Boston board me at this time the Boston Planning and Development Agency is continuing to host public meetings and a virtual setting for health for the health, safety and accessibility of Boston residents. For more information and updates, visit Boston Lansberg the open public meeting requires that I notify the public that this meeting is being recorded. Please be aware that an audio and visual recording of this meeting is being made and broadcast by Boston City TV which is a part of the City of Boston Office of Cable Communications and extenuation 26 RCN Channel 13 and Verizon files Channel nine six which is also being live streamed at Boston Dolgov slash cable to begin I will take a roll call of members Mr. President Dr. Landsmark he's out on it. Oh I'm sorry. I'm sorry Mr. Shepard wasn't it I did hear and present great. So let's get started with agenda item number one on the FDIC agenda request authorization for the approval of the minutes of the April 11 twenty twenty four board meeting. The motion is in order so Focolare will be spending I and Mr. Intramuscularly Mr. Shepherd and the chairman as I mentioned passes item number two request authorize station to execute a long term service a long term lease agreement with the Boston Public Health Commission for the construction of a new emergency medical services ambulance station on a portion of Parcel Z also known as Pier Ten in the Raymond Alfred Marine Park. Yes, thank you Madam Chair. I'm viewing this request. This is more of a housekeeping issue which I'm pleased to be required to do some quick background. The city of Boston, as you know, active in the Boston Public Health Division owns and operates sixteen emergency medical service stations throughout the city of Boston. According to 2020 census U.S. Census seventy six thousand people reside in support for those of us individually so this seems like a lot more than that. The population supports increasing 200 percent more than the national average which is represented in the census. Over ten million square feet of development has already occurred within our seventeen million square feet we intend on seventeen demand for services and see for individuals who are in and we continue to increase and if you recall back in March twenty twenty two was my pleasure to present to the board and the board authorized the census twenty thousand square land in the remaining part to host in the investigation to service the seaport and the Marine Park . BP has worked closely with US public Health Mission to design and locate the station. The housekeeping portion of this I neglected to ask for permission twenty one to enter into a lease or license with the public health mission. We did approve this site in to ask a question activities which was that today to correct that and I'm asking for permission to due to a license agreement with the Boston Public Health Commission for the use of the twenty thousand square feet and we just just discussed two to build and operate the station and within the confines of the agreement of the Marine Park Service and the Secret Department Reproposing a twenty year lease term. We two separate ten year extensions we design that has been approved in contemplating these for fifty seven point to be facility which would include public restrooms on the first floor of the facility and eight parking spaces for the U.S. crew giving crucial public service nature of issues that has been proposed. And I thank he said any questions comments from the board can be hearing and will call for a vote Hispanic. I just schepper I and the chair that I mentioned assisting. Thank you. Item number three request authorization to execute a contract with Teresa Rowland to provide technical assistance with program development for the emerging job training programs and amount not to exceed ninety five thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. Tatiana, hello. Thank you so much for his time. Just in summarization we previously at the Mayor's Office of Workforce Development released an RFP to contract with a consultant to support new and emerging job training programs. These are organizations that do not have an operating budget exceeding one point five million dollars and prioritized applications that were BIPAC lead as a way to diversify the neighborhood's jobs trust portfolio and we are pleased to have had successful a successful bid accepted Teresa Rowland working in partnership with Rebecca Latchman and Nancy Snyder. And we're able to sort of get a three for one with that and so really excited for that opportunity and requesting official permission to contract Teresa Rowland Consulting for an amount not seating ninety five thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars if you have any questions please let me know. Really exciting opportunity. Thank you. Any questions or comments from the board experience? None. Emotion is in order for most certain culture of overspending. Mr. Shepard and the chair that I mentioned Parsons thanks so much and good luck with everything. Thank you. OK, I remember four request authorization to issue to issue a request for qualifications for the professional digital literacy needs analysis and assessment of City of Boston Workforce Development providers in an amount not to exceed three hundred and five thousand it's been so long. Thank you so much for having me back. All right. The Mayor's Office of Workforce Development is requesting authorization to advertise and issue a request for qualifications for a digital literacy needs analysis. Fifteen to twenty workforce development providers in the city of Boston. Context for this request is that in January twenty twenty for the city of Boston's mayor's Office of Workforce Development order secured one million in community project funding thanks to Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen sponsorship. This funding aims to expand excuse me aims to expand the digital initiative in a multi component capacity building project that strives to achieve three key objectives one ensure workforce development programs have the infrastructure and competencies to deliver digital literacy instruction effectively to support the integration of digital technologies into curricula, instructional practices and service provision and three enhanced technology mediated learning systems such as blended hybrid and remote training program models. The initiative seeking to achieve these goals excuse the initiative seeks to achieve these goals by providing technical support and funding for a select group of fifteen to twenty occupational training providers to facilitate this expansion, Otamendi is issuing a request for qualifications to enlist a consultant. A consultant role will be involving working with this new cohort of training providers offering coaching, facilitating planning sessions and providing implementation and support. The estimated contract will not exceed three hundred five thousand dollars and will be supported by community project funds awarded to the city of Boston from the US Department of Labor this RFQ will be scheduled for release later this month May of twenty twenty four. I'll pause for any questions. Thank any questions or comments from the board hearing and seeing none. Emotion is an order salute. Second roll call for a vote has been in Mr Shepherd thigh and the Tippett's I mentioned this I thank you again and good luck . Thank you. Cheers. OK item number five request authorization to extend a contract with United Elevator Company Inc. by six months to December 30th twenty twenty four for continued continued elevator maintenance repair and testing at the economic Development and Industrial Corporation of Boston owned assets within the Raymond Flynn Marine Park an amount not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars for the amended term warn you about the board on May 13 on time on the PPTA or otherwise the word on contract to the United Elevator Company for elevator maintenance for contesting the redevelopment on Park Street. One of our assets currently supports light industrial manufacturing offices storage space to tenants of the BBA including Global Action Robotics, the Boston Transportation Department and the mayor's office. In recent weeks the passenger viewers have told Chelsea that they're are flying at various times due on air and mechanical failures which put an additional strain on the aging freight elevator. We expect to need additional repairs for the upcoming months to maintain safe parking elevators for the tenants and visitors, talk channels to work by the BP board at the June twenty twenty three meeting is under contract for readability and update the three passenger leaders modernization project is expected completion and we on for the current contract with United Navigator expires on June four. This is for meant to ensure continuous service leaving out two or three hours for rehabilitation. Project staff is requesting to amend the current contract with United for six months. The additional time will prevent any gaps in service coverage throughout the Elevator Modernization Project . The amended contract would be for an additional six months through December 30th. The time for funding for this project from the beginning to fiscal year. Twenty five operating budget. The process is not to expect it to exceed 100 thousand dollars for a new total contract amount of four hundred five hundred four thousand dollars for a turnabouts three and one half years. I'm happy to answer any questions, any questions or comments from the board hearing and see no emotion is so moving so second real call is better by Mr. Shepard and the time machine is experiencing great item. No wait I remember six request authorization to execute a contract with Blackbaud or twelve months from May seven twenty twenty four to May six twenty twenty five for financial and next accounting software usage in an amount not to exceed fifty seven thousand seven hundred seventy five dollars and 19 cents to thank you Madam Chair and members of the board. My name is Tim Mathis, interim director of Finance decided request authorization to execute a one year contract with blackspot. Blackbaud provides the Financial Edge Management System which the Finance Department staff uses for all budget and accounting purposes including general ledger reporting, grant management accounts payable accounts receivable processing and other reporting means we appreciate your consideration and I'm happy to answer any questions, any questions or comments from the board hearing and seeing none motions in order for Second Amendment banning I Mr. Shepard and the chairman I mentioned thank you and don't go anywhere. Item number seven request I request approval of the fiscal year twenty twenty five operating band operating budget of the Economic and Industrial Development Corporation in Boston theodicy and in expense amount sixty three sixty three million seven hundred and eleven thousand four hundred eighty seven dollars and approval for the fiscal year twenty twenty five capital expenditures amount of eleven million two hundred and fifty thousand as well as the forgiveness of inter-agency debt between the FDIC and the Boston Redevelopment Authority the VRA and together with the FDIC doing business as the Boston Planning and Development Agency or PPTA authorization to affect the transfer of city to the transfer of staff to the city of Boston and to enter into a memorandum of understanding with the city of Boston with respect to the same do also authorized for the transfer of funds between the borough and the FDIC and to enter into a memorandum of agreement with respect to the same and to authorize the authorization to transfer funds to to the city of Boston to reimburse the city for the costs of staff and services, transfer to the city and to enter into a memorandum of agreement with respect to such transfer to staff that one return the thank you that allows now who was not here to be of representation and then it tend to go a little bit more into the details of the finances. But thank you for this opportunity to present us this afternoon. For the record I appreciate the EPA and I spoke before you today represents an important step forward in reinventing our planning and development work is done in the city of Boston. It also represents the culmination of two years of work to ensure the creation of a bank department within the city of Boston that ensure is done thoughtfully, constitutionally and in a way that supports the greatest asset of this agency our incredibly talented and hardworking staff. Although the those are taking today are primarily focused creation of a bank department, it's important to put this in context as one saw a broader set of changes in the way more inclusively and collaboratively shaping the future growth of our city because the next slide as we are thinking about the future of the media there are really three categories of work that are shown here ultimately is the most important and impactful category is the first of the ways we are changing the day to day work of planning and development to make it more transparent, more predictable and more accountable. This includes things like zoning reform efforts to make Boston zoning code more predictable, enforceable and tied to comprehensive community planning. Our design vision Initiative to shape our future spaces are exclusively designed and reflected about the unique tapestry of Boston's neighborhoods are leading modernization work to bring in more and new voices to develop a new process for making that process more transparent and predictable for both communities and developers alike and our real estate teams efforts to use public land for public good by proactively engaging public private partnerships for community development. The second work on the slide is really the focus of today's about Boston is the only major American city without a city staffed and controlled by department. The city council voted last month to approve mayor ordinance to change this by restoring planning. It's a core function of city government and with your support today we have all the pieces in place to start this new department on July 1st. That means city council does many things first it codifies any planning department. It creates the business lines that the EPA currently manages in one new department planning in the city of Boston. Its business lines are providing zoning development review, urban design and real estate and it also includes all of our support divisions and the ordinance also enables a financial transaction of money from the EPA and to the city to pay for all the staff costs the city of Boston is gaining. This makes it a budget neutral transition for all parties in the also establishes continuity of employment for face down by allowing them to retain the rights and benefits they were hired under. For example, the ordinance allows the EPA to maintain EPA staff maintain their tenure residency exemption from the city's residency policy and then finally the city council asked us to add reporting requirements the ordinance that will be responsible for annually showing progress against our goals for improving zoning code, doing comprehensive planning and evaluating development against these these goals these plans finally getting there on the slide. We'll have the subject of the vote today. We also have a quotation that was passed by the city council in twenty twenty three. It's currently being reviewed by the state legislature. That petition has three main things it ends or no while protecting our ability of works areas for Amanda's position agreements important important things like affordable housing it updates the legal language to reflect how we do business today as one quasi governmental agency rather than two separate bodies and it allows FDIC employees who are moving into the city as part of the city planning department to have three years of service pension system as as a up on the slide. I want to point out two really important things are not changing. The first of all this change you the members, the more will continue to be the planning for the city of Boston with me for example real quick, Devin, I still am because I just came else on my screen if you can see them, you guys can see them OK? It's probably OK. Go ahead. Go figure out someone else but stay because it's like it's like it's something like Survivor. So I just want to clarify what's not changing everything else is changing you the members of the board will continue to be the framework for the city of Boston will get ready to make critically important want decisions and real estate decisions on behalf of our city and also Chief Johnson will continue to be chief of planning and the director of this agency and staff will report to them today and by doing planning development work will continue to do so as they become city city employees. Next slide really quickly the slide outlines of a timeline the major milestones in creating a planning department in February and March we held hearings in the city council meant to create funding the Taliban receive their approval . In April the mayor submitted her draft budget to the council which included funds for the newly created funding for and we held the hearing on that earlier today. We're here before you to ask your support to fund this new city planning environment next next month the city council will the FBI of the budget and all those actions in place on July 1st we will launch the new site. This is my last night. I just want to make very clear for you that the votes are today and I'll pass the the all of this will be discussed in greater detail. Jim will brief you on the FBI budget which includes funds for all the expenses, transparency about the cost and also speak about the amount that will govern the transfer of these funds to futures funds are available to financially support all the functions of the U.S. government and we're also establishing an employment agreement to provide the continuity staffing services staff are transferred from bank department to other department but mostly to the department but also with a handful of staff. We're moving to the mayor's office at closing. I want to note for you that while today's votes are all about the structure and finances of government and they are of course very, very important those structures finances are not Anadan are ultimately meaningless without the people to carry out the work. This agency is staffed by some of the most talented people, the most passionate people we will ever find working in government and I'm personally grateful to every one of them for the work they're doing every day not just to manage the work of the governor of our city but also to fundamentally rethink how we do that work so we can deliver better services to Bostonians. Transactions of this nature are incredibly stressful on the people who do the work. We have been heartened to see that leaders at every level including this board have continued to focus on minimizing the negative impacts for staff as we try this new course. I also really want to thank all the staff this agency, the many, many people and I'll name a few of them who spent countless hours over the past two years to get this transition. This is an example I can't finance is and Darcy Tim Mathis, Teresa Curliness and of course our fearless and very employee focused leader. So with that I'll turn it over to Paul. Thank you, Devon. Next time please. Good afternoon, Madam Chair members have for the next portion of this presentation will go into the NY twenty five operating and capital budget for the BRCA I see although we are currently in the FDIC portion of the agenda I will be presenting a combined look at the PPTA at the conclusion of this presentation. As David mentioned we will seek a vote for the FDIC and APRA will occur towards the end of the VRA agenda tonight. First I want to thank everyone who helped with this year's budget in particular our senior budget manager Dylan Darsey. Our financial analyst is Gilbert Leches on the work that they've done to help get us to us to this place as well as all finance department staff members who have gone above and beyond as we aligned our processes with the cities. Thank you for all that you do. Next slide please. The table you see portrays the total by twenty five operating budget for the combined P.D.A as Stephanie mentioned structurally we will continue to have two agencies the VRA and the FDIC until passage and implementation of the rule petition will begin by walking through the revenue adjustments in the top of the table at twenty five projected revenues totaled eighty four point nine million dollars down from one hundred and twenty nine point nine million dollars in the current fiscal year. That decrease is due to the transfer of the majority of city, state and federal grant revenues from the FDIC which currently serves as the lead agency to the City Worker Empowerment Cabinet beginning July 1st, staff have been diligently working with their funders to ensure that these transfers occur seamlessly and without disruption of services. Other means of finance are relatively level rental and lease revenues which comprise the majority of gun revenues are projected to enjoy a modest growth going forward on the expenditure portion of the table. As with revenues, we see a sizable adjustments heading out to a thirty six point six dollars million decrease going into FY twenty five. Those adjustments can be attributed to two elements the transition first, as with the decrease in grant income due to the transfer of O.W. staff revenues to the city there to be a commensurate decrease in expenditures as O deputy staff and contracts all of those dollars and second to fully fund our commitments to the city planning department we are reallocating dollars from personnel and employee benefits lines to contractual services. Those dollars will fund the financial transfers that will take place per our memorandum of agreement which have been previously discussed. Next slide please. Our revenue makeup is comprised of a variety of sources that will enable the BPA to maintain its properties and staff expenses moving to the city you can see that half of the agency's revenues are generated from rental and lease revenue ground leases on BPA owned properties and buildings with the majority of a grant income moving to the city. Twenty two percent remains in this category. This represents funding for that was unable to transfer next year either either due to certain constraints such as the FDIC serving as a separate entity for the city to spend down one time covid relief funds or due to timing issues expenses are decreasing. I'm sorry. Next slide please. Expenses are decreasing due to the departure of staff and associated grant agreements, the remaining contractual services will find active PPTA contracts through completion and over time new contracts will be procured through the city planning department. As previously mentioned, expenses for personnel and employee benefits for VPA staff transferring to the city are moving to the contractual services line. These financial transfers to the city are broken out here and will represent 50 percent of PPTA expenses. Next slide please. Finally we see how this is being represented on both the BPA budget and the city budget. The forty two million dollars transfer to the city will be classified as a new city revenue source. Intragovernmental revenues finance staff have been having extensive conversations with our otter's as well as the city's auditing department to ensure that financial transfers are held to generally accepted accounting principles. Finance will still be responsible for two audits the VRA and FDIC and we are committed to accurately reflecting these transfers at the close of our twenty times next please. Next we will review our capital budget request for both VRA and FDIC. Our capital requests are based on a comprehensive assessment of the agency's extraordinary infrastructure needs. We were requesting seventeen point six million dollars across five new projects. Next slide please. The Bahraini portion of the capital budget totals six point three dollars million and includes three projects and set aside funding for unanticipated needs should they arise. The new items include Building Road Systems Assessment for China Trade Center to identify potential areas for maintenance and improvement, building wide repairs and stabilization building one in five in the Charlestown Navy Yard and repairs to deteriorating fender and boring piles of repairs before 9/11 in the Charlestown Navy. Next slide please EIC capital requests total eleven point two million dollars includes two projects both at the Twelve Channel St. Building one is the replacement original windows with new energy efficient windows and two is relining of the original drain lines from the roof of the building financing the Yurman will be working closely with the real estate department as we continue to make progress towards this work. Next slide please. The next three slides cover the action items that the board will be considering this vote the first next slide please. The first is to prevent the transfer of funds from the setting for a twenty five planning department. Next slide please. Next is the approval of a financial aim with the city that will lay out how financial transfers will occur. The language on this slide is drawn from the audience creating a planning department passed by the city council in late March. Next slide please and finally an approval of an IOU which commits both staff transferred to the planning department and new plan and the new planning department and staff are meeting at the BDA serve all organizations the planning department, the and the FDIC. Next time please. This concludes my presentation and we're happy to take any questions. Thank you. Any questions or comments from the board just congratulations and kudos for getting this far with this. This is an incredible effort. I know we've seen glimpses of along the way and it's clear there's just been a lot of work on all sides of this appreciation to the employees because I know that this is a big change but great to see it at this point. Yes, absolutely agree with you on that a lot of work, big changes and I commend you all for the time and effort you put into this to make this hopefully come to fruition. Can you give us an update on the status of the home petition with any implications that its current status may have on the vote that we're taking today? And I'd be happy guidelines so that decision was passed by the city council one point twenty three and it is now in committee at the state House. We held a hearing on it a few months ago when it comes in the air I would testify against the committee chairs since our system questions back and forth for a couple of minor edits and so some of those ideas are directly related to your second question around what are the implications? Notes that we provided are making sure that the way the language is structured around how we FDIC employees are