good morning thank you all for joining us we're just going to give a moment to clear the waiting room and ensure that everyone has connected to audio so they can hear us hi good morning thank you for being with us uh as a reminder please do remain on mute uh unless or until you are appearing or testifying before the board still see folks entering from the waiting room so we'll give it just another moment good morning this is a hearing before the licensing board for the city of Boston today is Wednesday March 27th 2024 today's hearing is being held pursuant to Temporary amendments to the open meeting law that is what allows us to meet virtually today's hearing is being recorded and will be posted to the city of Boston's website before I review procedural matters I will introduce chairwoman of the board Kathleen Joyce thanks Danny good morning my name is Kathleen Joyce I'm chair of the Boston licensing board and today I'm joined by commissioner Kiana Saxon and commissioner Liam Karen thank you please ensure that your audio and visuals are work properly I will call each item in the order that it appears on this morning's agenda I will then ask who is present on behalf of the applicant you'll make a brief presentation regarding your proposal followed by questions by the chair and Commissioners following questions there will be an opportunity for Testimony beginning with elected officials or their representatives for members of the public wishing to testify please limit your testimony to two minutes and please state your name address and affiliation if any we'll begin with the first item on this morning's agenda calling item number one florenza Inc doing business as florenza located at 164 to 170 Sumer Street in East Boston has applied for a common Victor license to be exercised on the above 1,700 square feet on ground floor ordering counter with disposal entering on the left takeout allowed espresso and eating counter with four stools Kitchen in rear dining area with 27 seats two bathrooms storage in basement manager Stefano Bruno hours of operation 7: a.m. to 10 p.m. who is present on behalf of the applicant I am attorney Diane Moda 24 hanne Street East Boston Massachusetts and I'm and I have my client with me Stephan o Bruno as well thank you very much attorney Monica if you would like to please briefly present the proposal to the board yes uh thank you very much uh florenza is an Italian themed restaurant located at 168 Suna Street um and it was INSP Ed by Stephano's grandmother Florence so uh he also trained at her Apron Strings so to speak and is receive some uh training in culinary arts as well uh it's a new buildout in the ground floor of this this building with seven units um it's a Transit oriented uh project in so far as it's in a neighborhood shopping district it's five minutes away from Maverick station and from the East Boston ferry it's also in the midst of substantial development around it so that there will be substantial foot traffic from the new developments as well as the long-term residents um Stephano uh went to Wentworth as a uh as a student he ma he uh was he majored in construction management and uh safety so not only does he have culinary training but he also is very good at managing um spaces and constructing them Etc uh we went through a neighborhood process where we um had an a Butters meeting with Neighborhood Services there was no opposition there we also presented at the Maverick Central neighborhood association and there is a letter has been filed in the record supporting this project also I believe you will be hearing from the district one city council's office Gabriela Keta if there are any questions certainly we're here to answer them thanks I have no questions none for me thank you no questions thank you thank you very much are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representative yes Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's offic like to defer to the Judgment of this board uh Ken confirmed that on did host a community process we unaware of any concerns and the applicant went before the Maverick Central neighborhood association which voted to support this proposal with that will defer to the board at this time thank you good morning Madam chair memb of the board Sebastian par from councelor cola's office at this time the councelor would like to go in support of Florence based on a good Community process and overall and the overall of the project thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement thank you very much thank you very much calling item number two blank Street 489 East Broadway Boston LLC doing business as blank Street Coffee located at 489 East Broadway in South Boston has applied for a common Victor license to be exercised on the above 1,126 ft single level coffee shop one bathroom pration pastries and heat to serve items only manager Derek Craig hours of operation 7:00 a.m. to 6 PM who's present on behalf of the applicant is anyone on on behalf of blank Street Coffee we will take a second call moving on calling item number three baby holding ma Inc doing business as baby Cafe Kitchen located at 128 Brighton AB in Alon has applied for a common V license to be exercised at a previously licensed location 4,000 square ft in one large room on ground floor dining area kitchen and storage area in the back of the floor plan level manager Shi and Shu hours of operation 700 a.m. to 2 a.m. who is present on behalf of the applicant I am right here John hi great good morning thank you for being with us if you could please briefly present the proposed concept to the board hi um so baby Cafe is a a Hong Kong style Cafe that we took over the the previous uh locations for uh crave chicken and um we are not serving alcohol we are keeping everything uh as the infrastructures and uh and changing it to A New Concept which is a uh the Hong K Style Cafe so um if there's uh any questions for me to answer I'm I'm happy to answer it so um yeah uh what is a Hong Kong style Cafe uh it's basically a uh a comfort um Chinese style food but it serves U mil and um and um spaghettis and U more more on the on the F Asian fusion side of uh um Asian Cuisines okay um why do you need 2 am closing um because we want to capture the the late night for um for um for the uh the vacant spots of you know um students and not you know like we wanted to to capture the uh the late night uh events for um for for food and do you have any affiliation with any of the owners of cra no we do not we are we're a brand new entity we took we uh purchased the uh the assets of uh grave chicken and resign the uh the new lease with the with the property owner do you have plans for a liquor or entertainment license in the future uh we do not okay commissioner car commissioner Saxon um how many nights a week do you uh anticipate being open till 2 am. uh it's only uh Friday Saturday uh I have no more questions at this time wa for comments thank you no questions at this time thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter um was there a was there a community meeting for this uh proposal uh community meeting for uh for um Austin uh did you me the neighborhood uh Association the mayor's office of Butters yes we did uh we had a meeting with uh with the community uh with uh with Tony and um everything they should have sent you guys over the uh the letter of approval as well so um that meeting went pretty well Madam chair that would that would be uh the Allon civic association the local neighborhood association so they did vote to support this project from what I understand thank you thank you that letter was received this morning thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter any further questions from the board board will take this matter under advisement thank you okay calling item number four El Salam LLC doing business as mood located at 115 Salem Street has applied for a common vler license to be exercised on the above 1,212 ft full service restaurant with takeout on the first floor 40 seats Kitchen in the back and bathroom on the first floor storage and office space in the basement manager Fatima Ibrahim hours of operations Sunday to Wednesday 7:00 a.m. to midnight Thursday through Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. who's present on behalf of the applicant hello there hi we are good morning guys uh so my name is Mahmud and this is fima my wife uh we're the owners of uh mood uh we planning so uh we're planning to do uh Mediterranean Middle Eastern infusion over there just to bring uh something different to the community uh the original proposal was to open from 7:00 a.m. to midnight and uh Thursday Friday and Saturday till 3 o'clock but we're not seeking this anymore we met with Ops and the committee meeting and they were against it so we took the proposal we cutting the hours back so now we're proposing uh 7 a.m. uh Sunday uh Wednesday till 11: and 700 a.m. uh Thursday Friday 7 to 12 7 to 12 um Thursday Friday and Saturday I think that will be with the normal hours and we met yesterday with the New Aura and they were and with an approval and they were okay with those hours okay thank you and you have a are you already open with a temporary CV right now we're we're not open as a Viet but we have the temporary CV yes and that's until 11: p.m that is correct yes okay thank you I don't have any other questions no questions me thank you none from me thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representes yeah hello this is David kubak I'm a member of the North End Waterfront residents associate Association and I'm standing in for Victor BR chair of the zoning licensing and construction committee we met with Fatima and um Mo last night and we had a very very productive very helpful meeting the neighborhood is greatly in opposition to the original hours in the application um but there is significant support for the restaurant and for the hours that Mo just noted that being those being Sunday through Wednesday 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Thursday Friday Saturday 7 am to midnight and I'm hoping that the licensing board will not consider any hours later than those hours stated today thank you very much are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter thank you the board will take this matter under advisement as well thank you thank you calling item number five cacao South End LLC doing business as cacao located at 570 Columbus AV in Roxberry has applied for a common vitler license to be exercised on the above 851 ft Cafe space with seating area two entry doorways and restroom service area with chocolate station and pastry counter along with a prep area storage room is located on the same level 330 square foot private outdoor seating area for seasonal use manager at leonardis bayz hours of operation 7:00 a.m. to 7 p.m. who's present on behalf of the applicant I am my name is pea Rosario co-owner of caca great thank you very much Mr Zar for being with us