##VIDEO ID:wCb2kTejcIY## Good afternoon. >> My name is Priscilla Rojas and I am the chair of the BPA board. Thank you for joining the August 15th twenty twenty for Economic Development and Industrial Corporation Boston board meeting at this time the Boston Planning and Development Agency is continuing to host public meetings in a virtual setting for the health, safety and accessibility of Boston residents were for more information and that day visit Boston plans that were the open public meeting law requires that I notify the public that this meeting is being recorded. Please be aware that audio and visual recording of this meeting is being made and broadcast by Boston City TV which is a part the city of Boston Office of Communications at Xfinity Channel twenty six, RCN Channel 13 and Verizon Files Channel nine six. It's also being live streamed at Boston Deaf people to begin the meeting. I will now take a roll call the members Senate president Mr. Shepherd was Dr. Landsmark person Mr. O'Malley here right and I realize the chair is president. OK, let's go to first item on the agenda request authorization for the approval of the minutes of the July eighteen twenty twenty four board meeting. A motion is in so move second will call for a vote and it's minute by Mr. Shepherd. I Dr. Landsmark are Mr. O'Malley I and the chair of the motion passes item number two request authorization to amend the lease between the economic Development and Industrial Corporation of Boston doing business at the Boston Planning Development Agency and Macrobiotics eight to add Suite two zero one to the current leased suite two zero two at twelve Street morning. Thank you Madam Chair Master Politics is a nonprofit company based in Massachusetts with the mission of providing entrepreneurs and innovative robotics startups with the space and resources they need to develop and test their products. Mass robotics income is derived from subleasing space to startup companies from sponsorships from grants. Master Vladek currently leases several suites of twelve channel Street Master Robotics has a three year lease four three five zero four which will expire on September 30th. Twenty twenty five most robotics also has a ten year coterminous lease for five or two AM to two which will expire in February twenty nine twenty thirty two with one single five year option term fixed rent paid by macrobiotics for all three suites is eighty six thousand eight hundred and eight dollars monthly master robotics is now requested to add three to zero one which is approximately nine thousand five hundred and eighty seven square feet and an additional five hundred square feet of space within the first four warehouse area to their existing these four suite to zero one I'm sorry to zero to speak to their one lacks the air conditioning is in raw condition with the small office master robotics will take the space as is it does this condition Eddi C is not offering any financial assistance to master for the improvements the space NDIC required to pay Real Estate Commission this transaction for these reasons as well as desired is subject to lease the space for the long term staff is recommending a ramped up rent structure and we were financially participating the tenant improvement expense the lease facilities zero two will be amended to include Suite two zero one and the first floor space area. The change will commence on September twenty twenty four and expire on February twenty nine twenty thirty two three two zero one in the first floor totaling approximately ten thousand eighty seven square feet will commence January twenty twenty five in twenty twenty five rent for two zero one as well as the first floor shall be based on seven dollars per square foot increasing to thirteen dollars and fifty cents per square foot for twenty twenty six commencing in twenty twenty seven I shall be equal to the twenty eight dollars and forty eight forty one twenty eight thousand forty one cents per square foot which is the rate that is paid will be paid at that time for suite two zero to the rate for the first floor space and three two one will be the same on the square per square foot basis as too old to use robotics to pay fixed rent of five million six hundred and sixty thousand five hundred seventy eight dollars under the terms of the current lease the addition of suite to one in the five hundred square feet on the first floor that amount will increase by one million seven hundred and forty thousand five hundred and twelve dollars totaling seven million four hundred and one dollars to one hundred and one in ninety ninety dollars in fixed rent as a result of the proposed amendment, EPA staff recommends that the director be authorized to amend the existing lease with Master Robotics this week to zero to twelve Channel Street and to add three to zero one in five hundred square feet on the first floor to the lease premises. Thank you and I'm happy to answer any questions. Thank you Mary. Do you have any questions or comments from the board hearing and seeing that emotion is in order so move could well call for a vote and it Mr Shepherd Dr. Landsmark Mr O'Malley I am the chair but I mentioned thanks Barney Frank. You all right? Item number three request authorization to issue an invitation for bids for a three year contract for housekeeping and cleaning services at twelve Channel Street within the Raymond Helpline Marine Park Lauren Monsur members of the board I'm here today to seek authorization to solicit bids pursuant to Chapter Thirty B for general laws to advertise for housekeeping and cleaning services of selected common areas at the twelve Channel C facility. This building is three hundred eighteen thousand fifty square foot wide manufacturing distribution center and it is located within the remit of the housekeeping services aim to maintain cleanliness and common areas mommy windows and some tenant areas and these services are critical to maintaining twelve Channel Street staff the Office of Manufacturing Needs of the tenants the ISP will be publicly advertised pursuant to Chapter Thirty Feet including advertising with local newspapers cities website state kombai system and the state goods and services Bonson. The resulting contract will be awarded to the responsible and responsive bidder the first possible bid price the awarded contract will be for a term of three years funding for this project will be completed BP's fiscal year twenty five operating budget the cost is not expected to exceed three hundred fifty thousand for the two year term. I'm happy to answer any questions. Thank you. Any questions or comments from the board right. Hearing and seeing any motion is an order so move second them. It's Bennet, Mr. Shepherd, Dr. Landsmark, Mr. O'Malley by and the chair that I mentioned. Thanks Lauren. Thank you. Item number four request authorization to issue an invitation for bids for the office building actual well Channel Street Suite six zero five within the Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park William. Thank you, Madam Chairman, members of the board we are requesting authorization to issue the invitation bids for the office fit out of twenty three six seven five. This is a ten thousand square foot suite that has been identified as a suitable location to be planning department staff and their current offices at forty three Hopkins this