thank you all for joining us we're just going to give a moment to clear the waiting room and make sure that folks have connected to audio so that they can hear us good afternoon this is an administrative hearing before the Mayor's Office of Consumer Affairs and Licensing today is Thursday April 18th 2024 this hearing is being conducted pursuant to Temporary amendments to the open meeting law that is what allows us to meet virtually this hearing is being recorded and will be posted to the city of Boston's website we're joined today by the executive director of the Mayor's Office of Consumer Affairs and Licensing Kathleen Joyce and director of operations Rebecca Fu I will read the item on today's agenda into the record I will then ask who is present on behalf of the applicant we'll make a brief presentation regarding the proposal followed by questions by the entertainment Division and testimony beginning with elected officials or their representatives for members of the public wishing to testify please limit your testimony to two minutes and please state your name name address and affiliation if any the only item before the entertainment division this afternoon is the Bowery presents LLC doing business as the stage at suffk Downs located at 525 William F mclen Highway in East Boston the application is to maintain and operate entertainment categories consisting of audio devices projectors instrumental and vocal music disc jockey floor show dancing by patrons and athletic events on the following tenative 202 for dates with events to end no later than 10:30 p.m. and the dates that were advertised in the Boston Herald are as follows Saturday May 18th Sunday May 19th Saturday June 1st Sunday June 2nd Friday June 7th Friday June 14th Saturday June 22nd Friday June 28th Saturday July 27th Friday August 9th Saturday August 17th Monday August 19th Thursday August 29th Friday August 30th Friday September 6th Saturday September 7th and Saturday September 14th who is present on behalf of the applicant good afternoon Madam chair director Fu attorney green Kristen scanland for the applicant uh also here with us today is Josh body who is the senior vice president for Bower presents as well as general manager for the venue Julia chapor who has over 15 years of experience managing venues for balery in New York City um happy to finally welcome her to the Massachusetts team here um if I may proceed um by way of background as the board is aware bow had its inaugural concert season at the stage of suff downs last year in 2023 um as a refresher the outdoor venue which is mainly general admission can accommodate up to 8,500 concert goers for comparison the Pavilion in South Boston is approximately 6,000 uh concert goers the garden 12,000 and Fenway 35,000 the proposed and community events season um for this year is May through October as attorney green noted in the in the legal ad dates that were published um with most concerts concert dates falling on a Friday Saturday and Sunday with the exception of two falling on a Monday and a Thursday towards the middle and end of August uh prior to today's hearing we did have the opportunity to meet again with nearby abutters and East Boston residents a few nights ago at um a mayor's office of Neighborhood Services hosted meeting overall the meeting was productive with bowy and hym responding to items raised with a thoughtful approach which is truly a testament to how um both entities for that matter operate not only with this venue but for all their venues bow certainly committed to continuing to be good neighbors here and strive to create a place that folks are truly happy to have in the neighborhood um with the 2023 being the first year of operations and as with any of their venues and certainly with outdoor venues bow adapts and implements changes as needed in order to improve operations moving forward into the next season um I'll turn it over to Josh body in a moment but of note some of the improvements they will put in place for the 2024 season include a live event hotline with calls and texts monitored in real time on event days notably when they received any complaints last season the data does show that they address them accordingly and complaints were thereafter notably reduced um as far as sound mitigation is concerned and again Josh can dive into this more in depth um they will be reducing the decibel limit that they're allowing and sound monitoring will be ongoing of course within the venue as well as having sound Engineers going through the neighborhood as well um some other items that did come up between last year and this year with the neighborhood and in um discussions of course with the board and BPD and the and um Orient Heights neighborhood Council as well is um better Pathways better life and lit crosswalks in particular for folks and concert guards exiting after events at night um implementation of ride shair Geo fencing with improved signage in the area where they'll be working with um the predominant um ride shair operators Uber and Lyft as well um we did also hear from some folks regarding um some trash issues in particular um post um events and valer is definitely committed to working to see that the the immediate neighborhood is is void of access trash post closing time and sending folks out to make sure that that's done right um at this moment I'd like to turn it over to Josh so he can address um a few more um matters that we talked about lard and what's planned for the 2024 season thanks Kristen thank you madam chair and uh licensing board and others here um further yeah to Kristen's Point um through the neighborhood meetings and through our experience from last last year uh we evaluated what worked well what didn't