##VIDEO ID:NNLLO6QNdJs## good morning thank you all for joining we will give just a moment to clear the waiting room and make sure that folks have connected to audio give just another moment as uh we're still clearing the waiting room as a reminder when you do enter please remain on mute unless or until you are providing testimony before the board good morning this is a hearing before the licensing board for the city of Boston today is Tuesday September 10th 20124 today's hearing is being held pursuant to Temporary amendments to the open meeting law that is what allows us to meet virtually today's hearing is being recorded and will be posted to the city of Boston's website we are joined this morning by Commission commissioner Liam curan and commissioner Kiana Saxon please ensure that your audio and visuals are working properly when you are providing testimony I will call each item in the order that it appears on this morning's agenda I will then ask who is present on behalf of the L who is present on behalf of the Boston Police Department and whether there are any other individuals with firsthand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify I will then swear in all parties after that the police report will be read into the record and the ly or their representative will have the opportunity to make a brief statement followed by questions by the Commissioners all testimony will be limited only to those individuals with firsthand personal knowledge of the alleged incident begin with the first item on this morning's agenda calling item number one Tate holding LLC doing business as Tate Bakery and Cafe located at 80 Boon Street date of the incident January 20th 2024 aggravated assault and battery on premise staff on staff this was an assault and battery with a danger weapon a knife in violation of Mass general laws chapter 140 section 9 and failure to call police and 911 in violation of Mass general laws ch40 section 9 who's present on behalf of the licy speak with me this morning also is chef Robert Fagan and I haven't seen yet but um attorney Charlotte patila is also expected I'm not sure if she's on yet great who was the first yeah the first witness you mentioned chef Robert Fagan I I did see him on yes I see the name uh Mr Fagan if you're planning on testifying if you could please turn your camera on there we go great thank you very much uh and I great perfect thank you very much who is present on behalf of the Boston Police Department uh detective Mark Walsh thank you detective are there any other individuals with firsthand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify this morning uh I I don't believe so thank you can you all please raise your right hand do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you detective Walsh you could please read the police report to the record of the board uh about 4:58 p.m. on Saturday January 20th 2024 officer scroggin responded to a radio call to investigate a person at 253 Meridian Street East Boston upon arrival the officer spoke with Federico elade the victim and a Spanish speaker Mr elade stated that about 12:30 p.m. while working at Tate Bakery and Cafe at 80 Boon Street he argued with uh the suspect Juan masius and the victim stated that when he was asked to be respected by the suspect the suspect suddenly stabbed him in the head with a knife uh the victim stated that if he didn't grab the suspect arm he would have stabbed him multiple times uh and his face was covered in full of blood the officer observed a wound at the top of the left side of the victim's forehead uh the victim was told by his chief his Chef supervisor Robert to go to the hospital and say to the doctor that it was an accident and not to mention the fight was at work the victim stated that he went to the Neighborhood Health Center in East Boston and uh when the doctor discharged him he received a call from his Chef supervisor Mabel telling him that he was fired from work and uh on the followup investigation um myself I I went to um uh T Bakery at around one o00 on uh January 21st 2024 and um I issued a license premise violation number 01 7476 uh to the supervisor Francesco Suarez and it was for the following violations and uh they were accepted without incident and um he was cooperative throughout the investigation was failure to notify the Boston police via 911 and aggravated assaults employee on employee thank you detective Walsh attorney Miller would you like to address the alleged incident yes detective um did you ever interview um Mr aladi I spoke with him um over the phone and um with a a translator uh from my one a Spanish speaking officer and um he uh did not uh want to go forward at this time I believe um I was supposed to be uh get some additional information from uh one of the um managers at Tate Bakery uh in regards to um a good address for the um suspect Mr uh masius yeah and uh and I was going to call him in for a hearing okay uh did Tate cooperate with you as far as did you request videos and and did have they provided you a video uh I believe I got the video yes it was uh via email and Tate was cooperative and anything you asked for is that correct anyway I I I think they were just unaware of what the procedure was as far as the license premise um procedures were so um you know we educated them uh you know about what they were supposed to do and uh how they're supposed to call accordingly especially if uh you know any type of assaults involving employees and of that nature it's just like a it's just like a regular um incident um um you know something happens call 911 and uh you know everybody involved will be um uh I believe covered u in a sense P thank you very much I appreciate your cander um uh Commissioners uh with me this morning is uh as we referred to in the police report uh Robert Fagan Chef Fagan's a district manager I think attorney pattillo is joining um she has the Dual role as an in-house Council along with being HR supervisor excuse me um within if it hasn't arrived already within the next uh 20 minutes or so uh we will have a video delivered uh to you the video that we have from from the uh from that day in the incident along with the uh internal incident report and um a receipt showing that uh uh Chef Fagen uh called a lift uh car and and escorted Mr eladi to the car it sent him to the uh U East Boston Health Center the this is certainly just by back from Tate is a cafe Bakery no alcohol licenses has multiple locations in this in and around Boston they have hundreds of uh employees and have been in business for a long time um this this is a first for them um certainly an unforeseen incident they took as soon as they were aware um Mr pulam who's the cafe manager was aware of the altercation he notified the other management team they took immediate action to address Mr ela's injury and also um interview uh separate the parties to make sure that it didn't um flare up again and to to interview the parties the uh they did they certainly addressed the incident uh you can see from the incident report Mr Federico um responded that there was not a knife involved and that he was hit with a uh this is done report based on interviews at that time that he was hit with the blunt end of a either a knife or a fork but regardless of that um and and uh as the detective said Mr aladi is uh not very fluent in English um Mr Fagan ke Fagan was the district manager when he sent him to at at his request to the East Boston Health Center he said to make sure you let them know that this was a work that this occurred at work and that it would be fully covered by Insurance um he obviously something was lost in the transl translation where he said to the police that uh he was told not to say that it was a fight and I think the uh the gist of it was to make sure that the health center knew that this would be totally covered it was an unforeseen incident they um addressed it as quickly as possible um you can see from the incident report they interviewed everybody what they they didn't do is call the police and as the detective said he made them fully aware as to this firm that uh um in any case like this that uh call the police and let the police deal with it so they have taken steps to make sure that every management member in all the locations is aware that uh in anything similar to this that they would call the police but in this particular case this was unforeseen it was the first time in all these years with hundreds of employees that anything like this happened they thought they took appropriate action to deal with the incident and get the injured party Medical but uh once again we did not call the police um Mr Fagan's here if you want to ask him any questions along I think maybe attorney P Patilla was here but um I asked her to uh be here because she was the one who spent the time interviewing all the employees and and prepared the uh incident report which you will have a copy of this morning thank you as I said Mr Fagan's here if you have any questions thank you just briefly M Miss P are you uh here as Council or are you here providing witness testimony um you have not been sorn in yet if you'll be providing testimony to the board I believe I'm here to provide uh testimony just about the HR pieces of this great uh if so could you please just raise your right hand we can swear you in do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you was there testimony you wanted to provide to the board before we move to questions from commissioner current commissioner Saxon okay in that case we will move to uh questions Comm car any questions so my first question for the uh lensey would be speaking to both of these employees is