momentarily good evening everyone welcome to the white Stadium Jamaica plane Transportation Workshop my name is Deion I'm chief of operations for the city of Boston and a lifelong resident of Roxbury mapan Dorchester I will be a facilitator for tonight's meeting tonight we'll learn more about the transportation plan for the Jamaica plan neighborhood the goal of this meeting is to gather feedback on the current plan to ensure that it minimizes impact on the community who lives around Frankin Park we are joined today by various City staff members including members of the community engagement team the mayor's office Boston transportation department Boston Unity soccer partners and the transportation consultant Brian Belle from Howard Stein Hudson and we also joined at this point by our state representative Montano and also um City councelor Weber and we'll give them an opportunity later on to say hello next slide please before we get started or go any further we are providing translations for today's meetings in three languages Spanish haian Creole and K Verdian Creole to get the translation set up go to the horizontal bar at the bottom of your screen click on the globe icon that says interpretation then click on the language you'd like to hear you will then have access to this meeting in that language next slide so just want to go over some ground rules for tonight's conversation for all participants um let's maintain respect for each others in the space let's use ey statements uh if you're representing a group or a neighborhood association please share that with us this is a public meeting for the purpose to discuss the transportation plan for Jamaica plane so we will prioritize the Jamaica plane um resident voices for comments and we'll ask that you keep your comments and questions solely to the transportation plan we'll also be using a timer to limit each each comment to two minutes so that we can make sure everyone has an opportunity to be heard and um if there's extra time then we can go back to folks and we'll also Endeavor to answer as many questions as we can um live in the chat so step up and step back as project managers we will collect and review your feedback from the question questions and from the discussions and from the polls we will answer as many questions in the chat as we can and if your comments are not addressed during the discussion please feel free to reach out to us at Whit Stadium one word Whit Stadium at next slide so as I mentioned before tonight's meeting will focus on the transportation the agenda for the meeting is to quickly touch on High level project overview and proposed BPS and Community benefits our discuss our transportation planning approach also discuss proposed multimodal approach for nwsl game days and also to apply this plan to real life scenarios and then we'll open the floor for discussion throughout tonight's meeting we will be incorporating sections for folks to provide live feedback and ask questions next slide all right everyone so we're going to try out slido today um you'll see this also later on um but to get everyone acquainted with it um today we're talking about transportation for JP so here you can scan the QR code it'll take you right to and you um will input that number there's no need to put a space uh it's 2255 359 so the question you see on the screen is what Transportation topics do you want to see covered today um so again just to kick us off let's hear what's on your mind we'll cover many of these today but just want to give you a moment to get acquainted with with slido and um to get a little bit of feedback here on what you're expecting tonight and I see yep I awesome I see the responses coming in all right so biking pedestrian paths yep we'll be covering that uh parking issues I assume you're talking about existing ones so yes opportunity to address that um traffic signals that's right parking permits we'll definitely talk on that how will you get to the stadium yep they will talk about many different routes bike Lanes awesome thank you so much for sending your suggestions in here um how many buses and shuttles great all right so we'll keep this open so you can keep on on sending in um these topics here but um you'll see this later on again um so I'll pass it back to Chief here thank you thanks Anie next slide please so I want to talk quickly about the project and the proposed benefits of this partnership and what it will provide for Boston Public students and community and uh I know this question in a to become come up we will we'll be talking more about the design and and um different um benefits for BPS at later on design meetings but tonight we're really going to focus on on Transportation next slide please so from this slide you can see um visually that white stadium has been a topic of conversation regarding needed Investments for for decades um I actually played High School sports there as well and I was one of those voices who um always felt like we needed to invest more going to White Stadium as you can see from in 1970 to 1990 to as recently as 2015 there's been many attempts to invest and renovate and make white Stadium the gem that it was when it was first constructed and uh unfortunately um those efforts have failed and the um condition the State stadium is now in a worse condition than it was when I was in high school so despite multiple attempts there's never been this the right combination until now of funding partnership and public benefits to proceed next slide please this proposed project at White stadium is going to deliver tremendous benefit for the city of Boston most importantly for our BPS students for our community for Franklin Park this slide highlights just a few of the key benefits that this project will provide for Community for instance thanks to having a private partnership we can invest a significant amount of resources into this facility to deliver high quality amenities and programs that will be very challenging for us to provide on our own these amenities include new indoor and outdoor amenities including high quality grass field a 400 meter tractor meets state regulations an athletic Hub with amenities that also serve the public this partnership not only makes these upfront Investments but it also provides assist sustainable means of main maintaining and preserving this investment this project additionally will provide space for numerous economic benefits for local residents businesses some of the major economic benefits include new construction jobs support for women owned and minority owned business opportunities uh for local business as I mentioned before a $500,000 annual community benefit fund and we also believe that white Stadium the investment there will be would catalyze other implementations of the Franklin Park action plan Additionally the amenities and operational plans created due to Stadium renovation will also help support other large events that currently take place at Frankford park with new solidified Transportation plan for example Transportation plan will be able to put in place for large events such as the half marathon um mitigating the impact on the community so again think this trans plan that we will develop with your feedback will serve as a blueprint for all like large events at Phantom Park I will stop here and turn it over to my colleague Ani not before going doing one more slide um this slide is just a sample of what a an August schedule could look like um showing you in in brown the um the BPS activities that typically would happen in August also in pink you'll see some of the events that we typically have from Community the U Puerto Rican festival kitties Carnival Special Olympics um in blue you also see the summer camp activities that happen there and I think most importantly that I wanted to illustrate visually is in the green you'll see those are the the times when the unity soccer um partner tenant however you want to refer that would be also using DS stadium and as you can see it's less than 10% of all the available so I'll will stop there and turn it over to Anie awesome thank you um hi everyone my name is Anie Moreno I'm from um the mayor's policy team and I'm also um a lifelong rockf resident I'm so excited to be here with you I see some familiar uh names here so thank you for following us along this journey we've been having meetings since July so we're grateful to get your feedback along the way so uh Chief talked about the the the the scheduling process and a little bit of the benefits and overview we'll definitely dive deeper into that at Future meetings we'll share the dates at the end but today we really want to hone in on the transportation plans um so we want to share with you all how we got to uh the current iteration of the plan so here go so um where do we start so there was an RFP that asked for a preliminary Transportation plan um that was provided um back in July and also we had a uh Transportation meetings in September and October so this um had some multimodal components already to it but um we got some great feedback um and are incorporating that into the plan you'll see today um and we have been working together with uh Boston un soccer and and our city departments to refine it and the question that we've uh been approaching is how do we best mitigate traffic congestion for NW cell soccer game days to serve both residents and visitors and improve Transportation challenges exist of of existing large events at White stadium so today you'll see a plan for game days but that is meant to be applied to other large events and then to be customized for um medium and small events as as it best fits um so what did we do we looked at the tools that you'll see at the bottom of the screen here in blue so first off um the public feedback we've gotten we've looked through the chats you'll see faq's online at um s white white Stadium you can see the recordings there but that was really helpful to see what worked and what wouldn't work for residents then we looked at the Franklin Park action plan um there's already great guidelines there that's a very it's an award-winning plan and we really want to utilize it and make sure that we can Implement