treated under state law enables them to take advantage of the city of Boston and program should they choose New Zealand today state law does not consider ability does not consider FDIC employees, government employees the homeowner protection changes that so should the petition pass I mean the city of Boston is moves to the to the city of Boston and begins pretty soon the pension program will have the right to purchase back thirty years of service with the FDIC for some time especially the standardizing. So that's the major implication between the vote today and the audience and politician otherwise that immigration is not linked to the competition independent action because it's that that aspect is so important to our staff. We've been making that very clear about the state House. It's very important for us to see this passed in the near future meeting all of the current EPA and FDIC employees who will be moving over to the new department will be transferred with all of their rights intact and it were being violated than FDIC employees on this provide their employees already participating in pension programs so there's no change to the employment. So yeah. So that is an absolute yes. I've read as employees this is the major difference and so this is why we advanced us and our state also should pass and they'll have the opportunity to buy back whatever years of service they wish and that's that's important to us. So yes, I am looking for our staff. I was very well we had numerous staff meetings, numerous boselli, one conversations, lots of small group conversations about the differences in employment benefits between the city and the EPA. We inventory forty plus benefits. I didn't made it very clear what what's what's driving some things but you know, relatively well in some cases it really depends on the person how what the what the impact of the change will be. Some people will see it as an improvement from things that I've worked with that some people may take a step backwards but it's a really individualized conversation that we've been making ourselves available to help conversations and in during this transitional period is the position is not taken up quickly and into being deferred for any period of time. What is the status of the employees during that transitional period so that doesn't have to wait and see what is entering the pension program will be consider your while pension will be entering with a one will be entering their first year pension service eligibility without the opportunity to buy back previous years. There's an important another element of the whole petition is that how it treats over and all when all is expiring in Boston? Twenty five. So if the patient does not pass this session we're facing that need to reexamine the future of or what we want to replace it. If it just adds cold turkey then a lot of important planning protections go away. So we have the opportunity to potentially resubmit and you know, more efficient this at this moment I'm pretty enthusiastic about the opportunity for the opposition to pass during the session and hopefully some and finally without regard for the home rule petition, can you speak to how our development processes are going to be affected as we move forward? Thanks, Abigail are one more note of caution. I should also add that I thought that the committee is likely to report out on that and hopefully favorably on that rotation as soon as the next couple of weeks. So we should know more very as it pertains to development processes. I have one really important point to emphasize is one thing that is not changing again is that the EPA board remains very important for the city of Boston. So this board will still continue to take the votes it takes today on the important finding real estate and development review options that are under its purview and the staff who work for the city and provide services the board but the actual development services themselves the hearings themselves do not change because of the move the city planning environment there's certainly the opportunity for us to work more closely with our city colleagues. We'll be working under the oversight of the city council made very clear in our city our city council hearings it's a lot lot of the governance of the personnel and budget plan to change the governance of the actual real estate and development decisions of this board do not change for a lot of things with you on a day to day basis on day to day basis that would change those things like her zoning reform efforts and our improvements. Thank you. A couple of questions. So around the can you talk a little bit about the finance memorandum of understanding and just quickly confirm what that I guess what are the the major parameters in that and that then memorandum that we are agreeing to and and then one particular I guess scenario is kind of how do we ensure right. That when we are transferring funds from from our hands over to to the city, how do we ensure that those funds are going to be used to support the to support the agency and agency activity? Is there a scenario where it could be used for something else? It's a great question. I'll happy to mark or Michael or Lisa and there's anything we're both really involved geographies and make sure we get the details right to take that second. But first when we set up the city council, the ordinance, the budget and the way the city structure the revenue that's entrainment to the government for the purposes of the planning department as essentially grants federal program revenue so the city council will have the authority to move those dollars around in the planning and development function but does not. But it is there not it is not permissible under the importance of the MLA to say produce those bonds and have an to a defined line of business in the city of Boston and then finally they could also reject the funds they can choose to not take funds in which case it will remain in the courts and they can cut the budget. They reallocate the budget, they can redistribute the budget to other funds. Of course this board and the city could have negotiated separate agreements to redistribute if that was deemed necessary that would be a separate discussion, a separate negotiation that's not covered in the MLA or the ordinance in terms of the major principles of that way I would what it really lays out is that the city is committing to providing services to the board that currently exists in the today that the board on behalf of people is committing to fund those services going forward. It lays out a schedule that Tim and his team can use to predictably find the city on or on a quarterly basis and then threw based on actual expenses but simply please anything important. But they must I think you pretty much captured with regards to the quarterly payments and which transfers will be based on just to Double-Click on something you said before they can move around within the planning department. Can you just tell me what that what that means when you say it can't move outside but everybody can move around like the so the funds are required to be used for writing purposes. So what does I anticipate that in future city council reprocesses they might contribute while we are spending the certain dollars on fighting versus designing for real estate etc. and may ask us to make changes and that is within their budgetary authority I know at the council level and so we can respond tell them why we made the choice. We can agree that that's an acceptable and allowed powers about the city council but given the nature of these findings, the nature of this transition, it was important to make sure that the funds will continue. We will continue to be a budget neutral transition that funds continue to exist to provide important planning development services that exist today. However, those are chosen to be reality redistributor within the bank and the work that we do and still in line with the response to that question of and you said something about they could decide meaning a city council could decide to reject what does that mean? But I guess that's probably a better word would have been cut to cut the budget in which case it didn't get let's say the using round numbers or was approved sending forty million dollars to the city and we only want to expand on the budget to be thirty five billion dollars instead that means that about five million dollars could be retained by the PPTA. That seems like an unlikely scenario and one of the answer to that is possible. It is possible OK but that would be the five million or whatever numbers we're using to that they rejected would still stay with the PPTA accounts. I think that in a way these are also willing to continue to say he's committed to continuing to provide the services so they would be demonstrated that the services can be provided at a lower cost point. OK, I did get a chance to watch most of the city council hearing on the budget which I thought went well. So great to have team where there were some follow questions and requests for information that sent throughout. That is something that has been completely provided or is across the board and we I believe we of the council questions from the public hearing I don't know we're in the process of compiling answers right now to their questions and then the last question is round financial statement impact. So I'm very pleased to be here thoroughly reviewing the financial statements both FDIC and Iraq. How how many would does this memorandum or this financial structure transactions impact are audited financial statements will they undergo any changes? Will they still say separate? Is there some kind of you know, Melen with the city? Should I be looking for sure? That's a good question. And as I mentioned, we've been working extensively with our auditors and having discussions with the city department. We will continue to separate audits for the BRCA and NDIC and the petition on implementation will create PPTA that would eventually have its own audits for our F twenty three audits that were released and January it included a disclosure and statement on the upcoming transition and the impact the agency going forward the financial transfers will be recognized as as either a grant expense or professional services line item and so that's how it will be represented. Well yeah I think that that was and that's where all of my detailed questions that were left I know I have asked many detailed questions over the months that you guys have been working on this. I do want to you know, I know my colleague board members on a a job well done and in a very a very complicated thing. So I really appreciate all the teamwork and cooperation as has happened to be thorough and fair and operate with the intent of of protecting our protecting our employees while creating a structure that is is more suitable for the direction that we're going in. So rather I would like to want to echo that gratitude on this and I thank the board members for all of your work that holds accountable. Make sure you're putting putting a basis for doing this the right way and all of the questions you asked us along with create a better product here are so so thank you very much as OK any additional questions or comments on the board? I have one additional question which occurred to me as we've been discussing this given all of the corporate and structural changes that we're making here, could you comment on how these changes are likely to affect how the agency has engaged with Boston's communities in the planning process or certainly the intent of all these changes are to improve the way we interact with Boston's communities across the board, whether it's from changing our governmental structure to address issues that have been wedges building public trust in the past, trying to do our best to eliminate those giving us new tools to advance a community oriented and kind of resiliency affordable housing in the future. I regarding our efforts on own zoning reform in the city through our design and through our lady, our hearts all of all of our work or engaged reimagining the way we do business here all around are delivering a service for Bostonians so taking each each piece of it is is greater when you guys the home and the problems that this the test of time as being a stronger platform from which to do and did all work for Bostonians in the future the thank you any additional questions, your comments and seeing and in order some of the verbal and spending enhancement by Sea Shepherd I am the chair of the transition process. Thank you very much. Good night. Good job to everyone. OK to be screened here. All right. That was item number seven item number eight personnel Michael thank you Madam Chair members of the board Madam Secretary and Director Jemison. We have a number of items for your consideration on the EEOC agenda with the exact details included in the board memos. We have one internship in the urban design department DAIM from Brammeier. We have three status changes and the Development Review Department new promenading from Deputy Director of Master Planning and Policy to Senior Deputy Director of Development Review in the Urban Design Department Andrew Nimish from Senior Zoning Reform Planner to to Senior Urban Design and the Planning Department Astrid Walker from Zoning Reform Player one to Zoning Reform Plan two. We also have three out-of-state travel requests. We have five departures at the planning department. Catherine Nield senior comprehensive planner to Adriana LASO area zoning reform plan to and the office of Workforce Development Kayla Kelley, assistant deputy director of Why You and the Communications Department Trevallyn Community Engagement Manager and in the Real Estate Department Delaney Morrison Senior Senior Climate and Coastal Resilience Infrastructure Delivery Project Manager and that's everything. Thank you. Any questions anything any questions or comments made by hearing and seeing any motion is in order to move second third responding commands we are shipping in the chamber and mission to assist and I thank you and welcome to our intern intern Dana. Congratulations. New for Andrew and Astrid on our promotions and we thank you very much for all of your service, Catherine and Kayla until you do so with that I need a motion to adjourn this meeting so I can call for a vote and it's been jillions one hour no chervitz I mentioned parsecs meeting adjourned convenes on to the next meeting . Here we go. Thank you for joining the May sixteen twenty twenty four in Boston Redevelopment Authority Board Meeting at this time the Boston Planning and Development Agency is continuing to host public meetings in a virtual setting for the Health Safety and accessibility of Boston residents for more information and updates, visit Boston plans. Doug the only public meeting requires that I notify the public at this meeting is being recorded. Please be aware and audio visual reporting on this meeting is being made and broadcast by Boston City TV which is a part of the City of Boston Office of Cable Communications and it's going to be Channel twenty six RCN Channel Thirteen and Verizon FiOS Channel nine six to eight is also being live streamed at Boston of people to begin meeting and take the role of members in the Senate after the announcement, Mr Shepherd President and the chair that's open the chair is proceeding to vote yes. OK let's see item number one request authorization for the approval of the minutes of the April seven twenty twenty four board meeting emotions so roll call for Velvet's Bennett and that's Mark Sanford on the the time motion pictures I remember to request authorization to schedule a public hearing on June thirteen twenty twenty four at five thirty pm or at a date and time to be determined by the director to consider the proposed First Amendment the development plan for planned development area number one thirty six the Fenway Project blast in Fenway and you can consider the proposed changes within the notice of project changed previously proof and wait for project as a development impact project in motion is so moved Roll Call for a vote has been hit by entire Sheppard in the chair that time since I can remember three request authorization to enter into licensing agreement with Northeastern University for the use of land identified as personal number zero nine zero seven zero four zero three zero also known as Buckle's brief for many Northeastern University sponsored activities and events to take place between first twenty twenty four and twenty twenty four Litz I'm recusing myself on this matter ok thank you. We have every from Dr. Landsmark and this. Thank you Madam Chairman members of the board I am here today to request authorization for the director to enter into a license agreement with Northeastern University for the use of Beharie on land on as Rebels Plaza. The parcel is adjacent to a radio station and a bunch of Northeastern University buildings and Northeastern University seeks to use the license property as they have in the past several years on a temporary basis this summer to host engagement activities for the area resident visitors in the North Eastern Community iSelect the licensed property will provide space in cooperation with organizations and businesses from in impromptu activities such as farmers market food trucks, music dance performances, spoken word performances, are making activities and wellness and fitness activities. Northeastern University will maintain the license presence premises and a clean, safe and orderly condition and repair due to the community activation focus on the there is no decomposers. They require the data license. The site is true for some of there is twenty twenty four and that is the end of my presentation. Thank you. I'm here to answer any questions you may have. Thank you and any questions or comments from the board? None question is in order so seven for both Miss Bennet, Mr Shepherd and the chair that I mentioned. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Item number four I request authorization to enter into a licensing agreement with now and they're incorporated for the use of a 20 foot by ten foot space adjacent to Jaida number two and the Charlestown Navy Yard to install on display a temporary project between June 4th twenty twenty four and November 17th. Twenty twenty four. Thank you Madam Chair and members of the board. I am here today to request authorization for the director to enter into a license agreement with now under ink for the installation of a temporary project in the Charlestown Navy Yard adjacent to dry dock to now in their ink is a nonprofit organization and a public art curator. Their mission is to foster bold public experiences that engage and inspire the community, encourage open minds and conversations now and there and I've been involved in several public art displays throughout the city notably active in the Charlestown Navy Yard. The specific piece of is a 14 foot vessel called the Gulf Stream that was designed by Hugh Hayden and crafted by Johnson and earlier designs. The art piece has most recently been exhibited in the Brooklyn Bridge Park in New York City now and there has requested a twenty four by ten foot amount of space in front of dry dock to display the art piece. The public is welcomed and encouraged by the artists to interact the piece due to the public benefit nature of the use no fee is proposed. The requested date to display the art piece is June 4th through November 17th. Twenty twenty four and that concludes my presentation. I am here to answer any questions. Thank you. Any questions or comments Roubaud hearing and seeing none. Emotion is an order sluffed second verbum is better for the environment Shepard and the time Kinesis Thanks Liz. Thank you very much. Item number five request authorization to extend the final the final designation status of Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston Inc. as developer of one zero four Walter Street in Roslindale for three months to August thirty first twenty twenty four Natalie members of the board and discovered twenty twenty the VP were approved the acquisition and disposition of one to four and one of eight Walter Street Roslindale to meet the community's goals of preserving that space and creating affordable housing. The b'day then conveyed finally Walter to the Boston Conservation Commission to permanently preserve the land as part of housing development. While the BDA issue during in April twenty twenty one current or for Walter to create for affordable home ownership units the board tentatively designated Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston for the sale and redevelopment money for Walter as previously presented to the board, Habitat's proposal meets the community's goals affordable home ownership, climate resilience and was overwhelmingly supported by community all for income restricted home ownership units will be affordable to households with incomes ranging from 50 to 80 percent AM the existing house will be preserved and fully renovated institution that while the other two units will be located in a duplex dwelling to be constructed at the rear of the property with a landscaping plan that Vocativ offers the property with the adjacent urban wild both duplexes are also designed to be passed house certified and will be one hundred percent electric with rooftop solar panels habitat the business model is to conduct their own design and construction work relying heavily on volunteer labor habitat Diversity and Inclusion Strategy focuses on partnerships with local businesses, vocational schools and colleges for cooperative educational opportunities on its construction sites providing training for underrepresented groups in the construction field since receiving final designation habitat as received zoning really from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Additionally, there have been a they have received calls from parks and have submitted their plans to the fire department for the next three months we will execute Nelida and Affordable Housing Agreement and received permits from ESTIE. Therefore staff recommend that our final designation extension for Habitat for Humanity for Walter. Thank you. I'm happy to answer any questions, any questions or comments from you and CNN which is in order so move second no vote is I can work are Sea Shepherd that I mentioned and thank you. Thank you I number six request authorization to award designation status to the Garrison Town or Neighborhood Association appropriated for the sale and redevelopment of a portion of personal stash twelve in the Washington Park Urban Renewal Area Project Number Massada twenty four in Roxbury also known as sixteen through twenty Townsend Street for a period of twelve months through May 31st twenty twenty and actually let them share one representing all three items together. So if you want to read all three on three ok ok item number seven request authorization to or designation status to the Garrison Town or Neighborhood Association Inc. for the sale and redevelopment of a portion of parcel as well in the Washington Park Washington Park Urban Renewal Area Project number Ardeche twenty four in Roxbury also known as forty eight Townsend Street for twelve months through May thirty first twenty twenty five I remember aid request authorization to award Kennedy designation status to the Garrison Charter Neighborhood Association in Sale and Redevelopment Parcels s dash twenty and twenty one in the Washington Park Avenue area Project infamous Ardeche twenty four in Roxbury for twelve months through me thirty first twenty twenty five. Thank you Madam Chair members of the board today we are recommending of the board or tentative designation status to the Garrison Trotter Neighborhood Association for the Sale and Redevelopment of three parcels in the Roxbury neighborhood namely the properties sixteen through twenty eight towns and street forty eight towns in Street and the hall where the twenty and twenty one parcels 16 to 20 towns and street is an approximately twelve thousand square foot vacant site which includes a one and a half storey Clifton Pudding's done as well as many mature trees in May of twenty twenty three the BPI released the RFP for the sale redevelopment of 16 to 20 towns in the street with the objective to create a public open space and urban wild in October of twenty twenty three we received one proposal from the Garrison Trotter Neighborhood Association who proposes to redevelop the site as an organized urban wild open space for the community. Forty eight Thousand Street is an approximately seventeen thousand square foot vacant site that consists of five green space age by mature trees in May of twenty twenty three the BPA issued the RFP for the sale and redevelopment of forty eight thousand Street with the objective to create a community garden in October of twenty twenty three we received one proposal from the Garrison Trotter Neighborhood Association who proposes to redevelop the site for urban agriculture and gardening as well as to include space for community events rationalized over the twenty and twenty one is an approximately six thousand square foot vacant site that includes many mature trees that is located at the end of the street across from the charter school in July of twenty twenty three the EPA issued the RFP for the sale redevelopment of the property with the objective to create a publicly accessible open space for a community garden in December of twenty three we received one proposal also from the Garrison Trotter neighborhood Association who proposes to redevelop the site as a Zen garden named after Omeri, the retired Boston Public School teacher and Roxbury Pioneer. And with that I would now like to introduce the recommended developer for these three tenant designate the Garrison Trotter Neighborhood Association to present their projects and I'm happy to answer any questions once their presentation concludes. Thank you. I don't know the names of the folks over for TD Lawrence and I Brian and Lewis Allissa OK just so you guys I yes. Hi welcome. Hello. Hi Lefty. I think my goal Brian and Lisa should be joining imaginably minurso I wasn't sure I do that so I'm covered for Michael. All right. So I will go kick it off. First of all thank you for having us. Awesome opportunity present what we think is amazing projects obviously want to address the matter chair thank you for having us as well as the directors and directors of the museum board and Mr. Jamison as well. I am Necati Lawrence. I and the chair of the Gas and Transport Association Land Trust Committee and I am going to be presenting the three parcels along with Michael Bryan the second and Lewis who is our president. So I just want to give a little background about that and just go ahead and get started to it. All right. So obviously we can get to the next slide. That would be awesome. All right. So we're going start a presentation off with just a quick quote from Malcolm X Revolution is based on land that is based on