there anything uh in your documentation or experience that would have uh G you know pause that this might happen with these employees charlot or or or Robert was there any either anything PRI anything prior that would have indicated that this could have happened I'm sorry commissioner not to interrupt you no no worries I I didn't mean to interrupt you as well um and it's either it's either individually or their interactions with each other if if there's anything you can speak to uh no I spoke with both chefs Who oversee them and said that they did not receive complaints about one about either employee prior to this incident um I know that that came up subsequent to this incident that one of them claimed that he had made multiple complaints to the chefs and they said no um in fact they were surprised that Mr msas was involved in this and my next question would be since we don't have the videos can anyone speak it it you know to anything uh What did the what does the video portray that we're GNA see the so there's no cameras in the um dishroom where the actual event took place but you'll see in the video and and uh Chef Fagen is the one in the uh final shirt is that uh you can see that the staff immediately went to address um Mr El's wounds and and or wound and um you'll see him with a uh Gau pad over his his forehead um and then um Mr Fagan um spoke to him about getting medical coverage I think he wanted to actually stay at work and they said absolutely not and uh Mr Fagan got him ordered a lift and put him in walked and escorted him to the lift and sent them to the uh to you'll see all that in the video but there's no video of the actual incident okay and so just to be clear my sense is that at the time though to the other employees it was clear that it it had been an altercation and not an accident correct yes yes that's all I have thank you so why isn't there a video of the actual incident we don't have cameras in the dish room commissioner and is there I'm sorry I'm sorry go ahead you were going to say something else well they you'll see them addressing his the blood and whatever but and then how the staff addressed both and separated them and spoke with them and all that but and and got them out of the off the premises but we don't have any video of the actual incident and I recall hearing that one I think it was this the victim who was fired but what happened to the suspect his employment well both of them were put on immediately put on administrative leave and then once the after the investigation they terminated both of them okay and during the investigation was there um an effort to have them in their own words recount what happened in their own language just so that there's no communication barrier yes I mean you you'll see the incident report they were there's uh statements from both of them to to the management staff as to what happened and what what occurred is since both of them had totally different stories as to what happened um and there was a fight on the premises the decision was made to terminate both of them just for clarity commissioner due to the language barriers the employees were not individually interviewed we interiew interviewed the chefs who spoke English and Spanish and we attempted to bridge the gap there because some of the chefs were are not very proficient in English um and I met with them I understood what they collect information they collected from each and then I translated it into Spanish so that they could understand what the incident report memorialized and asked them to let me know if it was incorrect any further questions from the board at this time done for me thank you further thank you and attorney Miller you said that incident report will be included with the videos incident report the uh the receipt from the LT um to uh East Boston health and the videos will be in your office hopefully in the next few minutes great we'll be on the we had Tech we had technical difficulties the video so it will be there we'll be on the lookout and I'll make sure that that is shared with the Commissioners as soon as we receive it thank you the board will take this matter under advisement for now thank you very much thank you calling item number two linster Group Inc doing business as Scholars located at 25 School Street date of the incident January 29th 2024 assault and battery Patron on Patron in violation of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 64 and chapter 265 section 13A and a blocked emergency exit in viol ation of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 64 and board's rule 1.06 a who is present on behalf of the leny uh good morning everyone Andrew Upton attorney for the license C with me is Orin mcgonagal owner Vanessa Lopez manager of record and Ila priy uh bartender uh all three were on site during the evening great thank you very much I don't believe if I see any of them on camera right now so uh here we go I see Miss priy um so anyone who is planning on testifying great3 now on camera thank you who's present on behalf of the Boston Police Department I'm Sergeant Hogan with the Boston Police Department thank you Sergeant Hogan are there any other individuals with firsthand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify this morning uh police officer Christopher Rooney is also here at Boston Police Department great thank you officer Rie uh can you all please raise your right hand do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do I do thank you who will be reading the police report will that be Sergeant Hogan I can certainly do that for you sir that would be great if you could please proceed about 2:04 am on Monday January 29th 2024 officer Rooney and an whistle in the alpha 102 Alpha responded to a r radio call for a fight in progress at the scholars bar located at 25 School Street downtown upon arrival people were waving officers into the bar and telling us to hurry up and get inside officers were informed that there was a large fight happening upstairs on the second floor as officers were walking in the altercation ended officers could still hear several screams and there was a group of people still on scene officers radioed for more units the alpha 103 Alpha 101 Alpha 202 and other officers showed up to assist officers observed bar stools tipped over there were indicative of a physical altercation as officers arrived on the second males in the back rooms and one male locked himself Patrick Corbett was in another back room and had been sprayed with OC spray officers made contact with an injured suspect Corbit who was in a back room on the ground the suspect was screaming in pain officers could observe laceration that would require stitches to the suspect's right eye the suspect's eye was also swollen and bruised the suspect was also sprayed with o OC and was spitting up and screaming on the floor officers immediately dispatched EMS to the scene for this male the suspect was too intoxicated to identify himself or tell officers what had happened the bar was hosted a group work party with local employees of Scholars and other establishments nearly every witness on scene indicated that the suspect went berserk and started the altercation off spoke with victim number one Nicholas Valentino who was working behind the bar at the time of the alocation victim number one stated that they were trying to close the bar and stop serving alcohol according to multiple Witnesses this upset the suspect who started verbal altercations with several males and females moments later the victim stated that the suspect grabbed and pulled an unknown female's hair the suspect then attempted to throw punches at the victim and jump behind the bar the victim stated that he was in fear for his safety after the suspect had just assaulted a woman the victim believed try to grab and arm himself with a bottle behind the bar the victim then deployed OC suspect's Faith to defend himself the victim did it is unknown how the suspect received the injury to his right eye officers then spoke with witness number one ilda priy who was also working the event priy initially met officers and let them into the scene upstairs where the fight had occurred priy witnessed the suspect act beligerant and extremely agitated when he was advised that the bar was closing down the witnesses stated that a fight broke out after a group was talking to each other pry stated that she witnessed the suspect grab and pull on some unknown female's hair in an attempt to jump over the bar an attempt to attack the victim Valentino the witness stated that she believed her coworker Valentino act in self-defense before he was brutally attacked officers then met with witness number two Jamal Williams who was the second person who was locked inside a back room when officers arrived Williams was profusely sweating and stated that he hid in the back room after the fight broke out Williams reiterated that he witnessed the suspect pull on a woman's hair and tried to jump across the bar William stay the other males throwing punches in the brawl must have left the scene prior to the police arrival William stay that he was in fear from the suspect and hid to protect himself from injury the alpha 92 Sergeant Hogan arrived on scene and was advised of a code 35 licensed premise violation Sergeant Hogan issued a code 35 violation number 05 9118 appears that everyone else involved in the fight as well as the individual or individuals that attacked the suspect that caused the injury to his eye were not on scene when police arrived Boston EMS arrived on scene and transported the suspect to Mass General Hospital the suspect was identified in the ambulance and transported by