if you could please briefly present the proposed concept to the board sure so caca located at 570 Columbus AV it's a chocolate cafe serving coffee pastries hot chocolate and chocolate confections we um have 14 indoor seats 14 outdoor seats and looking to open 7 days a week week from 7: am. to 7 p.m. thank you we'll see if there are any questions from the board chairman any questions I have no questions thanks thank you commission car Comm no questions for me thank you none from me thanks thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes madame chair members of the board Connor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time mayor obious like to defer to the Judgment of this board um we conducted a full community process on this the applicant met with their local Civic uh who were supportive of the opening the owners seemed very willing to work with the neighborhood on trash and parking queries uh we also had an abutters meeting that was hosted by our office on March 18th I was lightly attended uh but we have heard nothing but support with one neighbor proclaiming who would be against chocolate with that we'll defer to the board at this time thank you thank you very much uh I do see a hand raised from a bob Barney Mr Barney you may please provide your testimony hi uh name is Bob Barney I live at 463 massav in Boston south end I'm president of the Claremont neighborhood association in the south end this particular business is right in the middle of our neighborhood association I'm here to offer full support for this application and applicants for the new business and we are excited about having chocolate here uh we've met with the applicant couple of times times and abutters are very happy to see this business move into our neighborhood thank you thank you very much are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter seeing on the board will'll take this matter under advisement as well um I did receive a message that we may have been joined by a representative from blank Street Coffee um is is that true is anyone here on behalf of blank Street yes I am I'm very very sorry about attending late guys my wife is about to go into labor and I had a Mis call from her and she never calls me but it's uh all is clear we're we're not having a baby yet appreciate the patience thank you very much for being with us uh and we will read back into the record for you thank you for joining us by the way um blank Street 489 East Broadway Boston LLC doing business as blank Street coffee at 489 East Broadway in South Boston has applied for a Comon viter license to be exercised on the above 1,126 ft single level coffee shop one bathroom 18 seats no food preparation pastries and heat to serve items only manager Derek Craig hours of operations 7:00 a.m. to 6: p.m. uh who's present on behalf of the applicant that is me my name is Anders K I run development for the US business the blank street thank you very much Mr Kens uh can you please uh just briefly present the proposed concept of this location to the board absolutely so this is a very small format coffee shop we have a standard offering uh the idea being around kind of convenience and automation to to serve a third wave quality product at the convenience that you would find at a a Dunkin Donuts um so no food preparation as was mentioned it's all heat to serve local vendors for pastries um yeah we have I guess four other successful locations in Boston that seem to be doing well we're very excited to be in the sou neighborhood uh we did have our our official opening uh which was the actually the the biggest opening day we've ever had in the US which is super surprising but very exciting at the same time so uh yes very happy to be here we've we've also run the community process uh open to any questions of course from anyone on the call uh just to clarify there's 18 seats right correct okay um I don't have any other questions commissioner s commissioner kin none for me thank you none for me thanks thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter yes Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's off like to defer to the Judgment of this board uh previously this applicant went through uh the zoning board of appeals process when seeking to open uh during that ons Rand a community process where Flyers were circulated to a Butters within 300 feet we did hear back from one business owner who was concerned about uh trash and potentially leading to rodent problems as well as double parking outside of the business the applicant was was able to answer uh questions regarding to how much trash would be generated and that would be stored within the building um believe this resident Is Still Remains an opposition but we did not hear back from any other community members the apin at the time uh did reach out to the local civic association and um did not hear back um as I mentioned they went before the zoning board of appeals and were approved by the board with that we'll defer to the board at this time thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter good morning Madame chair members of the board my name is Melissa low and um I'm representing councelor Flynn councelor Flynn would like to go on record in support of this applicant thank you very much are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter seeing on the board will take this under advisement and uh Mr Kens best of luck and congratulations to you and your wife thank you very much thank you uh moving back to the order of the agenda calling item number six coffee lucky Inc doing business as fista Cafe located at 96 Peterboro Street has applied for a common vit license to be exercised at a previously licensed location first floor with approximately 800 square ft one room with open food and beverage preparation area and dining area for 12 seats one restroom dry storage and basement with a private seasonal May to October patio area at the front of the building for 16 patrons who is present on behalf of the applicant uh I am sir Sam sorry multiple people just spoke at once I think who ask again who's President on behalf of this applicant uh unless there is confusion I believe that would be me Jones acting manager of great thank you very much Mr Jones if you could please just briefly present uh the proposed concept to the board yeah I have had the pleasure of being the manager of new for a year now and currently the manager through the transmition uh process it is a Vietnamese Casual Cafe uh where we have the pleasure of serving bonme uh rice bowls salad bowls and some delicious Vietnamese inspired drinks as well as other drinks that we think provide a benefit to the neighborhood tea drinks and Goa drinks that are desperately wanted by the the student population now we provide a very welcoming atmosphere for students and working professionals to study um it's a small Cafe there's only seating for 12 clients um in there and we're hoping as well to have saving for 16 uh patrons outside when the weather is nice and yeah the the ownership was changed just to the the tie food owners next door um so it's very much kept in the same um loing care and so we're happy to be applying for this license uh but without really any Chang so just to clarify for everyone this is just to make the patio um permanent correct you're already open and operating correct uh just y just for the the month of May to October weather exp okay thank you for joining us I don't have any questions commissioner sax curent none for me thank you none for me thank you thank you are there individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes hello good morning Madam chair members of the board Maggie vany with the mayor's office of neighborhood services at this moment our office would like to defer judgment to the board the Fenway civic association has expressed their support to our office for this proposal and our office is unaware of any concerns at this time thank you good morning Madam chair members of the board Kennedy Avery here on behalf of councelor Durkin uh councelor Durkin would also like to go on record of support for this applicant as Maggie mentioned the Fenway civic association did Express their support for as well and Council Durkin was she's so grateful to uh host her office hours there a couple of weeks ago um and it's a great space enjoyed by the community and we're glad to see that their patio will be able to um welcome more people to enjoy the space so thank you thank you very much are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter or will take this under advisement as well thank you calling item number seven suaste Handover LLC doing business as fish taco located at 227 Handover Street holder of a common vict license has petitioned to change the operating hours of the business from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. to 10: a.m. to 1:00 a.m. who's present on behalf of the applicant hi I am uh my name is Jessica chip I'm representing s Handover LLC also in attendance is one of the managers uh step Lee um but we are a pre-existing brick and mortar restaurant um as youve said we're currently open till 11 p.m simply looking to keep the same operations just open until 1: am. thank very much we'll see if there are any questions uh from the port on this uh proposed change uh thank you how long have you been at this location open and Opera um I want to say 2022 or 2021 I it's been a while sorry and can you explain a little bit more why you want to go from 11:00 p.m. to 1:00 am. yeah looking to just capture more of the market at night um trying to capture more sales honestly okay um and is your business like sit down or is a takeout uh technically takeout okay and how many staff are there between the hours of 11:00 p p.m. and 1: a. um as of right now since we're not open we we're still looking to staff and train up but I think we'd probably look to have something like three to four maybe okay I don't have any other questions commissioner Karan or commissioner Saxon not at this time thank you no questions thanks thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives uh and this is David kubak again for the North and Waterfront residence Association uh the community has not been made aware of this application at all uh and I'm not sure whether the the mayor's office held a community meeting and a Butters meeting uh so I would ask the board to defer this matter so that the community has a chance to review this application especially the change in hours to 1:00 a.m. nura recently voted to oppose a similar application directly across the street where there is a midnight license uh and a proposal to go to 1 a.m nura voted overwhelmingly to oppose that change um based on Broad Community opposition to a 1 a closing right thank you Mr kubak um Stephen I see your hand up as well I will ask you to unmute yes hi um so to answer that question is last night uh was in an Butter's meeting and didn't have any opposition towards