land is the basis of freedom, justice and equality by Malcolm X is something that we kind of know is very important for us to presentation up next slide please. So who we are as an organization guys and try to make good associations mission that supports community empowerment and to improve the quality of life for Roxbury, Mass. Residents living in DC in a catchment for some food but are not limited to community advocacy, education and. Next slide please. A little bit of history in our central goal of these projects is basically be using open space to illustrate personam and moralized black history in Roxbury we use the spaces to tell the stories of our founding members and other people in Boston the history will be captured using benches, plaques, papers, most other elements. We will capture the history of the neighborhood as well as encourage visitors to explore the history of deeper and then lastly connecting to our our project that through our catchment area this is kind of one of the things we're hoping to do. This project will allow us to demonstrate the relationship of open space our community great community destinee. Next slide please. So a little bit about the land trust in the interest committee . I'll just kind of quickly go through it. Not all of our numbers are here obviously but we already have we have an extensive membership and we do meet regularly. So do you see any interest is is a renewed operation with current board members that we started to try to address and identify in the community preserve spaces for the neighborhood of Oxendine is one of Boston's oldest black nonprofit and has been specifically involved in all aspects of the community since its inception. Forty six years ago the lynchers initially existed with the stewardship of the Crawford Park and is now being revitalized with the programs being presented today additionally due to needs first of all establishing title 2014 and in partnership with the Trust for Public Land the project the project being one of the first urban farms under the right to farm performance and so some of our members are listed here myself as Alisa who's the president Michael Ryan who is the landscape design consultant. Roger is the treasurer of Lucille to Marjorie Smart Stacy and obviously Almar right. Next slide please. All right. You know Benjamin so quickly laying a foundation for your understand why we think these open spaces are important right now especially in the midst of a lot of increasing development of housing. Firstly, Boston has completed an urban forest plan. This was developed three years ago with a large collaborative effort where they produced four goals and seven strategies to engaging in expanding the canopy throughout the city of Boston. I mean throughout this work Roxbury was identified as a priority. So next slide please as a priority zone. This basically needs that the area is experiencing factors of social vulnerability as well . Have great need for canopy when assessing the projects that fall under the catchment they fall specifically into areas of environmental historical concern as well as environmental justice conditions. So we're really focused on trying to improve canopy in the area as it falls in line with Boston's goals. Next slide please. Additionally, when thinking about a project in California with the city we consider from Boston which is supporting urban agriculture funds the community preservation Magwitch supporting us as well. And then lastly additionally the environmental resiliency in parks departments all of these departments working around the city all time as well with the goals of the land trust and my goal as a consultant to produce these open spaces for a community. May I please so quickly lay the ground context and my thank you so much for introducing products. As you can see in certain areas where these products lie twenty and forty eight being in the very big circle to the top and then hopefully in the lower circle I just wanted to lay out the ground context for what else so you can see these projects are not far from Malcolm X or Rachel Harris and Franklin Park so they're adding to an already expensive amount of green spaces in the Roxbury area. Next slide, please. And then this is just zooming in eight times and as well which we'll talk about a couple of slides allows and connects all the way up to your Harris Park which we're kind of identifying as our cutting stone formation basically. And then Holsworthy which sits across from the forest which we think will play an important role as development taking place. And then lastly as Michael or Michael has consulted some of the things that I'm interested in supporting they do our community gathering creating spaces for healthy living as well as education again thinking back to connecting the artery project really adding art and culture into the neighborhood through beautification of these spaces and then lastly thinking about historic preservation in the neighborhood slide please extend now talk about the project's next sidepiece so the car project Garrison China neighborhood Association interest has under its kind of a designation of the mayor's Office of Housing is eight towns in St. Louis. We are in the process of getting full designation to develop into an office space and the beautiful thing about that is we are in the process to do some groundbreaking this summer next sidepiece so we'll somerhalder of the street so hopefully street is like Michael said he'll talk a little bit more about design the background about is we're really looking to OK 30 seconds we're really looking to have a very beautiful kind connection with charter school. So this is a Zen garden so we want to just talk about this. We'll have a good time about you. Go to next slide next I go so very quickly looking at the plan for this site and then you have to decide on a lot of the elements that you see here just kind of adding into the ideas of historic preservation while also allowing the space to act as a security guard for the charter school residents in the area. So a lot of the design elements will go into seating as well as motorcycles and having to about performance usability vegetation that will allow for sensory experience as well as creating seating comfort and a quiet space for those students who exercise as well as the residents. Next slide please. I think we have to stop. It's OK. You can I give permission to finish this here? Not too long ago I dogood so the next one forty eight towns is street and that our idea there is to do a community garden slash oasis for the community next I please the location of it is on Shootist it's never been a building unlike some of the other eight thousand street there's never anything on there so we are looking to a community garden next. So the main purpose of design would be the community raised beds which are the elements that you can see in Central Space the actual site will extend the entire walkway so there will be plantings all along the walkway. Some of those trees that are on the site already will be preserved and then new plants will be added to create a barrier around the space still allow for the openness to allow for growing planting towards the right hand side of the site. There will be space for community gathering a stage as well to allow for events school educational program any kind of opportunities that will allow TNA to continue bringing residents into the space next IPIS the last Pasos twenty times of street this is our organized urban wild next slide please. So it's located in between two two apartment buildings in the home and so the only thing about this beautiful area, this particular space it's smaller but it is has great outcroppings etc. on I will talk about the design next slide please go. So the can't design that we're considering has seating going across elements the right one in the far back of the site which is a nice and clear area which will allow for quite comfortable seating the very five which will allow for kind of an introduction to the space and then I consideration for seating at the top of the outcropping which actually has a beautiful view to downtown Boston. A lot of this work that will go to this as well the clearing some of the vegetation as some of these species in the site currently are invasive and so there will be a lot replanting and regrowth that will allow for rewilding in the area as we work on becoming an urban oasis for the city next year. So as you can see, there's some site elements let's move on and these are just some things you want to have in the site next time please. So we do at these sites we're looking to do a site activation . This has to be activated maintained throughout the year to engage residents with the surrounding community. We're thinking about those classes. Urban agriculture teach people how to farm outdoor across salons because holidays definitely activations like tree lighting etc. just fun days for kids and all ages. So everything will be accessible and we're hoping to just draw the community. Next slide please. So future outlook and projects memorializing MICROBIOLOGICALLY yeah. So as we work for three days these projects I'm thinking about other projects is going to continue to look for vacant parcels with greater opportunities to service open spaces and maybe housing development as well. We're going to continue to look for grants and funding opportunities to support both excavation and maintenance of these sites. Another piece that will go into the historical Preservation Act will be following along with installations and exhibitions. I've never experienced that history which I will work on some of the time that I'm working on the project and lastly again inventing the history within the space through the design elements as well as our sculptures that will to become a city destination site. So site maintenance wise, how will we go ahead take this undertaking? So for the first twenty twenty one however the we're looking to connect with not only just us but also with the charter school to buy my part so the site will maintain the landscape basically by us but we're hoping the school also will continue to kind of have a part for the town to see will be maintained by us obviously and the help of other towns as neighbors and hopefully not just other towns issue but other people right now we plan for our long term landscaping contractor for basically all the sites to help us with the basic but we're planning on doing suppliments, cleanup events, Spring Opening's etc. different types of things that really get the community into the spaces to make you feel like they're OK. So that's the end of our presentation. Thank you for letting us allowing us to do over a little bit. I just want to open it up for questions at this point. No, absolutely. Thank you very much and you know technically it was a three three item so it was fine. We appreciate you finishing your presentation. Any questions or comments on board? Seems like a great project. Thanks for the presentation. We're very excited. You know, that's your project and it looks beautiful. Can't wait to one day see it again. Again. OK, I heard that there but I am so excited. I love this. This is amazing and I think just a real demonstration of what we can do as community members when we work together and form a community and kind of you know a little bit you know by us for us we know what we need and I'm just really appreciative and of your your commitment to you to your community neighborhood, the city of Boston. I can't wait to, you know, learn how the urban farm with you to do all the different things and go on clean up day because these are these are spaces that make community and are very united so just super, super excited. Let's go ahead and where emotion is in order here to move. So I call for a vote and it's been in I freelance work. I'm shipping. Did you got to look at the terrible time machine passes. Congratulations. Best of luck. Thank you. Thank you very much. OK, very cool. Oh right. So that was that was what six seven eight or nine I don't remember. Did you I'm sorry did you take some three separate votes for all of them all of you three separate votes OK got it. So that was for number six for the motion is in order for item number seven still move so I can go for a vote has been active Lansberg to Shepard all right and to minutes I mentioned passes and motion in Warrior is in order for item number eight so move second the no vote is that it? Victor Landsmark Shepard and the two that I mentioned passes off it. I think that's Monterroso. I think yeah. See you. OK, we can go to item number eight nine request authorization to final designation status to Muhammad Yameen pursuant to the admiral's Abettors Castle program for the sale of Castle three Dasch GC and the Kittridge Square Urban Renewal Area Project No Mass Ardeche one sixty seven also known as twenty one Morley Street in Roxbury and two Grant authorization to execute and deliver a deed and entry to the Land Disposition Agreement with the Grantee for the property and thank you again Madam Chair members of the Board twenty and Morley Street consists of approximately fourteen hundred square feet of vacant land in the kitchen square urban renewal area in the Roxbury neighborhood following a community meeting in November of twenty twenty where media about areas and surrounding neighbors expressed our desire that the parcel be made available for voters to purchase the EPA has included this parcel and it's a Buttars parcel program for four application rounds while we received no responses the first three applications this latest application released in June of twenty twenty three received one proposal from Mohamed Amin ,the proponent who resides at the abutting Nineteen Morally Street under the Abettors Parcel program the property will be DataStore to open space. Mr. Hamid's proposal includes improving the site by planting a mixture of trees and shrubs, replacing a chain link fence at the front of the property, adding bike racks and a masonry or flagstone footpath. The patio the board approved heritage designation for mystery meeting in August twenty twenty three. Since then Mystery Mean has received EPA staff approval of a final design plan and has negotiated the Deed and Land Disposition Agreement. Therefore, EPA staff recommends that the board grant Mr. Yemin final designations status for the sale and redevelopment as open space of the property. Twenty one morally straight and with I'm happy to answer any questions you may ask me. Thank you. Any questions or comments on the board hearing Insana motion is in order so move so I can go for a vote and it's been in the entire hour Sheppard in the chair that I mentioned. Thanks Aaron. Thank you. I have no time request authorization to execute a second contract amendment to the harbor Enterprise Research Campus District in Greenway Land for consulting services with the Clearways Architects LLP doing business as W X Y architecture and urban design to increase the contract amount by ninety thousand nine hundred dollars or a new total contract amount of four hundred fifty four thousand five hundred dollars and extend the term of the contract by six months through December 2nd twenty point four. I want to know more about what's up interim director Jimmerson I come here today on behalf of our campus ministry and my wife my team also see to the organization execute a certain contract. I'm able to extend contract by six months and increase the contract by nine thousand nine hundred dollars which is twenty five percent in this contract. So a minute amount that was submitted by the consultancy Bassma before the first contract and then for the year I see that I mean that was to correct your contract amount of fifty thousand dollars to me and in line with what was submitted by the consulting team to Mr. which is indicated in the of the parent contract and if you recall just a contest of the plan both from the library I see things a mitigation package that was approved by the in July 2011 and essentially this was a successful for comprehensive master plan for advancement. The area the the resource center and the increase will allow for a more foundation strategy as well as ensure the voices are as we continue to develop the plan. In addition, the contract will support one more incarnation of and engagement with me as well as internally. I was according to an agreement between the goals and development for a more sustainable plan. Thank you and I'm happy to answer any questions, any questions or comments from the board hearing and seeing any motion is in order so second of them is better than the information I Shepard I to the time that she passes. Thanks for his item number eleven request authorization to issue an invitation for bids for cleaning and maintenance of the China Trade Center located to Boylston Street for one year term for a term of one year and two one year options to extend the term and in an amount not to exceed two hundred seventy five thousand dollars annually for thank you chair for today. I'm here to opposition to this pursuant to Chapter Thirty Be Opelousas. Since our last meeting we had meetings of the China Trade Center located at Boylston Street to serve as my sister furnishing all necessary materials, equipment and related services necessary to clean and maintain World Trade Center as well as to maintain and remove the snow from adjacent liberatory. The invitation from friends will be publicly advertised with local newspapers on the DPD Web site the state crime hotline system and the state goods and services for two other channels of appropriate amount of marketing to small, local and diverse. The resulting contact will be one of the responsible responses to the lowest total price. The online contact will be for a term of one year with two more options to it is for discretion I think for this project will be on the DVD operating budget. The cost is not expected to receive two hundred seventy thousand dollars. No, I'm happy to answer any questions. Thank you. Any questions or comments right here on CNN. A mission is in order so move this second call for a vote the Senate by July and through December by the time it is that six item number five request authorization petition petition the zoning commission to adopt text amendments to Article twenty five and adopt FEMA's new flood insurance rate maps in order for Boston to maintain its designation as a national flood insurance program community and bring Article twenty five in compliance with federal flood regulations Rachel. Thank you Madam Chair. Members of the board director John Myself and Secretary Amos my name is Rachel Alkies and I'm a planner here on the zoning reform team. I'm going to be presenting an overview of a proposed article Twenty five Flood Hazard Districts Map and text amendments tonight before we jump in, I would just like to take a moment to thank a few folks who really helped me with this Ambegaokar Mytilini Armin's Half-Breed on Offer and Carlson joins you from a lot of games. Mark Joseph Brian Glasscock, Chris Bosh, Paul Williams and Randall Dominie they've all been very generous with their time and this was very much a joint effort. It required coordination with ISG, the environment Department ,the Conservation Commission, FEMA, DCR and many others things like these. So as a quick refresher, let's talk about what Article twenty five does now FEMA has defined certain areas as high risk for flooding. Those are called the special flood hazard areas and we'll discuss them in a little bit more detail later on. So the purpose of article twenty five is really to regulate what can be built in sand beaches in order to minimize losses to life and property that are caused by flooding. Next slide the National Flood Insurance Program or the NFIB is managed by FEMA. The program was created back in nineteen sixty eight in response to the growing cost of rebuilding after floods, the federal government realized that many people wouldn't be able to afford flood insurance if it wasn't subsidized and in some cases private insurers weren't even offering coverage in high risk areas in order to cut their cost next like this. So why are we about in the NFIB at all? Quite simply because it's a very good deal for Boston. Being an NFIB community means that our city can access strong recovery funds and insurance protection no matter what their risk is in terms of the timeline this is the PPD last chance to make these Mappin text updates to remain federal compliance and continue to be an NFIB community. All map and text amendments must be adopted by July 3rd. Twenty twenty four next slide please in order to explain some of the changes to the zoning code and maps, I'm going to quickly review three key flood risk. There's this flood elevation or the BFE the views, the level that FEMA expects the surface water to rise to in the event of a one percent annual chance storm and that's known colloquially as a 100 year storm living areas that are located below the Vme pose risk to people who live in those spaces. The BFE which you see here is the red line and the graphic stays the same regardless what you do to your property as long as the maps stay the same next time this flood insurance rate maps are for firms are the official FEMA maps that show a communities base flood elevation and we in the special flood hazard areas are there very, very detailed as you can see which means they can sometimes be difficult to read or not understand. However, thank you for referencing as an official source if you need a very high level of detail next slide please. The special flood hazard area as we mentioned before is is where the bypass floodplain management regulations are enforced and it's the area where there is a mandatory purchase of flood insurance requirement. It includes also zones that begin with the letters A and B what you're seeing here is a snapshot of recently released SFH Change viewer which anyone can use to see if their address is going to be built into a special flood hazard area with the maps are updated. It's been available on the Bidet Zoning Initiative website for two months. Next slide this with the change view of what we were really going to do was to simplify some of the information on the farms to be able to give people an easy way to just see what these updates are going to apply to them. So this FIMA update focuses on our coastal areas and it will affect around one hundred parcels. The properties being moved into the SFH are marked in pink on the map. But this is this is on line just so you can see as an overview overall we're seeing parcels being added into the SFH along the very Mattapan border West Roxbury High, Roslindale, Jamaica Plain and Back Bay site. So to recap, this update is all about keeping us in compliance with IP regulations so that Boston can continue to benefit from these federal subsidies. FEMA updates their funds on an ongoing semiarid basis and requires NFIB communities to adopt new firms along with zoning changes as needed. Next slide please. So now we're going to zoom in a bit and I'll touch the main components of the map the text amendments, the SFH change viewer that we discussed earlier essentially doubles as the proposed amendment because it contains all of the parcels that will become part of the SFH for this round of updates in a searchable format. Next slide please. Now as for the text amendment, we are anticipating that it will affect people that are being newly moved into the SFH and two key ways. The first is for large scale renovations. So generally speaking, if a property owner is in an SFH and they're trying to substantially improve or add on to their home, it is an improvement is going to add more than 50 percent of the assessed value to that structure. It will have to be flood resistant. This is like the state building code guidelines. The difference is that it's going to now try to parcels that are being newly moved to FHA. Next slide please. Second, there's going to be a requirement for those newly back to purchase flood insurance. Their tax amendment changes which include the clarification ,the role of the floodplain administrator and Estey which is the department is currently hiring for the floodplain administrator will be responsible for the initial determination of the boundaries of flood hazard districts are finalize. The amendment specifies that the building commissioner will act as a floodplain administrator when there is no one in that role as is currently the case also due to ongoing work to update Article two which is our definition article the insurance and the proposed text amendments are so referencing so defined entirely within Article twenty five instead of referring back to Article two next next slide please. So although we had no legal notice requirement for these proposed amendments we still wanted to definitely make people aware that it was coming because insurance can't be very expensive. So to that end we had a recorded info session with interpretation on April 4th and published the SFH Change. We were discussed earlier that shows exactly which properties will be moving into the FHA with the update. We've also run newspaper ads and placed information in neighborhood newsletters currently. We're planning a multilingual mailing to Boston property owners that will be directly affected by the proposed changes. The mailing will invite them to an in-person meeting. They are running with staff from FEMA, the NFIB and DCR so that they can get personalized one on one assistance and understanding what this will mean for their property or business Xigris. So what's next? Well, we have a few items that we still need to cross off our list. Next slide, please. So looking forward, we receive the approval of the board. We're hoping to take this before the zoning commission in June and as federally required the new changes would be taking effect on July 3rd. Twenty twenty four. Next slide please. Thanks so much for listening to the presentation and I'm happy to answer any questions that you thank you. And we have questions and comments for comments in the four. I do have some questions so you know, given that I'm trying to just gauge what and full disclosure you showed us and around your neighborhood with Neponset River there so so what type of impact is this really going to does it have right from on an individual homeowner right when we're talking about flood insurance, do you have a sense kind of from a magnitude what what how much that would be for a homeowner of a certain location and size and is the first part of the question and then the second is are there any, you know, resources being provided to to affected affected homes on you know, where you where you might acquire flood insurance or are there any assistance programs or something like that? Yeah. Great great question. So this was definitely something that I that I thought about a lot at the beginning of the process and understand the magnitude of how this was going to affect folks and and looking for that information I was able to find a flood insurance calculator