some of the stuff there um I know the plan mentioned that there wasn't a lot of um there was a lack of implementation tools so we're hoping to bring in those resources here to be able to to tackle some of those um in the short term and long term third we have um the ability with this proposal to look at all of the surrounding areas and what other Transportation issues are going on um so you may have heard about Columbus AB or bluehill AB I'll have um Xavier and Maya from BTD are here with us today they're project managers on those projects um they'll share their contact info in the chat um we won't be talking in- depth about those projects but we are aware that it may feel like there's a lot going on and so this has given us an opportunity for all of our city departments to meet um more consistently and to understand how we're communicating out so that it makes sense to you all as we go through this process and can fit in some of the initiatives there to complement a transportation plan here and for the park in general so that has been a really great part of our approach um fourth um we looked at an in-depth traffic management and Analysis um fifth we have a review of city enforcement tools that we can apply so we looked at what's at our disposal as a city um and lastly you'll see here um we have new staff commitments and new investments from both the city and the soccer team so for example um you may have heard at state of the city there's a new parks Franklin Park administrator um um and um other maintenance staff that will be um part of this um the mayor's investment in Franklin Park um and Boston un soccer will also have a community engagement director and some other staff commitments that we'll talk about throughout um the presentation um so be before I move on um we just want to thank uh Franklin Park Coalition and liable streets and all of you for the feedback focused on these all the different approaches and ways that you can get to White Stadium um it's been really crucial to have your support and to really problem solve what would make a comprehensive accessible and responsive uh plan so just want to take a moment to say this would wouldn't be possible without your engagement there um so once we looked at all the tools and and spoke to you all uh we came up with these Transportation goals again this is right now we're focused on game days but it'll be applied to other large events so if you see something missing or if you're not sure it's included here um type it in the chat we'd love to hear it uh so one we have improve pedestrian safety accessibility and way finding at the park two make it easy for neighborhood residents and park visitors to get around three encourage use of sustainable transportation choices four ensure efficient traffic management during large events and five use new and existing tools to protect parking and mobility in the surrounding neighborhoods especially during big events um and at throughout the engagement process we've we've heard about and and we've all local residents have visited some of um the events that we all love at Franklin Park um from festivals we have bamfest here there are graduations um there's um Kitty Carnival and the Puerto Rican festival so these you can see the number of Spectators last year uh Bam's Fest had uh 15,000 people there um which is awesome but we want to make sure that we're addressing some of the logistical concerns uh so again these are events that are already happening and we want to provide um uh some blueprint so that we can solve some ongoing issues here so with that this is an overview of the approach that we took um I'm going to hand it off to Brian um and commissioner go here to talk through where we are in this multimodo plan for JP hi there everyone good evening Brian Belle from how Hudson I Am the transportation consultant for Boston Unity uh soccer Partners um and working very closely with them and city of Boston um go ahead next slide please so when we talk about a transportation plan we have to talk about the different modes of travel right and that's what we see for this project that's what we see on the on the screen now so there's five different modes there's this public transportation whether that be for you know Jamaica plan the orange line and the extensive buses that run in the area um a big component of this project is that there is no spectator parking on site and anyone that wants to drive which we'll get into more detail later for those that are just starting this process um there will be remote parking facilities that will then have uh shuttle bus is getting people to the stadium itself um we are not encouraging ride share but we know people are going to use it so we need to be prepared and be accommodated uh ready to accommodate it so we can we'll get into details on that and then obviously biking and walking the you know the best most green um way to way to travel but not feasible for everyone but um you know still something we're going to encourage as many people as possible to do so all of the calculations and numbers that you'll see um that we've done are based on on these five modes and the percentages that we used were um 40% taking public transportation 40% of the people parking off site and then being shuttled in um 10% using ride share and then 5% biking and walking and we'll again we'll get into more details but it's important to note that we're estimating 5% biking um but we're actually providing enough bike parking on site for 10% of the spectators to to a bike to the stadium um and we'll show you where that will be and how that operate in in a bit second here our first technical glitch in three meetings all right there we go so this is an overall plan right we like I said we we've had meetings with Jamaica uh with Roxberry and DOR Chester and now Jamaica plane so this is a map showing all of the extensive bus routes that are in the area um obviously for Jamaica plane really the big The Big Driver of of public transportation is is the orange line on the left side of this graphic um and we'll get into more specifics for a Jamaica plane now this is just an overall picture of looking that you know this this site isn't a Transit desert there is actually a lot of transit in the area including the heavy rail of the Orange Line next slide please um this is a graphic that shows uh the walk from Green Street again we're going to be encouraging people to use public transportation we'll get into the shuttles that we'll be running from certain stops but we really feel a large percentage of people that take public transportation will actually just walk from Green Street or Stony Brook um which are both about uh s miles from the stadium um so that's shown on the left and then on the right is actually a comparison of um Gillette Stadium with the New England Patriots and some of the the parking lots are are a good bit and 7 miles from the stadium itself right so people going to events like this are used to and fully aware and and willing to walk from from you know this distance from the green line to to White stadium so it's not unusual and you know I would say that the walk from Green Street to to the white stadium is much more pleasant than the walk through the expansive parking lots of of Gillette Stadium so it's certainly something that people do and and we expect that they'll do it here next slide please so this is a graphic showing connections um pedestrian and bicycle connections right after we've we've encouraged people to take public transportation how do we then get them from the Orange Line in this case to the stadium um and with this graphic is showing is the The Walking routes um that are expected for um for the area right again from Stony Brook to and and Green Street and then also and I'm going to hand this off to William moose from BTD after this the green line shows where BTD is in the process of doing bike infrastructure improvements which William can talk to more detail about great thanks Brian you want me to take over there yes please I'll just also note there was an update on that last slide uh about um reconstruction of School Street between Washington and walnut which is slated for this year um so that's a repaving project um and also All The Pedestrian ramps on that section of school street are going to be rebuilt this year um Switching gears to uh to speed humps um wanted to provide an update on the city's uh new speed hunt program relatively new um that we're calling the safety surge so um as part of this we're now just sort of uh programmatically installing speed humps um on neighborhood streets across the city um on a zone-based approach and um and essentially what you'll see here on this map is all these streets that are in pink here um to the West and sort of northwest of the park um are all slated for um for Speed hump installation um this year um so that means that uh essentially all of the streets in this area with the exception of sort of your major roadways like Columbus ab and um Washington um will be uh will'll be receiving speed humps you'll also note um some of the streets like sour Street and walnut AB are also on here and we'll be getting um speed humps which uh you know we think these are going to be a great benefit um to residents you know every day of the year um but also for game days when we have a lot of folks walking um from the orange L stations that are nearby um I'll just also highlight that the black lines on here show uh streets that have already received speed H humps and the blue are streets that would be eligible in future phases um so beyond 2026 um next slide please um I'll also uh give a little plug about the uh the eglon square redesign this is a project that um that I've been working on um now for several years um and it all the sort of area that you see around this sort of dotted line um is in the uh the project scope um and so this project includes a lot of elements um including you in addition to those um speed humps that are going to be installed uh this year we have other traffic calming and accessibility improvements planned uh particularly for a lot of the important pedestrian corridors um through the neighborhood between