invitation Benjamin seek a contractor to bring the current space up to code and complete the office space new flooring lighting and finishes the scope of work was prepared by our house. Dr. Neurosyphilis the advertized following the requirements under chapter forty nine and the construction contract will be brought back to the board for award to the lowest outspoken responsible bidder. The work is currently budgeted one hundred thousand dollars that is included in our employee twenty five budget and we would anticipate returning to the board in December with an award of recommendation. With that we're requesting authorization to issue the invitation for base and I'm happy to answer any questions. My any questions or comments from the board right here again saying that emotion is an order so move Sukie well call Thermopolis my Mr. Shepherd Dr. Landsmark Mr. O'Malley I am the chair that I mentioned Cassatt's item number five request authorization to execute a contract with Coastal Marine Construction LLC for a SJT bulkhead rehabilitation within the Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park in an amount not to exceed nine million six hundred forty six thousand five hundred and twenty four dollars and to execute a potential change orders for a total aggregate contract amount not to exceed eleven million five hundred seventy five thousand eight hundred twenty eight dollars and eighty cents and at completion date by May twenty twenty five. William thank you. This is a request to execute the construction contract. This issue was last for you in March of this year and we requested authorization to work as a reminder of the Jedi is located in the North east corner of the room of the Marine Park. It is land contained by nineteen forty one construction that was originally constructed by the Navy. The waterfront site has direct access to the right of member three ship channel direct roadway access by dolphin be and is adjacent to and continues and rehabilitation completed back in twenty twenty. The existing ship however is far past the work of the contract confirmed and replaced five hundred and fifty feet of that thus retaining infinite land of the jetty. We would also be demolishing eleven hundred feet of the condemned and collapsing careworn structure and rocks south and east jetty similar to being built block of the East Jetty. This work will be constructed in a manner so that we can raise the elevation in future has needed to address rising sea levels. The project was competitively bid and advertised May 13th of this year we had more interested parties who got the bid documents we received six general bids which is very healthy opened and read aloud on July 18th and the lowest held responsible there was coastal Marine for that amount of nine million six hundred six thousand five hundred twenty dollars all documents required by Chapter thirty thirty nine and the invitation prepared or submitted like those to Marine our engineer Gregor Collins engineers reviewed all of the bids and recommends this award to Coastal as the lowest eligible qualified bidder. The base contract as stated is for nine million six hundred forty six thousand five hundred twenty four dollars. We are recommending a higher a normal contingency amount of twenty percent in the amount of one million nine twenty nine thousand three hundred dollars and the sense of the total authorization of eleven million five hundred seventy five thousand eight hundred twenty dollars and eighty cents this higher contingency is due to the hazardous conditions that are created by the structure that will need to be demolished from the water. In addition, the adjacent boat that we are not replacing this project touches its entire condition so we need to be as careful as possible redoing this work about disrupting the adjacent properties. We also have some unknown soil conditions with the possible soil contamination based off of being previous military use of the site. So we're comfortable with twenty percent consumption's the work would be funded from the agency's point twenty five capital budget and with that we requested authorization for the director to enter into as far as the Marine if approved we would begin this summer and we would be complete next year. Happy to answer any questions? My thank you William. Any questions or comments from the board hearing and seeing that emotion is in order so move back. We'll call for a vote and it's finished by Mr. Shepherd. Dr. Landsmark, are Mr. O'Malley I and the chair that I mentioned. Thanks, William. Thank you. Right. I have No six request authorization to execute a contract with retreat retreat of ex Inc. doing business as access records storage transport and management in an amount not to exceed one hundred and thirty thousand dollars for a period of three years commencing August 16th twenty twenty four and ending August fifteen twenty twenty seven. Michelle Michelle Umu what happens to me all the time for that. Good afternoon Madam Chair and members of the board. The BP maintains a variety of physical records including maps, contracts, agreements, meeting records and more. These documents are subject to state public records law as well as municipal and state records retention schedules. This collection constitutes over thirteen thousand records boxes and the EPA has determined that obtaining professional services to help steward this collection is advantageous. Of course services include storage, retrieval, destruction and digitization records. PPTA previously secured a multiyear contract with access using state contract AC nine six for these services which has since expired as October thirty first of twenty twenty three beginning in the summer of twenty twenty three state contract FHC ninety six was reworked into state contract of one two six which was released for use in May of this year. Access is an approved vendor under the state contract and provided a competitive quote for a continuity of services. A single contract will be established with an accounting plan to deal with intercompany expenses. As such, the FDIC and the VRA are each responsible for executing their respective purchase orders and accept sole responsibility for any payments due to the selected service provider for its share of such purchases under the resulting contract, the resulting multi-year contract will be funded through the PPTA operating budget for fiscal year twenty twenty five and some years. The contract will commence August 16th tomorrow and ends in August 15th of twenty twenty seven and I'm happy to answer any questions you might have. Thank you. Do we have any questions or comments in the board hearing and saying not motion is in order to move so I can call for a vote and spend it by Mr. Shepherd Dr. Landsmark our staff O'Malley I and the chair that I mentioned Pastis thanks Michelle. Right. I'm number seven personnel Mike up. Thank you, Madam Chair. Members of the board Madam Secretary and Director Jemison, we have a number of items for your consideration on NDIC agenda but the exact details included in the board memos we have one appointment in the director's office Devon Work Acting Director. We have two contracts in I.T. department Sakari Gag Me and the records management department is he WIGNER We also have one internship in the legal department Margaret Carter and that's everything. Thank you. I