and we should be sub great thank you okay good evening I'm calling this public hearing to order in accordance with the Massachusetts Wetlands protection act mglc 131 section 40 in the Boston Wetlands ordinance Boston city code ordinances chapter 7- 1.4 the Boston Conservation Commission will hold a virtual public hearing this evening on April 17th 2024 to to review the following projects to determine what conditions if any the commission will impose in order to protect the interest of the public and private water supply groundwater prevention of pollution flood control prevention of storm damage protection of fisheries and land containing shellfish and protection of wildlife habitat um in accordance with chapter 107 of the acts of 2022 we are conducting this meeting online to ensure public access to the deliberations of the Conservation Commission the public May access this call through telephone and video conferencing additionally the meeting is being recorded if you do not wish to be recorded please turn off your video members of the public may have an opportunity to ask questions and provide public comment on applications and discussions to do so please raise your hand or type in the chat in the application via the zoom meeting platform if you're calling in and cannot use the platform you can raise your hand by pressing star9 and star six to unmute yourself send your questions to staff uh via email at CC uh for the record I am Michael Parker chair of the commission uh call the role of uh Commissioners who are present commissioner Sullivan John Sullivan commissioner long Nick long commissioner Wilson Mike Wilson commissioner Conan Conan toam thank you um commissioner Richmond has she joined us I haven't seen her okay okay okay could staff please identify themselves Elena itary with the environment Department Hernandez with the environment Department great thank you okay um because of potential Quorum issues I'm going to uh go directly to a request for um certificates of compliance I don't know if you need to move your screen around DD for that it's a couple of slides away okay so bear with me I'll let you catch up okay much great okay thank you okay so the first uh request is for a certificate of compliance for the EP file number 00 61774 for the demolition of a residential building and construction of a new multif family Residential Building located at 839 Saratoga Street in East Boston resource area is land subject to Coastal storm Flowage Elena what do you have on the this one so on this one um we have not received an update from the applicants team uh we are still waiting for some more information about some debris removal and Landscaping that they are meant to be doing so um we would recommend that the commission hold off on a vote for now okay thank you so we'll table that one next item is a request for a certificate of compliance for D Fone number 0061 463 for the ecological restoration of multiple Trail heads in endale woods Urban wild 89 veterans of Foreign Wars Parkway West Roxberry uh the resource areas are uh Bank uh bvw and Riverfront area uh commissioner long I believe you have to recuse yourself for this yeah chair Parker I have to recused since this is an urban Wilds project okay thanks um Ellena what do you have on that uh so we were able to conduct a a site visit for this project on uh the 11th of April we didn't find anything that was still outstanding and all of the work seemed to be done according to the permit which was issued so in light of that uh staff would recommend that the commission issue a certificate of compliance great thank you uh do any of the Commissioners have any questions on this one no okay thank you so with that I would um entertain a motion to issue a certificate of compliance for D file number 0061 1463 so moved second seconds thank you uh commissioner Sullivan hi commissioner long I'm sorry commissioner Wilson hi commissioner Conan hi uh and I vote I so that carries for nothing okay thank you uh last request for a certificate of compliance is for de Shar Parker yes commissioner Richmond is here oh okay thank you um so we have now the last one is a request for a certificate of compliance for DP phone number 00 61886 for the Reconstruction of a section of a Triple Decker building and open dock located at 695 Bennington Street in East Boston resource areas land subject to Coastal storm Flowage Ellena what do you have on this one similarly we conducted a site visit on April 11th uh we found everything to be uh wrapped up as far as the construction goes and the work seemed to be done in accordance with the permit and based on this we would recommend that the commission issue a certificate of compliance for the work great thank you uh any questions from Commissioners in the staff comments um there is a line that says no there were no major deviations can you expand on that Lena were there minor deviations uh apologies from that so let see looking back at our notes DD sorry do you happen to remember um what our our thought was on that uh I can't recall right now but believe there might be a rep on the call Thomas Q I believe might be here and um might be able to expand on that where uh Tom Hughes was the rep for this one do we have a certification pardon do we have a certific from the engineer consultant here we do what does that say uh the pre-existing deck was removed but not rebuilt so is it you're understanding that was the um only deviation yes and that's what the certification is saying with less of an impact yeah yeah okay I think that's your answer I don't recall any other deviations from what was originally permitted okay okay anything else from Commissioners okay so that I would entertain a motion to um issue a certificate of compliance for d f number 0061 1886 soone moved you have a second anyone second sorry thank you okay commissioner Sullivan you almost made me second I commer long hi commer Wilson hi commissioner Conan I commissioner Richmond she might not be online yet uh I'll vote I so that carries five nothing okay thank you now we'll go back to the uh nois that we have on tap tonight first one is notice of intent for D file number 0061 1984 and Boston file number um 202 24-9 from Child's engineering on behalf of the venitzia real estate LLC for the proposed removal and replacement of a section of the existing building and pile supported Foundation over the water located at 20 Ericson sorry Ericson Street in Dorchester um resource areas are land under ocean Coastal Bank uh Coastal Beach 100 foot buffer to Coastal Bank land subject to Coastal storm Flowage 25 foot Waterfront Area 25 foot Riverfront area 100t buffer to Tidal flats and it is located within an area of critical environmental con concern um so we heard this this was continued from our last hearing uh what we were waiting on were uh comments from DMF for possible inclusion into the order of conditions uh Elena did we get anything from DMF yes so for um we had heard back from them DMF didn't have any concerns about um about the project and I believe the other outstanding item was a question of me and methods of construction which uh I'd gotten clarification on uh from commissioner Herpst and it sounded as though her recommendation was to include a special condition which would uh just dictate that the applicant provide uh the means and methods of construction for the work uh prior to the commencement of work so not necessarily uh before the commission closes the hearing okay okay uh who's here on behalf of the applicant this is Charlie robits from Child engineering hi Charlie uh do you have anything to add to what we just discussed no no that was it okay you'll be able to provide us the means and methods uh report that we're looking for a document yeah yeah okay sounds good uh Ellena anybody from the public uh raise their hand I'm not seeing any raised hands and we had also not received any uh any emails about this okay any questions from any of the Commissioners okay hearing none would entertain a motion to um close this hearing uh issue the order of conditions with the special condition that the applicant will provide uh the construction means and methods prior to construction to staff I'm mov you have a second second thank you commissioner Sullivan hi commissioner long hi commissioner Wilson hi commissioner con hi commissioner Richmond she joined us I don't see her so okay and I vote I uh that carries five nothing uh chair Parker I I believe commissioner Richmond may have had trouble unmuting it's not seeming to let me ask her to unmute either okay if she can hear us hopefully she'll she'll get that rectified okay uh thank you oh thank you or she could um participate via chat if she's having an issue but anyway um next item on the agenda is notice intent for DP file number 0061 1985 in Boston file number 2024 d010 from Crowley Krell on behalf of the Department of Conservation and Recreation for the proposed replanting within existing planting beds in Paul River Park located at Warren Avenue in Charlestown uh resource areas 25t Riverfront Area 25 foot Waterfront area land subject to Coastal storm Flowage 100 foot buffer to Coastal Beach and 100 foot buffer to bank who's here on behalf of the applicant um hi uh there's two of us here um I'm Michelle thank you for having us I'm Michelle Crowley principal of Crowley