good morning good morning thank joining we will get started in just a moment just giving a moment to clear the waiting room and make sure that folks have connected to audio and can hear us as a reminder when you are entering from the waiting room please do remain unmute unless or until you are providing testimony before the board maybe there hi I just want to make sure I could get on when I'm called you give just another moment to clear the waiting room once again as a reminder please do remain on mute when you are entering unless or until you are appearing before the board good morning this is a hearing before the licensing board for the city of Boston today is Wednesday June 26 20124 today's hearing is being held pursuant to Temporary amendments to the open meeting law that is what allows us to meet virtually today's hearing is being recorded and will be posted to the city of Boston's website before I review procedural matters I will introduce chairwoman of the board Kathleen Joyce good morning my name is Kathleen Joyce chair of the Boston licensing board today I'm pleased to be joined by commissioner Kiana Saxon and commissioner Liam [Music] cin thank you uh before I review procedural matters for this morning uh just one housekeeping scheduling matter the board will meet to vote this afternoon at 1: p.m. uh rather than the usual Thursday morning voting time notice has been posted to the city of Boston's website please ensure that your audios and visuals are working properly I will call each item in the order that it appears on this morning's agenda I will then ask who is present on behalf of the applicant you'll make a brief presentation regarding your proposal followed by questions by the chair and Commissioners following questions there will be an opportunity to provide testimony beginning with elected officials or their representatives for members of the public wish to provide testimony please limit your testimony to 2 minutes and please state your name address and affiliation if any we begin with the first item on this morning's agenda callling item number one wch Fenway LLC doing business as Dave's Hot Chicken located at 1260 Boyston Street has applied for a common viter license to be exercised on the above 2375 foot a single floor takeout counter located in front near dinin transactions two restrooms are in the of the location kitchen and storage are in the back Manager David mados hours of operation 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. we will also call with that and number two uh in the same license premise with the same manager of record Three Brothers Fenway Park Inc doing business as the Halal Guys also located at 1260 Boon Street has applied for a common vit license to be exercised on the above 1 1515 square feet one floor kitchen and storage in the back takeout only manager David MOS hours of operation 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. who is present on behalf of the applicant oh I'm going to ask you to unmute uh my name is Jamal bur I'm representing uh WC Hospitality DBA Dave's Hot Chicken and also Three Brothers Halal great thank you very much if you could please uh briefly present the proposal to the board so so what we're looking is to to open um a Dave's Chicken in 1260 Bon Street uh Dave's Hot Chicken is a naville hot chicken a fried chicken um so we met we met with the civic association and also the neighborhood association and they were all pleased they were happy with the with the presentation and I think it will be great it's a great concept it's uh just to give you an idea about the concept is is a Fried Chicken Nashville Style with sever level of of spices you you can come in and choose your level of spice and and the highest is the reaper and the lowest is no spice and uh it does really really well currently we have three locations one in Stewart Street in the transportation building uh and then we have in brentry and also s Bay Plaza also so we're a franchise group that that has that but for the Halal Guys also jent it will be next to it is the Halal Guys which is a a concept out of New York it started in a cart in Manhattan and now they they they over 100 restaurants it's a great great uh dream and American Dream story so uh and it's very healthy and it's basically is chicken Sharma Gyros and rice uh or you can have it on a pet of bread or on a plate uh and currently we have location in Stewart Street and then uh South Bay and Shrewsberry and Porter Square thank you very much we'll see if there are any questions from the board at this time chairwoman Joyce any questions uh so just confirming based upon the description there's no tables and chairs it's takeout only uh in the Halal Guys because the space is small in the Halal Guys but for Daves there is tables and all that yeah okay how many tables um I think it's it's not even like 30 or something like that seats I don't have the exact number in front of me but but it's not a lot okay so talk to me about pickup and Delivery at this location right now it looks like there's a very small 15minute pickup drop off Zone that would only allow for a few Vehicles so what is your um pickup and delivery plan yeah so yeah also on the side of the building there is also an Alleyway there between the building and the other building where uh where Abby group is and there was cars that usually park there for deliveries and stuff so they won't be like parking in the street in the front so there is the side and also there's the back so there is parking in the back of the building we will be quick the the I mean we have also a concept there Blaze Pizza uh for eight years now we never had any complaints about deliveries or pickup the these these drivers don't want to hang in there they want to pick up their food I understand but every location is different so tell me about how you thought this through at this location BTD wants you to um work with them on a plan so I'm asking you how you plan on managing it I understand that the concept is quick pick up and stuff but tell me what you do as a manager to manage that yeah yeah sure like I said we have the side of the building that we allow for them to go park quick and they can come and and pick up the food and and leave and the the landlord is okay with that and then we're also if there is issues definitely the management will be involved in organizing whatever we need to do uh to make it seamless uh transaction does anybody else use the side of the building for pickup I'm Sor you're talking about the side building looking at it right now are you the only one that uses that what what are you talking about yeah there is where the only where the only where the only food in there in that building there is there is urgent care and Chase Bank and that's it and us so so there was nobody in that building besides food okay [Music] um and someone mentioned that you there's nothing in this description before me right now but a patio is that yeah there was a p you in the front uh is shared P okay I don't see that on this description now maybe it's missing from the agenda Danny do we have a patio on the application uh not in the premise description we we can get you that we can send you the the the the picture what is that going to look like and stuff we can submit that to you great we'll we'll have to work with you uh about the description the the details of the patio for the description on the premise okay I'm gon to urge you to work with BTD but um at this point I have no other questions thank you commissioner Saxon commissioner k uh none for me at this time thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes madame chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's office defer to the Judgment of this board um our office held in Butter's meeting for Dave's Hot Chicken and the H guys on May 16th uh where it was well received they went on to the Fenwick civic association uh who was supportive with the Proviso uh that the patio uh be locked up at a certain time uh there should be a letter on file uh from them that we forwarded to the board uh with that defer to the board at this time thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on items one and two seeing n the board will take this under advisement thank you very much thank you calling item number three mini donut D.A LLC doing business as erer on Broad located at 45 Broad Street has applied for a common vit licensed to be exercised at a previously licensed location 1,534 ft retail space on ground level floor operating three business Concepts mini donut Diva Pasta Factory and Fat Sandwich boss shared dining for 18 three individual kiosks one for each business concept one shared kitchen storage and two ada8 bathrooms all located on the first floor manager Melissa Fred aloso hours of operation 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. who's present on behalf of the applicant good afternoon my name's tyer Ali how are you good thank you very much Mr Ellie if you could please briefly