##VIDEO ID:PUqxL0yVyMs## good morning thank you all for joining we'll give just a moment to clear the waiting room as a reminder to everybody joining us when you are entering from the waiting room please do remain on mute unless or until uh you are appearing speaking before the board good morning this is a hearing before the licensing board for the city of Boston today is Wednesday September 25th 2024 today's hearing is being held pursuant to Temporary amendments to the open meeting law that is what allows us to meet virtually today's hearing is being recorded and will be posted to the city of Boston's website before I review procedural matters I will introduce chairwoman of the board Kathleen Joyce good morning my name is Kathleen Choice chair of the Boston licensing board today I'm also joined by commissioner Kiana Saxon and commissioner Liam Karin thank you very much please ensure that your audio and visuals are working properly I will call each item in the order that it appears on this morning's agenda I will then ask who is present on behalf of the applicant he'll make a brief presentation regarding your proposal followed by questions by the chair and Commissioners following questions there will be an opportunity for Testimony beginning with elected officials or their representatives for members of the general public wishing to provide testimony please limit your testimony to two minutes and please state your name address and affiliation if any begin with the first item on this morning's agenda calling item number one Enterprise kg LLC doing business as the munchie station located at 996 doorchester AV in doorchester has applied for a Comm vict license to be exercised on the above 542 Square ft on entering to the right on the first floor is a fridge right across from that is the cat register next to the counter is a sanitary sink to the back is an open kitchen and bathroom downstairs basement level is prepping space manager Kevin Gonzalez hours of operation 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. who is present on behalf of the applicant Uh Kevin Gonzalez I am the owner how you doing Council thank you Mr Gonzalez if you could please just briefly uh present the proposed concept to the board uh so um just serving a fast food I'm just in trying to serve a fast food uh a quick fast food service place I'm sorry and uh we're just looking to get our CV license to go to operate the business my hours will would be from 11:00 in the morning to 11:00 p.m. um I received numerous uh support from the local neighbors and the community um as you know we wish to serve them um I'm just trying to get uh what I say I'm just trying to bring something good to the community to uh service the college area students and people in a fast uh paced um timely manner as they get to work and home from work and stuff like that um yeah so our first floor is not that big it's it's kind of really small as you enter it's uh probably about uh 3 feet 4 feet um of space for people to order um it's just a quick thing I have the the counter I have a to the left like you said a beverage um machine uh I have a hot case on top of a uh uh a display case for my desserts and treats um also behind the register is a painting with two TVs uh for the menu um and behind that is our little kitchen which we have a fry later a griddle a prep kitchen uh oven um and two two fridges um downstairs where I I I I will be prepping which it is uh it was approved by the 1010 Health Department um you know they allowed me to prep down there as it was a catering place before um so have another any um seats or is it takeout only it's only takeout no seats we just have a little bar like a bar uh counter is about maybe a foot okay um do you plan on partnering up with Uber Eats yes I do okay I'm actually partners with door Dash as of the moment and um GrubHub GrubHub okay are there any issues with devil parking there just looking at the location um I haven't had any issues right as as as the moment um but that has been a question to uh few Butters they have asked if we do uh if if we are planning on getting any at least 15minute parking uh for the scooters and stuff like that okay it's mostly scooters yes all righty um keep an eye on that as you as you open and work with the um work with the neighbors on that yes we um I have no questions commissioner Saxon or commissioner cin do you I do not thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes madame chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor is also going to defer to the Judgment of this board um some background information the community process ons hosted a Butter's meeting on June 5th I was lightly attended however there was a resident on that vocalized their support for this proposal uh the applicant then went on to meet with the Columbia Savin Hill civic association which was supportive that information will deferred to the board at this time thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this Sor is this is this for the hard is this for the hard nope this is for the Munch station El hardine is towards the end of this agenda okay sorry about that thank you no worries thank you very much are there any other individuals who would like to testify on item number one the munchie station board will take this under advisement thank you thank you calling item number two aayan LLC doing business as Oba bakery located at 16 Brighton a in Alon has applied for a common vict Li LIC to be exercised on the above 1,195 ft ground floor restaurant with takeout front is counter and display cases and customer service uh sorry customer entrance waiting area kitchen and prep area is in the back along with the office and storage area employee bathroom in the rear of the first floor manager atab aayan hours of operation 7: am to 900 PM who is present on behalf of the applicant oh hang on I can see you speaking but you're on mute I've just asked you to unmute here we go hi everyone my name is atab Akin I am the business owner uh the legal name a LC and uh doing business as Oba Bakery I am located at 16 Brighton Avenue Aon I here today for my common uh virtual license uh in order to operate the bakery in this location and uh uh this is as you stated uh 1,195 Square ft ground floor and I have a counter in front and uh customer entrance uh waiting area uh take out catering delivery services and I have a three deck uh St tone oven for baking purposes and I have a kitchen prep area and uh I have a storage and office area in the back and uh on the rear right corner I have employee restroom and also uh exit door in the back service entrance employee entrance and uh uh yeah that's all thank you very much will your bakery have any seats or tables uh I have uh I don't have uh seating for uh for people to uh eat food uh I have uh limited like bar top uh just for customer waiting area while they pick up their order they can have like seed wire while they are waiting for their order to get ready okay and so you'll be doing takeout we'll be doing delivery or partnering with any third party delivery services correct I'm going to be partnering uh with uh Uber Eats doores grap up for uh delivery services okay um and also I'm going to be like uh CER food to you know local businesses okay and do you plan to operate uh 7: am to 9:00 P p.m correct and so no no pickup or delivery after 900 p.m no okay all right thank you I don't have any questions commissioner Saxon or commissioner Ken do you I do not no questions thank you thank are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's off to defer to the Judgment this board ons had the applicant circulate Flyers to a Butters within 300 feet unaware of any feedback at this time the appan then went on to meet with the Allon civic association which offered uh their support for the proposal and they submitted a letter this morning the board should have a copy of with that would refer to the board thank you thank you there are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well thank you very much calling item number three s Family Group LLC doing business as McDonald's located at 100 Legends way holder of a com license has petitioned to change the closing hour of the license business from 11:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. with deliveries only between 12:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m. who's present on behalf of the applicant good morning attorney green Madam chair members of the board Dennis quilty attorney representing the uh applicant the licy actually before you this morning uh this is an existing business within the TD Garden campus uh on Causeway Street um and legends way the uh applicants have been before you on a number of other locations they own to do a similar change of hours for deliveries uh this amounts to an extension by 1 hour of the closing hour operationally till midnight and then till 3:00 a.m. or deliveries only uh from this location we have met with the West End civic association and they have given a letter of non opposition uh as a result of that meeting they're the only uh interest group if you will in the immediate area on did not require an a Butters meeting uh we're unaware of any objections and again these folks have been licensed by the board for two or three other locations for the same time type of late delivery only um application we happy to answer any of your questions thank you did you guys work out with the um neighborhood association where the take out and pickup area will be yes ma'am and I think it's in their letter um okay I know there was conversation about it I I'll I'll probably I'll get yeah it's it says the discussion Focus s exactly that so the the nashille street uh pedestrian Corridor or the loading dock at the East End of North Station so they're quite specific about where they wanted it to take place and you're okay with that yes ma'am great I don't have any questions um commissioner sax and commissioner Cen no no additional questions sh me thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services I will defer to the board at this time as you heard from the applican representation they met with the West End civic association uh the Civic had initially had some concerns regarding double parking the applicant pledged to to work with uh Civics um and other neighbors and butters in the area to address those concerns as well as any potential late night disturbances I with that first board thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify board will take the center advisement as well thank you thank you calling item number four the Newman School located at 298 to 300 Newbery Street has applied for a lodging house dormatory license to be exercised on the above a four-story brownstone building with five rooms on the second floor six rooms on the third floor six rooms on the fourth floor facilities include laundry kitchens dining and living rooms manager Michael Schaefer who's present on behalf of the applicant I am uh good morning uh mam share members of the board attorney green uh thank you for having me here today Mike Ross attorney with the law firm of Prince LEL one international place in Boston I'm here on behalf of the proposed licy the Newman school with me is as you mentioned Michael Schaefer the head of school and proposed manager of record and Julie orizo orazo sorry uh the assistant head of school um as you stated attorney green we are here before uh you today to request a dormatory license uh for the building at 298-300 new Berry Street the Newman school is a private middle and high school located uh nearby in the Back Bay at 247 marbro Street uh its boarding program is not new to the school's operation the proposed leny currently has two dorms on Beacon Street where 40 uh students currently live uh so it's well-versed in managing a property of this kind and supervising students outside of normal school hours as detailed in the application that we filed uh the building is a four-story groundstone the schools pursuing building permits from the city along with all related approvals for interior Renovations and minor exterior work uh the plans for the student to live on the second third and fourth floors totaling 17 rooms with capacity capacity for a total of 41 beds the garden level is where the kitchen and the main dining room for the students will be as well as laundry and utilities and the first floor is where the main entrance foyer is the living and dining rooms and two studio apartments for the purposes of housing