Catal and I'm also here with Brooke warl who is um an associate at Crowley cal um we have a presentation to go through um can we go to the next slide um this Paul rier Park uh next slide please uh just to quickly Orient um Paul Rivier Park is on the north side of uh the Charles River locks um adjacent to uh the North Point Park um next slide so our project um we're here uh seeking um approval for a replanting project within the existing beds that surround the oval lawn and we're only working Within These beds that are highlighted in blue here um little bit of the history uh this site uh was designed um a little under 30 Years Ago by om van Sweden who's very well known for doing large colorful drifts of perennials and shrubs so really creating a garden space this is more of a garden um as part of than um a public Park um it's a public garden um after all this time um the the beautiful sweeps of plants have diminished and now non-natives have thrived in sort of sporadic locations while there a lot of the planting beds are just bare mulch so what we've been working with uh DCR to create a plant palet that will thrive in the harsh conditions of this heavily used uh Park and make it a garden again on the waterfront um we want to use the same idea of the the drift concept that om van Sweden did so we can have a nod to them they're fantastic Landscape Architects um as that they had intended um for this for this park um and if we go to the next slide I have just two slides to just show some of the existing conditions where you can see um the a lot lot of the areas are just bare mulch with a a couple uh a couple shrubs um and no canopy no canopy trees um mulch has creeped into the sidewalk so that it's gone out of the beds as you can see down on the lower on the lower right um the next slide uh is just more just showing the now there's just um dayes and miscanthus drifts or all that really left um and uh again just more bare mulch everywhere instead of the planting drifts um the I'm going to move to uh Brooke is going to then present the actual design of uh these plans um so if we go to the next slide um I'm going to turn it over to Brooke so this is the existing plan it shows the relationship of the planting Goods to the resource areas um the entire site is classified as land subject to Coastal storm Flowage and the rest of the resources are primarily as you can see with those colored lines in the south portion of the site uh the gray hatched area which is a little hard to tell in this plan now is where all of the beds have no planting and only open mulch um if you want to go to the next slide this is our demo and prep plan all the trees to remain will be protected within both the planting beds and the lawn area uh in the north beds we're removing four cusa dog Woods that are in poor health and one canopy tree that's already dead our proposed plan will replant five understory trees and seven canopy trees the entire site will be fenced catch basins are going to be lined to silt sex and erosion controlled follow the entire limit of work um go the next one this is our materials so before we planting starts we're going to remove years of mulch and amend the soil to support the new planting and the number one concern for our new planting is dog activity in the park so establishment fencing is proposed for all sections of the planting beds that aren't significantly elevated and then the next one is where it gets exciting with the planting plan in the next three slides you can see how we drew inspiration from the original garden design to create drifts of color and texture canopy trees are distributed throughout the beds to add shade understory trees and shrubs add structure and perennials and grasses will fill on the ground plane our design intention is not only to restore the planting beds to but to increase habitat be an asset to pollinators and to stabilize soil in the resource areas so if you just want to flip through the next two slides you can see blowups of the north beds and then next is South beds and that's all great thank you Brooke um I don't really have anything on this other than uh does anybody know anything about the uh music they're not really Chimes you hit them as you walk over the bridge to the park um I know that I hit them every single time I go over there yeah and like every third one works maybe oh really yeah unfortunately okay yeah um but when they all work they're beautiful um okay sounds like no one except for you knows anything about it and you don't have authority so hopefully someday okay um Ellena what do you have keep on the list okay thank you I appreciate that yeah so we were able to conduct a site visit for this location as well it was great to see kind of where all of these plantings will be going um again just iterate the most of the plantings will be in existing beds um and the only note that we had was just confirming uh the number of trees that might be removed during construction and and their species um or at least to sort of maintain open lines of communication with commission staff as that happens okay great thank you uh commissioner Sullivan yeah how often do you have to water these plantings before they become established there is existing Irrigation in the beds and we're going to refurbish that and and use that to establish them I don't know exactly how long probably two years I would think for establishment and so you're going to reestablish it does that mean you're putting a new one in we need to clarify that with DCR a little bit more they need to do some more investigation on how that existing irrigation is connected right now and what kind of can I understand what a planting takes when you want to do that what's it take to put a new irrigation system in you do more excavation than what was described there shouldn't be there shouldn't be any more excavation now no all right that's all I had great thank you uh commissioner long yeah thank you for the presentation uh really great to see such a diverse plant pallet for the ground cover plantings I was kind of interested in uh what you mentioned about the dog activity in the beds being an issue is there anybody on the call from the project team who can fill us in a little more on the dog issues and the planting beds sounds like the temporary fencing will help yeah right now I mean just by being on site and seeing it it's just that there isn't uh leashes are not used frequently in this park because it does have the walls on the edges it sort of feels contained and so people let their dogs off leashes and they just go straight into the planting beds hopefully having the fence where the planting beds aren't raised will help that commissioner long um I can attest to the fact that it has become charlestown's dog park yeah I try not to call it that unfortunate yeah I know DCR does not and maybe the thought is that the the ground cover plantings and everything else will get tall enough once they're established and then at that point is that when the fencing might come down and maybe the will be enough to discourage the dogs yes okay cool um that's really all I had um looks like a great project Great Park thank you thank you commissioner Wilson yeah no further comments here appreciate it thank you commissioner Conan thank you yeah excited for this project um in addition to the fence idea um have signs been considered uh we plan on putting signs on the fence during establishment to talk about it uh it's something that we could talk about with DCR to see what they would think about putting signs there too yeah sometimes something I want to say that you need there is a sign about needing a leash but no I'm not 100% sure well leash is one thing and also just asking people to respect the the planted areas another yes I agree so yeah I had nothing else thank you looking forward to the project thank you commissioner Wilson um I'm sorry commissioner Richmond are you able to un no I'm finally unmuted I apologize to everybody um I have no questions thank you okay thank you um Elena anything from the public I am not seeing any hands raised and we also didn't receive anything our inbox hey thank you and uh I believe that the order conditions is um all set and acceptable should be ready to go yes fantastic okay so that I would entertain a motion to close the hearing and issue the order conditions move second thank you commissioner Sullivan hi commissioner long hi commissioner Wilson hi commissioner Conan hi excuse me uh and Comm commissioner Richmond I and I vote I so that carries six nothing thank you okay looking forward to the improvements right thank you very much thank you commission okay next item on the agenda is notice of intent for DP file number 0061 986 in Boston file number 2024 d001 from swca environmental Consultants on behalf of the department of conservation Recreation for an ecological restoration limited project for the management of invasive plant species located at 1375 Bennington Street East Boston uh we have for resource areas uh bordering vegetated Wetlands 100 foot buffer to bordering vegetated Wetland salt marsh 100 foot buffer to salt marsh land subject to Coastal storm Flowage and 25 foot um Waterfront area and it's located within uh an area of um critical environmental concern who's here on behalf of the applicant uh hello oh go ahead Megan