the ambulance number one and this was all recorded on body warn camera sir that's the conclusion thank you very much appreciate that attorney Upton would you like to address the alleged incident yeah yes thank you uh uh Sergeant can you tell us if the uh uh staff and management was cooperative during this incident and investigation yes sir they were incredibly cooperative with us all right thank you that's all I have for the for the uh police officers um I we believe that the police report uh basically speaks for itself this was an unforeseeable Outburst from a belligerent man which the uh staff and management tried their best to control uh I will address a few of the details to give the board some context uh first the blocked exit was was a result of uh Furniture being moved during the incident it wasn't that they had stored anything and this was not an ongoing problem the exit was probably blocked for total of an hour because some people push some furniture there during the uh during the incident uh this incident occurred during the East Coast Tavern group private holiday party for staff the East Coast Tavern group owns Dorset Hall Dublin or carry Nation they have an excellent track record uh in sale and service of alcohol and IND discipline um this was staff only this party it was a it was a private event uh I would like to ask Ila priy a few questions as she was on scene as I mentioned the owner and the manager were both on scene as well but they left before the incident occurred Ila if you can unmute I will ask you a few questions okay so so you were on you were on duty that night I was and can you tell us the capacity of of Scholars sure I think the capacity of Scholars is around 350 and about how many people were there at the time I would probably say around 80 so it was not crowded it was not um did you have a door man on even though it was a private event we did and why was that just um to make sure everybody was you know behaving um also making sure that nobody under 21 was coming in um and drinking at this holiday party okay um and the the the description in the police report characterizes as this as as a fight um but was there really a fight or was it really uh you guys trying to restrain this one fellow can you tell us more about that yeah it definitely wasn't a fight or it wasn't um nobody was talking you know talking trash to each other or anything I think it just kind of it escalated with him um us telling him that the holiday party was over okay how how did how did things begin um I think just it kind of became very uh chaotic uh told them that we're no longer serving that everybody needs to to leave um and then not quite sure how it started but the next thing is you know people were throwing throwing fists and he then had um his his hand on a girl holding her hair and then I think other guys kind of jumped in just to try to let her get away from him okay and uh do you know who called the police uh I believe it was one of the staff members or somebody that was present at the Holiday party okay and well you were involved in Breaking this up that's when the police arrived correct yep um but it wasn't you who called the police it was not me who called the police um just because I was trying to you know let that girl go free from his hold um I would have happily called the police um my partner is a BPD and I think you call the police before you do anything else it's just I was trying to help her as much as possible okay [Music] um all right thank you I have no no further questions for Ila um I would just like to offer a few additional details um uh Mr Corbett who was the belligerent person here uh was a doorman at another bar owned by the East Coast Tavern group so he was a guest um based on our review of his records he passed a Corey background check he had no history of any incidents uh any problems whatsoever there's nothing in his personal file of any prior incidence of other kind of any of any kind uh it appears that he just snapped and attacked a woman and attacked the bartender um we can tell you in terms of uh subsequent remedial measures he was obviously fired um the bartender who sprayed him with the spray was disciplined uh for having uh that type of weapon on person um he has he has since resigned uh the handbook the employee handbook has been updated uh to clarify that you cannot carry any weapons of any time of any kind at any time on the premises uh you know we believe that should have been obvious to anyone but now it's written down just in case and out of an abundance of caution uh the organization has determined that there will be no more staff parties for the staff um with that we're glad to answer any questions thank you commissioner car commissioner Saxon any questions is there any video in Scholars uh I believe because it was so long ago there is no video and that was there any efforts to preserve it uh I do not know I think it it it after a certain amount of time it automatically uh erases and if we hadn't gotten the uh uh the the hearing not notice it it may not still be around it may not still be around is it do you know that for sure I do not know does anyone know for sure um Troy not previously sworn I can uh address that the detective's notes thank you lieutenant Troy can you please raise your right hand yeah you sure to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you U just reading from the detectives not it says um spoke to the owner of the bar stated the limited video there's limited video due to upgrading a camera system and that was on uh March 15th and there was efforts to uh retrieve the video before that uh that uh were fruitless so the last noce from uh March 15 which again notes that the um there's limited Video available due to upgrading the camera system attorney Upton do you have any knowledge of a video system upgrade going on at that point um I am not really familiar with the upgrade I believe this may have come up in the past uh but perhaps we can ask uh Vanessa please Vanessa you yeah there we go thank you um so yes so this is just very unfortunate timing uh we were in the process of upgrading our video system and the guy was supposed to come that Thursday before the staff party but something happened so he ended up coming the following week so he wasn't able to upgrade it in until like a couple weeks prior to that because he had to replace the entire um hard drive system and did that cause the the video not to be captured of this date in time so there were we had called him to come in because there were a couple Camas that were not um properly working um but we were hoping he would come in you know Sunday Mondays where were close to the public um he was supposed to come in um and the reason why he was coming in was because it was limited capture so it it wasn't holding as long as it should um after about a week it would delete itself so that's why we were getting everything rebooted and um replaced and upgraded so but this video would have something would have been captured and would have been held for a week is that what you're saying like it limited captures but unfortunately there were um the cameras that would have shown directly on the second floor there was glitching in the cameras and the angling wasn't proper so he had to come and re angle everything and um replace a few cameras to the cameras that were facing um the incident um were not working at that time um I think I'll end on the video issue just for the lenses maybe future notice that I think an incident of these allegations and these this description is an easy preserve your video um I can't say what what will come out of deliberation but I think just put you on notice for the future that an incident like this on the night of you should know that you should be preserving a video of this um Can anyone speak to uh the suspect's level of intoxication uh anyone have any observations of him on the night and how he got to this state um I I think we can ask ilda did you serve this guy drinks um I believe I did serve this guy drinks um I personally probably served him one to two drinks um there were two other bartenders serving that evening as well so they could have possibly also served him to two drinks as well did he show any signs of intoxication or aggressive behavior when you sered when you saw not when not when we served him no okay we would have we would have definitely all stopped serving or told each other to stop serving that individual if we felt that he was highly intoxicated and just to be clear because this was a St a staff party you know this was probably the highest concent conentration of tips trained B uh bartenders and doormen you can get in one in one bar at a time I think if this guy had displayed uh intoxication or aggressive behavior uh that was foreseeable people would have stepped in right away but it appears it was rather subtle correct okay um are you ill I'm sorry are you the person who served him his his last spring I don't I I don't know I can't I can't say that I did I don't remember okay um yeah I mean this issue once again is something that um I would say would be helped by having you know video of the of the incident so I think that's all I have I'll just leave it at that once again the notice said the this description is the easy save the video so for the future I think it'll be noted on the doc uh or at least that's what Alie gets on voting dat so thank you that's all I have what time did the party start and what time did he arrive do you know how long he had been there before this incident occurred uh I do not Ila do we have any idea I mean the the police came at 204 so we know that was the end correct I