Newman School faculty and staff as far as supervision and DM management goes Michael is a proposed manager of record he's very experienced in this kind of role having been with a Newman school since 2020 and then prior to that two boarding schools uh given the age of the students they will be closely supervised and monitored to ensure their safety and well-being the school will Implement its existing dorm protocols which we provided um uh to the board ahead of today's meeting uh and detail it details everything from the responsibilities for faculty members on duty the daily check-ins what happens if a student feels ill to fire safety regulations and the like in the dorm room uh we did hold an abutters meeting uh on August 27th with the on here before nabs licensing and building use committee on September 9th who let us know that they were not opposing this application and I'll pause there Madam chair if there's any questions uh thank you thanks for that explanation just a little bit more about um so there'll be faculty living in the two Studios how do students get in and out is it card access who else has access to the building um there'll be a fob system on the main front door that students and faculty will have access to by by a card is it uh yeah by a card I don't know Michael if you want to elaborate on that is what kind of the security itself itself if you could yeah currently um we're in a key system but we are going to convert to a fob and um or a card system depending upon which is most effective and are there um are there security cameras outside we will be installing security cameras yes I don't think I have any questions based upon your description and testimony commissioner Saxon commissioner K do I do not thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of neighborhood services at this time the mayor's offic defer to the Judgment of this board on had hosted a Butter's meeting on August uh 27th which I understand was a productive meeting with no concerns raised uh they went on to meet with the uh neighborhood association of Back Bay uh that was unconcerned as well uh with that will defer to the board at this time thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well thank you thank you calling item number five Commonwealth land trusts doing business as 250 cver street LLC located at 250 sver street in Dorchester has applied for a lodging house license to be exercised on the above 16 unit single room occupancy lodging house plus one office for case management total of four floors 17 rooms 16 residents three rooms in the basement four rooms on the first floor six rooms on the second floor four rooms on the third floor manager Dina Herrera who is present on behalf of the applicant good morning Madam chair members of the board attorney Derek small of a business address of 51 Dobson Road with me today is Eva Comey who is the president and CEO of Commonwealth land trust and we also have our architect Michael Finch available to any answer any questions with regard to the plans so we're here today seeking relief um for a lodging house license for 16 rooms at 250 CA Street um we had a robust Community process um with regard to this project and on August 27th 2024 we received our zba approvals to change um the zoning of the building to a lodging house for 16 Lodgers um I can turn it over to Eva Comey and she can answer any questions and talk about a little bit about CLT Eva okay good good morning everyone um our organization is a nonprofit that has served the Boston area since 1985 uh we have we operate several permanent Supportive Housing locations uh and this will be the latest addition to our portfolio uh as Derek pointed out we have uh engaged with the community we we have had an extensive um Outreach process we do plan to uh provide um onsite Case Management Services we also have our own property management team um with me is Dina Herrera who is the assistant director for housing at CLT um if you want to say hi hi everyone um I'm I'm happy to answer any questions that you may have uh thank you um so that is the the manager is with you the manager of the correct yes loging house okay and we'll um I don't know who wants to speak for my next question but will she be living there um what will her hours be no uh there will be 16 Lodgers we maintain a presence between 9 and 5 um as I pointed out we have our own property management team so um we have a maintenance team that will be on site and we also have case management coverage so what Dina's role uh she will be the property manag manager so she will be taking care of um compliance leasing um and so on all of the units will be subsidized um so there is an extensive compliance process involved with that and will she be there from 9 to5 UM she or no we we manage a lot of this out of a main office which is at 1059 tont Street uh but we do maintain some office hours um can you give me an idea like approximately how many hours a week There's a staff person there from the management company or how do Lodgers get in touch with someone how do Neighbors get in touch with someone if there's an issue yeah absolutely uh so the case manage there will be a case manager that will be there between nine and five um and they work closely with the residents the property managers go onsite as needed and there's a maintenance person that will be there onsite as well every day or every business day uh we do have um an emergency number the residents can call uh but a lot of them contacts um us through the case managers because that's who they see the most okay and uh two more questions from me how long is the average stay and how do um Lodgers access their room um so this is permanent Supportive Housing the residents have leases they long-term leases they for initially for a period of one year and then they get renewed um 10 we we anticipate that 10 of the units will have um mrvp mrvp subsidies which are subsidies from the state and six will have um rental assistance through the state as well um and what was your other question access to the room oh access to the rooms I mean you want to speak to that key yeah they will have yeah we have a key F system so each res has a units and and they keep was there anything specific at moving uh every resident will get um a key and a document you know with the phone numers for case managers for emergency for the property manager as well with the key to access the building and the unit I also wanted to add that we we currently operate about she Frozen CLT currently op operates about three 300 units in the Greater Boston area okay my last question is security cameras do you have security cameras outside uh we do have security cameras yes we plan to have security cameras great commissioner Saxon or commissioner C do you have any questions not at this time thank you no sounds good thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes madame chair members of the board Connor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's office and Neighborhood Services like to defer to the Judgment of this board um on had run in a butter meeting on May 22nd of 2024 um there were 24 participants um a number of residents spoke out in opposition expressing concerns regarding uh parking quality of life issues the density that was being proposed as well as uh potential crime in the area um the applicant went on to meet with the Garrison troter neighborhood association uh which was opposed unless the aacy was dropped down to 12 units applicant did go on to me with the Zing board of appeals and uh receive board approval that oh we also received excuse me one letter of support one letter opposition uh which we forwarded to the board this morning uh with that we theer to the board at this time thank you thank you Conor just just to clarify some was reported yeah go ahead Derek no just to just to clarify um we did receive uh support for uh from the nasing street neighbor Association and from Project right um as we did come to a compromise because this um project originally started at 20 um Lodgers and then we reduced it to 16 and then at the board of appeals and throughout the community process we did end up getting support uh for the project from those groups great thank you for that clarification are there any other individuals who would like to testify I see a hand raised from nor Lut um you may please provide your testimony morning everyone I'm Nora Lutz I'm a development officer with the mayor's office of housing Commonwealth Land Trust has applied to the mayor's office of housing for funding related to The Proposal before you today CLT has rined their Project based on feedback received through numerous community and abutter meetings the mayor's office of housing is in support of this project thank you thank you very much are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement I'm not sure I'm not sure if you can hear me I'm on the telephone we can hear you my name is Steve Wilkins also of Comm land trust and I just wanted to just um do a little um a affirmation that I did meet with all the neighbors and they did agree to the change uh from the six from the 20 to 16 I know originally the letter did say 12 and with our our commitment to the community and our relationships that we had with them uh they were very willing to change it and they did change it before the uh the zoning meeting and now at front licensing um think that they're um really in support of the project now that we've met several probably more than a dozen times thank you great thank you again for that clarification uh once more are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter great with that the board will take this under advisement as well thank you all thank you thank you calling item number six nkotb lesie LLC doing business as reir Hotel Rebels Guild located at 196 to 200 Stewart Street holder of an in holder all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to change the manager of the license business from Mark fiser to Shan how who is president on behalf of the license e hi good morning Sean here great thank you very much uh for being with us this morning thank you uh chairman Jo if you want to go through the manager of record yep sorry about that excuse me Mr how um are you a citizen I am are you a resident to the Commonwealth yes what is your experience in the food and beverage industry um I have been in hotel management for about 20 years and are you familiar with the rules and regulations of this board the abcc and the laws of the Commonwealth pertaining to the sale and service of alcohol yes with that I have no further questions commissioner sax or commissioner curen do you I do not thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like testify in this matter board will take this under advisement thank you thank you calling item number seven Del Frisco of Boston LLC doing business as Del Frisco located at 2:30 Northern a fer of a common evct or 7-Day all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to change the manager from Nicholas Phelps to Michael vitki behalf of the leny uh Michael vitsky me um thank you for joining us um Mr blitzky are you a citizen yes are you a resident of the Commonwealth yes I am what is your experience in the food and beverage industry um I've been a managergeneral manager in around in and around the city of Boston for over 20 years and lastly are you familiar with the rules and regulations of this board the abcc and the laws of the Commonwealth pertaining to the sale and service of alcohol yes I am thank you um I have no further questions Commissioners do you I do not thank you no questions thank you you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take the center advisement as well thank you calling item number eight Clover Ventures LLC doing business as Bostonia Public House located at 131 State Street holder of a common or 7day all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to pledge the license to Northern Bank and Trust Company who's present on behalf of the lcy good morning Madam chair members of the board Elizabeth Pisano from opon conell and delin on behalf of the leny um Clover Ventures LSC is applying to pledge its liquor license to Northern Bank and Trust Company as security for a loan and that is all there is to it happy to answer any questions that you have just one question um can you share what the purpose of the loan is for um I don't know all the details I think uh Patrick Silva should be on here yes hello Madam um chairman members