for that if you haven't received that documentation it should be following uh suit today later on this morning Madame chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services can confirm that a meeting was held last night I believe there was maybe only one resident that was in attendance we did not hear any concerns um and at this time we'll defer to the board thank you I'd like to repeat Dave kubak again I'd like to repeat that uh neither the Northend Waterfront residents Association nor the Northend Waterfront neighborhood Council uh has been made aware of this application or has had a chance to review and vote on it thank you thank you Mr kubak are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter and any further questions or comments from board on um just what meeting was held just in a Butter's meeting yes yes just in a Butters okay and did office of Neighborhood Services determine that a a neighborhood meeting wasn't necessary oh Conor you're on mute right now excuse me I I was under the impression according to razon that the applicant was in touch with the Civic associations that is not the case thank you anything further from the board board will take this matter under advisement calling item number eight 94 Shirley Street boss LLC doing business as South Boston bytes located at 94 Shirley Street in Roxbury holder of a common viter license has petitioned to change the operating hours of the business from 10:00 a.m. to 10: p.m. to 6:00 a.m. to 2: a.m. who is present on behalf of the applicant hi good morning my name is Ryan cups I representing 94 Shirley Street along with my colleague kit Beach right thank you Mr Cubs and Mr Beach for being with us if you could please uh uh outline the proposed change uh to the board great thank you so first of all we want to thank the commissioners of the licensing board for considering our change of ours request and to the members of the office and Neighborhood Services for working with us over the past few months we're applying for the change of hours which is currently 10:00 a.m. to 10: p.m. to 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. the reason for the change is twofold one new businesses are looking to offer the breakfast meal period And as such we need to extend to the morning hours and uh second to extend to the evening hours we also have uh our existing businesses within the facility are seeing demand for late night deliveries um through the community and uh the the businesses that are are 24/7 operating there such as the the hospital just to provide some background on kind of what the facility is so our business is a commercial kitchen facility we have 26 uh kitchen Suites that are available for small businesses to license or lease um and their lease to individual restaurant ters Caterers you know take out restaurants and delivery only restaurants uh we're currently open and operating we have been for 9 months we opened for business in July of 2023 currently we host 18 soul proprietorships and llc's uh who focus on this catering and food delivery business um currently we serve about 2,000 orders per week within the immediate neighborhood in the uh the community when we first opened the initial customers focused um the the restaurant our customers I.E the restaurant ters focused on primarily lunch and dinner Service uh which is why we originally applied for 10:00 a.m. to 10: p.m. um since then obviously we've seen demand for later hours extended in the evening and then also new customers wanting to enter into the facility uh are looking to expand uh for breakfast um you know this restaurant business is very um you know challenged on on a good day and so I think extending these hours uh is crucial to their survival of these small businesses and so proprietorships uh we estimate probably 30% of their revenue can come from these extended hours uh in addition to our kind of brief overview we have um individuals that would like to testify in support of this uh I believe you'll be hearing from Sue Sullivan the executive director of the new market business improvement district as well as one of our operators within our facility uh Morana Oliva um she is the owner operator of the Brazilian Taste Kitchen uh thank you for your consideration for our request for change of hours thank you before we move to testimony we'll see if there are any questions from the board so it's my understanding you haven't been operating within your approved hours as it is that's correct we did have uh one or two individual operators within the facility that were working outside of the uh operating hours we have since stepped in and removed them from the facility um we actually had to get the local police involved um since then we've hired uh security as well to to monitor those um those hours to ensure that they're adhering to the rules so is it true they were operating 24 hours a day illegally uh I don't believe 24 hours a day but most certainly late into the evening we were made aware and so we stepped in to uh to cease those operations okay and so tell me about your security plan this is oh go ahead Ryan no you go ahead Kip okay manager so walk you through what we've done nice to meet everybody um during these late night hours we are going to staff the front lobby with one person from our team the kitchen staff will be determined upon who's open and and who's working in their kitchens um and then additionally we've established a contract for regular patrols and support from New England uh security um so we will we'll rely on them plus our staff to um secure the building so you're saying I'm just confused you stated um Mr that people that were operating beyond the 10:00 hour are no longer operating there we actually received written not written letters from operators saying that they were encouraged to operate 24 hours a day it's the nicest way I can put it um so I would at the very least I want to see your written security plan if we even consider extending the hours at this location um how long have you been open here since July of 2023 okay so not even a year coming back to extend the hours okay so back to Mr Beach you're going to have a third party security U operator we we have a contract with New England security um they're gonna support us plus we have regular patrols that they'll be doing every day uh and on top of that we'll be Staffing the the front lobby with some of on my team have there been any incidents you said the police had to be called have there been any incidents of assaults or any other crimes at this location uh we had to call the police a few months ago because someone came into the facility and was looking for someone else um and so I was made aware of that issue that was probably three or four months ago uh and then we had our scenario last week but those are the those are the issues I'm aware of okay and if an operator does not want to operate from 6:00 a.m. to 2 a.m. um is that okay with you oh 100% it's completely the operator's choice to to pick their operating nums okay because we have received some opposition um I'll turn it over to commissioner K and commissioner Saxon I might have more questions um what what is your current presence there like throughout operating hours for your company versus your operators uh we are we're currently Staffing during you know 10:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. and if we extend the hours from 6:00 AM to 2 am we will staff during those hours as well okay so during the time that people were operating out of ours were were your staff just leaving and leaving them behind previously we were not we were not Staffing we we were Staffing until 10 p.m. at night um it's common for our business to to manage the Labor uh based on the volume in the facility and so we we manage our schedule that way in this case I am committing to Staffing the facility uh during the during the operating hours okay thank you commissioner Saxon any questions nothing further thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify in this matter beginning with elected officials or their Representatives yes Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services um this alcin is scheduled to go before the Dudley Street neighborhood initiative on April 25th to fully complete their Community process um so but I can speak at this time to uh the abutters meeting that was held by our office so we had an ons held abutters meeting uh notifications went out TOS within 300 feet we did hear from a number of uh residents that live in the area um is part of Roxbury kind of transitions from industrial to residential um those residents Express concerns uh regarding uh noise issues that they've been experiencing late into the evening um a mixture of both uh noise from uh drivers uh parking the parking lot are pulling up as well as noise from the facility um fans Etc um the applicant did point out that they do share space with another contractor that I believe does late night food deliveries uh with with trucks um so that might contribute to some of that noise but a number of residents expressed opposition and uh wanted them to to keep uh the current hours that are on their license um as mentioned before they will be going in front of the civic association uh later later in the month of April um with that we'll defer to the board at this time thank you thank you Connor are there any other elected officials or their representatives who would like to testify in this matter and just it does appear that there are number of folks who would like to testify so if you could please use the raise hand function if you're a member of the public I will calling you in the order that I see your hand raised I don't know how to use the raise a hand function great all right well uh then you may please identify yourself and provide your your testimony hi hi my name is April Edwards owner operator can you hear me we can hear you okay great owner and operator of wings and things I'm one of the um locations that they said they terminated because they did advertise to us that they were going to have 24-hour access the entire time that I was there from July until last week I was told that I was 24-hour access even the meetings that they were having with you guys they said they were going to get 24-hour access they never told us that we were 10 to 10 I come from a brick and mortar I don't know if anyone in this room knows wings and Tings but we've been in business for over 10 years in several locations we came there so we could be 24 hours we sold our brick and mortar and we're under the impression was told by them that it was a 24-hour access I know how to get a CV license I know how to get all types of licenses because like I said we've opened brick and mortars we paid them for them to do these things and it was all lies thank you Miss Edwards for your testimony thank you for being with us this morning um I do see a two hands raised the first one I see is from uhom aluu apologies