don't remember remember what time he he came or I like I said uh I know what time the police arrived as well so there I heard a Dorman and three bartenders who else staffed the event were there any other security was there anyone on there uh serving the food or was it just three three bartenders and the doorman sure so was just as three bartenders and the doorman um but there was Vanessa was there before and and left and what time did you leave Vanessa um I believe I left at 1:45 um I was looking at my Uber receipt the time I got home and it was just after 2:00 um everything seemed calm and peaceful and I know they were wrapping everything up when I was leaving so it seemed like a good time to go and were all 80 people still there um at the time that the incident occurred the time I left a sign a significant amount of those people had already left as well any further questions from the board on this matter nothing further from me thank you okay in that case the board will take this under advisement thank you thank you all calling item number three Little Haiti International Cuisine LLC doing business as Little Haiti International Cuisine located at 1184 hiy Park AV in Hyde Park date of the incident February 24th 2024 operating after license premise hours in violation of Mass general laws chapter 140 section 9 who is present on behalf of the leny is anybody present on behalf of Little Haiti International Cuisine we will take a second call calling item number four Sophia's food Enterprise Corp doing business as L Manzana located at 22 Central Square in East Boston date of the incident January 23rd 2024 a fight in violation of Mass General Law chapter 138 section 64 and chapter 265 section 13 a who's present on behalf of the lcy uh rber Hernandez great thank you uh it's see Mr Hernandez and could you please identify yourself as well ma'am Johnny Hernandez yep thank you we see you um Can the other folks uh in on screen also please identify themselves if you're planning to testify yes uh my name is Mir Orana and I am the finance manager for sopia's uh Food Corporation and we also have a stepen who is uh the head of the security department thank you and Stephen what is your last name Steven H narango Hur narango yes great thank you all who is present on behalf of the Boston Police Department I see Det James is present yep thank you detective James you're on mute I'm just asked you to unmute can you hear me now sir yes we can hear you all right thank you which report which one are we doing I have two this is item number four this is L Grand Manzana um all right no problem sir great thank you are there any other individuals with firsthand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify this morning can you all please raise your right hand Y M Hernandez Miss Ranna Mr herado Nano thank you do you all swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do yes it thank you very much detective James if you could please read the police report into the record for the board yes I have um three reports to read on at 400 a.m on Tuesday January 23rd officers responded to a radio call for ass Sol and Battery report at 10 go Street up on the right off P victim Brenda parado said that she was at lran man zanab bar when a fight erupted victim stated Brenda stated the inm to intervene in their frame was something bit on the right C by party known to her as junior junior pery works with at a restaurant in ly named balour stated that Junior is from Santo Domingo also ear a bite mark on the Ving ride car the stated that she lost a nail on her ride for during the fight no no medical n as victim was already treated at each Boston Neighborhood Health Center on January 24th detective James the second reports James and DET went to L Grand Resturant located at 22 Central Square to r a 35 for fight that took place on January 23rd the T met the owner rver Johnny hernandz and explained to the reason why the were did Johnny was very cooperative and when if act about the video he agreed to provide it detective speeded download the video Johnny was accommodating and told that he knew the person on side would try to get the detective the information on the male involved the F the light inspection was written on book 11230 and Page 0 57761 and now the third report on February 1st victim John Caris Catalano katano came to the stat say were interviewed by detective James Espina trans to because John spoke very little English B John said that was at language gram L grandman zanta CLA with his fellow employees for employees celebration John St at the end of the night shortly after the club turned on the lights of people believe a fight broke out John stated that he tried to break a and that was when he was punched in the face by John London John said that he fell on the floor and joh John kicked him while he was on the floor John admitted that he believed John was drunk that night John described John as a thiri of 40-year-old white hispanic manale Colombian descent said that John works at the Lyn location of the rest of way he works State said he works a rever location John also stated that John sent him a text apologize for the incident the next day the T was able to get the driver's Li of John London just said the take first ask John how long he has known war John and he stated he knows him from work John then looked at the picture Andi it as that of John londono thej was set up here in East SEC against for assault and B assault by means of a dangerous weapon Char for sorry that's it thank you detective James um would the licy like to address the alleged incident so Mr Hernandez M Ranna Mr her nanha yes Mr Green um I I wasn't there that night so I'm just um trying to help them translate if you don't mind or if you don't have anybody else to translate I will translate uh what Mr Hernandez is going to say about that night and Mr n as well so thank you speaking Spanish and I will translate great thank you so there was a group of about six or seven people from um restaurant know as bsos they were having like an employee party that night and uh they arrive around midnight around 1230 and uh they um ordered some drinks and after the tab was bring over to the table they started amount themselves fighting about who was going to take care of the bill that was around 1:30 a.m. between 1:30 and 1:45 a.m. when the bell was brought over to the table and that's when they start fighting the lights were already on and the lady that was in the table uh identified as Brenda he hit one of the man on the table and hit him on the back and then um the lady Branda start hitting again this other men and then her boyfriend also intervene and both of them brought them down to the floor and from the floor they start kicking him they I didn't Mr Hernandez didn't call the police because always there is a police patrol right in front of the restaurant around 1:30 a.m. so they came into the premises the police we don't have that report the report doesn't show we don't have a piece of paper that shows that but the video footage does and the police when the police came into the restaurant around 1:45 the police broke down the fight and sent everybody home so what we heard about was the next day after that night everybody left we didn't know anything about the incident all the people were back out the the restaurant and the next day on the 24th that's when the detective came to the restaurant again around what time around 10:30 p.m. and uh that's how I found out that one of the the persons that was part of that body had gone to the Health Center claiming uh that they were there was something else happened like an injur and I let them see the video footage I provided them copies of them and like I always do and and that was part that I that I did on me that night so our capacity is 98 occupants so that night there was about 20 people only only the people from that employee parties from and the owner of the restaurant BOS was there with his employ and I learned that the lady had gone to the house center around 400 a.m. that's all I had to say about that night and that's why I have my ey security head with me if you want to ask any other questions thank you we will see if there are any questions at this time uh commissioner C second sir one second sir I made a mistake there's a for report where I spoke to both Brenda and Junior could you want me to read that as well sir there's one more report that I mistaken forgot about is this the report from April 18th 2024 no no no this was a January 31st I spoke to concerning this oh yes we do have that one yep all right on January 31st detective James spoke to Brenda peretta asked her what happen b a very little English but mainly Spanish detective berus talked to her detective spos the victim for detection and she asked what her BR the victim Brenda stated that she works for B boto restaurant in Riv and had that has a second location Lim know the employees of Boat restaurant had a party for employees only and end up at a grand Manana Club she stated that the fight started the end of the night and when the light when the lights were turned on the club the victim say she did not know why the fight started Bron said tried to part the fight when she was bit on her leg by Junior Thomas who was on the ground the bring the stat r Treat East Boston Neighborhood Health Center on February 29 detective Dame talked to Junior Thomas through a translator poops of Rosa Junior was asked what happened he stated that he did not remember much as he was very drunk junior said that he was attacked in the club and he fell on the ground I was being kicked by several different persons junor admitted that he was B he