##VIDEO ID:KpD6DucTNT4## good morning thank you all for joining uh we will get started in just a moment as a reminder when you are entering from the waiting room please do remain on mute unless or until you are appearing or testifying before the board where we'll give just another moment as folks are still trickling in from the waiting room good morning this is a hearing before the licensing board for the city of Boston today is Wednesday July 31st 2024 today's hearing is being held pursuant to Temporary amendments to the open meeting law that is what allows us to meet virtually today's hearing is being recorded and will be posted to the city of Boston's website before I review procedural matters I will introduce chairwoman of the board Kathleen Joyce thank you Danny good morning my name is Kathleen Joyce chair of the Boston licensing board and today we are joined by commissioner Liam cin and commissioner K Saxon thank you very much please ensure that your audio and visual are working properly I will call each item in the order that it appears on this morning's agenda I will then ask who is present on behalf of the applicant you'll make a brief presentation regarding your proposal followed by questions by the chair and Commissioners following questions there will be an opportunity for Testimony beginning with elected officials or their representatives for members of the public wishing to provide testimony please limit your testimony to two minutes and please state your name address and affiliation if any begin with the first item on the morning's agenda calling item number one chip Newbury LLC doing business as Chip city located at 316 Newbury Street has applied for a common viter license to be exercised on the above 1100 squ ft first floor below ground level Cookie Shop consisting of sales area cookie service bar back room with kitchen wear washing storage and employee restroom with no interior or exterior seating this is a takeout only manager Theodore Galas hours of operation 11:00 a.m. to 10: p.m. who is present on behalf of the applicant uh yes hi uh my name is Daniel Brennan I work with TPB design I'm a permanent license agent for chip uh also have Lorraine director of operations on the line in case needed um this is a small H fresh baked Cookie Shop uh 1100 square feet they basically just do uh baked cookies they do have offer milk and a scoop of ice creams available for uh Ice Cream Sandwich um no seating proposed hours 11:00 a.m. to 10: p.m. um stores under construction but we're wrapping up uh inspections and hope to open mid August thank you do you do third party deliveries um do we receive deliveries do you do like Uber Eats and door Dash we do have some of that going on yes I know it's an issue over in that area so do you have a plan in place to address um double par paring or any of the issues that are have come up in that area I mean we're expecting limited services for that um because it's just cookies I don't know if a lot of people would do cash for that we don't have a specific plan but we are on a corner street and there does seem to be ample parking I know they don't follow the rules necessarily but um we that that's all we have to really offer on that okay do you have other locations we have uh so they have many locations throughout the Northeast um there is one other location in the city of Boston that opened last year on um Causeway over near the garden okay and has it what has their hello what has their experience been with third party deliveries um I can Lorraine can you jump in on this yeah hi so we do door Dash only we exclusive with them uh in Causeway it's a lot of bicycles and mopeds um and there's a side street they usually pull up so that because it's very difficult on Causeway uh we're right across from TD Bank so it's not like they can stop there which would be similar to Newberry so they Park on a side street when they run in but like Dan said it's very limited when it comes to we we serve six boxes of cookies okay so what so have you thought through the plan for Newberry Street uh assumed it would be very similar to Causeway in the sense of bicycles mopads and they would pull on a side street okay thanks uh commissioner Carion Saxon do you have any questions uh I do not thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time we'd like to defer to the Judgment of this board uh we had the applicant connect the local civic association NAB which was in non opposition to this proposal as we understand uh with that will defer to the board at this time we're unaware of any further concerns thank you thank you Connor are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter seeing none the board will take this under advisement thank you calling item number two DEC Enterprises Inc doing business as Domino's number 3797 located at 1514 Blue Hill AV in matapan holder of a common vict license has petitioned to change the closing hour of the license business from 12:00 a.m. to Sunday through Wednesday 12:00 a.m. to 2: a.m. and Thursday to Saturday to close at 3:00 a.m. who is present on behalf of the applicant um go ahead uh Chris cordos uh general manager uh and and Bill Mohan a licing permitting consultant and working with Domino pza thank you very much if you could please uh propose uh please briefly present the proposed change to the board okay thank you uh this is this this is one of 17 franchises that that duy enterprises uh has in uh uh Boston eastern Mass and central Massachusetts so they're well well positioned uh uh to to run the business and and and uh keep it going in an orderly way uh we have we started with uh uh me personally uh distribut in about 175 F Flyers uh to Neighborhood residents uh in the two days that that took par of two days to do that we did not experience one single opposition to this in fact it was overwhelmingly positive uh a lot of businesses in that area and uh as we we have said time and time again uh extension of ours uh is uh something that that truly uh uh helps the second and third shift workers uh the uh uh cleaning crews that come to the various buildings to clean at night uh uh First Responders police fire ambulance services that that's that's overwhelmingly the the highest percentages in most areas of Boston uh it's not uncommon that if you have a hospital in your area the hospital is is our number one customer or or the or the police station something to that extent uh and so most of the most of the franchises in Boston uh have these hours uh with very few exceptions uh and we've been able to handle it uh one of the things that we do and and when we met with the greater uh matap pan neighborhood Council uh we went through a whole list of of discussions uh you have I think before you you should have uh their letter of support there are five uh provisos that we have agreed to we've negotiated with them uh uh and that was uh you know cutting back to 2 am on on Sunday through Wednesday uh the fact that only credit cards are accepted no cash is accepted uh and uh no scooters they did not want scooters coming into the or or uh or bikes they said no uh are the drivers driving their own cars yes what happens if there's a problem uh the driver is removed uh simple as that uh and so and we will not I have I don't think any any Dominoes on the country has a liquor license we won't we will not be doing that as well uh so when we we got through talking uh with uh with the uh the board uh in fact there were there were two boards there they were there that evening uh uh the Wood Haven culbert and Regis civic association was also there and it was