##VIDEO ID:vlDZdKItHik## good morning thank you for joining we will just allow a moment to clear the waiting room before we get started good morning good morning thank you for being with us as a reminder when you are entering from the waiting room please do remain on mute unless or until you are providing testimony before the board good morning this is a hearing for the licensing board for the city of Boston today is Tuesday September 24th 2024 today's hearing is being held pursuant to Temporary amendments to the open meeting law that is what allows us to meet virtually today's hearing is being recorded and will be posted to the city of Boston's website before I review procedural matters I will introduce chairwoman of the board Kathleen Joyce good morning my name is Kathleen Joyce chair of the Boston licensing board this morning I'm joined by commissioner Kiana Saxon and commissioner Liam Carin thank you please ensure that your audio and visuals are working properly especially if you would intend to provide testimony I will call each item in the order that it appears on this morning's agenda I'll ask who is present on behalf of the ly who is present on behalf of the Boston Police Department and whether there are any other individuals with firsthand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify I will then swear in all parties after that the police report will be read into the record and the leny or their representative will have the opportunity to make a brief statement followed by questions by the chair and Commissioners all testimony will be limited only to those individuals with firsthand personal knowledge of the alleged incident begin with the first item on this morning's agenda calling item number one Concord entertainment Inc doing business as bills bar the landown pub located atown Street date of the incident January 20th 2024 salt and Battery employee on Patron in violation of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 64 and chapter 265 section 13 a who's present on behalf of the LIC e good morning attorney green Dennis quilty attorney representing the LC e good morning Madame chair members of the board with us this morning Anthony Chugga who's the manager who was on duty on the night question Terrell Bradshaw and Wayne Miller of the security staff and uh ktina Corin who's the administrative officer for the Lions group thank you thank you I Believe Miss corpin is the only person mentioned who I see on screen right now um so any others um on behalf of bills Bar L on Pub wish to testify please do turn your camera on so we can Ser you in Anthony Terell are you guys with us okay there's Anthony and there's Wayne one more perhaps ktina do you know if Terrell's with us this morning I am looking and I don't see um well we have Anthony and and Wayne so we can we can go with that thank you who is president on behalf of the Boston Police Department um police officer Joan maroto thank you officer maroto are there any other individuals with firsthand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify can you all please raise your right hand detective Troy also I could thank you lieutenant Troy do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do I do I do I do thank you all who will be reading the police report to the record that be officer maroto Len officer marot should have a copy of it now um yes sir I do have a copy okay thank you if you can please proceed for the board about 2:45 p.m. on Saturday January 20th 24 officer maroto in the Delta 431 days respond to radio call for a solid battery report at 8:44 Beacon Street upon arrival officer was greeted by the victim goai gug who stated that about one 15 a.m. on this day he was at five L down Street Boston bills barar the victim goou stated that it was um it was closing time and he was about to leave the bar with his friends when the bouncer aggressively demanded him to leave and got on the victim space the victim stated that the bouncer started pushing him to get him out of the bar and that he pushed the bouncer off because he did not agree on how the bouncer was handling the situation the victim stated that four more bouncers surrounded him and S Ying pushing him the victim stated that he lost his balance and fell backwards at this time the victim grabbed one of the bouncers by the shirt to avoid Hur hurting himself while on the ground the victim felt a kick on the left side of his head and almost lost Consciousness officer marot observed um that the left side of the victim's head was scraped and swollen the victim said that his friends and other bystanders tried to keep the bouncers away from him and when he got up he got up from the ground the bar manager helped him with eye specks and apologized for what happened the victim said that after the bar manager went back inside the bar about five males including the first bouncer mentioned came from an Alleyway and surrounded him and his friends again with intent to continue to fight the victim said that he saw a police officer and stood close to the officer for his safety at this time all five males left the premises the victim said that he does not know any of the aggressors or parties involved the victim said that he went to math General briam at 1285 Bon Street Brooklyn to be evaluated and treated the victim said that his still feeling nauseous and dizzy Al M provided an incident number to the victim and body War camera was activated thank you very much attorney PTY would you like to address the Alle in of Lieutenant Troy do you have yes I do there's an additional report that the license premise from uh the the detective lumbo who was unfortunately called in Boston municipal court today and it reads as follows at 3:30 p.m. on January 24th detective lumon o Conor issued a license premise violation to bills bar at N lown Street relative to a previous assault and battery report which was filed on January 20 2024 the license premise violation was issued in hand to Lindsay duzi uh manager of the Concord Entertainment Group which owns The Establishment that's the extent of that report thank you very much attorney pil would you like to address the alleged incident yes if I may just in reverse order if I could just ask Lieutenant detective Troy with regard to the report you just read that in report stated that management cooperated with the police is that correct that's correct and it's notic noticed on the uh license promise violation thank you sir thank you and officer margato if I may um you responded to 844 Beacon Street the following day is 84 for Beacon Street the the residence of this uh person Mr go goou um correct that was um where I met with the victim to to write the report right so you the incident whatever it is that he told you happened the night before is that correct uh correct like about 1:15 in the morning right and this was up like 2:45 in the afternoon um I believe so okay and so you're you're you have no personal knowledge of what occurred with regard to Mr gug you just took a statement from his his telling you what happened that is correct okay um and he didn't it appears that he was unable to identify anybody uh having struck him or pushed him or anything like that is that correct correct according to the report he he did not know any of the the is involved okay do you while speaking to him um it's apparent from the report that there were police on the scene did Mr guck tag uh ask or tell you why he didn't approach any of those officers to tell them anything or ask their help no he did not mention he just stated that there was a police officer um nearby and he approached the officer for his safety okay but he didn't recall telling the officer what had happened he didn't say that to you anyway no okay all right thank you officer margato I appreciate your time yes sir um Madam chair may I inquire of the uh licensing Witnesses yeah yes okay thank you um if I may Mr Chugga Anthony Chugga is with us Anthony uh having been sworn in first of all you're muted unmute yourself please thank you I'm here been sworn just just identify yourself what's your name what's your responsibility at the uh at bills bar my name is Anthony chuga I'm one of the managers for the