work well um you know last year as uh for background we had two um sort of weekend Festival events one in June and one in September um the June one uh went off with minus the weather raining out one of the days uh went out with um minimal issues I think on our end operationally uh it's always obviously things that we can improve on but I think in terms of um the issues that we saw we were we were able to uh kind of have a successful weekend of concerts September uh 15th and 16th we had another follow-up um weekend long concert event and I think what we found on the Friday the 15th um I think as the board is aware that we had a number of no complaints um and that was some of the first year um experience or lack of experience I guess in knowing what um sound level exactly works at that site um as Kristen mentioned looking forward to 2024 we've dramatically reduced what our sound uh decel limits were U for what we had last year as opposed to what we'll be allowing this year which will be much more in line with what the realtime readings were um from the June weekend in 2023 so we kind of use that as a benchmark of if June 2023 I think uh the the um you know there was maybe one one noise complaint or or two noise complaints and we figured out that that that sound level is what works um for that site um in addition some of the other improvements including you know the traffic management plan and implementing that we've made tweaks to that from last year I think by and large the vehicular traffic um was leaving the site directly for the folks who parked in the parking lots were not an issue um we're looking at what we can do to reduce impact on the neighborhood and certainly for ride share pickup and drop off making sure that that is clear there um as well as going through the neighborhood post events as Kristen mentioned to make sure that you know ex excess trash our impact on the community um is limited I think you know as as Kristen said and just to reiterate on our end um you know we would enjoy operating in the in the city and everywhere that we operate outdoors and we truly want to be good neighbors um and I think some of the process that we went through with the um abutters meeting the other night as well as the Orient Heights Meeting back in February um is is definitely something that we look forward to continuing to partner with the neighborhood um and being good neighbors and having this be a value add to uh to the area thank you Mr body attorney scandin anything further before we move to questions from director Joyce and director Fu not this time thank you great second director Joyce director Fu if you'd like to jump in with any questions for the applicant um I'm gonna jump in my first question based upon what attorney scanland and what Josh just talked about U what do you mean by reducing the allowable decibel level what exactly what level are you guys looking to keep it at thank you yes um so I think you know the decal limit is what we give to the sound Engineers of what um what the sound can be as measured at the front of house position which is the mixing position which is where the audio controls are located those are about 100 feet from the stage um where they mix the sound and last year um at the a weting level it was 110 Debs at front of house um this year we're going to reduce it to 98 DB um which 12 DB might not sound like a a huge change but it really is a bell curve so when you bring it down to 98 DB that's much more in line with um where we were running in real time for the June weekend and where we plan to run um for this year okay so it's so it's great that you're going to reduce the sound and monitor it um and that location you're describing it in the neighborhood um it should also be monitored at the perimeter of of the venue um and I wanted to ask you to submit those sound um monitoring reports after every show to the board okay and um I think if it could just be put in less technical terms for us I'm not an engineer it's hard for me to understand we've had asked Fenway to do the same um but when we do get questions about what it is um if we could have more frequent readings submitted um and um we can talk about what that would look like after um so if issues do arrive arise in real time you said you have a live event hotline so is it a number that neighbors can call is it what is it yes uh both but but primarily the the phone uh number of which will receive both calls and text and it's uh monitored you know by by a human by one of our employees um and you know what's helpful with those is if it's specifically related to sound is um you know some people may not want to give their exact address but if they can give their Road and a cross street um and then we do have one engineer who will be um kind of dedicated to going out to the neighborhood and and responding and looking at what the sound readings are um you know at that residence or that proximate location while also communicating with um the readings that we're receiving from front of house and working with the engineers to reduce it if that's over uh you know if they're running over the limit to make sure that that you know is reduced if it's below the limit but it's still um you know causing more issues in the neighborhood reducing that at that location as well reducing that at the front house location okay so that'll be monitored from doors through the end of the event okay um one other thing I failed to mention before we'd also like to get a map of where you're taking the readings so that I can look at it and say the sound monitors are at these particular places in the neighborhood it's helpful for us to know where these um where the readings are coming from um so um in that uh feedback