good morning thank you all for joining we're just going to give a moment to clear the waiting room and make sure that folks have connected to audio as a reminder when you are entering from the waiting room please do remain on mute unless or until you are appearing or providing testimony to the board good morning this is a hearing before the licensing board for the city of Boston today is Wednesday May 22nd 2024 today's hearing is being held pursuant two temporary amendments to the open meeting law that is what allows us to meet virtually today's hearing is being recorded and will be posted to the city of Boston's website before I review procedural matters I will introduce chairwoman of the board Kathleen Joyce good morning my name is Kathleen chy chair of the Boston licensing board today I'm pleased to be joined by commissioner Liam curan and commissioner Kiana Saxon thank you please ensure that your audio and visuals are working properly I will call each item in the order that it appears on this morning's agenda I will then ask who is present on behalf of the leny you will then sorry of the applicant will then make a brief presentation regarding your proposal followed by questions by the chair and Commissioners following questions there will be an opportunity for Testimony beginning with elected officials or their representatives for members of the public wishing to provide testimony please limit your testimony to two minutes and please state your name address and affiliation if any calling the first item on this morning's agenda item number one 175 Cambridge Street LLC doing business as gongcha located at 175 Cambridge Street has applied for a common vict license to be exercised on the above 850 square foot full service bubble te with takeout on one floor first floor has 10 seats and a food preparation area in the back without any flammable appliances bathroom in the rear of the first floor storage in the rear of food preparation manager ding Sun hours of operation 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. who's present on behalf of the applicant uh hi this is ding I'm representing 175 K Street doing business ATA great thank you for being with us if you could please just briefly present uh the proposal to the board sure uh good morning my name is d and uh I'm the owner of the business franchising the gcha brand gcha is globally recognized uh buy brand with over it with over 25 stores in Massachusetts and hundreds more across the United States uh our space at 175 kri street is approximately 850 square footage uh featuring 10 seats and a uh and a ad compliance restroom for customers uh we will only provide bubble teas and no food will be sold at the store uh like our ingredient are carefully selected and Ure the best possible flavor and freshness uh we are excited to bring the GAA um to the community at 175 kambridge Street and looking forward to serve our customers thank you thank you for that explanation is your plan to be open S days a week 11:00 am. to 9:00 P PM yes correct okay um I have no questions for this time Commissioners do you have any questions I do not thank you none from me thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter yes Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of neighborhood services at this time we'd like to defer to the Judgment of this board we're unaware any unaware of any concerns we ask that the applicant continue to work with the neighborhood and ensure that double parking is not an issue out front with that will defer to the board thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take us under advisement thank you yeah thanks calling item number two which will be called together with item number 13 uh a shamat Hudson LLC doing business as Trillium located at 401 Park Drive holder of a common vit license and also holder of a farmer Brewery and Winery pouring license has petitioned to change the closing hour of the license business from 10:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. for the common Vitor license and from 12: 12 am. to 1:00 a.m. for the Brewer and Winery ping license who's present on behalf of the applicant good morning Madam chair members of the board attorney green Tyler Hensler from Upton canel and delin here on behalf of Trillium with me this morning is Brandon keading who's the manager of record at the Fenway location and Mariel Watkins who's the compliance manager uh at trillum we are again applying to extend the hours until 1:00 a.m. on the CV and the pouring licenses uh and eventually though it's not up at this hearing on the entertainment although that is uh non-live on TV and Ambiance uh background noise speakers uh nothing else will be changing at this time we have attended uh mayor's office of Neighborhood Services of Butters meeting the Fenway civic association and last night we met with the autobond circle neighborhood association uh all generally supportive uh as should be expected they're a stellar operator no no violations at at the city of a at the city or the uh abcc levels at this location or any of their locations throughout the Commonwealth uh and before I conclude I want to thank you for taking us out of order at 2 and13 um but with that we're happy to take any questions uh thank you attorney we received a letter from oton Circle and they had em bolded something about extended security measures was that discussed at your meeting last night I will have to uh go to Brandon I I was conflicted out that was a last minute scheduling okay so Brandon can can speak to that yeah so uh they were worried about you know extra noise being in the neighborhood and I told them that I would reach out and see what we could get uh from the security team and what they are doing currently and I told them that it was going to be a very tight window and was most likely not going to get a response before this meeting and uh I do not have anything at this time for them but I will have something eventually it just was a really tight window for me to get something in black and white for them sure so the extended security measures were more um having to do a sound correct okay have you guys had many sound complaints zero okay zero we had zero yeah okay thank you Brandon um I don't have any questions commissioner Saxon and Commissioner Karen none for me thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on these items number two and 13 beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's office defer to the Judgment of this board uh can confirm that on held in a Butter's meeting on May 1st uh there was a member of the broader Community who had a number of questions uh that the applicant was able to address uh and there was also a person who identified themselves as an abutter who expressed support for the proposal they went on to meet with the f Fenway civic association which I understand voted to support the proposal and then upon request they connected with autobond circle I met with them last night um with that we'll defer to the board at