##VIDEO ID:akcpIR5Rilk## ready okay I would like to call this meeting to order this is a regular session of the boot Township Board of Education held for the purpose of transacting appropriate board business in compliance with chapter 231 LS of 1975 the noce of this meeting was advertised in the Mars County Daily Record copies of the agenda of this meeting or appr posted May available to the F Mrs Bardock here Mr brander here Mrs Cabana Mr Chen here Mrs hermy here Mr Johnson here Mrs McBride here Mr Mills Mr wi also present Mr superintendent principal and I see Christopher ill par representative from M Lake we have a thank you please stand for the pledge allegiance I pledge allegiance to the F of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible withy and justice for all at this time we're going to quickly modify our agenda ever so briefly and go into a very very brief and closed session and I would like to ask for a motion to enter into executive session to discuss issues that weren't confidenti yes pered Act ch31 of 1975 these matters may or may not be made public when the board reconvenes they will be made public in conf subject is no longer warranted the topic of discussion is that we T Mountain Lakes tuition agreement negotiations and there will be lots of action taken when we reconvene mainly the entire agenda may have that motion please I'll move is there a second second all those in favor say hi thank you and for those that are not part of the board if we if we could ask you just to wait in the hallway just for a very very brief moment and we we won't be long thank you probably does pick that up okay it is it is 7:54 p.m. we have returned from our our close session and at this time uh I would like to read a very brief statement and we are uh pleased to announce that the negotiations committees from both of Bart districts been BR Township and Mountain Lake School Districts uh recently reached a t of agreement on our tuition uh our tuition our districts are working out the final details and we hope to approve an agreement at an upcoming meeting shortly and uh I want to thank all the folks that were involved our our our finance and negotiations committee and all the rest of the board because they have been involved every step of the way from beginning to end and I want to thank you all for all your hard work and we're very enthusiastic and happy to move forward so thank you and with that I would like to uh introduce Dr Kelly Hart our assistant principal who is going to do a presentation on the 2023 New Jersey SLA results I I want to begin to guess it the acronym all right a quick overview just many of you I'm sure have heard this F before um we take the njsla which is our state standardized testing uh 3 grades 3 through eight for both Ela and math and then in grades 5 and eight for science our njsla model as just a reminder we go through level one through five one being um not yet meeting expectations and moving through level five exceeding gr level expectations so obviously we're looking to move into the four and five in as many areas as we can the njsla science only uses four levels so when you see those scores just keep in mind level five all right so moving right into our big numbers we have a lot to celebrate our students performed well uh in all of the content areas compared to our state um our state scores and also compared to their C- boards from previous years so um some of the things that you're looking at I know it's a lot of members on one page but uh things to celebrate so we have um comparison between 2023 and 2024 in ones and twos you want to see zeros or as close to it as we can get because those are where you want to see your lower numbers so um celebrating that in grade three in grade five in grade seven and even across all the grades you have very few kids in level one in ela which is a really great um a great place to kind of sit in and then you see that in level two in ela you have still very few children so as we move forward in our um kind of like the Continuum of njsla scores we're moving as many kids as we can into levels four and five which is really where they should be um as we talk about and look at scores there are some things to also remember which we do have our um enrollment numbers in our community we just want to keep in mind that our enrollment PR gr level is relatively low compared to other communities so sometimes you could see numbers that are I'm going to call them nominal um but when you look at like a 1.2% or like a minus 1.4 that could be because you had grade level numbers changes we actually don't have I don't think any grade levels in District that would be 1% so that just means that from the previous year there might be less students or more students in that in that grade evand so while this is really great data to look at just kind of keep that perspective in mind to look at where we're achieving but there Al there are also some things to really celebrate so you want to see again increasing numbers um plus 26% is huge there's no way that's just because of grade level changes that's great and same thing here at the 11.9% in grade 7 so I apologize for these being small and certainly these will also be posted know that these percentages are with on the previous page so there's nothing new or different um as we get as we move forward into our presentation we'll talk a little bit about what link it is and how that's going to really benefit the district moving forward um link it creates these wonderful spreadsheets that show us uh all sorts of different things about data but this kind of shows us in a very quick picture that our students are performing you want to see green green is great um and that we're moving forward in a really positive way here we have our subgroup so again uh something else to keep in mind we can only report on sub groups that are great G than 10 students so um you know we we do have small subgroups here today that said there is a lot of equity among our subgroups in the district so we're meeting uh all students equitably uh whether it's in different cultures their academic needs are doing that this is really cool so I'm going to get to the next slide but when you look at populations of students there's a lot of equery as well um when you look at our special education and general education population this is great so this is something to really celebrate we're still moving in a in a forward motion we have things in place this year we're really seeking to support our special education students with additional programming but that said this increase in achievement is a great thing to see we want to see it continuing um this is the global entire School District from 22 23 and 24 our general education cooperation is also on that upward increase so those are some you know we want to see to Mobility that's you know that means our programs are working okay male to female thinking this is just pointed out Equity so we're we're meeting the needs of both male and female students with our programs they're you know relatively consistent in sub groups so moving right into math again same things to celebrate so as we look at our 2024 levels we are seeing low numbers in our level one and level two and higher numbers as we get to four