was biting one of the leg that was kicked him that was kicking him DJ said we'll set up a hearing at East Boston L against Junior THS that rul of Assa and battery and against Brenda par for Assa by means of dangerous rep shoot that's all sir thank you for that um the lcy has provided testimony we'll see if there are questions from the board at this time commissioner car any questions detective James have you seen the video that was provided yes sir okay does it does that video depict any activity prior to the outbreak of the fight no the video showed everybody appears to be enjoying themselves sir and then the lights were turned on and just as a light was turned on shortly after the fight started okay thank you um and just for the record for the premises was your attention either through security or just and serving drinks uh was your attention drawn to this group in any way any warning signs yeah just a moment Mr C um before that so everybody was just uh having fun and enjoying themselves it was an employee party they would only start fighting after the sold the bill okay uh I think all my other concerns have been addressed so thank you that's all I have no additional questions thank you thank you and the board will take this matter under advisement as well thank you all calling item number five cardona's Inc doing business as Barney's Grill located at 299 hav Street in East Boston date of the incident uh April 22nd 2024 assault and battery employee on Patron in violation of Mass General law chap 138 section 64 and chapter 265 section 13A Sal and Battery Patron on employee in violation of Mass General Law chapter 138 section 64 in chapter 265 section 13A an assault and battery with a dangerous weapon a bottle Patron on employee in violation of Mass General Law chapter 138 section 64 and chapter 265 section 13A who is present on behalf of the lcy oh sorry I see you there I just asked you to unmute you hear me now we can hear you awesome thank you sorry for any inconvenience I'm currently out of the country it's oh sorry uh we're having a real hard time hearing you your audio keeps going in and out can you hear me now um not quite not not sure I don't know if you could move either closer to the microphone or microphone closer to you might be a little better okay um um father's not able to nothing oh no it got a little better as you were speaking sorry about that okay sorry sorry I'm um I'm out of the country taking care of some Family Matters um it's I'm killer Cardona my father's the other owner with me but my father had a stroke um a couple months ago so he's in capacitated right now so I'm handling this matter on his behalf um how are you guys how's everybody thank very sorry to hear that thank you Mr Cardona for being with us thank you very much um so yes I'm here present on behalf of Cardona Inc great thank you um who is present on behalf of the Boston Police Department detective James thank you detective James are there any other individuals of firsthand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify this morning okay uh can you please raise your right hand do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do I do thank you very much detective James if you could please uh read this report to the record for the board all right on April 23rd 2020 while investigating a fight at 299 har Street barville spoke to killer cord donor killer stated was at the end of the night and the bar was closed and killer noted that two men who were at the bar and would not be giving up their liquor killer stated that he told them they could not take the liquor out of the bar and they thought he was picking on them you said they knew the maale just had just arrived from Columbia where they could take the liquor out of the bar ker told them that they could not not in this country stated that with the help of the security started escort the men males out of the bar when the male turned around and punched him in the side of his hell kle stated that he grabbed the male and they Bo fell he stated that he said that he had to defend himself as a male Contin to hit him killer in state that the security got the mail up and started escorting him out of hor and that was when he grabbed an empty beer bottle and hit him with it and a battle broke killer stated that he fell on the ground and that was when he cut his arm and the brown on the brown pieces of the bottle on the night of the in police off brancho and police F responded to 20 Mory and spoke to Juan Silva Ferrera who stated was involved in fight at 299 har Street Far stated that to the officer that he was at the bar his grill when he was told to leave in the process of being removed to the bar multiple workers were jumping him at which point St that he grabed a liquor but self to to fight them off on the night of the incident the gold 911 Sergeant who wrote a code 35 licensed prce violation the Tex J was set up a hearing at East B in District Court against k for Assa and battery and against John Silver FR for ass battery means of dangerous weapon and assault and battery sir thank you detective James we have um another report as well the initial incident report do you have that hold on one second sir please thank you about 2:59 a.m. Monday April 22nd officers respond responded to a radio call for a fight at 295 harre assistant officers responded upon arrival I was were met by caller killer cordona who states that he's the owner of Barney's Grill on har Street also with lar R his R arm blond on his shirt cordona stated that a patron inside was trying to leave with a drink St he explained to him that he cannot leave with any drinks on the outside and which time he stay in vill became disrespectful towards the women's staff members to which he was being told to leave Cardon state that Ina did not wish to leave and at this point when he attempt to escort him a fight began C explained that he does not know how he got the laration on his arm from the fact that it happened too fast the in was no longer see when officers arrived the in was described as a lightskinn slim buil puff with puppy jacket and black hat officer also responded T Mars with drawn Silva Ferrera who states he was involved in a fight at 299 Half street for state to the office that he was at bar was totally but states in the process of being removed from the from the bar multi workers were jumping at which point for our states he grabbed a liquor bottle in self defense and fight them off EMS responded both 299 AR Street and 20 Mor Street and both killer Cardona well Silva ferera son Holden respond to barers g a liper violation on AB un employe and Patron amb on Patron employee abd's un employe at bottle and body warn Camas have nothing further to rep report that's it sir thank you very much detective James Mr Cardona would you like to address the alleged incident uh yes um and oh I'm sorry were you about to say something I just have a quick question for detector James yes sir what is the current status of the criminal matters that you noted uh the criminal matters was um was settled at a hearing at East Boston District Court sir um they came to an agreement with the clerk that Mr Ferrera will no longer go to Barney's Grill and they just stay away from each other sir all right I just wanted to check that they were settled thank you yes sir great thank you for that uh Tex James thank you commissioner Ken Mr Cardona would you like to address the alleged incident yes um just to make sure you guys can still hear me okay we can hear you fine awesome um yeah so on that night when uh this happened um just to show you from um if I don't know if you guys can see this was my arm from the cuts uh from that night and this was The Underneath mhm um and I have the scars all right here um when the gentleman was there um we just asked him to leave I understand you know in Colombia you can walk out of any bar with your drinks um he had just gotten here from Columbia not too long ago so he tried to leave with his drink asked him nicely not to you couldn't do it he kept pulling the drink away when we kept trying to grab the drink kept pulling it away you know um I asked my security I was like can you just please grab this drink escort him out um that's when he started getting loud um the girls had asked him they told him he already paid your tab just please just go just go he started getting allow with them got low with me ended up taking a swing at me um I fell down brought him with me security picked them up as they were escorting on the way out I walked with them up to the door when I turned around um which is why I stated at one point you know I didn't know exactly how I had gotten the cuts but when I turned around to walk away that's when I felt something hit my shoulder and he had tried to bottle me in the head but he missed me when he hit me with the bottle it went down I went down and I felt like along with the hit the empty shards of it went into my arm so when I stood up that's when I realized I was bleeding everywhere and then the gentleman you know ran out the door um he was with somebody else they ran out the door and then um shortly you know not too long after I try to you know get the wounds cleaned up and all that stuff and then that's when the police showed up thank you and anything further before we move to questions no sir great commissioner car any questions uh sir do you have video on premises no I don't okay um yeah I I don't think I have any other concerns um thank you I I'm glad you're okay what what signs do you have now or what what are you going to do now going forward forward to make sure that uh patrons understand that they cannot walk out with the drinks