present the concept to the board yeah so in short Min donut Diva currently is operating out of a joing in South Boston at South Boston bites we're looking to bring it to a grien morar um we've taken over the Starbucks location at 45 Broad and uh what we're doing in that Essence is we're sort of creating a food Hub uh quick in andout highly focused on digital DP up takeout Etc in which the guest will have the option to order from all through BR we call it sort of like a sweet saving Ty thing have your Donuts or coffee as well as a sandwich and our lunch so we're looking to cater our breakfast lunch and dinner brand in one spot um so these two Brands collectively um non- competing with each other we're looking to give a good experience for our find additionally on top of that we're we're focusing heavily of course on the catering aspect being downtown uh we receive great feedback from just people talking like sort of social media looking for sort of being excited for this to come to work mini donor doer currently operates heavy heavily catering as well in the Boston area specifically downtown so we're looking to leverage those c those clients as well to the other uh thank you do you plan on um partnering with any thirdparty delivery services uh yes we are in talks and planning on partnering with st Dash Uber eefs possibly GrubHub and those third party platforms usually look to integrate do CH as well to make it a full on sort of one platform okay so what is your plan for um managing the pickup and delivery uh takeout in not area yeah perfect So based off of how it was presented before we have a pickup area we have a parking lot next to uh the restaurant we also have street parking there is temporary parking as well in the nearby area plenty of room for a driver a scooter specifically in that area it's usually scooters up the food is as far as the operation goes we actually have a digital uh pickup area sort of Hub by that door if you look at the map there's two entrances be uh to the uh to the unit one of them will be heavily labeled digital pickup to sort of teach our clientele and teach our drivers that's what we're coming when they enter that it's right there on a sort of uh like some Moxy name shelf where we organized by name over the screen everything like that so looking to get them in looking to get them out as possible okay thank you um I don't have any other questions commissioner Saxon Commissioner Karen um do you have use of that parking lot for your purposes for the pickup so we have used for temporary the landlord has sort of a f made out with the parking lot it's all one unit he's been there for years we had the same deal sort of with Starbucks um and additionally as I said there's scooter parking and sort of uh I don't want to call it pickup parking but there's there's temporary parking on the right side of that BU as well that tends to be all the scooters and all the door Dash drivers sort of hang out because there's so many Concepts in that corner sort of like concept corner so plenty of room that's not um thankfully that's not a a matter we feel something we have to address that's all I have thank you thank you no questions for me thank you thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives are there any other individuals who like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well thank you following item number four Cantina Hospitality LLC doing business as Taco Bell located at 1084 Boon Street has applied for a common vit license to be exercised on the above approximately 22 s ft of the entire restaurant space first floor seating for 12 customers restroom and counter for service in front kitchen prep area and food storage in rear basement used for storage manager na th hours of operation 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. who is present on behalf of the applicant uh good morning chairwoman Joyce commissioner secretary green Tom Miller from mcder quilty Miller and Hanley uh in Boston on behalf of the applicant canina Hospitality um as secretary green said this application is for a common vehic license uh for a new Taco Bell in Back Bay uh I'm joined today by the proposed manager record Nikia the this I keep mispronouncing her name so I apologize uh the cus uh Jim Rooney and Israel Vega from the operations side of the applicant as well as the architect if the board has any questions uh Bob mad from from Upland Architects um like our previous hearings before this board for uh other common vict licenses within the city this representation shows uh that they continue to treat uh operating uh opening new locations um extremely well it's it's a very important thing to them they bring their full team in order to open and run a quality establishment in the city um they currently have more than 70 locations in four states uh and four locations in the Greater Boston area including two within Boston in southe and Alon and two in Brooklyn uh they've operated successfully here without any incident since 2020 um just to remind the board if you haven't visited Taco Bell in a while uh their Concepts and offerings have evolved since I was first introduced to him they're customizable they allow their customers to find something that meets their needs from either traditional tacos and burritos to healthy vegetarian options uh this proposal is to convert a former T-Mobile location into a Taco Bell the space is just over 2,000 sare feet will have 10 seats uh total proposed occupancy is 49 uh after participating in the community process which I'll discuss a little more in a minute uh We've modified our proposed hours um to Sunday through Thursday 8: a.m. to 2 am. and Friday and Saturday 8: a.m. to 2:30 uh there's no outdoor seating proposed here and the only entertainment proposed is background uh music inside uh Cantina has as the you know as shown previously uh today and as we're aware the board is uh concerned how um deliveries will be handled from uh from this location uh Cantina Hospitality has a sophisticated app tracking system that notifies drivers when an order will be ready to pick up um just as by way of an example an order takes about 5 to six minutes to make and typically takes a driver 8 to 10 minutes to arrive after being notified this timing and process minimizes the wait time for drivers at the restaurant uh additionally Cantina um is notified when a driver arrives and a manager manager is dedicated to run the food out to the drivers to further limit their wait time this is a system that Cantina Hospitality has been using successfully there are other locations in the area uh we're not aware of any um concerns or um issues raised uh by the by this process at their other locations um additionally we're looking into the process to see if we can get a space out front of the restaurant designated for short-term parking for uh drivers in this area uh drivers coming up to pick up food at the restaurants uh Nikia as I said is the proposed manager she has more than 10 years experience super uh in the industry as a supervisor both as a restaurant manager as well as a regional manager she understands how to successfully run a restaurant in a way that is an amenity to the surrounding Community uh as I said we participated in the community process I'm sure on will mention this as well um we had an abutters meeting with on on May 20th with the residents of the immediate area um we answered questions related to app deliveries um we also met with the Fenway civic association on June 17th at that meeting we discussed among other things uh app deliveries in the closing hour it's in response to that meeting uh with the FCA that we've revised our request for the closing hour um to bring it back from 3 and 3:30 to 2 and 2:30 uh respectively we want to thank the board for hearing this application today and we're happy to answer any questions you may have uh thank you attorney I don't have any questions yeah no questions for me thank you no none for me thank you thank you and just before we get to testimony um attorney Miller just want to make sure I got the the new proposed hours correct that was Sunday through Thursday 8 am. to 2 am Friday Saturday 8 am. to 2:30 am is that correct yes secretary GRE great thank you very much uh are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes Madam chair members of the board Conor with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor is off like to defer to the Judgment of this board some background information about the Community process as you heard from the afans representation on host in the butters meeting on May 20th that was well attended uh the bulk of the questions were around uh pickup um and food delivery essentially uh just with concerns there have been some businesses in other parts of the neighborhood uh where there was a lot of uh traffic generated uh mopeds on sidewalks Etc um the applicant then went on to meet with the Fenway Civic uh that had asked that the closing time uh be amended to 2: a.m. um were