it was unanimous uh to to approve uh and so we come to you with with and I believe there's other the support that that's coming uh to you tonight um and if there's any questions we'll be more than happy to answer them thank you a very helpful explanation um and thank you for um outlining all the um reasons why the extension of hours makes sense in this neighborhood uh commissioner kin commissioner Saxon do you have any questions I do not thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes madame chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor is off to defer to the Judgment of this board some background information on the community process uh as you heard from the applicant they connected with ons uh an a Butters meeting was held on May 16th uh where no concerns were raised as I understand they went on to meet with the greater matapan neighborhood Council uh who supported the proposal uh with the provisors that were mentioned uh with that refer to the board at this time thank you good morning Madam chair members of the board this is Gabriel Cruz from councelor Pen's office the councel would like to go on record that he is in support of this application thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter anything further from the board Danny I have one question for the applicant um one of the provisors is that you'll have no in-person orders after midnight could you talk us through how you will control that um are you going to lock the doors is there a staff member that um makes sure no one comes in off the street but allows you know pick up yes that that's that's the the the current hour we have right now for closing and it's the door is locked uh and if they come to the door we just simply say go you know go go to your car and call us okay home go home and we'll deliver to you oh you'll deliver okay yeah and we'll deliver okay um all right I think that answers those that question um I have nothing else thanks thank you anything further from the board on this matter or we'll take this under advisement thank you thank you very much calling item number three 280 friend Street F LLC doing business as Hotel Indigo Boston located at 280 friend Street holder of an inh holder all alcoholic license has petitioned to change the manager of the license business from George vinyl Jr to Patrick strong attorney Patricia Malone attorney Malone yes uh Trish Malone for um 28 friend Street fee LLC with me today I have um Mr Patrick strong the intendent manager um briefly the board may have remembered this about a month ago I did come in with a petition for a management agreement at that time the manager of ret now actually was become an independent contractor of the LC e therefore leaving the position of um manager vacant so after discussions with the ly it was um suggested that Mr strong who is uh who had previously been the manager for two years um is also the um uh general manager of the hotel and is there basically day and night um would then become um the manager of record um he has extensive over 10 years in the hospitality uh industry is a citizen is a Mass resident and is familiar with the rules and regulations of the board if there are any questions we'd be more than happy to answer thanks thanks attorney Malone uh thanks for joining us Mr strong I have no questions commissioner Cara commissioner Saxon uh no questions for me thank you none from me thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement thank you for coming back on this matter thank you calling item number four Barcelona South and LLC doing business as Barcelona located at 525 Tremont Street holder of a common vit or 7-Day alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to change the manager of the license business from ginda Grace Loom fet to brandan carda who is present on behalf of the applicant good morning Madame chair Elizabeth Pisano from opon conell and develin on behalf of the applicant with me is Brandon carda he is a proposed manager of record Brandon is a US citizen a Massachusetts resident and is familiar with the rules and regulations relating to the sale of alcohol he has experience in the food and beverage industry and most recently he has been at Barcelona Wine Bar for the past 3 years and we're happy to answer any questions that you have thank you attorney and thank you for joining us Mr Cara I have no questions at this time Commissioners do you have any questions I do not thank you no questions thanks thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter good morning Madam sharers and members of the board this Laura Toano from cons F's office at this time the conso would like to go on record and support thank you for your time thank you Laura are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement thank you thank you following item Five eedy Boston lolc doing business as eedy located at 800 Boon Street holder of a common vitual or 7day all alcoholic bever just license has petitioned for a change of officers directors LLC managers attorney Caroline oconnell attorney oconnell good morning everybody um we're here with a very simple change to uh E's officers and managers um the license proposing to add Tomaso brusso as CEO Antonio bany as CFO and then to add um Antonio bany as an LLC an additional LLC manager there are no other changes to the license any operational changes none whatsoever this is just a we wanted to add additional um officers to the license okay Comm do you have any questions I do not thank you no questions thanks thank you I'll just ask if there are any individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement and calling item number six Cantina LLC doing business as Cantina located at 800 Boon Street holder of a retail package store all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned for a change of officers directors LLC managers attorney oconnell once again good morning again um this is pretty much the same change as Italy we are also adding Tomaso brusso as CEO and Antonio beny as CFO onto the canina a license again this was just to add additional officers to the licy there are no other changes thank you I have no questions Commissioners do you I do not thank you no questions thanks thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on item number six board will take this under advisement as well thank you thank you calling item number seven broken records beer hall LLC doing business as broken records beer hall located at 81 to 85 Guest Street in Brighton holder of a common vict 7-Day wines and Mal beverages with the cor's license has petitioned for a change of LLC managers attorney Dennis quilty attorney quilty good morning attorney green Madam chair members of the board Dennis quilty attorney representing the lense e uh here today for a similar to what you just heard a change of LLC managers no other uh changes being uh requested Keith Craig will is the proposed new LLC manager replacing James Halliday who retired or is retiring uh and this is simply a change replacing Mr Halliday with Mr Craig no other changes in ownership no operational changes whatsoever uh simply a uh internal housekeeping matter and certainly happy to answer any your questions thank you attorney I have no questions Commissioners do you I do not thank you none for me thanks thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement thank you thank you calling item number eight Camy 1975 Corporation doing business as melodias located at 1045 Saratoga Street in East Boston holder of a common vict 7-Day wines and M beverages with Lor's license has petitioned to pledge the