loop on the sound monitoring do you guys keep a log of the people that call in email yes okay [Music] um and then let me just see so can you talk to me a little bit about your security operations and emergency plan we did receive it but I want to learn more from you about the third party security how many staff they have um employed during the events how they're identified um and also do you have internal security in addition to the third party security yep so um in terms of for our team we have a um you know we'll have the the on the ground uh management team um security is all kind of reviewed by you know AG our company through our um you know safety team that that goes through the whole Security Management plan the third party security is the primary one on the ground we work with them um at our other venues in the city as well um to provide security um in terms of numbers I I might defer to Julie on exact deployment numbers um for for each event obviously they they'll change based on attendance of the event and the type of event that it is um but I think at the uppermost Julia I don't know if you have that exactly um yeah we I believe it was 34 I'm just pulling up from there 34 which is one uh per 250 attendees um it will shift depending on the event we also have some additional positions that we're going to be uh adding in for certain access points um just to ensure that we have the crowd covered I can provide um exact uh numbers uh following this call just to uh to share with everyone and you know in discussion with the BPD and and Captain bickerton um if there are certain events that we feel we want to increase that those staff we will we will do so just so that everyone is comfortable and safe and secure so how are they identified uh they have uh T like t-shirts um and some jackets depending on but yeah they'll have it'll te in security uh security that they're noticeable and in a color that is distinct from from the majority of the crowd okay and do you have a like we would like to see in writing a breakdown how many are Manning the doors how many are roaming the venue um I think that's important to have abing the crowd um and then um what do you I mean or is it them I'm not sure talk to me about um entrance points and exit points emergency egresses how are patrons re-entry is re-entry allowed if someone leaves wants to get back in bag search policy are bags allowed how do you um we have no no re-entry once people are on the site we keep them on the site um we have emergency exits located uh throughout and they're marked on our site map uh throughout the site um as far as bag search we have uh mags which are the metal detector Gates um we also will be supplementing uh with open Gates which are kind of the pass through we'll also have hand wands um and then also actual uh just bag and body search um um we will keep within the 14x14 uh parameters nothing larger than that in the city um and we have uh signage that will be listing all the prohibited items that will not be allowed on site which uh is flexible and subject to change if the artist uh touring parties coming through have additional requests or if in discussions um we there we want to have more limitations uh based on conversations with the captain and with the city okay and is any 14x14 bag allowed or are these clear bags that you're limiting to we're considering clear bags there are some events that we will probably put that in place um we are open to that uh conversation though okay and I did I did look at the site plan and where the stage is and the layout from the show does that change from show to show the layout no that our site plan is actually very comprehensive to pretty much the max of what we would do on site of what we're requesting to do um there are some shows that we may have fewer of the 10 X1 T up but all the trailers the stage um the concessions tents where the portons are all of that that's all going to be in place for the season and stay consistent okay um so in addition to the management team that um acts as your internal security and your private security team uh what do you do about BPD detail U police detail in general um do you have other municipalities that have working at State Police do you have EMS on site yes um as far as the police we have actually we've already put in a preliminary request with the detail office uh for BPD um we'll also have uh the MBTA police um rever PD and then also State Police uh involved so all four uh who were also involved last year but you know making sure that we get everybody um aligned and then as far as EMS we're going to have uh our on-site EMS uh team we're going to have uh two to four depending on the nature of the show and additionally a privately owned Ambulance Company um who will provide two ambulances with two add additional um EMTs on site for every show as well okay um addition with um BPD as well we executed anou um for overtime as needed with um with BPD so in case that the detail doesn't get filled and the captain determines that uh you know he needs to um assign people I'm not sure if I'm using the right terminology there Captain but if he needs to put people on site uh we have that agreement in place that will pay the uh pay the overtime that that's needed for those okay so I'd like to see in writing um the plan with the EMS and the police details so we have that on record um this has become an issue at other venues in the last couple of weeks um I'm sure it's been longer um so I just want to say take a few minutes to talk about your responsibilities when it comes to EMS um our entertainment rules require that um that you call police and an ambulance if if a patron is injured and I consider an injury not just a physical