for the mispronunciation but you may please hi my name is a mua I'm from the office of City councelor Brian warell and I just wanted to testify and support the project and the benefits that it bring to the community thank you thank you very much uh the next hand I raises from Dory a uh Dory you I'm going to ask you to unmute you may please provide your testimony afternoon everybody how are you I uh I spoke on the last call I just wanted to do my due diligence and follow track here um just with some Integrity issues they've as as mentioned I think on this call for the first time they were operating well out of hours I a local door Dash driver I'm in that facility three to four times a day on regular um I have a full-time job but I like to make some extra money during the night I have uh gotten to know the operators I've gotten to know a lot of drivers there and I I just want to go on the record and say there there's never been anybody there after 6 pm and when they were operating after 10 p.m I think he kind of said there was nobody ever there but I I don't see them ever having attention um I've seen fights in that Lobby I've seen homeless people Shack there regularly I've almost gotten assaulted there two or three times I personally have almost called the police I've left food there um so I just want to Echo it's it's it's a lot larger of a situation than we may be playing it or hearing it as and lastly just to challenge I believe his last name was Beach or bch um if it's 30% of your business uh I'm no I'm no master behind the world of business but if it's 30% of your business I do believe labor should take a precedence in order to uh take care of that so just want to go on the record and say that it seems a lot prettier and fluffy than it really is I've been there I'm in that building constantly every day it is a wreck um very unsecure there's never team members there I've seen team members high that are sleeping on the desk you can walk right in I've seen females who are afraid to work there and have asked me walk them to their cars I'm just an average door Dash driver I can't even imagine what these operators are going through there so I'll leave it at that I appreciate you taking my time in your time thank you very much for your testimony um Morgana had a hand raised and lowered it Morana did you still want to provide testimony hello yes hello we can hear you hi my name is Morgana Ola uh we own and operate resident a ski chain and before before the shutdown happened um about a month ago I would think uh we were operating until about 2: in the morning we know the other operators were two um that is a really big demand that is a really big demand for the later hours uh lot lots of sales um I think that cloud kitchen is putting some security on we would like to see the business uh being able to operate later if that would be at all possible so that's that's really all thank you very much uh Su Sullivan I see your hand is raised I going to ask you to unmute you may please provide your testimony good morning everyone good to see everyone again and and thank you for letting me speak um um I'm I'm at a bit of a conundrum here as you know I represent I'm the executive director of the new market business improvement district um which you know we are we are representative of all the you for the most part the businesses stakeholders and residents um in the area uh I worked with this company since they were first coming up with the concept of um the cloud kitchens here um in New Market um and we believe um based on what they've done across the country and other locations and all and and what they've put in here that it is a terrific model it is a terrific model of taking companies that a lot of times were originally you know in the food truck stage moving them to the next level when they can't you know they a lot of them haven't been able to to do their own brick and morar yet and this is where we're trying to very much build small business build local entrepreneurship and local um employee base so everything about that I like and from the beginning I think I thought that our my understanding was always that it would be late night as well because obviously if you're doing if you're doing the food truck style and they're doing late night eats and all that's that that would be the the what would be happening um so I'm coming on to support this to support the the late night because I think it's important to these entrepreneurs and the early morning the early morning the breakfast you know where they're they're they're you know putting up for the breakfast group but I guess what my and and you know I'm hearing some of this opposition that I'm not not seeing okay my office is down the street okay and I've talked to some of the other businesses in the area and they haven't seen the issues that a few of these individuals are bringing up um and you know I i' I've got my I do have a pulse to the ground I'm I'm here all the time and by the um so I guess what I would like the licensing board to look at is how can we make this work because you know and they do have they are next door to City Fresh Foods which is a is a uh food organization a food delivery organization does a lot of work for the city of Boston and they are running 24 hours a day I believe so I don't know how much of the noise that people are talking about is coming from that operation as opposed to this operation um but I would really really appreciate us being able to try to figure this out because and I will say that New England sec just for context um some of you are probably aware we have 247 security as a district down here um our new market security Force as part of the bid the business improvement district and it's New England security that we use and they are the gold standard of security companies the city has hired them St of construction hired them we've hired them so I'm not concerned about their security force that that particular that particular piece of it but I do you know I I I'm not I'm not negating what other people are saying I guess I'd just like to see how we can try to make this all work um and like I said we have reached out to some of the business of Butters and have not had an issue but that's that's you know you know I'm supportive of what they're trying to do and why they need the early morning and and the late night um so that's where we're at thank you Miss elivan for your testimony are there any other individuals uh who have not yet testified who would like to do so hi um IO again from the office of council brianw I would like to I apologize I came in in the middle of this and I thought this was the mix I came to testify on behalf of that um proponent so I uh would like to just have that noted for the record again apologies thank you for understanding thank you very much that will be noted for the record um are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter hello hello sorry I've been muted for a little bit here uh sorry are there any other individuals who have not yet testified who would like to do so okay Mr Beach I do see that your hand is raised uh chairman Joyce would you like to allow Mr Beach to respond to some of the Des want we've heard or if you have something new to add I'm willing to listen I just want to say that we hear everyone's concerns we're committed to addressing these my goal is to maintain an open dialogue with everybody um I know that security is a concern we are committed to ensuring the facility has is staffed and has security at all times um and would be open to any other suggestion uh to to ex extend these hours and to and to figure out how we can best support thank you for the consideration okay just to note um I haven't had a chance to talk to my other Commissioners but I don't intend on voting on this until there's a written security plan for us to review it's not enough for me that you hired security I want to see that you've thought this through and have something in writing that we can review and maybe that can be presented to the neighborhood meeting as well any further questions or comments from the board sorry christas sorry I guess I would say that you know some of the comments are um a little bit concerning if there are any if there's any writing to the effect of you know some of the the concerns that that that you guys have noted especially like what you guys have been told as um operators you know I'd be curious to to read it thank you anything further for the on this matter yeah I again I don't know how to raise my hand she asked about what we've been told in writing I can definitely send an email to show what we've been told also they have a trash issue they don't have a trash dumpster for themselves they're using City Fresh's dumpster they're the dump the city fresh is not 24 hours they're open late I mean they're open early in the morning because City fresh does Meals on Wheels for the seniors they're not 24 hours and I definitely have in writing that they told us it was 24 hours that they told us that we were able to and now they're trying to change it because they got in trouble that's the only reason that they're even here is because someone came and told them that they were operating out of hours not because they were following the rules that they knew they had already thank you m Edwards uh and I will also just know for the record that any written correspondence can be sent to licensing board at it will all be placed uh in file and shared with the Commissioners uh with that anything further from the board on this matter this is Ryan just to be clear that we applied for the change of hours in October of 2023 so this is uh this application has been with the office and Neighborhood Services since October of 2023 thank you anything further from the board board will take this under advisement thank you all items 9 10 and 11 will be called together carac Inc doing business as 6B emitz located at 6 Beacon Street item 10 inish Owen Inc doing business as the Dubliner located at two Center Plaza and item 11 Jackin in doing business as car Nation located at 11 Beacon Street three holders of common vit or 7-Day alcoholic beverages licenses have petitioned to change the manager of the license business from Elizabeth Palmer William McCarthy and Franchesca lunardi respectively to Orin mcgonagle in all three cases who is present on behalf of the applicants good morning Madam chair members of the board Elizabeth Pizano from Upton conell and delin on behalf of the lenes um this is a change of manager for the three locations that you just mentioned um with me today is the proposed manager Orin mcanal um we are applying for him to be sorry can you hear me we can hear you okay I thought I just went mute um we are applying for him to be the manager of record for all three locations um for administrative convenience sake and also um so that there is one respons ible contact for this board the three locations are all within a 90c walk