landown pub in bills bar and were you in that employee on the night in question were you manager of bills bar on the night in question yes I was okay and at some point in the evening were you called upon to ask some certain people to leave the esta yeah so protocol 145 that's when we close up last call everyone leaves the building security just makes their announcements and everyone heads towards the exits and what on this night did anything you know atypical happened anything unusual happened um so I was waiting for the cash outs from the bar the security was doing their rounds um asking people to leave the building per usual and suddenly I just hear commotion um I hear commotion on bills side ramp so I run over and I see this guy tussling with one of my door guys my door guys trying to just bring his arms down because he has his hands above his head trying to swing out my door guy and like I said he's continuing to just put his hands down trying to get his hands and out of the building and it kind of spills over to the street then I come in and I I get everyone I pull everyone off the kid um because they he's now down sorry forgive me I'm gonna just move for a sec M sorry about that sorry about that just uh some construction nearby um but so I told security there's police on the street I'll talk to the police everybody go back inside um we have to reset the building and everyone went inside as soon as I asked them to these guys were exclaiming that they were going to wait for my security staff I'm telling the guy like listen this isn't necessary the police are right there if if you guys are going to continue to be like this they're probably going to begin arresting people um I did notice the guy uh was just red in the face um I don't know if it was from the tussling or what but I offered him I told him I could call an ambulance he said he wouldn't be there for it he wouldn't you're breaking yeah we lost you Mr CH we lost you entirely a rag with some ice and he said sure So I rack in the building um I look I see one of his buddies and he goes oh yeah he's waiting nearby I'll make sure he gets to the ice and I go okay I'm sorry that it went down like this I don't I don't get why I had to go this way have a good night if you guys anything we're here all the time um the police didn't come over they were just they were on the street um I'm not sure if they were already in the area doing a a beat or what it was but they were already on the street so by the time they got out of the car they were just telling people to go home okay okay so in your opinion was this a matter of a certain Patron or Patron simply not wanting to leave at closing time yeah and and in the tussle did he didn't want to leave because his friends were finishing up a drink I'm sorry okay I that's all I asked you is that what you think happened he just didn't want to leave yes okay and in this tussle you described your personnel were pushed and shoved and knocked to the ground as well is that correct correct there was another group that I try to hold back they said That's my boy that's my boy and I told him listen they're going to just walk him out the building he's being aggressive and then they all just forc push past me and push the door guys out the door and that's why it's filled over onto the street okay and your your personnel were pushed and fell in that same incident is that correct yeah yeah if it wasn't for the guys pushing through me then they wouldn't have pushed through those three of them they push through me and then they pushed the security and that's why it it pushes out onto the street okay and was and Mr Miller is with us today was Mr Miller there on the street at the same time yeah Mr Miller and I were actually exchanging words trying to make sure all right I'll do this you do that and then literally as soon as we hear commotion we run to the front and we witness all of it okay and we kind of just try to get in and our like separate things but there was it was group of guys a couple of our security staff and we're just trying to make sure that no one gets hurt um there's still other patrons trying to get out of the way so we're making sure that they're able to get out the way and then when these group of guys push past me that's when the entire team just kind of gets shoved right out the door by these other guys and and during this or at some point in this uh um you know matter if you will the Boston police were on scene there were police officers there correct and did you interface with them did you speak to them I I was expecting to and they literally just came by and just said everyone go inside if you're working if you if you don't work here then just leave and go home okay and at that point did this other group Mr guck tag or his friend did they then leave from what I understand a lot of people stood around and were just kind of saying that oh we're gonna wait here we're gonna wait here we have the right to stand on the sidewalk and I just at that point I just made sure that my entire my entire staff was inside the building okay all right thank you um Mr sugar the may have some questions for you absolutely and if I may may I just inquire briefly of Mr Miller yes thank you way you're you're muted as well way can you unmute yourself just ask you to unmute something should have popped up on your screen yeah I'm unting now there you are and again similarly to Mr chuga you've been sworn in just State your name for the record and what your job responsibilities are at bills bar uh my name is Wayne Miller and I'm a manager at um bills Bar L on P okay and were you present on the night that was just described by Mr Chugga yes I was I was standing right next to Chugga at the time okay and do you have anything to add other than this person not wanting to leave do you have anything you can add to the board as occurred here I don't he actually described the situation perfectly okay what we deal with that night okay and were you involed did you get pushed and shoved yourself yes I did I ended up in the middle of it okay all right and um you then did you did you at the same time then Mr Chugga suggested when the Boston police said everybody leave go home the workers go inside is that what what occurred in the yeah I started um grabbing all my guys um and physically pushing them inside and let telling them all to go inside because while he was while Chugga was talking to the um other um patrons I grabbed our guys and made sure that they all got inside and um finish making sure everybody got in the building okay and then and to to the best of your knowledge that the rest of the rest of those folks end up leading the area the people Mr G tug I I I believe so uh I I went in the building as soon as everything happened um I believe that they left but they were a lot of people standing on the sidewalk like chga said Thank you Mr Miller again the board may have questions for either one of you just stand by thank you ma'am um I have no questions commissioner K or commissioner Saxon any questions was there any video preserved to this yes so I'm sorry yes indeed uh commissioner we will provide that K you have the video correct yep we have uh three different angles unfortunately the video itself where the initial um altercation took place you don't actually see that you see the main uh floor of bills bar you see people running um towards the ramp that leads to the main entrance or exit uh then you see um a group kind of getting pushed up the ramp and then out the door onto the street so we have three different angles unfortunately again you don't actually see the initial interaction but you see pretty much everything else that both Mr Chugga and Mr Miller described and we'll provide that to I'll send it to Dann way I normally do yeah what happened with the the initial did it happen in an area of no coverage or yeah the where yeah there wasn't any coverage you didn't actually see where the where the cameras are and where they were in the uh in bills you you can't actually see them interact it is my understanding again I know Terell uh Bradshaw who was one of the security staff people uh who was supposed to be here today but for some reason he's