injury I consider it someone who's intoxicated unable to walk and unable to um speak so you um are responsible for making sure your security staff your private security and your management team is aware of this I will be taking a very strong look at this um you can't just take someone who's intoxicated and put them in your private ambulance you need to call the police you have a responsibility to call the police so we we will be um stretching that definition of physical injury to an intoxicated person moving forward and we do now but we will be really emphasizing this at concert venues um other venues in the city so we also want you to log that so should there be an incident that comes up we want a log of how many people were put in an ambulance how many times you call the police that does not mean you're going to be written up and come before the board on the Alcohol side for a violation but we are monitoring the closely um so that goes into alcohol service and enforcement so I just want to talk about that for a minute um you're requesting alcohol service cease 30 minutes before the end of the concert um other venues in the city is 1 hour so I would be more inclined to limit alcohol service to 1 hour before the show ends um I'll hear from you if you if you would like to Advocate differently but that is The Stance I've taken at other venues um and then with alcohol service I know your plan talks about wristbands um do they change between shows do have you thought that through yes absolutely uh there'll be different colors each show will be different um and they'll be very distinct from any other credential systems we have that allow access to different parts of the venue whether the VIP section they're very distinct um and we're going to be checking those uh as people are lined up before they're coming into the venue so it's not something the bartenders are doing um it's not something that we're doing insight that's going to be taken care of as they're arriving into the venue so people are ided at the door given a wristband correct they do ID at the um place of purchase of sale of alcohol or just to the door um if if there is any question um the our concession staff will be also able to to handle that and then also anyone who's not um of age to drink and not receiving a wristband will also get X's marked on their hands so it's sort of um sort of an extra step that shows that those those people in case they maybe find a wristband on the ground they've got those axes already okay and how do they ID do they ID do they use scanners are they tip certified they're trained uh trained to identify um what and we're only looking at government issued IDs um but we have trained staff who um go through that process um and if there's any question or any doubt um they will Elevate that to a manager um to make the final decision so the people are iding though are your private security no okay it's your management team correct okay um and how do you prevent pass offs um that's as far as the alcohol compliance staff including our security staff that's just keeping an eye on the crowd and and we have floaters who are on site that are included in our deployment um on our deployment map that uh will be keeping track of that and looking for those wristbands um as well as additional staff I did look at the map I wasn't entirely clear what the um the colors were and stuff like that but i' we'd like to see that in writing um a narrative to accompany the map um and then what size alcohol drinks do you sell beer so sorry so I think it varies I from 12 ounce 16.9 o I don't think last year we served any 24 o um container so I think it was limited to the to the 12 oun 16 or the 16.9 I think is the okay any anything beyond the 16.9 um I would request that you um seek permission from the licensing board on that yeah um let's see what else we have so how early do or do doors open up before an event um the standard schedule we're looking at either doors opening at 5:00 or 5:30 all events Ending by 10:30 uh the parking uh Gates will be opening 90 minutes before those the gates to the site itself open so as early as 3:30 for the parking lots for a five o'clock door okay um and I I just wanted to go back to their schedule of events um which one is it I think we'll probably hear from Captain bierton but Thursday August 29th um school has already started in that neighborhood the Excel school um so I just want to keep I'm keeping that in mind as I um take a look at this application how close to The Venue is the nearest residential house your perimeter we're talking about like you know the neighborhood being impacted by the concert venue a concert on a school night neighbors complaining possibly so if you could just let me know or if you if if you know um how close is a venue to the actual neighborhood I know that doesn't it's a hard it's not a hard line because sound travels but just to give me a better idea been out there but I didn't go into the neighborhood I mean according to the map that we use obviously to to notice abutters for the abutters meeting there are um individual um residential homes within the 300 foot radius that we are required to notice okay um I'm going to turn over to Rebecca I know she's taken notes Rebecca is anything else that you wanted to um ask before we moved on to public public testimony um yes so I know we covered a lot about concerts can you tell us a little bit about the community events that you're requesting um absolutely so the May 19th uh is a wounded vet uh motorcycle ride they've done this on site not when we have been there but um in years past as well um and they have pres they're going to be using our stage have you know some vets come and go up there and