this time thank you uh good morning Madam chair members of the board um here on behalf of uh District 8 City councelor Sharon Durkin um the applicant met with neighborhood organizations and received a letter of support from the Fenway civic association councelor Durkin would also like to express support for both of the items thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to provide testimony board will take these items under advisement thank you thank you calling item number three nor Eastern University located at 60 badier Street has applied for a lodging house dormatory license to be exercised on the above 60 Bader is one of two buildings of the Sheran Hotel on Dalton Street of which Northeastern University is the tenant under lease building has 30 total floors 25 of which are residential there are 428 residential rooms in the building which can accommodate up to 808 beds there are 18 rooms per floor for floor 6 through 29 14 rooms on the fifth floor and there was no basement area there are 34 beds on each floor for floors 6 through 29 and 26 beds on the fifth floor manager Robert Austin who is present on behalf of the applicant yes Robert Austin here I am present as well as we have other nor Eastern University um as well good morning uh thank you rob good morning commissioner Joyce and uh chair Joyce and Commissioners my name is John Tobin uh who along Rob works at North Eastern University uh with the city and Community engagement I'm joined by many of my colleagues here at nor Eastern uh as well as the owners of the building uh in their Council uh so I want to thank you for this opportunity to be before you this morning uh as uh as as stated by the commissioner this is for a long-term uh dor license at 60 Bel Bel Street uh this uh like this is included in our PDA and our master plan uh this enjoyed tremendous and overwhelming and unanimous neighborhood support uh in business support from surrounding businesses uh and uh this is like I said a long-term lease uh for this uh Tower um and we feel that we've satisfied all the the requirements and this is kind of our last step uh to have this ratified uh thanks very much I should know this but the five non-residential floors uh what are on those floors got M uh Miche L Lisa hi hi Lisa from nor Eastern University I can answer those questions um one the first floor we have a Lobby uh where it's just the central entrance to the building the second floor is a mechanical space that is off access the third floor is an amenity space there is a small fit Center there are some study rooms some um housing and residential life offices the fourth floor is another mechanical space that is off access to anyone the fifth floor is a combination of rooms and um a few more other amenity areas such as a central uh Amazon Locker Hub a central package for mail and shipping for the students who live there okay thank you um thank you all I don't have any other questions commissioner K and commissioner Saxon no questions for me thank you none from me either thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives Madame chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor is off like could defer to the Judgment of this board this went through a lengthy bpda Le Community process uh involving uh a variety of comments received from the iig as well as the uh broader Community um ultim Ely was board approved by the bpda January 18th that information will defer to the board thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well thank you thank you commission calling item number four parm Copley LLC located at 100 Huntington a holder of a common vict 7-Day all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to change the manager of the license business from Patrick Choy to faruko baz attorney Dennis quilty attorney quilty good morning attorney green Madam chair members of the board Dennis quilty attorney representing the ly uh with me this morning faroo bizone who's the proposed manager of record uh Mr bizone is a Mass resident a US citizen and has lengthy experience in the food and beverage uh industry um we look forward to answering any of your questions this morning thank you thank you attorney um Mr bazoon I don't can you say hi again I missed you yes yes hello Hi how are you are you familiar with the rules and regulations of this board the abcc and the laws of the Commonwealth pertaining to the sale and service of alcohol yes of course all right thank you what is your experience um um I've been um an executive chef for uh 20 years and I've been a corporate and food and beverage um director or uh for eight last nine years thanks very helpful um of course I don't have any further questions commissioner car commissioner Saxon do you I do not thank you no questions thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement thank you thank you thank you thank you calling at in number five SMG Newbury restaurant LLC doing business as saraphina located at 235 a Street holder of a common Vitor 7-Day wines and malt with lur beverage's license has petitioned to change the manager of the license business from Derek meler to Jonathan brachman who is present on behalf of the applicant thank you secretary green and good morning Madam chair members of the board attorney Ryan G on behalf of the leny with me this morning is Jonathan brachman who is the new proposed manager of record for saraphina on Newbury Street aside from the change of manager of record there are no operational changes proposed and Mr brackman is a US citizen Massachusetts resident is familiar with the rules and regulations regarding the sale and service of alcohol and has experience in the food and beverage industry um he also was a previously approved manager of record by this board um having said that he is on the call to the extent that you have any questions thank you attorney gazda I think I see Mr brakman on the iPhone um thank you for joining us I I actually don't have any questions for you or for him commissioner Karan and commissioner Saxon do you I do not thank you no questions thanks thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter seeing none the board will take this under advisement thank you thank you thank you calling item number six sedexo operations LLC doing business as the Lounge located at 300 Logan Airport Terminal C in East Boston holder of an airport common viter 7-Day all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to change the manager of the license business from Noah Smith to Kevin raker who is pres on behalf of the applicant do we have anybody on with us on behalf of the sedexo operations Lounge we will take a second call following item number seven patina boss LLC doing business as banners Kitchen and Tap and hub Hall featuring momosan R Ramen by Morimoto located at 80 to 82 Causeway Street holder of a common vit 7-Day all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to change the manager of the licens business from Jacqueline Kelly to Dwight Hoover and secondly has petition for