that the NFIB released. I'm sure in response to receiving this this question and that is included on our zoning initiatives page. We we published a list of regs so that's one of them there so folks can put it you know, details about their home and get an estimate. It also includes NFIB approved flood insurance providers. So so that's a way for them to get connected with that. In addition, you know, a little we're doing the mailing to invite people to this personalized event. We know that not everyone is going to be able to make one in person event. Right. So so I made sure that we gave people direct contact information to follow up with FEMA and if you directly if they have those questions so that they can get those right from the source and great to hand over to the calculator actually speeding up go right. Any other questions or comments from the board? Right. Hearing and seeing an emotion is in order so great real call for a vote has been I really admire our shepherd. I am sure that I mission says thanks so much. Thank you. OK, you're my I have no quote we not have time OK item number thirteen report on the Zoning Board of Appeal recommendation between January 9th twenty twenty four and March 26 twenty twenty four with good afternoon. I don't think anything just yet . It's a pleasure to be with you all. This is my first full presentation to the board. I am Star struck. It's a pleasure to be with you all. I'll try to keep the snappy. All right. But this is the quarterly report on the Quba cases of come in quarter three of the fiscal year. Next slide please. Please. So as I think you are very familiar because eBay is a quasi judicial body of seven members appointed by the mayor to the request for conditional use permit experiences, other kinds of zoning relief they're part of D but before each hearing the BPD provides non-binding recommendations to their consideration and so as next slide please. So that information has historically been a little bit harder to find but we've been working pretty hard here to BP to make that more available so our recommendations are provided in a form sort of letter which provides basic information about project planning contact zoning implications, other pieces of information all that is now available online at that link which while slightly poorly formatted is just a page on the BBC website just as a slight aside to separate from this board memo item two separate constituents who I was speaking with over the course of zoning work today this was new news to them and they were totally pumped to know that these recommendations are here so I hope is useful from a transparency perspective next. So June last year you all voted to grant authorization to the BP director to make recommendations on behalf of BPA which we now do. But as part of that I requested meetings to present these quarterly reports about trends of it. And so this is the third report some of it's old information or similar information on this new next slide please. Sixty eight hearings between January through the end of March and went into Article eighty sort the the on is a new report from the German team don't actually do additional analysis. We mainly just what we do just for the memo from you all to the EPA for consideration and there are eight of those and then there were one hundred eighteen other non article eighty scale projects and those are what the analysis that you'll see here is based off of next slide please and so on the one hundred eighteen those common recommendations from the EPA, from the EPA staff was approval in the next most common one was an approval with some sort of proviso. About two thirds of all the cases that we heard most of those providers 70 percent are for BP design review. The other provisos were anything from ground conjuration overly distributed to landmarked to no building code relief to parts design. Next slide please. So given that this is the green and the Green Zone there the cases referred haven't had a final decision. I'd like to focus a little more on the cases where there were final decisions to see where we have and have not had a mismatch between what the EPA recommended the EPA. So there were a hundred one of the 118 cases had had decisions from the EPA. Final recommendations. Next slide please. So the two charts next to each other. So fifty percent of the time fifteen of those cases this EPA concurred. So that's good news about two thirds of the time we all are getting along great. The most common recommending the discrepancies were that the CBA chose to approve when the EPA recommended provisos for eleven cases for those ones where we did not hear the BP does he didn't have supervisors in the end eight were for design review and the other one for Freedom Parks Design Review or ground water overlay district review. So while we don't have affirmation into the total thought of the EPA, we think it is most likely that they either received additional information between when the BP made its recommendation and their final review or they didn't conceive they didn't believe this was necessary in the end they were also ten cases where the EPA chose to deny where that is, where we chose to approve with provisos and in and you know, that happens to the most of the cases where they deferred where where we recommended either denial down prejudice for approval or some sort of proviso. And so in some sense you that makes a lot of sense because a case where we're wanting additional provisos were where we would want some sort of denial without prejudice or situations where there's sort of more information to be wanted. And so in many cases it would make sense to the applicant would choose to defer to a later date to and hopefully have a more streamlined process later on. Let's go to the next slide. You can see a summary count up all but that's basically what I was just saying before the big key is that at that point the event this table with this area where there's a mismatch is where we as the zoning team seek to, you know, endeavor to to minimize this or endeavor to better see where these mismatches are happening so that we can provide recommendations that hopefully will be more in line with what the CBA has going on. Next slide, please. So no some more data. We also are trying to do some other analysis that isn't just about pure mismatch. Next slide, please. And the first one is we've now been collecting more detailed information about CDOs inmore systematic way for a little bit over a year now which means that we're going to get, you know, some sort of what you could call year over year information. And you know, this slide was just the magnitude number of cases, just the number that make it to each hearing month over month by month you can see a pretty steady decline more specifically this year's first calendar year, first quarter quarter three fiscal year relative to the previous year's about 20 percent lower. This is not something that has anything specifically to do with you all on the BP board or anything of the CBA is doing really more a reflection of broader market trends. But I think it's important to note that as we see this there's a substantial lag between how this graph is reporting us and the broader development trends. Right. What we're seeing here is the date of Zebedee hearing happening which means that that's not the stuff was filed nor is that when it was originally through initial project work nor is that what they're feeling the wind when it comes to development patterns. And so in some sense what we're seeing is that that decline of 20 percent year over year is actually sort of at the end date everything up until eventually see work that's happening. So this doesn't mean that we need to have in determining from changes about how we think about appeals going here. But it does pretty much speak to the fact that there ongoing and worsening you know, difficulties in permitting and regulatory processes now a shifting development environment and so in that sense the moves that we're making towards broader zoning reform I would say are tiny. Next slide, please. And then the other sort of new ish piece of information is to look at the distinction between when someone filed originally for Zebu hearing with special services and when they made it to the actual hearing. And so some of that reflects just sort of backlog and the amount of work we have to do at the city to deal with refusal letters and get through all the different regulatory pieces of this all of this also reflects the fact that the process of making your way towards a hearing for a proponent often involves additional community work and revisions as things go on and so in that sense the degree to which variances of zoning relief are a part of anyone's ongoing permitting process. This step the single step of going from filing to hearing is a solid four to six ish months all the time. And one thing that's important to know is this is not from start to finish up a project. This is literally from when a specific filing happens to when the hearing is. So if someone's getting a denial then six months is being multiplied by one or more times when things go. And so this is a good indicator of how long variances really can add to the overall process. But on any sort of specific so it's like please where we go from here first as noted in earlier report, we do want to see fewer cases coming from the CBA. That's really why we're doing Zoner more as a general principle because we want to see more things happening as of right we are seeing a reduction in the number of cases though that's not anything that we can take credit for. That's actually more speaking to us. The broader development trends happening here in the city and we want to still be trying to increase concurrence between what the bank is recommending in the CBA. But but but more than that the last thing what you just want to know which I don't really stick on here is that it's important to remember that zoning reform is the first step of that multi year process of getting a development done. So even if we were to hypothetically when we're not but we're there to have been some sort of large reform zoning amendment that we would be putting before you this month actually those squares, the streets for example, it's a great example that was last month that still has to go or it just went to zoning commission and it's in the zoning code now. But that is not affecting any current processes. So development we still have to have map amendments. We still have to have figuring out these things how they affect the real estate market. And so it's unlikely that in any BCB case we'll be seeing sort of the fruits of these efforts in the short term. But we are keeping an eye on it and with that that concludes my presentation. I'll take any questions from here here questions or comments from the board. What will congratulations on containing your first presentation. You did a fabulous job. I really appreciate your energy and I too have intense feelings and passion for zoning and wanting to do analyzes. So I really love the now that we're collecting this data that we can now start using it and start seeing like trends and yes, it's you know it's early days but I am glad that we're starting and are going to be able to see all the great work that you guys are doing in collaboration with the Ziba to modernize great. So quickly now does the the CBA or do they get a similar present or do they do some kind of analysis over there or do we share this with not personally right now where are we report to you? OK, OK I think it might be you know I mean talk among yourselves right? I think this is this is useful for us as board members. You know, I think that it could be useful for for the CBA board members as well just to, you know, see how we're all connected. But it makes sense. Thank you. OK, any additional questions or comments? Experiencing an emotion is in order. There's no vote. I'm sorry. Oh no, no, no. I'm on the record. This is just really great record. Well, you've reported we appreciate you, sir. Thank you. Yeah, OK. I remember fourteen every good should we take this one doctor for heaven's take a break. Yeah let's take a break we'll start doing a five minute break and at five thirty we will start with our first public hearing. Seen it by all right. We're moving to the first public hearing of the meeting item number nineteen. This is a public hearing before the Boston Redevelopment Authority doing business response and planning and development Agency being held in conformance with articles eighty eight dash two ADC Dash five of the Boston Zoning Code to consider the proposed project at one eighty Western Avenue in Boston. This hearing was duly advertised on May 1st. Twenty twenty four in the Boston Herald this is EPA hearing I propose a petition by the agency staff members will first present their case and are subject to questioning by members of the agency thereafter anyone who wishes to testify about the proposed project will be afforded an opportunity and we are taking both support and opposition same time. So if you're planning to testify, please take time now to verify that your computer microphone is active and you click on a hand icon on your resume control panel. This will signal to the staff that you would like to speak and when your hand is raised it will be with if you're calling into the meeting I would like to testify please tell Star nine to raise your hand when I call for all testimony staff will announce your name and allow you to talk must on your microphone and your webcam will not be active in an effort to accommodate all who would like to speak about this proposal. Each person will be given up to two minutes to comment. EPA staff indicate for thirty seconds for me at that time please kind complete your remarks so that hearing me continue and others may be heard. Finally the proponents are available out loud in a period of five to ten minutes for rebuttal if they so desire. And can you please begin? Thank you Madam Chair. Good evening. Members of the Board Director Jarvis's Secretary Polhemus my name is Kamelot. I'm a project manager at the PPTA. The proposed project before you an article eighty large project and Planned Development Area Plan located at Western Avenue in the neighborhood of Boston. The proposed project site consists of approximately a one point two acre tract of land bounded by Western Avenue to the North Bertram Street to the South North Halvard Street to the west and Travis Street to the east. Also known as the project site. The project site currently comprises multiple vacant commercial buildings and surface parking lot projects is located within the Austin Neighborhood Zoning District which is governed by Article fifty. One of the Code. It lies within the various corner community commercial zoning subdistrict pursuant to Section fifty one forty four of the code. The project site is eligible for designation as a PDA provided that such PDA is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Western Avenue Corridor Study and rezoning also known as the Quackers Study dated October twenty twenty two which has been codified in Article fifty one. The project is fully aligned and consistent with the warehousing plan as approved by the weekday until such time in October of twenty twenty two the project proposes to demolish existing buildings on the project site and to construct a pedestrian oriented mixed use building which includes residential uses, ground or retail restaurant Surface says the proposed project comprises approximately seven storey building containing about two hundred thousand square feet GFA including residential space that includes approximately two hundred seventy four units ground floor retail restaurant and accessories basis shared indoor and outdoor amenity spaces for residents by parking located within the building. The retail component of the project will be located along Western Avenue and North Market Street. The project will also include enclosed secure by storage areas for residents and employees of the project as well as publicly accessible short term bicycle parking spaces. The proposed project will create a new sidewalk area active cefazolin along the project site frontage along with new landscaping and Artscape publicly accessible and additional amenities which include a pocket park along Berchem Street. The Clady process began in July of twenty twenty during the process seven joint Harvard Austin Public and Task Force meetings were held on the project. The uses of the site evolved in response to community feedback, staff response and the existing neighborhood contacts made holistic by many Austin groups specifically the materiality and massing of the buildings went through many iterations to come to its current design. One comment letter support was received from a member of the Harvard Austin Task Force and one in opposition to date. Finally I would like to thank the Harvard Austin Task Force elected officials and also the community at large who have consistently worked within the article and process over the last four years and helped to shape the project that you're about to see. I will now turn over to Caitlin Carpenter to walk us through the planning context. I would considered in reviewing this project before Peters disagrees with the development team begins the recitation. Thank you. Good evening to the members of the board. My name is Caitlyn Comintern. I'll be presenting three sides on the planning voting context on behalf of the BP design and compliance team after a multi year planning process, the Western Corridor study also on its Web site was adopted by the BP board in October twenty twenty two. Shortly thereafter the zoning commission adopted Mappin Tony Map in Texas zoning amendments to codify the plans land use dimensional and public realm of recommendations. The 180 Western and Mixed-Use proposal sits at the heart of various corners node of Western Avenue a focal point of the workers study staff review is also guided by city wide policies including the Smart Utilities Checklist the any readiness policy complete streets Design guidelines and the BTD parking maximum turnpike parking guidelines. Next slide please. In addition to the workers plan one Eighty Western Avenue is located at the nexus of several ongoing planning initiatives. These plans inform the staffs teams understanding of the larger lesson plan and context including the Enterprise Research Campus District Greenway Plan better known as the Iraq Plan the Beacon Parkade Framework Plan, the Western and Transitway Planning Study and the also greater community plan. Next slide please. The one Eighty Western Avenue proposed planned development area overlay is well aligned with the current underlying zoning for various corner. This includes consistency with regulation for use height floor area ratio, open space and parking. The proponent has taken advantage of a feature wide receiver that allows your bonus up to four point four percent allocate at least 17 residential square footage to income restricted housing those affordable households averaging sixty percent area median income. Thank you and I will now turn it over to the development team for a more detailed presentation of their proposal . Thank you Camu Capling Good evening Madam Chair. Members of the board director Jemma's Secretary for us. My name is Peter Savoriness. I'm a principal with honors and associates here at the State Farm headquartered in my neighborhood of Boston. I'll give a brief introduction before turning it over to David because we're ready for the presentation. As you heard from Camille, the process for this project actually started back in twenty twenty prior to the Western Avenue rezoning efforts during this period we have worked closely with the task force the EPA staff and other city departments to craft this project. We're pleased to be able to present this project this evening having undergone many changes and improvements to the layout based on input from various stakeholders in compliance program with the currently adopted a recently adopted Western Avenue corridor of New Zealand. We're also pleased that we're able to deliver those here a primarily residential project to deliver much needed housing for the city project will consist approximately two hundred and seventy four apartment housing units of the forty one will be some affordable units at 60 percent of area median income. David, I will turn it over to David Bradbury about this man very well provide more details for the presentation. He will be able to answer questions in the presentation. Thank you. Thank you. Peter Gerroa Stuart Jamison, secretary for Wemyss members of the board. Good afternoon. I'd even be interested to know because mean for the architects next please protect site as you can see has a very significant place in this neighborhood and that site is Barry's cornered. You all know that there has been there is significant new construction in the west end of Western Avenue. There's significant building already completed on the east side of this site the Harvard Science and Engineering Building and additional construction now underway in enterprise research campus into the north. The new American Repertory Theater is in construction so there's a lot of activity. There still is a lack of a sense of identity around there is and any Western Avenue really plays a significant role in further defining Barry's defining him in a way that buildings defines space and that is very much drives are our intention here and as Peter mentioned gave you the statistics and new evidence based on any new retail and enumerated next please. The site today is largely unoccupied. You see the perimeter outlined in the Red line. It has very significant frontage along those Western Avenue as well as North Harbor Street but also just below the Access Project site French on Berchem Street which is where we really about the adjacent residential neighborhood and I'll talk a little bit more about that exclusive. These are all existing condition photographs of the site originally one storey building some of them industrial machine shop kinds of buildings that were converted to retail over time. But today largely empty and surrounded by surface parking lot as you can imagine seven Kavkaz around this relatively small site McSorley's Presland as you see here we'll have continuous retail in Glasgow along Western Avenue Engorge Street really conforming to the geometry of the streets and significant open space especially on what we call the west north Harvard Promenade which is a very Zen length and dimension. I mean anywhere from 30 to to twenty five feet but actually from the curb the new cycle track almost in some places as much as 40 feet and it's not just of the parts of streets but it also includes additional width with and dimension just for seating in a second row of trees as well as the from the retail. You also see the open spaces small I can park on Berchem Street and you see our lobby our primary residential Bertram facing the residential neighborhood acknowledging that building really has two sides inside and western and north Harvard that is really quite different than the site. It's Bertram and our building is very much designed with that in mind you go to the next I'll do this very briefly since I think where twice already and I'll be the third time that you can see that we are in compliance with all the usual dimensional requirements of the Western Avenue for standing and rezoning in terms of use in terms of affordability as Peter mentioned, those in the percentage of residential GFA in the as they are in India 60 percent and when I average our height is up to 90 feet it will actually be less than 90 feet. And our live coverage is at seventy seven percent. We we are in compliance with setbacks on Western Avenue where parking maximum well below the allowable end point to three with only sixty three parking spaces in the seat. Next please. This is a view from Western Avenue and we have conceived of this building as I said, having two major elements the north which you're looking at here and then the south side Bertram Street and Western Avenue North Harvard. The building really finds its macing and conforms to that gracious curve where these two streets meet. Basically it is concentric with the street geometry and we have taken that divided into three parts. There were actually three very complementary and not terribly different but different bricks in the first five floors of those three parts and then she was above and you can see the continuous retail base that stretches all the way from the corner of Bertran to the end of our of our seamless ownership on the East End of the site. If you go to the next place now you're on Bertrand Street and you can see very much the tension that there is no space to just go south again. Three different colors very much in the in the red towns that are more consistent with the neighborhood separated year into three parts that are more reminiscent or more consistent with the residential I in the South and again just in the lower level this rendering you can see the entrance to the building and just to the left of that very corner of the drawing is that little pocket would be good. Next please just a little bit more detail on what we call the north end so you can see the separated bike lane with all of the elements of complete St and then a second row trees and then the second row of trees and seating is publicly accessible. No transacts required means as is separated in separate from the spill out of the of the retail and beverage beyond so anybody can sit there reidenberg spend time in that line of trees that line the dimension from Jump Street to the Western Avenue and on the left upper corner there you can see two things that request from the neighborhood of one clock again designating this as you can see the civic significance of Barry's corner and also the historic mile marker display. The actual mile marker is applied to the S but has a has a wonderful history. Again, the marking the dimensioned from this part of the of of all to downtown Boston to the state curve the next place. So a quick summary of the public benefits including the clock and one mile marker that I just mentioned the new sidewalks, lighting, planting free zones, publicly accessible double line promenade on the north Harbord whether says the South facing open spaces and Bertram the new trees over 100 linear fingers public bench seating announcing that that zone in promenade zone I'm not going home true. And I did point out this is what we're here for and that for the at ground level where some of our we so many utilities are there's only a single curved cut that crewcut on throughout the street. Retail is continuous along both Western Avenue and North Harvard Street. And again the intention is that these smaller tenants, multiple tenants creating optionality to the neighborhood began helping define the character of Barry's career as his kind of village center for all the activity that's happening around and one thing that's been