signage perhaps or yes I mean um the best thing you know we could do is we put a sign we have a sign on the door because there's only one door in one door out so you know on the inside door it says you know no drinks Beyond this point um I guess for somebody that you know doesn't speak English I guess I guess we should maybe put it in Spanish would probably help um but another thing is you know we've never really had a situation like this we do have people in the past that have maybe like oh try to sneak out with their drink but we always have security or we catch them leave your drink here please but they were very adamant on you know I paid for this drink if I pay for it it's mine why am I going to leave it I'm taking it with me so I guess uh try to implement that sign in Spanish and um you know have them be more aware I guess maybe put it on the on the receipt at the bottom and in English and Spanish you know all drinks must stay within the premise all sounds good and maybe some images icons you know or it doesn't even have to be in a particular language just understandable yes that is a good point Thank you thank you anything further from the board none for me thank you that's all great the board will take this matter under advisement thank you again for being with us today Mr Cardona and all the best to you and your family thank you very much guys I wish you the best have a good week thank you calling item number six big night venues Boston 4 LLC doing business as scorpion bar in restaurant and the grand located at 25 Northern AV date of the incident April 26th 2024 assault and battery by means of a dangerous weapon a glass Patron on Patron in violation of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 64 and chapter 265 section 15a who's present on behalf of the license C good morning Kristen scanland for the license e as well as Charlie Kan who's director of security for the license e thank you who's present on behalf of the Boston Police Department Sergeant detective Paul donlin thank you Sergeant detective donlin are there any other individuals with firsthand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify this morning please raise your right hand thank you do you s to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do I do thank you Sergeant detective johnin if you could please read the police report for the record for the board okay I'm referring to police incident report number 24233 776 at about 755 a.m on Saturday 42724 officer Chay while assigned to the front desk at District 4 received a walk-in report assault at 58 cport Boulevard Boston the officer spoke to the victim Drew y Patel who stated that he was assaulted at a nightclub to Grand Boston the victim Patel tell stated that he was at a club with a friend the victim stated that a drunk female got into a verbal argument with a male the victim stated these two individuals was sitting at a table next to the victim in his friend the victim stated that he was minding his business when all of a sudden the female in another threw a glass which struck the victim between his eyebrows the victim stated he received four stitches due to the laceration on his face the officer observed fresh stitches on the victim's face the victim stated that the club failed to call the police and due to him being in shock failed to call the police as well there's a supplemental report that was written by my uh s uh several days later it says on Friday 5324 at about 2110 Sant detective donlin and detective Flynn went down to the Grand uh Boston 58c Port Boulevard Sergeant detective Donan issued Li premise citation number 01428 for an incident that occurred on 426 inside the establishment um the violation was assault and battery by means of a dangerous weapon glass Patron on Patron that's what I have as far as that uh the investigator of Sergeant detective Flynn he's not on the uh on this today I conversed with him he did request the video from uh The Establishment they provided the video the also gave us some other information some billing information for a uh friend of the suspect and they gave us that we're able to track down that person but not the actual person that threw the glass um the investigator also said Rie reviewing the video the angle that it was at you could see something happen but as far as like getting a definitive identification on the person it was kind of hard to do but they were very Cooperative during the investigation of according to the investigator thank you very much uh attorney scanland would you like to address the alleged incident yes and thank you Sergeant detective um you took care of my questions with your testimony so I appreciate that um members of the board U Mr Kane will explain the internal investigation statements from several employees Witnesses um and the alleged victim momentarily and we will also be supplying the video of that Sergeant detective referenced to the board as well which is generally consistent with Mr Patel's statements uh there were no issues with these patrons at all earlier that evening when you watch the video there appears to be uh some sort of verbal agree argument or altercation between a man and woman at the neighboring table that Mr Patel was sitting at with his friend um as you'll see on the video the female then throws a glasstic cup in the direction of the male she was arguing with completely missed him and on intentionally hit Mr Patel in the forehead with the glasstick you'll see that staff immediately responds in this video and that Mr Patel is seen walking away from the table the female also left with another female um shortly thereafter uh Mr can Will testified to Mr Patel's immediate interactions with staff and the subsequent internal investigation but of note Mr Patel was repeatedly offered by staff to call for police who are generally Outside The Establishment offered depressed charges and also repeatedly offered medical attention which he repeatedly declined uh as you'll hear Mr Patel was apparently most upset about the damage caused to his supposed $8,000 jacket and about who was going to pay to get it cleaned um according to the police report however Mr Patel stated the license he didn't call police but they didn't do so um based at his request and also because at the time it was a judgment call there that appeared to be a minor incident uh the police report to that extent is contradictory to what happened happened that night versus what Mr btel informed uh BPD while making his report the next morning um it's unclear at this time why he was a bit of a revisionist on that point but he was uh I think the board is familiar enough with this leny that they never avoid calling on police for assistance as per protocol but with this particular instance again a judgment call of the security staff um was made and also police and medical assistance were repeatedly um offered and refused by Mr Patel all in all this was an unforeseeable altercation and and response from the woman at the neighboring table as well as an unforeseen and unintentional injury not intended to harm Mr Patel she was clearly an unfor unfortunately aiming to throw a drink at someone else in the glasstic and accidentally or negligently struck Mr Patel with it instead um at this time I'd like to turn it over to Mr Cain so that he can uh further elaborate on um his internal investigation and staff statements as well uh good morning attorney green and members of the board um so we did a video review uh that night immediately to see if we could identify the two females who fled the grand uh walked out hurriedly um the video is consistent with Mr Patel's statement the night of the incident well on scene uh Mr Patel was taken to the back of the house um to the bottle pit area back hallway uh the freight elevator to be given assistance um that's where it becomes inconsistent with his report to Boston police area C6 in which he States uh what he stated I have five signed statements um from witnesses that I forward to the board with the video uh one in particular is a VIP host and is a personal friend uh Andy Tran of Mr Patel's um a GM two nightlife manages and my security manager and they're all consistent with um what was put in the nightly and sent to me as a recap uh that he refused medical the police are outside he refused police uh he was only concerned about his jacket and who was going to clean it subsequently on the next morning I got a phone call from VIP host Andy Tran that Mr Patel had called him and wanted to know who's going to pay for his jacket and if we could identify the female I advised Andy trans advis him that we would get on that and immediately take a look at the video and see if we can backtrack and she had left the scene see if we could identify her as detective Sant donlin stated we did do our due diligence and we backtracked the female got her to her POS at the main bar I was able to identify her through the system with the credit card then tracked her through social media confirming that she was the female with the female that threw the glass that night uh which was an unforeseen incident as a minor you can see there obviously having an argument possible and then she throws the glass and it goes past the intended target and H hits Mr Patel um subsequently also the glass is not a glass it's a glasstick it's called it's plastic we've never had glass wear in any of our establishments um due to the severity of what they could cause um and then further I would just like to say that you know as a company I think you know that we operate with the police cooperate and we do have the police out outside um due to a memorandum of understanding on Friday and Saturday