copy of our meeting list so I reached out to Shirlene to see if she was available she is available for you know for the next three meetings would it be okay if I scheduled two of those meetings to have some sort of training and if we do that in March we will have the credit you know that we need I think some credits might one credit expires in March or a reason to get it done by March but would you all be amicable to do we need three more or two more two more I'm not sure there two out there right one for and one for regular board no I think we need two for the board certification and then we get that we need after that for the theard yeah that would be great we were one of the first are you talking end of January starting early or starting this February Mar Perhaps Perhaps the January the January 22nd meeting or the mar you know the February March meeting what's the first February meeting um 12 I was going to say which meeting so you have you have January 22nd you have February 12th and March 12th because I was going to say February 5th is the moris County School Board oh yeah yeah so she wouldn't be available as well yeah so she so I did put those three dates out to her and she said I I I'm currently available and I know there's some other boards when they as soon as they get that me thing they're on they're on to Charlene so I I took get do you have a do you have a list of what you need um I I guess what I can do is survey you guys and see what you'd be interested in there's a list on the New Jersey school board's website field service um it's your field service representative like they have a whole list of training but I can also send it out to all of you and just you know let me you know rank your first one two three or four things and then from from what you all respond to we can arrange whatever is most popular [Music] you I guess we would we could start at 6:30 unfortunately although I wouldn't mind if it was 7:30 only because you know my head Services commissioner needs something 12th of February and March and I would miss their meetings if I do start early typically we start at 6:30 unless you guys want to start at 7:30 it would just mean that the regular portion of the start at 8:30 but you're you're way I mean how much do we have for January doing a lot of it now I'm open to later or earlier doesn't matter me work I person prefer 7:30 but I don't right it would help me on I know February March meeting would help me to start Charlene available time 6:30 I think so but do are you all open-ended and whatever comes out of that or I mean I guess I oh I would kind of prefer 7:30 we're do it in February training starting at 7:30 yeah I'm a medical that we go later we go later it's fine 7:30 to 8:30 and then whatever the regular meeting agenda would start at 8: January we'll plan 6:30 thinking I don't know the sounds like 7:30 we're still on the 730 I'm more a [Music] person I know it makes it the night later but we can know usof yes it will next next week an agenda week determine what's going on you know if you feel do you feel that any of those meetings are better or worse for regular meeting agenda items or a bunch of stuff that's Janu we'll be meeting with Finance whoever the finance committee a couple okay so I'll do a quick presentation of those meetings we'll schedule something I'll send an email out hopefully tonight and ask you all what you would like to see you know be trained in and then from that we'll put you know reach out to reach I'll I'll Reserve nights up for her does any have a preference for January February March two of the three days what's the March 12th March 12 it's February 12th get recognized this year we might want to do it sooner yeah so January J last meeting Count's last meeting is of the year but it's around that when did they do the recog April March April yes say and that might give us a buffer there's poor weather men something when we were speaking last year um our boards were um communicating with each other um we could possibly consider enjoy getting about links to do training we both get hour I don't know if that works but we get the hour at the same time I just a thought people try that any okay does it have to be a public meeting we're all together the same that we did the certification of the thing right like just has to anytime you have one people yeah okay thank you any other items for new business I have one question from Mr have you received any correspondence around Morris County School boards on some her yes out to yep okay perfect because typically they come through the um leaves on as well and I haven't seen anything so I wanted to make sure you got something just got it this week okay that was a last year c i not to s next year we both do later this year leave after we stayed the whole time very long sever hours three plus hours not that I kept Tru but um it is a great night and last year was the first time that Morris County had every school in The District in in the in the county represented oh wow um Plus hours College of mors right yeah was in the College of Mor they had in the auditorium they had the the somebody would come up from the school the administrator generally or teacher say did it last year yeah you did and then it was it was great and everybody got so really great photo on Facebook um you said it usually come through well last year I sent the recommendation to Chris um because they were kind of or maybe it was just the way they approached it last year they were kind of surveying the leison you know orse County from the different boards and so I remember mentioning something to Chris I can't remember if he said he had already gotten something too oh okay um but I wanted to make sure cuz I haven't seen anything this year to make sure that it skipped you guys okay so I'll also for a to you see what they s me that's fine and then it's up to you you'll make whatever the process is in the in the um information the recommendation thank you exciting anything else for the nothing well thank you for the opportunity to let me run the meeting and want any other early meeting okay with that I will take a motion to adjourn the meeting move any discussion I those in favor no is or exstension motion carries meeting is adjourned J