very important in all of our with the neighborhood is is this proactive construction mitigation plan. It will be managed by Haberfeld from CSL who has a real history with the neighborhood and being responsive to the neighborhood . In my last slide a you can go to the next one please summary of public benefits. We talked about the affordable housing commitment. I do want to point out two things that are important. There are twenty one units that are two bedrooms and three revalues. These are not small units. The intent is a diversity of units and while the intention is affordability and efficiency, all of the units have locations, the units have the washer dryers and so these are on also units sustainable electrification. This is building design to basketball standards. He will be all electric. It will be solar ready. I will have the electric vehicle charging stations installed as required and in all of the parking I be ready. And then lastly transportation and mobility two hundred and seventy five feet and raise projected bike lanes on separate bike lanes on both North Urban Street and on Western Avenue breaking down Bluebox Bike Station all of our accessible sidewalks, cross rims including a raised crosswalk at the corner and Woodhaven Street improved traffic intersection signalization had more authority and in Western than we heard a lot about from the neighborhood and obviously a lot safer site access is only a single curb got Travis into that relatively small sixty three parking space and ground level from the existing seven down to one and that concludes our presentation and I'll turn it back to the Kia Gate. Thank you very much. As humans do we have anyone that would test me? Yeah you can be yourself. Thank you very much. The chairman of the board this is a restaurant or something. Congresswoman Carpenter said if it weren't for the city of Boston we like to go for the broyer for someone like Peter Keesey, great community of raising or cultivating the community of these great. I also take a second to thank the office of Mayor Menino for allowing the community to be part of the process here. This is great. That makes sense and it should benefit everybody in the neighborhood because of that very strong support. Thank you. Thank you, Mayor Tom, you can enjoy yourself. I my staff are our own business ironworkers local seven. I want to thank Madam Chair and rest of the board for the presentation. Very informative and look forward to the continued growth of the Western Allston Brighton corridor and that being said, being a resident of Boston, I heavily favored this project and thank you very much for your time. Thank you dear dear. You can have yourself. Good evening Madam Chair. Good evening for members. My name is Daniel Daley. I'm a lifelong holstering resident and I have a task force member I'd like to go on record in support of this project. The development team has made significant changes in this project since it was initially presented to our neighborhood but I do once again want to speak robust construction mitigation plan especially focus on the road and control and construct. Thank you for your time. Thank you everybody for being on this. Appreciate it. Thank you Leonhard. Oh you can have yourself Leonhard yourself. Oh yeah we got you Madam Chairman of the board I am twenty your years and I am really glad to see the only four months of this project is going to bring to the table as well as the four really great additions to the Western development. Thank you for this forum. Thank you John Kuzak. You can name yourself John Cusack. You can yourself on Madam Chair of the board of John Cusack, lifelong resident. All right, Jim alluded to this project. It's been about three and a half years I think since it first brought forward and the development team's attention to the community is fading. I really think it's a project I really a good looking project to get really since the intersection of the neighborhood are a few things the bar on their term I really like the materials time and the things you don't see the the all education standard and I think it's as far as mitigation affecting the community of fairly unusual foundation has been proposed and I think I think those efforts are just really terrific to make the project work. John, very much remember that we all stand for something very much in support of the project. Thank you. Thank you. Ryan Mancini, you yourself. Oh, my name's Ryan Mancini. I'm an operating engineer for Boston. I'd like to thank BBVA and the development team for formally put together a project something that's going to be great for the community. I think it's going to provide a lot of jobs. It's going to be beautiful places and people are going to enjoy and be is so good. Thank you very much. Thanks for getting us. Thank you. Green you can have yourself. Hello my name is Sitaram Green . I'm this decision for the Boston trade. I'm also a lifelong Boston resident. I first want to facilitate in these meetings thank to the board I understand the our planning and dedication that goes into making this a great project. This project will be a great career that we know first and a great career has helped build strong communities for residents ensuring the highest community worker and environmental standards along the way. A great career is one where everyone has health care and retirement benefits one that focuses on training, safety and apprenticeships and lastly one where people are paid families to stay away because this is exactly what's needed to stay and raise a family in Boston. I'm thankful for good development developers whose values align with the community and I speak I speak in support of this project. Thank you very much. Thank you for your time, Paula Alexander, you can use an I'm looking at two twenty six new street. I'm a block away from Berchem Street and I do have provisos and I would like to request before or after this project is approved it's still very high and since it's too close but it's homes so the south side I'm home so I thirty five feet high in this building it's going to be 93. There's really no open space at all to Miles to you from our point of view it will just see, you know, all this high rise concrete brick and it's going to completely change our quality of life. The zoning has been changed and the developers favor in the cities favor in the order of the entity that they're going to gain financially from this project being approved and it's not fair to the homeowners who have been here for years and years. The milestone was on my property line with my Buttars my neighbors next door who are my in-laws and the the problem the that we've had is this has been going on so long because there has been no consensus from the task force from the community. There's been no compromise to lower the building and make it sit with the residential homes on vacation streetside and it doesn't really compliment the style and architecture does not compliment our Victorian style homes. There's no green space. It's it's not really open space. It's open to the sky and I know that we will be absorbing noise and dust and dirt bad air quality. There's so many negative things we've had to listen for going on 20 years now of construction all around us. I hope that this construction cannot begin until other all the other buildings that are under construction we've done and we get a break. We need we need some relief from all of this High-Rise Construction around I hope someone can listen to me and please work with us. We want to we want to negotiate and compromise and make all the community happy not just the developers and the people who are going to gain jobs and it's a nice thing to have gained jobs but but it's at our expense with this expense. We're asking you thank you very much. Recently you could have been yourself. Hi my name is Orazio. Thank you to the BDA and everyone for being here today. I am a Boston resident and a member of a local seventeen. I just want to thank you for these important meetings. Appreciate it. Appreciate the opportunity for my voice to be heard on this call. I love to work on these projects that I lost the community standards for our residents and our workers. It's good jobs like these that give us the opportunity to work and stay in my community while receiving a union wage, great health care and retirement benefits and the very best apprenticeship and learning level training I believe this would this is what it takes to build strong communities, strong families. This is what we need in our neighborhoods. I I am happy to speak in support of this project. Thank you so much for your time . Thank you Kristo. You yourself by I am in support of this because it has never meant jobs to the neighborhood and very resident for a while and I think that construction is going to have you guys back. Thank you. Believe it sir. You can yourself really be a proud member. Ironworkers Local seven lifelong Boston resident. I want to thank BPA and the development team for the presentation. I got dragged a little bit of the master plan for us to bring out in the greater Boston area and it's an exciting process. You know, having grown up in the area and hanging around there a lot being able to see a change with the past close to 40 years has come a long way in that area and I look forward to what it's going to look like over the next 20 years. I rise in favor this project looking forward to hopefully having the opportunity to work on it and providing more homes desperately needed to the city of Boston residents thank thank you love Ash Jacobs. You can amuse yourself on my website. So thank you so much here for putting together this project. I am a licensed collaboration with local one of three and I do want to say I am in favor and the this project I believe Boston resident my whole life and I was in the right area for five years so I am super excited to see the construction that is going to be I'm really appreciative of the presentation that you guys put together and I like the fact that you are writing that there wrote me affordable housing and also put the emphasis on the committed to the responsible recession mitigation plan. I'm really excited about that and I'm hoping to see jobs that are coming to the city in the neighborhood to have residents and projects because it's great to have you in local members working on projects that you feel some. Thank you, Brian Murphy. Commuters yourself. Good evening. Brian Murphy, a lifelong Boston residents and a member of four great engineers. Appreciate the BPP put it on the meeting and thank you. I just wanted to quickly be heard and my support and the project is like a bunch of people set before me. I'll try to keep an quickly to the point that that brings local jobs to local people and it is going to be standard and we are all very trained very well throughout the program. So I think it's going to be good for union men and women like myself have the opportunity to work close to home and be able to put food on the table and put money away for the future retirement benefit package that we all get to receive through these jobs that come into our neighborhood. So thank you. I appreciate your time and have a good night. Thank you. And kind of boring yourself here in the Army. Yes, I here you get we can hear you think I'm the chairman of the Arlington Contractor Mitigation Committee that will be dealing with the Melford people and I am and I will tell you that this is going to be a major effort that we will have . You made an effort to control the construction not only for the families of the other three major projects that are existing right now. I have one major problem with it now for people and that is whether or not you have two homes and damaged or businesses are damaged and whether they will pay too many people pay to be damaged. I say this because in the last budget we damaged homes and it took the proponent of those homes to go to the task force meeting where Ray Malone, who was the task force I said to have it you are responsible. You pay for it if that's what it's going to take this time around then I I'm not in favor of this project going forward. So it will be up to the American people to convince the community and point whether or not they are sincere in here in helping the community and to our families right now they are not there is one person whose home the last one that has not been fixed and even though they have asked the amount of people to please call, they have not received to my knowledge any call from them which tells me the VALPREDA has no intention of helping the community in the future again on days alone my dad was a member of the force people to do this to pay that we got a problem with Mr. That's all I have to say with anybody else to testify please raise your right hand. Anybody else? Madam Chair, this concludes the hearing portion of this item. OK, thank you very much. Questions or comments from the board Jim, just some quick questions. Cantabrians back to a little bit about the the the efforts that went on during this to try to communicate work with the aboutus around this project. Yes, I'm sure Peter Cigarets So the fact is we started in February 21. We talked about when we filed the notice of intent had several meetings we rezoning effort then started at some point we agreed to put the project aside in order to resolve our first take place and we monitor and part of that process in terms of making sure we understood what the EPA and the community were asking of the zoning and where the zoning direction and we made sure that when we came back with the project that we were in compliance with the rezoning efforts when we did file our departure there were subsequent you know, there were taskforce meetings, there were changes to the project. For instance, David, that already talked about the promenade. We pushed the building back in order to create more open space. We had a building facade that was a little bit more contemporary with the metal facade. We completely changed it to a brick facade in order to be a little bit more contextual in traditional or just some of the changes. And again there were a lot of subtle changes. A lot of time was spent with regard to the the bike lanes and crossings, pedestrian crossings etc. So and I'm not sure if this is you can speak to it or if it's something for somebody from the agency. How does I guess how is the fazing were right when we have a neighborhood that is has multiple construction projects going on at the same time I guess how do we how do we consider that and the impact that it has on on the neighborhood? That's a great question, Madam Chair. Happy to take that every project that goes through the permitting process we'll have to submit a construction management plan to the Boston Transportation Department. They evaluate, you know, the risk, the mitigation, the plan that the developer actually has to put in place to be able to do construction in a meaningful way and really mitigate game the actual impacts of construction. One of the things that they look at is the other projects that are going on at the same time and making sure that they're not doing too much in one area and that process will as they move through the permitting process one I might just there was a lot of discussion about again sort of construction mitigation, construction impacts and we from from early on had agreed that we will not be building subsurface parking. We're not excavating for a garage. So the building will have a slab grade. So that leaves a lot of construction in terms of removing soil constraints oil. So this for now the parking will be the first home with no basement or subsurface garage. And when you are doing, you know, construction is up and running, even the neighborhood is one of your neighbors concern or needs to communicate to you. How would they go about doing that? Yes, we have the floor from CSL are construction for the managing its construction oversight and it has been in the neighborhood has worked for us for Harvard. So he's well known in the neighborhood and we will have a full protocol as we've had in the past e-mails, phone calls and how to reach out folks to reach out to folks. Thank you for that and any additional questions or comments the board hearing and seeing this morning so sorry psychology. Well, the problem is very high actually the environment to Shepard give the time and says congratulations and good luck. Thank you. Thank you everybody from you. Great. Let's move on to the second public hearing and item number twenty this is a public hearing before the Boston Redevelopment Authority. This is as the Boston Planning and Development Agency being my heart was beating dashed by the ATC dash five of the Boston zoning code to consider the proposed project to thirty to K Street and the associated Seventh Amendment to the Ekers Master Plan and development plan. This hearing is duly advertised on May 3rd. Twenty twenty four in the Boston Herald. This is a hearing and a proposed petition by the agency staff will first present their case and are subject to questioning by hand by members of the agency thereafter anyone who wishes to testify that the proposed project will be afforded an opportunity we are taking support in our same time. If you are planning to testify please take time to verify that your computer microphone is active and become the hand icon of your control. This will signal to the staff that you would like to speak when your hand is raised it will be with if you're calling into the meeting I would like to testify please Dastan to raise your hand when I call for unnecessary staff will announce your name and allow you to talk you on your microphone and you can not react in an effort to accommodate all who would like to speak about this proposal each person would be given antitumor staff and EPA staff will indicate when 30 seconds remain and at that time please include your remarks at the hearing need to continue speaking and finally the proponents are allowed a period of five to ten minutes of rebuttal if they so desire and I me now please begin the beginning. Thank you about the numbers of more Jennison sector please. I'm here to perform and to present our first to three major project the site of the moment to the hundred acres of Astroland and the associated development denominator's located in the four point seven thousand one hundred acres master plan. The two three to eight proposals to construct a new commercial Lavoisier's and our detailed facilities and public accommodation on the ground floor along with new public water park space associated public realm. The next slide please that highlights the effective the project and the development of our system with one hundred acres of land and represent the continuation of conservation along one channel transforming it from the underutilized site . The project will bring a number of confirmed benefits to the neighborhood for resilience and sustainability measures to a cultural contribution as part of the design of the project is anticipated to create approximately one five acres and publicly accessible space around areas and on the far right for channel converting approximately from one acres of the countryside previously proposed for use building program. I'm very happy about the plan publicly accessible for open space around the area which represents nearly three times the previously planned and publicly accessible open space and public realm areas for the project say the result of which is a lot of them are nearly three times the size of what was contemplated in the original hundred acres master of the Open Space will be dedicated to public use and property and convey to the city of Boston with the open space in the long run general budget for constructing new resiliency further along the length of the module site perpendicular to four point channel. This represents the nearly seven million in neighborhood resiliency. Additionally the opponent will seek to arrive by open space to allow for writing any uses intended to further and more easily liberal arts, the culture and arts and creative activation. The project also supported the installation of ringin points along the facade long before extreme sport elements such as counternarrative lighting for area of art installations subject to approval from the appropriate parties in coordination with matters as well as a commitment to a two hundred fifty thousand dollars for public art on the right side of this project also sets a benchmark in my view on time limits which come with a number requirements regarding commitments to facilities and public accommodations which can include the ground for calling civic space as well restrooms and water fountains and commitments to machine activation such as the department's commitment on site Cranbury Storage. To meet those requirements the project must deliver at least seven thousand eight hundred square feet of facilities and public accommodations for volunteers committed to an additional nine thousand five hundred square feet of space above and beyond what is required for a total of seventeen thousand three hundred square feet over double what is required under Chapter ninety one within that dedicated office space eight thousand square will be dedicated for a future cultural civic space in perpetuity. But our team is committed to working with the mayors. Our team Mayors Office of Arts and Culture and other city agencies have the appropriate time. The Internet and user development of the public, the butterfly and the Cosmos Entertainment long term success of the future television space the fund has committed to determine a subsidized runway with the product when real estate taxes which are estimated to be no less than twenty two dollars per square or about one hundred eighty four thousand dollars per year and of the contribution of up to eight hundred thousand dollars for about regardless of what the project will also be undertaken. Future Chapter nine one licensing review for their future classes allow an additional RUSHY activation opportunities to flow through to my colleagues. Allow him to take you through the planning context and the entire team to take you to the project presentation. I want to acknowledge that Congressman Steve Welch and City Councilor have sent him letters of support for to project. Additionally, I want to let everyone know that the EPA will be hosting The LifeScience Public Safety Meeting on June six at six p.m. Details which will be posted on their Web page no later than next. Thank you and is now trying to build on. Thanks Nic. Good evening. Chair will ask Secretary polymaths members of the board and Director Jennison my name is Ellen Ames and I'm the zoning compliance planner assigned to this project the proposed project at two thirty two H Street is located within the South Boston neighborhood and restricted manufacturing subdistrict. The project is within the boundaries of the One Hundred Acres Master plan which is formalized into zoning through plan development area number sixty nine is also within the jurisdiction Chapter 91 as mentioned and is subject to the South Boston Municipal Plan. The development site comprises the final two parcels of P.D.A number sixty nine to be developed. These parcels are labeled P.D.A as parcels G7 and G8 and the proposed project is consistent with the requirements established in the planned development area. Next slide please. The one hundred acres Master Plan established a vision for the redevelopment of approximately thirty five acres of vacant surface parking to create a mixed use district with a balance of residential commercial office and arts uses . Ground floor uses are meant to activate the streetscape and contribute to twenty four hour activity design guidelines established buffers between makes a commercial manufacturing and residential uses important community benefits including waterfront access are isolated to connect this area to the inner four point neighborhood. The proposed project broadly advances the goals for the one hundred acres master plan by creating significant public realm and open space on the site while respecting the scale and character of the existing four point build fabric. Next slide please. The proposed project aligns with the multi-modal transportation goals set forth in the South Boston Seaport Transportation Plan. Additional setbacks along H Street open the street for improved pedestrian conditions as well as designated bicycle lanes where they are currently Shiro's The session that goes straight across the site allows for future connectivity with additional developments within the South Boston waterfront and along with four point next slide please. The proposed project is located within the project area of four point channel Infrastructure Project, a key resilience project that will develop flood protection mechanism to control future storm surge and mitigate impacts to sea level rise on significant flood pathways. The proposed project will tie into the improvements as part of this initiative. As Nick mentioned include the construction of a berm aligned with land resiliency infrastructure of the adjacent properties fronting the Fort Point Channel. The building will be elevated to comply with the requirements of the coastal flood resilience Overlay District A.I.M. Climate Ready South Boston flood projections Next slide please. The proposed parking supply approximate ratio is compiled city's maximum Martinrea shows for this site. The project is built in the South Boston parking freeze proponent currently spaces through the Air Pollution Control Commission and is administered by the city's Environment Department. The proposed project is also located on a mix of Commonwealth tidelands and private Thailand and landlocked islands subject to those regulations of Chapter ninety one and the proposed project contains the required facilities of a public accommodation as part of these regulations and will continue forward to seek licensing from the state Department of Environmental Protection after board approval and zoning Board of Appeal of the Required Zoning released the proposed project will continue through design review and EPA. Thank you and now I'll turn over to the development team to present the project in more detail. Madam Chairman, members of the board demonstrating that Secretary for the opportunity to speak with tonight about the 232 any street project and then for the context an introduction has long been known to inspire for the companies that were for the project. And I'm joined tonight by my colleagues before we work with on equity in capacity building frameworks for Progress Trial and Associates located right here on Channel and even down in Kim Design it's you. So you have a this on this timeline the proposal today is really the result of years of planning and community and that led to the creation of the Hundred Acres Master Plan. What you see tonight is following in the footsteps of that very warm and most recently directly shaped impacted by the engagement of the surrounding point in South Boston neighborhood has