license to Eastern Bank attorney Mark White attorney white good morning attorney green madam commissioner members of the board I'm here on behalf of the ly Camy 1975 Corporation um in May of this year the liy was able to purchase the Locust where the license is being held as an element of that they got a loan from Eastern Bank for the amount of $900,000 and as an element of that loan Eastern Bankers requiring a pledge of the license thank you attorney I have no questions Commissioners do you I do not thank you no questions thanks thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter seeing none the board will take this under advisement thank you thank you calling item number nine Foundation kitchen LLC doing business as Foundation Kitchen located at 32 Cambridge Street in Charlestown holder of a common vit or 7-Day wines and M beverages license has petitioned for the approval of a management agreement between Foundation kitchen LLC and post and beam South Brewing LLC attorney Chad karuso attorney Uso good morning attorney green good morning board members my name is Chad karuso and I represent the licc foundation kitchen LLC in conjunction with this application to uh propose a change to a management agreement that they have already has already been approved uh in particular they are seeking to swap out the service provider uh the manager that will be handling the um service of alcoholic beverages uh I'm joined by Kieran Nagel who's one of the owners of the ly and also uh joined by Erica Rosenfeld who is the owner of the proposed entity uh that will be U overseeing the supervision of Alcock beverage service pursuant to the proposed management agreement okay thank you um so Erica you are you ultimately in control um of the alcohol your your um entity will be responsible for that yes ma'am okay um and can you tell me a little bit about um post and beam South Brewing sure um so I currently am the owner and operator of post and beam brewing in Peterboro New Hampshire uh we just had our sixth birthday this weekend um and our next natural step is to open a second spot um we have known the owners of foundation kitchen for years they're from our town in New Hampshire um so we would like to take over service of that bar we've had six years here in Peterboro incident free um fully trained staff we serve beer typically in the 5% range we are fair familiar with the liquor laws have had no incidents here and expect no incidents there thank you uh that's helpful I have no questions Commissioners do you have any questions uh I do not thank you no questions thanks thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well thank you thank you calling item number 10 TS lodging food and beverage LLC doing business as Moxy hotel located at 240 Tremont Street holder of and inh holder all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned for the approval of a management agreement between TS lodging food and beverage LLC and cfh 240 Tremont Street LLC secondly the applicant has also petitioned to change the manager of the license business from William Harrington to Vincent buari attorney Dennis quilty attorney quilty good morning again attorney green Madam chair members of the board Dennis quilty excuse me attorney representing the l e uh with me this morning I hope is Vincent poyi the proposed manager there he is I see you thank you sir the proposed manager of record this is a as indicated by um attorney green this is a request for an approval of a new management company replacing replacing the existing management company the new management company cfh 240 Tremont Street LLC uh this is a an affiliate of The Craft food halls um that entity is the proposed manager under a management agreement uh Mr pul car is the proposed manager of record he is a US citizen a Mass resident and has experience in the food and beverage uh industry and we are happy to answer any of your questions no other operational changes whatsoever at the at the hotel just a new management company and request for a new manager of record thank you very much thanks attorney thank you Mr pocari for joining us just one final question um for manager of record um are you familiar with the rules and regulations of this board the abcc the laws of the Commonwealth pertaining to the sale and service of alcohol yes I am all right thank you Commissioners do you have any questions I do not thank you no questions thanks thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter hi Laura again from cono Flynn's office he would like to go on record and support thank you for your time and consideration thank you thank you Laura are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well thank you thank you calling item number 11 Ena Liquors Inc doing business as Brothers Super Liquors located at 2113 Bowden Street in Dorchester holder of a retail package store all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to change the manager of the license business from Eduardo Fernandez to Nelson Fernandez secondly has petitioned to change the DBA the licensed business from Brothers Super Liquors to Brothers wines and spirits thirdly has petitioned for a change of officers directors and lastly has petition for a change of stock interest attorney Jen Allen Attorney Allen good morning thank you Attorney Jennifer Allen on behalf of Ana lickers I see Nelson Fernandez is also logged in as well um this is a simple interfamilial transfer for no consideration in which Eduardo Fernandez his brother was 100% owner and manager of the store um he's transferring two-thirds of his shares to each of his brothers Nelson and ambioris for onethird each this transfer will also result in changing the officers of the corporation adding Nelson as the president and ambioris as the secretary Nelson will also become the new manager um Nelson and his brothers have been in the liquor industry for almost two decades and Nelson has been working at this store for over a decade now um he's well qualified and has plenty of experience he's familiar with the rules of the abcc and the City of Boston licensing board he's a US citizen Massachusetts resident and he's of good character um lastly we're also requesting to change the DBA from Brothers Super Liquors to Brothers Wine and Spirits um there's no other changes to this license to the store or how it's being run um they're just the shares in the family and taking care of some of their estate planning purposes now especially as Ardo gets older um they have no violations and the community support for this is strong and we are happy to answer any questions thank you attorney Ellen uh thank you for joining us Mr Fernandez I don't have any questions Commissioners do you I do not thank you no questions thanks thank you are there any individuals would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter thank you the board will take this matter under advisement thank you thank you calling item number 12 Mirage charal Kebab Inc doing business as Zen restaurant located at 21A Beacon Street holder of a common VI of 70 Wines in Malt Beverages license has petitioned for a change of officers directors and secondly has petitioned for a change of stock interest attorney do turny Le we're unable to hear you see if we can try again better uh little sound very far away the the the audio is very faint okay let me that's a little better no now we can't hear you at all request the second call so I can figure out what my mic isue uh sure I mean we can actually hear you right now but if you we can certainly take a second call if you'd prefer thank you thank so much great