from each other and the um restaurant group's uh main office is right above EMT so EMT is right downstairs across the street is car nation and just a quick walk down the street is the Dubliner um Orin will be uh on Beacon Street and at the Dubliner all day every day um he can easily get to each location in just a matter of seconds um he has he Orin is a US citizen a Massachusetts resident and is familiar with the rules and regulations of this board in the abcc relating to the sale of alcohol um and he has over 15 years of experience in the food and beverage industry and um is a managing partner for this restaurant group so we're happy to answer any questions or concerns that you have thank you very much Jer d any questions uh just um a little bit more about how he's going to divide his time between these three places um he should he'll be uh in and out of all three I mean if there's an incident that goes on or if he gets a call from one place he can easily go right across the street but he'll be popping in at every place throughout the entire day every day he'll just be going back and forth to each place just checking in making sure everything is okay if one place is more busy than the other he'll spend more time there there's also other employees there who um you know he can use as backup restaurant managers even though they're not named on the liquor license there are other employees there that are trusted to um you know maintain status quo each place and give him a call immediately if if his attention is needed they so they all have a cell phone is that how it works yes okay um all right I don't have any questions commissioner car and commissioner Saxon no questions for me thank you none for me thanks thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on these matters beginning with elected officials or their representatives good morning attorney green good morning Madame chair and members of the board my name is Melissa low and I'm speaking on behalf of counselor Flynn counc Flynn would like to go on record in support of this thank you thank you very much are there any other individuals who would like to testify on these matters board will take these under advisement thank you thank you calling item number 12 Smashburger acquisition Boston LLC doing business as Smashburger located at 545 Boon Street holder of a common vict or 7day wines and M beverages with lur license has petitioned to change the manager of the licensed business from Rachel cillo to anel Lugo who is present on behalf of the applicant do we have anybody with us on behalf of Smashburger we will take a second call calling item number 13 SS Investments Inc doing business as dirty water Dough Company located at 222 Newbury Street holder of a common vit or 7-Day wines and Mal beverages license has petitioned to amend the description of the license business from in one room on the first floor kitchen and storage in the rear two in one room on the first floor kitchen and storage in the rear with a seasonal May to October outdoor patio on public property 180 sare ft on Street 84 s ft on sidewalk with a closing hour of 9:30 p.m. Sunday through Thursday patrons off by 10 p.m. and a closing hour of 10:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday patrons off by 11m who's present on behalf of the applicant uh Sam soal okay thank you Mr so if you could please just briefly present the proposed changes to the board sure um hi guys my name is Samuel soal I'm the proprietor of dirty water dough just want to thank the uh board this morning for um listening to my testimony as well as uh placing this hearing I would say let's see 2024 this is March this month is my 11th year anniversary on Newberry Street um have been it's been a it's been a long a long road but we've had a wonderful time in the Back Bay and um we've been very successful in these 11 years I've also been in Hospitality for 20 years myself um to note in these 11 years I've been on the street I I have never been in front of this board for a violation hearing um my business is very supportive of uh local law enforcement and First Responders we do have a policy that anyone in uniform is not allowed to pay for their food so people are surprised by that at times but nobody pays in uniform in uh at dirty water dough um as for the community we're very quick also to support local schools fundraisers um nonprofits um with via free food gift cards uh silent auction donations Etc um regarding my plan we're we're very fortunate we have an 11 foot 4inch sidewalk in the front of our establishment um we can easily utilize three feet of um seating um on the sidewalk as well as um two parking spaces in the front of our establishment uh we have taken advant of the city's outdoor dining program um since Co hit in the city's initiative to create this program um unfortunately last year the approvals took so long um that it was the end of the summer by the time we got approved so um we decided to go ahead and go for this temporary um alteration um and just to know last last season these um plans were also approved by Boston fire um transportation disabilities commission um landmarks commission neighborhood Serv services and Public Works uh thank you thank you very much Mr Soo we'll see if there are any questions from the board at this time uh chairman Joyce any questions uh no questions just to note for uh this is another example of one of our temporary outdoor dining patios that has become a permanent patio I have no questions commissioner carer commissioner Saxon any questions none for me thank you no questions thanks thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify in this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes hello again Madam chair members of the board Maggie van squ with the mayor's office of neighborhood services at this time our office would like to defer judgment to the board last spring the property manager for 222 230 to Newberry Street reached out to our office with concerns about decreased visibility and access to their stores and residents caused by outdoor dining at this location as well as others along that stretch that I just mentioned I believe this applicant has not yet reached out to the neighborhood of Association of Back Bay I think Conrad's on the call um or the Back Bay Association and with that we would like to defer judgment to the board thank you good morning Madam chair members of the board Kennedy Avery here on behalf of councelor Durkin councelor Durkin would like to go on recorded support for this applicant um understanding that outdoor dining provides um an activated compliment to open Newber and a number of opportunities for patrons to enjoy um however we would just like to um note and please ask that the applicant be cognizant of not disrupting foot traffic and being sure to um clear the patio space along the deadlines outlined for outdoor dining thank you thank you I see councelor Santana's office is on as well if you would like to inide your testimony H good morning and happy woman History Month uh mad and shair uh members of the board my name is wmer kones I am a member of con Santana city council at large uh the councelor has not heard of any concerns regarding this application and would like to go on record uh with he support thank you for your time and wish you have a great great rest of your day and week thank you thank you very much I do see a hand rais from Conrad Armstrong Mr Armstrong I'm going to ask you to unmute and you may provide your testimony uh hello I'm conr Armstrong from 439 Marvel Street representing the neighborhood association to Back Bay um have a question and comment uh questions for the board this is the first time I'm seeing these you know these uh patios on the public sidewalk and um parking space uh come through this process is that going to be the norm going forward and if they're approved here is that somehow different or more permanent than uh when they're sort of administratively approved going through the outdoor dining program sar from the answer the question the answer to that um um when applications like this have been approved administratively through the outdoor dining program this board thankfully has been cognizant that NAB insists upon no later than 10 p.m. closing on Newbury Street later than 10 p.m. is fine for Boon Street and that's been consistent so we ask if this does proove that the that Friday and Saturday be limited to 10pm for consistency thank you uh sure to answer the first part of that question uh yes this is a practice that has occurred in other neighborhoods with other lenses that a temporary patio has applied for a permanent alteration of premise this allows the patio to become a permanent part of the license premise description rather than changing as the outdoor dining may change from year to year um this would actually enshrine that patio on the face of the license uh in perpetuity for as long as the city would allow it on the public way uh are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter any further questions or comments from the board okay board will take this matter under advisement as well calling item number 14 955 LLC doing business as Dyan located at 951 Boon Street holder of a common victual or 7-Day all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to amend the description of the licensed business from inole of said building including Annex referred to as barcode space and to include an outdoor patio for 80 patrons to approximately 10,847 Square ft located on first floor basement and Patio main entrance exit located on Boon Street first floor approximately 7,606 ft including bar and seating located in front of space and bar and seating located at rear of space Kitchen located in middle of first floor first floor seating approximately 132 seats contiguous basement access from first floor stairs or elevator basement approximately 26 Square ft including bar and seating located at rear basement seating approximately 74 seats storage and back of house located at front of basement annual weather permitting patio located on private property approximately 1,225 ft with a closing hour of 12:00 a.m. CIO seating approximately 80 closing hour 2 a.m. total occupancy to be determined by ISD BFD and to reflect both seating capacity and allowable standing capacity pursuant to istd BFD certificate secondly the applicant has petitioned to change the conditions on the license from one trash pick up trash picked up three times a week two discount parking three alcohol shall be served only in conjunction with food ordered from the menu at all table seats booths and Patio seats food will be available at the 14 bar stools and 12 high top seats four patio service shall end no later than midnight two patio service shall end no later than midnight attorney Leslie Delany Hawkins attorney Hawkins thank you attorney green Madame chair Commissioners Leslie Delany Hawkins with the law firm of Prince LEL on behalf of the