here now oh so maybe he should make his statement because he was the one who interacted with the uh uh yeah I made the with the patron sorry one moment sir you have not been sorn in yet if you could sorry I gotta get sworn in no Nores thanks ktina for letting us know that um he is RA if you could please just identify yourself with the board then I'll have you sworn in uh good morning my name is Terrell Bradshaw thank you Mr Bradshaw could you please raise your right hand do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes sir thank you you can please continue with your testimony um so I'm the initial uh security guy that I mean I made the initial contact with the patron um we were at closing time and uh I was the guy who initially told him like hey you got to go you know um our building is now closing everyone's evacuating so he had like this demeanor like oh me and my guys are just goingon to stay right here like we're not going anywhere I'm like unfortunately sir yes you have to you I'm saying like you have to go so he had like made like a stand like no I'm out of here so then uh I'm not sure if I mean yeah he made initial physical like he T like a kind of like a chest bump like you know like no me and my guys are staying right here so he was the only one out of the group that was really belligerent you know what I'm saying everyone else was just finishing their drinks heading back to the bar putting their cups and their their bottles and stuff down and um so I I I make the gesture to get him out of the door but then he started frailing his hands like you know he tried to make a big scene and then uh you know uh other security guards other uh you know building people help me get him out the out the door when we get to the door his buddies intervene and then I don't know if you guys can see that but you'll see like my shoe like I I even fell out of my shoe like I tussled into the street from the situation from his friends intervening um and then as I'm finishing up from the tussle I get up Tony has this all go back inside and then that was the ending of the situation thank you thank you Mr Mr ter ter Mr Bradshaw appreciate it and again the board may have some additional questions yep commissioner car did you have any further questions following no actually one question was uh who might have been there initially so that answered it thank you none from me thank you thank you and chairman Joyce no questions from you no questions thank you with that the board will take this under advisement uh we'll be on lookout for those videos and I'll make sure that those are shared with the board thank you we'll have that over today thank you calling item number two Food House Inc doing business as friendship BBQ Alon located at 103 Brighton a in aluson date of the incident April 27th 2024 assault and battery with a dangerous weapon a bottle Patron on Patron in violation of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 64 and chapter 265 section 15a who is present on behalf of the licy hello good morning attorney green members of the board Carol and Conway on behalf of the lensey and also with me is uh the honor manager solm tting thank you very much uh who is present on behalf of the Boston Police Department Sergeant haran is here if he's not Lieutenant detective Troy thank you do not see the sergeant with us oh thank you lieutenant Troy are there any other individuals of firstand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify this morning thank you can you please raise your right hand you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth sorry I didn't hear you Mr Ting oh yeah yes I do great thank you very much Lieutenant Troy you've already been sworn in if you could please proceed with the police report for the board uh reading from a police report uh authored by Officer Nang on April 27th it reads as follows about 8:04 p.m. on Saturday April 27th Austin ying and and uh Lenin responded to a fight at 103 bright and KN at the friendly barbecue restaurant uh on arrival officers observed a large crowd people exiting the friendly barbecue restaurant and several employees approached the officers and pointed to a few people in the crowd uh but spoke in Chinese um officers followed uh her to the restaurant where we observed what looked like blood drops on the floor and red smears all uh over the wall and by the front checkout desk the main dining room was in complete disarray there were broken dishes bottles uh and and food all over the floor and tables pushed around the victim um gal was sitting at a bench on the far wall uh bleeding profusely from a to uh with the towel wrapped around the top of uh their head officer lenon attended to him immediately after and after calling EMS on the radio she put pressure on the towel around his head to help control the bleeding the victim uh started typing on his phone and uh stated that he was going to uh be posting to social media he Del he done uh arrest arrest he then yelled arrest and and profanity he uh started to touch officer Lennon's radio and Equipment getting blood on her radio in uniform officer lenon stay with the victim until the MS arrived officers then talk to um G's girlfriend Lindsay Lao who stated that her boyfriend is bipole and was having a manic attack and was very aggressive towards everybody but did not hit anybody she stated that an older male male wearing a leather coat and white T-shirt hit gown on the head with a beer bottle and there were several different groups of people in the restaurant that were hitting gal officer St uh saw several people outside but knowing M nobody match in that description officer talked to several people outside and said they were involved in the tication most could not speak English uh Chen Z said that he was involved from the beginning of the incident which started when he tried to use the bathroom he stated while he was attempting to open the bathroom door was locked so he waited for the person inside to finish when the person inside Mr GA came out he was very agitated and started swearing at him and became very aggressive and threatening uh threatening Z's Elder mother and other people in the restaurant Z said that he did not remember exactly what happened after that but he found himself on the floor with a GW on top of him and hitting him Z stated that he was trying to defend himself and was grabbing anything he could get his hands on to hit G and get him off his friend Michael XI was also there in the restaurant during the incident agreed with Z's statements that and but did not add anything more Sergeant KV and an officer lenon blocked the sidewalk area in front of the restaurant with crime scene tap to prevent anyone from entering the restaurant district 14 detectives came and photograph the scene and conducted their investigation the victim gu was taken to Beth Israel uh for lacerations to his head and face area along with several several other injuries officer Allen follow followed the victim to the um Hospital Sergeant kban conducted a code 35 and body body War cameras were activated um think that's the extent of that report I'm not sure if there's a secondary one here one moment there a sergeant heran also has a report here which uh um reads the same and uh um it it just notes that um Mr Z will be summons to Bright Fort for assault and battery a dangerous weapon um if you'd like I can read that enre report we do not have that additional report so sorry it's a it's a the supplemental report complaint um I'm sorry if you don't have that is it the one with um detective John horen the beginning yeah uh detective I do have that one we do have that thank you okay uh I'll read it so detective John hn assigned to District uh 14 detective unit was signed the incident assault and battery dangerous weapon bottle at 103 Bright Now The Friendly barbecue restaurant on speaking with the the victim uh Mr G was learned that he was in the friendly barbecue restaurant with his girlfriend Miss Lao when somebody uh tried to come in he stated that he was upset that the person was trying to get into the restroom and when he came out he began to have words with them the male trying to get into the bathroom was