I would like to call this meeting order this is a regular session of the bo Township Board of Education for the purpose of transacting appropriate board business chapter 2 1975 notice that this meeting was advertised in the county record topics of the agenda of this meeting forly appropriately posted and be available to the public Mr far here Mr pres here Mr Cabana Mr Chan Mr hery here Mr Johnson here Mr McBride here Mr Mill here this no here also president Dr Angel superintendent principal we have a COR thank you please stand the question ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation [Music] godice and with that we do not have a student representative so will board V motions one and two have any motion please any questions comments or discussion if not the questions on the adoption of four business motions one and two all those in favor say I anyone say no any exensions and that to administr St is andary for Secretary of cour Mr M okay Mr thank you very much I'm happy report that all building systems are up and running no issues for we report uh we have no reported roof leaks at this time after some of the differential down board that we've had so the recent temporary repair seem to be holding we're beginning the yearend process of closing out and we're reviewing all the accounts open purchase orders Grant accounts in preparation for the annual audit purchase orders are also being created for teaching supplies for the new school year and will be sent a v a vendor de tonight to supply approvals uh the New Jersey school board's conference uh the board is registered for the October Conference of all reservations will be made u based on the board member feedback and the agenda approval this evening any board member also can access Workshop materials after the October conference and that is all great thank you sub superintendent report okay good evening everyone um a few interesting pieces of information so we've been looking at uh with one of our advisers revamping our broadcast club which has been a wonderful experience for our students during the course of this of the school year so using our broadcast Club what we're looking to do is a segment right now on VAR on the various clubs and activities that we have at RVs so our club advisors may be featured in like a promotional commercial if you will and have a few dedicated students who are members of the club who can speak about the club's Mission um their work some of the highlights from this current year so that it really gives other students reasons to join and generates interest so uh we'll be showing this to our students during Flex Flex time in September so that we can continue to generate interest in the various NRI rular activities that we have as a reminder our fifth grade Tre students are looking forward to presenting their products to our community on the evening of May 30th and um if you recall from last year TS is a Project based learning experience that creatively integrates entrepreneurship uh education with authentic opportunities to apply business academic and life skills so we're looking forward to that with our kids abandoned corus students are also looking forward to competing at Dorney Park on May 31st and we hope to come back with some excellent news about Superior adjudications field days are coming up with grades P to3 starting on the 21st next week plans are obviously well under way for end of year activities particularly with 8ighth grade commencement and the DC trip and just a reminder that the district is closed for the very long Memorial Day Weekend from the 23rd to the 28th uh starting next week on Thursday and will reopen on Wednesday the9 and that concludes my report great thank you and you all have a chance to read the interest report stent report and theend report that combinations a tremendous thanks to the alberon's companies parent Corporation for acne and can supermarkets for their gift of over $1,500 in gift cards to their stores which will be distributed to needy families via our family support team throughout fut and Township thank you to all in our community who donated to the local food um for families at time of checkout and botin Acme and the King stores and if you ever wondered if you were really helping the answer is obviously yes so we appreciate that thank you to our HSA our home and School Association went above and beyond making the staff feel special and appreciated last week during the national teacher appreciation week treats and meals and raffle gifts all made for a fun week and we all can't thank the HSA members and officers inight congratulations to Lyla Wills in the 8th grade the 2024 recipient of the Middle School leadership award who represented RBS Lila truly exemplifies the criteria of this award which includes being a student who academic extracurricular and Community leadership has had a positive impact on our school environment and who serves as a role model for others I attended a dinner with Lyla and her family last Wednesday um and it was just you know it was really nice to be able to celebrate her accomplishments we'd like to commend our teaching staff for this year's successful njsla test Administration our teachers testing coordinator and Tech coordinator were on a well oiled machine and our students were prepared we look forward to hearing about their results flying high and fourth for April congratulations to Jake Ram Vanessa Galloway Shanti scar Foster Shandell and Harrison haer to our Spotlight on student work for April congratulations to in preschool jevie Baker bro and Brody batell in kindergarten Leila Janowski Harrison newbie and Emily Weber in first grade Lucas neeves Amara star and Marley Weatherford and in third grade Anna shohan Remy Dorner Scott Tracy vianda Stratton and Julian Ben to our Falcons of the month in April congratulations to fifth grader AA Ketch babe sixth grader Caitlyn seminario seventh grader Saina lopis and eighth grader Andre kop and that includes our commendations great thank you very much and you all had a chance to R correspondence 1 through 4 so that brings us to open in session number one the first public commentary will be limited to agenda items only the second public commentary will be open to any topic please be mindful that public commentaries are available to enable the public to give comments and feedback to board personal matters and day-to-day operations are not appropriate subjects for board meetings these can always be most effectively resolved with the appropriate staff members or administrators according to the shade of Comm hanza questions may be directed to the appropriate School person Personnel or for through email please state your name and address for the record and all comments are limited to 5 minutes anyone from the public wish to address the board on agenda items at this time