and five something to keep in mind with our math programming is that um we know there was a shift uh that all students took geometry and that this year we've already addressed that and the that our students are taking algebra so programming wise I think you're going to see that next year and I'm preparing for this year for the for the shift in that um that data that you will see slightly different numbers we see more students withing algebra one um the only area that kind of I would say is like my red slide is that geometry piece but we're already addressing that so that's a great thing to kind of think through moving forward again there's a lot to so you have greatrees here and students moving to level four and level five so we're seeing that shift across the math as well lots of things so again this is this is where kind of my my eye was drawn um great performance in Algebra 1 but that's because of the students taking it's a very small population of students just SCH pretend that this was kind of the extra course we've split flop that for this year which I do think our students going into Mountain Lakes High School will be very prepared for their math courses um and then again you see a lot of of GRE moving forward there are still smaller areas to address within our math curriculum um but we are seeing at least consistency and and you know High colge among students same thing in our sub group population there's like relative consistently in small groups of students um both culturally and also um this is our special education in general education population so um those sub groups again it doesn't always look like impressive scores in in the sense that like we would love to see these numbers keep moving up but when you look at their achievement as a whole group there is award mobility and we just want to see those numbers keep rising and again so this number is less concerning to me because 1% might mean one one student or maybe even less than that but we certainly want to see that keep moving the geometry change will likely address I would imagine next year so um I have a lot of of really strong confidence in our teachers who made great programming recommendations and having seen some of their instructional practices putting some great things in place to keep moving through forward and consistency among our male and female populations oops all right and then moving into science so these the the thing to be warned about with our science scores is that they are low across the state so we know that what we're looking at when you even compare our levels um we have more students than far more than the state achievement level so I would have questions about maybe uh the validity of that test for for kids if that's as low as the state um level is but that said our students are achieving like much higher than um you know than where the state is so we're still seeing increased numbers in levels three and four lower numbers than one and two as well our fifth grade has a lot to celebrate there too again this is also keeping in mind um it's tough sometimes with the science scores because there's so many years between achievement that you can't you know compare fifth grade to e8th grade just isn't always the most exciting thing to to hear but um certainly our students are performing well we have you know programmatic things to address there as well but um overall between uh what we're seeing here and the programming that we're seeing with our science teachers I think you know this year we'll see some goow there as well so what was do you have the state averages like what they're coming up the same things there's Equity there's relative Equity we know that the scores in science were low so am I alarmed by a large number of like in the yellow compared to Green I'm not alarmed by it would I love to see green go up of course everybody would um again so you're still seeing an increase there are not zero special education students but that number is too small to report for this year because it's only Fifth and eth grade so you don't see quite the same know upward movement but overall we're relatively consistent consistency between male and female [Music] population all right so here's some comparisons at State levels I will say this is because this is the state template is a little repetitive so keep mind as well but you're looking between the changes in level one compared to the state so um certainly our numbers in one and two where for those numbers to be decreasing or consistent and again and then the number of students in each of those areas also can impact that and then we're looking for the changes in form five to go up so there are definitely things to celebrate with that 26% um and the 11.9% is huge compared to the state overall most of these numbers and as we get to the next slides I can show you total nums as well one of the other things to keep in mind as we're comparing changes in state data is that when you're at a higher number your changes are going to be different among State there's less room for change um this is the comparison between us and the state just in the changes from levels in one and two and then in four and five so to kind of like skin down you can see that here there are definitely some different from the seate and then C so before we get to the the last piece um this tells us our numbers of students so you can see like 26 to 48 is almost notable um when you look across grade levels like that 22 it's it's a tough number to kind of compare because you're looking at widely different populations of kids so that just kind of gives you a perspective of you know this this is a little bit more B difference is less so some statistical analysis tell you like okay just keep that in the back of your head as we looking at data that sometimes unfortunately we can't make the claims we want to claim because our our num of students change pretty drastically this gives a piece this is the same numbers um the big difference here is looking at the algebra numbers and the geometry numbers again that's going to change again next year more science numbers okay all right so this is where this is a little bit better for me to explain to you about as far as comparing to state level so when you look at really 24 numbers in level one our numbers are almost pretty close to zero right you're looking at Z to 3.8 being the highest at the state level and level one you're looking at numbers from 10 to point so already in level one we're like whoa we're doing it right and then in you get to level two you still have that same um where we're lower than the state average when you get up to I'm going to kind of skip over level three it's hard to say level three if you're moving kids out of one and two we theyig up so then you have four and five we're significantly higher in every area across the LA in um in level four and in level five okay and then same thing when we get to this just as the piece that we talked about with math being we don't have a math eight we have Jonathan algebra um when you get to math it's the same kind of Trends what we're seeing at our district level were so much lower um in the beginning even then geometry which is great um but as you move forward we see that the geomy starts to kind of came