identified as Mr Zhao uh Mr GA stated to the detective that uh the argument was his fault and he was rude uh to the suspect and the people in his party but it never got physical a video tame from the friendly barbecue restaurant showed that the victim gal was arguing with the group gathered to have dinner Mr gal can be seen in the video being restrained by his girlfriend Miss Lao as he continues to have words with members of the group uh Mr gal one time at one point pushes past Miss Lao uh and gets face to face with party member uh Michael shei as the two get face to face uh Mr gal was hit on the left side of the head by the suspect Zhao with a beard beer bottle from the table he was standing next to at this time a fight between the victim and the suspect ensues an elderly Asian female with black and gray hair um begins to batter the victim with several items from the table the suspect Z continues to fight with the victim gow as several people are caught up in the fight and and trying to break it up the detective uh spoke with the suspect Mr Z who stated that um he was in the restaurant with his family when he attempted to enter the bathroom Mr Z stated that he when he attempted to get in to get in some someone in the bathroom yelled out to him the bathroom was taken Mr Z stated that he he he went and paid his check and then returned to the bathroom he he assumed that the person was done an attempt to open the door at this time Mr G came out of the bathroom and started to have words with Mr Z over The attempts to get into the bathro Mr Z said the gout began yelling at him and his family calling them foul names and threat uh yelling yelling threats Mr Z stated that gal's girlfriend attempted several times to get him to sit down and stop yelling but he was not able to get him to stop Mr Z stated that Mr GA at this time approached a member of the group like he was going to fight so he hit the victim with something from the table and began fighting with him detective haran attempted several times to get the name of the elderly female in sar's party but he would only uh give the name of she um Mr Z to be summoned to Brighton Court for assault and battery with a dangerous weapon to with the bottle uh that's the extent of that report thank you very much Lieutenant Troy attorney Conway would you like to address the alleged incident yes Lieutenant Troy if I may um the license premise violation indicates that the lensey was cooperative with this case yes it indicates that they were yes um if I may members of the board uh Mr Ting was not there that night um this is something that was an unfortunate incident where this gentleman just um kind of lost control and the rest did our our people came from you know out from behind the counters and everything to stop the um incident and also called the police and they kept they kept the people there so that they could get medical attention and we're we're Cooperative it's just one of those things that happened that it it just it just blew up out of all of a sudden the whole incident probably lasted less than a minute and a half but the um there was overreaction by the by the patrons that happened here we're not normally at place it's just a little small restaurant and we don't normally have any kind of incidents whatsoever uh we're going back we've retra we're training our employees to make sure but we we do know that they were the ones who immediately called the police and assisted any all the victims that were on the premises thank you we'll see if there are any questions with that chairman Joyce any questions uh thank you would will you be able to forward the video to us attorney yes also the slip says that Patron called the police are you saying that the staff called the police that night yes okay so tell me a little bit about the Staffing that night and nowhere in the police report does it state that staff intervened at all so I'm getting a picture of a crazy fight between patrons with no one helping out you will see in the video our staff um person is in a green and white Checker um sh that is the person you can see him get into the middle of it immediately as it happened and was making separating the parties and also we our understanding is is that Mr T you can um address this as well that we called the police yes correct we call the police I mean U my staff was right in the front of the entire fight we're trying to hold it back uh it shows clearly in the video that we really try to prevent this uh entire process and we are the one who end up not notifying the police regarding this incident how how many staff were working on this night uh there were three um in the dining area and there were uh four um in the in the kitchen area and how many of those staff members just um saw the fight happened everybody did okay so maybe the video will give me more information attorney you said that you retra they retrained the staff what did that include well that includes making sure that again we re reemphasize that people are uh to call the police this was not if you'll see the police report it didn't didn't appear to be alcohol involved uh in in this it just that um the gentleman had an unfortunate uh mental F Fitness incident and was very aggressive and people responded Mr Ting I know you weren't there that night but um your attorney is saying that staff was trained did you participate in that training this was an April incident so can you give me some idea about this training we went do like this the usual um training in regards to uh how to monitor the entire alcohol like the tips training and then we keep the bottle count and then um it's just a regular training that we always do okay um I don't have any other questions yeah I'll I'll wait on the video thank you yeah I guess I'll write on the video I'm curious on how he actually got hurt I mean I know he was acting I rate but yeah the incident actually was resolved and then they came back it shows in the video clearly uh real we send it over immediately to you thank you thank you are there any further questions from the board great please do uh share that video with us I'll make sure that it is uh distributed to the Commissioners as soon as I receive it with that the board will take this under advisement for now thank you thank you calling item number three zaa KF L LLC doing business as bis Columbia located at 28 Bennington Street in East Boston date of the incident June 22nd 2024 assault and battery employee on Patron in violation of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 64 and chapter 265 section 13A who is present on behalf of the lcy good morning Hi how are you good morning morning thank you you please just identify yourselves for the board great thank you both who is present on behalf of the Boston Police Department detective Eduardo Asino thank you detective are there any other individuals of firsthand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify this morning great can you all please raise your right hand do you s to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you detective Espino if you could please uh read the police support the record for the board yes sir I'll be reading police report 24251 326 about 7:40 pm on Saturday 622 2024 off nir and Neo Mato in the gold 2011 Frank responded to a radio call for assault and battery in progress IB abip apparis Columbia at 30 benon Street East Boston other units responding with a gold 101 Frank hon Vio gold 421 Frank Deus and charant Chik the gold 904 upon arrival officer spoke with the victims Cruz rilio date of birth 91674 and Edward manfredo Perez date of birth 21788 both stated they were assaulted by John Yaro Alvarez Herrera date of birth 9 2669 who is the bouncer of bardis Columbia located at the address listed above rilio and Perez said they were at the bar at some point they refused to serve them and they were asked to leave the premise which they refused to do the bouncer Herrera grabbed them by by the arms and started to fight back both of them were punching punched by Herrera rilio was punched in the face and Perez was hit in the mouth officers observed the injuries both parties refused EMS on scene [Music] Herrera said hero and