Southwest Corridor and Franklin Park so that means um you know Boon Street um and School Street in particular a lot of those uh those streets will be getting things like race crosswalks as well um and some curb extensions um the project also includes safety improvements at um at some other important kind of secondary intersections that people might uh cross to uh to uh get to the Franklin Park so we're talking about intersections like uh Amy Street at Boyston amyy Street at school Street Amy Street um at Aon Street um are all getting safety improvements as well um the project also um will include as Brian alluded to um an improved bike connection between the Southwest Corridor and Franklin Park um now we are adding traffic calming and speed humps that will make a lot of these streets much more comfortable to bike on but we're sort of thinking about the primary um route for people who are trying to uh sort of move across the neighborhood and get between the Southwest Corridor and Franklin Park um as this combination that you see outlined here of a Copley Street and School Street um so we would basically be accom accomplishing this by using a combination of sort of traffic calmed shared streets for people biking in One Direction and contraflow bike Lanes um in the other direction um and finally I'll just also mention that um that there are um it's also a lot of improvements planned for um the intersection of Walnut and school specifically which we think is going to be a major kind of Gateway um into the park um you know all the time and for games and so that will include um things like curb extensions to make The Pedestrian Crossings shorter and safer um and also a a raised intersection So the plan currently is to table the entire intersection bring it up to sidewalk level um to slow vehicles um as they as they approach that Crossing um so that's a little bit of a look at what we're doing um on the uh on the neighborhood sort of safety uh front from for transportation um I'm happy to uh put a link to this project um in the chat and also my contact information if you want to follow up with more info on it and I think with that I'll pass it back to Brian yeah hey there so I've seen there's a couple of comments on on on bikes and and blue bikes and you know more internal to the site and that's you what we talk about here so the graphics shows there's you know a multitude of different paths and whether walking or biking paths within Franklin Park um and specifically for for event days we're going to have uh bike parking as I said for up to 10% of the spectators which would be about a th000 bikes um and this includes private bike valet which is showing on the two blue squares or rectangles um where someone can drop off their bike and have it stored in a secured location and then they can pick it up themselves after the event and then we're also there is a blue bike station uh just inside the park along Walnut AV north of the stadium but we're going to implement blue bike valet and with that is is an attendant that will um keep the dock whether it's before the game when when the station starts filling up right if it's a 19 dock bike station as soon as 19 people came essentially that' be the end of being able to use blue bikes but what the valet does is take the bikes out of the dock so that another person can come in and keep using the station as if it was a much larger station and we can do that without actually putting in a large station that would be unsightly in Franklin Park for when there wasn't events and then likewise as the event ends you know the station won't just be the 19 bikes that are there as the station gets emptied out the valet will be there and they will stick in new bikes and then more people can come and take a bike so it really gives you a lot more flexibility and we can rely on Blue bikes for a bigger percentage of the people that are uh going to be visiting the events so um you know it's a big part of our transportation plan it then um you know we we're hoping to encourage we're going to encourage and and hope as many people bike as as possible next slide please um you know it's great saying everyone you know we're going to encourage people to take public transportation and bike and walk but you know we all know that some certain people are going to want to drive and certain people might have to drive um there will be no parking on site as I said and when we get into the uh presentation further we'll discuss uh protecting the streets around the park as well um but as for the the park so if you want to drive to an event when you go on the website the team's website excuse me the transportation section will show you know everyone encourage everyone that there tell everyone that there is no parking on site or or near the facility and that if you want to drive to an event you're actually driving to a satellite parking facility that you'll then be shuttled into the area so this is showing this map is showing just catchman areas as we call them of places where we know or expect that there'll be demand for parking facilities so you know number one in the lower right there is people coming up to and from 93 South to the South of the city number four 993 you know north of the city um and then number two is really just can't see it on this map but just inside the the 128 Loop um and for people West and and Northwest of the city so they would drive they would buy their tickets they would get their parking passes with that they'll have to pre pre determine which facility they're using so that we know how many people are going to be parking at each facility and that will uh help us determine how many buses we need to service that facility for each game so this will all be again in the messaging in from the beginning of you're not parking on site we'll get into you're not parking around the stadium or around Franklin Park um so if you're driving this is your option next slide please um so now as we move closer to the site um and the next slide will be the one that's really more pertinent to to um Jamaica plane but just so everyone gets familiar um the blue lines on this graphic say on on the right side on the East along Columbia Road that would be the Blue Line show is the shuttle from satellite parking and then the red line show connections to um transit station so you know may two and from Fields Corner on the red line um and then there was a comment in the chat if you look on the lower left we'll also be running a shuttle from Forest Hills um and yes the orange line goes there but you'll see in a second there's a better option for orange line users if they want to take a shuttle but there's also the commuter if the timing works out and then a multitude of bus routes that go through Forest Hills so people will be able to take a bus to Forest Hills and then switch to a shuttle that would bring him right into Franklin Park and and drop them off near the stadium um so this you know this is how we're going to you know not just say hey you should take the tea but really encourage people we're making this as easy as possible this is your best way to get to the stadium if you aren't able to walk because of the hills between the orange line and and Franklin Park you know to get to and from you know Green Street and Sony Brook we're giving that we're going to provide shuttles so that you have another way to get there and and you know if that's a better option for people and then they have that way to go um next slide please so similar to the last graphic the the blue um shows the satellite parking and the the red which you can really barely see on here because it would only be separate or distinct from the blue as it's circling through Jackson Square station itself is the shuttle and then the purple is where the two the two routes overlap um and what we're showing based on our analysis is that there'd be 57 shuttle buses approximately coming in here and that's over a two-hour period so approximately 30 buses an hour um so that would be you know one bus every every two minutes and between these 57 buses and the buses that we showed on the previous slide or shuttles on the previous slide we'd be able to accommodate about 6,500 um Spectators so it's a very significant portion of of the people that would be there and again the the rest it would be people walking and biking or choosing to walk from Stony book and and Green Street um and we have more slides in and options on this in a moment but um next slide please so this is showing um the traffic volumes along Walnut Avenue so the gray bars and hopefully this is big enough for everyone to see the gray bars is basically the hourly traffic volume that is on Walnut Avenue um during the course of the day and you can see you know in the morning is it's obviously high at 7 and 8 and then it kind of drops down midday and then comes back 3 4 and 5:00 p.m. for the the evening peak hour rush and then if you look you can see that there's 28 buses and and 29 buses the small green additions on top of the of the the gray bars and that that's the 57 buses that were on the previous slide right so again approximately one bus every two uh two minutes they then have a break um you know during the event when yeah probably be a shuttle or two leaving you know for people that want to leave early um but you know for the most part there won't be any activity for those two hours and then again the two hours start up again to get people out of the stadium after the event occurs and you know we're using a start time here of of S o'clock um and that's not it's not a definite it's not always going to be seven but this is just to give an example right we can move these green bars um to different times of the day the numbers still the same right regardless of what time it is it would just be what time is actually being impacted on on the streets on the neighboring streets next slide please um so this is a detail showing one a little bit of a blowup of the actual route that would be taken um by those shuttle trips right they'd be coming down Columbus Avenue and the brt lanes and then using Walnut Avenue and circling around the Red Arrows here ar ar acccurate I'm just realizing