a change of officers LLC managers attorney Tom Miller attorney Miller good morning chairwoman Joyce Commissioners secretary green Tom Miller from der quilty Miller and Hanley in Boston on behalf of the LC e um I'm joined today by Dwight Hoover the proposed manager of record for this license Dwight is a US citizen he's a resident of Middleton Massachusetts he has extensive experience in the industry he is familiar with the laws of the Commonwealth the rules of the abcc and this board for the sale and service of alcoholic beverages he's been with the LI e for more than three years he's a previously approved manager of record in Somerville uh he's worked in various roles supervising the sale and service of alcohol um for more than 20 years he is immensely experienced in the industry uh second there is an application change the LLC manager this is at only at the corporate level um there uh just shuffling people around at the corporate level there'll be no change to the corporate structure uh and no change to the day-to-day operations from that portion of the license uh to the license e uh we want to thank you for hearing this application today and we'd be happy to answer any questions you have thanks attorney Miller thank you for joining us Mr Hoover I don't have any questions for you or your attorney commissioner C commissioner sax and do you I do not thank you no questions thanks thank you are there any individual who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well thank you thank you item number eight will be rescheduled to the next available hearing date at the request of the applicant calling item nine Newbury Guest House Inc doing business as Newbery guest house located at 257 to 261 Newberry Street holder of an inh holder all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned for the approval of a management agreement between Newbury Guest House Inc and lumari restaurant LC who's present on behalf of the applicant uh my name is David gban I'm the owner of the hotel and the license I'm joined by Lee Whitaker executive chef and owner of Larie LLC uh thank you all for hearing our request today uh we are uh a 35 room boutique hotel that's been around in the neighborhood since 1990 uh we have two in-house restaurants one is operated by bat LLC that will not change and uh Larie LLC will be located uh in the 259 space the 12200 squ foot main floor restaurant uh and the adjacent outdoor patio space as well uh I am happy to take any questions and again I'm joined by Lee Whitaker the owner and executive chef okay um that main restaurant La Marine uh how many seats going to be there just CU you say 48 48 seats okay [Music] um let me just take a quick look okay at this time I don't have any questions commissioner car commissioner Saxon I have no questions thank you questions thanks thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well thank you thank you item number 10 D and D Hospitality LLC doing business as publico located at 11 Dorchester Street in South Boston holder of a common vit or 7-Day all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned for a change and ownership interest attorney Leslie Delaney Hawkins attorney Hawkins thank you attorney green Madam chair Commissioners lesie Delaney Hawkins with the law firm of Prince lell on behalf of the Li with me today is Theo bugas this is simply a change at the uh beneficial interest level to actually incorporate Mr bugas who is the current manager of record he is receiving an ownership interest based on his Sweat Equity to date there are no other changes to operations uh for the record this also previously included an alteration of premise to include the outdoor dining on uh public property but given the recent legisl uh legislative changes and abcc advisories we were we were told that that did not need to be addressed today but that that was originally part of this application and there are no other changes proposed thank you um I don't have any questions commissioner curan or commissioner Saxon I do not thank you no questions for me thanks thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter seeing none the board we take this under advisement as well thank you thank you very much calling item number 11 Flagship Restaurant Group LC doing business as forella located at 33 north Square holder of a common bit or 7-Day wines and Mal beverages with lur license has petition for a change of LLC managers and secondly has petition for a change in ownership interest attorney Dennis quilty attorney quilty good morning again attorney green Madame chair members of the board Dennis quilty attorney representing the leny entity Flagship Restaurant Group LLC with me this morning uh uh its principal Shannon McGowan and the new hopefully approved member Gano trata the application before you is to uh take Miss Miss mcgaw's 100% interest and divided equally between she and Mr trata who have been longtime business partners uh the end result being that it goes would go ownership from M mcau at 100% to M mcau at 50% Mr Trot at 50% and both would also become LLC managers um and then is the extent of the application no changes to the operations or any other matter at the location and we are certainly happy to take your questions uh thank you is has Mr traa been involved before in the business Mr Trot has has been involved in other restaurants has been involved in you know working here for a long time he's a longtime restaurant tour in the neighborhood and um this was just a recognition of his uh Sweat Equity in the building and his uh you know kind you know General leadership in the food and beverage industry great thank you for that explanation um I don't have any questions commissioner K and commissioner Saxon no questions for me thank you no questions thanks thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter or will take this under advisement as well thank you thank you following item number 12 argas corporation located at 30 Bennington Street in East Boston holder of a common bitor 70 wines and M beverages with Lor's license has petitioned for a change of officers directors secondly as petition for a change of stock interest and lastly as petition to change the manager of the license business from FY Marlin arua to raberto rreo attorney Mark White attorney white morning Mr Green Madam chair members of the board uh Mark White here for um the petitioner Aras Corporation this is an intra family uh transfer um phenomenal consideration I'm here with raberto Restrepo um who is United States citizen resident in Massachusetts familiar with the rules and regulations of the abcc and this board uh and actually has extensive experience um in uh food service and liquor service he was actually the manager of record uh for the um the um the concern right next to um right next to this place also at 32 benington Street for over 12 years um again nominal consideration there's no change to operations whatsoever thank you mrpo how many hours a week do you plan on being on site as manager [Music] record uh he says almost all the time between 40 and 50 hours a week were you present 40 or 50 hours a week at uh the previous place where you manager record yes he would say so okay um now why did you remove yourself as manager of record next door to become manager of record here yeah so so the the the other transfer was to his um to his son and his son's wife and the both of these um bars restaurant have been in the family um so you know they decided he was going to take over this one when his son took over and his wife took over the other one yeah I just don't understand why we're familiar with both places so yeah WRA my head around why he's doing that I mean according to him he wants to kind of bring up this this place you know he's able to leave the other restaurant in hands of his son and his son's wife in this particular C and again they're all they're all family members so with this particular one his experience level he wants to get in there and and and maybe improve um bohemios which again is next door to the other place but they are two distinct restaurants and again they're both held within the same family okay I'll hold you to it that you'll be there 40 to 50 hours a week uh commissioner Karin commissioner Saxon do you have any questions uh no thank you no questions thanks thank you are there any individuals who would like to to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives are there any other individuals who would like to provide testimony on this item board will take this under advisement thank you thank you item 13 has been previously called with item number two calling item number 14 local Inc doing business as local located at 350 to 352 Handover Street holder of a common vitler 7-Day wines and M beverages with C license has petitioned to amend the description of the license business from approximately 800 ft of space located on first floor of premises which includes kitchen nine tables and 18 seats all entrances and exits are located on Handover Street to 1,35 foot restaurant located on first floor to include kitchen dining area with seating for 30 storage and kitchen and behind bar all Patron exits entrances are located on Hover Street who's present on behalf of the applicant uh thank you secretary green uh Madame chair members of the board attorney Jeff drgo with drgo and Tuscano here on behalf of the leny Jen matazo um we are seeking as was mentioned a change of description of the premises uh which is currently at 352 Hanover Street local restaurant this uh proposal would expand into 350 Hanover Street the adjacent building uh my client has operated successfully for the last 10 years had the ability to expand uh and make this restaurant uh into a larger location uh what this expansion would do is relocate bathrooms expand the kitchen area add a new bar with seating and some additional seating going from 800 square feet to 135 and seeking to increase the Pasty at its current 18 seats to 30 um we met uh with the community the abuts and both nura and nck Civic associations who supported the application um all of the work uh will be housed inside except for signage uh on the exteria I can pause to answer any questions that the board may have thank you attorney drgo uh you're doing a great job I don't have any questions at this time thank you m chair no questions for me thank you none for me thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their represent lives yes Madam chair members of the board colner Newman with the mayor's office of neighborhood services at this time the mayor's office like to defer to the Judgment of this board uh can confirm the applicant reached out to the two relevant Civic associations in area uh new Nick and new R uh both uh didn't have any concerns regarding this proposal and opted for non- opposition uh with that would defer to the board thank you thank you other any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement thank you thank you calling item 15 Shri cono Inc doing business as Jim's Variety located at 113h Street in South Boston holder of a retail Package Store wines and Mall beverages license has petitioned to change the category of the license from a retail Package Store wines and all beverages to a retail package store all alcoholic beverages attorney Christen scandin attorney scandin morning Madam chair members of the board attorney green Kristen scanland for the leny applicant signed on with us this morning is Andy Patel who is the owner of Jim's Variety um as uh attorney green mentioned we're here seeking an upgrade of the existing beer and wine Package Store license to include all alcohol uh Jam's variety is a market and convenience store which Andy has own for approximately 12 years for the past five years or so they've had a beer and wine lensey or license and during that time have been an exemplary lensey Andy also owns another store with an all alcohol license in Brighton Wine basket and Spirits which he's had for 10 plus years uh byway background the store itself is approximately 1300 square feet and since he's owned it um they upgraded the store entirely also bringing in um several new products at the request of um the neighborhood H from what you would expect from any local Neighborhood Market um they offer anything from a small selection of grocery items Dairy produce bread egg eggs cheese snacks Dry Goods medicine um and obviously the last five years they've had beer and wine as well uh the hours of operation are currently 8:00 am. to 10: p.m. Friday and Saturday and 8:00 am to 900 P p.m. Sunday through Thursday those hours are not proposed to change they technically are licensed right now to 11: p.m. but don't usually stay open that late um secondly and and I understand from talking to Andy and going through this process that there was first a concern um which I think is notable when they added beer and wine that they would take away um the existing Market offerings a non-alcoholic product and offerings in the store when they added beer and wine and to the contrary um when the beer and wine came in five years ago just the opposite happened they added more groceries and More Store offerings and are always um ready and willing to do so at the request of their customers um which is largely a a um part of their their request today there are several um items that have become popular like hard seltzers your High Noon brand for instance that customers are regularly looking to get um but obviously they're currently restricted from selling products like that in the market with the current license they are certainly um with an upgrade of their license dedicated to uh not offering nips um which would alleviate any litter concern in the neighborhood and are dedicated to not offering singles as well uh they clean up the storefront constantly reg regardless and that will continue um I know the board sometimes is concerned on whether or not they use thirdparty delivery services which they do not at this time and don't have any plans to do so either