good afternoon we'll just give a brief moment to clear the waiting room and make sure that folks have connected to audio good afternoon this is the voting hearing of the licensing board for the city of Boston today is Wednesday May 1st 2024 today's hearing is being recorded and will be posted to the city of Boston's website while the public is encouraged to attend no additional testimony will be accepted today we'll begin with the licensed premise inspection hearing which occurred yesterday Tuesday April 30th 2024 item number one Boston Ballroom Corporation doing business as Royale located at 279 Tremont Street date of the incident December 13 2023 assault and battery employee on Patron in violation of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 64 and chapter 265 section 13A and failure to call 911 in violation of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 64 and board's rule 1.14b sorry about that um so uh reviewing the video and listening to the testimony on on Tuesday um the allegation was that um the patron instigated the bouncer um I don't think this was an appropriate response under any circumstances so I do see a violation for the assault and battery um employee on Patron um ahead oh yeah I I thought you were taking separately you want to separately or no I'll to the next one um because I have a couple more comments um as far as the failure to call 911 I don't see a violation there staff in my opinion was fully Cooperative after the fact um I don't think they're aware at the m in the moment that this was something that required them to call 911 um and um so I don't see a violation for that um so I had a violation on both uh and then with regard to the first one the only thing I wanted to add I agree with your comments the thing I wanted to add was you know they essentially are alleging a a self-defense you know that he did the bouncer did hit the alleged victim but it it was self-defense I really feel like if you're going to allege a bouncer as acting in self-defense we we need to hear direct testimony and that was one of my big problems during the year so I had a violation on both and that that's all I have to say I guess m sax any comments yeah I mean um you know certainly an a verbal assault like that that is uh is unacceptable on the Patron's part but um we don't want to uh allow bouncers to be able to um use physical means in response so um you know I I do do find a violation I thought that it would I thought the assault was pretty you know I thought the response was was would have riled suspicions enough to to have um called for the establishment to have called the police so um and I and I do feel like you know there have been enough uh other matters previously with them where we have told them to like call the police you know even if there's a question so I think they have been notified enough about their requirement to call the police so uh sounds like we are unanimous on a violation on the assault and battery the employee on Patron failure to call 911 Char Joyce you find no violation there yes but um I concede with their comments that uh I value their comments so that's fine I also do want to note for the public and for the record that they did upgrade their video system um and have reinforced with staff the training and took this person off the schedule immediately so I do appreciate their work um to make things right and to retrain their staff um does not change the violation but my my disposition for that would be uh my vote would be for a warning so I think warnings are appropriate okay I agree warning on each as a to separate warnings or warning for the totality of the incident probably two separate I think they're different things yeah I respect the commissioner's comments about the failure to call the police it's something we really are encouraging lenses to do when in doubt to call the police right so a violation on both counts with a warning for each and it will be noted that the chair found no violation for the failure to call 911 item number two was not heard yesterday and will be rescheduled to the next available hearing date item number three 1732 Center Street Inc doing business as West located at 1732 to 1736 Center Street in West Roxbury date of the incident was December 1st 2023 assault and battery Patron on employee in violation of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 64 and chapter 265 section 13A salted battery employee on Patron in violation of Mass General Law chapter 138 section 64 and chapter 265 section 13A and assault and battery Patron on Patron in violation of Mass General Law chapter 138 section 64 and chapter 265 section 13A I see no violation I agree item number four elasti Corp doing business as Napper tandes located at 4187 to 4195 Washington Street in Rosendale date of the incident December 5th 2023 overdose on premise times two in violation of Mass General law CH 138 section 64 chapter 94c and board's rule 1.13 I see a violation here for overdose um I think it should it should have been foreseeable that this could happen the way they were monitoring the bathrooms a lack of monitoring of bathrooms yeah um the the one thing that got me over the line for a violation here is that they they've actually had it wasn't recently right was with the same Management Group it wasn't like there was any lack of continuity there they've had a previous sick assist for an overdose so yeah I think maybe it was the first time it would be a lot to hang on them but not in the the totality of circumstances so I agree and the last one was back in 2019 right SI assist was 2018 2018 um so my my vote would be for here yeah sorry what was that the was that warning warning we said right violation what they warning item number five big night venues Boston 4 LLC doing business as scorpion bar in restaurant the grand located at 25 Northern AV date of the incident December 17th 2023 assault and battery with a dangerous weapon Patron on Patron in violation of mass gen Law chapter 138 section 64 and chapter 265 section 15a this Li E uses the Evol security system which we've been told is one of the or which we know to be one of the most state of the app security systems that being said it malfunctioned um knowing that this security system malfunctioned they had a secondary system in place and they missed the firearm I see a violation here I think it doesn't matter how good your security system is um it's foreseeable that someone could get in with a gun if it malfunctions um so I I think they did what they could do but they did miss the firearm and I believe it was a fore ability Factor here um I agree it's foreseeable I think they assessed that it was foreseeable um I I did feel like they were you know in the in the first instance they were putting in an honest effort to try to detect weapons uh and then when when it happened I I felt they acted very appropriately so I was more on the side of no violation but not that I wasn't concerned about their failure to detect when using the wand so maybe my point of focus would be on training with those wands and even with the evolv in all the systems they're using just to make sure they're being used properly because I know that they said that the gun was polymer but I mean it feels to me that all the bullets would have been detected by proper wanding so I I don't know um I'm very close on it but I I did feel like when they got the report that had done had been brandished they really acted quite appropriately so I felt like I wanted to give them credit for that part of the situation so that's where I was at I I actually agreed that would have been um foreseeable to to have something to slip by since there there was um malfunction there um you know maybe there's correspondence that talks about you know proper wanding training but um yeah I mean I see where you vot I I think my vote was for a warning and with correspondence from the board I don't think this was something that was so I mean it's a serious thing that a gun got in for absolutely for sure and I agree with commissioner Karin that they you know have proper training in place and they had a backup thing but um I still think the fact that a gun got in a room crowded room full of people um it's foreseeable should something Break um so listening to both of you um I would vote for a first warning with correspondents I think there are some mitigating factors here and that can be taken into consideration should this happen again but I still think my vote would be for a first warning I can agree with those comments the be it being a you know a cited first warning and um you know the factors maybe mitigating for for the next time yeah hopefully there is no next time right yeah this is very unusual circumstances um hopefully they yeah so commissioner Karin with all that said do you do you you do find a violation or your vote is still for no violation yeah I think I'm convinced that you know the seriousness of you know sometimes you have to weigh kind of the seriousness of it as far as what the the efforts were and even though I was hesitant I I think that the fail you know failure with the wanding is maybe you know if they're not using that properly that that is a failure so I'm on the on the side of uh violation sorry violation with a warning and correspondence uh outlining the importance of training staff and security especially should their system malfunction item number six big night venues Boston 4 LLC doing business as scorpion bar and restaurant the grand located at 25 Northern AV date of the incident December 17th 2023 indecent assault and battery Patron on employee in violation of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 64 we did receive a lot of video on this I reviewed it I did not see a violation yeah I had no violation as well did not see it thank you no violation at number Seven atg Inc doing business as clearies located at 331 to 335 Columbus AB date of the incident December 17 2023 assault and battery employee on Patron in violation of Mass General Law chapter 138 section 64 and chapter 265 section 13A and uncooperative with police in violation of Mass General Law chapter 138 section 64 and board's rule 1.10 A and B I would actually like to schedule them to come back there was no video there's no victim there's no eyewitnesses we did have the idavid but I do have a couple questions for that person that I would like an opportunity for them to come before us again and answer them sounds good a second hearing will be scheduled item number eight Grove Hall Food Corp doing business as Grove Hall convenience market located at 479 Blue Hill AB in Dorchester date of the incident uh February 26 2024 assault and battery Patron on Patron in