nights Mr Batel you'll see in the statement was escorted about 25 minutes later um out by our VIP staff and security um to an Uber again refusing everything police visible out there to him and to the witnesses um and subsequently filed the police report after and at that point I was notified by detective FL and I sent them the video as well as the identity of the female friend that's all thank you Mr Kane thank you attorney scandin um we will await the videos and in the meantime we'll see if there are any questions from the board uh commissioner K commissioner s any questions um I guess I mean fully acknowledging that you weren't written up for a failure to call the belief call 911 um I just like to kind of throw it to you uh was this a learning experience because this is exactly why we've told uh license holders in the past that it's really not up to the the patrons involved it's up to you to evaluate the seriousness of the incident and whether 911 needs to be called um you know one of the one of the reasons is exactly this the patron can change their mind later and kind of change the story so are you have you adjusted your protocol on on on something like this yes I mean as stated I mean we would he believed we should have called 911 the police were outside that he was offered to get them um so maybe we should have got them and had him refuse to them in person and then we would add that documented I guess C that would be the learning curve yep that's that's exactly my point so just for just really that's just for the future yes that would that that would be my expectation I mean so just to be clear on the evening it was clear that he had a a significant cut on his face like a you know end up being four stitches is that it was known that he was bleeding right yes I mean he had a laceration that required four stitches on a head wound uh you bleed um a lot but it was cleared up when he left um and he subsequently went and got stitches the next day um the injury like you said if you had done that that would have covered you uh and with full acknowledgement you haven't been written up for uh failure to call the police or anything so um just in the way of advisement so that's all I have thank you okay sir advised commissioner Saxon any questions nothing further to add thank you thank you I we'll await the videos and we'll make sure that that is shared with Commissioners as soon as it is received board will take this under advisement thank you thank you calling item number seven the K's Inc doing business as Cissy K is located at six Commercial Street date of the incident June 14th 2024 overcrowding 124 on the second floor capacity 96 in violation of Mass General Law chapter 138 section 64 and board's rule 1.03 J and 1.06 a and F who's present on behalf of the LC C uh good morning everyone Andrew Upton for the lcy with me is Bill Johnson and Nico basari who is the manager of record great thank you very much I see both on my screen who is present on behalf of the Boston Police Department I am detective Hernandez thank you detective are there any other individuals with firsthand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify this morning uh Lieutenant detective Troy thank you can you all please raise your right hand do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you detective Hernandez if you could please read the police report into the record for the board good morning I'll read from a report that Stant detective Gallagher wrote on 614 2024 about 9 20 PM Lieutenant detective Adrien Troy CH detective William gallagan detective Eddie Hernandez assigned to the license premission and conducted a license inspection of CK's at six Commercial Street detectors proceeded to the second floor where they observed it to be quite crowded detectives inquired with the manager Mr niik baldasari as to the capacity of the room and the count Mr baldasari stated that there were 96 patrons pleas on this present on the second floor Lieutenant detective Troy conducted a mechanical count of the second floor which resulted in 124 persons being found on the floor number two Texas relayed the findings to Mr badari who stated that he would take corrective action as a result of what was observed sir detective gallaga issued license F inspection notice 021 965 this is DEC for overcrowding 124 found on mechanical count capacity 96 Mr niik B sign for an accepted motor that's all thank you very much attorney Upton would you like to address the alleged incident thank you detective was uh management and staff Cooperative during your visit and investigation yes sir very thank you that's all I have for the detective um uh just so the board knows this was uh game four of the Celtics championship series uh the bar had previously been open for games one through three um and generated very very small crowds uh I have sent in timestamped uh videos from games one through three we tried to get them at about 920 the exact same time this happened showing that hardly anyone went to this place during those games uh so for some reason extra people showed up for game four uh and I'd like to ask Nico a couple questions about that even May Nico do you ever get large grows for Celtics games H we do not no um is it true that you reviewed 2007 sales figures from the last time the Celtics were in the playoffs to gauge Staffing for the for this series yes um so when the incident occurred at 920 for game four how many how many security were on uh at the time we only had two we had a door uh two door guys and did you have four more security people coming in at at 10 p.m. uh 10 p.m. yes sir and would that have included a stair security guy an internal guy to prevent extra people from going upstairs and overcrowding it yeah so we would have had three upstairs and then one on the stairs and what is your what is your total capacity 176 and even with the overcrowding violation here what was the total capacity at the time of the violation uh I believe it was anywhere from 174 to 1766 all right so you may have been actually under the total capacity just over the capacity for the upstairs um because the stair guy was not on yet is that correct that's correct yes all right and for future Celtics playoffs games we have Security on starting at 8 now uh yes we're going to staff approprate and and based on the composition of the of the team and uh preliminary reports do you expect the Celtics to be in the finals this year I hope so okay um that's all we have we're glad to answer any questions from the board thank you we'll see if there are any questions commissioner Cen any questions uh so it was a Friday night right yes it was okay so what influence you think the Celtics game had on the crowd you got versus a regular Friday night um major uh it usually picks up around 11 11:30 for the upstairs nightclub okay and this wasn't a um a clinching game right uh so this was game four they would have uh won away I believe it wasn't a home game yeah okay uh and what just your down stair was basically completely empty is your thinging uh no it wasn't empty but there was um it wasn't uh full either because we only had 176 on the counter so the extra people were upstairs they must have just went up and I'm sorry I I I think you said it what is the capacity of downstairs 80 80 okay that's all I need thank you yep thank you anything further board will take this matter under advisement thank you all right thank you y uh it looks like we have temporarily lost commission or sex in um due to a connection issue I'm going to give just a moment to see if she can reach join otherwise the board does not uh have quorum to hear the remaining two items on this morning's agenda so just one moment while we attempt to reconnect with commissioner Saxon all right thank you all we have been rejoined and we are okay to continue thank you CHR zon for working through the connection issue calling item number eight fan Hall MV restaurant LLC doing business as Margaritaville located at 300 faniel Hall Marketplace date of the incident June 14th 2024 persons under 21 in possession of alcohol in violation of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 34A 34 C and 64 64a and failure to check IDs prior to alcohol service in violation of Mass General Law chapter 138 section 64 who's present on behalf of the leny uh I am Jeremy Ward the general manager thank you Mr Ward for being with us who's present on behalf of the Boston Police Department I am detective Hernandez thank you are there any other individuals with firsthand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify can you please raise your right hand do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do I do thank you detective Hernandez if you could please read the report into the record for the board good morning I'm reading from a report that I wrote on Friday June 14th 2024 Lieutenant detective Adrien droy shant detective William Gall detective ready Hernandez signed to the BPD license PR unit conducted license inspection of Margaritaville as detectives walked into the establishment detective oberved five patrons drinking alcoholic beverages detectives noticed these patrons looked young and asked them to produce a notification confirm their ages initially the patron stated they were 21 years of age and provided Detectives their driver's license detectives used a license verification app which confirmed that the driver's license were indeed fraudulent a fra and driver's licenses confiscated by detectives the patrons then provided detectives a true valid drivers licenses it should be noted the patrons stated that staff did not ask them for identification the manager Christine Mahone was able