we'll take a second we will take a second call calling item number 13 Raphael Vera individual doing business as Latino restaurant located at 302 Center Street Street in Jamaica plane holder of a common vict 7-Day wines and Mal beverages license has petitioned to change the classification of its license to wines Mal beverages in the cores pursuant to the authority contained in chapter 481 of the acts of 1993 and secondly has petitioned to change the closing hour of the business from 12:00 a.m. to 1: am who's present on behalf of the applicant good morning attorney green Madam chair members of the board Tyler Hensler here on behalf of rapael Varys DBA Latino restaurant Mr Varys has been located at 302 Center Street um for many years I believe Mr Veris I saw him in the waiting room too so he'll he's joining us um he currently holds a beer and wine restaurant license with the closing time at 12:00 a.m. the applicant is looking to add cordials or lurs to the beer and wine license and is therefore applied for a change of category and the applicant is also looking to extend the closing hours from 12:00 a.m. uh for 1 hour until 1:00 a.m. and therefore has submitted a change of hours application as well uh Mr varis has operated on Center Street and in the JP Community for many many years he is regarded as an honest and upstanding businessman in the community as shown by the support that we saw at the council hearing and the applications to extend the hours and to add cordials are an attempt to increase Revenue stay open and to continue to to serve the Jamaica plan Community uh for many years to come we conducted community outreach for this we held an abutters meeting a meeting with the Jamaican plane neighborhood Hood Council bulk went well no other changes have been applied for with that we're we're happy to take any questions thank you for your time well thank you sorry about that um I don't have any questions commissioner car commissioner Saxon do you I do not thank you no questions thanks thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify in this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes Madam chair members of the board Connor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor is offer to defer to the Judgment of this board some background information in the community process as you heard from the applicant representation and a Butters meeting was held in early May uh there were no concerns raised on that meeting uh the applicant then went on to meet with the jpnc and they secured their support uh with that we defer to the board at this time thank you thank you Connor I do see a hand raised from Michael Riskin Mr Risin you may please provide your testimony my name is Michael Riskin I live at 425 South Huntington Avenue in Jamaica plane a member of the Jamaica plan neighborhood Council and chair of its Public Service committee we held a neighborhood hearing on this issue on June 4th of this year um well attended um Mr verus has operated Latino restaurant at this location for more than 25 years um the uh area has uh started to change with more restaurants with uh uh all alcohol and later hours and Mr Varys would like to have a Level Playing Field if possible he's asking to add cordials which we feel is appropriate and uh one extra hour uh he would actually uh keep the kitchen closed uh at at midnight uh but it allows for a little more wiggle room for people to come uh just before midnight and Dole a little bit so we think this is appropriate he's also agreed voluntarily to keep uh serving uh alcohol with food only so we urge you to support uh these two changes thank you thank you very much are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter seeing none the board will take this under advisement thank you calling item number 14 SN a12 Hospitality LLC located at 101 Boyston Street fer of a common vict or 7-Day all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to transfer the license business from the above to cruise hospitalities LLC doing business as Ava at the same location Nicholas tulos manager also has petitioned to update the description of the premise as follows in building located at 101 Boon Street also known as 400 Newbury Street main entry on lower level on second level consisting of one large room with various dining areas service bar and seated bar and three private dining rooms kitchen storage office space and restrooms located on second level together with seasonal outdoor patio on private property with 50 seats and a 12 a.m. patio closing hour interior closing hour 2 am. attorney quilty you once again attorney quilty good morning again attorney green Madam chair members of the board Dennis quilty attorney representing the applicant for the transfer of this license as the board is certainly aware the uh license exists at the location having been uh purchased by the property owner and transferred to this location for the purpose of opening a fine dining establishment this is the uh new building at the very top of uh at the end of Boon Street if you will looking out across the turnpike in One Direction and downtown in the other uh where adjacent is the Citizen M Hotel this is the office building next door and the proposal is for the restaurant space and the base level of that new building uh avra is a uh a Greek classic Greek concept Mr sulos who's with us this morning is the founder the owner and operator the proposed manager of record they have numerous locations around the country having started out in New York City after Mr sulos uh immigrated from Greece many years ago they are a top quality welln entity around the country uh we have had a very positive Outreach process with the neighborhood association of the Back Bay I believe you have their non- opposition letter on file because it was a Corp to Corp transfer no change of location the mayor's office did not require an abutters meeting um but we did uh we did conduct the Outreach with nav and have their letter of non- opposition we hope you will agree that this will be a fine addition into the dining scene in the City generally and uh will'll make this new building a a real destination and we're certainly happy to answer any questions Mr sulos is a US citizen is a Mass resident uh and has years of experience in the food and beverage industry and as suggested earlier we're happy to take any of your questions thank you very much thank you attorney thank you Mr suas for joining us just the final question for manag of record um are you familiar with the rules and regulations of this board the abcc and the laws of the Commonwealth pertaining to the Salem service of alcohol oh you're muted Nick I can see that he said yes but get on the record I've also just asked you to there we go I I unmuted myself sorry about that so you answer you just answer the question you can answer affirmatively yes okay thank you um thank you attorney Commissioners do you have any questions I do not thank you none for me thanks thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes Madam chair members of the board callor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's office to defer to the Judgment this board as you heard from the applicants representation we had them connect the local civic association which should not express any opposition to this proposal with that will'll defer to the board at this time thank you thanks Conor thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well thank you thank you calling item 15 552 Tremont LLC doing business as the butcher shop located at 552 Tremont Street in Roxberry holder of