I'll let you start okay yes uh hello commission I am my name is Megan shave I am a senior ecologist with the Department of Conservation and Recreation and I'm here tonight with Naomi Valentine and Meredith borenstein from s swca to present this notice of intent and I believe we have a presentation that we can quickly thank you so just as an introduction um this project is being proposed out of the office of Natural Resources at DCR where we do management of invasive species within priority parks and of priority early detection species within DCR and belile Marsh reservation has been identified as a high priority site due to its location within an AC as long as as well as its sensitive resources including Wetlands rare species habitat and biomap um components so we are proposing today an ecological restoration limited project for invasive plant management for the purpose of resource area enhancement um next slide please so bellile Marsh reservation is located in East Boston in total the reservation itself is over 300 acres owned primarily by DCR this project that we are proposing under the current noi is focusing on what is known as the main Park of bile reservation it is about a 30 acre parcel off of Bennington Street in East Boston and this area is defined by the existing landscaping and path around the main Park as well as a central grassland area and Associated shrub thickets and Wetland borders to the salt marsh throughout the rest of the reservation the next slide please so the purpose of proposing invasive species management within the main Park is broadly speaking to improve resource area function and rare wildlife habitat by decreasing invasive plants throughout the park in order to encourage resilient native vegetation over time the goal for focusing on the main park at this time is to Target some of our high priority early detection species before they encroach further into the park for example in the center of the main Park is our grassland area that is an important bird area and there are some early populations of invasive black swallow art for example in that important grassland that we would like to begin treating uh as early as possible to prevent spread and possible need for more intensive measures in the future and so with that I will pass it along to s swc to review some more details of the noi itself great thank you could I just ask you before you go um what department are you in within DCR I didn't uh write that down it is the office of Natural Resources oh great okay thank you hi everyone I'm Meredith forstein I'm Wetland scientist for s swca um I helped file this notice of intent um with the city and so thank you so much Megan for giving that overview um if we could just go to the next slide um I just wanted to mention the resource areas that we're looking at here where we are proposing um invasive species plant management and just so you know when we say work all that means is um treatment of invasives there's there'll be no ground disturbance um as part of this project so there is a small amount of salt marsh um most of the site is mapped as um land subject to Coastal storm Flowage there are some Inland bordering vegetated Wetland and of course the buffer zone to um bvw as well as the buffer zone to the salt marsh area and the city's um 25 foot Waterfront area and let's see so if you can go to the next slide and this is our um proposed work plan it's a little hard to see but um I wish I could zoom in more but so the yellow area is um mapped salt marsh on the site the green polygons are bordering vegetated Wetland um also please note that the what is shown here is um there are other resources outside of our project area but we are only showing where we're proposing work and those little red polygons are just areas where we have mapped um existing invasives pop populations that we'll be hoping to treat this year so um as you can see it's pretty it's pretty small project um luckily right now we've caught these populations early enough that they're not spread throughout but that's why we're here trying to get a jump start on the treatment of these things so um and there even there is some polygons outside of jurisdiction but we showed everything just so the commission knows exactly where for proposing any work um let's see I think we can go to the next slide and actually yeah I'm gonna hand it over to my colleague Naomi Valentine to talk about exactly what's proposed um I have a couple different options for plant management and she's on that okay um just to introduce myself again Naomi Valentine from swca I work in our ecological restoration Division and we have quite a bit of experience in invasive plant management and planning so the majority of the species that are on site um would require some level of herbicide application to effectively manage but if there are any individual species that are small enough that it'd be appropriately to effectively manage them with hand pulling that's also an option so manual and chemical management are the two proposed methods with the species on site being European Buckthorn shrub honeysuckle invasive shrub honeysuckle Asiatic Bittersweet Autumn Olive garlic mustard frag mighties black swallow wart and Porcelain Berry if you can go to the next slide we put the um table that's in the notice of intent that breaks down the potential management methods for each of them and I don't need to read all this out to you all um you have the notice of intent but just to comment that um there are a couple different options for each invasive plant uh the common Reed and the black swallow wart um would likely be managed with a glyphosate herbicide product but there are alternatives if necessary and um basically any of the herbaceous uh plants except for um garlic mustard would most likely be well garlic mustard could be treated with glyphosate if needed for the first year growth but seconde growth can be easily hand pulled as well and these populations are small enough now that it should be fairly manageable to do that with um the smaller plant species um black swallow wart that Megan pointed out in the beginning is a high Target for this site hopefully can be managed this year um and that would also likely be accomplished with a targeted glyphosate application all the herbicide applications would be conducted from a low volume backpack sprayer and um there's good enough access up to each of the populations that it can be a very targeted um treatment if there's any non-target native vegetation nearby that can always be shielded if necess Neary um most of these are pretty well accessible at this point in time now that they've been detected so early before exploding within the park um and with that I think the only last thing we wanted to mention was just that this has been approved by Heritage we had communication back and forth ahead of time this morning about that but Meredith did you have any other comment you wanted to say about the natural heritage conditions I know they made it into the draft orders yeah I just wanted to mention to the commission that we did receive a not take letter um from natural heritage and their conditions were um to request that within the order of conditions these three I sum I summarized the conditions here um but they requested that these conditions get put into the order and I sent that letter to Elena um she also got it from natural heritage but I just wanted to mention these three orders and one of them is um I don't if you folks can do this but issue an order for five years um so it's congruent with natural heritage um also they they requested a time of year a restriction which makes sense given the species that are out there and of course um no work shall alter soil which we're not proposing to do anyways so um with that we're all happy to take any sure okay so Meredith we can't issue the order conditions for duration longer than 3 years but uh if there is an extension that's requested um you have authorization for 5 years so that would be reflected for the uh National um Heritage um that would be reflected in the extension oh perfect yeah that makes sense yeah it seems to me that would work um I don't really have any questions but um Megan while um we're lucky enough to have you here um just if you had a minute or two just to um give a summary of the health of the salt marsh itself I thought I had read somewhere that maybe the area was decreasing um I I can't don't quote me on that um and also you know whether that's true or not and um just the general overall health of the salt marsh if you don't mind yes so this project is obviously a very small piece of the broader picture at Bel ale Marsh and so what you might have heard of might be referenced to um an environmental inventory that was completed by the Woods Hole group in 20122 uh that was funded by a grant that was pursued by various partner organizations including the Mystic River Watershed Association and so that environmental inventory did include um a variety of analyses related to Hydra and what's considering in the face of climate change what might be happening to the entire reservation in the future and yes there are General comments related to um changes in water level and what that could mean for the entire reservation as well as some recommendations that DCR will be pursuing or exploring