um as far as public need is concerned and as I indicated many customers have expressed a desire for the business to upgrade the license um when we attended the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services a Butters meeting it was widely attended with dozens of people speaking in very strong support uh to share some of those comments because I think several were noteworthy and to relate to the board to let you know the type of business that you would be awarding this upgraded license to some of those comments were from a father who said he had three small CH children and as a young family very much in favor of it he said Jamie's variety is the best neighbor you can ask for several PE people echoed those sentiments saying that it's a friendly store and staff a family atmosphere um a lifelong souie resident chimed in saying that Jamie is the only true neighborhood store left doesn't mean they're from the old neighborhood but they know everybody's name and that they indicated they go out of their way to shop at Jamies no matter where they are in souie and said that the employees and the owner there are second to none um also indicated that it was a One-Stop friendly shop and I think the most notable and noteworthy one that hopefully will make you laugh said that the best uh it's the best it's clean they're totally support and please give give him a license so I don't have to walk all the way to Broadway and make sure he sells Jameson um Gat of Heaven also um attended the hearing and said that they Echo what everyone else said or meeting sorry and support the upgrade wholeheartedly uh at this time happy to answer any questions or concerns the board might have regarding the request uh thank you attorney uh thank you for uh joining us today um so you've agreed to no nips no singles corre um you had an abutters meeting you don't have any letters of support or opposition do you have any forthcoming or was there anything else that you want to share about the community process uh we can have them forthcoming and I can share the um the comments with you that I have um but I know that they would have several um residents that would happy be happy to reiterate that support in writing to the board okay so as far as the current floor space are you planning on expanding taking away what how are you going to add the all alcohol to what you offer right now as far as be and wine like no they're not planning on taking away from any existing offerings they would just limit and reduce what's currently forward facing in the store so for instance instead of having five bottles of of the same wine it might be two or three to accommodate the spirits that would come in on the shelving area so the floor print wouldn't ch change for what they're offering okay and um where is the closest uh place to 1138 Street where they sell all alcohol uh approximately three blocks away uh commissioner Caro commissioner sax do you have any questions um do I have this right I have I'm looking at about five licenses that are within3 miles is that is that correct yes but many are liquor stores and not the market that offers grocery items medicine Dry Goods um kind of One-Stop shopping as I indicated okay um with regard to your expanded offerings you got this is there anything you're offering that can't be got at these five um they do want to emphasize um some local brands that might not be offered at those um and again I think it's more of a convenience aspect for the type of Market they are you know there are other liquor stores but it's it's something that the residents really want to see and and keep in this area okay um that's all I have right now I'll may have something have comments thank you no questions for me thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives Madam chair members of the board Connor Newman with the mayor's office of neighborhood services at this time the mayor's office defer to the Judgment of this board uh K confirm and 's meeting was held uh that was uh it was robust support expressed by members of the community our office ended up receiving five of support which I can make sure is being forwarded to uh to the board right now as we speak um many members of the community that we're on uh testified to the character of the operator um and we understand that the applicant was in touch with the relevant Civic group the Gate of Heaven uh neighborhood association that information will defer to the board thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to provide testimony seeing n the board will take this under advisement as well thank Youk you calling item number 16 pqt Inc doing business as green Gardens liquor and Delhi located at 35 West Milton Street in Hyde Park holder of a retail package store all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to transfer the license from the above to VJ Partners Inc doing business as green Gardens Liquor and Deli at the same location Vil senena manager 11: p.m. closing hour updating the description of premise to the premises to be licensed is located on the ground floor of a two-story Standalone building with one room on the ground floor and basement for storage with one entrance in the front one exit on the side and one exit in the rear and additionally has petitioned to pledge the license to pqt Inc uh just for the board's awareness this uh transfer has already been previously approved by the board at the time of that hearing the pledge was not included at that hearing so that is the subject of this morning's uh hearing with that attorney Tom TRX attorney TRX attorney green thank you uh Madame chair members of the board attorney Tom Tru appearing on behalf of the proposed transferee VJ Partners Inc as attorney green has indicated at our last hearing there was an approval um I'm not sure how the pledge got left out but I did mention it so I'll I'll REM mention it as part of U um the hearing last time I mentioned that there was financing involved there's seller financing involved they're financing 50% of the purchase price and as part of the additional collateral for that loan the uh the sellers are requesting a pledge of the license um and um I'll be answer happy to answer any other question question you may have thanks attorney for coming back I have no questions commissioner car and commissioner Saxon no questions for me thank you none for me thank you thank you and are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well and thank you for uh reappearing for the pledge thank you very much thank you calling item number 17 kudoba restaurant corporation doing business as kudoba Mexican Eats located at 17 to 23 forsight Street holder of a common VI or 7day wines and M beverages license has petitioned to transfer the license and the location from the above to Evergreen eery Inc doing business as Evergreen eery and Cafe located at 154 Green Street in Jamaica plane premise consists of 2200t ground level restaurant with a dining area a kiosk area and a kitchen with storage room also a 1500 