don't want you any questions. Thank you. Any questions or comments from the point there you can say none motion is in order so move second or call though Miss Bennett I Mr. Shepard Dr Landsmark are Mr. O'Malley I and the chair that I'm it's all right. So that was the and welcome to our new intern and we'll we'll speak about I'm sure the acting director. But but Devin, it's good to make this vote as well. So with that let's I need a motion to join this meeting. >> So move there was a sudden Poplarville, Miss Bennet. Hi, Mr. Shepard. Dr. Landsmark. Hi, Mr. O'Malley. and the chair but I'm motion passes meeting adjourned. We're not going to move on to the next portion of our meeting so thank you for joining the August 15th. Twenty twenty four Boston Redevelopment Authority board meeting at this time the Boston Planning and Development Agency is continuing to host public meetings in a virtual setting for the health, safety and accessibility of Boston residents. For more information and updates, visit Boston plans at work you open public meeting law requires that I notify the public that this meeting is being recorded. Please be aware that an audio visual recording of this meeting is being made and broadcast by Boston City TV which is a part of the city of Boston Cable Communications at Xfinity Channel twenty six, RCN Channel thirteen and Verizon files nine six two. It's also being live streamed at Boston Deathlok slash cable I will begin with a roll call of the members the Senate Mr Shepherd Ruslan Landsmark Mr O'Malley here and I as chair and president the first item on the agenda request authorization for the approval of the minutes of the July 18th. Twenty twenty four board meeting. >> The motion is in order so move second call for a vote this minute by Mr Shepherd. Dr. Landsmark are Mr O'Malley. I am the chair of the Time Machine item number two request authorization to schedule a public hearing on September 12th twenty twenty four at five thirty pm for today in time to be determined by the director to consider the proposed well Wentworth Institute of Technology twenty twenty four through twenty thirty four institutional master plan my motion is in order to move second roll call for a vote Miss Bennett Mr Shepherd Dr. Landsmark Mr OMalley isn't maladapted yeah you got I got yeah and you're both that should the item number three request authorization scheduling public meeting public hearing on September 12th twenty twenty four and five forty pm right a date and time to be determined by the director to consider the First Amendment to the twenty twenty two three twenty twenty or institutional master plan for the Berklee College of Music. A motion is to order some a second roll call for a vote has been hit by Mr. Shepherd. Dr. Landsmark ah Mr. O'Malley. Oh did he pop up OK? I had to recuse himself. Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I forgot about that. OK and the motion passes and here I'm recusing for this next one thing I didn't make my recusal. OK, so for this next one item number four request authorization to schedule a public hearing on September 12th twenty twenty four at five forty pm or at a date and time to be determined by the director to consider the proposed Fifth Amendment to Boston College. Twenty twenty three through twenty twenty five institutional masterplan a motion is in order to move such a roll call for a vote Mr. Shepherd Dr. Landsmark are stromal I and the chair that I'm motion passes item number five request authorization to schedule a public hearing on September 12th twenty twenty four at six p.m. right. A date and time to be determined by the director to consider the proposed Boston University Charles River campus twenty twenty four to twenty twenty six institutional emotion is in order. >> So who will call for a vote in the Senate on Mr. Shepard? Ah Mr. O'Malley I and the chair that I mentioned is item number six request authorization to enter into a license agreement with the General Hospital Corporation for the Use of portions of Second Avenue and 13th Street in the Navy Yard to support the removal and replacement of nonfunctioning of a non functioning MRI machine from building one four nine and to finalize routine exterior maintenance for a term commencing September 1st twenty twenty four and expiring no later than March thirtieth twenty twenty five with an option to renew the license for an additional ninety days. Let's thank you madam Chair and good afternoon members of the board. I am here today to request authorization for the director to insurance or license agreement with General Hospital Corporation or engage for the use of VRA owns the land so known as Second Avenue and 13th Street in the Charlestown Navy Yard. A.H. Currently Lisas building one forty nine from DiFiore and has operated as Life Sciences Research and Development Facility. Their lease is scheduled to expire May of twenty sixty five two thousand sixty five MDH requested to utilize our license portions of Second Avenue and Thirteenth Street for laydown and stage as well as the location of man lifts and other heavy equipment in connection with demolition and removing removal of a non functional MRI located inside buildOn one forty nine. They will also finalize routine exterior maintenance of the building. Second Avenue is not open to automobile passage so traffic will not be affected. MDH will also coordinate all operations with the planning department staff and all of us. The license term shall commence September 1st. Twenty twenty four in expired later than March 30th twenty twenty five with the option to extend or additional 90 day terms if needed due to the preservation of a very old asset there will be no fee associated with this license. Thank you and I am happy to answer any questions you may have right. Thanks Lis any questions or comments on board here? >> I can say that emotion is an order so I'm a second call for a bonus when it Mr Shepherd I talked to Landsmark are Mr O'Malley I and the chair that I mentioned Knesset's thank you. Thank you. Item number seven request authorization to award candidate designation status to Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corporation Skardu Development in Caribbean Integration Community Development for the Sale and Redevelopment of five parcels known as twenty one third for Street and twenty three Friedberger Street five Berengar for Street and twenty seven Berimbau Street No twenty nine Bravo Street this is well in the Brunswick King Urban Renewal Area Mass No Ardeche one six eight in Dorchester and to acquire twenty one through twenty three for and for for a street from the Mayor's Office of Housing and to execute a deed and any and all other documents Madam Chair and good afternoon to the members of the board. My name is in China. I'm a real estate development officer at the Planning Department. It is a pleasure to bring my very first presentation to the gorgeous evening. I am here to request tentative designation of Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corporation or DDC Excuse Development ESCOSA and Caribbean Integration Community Development or CIC collectively as a developer of twenty one thirty nine funder of St. AD to request authorization to acquire twenty one through twenty three opprobrious from the Mayor's Office of Housing or H Payment or twenty nine for Verstraete consists of fourteen thousand