for greater restoration projects so for example this project here is focusing on the main Park but to the south of the main Park is the large sort of transitional Marsh that goes into the salt marsh that's known as the Elber based on the sort of rectangular berm that goes around it and so for example um DCR will be exploring potential work that can be done on the burm restoration um as well as in some of the other man-made locations throughout the marsh for example the mosquito ditches um could require could benefit from remediation so there's certainly a whole um pallet of um threats and recommendations that are outlined in that environmental inventory and again that's from 2022 so quite recent um so I would say at that point you know working with the Mystic River wed Association and the friends of B ale um there's certainly concerns about the reservation but there are options that DCR will be exploring for some of these remediation efforts and this invasive species nii again is sort of our first step in being proactive um with some of these concerns in this case with um some of our um early detection invasive species great thank you I appreciate that um Ellena what do you have on this we didn't have much else uh to add we were going to just flag those special conditions at the end of the uh draft order but other than that um everything was basically uh covered by the presentation so thank you both great thank you and so you've captured those and they're contained in the um conditions in our file right we have yes so we included them at the bottom under uh additional conditions and they're identified as being requested by national or natural heritage great thank you okay commissioner Sullivan I didn't hear it mentioned but all this work will be done by a licensed outside contractor or TCS staff yes so this this broad this is basically our high priority invasive species management throughout Eastern Massachusetts it is done through a contract currently held by S swca and their licensed contractors and again going forward any contract awarded for future management would be required to have a licensed or beside applicators and how do you ask you destroyed the uh invasives how do you encourage non- invasives to take their place so you'd be surprised how well things will naturally regenerate but there's always an option to put down a seed mix to sort of overpower any other um any other vegetation that would want to grow up luckily um most of the species on site are sort of contained within the site and so the hope is that um getting them now before they turn into larger populations will do that for us um but there is also a possibility that you know monitoring the site year after year if in that first year after management there's not any growth coming up up you could throw down a seed mix as sort of a um effective and costeffective means of encouraging native regeneration and how many years does it make you feel that you are achieving something or you just this is just for forever job there's always a chance that some birds or something or people or dogs could bring more invasives into the site but luckily dcr's identified these populations pretty early and so it's possible that some of the plants could be managed within a season possible a couple Seasons um the fragm is is a larger effort with the broader um project that Megan was talking about but most of the species on site should be pretty well managed within the the time frame of this initial permit if it's issued all right that's all I had great thank you uh commissioner long yeah thank you for the presentation everyone uh very excited to see this project this place is near and dear to my heart um I guess uh most of my questions are around the um some of the specifics with the invasive management and um sort of the goals of the the effort of the early detection and treatment here so um I guess first question you kind of already answered Naomi but what is what is the overall sense you all have of the the invasives that are in the seed bank that might you know come back up um that's an interesting question and some of the invasives that are located on site do have a pretty strong ability to drop seed I see that Megan just unmuted and she did the invasive survey so she might have a better answer for you yes so I would say and again this is just based on my field observations um particularly for example the black swallow wart I would think probably has it's been there at least a year I would would think it hasn't been there too long just based on the sizes of the patches in some cases um the patch is only a couple of plants it's only a few feet wide which suggests that the patch cannot be very old given how quickly um the seeds can spread so there's anticipated with the swallow wart um certainly the seeds that dispersed within the past year potentially could have enlarged the footprint but we're hoping that it is we're working within what we've proposed and in terms of things like the Asiatic bitter Suite again there are some patches but they are still quite isolated to suggest that again they are either fairly new or are isolated um because of the grassland characteristic the Bittersweet in particular is mostly isolated to the shrub Thicket portions of the park so again and they might have been there for several years but fortunately um Bittersweet is not wind dispersed like swalla wart is so while it's possible birds have been spreading it for a few years again so far it seems to be isolated to the shrub thickets and fairly manageable so again we're expecting um the footprints that they're found currently will be the footprints that we will see them in the upcoming spring and then same with I would say um the shrubs are kind of Mo mostly overlap with the Bittersweet the shrub um honeysuckles and the Buckthorn are kind of all in the same shrub Thicket so they're kind of again occupying that little patch of habitat um at the corner that's sort of between the landscaped Park and the salt marsh so we're again hoping there's not too much spread because it's pretty isolated and then similarly finally the garlic mustard is pretty much limited to that little small buffer zone area between landscaping and the salt marsh or the BBW so again it might have been there for several years but it seems to be operating within um its existing footprint and the idea being that we can hopefully help control it within the footprint it's already in before it spreads but I would anticipate given the habitat out there it each species is sort of appearing where we would expect it with the exception again of the swallow art I think there's a very small patch in the grassland that one does have the potential to explode if we don't start treating it because the swallow art does grow quickly when dispersed seeds if we don't get to it it could take over that Central grass land much more than that initial patch is indicated yeah thank you Megan that all that all makes perfect sense uh sort of to that end for species like maybe Buckthorn if we're doing treatment late in the summer or I guess any other species um if they have fruit or seeds on them um would you all plan to dispose of those like fruits and seeds rather than let them fall back into the seed bank or the soil yes so it's part of the standard protocol um for all of the sites that we manage through this contract generally speaking herbaceous material is taken off site fruiting bodies fruit seeds are taken off site um generally speaking um very rarely is anything left and it would only be um you know nonfruiting Woody material which in this case would probably be limited to um bitter sweeten some of the shrubs but generally speaking most of the material gets um taken off site especially if there's any chance of proliferation from that material that makes sense are there any other species that you're like maybe anticipating might show up and show up in your early detection rounds that you haven't seen yet or anything else that's on your radar that you might seek to control if it shows up like like in a year or two um in terms of our high detection species so swallow wart of what's found there now swallow wart is one of our early detection species of course if we see anything such as myam minute which fortunately I did not find any of during the review but obviously something like that is also a high priority early detection species that if noted we would be following up because we would not want to um leave that um but yeah it would be mostly those sort of things swallow or mile a minute those fast growing herbaceous Vines are a lot of our high DET high priority early detection just because of how unwieldly they get if we don't catch them early one plant I recently learned about is um a type of pepper weed that's become problem in the high Marsh um of the great Marsh on the North Shore I was wondering if you've seen any of that on the site I have not but again um this review or this survey was limited mostly to the main Park I did do some reconnaissance of the transitional Marsh um for again future planning for a bigger um Marsh restoration project in that El burm I mentioned that might be coming down down the line is a broader project I have not spent too much time in the higher low salt marsh itself um but from what I've heard in talking with um the