out so we know that that programmatic change is defended by this data that's kind of like you're aable um and then as we get into four and five until ger walk out but the um the rest of the SC we still outperforming this level five so we see that um same thing the Alp form in almost all the areas and we get to that Al geometry kind of blockiness but knowing that that's being addressed is great um and then we have our science scho so this is where this is like a real wild celebration moment so when you take a look at our science scores you see that we're lower than the state in ones and twos but we're not just higher than the state in in the fors area we're higher than the state by 20 and 40% which is huge um so that's you know where you kind of say all right we we want to have programmatic change but our level of Excellence is so far different than this state that I depend more and looking at our internal measures of of measuring Excellence then compared to what this is telling us we want to exceed higher than and frankly that's very similar to ELA and Ma okay so that brings us to all the things we're celebrating and also we're going to get into the stuff it's really exciting and what we're doing about it um but we talked a little bit about the 26% increase in the fifth grade the 11.9% increase in GLA in 7eventh grade um some pretty significant decreases in levels one and two in third grade and uh 14.3% and levels 1 and two in fifth grade you see an overall decrease in percent of students in level one and two um overall increase in four and five and then the cool part is when you start to really dive into dating with individual students you see overall achievement and that we're going kind of that upward that upward moement all kids are learning we're not un learning which is great so when you're looking at cohorts of students we're also seeing that upward Mobility from your near um and then certainly celebrating an equitable performance among Sub sub groups of students in mathematics there's a ton of things to be proud of some of them again at 11.5% of students inre in grade three at level four and five and 88.5% in grade fifth grade at 45 6% in seventh grade and then the decreases in third grade and gr you have an overall decrease again in that one and two level will moving is upward which is that the whole goal um you have consistency and student achievement from the previous year which is great so we're not again kids aren't un learning I hope not uh and then increase achievement that special ed piece is a big piece as well so seeing that incre increased achievement we know that we made a lot of moves already to improve programming we're going to keep doing that we're making great strides there um and then that Equitable performance among sub groups of students so things for celebrating science that no students in level one in fifth grade you had a a 133% increase meeting the exceeding expectations in grade five we've outperformed the state by 40% in fifth grade and by 20% in eth grade It's s in the pH great things celebrate um and then again that Equitable performance among the sub groups of students okay so here's a really fun part what are we doing about it so I know that I haven't ventured very long and I certainly can't take ownership over the great things to celebrate but I can be really proud of the things that we're moving towards um we've already established some things that we saw needed to be addressed and part of that is when you have this great data we want to see additional great sources of data being put into place so um we've moved towards a response to intervention model uh in support of imrs and what that means is that we're going to be using more data and we're going to be supporting specific groups of data to meet the needs of individual students so we know that we have cohorts of very small numbers of students rather than looking at the group a whole we're really in in a small community able to look at individual students and what their learning goals are so um this model is letting us do that we've already established a data team to come up with the best things to be PR the intervention strategies we're working with uh teachers and Team level meetings um and then we're working to better support students through our Eis [Applause] program through all of this we've also identified that there are great things we can do for specific groups of children to make them really learn all the things that they need to and keep continue to move forward we're looking at the students that are general education that are struggling specifically special education students and what programs we can uh adopt to better suit them and we've also taken a clear look at multilingual Learners and establishing that are plans to put in place to um to support their continued learning and achievement and you heard me say link it and I will at some point IA be made fun of for my love for link it but all teachers are um diving in and you may have heard you have students here if you heard from other parents that they are taking a benchmark assessment and the cool part about is it does um correspond with njsla and giving us indicators that point to their success on the on thisise test but the cooler part is that it also shows us how they achieve in each standard so when you get back that information from Ela and math and also where it be playing in science as well we're going to have very specific information on how to dive in and really meet students where they're at and push them to that next learning goal so when we said okay our scores are you know looking pretty good what else can we do we want to know more about what our kids don't um and how we can continue to move them forward so these benchmark assessments are going to be uh hugely impactful to their education um and the other cool pieces to is that gives us the awareness so we've established that there were already great measures in place here um very quick label teachers are doing the thing now we're putting it in one place and looking at multiple measures across uh every student to see how we can make those you know data pieces connect to really Drive instruction so um this is going to be really cool I'm I'm personally excited but I think I hope teachers are as excited as I am uh to kind of really get that going and then we know additional program updates so we're not making sweeping changes or anything like that but we know already that there is that algebra shift in place so keep that in the back of your head um we're certainly going to continue to focus on implementation of the ELA standard and the of reading and uh the other piece that kind of coordinates with with the integration of of U our data warehouse is that we've adopted additional Early Learning screeners so what that tells us is by the time a student gets to third grade isn't going to be the first time we're taking a benchmark or the first time that they're getting njsla for with a new kindergarten screener that more formalizing and some other practices that we're putting into place for our early Learners we're going to be able to address their learning needs before it gets to the point of of measuring I'm done that thank you so much than you question on the science it comes up like