ft² outdoor seasonal patio march to October on private property Bill P manager closing hour 10 p.m. both inside and outside secondly the applicant has petitioned to change the classification of its license to a wine small faers and Lor's license pursuant to the authority contained in chapter 481 of the acts of 1993 and lastly the opan has petitioned to remove the following conditions from its license a no bar B alcohol service with food only and C patio to be staffed at all times who's present on behalf of the applicant Attorney James McCollin attorney Patrick Troy on behalf of Evergreen and Mr Phil P thank you very much if you could please uh briefly present the proposal to the board uh as as the um board just said uh kadoba is looking to transfer the license to Evergreen um there would be no mortgage Mr P is a US citizen he's a resident of the Commonwealth he's familiar with the rules and regulations of the city of Boston and the abcc and he has 33 years experience in the food and beverage industry he's previously held similar licenses at Village sushi in gillin rosindale and for the past 27 years uh a license at JP Seafood on Center Street in Jamaica plane which is absolutely a beloved destination uh not just for the residents of Jamaica plane uh but for the entire city in surrounding areas I know the proposal has the support of the Jamaica plane neighborhood Council um one thing I would like to point out is that the prior license uh held by kobber on forsight street was right at northeaston University which is why I would suggest to the board perhaps that's why there was uh no bar uh alcohol service with food only uh Etc um Mr P at Evergreen uh restaurant the dimensions are in The Proposal uh there's currently like a Sixers coffee bar uh which which uh there would be six stools and uh Mr P would ask permission to have uh uh the uh customers be able to sit there and of course have food in in a beverage uh and with respect to the change of having a uh adding Laos to The Malt uh and uh wine uh Mr P is available to answer any specific questions uh he's uh deeply uh respected in the community as I said JP Seafood has been in business for a total of 33 years uh and during the 27 years that he's held a license there there's been absolutely no violations uh whatsoever and and also for the board's information there would be no mortgage on the transfer of this sale uh would be completely funded privately and Mr P is available to answer any questions thank you attorney thank you Mr Pig for joining us I'm just going to run through the manager record questions first and then I'll get into some questions about the application about the transfer are you a citizen yes I am are you a resident of Massachusetts yes I am and we've heard about your experience in the food and beverage industry are you familiar with the rules and regulations of this board the abcc and the laws of the Commonwealth pertaining to the sale and service of alcohol yes I am okay and I just want to get on the record I know you want to add lur could you describe how that's going to help your menu offerings and why you would want to add lur to this license well we are actually very popular uh destination as well uh we've been uh ever since the Inception of everen which is about seven years um you know the uh the BR brunch is the most popular um and we love to have a complimentary alcoholic beverage service there and having the Lor would be great to have uh some of the mix strengths okay um I'm satisfied with that um commissioner car and commissioner Saxon do you have any questions I do not thank you no questions thanks thank you are there any indiv ual who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor is Sly defer to the Judgment of this board believe previously this applicant has gone through a community process regarding a similar proposal uh but this time around they met with the jpnc uh where they were very well received I see Michael has his hand raised so I'll let him speak more to that but uh at this time we're unaware of any concerns we'll defer to the board thank you thank you very much I do see Mr rin's Hand raised Mr rkin you may please provide your testimony uh my name is Michael Riskin I'm live at 425 South Huntington Avenue in Jamaica plane member of the Jamaica plane neighborhood Council and chair of its Public Service committee we had a neighborhood hearing on this issue on April 2nd uh Mr P was present and presented the uh the request uh he's a longstanding and outstanding business owner in the neighborhood uh as mentioned he successfully operates another restaurant with an alcohol license um this business Evergreen eery is a stalwart business in the neighborhood um and he had overwhelming support at the meeting and uh multiple letters of support from the neighbors especially the upstairs uh residential uh neighbors uh it's a mixed use community and uh uh people came from the uh upstairs Apartments to support him uh strongly um he really does need this alcohol license uh with lur to go up to the next level uh so that this restaurant uh can uh uh thrive in this location there are three uh parking spaces that have been cut out out of the property um right along Green Street and there is a parking lot uh across the street presently available uh for parking so we urge you to uh approve this transfer of the kadoba license to Evergreen eery thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter board will take this under advisement as well thank you very much thank you thank you calling item number 18 workhub Boston LLC doing business as the substation located at 4228 Washington Street in Rosendale has applied for a general on premise all alcoholic beverages license to be exercised on the above 7100 ft historic building being used as a multi-purpose venue with two floors three entrances three exits the main floor is one large room with 34t ceilings and a usable floor area of 2,898 Ft it includes a walk-in refrigerator with 12 beer taps and a bar the lower level includes 1,880 Square ft of community space uh 425 square feet of private offices as well as bathrooms a hallway gallery and Mechanicals for the building together 897 square feet manager Adam rugoff Closing Time 11m who's present on behalf of the applicant and I am um I'm Adam rogoff um and I'm here with my business partner Laura Charles um attorney green Madam chair and uh Commissioners I I should say I'm an attorney in my uh other capacity but I'm I'm here as a business owner and in a personal capacity this is far from what I normally practice um so the the business is work up Boston which we do business as the substation um Laura is going to talk a little bit more about the operations but it's important to know the history of the building where we occupy it is a historic building right located over Adams Park in rosindale it was owned by the NBTA uh and boarded it up for 40 years and it had a a community-driven process that worked on renovating the building getting the building into active use