some separate concerns regarding um signage which is a you know a different department from the city that overviews that as well as uh requests that pickups uh for delivery occur um in the rear of the building in um an Alleyway roadway so um that letter should be on file it was sent to the board um beyond that we're unaware of any additional concerns that will defer to the board thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well thank you thank you calling item number five the Stop and Shop supermarket Co LLC doing business as Starbucks at Stop and Shop number 2489 located at 305 Guest Street in Brighton has applied for a common vctor license to be exercised on the above 88t dedicated Starbucks area located within the stoping shop on the second floor of a six floor mixed use building manager George Fon hours of operation 7:00 a.m. to 700 p.m. who's present on behalf of the applicant um I am my name is George veon I'm stor manager at the stopen shop in 2489 in Austin Mass um like you said we have an 800 square foot dedicated Starbucks area located within our store on the second floor of a mixed use building um ours operation going to be daily 7 A.M to 7:00 p.m. Sunday through Saturday all patrons will be by 7 P 7:30 p.m. uh we're looking for a capacity of 14 uh people within the restaurant with tables and currently we have a temporary common vehicular license that is set to expire on 721 thank you we'll see if there are any questions from the board at this time JRE thank you sir for joining us and for uh walking us through that I have no questions n for me thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services we're unaware of any concerns at this time with the proposal with it being located uh you know within the Stop and Shop establishment uh that will defer to the board thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify board will take the center advisement as well thank you thank you calling item number six 40 to 41 Anderson LLC located at 41 Anderson Street has applied for a lodging house license to be exercised on the above four-story building with basement nine rooms total one room in basement to hold three Lodgers two rooms per floor on Floors 1 through four to hold four Lodgers per floor total 19 Lodgers no common space all units contain a bedroom or sleeping area kitchenet and bathroom larger units also contain a living area manager Barry Samuels who is present on behalf of the applicant uh thank you Madame chair Commissioners secretary Green attorney Jeff drgo at drgo and Tuscano with the business address of 11 Beacon Street here on behalf of the petitioner Mr Samuels uh who also has uh his property manager on Bobby hatat uh as well to answer any questions that the board may have uh as was mentioned we are seeking a lodging house license at a building owned by Mr Samuels at 41 Anderson Street uh this particular building has been permitted uh with certificates of inspection on file and inspectional services department going back as far as we can see in 1996 long before he had purchased the building building um Mr s the layout also uh of these units inside are built uh for this type of lodging house use there smaller units I had provided the board uh with a floor plan in the packet um the basement just to go over them is about 340 square feet that has storage utility room laundry um the garden level is the largest unit that is a three bed it's 844 square feet as we start to go up um seven of the units are Studio sized at 420 square feet roughly and then there's one one bedroom unit uh at 420 uh at uh 800 uh 422 square feet as well um Mr Samuels is in he's a seasoned lodging house owner he has other buildings at 45 Worcester and 6 677 tremon Street in the South End there were also simil situations that had to get licensed after he had purchased uh the units by this board um the uh building itself uh the experience this he has a as I had mentioned a property manager uh that would be on call for any um issues with air conditioning or uh repairs or maintenance he also has a company um ihart Real Estate Services that handles all of the uh potential bookings uh they handle his other operation ations they screen um all patrons and go through that process for short-term rentals um there is a strong need and what he has found particularly in this area being so close to the hospitals um for uh visiting nurses short-term doctors patients we find a lot even in the South End locations and families of patients uh the living quar is allow for a kitchenet uh a couch area seating area an office area and the price points are lower than that of a hotel and allow them to shop and cook if they're there for a longer period of time the average stay uh and these type of shorter term rentals are and that's either if it's business or a hospital stay is around three nights although it allows there are folks there for one night um but three nights seems to be the average but all the way up to a month or or more depending on the situation um uh like I had said there's um all of this is handled inous the C there's cameras on the inside and outside 24hour number for any issue any emergency um everything is key code activated so to get into the building into your individual room that's all designed by remote uh key access as well all of the units would be furnished for this kind of use um as well uh as we went through uh process obviously this building falls in the Beacon Hill section of Boston trash is a major concern uh there is a cleaning crew that comes uh from any stay prior to someone uh the patron checking in and upon them exiting the room is clean trash is privately removed for these units uh Mr Samuels also went on record saying that um his property manager uh goes by the site daily just to check on matters uh trash even now before it's licensed just with uh regular residential tenants um and he would provide additional pickups at his own expense uh for the building if that was something that folks wanted to see uh just because we know trash and Beacon Hill uh is an issue um with with that I can pause and answer any questions that the board may have uh thank you you covered some but just to make sure I heard you correctly did you say the average stay is three nights on average based on other locations Madam chair do you accept one night stays yes okay um and then I know the property manager is here and you said he's on call repairs um what about for like a 24hour who would you call for a 24-hour issue so Mr Samuels the way that the lodging house uh in short-term rentals work is there's a property manager side for repairs and then iHeart realy is his agents that handle all the bookings they have a a dedicated person to any building that he has so if there was any kind of a lockout or an emergency situation there's a h a 24hour uh hotline uh to call and someone would be distributed or talk them through it and tell me more about the cameras you mentioned the security cameras um so the buildings attached so there would be build uh cameras on the front of the building installed and then in all the common areas inside so when you walk in that door I have it up in front of me the front door is it a you walk into what is it a vestibule or small vesu okay and there are cameras there there will be cameras yes correct all right and we don't have any updated ISD certificates we won't be able to issue anything until we have those issues cleared up to be I know you said they're on record but we haven't seen anything correct and then so if we were to be licensed the building would also be sprinklered and reinspected as well okay and then most the most updated because the code had changed which requires that now for for this kind of a use if we were to be licensed then we would provide you the updated certificate okay thank you commissioner Saxon or commissioner C you have any questions IA thank you no questions for me thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of neighborhood services at this time the mayor's offic defer to the Judgment this board uh on hosted in a Butter's meeting on April 4th uh prior to that the applicant had reached out to the Beacon Hill civic association in Matt beem um on the call there had been a number of residents that expressed opposition to the proposal uh suddening concerns related to trash uh with some mentioning um code enforcement violations that had been issued recently um a number of residents felt that the stays were too short that they in theory appreciated that you know people especially healthcare workers uh might be uh visiting or you know working at the hospitals nearby but felt that three days was too short of a stay and also asked questions about would this be used as an Airbnb or a verbo um the applicant was able to answer a number of questions regarding you know the the occupancy uh you know numbers that would be on call when operational um and whatnot um but still some residents expressed concerns we received a couple of letters in opposition