several years of our working on this site was this I think outlined thirty to eight a.m. planning the Boston Municipal Plan area and subject to ninety one. We look forward to continuing to collaborate and engage in this neighborhood and the city for new state level practices and beyond next year using the hundred a.m. master plan with draft an incremental interface concept plan for the activation plan our framework for proposing to develop the G. First of all in accordance with what was contemplated P.D.A and roughly one years of the G-7 Passell contemplated for building area instead of following the waterfront which will be conveyed to the city of Boston for public use opportunity and signficance with this proposal by remaining viable development on that seven parcel we are seeking to deliver a public park that is over three times the size what was contemplated in the media furthering the state's ability to implement the decision resiliency goals set forth by the city in the Resilient Infrastructure Project to further improve upon them through by immigration additional all service this scheme will also accommodate the extension of Ghostery which was contemplated in your original master plan other public Brown to highlight in a moment and sort to use the five year embodied carbon impact in the city schools for sustainable development Finance . This project really strives to apply the city's combined goals and objectives for climate resiliency transit connectivity and promoting equitable access to the waterfront and civic spaces will develop a plan for improved as a surface parking lot along the main channel for the public three times the size of it in and implement the outside extent of the resiliency and associated insight by creating the project will also advance the district level frameworks for connectivity for the extension of stream improvement to the South Bay Habitrail and end the My Street Excitement's. The project is committed to providing more time to time to acquire this piece of public accommodation space on the ground floor. The project has further committed the eight thousand four feet of that dedicated to can control users in perpetuity to celebrate and protect what is currently a trademark use of the four point channel the project will provide for the storage of dragon boats and on site ancillary support services such as public restrooms and access to drinking water and to promote practical use of the water and to celebrate and support arts community that is synonymous with one point in addition to the and cultural space commitments the project fifty thousand dollars for the creation and allocation on site by local artists and integrate infrastructure such as electrification of the park or bringing fleets for potential activations on the street into the design of the building to allow the variety of programing is intended to more easily enable art installation and creative activation. Could a a pass it to my colleague truly thank you Chair members of the board director Jason Secretary Bulkiness today we want to talk to you about is the way that we're developing this facility in a way that is very sympathetic to this neighborhood and also very consistent with the master plan to rethink our master plan next . If we look to and I'm sorry we skipped over. We skipped over I'm sorry then. So what I'm talking about here is that this is a very simple building that's organized around the base middle and path and it's consistent with the idea of a interpretation of a traditional work building from the point to be evaluated and find out what I mean is a building that is simple in its form rectilinear it has a base on the top and in this case is very old and very fast to the neighborhood and really engaging of that park that there are so generously giving to the neighborhood and you see here at that base there's this expression of interest, this kind bowl expression is a special system of this building which is really formed from the 1970s extension that extends underneath our site today and is such an important driver for this building. The other volume is a flexible generic place that is very commensurate with the way that the buildings were traditionally developed in this neighborhood historically at the top we have a screen mechanical system that's high efficiency sustainable system that will cover the vast majority of our new employee was electrically furthering this decarbonization screen. That one was just talking to Exline. If we look at the neighborhood what we're seeing is the historic buildings are very much of this language of simple forms not necessarily all exactly the same and none of them are individually screened for attention very slightly different colors are typically masonry construction. They have articulation of individual fenestration. They're usually organize this in middle class system and sometimes that lower court system is amplified in scale by these two stories in lower ranking functions only and which actually has one of these traditional cast iron facades and we took these cues as we started to develop our design that you see in the upper right hand corner here. Exline and so when we start talking about things like Buford's and the dialog of our building with the two forty four Eastern to our north, we wanted to really look for ways to activate Street and make this a pleasant pedestrian experience as you navigate from E Street over to the park into the water, we're really trying to amplify the ferocity in the neighborhood and generate a friendly neighborhood within things that I said engage the streetscape and so you see to the left of our building where this this structural system that trust that I was talking about a moment ago enables us to have a very glassey, very transparent forest facade system. It's a bit different than what's happening above but again gives us the opportunity to create programs that engage in problems around next and so you continue down the street towards Fort Point Channel what's happening with our structure is that we're able to keep on the ground floor away from that us and holding up the vista so that you're really starting to see that long before you arrive at and because of this we think we're really doing a lot to make our streets does a lot for the neighborhood. Thanks a lot at the southeast corner of the opposing corner here now we're on a street looking towards one channel you can really understand the way that our ground floor is able to do a variety of different things accommodating large programs let's say a dance studio or an art gallery, anything that supports the arts but also civic and cultural programs of different sorts of retail that we're able to accommodate all these things the other thing that's particularly meaningful about this project is that we don't have any assurance of a street to the south of our we changed our sanatorium. We don't have any insurance on the street to the south of our our property but we do have an open space. It is it is assured as a result of Sub-surface stormwater, sewer and what we've done here to provide this RTV you see what we're doing underneath the building and that enables us to have these spaces in local accommodation on all four sides of our building. So this is really a unique opportunity. We think of this project to really engage with the neighborhood in support of everything that was in the hundred a.m. plan but also very much a part of our dialog that we've had over the past few months with the back with our neighborhood, with the BP and staff. We think this project has really come a long way since the original filing and we hope the support. Thanks, Charlie. He inbounding from income from design. Thank you again for having us go go to the next slide. We're really excited to share with you today the public open space improvements associated with the two thirty to the street next slide shown in the dash line here as Lauren mentioned, the project will provide a signature one point to the waterfront public open space along the Fort Point Channel. This space is really intended to be for the enjoyment of the public in perpetuity and will be conveyed to the city of Boston in addition to providing this important public space, the landscape will contribute to a district wide coastal resiliency protections raising safe rates among the site, incorporating that important, important and critical coastal resiliency into the design. The project will also promote accessible connectivity to the waterfront, adding to this larger network of connections that were established by the Undertaker plan and the development to our north shown in the red lines as part of that connectivity this project will provide streetscape improvements on a street for extension of Neco Street and also establish a new industrial park. As Charlie was alluding to the project will also look forward to contribute to a truly public activated inside and outside experience. As such, the project is providing two fired espere including that designated civic cultural space as well as the Dragon Boat Storage Public restrooms and bottle filling stations. Next slide this image reflects the overall safety plan with the waterfront parks located on the left. The building on the right and also reflecting more detail of the streetscape enhancements that are being proposed. Landscape will provide a range of flexible spaces to accommodate smaller events and performances while maintaining day to day activities as well as more and more contemplative seating areas. Neighborhood and plaza areas that are really intended to be flexible by nature and are looking to promote activation enjoyment of this waterfront enhancements on Bedford Street we're meeting Biddeford as a really pedestrian friendly street and reinforce the important connection to the waterfront. This new accessible arcade located along the bottom of the image will really further promote this public access and provide yet another important waterfront connection to the park as well as to the waterfront has already expired . You can hand it back to Warren for this last slide thanks to that came back to the new path . Come on, come second. Do you have anyone know it is today Christmas? You know you can amuse yourself . Thank you Secretary. Please listen to certain things to the board. I really appreciate the presentation by to inspire here and your development team to see the harm. The executive director of Save the Harbor Save the Bay and just brief contacts. You know we've been the leading advocates of the South Bay Harbor Trail since the early 2000s when Mayor asked my predecessor to really quarterback that effort and we also helped create the watershed for watershed activation vision back in 2002 and 2003 we've been following the neck of a stream the channel side all of these projects up through this this one here and we have high we continue to have high hopes for we think everything about this project that looks towards public benefits and public activation the part of this fantastic reducing the impervious surfaces what we have been hoping for throughout these processes has been a bigger vision going back to that watershed activation vision on the watershed itself . And I think what has been lacking has been some kind of coordinating effort and thereby saved ourselves or by the city or the state through the hurricane in chapter management processes and we're getting close to the end of this. This is one more this is the third floor and side of the channel and we know there's difficulties with the water quality and the tides the channel we're not saying we can dock and every project but I hope there's some way we can come together and find a way to do more than the sum of the parts of these projects and really make a vision for a really robust watershed activation. We think there's a huge potential here when you look at examples of other cities in the I'm sorry and down in Austin down in Providence interactive destinations for paddling and kayaking and the public art is a really great start. So I'm sorry I got a little distracted here but I see that I would like to offer our own services and support for the PTA for the GOP and the proponents as we move forward before it's said before have all these great projects are completed and we run out of this this unique opportunity. Thank you. And your record companies are going to thank you, Chris Ryan Murphy, you can name yourself that evening. My name is Brian Local or engineer union member. I want to thank the PTA and all you guys are also there but not give me a chance to voice my opinion. You have my full support in this project. I actually live on the other end of a street. I love all the new stuff that's gone up in the park the building which is very esthetically pleasing. I'm building my daughter and I walk down that way along the channel quite often and not only that, I just think it's a great opportunity for union members like myself that can afford to live in and work in their neighborhoods because of projects like this and I just want to say again thank you everybody and you have my full support. Thanks. Have a good night. Thank side there. You could yourself. Hello my name is worked for about a decade now and as Chris sort of outlined there really hasn't in any sort of discussion or plans presented about what sheet activation, how that will integrate into site. And additionally there hasn't really been any sort of word games in the park or diagrams of how the elevation of the berm interact and how that information steps up and back down, which is we have it's there just hasn't been information presented and we have requested a diagram that shows and some lesions and among other things for this project to really ready to go for a vote tonight and as some neighboring states are potentially stepping down there who was previously agreed upon commitments or watershed activation? It just brings concern about what the result will be. Additionally, the architecture will be something to be desired. It really isn't a four point. I think it's a little bit hard to tell from the renderings presented there have been strides that they should have made but they've been sort of baby steps in the building that really means some sort of large moves to make it feel at home certain point rather than something that is for this building will be obscuring the more stollings and more company from the use across the channel from South Station. As we all know, it's a major transit hub though. See the windows are double storey which sort of makes them feel like the proportions of a jail cell window if you just put masonry processes over there that would bring windows back to a comfortable human ceiling portion and it wouldn't sacrifice daylight to the masonry which we really appreciate is less saturated. It's more of a gray or green. You should you will than the typical color is important point the trusses sort of human scale all all like we're saving project but it's it's just needs more work words. Right. Thank you. Thank you km so so very much here members are more my minded person from the Carpenters Union on behalf of hundreds of our workforce residents and 11 workers who also are going to support we want to thank me for calling for working with the community as great as long as they have done an outstanding job and that's why we're in a special part. Thank you. Thank you. Later she green you can have yourself. Hello. Hello my name is John Green. The business was the Building Trades Unions also lifelong member Boston. We represent over thirty five thousand workers with thousands of members who live and work right here in the city. I want to say thank you to the board members and thank you to the BDA for facilitating these meetings and for community is awesome. So I'm very grateful for that. I understand the hard work and dedication that goes into making a project grading this project with great careers and as I say always and I strongly believe that great careers are with me and have real strong communities residents and sorry that the highest community work and community standards workers and environmental standards are met. I love the way a great career as I say is one that has helped and retirement benefits one that focuses on training, safety apprenticeships and lastly one where people are paid a sustainable because this is needed to raise a family in Boston but even just stay live in Boston. I'm thankful for good development and developers and values aligned with the community. So I speak in support. Thank you for your time Maricela. You can use hi my name's is so why I guess I'm 017 Sheetmetal Union and also a longtime resident of Boston. I am in favor of this project. It looks something like a great project to be a part of as a single mom and a child of this community I can say that these are the projects that we really want in this city that will enhance our way of living and I'm very grateful to the EPA for having these meetings and giving us a voice to speak about these things. Thank you. Thank you very so tell the people of New York so my high school pecoraro of Ironworkers Local seven and a resident of Boston I rise in favor of this project and on behalf of the rest of the members of the seven looks like a beautiful logic's. I want to thank the board and Madam Secretary for the presentation. Thank you very much. Thank you, Tom Shamitabh. You can hear yourself every day for a good evening. My name McDivitt. I'm a resident of Boston and have been for many years now. I'm also a member of Local Water Operating Engineers Union here in Boston. I'd like to thank the media for hosting these important meetings and I appreciate the opportunity to be heard today. I love this project. I often walk my dog down the street around the Fort Point Channel and I think that project we going to complement this community but it's also good jobs like these that have positive impacts on the community that give me the opportunity to work and stay in my community while receiving a good union wage. Great health care, retirement benefits, good apprenticeship training and during the level training and yeah I believe in jobs that build strong communities and families and I'm happy to speak in support of this project. Thank you. Thank you. Share with anybody else I'd like to speak if I go ahead you can be yourself. I thank you and my name is Sarah McCammon. I am a neighbor in Fort Point and I just want to quickly say that I love living near my water. Waterfront development projects have unique attributes to activate the leadership to leverage the Massachusetts chapter one requirements of open space public access and on the ground laws living next to water has challenges of course due to all the buildings from sea level rise and storms. Just a couple of observations to build upon comments evidence said earlier this evening. We're very surprised by the extremely limited Watashi activation. This project is providing. There was a withdrawal of post water she infrastructure along the property. You no longer have that? No. You'll contribution to the four point operations board which is integral part of executing the DPD for functional Watashi activation plan which adjacent property owners have contributed to everybody's coverage for six dragons that is a very low bar and contributing to Watashi infrastructure and the public activation of the channel. But look at affordability. The neighborhood is allocated for nonprofit civic and cultural uses a public forum for under State Chapter ninety one jurisdiction practice in the neighborhood is a provision of free or ten dollars a year rent because a real estate taxes and commandeering charges with a built out allowance key to inflation for the proponent to charge even heavily subsidized rent or a certain cultural space puts affordability, equity and success of the operator. Ultimately the community benefit it is intended to provide. It's a step backward from the practice and creates a precedent for impacts far beyond this project around the Boston Harbor. I strongly urge to be in the Office of Economic Opportunity Inclusion to reconsider allowing the campaign to change the city policy and practice the park has been mentioned it means for greater clarity in terms of what exactly is the park there will be taking that pieces of it and we asked for a definition at that point and just very quickly resilience of collection isn't constructed within five years and the Public Channel Infrastructure Project is not yet executed. The neighborhood is extreme risk to twenty flooding. What do we do? Thank thank you sir. With anybody else like to testify about this project please raise your virtual hand . Jones concludes the public hearing portion of this item. Thank you. Thank you sir. Thank you for all who who took time to you to call in and testify and share share your thoughts. We appreciate you and your participation. OK, questions and questions or comments one oh we just commend the proponents for their recognition of the historical presence of arts and culture in this state by making space for the display and I would echo the comments and concerns made by the last speaker that I think that there is additional it can be done to help to activate access to one sheet and to ensure that operationally artists continue to have a role in the area. Additional questions do give a few words start and can we maybe start with the water sheet activation and the code to go back and double click and explain kind of what has been done on and what is planned to be done and to to protect what's already there but also what you will put there from sea level rise and all the information that we know now you know, how has that impacted this you know, this development and the you know, the mitigations, how it is structured period copy to double click on that question and the foundational to this project and how we have approached our our involvement scheme so I would say you foundationally with G seven the decision to convert what could owe money for a building area for vertical development roughly a thousand square feet be a public park that only contributes to additional Paravel services but more broadly enables greater resiliency efforts to meet for that facility. So we have taken the city as you know, tremendous efforts to put forth clear parameters and the resilient four point infrastructure project and to build upon that now that the is a water park there is a lot more room to to do even more. So we will be following the level of protection that will be set forth by the but instead of it just for an existing condition there will be firm at the same level of protection on top of a site that will be holistically raised several feet rebuilding the entire site ,protecting not only the space that has been considered for now but the far expanded open space that we will be completing the delivery of this project as well as the Harbor Walk and the South Bay Habitrail. So resiliency is is everything here and can I add to that I thank you so much your chair has a few things I want to mention in for whoever's controlling the dock. I think it would be really helpful if there was a comment from zie about a few renderings that we things that have been shown to be public meetings that were not included in the stack of other stuff in the water. But there's a couple of things here that I just want to highlight that you just like building over the tunnel created a condition where we really have to put down the foundation and then build above it the site that we have to the the top of this page you can see that's Jawanza House. We only have about one hundred and sixty five feet of frontage on multiple miles of waterfront along the Fort Point Channel. So the first condition that was a limitation for us and we had originally proposed a touch the water moment similar to our our development pier for which I see steps that reach the water. There's a sewer and a sewer outfall interrupts where and where you could do anything and actually touch the water. And then there's restrictions on how close the pump house you can put any sort of dock or touch a water moment because of the safety issues around the intake of water and so that we should have mentioned some of the limitations around the tunnel literally being under the Fort Point channel where it reaches here to have some real limitations on actually being able to do things that do touch the water. And so what we looked at was how do you how do you impact water fresh water sheet activation without being able to actually touch the water and and actually the resiliency you know, the resilience of actually raising everything toward the water. Dragon boats are about 40 feet long and we have space for six of them in our water they weigh like 600 or something like that to me and so we're going to have those space for those in the garage. So imagine 40 foot long. That's not an insignificant thing. That's an awful lot of space that's and that's an amazing an amazing activation. One of the few activations frankly that is on the Hallmark Channel today that we want to make sure that we really promote as well places for people to use bathrooms and get water and so our water bottles and all the things that promote activation. Same thing with the park, you know, setting up lighting and places that you can public art facility that is incredibly important. Those things would mean firm commitments to there's been a little bit of noise, you know, around some of these things and I want to just make sure I'm saying like you know, reseating I don't care whether we can direct reports can be written in any way in the documents we're making that commitment we're happy to change language to be able to reinforce that and make sure that that's clear . And do we have the sorry the step back the story of the section that shows I don't know if we have control. Oh, I'm sorry. I think that's OK. I don't believe in multiple meetings and we've worked very closely also with the city's I think the very first meeting we had was not actually with the PDA, with PDA or with or with design staff. It was with the resiliency team and so we've used all of the all of that work and worked very closely with that group to make sure that that is where our design comes from. And I want to mention a couple other things that I don't think we stressed. Oh, I haven't focused on enough is we're raising this from where the two point four to eighty four site is and so we're setting important precedents and connections for the future of potentially Gillette. So hard to walk is higher my is wider Neco Street is higher. We're raising that four feet to where it meets well michalak we're setting an important precedent to protect what's in England in the neighborhood and maybe just add to what Joseph is saying is I think you know we've been working very closely with the city's resiliency team and also respon to public comment in terms of trying to expand the area of protection. So again, we showed a more abbreviated presentation today for the purposes of the for this discussion. But I think there's been a lot of strides in terms