as a as a way to contribute to the the community and give it as a a boost for economic development I had done that as a chair as a volunteer for 20 years in that process and somehow and and later on has be have become a business owner but that was not my intent um initially we um we have been Laura will explain a little bit more but we've controlled the whole building for about two years and we've been before this board for many many uh one-day licenses for acttiv activations that we have in the building and we feel like that that is the the best demonstration of the need because the more we program the more people are showing up um and there's a real diversity of programming um and that is also important because there have been licenses that have left Rosendale Village and so as we um had we want to be able to give people more options for for what we do we've had an abutters meeting um we've also had a meeting with the well we've been in communication with the West Village neighborhood group but also with Rosendale Village Main Street and the Rosendale business group I believe you've gotten some letters uh in support as a result of that um I am a US citizen I'm a resident in Massachusetts I have uh my familiarity with the rules and regulations of the abcc and this board and um management uh in I I have learned over the last two years of the many events that we've done um around the managing of of a bar and Laura can explain a little bit more about her own experience as well so well all right hello um I'm Laura Charles um Adams business partner in this Venture and I'm just going to share a little bit more about the business operations and the programming that we've been running over the past several years um and also a bit more kind of about the overall mission and vision of the business and how it aligns with the community interests and needs um as Adam mentioned he's been involved in kind of the community mobilization in the Redevelopment of this building um and so there's been a long history of um listening and really understanding what the community wants to see here and how they want to participate so we right now are running a combination of co-working private event rentals um and public events we call them community events and we've also been running a beer hall um in the fall and the spring for the past two years we've had five different Brewery Partners who themselves have been getting one-day licenses through this board to operate on weekends Fridays and Saturdays um and then we ourselves have also been applying for our own licenses for a variety of activations um anything from uh club nights and dance parties to community concerts um and I'll talk a little bit more about some of the other specific programming that we have done both ourselves and in partnership with other organizations um so a couple of the reasons that we are seeking our own liquor license rather than just continuing with the one-day licenses as Adam mentioned we've seen some liquor licenses leave Rosendale um and there is a continued need and interest as we see from people showing up every time we open to the public um and the beer hall that we've been running um as our most regular opportunity to stay open to the public has been successful but it hasn't been fully inclusive located in rosindale which is a very diverse neighborhood um also you know immediately Abed by matapan hiy Park Jamaica plan some of the more diverse neighborhoods in Boston um we've had people approach us uh with interest for collaborations and events that they ultimately don't work with us on because we are only able to get beer and wine licenses um as part of the one-day licenses so we've had people approach us with interest in Latin nights and Caribbean branches um and ultimately decide to go elsewhere outside of their own Community um because we're not able to accommodate um the full variety of Beverage options that they see as important to the success of their own events um so with our kind of goal and mission of being a true community and inclusive space we feel that the full liquor license is essential uh for us to be able to do that and also for the sustainability of our business we we have seen repeatedly and we hear from people that they want us to stick around they want us to do more of the programming um and being a able to operate our own bar is obviously going to contribute to increased revenue for the business and ultimately allow us to be more sustainable as a business um some of the programming that we have run um that has been enhanced by alcohol service beer and wine um up to this point we've hosted many Community fundraisers um rosindale Open Studios has been here uh two years in a row and we will do that again this year um porchfest we've had spoken word and Open Mic nights um we've had film screenings and circus performance um live music like I said club nights and dance parties so it's really been a wide variety of activations um that we have done so far we actually just had our first movie night last weekend um and just feel that the that the community is going to continue to show up um for more of these the more that we are able to do and the alcohol service is really one of the crucial things that's going to allow us to run more of this programming so I think we're able to take any questions uh if you like thank you both you actually answered the two questions I had so I appreciate you putting a lot of thought into your application it really does sound like it's a good community space and I think um should you be granted an alcohol license if one became available um it sounds like you'd be providing an amenity to the neighborhood um so those that's one of my comments other comment is there's a lot of excitement around this application um so you know we're keeping our fingers crossed that we do end up with um some more licenses um and thank you for uh working so well with our staff with your rotating um one days um on on many levels it would help us too um but I I only have um positive comments I've yet to to visit your spot um but I know a lot of members of my staff have I can tell you that so uh with that I'm going to turn over to commissioner Karin and commissioner Saxon see if they have any questions or comments uh I have nothing to add thank you no questions from me thank you thank you we'll see if there are any individuals present with us who would like to provide testimony beginning with elected officials or their representatives Madame chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor s defer to the Judgment of this board on hosted the butters meeting on April 22nd that was very positive number of residents Express strong support for the proposal um as you heard from the applicant's testimony they've also done extensive Outreach with different stakeholders in the neighborhood as well we're unaware of any concerns at this time we'd like to defer to the Judgment of this board thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter great the board