park supervisor um he did not mention any additional um species he was aware of in the marsh itself beyond the frag mighties that's in the transitional Marsh gotcha that's good to hear uh I wonder if there's a way to um or if there's an established process chair Parker or um Elena or um if if the some of the new species are detected early on if there can be maybe an admin approval or something like that to include with this noi we get to that point yeah that's a great thought we might want to put that in the order of conditions hopefully it makes Megan's life a little easier y exactly great point thank you I think that was all I had um yeah sounds like a really great you know first phase of um you know much more work to come thank you commissioner Wilson yeah I appreciate all the effort you guys have put into this and especially with the early identification usually we get to this much later in the process it's a much bigger deal so um yeah if you're catching Bittersweet in the early phase or these types of things that's excellent um as the one question I had um is that we've had a number of uh projects in B Isle that have tried to minimize the disturbance for the purpose of you know not spreading in bases and or attracting them and I was just curious whether um you've seen whether those sort of low um impact access necessary utility things that type of thing like you know I mean we permitted some helical piles for board walks and stuff like that whether that's had any effect or whether that's sort of measurable um given random chance the amount of time that may have passed since those uh projects have passed yeah so it's hard to say for sure um mostly because prior to this fall I'm not aware of a park wide a reservation wide invasive survey that had been um conducted Beyond um it was broadly touched on again in that 2022 environmental inventory by the Woods Hole group they did list off some of the invasive species that they encountered but they weren't mapped in the sense of how they've been presented for this noi which was the mapping I did this this past fall um but just by looking at the distribution it doesn't seem to me that the invasives out there seem to be attributed to for example any one Boardwalk I know there's sort of the two boardwalks and then there's that access to the freshwater pond that's not a formal Boardwalk but it's basically um an existing path through the frag mes um so in terms of the distribution it's pretty scattered throughout the entire reservation and I think that's just going to be an artifact of that the main Park is the most recreationally used part it had it's directly off the parking lot it has some manicured Lawns it has paths so it's always going to have the influence of cars people dogs um so I think I didn't see evidence of a particular footprint where you know the density was higher than expected it seems like there's always like Naomi mentioned there's always going to be some influence of human activity in a High recreational area um so again it's targeting those um species while they are still manageable there's no guarantee that that something might come in on someone's shoe you know another year down the line but it's best to manage them now when they're scattered like this again you know we don't want that swallow art taking over the grassland no fair enough appreciate that and sort of I guess my senses is that the sort of precautionary principle we've brought to it is you know probably beneficial or at least having no effect um I know there was concerns over what we would disturb if we had a larger impact area in terms of seed bank and you know greater levels of access and it sounds like at least if there's no discernable P pattern then that that that is a good place to be at I'm glad it's being well managed I that Sher Parker sorry you came off yeah I'm sorry commissioner Wilson oh I I thought you came off mute sorry oh yeah no I I usually stay off because I'll forget to turn back and stay yeah so okay yeah not trying to cut you up no all good okay great thank you um commissioner Conor it just occurred to me um that Megan said that uh she worked with friends of B Marsh you you're a member of B Marsh right you didn't but I assume you didn't work on yeah yeah I I am and I didn't work on this yeah yeah okay thank you can I ask a couple of questions anyway it's your turn all right um so thank you it's really exciting and what a beautiful natural asset we have um in in three municipalities so so the mention of targeting species while they're still manageable made me wonder in the list of species to manage are humans included just kidding the there was um glyphosate mentioned are there is there any concern that about how much of it is being used and how exactly and what side effects will remain um I can speak to that broadly uh so glyphosate does have one of the highest affinities for vegetation and soil among other herbicides approv for use in sensitive resources areas in the state so it doesn't mobilize in soil it does not um well that's the main thing because it doesn't mobilize in soil that means that water is not going to drag it anywhere which is good for a a situation like this where you have Marshland surrounding and a little bit within the project area uh there are other herbicides that were listed in that table just in in case we needed to use them but glyphosate is the the one on the list that has the highest for vegetation and soil does get brought into the vegetation and or um becomes inactive very quickly in soil above basically any other herbicid proof for use in sensitive resource areas so I don't know if that directly answers your question but that's that's my answer yeah I mean you are addressing the concern about you know if there is unintended effects that will remain from the use of herbicides in general but u glyos in particular thank you the other question I had was around you you mentioned site supervisor and currently there isn't one is there any dependence on somebody keeping an eye on this as this happens and afterwards and I don't know when there will be one um there's a freeze for hiring I think yes so in terms of the yeah the park supervisor situation so Sean Riley the former Park supervisor has um moved into our office the office of Natural Resources as our um Coastal restoration biologist so we'll still be working with him he'll still be involved in this project providing his you know knowledge of Bel ale just within a different capacity um in terms of site security the park itself is going to continue to be operated as it is currently um the parking lot the main access via the driveway on bettington street has a gate that is um closed and managed by Park staff that would be um its current schedule would be based on um operation staff at the um District level um until the park supervisor position can be rectified and in turn terms of access issues to the management itself it is still a park and will be operating as such but that is why as part of the proposed conditions and our proposed operating procedure um s swca and our Consultants employ signage um to notify people of areas um if there is Herb beside application um to help make sure people are aware and again most of the Management areas are at the boundary of sort of the man the Manu manicured areas and either the wetlands or the shrub thickets so generally they're sort of at the edge of where we would expect people to be going but there will be signage um to alert them that there are actively managed patches thank you that's all my questions chair Parker and I'm also going to drop off after this okay great thank you thanks for making the effort to help us reach Quorum Richmond yeah I don't have any questions and I again join with others who have complimented the presentation and the thoughtfulness of it all and I also am looking really forward to this great thank you um Elena any hands raised No Hands raised and nothing in the inbox either okay um Megan I uh made a few um edits to the uh order conditions here regarding the natural heritage um conditions on the last condition I just made it clear it's not condition number 80 that uh it's a natural natural heritage authorization uh which is contained in conditions 78 and 79 and that is what is uh authorized for 5 years um and I did add um with the help of um commissioner long uh condition 73 that applicant shall submit to staff any additional invasive non-invasive species of concern that are detected that uh need to be treated as part of this authorized work does that make sense yes thank you commissioner long does that make sense that sounds good chair okay thank you okay so with that I would entertain a motion to close the hearing and issue this order of conditions so move we have a second second thank you commissioner Sullivan I commissioner long I commissioner Wilson I commissioner Richmond I and I vote I that carries five nothing okay thank you and good luck thank you commission thank you okay next item on the agenda is notice of intent for um unassigned uh D and Boston file numbers from four point Associates on behalf of ocean Havens LLC for the proposed removal of a floating dock from the marina and relocation of two Associated pilings within the marina located at 87 commercial WARF in the North End uh resource areas are land under ocean and fish