tell their story you know just kind of have hamburgers and hot dogs and just kind of all you know Gathering space for everybody to be together the June 1st event is Girls on the Run that's also happened at that site in uh times fast which uh is uh girls teenagers uh just 5K run kind of throughout the property through the parking lot areas and then we'll be ending um at our stage um and then the June 2nd event listed here has actually very recently uh uh gone to another location so that's no longer happening um and then the June 22nd event is a a uh soccer fundraiser um we're waiting on some further details for that but again also these and all of those uh community events are daytime events uh not not in the evening and then for the abutters community meeting do you have any letters or anything about the uh if they have support opposition to the request that you [Music] submitted um some of the issues that came up were as far as the sound um which I that we've discussed here and and that's definitely been the top of top of mind also the uh just keeping an eye on the trash in the neighborhoods especially the day following not not just that night just to make sure anything that happened after you know people had cleared out of the space and just being really careful and mindful of that um and then as far as the ride share um which we've also addressed um uh just more just more managing of that and making sure that that geofencing is keeping you know and our staff are keeping people on our premises um and not wandering into the neighborhood um to find their their cars okay Kathleen may have mentioned this but um your traffic Transportation traffic management plan um I believe you submitted like just a site plan with the arrows we definitely want a written detailed plan of that um I don't believe we have that um all right I'm just looking some my notes how many entrance points are there for the events um as far as onto the site itself there's one main entrance point and then there's also an entrance that goes into the backstage that is limited and secured um to touring Personnel working crew and and but not open to the general public so the uh people coming from the T Station um will be lined up along uh the the track on that side and then people who are uh coming in on cars or ride share through the parking lot will also line up in that same place and come through that same entrance onto our site when doors open okay and then at the end of the event night how many exits are open up um the everyone will be going out that same way and it it basically follows along that track we do have again those emergency exits located throughout uh but we're not going to be having people exit that way um they'll be going just back the way they came directly back to the parking lots and then directly around to the tea I know you noted some alcohol compliance staff floaters how many staff alcohol compliance staff do you have in floaters um is we have guest services staff um that will be a little bit flexible depending on shows that will be uh going throughout the staff we also again will have the bar staff um the concessions um who will Who are also going to be keeping an eye on that and then those roaming security uh staff that go throughout as well as the stationary ones um for the the locations they're in they're just not as able to move but everyone's going to be on radio and can easily uh communicate with across departments um if there are any issues regarding you know alcohol compliance security or otherwise okay in your plan for the security when you update it can you just include about approximately how many staff for the different types y yes thank you and are all your events all ages yes I think that's oh uh Kristen I know Kristen mentioned that you have about 15 years of experience in New York can you tell us a little bit more about your management experience I've started with bow presents pretty much from day one started as a promoter rep which basically means you know going in and you're sort of the artti the main person handling uh stuff with the artist um and that was for about three years in 2007 we opened Terminal 5 which is a 3,000 capacity music venue um um in the sort of Midtown West uh part of of New York so I uh was part of the core management team uh opening that venue worked there for almost nine and a half years and then moved over to to a venue called Brooklyn steel that opened in Brooklyn in 2017 um and was part of the core management team uh getting that place up and running and was there through the sort of quiet time in 2020 2021 um got it back up and running when uh we all came out of the pandemic um and then the past two years I've been uh working kind of across venues in New York um and then also starting to step up into Boston which so it's I'm very excited to be living here right now it's it's a new a new town for me but it's it's been very welcoming so far so I'm excited to just learn more and more about the city itself and and just kind of working with with all of you so that's that's that's in a nutshell great uh those venues that you were part of the management team how was the capacity comparable to Subic Downs um seic Downs is a little bit bigger but so is our support team we have more more folks who have a lot of experience and though I am new to the venue this year um our production manager Eric Jensen and uh we have multiple manag other man manager staff who were on site last year so they have that knowledge and learning um and then I can bring a little bit sort of just fresh eyes to it and just kind of be able to address any changes as we've already been discussing here um and then of course we have our our not not all of our our support comes