that we forwarded to the board including one from the Beacon Hill civic association that voted to oppose uh with that information we'll defer to the board at this time thank you thank you Conor are there any other uh elected officials or their representatives who would like to testify on this matter before we move to General testimony hello Lily sederman with councelor durkin's office uh at this time I'd like to read a prepared statement on behalf of coun jurken uh good morning Madam chair and members of the board the neighborhood civic association The Beacon Hill civic association has engaged in an extensive review of this proponent application after careful consideration the bhca has gone on record of opposition due to the property's failure to meet the Boston zoning code lodging house definition moreover my office has discovered dozens of code violations associated with this property in addition to regular constituent complaints filed directly to my office for these reasons I would like to go on record in opposition thank you thank you we will uh move to General testimony are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter uh if so please uh do unmute yourself and identify yourself you have two minutes to provide your testimony hello this is uh Jason Klein I own Beacon Hill Athletic Club have been on the hill since 1989 um I am in favor of this type of use as it does bring in uh you know pres presumably professionals at the hospital or uh patient families looking for a place to stay without spending a lot of money at the hotels for an Extended Stay whether it's one day or a week or two weeks uh so I am in favor of use okay thank you Mr kle are there any other individuals with us uh this morning who would like to testify on this matter thank you anything further from the board with that the board will take this matter under advisement thank you thank you thank you very much calling item number seven The Institute of Contemporary Art Inc located at 25 Harbor Shore Drive holder of a restricted General on premise all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to change the manager of the license business from Emily Pacini to Kenneth Barrett s who is present on behalf of the applicant thank you secretary green and good morning Madam chair members of the board attorney Ryan GDA on behalf of the licc with me this morning is Ken Barrett s who is the new proposed manager of record for the Institute of temporary art aside from the change of manager of record there are no operational changes proposed and Ken is a US citizen in Massachusetts resident he is familiar with the rules and regulations regarding the sale and service of alcohol and he has over 10 years of experience in the food and beverage industry um having said that he is on the call with us this morning to the extent you have any additional questions thank you attorney thank you for joining us um today Mr Barrett S I have no questions at this time commissioner sax no Commission none for me thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement thank you thank you thank you calling item number8 colon Management Inc doing business as residence in by Marriott South and Boston located at 2001 Washington Street in Roxberry holder of an inh holder neighborhood restricted all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to change the manager of the license business from Megan Murphy to Tommy Brenson Attorney John AA attorney AA good morning thank you attorney green Madam chair members of the board John AA mcder kilty Miller and Hanley 28th State Street in Boston on behalf of the LC e uh joining me this morning is Tommy Brunson uh Mr Brunson has over 30 years experience in the hospitality industry um most recently he was a manager of record in Cambridge both at the AC hotel by Marriott as well as the Fairfield in and Suites um he's moving over and is the general manager now residents in um he is United States citizen a Massachusetts resident he is familiar with the rules and regulations of the board the abcc and the laws of the Commonwealth as it pertains to sale and service of alcohol um there are no operational changes and no changes in ownership um and again as I stated Mr Brunson is here if you have any specific questions for him thank you attorney thank you for joining joining us Mr Brunson I have no questions commissioner sax commissioner C none for me thank you none for me thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement thank you thank you thank you calling item number nine Eddie Merl's LLC doing business as Eddie Merlo's located at 505 Congress Street holder of a common victual or 7-Day all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to change the DBA of the license business from Eddie Merl's to Sullivan's Steakhouse attorney Andrew Upton attorney Upton good morning everyone this is a DBA change from Eddie Mero to Sullivan Steakhouse uh the concept will remain the same all aspects of the operation will remain the same uh but since this is a high-end Steakhouse in the cport we hope the new name will reflect what's really going on and draw more customers other than that no changes at all uh thank you I have no questions uh commissioner sax commissioner none for me thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any indiv any individuals would like to testify in this matter board will take this under advisement as well thank you thank you calling item number 10 pineapple restaurant group Boston LLC doing business as the trophy room at State pineapple Boston located at 22 to 28 Chandler Street holder of an inh holder all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned for a change of officers directors LLC managers attorney up once again attorney Upton uh good morning everyone thank you attorney green Andrew Upton for the license C this is an upper tier change of officers at the parent company just some corporate housekeeping no change to any aspect of the operation at the license premise uh thank you uh I don't have any questions Commissioners do you I do not thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter thank you the board will take this under advisement thank you calling item number 11 280 friend Street FLC doing business as Hotel Indigo Boston located at 280 friend Street holder of an inh holder all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned for the approval of a management agreement between 280 friend Street F LLC and jgd LLC attorney Patricia Malone attorney Malone yes um members of the board um good morning I represent uh 280 FR Street fee LL um with me today we do have um Mr um Jorge vinyl as well as hton ye um I believe I believe they're present is that correct present you present um hello great what we're petitioning the board for today is um currently Mr vinyl serves as the manager of record the management agreement seeks to um uh have Mr vinyl as an indep depent contractor as he is a sole member of the um jgd um LLC Management Group um what re hoping is that with this um change um and then he would be obviously become an independent contractor is that um he actually would be responsible for the hiring and the firing and also the payment and the payroll um of the lenses um management with regard to the restaurant only the ownership believes that um with Mr vinyl's experience that the um service and performance of the restaurant will be elevated not only for the Indigo Hotel but also for members of the community um the uh Indigo uh restaurant uh the portion of the premise that will be uh in the hotel is a small area capacity of 44 um with a uh 1: a.m closing um and at this time there is no other changes um other than um m actually acting in a different capacity and taking over just the control um of the license premises the lensey is open uh until 1: am and serves food actually until 1: am any questions we'd be happy to answer uh thank you so What entity or who is responsible for ordering the alcohol that would be Mr I believe it would be Mr vinyl is that correct Mr vinyl is he that's correct this is this is Carlton he he may be on mute he's on but that is correct he he's responsible right sorry and then who is ultimately responsible if something happens at the license premise the license I mean as far as disciplining and whatever well no like you have you have two llc's so involved in this management agreement who's ultimately responsible if there's a violation if there's underage drinking ownership ownership what does that mean I don't know which one's ownership you have 280 friend street right it would be 280 FR Street fee LLC but they're not responsible for ordering the alcohol they're responsible Mr vinyl who's placing the alcohol orders with the alcohol Distributors I believe it would be Mr Vino is that correct Mr correct yes yes I I do and also as the manager of record um I I am uh responsible for any kind of violations or license permits inp C but but you're no longer going to be the manager record you're going to be an independent contractor