a common vit or 7-Day wines and M beverages with the cor's license has petitioned to transfer the licensed business from the above to p a Tremont 552 llc at the same location Edwin pre manager 1:00 a.m. closing hour Attorney Benjamin Lin attorney Lin morning attorney green Madam chair members of the board uh Attorney Benjamin Levan I'm here on behalf of the applicant um manager of record Mr Presidio is here with me as well he is a US citizen he is a resident of the Commonwealth he is familiar with the laws and regulations relative to the sale of alcohol and he does work in other establishments not only in the city but in the same neighborhood uh he has years of experience with this Restaurant Group that owns other establishments throughout the South End Neighborhood and have been openly accepted by the community for years uh they intend to do a light renovation to the space that has been the butcher shop for many years at this intersection reopen essentially as a fine dining establishment um and hope to carry on what was an excellent spot in the neighborhood for years to come uh thank you attorney for joining us thank you for joining us Mr P Prado sorry about that um I have no questions Commissioners do you have any questions I do not thank you no questions for me thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's off going to defer to the Judgment of this board some background information in the community process uh we had the applicant reach out to the two active Civic associations area uh that would be Union Park and eight streets neighborhood association both were supportive of this proposal uh with that we'll defer to the board at this time thank you good morning Madam shair the members of the board law are here from Consul Flame's office at this time the consul would like to go on record and support thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well oh was that somebody else great the board will take this under advisement thank you thank you thank you have a great day thank you calling item 16 AC NE LLC doing business as Dorset Hall located at 367 to 371 neonet AV in Dorchester holder of a common VI or 7-Day of alcoholic beverage license has petitioned to transfer the license business from the above to Mobile Inc doing business as McGonigal at the same location Elizabeth Adele mccth McCarthy manager 2 a.m. closing hour the applicant has also uh petitioned to update the description of the premise as follows approximately 7,873 ft over two levels of a shared building complex with two entrances exits 1,970 ft upper level with combined dining bar seating for 97 and two restrooms 2,975 foot lower level with seating for 138 and a separate bar with seating for 20 as well as two additional restrooms kitchen and storage in the basement consisting of 2,928 squ Ft secondly the uh petitioner has also petitioned to pledge the license to Northern Bank and Trust Company attorney Andrew Upton attorney Upton uh good morning everyone Andrew Upton for the applicant with me is Adele McCarthy proposed manager of record Orin mcgonagle one of the owners and our co-counsel Jennifer Allen uh Adele McCarthy has worked for the East Coast Tavern group for many years she's very familiar with the operation of bars and restaurants she's a US citizen she's a Mass resident and I believe she was approved by this board as the manager of EMT many years ago uh we're looking to transfer the liquor license and no change of location uh Dorset Hall has now closed uh although we still believe the public need for a license at this location has been established Dorset Hall was a Beloved Community spot with casual dining and live music and we've heard from Neighbors that they want a similar operation in the space the new owners plan to keep the same atmosphere but with elevated food and they are putting in upwards of $500,000 of in interior improvements character and fitness of this applicant is strong the new owners are currently lenes at Dubliner carry nation emitz and several other Boston spots they have a good record a deep bench of professional staff and the capital to buy and renovate Dorset Hall they've met with the leadership of the Pop's Hill Association and we have submitted their letter of support to the board uh we're asking for the same license conditions as Dorset uh it's the same building envelope um and we're also asking for a pledge as you noted with that we're glad to answer any questions thank you um I have no questions except for when do you if approved by the abcc when do you think you guys would be opening uh they are under they're building at risk now uh because they're so committed to this project so I would hope by September maybe early October okay just asking because I've been getting asked that and I wasn't sure as have we okay um I have no questions commissioner Karin or commissioner Saxon do you have any questions I do not thank you no questions thanks thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's office like to defer to the Judgment of this board our office is UNA aware of any concerns in this time and as you've heard from the afans representation they've done their due diligence and reached out to local Civic Association uh without defer to the board thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well thank you thank you very much calling item 17 ryy LLC doing business as the Emory located at 21 Beacon Street holder of a common victual or 7-Day all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to transfer the license business from the above to Taco aul Boston LLC doing business has Taco aul at the same location Daniel Lea manager 2 a.m. closing hour has also petitioned to update the description of premise as follows 21 Beacon Street is a current restaurant space is a 3500t restaurant space with a ground floor and basement with an opening hour of 11 a.m. and a closing hour of 2: a.m. ground floor includes a dining area with approximately 20 tables with seating for approximately 65 people a bar with seating for 10 a kitchen storage and one unisex restroom basement has two unisex restrooms and a separate enclosed space for storage and prep only space also includes a 1,000 ft annual outdoor patio on private property with seating for 45 and a closing hour of 11 p.m. Additionally the applicant has petitioned to pledge the license to Webster Bank National Association who is present on behalf of the applicant uh good morning uh my name is Daniel Lea great uh good morning members of the board uh thank you for your time I'm Daniel AA the manager and owner of T Boston LLC uh a full service Mex restaurant serving guacamole tacos and margaritas uh we were able to take over the lease of the former Emory restaurant and as a part of that have taken a loan from Webster Bank to transfer the existing 7-Day all liquor license at this location therefore Webster Bank would require a pledge on the license there have been no structural changes to the site at 21 Beacon all structural occupancy hours and all other elements remain as is uh any changes are cosmetic this is the first location for takasu I have over 15 years of Hospital ality experience I attended Cornell University School of Hotel Administration and have received accolades such as Forks 30 30 food INRI I am a US citizen resident of the Commonwealth familiar with the rules and regulations of the city of Boston in the abcc pertaining to the sale of alcohol and have over 15 years of food and beverage experience I'm happy happy to answer any questions at this time thank you well done thank you um I don't have any questions for you