now so this would be a one way flow counterclockwise right they would come in make the the left turn into Franklin Park where the existing uh driveway is and then circle around uh the north and west of the of the of the stadium and then exit on what will is now um just a pedestrian and bicycle path that we would separate if you look at the larger picture and and engineered plan on the left it's a 30 foot wide uh paved area that's a walking and bike trail right now and during events we would separate that into a 12T bus lane and 18 ft for people to walk in bike and we would do that with barriers and then at the actual entrance to Walnut EV which doesn't have a curb cut now of course because it's just for pedestrian bicycles we'll have to do some some adjusting there and they would come out um at Walnut Avenue and we'll we'll get into um traffic operations more in a bit but we will have a traffic management officer here um at this intersection of school street there's going to be a high volume of pedestrians walking tune from the Orange Line the bus is coming out right there's a lot of activity here that would be managed during uh Game Day events next slide please so as part of uh some previous meetings we've had people uh from you know Jamaica Plain specifically in the Parkside neighborhood said you know is there a way that we can not use Walnut EV um to for all these shuttles you know it's a it's a a smaller Road I would say than sver street it's it's not all really narrow but it's it's more residential in character obviously than than SE street is so what this graphic is showing and and the times on the left is showing is that it's approximately if you're using the brt lanes about six or seven minutes to get from Jackson Square to the site and you know using Wen Avenue as we're proposing and if you had to drive around it would be 12 to 14 minutes right so that leg of this trip would be twice as long and when we're trying to encourage people to take the tea an inefficiency like that really wouldn't be perceived well right it would just give people a reason to say well I don't want to take the te and then take the shuttle it takes this crazy loop all the way around and drops me off further from the stadium like this isn't ideal anymore I'm going to find a different way so we don't really think that's viable for the Jackson Square shuttles now with that said you know again depending on exactly where our satellite parking uh facilities are the route to get to the stadium might actually be better off going you know uh near Forest Hills and coming up Arborway and and into the site from circuit drive so the 57 buses that we were showing were both from Jackson Square and also a portion with from um the satellite parking facility so there's a chance that some of those buses would not be on Wallen Avenue and you know as we keep fine-tuning this and then start to determine what exact parking facilities we're using we'll be able to to figure out what the best routes are to get the shuttles there as efficiently as possible next slide please so as I mentioned at Walnut in School Street we'll have a traffic operations manager directing traffic there um due to all the pedestrians and and the and the shuttle bus activity that that we expect we would also have one at sver Street in Columbus in Walnut Avenue and this would purely be for traffic operations to try to get it to operate as efficiently as possible understanding that you know sometimes the operations along there aren't all that efficient as it is during peak hours right now but a traffic uh operated there would really make things work you know probably better than they do on a on a typical night right now um we'd also have one at the at the entrance to Franklin Park this would be to facilitate U along long wall n this would be to facilitate the left turn for the buses but then also as importantly to keep private Vehicles out of the park right they're they're not allowed right now you during non-events there's a little small parking area there that Vehicles allow to use but it doesn't connect anywhere else in the park and and this Loop that we're showing is is meant for shuttle so not used for pickup and drop off of of private um passengers um and then on the right you can see the South Loop which again you know kind of impacts doorchester more but then also from Forest Hills there be a loop there for pickup and drop off operations for the people on on shuttles ahead next slide um and then again we're not encouraging the use of um ride share but we know it's going to happen and where we and where we're going to direct everyone to go through as you can see the variable message signs and again on the website and even changing the address of white stadium so that it's along sver street so that when you put it in a GPS app it brings you to this this point um this is at the intersection of Humbolt Avenue and sver Street um we would be providing a a a a ride share pickup and drop off area um we're going to slightly modify it so that the right now there's actually a a two entr or one entrance and one exit and that forces right turns in and right turns out and by modifying it to to one driveway we'd be able to get full access this is showing Vehicles traveling across the Humbolt Avenue but they would also be able to make a left in and out along sver Street um and then from here it's a walk down a nice path within Franklin Park but there would also be um a golf cart to take anyone who has any AD any Ada issues and needs help to get to the stadium itself from the drop off point and then another key part um on this is you know and actually you can go to the next slide think it's yeah even better so we have this plan in place we're taking feedback from everyone as part of this process we're modifying that plan when the time comes we will have a plan um to go into that first game and but we don't expect it to be perfect and it's that you know the variable message signs are a great way to to use people to direct them where we want them to go and that's our first level essentially where we're starting right we're going to tell people where to go we're going to tell message the best way to do things um if we find that that's not working in any capacity for any part of this whether it's the pick up and drop off or parking restrictions or or whatever we're going to be able to modify that plan and we will modify that plan on a game to game basis right so if things don't work the way we expect for whatever reason for the first game we'll make CH we'll make changes and one of those examples in this case is you know right now we're we're directing people for pick up and drop off to to use that Siver Street area but if people we find too many people are or people are not listening and and using Walnut Street and kind of just picking up and dropping off as they see fit well then the next level is we can change those signs and say that there is no access to Walnut Avenue um and then the third level if things still aren't working and these are just examples right but just examples of how we can change the plan as we go based on what we're seeing the third level would be physically barricading Walnut a so that it's completely protected and and you can't use it during those two hours before and two hours after obviously this would be probably the most effective but it would also then have impact to the residents right and everyone on this call so we don't want to jump right to something that that we don't feel is necessary right we think with the messaging and the traffic uh operations manages that people will for the most part follow what will be their best and most efficient way in and out of the stadium and I will hand this off to commissioner goove to talk about um the on street parking for the streets surrounding the the Park good evening all right we're going to talk about how we're proposing to preserve uh neighborhood parking and Mobility so B PD uh BTD is proposing to create a neighborhood specific game Bay parking program for residents and their visitors on streets within the identified white Stadium walk area these plans will be tailored to the needs of each neighborhood um the program will allow residents with a Jamaica plane resident permit parking sticker on their vehicle to park on streets where parking is prohibited on game days additionally we're proposing uh a visitor placard uh or hang tag program that will be available to Residents regardless of vehicle ownership so long as they live on a street in the white Stadium watch We're prop we're thinking that this is probably one visitor permit per household issued annually we would likely change colors um to help with enforcement we've also um explored the option of a a digital um U option in the future from an enforcement um perspective we would um well first Boston Unity socer is proposing to hire um a senior operations manager who will engage with community members for feedback back in coordination on all the operational concerns that uh Brian has mentioned previously what BTD is proposing is a new uh event fee violation um it would be a $100 fine for parking violations on game days in the designated areas uh there's a sign there's a visual on the on the slide here which is a sample sign that we use up and around Boston College for BC uh football games that's been a very effective program up there uh those signs we show zone no stopping on game days however what we're proposing here is that um residents would be exempt if they had an RPP sticker uh as well as their visitors uh with with that sticker or placard program that we mentioned um those regulations would be in effect four hours before a game and one hour after I do want to pause here for one second and just explain that what we're proposing here is not an expansion of RP at this time um this would just be a game day parking restriction we would utilize the existing RPP program uh to allow residents to obain a sticker so that they would um be exempt from that but I also in some of the business areas um this prohibition this regulation wouldn't necessarily Trump uh existing um regulations so for example uh hpdv parking if there is 2hour parking