Perez were being kicked out of the bar because they were intoxicated and still wanted more drinks they started to act erratic and cursing the bartender Herrera said he punched both of them in self-defense because they got upset and were about to hit him with a chair should be noted that Ro rilio and Perez appeared to be intoxicated while speaking with officers their speeches were slurred and they could barely walk Sergeant chlock gold 904 responded the scene issue a quote 35 Citation for staff on Patron A and B citation number 02666 pictures of the victim's injuries were attached body War cameras were activated and that's the end of their Cas report thank you very much uh Mr panz Miss panz would you like to address the alleged incident yes I would um on that good morning everybody from the chairman um on that day what happened was two patrons came in they tried to get a drink it was really early we were just starting our night opening the night and when they came in they said um can we get your drink we said no we can serve you CU first of all you guys are very drunk so would you please leave the prises and then they started saying to the girls um swearing at them telling all these things that's when Mr John came in because he he wasn't still on duty he was just walking in and the one of the patrons grabbed a chair tried to throw it to the um to the girl and that's when he had to grab him because they were very um rude at the same time he because there was two of them he was by himself and the rest was only girls so he tried to pull them out so they can go out to the street and that's all but there was never no punches I think the guy did himself with with the chair CU he tried to pick the chair up to throw it at the at the barback but there was no incident with us we we were barely just opening cuz we usually open our four but our our staff all the other girls come in at 7:00 so was literally just starting to open and there was nobody in the in the premises so on that incident um I spoke to the detective I I brought him the video and everything was there and saw that he even told me he said don't worry you're all say cuz you could see they they have not been served not even one drink they were just trying to come in the premises and we couldn't do nothing about it and as I said there was only all girls the only one that was there Mr Herrera there was two of them and they did pick up a chair I did send the video to um the officer they picked up the chair and and that's when he had to uh do something just to protect the girls thank you anything further you or Miss Banas would like to um tell the board before we move to questions that's all thank you okay chairman D any questions uh we do have the video thank you for sending it is your staff in the black shirt with the baseball hat I I don't I think there is I'm I don't recall it okay he's not he's not the one with the chair on the hand that that I know for fact okay but no no I think he he was literally just walking in if you see him he's walking in he tell him you got to leave I think he always wears a hat so it should be him but the one with the chers the other guys okay all right I have no questions thank you yeah done for me thank you done for me thank you thank you the board will take this matter under advisement thank you item number four which concerns the same licensees Za akf L LLC doing business as BOS Columbia located at 28 Bennington Street in East Boston date of this incident August 18 2024 a bottle service violation in violation of Mass General Law chapter 138 section 64 who is present on behalf of the lcy thank you very much who's present on behalf of the Boston Police Department IES thank detective are there any other individuals of firsthand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify William Gallagher if need be thank you Mr Miss branz you've already been sworn in detective Hernandez Sergeant detective Gallagher could you please raise your right hands do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth they do do thank you detective Hernandez if you could please read the report the record for the board good morning I'll reading from our police report which I wrote on Sunday August 18 2024 trying detective William Gall detective Eddie Hernandez assigned to the BPD license Prem unit conducted a license Prem inspection of bades Columbia Restaurant this inspection was also to speak to staff regarding multiple noise complaints were being received as detectives stood across the street they could easily hear loud Amplified music a disc jockey emanating from inside the premise going out onto the street and the ab neighborhood detective Hernandez and Sergeant Gallagher utilizes sound meters and record an average decel reading of 61 DB the texes made note of the time is at approximately 11:20 p.m. Boston no noise Ordon states that debl may not exceed 50 DB after 11 p.m. while walking through the establishment detectives um observed patents sitting at multiple tables with crafts of bottle AG alcohol Spirit placed in ice buckets these bottles were left unattended and made available for self-service access to make beverages tectors informed the person in charge Mr John Al is that this is a prohibited practice Mr Rober stated he would immediately correct the situation as a result of what the detectives observe sh detective C issued license and prise inspection no 07832 bottle service violation un attend the bottles of alcohol and table and Loud Amplified musicated be on the premise with an average deal reading of 61 DB Mr signed for accepted notice it should be noted this establish was issued a violation of bottle service conditions on May 2nd 2004 for having a customer pouring his own drinks C incident number 2420 38570 violation 08023 that's all thank you very much Mr pranz Mr Miss branz would you like to address this alleged incident yes um first on the noise compaign um good morning um Mr Hernandez officer Hernandez um I want to ask you have I have we beis Columbia or Zach FL have we tried to reach you multiple times and called you uh without you knowing just calling you under the random to show you about the noise and the problem that we've been having that it's it's not really our problem and we try to um address it and fix it Mr hernandes well you have sent you have sent us table readings you sent you texted us tal readings that your your staff is taking on on various nights yes you have tried to you've sent that to us okay and also um on on on that occasion and on multiple occasions well after that I I explained to you that we were just um teaching our girls about the bottles and then we did discuss that we would we put sometimes crafts which are just water not bottles but crafts just to show that that that table Bo reserve and we did talk about it right I just want to show for the record you have told me that sometimes there is water water in those that wasn't the case that night but if you're GNA we I told you remember I told you that if you are G to put water in them you should do something different yeah that's and and and after that night that's what we started do we now we don't put it on on those crafts we put on something else just so we serve the VIP to show and that's it cuz um um it's it's bad to say but right now our what moves everything is the media and if you put that everything's reserved everybody wants to come in and that's a way that we try to say oh look everything's reserved and everybody oh I want a table I need a table so we do it just to show but we have changed that we have changed those crafts to show something else so that if any day you guys come in you guys can go see it and say that is not alcoh so we have take met on those cuz I did speak to you about it and you know every time I speak to you I I do my things right every time you ask me I do it right away thank you that's all thank you we'll see if there are any questions from the board jerem Joyce I have no questions but on on this night there there was aente on the tables in Caris right yes sir okay thanks question Saxon no questions thank you just just for the record but we have we had had a meeting and as I promised the board last time we were