from our operations and management team we have you know Josh body our booking team our ticketing marketing we have just a lot of good support and it's a very all Hands-On debt kind of company thank you uh that I believe is oh actually sorry um concerts can people buy at the door or it all has to be they can yes absolutely if tickets are still available of course if we're sold out unfortunately we have to turn those people away uh but yeah we will have tickets available we have a box office set up within inside of the the entry Gates so after people have have got walked onto the premise but we have a box office so if anyone has any issues with their tickets any need to purchase tickets if they're checking in for will call um you know if there their tickets have been left at the door that's there and that's before the ticket scanning point which is the entry space where Security check happens thank that concludes all my questions thank you thank Youk you director Joyce any further questions not at this time great and anything further from attorney scanland or the applicant team before we move to question uh to testimony not for me thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes Madam chair um at this time the mayor's offic deferred to the Judgment of this division uh some background information on the community process uh on hosting the butters meeting on Tuesday April 16th uh 34 people were in attendance uh we had three members of the local Carpenters Union call in to express support uh one supporter was shiled from rever um there was some concerns raised uh regarding uh noise as well as the venues proposed traffic mitigation uh several folks asked if the stage could be rearranged uh to face towards Route 1A uh one member of the friends of the Bell Isles Marsh uh stated uh she was concerned about impacts uh that noise may have on uh wildlife and conservation efforts being made at the Bell Isles Marsh um there was also some concerns regarding um particularly surrounding concerts in late August uh local students um who uh would be uh studying on a school night uh the applicant also went before the Orient Heights neighborhood Council back in February of 2024 folks in attendance also voiced concerns about traffic noise and parking one constituent shared that it took her an hour last year to get from River to orient Heights a few residents of Walmore a which is one of the abing streets have also shared a desire to have greater enforcement from the city regarding um parking uh residential parking restrictions in that area uh there was also uh mentions of of J impacts uh with pickup drop off from Ubers lift drivers Etc which I believe the applicant was able to answer uh some of those concerns that were held um and with that on just forwarded two emails to the board that we've received uh from abutters and I will defer to the board at this time with that information thank you thank you Connor are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter uh and if so you can either uh just unmute yourself and identify yourself and provide your testimony or you can Al use the raise hand function if you'd like to be called on Great Captain bickerton your hand is raised you may please provide your uh testimony or questions uh I know we've gone through this uh quite extensively the last few times and we've sat down and met with uh hym bowy and suff downs and I've met with juler also uh just a couple of questions and I don't want to sound repetitive um private Ambulance Service have we already contracted with a private Ambulance Company because I know last year few issues yes already contracted already set Armstrong ambulance is the company um and we're within the next week Pro by before before May 1st uh which is still uh we are one month out May 18th being our first show we're going to do a walk through with our management team our uh security company our the ambulance company and our on-site EMS uh so that we're all all there together and that you know kind of as much as we are aligning um and I would happily invite um anyone from the BPD if you want to join us for that meeting as well uh once we get that set um but yeah we are we are locked in with both our on-site EMS security and our third party ambulance I think we should be part of those conversations especially given you know like the sick assist calls that we talked about and the ability to create a log so that way uh people aren't just being put into an ambulance and they go off to their own devices we never know what the outcome is uh I think it would be important to sit down and have that conversation with the ambulance company to make sure that there is a log that's generated absolutely um I Know i' spoken about ections uh last year and I address it again on our recent walk through this year um a lot of times patrons are ejected out the rare gate which leads into the msh uh probably not the best location to send drunk people into a msh uh there was no Boardwalk there was no access it's it's grass and it's it's a a muddy mash um have we done any uh improvements to make sure that there's an access point uh walkway or uh what have you through the back and out to the front of the property as very much as possible we're not going to use that side for ejections unless the situation warrants that we just need to get them off the premises quickly but then they will be escorted to where the the parking lot area to where the front gates are we're not going to just open the gate kick them out and you know let them find their way through the March uh back to you know where they need to go so we're uh more likely going to be bringing people our goal will be to be bringing people through the back through the front