in place place um if there's um no stopping areas we're not saying that that would necessarily um change here but that is the type of thing that we're going to want feedback on um we would enforce all of this through a dedicated parking enforcement shift that would be assigned on game days to that time period before during and after games and towing would be activated to support that enforcement um for for non soccer park visitors um and you know this has been made clear before but uh soccer game attendees will not be allowed to park uh in the Franklin Park Lots um we're committed to retaining parking for the uh key destinations such as the zoo the golf course the shadic picnic area tennis courts uh the park rangers um and BPD will be the primary enforcement uh vehicle for parking restrictions within the park um and they'll be supported from game day traffic ambassadors as Brian mentioned earlier uh all Park visitors can also access the free Boston un shuttles from uh the MBTA station as well on game digs we're going to continue to work closely um with the Franklin Park stakeholders such as the zoo and Golf Course to craft operational plant um specific to the needs of their visitors um and you know uh Boston Park will be will be involved in that process so this is the uh walk shed area the area you see walk area that you see shaded in Orange um where uh again we wouldn't be proposing to expand RPP but uh individuals who had an RPP sticker would be exempt as well as their visitors as we mentioned um this radius is based on you know what we believe is what people would be willing to walk uh Park and walk we really really want um feedback on this um and if we go to the next slide um oh sorry commissioner so we just wanted to give people heads up of what the number is for slido you're about to see a more detailed streight plan but just so everyone knows we'll put it in the chat as well you can scan the QR code or or go to the site and type that number hand it back to you great so here's just a map with kind of the street by Street and what we will also drop into the chat is a Google sheet so um you can look up um your street um just in an alpha list to to see if it's there just to make it a little bit easier but um we really want we really want feedback on this um are these the right streets um are there streets that either you know should be in here should not Are there specific concerns about regulations on for example Washington Street uh these are these are the things that we really want to hear from you on yes I'll put the QR code back here awesome thank you for the responses here we'll we'll have note of this so I see some Spring Park a montabello road um yes keep them coming in so will I don't know Brian if you want to address any of these that are coming up but we will um take note of these and and and uh make sure that we consider them I think everyone I've seen so far is within that area um but that's why this is great because now we have a um a record of it and we will make sure to take a look and someone made a comment about blue hill a being the East Boundary and we just had that discussion with Dorchester residents right so this is what we're proposing now and based on the feedback that we're getting from you and and the other neighbors and the other residents you know we can expand it contract it you know you know how we received the feedback um thank you for also sharing streets that where you do not want it extended so I see here someone um mentions Center Street doll rimple street so we'll this will give us a to pressure test the current streets there syvia Street awesome okay thank you so so I see yeah we we'll be posting the the slides after um tonight's meeting we've had three back toback so we'll get it up as soon as we can so you'll be able to look at it more closely and see if it was on there or not all righty this will remain open so we'll leave it in the chat and you can keep sending in your suggestions here okay um so so keep sending in your feedback um I'm going to talk through what this would look like for um two uh local residents in a moment uh but just to reiterate um what you all just heard so we shared an overview of the project then we talked about what our transportation approaches um and then we shared what the multimodal routes would be and um what support we're including to to encourage um uh visitors for all the the magnet destinations at Franklin Park to be able to continue to come uh for game day visitors um local residents and BPS students so what we want to um iterate reiterate here is that during a game day we have not finalized the schedule yet so we are able to Think Through how to do a schedule that fits multiple events in a day so you might see a local running group run the stairs at the stadium early in the morning um then a farmers market in the early morning to the early afternoon uh then in the later afternoon event parking restrictions would take place and begin about 4 hours before the game then you have the 2-hour match and an hour later uh the parking restrictions would be lifted so um here are two uh local residents um based on what we've heard from meeting with you all um and we are setting the scene where there's a game at 6 pm on a Sunday so here we have Veronica who's um 75 years old and uh lives on iffley Road in JP um so uh Veronica is actually not going to a game but um let's go through her day at 10:00 a.m. she'll see game day parking passes on cars parked on iffley road um she won't notice any event related impacts um as the game hasn't started um yet then at 6 PM she decides I want to do some grocery shopping at uh the Stop and Shop on Center Street by Jackson Square um she will notice traffic detail at school Street um some traffic on W Street in Columbus AV as we see currently um and then she finishes her shopping and at 700 p.m. she drives home to ifle Road um and she'll notice again some traffic on Columbus Avenue Washington Street U but she has her game day parking pass um and can go back home safely and and park um on her Street then we have another scenario where we have Rachel who's 15 um and during the day she decides she's going to walk her brother to parito playground um and again at this time there are no event related impacts um you might see some runners or some um BPS teams there or you know just people walking around um the the stadium at that time and then at 800m she decides to walk her dog um so she will also see traffic detail out School Shan W and AV and will notice uh fans leaving the stadium but should be able to uh walk her dog as she normally would so um from here I'm gonna hand it back to H Chief Irish to talk through what you can expect for some next steps and before we dive into the Q&A thanks Anie as has been mentioned many times your feedback is important so I really appreciate all the engagement I see already going on in the chat and we will incorporate your feedback into the plan the plan will be presented at the May 15th iig meeting the Boston Unity soccer team will present the final plan to the bpda board for appr approval and then the Boston transportation department will then codify the TMP the transportation access plan agreement with Boston Unity um as Brian mentioned this is an operational plan that will continue to evolve and be refined based on experience and and this work will also give us a blueprint to implement for other larger evance at the stadium BPS Transportation team is also working with BPS students and we we have a we'll have upcoming conversations about the smaller events as well but tonight is focused on the um the bigger event so at this point we want to open up for some conversation um Beyond what's already going on in the chat um but before we open it up to um folks who have their hands raised I would like to give our elected um officials who are with us an opportunity to say hello um beginning with representative Montana hey sorry I was playing the unmute mute game um I just want to say thank you to the city for this presentation um I understand it's still very much a work in progress and there's a lot of details to figure out U but I appreciate the opportunity to engag and you know I think that this will be an Ever evolving conversation so we're looking forward to you all coming back and presenting uh the Incorporated information hopefully thank you thank you representative absolutely this is the work in progress um now counselor Weber yeah hi uh thanks for um allowing me to speak um I you know I think I'm I'm impressed with the turnout uh for for this neighborhood meeting um and you I think that there is work that we still need to do um I uh I just I don't know Dion we can talk about this at some point I I was I I think the I the iag was assembled in uh the January 2nd or 3D I I I wasn't asked for uh a nominee I just uh I don't know what the usual process is um but um I I don't think the district counselor has uh put someone on the iig so I just maybe someone could reach out to me about that explain the rules uh but uh you know I'm I'm interested to hear what folks have to say I see Peter Dakotas has this hand up uh and nice to see him again but um you know uh again I I you know I'm here I'm happy to hear from anyone in the neighborhood uh I you know I'd also think it might be a good idea for folks from the city and from from Boston Community to meet with some of the ab butter neighborhood uh organizations like Parkside and Stony Brook and um uh to to get their feedback you know uh I think it would be helpful just to you know meet with them in person they they live few feet from the park and talk to them so thank you thank coun we will connect with you further and we're definitely happy to meet with groups and we've been meeting with groups and happy to continue to do that um we're going to now turn it over to members of the public and starting with um Peter dtis hi thanks everybody uh I appreciate you taking you all taking the time to uh come and meet with all of our groups and councelor Weber thank you so much for attending as well uh it's great to see everyone here I'm Morgan has been great with communication as well and I I personally um would love to see