rear parking lot in violation of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 64 and chapter 265 section 13A and overcrowding mechanical count 70 capacity 16 in violation of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 64 and board's rule 1.03 J and 1.06 a and F I see no violation for the assault and battery in the parking lot I see a violation for the overcrowding I agree great and I my vote would be for for a first warning for the overcrowding I agree I agree no violation of the assault and battery violation with a first warning for the overcrowding item number nine Grove Hall Food Corp doing business as Grove Hall convenience market located at 479 Blue Hill Aven Dorchester date of the incident March 30th 2024 bottle service in violation of M general laws chapter 138 section 64 overcrowding 50 found of a canical count capacity 16 in violation of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 64 and Boards rule 1.03 J and 1.06 a and F and blocked fire exits in violation of Mass General La chapter 138 section 64 and Boards rule 1.06 a um for the bottle service I see no violation I agree and I see a violation for the overcrowding and for the block fire exit that's sorry the same way I agree so this would now be the second violation for overcrowding if there is another one before they get their capacity changed that may result in them being shut down um and a first warning for the block fire exits good so a second warning on the overcrowding and a first warning on the Block fire exits yes great and item number 10 Fogo tocha chisara Boston LLC doing business as Fogo chiao chisara located at 200 dmouth Street date of the incident December 25th 2023 intoxicated underage Patron on premise in violation of Mass General Law chapter 138 section 64 um I see no violation here there was no evidence that this girl ordered an alcoholic drink or was served an alcoholic drink or that the lensy knew she was drinking an alcoholic drink yeah I did I didn't get there the way especially the way it was written up intoxicated under I just I agree no violation moving on to the transactional hearing which occurred this morning Wednesday May 1st 2024 item number one 94 Shirley Street boss LLC doing business as South Boston bytes located at 94 Shirley Street in Roxbury has petitioned to change the operating hours to 6:00 am. to 2: am. I really appreciate the lenses work on their security and operations plan it was helpful they walked me through it walked all of us through it um my vote is to approve the change in hours I agree I agree item number two sigh Family Group LLC doing business as McDonald's located at 360 Western AV uh has petitioned to change the closing hour to 5: a.m. to 1: am. for the indoor Lobby and 1:00 a.m. to 3:00 am. for delivery only through the drive-thru uh my vote is to approve the extension of hours the amendment to their hours uh yes I do we integrate the lights out and no speakers on because I thought that was an important point for the um patrons uh so this is the drive-thru and they agree to shut the exterior lights off and I think that's a great idea and not have the um the drive-through speaker operable so the um the drivers would just drive straight up to the the window you agree yeah it makes sense yeah I agree great so at a condition that the drive-through lights and speakers will be turned off uh at 1: am thank you item number three s High Family Group LLC doing business as McDonald's located at 540 Commonwealth a has petition to change the closing hours of the license business to uh from 5:30 to 2: a.m. for the Indo Lobby and 2: a.m. to 3: a.m. for delivery only with pickups in the lobby I vote to approve the change in hours I agree I agree adem number four S high and Suns Associates one LLC doing business as McDonald's restaurant located at 12:23 Commonwealth Aven Alon as petitioned to change the hours to 5:00 a.m. to 10: a.m. for the indoor Lobby and 2 am to 3:00 a.m. for delivery only in the bestest of my vot is to approve my comments are that I do think these applications will um serve our third shift workers and and enhance the late night economy um it is incumbent on the leny to make sure these thirdparty deliveries are not double and triple parking I think they do have a reasonable plan in place but they need to monitor that they need to continue to monitor that I second and agree on approving I agree items five and seven Delta Airlines Inc doing business as Delta Sky Club uh located at Logan Airport Terminal E in East Boston this is a common vitual license and a club airport alcoholic beverages license petitioning to amend the description of the license business to premise consists of a total 27,100 ft that will be used as a Delta Sky Club at 20763 FT and a Delta 1 Lounge of 6,337 Ft including assembly space with a bar lounge and dining areas and a commercial kitchen I vote to approve um yes that's all we need right I do as well I agree great item number six Wonder Boston LLC doing business as Wonder Museum located at 2 Avenue de Lafayette petion to change the manager to John Carlo Natali um I vote to approve Mr Natali as manager record I believe he has the appropriate character and fitness to serve I agree I agree item eight Back Street Boston lesie LLC doing business as kton Onyx Hotel located at 155 Portland Street as a petition to amend the description of the licensed business to in whole of said building being a 6,790 ft hotel with 12 floors including reception Lobby and Lobby Bar storage rooms meeting room pantry and Pantry prep rooms and 112 guest rooms with a total of two entrances and four exits also to include an annual private door patio of 684 s ft² with a closing hour of 12:00 a.m. secondly has also petitioned to change the DBA to pennyweight Hotel I vote to approve the amendment in the description um and to approve the outdoor patio as well as the DBA I agree I agree item number nine will be continued to the May 22nd transactional hearing item number 10 pqt doing business as green Gardens Liquor and Deli located at 35 West Milton Street in Hyde Park has petition to transfer the license to VJ Partners Inc doing business as green Gardens Liquor and Deli at the same location millson Pina manager 11:00 p.m. closing hour and as petition to update update the description of the premise two the premise to be licensed is located on the ground floor of a two-story Standalone building with one room on the ground floor and basement for storage with one entrance in the front one exit on the side and one exit in the rear I vote to approve the transfer and to approve Mr Pena's manager record I believe he has the appropriate character and fitness to serve and I approve the update to this description I vote to approve as well I agree item number 11 100 Stewart Street LLC doing business as Metro located at 100 Stewart Street as petition to transfer the license to Big House LLC doing business as basement at the same location Michael knockman manager 2: a.m. closing hour and has requested bottle service to be provided at five tables in the lounge area vote to approve the transfer the addition of the bottle service um in the 2 am closing hour I V to approve the application I agree item number 12 Ash and Ben LLC doing business as Sushi Capo located at 86 Peterboro Street has a petition to transfer the license and the location to Omi Symphony Inc doing business as Omi Korean Grill located at 267 Huntington AV sh Yan Zang manager and Al also petitioned to uh change the closing hour to 1:00 am I vote to approve the transfer and Mr Jang is manager record I believe he is the appropriate character and fitness to serve and I also vote to approve the change in ours I agree agre item 13 law Place Inc located at 688a Columbia Road in Dorchester has petitioned to transfer the license and the location to the Pearl group at Boston Landing LLC doing business as the Pearl located at 67 to 69 Guest Street MAA Winder manager uh and also has petition to change the closing hour to 2: am I vote to approve the transfer um I Believe Miss wer is already An approved manager of record but if not I vote to approve her as manager of record and also to approve the change in closing hour I agree item 14 faux on ther LLC doing business as fa on ther located at 11 ther Street in Roxbury has petition to transfer the license and the location to noan cport LLC doing business as noan cport located at 117 cport Boulevard near Al Patel manager 2 a.m. closing hour as petition to pledge the license and inventory to Northern Bank again this reappeared on our agenda to approve additional beneficial interest holders so we already approved this standing that is correct okay and item 15 just bookish LLC doing business as just bookish located at 1463 to 1467 doorchester AB in doorchester has applied for a common vit or 7-Day wines and M beverages license uh manager Justin brck closing time 900m I vote to approve a license at this location I believe um they establish the public need for this type of license and this concept um the approval would be pending the availability um of one for which they qualify I also vote to approve Mr bradrick as manager record I believe he has the appropriate character in Fitness to serve I agree I agree to all moving on to non- hearing transactions the following have applied for a new common or license at a previously licensed location item one 273 Huntington AV Inc doing business as Boston Halal located at 273 Huntington AV manager Nal Patel hours of operation 11:00 am to 11: PM I vote to approve I agree I agree item two Mission Hill Donuts LLC doing business as Duncan Donuts located at 1443 Tremont Street in Mission Hill manager Mark peshi hours of operation 5:00 am. to 10 pm I vote to approve I I agree item three Mission Hill Donuts LLC doing business as Dunkin Donuts located at 37 South Huntington AV in Jamaica plane manager Mark peshy hours of operation 5:00 am to 10m I vote to approve I agree I agree and item Four J stew Coffee Company LLC located at seven Pond Street in Jamaica plane manager Jeb Taylor hours of operations 7: am to 3M I vote to approve I agree the following have applied to make changes to their existing common Vitor license item one Cafe dark LLC doing business as Cafe dark located at 40 Beach Street as petitioned to change the closing hour from 10 p.m. to 11: p.m vote to approve I agree great items two and three East Boston Donuts LLC sorry two three and four uh East Boston Donuts LLC doing business as Dunkin Donuts at 356 Bennington Street in East Boston Benning Bennington Street Donuts LLC doing business as Dunkin Donuts at 951 Bennington Street in East Boston and Maverick Square Donuts LLC doing business as Dunkin Donuts at 13 to 15 Maverick Street in East