of the board uh as to the purpose of the loan it was to secure additional funding for opening a possible second location as well as other business ventures in the hospitality industry great I appreciate that explanation I have no further questions Commissioners do you I do not thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter and the board will take this under advisement as well thank you very much thank you calling item number nine SSP America Inc doing business as pets at night located at 500 Terminal Road in East Boston within Logan Airport holder of an airport common V or 7-Day all alcoholic AES license has petitioned to change the closing hour of the license business from 10: p.m. to 12:00 a.m. attorney Amanda Taylor attorney Taylor hi yes Amanda Taylor here on behalf of SSP Marica Inc um this is an existing business at Logan Airport doing business as pizza at night and they're just looking to change the closing hour from 10 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. uh based on the departures in the terminal and I believe Jackie is manager is here as well although I don't see her name so I'm not sure if she joined on a phone or not but if you have any questions I'm sure I can answer H thank you very much I think she is here um good morning I'm I'm here Hi how are you thank you for joining us of course um my only question is how long have you been at this location uh well we just opened pizza at night um in July of this year but I've been with SSP for 10 years at this is our fifth bar location and I am the manager on record for all the others okay um so you've been open since July have you been noticing a um increased number of customers coming um and wanting the extended hours well this particular location is in the international terminal which happens to have just a lot more uh late night departures than the other terminals which is why we requesting the um adjustment in the hours very helpful um thank you uh commissioner sax commissioner K do you have any questions I do not thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter seeing on the board will take this under advisement thank you both thank you thank you thank you calling item number 10 Cafe delos sport Inc doing business as Cafe Del sport located at at 308 Handover Street holder of a common victual or 7-Day wines and M beverages with laur's license has petitioned to change the manager of the license business from Angelo kadono to Myan Spencer and secondly has petitioned for a change of officers directors finally is petitioned for a change of stock interest who's present on behalf of the applicant I am Myan Spencer morning morning Mr Spencer uh if you could please just briefly present the proposed changes to the board yeah uh this is a family run business um my grandfather is Angelo katano he's always been the business owner he passed away about a year and a half ago um so I'm just transferring uh stock ownership management and everything into my name um I've been involved in the business over 20 years and um still here every day uh in day-to-day operations uh thank you Mr Spencer so you'll be the manager of record um yes are you a citizen yes do you live in m Massachusetts yes you already described that you've worked there for 20 years you've been in the business um are you familiar with the rules and regulations of this board abcc and the laws in the Commonwealth pertaining to the Salem service of alcohol yes I am thank you very much commissioner Saxon commissioner par do you have any questions I do not thank you no questions thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well thank you thank you calling item number 11 326b LLC doing business as red fox located at 326 to 328 Commercial Street holder of a common eval or 7-Day all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to amend the description of the license premise from 2868 squ ft in three rooms and Kitchen on basement level of 326 to 328 Commercial Street with dining areas Raw Bar seated bar storage and office space and wine seller to three rooms and Kitchen on basement level of 326 to 328 Commercial Street with dining areas and seated bar 11 seats at bar in front room together with additional dining area and seated raw bar with seven seats at the second bar with alcohol service storage and office space and wine seller 2,868 s ft total secondly the applicant has petitioned to change the DBA of the licens business from Red Fox to Red Fox and extra dirty attorney Bill fulo attorney fulo uh good morning attorney green uh Madam chair members of the board uh I'm here representing 326 BC um business uh on Commercial Street in the north then uh owned by Nick freri who owns several other license premises uh we are here because we're amending the scription to uh clarify that the U rear room uh of this restaurant uh will be known as the uh extra dirty is in Martini uh room and that the raw bar that we currently have uh will also allow for service of alcohol at that bar um in the rear as opposed to the bar in the front uh the purpose of this is uh similar to a concept that we initiated at CH Roma another restaurant L not then where we have a room that's known as phaia telling word for pharmacy and what it is is uh it's a room where uh we submitted a protocol uh for pharmacy to the board for you to look at and consider is that we do a very fixed um setup there which is we do curated uh cocktail served with small plates and it's done by reservation uh online uh it's a situation where we uh create two or three different cocktails uh and complimentary uh foods that go with that that complement the service and uh we usually try to run that uh twice a night they they last about two hours it's sort of a demonstration of the making uh of the drinks U and an explanation of why the food is being served with those particular drinks uh the um menu and the drinks are at a fixed price it usually runs somewhere between 60 to $80 depending on what we're serving uh you can also order uh items off the menu if you wish to have additional food uh as as men you have a set time to be in and be seated uh and then the change over again is at a set time where you uh e leave the premises so you can go uh you know for example to the bar of the premises if you want to stay on on premise uh as mentioned uh generally reservations only if there are open seats we will uh take a payment uh for people there are no standies uh it's limited to the seats in the room meaning there are seven seats at a small bar and there are 12 seats at uh three tables in that room um and again uh it's done as is as is book meaning if you know we book two seatings uh for the night then we'll do two if we book one we do one uh if we haven't booked any then it's just part of the restaurant uh with that we'll answer any questions that you may have thank you attorney um you did a great job explaining that I actually don't have any questions at this time commissioner sax or Commissioner Karen do you I do not thank you I do not either thank you thank you very much are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with with elected officials or their representatives are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter seeing none the board will take this under advisement thank you very much thank you calling item number 12 cpcb LLC doing business as Cornish py located at 51a Massachusetts AV holder of a common victual or 7day wines and M beverages with Lor's license has petitioned to transfer the license from the above to Yoshida Omak LLC at the same location Gabrielle morriso manager 12:00 a.m. closing hour the applicant has also petitioned to update the description of the premise as follows street level and basement level contain 2,276 Square ft first level is for dining ADA Compliant bathroom kitchen and preparation areas basement level is for storage separate preparation area and Dish cleaning and washing street level has one doorway for Ingress and egress and the basement level has a second doorway for Ingress egress for delivery of all supplies uh Atty Brian Burke attorney Burke I see you here in the waiting room are you with us just one moment we can take a second call uh and come back if attorney Burke is not ready um the manager of record is here yeah we are um I'm the owner of the Yoshida and our manager Gabby is with me uh I'm so sorry that the attorney Brian is not available at this moment um is there any question uh we can answer we'll be happy to you know provide the information okay do you want to um talk a little bit about the transfer and the concept of this uh new restaurant at this location oh absolutely attorney Burke is here I'm sorry great thank you very much for being with us would someone like to sure I could give you a quick rundown this is a uh a transfer of license and a CH an alteration of the premises um the pre holders of the license were the India samat restaurant and then it was transferred over to the cornage pastry and uh we are now uh in the process of uh doing the buildout for a uh kind of a boutique is uh omasi restaurant uh a bit of a highend menu where it's uh The Chef's Choice and we're looking forward to uh um opening the restaurant in a couple of months or if we're lucky um we've gone through the aab process of with the renovations to make sure that we're compliant with the Ada uh issues that may arise so we have um seating as well as a a a a a very uh I want to say it's a high-end bathroom if you will but it's it's uh it was um in conjunction with the aab that we've developed up the plans for the for the restaurant there'll be 29 seats the occupancy is uh 55 people on exhibit M you could see the the floor plan um uh we H we have had some discussions with uh uh the the adjoining restaurants in the area we've gone there we've introduced ourselves and they're all very excited about the idea of having another high-end uh restaurant coming into the area so uh thank you members of the board uh if you have any questions um I have with me uh M uh Iverson is Zeno who's one of the uh the owners of the restaurant as well as Gabrielle U maraso who is the manager as well thank you I do have some questions uh Miss Maro are you a citizen good morning yes I am thank you are you a resident of Massachusetts yes I am what is your experience in the food and beverage industry I have over 20 years of experience in the food and beverage industry thank you are you familiar with the rules and regulations of this board the abcc the laws of the Commonwealth pertaining to the sale and service of alcohol I am yes great thank you for joining us thank you all for joining us I don't have any other questions commissioner Saxon commissioner car to you not at this time thank you none for me thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives he are there any other individuals who would like to testify I see a hand raised from Conrad Armstrong I'm going to ask you to unmute and you may please provide your testimony I am Conor Armstrong 439 Marvel Street representing the neighborhood association of Back Bay uh this application did not uh go through Community process um I only found out it by noticing it on the agenda and I did not have contact information for M the attorney so I wasn't able to reach out before this meeting but we are happy to have them talk to us at our next meeting which is October 7th thank you very much are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well thank you all thank you calling item number 13 laroka Inc doing business as Dolce Vita located at 221 Handover Street holder of a common evct 7-Day wines and Malt Beverages with Lor's license has petitioned to transfer the license from the above to martinetti Restaurant Group LLC doing business as bar martinetti at the same location Robert martinetti manager 12 a.m. closing hour the applicant has also petitioned to update the description of the premise as follows in one room on first floor comprised of various dining areas bar and restroom in rear together with additional dining room restrooms kitchen and storage in the basement 3590 Square ft total Additionally the applicant has petitioned to remove the following condition from the license malt and wine with theur to be served only in conjunction with meals attorney Dennis quilty attorney quilty good morning again attorney green Madam chair members of the board excuse me Dennis quilty attorney representing the applicant before you this morning martinetti restaurant LLC uh the martinetti are here Robert and Dan martinetti