to confirm that staff did not ask the patents for identification following ptients were positively identified I'm just if you want me to read them I'll read them but there's just five there with their fake IDs uh all the individuals will be sum summed to the court persons under 21% of alcohol and false misuse of an R&B document as a result of what detective observes detective Gallagher issued license per inspection no 021 9961 for persons under 21 person of alcohol uh on premise and a failure to check IDs to Al uh prior to alcohol service Miss Mahon for an accept the no that is all thank you T herandez Mr Ward would you like to address the alleged incident uh yes sir um so on the night involved uh it was uh brought to you know the officer attention that they did an ID uh it was a seasoned uh server that we had with us for a long time um we do do certifications uh inhouse and through serice safe we have our corporate uh trainers that come in every six months and do alcohol service um that was a Friday night and our uh security would have been there at 9:00 p.m. to carard at the door um we did not uh bring them in early it was game four the Celtics we didn't have any business prior to game four for the Celtics um so we didn't uh see the uptick in business we did that day obviously um um going further we have brought the security an hour earlier on Fridays and Saturdays to be safe and and we do card even though they have security they should be carding the ID and we unfortunately had to get rid of the staff member for uh making a bad judgment call not doing the job that we've trained her to do uh thank you um we'll turn it over to the board to see if there are any questions commissioner Karin yeah I don't I have no questions no commissioner Saxon any questions none from me thank you right in that case the board will take this under advisement as well thank you thank you and we will take a second call on item number three just want to check to make sure uh someone has joined us on behalf of Little Haiti International Cuisine yep I'm here can you hear me thank you yes we can hear you um I'm going to also ask you to turn your video on so that we can swear you in in the meantime I'll will read the item back into the record item number three Little Haiti International Cuisine LLC doing business as Little Haiti International Cuisine located at 1184 hide Park AV in hide Mark date of the incident February 24th 2024 operating after licensed premise hours in violation of Mass General Law chapter 140 section 9 who's present on behalf of the liy if you could please identify yourself with the board that would be you George if you could please just identify yourself the board George cran how you doing George cran great thank you thank you for joining us who's present on behalf of the Boston Police Department uh detective Todd Peterson thank you detective are there any other individuals of firstand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify this morning can you both please raise your right hand do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you detective Peterson if you could please read the report into the record of the board uh yes sir it's a police report written by um by yib um abai um on the night of um on the morning of um 3 3:19 a.m. on Saturday February 24th 2024 officers responded to a radio call for fight at 1184 um hak gav which is the Little Haiti restaurant um dispatch advis following upon arrival officers are a large group of people having a verbal dispute outside of the above location Little Haiti International Cuisine the officers were observed uh the group going in and out of the set establishment officers spoke with the manager George cran and advised him to shut down the establishment the manager complied with no further incident it should be noted that the the the shutdown occurred at 4:00 a.m. a few minutes later officers were approached by one of the employees that say that people were fighting inside the above location officers went inside and told everyone to disperse on the premises officers requested the uh supervisor who respond to the scene it also R noted officers request identification from the following individuals located inside the restaurant I I can provide those um individuals if if requested um SCH advised the manager uh the detectors would um conduct a license premise check on the following day um I have a second report here that I wrote um on Saturday the next day um detectives Peterson uh jully and S detective rales conducted a cold 35 little ha restaurant located at 1184 H high parev he Park he just technically spoke with George uh Karan who is a manager owner of the um Li premise Mr K was very Cooperative with the tech providing his up-to-date licenses which was ly uh displayed um based on the report above having individual insing premises at 3:19 a.m. Little Haiti Cuisine was issued uh violation number 039 229 for having patients inside after hours 1:00 a.m U as noted on the attainment license uh license PR unit would be uh notified of the incident thank you very much uh thank you Dr Peterson uh Mr cran would you like to address the alleged incident yeah so it's occur um essentially what happened was we had a group of people outside still waiting for their food orders inside internally the only people that we um had in there was our staff probably about 10 people but all of the people that was inside were staff members outside we had people waiting for their food and we were just trying to satisfy the customer need that was pretty much what was going on the reason why I believe the one of our work is called the police officers was because um since we um we didn't have the right right or um organization to get people out away from the front of our establishment so the only way she thought the best scenario was to threaten them by saying I'm gonna call the cops you guys don't want to sit down and wait in order essentially when that occurred police officers came and everything was in order anything further no there was no no actual fights if you look on report there was no punches thrown anything of that sort it was just the staff she wanted to get some type of organization what's going on and we um pretty much call the cops okay and just for the record to clarify for the board um something that's in the police report it mentions an entertainment license that ends at 1: am the actual common vict license issued to this premise as a 10m closing hour is 1: a.m I believe yeah that may have been an oversight from the entertainment division that's something that we'll need to look at this CV license is at 10 a.m. close with patrons off by 10:30 and with that we'll turn it to the board see if there are any questions I'm starting with commissioner curen yeah I mean with that advisor advisory from attorney green you you know are you now understanding that your closing time is 10 p.m yeah now okay um yeah so did you have any reason to believe that you could serve food until you know 3 am no um essentially we we just food going on the 3: a.m. the situation had already ended when the cops got there at what time were people waiting for um food takeout right is that take out is that what you're saying what's happening yeah so before the cops arriv the only people inside internally was the staff police officers weren't aware just because they had regular clothes on because they were changing were you operating business as a takeout yeah we're a takeout business 80% take what time was that that was probably till 130ish Tosh okay had people outside arguing trying to get in because it was like dude I put in an order hours ago like where's my food it was just one of those we're trying to get things under control listen we're closed our staff's getting dressed and the only way to kind of bring some type of I guess quiet the scenery was to call the cops so now you know that the business of serving food has to commence by 10 p.m. or to end by 10 yeah okay um just I had a quick question it because I I've been informed that there's kind of a unique corporate situation going on with kind of a predecessor version of this business uh I who is in in B that is my mother and she's still the manager of record yeah but I'm the one that's running the show now is she still involved with the business like yes she's the head chef she's still there okay all right so she's still there and working working with all right that's all I have thank you yeah I just need to clarify what time was the last order placed the last order everything was placed during I guess in between the 1 or 2 am. range any last orders was around that range the only thing I would say is um the cops when they came in they saw about 10 people inside I stated to them that those were all staff members anything happened outside that wasn't that would beond our control since yeah the The Establishment needs to be closed like staff included um see I wasn't aware of that I thought staff could help clean up and kind of time to help clean up but I mean I mean I don't I don't think 1:00 a.m is is reasonable for everyone to still be there um but is that normal for you do you guys take orders that late no this was a special event this was this wasn't a regular day any further questions from the board nothing further me thank you anything further commissioner Saxon nothing thank you with that the board will take this under advisement as well thank you Mr cran for joining us those are all the items before the board this morning the board will convene to vote on Thursday September 12th at 10 a. notice has been posted to the city's website uh thank you all and enjoy the rest of your day thank you thank you