of making sure as much of the open space is protected as possible and creating multiple levels that are well above kind of the precedent of the existing overall. And and I fully understand the precedent of what it is that the president was you know, based on the knowledge they had at that time. So I guess how does I mean you mentioned raising you know, raising buildings and stuff like that. How I guess how much are you raising them and is that enough to be handling these hundred year storms like are you truly building a 100 year building so maybe maybe not the goal we have that's very much the goal for you know, very, very much at all. Go yes. So we're raising the grade after building up to twenty one point five twenty six inches. So that is that's one hundred year storm in the year Konasana so we are we're creating a building this entire year. We're very careful about that. So nothing is far way and then what we're doing is with the perimeter site is also raising that so free and accessible pathway that gets from the site into the building and from from industry all we have in the market so there's a super accessible sustainable story to this project that is driven from this resiliency story and it starts with the elevation of that store in twenty seventeen and the construction and instead of building a firm is kind just like a ridge we can do and what we're doing is we're saying okay fine we have this one down the waterfront on one side on the channel side but on the east side we're raising a higher rate. So now what we're doing is we're making it possible for folks with mobility impairments for everybody to have equal access to the top of that firm without having to go on ramps and use other mechanical systems. It's all just immediately accessible at a very low bench . So we think it's a wonderful story. It is Super Thursday and then in December I'm sorry I guess it's going to say it's more than the state know it is about the standard of projects that have been approved within the last year and it's setting higher standards for the future to make sure that those connections are higher than the connection that we had to make with the project. Jason, so we're trying to do more than what those standards are but it fully meets or exceeds all of the city's resiliency goals and inherent in this proposal we're building on the links set up to the one building that we are building is more than four hundred and fifty being set back from the moment and again that open space really allows the flexibility to be able to design a really great waterfront public park that's also accessible and also raised a lot higher for a higher level protection for their district than if we were to build it directly to the acreage master plan which you go for a hundred foot building 57 years old. So that was I guess step one the most defensible resilient approach. Yeah, I am definitely definitely appreciate it all and we completely transparent. I just recently saw the documentary Inundation Distress level and so and I appreciate imagining that you're doing more than what we've done in the past. I am literally going back to all of my votes really to think about that and I am obviously, you know, not I'm an expert in a lot of things but not not resiliency and so I you know, it just it just gives me gives me cause I like to you know, I just want to make sure that we're we're we're thinking long term enough to be able to not only protect this building and the buildings around but you know, the the entire waterfront. Right. Like is that is the you know, the famous infamous infamous floating dumpster thing going to happen in your area? Right. I you know, I worked in that area. I was around floating dumpster and I ran away from it. Right. So like that is real and and I'm worried about what what we did and what you know, what's already been done and how we can. And again, Sean things up again we knew we knew ten fifteen years ago and I think that we operate with the best intent right. But we obviously know more now and so I more just trying to you know, to get a sense and to make sure that with everything that we know now right. Are we doing enough right to protect your investment but to also protect our residents and the taxpayers because it is, you know, a shared some you're rebuilding your own cost. Right. But then are the shared cost that we as taxpayers right are I have to you know, I hope for right as we build out these areas further so I won't say that I have like any more poignant questions or anything that I'm more of just really want to to encourage you to encourage you to listen to what you know and to accept the offers that was take the high risk of the bay, you know, really still you to continue to connect because I don't think any one of us there are you know, have all the answers here and you you know you to continue to collaborate for the best interest of the city manager. I'm happy to jump in just for me and share a little bit about what we're doing to really have our thinking on this update and the research new information coming out today and twenty five Flatman is an example of some of us trying to keep up with the thinking and technology and information about this particular issue. I think, you know, as just as Lawrence this is resilience only works if it's about network strategy across the entire channel. And so what we try to do is that would be every project is going to make sure that there are no gaps in that line protection arrangement. It is a real shame game on the resilience delivery team usually leading the charge working with the federal seeking funding from FEMA and looking at all of these proposals with a fine tooth comb to ensure that the media working and environment are at the forefront of the thinking and pushing opponents to really produce our best work and make sure that we are protecting investment and all of our neighborhoods. Thank you for getting them in RealtyTrac but we're I think he's he's been in his really great job. So I appreciate the efforts of everybody that we're doing. But you know, I think we all recognize whether or not we're an all hands on at the moment. So so I'm hoping to see and here that my patience and questions do we have any other questions or comments I'm to make a quick call this afternoon so just come more into the last couple of questions. I definitely see your passion and that tells me that you've got a lot of investment and a lot of time and effort into it, especially when it comes to the just so awesome you know, with the highway underneath and all the things can split. So it's very tough to be another go back to him and said there is free space. So definitely see the passion in your answers. I definitely can tell there was a lot of time on this. Thank you. Yes. No questions or the point of hearing and seeing an important solar city go over a billion and spending billions. We're Sea Shepherd and the chair of seats and motion passes. Thank you. Congratulations. Good luck. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. All right, let's go back to agenda item number fourteen request authorizing Chinta one issue a certificate a certification of approval pursuant to Article eighty small project review of the zoning code but the proposed addition of sixteen assisted living residential units including to IDP units interior renovation and landscape updates and to execute and deliver an affordable rental housing agreement and restriction for this property located at fifty seven one road to take all related actions to . Thank you and good evening Madam Chair. Members of the board director Jamison and Secretary Wallenius. My name is Zoe Shooty and I'm a project assistant in the Development Review Department. We are here for you this evening to discuss the proposed Article Eighty Small Project located at DSR Road in Brighton the Sutherland Road Project site is currently occupied by a four story residential building containing eighty four assisted living and memory care units and a child care service parking spaces for forty four vehicles proposed project consists of the addition of sixteen assisted living units as well as in as internal upgrades to the common areas and upgrades to the exterior including improvements and the addition of an exterior deck for memory care residents. The development team Hylander Small Project Review Application on January eleven twenty twenty four WPA hosted a virtual public meeting on February six. The public meeting was advertised in the local newspapers and the notices posted on the bidets calendar. The comment period ended on February twelfth. At this point I'd like to hand it off to my colleague for the year from the planning department to present the plan in context for the project followed by presentation from the developer. Thank you. Thank you for that intro. Next slide please slide. Good evening General Secretary. We lost members of the board. Dr. Jemison my name is sort of like you and I have EPD Azoulay compliance with you were assigned to this project. Cities all over the world is in multifamily residential zoning. Some district of the also invited neighborhood zoning zoning was a matter of the come to you as opposed you just are mainly interior with minor compared to the existing balcony. I do not report coverage. Additionally, the proposed uses which are either not living or elderly housing are already existing. Use this next slide are celebrating previous to this but we also regular buildings which is to increase seating comfort and access for all transportation and all users on paper a path towards a more sustainable future in the face of climate change the building is already programed to share transportation options listening to residents needs and locations in close proximity to public transportation. The proposed project needs to go on behalf of the abody architectural Conservation Commission since I proposed alterations visible to the public, proposed alterations include changes to the balcony that is part of the building's entrance. Other than that, the proposed uses are priced along with the average report that supports assisted living, housing and asset which types of diversifies housing stock of the neighborhood that you and I will now turn over to the development to present the project in more detail. Thank you for the good evening Madam Chair. Members of the board Secretary Powell and Director Jensen hi my name Grapheme McLennon and Fish and I am representing Benchmark's living in the proposed project at Fifty Sutherland Road. Bring with me this evening is Leon Castagnetti from Benchmark and Jesse Wood from Ventilla. Frank Eriksen Architect Leavel provide a brief introduction to benchmarks in your living and then Jesse will walk you through the presentation for the proposed project and then we are here to answer any questions. Thank you. I mean thank you very much madam here members of the board it's a pleasure to be with you tonight. My name is Cascino as I mentioned Benchmade Senior Living Ofri Sixty five senior living communities majority of eastern New England is the largest provider in New England operating an additional eleven standalone memory care which is a lot of why we're here tonight as far as my memory, Carol is concerned with that. I'm going to turn it over to Jessie. We've got our architect with thank you Lee. Good evening, Madam Chair. Members of the board Secretary Hemas Jemison, we appreciate you taking the time to hear our presentation. As I mentioned, the crux of the project is interior in nature. We are mostly reCAPTCHA what is currently under utilized space on ground floor to provide units and recapture what will soon be new space where there is a day care that is currently in occupancy and will soon thinking beyond that the major big excuse me the major renovations are that are simply replacing things their doors for egress for the day care that will become windows for those units and then the presence of a deck to provide outdoor space for the memory care residents that are currently on the third floor of the building. Next slide. So here is the building and some context as noted in the Aberdeen Architectural Conservation District, it currently sits on multiple levels of topography. So the entry in the back or from the aerial view is the turn around you can see there and then there's a secondary entry at a lower level which we're calling the ground floor down off Sutherland Road. Next slide, please, some context of the building. Here's that turnaround around the laptop which is the main entry facility on the right. The secondary entrance which is that down down at the floor level Sutherland Road, a courtyard space that is currently available for the community which our new that will be adjacent to and a typical common interior space which we are hoping to renovate and increase the amount of space for the community excitement. So existing site plan again here you can see our building laid on the site well within the set backs that are needed in a significant amount of green space provided along Sutherland and Englewood. And next slide please and our proposed site renovation so along with all of the interior renovations that would be doing our main goal on the outside is to increase these amenity spaces. So there will be when we recapture that day care which is the white space and plan, they'll be on alanine and gardens provided down there there'll be additional walking space from what is currently the daycare's exterior space. There will be improvements to the walking space around that and turn around in the main entry there'll be improvements to the landscaping down at street level for the public alongside an Inglewood and and there'll be improvements to the community courtyard which is at the top of the plan which are down us next slide slide moving quickly through the plan. So here is a ground floor plan north here is actually built into the hillside and plan south is opening on two southern road. So the beige color here are the new units. These were underutilized office space and the previous basement storage for the day care will be providing a new wellness suite for residents to see Blue and the new units beige there and it'll connect to the existing courtyard and the deck which extends over that. You can see the foundations there. Next slide please. And then here is the common area for the assisted living residence. So everything in peach and orange are updated amenity spaces for the community, increasing the flow and better layout for functionality and then the beach to the left is what is currently the daycare's will be recaptured for units for the communities there. And another thing to point out on the far right of the plan is our new technologies right off of our space and adjacent to that community courtyard. Next slide you can tell by the whites of white is untouched. The majority of our work is on ground level. So the upper floors it's really just to refresh and interior finishes. The only exception here is that down on the right there green to the next slide. So this is our memory care for currently for residents with memory conditions in order for them to use the outside space. Their only current access is that lower level courtyard. So they need to be supported with staff on a one to one ratio down an elevator to a separate space and then watched during their outside activities . So the desire is to eliminate that need to separate staff from the majority of the community and create more space on the level of their floor so that they can use it freely as they desire and use it in a safe manner. Next slide on this side one more and one more. All right. So existing elevations on top of those elevations on the bottom. This is the biggest takeaway here as you can see that they are very similar where there are notes you will see pointing to locations, doors open doors for egress or access to the daycare. Those are being placed with windows in behind the existing and those that are present is those will now be completed spaces next slide slide one more are at the bottom slide here you can see our dad it is actually a three storey deck so currently in the ground level that's the current memory courtyard. So that will become an assisted living courtyard so they will gain additional outdoor space dedicated to memory here now then above it will be the first level of right off of the system the main common spaces, additional amenity space for them off of their dining and then up to the top level which is that and why it's glass in the magnetic resonance. So we want to use an air but due to their safety we have to make sure that there's preventative measures for escape and harm that will be built to an eight foot high to make sure that there's no graspable component by which they can enjoy themselves from climbing. Next slide again here you can see the existing extending beyond that to create that space. Next slide one more one more again. Here's that down in its presence so one thing to stress here about this, Daryn, is this is multiple iterations with the PDA and with the Architectural Conservation District. Our original proposal was to build on more of the existing entry and balcony we should see in the middle of the mass of the building on the left side that was less than desired by emerging architectural because of its prominent view. It's change on the step back nature this building has in its macing. So the new deck though is prominent in this image is far less on view from street from side of the road. In addition it in itself steps back in a comparable passing manner so it holds to the setbacks that the existing building was achieving in that initial front entrance slide. So this is a view of existing and proposed of the new deck. So I'm showing this new location. We received a load of high confidence from the architectural conservation on advisory level that I will end our presentation, turn it back over for questions. Thank you. Thank you. Any questions? Comments from the board like a really great project and so there are questions I'm so excited about is that I we are just happy that I mentioned passes and congratulations. Thank you. Thank you very much. Much appreciated. Great item number fifteen request authorization to execute and delivering affordable housing agreement for the Creation of one IDP ownership unit in connection with the proposed development located at 115 Street Entertainment ovulated actions in India Umu even more dangerous I am going I'm just going up the materials mycologist do we need to go back to where you said yes. Thank you Madam Secretary. Excuse me if you go on your own very come on go. Madam Chairman, can we go to item number seventeen 17 OK and number 17 request authorization to wait for the review of the Institutional Master Plan Notification for the renewal of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute institutional Mr. dated April 1st May 24th and to approve the renewal of the Dana Farber Cancer Institutional Dana Farber Cancer Institute Institutional Master Plan pursuant to U.S. Dasch five point to E.S.P Dash six section needed Dash eight but there's only code and to authorize the director to issue an adequacy determination proving I am an F pursuant to Section eighty dash five point four of the code to take more related actions the ten. Thank you Madam Chair. Members of the board today present in the renewal with no proposed changes for Dana Farber cancer Institute of the Year twenty twenty four to twenty twenty six is a review of the existing IAP that was board approved in April 2007. Dana Farber Cancer Institute is pursuing this renewal with no changes to keep their IP active to maintain the ability to work on minority patients on the campus. As you are probably aware, Dana Farber Cancer Institute Beth Israel Deaconess Institute have partnered to develop a new clinical building in the LMA the situation Spada inefficacy zoning entitlements for this proposed project on December 11 two thousand twenty three. This project is located at one Johnsson Place which is within the Beth Israel Institutional Master Plan. As such it does not require zoning entitlements from Dana Farber as Impey. It does not impact the action today before you there are due process related to this Dana Farber IP renewal began on April 4th and since that time no comments were received to come up here for this I am peer reviewed and didn't make a detailed twenty four no. Before I turn it over to Aaron to begin the presentation I want to say thank you to the elected officials of the city agencies who reviewed the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. I am here to thank you believe you Tyler and thank you Madam Chair. Members of the board Director Jennison and Secretary Powell. We're here tonight and you guys had a long agenda so I'll keep this brief if we can go to the next slide. Dana Farber had his original I am he approved in connection with the construction of the Center for Cancer Care back in May of 2007. It had a ten year term. This will be our third extension the original lease initial extension was done in twenty seventeen which was a five year extension that brought the need to me of twenty two. You get extended for two years and twenty two until May of twenty four and here we are in May twenty four. Looking forward to your extension as Tyler noted we are currently in a process or and Barbara is currently in process of having a new year. I am to review hopefully ultimately approved as opposed to extending this one further we thought it made sense to refresh and I think that was the right call. So just in the interim interim we'd like to have to extended for the purposes of continuing to be able to get building permits for internal renovations and things along those lines until the and he is approved which point this I am me will be superseded. So we go to the next slide. This is the institutional master area of Dana Farber founded by you know, Wriggly Avenue, the West Gallery to the to the north and then ministry Children's Hospital to the east and to the Celebi made plan. So again it's the same IMT area as was in 07. If you go to the next slide, the VIP go to the next slide. So there were three products the institution action in 07 all have been done for quite some time. The Yoky Center of course was completed in the fall of 2010. There was a removal of parking levels vehicular drop off and the building in twenty thirteen reels of recapture space and removed parking from the site and then actually some facade improvements that were done on the D to build on on the sides in 2013. Since then we have not had any major projects that have needed a substantive update to the piece we have been doing extensions for you know, no new projects and I think we have one more slide here we go to the next slide. This is just an overview of the next slide is just an overview of our community benefits. I won't read through them all but as you can see we we visited the pilot payments for Dana Farber as well as a number of public health initiatives, our workforce development initiatives and some of our health strategies for overcoming some of the social determinants of health. The last the last slide or that one I want to get a little bit of the last one is just on the No just giving a snapshot of the number of allocation visits and infusion treatments Dana Farber does a year the number or percentage of employees that live in the city of Boston and then some what we thought were interesting facts about Dana Farber in the Unifiers mission and advancement in trying to treat and hopefully eventually cure cancer. So I'll start there again. We're just looking we're looking for a two year extension which probably won't even which will be a full two years and will again be superseded by the new AP when it is approved. So I thank you for your consideration. Thank you. Any questions or comments from the boy right here? You can see no reason for doing so. Second for them it's better I that's where I am Shepherd and the I miss passes goodbye and thank you so much for this. All of the services that your organization provides to many people here. Thank a great evening and cheers. OK, let's do item number eighteen request authorization to issue certification of approval pursuant to Article eighty five our project review of the Zoning Code for the Notice of Project Change in connection with the proposed development located at 1767 1769 Washington Street and six thirty one message Avenue also known as the Alexandria Hotel and to enter into a corporation agreement to take all related actions so your muted sorry about double muted. Thank you and hello and thanks again Madam Chair. Members of the Board Madam Secretary and Director said my name is Zoe Shooty again and I am a project assistant and development review. We're here for you to discuss the proposed Alexandria Hotel Project Change located at 1767 217 sixty nine Washington Street and six thirty one Massachusetts Avenue in Roxbury. I thank you again for your time today completed 1875 the hotel our Alexander Building is one of the few remaining skinny and gothic historic structures located in the South and Landmarks District. This project was first approved for hotel use by the board on March 14th twenty nineteen to retain and restore the facade of the existing Alexandria Hotel and construct a new approximately 150 room thirteen storey building with ground floor restaurant cafe space and a rooftop bar and restaurant. The project was last before you first started the project change on July fifteen twenty twenty one to change the proposed use from hotel to residential use on March twenty nine twenty twenty four the proponent submitted a notice of project change seeking to revert back to the previously approved hotel use. Now pursuant to the expedited review process for change use under the interim standard operating procedures adopted by the EPA on March 14th twenty twenty four the proposed design and marketing of the hotel is identical to the structure previously approved by the EPA for both prior approvals under the standard operating procedures for NBC is adopted by the EPA on March 14. Twenty twenty four public meetings for NBC are held at the request of a public official only and no public meeting requests from public officials were received during the comment period and no public meeting was held. The public comment period ended on May 1st twenty twenty four which I would like to hand it off to my colleague Alliance for from the Planning Department to present the in context for this project both representation from the development. Thank you. Thank so good evening again General Secretary Miss members of Director Jennison my name is in my hands and I zoning compliance are assigned to this project. The proposed project site is located in the Roxbury neighborhood district in a multi-family, residential and local services subdistrict pursuant to Article fifty of the zoning code as we mentioned, similar macing proposals for this site have been approved by the board twice in the past and thus the proposed macing is met with the same call for zoning