of the family Robert is the proposed manager of record this is an application for a Corp to Corp transfer no change of Lo location this is the uh former Dolce Vita Restaurant at 221 Handover Street which the martinetti hope to uh in the process of purchasing obviously and hope to open as uh a new restaurant at the same site DBA bar martinetti um the only other change operationally is the request to uh add one hour to the closing hour and to remove a provisor a dated Proviso for uh service of alcohol with food only uh and again Mr martinetti has extensive experience he and his family in the restaurant business they own an operate faces brewing company that have since 2019 uh he's a US citizen he's a Mass resident and we are happy to answer any questions you may have we've also gone through the community process and have support from both uh newa and nck um and uh again we're happy to answer any questions you might have thank you very much hope chairman Joy you're on mute right now thanks my only question for Mr martinetti is are you familiar with the rules and regs of this board abcc and the laws of the Commonwealth pertaining to the sale and service of alcohol oh you're muted they don't appear to be muted but we cannot hear you can't hear you I'll take a nod if you want to did you hear that can you just nod yeah great for the record he's saying he is familiar um commissioner Saxon Commissioner Karen do you have any questions I do not thank you no questions thanks thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's office to defer to the judgement of this board our offices are unaware of any concerns at this time and as you heard from the absence representation I they reached out to both cific associations secured their support with that will defer to the board thank you thanks Conor thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well thank you very much thank you calling item number 14 Cannonball Cafe LLC doing business as Cannonball Cafe located at 383 Dorchester AV in South B in holder of a common victual or 7day wines and M beverages with the curs license has petitioned to transfer the license from the above to 383 lot LLC during business as Park City at the same location Michael Shaw manager 12:00 a.m. closing hour secondly the applicant has petitioned to amend the description of the license premise from Cafe on one floor with counter service and seating for 26 patrons an annual patio located on private property with seating for 24 operated from 7:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. 7 days a week year round and approximately 3146 3 ft of outdoor space for special functions and events on private property two premise comprised of an approximately 30,000 ft outdoor space and 2579 ft of interior space for storage coolers and prep space outdoor space with one bar with seating for 40 two bars for walkup service various tables Cabanas stadium and other types of seating for 440 structure for food service and space for lawn games activities and Stage for live music and finally the applicant has petitioned to pledge the license to Cannonball Cafe LLC who's present on behalf of the applicant uh good morning secretary Green attorney Joe Hanley mcder mqu T Miller and Hanley uh 28 State Street in Boston uh here with uh Michael Shaw who has his name as meged Landon um on the screen but Michael is the applicant and uh the proposed manager of recer just briefly to give you an overview here uh as was written to the record so uh the existing lensey uh operates out of Cannonball Cafe which is a small uh coffee shop CA Cafe uh on the west side of of doav near Andrew Square um it is a land landlord entity that um related entity that owns and runs uh the cafe and over the last two years with the approval of this board uh the Cafe's license was amended to include uh the same area that we're here today which is approximately 30,000 square feet of activation space um this space is part of a 22 acre master plan development that was approved by the city uh and that core Investments uh owns and operates so core is not in the restaurant business but in the last two years in partnership with the Andrew Square uh Community uh and uh in the neighborhood as a whole they have operated a series of events who have been uh very success ful with food and beverage uh with that beer and wine license uh it has been a huge success there have been no violations or no issues so much so that um core has now found an experienced local operator uh so that we can have this activation space uh on a permanent basis and in that um we have the folks from uh Broadway restaurant group led by Mike Shaw who is the manager of record and a one third owner on the proposed uh lensey entity along with his Partners Eric enenbach and Mike Conlan as uh the chair and the board knows uh these individuals have been approved and our existing operators not just in the city but in the South Boston Neighborhood uh they run excellent um establishments Mike in particular is also a South Boston resident it's raising his family in the neighborhood uh and uh came to know core in this opportunity basically as a patron with his his family for uh what is called the lot so the new proposal is to um transfer the existing beer wine and cordials license out of the small Cafe cannibal Cafe has 29 uh approximately 29 seats 26 outdoor seats they'll continue to operate under their CV Madam chair uh and uh the beer and wine license will go to the activation space which you see on the floor plan that will now have uh more permanent fixtures restrooms uh activation space separate modular dining and and activity areas uh which you can see uh on the floor plan uh so we're PL uh the transaction for this is $200,000 for the liquor license which is being financed by um Cannonball Cafe LLC again which is the license e the transferee uh and there's approximately million dollars in uh improvements that are being um invested in by uh the new tenant by Mike sha and his group um for their concept called Park City and it's all about celebrating the outdoor bringing folks in in a real uh familyfriendly environment they'd also like to operate until uh 12: midnight so not terribly late um we were operating till 10:30 uh previously uh with the cafe license in the activation space so uh mod has changed to the hours of operations uh it's a 10year lease uh that that uh Mike Shan his group will have to operate and um Mike is the manager of record I know you'll go through your standard questions but he's also approved manager uh by the board board in the abcc so we really think that we've checked all the boxes here for uh a great concept to continue things uh that have been uh really a contributor to the community and and I want to thank uh the inder square civic association and the elected officials and and all the neighbors the mom's group in South Boston who have really helped and our our key partner uh with this activation space and will continue to help guide uh Mike Shaw and um and the team as we make this a permanent amenity for the neighborhood thank you thanks attorney you did a great job explaining it uh thank you Mike for joining us today since you already are an approved manager I am not going to go through those four questions just going to say wish you luck I have no uh questions further from me commissioner Saxon or commissioner K and you I do not thank you none for me thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of neighborhood services at this time the mayor's office to deferred to the Judgment of this award uh we're unaware of any concerns at this time I see Patty and and Linda's hands are up from the angre square cific Association I know but the APPA met with them earlier this week uh with that will refer to the board thank you good morning Madam sharers and members of the board Laura here from Cil of Flynn's office at this point he would like to go on record and support based on a good Community process and positive communication between the establishment um lead team and the community thank you thank you very much we will move to members of the public wishing to testify the first hand I see raised is Patty McCormack Mr McCormack I'm going to ask you y youve just unmuted yourself you may please provide your testimony yeah thank you Patty mccomic from Anders score civic association and Mike Shaw and Joe Hanley presented plans for Park City at our meeting this past Monday and it was no surprise that members overwhelmingly supported it therefore supporting the transfer transfer of the license at 383 doav the lot has revitalized a section of dester ab bringing foot traffic baby carriages and positive energy to an area that was desolate and depressing we we welcome Mike sha and his team to add more programming and creative spaces for our residents families and visits it's been a long time time coming but Andre square is finally a destination and would' like to thank core for core and their partners for for your vision thank you thank you for your testimony the next hand I see raised is from Linda Zaki um Miss zi ask you to unmute and you may please provide your testimony as well good morning everybody can you hear me we can hear you excellent um I would like to add uh everything that Patty said I am I am absolutely in in agreement with her but I would also like to add that the Broadway Restaurant Group they're what they do precedes them and we are thrilled to have them down in that area that was an area that people would look forward to going down to maybe once a month when something was scheduled for on the lot now we will have something that can you can go down there and be there with your family family friendly area and Outdoors so that we have the air all around us and I think it's a great idea and a great concept and as Patty said the Andrew sare Civic voted uh you know completely in support of it and everybody that I have spoken to was very excited about having this come down to our neighborhood so we are thrilled thank you very much thank you very much the next hand I see raises from Greg Donovan Mr Donovan you may also unmute and provide your testimony good morning chairman green members of the board uh first of all I am here in opposition and I'm going to keep this under two minutes um but I first like to tell you that I 100% agree that Mike Shaw uh Eric alach and Mike hman are the best operators there is 100% hands down are my personal friends so I'm here to actually debunk what attorney Hanley has laid out as um um this transition from Cannonball to uh this uh Acre Site as just being this smooth transition what has been left out here is that core investments in John Cil has announced a few days ago and the Boston Business Journal doed uh dated 918 of 24 for addition that they have a $75 million soil contamination cleaner next door known is on the dot this is all part of the same site but it's next door Mr Cecil stated that you cannot stand on the site for more than 10 minutes safely a few days later core investment is announcing that they teaming up with the brg group which is my friends for a license transfer to use take their placeholder which was Cannonball Cafe which has no issues down there at all which is correct because no one actually goes there there's one or two people that sit in that Cafe at best which is typically just someone sitting on their computer that probably works for cor no one goes there it's desolate 100% agree that's just a placeholder for the license to be used for for a stage for a stage show which they're going to try to use my friends as an operator to create a a life on dochester and then expose them during this cleanup of a $75 million cleanup that is in infested with pcbs pcbs in and the D file for the record is RTE 3- 35522 all the lawyers involved are very very familiar with it's done by vertex engineering it's it's a site because the there was a scrapyard it's heavily contaminated with metals and pcbs are absorbed through the through your skin and through your mouth and on this site you're going to have concert venues you're going to have markets for selling food people drinking alcohol people bringing their families unsuspecting families and then just feed away you're going to have a a75 billion cleanup which needs to get done so we can move dochester out forward but at the same time using the VG group and using our community to show Vibrance in the area this Vibrance in the area should be done after the cleanup and by allowing this this to take place first uring is is