leny with me today is Michael Glenn the owner and operator this is an alteration of premise to extend the Dylan space into what is currently a vacant basement area of a approximately 2,000 square ft which would add approximately 74 seats and uh standing as well in that area uh as the board is well aware many establishments have closed during covid specifically in this area so we are very fortunate to have the ability to expand into this space and continue to operate a successful business in this neighborhood one thing I do want to clarify is the address uh occasionally it has been referred to as 951 Boyston Street in City Records but the correct address is 955 for purposes of assessing and the zoning uh code that address is this building there's not an actual change in the building itself um in terms of the conditions we're simply seeking to uh remove what we consider to be outdated conditions uh that were typical of of what the board would place on licenses when this establishment first opened but is not reflective of the operations in this neighborhood today we did reach out to the neighborhood association of the Back Bay and met with them we were not required to hold an abutters meeting but we did notify via flyer all of our abutters at the request of the elected officials uh to let them know about this meeting so we're excited to continue operating and we look forward to hopefully expanding into this space uh one final point is that as part of this construction if approved we will be adding an elevator which makes the downstairs space handicap accessible thank you'll see if there are any questions from the board before we move Mo to testimony I have no questions not for me this time thank you no questions for me thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify in this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes hi madam chair members of the board Maggie vanscoy with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services as mentioned we had this applicant distribute a flyer to auding Property Owners within 300 ft of the property and we didn't hear any concerns back from those the neighborhood association of the Back Bay has also expressed their non- opposition to this application with that we'd like to defer judgment to the board thank you morning Madam chair members of the board Kennedy Avery from Council durkin's Office our office would like to go on record of support for this applicant thank you thank you I see Mr Armstrong your hand is raised you may please provide your testimony I'm Conor Armstrong from the 49 Marvel Street representing neighborhood associate Back Bay the applicant met with us and nav does not oppose their expansion and the liqu license to that and we also don't oppose to the changing of the conditions on the liqu license thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement thank you thank you very much thank you oh uh Miss Von do you want to testify on the item that we just heard Dylan's yeah we just wanted to make a comment um my name is Patty Von Boston architectural College 951 Boon Street um 955 sits underneath us we just wanted to make sure that there is um no issues with any noise um buffering of sounds and things like that because we actually have classes in our building um primarily 4:00 to 10:30 at night we just wanted to make sure there was no any adverse um repercussions from that that was all thank you thank you for your testimony that will be noted y thank you any other individuals who like to testify on the item before we move on great then we will take this under advisement thank you calling item number 15 Mirage charcoal Kebab ink doing business as Zen restaurant located at 21A Beacon Street holder of a common vict or 7-Day wines and M beverages license has petitioned to transfer the license from the above to lzz LLC doing business as Zen Japanese grill and sushi bar at the same location Kevin eang manager 10:30 p.m. closing hour who's present on behalf of the applicant oh Mr Jang I see you you're unmuted I'm going to ask you to unmute uh this is this is Kevin John great thank you so much for being with us this morning if you could please briefly present uh the concept to the board uh we are uh I think we have attorney at the uh the meeting oh I think I see your attorney here who's just uh put himself on camera right good morning my name is dulu representing lzz LLC on behalf the business here today um so we do have the proposal to change the legalization transfer ownership because there is a b transfer um to my client now there is no other change at all the same hours operating hours the same uh employment team the same food manual no change at all there is no need for the renovation or any physical construction needed uh simply need to uh switch ownership of the uh legal license um and my client has the uh some experience regarding the um restaurant business previously and he is also here as you can see um he's also waiting to tfy if any question uh may be needed thank you very much attor you thank you Mr Jen for being with us we'll see if there are questions from the board um Kevin you're gonna be the manager of record yes I am are you a citizen yes I am are you a resident a commonwealth yes I am do you have experience in the food and beverage industry yes I do what's that experience uh I've been uh the restaurant manager for uh grave met for chicken uh during the past uh almost 10 years okay in ch that's a the address is 75 nean Street Boston Chinatown are you familiar with the rules and regulations of this board the abcc and the laws of the Commonwealth pertaining to the Salem service of alcohol yes I do okay I have no other questions commissioner Saxon commissioner curan uh none for me thank you no questions thanks thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes hello again Madam chair members of the board Maggie vany from the mayor office of Neighborhood Services our office is unaware of any concerns at this time and since this was a transfer at the same location with no operational changes we didn't require a community process for this it's also worth noting that this is outside the catchment area of the Beacon Hill civic association so there's no neighborhood association that would um have this in their in their boundaries so with that we defer judgment to the board thank you thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter or will take this under advisement as well thank you calling item 16 Boston Dominican Inc doing business as punana Market located at 168 Belgrade AV in Rosendale holder of a retail package store all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to transfer the license from the above to romerito liquor Inc doing business as pakana Market at the same location Francis Gonzalez manager 11:00 p.m. closing hour attorney Dennis quilty attorney quilty good morning um attorney and good good morning Madame chair members of the board Dennis quilty attorney representing the applicant I hope we have with us Mr Gonzalez Francis Gonzalez a proposed manager of record and owner and his daughter Franchesca is also I hope with us this morning I don't see them on my screen are they with us yes I see them on my screen very good thank you um this is a um change of ownership Corp to Corp transfer same location no other changes uh to hours style of operation Etc we reached out to on and were advised that as as such there was no need for community outreach given there were no changes being made to the license which exists at the site other than the new ownership um and again we're happy to answer any of your questions here this morning Mr Gonzalez is the proposed manager of record hi good morning my name is Franchesca I am here with Francis alz um I'm his daughter I'm here um for his translation in English as his English is just very mind thank you are there any questions from the board chair ran Joyce did attorney quilty cover the manager record questions I I I did not but certainly we're happy to happy to I can do it I apologize Mr Gonzalez are you a citizen yes I am are you a resident in Massachusetts yes I am uh do you have experience in the food and beverage industry um for the recor no yes but for the grocery yes experience with Grocery and beverages yes okay um are you familiar with the rules and regulations of this board the abcc and the laws of the Commonwealth pertaining to the Salem service of alcohol yes okay um I have no other questions commissioner Saxon or commissioner curan I do not thank you no questions for me thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this matter under advisement as well thank you thank you calling item 17 Fuse Restaurant Inc located at 5268 Washington Street in West Roxbury holder of a common bit or 7-Day wines and M beverages with lur license has petitioned to transfer the license and the location from the above to 311 boss Inc doing business as 311 Omas located at 605 Tremont Street premise consists of ground floor dining room front waiting area with a kitchen with storage in the back and one restroom C the young manager 11: PM closing hour attorney Andrew Upton attorney Upton uh good morning everyone with with me are uh c l l the proposed manager of record and Carrie co uh the wife of the owner uh this is the 311 Omas restaurant at 605 tremon Street they have applied for the transfer of a beer wine and cord's license to that location uh this restaurant has been open for six for eight months so they've gone through neighborhood process and the CV process and other City Licensing processes uh they've been a great success so far uh what they seek to do is enhance the experience of this Omas which is a Japanese tasting menu fixed price concept by adding beer wine and sake uh and possibly champagne um they they are they have 10 seats only 10 seats they have two seatings uh at 5:30 and 8:30 they are currently booked up 45 days in advance and uh the Omas experience typically includes sake and wine pairings and there has been tremendous demand uh from the customer base for this so they've been a successful uh restaurant so far they finally saved up the money to buy a liquor license uh this is a familyowned and operated restaurant uh I can tell you that uh it is also a very unique concept it is at Omas uh in a very specific style they fly in uh a number of their ingredients from Japan uh they feature the soon to be familiar hairy crab from Hokkaido they also feature their signature dish of salmon r with Amber Jack and white Yuzu jelly in an Airy monaka shell uh so this is quite a unique concept and it is uh generated a tremendous customer base uh CA will be uh tips trained she has already worked there uh for six months uh she has previously worked at alcohol serving restaurants in both Newton and quinsey she is US citizen a Mass resident and she's familiar with the rules and regulations of the board uh in January we had a mayor's office meeting uh and we've had nothing but positive feedback since