every year you had mentioned the validity of the test in your opinion is it just is it just a bad test science teacher so like I have so many opinions and I don't want to overshare but I think I don't know if that it's bad it definitely measures standards there's some there's some things with within the standards that um depending on what grade level students are in specific information is it most indicative of their success as a science student seems like they're are really high yeah like yeah and it might to me like that should be something St should look at especially if we're out pering by 40% and we're only getting 56% like that doesn't make sense um so that that would be my take on it but certainly you know is it valid I think the questions that they ask our still questions and our students could certainly you know we can Target SK still from that so it gives us information that's valuable but as far as a percent thank you and at this point uh I would like to introduce our new student representative Chris IL he's our student representative from m l high school and welcome I want to introduce everybody U I'm Chris I'm senior M High I graduated here I class 2021 so it's great to be back and I consider an honor to be the B L's representative um for this year so a lot of things been going on in not Lakes um so last week we had classic 2028 had their freshman Field Day organized by senior advisor Mr palach they did Senior Games with peer leaders as well as coach Glen and then they all had uh Pizza and celebrated a good kickoff to their freshman year and then Friday the Mountain Lakes class of 2025 had their senior picnic coach Flynn again organized games for the seniors created a big 25 on the turf with all Mountain Lakes Senior uh students took photos for a senior superlatives and I went for a pizza picnic afterwards special shout outs to miss gesp and Mr Meritt organizing such a fun time for the class of 2025 this Friday the fourth annual Wellness Fair will be taking place students will be able to go to visit multiple stands to get info about nutrition mental health holistic care meet with Wellness experts and talk to them directly and it's a really great time Friday is our Mountain Lake senior night for Mountain Lakes herd football as well as breast cancer awareness as well as a celebration of life tribute to band director Miss Mar who battled her lifelong Battle of cancer and pass away last year in August of 2023 and then college fair next week I'm M Lakes High School 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. with seniors and juniors well over 60 colleges will be in attendance from Ruckers Delaware Florida Rhode Island South Carolina vir Virginia Tech those are a few and then a whole bunch of others and it's a great especially seniors who filling out College apps they'll be able to meet the representatives asking questions and um so that will be taking place also like to acknowledge following students who took who earned the National Merit Society Megan Donnelly Harry Jolson Max KH William Murphy kinoi Ira sha Rohan chef Dennis Shan and we have finalist Andre Lee Eddie Lynn and Gabby Ramirez so that is what has been going on at not great well thank you very very much really appreciate it I'm welcome to the board event meeting and what we tell all of our student reps like if you have somewhere else you need to be homework to do we will not be offended if you leave at this point we can prob come much longer than we typically would though um with our our what we preceded but you're welcome to it's all good no problem you're also we won't be offended voice thank you and with that we have four bues motions one and two um I'll move is there a second I'll second and any questions comments or discussion a chance to last meeting I think there needs to be for board go number one okay line um reeval back up a little bit reevaluate Implement a plan to best meet the long range facilities safety and infrastructure needs of the district and the first line is to gain an understanding of community objectives not objections that too [Music] discussion yes now you you [Music] changed it actually it might [Music] that'ss and what we needed to understand why didn't pass of the ref okay sorry so they only change really actually I think we need to understand the objections to understand the the objective but the posit the positivity is appreciated yes so uh let's see so so at this point the consensuses just change the last piece of board goal number one to to change District needs to needs of the district is that is that correct okay so may have a any other discussion on the board Ard District gos and if not well then we'll make if someone would make a motion to make that change is there a second second oh favor say I I anyone opposed and now on the table or the board of District goals as corrected any other questions comments or discussion and if not the question is on the adoption of board business motions one and two to being modified as we just voted upon U this is all those in favor say I I anyone oppos say no any extensions that brings us to administrative report starting with the business administrative report secretary's report Mr Murray okay thank is brender just a couple of items the 25 26 10 Bud excuse me budget schedule um I will hand it out as I do each year [Applause] [Applause] okay so we are it's hard to believe that we're talking about the 25 26 but we're getting into budget season um it includes an just an overview of where we uh where we start and we sort of end up September and October is is really data gathering information gathering November December we have received back the input from the teachers staff December uh we start putting all those budget requests together January the finance committee you know Begins the meet we look at preliminary budgets we look at enrollment we look at Staffing some of those other needs um out of District um tuition and so forth February is really we really get into uh public comment and uh we start making presentations on the preliminary budgets um we don't have the election calendar yet as of today so so um I put in a couple of tenative dates basically in um March April the board will approve ten budgets County Superintendent approves it in mid April and then our public hearing would be in May and that would be the last opportunity for uh the board to make any changes before uh before it's approved so and again a lot of the input U comes from the administration we talked about enrollment staing needs and so forth building the budget and then we start our meeting with finance committee as we have you know some meeting tatoes that will be discussed uh the finance committee already met on some other matters we talked about a summer roof project that um we would be using uh utilizing capital reserve funds um I met with the architect virtually met with the architect and the roofing consultant to talk about the problem areas we think preliminarily it's looking at the the wing that goes down from I guess the fish tank if everybody knows it all the way down to the end of the building that would address number of leaks that we've been able to patch over the years so summer roof project the fall reports October is the month of all the snapshots the asssa