Commissioners do you have any questions I do not thank you none for me thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives Madame chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's off to defer to the Judgment of this board our office is unaware of any concerns at this moment uh they reached out to the bhca which I understand is outside of their catchman area this location uh as I mentioned we're unaware of any concerns at this time thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter seeing none the board will take this matter under advisement thank you calling number 18 East Coast Eats Inc doing business as silvertone bar in Grill located at 69 Brownfield Street holder of a common V or 7-Day all alcoholic purchase license has petitioned to transfer the license and location from the above to 10 World Trade LH LLC located at 10 World Trade Center AV premise consists of multi-level lobby area with ground floor level Food Hall 13,425 ft with two designated vendor spaces with 180 indoor seats and 100 outdoor seats on an annual weather permitting private property Plaza of 4,639 s ft mezzanine and second floor Lobby areas each have special event spaces connected to the ground floor level with an open stair plan the mezanine event area is 3,32 Ft in the second floor area includes a 253 ft Auditorium with 149 seats and a private property patio 4511 ft² sectioned off from the public sidewalk the auditorium reaches the third floor and connects to a 4,261 s foot Lounge event space 2 am indoor closing hour 2 am outdoor closing hour John Hines the fourth manager attorney Joseph Hanley attorney Hanley good morning attorney green it's attorney Steven Miller mcdermid quilty Miller and Hanley uh with me this morning is uh the proposed manager of record John heines fourth along with my partner Joe Hanley uh we're seeking approval to transfer the silvertone license to this new building um under construction uh at 10 World Trade Center it's a um 600,000 SQ foot building and it's a $600 million project I did send over to the board this morning uh some renderings of the areas that um will concern uh contain the the uh license premises just to give you perspective of where the building's located and uh the possible areas it's obviously a uh um on on several levels uh we are a successor Council to this and as as part of our due diligence for the S as being successor Council we did meet with the um executive director of the abcc to go over the floor plans to make sure that there are appropriate connections and contiguous uh areas that uh could could be licensed uh uh once that once uh if it passes the uh the local Boston board and sent to the abcc this is a ground lease from massport um a lengthy lease at the um transfer to this location John Hines um is the proposed manager is also the project manager family has been in the real estate development business in the um Boston for decades uh and the we've made it clear to the community and to the elected officials that basically that we are the the placeholder where we want to put the license in place the the building is uh getting close to uh being finished and we will be back to the board and first we'll go to the community elected officials with a um management agreement and a management company we've talked to some of the Premier Companies in and around Boston for this location putting a license in the premise is U very important to be able to finalize something with a management company they want to make sure that we will have the the uh license located so right now we will not be uh asking for this license transfer for us to operate but as I said we will go back to the community and the elected officials with a operator and answer any operational questions that they may have prior to coming back to you for approval of a management agreement in the meantime um Mr Hines is the proposed manager in fact he has 12 years experience as a bartender and waitress a bartender and waiter I'm sorry in in the uh license premises he is a US citizen he's a resident of the Commonwealth and he's familiar with the rules and regulations of this board the rules and regulations of the abcc and the laws of the Commonwealth concerning the sale and service of alcohol none of which he intends to use as part of uh the approval but he does qualify under the um rules to to be approved as a manager um as you can see it's a um detailed flaw plan and um as far as the expenditure the license is purchased for um $600,000 the purchase price and the plan is uh over $3 million to build out the uh all the restaurant space which would be uh turned over to a management company Mr Hines is here as is my partner Joe Hanley to answer any of your questions uh thank you uh thank you attorney Miller thank you attorney Hanley for joining us and thank you Mr Hines for joining us I think I understand what's going on here and I appreciate the the additional information submitted this morning I'll take a look at that um I have no questions at this time Commissioners do you have any questions I do not thank you no questions thank you thank you then we will see if there are any individuals who would like to testify beginning with elected officials or their representatives Madame chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's office will to defer to the Judgment of this Bo board as you heard from the applicant representation uh they were in contact with the local civic association the um and they also pledged to the community that they would come back into a full of Butters process uh when an operator was identified uh with that we'll defer to the board at this time thank you good morning Madam shairs and members of the board Laura Toano here again from cons fly's office at this time the conselor would like to go record in full support of this proposal thank you thank you very much other there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement thank you thank you thank you calling item 19 g&v ice cream and sub Inc doing business as don't tell Auntie located at 1122 Boon Street holder of a common vit or 7-Day all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to transfer the license and the location from the above to early Monsoon LLC doing business as don't tell Auntie located at 1080 Boyston Street premise consists of a restaurant on ground floor containing approximately 3200 square F feet in five rooms with dining area seating for 85 patrons bar area seating for 16 patrons kitchen storage area and restrooms annual outdoor patio and private property containing approximately 630 square feet with seating for 36 patrons to be operated between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 11: P p.m. Nal Patel manager 2 A.M closing hour and secondly the applicant has petitioned to pledge the license and inventory to Rockland Trust Company who is present on behalf of the applicant Thurman Joyce commissioner secretary green Tom Miller from Derma quilty Miller and Hanley in Boston on behalf of the applicant early Monsoon LLC um they I'm joined today by naral Patel one of the owners and the proposed manager of record uh last year don't tell ATI received approval from this board to transfer the license to uh 1120 Boon Street for a new restaurant however the owners have found a more suitable location about 200 ft away at 1080 Boon Street and have decided to open at that location instead in addition the applicant is replacing two of its owners because of this they uh have formed a new entity early Monsoon LLC to operate the business uh the application before you today as secretary green has said