opening and since that time um with that we're glad to answer any questions thank you attorney Upton I have no questions um commissioner Saxon or commissioner Caren no questions for me thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives Madam chair members of the board Conor newone with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's off to deferred to the Judgment of this board oness did host an abutters meeting there were no serious concerns raised by AB Butters um and I understand the afan has also been in touch with uh pilot block and the Ellis neighborhood association as I mentioned we're unaware of any concerns at this time thank you good morning attorney green good morning Madam chair members of the board my name is Melissa low and I will be uh representing counselor of Flynn counselor of Flynn would like to go on record in support of this proposing thank you very much thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement thank you thank you very much calling item number 18903 Boyston Street LLC located at 903 to 905 Boyston Street holder up a common V or 7-Day all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to transfer the license and the location from the above to OSI Boston Back Bay operations LLC joing business as Citizen M Back Bay Hotel located at 408 Newbery Street premise consists of in the Hall of said building a 13-story hotel consisting of approximately 167,50 guest rooms prises contains a basement for storage a Lobby and elevator on the street level a mezzanine level a second floor with an outdoor space a third floor consisting of 19 guest rooms and an outdoor space floors 4 through 13 consist of a total of 380 guest rooms and approximately 11,257 ft per floor and a roof deck area above the 13th floor with an amenity area Jessica Kaufman manager 2 a.m. closing hour secondly the applicant has petitioned to change the license type from a section 12 restaurant to 2A section 12 Hotel attorney Tom Miller attorney Miller thank you secretary green good morning TR Joyce Commissioners Tom Miller from mcder quilty Miller and Hanley on behalf of the applicant Citizen M uh as secretary green has said citizen is applying to transfer the section 12 restaurant license uh which is already located in the Back Bay to 408 uh Newberry Street and to change the type to a section 12 Hotel license uh the board heard an application for a new all alcoholic beverages in holder license for this new hotel at this location on November 15th of last year after that hearing the board found a public need for this type of license at this location uh approved that Jessica Jessica Kaufman as the manager and granted it uh granted the license to this applicant pending availability because of timing the applicant couldn't wait for a license to become available as such they located uh they located this license and enter in entered into an agreement to purchase it uh and bring it to their hotel the substance of the application before you today is the same as the board previously approved we're not asking for anything different today than we did then uh I'm happy to go into greater detail if the board would like uh but you know it's already been a so um please let me know if you have any questions thank you attorney Miller I have no questions nothing for me thank you none for me thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes hello Madam chair members of the board Maggie vanscoy with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services our office held in a Butters meeting for this application on June 29th 2023 where no concerns were raised our office instructed the applicant to reach out to the Fenway civic association neighborhood association of Back Bay and the Back Bay Association which I believe the applicant has we are unaware of any concerns at this time and we defer judgment to the board thank you thank you very much I see Mr Armstrong that with a hand raised you may please provide your testimony I'm Conor Armstrong 439 Marble Street representing neighbor neighbor Associated Back Bay the app met with us in September um we have no objection to 2 amm closing inside and um and for their even for their roof deck um uh outdoor space but we do have concerned about um 2: a.m closing on their outdoor P which is just a second level in the courtyard that's directly across the street from apartment building condos that are above the hind uh t- stop um you know there's no outdoor patios that are open past midnight in in this area of Back Bay um um and we think it's it's more appropriate for a a midnight closing for the outdoor patio thank you thank you Conrad and and I apologize that it isn't uh reflected but uh it was as previously stated in our application um back in November um we did agree with nab's request to uh for a 1:00 a closing uh on the roof deck and a uh midnight closing on the street for lack of a better term Street patio okay I was not where you agreed her at thank you great sorry just uh again for the record make sure I got that correctly that was a 1: a closing on the roof deck and midnight closing on the patio correct thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this matter under advisement as well thank you thank you items 19 and 20 will be called together trillum at Farnsworth LLC doing business as Trillium located at 47 Farnsworth Street and 19 has applied for a 19e farmer Distillery pouring license to be exercised on the above pouring area premise is located on all three floors of 47 Farnsworth totals approximately 3,200 sare ft on the third floor the pouring area covers about 800 sare ft of the roof deck before it extends down a portion of the staircase to the second floor on the second floor the pouring cover is500 s ft and continues down the staircase to the first floor on the first floor the pouring area covers an additional 900 sare ft including the outdoor patio area manager Sarah vasileski Closing Time 11:00 p.m. and item 20 has applied for a9h wines malt in Distillery combined pouring license to be exercised on the above premise to be licensed under chapter 138 section 19h consists of a three-story building two stories indoor third story roof deck first and second indoor levels are both 8,000 s ft with 12 rooms each total indoor square footage 16,000 third level roof deck 3200 ft with one room outdoor ground level patio 56 seats located on private property open annually whether permitting 1500 square fet again Sarah vasileski manager 11: p.m. closing hour uh who's present on behalf of the applicant uh good morning Madam chair members of the board attorney Tyler Hensler here I apologize uh this is a new laptop and the camera uh has yet to be tested uh but I am joined here this morning uh by Sarah vasileski who I think I saw in here earlier uh again we're here to represent uh Trillium at Farnsworth LLC uh to ask to add craft spirits and Cocktails to the menu at their Fort Point location uh these would be in addition to their current offerings of craft beer uh wines ciders and assorted seasonal offerings uh we have filed and have gotten approved the required applications to do just that at both the ttb and the abcc levels uh we're therefore here before the Boston licensing board to apply for a Distillery pouring license to serve these cocktails and an alteration of premise to incorporate that Distillery pouring area into the 19h pouring license that covers uh the rest of the Tap Room currently uh on their beer and wine pouring licenses um as a bit of background trillum has been operating in Massachusetts uh for 11 years years celebrating that Milestone today actually uh so happy uh anniversary to them uh the owners JC and Esther tiro started on Congress Street uh they really pioneered the neighborhood uh before it was you know what it is today uh during this time at Port point they have had many customers request offerings other than beer people who may not be the biggest beer lovers but who want the experience and the atmosphere of an authentic Tap Room and in fact anyone who's ever been to the Fort Point trillum location can attest uh they have a very unique space where you could find Babies and strollers on the patio when the weather is nice with with their parents of course and uh people of all ages enjoying themselves and more importantly enjoying themselves uh responsibly that's something that they take a lot of pride in being good neighbors don't cause any problems and and just uh striving to be a a true net positive to the surrounding Community uh as you can imagine this unique space attracts many different people lifelong residents of the surrounding neighborhoods or firsttime tourists to Boston alike so it makes sense that the demand for things outside of just beer exists um we would point to these many requests as evidence of the public need for such a license at this location the character and fitness of this applicant is also strong as they have successfully operated a brewery and Winery pouring license at this location for many years as well as several other licenses located throughout Massachusetts Sarah can back me up here but I believe that in 11 years trilam has not received a violation at any of their locations throughout Massachusetts um or none that I'm aware of anyway uh so that they have a great track record um and again something they're very proud of uh the manager of record will be Sarah vasileski she is currently the manager of record on the 19h pouring license at this location is a Massachusetts resident a US citizen she is familiar with the rules and regulations pertaining to the sale and service of alcohol of this board the abcc and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and she has experience in the industry uh as again she is currently the approved manager of record and has been for um a while um Sarah you can provide some details uh if the board requires it I I don't your resume is alluding me right now um but we have received letters uh a letter of support at 9:56 a.m this morning before the hearing four minutes before this hearing started from the Fort Point neighborhood association we attended their meeting last night uh and they voiced nothing but support and even recruited us to potentially support a bik rack petition for the area uh which of course we are happy to do anything uh to work with the for Point neighborhood association with that we're happy to take any questions the board may have uh and we thank you for your time this morning thank you I have no questions I have no questions as well thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes madame chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's office referred to the Judgment of this board um our office can confirm that the applicant met with the Fort Point neighbor Association last night those in support um those present were in full-hearted support of their proposal and congratulated them on 11 years in the neighborhood we're unaware of any concerns at this time we've