now you're not going to be so who's the manager of record I am the manager at who's going to be the manager of record Mr Vino uh there isn't going to be a manager of recit Mr Vino will serve as an independent contractor as the management company okay it's actually a little confusing to me um we still need somebody to serice manager record Mr y would you be looking for a manager of record or would it or would it in fact be I think it's G to remain me right I'm going to remain the manager of record on the license and also as it is you would become an independent contractor so that therefore you would be paid in a different basis than than actually an employee of the premise correct okay that the board's concerned with who placing alcohol orders with Distributors who's responsible for violations or if a crime of some sort um happens at the license premise um I'm not really concerned with who's paying the right bills and stuff um as far as uh that status so I want to make sure that all parties understand that it's clarified yes um commissioner sax commissioner C do you have any questions um I think I have the same questions that you had Madam chair um so are are you going to remain an employee of the 280 friend Street fee LLC Mr I don't go ahead no I don't believe so it will be a man a management agreement between my company jgd LLC and 28 FR Street LLC okay but you were an employee of that company first right of jgd LLC yes no no no no 28 correct 28 Grand Street fee LLC correct and under the previous setup you were the manager of record correct correct but under this you're going to set up your own company and that company is going to handle the food and beverage for 280 friend Street correct so therefore leaving with us with without a manager of record tied to the license holder that's that's correct I believe that we need one we do yeah yeah doesn't make sense this is a someone who's an agent and employee of the holder Mr y understood understood I was just going to reference previous to um George vanal being present our general manager was on record as a as a manager on record and to in order to satisfy this we we're welcome to to amle of doing that again uh should this change go through so then I will be filing an application for a manager Rec record to be Mr Patrick strong who was a previous who was a previous manager of wed who's now who's been elevated to the general manager actually of the hotel okay would you want that to happen at the same time so there's no Gap in having manager record because I think what the chair is pointing out is that it's really the the holder and the manager of record who's responsible for ordering from Distributors correct so I'll get that P right so I'll get that paperwork in immediately and then I guess put this on hold so they both can go up simultaneously to the icca so there's no confusion there as well it sounds more right have you sent uh have you sent us the management agreement yet yes we have that on file um so yeah if there's any amendment to that then send send the amendment please yes definitely we'll have a hearing s good he anything further from the board before we move to testimony thank you are there any individuals who would like to provide testimony on this item board will take the Cent advisement thank you thank you calling item number 12 pasta Beach Rose warp LLC doing business as pasta Beach located at 30 Rose Warf holder of a common vitch or 7-Day all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to change the closing hour of the license business from 11:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. who's present on behalf of the lcy is anybody present on behalf of pasta Beach we will take a second call calling item number 13 Boston restaurant in grills LLC located at 1263 River Street in Hyde Park holder of a restricted common vitual or 7-Day alcoholic dous license has petition to change the closing hour of the license business from 12:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. who is present on behalf of the applicant hello um my name is Maggie I'm present thank you Maggie if you could please uh briefly present the proposed change and the reasons uh for the proposal to the board sure um we are proposing that we um extend our hours from 1:00 am to I from 12:00 a.m. to 1:00 a. um our clientele had requested and we had faced some issues in the past with the extended hour so we would like to make sure that we are all around the board in regulation and we want to make sure that we request the change of hours so our customers can be happy and we conduct business the appropriate way for the area needed thank you uh I have no questions commissioner sax commissioner K I do not thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's off to defer to the Judgment of this board some backround information the community process on hosted a Butter's meeting for the applicant on February 21st first uh concerns were raised about parking during the meeting uh the applicant went on to meet with the Hyde Park neighborhood association on May 2nd uh the civic association voted to support this proposal at this time our office like to defer to the board thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter seeing none the board will take this under advisement as well thank you thank you very much following item 14 Anthony's Market Inc doing business as Anthony's Market located at 407 Meridian Street in East Boston holder of a retail Package Store wines and M beverages license has petitioned to change the category of the license business from a retail Package Store wines and M beverages license to a retail package store all alcoholic beverages license attorney Scott Holmes attorney Holmes can you unmute me oh there we go good morning everyone it's a pleasure to be before everyone uh Scott Holmes on behalf of Anthony's Market Inc and with us today is also AAS Fernandez who is the president and we are seeking a change in category as I think it's a great process this convenience store on the eagle Hill of East Boston has had a beer and wine malt beverage and wine license for two plus years and has operated successfully doing so with great respect for the law and understanding their responsibilities for doing that uh this is a change to seek the right to sell uh all alcohol uh and I want to be upfront it's a non niip situation I I believe that the board has made that clear in the past that nips is not a preferred method of selling alcohol so my client and everybody we've spoke to we've conveyed that we've appeared before uh the community on May 9th uh the ABS meeting no one showed even though we papered the place like crazy and then on May 22nd we appeared before the eag Eagle Hill civic association which is just a wonderful group of people and uh I've been told by the president there Deborah cave that we have gotten overwhelming support and um it is really just to help business and to service this little smaller area uh on Eagle Hill in uh East Boston um that's why we're seeking this change in category I I just like to say that this process is amazing uh you know this is probably speaking off the cuff here but uh to interact with the community on these things is just so powerful for not only me as an attorney but for my client to have this kind of connection with the people who live in this neighborhood without which this process we would not be anything but just putting up those flyers so I I I commend the board and the way it's being operated because it really is an effective way to voice what you'd like to do and to hear from the community and the community had no problems with this so that's my point thank you I have no questions commissioner Saxon and commissioner Cen not for me thank you no questions thank you thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify in this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes madame chair members of the board Connor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this town of marage is OB deferred to the Judgment of this board uh as you heard from the afans representation on hosted in AB but's meeting on May 9th uh there was no one in attendance the afan then went on to meet with the eagle Hill civic association which voted to support this proposal rware of any concerns at this time we'd like to defer to the board thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter yes uh good morning Madame chair members of the board Gabriela Ramirez here on behalf of counselor Gabriela k sapata at this time the councelor would like to go in support of Anthony's Market thank you very much I'll ask again if there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter I believe the owner of the building is here Mr py P a l i Eric py uh Mr ply if you are with us is there a testimony you would like to provide I do not see you I just saw him a second ago he can submit it in writing you can okay accept that thanks okay thank you great thank you with that the board will take this matter