runs who's here on behalf of the Ala oh and chair Parker sorry just for the record uh a file number has been issued for this project so it is D file number 061 1989 and Boston file number 2024 d014 thank you hi CH Parker um it's Erica prer here from for Point Associates representing the applicant tonight ocean Havens and with me tonight is uh Ryan kwell with ocean Havens great hi everyone hello so we can get right into it um next slide please and next slide please thank you um so the project is within the marina of Boston yach Haven which is located at the end of commercial warp in the North End Waterfront District um we are proposing to remove an approximately 660 square foot um floating dock and it's two Associated 18in steel pipe piles and then within the in ARA to the West there are two deteriorating s pipe piles that are at risk of failing and we're proposing to remove those and then reuse the um piles that were from the floating dock and uh redrive those piles at that location next slide please um so just for existing conditions the left photo here shows the floating dock in a deteriorating State um and then the middle photo shows the two piles that are associated with this dock um and then the photo on the left just is an image to show um the area where the piles are failing in that inner Marina next slide please so the existing Wetland resource areas on this site include land under ocean and fish run their uh seword of the mean low water line uh and located in uh the Boston and our Harbor next slide please so um the proposed work plan is shown here um the the two piles securing the floating dock and the two deteriorating piles will be extracted using a vibratory hammer which will be operated from a barge mounted crane um the two piles that were securing the floating dock will be re installed using the same vibratory hammer at the same location of the two deterior files to a depth of approximately 40 feet below the mudline um and then the the the um total impacts will be approximately 7 square feet to land under ocean and fish Ron next slide please um this just really gives a better graph showing the location of um the two piles to be or the four piles to be removed and then the reinstallation of the two steel pipe piles in that um inner Marina next slide please so for mitigation measures we're going to be using a vibratory hammer um which reduces noise and um impacts and reduces um the turbidity that would be associated with other types of pile driving and then we'll also be using a silk curtain around the area of pile installation um to minimize any uh turbidity impacts to the resource areas um next slide please so um in addition to um the the work that we're proposing um we're we're hoping that the work can be completed within a week maybe less uh if the weather is permitting um and we're going to be starting as soon as possible um to allow the marina to open up for the 2024 boating season and also just more importantly the failing piles are a safety concern that we want to address in the immediate term um so if there are any questions um on the work um we'll definitely take those now okay great thank you um did the slides get ahead of you there yeah a little bit okay you did a good job um okay I um only have one question as far as the uh barge itself um I know the work isn't going to take a long time but um as far as um if there's an inent uh s yeah did I say that correctly Tongue Tied tonight but imminent um uh major storm coming in um uh making sure that the barge is uh secured or removed so we don't have something uh slipp and sliding away from us there and also the containment of hydraulics uh and other other materials on the barge itself could you just quickly talk about uh plans for that um sure so I believe anytime that there there would be a storm forecasted um AK who is going to be the um operator of the work will prepare um the barge for any um impacts of a storm um and I know that they are also preparing plans um for the conditions to show where they will um make sure that any there' be any um oil management plans um prevent spill prevention Etc um I know that they're preparing those great so we'll need those in our files but I think that's uh um standard protocol okay thank you and you're very lucky this evening you're actually uh catching commissioner Sullivan on camera for maybe the first time in a half a decade or so but he's all overlooking the ocean and he's thinking about all these wonderful natural resources great thank you um Ellena um anything on this uh nothing to add to this thank you thank you commissioner Sullivan I have no questions okay thank you commissioner long no questions thank you okay commissioner Wilson even after looking at the ocean commissioner svin you have no questions well yeah when is when is when are we gonna finish but other than that I have no question you I figured why the moon was moving away from us by one inch a year and I is that that was like a mind blowed my from first grader looking at the ocean the other day so but I have no questions relevant to this project thank you guys then you walked right into that I can't believe you asked him that question um commissioner Richmond I don't have any questions either thank you Ellena do we have any questions from the public see I'm not seeing any hands raised and I'm also not seeing anything in our inbox okay great thank you we're all set with the order of conditions um so with that I would uh entertain a motion to close the hearing and issue the order yeah issue the order conditions and close the hearing Tom moved if we wait long enough commissioner Sullivan might have to second the motion second it's not it's not January U I say I long hi M Wilson hi M Richmond I okay and I vote I that carries five nothing okay thank you Erica thank you have a good night thank you um okay next item on the agenda is a request for a determination of applicability from AECOM on behalf of the Department of Conservation and Recreation for the proposed installation of a waterline extension located segment of William J Boulevard South Boston who's here on behalf of the applicant how you doing commissioner uh this is Thomas Bolton of the DCR I'm here with Tom Kio aom um here he is now sorry he'll uh he's going to be presenting this this afternoon okay thank you apologize it was uh I unmuted but I had to wait for the host so I was talking to myself there for about 15 seconds I know the feeling so um yes my name is uh Tom ke I'm a wetland scientist with AECOM and as always I'm joined by uh Tom volton um the project you have before you this evening is the installation of a 6inch waterline within William J Day Boulevard um out to Castle Island it'll be a 6inch water service line um it will begin at the Murphy Memorial Skating Rink and then it will travel within the roadway until H Sullivan's restaurant out by Castle Island um the project is located in the buffer zone several resources there on the coast as you as you can see uh the water line will be installed on the side of the street that is furthest away um from the beach in the boardwalk so the opposite side of the street um as depicted on our plan set erosion controls will consist of um the placement of the silt sacks with in the catch Basin there is a crown on the road that would prevent um you know during a flash rain event or anything like that the sediment from getting up over the road and down into the the basins on the other side but it's all protected by curbing as well uh to prevent anything from getting onto the beach itself and no work would be performed in the rain everything would be done in the dry um the trench would be excavated we'd excavate only a length of trench that the pipe could be installed in in one day uh so there you know there's not going to be a large open trench All Along The Boulevard um once that segment of pipe is put in the trench would then be back filled and compacted uh they'd come back the next day and work on that now typically when the project like this is in the buffer zone it's exempt from regulation but this one also happens to be within land subject to Coastal storm Flowage um you know we we all understand that there are performance standards for land subject to Coastal storm Flowage in the works uh but currently we do not have any and that is why we're here this evening for you with a request for determination uh once the project is complete the uh trench has been patched um there'll be no signs that you know the work ever took place great is that it uh that would be it in a nutshell yes it's just uh a really complicated project I threw in just a couple of photos to give you an idea we're coming right out of the Murphy rink here um and then looking at the rink the photo the line is going to go to the right and then it's going to hug this leftand side of the street all the way down to Sullivan right and once again just an example of the plan you can see all the call outs for the catch bases um that will be going in to make sure that the silt sacks get placed uh within those and that would be it I'd be happy to uh take any questions and uh so with Tom Von as well okay good thank you um I don't have anything Elena um what do you have on this we didn't have anything to know on this either um yeah everything was basically covered by the presentation were able to