will take this under advis as well thank you very much thank you calling item number 19 yera Supermarket Inc located at 260 East 8th Street in South Boston holder of a retail Package Store wines and mes license has petitioned to change the category of the license business from a retail Package Store wines and Mal beverages to retail package store all alcoholic beverages who is present on behalf of the applicant hi good morning maxio Guerrero here thank you Miss Guerrero if you could please just briefly present to the board uh the proposed change and the reason for the proposal thank you um as I said my name is maxel Guerrero I'm the store and license manager of the Jano Supermarket um for those who do not know us um we are a convenience store of about 1300 square footage there a family-owned and operated business we have been here since 2003 so a little over 20 years um we sell a VAR of different products to ensure that we're serving all the families of our community communities as best as possible such as groceries um produce Dairy and now beer wine um back in 20122 the city granted us the retail Package Store license for wines and M Beverages and before you today I am requesting a change of category to retail store alcoholic beverages we begin to make sales of beer and wine at location in April of 2023 and we are very grateful for the opportunity given um we've had no violations have followed procedure aware of all the rules and regulations regarding sales um and it's helped us immensely generate more business and in fact has brought a new clientele to our location our customers have been requesting a different variety of alcohol options in addition to the beer and wine and we would like to make it available to them and in addition to that due to the new clientele and even our priate centel has allowed us to bring more options of groceries requested as well um we had our butter meetings with the community hosted on April 25th um with that that being said our goal is to offer additional alcohol beverages while maintaining the food products that we already sell within the same space we plan on using our current storefront and our current storage phase to maintain the products and continue to make our weekly orders to maintain that we have everything that our customers need and are asking for um the idea behind the request is for our customers to come in to one place aside from being able to buy B and wine and be able to get their groceries their produce their Dairy all in one location um we want to continue to make our location a place for options for our clients thankfully the business is doing very well and we want to continue to do the best that we that we can to ensure that we stay in the community of South Boston we've been here for many many years um we know all of the families all of the children have that have grown up within the last 20 years um we get amazing comments from our clients just very appreciative of the fact that we are still here so we want to continue to do so and by so is providing them with their needs and making things easy for them to save our clients time um so with that I just hope that the city can support our request and I thank you for your time thank you for that presentation just a couple questions um what is your plan about for selling nips and singles um we we don't want to sell nips um just in the thought of making sure that the community safe clean and safe um we do sell singles um right now so we plan on still continuing to do so our customers have been asking for things that our license doesn't permit us to sell at the moment kind of like high news and um those kind of alcohol beverages is which is what we're looking to to add okay will you be removing any floor space to add the alcoh all alcohol products no Our intention is to put Less in the storefront right now so for example if we have two iOS of a specific wine will remove an aisle to add another product so we plan on keeping the same for both Grocery and wine and then we have not received any letters of support or opposition do you have any sort of community process or is there are there any comments written comments I can provide us I can add them forthcoming as well did you have any Community process um I had my Comm I had the but's meeting on April 25th okay yeah commissioner Karin or commissioner Saxon do have any questions not at this time thank you no questions from me thank you thank you are there any individuals who would like to testify on this matter beginning with elected officials or their representatives yes Madam chair members of the board Connor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services uh this time we'd like to defer to the Judgment of this board uh K confirm an Butter's meeting was held I believe it was May 1st I was lightly attended um the appin did reach out to Dorchester Heights which is a local Civic group um we're unaware of any concerns at this time we don't have any letters in opposition or support um if any do come in we'll make sure to for them to the board with that will defer thank you thank you are there any other individuals who would like to testify on this matter thank you the board will take this under advisement as well thank you so much thank you and we will take a second call as it does appear that Mr raker has joined us uh so back to item number six so Deo operations LLC doing business as the Lounge located at 300 Logan Airport Terminal C in East Boston holder of an airport common biter 7-Day all alcoholic beverages license has petitioned to change the manager of the licens business from Noah Smith to Kevin raker uh thank you Mr raker for joining us I'm just GNA ask you to un mute it looks like you are on mute currently good morning I apologize for myor Norris thank you for being with us is it possible to turn your uh oh it doesn't look like we can turn your camera on yeah my my my computer is showing me that the camera's on but I can't see myself on the computer so I have I have the app on and I have the browser on and neither one of them are showing me on camera so I'm not sure exactly what's going on with it all right chairman would you like to proceed sure uh Mr ran raker are you are you a citizen yes I am do you live in Massachusetts yes I do do you have experience in the food and beverage industry yes I do and are you familiar with the rules and regulations of our board the abcc and the laws of the Commonwealth pertaining to the sale and service of alcohol uh yes uh thank you commissioner C and commissioner Saxon you have any questions I do not thank you no questions thanks thank you are there any individuals would like to testify on this matter seeing on the board will take the C advisement and thank you again Mr rer for joining us thank you those are all the items before the board this morning that will adjourn this hearing and the board will convene to vote tomorrow at 10: a.m notice has been posted to the city's website thank you all and enjoy the rest of your day thank you