white Stadium renovation happen um and I have a few concerns I think that um transportation being the biggest one and I know that this sort of overlaps with a lot of other initiatives that are going on in Jamaica Plain specifically um and I'm sure Roxbury and Dorchester and matapan as well um I'm part part of the JP neighborhood Council and also the eglon square neighborhood association uh we just had a a great presentation from William moose as well about the speed humps and all of that and um it's we're going to lose a fair amount of parking on School Street it sounds like now on Walnut and I I know that you know with climate change it's it's a big issue it's a big deal and we want to try to mitigate a lot of concerns with car pollution and I'm all for that but a lot of people have cars in the neighborhood and still need to park and I would like to see more addressed in terms of making up for the parking we will be losing um in certain locations there's some spots up available on Walnut that I um talked to uh William moose about before uh there are creative ways to solve the issue um and and I think with resident parking so there's a couple of things and I'll go quickly um I think we could outline I don't know how do you call what you call this but outline parking spots with paint to define the parking spot so that people aren't parking in weird places and there's a 10-ft gap between cars um I mentioned adding more spaces to account for the ones you're going to take away um I think there there would be the opportunity that that lot that you just showed on sver street for um the ride you might be able to accommodate shuttles there as well to move them around um the fines I think are not quite enough quite what they need to be um to discourage people from parking there and uh I would love to hear just in closing what the big objection to resident parking permanent resident parking is thank you so before we get into that larger discussion let me just address the sver street lot um you know being used for ride share there's also a bus stop right on C Street right next to it and the issue with using that or even this has been in the chat a bit um using that or even the the last station that's on the brt Lanes on Columbus a is that the shuttles don't have a way to turn around even as wide as um sver street is the four lanes is not in the four lanes and the bike lane it's still not wide enough to for the the a bus that essentially do a U-turn so if we were going to use any of that along sver Street it would actually mean sending the buses all the way down to to the East and to Dorchester and other places for them to be able to turn around to get back to Jackson Square so so um you know we're not purposely and intensely impacting Walnut EV because it is a residential street but it is the most efficient way to to move people in and out of here for people going to Jackson Square on the RPP issue you know um we are proposing to restart that program uh sometime in the near future uh and and like uh in Brighton today um you know those signs could work in tandem with an RPP program okay all right thanks um now we'll have um Abby hold oh and and by the way I just want to we do have a meeting scheduled with Stony Brook um neighborhood association Abby hi yeah um I'm Abol I live on Bernett Street in district 6 and I'm on the iig um I'm very excited about this whole proposal uh honestly like when I moved here the place across the street for me was an empty warehouse and there was parking all down the street but that went away and now parking is harder but I have an amazing Bakery right near my house that I can walk to shout out third Cliff so yes I I know that it's going to impact my parking I'm deeply excited to be able to walk or bike to a soccer team that I I mean I've been following the nwsl now through covid and it's been a true joy and it kind of got me through and I thought when this team was coming in it was going to be somewhere out in the suburbs and that it wouldn't care about the city and the people in it and I am pumped to see that that is not true that it is interested in coming here and that it genuinely seems to be trying to B itself into the community and I hope that it continues to I think it's very important that it continued to listen um I really hope that it would have like some sort of advisory Council and I'd love to see BPS students on that um I'm so excited that there's this public private partnership I'm I'm excited to see you know things done for those students they deserve it um but yeah I didn't move here for the parking it's a city I moved here to be able to walk to a soccer game so I pumped so that was what I had to say thanks Abie um does anyone want to respond okay you Abby that great thanks um an McKinnon okay um real quick um I there wasn't an adequate discussion of the timeline um it just says you're going to the board for approval when is that going to be um second I asked four times for some information on the scope for the dpir my city councelor Ben Weber had to get that answer for me I shouldn't have to send four emails to try to get a basic piece of information now I understand that there is not planned a dpir that all is being requested is quote supplemental information this seems count counter to what mayor woo recently said which was we need more Community engagement on this project just submitting a A hurried small revision to the existing uh project notification form um doesn't seem to fit that bill second uh there was discussion of um th this project catalyzing some of the other projects in the Franklin Park mass action plan um and that fits into my concern about the failure to accommodate to account for the cumulative impacts of other events there were some development projects that were included in the analysis but the biggest cumulative impact which is required by section 80 b-3a of article 80 requires that cumulative impacts of all existing and planed projects be included the biggest one that was omitted was what is going to happen on this by this City's programming on the growth Ro this must be included you are planning to bring in lots of new festivals there's images of all kinds of um people Gathering there that must be included in the dpir which I also think is is required finally blue bikes you've you've accommodated them at the stadium but you haven't said how are you going to guarantee that they're going to be available at the origins available for what and sorry I think what was that on the blue bikes the blue bikes um you said how you're going to have parking for a thousand but you didn't address how you're going to make sure that they're available at Forest Hills green Jackson Square and all of the the origins before Oh the origins um I mean people are going to be coming from all different parts of the city right so it's not going to be if they're getting on a Forest Hills I would expect most people would get on the shuttle and not not bike from there so the origin or the destination after the game will have less of a concentration at any one specific location and is there any other Transportation portion of the question that the team would like to respond to okay great so just a reminder again that we we have a two-minute limit on questions and we want to keep it on transportation for tonight and we'll just take a note of anything that's non Transportation but the focus tonight is transportation um Cleo Woodcock hi um my name is Cleo um I'm an upper Montebello Road uh resident U lifelong JP resident and also a uh BPS soccer coach and also Daily Park dog walker um so my question is really um about Transportation plans um during the construction phase um and like kind of starting now up until uh the stadium is operational for the nwsl and improved uh BPS uses I'm also very excited about this project I think it's an amazing idea um but my question is now um I swear I'm almost hit by a car like once a week in a crosswalk trying to get to the park and um with the spring Sports season starting there are a lot of student athletes in the neighborhood and um I also have neighbors with children and dogs and such and I'm wondering what the kind of proposed safety measures once construction starts and there bigger and more vehicles in the area like how that's going to work um for pedestrian and bike safety I think that's a great question um however I don't know if there's any part of it that the transportation folks want to touch but I do know that as we get further towards like construction then we can really have a more um in-depth conversation around Transportation Planning relative to construction but tonight's meeting is really focus on a different type of Transportation Planning uh which I think we're trying to keep the focus on so anything to add Brian or Nick yeah I me I would just say for pedestrian safety I mean along WN not AV and at the other Park entrances I mean having traffic operations people there is really you know it's even better than a signal right we're going to have people directing traffic and quite honestly there's going to be so many pedestrians similar to you know when you leave an event at the Garden right that they're going to take priorities just because they're going to be the volume of people that are in in the area so you know as you leave um or coming to White Stadium or leaving white Stadium the crossball that I have you know that there's going to be people there to get you across safe safely that doesn't exist and then I'll put on Williams hat for a second you know having a raised intersection at Walnut and and School Street as the city is planning even for non-game days would be a huge Improvement for traffic caling and pedestrian safety right it they really work well to to make drivers slow down and to acknowledge pedestrians more than they do on their own in this region unfortunately yeah so just to put a final point on that so there right now we're discussing Transportation plan for the operation however for construction there will also need to be a transportation plan approved by the transportation department sorry yes so sorry I meant to go into that so as part of any large development that goes through article 