Boston have all petition to change the manager to Andrew Condon I vote to approve I agree the following have applied to make changes to their existing lodging house license items 1 through 7 The Dudley in limited partnership with locations at 430 Dudley Street 432 Dudley Street 434 Dudley Street 436 Dudley Street 81 Westland AV 23 to 25 Alaska Street and 1202 Commonwealth a have all petitioned to change the manager to Thomas NE I vote to approve I agree and the board has before them a list of applications for special one-day alcoholic beverages licenses which have been administratively reviewed by staff and approved by the board and there are two items uh for vote on old and new business item one one fan Hall MV restaurant LLC doing business as Margaritaville located at 300 Fel Hall Marketplace is requesting to sell alcoholic beverages on Sundays beginning at 10: am how about to approve I agree and item two V vetto Restaurant Inc doing business as filipo Restaurante and duali Pizzeria and bar at 283 Causeway Street is also requesting the sale of alcoholic beverages on Sundays beginning at 10 amm I vote to approve I agree thank you those are all the guid before the board today so that we'll adjourn this afternoon's voting hearing thank you all and enjoy the rest of your day thank you thank you --------- good morning thank you all for joining us we're going to give just a moment to clear the waiting room and make sure that folks have connected to audio and can hear us as a reminder when you are entering from the waiting room please do remain on mute unless or until you are appearing or testifying before the board good morning this is a hearing before the licensing board for the city of Boston today is Wednesday May 1st 2024 today's hearing is being held pursuant two temporary amendments to the open meeting law that is what allows us to meet virtually today's hearing is being recorded and will be posted to the city of Boston's website before I review procedural matters I will introduce chairwoman of the board Kathleen Joyce good morning my name is Kathleen Joyce I'm chair of the Boston licensing board and joined today with U by commissioner Liam Karan and commissioner Kiana Saxon thank you and just one piece of scheduling housekeeping for those in attendance uh the board will be meeting to vote on the agenda items this afternoon at 1M rather than the normally scheduled Thursday morning notice has been posted to the city of Boston's website for this morning's hearing please ensure that your audio and visuals are working properly I will call each item in the order that it appears on this morning's agenda I will then ask who is present on behalf of the applicant you'll make a brief presentation regarding your proposal followed by questions by the chair and Commissioners following questions there will be an opportunity for Testimony beginning with elected officials or their representatives please limit your testimony to 2 minutes and please state your name address and affiliation if any with the first item on this morning's agenda calling item number one 94 Shirley Street boss LLC doing business as South Boston byes located at 94 Shirley Street in Roxbury holder of a common vict license has petitioned to change the operating hours of the business from 10:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. to 6:00 am. to 2: a.m. this is a second hearing on this matter that was requested after the submission of a security plan and the completion of the community process who is present on behalf of the applicant I am K Beach thank you Mr Beach uh the floor is yours to uh again present the proposed changes to the board thank you good morning I'm kit Beach and speaking on behalf of 94 Shirley Street I'm the regional general manager and I'm joined by Carlton ma who is our new GM for the site thank you for your time and for considering our requests for expanded hours today I want to spend my time highlighting some of the changes we have made over the past four weeks but before I do that I want to give a quick background on the business at 94 Shirley Street we have 26 kitchens that are licensed to individual businesses each kitchen is its own room and that business owner has a key to it is a dedicated space for them each kitchen has its own LLC and receives its own health permit we provide the basic infrastructure like a hood and sinks and the restaurant brings in their own equipment they then use the space to repair food for catering and delivery through apps like Huber eats and GrubHub there is no dining that takes place at the facility but we do have a kiosk and customers have the ability to place an order on site for takeout we currently have 16 small business owners that represent a diversity of Cuisine types to include Italian Brazilian African and Asian since we last presented we have been busy we have filed a request to change our name from South Boston btes to roxbury's New Market food Hub this was based on feedback from the local community and we're really excited about the the new name if and when it is approved we plan to have a launch event inviting the neighborhood last week we opened our doors to the local community and had the privilege of meeting with the Dudley Street neighborhood initiative the office of Neighborhood Services and the Boston city council for district 7 councelor Fernandez Anderson earlier in the year we also met with the abutters and listened to their ideas which we have incorporated into our revised security plan and protocols as PR your request we have developed a comprehensive security plan to include training our staff on how to manage specific scenarios contracted New England security for daily patrols and they even created a dedicated hotline for us uh and we've installed new cameras last and most important we have hired a new general manager for the facility Carlton mabery Carlton is a lifelong Bostonian and joins our team following successful leadership roles at the daily table in Dorchester and Roxbury one thing I would like to call out is that following our meetings with dsni we have a few action items one of which being the idea to develop a partnership to support local food entrepreneurs we look forward to maintaining that dialogue and and continuing the uh coming up with ideas as we move forward security parking and noers are of great importance to our company and operations for parking the parking spots in the front are reserved for delivery drivers and we have excess parking behind the building for employees it's worth noting we see about 20% of deliveries are by bike and scooter and we expect that to grow if there are any issues with parking we have encouraged our neighbors to let us know in regards to truck noise we have minimal traffic and on a typical day we see two to three trucks between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm and they utilize one of our loading docks our I do want to know our neighbors have a very busy truck volume and they have the majority of the trucks uh traffic that's in the in the parking lot and they operate throughout the day to support these small businesses and create more local food options our team is asking the city of Boston to amend our operating hour to reflect expanded hours we have filed to amend the hours of operation from 10: a.m. to 10: p.m. to 6:00 a.m. to 2: a.m. currently in the Roxbury zip code of 02119 there are limited food options in the early morning and late evening through this amendment the city of Boston will be able to update the food options for Roxbury residents meeting demand and creating culinary opportunities to date we have created around 40 jobs and with these hours approved we expect to create another 20 to 30 jobs again thank you for your time and consideration for these expanded hours thank you Mr Beach we'll see if the board has any questions at this time starting with chman Joyce uh thank you thank you for that update um I'm taking a look right now at your um your security plan and your procedures can you walk me through um I'm on page 10 uh the facility access and the order pickup process I see the lockers and stuff can you just talk us through that yes so the only room that public has access to is highlighted on page 10 uh as the driver check in the typical process for pickup is a driver or customer will walk in they will scan their phone on a tablet if the food is ready the lockers will automatically pop open people will then take their food and and leave if order is not ready they'll receive a notice on the screen that says order will be ready in X number of minutes and they can input their phone number and they'll receive a text message when the order is ready uh for anyone for access to the back of house we have an open pass security system and people receive credentials to to access the backup house okay I haven't had a chance yet to look at the video you sent along so um how many are there any people are stopping this window at certain times a day and I know you mentioned um Mr ma who's working there like talk me through that there was some security issues at our last hearing that were expressed and I just want to see here again with the pictures in front of me and the plan in front of me in real time so we staff the what we call the processing center with our team we're committing to Staffing that with at least one person during all of our operating hours regardless of the volume that we see in the facility and so that person's job is not only to uh process and exate the food within the processing center but additionally uh interact with customers and interact with drivers and those are the that's my team and those are the people we train on deescalation uh how to handle specific scenarios Etc okay um so on page 16 you say in the event of an aggressive delivery driver a customer talk me through that yes so uh the the most likely scenario that could occur is it is someone's food is not ready and and they become agitated um with our technology we've seen a big decrease in that happening because the tablet actually shows you exactly when the food is ready um our team is trained to deescalate that scenario and just try and reassure the person that the food will be ready they'll go check on the kitchen to see where it is um if they're unhappy then we'll just suggest that there're you know they can cancel the order um and you know feel feel free to leave if it continues to escalate that's where we have our hotline with New England security as well as Carlton who's on site all day and um you know he's trained in D escalating these scenarios okay but if worst case scenario we'll call on New England security for help I really appreciate the work you put into this plan I'm still