and the uh Transportation report is what our state aid is based on so they're doe in November we're Gathering all information from that October 15th snapshot uh the boilers were turned on this week due to some chillier temperatures um there were no leaks to rep at this point but there is one check Val that has to be replaced and we discussed that in finance um let's see the two 2023 audit uh I do have the draft uh the auditor will be presenting at the November meeting that's the November 20th um where the board would accept it so she'll have maybe a brief presentation so we'll have that as an agenda item and there is a bus Evac evacuation drill or semiannual drill which is scheduled for next week that's all I have report okay great thank you that brings us to the superintendent's report Mr patini uh first off thank you to Dr Hart for one presentation I appreciate it once again thank you to Dr Hart because last week was the week of respect as part of the week of respect students were acknowledged for their acts of kindness and the list of accommodations are to come but all students sign a pledge of respect during lunch and Dr Hart was instrumental in um creating activities for the for the students in the classrooms um let me see uh everyone dressed for success as we had extra day last week on this past Monday October 14th Dr Brad seagull and I met iour Mountain Lake Schools met with the faculty and the administration and we began planning for our upcoming joint presentation on conflict resolution and social emotional learning this past week we also um met with the special education parent advisory group we uh RVs hosted uh a meet and greet and it was a wonderful time where parents met all of our child study team members and I also wanted thank Dr Hart and Danielle Morgan gr for Morgan for uh creating coverage and so all the special education teachers could join us and as well as the child study team members so um we're looking forward to having that on a kind of semiannual basis this week started our parent teacher conferences and tomorrow will be the evening conferences next week will be the book fair and our website provider Presence by Frontline will no longer be supporting websites and therefore we're going to migrate to a new website host in the upcoming calendar year more to come on that uh this Friday is the trunk Retreat uh hope to see you all there I'll be there I think I'm judging and um I also like to congratulate Dr Hart for securing a position as superintendent principal of fre Township starting in January uh we posted the position online had over 60 applicants come through and we'll begin the process of screening and interviewing candidates um we met with our faculty to discuss the njsla scores as well as inform them on our progress with linkit the student council has been meeting regularly and also the academic poll met last week we have our widda testing training complete so we have uh someone a staff member that is um I guess you could say certified to uh provide that type of testing for any students in need who have uh English not as their native language our full sports teams are entering the final leags of the season so please come out support our athletes who work so hard uh for cross country uh every runner in the county competes against every other athlete in their grade level last year there were 810 students who participated across three grade levels and that's uh that was third that's this Thursday October 17th and we have uh championship team races the top five Runners and two alternates from each team will compete in a three division championship race race for the overall first place Trophy and banner held at Greystone Central Park on 91 Central Avenue and Mars Plains also on Thursday October 24th we have group one boys and girls uh and the distance is 28 M which is about 1.7 miles for boy soccer on Monday the 21st there's a quarterfinal game Bo Township versus Mount Arlington at the RV fields at 4:00 Monday Monday the 28th is the semi-final game and details to follow uh after the results of the previous games girl soccer Monday 20 21st is the quarterfinal game it's boen Township versus Mount Arington again at RBA Fields 4:00 St time and Friday October 25th is the semi-final game versus details to F best wish to all our student athletes and to the coaches thank you very much that conclud my report great thank you very very much and you will had a chance to read the nurses report student attendance report staff attendance report and that brings us to conations Mr as part of the week we respect the following students were acknowledged for their acts of kindness Claire Kenny Mikey Curran Kyler Vander Johnny Cony Dean costantino Stone Raa and Roco reano many thanks to Dr Hart for spearheading last week's week of respect with a variety of activities that stress respect kindness and Community many thanks to Mrs Morgan Roth the child study team and special education instructors for the informative open house held last week much appreciation to those who came out to learn about our services and Falcons of the month for October congratulations to in fifth grade Amber woo in sixth grade emis and seventh grade Justin pich and 8ighth grade meta a Falcons of the month are students that exhibit a dedication to learning leadership skills great attitude and strong character traits will promote a positive School climate thank you great thank you very much and you all also had a chance to read correspondence one and two so that brings us to open session number one the first public comment period will be limited to agenda items only the second public comment period will be open topic please be mindful that public comment periods are available to enable the public to get comments and feedback to the board personal matters and day-to-day operations are not appropriate subjects for board meetings these could always be most effectively resolved with appropriate staff members or administrators according to the chain of command concept questions may be directed to the appropriate School Personnel Board through email please state your name and address for the record all comments are limited to 5 minutes does anyone from the public wish to address the board on agenda items this time there be no one we will move into Lees on report starting with the email from lak Board of Education okay um they recently met on October 7th and unfortunately I wasn't able to attend that meeting but I have some highlights to share um many which um had said um about they had presentation and recognition of the national mer um Scholars um and then do Mr stles gave um a synopsis of the AP scores um and so um highlights from the AP scores is that even though their enrollment is declining they're they're actually taking more a test than ever before so um they basically have one and eight students in the high school achieving a 3.5 so it's U it's very impressive um they um they just looking through I mean in general there was they're highlighting pretty much there there's been favorable results in in all aspects from English to um even computer science which was a little bit of conern they double the number of students that were taking the exam um and uh strong yeah strong results in English and social studies as well as