relief. Next slide please pursuant to Section seven three of zoning code conditions required for a variance the dimensions of the adjacent parcel which are uncharacteristic of the neighborhood and the importance of retaining the existing historic building create conditions consistent with the requirements for various zoning board appeal. The revitalization of the hotel site aligns with the provision that quote the variance is necessary for the reasonable use of the land or structure given the narrowness of the vacant parcel, a variance is warranted for special circumstances or conditions such as the exceptional narrowness, shallowness or shape of the wall. The neighborhood plan most applicable to this proposed project is of Roxbury Strategic Master Plan completed in early 2004. The RCMP first Roxbury's early twentieth century history hotels were a large part of the commercial infrastructure, particularly around what is known as Nubian Square and along Washington's street. The proposed project meets planning goals of acknowledging the importance of historic preservation as a tool for revitalization and as a source of neighborhood pride and identity. Imagine Boston twenty Thirty says the intention of creating vibrant mixed use neighborhoods and crossbars, the renovation of the existing space and the development of added hotel space and a presently vacant parcel both contribute to the school. The first project is the opportunity to further contribute the plan to the expansion of green infrastructure and green space within the building process. Next slide please. The proposed project is located in a coastal flood Rieslings Overlake district requiring first floor elevation once above the projected twenty 70 base flood elevation as anticipated by the Boston Harbor flood risk model for the proposed project say the base for elevation is 18 feet requiring a design for the elevation COVID 19 feet for this challenge after discussion with the EPA staff modifications been made to the development proposal after its previous approvals to ensure compliance with the Seefried requirements including design and other flood proofing measures in accordance with the Boston Coastal Flood Resilience Boston Coastal Resilience by design guidelines it's getting late in the night. The proposed project site is also located within the South and landmark historic district that Boston, Massachusetts Historical Commission Historic Inventory Area Hotel Alexandria as it is an historic structure as well as the now demolished building on the adjacent parcel. The proposed project responds to this story in context of the building and its facade and its architecture will detail restoration proposals after approval and zoning Board of Appeal approval of the zoning relief the proposed project will continue in Design Review NBPA. Thank you. I will now turn over to the development team to present the project in more detail. Good evening. The chair has members on board Secretary Bolinas Director General said My name is Mark Kaste. My office is the Castle in Boston. I represent the Alexandria Partners which is comprised of Tom Keller's and Jasbir are joining us tonight as well and Jase and Tom perhaps get the award for perseverance when it comes to this project having acquired the building in 2000 team and getting it approved, I would tell initially two hours late 2019 the development team is in the midst of preparing full sets of construction drawings for issuance of a building permit in the first quarter of twenty twenty and the first economic advice which came down on this project was of course covid and the decimation of the hotel market in not just Boston but the entire country especially in Boston rendering that project immediately dead for an undetermined period of time. So the project proponents sort of paused because of course at that time we had no idea how long excuse me it would last. So a variety of options were considered until such time as it became clear that construction of a hotel in that particular time period is simply not feasible. So in twenty twenty one they have it into consideration of turning the approved project into residential units which is actually very well received. And this board approved a seventy unit residential building in twenty twenty one. We then proceeded to the CBA for the same set of zoning believes that had been previously granted by the CBA and then another extensive review process with the Southern and distribution given the absolute importance of this building and the proposed additions all of which were approved was approved essentially twice in the same form. But then of course throughout twenty twenty two the Federal Reserve had engaged in the interest rate increases totaling five point five percent which would not only in many construction projects on hold but had a particularly serious impact on the construction of residential development so suddenly the pivot to residential in twenty twenty two no longer made sense and was to became economically infeasible as the second place clamping down on this project just further value in their options but it became clear that lo and behold the hotel market enjoyed a resurgence and the conditions became favorable for financing and constructing a hotel and by all indications the Boston hotel market is alive and well and the need for hotels has once again increased and the visitor outlook is quite good. So it is now very favorable to go back to the future, back to the past, to 2019 and turn the historic Hotel Alexandra into the hotel Alexandra once again importantly next slide please. So the project said I don't think there's a single facility that doesn't know where this building is but it's on the corner of Washington Street and Massachusetts Avenue, the intersection of the South End and Boksburg it is in Roxbury with respect to zoning as Massachusetts Avenue is the dividing line between the seven neighborhoods in district in the Roxbury's industry. But it is also within the South landmark district as the red line shows because beyond Massachusetts Avenue there are other confusing intersection signposts in the neighborhood as well as to what neighborhood is this. But we've been going through the intersection of those two neighborhoods because that's what it is next site again the condition of the building is set and dire but the good news is our historic consultants tell us savable, salvageable, restorable and that is the plan. The plan is to shore up the side of the existing hotel Alexandra removed the core inner shell of the building because it's the next shell that is too far gone and the new structure behind and decided on the vacant parcel which used to contain a lovely historic brownstone building that was last year Freestar cycle many years ago. Next slide please inside of the building shows the fifty years of neglect and sadly this building is there have been fires. There have been instances of water intrusion. There is just a deterioration says that what you're seeing in these photos is the interior of the building which is not safe and must come out. Any new steel structure will rise in its place with the historic facade intact. Next slide this is this is the proposal this is the has been approved in 2019 and in twenty twenty one by the Boston City Design commissioned by this board by the appeal by the South L.A. District Commission and say that this project has gone through a robust public review. The approval process is an understatement at best CBT is the architects of record. They produced this spectacular building which will of course preserve the historic hotel Alexandrite a very exciting opportunity hotel use in a neighborhood that really doesn't have much in the way of hotel use is a very important intersection just down the street from the orange line somewhere along the silver line in Washington Street the number one bus up and down Massachusetts Avenue lots of ways to get to this hotel without arriving in a car wreck site. Ground floor will be your typical hotel lobby with restaurants and cafes space open to the public and hotel back room services, house services and there was a small loading dock area in the back place and the promoter has agreed with both butter immediately behind and with the city to make improvements kind place in the back of the building as part of the mitigation for the project site areas view renderings and the elevation the rendering on the in the middle is if you are in Washington Street on the Roxbury side, the rendering on the right is if you are on Massachusetts Avenue heading to Boston University Medical Center next line this is what can be this is a beautifully restored historic facade of the hotel Alexandra with a very contemporary glass and steel building above and beside it piece to the left of the historic facade. It would be the main entrance to the hotel with carefully designed screens and other historic inspirations that are drawn directly from the existing context of the building. Next slide large very large sidewalk area along this stretch of Washington street will provide for space for outdoor patio in front of the hotel a nice area for the lobby and in an earlier iteration the Silver My was going to be moved. But under this current proposal the subway and bus stop stays where it is and there's a small ready to pick up and drop down to the hotel designed not to interfere with the bus stop at the bus stop which means we have other multi-modal transportation components devoted to the project. Next time the rooftop is this fantastic restaurant bar lounge area available not only to hotel guests but open to the public at large to provide sweeping views of the city from a very interesting perch at that location. Next slide and I guess the prevailing theme of this town is going history after the two false starts based on economic cycles as well so that third time's a charm and that is glorious historic building will be will be restored to the economic ripple effect of having a hotel with 150 rooms with lots of guests coming and going at all hours. The day will create the ripple effect that is corner really needs. There's been a significant decline in some restaurants are closed and all of the neighboring groups of the interested parties that we've worked with are all rooting for this building to be turned into something that will create that economic ripple effect at this important intersection really, really needs. We've also engaged at the state level economic development to find every possible opportunity to receive state assistance in terms of infrastructure, in terms of other neighborhood improvements, program improvements and we need no stone unturned to make sure that this time around this project is going to get out. And I wish to express my client's desire to do the same. We've sincerely appreciate your prior approval and your interest in this project and that ultimately my presentation. Thank you presentation to you. We have any questions or comments from the board hearing and seeing none is in order for my second there's been virtually no Mr. Shepherd I am the chairman and she passes congratulations. Go go go for things change. I was really excited and happy to see this, you know, coming back and coming back in the state. I wish you the best of luck. Thank you. Everything OK? I have no way to go back to item number fifteen request authorization to execute and deliver affordable housing agreement for the creation of one IDP homeownership unit in connection with the proposed development located at 115 Khadem Street to take all related actions and thank you very much Dr. Johnson, Secretary of Commerce and members of the board and our housing policy manager with the Mayor's Office of Housing. Tonight I'm here to cast your vote on affordable housing the proposed development of one one five Adam Street in in Dorchester by this development proposes to build nine commercial units didn't figure unheeding due to its size. The property is voluntarily restricting one unit has income and therefore the ability in front of you to pay agency to enter into any agreement to keep this under the precautionary development policy that one hundred percent of the happy to answer any questions, ma'am. Thank you. Thank you. Any questions or comments you're getting an order so move second, Kabam is better than the answer are Mr Shepherd. I don't have the time patience pace and we were sixteen request authorization to enter into an affordable rental housing agreement and restriction in connection with the creation of one IDP rental unit. Look at one day Addison Street entity called Related Actions and I came to you about your daughter Jellison second term for you the members of the board again and development housing policy manager with the mayor's announcement tonight I'm here to watch your vote on an affordable housing rental agreement restriction of the proposed development at one one night Addison Street and is listed on the proposal to build 900 units. I figure out what you do with the size your team and voluntarily restricting one unit has encouraging therefore I to go in front of you tonight allow the agency to enter into an agreement to dedicate this one under the inclusion program at 80 percent of the thank you. I'm happy to answer any questions and thank you. Any questions or comments important experiencing that emotion is in order. So second it's been I work hard Mr Shepherd and it's your big I answers. Thanks so much. Thank you Mr Range. And we're going to move forward you item number twenty one request approval for the fiscal year twenty twenty five operating budget at the bottom end about maturity quiara in the expense amount of twenty million nine one thousand one hundred thirty three dollars and approval for the fiscal year twenty twenty five capital expenditures in the amount of six million three hundred fifty thousand dollars as well as the forgiveness of interagency debt between the VRA and the economic industrial development the economic and Industrial Corporation of Boston, the ICI and together with the operating businesses Boston Planning and Development Agency or EPA Authorization to affect the transfer of the staff to the city of Boston and to enter into a memorandum of understanding with the City of Boston with respect to the same authorization for the transfer of funds between the borough and the EOC and to enter into a memorandum of agreement with respect to the same and authorization to transfer funds to the city of Boston to reimburse the city for the costs and services transfer to the city and to enter into a memorandum of agreement with respect to such transfer to the grieving Mamchur board members we previously presented on the budget during the FDIC portion of this meeting. At this point the item would require corresponding vote for the PPTA operating and capital budget and other associated actions. Do we have any additional questions or comments from the board hearing and seeing none of this is in order move second for a minute I do the answer I Mr. Shepherd I in the chair that I mentioned assistance to number twenty to request authorization to submit applications to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development Task Force Infrastructure Program and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities Housing Works Infrastructure Program and support of the various development projects in the city of Boston and to enter into grant agreements with development proponents for the use of funds from the Masterworks and Housing Works Infrastructure programs. I mean Madam Chair, I'm going to recuse on this one thing. I mean that's great. Thank you. Thank you. Good evening Madam Chair. Members of the board is Director Jefferson and Madam Secretary my name is Ambassador . I am the deputy controller for new video. I just want to start in the finance real estate endeavor. Many departments have been diligent working on improving our processes for preorder. We're monitoring award shows out of our state funded mass works and housing market grants . The works in housing infrastructure programs are competitive programs that provide the largest and most flexible source of capital funds to municipalities and other public entities. But public infrastructure projects that support and accelerate housing production incentivizing private development and promote job creation throughout the Commonwealth at the beginning of the year a number of projects submitted applications to the EPA for any expression of interest which underwent a thorough internal review process to evaluate readiness to proceed in public benefit. At this time I am pleased to inform you of eight projects that the EPA is in support of applying for funding in fiscal year 2012. Upon your approval the first project is Milja yearly phase two and three in the Jackson Square area of Jamaica Plain will be applying for up to four million. The next project is Village and we are applying for up to four million as well as in the Innocence Phase two which are both located in the main square area science fair in that project we're flying for up to four million as well. The next is the Boston Street Redevelopment Project which we will be applying for up to five million in Bunker Hill six two which are built in Charlestown and we're applying for thirteen point six for that project. The next is Mars Robotics and the Sea for just a million three fifty five Dennington Street in East Boston to four million and then Saint Mary's Center for Women and Children in Dorchester for up to three months. The details of the project's budget and workflows are included in your point memo. Thank you for your consideration and I'm happy to answer any questions. Thank you. Any questions or comments from the board you're experiencing? An emotion is in order so I didn't hear about Dr. Landsmark . Oh no, I didn't hear financial crisis. Thanks you. Thanks so much, Mina. OK, I'm just going to come back I'm number three or not. I remember twenty request authorization to enter into a grant agreement with the Boston Local Development Corporation for the issuance of two hundred fifty thousand dollars from the Boston Planning and Development Agency. The share of the neighborhood development funds to provide a grant to Roundhead Brewing LLC for the acquisition the acquisition of one Westinghouse Plaza Number ten and IPAC. I mean thank you again Madam Chair and members of the board. So the PTA is seeking authorization to provide a grant to the Boston Development Corporation and the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand the grant funds will be used to support around Tipperary in Hyde Park a client of the Boston Development Corporation in their effort to purchase a property that they currently lease these funds will be combined with other forms of financing and will enable the company to continue to be an important player of low and moderate income jobs and remain a vibrant community meeting place in Hyde Park to thank you for your consideration and I'm happy to answer your questions. Any questions or comments from the board hearing and seeing that the motion is in order so I can to offer has been by answer by Mr. Sheppard prior to the time that she can speak item number twenty four I request authorization establishing a position to provide the targeting source for capital the acquisition of real estate and real estate in the city of Boston to support resilience, affordability and equity equals here I'm you here I'm here. All right. There we go. Thank you, chair members of the board Beigbeder is in a unique position to support both existing and future resiliency, affordability and equity holders from the city of Boston by utilizing the revenue generated from the real estate portfolio. The compilation other funding sources the media can make strategic and central acquisitions of real estate within the city to enable the implementation of resiliency measures. Sociales the creation of coastal resilience infrastructure affordability measures such as the construction of new affordable housing and equity measures such as economic development opportunities in historically underserved communities. We propose establishing acquisition fund for the purpose of providing a targeted source of capital for the acquisition of real estate in the city identified for future resiliency, affordability and equity projects and putting forth an initial seed contribution of up to five million dollars which is resulting from the one time excellent revenue from the 2010 drydock from leasing redevelopment project annual contribution to the acquisition fund will be assessed the yearly basis and will be determined on BPA based on immediate financial performance. To be clear this is to establish the fund itself any and all future acquisitions will require and PDA board approval prior to execution and will be based on mutually agreeable terms between the seller and the EPA. We recommend establishing and seeding this acquisition fund to enable us at some future date to better use our real estate tools to advance the cities and schools of resiliency of ability and equity and I'm happy to answer any questions you have any questions or comments to avoid going into question in order to move Sukie no further than spending the Senate. Sorry I had Dr. Mark ah Mr Shepherd I negative the time issue. Thanks so much. I'm number twenty five personnel. I thank you Madam Chairman. Members of the board Madam Secretary and Director Jennison we have a number of items for your consideration in the pre agenda. The exact details included the approval levels we have seven appointments in the real estate department with the Green Administrative Assistant Real Estate in the planning department. Jason McDonald Plano one race the senior planner one and Andrea beina senior level and the research department Jack Schneider and Kim Senior researcher economist in the Office of Workforce Development . Andrea Tranh Grants Administrator. We have one status and the Development Review Department Casey Hines Deputy Director Development Review to Senior Deputy Director and Development Review and we have to pay out of state travel requests and finally we have two departures in the urban design development. Elizabeth Saiful and the senior architect urban designer and three in Cape Kathleen Peterson, senior land use planner, sustainability specialist and that's everything you have any questions or comments on here? So move second step for them. Hi, I'm I Shepherd I entertainment. I mentioned things like and welcome to Wetly Jason but I said and I think my Jake and another you there to yeah OK Dragon congratulations as well Casey on your promotion and thank you so much Elizabeth and Kathleen for all of your hard work. You're very much appreciated with that oh twenty six Garfinkel's it's contractual I mean and get this horrible we pay but you miss Hispanic Landsmark hi Mr. Shepherd and the chairman emotion crisis please pay the bills and finally directors update Chief Jennison yours. Thanks very much for coming Madam Chair. Oh good to see all members of the board tonight. Tonight you approve three you go projects two hundred and ninety new residential units forty three of which were income restricted with just under a billion dollars worth of developer cost estimate representing over six hundred twenty five thousand square feet of which two hundred thirty four thousand were residential. Fifty five trees five hundred and thirty five people will work creating over one thousand direct jobs and two hundred and seventy of an indirect jobs. So we're thrilled about that. Need a lot interesting things happened at this board meeting tonight. We appreciate your support highlighting a couple of the real estate items versus new E.M.S. It's going to serve South Boston there will be in the new arena and elsewhere Marine Park and excited about that. The current CIA station serves about that neighborhood on the waterfront with a number of people now living in South Boston waterfront. It's going to be over 20 percent call volume double and so it's one of the fastest growing parts of the city. This new station is going to be vital to serve the waterfront emergency needs. A construction is slated to begin this fall. Another exciting project is in the garrison neighborhood G TNA where we devote three different sites to various forms of open space gardens, community gardens and urban. While I want to thank the communities involved in both these processes for their attention and engagement and our staff for their hard work looking forward to seeing how these spaces turn out a couple of other development projects to highlight two three to eight street terms on the South Baltimore waterfront. This is going to convert what is currently a parking lot into office laboratory and retail, civic and cultural space. It's also going to include resilience measures in the home garden to be integrated into the how walk on top of Harbor Trailer Home is which I don't think I want to thank the board for their attention to the all the details of resilience and facilities and hopefully accommodations are in the development of this project excited for this one to go forward on to graduate and go over it again. The board for its do an appropriate review. I also want to highlight what any Western Avenue in Allston it's a convert. We're currently in several vacant commercial buildings the parking lot into a new mixed use development including residential retail restaurant spaces seven two hundred and seventy four new homes forty one which will be income restricted or part of the development in line with our planning and zoning rules specifically the planning process known as Quackers Avenue Corridor and rezoning Study and it's got the Affordable Housing Finance Program improvements consistent with that plan job well done to the staff thanks to the developer. Finally I'd like to acknowledge along with the public feels a lot of things happen today. Some which weren't conventional projects. I want to acknowledge the approval of the budget for the next fiscal year. We will actively establish a new plan for the city of Boston structurally allows a transfer of funds to the city of Boston to be able to support the city planning department including staff and service which is in alignment with the administration's ordinance recently passed to create the City of Boston Planning Department approved by the council in March to restore the moment for us in a lot of time hard work and consideration went into this budget. I want to thank the members of the board for their attention improving and staff with my deputy chief Davenport and an entire team of people for the hard work and making sure that the transformation carried forward on this important next step was that I spoke to you. Sure. Thank you for your time today. Thank you to Jefferson and we since I motion to ensure this so it felt comfortable and been high. Williams We are Mr. Shepherd and the chair but you said I think the chair and the chair rose I wish you guys meeting adjourned. Thanks so much everyone. I appreciate you and we'll see you next time. >> Thanks. >>