reviewing it but I can tell you did put some time and thought through some of the issues that we had commissioner carar and commissioner Saxon do you have any questions uh not at this time thank you no questions from me thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes madame chair members of the board Conor with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's office like defer to the Judgment of this board um some background information in the community process as as previously stated on hosted an abutters meeting on March 4th uh there were some abutters and attendance uh who lived in residential areas nearby that had some concerns regarding uh noise um from the Mechanicals of the building as well as from uh delivery drivers uh the noise also that coming from traffic as well um the applicant responded believing that some of that noise may be from a tenant that they share space with another operator um there was also some delivery drivers that also expressed concerns about the existing security layout um the applicant then went on to meet with the dsni The Dudley square neighborhood initiative uh the dsni ultimately although some members had some concerns uh the majority were in support of this proposal uh thinking that it was a good opportunity for the neighborhood uh they stated though uh that they're looking forward to ways of collaborating but they want um South Boston bites are the operator to ensure the drivers do not play loud music when waiting for orders especially during the evening and night hours uh that there's removal of trash from the site more frequently um and that they make sure workers receive a living wage uh SL salary and jobs are available for community members um there was a few of the tenants there that had also expressed some concerns we understand that the applicant has has worked with them and addressed uh some of their concerns and a few of them have um uh brought back their their letters uh in opposition that they had previously sent in uh with that information we'll defer to the board this time thank you thank you I do see a hand raised uh we have a representative from councelor Anderson's office with us if you'd like to provide your testimony yes thank you hello um thank you to the chair and members uh my name is Angie I'm representing councelor Anderson councelor Anderson appreciates the opportunity to address the board and uh regard and regarding uh and since her support to the 94 Shirley Street Boston LLC their commitment to diversity and Community benefits in the district such as commissioning a local artist of color to beautify the outside of the building and adding more green space to the property are commendable uh she believes this project will positively impact the district and contribute to its economic growth and prosperity thank you very much are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter seeing none the board will take this under advisement thank you sorry this is Ben Murphy from the New Market business improvement district I'd like to testify in support on this matter I go ahead thank you very much and I also see a hand rais from Sue Sullivan uh Miss Sullivan you can uh provide your testimony as well okay I'm just following up with Ben I think Ben was going to further identify the fact that we have been through the building we are 100% in support of what they're trying to do there um I have to say it is um it could be a game Cher in the neighborhood for adding uh varied um options for um for those employees in the area that have very few um options for food and uh I'm applaud the work that they've done to reach out to the community in the last months thank you very much I will ask again are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this matter under advisement thank you calling item number two s Family Group LLC doing business as McDonald's located at 360 Western AV in Brighton holder of a common viter license has petitioned to change the closing hour of the license business from from 5:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. at the indoor Lobby to 5:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. indoor Lobby and 1:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. delivery only through the drive-thru who's present on behalf of the applicant good morning attorney green this is Dennis quilty repres attorney representing the applicant if the board chooses the numbers three and four are the same ownership entity with the exact same um request if you wanted to call them together but with me this morning are two members of the family sherro sigh and VJ sigh thank you uh T these are three different addresses in three different neighborhoods I don't know if you would like to consider these together or separately I don't mind considering them together but can you address the different neighborhood neighborhoods individually yes ma'am okay we'll call also together items three and four item number three sell High Family Group LLC doing business as McDonald's uh this one is at 540 Commonwealth a holder of a common Vitor license petitioning to change the closing hour of the licensed business from 5:30 a.m. to 2: a.m. at the indoor Lobby to 5:30 a.m. to 2: a.m. at the indoor Lobby and 2: a.m. to 3:00 a.m. for delivery only pickups in the lobby and item four sell high and Suns Associates 1 LLC doing business as McDonald's restaurant at 12:23 Commonwealth AV in Alon holder of a common vitler license has petitioned to change the closing hour of the license business from 5:00 a.m. to 2: a.m. at the indoor Lobby to 5: a.m. to 2 a.m. at the indoor Lobby and 2: a.m. to 3:00 a.m. delivery only in the vestibule attorney quilty you may proceed thank you attorney green thank you madam chair members of the board um again Dennis quilty representing the applicant in these three matters um as to the uh geography if you will first of all the first and the the number two and number four uh were actually both considered in the Alon neighborhood by Neighborhood Services they requested that we meet with the Austin civic association on both of those matters which we did on February 21st uh on also did not require a um and a Butters meeting once we had met with the ACA the uh middle application number three is a smacked da in the middle of com Kenmore Square we met with the Kenmore Association and the Kenmore residents um and again on did not require oh no we actually did have a anab Butters meeting on that one we had anab Butters meeting on that one as well um so the the requests are very similar which is a extending their closing to 3:00 a.m. for deliveries only uh each of them has kind of a special um circumstance if you will a number two which is the Western Avenue location has a current drive-thru fully licensed and operational it is only through that drive-thru area that they would allow that last hour of of delivery and these are again orders called in through various apps uh and drivers come by to the drive-thru to pick up the product uh and leave uh they've also agreed in this location that the outdoor speakers and additional lights will not be functional during that last hour of operation in order to you know carefully adhere to Neighborhood standards um as to the Commonwealth Avenue one uh again this is a uh there is a vestibule lobby area which is the only area that would be accessible where this one additional hour of of delivery pickups if you will and again these are matters that are drive up to the uh exterior um and uh into the lobby to pick up and dis and leave uh again on this one we did meet with the Kenmore Association and the kemore residents I believe uh Pam Beal from Kenmore Association is on this morning um the last matter is again Austin it's 1223 common Austin uh and this one again has a uh vestibule area which is accessible where when the rest of the store can be closed down for the night so it's only into the vestibule area that these uh last hour deliveries would occur uh on in this location there are metered s metered parking spaces on Commonwealth Avenue this is the corner of Commonwealth and Harvard um and in front of the store there are delivery spaces as well um again this is uh this additional hour uh the applicants feel will be a great enhancement to their business without causing any undue harm or or inconvenience on the neighborhood uh these businesses are family-owned and to my knowledge they have no violations whatsoever with the licensing board for any of their activities they are well respected business people and um we submit they can operate this additional hour very safely and comfortably um and we're certainly happy to take any of your questions uh today thank you okay I probably should have taken them one at a time because I know the neighborhoods are different and the traffic and parking impacts could be different I'm going to reserve my right to go back and ask questions on number two but um for number three um have you thought through any of the traffic or parking impacts that we might see here on comav well it's it's uh as you're familiar certainly Madam chair it's literally at the corner of pretty much at the corner of com Commonwealth and um Brookline Avenue in the kemore Square neighborhood and on this particular side of the street there are u a number of businesses uh with um you know parking you know not not long-term parking but availability to pull off the the street onto the curb run in pick up the product and leave um it's in this hour of the night our our hope is that uh you know Red Sox business will not be uh in in place uh and the other businesses in the area have pretty much ceased operation even the major restaurants which have 2 am licenses uh would at that time have ceased operation so we feel as though it would be a simple matter to pull over to the curb run in to the lobby area the vestibule area pick up the product and leave we don't believe there'd be any any impact in when we had our what about like Uber Eats and all that how much of the business at that time of night is say third party operators we we're finding problems with that throughout the city double parking people because obviously there's no drive up window here right parking lot I mean excuse me it is excuse me mostly you know those those kinds of services but again this this particular location the operation is in completely visible the vehicle would be visible from the store the store visible to the vehicle it's a very easy you know literally run out ac across the uh you know the sidewalk to the pickup area and and leave I can't imagine it would take the average driver more than you know a few seconds to pull over get the product and leave we don't Envision any double parking or or queued up