St um the only area that was a little bit off was French um only four took the test so U I think they 12 students enrolled in in for took the test but 100% received the free vot so um that's uh oh Al another option that in AP is that there self-studies so wherever they're they don't offer an AP class students are allowed to self study and take a test and that's new so um four students took um the Chinese to took pre preal and one student took psychology so um and they all scored as well um so the Mr stles also attended um a college admissions workshop and um continuing to focus there's a continued focus on AP scores and that they're gaining more weight than just SATs and acts like maybe not more than them but comparatively they're giving a lot more clout in the College admission process through the um so they're focusing um High School's focusing on training the teachers train like five to six teachers a year on the AP classes and we'll rotate them manually and try to continue supporting AP programs um there was an announcement about Len Town shipping agreement they were pleased to inform that we have a tenative agreement in place um and they would like to continue the outstanding relationship between the two districts and they very much appreciated um board committees from both District to um work them in negotiations um the super attendant um mentioned that he's excited also to move forward with a partnership with Township and he's been developing a nice relationship with Mr and um collaborating with CI in upcoming presentation um they also um had a district CAC monitoring there was a report on CC monitoring um and how did they do with their their their qac was good um they I think it's in like relative the the placement results that they got for qac under instruction and program was 88% um where every other thing area of fiscal management governance operations and Personnel were all in the 99 90% so they are looking at reasons why that was and I'm working on that so that's their area to improve um and uh there's coffee talks coming up with the superintendent the next one and they just had one um on October 9th the next one December 3rd and the regarding facilities was continued progress with the cafeteria and the auditorium and um they're asking all community members to not bring pets on campus during school events um that's pretty much it the Highlight from great thank you that brings us to New Jersey school boards Association which is Ben Ben is not here uh I guess I can report that Workshop 2024 is next week Monday to Thursday for those that are going and even if you did not go I think our board is signed up where you can access the um materials for any any of the offerings that they have there as well you can download them and sometimes they're posted after the presentations but there many are posted before so you know it's always a great experience to go there if you're able to and you can learn a lot network with other folks get ideas and it's a it's it's a good good learning experience and that brings us to Mars County Schools Association I can report on it to you yeah I was just going to say I kind of gave a preview um last time um very if you attended you're welcome to um you know go into a little bit more detail but I did want to just announce um before you do that and I think we talked about this last that Matt's Board of Education did get the Carl Carol e lson Master board certification so um got the board certification I'm sorry board certification sorry yeah board certification thank you for that um and I think we talked a little bit about doing some training this year and I know you're probably looking into that um post meeting before you give the update we sent out a lot of information and folders and different attachments um the newly aison is is really quite good Robert as Sarah correctly so I'll go through some of those materials and Sh thank you so yeah the last meeting was held on October 2nd at the Panic high school and conveniently Panic pinic Township Board actually did receive their got it their Carol lson Master board certification and then there several other boards they received their board certifications my neighbor Neighbors Kon Long Hill mum Township Mountain Lakes uh netcon uh and you Char school and I had the opportunity to run to Jo barus at the meeting and they also had some presentations on Mental Health Resources for school districts and I think you did go through these as I'm working through it at the last meeting yeah yeah yeah yeah um but um it it was a it's these are also very good events to go to um they're usually held locally they used to for many yourself at the end of the boulevard at the the Mansion but they are move they are actually rotating around so you know so everyone in the county can take advantage and not anyone's put out you know driving one way or the other um but they always put on some great great presentations Mars county has a great reputation in New Jersey for being one of the most active County associations and doing the most and our last two uh njsba presidents came from Mars County um uh Irene the from botin and and currently U Dr Corina from mville so um so we uh they have they put some great great things and I encourage you all to go if you're able to and with that the Educational Services Commission two more things I'm sorry the next meeting is on December 4th and the topic it's in Mar Town creating and effective board culture governance collaboration and mentorship so that might be one that um others on the board might be interested in and then also we have an upcoming deadline um stini this is um I'm going to put this on your radar and I'll share information as I receive it um March 5th is the deadline for nominations for Morris County School boards Association unson Heroes and we had our first unson hero last year um so as I received more information to share great thank you very much and that brings us to the Educational Services Commission of Mars County um their meeting was last Wednesday I was not able to attend um but according to their agenda they mostly did routine business but one uh out of the ordinary thing they did do last uh week was they um uh created a new position for assistant superintendent and they appointed someone to that position and that brings us to the township special education current Advisory Group um RS CAC held its first session of the new school year yesterday during which new new officers were elected our CA now has two Co presidents Miss Amelia andine and miss waren during the meeting it was evident that everyone present was excited about the new steps being taken up RVs to improve the educational outcomes for student requiring Special Care um there is a renewed interest from parents in becoming more involved in your children's addal process this shift is clearly School leadership and the noticeable change in the school cultures and approach to special education everyone's deeply grateful for the actions taken by the new superintendent and the director of special education services Mrs um Danielle Morganroth as these steps align with best practices Wily recognized in the field and from the upcoming events the the next c c meeting will take place on November thank [Music] you Church great