nine hundred fourteen square feet of vacant land in Dorchester divided across five parcels two of the parcels twenty one and twenty three from the street are owned by age twenty seven and twenty nine for Verstraete also known as urban renewal parcel one are owned by the PPTA the remaining parcel twenty five from Borough Street was acquired by the EPA following authorization and twenty twenty two for the purpose of site assemblage. The drafting of the RFP was guided by four public meetings between twenty twenty two and three. The RFP reflected community feedback which focused on the creation of affordable homeownership opportunities, the need for street parking, preservation of mature trees and provision for use of open space as well as building design that respected the context of Intervale Street and Ferngrove Street. The RFP was issued in January twenty twenty four and the update received proposals to update the 30 day comment period on the proposals received and how the public meeting on June 11 twenty twenty four where both development teams presented their proposals and answered questions from the community. Subsequently the internal evaluation Committee or committee the ICI comprised of Emoto EPA staff convened to review the proposals in detail. According to the RFP for comparative evaluation criteria as well as public comments received following this review. The IEC unanimously recommends that the board award tentative destination status to EDC ESCOSA and CACP team. The proposal was considered highly statistically significant affordable housing experience, efficient design that was attentive to the surroundings and a robust financial proposal. The team also demonstrated excellent track record of meeting or exceeding MBT and WPE WPE hiring and providing concrete plans for development without displacement. I would now like to introduce the DC ACSU and SkyCity, the recommended developer for tentative designation of twenty one thirty nine for Street to present their project. I'm happy to answer any questions at the conclusion of their presentation. Thank again. Thank you madam to your members of the board for having your day. My name is Susan Chu. I'm the director of Real Estate at Dorchester Bay. I will be presenting our proposal for a street today before the board. So as you can see before you what we propose for the forum our site is Twelve Affordable Home Ownership units. Next slide please a little bit about Dorchester de You and CIC as the Obama team Dorchester itself is the CDC. We are headquartered the uppermost corner neighborhood of Dorchester. We've been in existence for over forty five years and have been doing commercial as well as residential affordable development in Boston during that time which is based out of Natapei and likewise is Minority is a minority led organization and they cater to Mattapan and its Caribbean residents primarily for ensuring access to safe and affordable housing. Asgharzadeh Development is a minority led private development firm based out of Roxbury, the Roxbury neighborhood of Boston. They have been existing since 2013 as a team we are a minority led organizations and locally based we have over 60 years of real estate development experience have produced over thirteen hundred housing units and we're committed to working with the community collaboratively to determine the best use of this site. Next slide please. Some of the priorities that we noted for this project were development without displacement we're going to develop 12 residential home ownership units affordable to first time homebuyers of different income levels also prioritizing diversity, equity inclusion. The development team itself is diverse in itself but we also plan on bringing diversity into other aspects of the development including the consultants that we hired to help us move this project forward as well as the construction of the project. Once we get to that stage we also wanted to focus on promoting sustainability resilience in our design of the site. The unit mix between the 12 units will range between below 80 percent RMI through market rate potentially. Next slide please. Here are just sort of existing conditions map showing the current location of the site and what it looks like right now it's highlighted on the left and orange seams located at the corner of interview on Turnbow Street. It's currently several vacant lots at the corner. Next slide please. The slide shows our proposal in context with the neighborhood over what it might look like once it's ultimately built. It's 12 units more situated towards the intersection of Permira and travaille just sort of to highlight that intersection because there's a park across the street as well as a school that's nearby and sort of the back of the site we try to maximize the site back between our building and the and the residential building. That's next door and plan to create a green space there that future residents can enjoy within the building itself. Other other than the residents, the residences themselves, the ground floor we also have so many space including a community a resident community room that could be used not only for leisure for the residents but also potentially serve as a shelter and see shelter in place in the event of power outages or inclement weather. We also have some storage on the ground floor as well as an exercise room and lobby as well as workspace which I can show in the appendix should the board wish to see the next slide please. So information the benefits we hope to bring to the community through this project our homeownership housing production creating affordable units that will provide first time home buyers stable, affordable mortgage payments and the chance to build equity providing future residents with an affordable alternative to the instability of renting in the community family oriented and family sized housing units which are in line with the desires of community both as expressed in IRP but also through our understanding of the neighborhood as this area is within Dorchester, these sort of service area sustainable and resilient housing developing and all electric energy efficient building that sets a high standard for future development and the growth whole area and a design that complements the neighborhood where we have it most you know not to exceed the heights and sort of the the esthetic of the surrounding properties and with that I conclude our presentation. We have some additional slides in the back and sort of show other perspectives and perspectives of the property should the PDA board wish to view those as well? Thank you. Let's let's go for more questions or questions or comments I'm hearing and seeing that emotion is another slowmo second call for a vote. Miss Bennet. Hi, Mr. Shepherd. I Dr. Landsmark. All right, Mr. O'Malley. I am chair of the Time Machine process. Congratulations. It's a really cool looking project. Super excited for you. Thank you as well. Yeah. Awesome. So item number eight a great job for your first first presentation. Thank you. All right. I don't no a request authorization to extend the final designation status of NewBay and Ascend LLC for the long term lease of the Blair light in the Nubian square area of Roxbury for a period of twelve months until August three first twenty twenty five. Thank you again. I'm chairman of our support Pluralize