totally unacceptable and putting our neighbors our children our family at risk and also what happens to the brg group when they realize they have to shut this down thank you Mr you are over you are well over your two minutes at this point you can submit anything further in writing to the board licensing board at boston.gov okay and I did submit it to uh Wendy Law for on the record as well um so I do employ you to uh to further this take this on the table and do not Grant this license because it it is irresponsible at the board to do this this time without further information thank you for that Mr Donovan uh attorney Henley see you've unmuted yourself yeah Ju Just a point of clarification it's nice to see Mr Donovan uh on I appreciate his comments but just uh they're not correct so when he talks about first of all this has nothing to do with uh the five n Acres that are that he's referring to it's not steps away it's on the other side of damrell um and aler Street excuse me aler street um so it has nothing to do with this location this is not the contaminated site as I mentioned it's 22 Acres um and uh cannibal Cafe is actually very popular um having said that over the last two years I don't know if Mr dunivan had the opportunity to be down there but as you heard from uh Patty McCormack and Linda from the actual Andrew Square neighborhood uh there have been dozens and dozens of successful events uh with uh food beverage and alcohol Service uh and we are merely uh bringing in a really experienced operator to continue that in the way that the community has already spoken to uh the other thing I don't I don't know uh what Mr dunnan's uh ownership interest may be I don't think he mentioned it I don't think he lives uh nearby but maybe he has an interest in some property and there you know this could be related to something that really has nothing to do with this case so thank you for that opportunity thank you if I may respond to to that I just for clarification my name is Greg dunan I my business address is 339 dochester Street I live at in South Boston I live at 46 N Street in South Boston I also raised my family here just like a lot of people on this call and I also own property at 7 ly street but once you peel back the Capp layer which is enclosing the pcbs and I didn't say putot uh uh footway alist Street AB buts the cannon ball site that they're talking about um that's misleading of what um attorney Hanley is saying um this just needs to be looked at I'm not saying shouldn't happen in the future it just shouldn't happen at this moment because you cannot have a $75 million cleanup and then have an outdoor venue with our children's B babies and families and open in a market U just for the reason of telling uh a story so we can get uh a project under way that there's life down there um it it's not going to be at the health and and and and safety of our community or anyone else involved and by granting this without having a full transparent uh um conversation with professionals um and everyone involved then we go forward but by allowing this is is totally irresponsible at the board and everyone involved until the left and the right hand all communicate and are up front thank you Mr just just to close this out though so this is all transparent it's all on the D website there is no use restriction this is 383 doorchester AV it's not uh the former junkyard site which is further away which has been capped uh by core and has a control in place so there is nothing to be resolved here this site was also approved by the abcc and the licensing board for what is being used and what has been used for the last two years there is no environmental issue here when certainly has nothing to do with the license chairman when you uncap it is when when this site becomes exposure that's why it's capped and that's why when you read The Business Journal from the 'll take a look we'll take a look and that's why it's gonna tell you can't stand on the site for 10 minutes and then you're gonna have an outdoor venue you then you can't sell a tomato because it's absorption through food you can't even have it it's it will even goes into the fact of Fish and Wildlife it's one of the most highly contaminated sites in the state and that's why it's capped is because it in and yes right now you can do it for the moment as soon as they do this $75 billion cleanup which they need state and federal funding which they talk about then it's gting it's a game changer and then they're like oh we're down the street oh we're a couple feet away we're not in this it's misleading it needs to be reviewed it needs to be looked at thank you thanks thanks are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter think ke Linda's hands up too sure Linda you you have provided testimony already is there anything additional you want to add uh I just wanted to make a suggestion that I think that once you've spoken you should be unmuted again until you raise your hand again thank you very much thank you for that are there any further questions from the board board will take this matter under advisement if there was any additional material you would like the board to review that can be submitted uh at licensing board boston.gov the record will stay open until 5 o'clock today thank you all right thank you calling item number 15 turnaround Sushi Inc doing business as crave mad for chicken located at 75 neand Street holder of a common vict or 7-Day wines and M beverages with the cor's license has petitioned to transfer the license and location from the above to Huna Inc doing business as K Thai cookery located at 151 Handover Street premise consists of 1,350 ft on the first floor with dining area in front of space with seating for 19 kitchen and Storage in rear one handicap accessible bathroom two entrances exits Manita baget Kar manager 12:00 a.m. closing hour and the board may recall this applicant was before the board uh in 2022 seeking a new license was approved pending availability and now is back uh seeking the transfer of uh same license at the same location uh who is present on behalf of the applicant I'm here um good morning everyone my name is Manita I'm here behalf of Kala taeri for common 7 Days W and M beverages with liquor um we are located at 151 handw state in Boston and um I'm here to you know answer any question if you know and anyone has thank you very much for joining us um so you you are the manager yes I'm the manager and the chef owner and the chef owner okay yes um so I have some standard questions to ask are you a citizen yes I am are you a resident of Massachusetts yes I am can you describe for us what your experience is in the food and beverage industry yes um I actually spent over 20 year in food Beverages and most U 15 years usually in the hotel settings and um I had the first restaurant open 10 years ago back um in Watertown and um Kal is my second restaurant and we we are running for almost seven years right now okay great um um are you familiar with the rules and regulations of our board the abcc and the laws of the Commonwealth pertaining to the sale and service of alcohol yes I am great so how long has Tai cookery been at this location um almost seven years okay and um can you explain how obtaining this license um will add to your um offerings yes um kala taukar goal is to serve the towel with high quality fresh ingredients and delicious tyrine at affordable price and um since we get a lot of customer and Cel in the past seven years um I think adding the beverages would be the option for the customer to enhance the experience we do not want to do the bar environment set up in the area we want to keep the restaurant setting and let people enjoy the lunch and the dinner time okay great uh thanks very much thank you for joining us I don't have any further questions commissioner Saxon or Commissioner Karen uh no extra questions for me thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes madame chair members of the board Connor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor is officing to defer to the Judgment of this board some background information in the community process uh on hosed a butter meeting on September 16th we didn't received any feedback from the community there's no active civic association in this area with that will defer to the board at this time thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well thank you very much thank you calling item number 16 goggle moggle Inc doing business as seab biscuit located at 256 Marginal Street in East Boston holder of a common V 7-Day Wines in M beverages license has petitioned to transfer the license and the location from the above to selfup LLC doing business as selfup cooking classes located at 19 Kingston Street premise consists of a multi-level commercial building approximately 3,800 sare ft located at 19 Kingston Street units 1 and two first floor is 1900 Square F feet with two kitchens two bathrooms and storage second floor is 1900 ft consisting of a large open space one bathroom and storage and two kitchens 49 person occupancy per floor Valentino paraden manager 10 p.m. closing hour and secondly the applicant has petitioned to change the license type from a section 12 restaurant to a general on premise license attorney Elizabeth Pano attorney Pano good morning Madam chair members of the Ford Elizabeth Bano from Upton conell and delin on behalf of the applicant self up LLC um this application is to transfer a wine and Ms license from goag Magle Inc and to change the location to it already existing cooking school at 19 Kingston Street they're also planning to change the license from a section 12 restaurant license to uh section 12 General on premise with me today is Greg aroni he is one of the owners um and Valentino padina is the proposed manager of record um the cooking school is on two floors in the building located at 19 Kingston Street um there are two connected floors that each have two kitchens and Storage with an occupancy of 48 per floor um the character and fitness of this applicant is well established uh they've built a solid reputation here in Boston for the past six years as a cooking school known for providing high quality interactive culinary experiences uh for both local and locals and tourists they have 18 people on average in each class and the classes run no longer than 3 hours so there's no likelihood of people um hanging around on site and drinking for long periods of time or late at night uh the leadership team at self up brings extensive experience in The Culinary and hospitality industry and their backgrounds are wellers to ensure best practices for operating an establishment like this including the responsible service of food and alcohol um they have a proven track record of a rail run establishment since they've been open in 2018 and they've maintained compliance with all local regulations and we don't expect expect anything to change if they were granted this license um the public need is quite significant here like I mentioned it's already an existing cooking school and there has been a demand for customers for alcohol service um serving beer and wine would enhance the customer experience and a cooking class is typically you know a social immersive experience where a glass of wine or beer can complement the food that they're preparing um many patients expect to pair their dishes with alcoholic beverages that enhance the flavors and make the experience more sociable and enjoyable um they also want to meet the market expectations other cooking schools uh provide alcoholic beverages as part of theirs and it's becoming increasingly common and an industry standard um the customers always would prefer an all-inclusive experience so you know if they had the um the option to serve alcohol it would appeal to a a broader customer base um and it would also help support their events and group bookings the company has a lot of private events and you know team building activities and special classes and offering alcohol at these events could just be more appealing and offer to a broader clientele and it allow them to en like join in this competitive market space um they will take the um the service of alcohol very seriously they will all they will have all of their chefs be um tip certified the manager of record is already tip certified and um for community outreach last year this same applicant applied for a new license and met with downtown bid um to which they gave their full support we reached out to them