80 the way we are um you need to have a construction management plan and that is reviewed by and approved by BTD and that includes um truck routes and and different things like that obviously in this case it's going to have a very significant and unique aspect of it of being reviewed by the parks department as well and saying where our trucks can go within Franklin Park so we are not at that level of detail right it would be kind of a little presumptuous and I had of putting the cart before uh the cart before the horse for us to be doing something on on construction like that when we're not even through permitting yet thanks um Lori the santis hi um I am running a short-term rental um for 8 years my house is set up as a real bed and breakfast I have three listings in my home where I live and I take really good care of my home I'm on the corner of Copley in Atherton and I'm really concerned about this parking restriction because I would say at least 50% of the people who stay at my place they literally write to me and say do you have parking and if I say no they're not going to come this is my only income and I'm very concerned how this is going to work am I going to go out of business am I going to have to move I mean I'm really scared about this and I have a question is this already a done deal I thought we were still voting on whether or not we even accept this proposal I thought there was still an an option on the table to just have the city renovate white Stadium for the Boston Public School kids which is what I would vote for and then my final point was have you considered having the MBTA loan their bus yard gigantic parking lot for game days down on Washington Street instead of having all these buses driving around and causing all these fumes what about just creating a specific lot for the big events I don't know it's just an idea but I'm wondering if you've thought of any of these things thank you any responses to the transportation components of the question yeah I'll take the parking lot I mean anytime you create a parking lot for private Vehicles you're going to create more traffic right we can fit 50 people on a bus we can fit what maybe six or seven at most in a in a car so you know the lot seems you you won't have the buses making or the cars making the loops the way you will with buses but the sheer volume of it would be much more impactful but whether it's traffic or environmental than than than the plan that we have for for shuttles only okay thanks and the other parts of your question will be noted in um for followup um Michael EP uh yes couple things on Transportation uh for as we have said that 4,000 people are supposed to go by shuttle bus at 60 people per bus that's 60 buses at 50 feet per Center on a bus that's a queue that's 3,30 ft long that's about a half mile um and if you're waiting for that bus at the end of the game at 4,000 people times 3 feet per square foot which is a theater loading by code that's about a quarter of an acre none of the site plans show anything that shows a loading zone that approximates that number of buses or that many people waiting uh the other thing uh this is an omstead landscape it's a world heritage site um we should not be drawing a mustache on the Mona Lisa the history of the white stadium is a history of racism in Boston uh starting with curlyy I don't think we should continue that history of racism and the uh this is about lining if if thank you Mike let's we want to take the um the transportation component if you question and give others a chance to ask a question as well there was a lot of numbers there um I just you know our numbers show like I said there's about 130 shuttles whether it's from the Walnut a the north loop as we call it or the South Loop from Forest Hills and from Blue Hill Avenue and with 125 buses and 5050 passengers per bus that's 6,200 people so I mean those are the numbers um it's more than 4,000 I I don't know where that came from and the other very important part is even after the end of the game not the intent is to not have everyone leaving right away now obviously before the game there'll be much more spread out there'll be events in the Grove and that's very easy to understand but even after the game the intent is to have um some sort of activities afterwards to spread out the amount of people that are looking to leave all at the exact same time so again you know we're we're providing these shuttles and and the numbers we're using are based on what we expect we could end up needing 150 shuttles and you know 8,000 people whatever the numbers are we'll get there and that's how we'll what we were talking about before about modifying the plan as we go um but it's not a surge of everyone leaving at once and it's you know you can do the math it's 50 people times whatever number of bus you want to put in we'll give you the number of Spectators that we can accommodate than so we have about 10 minutes left so Susan sabulski yeah thanks um just a couple of brief comments I really like this project I I strongly support it and um I'm really grateful for the improvements uh the improved facilities that the our Boston Public School kids will will get out of it um I mean the the condition of that stadium and the TR um right now is just shameful um and I'm also excited to uh to watch the soccer team and share them on I you know we're also going to get some additional Community benefits some that I hadn't even thought of until you had this the this transportation meeting uh tonight about the you know a really a hard a close look at some of the you know a lot of safety issues around uh around this area and and some additional traffic calming um that maybe we wouldn't have gotten or we wouldn't we wouldn't be getting so soon if it if it weren't for this project um I I appreciate you having these meetings I also don't expect that you have all of the answers to to to the qu to you know to all of the questions and everything ironed out yet there's uh there's still time and I appreciate all of the all of the uh you know my neighbors participating in this meeting tonight because it seems like there's a lot of there were a lot of good comments and questions and the city you're the uh folks from the city have been doing a really uh uh uh you've been really fast and and and uh thorough it seems like addressing the comment uh addressing those uh comments and questions in the chat so I just want to thank everybody and I look forward to I I I expect that we'll have more of these meetings um and and we'll just continue to make progress and and make you know come up with improved plans um so thanks everybody absolutely thank you um darthy Fel hi team uh I want to Echo the former person speaking look like we lost her she getting back in I just wanted to note that we're getting a lot of questions in the chat about um accessibility um and so I want to make sure that we have a moment to address Brian would you be able to talk through the accessibility plan you're muted Brian I'll ask you to un mute yeah I did I actually just saw one of those comments from from Jackie um and did a very quick response but right so since there is no public parking on site there is no Ada parking on site as well um but there the the North Loop drop off that we're talking about that would use Walnut a there is an accessible path you know that's right next to the stadium so there's an accessible path to get from the shuttles to to the stadium entrance um and then the ride share over on Siver Street and the South Loop which is off a circuit drive those both have pths that aren't entirely 88 access accessible and it's not because of the condition it's because of the typography and you know going up in over Hills and and the slopes so we will be providing Ada services from those two locations via golf cart to get people with access needs from those pick up and drop off locations to the stadium right that's the the parks department doesn't want us going in and flattening out walks and and things like that which you know for the preservation of the park so you know instead of making the the root ADA Compliant we're going to provide Ada service through through the golf carts thanks thanks Morgan for making sure we're being Equitable to folks in the chat anything else in the chat before um I think that was the big um I think the other big theme that I saw earlier was um a lot of questions about the proposed shuttle route on Walnut and why can't we use um MBTA bus stops rather than the turnaround that we're proposing um Brian do you maybe want to address that point as well yeah so there is a a station you know right at at sver and and Columbus and and walnut but um and this is in the chat some people have seen it there isn't a way to turn the buses around and I think I've said it sorry I don't know if it was just in the chat um or if I said it verbally but there's not a way to to turn the the buses around even if they use that station so um you know we still need to get them get the buses to turn around and also again we're trying to encourage people to use these shuttles and dropping them off outside of the park and and away from the St stadium is not you know the most encouraging or efficient way to to get people to the stadium all right thanks I'm going to try to get through the folks with raised hands and if you could just um ask you your question minute that'd be great U we'll start with daroy since we we lost you when you last spoke you lost me because it was my fault because my phone died but wanted to say one the team you guys have done a great job uh in listening to folks comments because these plans were nowhere near where they are now but thank you for the opportunity to have a discussion uh I also want to know uh for will one is safety surge starting because my concern is about I know it's operations but construction I'm worried about all these trucks coming through are we going to have speed humps before we start construction and had to redo it because of all the weight on them from the vehicles but there's that and then the last thing is I think an McKinnon was right we should really be thinking about the the connectivity um for places like Forest