Update on site consisting of approximately eighty seven thousand eight hundred seventy nine square feet of underutilized land between Washington Harrison and Paul Street and use the street . The parcel was the subject of an intensive community planning process to Nubians Fair and their subsequent scientific committee meetings. The Blair RFP was released on November 20th twenty nineteen and responses were due in February twenty twenty after several public meetings and community review through a project review committee, Divinations was tentatively designated for development of the site at the December twenty twenty PPTA board meeting the proponent proposes to create approximately three hundred eighty eight thousand two hundred eighty square feet of mixed use development including affordable housing, a parking garage a lot training an office building and a combined cultural hub and marketplace with a community center. The proponent is currently exploring changes to the redevelopment program to make the project more financially feasible. The proponent was awarded final designation status for the proposed project on March 16th. Twenty twenty three the president has communicated that segment to the project into five phases it's necessary to assess the various financing sources that are proposed for each project put its therefore the development will be executed in five phases of construction with separate grant leases for each building in order for the As Partners LLC to maintain their final destination status to receive Crown leases for each site component they are required to have their financing financing umpired. Grambling's is fully negotiated and ready for execution and be ready for construction. Commence by the date recorded in the board memo during this final destination extension the proponent intends to secure additional funding for the project financing subtenants for the Labov garage seek resident companies for the performance and advance approvals for an updated master plan with the zoning release. With that being said, I requested the board authorize the final destination extension for a period of time budgeted to be Investment Partners LLC for the redevelopment of the player LA. Thank you and happy to answer any questions. Thank you. Any questions or comments from the board here and saying no motion is in order to move second call for a vote Miss Bennet Mr. Shepherd Dr. Landsmark R Stromile I and the terabits I mentioned thank you to item number nine request authorization to extend final designation status for Habitat for Humanity Greater Bercy Inc. AZRI developer of one zero four Walcher Street in Roslindale for a period of three months until November 30th. Twenty twenty four Rebecca thank you Madam Chair and members of the board in December twenty twenty at the BP board of the Acquisition and Disposition of one to four and one two eight Walter Street Rosendale to meet the community's goals of preserving open space and creating affordable housing. The BPA then conveyed one one eight Walter Street the Boston Conservation Commission to permanently preserve the land as part of the Slidell Urban Wild. The EPA issued an RFP in April twenty twenty one for one for water to create four affordable home ownership units. The board tentatively designated Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston for the sale and redevelopment of wonderful Walter Street as previously presented to the board, Habitat's proposal meets the community goals of affordable homeownership and climate resilience and was overwhelmingly supported by the community for income. Restricted homeownership units will be affordable to households incomes ranging from 50 to 80 percent RMI since receiving final designation Habitat has completed all necessary permitting and approvals to enable the development to move forward. We are currently in the process of executing and deed which we hope to have complete by the end of this month but it may extend until early September. Therefore our staff recommends that we move forward with the final designation extension for Habitat for Humanity for one of our Waterstreet for a maximum period of three. Thank you. I'm happy to answer any questions. Thanks. Any questions or comments from the Board of the question? Sorry no questions Madam Chair just just a quick comment. I never want to miss an opportunity to reaffirm my incredible support for this project. So obviously an extension of is is a no brainer. I grew up playing in these woods. I can now bring my three year old daughter to do the same and the fact that we have such an amazing partner and Habitat for Humanity and bringing real affordable generational wealth changing homeownership to Roslindale is just a remarkable project and this is something that is universal celebrators among the last things I worked on while I was in office huge credit to both Mayor Walsh and Mayor Wu for getting this as far as we have was just a real tremendous asset to the neighborhood and to the city. So great job team all around and obviously delighted to support this. Yeah, Yeah. OK, any additional questions or comments hearing and seeing that emotion is in order so move second profile for a vote has been it by Mr. Shepherd. Dr. Landsmark ah Mr. O'Malley I and the chair that I mentioned Hasse's item number ten I'm going to recuse myself. So Dr. Landsmark, last item number ten request for authorization to issue a request for proposals to qualified developers to redevelop Castle. So I'd OK to dash oh three five five oh I.D. oh two dash oh three five oh five dash six hundred also known as portion of Passo NY Dash three and also known as Subparts one B in the Charlestown Urban Renewal Area Project number of Massachusetts Ardeche fifty five and Charlestown Navy Yard also known as five Peachment thank you chair and members of the board I'm here request authorization to advertise an issue or request for qualified developer to redevelop your five Matala Navy Yard the premises is approximately one hundred and fifty eight thousand square feet containing a pier and water. Currently the pier has a gate blocking entrance from the abutting harbor due to deteriorating condition of the structure that the area constructed by the US Navy in nineteen forty three death has been actively trying to redevelop your five around the 1970s including a twenty twenty request for proposals that included the premises as part of a new RFP process that offered many opportunities for community feedback over the last eight months including two public meetings and by releasing a draft RFP after reviewing feedback from the community working with other staff from the city of Boston and reviewing different planning, zoning and regulatory material, it was decided that RFP for the premises should include the following themes of development objectives diversity, equity and inclusion throughout the real estate development process waterfront access in education, public and open space and cultural estimation. Sustainable and resilient development and accessory economic development. This RFP will not consider any proposals that include a residential use further to the design guidelines of this RFP will ensure that the development of the premises preserves and enhances the existing physical character of Charlestown Navy Yard and respects the general care scale of the surrounding area. We support the redevelopment. BPA may commit up to eight million dollars for the rehabilitation and or demolition of the premises or pier. We expect to be back for you in late 2024 or early twenty twenty five to provide an update on the RFP submissions and hopefully selection of a proponent for tenant designation. Thank you. I'm happy to answer any questions. Are there any questions from the board hearing? None. The motion so move to second we have a motion and then second on Rome is finished. Hi Mr Shepherd. Mr O'Malley I am in the chair bow tie the motion is approved. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Item number eleven request authorization. It's an invitation for bids for timber boardwalk reconstruction at a shipyard in the Charlestown Navy Yard. William, thank you very much again, Madam Chairman, members of the board we are requesting authorization to issue that invitation for bids following Massachusetts laws Chapter nine for Shipyard Park Boardwalk Reconstruction Project in the Charlestown River. As you might recall, shipyard park is a public recreational open space that features a wooden temple boardwalk that comprises this location portion of the Harbor Wharf boardwalk begins to the southwest at Pier three perhaps around right up number two and extends towards Pier four to the Charlestown Navy Yard ferry terminal. The existing boardwalk is past use the right and it is deteriorating requiring constant upkeep our operations team to maintain a safe walkway. The work will completely remove the existing structure and replace the new boardwalk structure that is suitable for snow equipment and we'll have a service of thirty years. The big package has been prepared by GDI. It will be advertised are the requirements of chapter thirty thirty nine M Construction will be awarded to the lowest responsible responsible bidder has been brought back to the board proposal he current estimate for this work is about three million dollars that would be funded from the point twenty five capital budget and we look forward to returning the board with an informed recommendation that we're requesting authorization to advertise the invitation for bids. Happy to answer any questions. All right. Any questions or comments from the board hearing and saying not emotion is an order so move the second bell powerbomb and spend it on Mr. Shepherd. But after Landsmark right. Mr. O'Malley I and the chair that I mentioned such things by a thank you item number twelve request authorization to execute an amended and restated land disposition agreement with Kendrick LLC for a change of use from off street parking and landscaping to residential for Castle, Ardeche fifty four C also known as Night Armbrister in the Charlestown Urban Renewal Area Project number Gargash fifty five and to permit the construction of one single family dwelling. Exactly thank you. Good afternoon Madam Chair members of the board I stated before use a request authorizing the director to enter into a new amended and restated land disposition agreement in connection with parcel fifty four C. Looking at nine Hamady Street the existing the existing Land Disposition Agreement from 1978 states these are the properties to be utilized as open space in off street parking certificate of completion was approved by the board in June on June 13th twenty twenty four was executed July 17. Twenty twenty for the current owner now intends to transfer the property to Kendrick LLC as requested to amend the LDA Cross Street Parking and landscaping to a residential use. The permitted uses for Castle are fifty four C as stated in the plan include residential public institutional and parking uses some minor modifications not necessary at this time. The proposed project involves the reconstruction of a single family home on the property at nine Americ Street and is currently undergoing Charlestown D Review more specifics on the actual design of the project can be found on the end Yadi website here for any questions, questions or comments from the board right here you can say not emotion is an order so second both our vote was vetted by Mr Shepard but after Landsmark I omalley I and the chair that I mentioned yes. Thank you. Thank you. Item number thirteen report on the zoning Board of Appeal recommendation between April twenty twenty four and June twenty twenty well good rainy afternoon members of the board Masuma of course is not exact. Oh there we go there's the slides. I was worried for a second. It's a pleasure to be with you again now that we are planning department members and I'm going to give you an update on those cases for this past quarter. Next slide, please. So as I suspect you are well where does EPA continues to be a quasi judicial body of seven members appointed by the mayor? They hear requests for conditional use permit experiences and zoning relief. They're part of IEP but we as the planning department provide non-binding recommendations for their consideration as delegated that authority by you all in twenty twenty three. Next slide please. Um, I think this is something which is worth seeing for any members of the public who are watching this. This is new in the last year or so but all Ziba recommendation from the people or from the planning department are available on the department's website and they are posted in advance of every meeting they remain there. There's no logo on that page. But what has been different since July one is now there's a big planning department logo at the top whereas before it was the BP logo. Next slide please. So this is our fourth report to the BP board when you all granted authorization for us to make these recommendations, you asked us to also make quarterly reports on how it's going and so we are at the end of the fiscal year with our initial thoughts as we tried to get more data collected. Next slide, please. So as is generally the case, we've continued to hold a generally bi weekly meetings that have been sixty meetings. We also have article eighty projects that go through but since you all make the recommendations for that, what we do for those is just pass those along to the ZIBA. So this report is going to focus on what we're calling B Non Article eighty projects which is there are about two hundred of them. Next slide please. So at a high level observation since last quarter the percentage of recommendations from staff went from about thirty six percent to forty five percent. So that is an increase. But you know, quarter by quarter a lot of it depends on the specific cases that have gone but this is good that we're able to sort of either focus on approval versus having additional approval where there's more complications generally speaking the approval with proviso is percentage of our recommendations has stayed about steady at thirty something percent. This also means that since the number of cases increased the absolute number of recommendations going through the planning department went up over the last hour since the last quarter and as you can see here about fifty percent of the recommendations that we did include were ones that had design review that was sort of the the big recommendation which we attached to many different cases. Next I please on the other hand or conversely whatever you want to use there the ZIBA on the other hand took a slightly different approach. This is similar to what we saw