do a site visit and we we got to walk from the start of where the work is going to be to um to Sullivan so it was a nice site walk but yeah it is it seems straightforward how long did you stay at Sullivan unfortunately it wasn't open it was actually pretty rainy so we we appreciated um both of the toms meeting us there it was yeah not the best day okay okay thank you um and I assume with a standard erosion controls if we take this vote uh yes that would be our recommendation okay thank you uh commissioner Sullivan anything on this nothing on the new installation I was just curious you're tying into a 4 inch line feeding the rink is that that t and then metering it afterwards um is that 4in line already Master meters you know uh it is not the 4 inch meter is uh I mean the 4 inch line is Meed in the building in uh in the rink itself yeah why we're putting another meter on this line that the be in the parking lot yeah because that that's prohibited by the bus water sew so when you get the plans over there uh we'll have to deal with that okay that issue so that that was my only comment and do you know if that 4inch line is tuberculated or is it SM line I'm just wondering if you're tying into a dirty old pipe I believe it is a new line that was no not brand new but put in in the uh early 20 2000s oh okay no that would be fine m all right that that was my only comment no comments on the installation and what they proposed okay thanks thank commissioner long no comments thank you commissioner Wilson um just two questions one was given sort of this is basically a a line for DCR tenants at the end of it by a Castle Island but I was just curious like in terms of there's not much out there whether there was a similar line that's going over to the conlay terminal or like how how is infrastructure Consolidated given it's a long run so that's a uh that's a good question and that kind of goes to why we're actually doing this right now we are fed through the cony Conley Terminal in the uh in the pier um but there's so much there there's a lot of uh water main within that facility and there's a lot of stagnant water which is creating bacteria and we're getting bacteria hits within Sullivan and the uh rest of the bathroom and the facilities within Castle Island because of the stagnant water and the only way to do that is to clean that out is really to flush the system regularly and um and the PA in in the they're not willing to do that for just us the main uh Services you know for more than for basically Fire Control for them so that they don't they have no reason to actually flush the line except for us so we're kind of removing ourselves from that from that uh from that system that's what this Line's being being put put in for yeah yeah no no appreciate that context the only other bit would be is like in terms of that this is again sort of you know sort of infrastructure right at the end of the line literally um whether there's any other sort of coordinated upgrades associated with it given that you know I don't know whether it was like cooking gas or electric or other things that could be sort of Consolidated with you know digging up a trench and covering it once as opposed to having to do it multiple times another good question but those things are not needed up there um at this time anyway that's all on my end yeah thanks and I've never had a sunny day at Sullivans but it's always been a good time so thanks okay um commissioner Richmond yeah I I have a question which I think has already been answered but it did did the proponents say that this trench was only going to be open for a day it will be opened every day and closed at the end of the day so no open trench will be left okay all right I misunderstood that made no sense to me that way okay so but at every at at the end of every work day you're going to be closing the trench by doing what back filling okay so you have to uncover it all the next day excuse me I didn't you were breaking out I'm sorry um this there's some interference on this on this uh line um so that every day you're gonna have to essentially open it again that's well the end of the trench will be plated and then we would the next day we would just start at that point and keep digging okay and and in the event of bad weather you're not going to be working at all that's correct okay thank you very much for answering my questions you're welcome thank you uh Elena anybody from the public no hands and nothing in the inbox either great thank you okay so with that I would entertain a motion to issue a negative determination of applicability with the standard erosion control measures so moved a second thank you commissioner Sullivan hi commissioner long hi commer Wilson hi I thought I was afraid that you escaped the Sullivans already um commissioner Richmond I and I vote I so it carries five nothing okay thank you Tom right thank you have a good evening all have thank you very much guys uh next item on the agenda is a request for a determination of applicability from Northern Tree Service on behalf of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority uh to renew Wetland delineations along the mbta's RightWay in Boston for the new MBTA vegetation management plan uh for 2024 d228 located in Dorchester East Boston and the West End I'm not sure what 4202 24- 2028 is but um I think we have Clayton on the line maybe he can explain that to us or Calvin sorry I okay it's been a while good to see you thank you um good evening I'm uh the consultant on the project on behalf of the MBTA and uh with us tonight is uh Alicia THS from the MBTA and Janice Kerney and then we have uh Amanda Smith from BSC group uh for wetland questions so this uh RDA is in response to um 3 333 cmr1 regulations that requires a vegetation management plan be in place in order to um use herbicides and sensitive areas and we need to um get their Wetland delineations approved so that we'll establish the uh sensitive sites um so that we can be in compliance with the the regulation um so the the numbers there that you were questioning that it's a the 2024 to 2028 uh VMP it's a five-year uh vegetation management plan per the regulation and this um is a successive one of many as as you know I've been here before before you this has been in uh in the work since the late 80s where we've had to have a plan in place in order to treat insensitive sites um the VMP and yop explain all the processes that we use and and how we do that and we just need to have the Wetland delineations um approved uh now for those of you who were here for uh the last time we were here um that was the big convention was that our Wetland delineations were old um and there was a lot of question around them so um since then we have uh we have redone them we had uh BSC group come in and uh do those delineations and those maps that you have are the latest and greatest um which I think should address uh concerns of the commission that we've um done our diligence to make sure our wetlands are adequately delineated and that our sensitive sites are defined uh appropriately um so that's um and I just wanted to add that you know the whole reason we're doing this of course is for the safety of the passengers that ride the tea um vegetation management is critical to uh the safety and um of track infrastructure and safe operation of the transit system and um that's why that's why we're here um and so I'm I'm open for questions uh if unless anybody else from the the te wanted to chime in and say something no you summarized it sufficiently and and it is the overreaching safety of the Railway and the passengers thereof that uh any incidental vegetation that could be problematic as we've seen with some of the um recent storms that create branches in the road in the railway and so on so that's the in uh intent of the vegetation man PL as a whole okay okay so part of the exercise here and I'm sorry maybe I should have understood this but I didn't understand it is to um is to approve the uh delineations of some Wetland resource areas and I'm looking through the noi um so Amanda maybe um do we have something we can show up on the screen here to show um the delineations that you've made is there anything in a presentation or is it just what we have here in our um um it's just what you guys have um but could you put it up on the screen or would you like me to no you can't share unfortunately um okay I'm GNA go to Elena Elena um did you review the uh delineations you did they look how did they look to you yeah so we we reviewed the delineations um we didn't have any specific concerns um especially once sorry I'm also pulling up the materials um yeah we didn't have any particular concerns with this um but also just flagging as commission staff it was our first time reviewing this particular type of filing so we would decidedly defer to the commission probably more so than usual okay I mean last time and Calvin you may remember this last time the plans we received um didn't have enough definition for us to be yeah and so um my recollection and I didn't look back at the last filing uh these plans are um much better in resolution and detail than the plans we received last time so or at least the first set um and you actually gave us um some updated plans right right y yeah okay okay A little back a little background on the