under advisement thank you very much have a nice day everyone and you thank calling item number 15 Russian benevolent Society doing business as Crystal restaurant garage room located at 14 to2 lyen Street in Alon holder of a common vit or 7-Day all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to transfer the license from the above to Ken and Co Inc doing business as Jana grill and bar at the same location Surin caran manager 2 a.m. closing hour secondly as petition to amend the description of the premise from two rooms on first floor kitchen and storage and rear with the addition of a rear room including restaurant and outdoor seasonal patio and private property for 80 patrons from April 15th to October 15th between the hours of 11:00 a.m. to 2: a.m. 183 main banquet and restaurant 177 rear restaurant and 80 in outside patio two approximately 3,000 ft on lower level of three-story commercial building entrance exit accessed by outdoor patio and private property table seating for 124 patrons and bar seating for 13 patrons kitchen and bathrooms located in left of space annual weather permitting outdoor patio approximately 2,000 sare F feet on private property with seating for 80 patrons closing hour 2 a.m. thirdly the applicant has petitioned to pledge the license to Russian benevolence Society Inc and lastly has petitioned to remove the following conditions from the face of the license one not to open prior to 400 p.m. two alcoholic beverages to be served only in conjunction with meals except in the lounge and three bottle service allowed who's present on behalf of the applicant uh good morning uh mam chair members of the board I was pausing because I was expecting attorney Kurt bler to uh he was here he was here yeah I did see I'm happy to just jump in he was just gonna tee this upe attorney Mike Ross on behalf of our team including uh Kurt bletzer attorney Roberts um the Russian benevolent society and the proposed leny uh uh Surin Ken who's here today with us um so uh as attorney green stated uh we're here to uh request a transfer of license alteration of premise removable condition and pledge license from the Russian benevolence Society to caran and Company doing business of John a grill at 1420 lyen Street in Austin this is a New Concept new owner and new plan Surin Kiran currently owns and operates the Janna Grill and Bar in Watertown and is proposing the same concept at this location it's a Mediterranean restaurant serving dishes from Armenia Georgia Lebanon azerbajan and other Eastern European countries Surin opened in Watertown about six years ago he's been very successful since with no violations uh he uh he owns a license premise he identified uh 14-20 Linden Street as an ideal location to expand his business and grow he's often unable to see customers because his current space is too small it's only 42 people so this location with 137 seats inside 80 seats outside will allow him to meet his demand and the liquor license is vital as Surin could explain to the board wine is liquor is a very cultural part important part of the Armenian and Georgian meal experience so in terms of changes to licenses we're requesting an alteration of premises to significantly reduce the square footage of the licensed premise uh the indoor premise will be reduced by approximately 65% uh and the existing outdoor patio will remain uh remain as is as an area for seating uh the indoor space is plus or minus 3,000 square feet as attorney green mentioned with tables seating for 124 bar seating for 13 uh the outdoor patio has seating for uh 80 over 10 tables um it's tucked between two buildings and railroad tracks in a way that makes it insulated from the street and nearby residences we're also requesting REM remove all as as attorney GRE mentioned all the license condition in a manner that we think will improve the overall experience um One removing the limitation of being open prior to four so that U Sirin can serve breakfast lunch and brunch so we're requesting an opening hour of 10: a.m. um second additionally we're removing bottle service which doesn't reflect the nature or the character of this concept uh and three there was a condition that allowed alcohol to be served in a portion of the premise that's no longer with food uh in a portion of the premise that's no longer part of the premises and then without food in the portion that remains so that just doesn't apply that condition does not apply to this license so that should be removed as well so we're asking to remove those three conditions uh cerns the proposed manager of record he's a US citizen Massachusetts resident familiar with the rules and regulations of this board in the abcc and the Commonwealth he has extensive experience in food and beverage and he's happy to speak about it more if you'd like I'll pause there happy to answer any questions with the board thank you uh thank you attorney Ross is Mr serin and Mr C curan here yeah it's s curan he's one individual uh Chef are you here I don't I don't see him Maggie can you see if you can yeah he should be on line are we looking for S yeah we are I I just spoke to him um he's dialing in right now he had to jump off here and um to take a call from his restaurant so okay he'll be joining in in a minute or so okay I'll move on to some of the other questions first and let me know when he he is here absolutely so tell me about um at the at our last informational hearing regarding this license um the attorneys spoke about this being a clean transfer that there wouldn't be a pledge back to the Russian benevolent Society but it appears there is a pledge now so can you talk me through the pledge who's going to have decision-making powers and who's going to be responsible for the day-to-day operations and what role does the russan benevolent Society play here um the Russian benevolent Society has no role other than that of um maintaining some uh Security on the on the license uh through a promissary note um which is then reflected in the pledge agreement they have no managerial control no operational control um no other control the the uh landlord which is a separate LLC um you know m is is of course maintaining the property and location um but there is no uh effective control whatsoever on the day-to-day operation of this license okay and so is the Watertown Restaurant closing down in order for him to expand here or is he going to be operating both um I we never I I believe it was I was always assuming that Watertown remains open but if um if Surin is now on the call he can clarify that if that's not correct I understand that to be a very successful business uh he's maintaining that has his own license there so um this is a new license my understanding is that stays open and then this is his second restaurant Mike I believe so I mean we're waiting for S and I think a lot because some of the proceeds um to pay for the license he's planning to use potentially from proceeds from um Watertown restaurant as well you believe that both both restaurants be remain open correct okay and um you know previously it was more of a nightclub at this location um it sounds like this concept is very much uh food focused um so what pops out to me is this 2 am closing on the patio um are there any plans for entertainment outside on the patio outside no um there would just be uh recorded music um uh so uh there's also plan to do some sort of light Bite menu as well um up until closing um yeah okay uh I see attorney bz is here I don't know if you have anything you want to add or we good morning Madam chair I apologize I got cut off I was uh I'm down south travel now we obviously we've been through a lot with you and uh we appreciate your patience with us we just uh you know want to have this transaction go through so that Mr Darion can open up his restaurant he's got a very successful restaurant over in Watertown believes this will be a very good opportunity for him and for the community yeah I mean from the board perspective my concerns are with a um an operation that's successful in this neighborhood they're it has not been successful in the past uh it seems like there is a local operator who's willing to take a commit uh take a risk and operate this place so I'm just trying to get a better feel from all of you and him um you know how the operations are going to go we can wait till he comes but in the meantime I'm going to ask if commissioner Saxon or Commissioner Karen have any questions this is one that we've spent a lot of time on so I want to make sure that we get all the information we need um and um I'll see if they have any questions and and then I believe he's dialing in right now because he just request he wasn't able to get in because he needed a code so I just provided him with the code okay you have any questions in the meantime um not at this time I I might after comments thank you no questions thank you thank you and there there is no one in the waiting room right now or joining so I don't he he's not with us