last quarter but the CBA concurred with us or with the planning department on one hundred nine of the cases but in approve moved a higher number of cases than the recommendations and so there's not a distinct there's clear pattern over the quarters about how this goes but basically what we're seeing is that there's an increase in the number of cases that the approves relative to what we suggest as having provisos because they intuit or we infer that they intuit that in an increased number of cases some of those provisos aren't necessary. If you go to the next slide you can see that while the general amount of approval is similar, the biggest difference is that you know a large number of what we are suggesting would be denials and many of those cases are then deferred and so what we see then instead is that where we're recommending a large number of cases with provisos as far as a chunk goes ,some of those approval or some of those provisos are reviews or just design review. It could be parks design review, water conservation and all the other kinds of things from other city departments. And so our belief is that the ZIBA is basically getting some of those provisos or reviews from other city departments which then means that they don't feel the need to attach all those provisos to their final decision. Next slide, please. So here's where you see the difference. And so the biggest one is what I was saying before that eighteen cases are whether said approval with proviso and they instead seek to approve. There are some cases where we said approval but they chose approval with proviso. But in most cases these are fairly small differences in line with what we see quarter to quarter. There were a couple of cases where the CBA decided to deny without prejudice but we suggested approving the proviso. But that's happening less than it's been happening in the past which we feel is that there's increased concurrence between our recommendations in the CBA . Next slide please next again. So again quarter over quarter the pattern is not super clear but we can generally say that the number of cases that we've been seeing month over month by month is lower than it was before the start of twenty twenty three. There was a decrease in twenty twenty three. It's bounced up a little bit but not in some sort of large substantial way. We generally see that macroeconomic trends are driving a lot of this. This isn't anything specific to city policy but things like interest rates have a big effect on how people are bringing cases. It's also worth noting that there's that that lag of when the case comes versus when things get filed. So if you go to the next slide you'll see that that remains generally steady. Right? It's we're at sort of consistently four ish to six ish months between when a case is filed versus when it actually makes it to the CBA. It's lower than it has been in some cases but that's generally remaining similar. So with that in mind to the next slide should be the last one our goals remain similar primarily that we would like to start to better track year over year changes. Now we've got a full year of these reports happening and we can try to increase analysis that we do I about raw numbers and more about seeing where these concurrences do and don't happen and now that we start to have more time with any reforms actually happened that it has been in effect for a while. Squares and streets exist at some zoning in Mattapan and we'll start to have that be in place in other in the square street area soon. Our hope is that we can begin to see before and after in areas where the zoning has changed. That hasn't yet really been the case. I can just say as a planner the case is we're starting to actually see cases happening now in the upcoming quarter that are actually flying under the new zoning and so we'll begin to have data about how that is or isn't making a dent in things. Our big goal is to try to increase concurrence when we have concurrence between CVS deciding what to playing department is recommending that in some sense feels like all the gears are coming with with less squeakiest and so our goal is to both decrease the amount of effort that we're taking working on cases where the variance is sort of seem straightforward and also that the thought processes that we're taking line up with the way the EPA's thinking about how they think through I think through appeals and so that's the last slide. I just want to note for everyone that there's no action to be taken here. This is just an information update. We've got a lot otherwise happening on the reform side of things and so we're going to try to line this up with the other kinds of initiatives that we have going with that opening up to any questions I think you will any questions or comments from the board? Why is it so well can you just remind us is it reviewed by the EPA as well? It doesn't at the moment. I think that we've got a full year worth of information. It's a good milestone for us to actually do that. But we've been presenting this to you all so far. Thank you. Yeah, I just want to say great great work. I know that the first year where we where you're building up the data and don't have the the comparison you know there's a limited amount of takeaways but I am really, really glad that we are doing this type of analysis and it's very helpful in how we understand and administer these variances . So just much appreciate ask any other questions all right. Well this was just an informational update. Thanks very will to the whole team. Have a good evening. Here's item number fourteen request authorization issue a certificate of completion for the successful completion of the construction of Windber Center Project located at 115 Square in downtown Boston pursuant to the cooperation agreement signed between the Boston Redevelopment Authority deviances, the Boston Planning and Development Agency and NCA Winthrop LLC dated September twenty eighteen and further amendments its certificate of completion so no presentation motion so move second or boatman's benefit by Mr Shepherd Dr Landsmark ah Mr O'Malley I and the chair that I mentioned Mrs Item number fifteen request authorization issue is a certification of approval pursuant to Article eighty a small project of the zoning code for the conversion of thirty two residential rental residential homeowner units including for EBP Home Ownership Unit to thirty two residential rental units including for rental units located at three nine two through three ninety eight Cambridge Street and to execute and deliver an affordable rental affordable rental housing agreement and restriction to replace and supersede the affordable Housing Agreement executed on October 5th. Twenty eighteen all related actions Scott thank you madam Chair members of the Board Secretary Bulkiness and Director John my name is Scott Crinoline. I'm a project manager with Development Review the proposed project before you notice the project operation located at three ninety two to three ninety Cambridge and also the project was approved by the BP board on February 11. Sixteen for thirty sars-cov-2 units of which thirty two are residential areas including four units. A certification of approval was issued for that group project September 10th twenty eighteen by the VRA entered into an affordable housing agreement with the VRA on October