entrance um to the parking lot area back to where we have more staff and offsite and just you know proper lighting and all of that so there I'm sorry I'm sorry Captain added additional Paving as well for for Pathways there I think last year we out there there was that field covering the kind of plastic field covering areas and uh this year we're undergoing a Paving project that kind of provides a more uh you know easy footing to to get out to towards the parking lots as well so there this is part of the problem last year we had uh patrons who were over served and they were at the back gate um there was the back G we were able to bring them out we were able to escort the individual there was no easy way to get them actually off the property which took walking a drunk who doesn't want a drunk and want you know wants to sit down uh we basically had to carry this guy while we were there a fight broke out and we can't now leave the guy by himself at a marsh uh there needs to be a dedicated point where they can't come back into the venue uh and I know I discussed this through some of our walkthroughs uh that we did last year and and again at the beginning of this year um it's labor intensive to try to take someone who can't even stand to try to get them back around to the front of the venue never mind walk through 8,500 people to get them to the front uh front door uh concert goers who are going to sing and dance and be uh disruptive as we're trying to get somebody out of there so usually the quickest exit is the best approach um but there needs to be a dedicated area over there as opposed to us trying to carry them uh that was just one of the topics I brought up uh last year and again this year uh over service and as far as alcohol compliance uh what are we doing to um make sure that we're aware of somebody's been over served um are we cutting them off are we taking a wristband from [Music] them uh yes both of those would be two options you know kind of assess but yeah 100% take the wristbands off and if it's that kind of case going back to those x's on hands even if it was someone who initially did not need to get those we would that would be part of it um and uh yeah definitely cutting them off um communicating that and escalating that further if it warrants um asking them to leave the site so now my recollection of last year was there was a lot of um the big cans the ipas uh with a lot of people double fisting how many uh beverages uh they going to be limited to when they purchase um no more than two um and then if the situation if the situation warrants if the show warrants uh going down to one and we can make that decision um during the event that can be something again everybody's on radios all the concessions uh if we want to make a decision to cut it down to one during any event at any time we can do that um and be very flexible to do that um school nights and concerts I know we touched on it briefly uh I know that was one of the biggest concerns that I've got gotten from the community uh as well as uh sound tests and I know we talked a little bit about this yesterday and uh I know Josh you and I have spoken about this in the past um and you guys have given us reassurances that we will not have a repeat uh last year the Bradley school which is right there um their entire school day was interrupted um with loud music that was pretty much rocking their classrooms uh disturb their learning environment uh I just want to have insurances that that won't take place during this show and I think uh you know we'll be in touch with the principal and making sure that they they're aware of our schedule and we're aware of their schedule as well and working with them closely okay yeah so the uh schools for the um chart schools uh in East Boston they begin on 822 I know that you had listed uh a concert for Thursday 8:29 um is that something that you're still looking to go forward with the a29 one is one that we'd like to to go forward with I know we haveo Ed the Bradley School uh schedule with that one um as we felt you know we knew that that one was kind of more AB budding the neighborhood uh in the area um I'm unsure about the impact that would have on those the charter schools um that do not uh you know are not within the immediate vicinity of the venue uh R here I don't know if you had an opportunity to see some of the notes from uh last night there was someone that wasn't able to be in attendance uh Josh who uh sent a question in and it had to do with a ride share gathering over on walmir a out of the rear gate um the residents have asked us to shut waldemir R and not let anybody through obviously we can't that's the Fourth Amendment uh issue if we start stopping people and preventing people from driving through streets uh but they have asked that you close the rear gate um to not allow people to walk out back onto walmir a and gather in front of people's houses waiting for ride ches is that something that you would be able to do I'd love to talk to you but because I wasn't sure exactly what gate they weren't specific on exactly which gate the only gate I know of back there leads directly to the MBTA station so I don't want to solve for one yeah I'm happy to you know would love to partner with you and figure out which gate that is and figure out the best way to move people because obviously we don't want to limit access to the T Station um but to whatever extent you know we can close a gate that helps with the neighborhood as long as it allows people to get back to the MBTA and as you mentioned the Fourth Amendment side of things we don't want to you know cross but uh you know we're we're we're open to all ideas on how to reduce uh you know pickups in that area I think