is to transfer the license to a new related entity for a change of location about 200 feet uh away and a pledge for the license to Rockland Trust again a nearly identical license was uh applic was approved by this board last year with the same name and the same upscale Indian Cuisine concept with beer wine and Cocktails to complement that menu uh the applicant seeks to move the license to a former Booloo restaurant space at 1080 bston uh which include an outdoor patio with private on private property for dining this location is approximately 3200 feet inside with 78 seats 630 ft Square ft uh with 36 seats on the patio the not requesting any change to the hours of operation from 11:00 a.m. to 2: a.m. and they propose the patio closes at 11:00 p.m. um the applicant uh as I know the board uh is often um curious about this the applicant will not be offering any takeout or delivery from this location uh as I said I'm joined by Mr Patel uh Mr Patel is the currently approved manager of record on this license uh under its current uh lensey uh and he is an experienced operator Ator uh with both section 12 and section 15 licenses um he is a US citizen a resident of Lexington uh he is familiar with the laws of the commonweal the rules of the abcc and this board for the sale and service of alcohol the applicant presented at nutter's meeting held by on on July 11th and has and has been having a productive conversation with the Fenway civic association which resulted in their support for this application the board's approval of the application here will Revitalize a space that has been vacant for almost a year and will bring a full service Indian restaurant with outdoor dining to the neighborhood we want to thank you for hearing this application today and we' be happy to answer any questions you have thanks attorney Miller thank you for joining us Mr Patel I have no questions this time Commissioners do you have any questions I do not thank you no questions thanks thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their Representatives yes Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's off going to defer to the Judgment of this board some background information in the community process as you heard from the applicant representation um and a Butters meeting was held understand no serious concerns were raised they went on to meet with the Fenway civic association which is supportive of this proposal uh with the conditions that there be no outdoor speakers for the patio that alcohol be accompanied with food uh for for use on the deck and that the patio be closed at 11: with that we'll defer to the board at this time thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement thank you thank you calling item number 20 DJ's market doing business as DJ's market located at 120 Boston Street in Dorchester has applied for a retail Package Store wines and M beverages licens to be exercised on the above Market in Delhi consisting of 1,800 64 Square ft of retail on one floor in one large open market floor plan with Gondola Market shelfing and Deli and bakery cases in the rear there's also a full kitchen in the rear of the building walk-in freezer and fridges line one wall of the market with reachin doors reachin fridges line the other wall it's about 1,800 ft of dry storage in the basement under the market and 675 ft of storage in a side room with an employee only entrance manager Alina morrris Closing Time 6m who's present on behalf of the applicant good morning I am uh my name is Alina moris um I own DJ's market um I live in the neighborhood I've been here for 18 years running this store uh my parents were here 30 years before me uh last year we got the Legacy award which gave us some technical support and with that was recommended ended that we apply for a beer and wine to add to our Revenue uh we're struggling a little bit and this would help um to make the business stronger um we did get a very positive response from the uh the neighbors and the neighborhood and the neighborhood association um but if there's any other questions be happy to answer okay um can you tell me who who recommended you apply for the the alcohol license um we we got someone that was trying to help us uh figure out our business and how we could do better uh oh was it someone from the city of yes it the name of the company was revb oh okay I didn't know if it was a city of Boston department or something no it was recommended by them he was recommended oh by the city of Boston yes okay um so can you tell me the Legacy program uh the woman that we were dealing with yes she had recommended or gave us she gave us a couple of juwes from that we had met with and chose him okay um can you tell me um with your current floor plan and layout are you removing any groceries to add um alcohol no no so how are you um changing things around to for the addition of um beer and wine well we're not planning on bringing in a lot uh just to couple of shelves for the wine and uh the where we currently have some walk-in refrigerator doors uh they'll be used for the bear okay um planning on only carrying like specialty special specialty okay like polish beer and wine and some local okay um the reason I'm asking is where we have received an enormous amount of applications recently to add beer and wine or alcohol to similar types of markets and I wasn't aware exactly where this influx of applications was coming from and how people were balancing that with their current offerings inside their retail store so you've answered those questions for me um so um Miss Morris you're you're going to be the manager of record I am the owner manager yes okay um so are you a citizen yes I am are you a resident of Massachusetts yes do you have experience in the food and beverage industry yes are you familiar with the rules and regulations um of this board the abcc and the laws of the Commonwealth pertaining to the sale and service of alcohol yes I am okay um do you plan on selling single um no single okay no um we close early and also uh we have a pretty good camera system and we plan on uh training all the employees and selling the new be and wine okay so the floor plan that you submitted doesn't actually show where the beer and wine will be Loc loated so I'll ask that you resubmit that and draw on there where the be and wine will be or how much floor space you're going to dedicate to the sale of beer and wine okay okay all right uh Commissioners do you have any questions uh nothing to add thank you no questions thank you thank you very much are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes Madam chair members of the board board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's office would like to defer to the Judgment of this board some background information in the community process on as hos in a Butter's meeting that went uh very well uh the applicant then went on to meet with the McCormack civic association which was supportive of this proposal we also have one letter of support that was sent into our office which I believe we forwarded to this board that information will defer to the board at this time thank you thank you Connor are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter Bo will take this oh yes uh Mr Thorne I'm going to ask you to unmute you may please provide your testimony oh you're you're still on mute right now here we go great thank you my name is lad Thorne Jr and um I've been a member of the community for over 15 years and uh I strongly support this uh license I I think DJs is a fabulously want run uh operation I've known Alina and her