thank you that brings us to the bo Township Education Foundation oh uh no substantial updates the U tickets for their fall thank you meeting I think it's tomorrow tomorrow G I just know yeah 17 yes tomorrow tomorrow and uh Dr SE will be coming as well which is exciting we've never had um L superintendent very um if uh here is it yeah sorry I should check my it is I have eight that doesn't necessarily mean it was created by me sometimes I give myself an Roe way [Applause] [Music] 9:00 [Music] a.m. that's my superintendent's round table thank you and let's see that brings us to the Rockway Valley Home School Association Okie doie so they're preparing really in the fundraising mode right now so we are preparing for the holiday Boutique um a wreef sale a pie holiday bake sale and then obviously to Echo Mr fai's comment The Book Fairs next week and then the big showcase fundraiser this year F run they that's that it excellent thank you us to the T for okay um center around voting all voting will be at the usual voting location the municipal building at 155 powerville Road early voting begins on Saturday October 26 and runs through Sunday November 3rd early voting is 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Sundays it's till 6:00 p.m. on Election Day the polls are open from 6:00 a.m. till 8:00 p.m. there will be voter park there will be a voter parking shuttle for voter convenience um everyone's urg to take advantage of the early voting to avoid any inconvenience on Election Day any questions can be directed to the municipal clerk 97342 42 how do the yeah where the I don't know you've driven the new this is from what I understand cuz the entrance is new right it's opposite but when you park up and back I from what I understand there's going to be a little golf cart shut because it's it's up and back there's really no parking thought a village or something back [Music] and Sh but again if you take advantage of the early voting you don't have to worry about any of the busy on Election folks keep asking us is it in the the trailer theaa many people been asking is that the new municipal building that we see now or no zero chaps dollar that's good sounds exciting with the boot and Township at at the um at the last meeting there were um eight girls that received their silver them seven of them were RBS graduates from last year thank you for your service well well oh thanks that was my kids that went out but that I had my ninth graders and I'm thank you it sounds exciting I want to wait till a Lun day and try that shuttle let us know how it go to bar and with that the boot and tach of green teames I well thanks to the carts um we have winterized the um um and one of my kids and we um we D the garden last weekend for one3 and we were done in like an hour and a half and uh it was beautiful and all the are out yeah it was beautiful so you just take out plants from the year yeah took out all the plants and they root a til and like irated the soil we got rid of one of the compost FS that weren't being used and that already connec thank you and that brings us to facilities and exportation there no motions I don't believe anys which then brings us to finance which yeah the finding committee met on Monday um the topics were largely the items the the standard items that you see on the agenda but the the big one Mr muray already mentioned was talking about the starting the the replacement on the roof in that one section and then we had a L of discussion about facilities in general and just kind of picking up again now um you know what needs to be done from the facility long-term plan and and see what we need so uh just a good discussion on that and what to come I guess between facilities and finance great thank you and with that may have a motion for finance motions 1 through six I'll move is there a second Mr Murray has to call this any questions for discussion okay if not the questions on the adoption of Finance motions 1 through six all those in favor say I I I anyos say no any exensions that consist Personnel the personel Comm did this morning yep so just an overview we talked about the assistant principal job description and the ph and you know the status of that and then status of substitute po of teachers thank you and with that may have a motion for personal motions one through three is there a second second thank you any questions comments or discussion if not the questions on the adoption of personal motions 1 through three this is a roll call Mrs B yes Mr Brandon yes Mr yes Mr Chen yes Mrs hery yes Mr Johnson yes Mr McBride yes Mrs Wier yes thank you that brings us to program curriculum the program curriculum committee did meet yesterday morning uh we did discuss the njsla results and Dr Hart gave us a preview of the presentation that you saw tonight was excellent presentation once again thank you and we also uh Mr also discussed the coordination with uh Dr seagull regarding the District calendars for our district so he's uh working now to to establish calendars hopefully they're very consistent between two districts with a great working relation relationship and we also talked about canvas the use of canvas at the in within the school district and with that we have a motion for progs one two and three move is there a second a second any questions comments or discussion and if not the questions on the adoption of program motions 1 through three all those in favor say I I anyone oppose say no any extensions and that brings us to policy the policy can be met recently yes um last week and we went over the job description for superintendent principal um we really truly compared line by line our Poli our description compared to the new year of school boards and we really thought we found some differences but there wasn't a lot there was two lines um which we integrated other than that we adopted or agreed to job description for the New Jersey school boards other than we added the affirmative action officer I believe was it um we add that section to the description other than that that's what we discussed and um that was all thank you and with that may have a motion for policy motion number one I'll second and uh is there any questions comes from discussion there's no need to P that one if not the questions on the adoption of policy motion number one all those in favor say I I anyone oppose say no any extensions and that brings us to the second public comment period the second public comment period will be open to any topic please be mindful the public comment period are available to enable the public to get comments and feedback to the board personal matters and day-to-day operations are not appropriate subjects before meetings please can always be most effectively resolved the approprate staff members or administrators according to the CH plan concept questions may be direct Ed to the appropriate School Personnel or board through email please state your name and address for the record and all comments are limited to 5 minutes would anyone from the public wish to address the board on any matter there being no one we'll move into Old business is there any old business that come before the board if not which I think do I have any old business um I can probably mentioned that upcoming in consistent with