waiting for this to happen I mean these are pretty much done on on an order that the driver knows when the product is ready uh the store can see the drivers pull up they pull out you they walk out to the vestibule hand the product and the person's gone um it's in in both the business and the driver everybody's interest to do this as quickly as possible and we believe there is plenty of uh room on this particular corner at this hour uh for this to happen without any inconvenience to you know pedestrians or other drivers Etc so it'll just be third party deliveries from two to three yes ma'am okay um and same questions for number four for number four this is one is this is the corner of common Harbor yeah there are metered spaces on the Comm side of the building uh which is and we are literally on the corner and then in front of the restaurant on Harvard there are pickup and delivery uh spots so we envisioned that either at at the Comm side depending upon where the driver was coming from or the Harvard side they would literally pull up and again this is the vestibule area which is literally on the street easily visible from both Harvard and Comm and again if this is a matter of pulling up quickly the product is being walked out to the vestibule handed to the driver and then and they leave but there's a bus stop a hydrant and a crosswalk there so they can park there on on harav no man but there are there are I don't have the the map in front of me but there are delivery uh zones nearby I see it yeah I'm just I'm just trying to do my due diligence we're getting throughout the entire city about third party deliveries no I understand double triple parking running in idling waiting for the food it's not ready um so I think these are maybe slightly different here in that you know at this hour of the night course there wouldn't be as much traffic on the streets um again it's again areas that are uh you know easily visible to the driver and and likewise from the store to the driver that you know they can see that somebody's out there walk to the vesu boom hand it off and you're gone so how many people are working between three and four uh guys are you with us here shirro or VJ yep hi Dennis morning morning uh thank you everybody for allowing us to have the time today first um we have uh around 12 people working uh on our highest volume nights so Fridays and Saturdays and then on uh Monday through Thursday we're looking at about 8 to 10 people um on a consistent basis um because of the traffic and the volume and then it allows us to provide more hours to our individuals uh in the later uh period um and people in that climate are working second job so we usually have a minimum we can run and operate without uh eight people uh at least and we get up to 12 on a high volume night when it comes to any you know March Madness or any of those times uh from a staffing perspective we're looking at 14 to 16 people in that comab site 1223 so do you have a a plan in place for people to um look out for double and triple parked cars yes so we actually have uh managers on duty who have relationships with most of the consistent uh 3PO partner pickup couriers um that you know they tell them to park on the side where uh it's the um not the Harvard AB side but the com AB side where there's meted parking yeah um this way they instruct them that hey before you enter the store um make sure you're not double parking on the Harvard AB side um if for any reason there to Dennis's point the food pickup spots that are designated now on Harvard AV if those are available then they let them know but um prior to uh the other element that we do is we consistently update the instructions on the 3PO apps or the third party offering apps so where to park um and where to pick up so because this extension would be essentially VES pickup only and delivery only and it would be no traditional inore business happening we would instruct them to park in the comav side ad Meed parking and then enter the comav side vestibule instead of the harbor AV door uh and then pick up from there exit from there and then uh leave from there so that would eliminate a lot of our double parking and and we did uh in all transparency we did have this opportunity about four or five years ago um where we saw this bottleneck of traffic happening on the outside but once we started clarifying the instructions and let it you know the 3PO Partners know on a consistent basis that's when we were able to start inflicting change with them otherwise it was a tough battle but we would instruct them prior to I appreciate that but in real time uh who's going to be the person if they don't follow the instructions that goes out and tells them to move their car we have different shift managers or supervisors who are in charge of running the shift every night and they're the ones who are in charge okay okay uh commissioner Kar commissioner Saxon do you have any questions at this point I might have questions later um for the two vestibule ones what's the plan to keep people from getting past the V so in Kenmore Square right now uh which is uh 540 Commonwealth Avenue we do have a walkup window there um already in place and the uh vestibule option essentially is the interior door would be locked and the only way that somebody would be able to take a delivery order at that point would be if they were to show their code number and then we would have the shelving the stage shelving because our lobby business would be shut down at that point we'd have a stage shelf uh to hold our food uh right in the lobby or that ordering area and once the number showed our expediters can essentially hand out the bag from the vesle alone then um but it would be locked so for the Kenmore location why did you opt not to just use the pickup window exclusively uh we do it's just a seasonality thing um if it's too cold we would respect those drivers um to come in we have that option right now at Kenmore Square um that we use for some of the individuals uh already um but again it's us consistently having that conversation to the earlier question with those couriers that hey we're just using the window and if that's the opted if that's the option going forward then we will just use the window okay and the um the other site the har it we would uh keep the VES locked as well from the inside nobody would be able to enter the restaurant and that's something from a safety security perspective for our people um um we would rather have it that way after 2 am yeah that's all I have right now thank you I don't have any questions at this time thank you thank you thank thank you we'll see if there's any testimony in these items we will take them item by item uh for uh just in order to keep the testimony straight are there any individuals uh present with us who would like to testify on item number two this is 360 Western a yes madame chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of neighborhood Services uh the mayor's off deferred to the Judgment of this board at this time uh on had the applicant uh flyer abutters within 300 feet of the property uh we had just a couple of abutters reach out just with some questions of what exactly the proposal was and just seeking some clarity on that uh the applicant then went on to meet with the Altin civic association uh the AL olon civic association ultimately voted to oppose this proposal um citing some issues with antisocial Behavior that's occurring in the Brighton Mills parking lot presently uh they were worried that the late hours uh could contribute to uh to people Gathering late at night and consuming alcohol in the parking lot uh there has been a police presence there but they report that it has not been uh entirely resolved uh as well as some concerns expressed by the mcam house uh with that information we'll defer to the board on this item Madam chair can I can we just be heard on that on that matter um I'd like to make it just let the board know that the Alon civic association has never communicated with us that they're opposed to this application we've not received anything in writing we've not received any notification whatsoever uh this is in a plaza that includes a Star Market and other stores a Chinese restaurant I believe I don't believe any of these issues are related to the operation of this McDonald's at that site um and again we just I'm kind of flat-footed because we met with them we sent six different emails to them to ask what their position was and didn't get a response back and as we arve here today we're unaware that this opposition was uh was was was stated than you I'll just state that letter of opposition was submitted to the board just this morning uh are there that's nice way to do business are there any other individuals who would like to provide testimon on item number two again this is 360 Western a thank you moving on to item number three are there any individuals who would like to testify on 540 Commonwealth a uh this is in Kenmore Square beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services uh at this time the mayor's office like to refer to the judge from this board some background information on this community process uh on hosted in a Butters meeting on um I believe April 22nd uh by all Council was a very positive meeting um no concerns were raised in that in that AB butage meeting that was held and that the applicant then reached out to the relevant Civic associations for that area I would like to defer to the board with that information thank you thank you I do see a hand raised from a Pam Beal Miss Beal you may please provide your testimony um good morning thank you for the opportunity to speak my name is PM Beal and I'm president of the Kenmore Association we did meet with the applicant and we have met several times with attorney quilty and we are in support of this application I also want to explain a little bit about the parking um I don't know if you're familiar with that whole scrip of Commonwealth Avenue but um there is a whole section of valet parking for the Hotel Commonwealth which is not in use at those hours so we envisioned that people would have plenty of parking um along that whole part of Commonwealth Avenue to wait for their food pick up their food and leave without incident at that particular hour so um and we're happy to work with the applicant to monitor all of this and do whatever um makes this a success because we think this is a good thing for the applicant in the area so thank you thanks B thank you very much are there any other individuals who would like to testify on item number three 540 Commonwealth a in Kenmore Square and finally item number four are there any individuals who would like to testify uh this