there be no one we'll move to the A on report starting with education okay um so they just had had their public budget hearing um they um went went through um enrollment numbers we had some concerns or they theyve talked about some concerns with eth graders and they're not seeing a big difference there about eighth graders in bar or pu going to um private schools so that's kind of they're expecting a good moment in nth grade uh they said that kindergarten is trending lower um their revenues are 2.9 Million in revenues um they're having uh they're actually posing um 1.8 million more from Lake Drive Through tuition so um they're looking at adjusting prices or putting that money into capital reserve and tuition Reserve um so in case we need to pay some back charge um so that's something they're looking out for um regarding expensive biggest jump with uh their contractual obligations with salaries so benefits and salaries are 80% of their expensive um they have about 2.2 million in capital reserve and they're using that to um do high school cameras uh Lake Drive Vu High School Windows like those type of projects will be going up um they're also looking at ramping the cafeteria which is part of the so they're not doing um the um they announced of aloran andorine it's Gus Han and Benji foran and uh think um going through the the policies facilities um the kitchen bid went out and it it was about um 577 th000 um they're surveying boundaries um they have some issues with runoffs around the school so they're in um in talks the for our Council um trying to delineate exactly the boundary concerns that we have replacing the scoreboard potentially um it's need new electric but um otherwise it's in pretty good shape um and uh this will reg um that's pretty much it I kind of hit on that so um they've put money aside in tuition Reserve um they gave budget presentations to the leag of Women Voters and to the HFA and U it's pretty much it um they had a great event with Van Knights um they're just wrapping up now for graduation and um um there was a big news I guess that came out that really impacted the community was the um reallocation of Sergeant Bonitas um to off of he was the school resource officer and he was called off of school resource duties to attend other school so um it was very short notice so they're working on uh school safety there'll be more news to come on thank thank you very much that brings us to the New Jersey SCH boards Association report [Music] except thank you and that brings us to for studies the boards Association the last meeting of the school year we sawary 2nd was at Rox high school and this is their annual uh recognition ceremony and we've had a couple of shoutouts uh Township Board of Education um celebrating uh mil stud was Christine over 10 years years split Barry were recognized for 15 years in addition um Barry was also recognized for his master board member certification and his certified year certification congratulations thank you very much very very nice ceron yeah I think some mus in yes they very well very well orchestrated event good job sure is be the yeah that's thank you and that brings us to the Educational Services Commission of Mars County I attended there meeting last week on May 8th um the noteworthy thing we did at that meeting was to complete the squ evaluation and that grp special education and devis group has always been initia initiatives anding C some of the highs include two much anticipated presentations place in April one title transition from high school college and special student and the second one titled the overview of special process to be successful and understanding [Music] thank you okay additionally CAC members submitted superintendent search input um to the B for consideration this input Incorporated the top 10 current concerns from the recent CAC spren survey there was a CAC meeting just yesterday C officers meant to discuss next year's calendar and all current events the upcoming May events include a May 22nd meeting between school administrators and CAC officers the meeting will take place here at RVs and this is all that I have to report thanks great thank you very much the C education foundations their meeting is tomorrow night thank you and Rockway Valley H School Association I was not there last week but you pretty much covered what's up coming so I don't have any updates from them other than great thank you and that brings us to the Clon Township and Mrs command is not here but she sent her report to me uh let's see there is still availability for summer camp and there's a link to register I guess the website the wars County hous hazardous W day is Saturday May 18th from 9:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. at the Public Safety Training Academy on West H in Mary in fourth star rescues structure mon will be at RV fields on Saturday May 18th from 9:30 a.m. 12 and that concludes Mrs Comm report and lastly we go to the township Green [Music] Team Green Team held yet another successful cleanup event in spite of the rainy weather a sizable group of volunteers showed up and gathered approximately 28 White household trash FL full various um refuse items another cleanup third in the series of four cleanups will take place this fing Saturday we hope to see know more e volunteers come up and join forces and tackle the site the problem we'll meet of the municipal dur the parking laot for 10 a.m. this effective thank you facilities transportation that committee [Music] fin prior to the budget Mee we did not meet between two meetings thank you and with that a motion for finance motions 10 is there a second any questions to discussion questions on the finance motions one and this looks like Pap they are plus Mr okay very good all do favor say I I I anyone OPP say no and any extensions and that brings us to Personnel motions 1 through 11 uh okay yes okay so we have any motion for Motion 1 through 11 is there a second second okay and before we have discussion may I have any question notion a motion to table a motion item number two you can t the whole thing table personel two Personnel two okay so we have a motion to table Personnel two as we're going to take a very brief Clos session your the meeting to discuss it is there second second and all those in favor say I and then we'll return to motion on the tables now to approve motions 1 through 11 minus personal motion and any questions comments good question yes you did skip that no no do not be sorry I guess we could um finish voting on that then we can maybe go to that you want me to to discuss or wait till the update um the only updates on the agenda if we're not talking about personal to then would be there's a two positions open for building AIDS and then there was a revision of the technology manager coordinator position and that's pretty