Hills um I mean this is all part of the trip and I think there's a higher transfer uh tax if we can call it that when you put somebody on a um public transit to a shuttle that shutt still going to be stuck in traffic but if you can get people as many as you can on Blue bikes uh and then drop blue bikes at key locations beforehand they're just going to do the rebalancing for you they're just going to be loading up that queue of electric blue bikes that you're going to need to get them out of there at the end so um good job thank you and um looking forward to more conversations Dar you just you just brought up a good point I have to talk to the blue bikes people about how they accom ate um the new electric bikes when they're doing valet right because the dock is what's charging them so um I will talk to them and figure that out thanks okay um moving on to Matt slide good evening everybody thanks um I'm Matt I'm I've lived in jamaan plane for about 15 years um and I have two soccer playing daughters and our whole family is very excited about this project and look forward to you know walking to the uh to the parking and seen some world class athletes play um I actually I I was late tonight because in fact I was running a sixth grade girls soccer practice so I missed the first 10 minutes um but and and many of my kids are also excited about this uh but I'm curious you know the transportation piece is obviously very challenging um and I think it's challenging in a good way because personally I'm you know I would rather this approach versus driving 40 minutes into the suburbs and and and you know parking in a huge parking lot um but I'm curious about you know how you're going about about U looking at case studies you know in particular I'm thinking of um Boston College with their football games um and even Fenway Park right which is in an urban place and then in other other stadiums and other cities and and basically how you're you're working to sort of simulate what the impact of you know what I think are are really um Innovative strategies right with public transportation with biking but of course it's also somewhat speculative because it's because it is so different um so I'm just I'm curious to hear more about like how how you're going to kind of flesh out and validate um the approach you know looking at what's already been done um you know in other venues with with similar types types of crowds um and and again I'm I'm I'm really excited I should also mentioned I'm also excited about this because my my kids play soccer and my uh my daughter plays for Boston public schools and in this fall played for uh you mentioned that she thought the pitch was the most dangerous field she's ever played on at White stadium and it would be great to see her play on a great new pitch in a couple years um thanks Matt I know commissioner go did cover this early on I don't know if you want to just say something quickly but I think we'll also be sharing the slides commissioner sure we we are planning to use some of the strategies that we've implemented in around Fenway Park and um up at Boston College so for example um up around BC we're proposing to utilize uh similar type signs that we use up there so uh no stopping to zone signs four hour hours before a game um an hour after that would be in the in the walk area around white stadium and then uh similarly the from a violation standpoint creating a violation that's similar to what we did around Fenway Park there's a $100 um violation specific to that area where we're proposing something similar for white Stadium thanks now we'll try to get to the three additional hands and then um we'll wrap U Beth you muted okay hi um Beth I'm 20 plus year Jamaica plane resident and I live on Rocky Nook Terrace um so I'm pretty much direct a butter to the park um I you know this is good we're fleshing out the details but really like transportation is probably the highest concern the transportation plan and um to everyone so uh one one question I have is you know you're saying not everybody's going to be leaving at the same time but if people are having to take shuttles to get to their parking lot and it's only a limited time you know anytime I mean I leave Fenway people leave and especially if they're going to go you know they have to take further transportation to get to where their car is my other point aside from my cons direct concerns about the transportation around the park is that um you know with the wide zone of restricted parking resident parking going all the way up almost to Center Street that's going to have a negative impact on businesses around the area because lots of people come to Jamaica plane from outside to utilize our businesses and things so I'm I'm concerned about that as well from that parking perspective I know you know there's always a trade-off with different things but I think that's you know something we should be thinking about as well yes so we have um on that detail plan that we showed of for the uh for the parking restrictions there were areas like you said specifically along uh Washington Street near eglon where there was a concentration of of short-term parking um and they are all signed for and if they're not signed our recommendation then discussions with the city is to sign them for 2hour parking um this way they're still there for commercial use but they would have to turn over in a shorter duration than someone that's visiting and going to the game would be able to use it um and you know commissioner Grove go could probably talk to it more but this is similar to there's areas near fway right where there's where there's durations like that placed in um on on the parking spaces so that when there's not Fenway events there is still commercial parking for for people to use but you can't use a two-hour space and go to a soccer game or a baseball game because you're gonna run out of time and and end up getting a ticket anyway thanks Mar um C kigga hi can you hear me cuz all right yes so um I am thrilled if there's a woman's Soccer team in Boston I'm an immigrant's daughter grew up playing soccer my brother was a pro my son has played travel at Parkway he is on Hammer Club he is a freshman at Tech Boston came into school playing on the JB team immediately and comes off the bench for Varsity we are a soccer family guess what we wouldn't have to have have these convoluted complicated plans for I've been to all three meetings for parking for transportation for any of the dilemas and problems and we would not lose Green Space in a park which Services mostly communities of color and people a lot of people of lower income levels you are taking Green Space and you are trying to hurt the res residents that live around there because that's what's going to happen with these parking PL I don't care I have not heard any good Solutions nerson field might be Turf it will cost a hell of a lot less it holds about 10,000 people right now and it would cost a lot less if we converted it from Turf if you don't you say Turf doesn't work to grass and that would solve everything and we'd still have a women's soccer team in my beloved Boston where I was born that's all I have to say because these plans have not solved these meetings have not showed me any solving of these parking or Transportation dilemas they're just so complicated thanks and I've given other people the Liberty to talk for two minutes and even though they didn't have a question so um we'll do the same here and our last um raised hand is Melissa Hammer Melissa you can okay thank you um I was having a hard time unmuting myself sorry um you know I I've been listening to this all night I've listen I've come to every single meeting and I feel like there's a lot of questions that are not being answered a lot of concerns not being addressed um we um this is a a very tight Urban community and I think this is going to negatively impact our our neighborhoods if this goes forward um you haven't answered the question about um parking permits how will people have host friends over for for barbecues during the weekends when when there's a game going on let's say I have a few friends that want to come over how are they going to park I I I have one permit that's not going to be sufficient um you didn't address laor de Santos's question about how she she will be impacted her business I also run a business too and this will impact me as well um as well as you know just I feel like you haven't talked about the satellite parking where are those satellite parking locations going to be a lot of things have been gone unanswered and I feel like this has been very disrespectful for to the community everybody wants white Stadium to be renovated that's a no-brainer we want it to be the best for the school children but partnering with this this this way is just not I I don't think it's fair for the communities it's going to have a negative impact on our neighborhoods and I would really hope that you would rethink this um thank you that's all I have to say thank you I want to thank everyone you know for indulging us and staying five minutes over um I'm sorry Lisa we we did say we're already over and Melissa was the The Last Hand raised that we were going to take so as as we appreciate all the feedback that we've gotten from tonight really great questions in the chat and and live this will all inform you know further iterations of the transportation plan and we do know that transportation is an important issue to to many of you that's why you're here tonight and that's why this is the end of um three hours of us having transportation conversations so uh we you will hear further from us and we look forward to our next engagement opportunities um can we show the slide we stop sharing but I do want to let folks know that there are some other opportunities where we can talk about things other than transportation that are also important so I encourage you all to to visit um our wh Stadium website or send us an email at Whit stadium and join us at some other engagement opportunities so we can talk about other important important topics related to this project so thank you again for your time and wish everyone a good and safe night