again um when we were preparing to file this application and they did not require another meeting um and they had sent in a letter of their support to the city um the manager of record Valentino has been an assistant chef with self up for over two years now um he's a Massachusetts resident US citizen and is familiar with the rules and regulations relating to the sale of alcohol and he is tip certified um and we are happy to answer any questions that you have thank you did a great job explaining that I just um is Mr Dina with us on the call today uh no I'm I'm here uh gear owner of uh selfup cooking classes I'm open to any questions you might have Valentino I I should I'm not sure what happened um we actually are also going to be in the process of changing the manager of record over to Greg he has recently become a US citizen so we are going to put uh an application in very soon to to have him be named the manager of record if this application goes through um I don't know where Valentino is right now but um I don't know if you want to put this towards the end and we can come you want to see if he can connect and then we can just say that he appeared yep okay because you did you did do all the questions but it would be good for him to join yep absolutely um Greg I'll call you once we pause this one yeah in the meantime are there any other questions um from commissioner car and commissioner Saxon on this application not for me thank you no questions thank you thank you and I will ask if there are any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or the representatives Conor Newman with the mayor's office of neighborhood services at this time will defer to the Judgment of this board as you heard from the applicant representation uh they received the enthusiastic support of the downtown uh bid uh with that for to the board thanks thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter great uh then attorney Bano please do let me know if we can get Mr Perina on the line just uh for his appearance and we will return to that item uh when you let me know that he is with us okay thank you thank you we will move on for now calling items 177 and 18 Boston Winery LLC doing business as Boston Winery located at 26 Ericson Street in Dorchester item 17 has applied for a section 19 C farmer Brewery pouring license to be exercised on the above in one room on ground floor within the space shown as Brewery tasting room on the floor plan for pouring of Mall beverages together with fermenting equipment in adjacent warehouse and storage rooms 856 feet total manager Ralph Bruno and item 18 has applied for a 19h combined wines and malts pouring license to be exercised on the above premised to be licensed under section 198 of chapter 13h consists of 8,467 sare Ft in one large room on the ground floor of property containing various seated dining areas storage restrooms and office space production room together with a seasonal April to November outdoor patio on private property 11:00 p.m. patio closing hour and 11: p.m. indoor closing hour Ralph Bruno manager attorney Dennis quilty attorney quilty good morning again attorney green Madam chair members of the board Dennis quilty attorney representing the Li C with me is Ralph Bruno the manager of record uh this application is to uh for the existing farmer Winery licy to add and become a farmer Brewer license in addition to the winery uh interesting they've been here since approximately the early 2000s interestingly in the past they actually had a farmer Brewer license and it atrophied over the years they didn't use it they' now like to make an applic to redo if you will to be able to to serve brew and serve their own uh Malt Beverages along with the wine and as you indicated the second application is simply to combine the existing farmer Winery with the farmer Brewery under 19h with the rights to poor both uh we have gone through the um uh application with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services as well as have met with the port noric civic association uh which is supportive of the request and we have no opposition that we're aware of Mr Bruno is the existing and proposed a you will manager of record for the combined operation if we are granted and again we're happy to answer any of your questions thank you um thanks for joining us today Mr berno I have no questions Commissioners do you none for me thank you I do not thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testif on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor offic to defer to the judge of this board on us to not requireing a Butter's meeting we just ask that the um applicant just connect the local civic association thank you hello uh Madam chair members of the board Liam Remis from Council Fitz St office we'd like to go on record and support this prop proposal and then uh the civic association wasn't support us as well the Port North for thank you thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter then the board will take these under advisory thank you very much thank you calling items 19 and 20 uh similar transactions stet Hudson LLC doing business as Trillium located at 401 Park Drive item 19 has applied for a farmer Distillery pouring license under chapter 138 section 19e to be exercised on the above the Distillery pouring area is located on the first floor of 401 Park Drive and totals approximately 35 squ ft and item number 20 uh has applied for a combined 19h wines malts and Distillery pouring license to be exercised on the above premise to be licensed under uh section 19h consists of approximately 1500 square F feet made out of steel columns and glass partition walls and solid partition panels the indoor Tap Room is 1,85 sare Ft in front of the tap room there are two means of egress on either side of the building one door leads to the outdoor patio 1,762 ft in front of the Tap Room the glass partitions slide back and stack on top of each other to open the front of house space to the air total area of the tap room and the attached annual whether permitting outdoor patio on private property are the same hours of the restaurant 2,840 2847 Square ft Brandon keing manager 1:00 a.m. closing hour who's present on behalf of the applicant good morning Madam chair members of the board and attorney green uh Ty Hensler here representing trillum at Fenway attorney green is correct this is a similar transaction to the uh previous one um Trillium is looking to add craft spirits and Cocktails to their menu at the Fenway location uh joining me from Trillium is the manager of record Brandon keing as well as Mario Watkins from the Trillium corporate office uh the craft spirits and Cocktails would be added to the menu in addition to their current offerings of beer uh wine ciders and assorted seasonal offerings uh We've filed and gotten approved to the required applications to do so at both the ttb and abcc levels we're therefore here for the Boston licensing board applying for the farmer Distillery pouring license to serve these cocktails and a 19h alteration of premises to incorporate the pouring area uh for the Distillery into our 19h uh license as it exists now that covers the rest of the Tap Room uh Trillium has been operating in Massachusetts for over 11 years and have operated uh in the Fenway location for 5 years uh recently they applied to extend the hours until 1: a. at this location but I should note that they have not uh and and do not currently actually enact that so they adhere to the previous closing time of midnight um and I'm not aware of any plans to change that um but uh during during the time they've been open 5 years they've had many customer requests for offerings other than beers that cater to many different types of people from the afterwork crowd to the seniors at the surrounding colleges to neighbors and to the pregame crowds and pre-event crowds in the Fenway area so there is demand uh for beverages other than beer we point to these many requests from customers for cocktail options as evidence of the public need for such a license at this location um further I'll add that uh while we're adding distilled Spirits this is primarily a craft beer business um we therefore expect to distilled spirits will take up a relatively small percentage of sales uh at this location uh I'll add the uh character and fitness of this applicant is also very strong uh as they have successfully operated at this location for five years with the beer and wine pouring license uh and Trillium overall uh has operates various Brewery Winery and Distillery pouring licenses uh all around the state and have done so for 11 years in that time Trillium has not received a violation uh at any of their locations including the Fenway location uh the manager of record will be Brandon keading he's currently the manager uh of record on the 19h pouring license at this location so he's been previously approved by the abcc and by this board he is a Massachusetts resident he's a US citizen he's familiar with the rules and regulations pertaining to the sale and service of alcohol of this board the abcc and the laws of the Commonwealth and he has experience in the industry as appor mentioned uh we held an abutters meeting earlier this week which was productive and we have been in contact with the Fenway civic association uh who did not require a meeting with that we're happy to take any questions but we thank the board for your time thank you very much attorney um thank you Mr keing for joining us I I know you already previously approved I have no questions Commissioners do you I do not thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor is OB like to defer to the Judgment of this board some background information the community process the applicant secured support from the family civic association we had the abutters meeting earlier this week on September 23rd uh there were some residents from oton cir that attended that had expressed some concerns about the timing of this right after the hours have been extended on the premises ultimately the oton civic association which is outside of the catchman area I wrote a letter of non opposition uh with that we'll defer to the board this time thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on items 19 or 20 concerning trillian seeing on the board will take these under advisement as well and looks like uh though the manager of record for the last item has joined us there are connection issues so we'll take that after the next item calling item number 21 Walter Corporation doing business as El hardine located at 15 William C Kelly Square in East Boston has applied for a common viic or 7day wines and Mal beverages licensed to be exercised on the above 1,800 foot restaurant space on one floor with two entrances and three exits front of space includes seating for 40 as well as service counter on the right side kitchen restrooms and storage in the rear manager Kelly Oro Closing Time 2 a.m. who's present on behalf of the applicant morning Madam chair members of the board and attorney green Tyler Hensler again from Upton canel and delin representing the Walter corporation uh DBA L hardine located at 15 Kelly Square joining me is the owner Walter and this is Archie and Kelly Oro manager of record uh is joining on um uh V Zoom at a different location uh we are applying for a new section 12 beer and wine license to be exercised at 15 Kelly Square this is an existing Colombian restaurant and bakery that serves traditional Colombian dishes such as empanadas and toico and is open for breakfast lunch and dinner there's been a restaurant at this location for 20 years El hardine which is Spanish for the garden is a family restaurant hosting events such as birthday parties and family Gatherings um there is no bar at this location El hardine believes that beer and wine offerings would uh be complimentary to the dishes that they offer uh there's also an economic need to boost sales so that the business May survive and the sale of beer and wine are one way to help accomplish that public need for this license is demonstrated by customer request it is also the only Bakery family restaurant in the area the character and fitness of the applicant is also strong uh as Walter has been in the restaurant business for many years uh back in Colombia um he operated restaurants and he's lived in this neighborhood for 10 years uh where he's operated this particular restaurant and bakery uh for the past four years with no issues further the manager of