doing the tips certificate you guys want to see them I can send them all the girls right now have done everything on point so they know now they can't do that and we have Chang the crafts to show something different just for the record what do you mean you've changed the crafts it's just that there's certain crafts that when the when the officer walks in they see it and they think automatically is aente which it used to be but now we put something else like different cups just so they don't they don't seem to look like aente there's no aente in there it's just water so you're saying the crafts are water no now we don't have one the crash okay that's that's thank you anything anything further from the board on this matter right board will take this under advisement as well thank you very much thank you so much have an excellent day and you calling item number five Solona Sports Association located at 26 Fleet Street date of the incident August 16th 2024 overcrowding 71 on count capacity 49 house count 48 in violation of Master General Law chapter 138 section 64 and board's rule 1.03 J and 1.06 a and and F who is pres on behalf of the lcy Matthew matazo thank you Mr mzo who is present on behalf of the Boston Police Department s detective William gallaga thank you are there any other individuals of firsthand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify detective Hernandez if needed thank you very much can you all please raise your right hand do you SAR to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you sge Gallagher if you could please read the report to the record for the board yes morning so be reading from Boston police in report that I wrote on 816 2024 at 10m Sergeant detective William Gallagher and Sergeant Zack cron of area A1 conducted a licensed premise inspection of Simona Sports Club at 26 fet Street as detectives entered the premise they observed it to be quite crowded patrons taking up most of the floor space s detective Gallagher conducted a mechanical which resulted in 71 persons being found the listed capacity the premise is 49 Tas brought their findings to the person in charge Mr mat mzo who stated he would bring the premise into compliance as a result with detectives had observed s Tech of gag issued license premise inspection notice number 021020 the Salona sports club for overcrowding 71 mechanical account pass 49 Mr mty marazzo signed for accepted the notice that's what we have thank you very much Mr matazo would you like to address the alleged incident yes we were overc capacitated and I took care of it right away I closed at 11 it pushed everybody out before 11 closed up and the next night I had multiple Securities inside and outside ushering people in and out thank you very much anything further nope okay thank you I will see if any questions from the board at this time ter Joyce thank you um I know this was a special event um license but what was your Staffing on that night was there someone working the door keep an account I had a door I had a a outside caral that gate was had a security security at the main door One Security inside and two bartenders and a bar back okay um thank you for that next year if you apply to the same LIC just be sure to submit an operations plan to us addressing the security and how you going to keep count to the door because that really it you really were overcrowded as you admitted um I have no other questions right now no questions no questions thank you thank you the board will take this under advisement as well thank you very much thank you and calling item number six Causeway Union LLC doing business as loyal 9 located at 17 Union Street date of the inent June 13th 2024 assault and battery on premise in violation of Mass general laws chapter 138 section 64 and chapter 265 section 13A the board held an initial hearing on this matter on August 20th and requested a second hearing to ensure the participation of um the license premises management and ownership um who is present on behalf of the leny yes carollyn Conway on behalf of the lcy and with me Mr Derek Brady thank you very much and who is presentent on behalf of the Boston Police Department ni soluchi thank you very much are there any other individuals with firsthand knowledge of the alleged incident who wish to testify William Gallagher if need be thank you can you all please raise your right hand do you SAR to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do sir I do thank you very much uh and chairman Joyce having already heard the initial report in August do you want the initial report read back into the record or just the supplemental report the board received after the hearing just the supplemental report it's fine thanks great thank you very much uh if you could please proceed okay this is Sant detective soluchi I will read in to the um for the um record I'm sorry the report it is anth I'll warn you on 528 of 24 a video of a male and Fe female involved in a physical altercation was sent to me for further investigation as the video was identified to be domestic Partners involved in a fight this video was furnished to the Boston Police Department from an anonymous source along with the following caption attached as a video of rajie pine the GM of loyal n in partnering Causeway Restaurant Group beating his girlfriend in the office kicking punching spitting and throwing her downstairs where she cracks her head open the staff has stood against this once revealed and called for his termination he has since deleted part of the footage and terminated employees end quote upon further investigation of this incident the parties involved have been identified as rajie Pine with a date of birth of 10237 6 and his significant other Reena uh Tessier date of birth 9297 the video was confirmed to have occurred at loyal 9 at 17 Union Street on 61324 and documented in a prior report upon confirming the location and parties involved on 613 further investigation commenced to confirm the identity of Raina tesser who was identified only as Raina during the prior visit on 613 the on duty manager on 613 stated that she only worked there for that night further conversations with another manager Brendan mlan confirmed the woman to be Raina Tessier who was also identified through a query of Boston police Mark 43 persons profiles which revealed only three females named Raina due to this limited field of individuals a seious search also confirmed the identity of Rea rosalin Tessier who appeared to be the same woman appeared in the video the video is less than two minutes long and immediately shows at 11 seconds rajie Pine pulling up Raina tessia from behind while her facial expression suggests she's in pain as she grabs her right forearm which is wrapped around her head tessier's eyes and facial expression during this time are of great concern as she appears to be struggling to breathe pulling his arms away from her neck as she struggles to get away from Pine for appr imately 10 seconds Tessier disappears from the camera view but Pine swings his left arm in tessier's Direction presumably striking her again at approximately 35 seconds Raina breaks away from Pine and attempts to run out of the office through the only accessible door within the office but Pine grabs her from behind wrapping his arms around her waist at first but then wraps his right forearm around her neck and pulls her backwards causing her to fall fall while both parties are on the ground at the entryway to the office Pine is struggling to keep Tessier there as she continues to try and break free from Pine at one minute and N seconds tessia reaches to her right arm and grabs a box which she swings at Pine in an attempt to break free again but the struggle ensues until 1 minute and 33 seconds when Tessier is able to get to her feet she begins to walk away at which time she throws a trap can and kicks pine pine then gets to his feet and chases Tessier as she runs away unfortunately the video is the only information that was readily available to officers despite several attempts to get more information from loyal nine and the owners of such license premise no further video has been furnished on 6:25 a phone interview was conducted