yet uh ch do you want to move to testimony right now or wait until Mr Ken joins us we can move on to testimony and once he is here I'll move back to the manager of record questions I have thank you are there any individuals who would like to provide testimony on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives Madame chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of neighborhood services at this time the mayor's office like to defer to the Judgment of this board some background information in the community process on as hosted a Butter's meeting on June 10th there were no abutters in attendance um the applicant during that meeting did Express that they wanted to change the concept from what its previous use had been at this location uh they would not be using promoters or any type of events uh like the ones that had occurred in the past uh they went on to meet with the allus civic association which I understand was supportive of this this change of use and felt that uh the proposal to have more of a a sit-down restaurant was more appropriate uh for this particular part of Altin uh they did have some requests regarding some provisors I see Tony D sedoro is on uh the president of the Allon civic association so I'll let him speak to that um but with that information will defer to the board at this time thank you thank you Connor and I do see we have been joined by Mr Kion uh thank you for joining us we'll see chairman Joyce commissioner K Cher saxson Do we have any questions now that we've been joined by the proposed manager of record uh I I do uh thank you Mr curan for uh joining us your attorney um attorney Ross gave us an over of the manager of record qualifications which it it seems you do meet I wanted to ask you how many hours a week are you going to be at this awesome location he's on mute Curr mute I just asked you to unmute something should have popped up on your phone yeah hello can you hear me we can hear you yeah sorry for being late uh I was driving like I was thinking it's going to be like about 15 minutes late so uh yeah I'm going to be the I mean uh we're planning to open first first several months uh in the beginning from 5 to 2 and then uh maybe we will make it from 9 or from 10: to 2 a.m. that was the question yeah but how many hours a week are you going to be on site not seven seven days uh seven days from 10 to 2 okay so you don't work at the Watertown location yeah we do there's going to be second location right so I just I want to know who is going to be there who physically I don't know how you can be at both places seven days a week from 5 to two so what is the plan for Staffing who's the manager that's going to be on site at this Altin location every day no in in a location I'm going to be manager in water Channel location I'm going to we have another manager who is going to be there okay so you will be the person on loc in Austin at least 40 hours a week yes that's the plan okay commissioner car commissioner Saxon do you have any questions uh I do not thank you no questions thank you thank you we've already heard from the office of neighborhood services are there any other individuals present with us who would like to testify on this matter yes good morning Madam chair members of the board Tony Doro representing the Alon civic association I I I first would like to uh go on record we did submit a letter I want to commend this board for its due diligence on this matter and for uh extending the period of time for Community engagement in this process we greatly appreciate it and the proponent did come to us on June 19th and made a presentation of their plans I also want to thank the chair and I can tell from the questioning that um she and the board I hope are very sensitive to how frustrating a location this has been over the years for the community uh there there have been a number of uh serious violations uh and noise emanating from this establishment and uh given the uh Redevelopment aspects of the property and then the place closing down in the license basically in suspension um was very disconcerning to this community um we have put in a a formal request to defer judgment to this board given the complexity um of the uh the transaction given the history and and uh what the steps are going forward uh but I wanted to share with you um and have you appreciate how important it is uh that this community looks at this as a potential A New Beginning uh a much more reasonable and appropriate use of the site than what has been there in the past we are open-minded and willing uh to uh give this proponent an opportunity uh the thought process that I've been hearing from my board and and other people is that we should start off very simple in essence uh Madam Cher you asked about entertainment uh you know there's always a takeout and pickup and delivery uh that additional um uh changes to the business model might be better uh addressed in the future at Future hearings I I think if we could uh if the board so agrees just get the basic operation in place and let us uh uh judge the performance of the new proponent and see how this whole process works works out uh the only other thing we ask as well is that there be no overlap and I think you've been uh asking this Madame chair that there be no overlap of um uh ownership or controlling interest uh between the two parties we want a clean break as clean a break as we can get from the prior proponents and all du respect uh uh it's just been a very difficult situation and we're hoping that this new Arrangement if approved uh by the board uh is an arrangement that is independent of previous ownership uh previous holder of the license and that these uh people can operate independent and provide the best service they can to the community and and the restaurant is in a is in a good location uh we ask about these other things because again Lyndon street is a very busy pass through Street and and uh it is isol ated a little bit from the community although there's a big new development that just got approved right next door to them on Pratt Street so the Privacy that they've enjoyed in the past will be changing as well so again thank you to the board uh we defer a judgment to the board and we hope that uh your due diligence will result in a a clean break a good start and then if additional elements to the business model want to come into play that they be handled in the future here ings that we have a chance to uh adequately examine those changes so thank you thank you very much for your testimony are there any other individuals with us who would like to testify anything further from the board on this matter board will take this under advisement as well thank you very much calling item number 16 Street Prince LLC located at 48 Temple Place holder of a common VI or 7-Day Wines in m bever is with the cor's license has a petition to trans for the license and the location from the above to papare LLC doing business as papare resturante located at 358 to 364 Handover Street premise consists of two adjoining spaces totaling approximately 18800 square feet space a at 364 Handover Street in one room on ground floor containing dining area with approximately 24 seats Kitchen in rear and basement with additional dining area with approximately 24 seats space b at 358 Handover Street in one room on ground floor containing dining area with approximately 26 seats and bar with seating for 10 restrooms and basement for storage and prep area Frank Pino manager 12:00 a.m. closing hour attorney Bill fulo attorney fulo uh good morning uh attorney green chairman Joyce members of the board attorney Bill fillo on behalf of Frank Pino uh who's with us today and papari LLC um this is a an application to transfer a license beerwine in cordal to a location at 3 58 364 hanni Street in the north then uh a half of that location had been moro's restaurant in the past uh and there was a space next door there was a medical office uh Mr Pino has purchased the property uh is in the process of uh uh expanding into the space next door we have a hearing date set uh at the uh zoning board for that uh The Proposal here is a newly uh expanded renovated restaurant in the space that was quite tight with inaccessible uh space for either handicap no handicap bathrooms Etc this this will be fully accessible uh and have uh services for all both uh on the ground floor and and Below um as mentioned uh the restaurant is expected to have some way between 70 and 884 seats uh 10 of which are at a bar area in uh the newer space uh it will close at midnight as noted even though this license was a a later hour license we've agreed with the community uh for a 12:00 closing which has been traditional for Mr gleno who's U owned two restaurants in the north Den he currently still owns one certi which is a block and a half from this location uh he's been uh in the the business uh for more than 40 years as a chef and a successful restaurant or Marble Head for 20 years uh at a restaurant called