family for a long time and they're truly um they're truly important members of this community who really uh are at the center of the community and I think it's going to be a a welcome addition for people to be able to go and have you know some beer and wine it's um it's going to be great thank you Mr Thorne for your testimony are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter hi Laura here from Council of Flynn's office I know this is outside of his district but he just wanted to go in record and support of this proposal thank you thank you very much uh one more time are there any other individuals who would like to testify on DJ's market for will take this under advisement as well thank you and calling item number 21 gent cater LLC doing business as from scratch located at two Tremont Street in Brighton has applied for a common vior 7-Day all alcoholic beverages licensed to be exercised on the above two Tremont Street consists of 1,000 square F feet four tables with a total capacity of 16 people restaurant is comprised of two levels the main level houses the kitchen and seating area downstairs level houses the walk-in fridge preparation dry storage room dishwasher station and bathroom manager genin economi Closing Time 10 p.m. who's present on behalf of the applicant hello uh good morning thank you for joining us uh if you could please briefly present uh your proposal to the board yes sir sorry I have uh some issues this morning with internet hello yeah my name is Gan economi and I'm being a chef far as I know more than 20 years so uh I find this location used to be FIS Express before and they took over the lease from them for the next three and a half years and um I just open basically it's been like four months and a half and I'm was planning you know just to bring some great uh Italian authentic food and the that's why I was applying for the for the beer and wi license or Al alcohol so I can just you know with with the great food I'm serving just to make sure the the you know the customers my clients they have full uh request because almost every day they asking for beer and wine serving here so if you have any question I'm more than happy to to help you thank you Mr economi yes sorry if I mispronounced your name I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go over the um yes regular manager record questions that I ask everybody who's applying are you with yes are you a resent yes I am are you a resident in Massachusetts yes I am okay I live in North Queen for yes okay you have described your experience so I'll move on to the last question are you familiar the rules and regulations of this board the abcc and the laws of the Commonwealth pertaining to sales okay yes I am yes thank you and thank you for joining us umate it thanks Commissioners do you have any questions not at this time thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives Madam chair members of the board Connor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's office would like to defer to the Judgment of this board some background information in the community process uh initially this applicant was applying for BYOB license where our office held in a in a Butter's meeting for um there were no concerns raised in that meeting um then after when we were notified that they were changing and seeking a different license uh we had the uh the applicant circulate Flyers uh to a Butters within 300 feet um feedback is is mostly positive we had one letter in opposition with concerns related to a proximity to a school however there's no K through2 School anywhere near um this establishment uh they went on to meet with the bright nson Improvement Association uh and received their support uh with that we'll defer to the board at this time thank you thank you thank you Connor are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter that the board will take this under advisement as well thank you and we will take a second call on item number 12 Mirage charcoal Kebab Inc doing business as Zen restaurant uh located at 21A Beacon Street holder of a common vict or 7-Day Wines in Mal beverage's license has petitioned for a change of officers directors and has petitioned for a change of stock interest attorney Duo let's see if your audio is working now hope Works uh good morning this is attorney Jo from boom canano Law Office representing Mirage uh charcoal C Inc doing business at Zen restaurant I would like to request the board to consider the propos changes following a recent change in ownership and management of the business the business has been serving the community for over 20 years since it establishment in 2003 at per the state sector web said uh with the retirement of the prevor owner um and in the spr of maintaining the keep the same services to the customers the new ownership and management are ready to step in now and the new owner is going to be Kevin e Jang uh Yung Bindu and Lin ja all three of them are also present on the zoom meeting today and ready to answer the questions for the if the board has any um so k e j and B will serve as both managers and members while linja will only be the man member of The Business Without management duties Kevin e j is a US citizen and Massachusetts resident with good record uh will be responsible manager for the alcoholic beverage uh uh license uh there is no additional changes to the management operating or current settings of the restaurant we request the board uh will update approve the proposal and reflect those changes if there is any questions I'm free uh to to ask to answer thank you attorney L that is very helpful um I have no questions Commissioners do you have any um yes who who is the current manager of record for the purposes of the liquor license the current manager is is the prevor owner of the restaurant called D Guan D Wei last name Guan gu a and he has already retired at this time so the proposed manager for the Leal license going to be Kevin e Jong okay um attorney green um this isn't quite noticed in that manner did the application reflect that we do not have an application for a manager of record change the what we have on the application is what is noticed which is the officers directors and the change of stock interest so yeah so attorney I think we need an application for the purposes of the liquor license we need a manager um not just corporate I yeah so uh are you about to open or is it is is a restaurant still running under the previous ownership while this is taking place right transaction the business still running and the own old ownership uh and management name and um I just check my record what document I felt with the board so there are two transactions one is Chang officer director and IC manager and the other one is the uh insurance or transfer the stock or New Stock holders so those are two proposals I just gave to the board for attention and we going to file another application for change of the legal license responsible manager okay very well very I just want to make sure that you knew and that was so we'll see that in the future the near future yes okay thank you that's all I have no questions thanks thank you very much are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter seeing none the board will take this under advisement as well thank you very much uh those are are all the items before the board this morning that will adjourn this hearing the board will meet to vote tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. notice has been posted to the city's website thank you all and enjoy the rest of your day yeah you thank you