our board and District goals um if you're with all of your you know approval uh if I schedule shy Peterson to do some New Jersey school boards training at November or December meeting if you're all okay you know I can go ahead and schedule that um I um I think we already came up with an idea for what it was going to be but I forgotten do you have a list from last year that still kind of knocking away I think it was the lab B negotiations coming so I think they they offer a training for like labor negotiation so um so I think that was that came up in Prior discussion so if if you're all okay I can possibly arrange that for November December and also I guess it would be all business I I I have to send out an email to all of you to ask for volunteers for the the ad hoc negotiations committee to negotiate with the toship Education Association with the contract expires at the June of 2025 so I'll be doing that shortly and then that process probably may or may not start November December January but just to have a group in place and ready to go um to do you want us to email you if you're interested sure I'll I mean I'll ask you but if you do that in advance that's okay too want to tell you we're not or not or not yes or you can respond or not and I think that's all the old business I have is there any new business to come before the board is um I just wanted to put some table Fe On um I thought it would be amazing if we could offer our students additional opportunities for extracurricular involvement particularly opportunities that that are just free of charge not you know not something that apparently have to pay for and um I thought about tapping into um I'm sure there are a lot of people in this neighborhood are just um experts in your field they have amazing skills practical knowledge practical skills they they do interesting things in their lives see people who you know are excellent of sing cooking um people who program people who do gardening people who play instruments people who can who teach yoga um and so I thought about um basically mobilizing these people and inviting them to volun their time and their knowledge and their and their um skills for our students and um I thought about reaching up to the community u a survey and and seeking individuals like that I don't I don't know if there would be there would be volunteers but I just wanted to kind of hear your thoughts on that how you guys feel about it if that's something that we should if that's one direction that a board could pursue and then I also spoke with who was amazing and he said absolutely open to that idea even though it needs work for him in order to facilitate all um so I just wanted to hear your thought I have a lot of thought I just it's a great idea I mean I love the idea of engaging the community beautiful um I think that given what people skills are or what their schedules are the only concern I have is that it it mirrors some of the things that maybe our egg Foundation provides in the after school programs and maybe if it's something that they would get wanted to get paid for they could join them and do if they wanted to do it on that schedule you know they do like eight weeks three times a year that's fine but if they they want to do something else for free I think that's wonderful too you know so I just want to be mindful of that um but um you I think that's a wonderful with the Ed Foundation do they have to go through the finger printing and all that that would my question let me jump in on this for a second so this would be this would fall under my admin this is my administrative purv she brought it up to me because right this these are like clubs if you're going to do something like this as far as volunteering it's going to have to fall under my perview if you're going to do it under the Ed Foundation then that's we're just going to call that after school activities and people pay for it and things like that so I'm very familiar with this area which is one of the reasons why I was excited about it I've had a lot of experience doing math kangaroo parent volunteers uh chess club parent volunteers math Olympia uh karate yoga and um and uh how about some gardening Garden so all these all these parents were volunteers and they themselves have come in on their own time they got their own background checks uh some of them actually got substitute teaching licenses so that they can be alone in a classroom with children that's one of the things so there are logistical pieces that are involved but again if we're going to go that route it' have to be under my purview it wouldn't be able to like another parent doing an extra uh after school activities type thing then it's in competition with our fundraising uh efforts from the head foundation so again we don't want to like spread the kids all across all areas but if we do get one yoga instructor that's going to have a wonderful time with the kids before school program that's fantastic I mean that's a win-win all around and it's fre of charge it's the same thing that I would do with my karate program it's at night after the after school activities it's it's free of charge for everybody and it doesn't you know exclude anyone so if she has those those resources they would have to come to me and then we have to work out the logistics sounds sounds [Music] good so how do you think to proceed would it be how you do a survey said or basically you know announcing the idea and and the search for um interested people who would like to do that via um a flyer that could go with a virtual backpack and then also you to Township and having it you know publicize newslet yeah so so I guess let Mr CI explore explore the you know the opportunities and you know and your ideas and see it's just would be wonderful that students have additional opportunities to spend their time productively we all know what they get home it's either their cell phone or video games or some type of screen and it's not very they don't grow it doesn't en them in any way it's not social I don't feel it's very beneficial and their kids only once so giving them the opportunity to meet other people to do something engaging to try different things I think it would be let's see what we get you know if we get anyone but just an idea thank you thank you very much and with that is there any other new business to come before the board if not may have a motion to enter into executive session to discuss issues that Mark confidentiality as permitted in the open public meems act chapter 2 231 most in 1975 these matters may or may not be made public when the board reconvenes that would made public when the confidential the subject is no longer wared we have two topics uh one is uh continued discussion on the uh boen Township Mountain Lakes tuition agreement negotiations and two student matters then there will be no board action taken when we reconvene other than during the meeting and and with that may have a motion please is there a second all fav say I and with that thank you all for coming whoever doesn't come back 9:40 p.m. we've returned from from our closed session at this time there is no other board action may have a motion to adjourn all those in favor say I thank you very much for coming we'll see you at the next meeting thank