record Kelly Oro in addition to being US citizen and a Massachusetts resident he is familiar with the rules and regulations pertaining to the sale and service of alcohol of this board the abcc and the laws of the Commonwealth uh and he also has experience in the industry he's worked as a both a server and bartender for California Pizza Kitchen and Rock Bottom Brewery uh for six years uh responsibly handling alcohol in both Ro uh roles before coming to uh be the manager at L hardine the community process was completed last year by the applicant in 2023 uh which we confirm with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services uh with that we're happy to take any questions the board has but we thank you for your time thank you attorney thank you all for joining us um thank you for covering the manager record questions I think you mentioned it but just so I have it in my notes uh how many years has this restur restaurant been open in this location uh so four since you've owned it right 20 years in total 20 years in total but four since under this ownership under and and um you open do you stay open till 2 am. seven days a [Music] week 11 p.m. he closes but license until the midnight 11:00 p.m. um but they have that just for flexibility for special maybe right okay but okay you open till you operate till 11: but your license allows you to go longer yes um thanks very much you um expl that very well commissioner sax or commissioner Karin do you have any questions I do not thank you no questions thank you uh attorney Hensler just to make sure all the our is. teaser across is the manager of record with us on on screen do you just know where we could find oh there we go I believe it the the title is Miguel's iPhone no I think it's KO I see him waving oh there we go sorry I'm just ask you to unmute uh is that right there how you do perfect great thank you very much for being with us um great chair do you have any further questions for the manager of record or to the attorney cover I think he covered them all I appreciate that um thank you for joining us per if there are no other questions from the board I will ask are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes Madam chair members of the board Connor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor is off could defer to the Judgment of this board um as your from applicant Pro previously they went through a community process we've had some Personnel changes so we don't una aware of any specific concerns related to uh the addition of a alcohol license at this establishment we are aware of some concerns regarding uh a patio that apparently exists on the property as well as some issues with uh legal parking that residents have brought forward to us uh beyond that we'll defer to the board thank you thank you oh sorry go ahead I'm sorry also my name is Miguel Vargas and I'm the executive director for the East Boston main streets and I'm here to support uh El Hardin and Mr Casa uh we've been working closely with him with the community and also uh we also uh understanding the patio is going to be probably done in October so we also putting all the patios in East Boston for the restaurants that they needed um or this summer thank you Miguel are there any other individuals who would like to test ify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well thank you very much thank you thank you attorney Pano just returning to you briefly was the propos manager of record fir s up able to connect yes he should be on here valo hello that's me perfect you are Mr Perino that is me yes thank you very much for joining us we have eyes on you uh chairman dce do you have any questions for this manager of record thank you for joining us I think my notes indicate that we covered all the questions um so we just needed you to be present and to appear for the board um I have nothing further commissioner sax or Commissioner Karen to you I do not thank you nothing further thank you we've already taken testimony on that item so the board will take uh item number eight uh 16 under advisement as well thank you for being with us thank you absolutely thank you thank you returning to the order of this morning's agenda calling item number 22 florenza Inc doing business as florenza located at 164 to 170 suar Street in East Boston has applied for a common vit or 7day wines and M beverages with Lor's license to be exercised on the above 1,700 foot restaurant on ground floor of building includes one entrance and two exits front entrance with vestibule opens to a display and payment counter and adjacent Espresso Bar counter seating with four stools are provided near Espresso Bar front dining area with 27 seats is located opposite the payment counter kitchen and walk-in cooler located at rear of space with rear exit two restrooms provided stored area in basement manager Stefano Bruno Closing Time 10m attorney Diane Monica attorney Monica good morning uh attorney green uh Madame chairman and members of the board Diane Mara attorney at 24 H Street East Boston Massachusetts and with me is Stephano Bruno who is the owner operator and manager of wed of florenz um I know we're almost at the end of the line here so I'll make it as brief as I can but do want to provide you with additional details I'll talk a little bit about the restaurant and its um particular theme about Stephano his training and experience about the public need for this particular license and about the community process uh the restaurant as apply described in the um description uh is an Italian inspired restaurant located at this uh uh particular address uh it is right on the East Boston Waterfront um but still in the neighborhood and I'd like to make a point about that because many of you might already know that the development on the east Wester Waterfront has been substantial I mean there are thousands of new units not only on the waterfront across the street but in the abing neighborhood and throughout East Boston so um the economic uh promise and and of that development included the development of small businesses and so we we believe that the the addition of a beer wine and cordal license here would be uh substantially uh you know advantageous for this business and for the entirey entire Community uh the restaurant itself as I said is uh Italian themed and its name uh florenza is related to um the owner's grandmother whose name was FL florenza from whom he received most of his Italian culinary uh training uh but in addition to that um he has obviously uh gotten additional experience as the owner and operator of this restaurant since May the board uh approved this license back in 2023 tree but because it was a complete buildout everything is brand new in the establishment uh it took until this past year to open up um the menu consists of pizza but it's a special Pizza it's a special Roman recipe that frankly is been received by the community with with a great deal of U uh you know popularity uh in addition to that he uh also has paninis he also has um out andini pasta dishes as well are beginning to make their appearance on the menu um and has espresso and various forms of coffee and other soft drinks but really the beer and wine license is essential because that's a that's a traditional combination when you're serving Italian foods um also there's 18 flavors of gelato which has been a big hit not only with you know patrons who come in but with the families who come in with children so we think that the combination of all of these items on the menu has been a a a big um sort of hit in East Boston and the popularity of the restaurant is obviously um well known in in the online community in Yelp Etc where there's many many accolades that have been given to them um Stephano himself has experience uh that I think is very um uh necessary for running this type of establishment um he he has been a management positions most of his career and has been actually trained uh in osia standards you know which which applies to the safety and well-being of employees on the uh establishment so he's gone through 30 hours of that as well as the tips training so he's certified for uh service of alcohol uh in addition to that he's had culinary training not only at his grandmother's Apron Strings but also um from various chefs in um in the area and actually had a Roman Chef come in and uh School him on the preparation of this particular type of pizza which is light and eerie and very easy to eat more than one piece um in addition the family has been involved in East Boston for for many many years and is well known in the community um he's also a US citizen he's a Massachusetts resident um he has made himself familiar with the rules and regulations of the board the uh abcc and the Massachusetts law um as I said the need is there the Waterfront uh you know is developing the business end of it has only began to sort of emerge these last few years so this is really really important for any business that opens on the waterfront in addition to that the customers that come in have asked for beer and wine repeatedly um and uh we think that that that is an essential aspect in order to make sure that this business prospers and all of those who work for it uh remain employed uh in addition to that we have gone through a a very major Community vetting because last year when we came to the board for the common vual license we went through the process with the with the abuts meetings and with the Maverick Central neighborhood association who gave their support at that time and with the elected officials this year we repeated that process and in fact um appear today with support from the Maverick C the Maverick Central neighborhood association which has um I think submitted a letter of support to this board also um the community process uh you know was organized by the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services and I'm sure that they will be heard today as well we have support from our city counselor who also will be heard today from our state senator again she has staff on board as well as our state representative Ajo who submitted a letter of support as well um so we believe that the community process has has vetted this uh particular applicant uh substantially and we are ready to um move forward we hopefully with the with the addition of the beer wine and cordal license and I thank you very much for your attention thank you very much uh for that very thorough explanation my only question is and you may have mentioned it when did you open up with just the CV uh we opened up in May yeah May of this year because the build out took longer than expected because of distri Material supplies okay um so you've been opened um till 10 p.m. since May yes okay well you know from 800m but we want the flexibility because we know that once the be wine license is given hopefully uh that that it will obviously increase the business in the evening as well okay breakfast lunch and Dana great thank you commissioner Kar commissioner Saxon do you have any questions not at this time thank you none for me thank you thank you very much are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's offing to defer to the Judgment of this board some background information the community process on Helena Butters meeting once again uh July 24th uh there was one resident who expressed some concerns regarding trash which I believe the applicant pledged to continue to work with him on that uh they went on to meet with the Maverick Central civic association which was supportive of The Proposal that info will'll defer to the board this time thank you may I may I say something in response to uh the comment about the trash Madam chair um the the woman who appeared uh is well known um to to the uh applicant um and she she basically used our hearing as a forum to talk about the way people put out their trash especially the LA the absentee landlords around the corner but she had no complaints about this particular application or this particular applicant thank you for that clarification are there any other elected officials or other Representatives who would like to provide testimony on this item good morning Madam chair members of the board Rister from senat L Edward's office she would like to go on record as in full support of this application for for lorenza good morning Madam chair members of the board and Sebastian par from councel K's office and based on the community um process and based on the work that they've done to and to work