is the location at 1223 Commonwealth AV in Altin beginning with elected official or their representatives yes madame chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of neighborhood services at this time the mayor s like defer to the judge from this board uh we the applicant circulate Flyers to abutters within 300 feet I do not believe we heard back from any abutters uh the applicant then went on to meet with the Allon civic association uh the ACA uh sent a letter in this morning they voted to oppose uh the proposal setting concerns related to uh parking uh with issues as double parking already occurring as well as um there has been issues with delivery cars being stolen in the alsa neighborhood in the past I don't believe I'm not entirely sure if it's connected to to this site in particular or occurred elsewhere in the neighborhood but they cited those concerns that had been brought up uh by Boston police in previous Community meetings uh and we're worried that this could exasperate uh that and also lead to loitering uh with that defer to the board with that information thank you thank you and our any other individuals who would like to testify on this item number four 1223 Commonwealth Aban Olson thank you any further questions from the board following the testimony on these three items M sh I would just like to add just on this one in a similar fashion to the other ACA matter that just to restate that we were unaware of this opposition until we're told told about it at this hearing thank you attorney quilty if there's nothing further from the board the board will take these three matters under advisement thank you thank you thank you thank you calling together items five and seven uh Delta Airlines Inc doing business as Delta Sky Club and Delta Sky Club Express located at Logan Airport Terminal A in East Boston the holder of a common viter license and a club airport all alcoholic beverages license as a petition to amend the description of the two licenses from premise consists of a total of 20763 square feet that will be used as a Delta Sky Club including assembly space with a bar lounge and dining areas and a commercial kitchen to premise consists of a total 27,100 square ft that will be used as a Delta Sky Club 20763 ft² and a Delta 1 Lounge 6,337 ft including assembly space with a bar lounge and dining areas and a commercial kitchen who's present on behalf of the applicant good morning Madame chair members of the board Elizabeth Pizano from Upton conell and delin on behalf of Delta Airlines this application is to amend their CV license and also their liquor license to add a Delta one Lounge that is approximately 6500 square ft um it's going to be added on to the existing Delta Sky Club in terminal E um the seating is going to be be increased by 120 so the result will be 560 total seats and the occupancy will increase by 131 so the resulting total occupancy will be 769 um it is all one contiguous area um and we are happy to answer any questions that you have thank you attorney um I don't have any questions at this time done for me thank you no questions for me thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on these matters number five and number seven seeing none the board will take these under advisement thank you very much thank you calling item number six Wonder Boston LLC doing business as Wonder Museum located at 2 Avenue de Lafayette holder of a general on premis wines and Mal beverages with lur license has petitioned to change the manager of the license business from Marcos doy to John Carlo natal who is present on behalf of the applicant good morning um my Madame chair and members of the board Diana devony from A10 Associates on behalf of Wonder thank you for hearing this change of Manager application um on behalf of Wonder an immersive Museum bringing Arts to the city of Boston um the proposed new manager is here with us today Mr John Carlo Natali he is a massach Mett resident uh who plans on being in and currently is at the museum for more than 50 hours a week um he has some experience I'm happy to happy to answer any questions you may have today okay thank you um thank you for joining us Mr natal um are you a citizen yes I'm a US citizen okay and what is your experience in the food and beverage industry uh it's pretty diverse I've been a food and beverage director in the past uh I have I I'm the founder of the Boston Pizza Festival here in Boston uh pretty much since I was able to work at 16 years old I've been in the food industry okay are you familiar with the rules of RS of this board the abcc the laws of the Commonwealth pertaining to the sale service of alcohol yes okay thanks very much I don't have any questions commissioner kin commissioner Saxon do you I do not thank you no questions thank you thank you all thank you for hearing us today thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter good morning Madame chair and members of the board this is Vanessa woo from councelor Flynn's office um councelor Flynn would like to go on record in support of this project thank you thank you are there any individual other individuals who would like to testify the board will take this matter under advisement thank you thank you thank you all calling item number eight Back Street Boston lesie LLC doing business as kton Onyx Hotel located at 155 Portland Street holder of an inh holder all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to amend the description of the license business from in Hall of said Building C ISD certificate for a more complete description of the premise to in Hall of said building being a 60790 ft hotel with 12 floors including reception Lobby and Lobby Bar storage rooms meeting room pantry and Pantry prep rooms and 112 guest rooms with a total of two entrances and four exits also to include an annual private outdoor patio of 684 s ft with a closing hour of 12:00 a.m. secondly the applicant has petitioned to change the DBA of the license business from the kton Onyx Hotel to pennyweight Hotel attorney Julia Roy attorney Royce good morning and thank you to Madam chair and members of the board my name is Julia Royce and I'm lingal Council for the lcy I'm also joined by Ed WS who's the general manager at the hotel and the manager of record on the license um as you mentioned there's two amendments today first is just the change of the DBA from kton Onyx Hotel to pennyweight hotel and then uh and more to discuss here and the alteration of the premise so changing the licensed premise area to more completely describe what is currently part of the premise and then really requesting to add an outdoor patio space so it'll be approximately 684 square feet with approximately 46 seats and that will be accessible only through the internal of the hotel lobby you'll go inside and then you'll have to enter through there to get outside um it's on private property right now it's currently a parking lot it's also owned by the landlord um and the board has a site plan that was submitted with the application and we're available for any other questions uh thank you very much [Music] um so annual private outdoor patio that's going to be open all year round so I you know given Massachusetts weather it'll be we didn't want to go with seasonal and kind of limit ourselves but and Ed can speak to this there you know a few months where it'll be too cold to open but to have the option given the weather we'd like the option just in case we have a very unusually warm January or something like that okay that would be nice um unusually warm January um thank you I don't have any questions commissioner C or commissioner Jackson do you I do not thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter seeing none the board will take this matter under advisement thank you thank you thank you item number nine will not be heard this morning as the butter notifications have not been mailed out this will be heard on the May 22nd hearing calling item number 10 pqt Inc doing business as green Gardens Liquor and Deli located at 35 West Milton Street in Hyde Park holder of a retail package store all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to transfer the license from the above to VJ Partners Inc doing business as green Gardens Liquor and Deli at the same location Vel senena manager 11: p.m closing hour uh the applicant has also petitioned to update the description of the premise as follows the premises to be licensed is located on the ground floor of a two-story Standalone building with run one room on the ground floor and basement for storage with one entrance in the front one exit on the side and one exit in the rear attorney Thomas Truex attorney TRX yes good morning attorney green Madame chair members of the board attorney Tom TRX of Salem appearing on behalf of the proposed lensy VJ Partners Inc uh with me virtually I believe is Mr dson paa he's the president of the corporations he's also the proposed license manager uh Mr paa is a US citizen he's a Mass resident he is also familiar with the rules and regulations of the board and the abcc as a pertain pertain to the sale and service of alcohol um the underlying transaction is fairly straightforward it's simply a sale of substantially all the assets of the current owner pqt DBA green Gardens liquor and Delhi um the seller is financing 50% of the purchase price therefore they are requesting that this board approve a pledge of license as additional collateral for the loan um as for experience um this is Mr peña's first foray into the liquor store business while he has not previously owned or operated a liquor store he has over uh almost six years of experience managing retail stores in the Boston area his father also owned an oper at a corner convenience store in the Roxbury Dudley Street area um at which Mr Peña worked for many years and Summers um also when Mr Peña was enrolled at Harvard University in 20062 2008 in the summer programs he was employed as a bartender SLS server for Harvard um for Summer House parties in addition um the past month in anticipation of this transfer Mr Peña has been train with a friend of his who owns a liquor store which is Crest Liquors on matapan excuse me in Cummings Highway in matapan so he's got four weeks of training under his belt already and he will continue to do training with the U with the store and his friend at Crest Liquors until the closing um it's also made a provision has also been made with the current owners for two weeks of training post closing uh finally Mr Peña is tip certified as for the store store operation there will be no changes one of the store um one of the employees who is also the brother of the store owner will be staying on so there will be continuity of ownership