much all I see great thank you and with that we still have the table on the table personal motions 1 through 11 minus personal motion two and with that any questions comments or discussion of those and if not the questions on the adoption of personal motions 1 through 11 minus personal motion too this is a roll call Mrs B yes Mr Brandon yes Mrs Herman yes Mr Johnson yes Mrs mcde yes Mr Mills yes Mr no yes Mo car thank you uh next is on the item is program committee and I will be GL to say I did my notes with me if someone else yeah so um we discussed um a little bit of some of the feedback from the referendum uh we went through the seventh and eighth grade career exploration cular writing complex an update to the um to that area um try to link it training for the staff um on August 28th which would be great that will help benchmark assessments as we go forward um we're going to do some be campus training uh with the staff um and then overall just a quick update on njsla testing at that time it just was about to kick off so went through what was going to happen there um and then um I think that's about it transitioning from Google Suite to Canvas it aligns with the high school right that's right thank you and then for those that don't know what canvas is it's removing it's moving from Google Suite to canas what grades everybody every grade and when next year thank you and with that may have a motion for program motion number one and two and two is there a second any questions comments or discussion if not the question on the adoption of program motions one and two all those in favor say I I anyone oppos say no any extensions that brings us to policy uh we I guess met s uh we collaborated uh with the policies I guess recently um but I believe these policies are already done their first reading so already reference the corrections so with that we have policy motion motion for policy motion number one is there a second second any questions comments or discussion if not the questions on the adoption of policy motion number one all those in favor say I I anyone oppos say no any extensions that will bring us to open section number two the second public comment period will be open to any topic please be mindful that public comment periods are available to en the public to give comments and feedback to the board personal matters and day-to-day operations are not appropriate subjects board meetings these can always be most effectively res with the appropriate staff members or administrators according to the chain of command concept questions may be directed to the appropriate School Personnel or board through email please state your name address to the record and all comments are limited to 5 minutes would anyone from the public wish to address the board on any matter okay there being no one that brings us to Old business is there any old business to come before the board and is there any new business to come before the board um so while I was doing some research I'm um so I was doing some research and I ended up on Niche you know and I just thought that it was interesting to note and in um this is a little after the um teacher appreciation week but the best public Middle School teachers in New Jersey we were number 17 which is top 2.6% which is amazing and um the best public elementary school teachers like 24 of 1254 so top 1.9% so I just think that um you know I think we all appreciate our teachers all the time and that's just another measure um I think it has to do with longevity a lot at times but um thank you teachers um we appreciate you truly on all the work you do than thank you and I I would I you celebrate it yes thank you and let's see is there any other new business that come before the board if not we're going to we have several items in close session so what we'll do is since we had tabled T item from earlier we're going to go into Clos session to discuss that matter only then we're going to come back out into Open Session and vote on on something after that and then we're going to close session and talk about other things and when we come out of that Clos session we will not take any board action after that so two two close session so the first one first I would like to entertain a motion and toenter into executive session to discuss issues that more confidentiality as permitted the public beings act chapter 231 of the laws of 1975 these matters may or may not be made public when the board reconvenes they will be made public when the confidentiality of the subject is no longer warranted the item of our first qu session will be personal motion number two fav and there will be board action when we return from that Clos session and with that may have that motion on move is there a second second and all those in favor say I I we'll take a very brief close session and and return and invite you in if you're still here and then we'll go into another close session after that thank you okay it is 8:02 p.m. we have returned we have returned from our Clos session and at this point I may have a motion to remove from the table Personnel motion number two is there a second oh yes please second and then we'll stop for a minute okay there is no public waiting to to return okay so we had a motion in a second to remove personal motion two from the table and is there any discussion on that motion if not all those in favor say I hi now on the table for is personel motion two is there now this will be a roll call is there any are there any questions comments or discussion on that if not uh the question is on the adoption of personal motion number two with with the r the uh uh effective date for Dr Angel being revised from August 9th 2024 to July 31 2024 and with that we Mrs bar yes Mr Brandon yes Mrs Herman yes Mr Johnson yes Mrs McBride yes Mr Mills yes Mrs no yes motion Carri yes just thinking through the logistics area motion to approve to the table we removed it from the table so after that okay and now with that may I have a motion to enter into executive session to discuss issues that warrant confidentiality as permitted in the open public meetings act chapter 231 of the was of 1975 these matters may or may not be made public when the board reconvenes they will be made public when the confidentiality of the subject is no longer Wars it we have two items to discuss first is a is the B Township Mountain Lakes tuition agreement and second is the superintendent search and there will be no board action taken when we return and I have a motion for that please I'll move is there a second second all those in favor say I I thank you it is 10:45 p.m. we've just returned from our closed session at this time there's no other board action may I have a motion to adjourn I'll move is there a second second all those in favor say I I thank you very much and we'll see you at the next meeting