with the community and the council would like to go in support of this project as well thank you thank you very much are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter yes also main is is important this thank you and one more time are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter seeing on the board will take this under advisement as well thank you very much thank you thank you thank you and calling item number 23 local Inc doing business as locali located at 350 to 352 Handover Street as applied for a common vial or 7-Day all alcoholic beverages license to be exercised on the above 135 ft restaurant located on the first floor includes kitchen dining area with seating for 30 alcohol storage in the rear all Patron exits and entrances are located on Handover Street manager Jennifer matazo Closing Time 11:00 PM attorney Jeffrey Drago attorney Drago thank you secretary green thank you Madame chair Commissioners attorney Jeff drgo with drgo and Tuscano here on behalf of the petitioner ly Jennifer matazo and her business local uh as was mentioned she is the manager of record and owner and petitioner for this location at 350-352 Hanover Street uh we are today as was mentioned applying for an all alcohol 7-Day license one of the unrestrict restricted um her particular business is located in a community commercial District a busy section of Hanover Street uh Jen has owned and operated local for over 10 years at this location uh her she started out and has grown slowly over time uh it is uh it has been a pizzeria uh she was half the size that she is now we went through the zoning board of appeals process back in April and were approved uh to expand that business in 2024 uh we also appeared before this board and uh were granted um for an alteration of premises to expand so she is now at 135 square feet uh basically taking the two stor fronts uh at this location um she actually um along with doing that she'll be opening again uh this Friday it's been under renovation uh for some months trying to build uh uh her new location which I provided uh to the board uh in the plans and packets uh this new location will actually expand her menu greatly so from a pizzeria she will now have all kinds of pasta salads anti Pasto uh she has been uh operating with Baron wine and cordiales uh through this time period And so there is a strong public need as she expanded um to hopefully add a full alcohol license um at at this location one um she actually built a whole seating and bar area in the expanded section of the new locali she was able to expand her kitchen area uh to provide more food and food prep in a larger area that would now be able to serve alcohol uh as people come in to dine she is basically a dinein experience although she does about 20% takeout most of her customer is looking to sit uh in dine at this location what she has found as she slowly expanded through the years is so many so many of her existing customer base is asking for the option to have um all alcohol or liquor with their food um and she is in a busy tourist area as well um and so many folks comment that they would like to see that that's evident in the support that she got as we went through this process we went through the full community process uh when we expanded her premises and then went through this again um as we asked for the all alcohol license we submitted over 29 letters uh of support we got the support of new neck the North End Waterfront Council uh and non opposition from new R uh we also um had well attended meetings where everyone uh was in full support of her doing this uh so there is a strong public need at this particular location uh she has a very clean record no violations through the years she also has a lot of experience through this time her and her assistant uh manager Tyler Carlson um have been serving bear wine and cordials without any issue uh during this uh 10-year period um that they've been opened and has experience um she is a US citizen uh Jennifer who is present on the call I want to add as a resident of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts she's familiar with the rules and regulations of this life lensing board the abcc and the Commonwealth uh the laws of the Commonwealth as well um she has experience working all this time at this location and her assistant manager not only has been a manager and serving alcohol at this location but as a bartender in other locations prior um as well um with that I can pause and answer any questions she's also on the call as well Madam share if there's any questions for either of us um sure thank you um um so we have to really dig into the public need with these licenses and these applications um the North End has a lot of restaurants um many of those restaurants have um beer and wine some of them have all alcohol licenses so can you for the boards um purposes um provide me with some more information about what makes your restaurant stand out from some of the other restaurants in the general area um you know what do you offer that um maybe what differentiates your concept or the experience someone might have when they go into locali um which just public support doesn't always necessarily translate to public need so if you could help us draw that out a little bit more would be great so this is a modern uh Pizzeria style restaurant which is somewhat unique for this particular area um with their expanded menu it'll have expansion on the pizzeria so all different kinds of Neapolitan Style pizzas pastas anti pasta as well it's in this community commercial I know many of the other restaurants are in commercial but some are mixed in more residential this is a heavy uh trafficked area she's a bit aways from other establishments that have full liquor license so it would make it somewhat unique uh for that do you know which what the closest all alcohol license is I don't I I can get back to that's okay we're actually building a map of the North End so able to see where all these licenses are like go ahead it's the Cantina Italiano which is right next door to us okay um she also um as part of this is expanding so um right now she's operating as a very small Pizzeria or had been um half the size that she is now by expanding she's going to have a whole bar seating area um she'll be a larger style restaurant so she'll be at300 5 square feet uh which now gives the ability to serve at the bar with food to also have um table Toops in the bar area and then a whole new food prep area so th this will be able to accommodate um a growing number um of folks as opposed to what she's able to um serve now and having the bar experience where a lot of folks come in um as singles not wanting to sit at a at a table um this gives them that opportunity now to have bar seating which many of the smaller restaurants in the area do not have Okay that's helpful um commissioner Saxon or commissioner curan do you have any questions not at this time no questions for me thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes Madam Madame chair members of the board callor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's office defer to the Judgment of this board on at hosted in ab's meeting July 10th uh there were no concerns raised in that meeting I understand as you heard from abin representation they went on to meet with nura and nck with nck supporting the proposal and no opposition from nura I understand that both Civics did not express concerns with thater to the board thank you hi madam chair uh members of the board Patrick Lions on behalf of state representative Aaron michowitz um he'd like to be on the record in strong support of this application uh Jen and her team have been nothing but an asset to the neighborhood um over the past 10 years and you know any opportunity to help them grow is something that will benefit the neighborhood greatly thank you thank you I see a hand rais from Daniel Tuscano Mr Tano you may please provide your testimony thank you uh thank you madam chair members of the board Daniel tsano um I just for clarification I was the previous second half of Drago in Tuscano but I am no longer a partner so I don't want the board to feel that Dan Tuscano is now calling on behalf of an applicant um I'm calling as a resident of the Northend 78 Prince Street in Boston Mass lifelong resident of the north end I've known Jennifer my entire life um the cheer had asked uh can you differentiate um your restaurant from other restaurants in the neighborhood I don't have to get into the the busyness of the neighborhood I think attorney Drago has done a great job and I think the board is aware the number of people that uh come to the North End for our dining experiences but there's two things um one Jennifer's restaurant since she's been open well over 10 years and I represented her in the past when we first when she first opened she CAD is not only to the tourist uh people that come to the neighborhood but it is such a local environment the the amount of people from the neighborhood that enjoy to go to locali is is great um it's it's a great local um establishment for for people like myself and my family to go and I know that the need for Jennifer there's always been people that come in and want to mix drink or in a cocktail and just can't get in and she does lose business the second thing I think attorney Drago touched upon it is the uniqueness of her restaurant there's nothing like local in the North End it's you know this the um the concept was a gourmet pizza place there are pizza places in the North End there's nothing like local where she gets all her ingredients local and I think that's why she named it local I know why she named it local locali because that's where she goes and she gets her ingredients it's all local and she prepares them but there's nothing like that concept of gourmet pizzas in in the neighborhood um and now she's expanding she got the the U business next door and she's going to add more local flavors so it's a great establishment not only for the tourists but for the local um population as well I just want to touch upon on character and I'll be real quick I know it's been a long day Jennifer is a lifelong resident in the north then um her kids went to school in the neighborhood her kids grew up in our boys and girls club in in the in the neighborhood she's probably one of the only if very few residents are of mom and pop stores that we have left in the neighborhood Jennifer's been a part of the neighborhood her entire life she still maintains um her residency there her family still in the neighborhood she's always accessible to the neighborhood and the people if there's ever a problem I can tell you there's probably has never been a problem at locali as attorney Dre will touched upon it she's had a be and wine license for many years I don't believe there's been any violations she closes early I don't think she's expanding her um hours her operation um so she's been a she's a great neighbor she's a valuable asset to this community I know the board is going to be faced with some challenging decisions with a limited number of Al alcohol licenses and a lot of applicants want them in the north end but I think this board if they Grant this license could look back and feel very confident and comfortable that they gave this license to a good applicant um that will be Pro productive for many years to come and they will never have to worry about violations at this location and I think she'll be um very deserving of the application so thank you it's been great to come back on the board to to say something sorry I had to wait so long but it's been great so good to see everybody I appreciate the opportunity thank you very much for your testimony are there any other individuals with us uh this afternoon who would like to testify on this matter Danny I do have one more question if no one else has has uh commentary or uh testimony um this question might be for Jennifer or attorney Drago should you be granted an all alcohol license would you be surrendering your beer and wine license to the city yes yes okay thank you I have no other questions thank you anything further from the board on this matter that the board will take this matter under advisement as well thank you very much those are all the items before the board this morning the board will convene to vote tomorrow morning at 10: a.m. notice has been posted to the city's website uh that will adjourn this morning's hearing thank you and enjoy the rest of your day thank you