um I have communicated with the neighborhood leaone Cecil Graham and she responded by saying she had no objections so at this time we would be happy to answer any questions you may have thank you um just double let me just read this over one more second all right thank you I don't um have any questions commissioner carer commissioner Saxon um is Mr pineer with us I haven't spotted him no nor have I oh that's what J was saying he should be there do you want to try to get in touch with them we can come back to it yeah sure will yeah we can we can certainly take a second call on this item uh if he reappears that way the board can ask any questions they may have of the proposed manator of record thank you thank you we will take a second call to uh finish the presentation on this item moving on to item number 11 100 Stewart LLC doing business as Metro located at 100 Stewart Street holder of a general on premise all alcoholic beverages license has petition to transfer the license from the above to Big House LLC DBA basement at the same location Michael knockman manager 2 a.m. closing hour secondly the applicant is requesting to add bottle service to be provided to five tables in the lounge area attorney Kristen scandin attorney scandin morning Madam chair attorney green members of the board Kristen scanland representing the applicant also signed on with us this morning is Michael nackman who is the proposed manager of record Michael has been previously approved by this board and the abcc um as manager of record for another one of big Knight entertainment group's venues um the application before you is for a transfer of license at the same location there are no changes proposed but for obviously the owners and the DBA here the only interior upgrades that they plan to make are for the lighting and sound system and additionally the uh security camera system other than that same hours of operation same description of premises including um the bottle service piece at the same number of tables which big Knight is very familiar with the rules and regulations surrounding the same um the New Concept brought to you by Big N Entertainment Group which is founded by Brothers Ed and Joe Kane as well as Randy Greenstein in 2006 they're certainly veterans at this point in The Nightlife and Hospitality business running successful and responsible operations at several locations not only um throughout Boston and Massachusetts but in Connecticut as well um Mr nackman has been with the company for eight years um at the Scorpion bar location and we'll oversee opening operations at this location as well um as part of the concept change it's pretty similar to what is there now in the sense that there's um the focus is on DJ and house music uh big Knight does employ and train upand cominging DJs who will be the focal piece for the entertainment portion at this site again similar to to what is there now um other than that uh straightforward transfer and happy to answer any questions or concerns the board might have thanks attorney um thank you Mr knockman for joining us I don't have any questions at this time I don't have any questions I thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives good morning Madam chair and members of the board this is Vanessa from councelor Flynn's office councelor Flynn would like to go on record and support of this project thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement thank you thank you and it does appear that we have been joined by uh the man proposed manager of record on item number 10 so we will uh return to that item Atty Trux this is Mr pen has joined us I believe we were at questions from the board uh cherman Joyce did you have any questions on this presentation sure I don't see him yet if he could speak up maybe yes can you guys hear me good morning board hi thank you for joining my apologies I was actually on Via I called in and I was hearing the whole time since 10: a but for some reason my pound six was not unmuting me so I I turned off and clicked the uh on the Zoom app so I'm in via app all right great thank you for um logging back in Mr Pina are you a citizen yes I am are you a resident of Massachusetts yes I am born in Roxberry raised in Dorchester great um do you have experience in the fruit and beverage industry um I have experienced this training under um individuals as um Mr Trax was stating um I've been working uh you know under Crest liquer just watching them as they work um I worked under my father when he had a owner store as I was growing up um that's been my biggest experience um and I also for a short time um was a bartender server um for any events that any uh professors um or individuals associated with Harvard are requesting the assistance of uh Harvard students okay um are you familiar with the rules and regulations of this board the abcc the laws of the Commonwealth pertaining to the sale and service of alcohol yes I am all right thank you commissioner carer commissioner Saxon do you have any questions I do not thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this item again we are on item number 10 green Gardens liquor and Delhi uh beginning with elected officials or their representatives are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well thank you and thank you for joining us Mr Pina thank you board calling item number 12 Ash and Ben LLC doing business as Sushi Capo located at 86 Peterboro Street holder of a common Vitor 7-Day wines and M beverages license has petitioned to transfer the license and the location from the above to Omi Symphony Inc doing business as Omi Korean Grill located at 267 Huntington AV premise consists of approximately 2,964 Square ft of a Korean restaurant on the first floor with one entrance and one exit one main dining room two party rooms full kitchen two bathrooms male and female and storage area Shu Yuan Jang manager secondly the applicant has petitioned to change the closing hour of the license from 11:00 p.m. to 1: a.m. uh attorney mayway who uh you may please present thank you attorney green uh my name is May who I represent the applicant and join with me today is the proposed manager sh Sam Zing uh uh is he on the allowed to speak as well attorney green yes I do not see him um hi everyone can you hear me oh great my name is Sam thank you thank you Sam um okay uh this location used to be the fo and I and this is located on 267 Huntington Avenue my client has um invested quite a bit of capital to uh do a redone uh complete renovation of the space it's a class construction and uh we are hoping to um continue to serve the the symphony uh uh neighborhood uh with a you know a high class uh restaurant experience the service is on a uh buffet style uh where patrons are allowed to um Grill their own the meat uh on table uh so it's uh it's sort of entertaining in that way as well um the proposed manager uh has another uh restaurant on the sand uh Street um it's a symphony sushi so he is uh sort of a very um familiar with the patrons and the style of the food the patrons are looking for so we're very excited uh being able to provide such a class facility and um the we also requesting a change of operating hours till 1 am and the reason is uh we notice that a lot of Patron coming in around 10:30 11 and we don't want to rush them out the door uh and uh again we are very excited about the project and we're here to address any issu uh you may have thank you so um at Symphony Sushi is um I'm sorry his name uh Sam Sam Jen is he approved manager record there Symphony Sushi uh are you uh no the legalizing name under my wife's name Justin okay so I'm ask you the manager of record questions we'll get those on the record um are you a citizen yes I am are you a resident of Massachusetts yes I am um do you have experience in the food and beverage industry yes uh I've been uh like manager and the owner since 2003 okay and are you familiar with the rules and regulations of this this board the abcc and the laws of the Commonwealth pertaining to the sales service of alcohol yes I okay great um I don't have any questions commissioner car commissioner Saxon uh no questions at this time thank you no questions for me thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes Madam chair members of the board Conor new in with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's off deferred to the Judgment of this board some background information in the community process uh the applicant reached out and presented to uh NAB um their response after the presentation uh was to um Express non opposition to the application unaware of any concerns at this time we'll defer to the board thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement thank you thank you very much calling item number 13 law Inc excuse me was that someone seeking to testify on the previous item okay great thank you following item number 13 Laura Place Inc located at 688a Columbia Road in Dorchester the holder of a common vict or 7-Day all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to transfer the license and the location from the above to the Pearl group at Boston Landing LLC doing business as the Pearl located at 67 to 69 Guest Street premise consists of 4,865 Ft on the ground floor of the building and holds one entrance and two exits as well as an outdoor seating area the outdoor seating area will be located on public area from the months of April to December and the outdoor seating consists of 1,9 square fet and we'll close at 2 a.m. MAA Winder manager secondly the applicant has petitioned to change the closing hour of the license from 11: p.m. to 2: am attorney Andrew Upton attorney Upton good morning everyone morning Andrew Upton for the applicant and with me is M WI the proposed owner and manager of record uh this is this if successful this will be the second iteration of the Pearl Restaurant uh the Pearl has currently been open in South Bay uh for about four years uh they have all alcohol license they have no violations uh they're a New England Home Style seafood restaurant they've been a great asset to that community so I believe their character and fitness is strong we also believe that there is a public need for a license at this location uh this is a planned development in the alustin landing uh the landlord is supportive and has planned this space to be a restaurant for some time uh there should be no parking noise or light or similar impacts as this development has gone through a significant vetting process with the bpda in the neighborhood over the years uh this will be a sitdown restaurant uh it's not a club there'll be no dancing it is New England Style seafood uh with local and sustainable dishes um and if you don't mind we would