with Rainer to inquire about the incident Miss Tessier was upset to hear that the video went to the police and that no one confronted her about the incident Miss Tessier confirmed the incident did occur at loyal 9 on 5:14 after midnight I advised Miss Tessier that I was a sergeant detective assigned to the domestic violence unit and was following up on the matter to ensure her safety advise her of her 209a rights and inquire on what transpired on 514 at approximately 1226 a.m. Tessier immediately stated that rajie was the manager of loyal 9 and quote we went out we were drinking and wasted Tessier stated qu she hadn't eaten all day while at the bar I was mad that they were offering me shots they weren't offering me shots so I was upset end quote another quote I went back to the bar he was trying to stop me from going upstairs to confront a woman end quote Tessier went on to State I've been with Raji for four years we live together and he's never been physical Tessier was very upset about the video and information sent to the police stating that she was fine she didn't want Raji to be in any trouble as it was her fault and that Mike McCoy may have filmed it and sent it out Tessier stated she was aware of the video and had seen Parts at this time I requested that Tessier meet with me to review the video I had as well as the video she had and we could discuss what occurred tessia declined to meet inquiries made to reval further video from um several Affiliates of loyal nine have resulted in um have yielded negative results I've reached out to the following who have failed to furnish any videos or further information despite the fact that they are all aware of the matter first person um was in charge Chris Martinez who states he does not have access to videos Martinez furnished the name of Brendan mlin who furnished no videos but later confirmed raina's last name as Tessier the licensing board furnished common vler alcohol license number which states the manager as John kazinski however when I contacted him on 626 of 24 he stated that he sold out of that company in December of 2023 kazinski then provided Derek Brady as being the manager now on 627 of 20 four I spoke to Mr Brady who has yet to provide any further information Andor video Tessier was advised due to safety concerns and domestic assaults observed in the video the matter would be turned over to Boston municipal court and the suspect to be charged with A and B on a family and household member as well as strangulation thank you very much Sergeant detective um the board may have some questions for you but first I'll see if attorney Conway would like to address um what was in the report read into the record by Sergeant detective soluchi well uh detective soluchi it's basic to say that Miss Tessier did not want to press charges in this case is that correct yes ma'am and she did not want to have anything to do with any police proceedings is that correct yes ma'am I have no further questions thank you do you have any questions of Mr Brady or anything you would like to present to the board before we move to questions uh the only thing I would like to say is I did speak with um Miss soluchi on this matter and I gave her Raina tessier's phone number uh that's all that she had asked me for if she had asked me for more video I would have given it I assumed that she had all the video and that was what this was about so um I was cooperative I don't know what else I could have done in the situation well Mr Brady can you tell us please when you first learned about this incident yeah so um Jay kachinsky um he sent me the video and said hey this is something that you should look into and address I think it was the day after the incident it might have been it may have been two but probably the day after um as soon as the incident got to my viewing I um immediately interviewed the two parties did you interview them together or separately individually um both of these people are friends of mine I've known them for since they've been together um they worked for me at another establishment in Newton and after they worked for me there they got together in a relationship um I'm personal friends with both of them we we spend time together we vacation together um so it was pretty easy for me to get a real good read on on what happened in the incident and and from from their perspective they were embarrassed by it and they didn't want it to be escalated um they said they were acting foolishly because they had tooo much to drink and they were hoping that this could just go away with no uh with no escalation so um after interviewing both of them and and talking to them I even went a step further and had a common girlfriend interview or talk to her and just make sure everything was okay and again she was assured hey look you know we had too much to drink we were acting foolishly we're embarrassed by this we hope it goes away so that's that that was the extent of the interviews I had with them and you know when they both didn't want anything to come of this I I just assumed that this would be the best route of action is to try to help your friend and and basically not talk more of it or escalate it any more than it already was anything further attorney Conway Mr Brady not at this time no thank you we'll turn it over to the board then chairman Joyce any questions uh yes I do Mr Brady who told you about the video Jay kachinsky uh he's the the manager on record he had a we have him down as Jason kazinski yes okay when he was contacted by um Sant soluchi he said he was no longer involved in the business how did he get a copy of the video he has access to the cameras uh I don't know how he how he got informed by it I didn't ask I just immediately went on to speak to the the parties involved so is he was he at this time involved in the business uh I mean we're all still involved in the business until it's until we're I don't know if you guys I'm sure you guys know we're actively seeking to sell the business so okay it just seemed he said he sjin suuchi when you spoke to Mr Kosinski and I apologize for the pronunciation did he say he was no longer involved um yes ma'am he stated that he sold out of that business in December of 2023 okay so who was actually in charge on this particular day Mr Brady uh Brendan mlan was the the manager the night of the incident but who was the manager of record Jake kinsky is the manager of record okay but he was not involved since December uh the business right now is about to be sold so there's a lot of understand I mean we've all seen it in the news but he's telling us he's not involved which but you're telling me he was a manager of record when there is a change in the manager record you need to notify the board of course I can only assume he doesn't want to take responsibility for the incident on this day I'm sure so his name is still the manager of record and what was your role I'm I'm a I'm a partner in the business okay um so he was not man of record but he's still involved in the business but he still had access to the cameras yep okay and you went six months without an approved manager record no we did not okay he left in December this incident was when he did not leave in December he's been running the place probably all the way up until before that he had been running the establishment all the way up until a month before that where he took another job okay and who's Chris Martinez Chris Martinez I I don't know what Chris Martinez what was your involvement in the business I mean did you know who was working that night were you involved staff were there I know you were there because we had gotten anonymous tips from people on Union Street that after this incident you were working the door I was not working the door that's okay though um so what would you call your position um a minority owner okay did you work at this location up there after June or whenever this happened I've never worked in the establishment so when Sergeant suuchi asked you for for additional video did you provide it to her Sergeant salute she never asked me for additional video is there additional video available because all we have is like a small clip I I have I think