not received any letters of support or opposition um but I believe it sounds like a letter was just submitted this morning by the Civic but that we refer to the board at this time thank you thanks Conor any other individuals oh sorry M Melissa go ahead good morning attorney green good morning Madame chair and members of the board my name is Melissa low and I'm I'm speaking on behalf of counselor Flynn counselor Flynn would like to go on record and support of this propos thank you very much thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take these under advisement thank you thank you calling item number 21 Buc doing business as bu beastro located at 3840 Washington Street in Rosendale has applied for a common VI or 7-Day wines and Mal beverages license to be exercised on the above premise consists of 700t Cafe Restaurant one room on the first floor 20 seats with kitchen bathroom and storage front 10 seats and rear 30 seats seasonal patios April to October on private property from 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. manager Brian Lopez Closing Time 11: p.m. uh and just for the record this application has already been heard and approved by the board subsequent to the board's approval there was a change in beneficial interest required uh further approval by the board who is present on behalf of the applicant hello my name is Emil Moroso the owner of vulc thank you very much Mr Amoroso and thank you for joining us um if you could uh just outline the changes made to the application since the board uh first approved it yes um the my brother patrici Moroso this family business was the one that was on the on the documents but when we go to the final to the end of the of the paper R they see that I have to be the one on the on the documents because I was the one signing everything in the beginning so the only chance will be taking my brother out of the LLC and adding me um as you as you requested thank you with that we'll see if there are any questions from the board at this time um I have no questions thank you for that explanation no question for me thank you none for me thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives I do see uh Peter Dakotas with your hand raised you may please provide your testimony good morning thank you everyone uh my name is Peter dtus I am the vice chair of the public service committee and a member of the Jamaica plane neighborhood Council I am sitting in for Michael Riskin who is the chair of the public service committee uh one of the reasons that we are here and and speaking about this is because the post office has this as Jamaica plane as well so just wanted to make that note um we did submit a letter of um support for to the board and we have loved the proposal we have spoken with them they've actually come before us twice to uh work with us and so had a lot of community engagement on this uh we are in full support we have two caveats one is that they serve no alcohol before noon and the other is even though in the letter we do reference the fact that it's isolated from residences so noise would not be an issue with the outdoor patio they did assure us that they would not have live music or loud music out there because there are residen residences on the other side of the train track so with those two conditions we are in full support thank you very much are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well and thank you Mr Oso for uh reappearing to explain the changes to us thank you calling item number 22 JJ and R LLC doing business as the mix located at 555 tala AV in Dorchester has applied for for a common bit or 7-Day all alcoholic beverages license to be exercised on the above 4,400 ft on two floors with the first floor consisting of a 2440 ft open concept floor space with a kitchen in the rear three bathrooms two entrances three exits basement consisting of 2,000 ft² for storage and office space in addition a, 1500t annual weather permitting patio on private property in the rear with seating for 60 and a closing hour of 11:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 12:00 a.m. Friday through Sunday manager Rufus J FAL Closing Time 1:00 a.m. who's present on behalf of the applicant I am Rufus J faul great Mr Faulk if you could please uh briefly present your concept to the board uh thank you so much and I want to uh thank the B for the opportunity to speak again my name is Rufus dve frk I will be the manager of record um and part owner of the mix um the mix it will be operating at 555 tabbut Avenue which was the former aont Grill location um we'll be serving some of New England's best seafood with a mixture of some Southern Hospitality um it's myself my other two partners uh Levi SMY and Jarvis Adams are all born and raised in the city of Boston I myself is I am a Boston resident um current resident of Massachusetts I I'm familiar with all of the the rules of the BBC and um very very excited to be um in Dorchester um we we have an opportunity to meet with some of our brothers um we had an opportunity to sort of also give them some some samplings of the food which I think helped us out um to get some favor with some of our our neighbors they all enjoyed the food are all excited about having another Neighborhood Restaurant location at at in that area um and again just just just super excited and here to answer any questions thank you um thanks for joining us today Mr faul when are you anticipating opening so so we are shooting for a official April to open up in April but to do a probably like a grand opening maybe in late may but to do a soft opening in the month of April okay and you'll be on site as manager record yes ma'am okay um I don't have any questions commissioner sax or commissioner Ken uh no questions for me thank you none for me thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to test ify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor is off like to defer to the Judgment this board uh we understand that the applicant has done a lot of Outreach in the community connecting with Butters um we understand the community is very excited uh for this proposal to come in um since the closing of a Dot grill uh there's been a desire for another neighborhood uh restaurant in this area um we're unaware of any concerns at this time about refer to the judge from of the board thank you thank you Council Council staff I see you're on with us yes morning board my name is I amua the office of City councelor Brian morwell and as I had said previously earlier um we see this as a very good thing for the community in order to level up the economic plane field as well as provide an excellent spot for families to come out dine sit and eat and just overall increase the overall Ambience of the community so with that being said the council would like to give his support to the project I see a hand raised from a cell phone number ending in 0489 uh you may please provide your testimony good morning uh my name is Royal Smith I'm the executive director of the Boston black Hospitality Coalition uh and we are a uh trade advocacy group for black own in minority owned restaurants here in Boston Massachusetts and we just want to go on record um uh saying supporting of the mix uh now and and future endeavors and know that this is going to be a great asset to the community um and The Operators are already approved themselves uh thus far thank you thank you uh Nick Korn is the next hand I see raay Mr K you may please provide your T motive hi my name is Nick Kin I'm a resident of Boston and an advocate for the hospitality Community I want to go on the record in support of this application and to testify as to the character and fitness of The Operators I've had the pleasure of spending time with Rufus Levi and Jarvis and have been continually impressed with the extent of their Hospitality the quality of their food and their tireless efforts to engage with and collaborate with their neighbors and the community the previous tenant of the space the Ashmont Grill provided an essential Gathering space for the community in the neighborhood and its closing has left a palpable absence as you know there's a un deniable pattern of transferable licenses being purchased from small businesses and moved out of our neighborhoods especially our black and brown neighborhoods and in this case the ashon girl license was purchased and transferred to open um a canadian-owned TexMex Concept in the pr with a plan capacity of nearly 400 people meanwhile the former Ashmont Grill space like so many of our gathering spaces went dark the mix is a new blackowned community-minded small business investing in Ashmont these oper ERS are a salmon swimming Upstream against this rushing current uh which flows towards the sea port and it's populated largely by well-funded out ofate corporate chains hotelier and investment groups so while yes there's other food businesses in the general area of 555 talit the nature of this business is one that addresses A desperate public need and I defer to the Judgment of the board but I have no doubt that you'll see this and hopefully Grant an applicant the applicant a license thank you for your time thank you very much are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter there any further questions from the board yes uh Mr faul one more question um as I was listening to your testimony and you were describing your um qualifications to manager of record um I forgot to ask you one question do you have experience in the food and beverage industry yes although limited but I do um I uh the the previous iteration of the [Music] [Music] anel are you with us are you able to hear us oh there we go we can see you I'm just going to ask you to unmute and I'll will read back into the record item number 12 Smashburger acquisition Boston LLC doing business Smashburger located at 545 Boon Street holder of a common vict 7-Day wines and M beverages with theur license has petitioned to change the am of the liced business from Rachel sillo to NL Lugo uh Miss Lugo thank you for being with us um and I'll just go through the manand of record questions thank you um Miss Lugo are you a citizen yes are you a resident in Massachusetts yes do you have experience in the food and beverage industry yes are you familiar with our rules and regulations and the laws let me start over are you familiar with the rules regulations of this board the abcc and the laws of the Commonwealth as they pertain to the sale and service of alcohol yes okay I don't have any other questions from Miss Lugo Commissioners that's it great are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter with that the board will take this under advisement as well miss Lugo thank you for joining us those are are all the items before the board this morning that will adjourn this hearing the board will vote tomorrow morning at 10: a.m. notice has been posted to the city's website thank you all and enjoy the rest of your day thank you thank you