have uh ma just give a sort of one minute overview of her concept just so you you can hear from the proprietor good morning everyone um and thank you so our concept is as Andrew um said uh full service restaurant and bar um serving scratch made Seafood uh New England Style seafood you know with a Twist if you will um and scratch cocktails we have been a wonderful asset to the community um at South Bay we have hosted um many family and social Gatherings as well as um politicians from all over and just been a great meeting place for members of the community moving over to Boston Landing we are excited to increase our space for one um the space is about three times larger than where we're currently at um we are excited to be able to increase our offerings in terms of food just because we'll have a bigger kitchen space and a catering space as well um and I think that's it thank you thank thank you mik uh for the record uh mik is a US citizen a Mass resident uh she's familiar with the rules and regulations uh obviously quite experienced in the food and beverage industry I can also tell you we've met with the mayor's office uh and had a successful meeting and we also had a good meeting with the baia uh the only thing I we do want to mention is we are looking to have a 2 am closing uh it will probably close earlier not much earlier on week nights but for Thursday Friday Saturday they've already been in touch with the Roadrunner Club uh about doing some artist receptions and Afterparty type things so that's why they would like to stay open until two uh with that we're glad to answer any questions thank you attorney Upton uh thank you for joining us miss wer I don't have any questions for you uh commissioner Saxon or commissioner K to you I do not thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes madame chair members of the board Connor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's office like to defer to the Judgment of this board I can confirm with the applicant's representation and on ASA Butters beinge M held no concerns were raised at that meeting and it sounds like they've been in contact with the bright nson Improvement Association which is the act of Civic for this area with that defer to the board at this time thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well thank you thank you very much calling item number 14 faux on theer LLC doing business as fo on theer located at 11 theer Street in Roxberry holder of a common victual or 7-Day all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to transfer the license and the location from the above to noan cport LLC doing business as noan cport located at 117 cport Boulevard premise consists of on one floor plus mezzanine first floor 2561 ft with kitchen three bathrooms for patrons storage areas bar with seating and booth and table seating for patrons mezzanine areas 1,54 s ft² with locker room storage bathroom for staff and office annual patio on private property is 431 sare F feet with seating for 22 closing at 10 p.m. Nal Patel manager 2 a. closing hour and additionally the applicant has petitioned to pledge the license and inventory to Northern Bank uh the board may remember that this application has prev previously been presented and approved by the board uh post approval by the board uh there were additional um beneficial interest holders to disclose uh necessitating a uh further hearing before the board with that attorney Tom Miller attorney Miller thank you secretary green uh good morning chairwoman Joyce Commissioners Tom Miller from quilan Miller and MCD quilty Miller and Hanley on behalf of the applicant um as Danny just said the board has already reviewed and approved this application um the additional beneficial interest holder uh that we were uh made aware of during the ABC's review uh is the license or for the no on trademark um their interest is akin to that of a landlord gaining uh percentage of gross sales uh in percentage rent in additional rent they have no control over the day-to-day operation of the license um or the license in in really any way um the we provided the board with that licensing agreement that that shows that um we appreciate you taking the time to hear this today and we'd be happy to answer any questions you have uh we'll see if there are any questions from the board at this time chairman Joyce thank you I don't have any questions no questions for me thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of neighborhood services at this time the mayor is off like to defer to the Judgment of this board uh ons hosted a Butter's meeting uh where during that time the community was generally supportive we have zero letters in opposition and the cport neighborhood association also supports this proposal with that we'll defer to the board thank you good morning Madam chair and members of the board this is Vanessa from councelor Flynn's office councelor Flynn would like to go on record in support of this proposal thank you thank you whether any other individuals would like to testify on this matter the board will take this under advisement as well thank you thank you and calling item number 15 just bookish LLC doing business as just bookish located at 1463 to 1467 Dorchester AB in Dorchester has applied for a common VI or 7day wines and M beverages licensed to be exercised on the above premise consists of a retail Bookshop and Cafe situated on the ground floor of dot crossing a new five-story building on Dorchester Avenue is a 1,250 ft open plan space with a utility room and a bathroom and seating for 17 manager Justin brri Closing Time 900 p.m. who's present on behalf of the applicant Justin BR here yeah thank you very much if you could please briefly present the proposal to the board happily thank you commissioner green Madam chair and members of the board uh just bookish is a community bookstore expected to open late summer located right next to the te in Fields Corner in the brand new building at 1463 doorchester AV I'm part partnered in this endeavor with Porsche Alo who's the poet laureate for the city of Boston um back in September 2022 Porsche and I presented to the 100 Community investors in the building um and we were selected from four different candidates um as the retail tenant for the space and um we got to work then with our vision for a community bookstore um just book is is at its heart part a community bookstore celebrating the diversity of Dorchester uh 02122 where we're located has been identified as the 10th most diverse zip code in the country but uh we don't SE celebrate that enough our motto is culturally curated radically influenced and locally inspired we want to celebrate this by amplifying the voices of our community and we want the diversity reflected in our inventory our program in and our staffing uh we've met with many schools and existing programs in Dorchester and we're eager to partner in programming offering programming six days a week um our our vision is as a afternoon evening destination there are a lot of third spaces in Dorchester that close at around 3:00 we intend to open at 2 and close at 9 on weekdays open at 10: and close at 6 on weekends um we uh have the support of this Fields Corner civic association and we've met uh with and have the support of the abutters in the area um just bookish is an a an a for-profit LLC that is owned exclusively by a nonprofit called words as worlds that we that we run um we invested heavily in the audiovisual equipment and the lighting to ensure that whoever has the mic during our programming has a sense of agency um Fields Corner currently has plenty of food options and we do not seek to compete with them rather to offer light Refreshments often sourced from locally uh local establishments in the spirit of hospitality we hope that folks hopping off the tea at the end of the day uh after a day of work will drop in see what's happening because there's always something going on that's the spirit you know and a glass of wine or a beer could be a nice compliment to our programming um I've previously been the holder of a beer and wine license during my time as the bakery manager at Haley House Bakery Cafe in its in its early days before I became the executive director of Haley house um we are really excited to partner with our neighbors throughout Dorchester and we thank you uh commissioner and chair and the committee for everything and happy to answer any questions thank you just pulled up Google Maps so is it this like pink building that's empty right now 1463 it's actually it has residential tenants above it so okay so I'm looking at the wrong place I don't know it's at the corner of Charles between Charles Street and the T that the pink building was there before prior to dot crossing the apartment building being built gotcha thank okay so maybe maybe it's not on my Google m right now yeah but if you look up dot Crossing I think you should be able to see it okay um okay thank you this sounds like a very interesting unique concept um so Mr broadrick um I'm just going to go over the manager record questions with you absolutely are you a citizen yes are you a resident in Massachusetts yes do you have experience in the food and beverage industry yes are you familiar with the rules and regulations of this board the abcc and the laws of the Commonwealth pertaining to the sale and service of alcohol yes okay great um I have no questions thank you for joining us both of you um commissioner Ken and commissioner Saxon do you I do not thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes madame chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office Neighborhood Services this time the mayor is off like to defer to the Judgment of this board some background information on the community process Ono sen Butter's meeting on April 17th that was very positive uh the applicant uh was in contact with the Fields Corner Civic which I understand they submitted a letter in support which the board should be receiving today uh with that we'll defer to the board thank you hello Madam chair members of the board Liam Remis from councelor Fitz derald's office our offic would like go on record in support of this proposal good morning Madame of the shair members of Theon from City councilor alar hry Santana the councelor would like to go on recording support thank you thank you very much are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well thank you those are all the items before the board this morning uh once again as a reminder the board will convene to vote on these items this afternoon at 1:00 notice is posted on the City's website that will adjourn this hearing uh and thank you all very much we'll see you next time thank you take care