plans so de came out with guidance on that um of what they expected for us to present for plans and they because of the the original regulation didn't have much it was using top topographical maps one in 24,000 so we know how detailed those are so the um uh they they required a 1 and 200 inch scale and but of course we provided maps with one in 100 inch scale because they're much easier to see um so we we did better than what theep requested for this as a as a filing so I just wanted to throw that in there so we did a good job on that thank you uh commissioner Sullivan what do you have uh I have no questions shocking of the NBTA on something okay um commissioner long yeah um sorry if I missed something um Calvin are you looking for a positive determination on this or what what was the protocol from previous years uh well positive on the 2A on accepting the delineations but a a negative on the uh the um section three there on the RDA that we don't require we're not required to have an noi okay thank you um that was my only question thank you commissioner Wilson um yeah no completely appreciate the um whatever higher resolution lower scale level of maps super helpful um two questions one was sort of the method of application of the spray whether that was like sort of by foot off of a um maintenance train as needed one and done that sort of that that's come up before there just curious to where you guys landed with this um latest go around um in our in our VMP we we specify that um that we can use um backpack sprayers um and we can use um low pressure boom sprayers on the back of a truck um as as a as a potential option um but in reality the way we've been doing it for the last basically five years is we've been doing it we've been doing it all on foot by with back sprayers um the reason for that is um unlike um you know commercial rail where you have a train every you know hour or five hours or something the tea is a very hectic schedule with trains running all the time there's not enough time at night with maintenance going on in the tea to actually do the treatment we used to do it all at night um and so now we're doing during the day with safety and flagmen and on the active Rail and we'll just um follow safety procedures and when a train comes we all get off to the side the train goes by then they uh blow the whistle we get back on and keep treating so we've done it all by backpack spraying and i' I'd like to I you know i' I've been a proponent of this for the whole plan and uh even from the way back to the first one we we're selectively treating weed we not doing a broadcast on the ballast um so typically you would come in and do a broadcast pre-emergent um and then come back and and do a post emergent on emerged weeds so we're basically doing a post emergent on emerged weeds um and U the control has been excellent um and we've we have um a very low rate of herbicide per acre I think probably I would go out on a Lim to say it's probably some of the lowest in the rail industry as far as as what we're actually using because we're targeting the weeds of their problem so the program has worked really well from that perspective yeah no I appreciate that thank you for the clarification I think that's reflected in the plans um the sort of sensitivity especially to the various water crossings that we see um the only other bit that I would ask about is um in terms of more of a performa type of thing is like syncing up with say Cambridge Conservation Commission or whatnot just making sure that um given that some of these Crossings are shared that we have consistent standards on either side and I mean we all have the same goal I'm sure you've coordinated with them but just yeah we will have a filing with them as well in a hearing so okay cool appreciate it thank you thank you commissioner Richmond uh yeah my my question is um U well it's not first of all it's nice to know that repairs on the tea are being are being done that's the first thing but the second thing uh this stuff that you're spraying um how toxic is it to animals like dogs and um or or even kids um so we're using materials that are um approved um by Mass Department of agricultural resources um rights away division on their sensitive site list so the state toxicologist has reviewed all these and the fact sheets are are on their website for these and so basically they're very low uh toxicity um on the label you can have a re-entry into the area as soon as they're dried but we're not going to have re-entry because it's a fenced off rail Corridor so we won't have people coming in there and it's being applied within a foot of the ground there's no drift there's no movement and it stays put where it is um and we'll basically be using the same materials that their previous applicant for Bel Marsh the glyphosate and um we will probably have a pre-emergent mix of the glyphosate to prevent any other the seeds from coming up in the area that we treated to plant so it's a uh there in fact on the entire system um we will be using materials from the sensitive site list not just in the sensitive areas so and is there any quality control on you know sort of checking that the stuff that's being uh applied is what um you you think it is yes there is uh again MD uh the pesticide uh inspectors come out and take samples from our tank and run them and check them and um um do that that backup and they they watch the crews to make sure they're doing it right and so we are inspected um and that process works pretty well so yes we um I think the state has a very good uh track record for all the rights away applications okay that's great you know I I would just make this observation and I'm sure that others would probably agree and that is um you know the the areas of the tea that have are fenced off as you say um seem to be um not fenced off for people who would like to you know spray paint and do other kinds of graffiti so think that my my question about you know how dangerous it was had had some bearing on my belief that even though it's fenced off um people are going to be in there whether we or you want them there or not but thank you very much for answering my questions you're welcome okay great thank you um Elena anybody from the public I am not seeing any raised hands and nothing in our inbox either okay thank you okay um so that I would entertain a motion I think this is the way to handle it uh for a um to issue a positive determination of applicability for the wetlands uh delineations don't mov we have a second second commissioner Sullivan I commissioner long hi commissioner Wilson hi commissioner Richmond I and I vote I that carries five nothing and uh now i' entertain a motion to issue a negative determination of applicability for the vegetation management work proposed by the applicant so moved second thank you commissioner Sullivan I commissioner long I commissioner Wilson I commissioner Richmond I I vote I so that carries five nothing okay thank you great thank you very much have a good evening okay there's been a number of continuances um continued um our notice of intent for de file number 00 61704 and Boston file number 2020-7 D file number 00 61772 and Boston file number 202- 010 DP file number0 61961 and Boston file number 2023 051 DP file number 0061 1987 and Boston file number 2024 d012 and D file number 00 61988 and Boston file number 2024 d013 uh we're now into our regular meeting and I uh noticed that I neglected to call for the uh fourth um request for a certificate of compliance when we um move these to the uh top of the hearing so uh next item on the agenda is a request for a certificate of compliance for D file number 00 60955 for the construction of buildings 5 and six landscaping and utilities associated with buildings 5 and six and open space work located at 40 East Pier Drive in East Boston Elena what do you have on this yeah so for this one we would recommend that the commission continue uh and hold off on a vote we're still trying to sort out a few uh ambiguities that we have about the storm water system and about some Landscaping that has potentially been ongoing so until we resolve those items uh we would hold off on a recommendation to issue a COC okay we'll table that one um next item is Administrative updates anything we have nothing tonight okay um the orders and conditions here from DCR have those been resolved not yet but we are getting close and hopefully we'll have an official update for for that soon okay um I was able to review the minutes from October 4th 2023 um I was not able to review the uh encyclopedic April 3rd 2024 uh meeting minutes so um I would entertain a motion to um approve the meeting minutes from October 4th 2023 I moved you have a second a boat to catch can someone second second second thank you um commissioner Sullivan hi commissioner long hi commissioner Wilson hi commissioner Richmond I and many thanks a chair for reviewing the minutes oh my pleasure um and I vote um I uh so that passes five nothing so uh all we have left is a motion to adjourn by acclamation um good night everyone Elena DD thank you so much and uh we'll see you in a few weeks thank you and just logging that I will send out signature pages later this week not tonight so if you don't see him tonight you're not missing anything okay have a great night good night good night