the same video that you have and I'm willing to give it to you guys if you'd like it of course okay it sounds like the sergeant asked several people for video but no one turned it over so where I'll send you everything I have yeah of course all right um so sjin suuchi what has has been your most recent interaction with the staff the former staff at loyal n um really my my investigation actually concluded with Mr Brady as the last person to reach out to and um he didn't have anything to say when I reached out to him in regards to this matter he knew that the board was already aware of the investigation and made a statement to the effect of he has nothing to say about it so I'm not sure um you know there was never any offer of any video there was I don't believe I made a request if he had the video I did ask him if he knew about the incident okay so uh sounds like Mr kazinski is the manager of record was supposed to be in charge that when he told the sergeant he wasn't in charge he was um not being truthful attorney Conway who is in charge on this day well the the premisis is not operating I understand but on the day when this was operating the the transfer hasn't gone through who was in charge I asked you at the last hearing to bring somebody to the to this hearing who was in charge on that day Mr Brady a minority partner and he doesn't work there I want to know who's responsible on this night who who should have called the police you know Mr Brady said he's friends with both these people he interviewed them great but from what I saw in the video a crime occurred and the police should have been called so I'm trying to figure out who's responsible oh well the manager on record well the manager the manager that was there at the day of the incident was Brendan Raji was the GM and Raji was the one involved so so that's that's what I asked the last hearing did Mr brought Raj we had Raji here to testify Raj Raj is the general manager but he was involved in the incident so oh I I met him at the last hearing but I believe I'll have to go back to the video he said he was um was not an employee there or at least not that night well we well we yeah he doesn't he no longer works there no was he working that day no he wasn't working that day Brendan Brendan mlam was the manager on duty it was a a an off day it wasn't a busy day there and Brendan's uh title is what manager so who makes the decision when something happens at the bar whether or not the police should be involved well usually the the manager does yeah did you talk to Brendan about this uh I spoke to him about it he said it was tougher to figure out exactly what had happened because it was downstairs and nobody was there that saw the incident but uh after the fact when the video was seen yeah it was he he he addressed it is it true the entire staff quit the next day the staff Brendan had mentioned to me that the staff didn't want to work for Raji anymore the videos I I think spread like wildfire I'm sure it was brandan that probably sent the video out to Jay and me and whoever else so the staff had said they didn't want to work and right away I had said to rajer you can't work for us anymore he doesn't work at any of your other establishments no he doesn't um I'm actually left with more questions than before but I will turn it over to commissioner Karin to see if he has any questions yeah I mean my recollection from the last hearing is Raji said he he resigned he didn't resign we we told him that we he couldn't work for us anymore and why couldn't he work for you anymore after because of the incident so the in incident was Ser serious enough to fire him and not to call the police uh the incident was serious enough that he had been drinking on the establishment and and used the offices for personal space and it's not it's not appropriate yeah that was something else we noted at the last hearing that it happened in your private spaces another reason that the police should have involved I mean the big problem I'm hearing here today I'm not going to repeat myself of everything I said the last hearing but what is clear right here is you handled this as A Private Matter amongst your friends this wasn't a private matter it's happened on a license premises you're a lense or at least a me of a lcy this was once again I'll repeat myself this was an easy call to police situation this wasn't A Private Matter amongst friends you you you shouldn't have taken this upon yourself this wasn't an internal matter and I think everything that happened with your staff with people sending the videos you know uh anonymously with messages that uh parts of the video have been deleted uh make it very clear that this was a police matter from the very beginning uh like straight answer why don't we have this video I assumed you had the video we don't where is the video oh I'll send the video right away no where's all the internal video that that gets recorded to the internal hard drives at this premises oh any of the videos that that you guys have video of a of a computer screen I have all the videos I have every video that was accessible at the time we reserve the video just in case okay that's new information right that was my impression nope I I I was under the impression you guys had all the videos nobody told me that anybody was looking for videos I would have sent them right away okay so what video do you have how many camera angles how how much time uh I I mean off the top of my head I don't know like I said I'll send them to you I think there's only one camera that's accessible to this uh that you mean in the office yeah it's an office video so you do have a video I have we have a short flip of a cell phone playing playing on a okay all right so you do have the video but I'll send it to you again the only video currently in the board's possession I'm asking for oh oh I'm sorry I'm asking for the original videos from the premises from the camera okay yeah I I'm sure I have I I'm sure I have them yeah I can send them all okay and I don't just want the camera that we could see you know they run off presumably to a stairwell there's no cameras over there but yeah I can send you I can send you the video that yeah I want I want camera of them going down the stairs anything anything you have of their movements surrounding this incident that's what I'm asking original you know Source video not a video of a video okay um a comment um by I what I see is a is a very serious lack of judgment on the part of you as a minority partner and as part and on part of the the managers who were supposed to be on duty um you know as we've all said you know this was not a private uh moment between two friends has happened on a licensed premises and just because the the woman as as part of the um the incident said that she did not want to press charges or you know didn't want it to escalate it does not mean that you guys can take it upon yourselves to make the decision not to go to the the police and so I think this should be you should consider this basically a stain in your professional career care um that you would allow something like this to happen and not to go to the police so that's my Comon matter well again if I may I mean it it's the the duty um is we we haven't violated a law and that we have accepted what a woman of intelligence has told us that she wanted to do um and there are there are plenty of guidelines and regulations that that that talk about um instances like this assault and batteries where yeah a report should be made the police should be called anything further from the board on this matter great so I will just State again Mr Brady the only uh video that is currently in possession of the board is the short under two-minute clip that was referenced in Sergeant detective Sol's report if there are other videos as stated please do provide that um so that I can share that with the board as they make their determination on this matter of course I'll email them right away thank you with that the board will take this matter under advisement thank you all thanks those are all the items before the board this morning that will adjourn this hearing thank you all and enjoy the rest of your day