certainly in terms of the geofencing it's look it's technology it's it's good to create the GE offense is not always perfect um but you know looking at Best Practices and what we can do and uh perhaps at that walk that we're setting up with with all hands taking a look at where that is and come up with a good plan on how we can uh limit the impact back there two more things uh sound readings we talked about uh I know uh somebody addressed it uh yesterday with you um up on Orient Dev uh how far up the hill are we going to get those readings so um I think the ones in the neighborhood um kind of based on being in a public way would would have that as a moving kind of roving person I think what we need to do a better job of this year's as we're reading those logging exactly at you know if we take a a reading at 8:30 at 217 Orient AV that that's that's logged there and then if we move up up and down the hill I mean we'll we'll go you know if there are calls coming from other areas that are further from orian Heights uh you know we're happy to send someone there with the monitoring device um but it won't it wouldn't be a fixed location I think it's more effective to kind of um respond to the issues where they are I think in terms of the fixed locations that would be at front of house as well as the property line that those would be fixed uh throughout the event I'm looking at a map right now suff down stage uh as you know waldemir is split into two pieces uh primary road that is a complete throughway uh that runs over towards food AV but then you have the lower the lower uh one has uh probably about a couple of dozen houses uh that directly ABS the gate by the dog park and track roughly about a football field and a half away from the stage from the furthest point um what sound readings if any would we be able to do right at that gate because though that is people's windows bedroom windows and living room windows I think that that could be a fixed location I think maybe there is some a fence line there kind of where that pathway goes to the mvta you know kind of between there and the housing we could we could put one there and keep real-time readings there as well okay and last but not least uh security to be identifiable uh last year we had a lot of issues there was Dot clothing that security War uh there was nothing that High VI uh so it's hard to see them in the crowd um this year I I know it's the same security company with a new name um but the ability to have them in high Vis so that they're identifiable in the crowd uh makes it a little easy it's also safer for them uh if a fight does break out oh you know if we only see doc clothing we don't know who Who's involved in the fight uh so having high Vis shirts would uh would make more sense to me that makes sense I will communicate with them about that and follow up and that's all I have thank you very much thank you thank you Captain I will ask if there are any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter Miss Maline stazinski I will ask you to unmute and you may please provide your testimony hi sorry I couldn't see where the hand thing was um my name is mine steinski I'm the founder and um co-director of Zoom Mi excuse me co-founder and director of zumix I which is a Youth Development organization based here in East Boston Mass um and last year both Tom O'Brien and Josh reached out to us about the concerts that they were doing over at C Downs um and we've continued well we've participated in some of those events last year um I was very impressed with the functionality just the the Streamline functionality of utilizing that space particularly that day the first year um and always been impressed for many years in the way that bowy operates their venues throughout the city um so I'm really pleased to have them in the neighborhood I run this Youth Development Center and there are a lot of um career path opportunities that we've been talking to B about in terms of our young people um both you know Engineers artists management folks produce production crew Etc um and ways that we really hope to um you know if this relationship continues hope to tap into opportunities for our students so I just wanted to say and I'm also a resident of East Boston a business owner in east Boston etc for decades um so Captain bigerton it's great that you're here Tom O'Brien so nice to see you earlier and I hope that everything's going okay there um Josh and other folks from bowy thank you and Rebecca we're also in conversation about another thing so it's nice to see you uh on this line as well thank you very much for your testimony are there any other individuals with us who would like to provide testimony great I'll just give uh director Joyce director Fu another opportunity if you have any further questions uh following the testimony we've heard uh just a request um to share with us a map um of where the security cameras are going to be and the number of secur security cameras you have in the venue and in the parking lot that' be helpful and just a question on the cameras um or is all the footage saved for particular amount of [Music] time oh it is I'm not sure but we'll we'll put that in there with um with the map so you have that perfect thank you thank you uh director Joy director Fu anything further turny SC sorry D was that nope nothing great turny scan on any anything further nothing further we'll make sure we get all these items um over to you as soon as possible thank you very much and with that that is the item before the entertainment division this afternoon that will adjourn this hearing uh the division will take this matter under advisement and will issue a written decision thank you all and enjoy the rest of your day