penos um before he came to the north end in 2012 uh where he opened the restaurant which U he has sold and has the second restaurant that he opened five years ago ceri that I mentioned um with that uh as indicated he's been an approved manager of record in the past continues to be a manager of recit at ceri and citizen of the US resident of Massachusetts well aware of the rules and regulations of this board um the restaurant service will be Italian um which is his background and his training and U uh this has been fully supported by the community we've submitted a number of letters he's received over 100 letters of support for this proposed uh the not than Waterfront neighborhood Council has supported this not not than Waterfront residents Association has supported and I believe has sent a letter along to you as well and uh we would hope that this is approved by the board thanks attorney Puro um just confirming Mr Pino has already been approved manager record by this board correct that's correct okay that's what I just double checking thank you we did receive the package of letters of support um appreciate that I have no questions at this time commissioner Z commissioner K I have any questions thank you no questions from from me thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor is OB defer to the Judgment of this board uh we had the applicant reach out uh to the two relevant Civic associations for the area new Nick and new R which they did they also for us those 80 letters in support uh that they had gathered from residents in the North End uh which the board as you mentioned has access to um we're unaware of any concerns at this time we'd like to defer to the board with that thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter yes uh good morning once again Madame chair members of the board Gabriel Ramirez here on behalf of councelor Gabriella CLA sapata at this time the councelor would like to go in support of the appc thank you are there any other individuals with us who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well thank you thank you calling item number 17 BMS after dark Inc doing business as 3380 Bar and Grill located at 3380 Washington Street in Jamaica plane holder of a common vict or 7-Day all alcoholic beverages license has partioned to transfer the license and the location from the above to Street Prince LLC doing business as Hobgoblin located at 48 Temple Place the premise consists of 3,293 Ft of retail space one dining room on street level and one dining room one kitchen and two restrooms on lower floor capacity breakdown 49 in basement 71 on ground floor at TI come wise's manager 2 a.m. closing hour attorney Andrew Upton attorney Upton good morning Madame chair members of the board Elizabeth Pisano from Upton conell and zavin on behalf of the leny Andrew Upton is also joining me today as well as Jamie chantler one of the owners and atip the proposed or the current manager of record um this application is to transfer an all alcohol license from 3380 Bar and Grill to Street Prince LLC um Street Prince LLC which is the current Hob Goblin restaurant at 48 Temple place currently possesses the beer one in cordio's license which as you know they're seeking to transfer to papari restaurant the previous applicant that you just heard from so these two um applications are tied together hob hob Goblin is a lively cocktail bar and they serve craft cocktails they serve them with Jin ROM and vodka cordials right now the only change is that you know one of their drinks that's called the iden's charm will actually be made with real Jack Daniels rather than a Jack Daniels slick cor um you know it'll have the same glass same recipe and ingredients just more of an authentic cocktail with the use of um you know real vodka and Jin and rum um they've been open for about a year now and the main feedback that they have received from their customers is that the drinks are just too sweet um and you know they've all expressed their desire for a drink that that is less sweet and that if they had um you know the plain regular VOD aser gin so I think that with the use of um an all alcohol license it'll just create a better atmosphere and the customers will you know be more willing to come back and they'll retain their customers a lot more their cocktail menu will attract far more people um and they're willing to invest the money into purchasing an all alcohol for this location um there is absolutely no change in any other aspect of the operations the um the drink menus will stay the same just like I said swap for a gin cordials for a regular gin um and the owners are the same the manager record will be the same food menu the same um the only change is is using a regular Jin instead of a Jin gordal um and we're happy to answer any questions that you have thank you um in the manager record Mr commis yes I'm here oh thank you um I'm just going to ask the questions I if your attorney mentioned them I missed them but um are you a citizen yes please are you a resident of Massachusetts yes what is your experience in the food and beverage industry yeah I um I used to manage the um restaurant in Cambridge uh called the mad mfest right now have 12 years already okay and are you familiar with the yes we have uh right there yeah okay great thank you and I was just informed you've already been approved so um I have no further questions commissioner Saxon or commissioner curan none for me thank you no questions from me thank you thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of neighborhood service is this time the mayor's off defer to the Judgment of this board uh previously on had run the community process when they were seeking their beer and wine licens um they've worked closely with Boston uh bid um and were unaware of any existing concerns with the establishment our Leon did not facilitate a community process for alcohol due to confusion on his part um but as I mentioned we're unaware of any concerns at this time with that would defer to the board thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement thank you thank you thank you thank you I do believe we've been joined by a representative from pasta Beach so we will take a second call on item number 12 pasta Beach rosew Warf LLC doing business as pasta Beach located at 30 Rose Warf holder of a common victual or 7-Day all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to change the closing hour of the license business from 11:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. who's present on behalf of the applicant I am Adam Adam okay uh general manager of pasta Beach great thank you very much if you could please just briefly present uh the proposed change and the reason behind the proposal uh to the board we uh currently have a a license till midnight we wanted to extend it to 1:00 a.m. um we've noticed that there's been an influx of guests that come in a little bit later on in the night and our last reservations are usually before 11: p.m. so on weekends Fridays and Saturdays so we've noticed you a lot of the times when people go out to an Italian restaurant there's a couple different courses that they want to do first course second course dessert cappuccino espresso at the end of the night or espresso martinis and we notice that people kind of you know tend to linger a little bit longer um a lot of the guests that stay at the Boston Harbor Hotel as well as the residents above us at the Rose Warf and the Harbor Towers um they come in a little bit later and they we kind of don't want to rush them so that midnight license where they're coming in 10:30 10:45 to have dinner and have drinks afterwards we kind of feel like we're rushing them out of the restaurant having to get them out by midnight so we just wanted to extend it um typically an hour and a half is what we usually give for uh reservations to enjoy themselves for their dinner so it was mostly just to accommodate some of the uh Hotel guests that we have been getting that have been coming in a little bit later as well as the residents and any other guests that come in um for a late night dinner not to rush them out within an hour of sitting down thank you for joining us and for that explanation commissioner sax and commissioner P do you have any questions I don't neither do I yep no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's office like to defer to the Judgment of this board uh on hosted in a Butter's meeting for the extension of hours on March 26th um after that the appan then went on to meet with the warf District we're unaware of any concerns at this time but that we'd like to defer to the board thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well and thank you for joining us those are all of the items before the board this morning once again the board will meet to vote this afternoon at 1:00 p.m. notice has been posted to the City's website that will adjourn uh this afternoon this morning's hearing so thank you all very much thank you thank you