twenty eighteen the project completed construction and was issued a certificate of occupancy on June 17th twenty twenty one p.m. for a condominium association for the approved project was recorded on May 10th. Twenty twenty two the opponent has confirmed that they will be dissolving the condo association on board approval of the notice of project alteration their opponent proposes to convert the residential units in the approved project from residential home ownership to rental units. The proponent is seeking to update the four I Inclusionary Development Policy or IDP units in the building from condominiums or rental units and affordable rental housing agreement and restriction are would be required to document the updated IDP commitment. No other changes to the approved project I propose on May 14th twenty twenty four today except and notice the project alteration from a public meeting was held on June twenty fifth twenty one for the attorney representing the project Tim Scofield is offered to answer any questions. Thank you. Any questions or comments from the board chair? Just I guess just a quick comment. I mean for me this is a sort of reluctant it's my understanding is that the agency is looking at ways to better differentiate homeownership and rental housing in the zoning such that it wouldn't be quite as difficult as it is with this with this project to, you know, kind of hold developers to their original intent. I will vote yes because I really want to see those four IDP units which have been sitting vacant for two or three years back in service. I think that's critical but I just would really encourage whatever can you know, I think this is a disappointment to the community. One knowledge that and I think we should be doing everything we can to set ourselves up to be able to better have have teeth, you know, going forward with with the proposals that come before us and change us. Thank you. Thank you. Miss Bennett. Additional questions or comments hearing and saying that emotion is an order so a second thought provoking Bennett by Mr. Sheppard by Dr. Antima ah Mr. O'Malley I and the chair that I mentioned. Yes. Thank you. Item number sixteen request authorization to approve a notice of alteration or the conversion of four IDP rental units to IDP worship units looking at two four nine four the road and to execute an affordable housing agreement for a combination on site IDP units and a contribution to the IDP. But take all related actions. Nick, thank about the members of the board director of the Office of Inspector. I'm here for you this evening present page for two board. I'm Corey Rohde originally approved in October of twenty twenty two. The project is currently under construction and one completed will be a new four story building with thirty four residential unit four which would make audible above and below grade parking garage for thirty people including amplified parking lush new landscaping courtyard patio balcony and open space. The project also includes sidewalk improvement, pedestrian access and public realm upgrading the traffic change application filed under the expedited review procedure to the project rental project to condo ownership. No other changes I do have next to do it here the development team to answer any questions you may have and I'd like to know that this project received a letter of support helpful. Thank you. Questions or comments from the board. All right. Hearing and seeing not emotion is important so second we'll call for a vote and spend by Mr Shepherd. Dr. Landsmark ah Mr. O'Malley, I and the chair that I mentioned passes. Thank you. Thank you chairs. We will too. I remember seventeen request authorization to enter into an affordable housing agreement to supersede the Affordable Rental Housing Agreement and restriction dated June 14th twenty twenty three for the conversion of one ODP rental unit to an IDP home ownership unit located at one sixty seven Maverick Street and take all related actions and thank you Madam Chair Director Jennison Secretary Behemoth's and members the Board. Andy Feldman Housing Policy Manager with the Mayor's Office of Housing. Tonight I'm here to request your vote on an affordable housing agreement for the development at one sixty seven Maverick Street in East Boston. This development is building eleven home ownership units and did not trigger Article eighty due to its size. The project which recently changed owners and tenure from rental to home ownership and therefore the vote in front of you tonight will allow the agency to enter into an agreement to dedicate this one unit under Inclusionary Development Program. I'm happy to answer any questions you may write questions or comments for the board so I have a question. So was that when this was originally approved it didn't trigger but now it triggers. Has it change? No home ownership? No. So thank you Madam Chair. So no it didn't trigger article eighty at all due to its size but it was it was an IDP only project so I did it it did come to the board for the approval of the rental unit now it to come back to change it to her it's just a wake up there. Another question mission is in order to move second call for a vote Miss Bennet, I Mr Shepherd freelance Mr O'Malley I and the Timbits InMotion Soixante item number eighteen request oh I'm sure I'll be recusing myself from item number eighteen. Thank you very much Mr. uh item number eighteen request authorization to approve the institutional masterpiece notification form for the renewal of the Brigham and Women's Hospital institutional masterplan dated June 13th. Twenty twenty four pursuant to sexual section eighty deep five point to Section eight the six Section eight dash eight and the Boston Zoning Code and take all related actions Tyler. Thank you Madam Chair. Members of the board this I am to your new proposal for you is for breaking women's hospital for the renewal of the year two thousand twenty four to 2020 is a renewal of the existing IAP that was approved in February of 2010. At this time Brigham and Women's does not anticipate any new institutional projects for the term of the renewed I am p the original I improved in February of 2010 has renewed twice before for a period of two years in August twenty twenty in August twenty twenty two. Furthermore the review process of the time renewal began in June 2024. Since that time to comment letters of support have received the comment period for this I p renewal ended in July on July 12th of 2010 for now before I turn it over to Long Newton to begin the presentation I want to say thank you to the elected officials and city agencies who have reviewed this proposed bringing them into empirical thank thank you to our good acting as members of the board. My name is Long Island Director of Design at Brigham and Women's Hospital in the Longwood Medical and Academic Area and I'm here tonight to request approval for a two year renewal Brigham and Women's Institutional Master Plan with unchanged plans until August twenty twenty six. I'd also like to thank Tyler Ross for all his hard work on steering our IAP renewal next I please. Over the past several years the Brigham has prioritized meeting the needs of health care challenges presented by the covid-19 dynamic and as such the Brigham is not proposing any additional tax or land area at this time like very nice please. Thank you. As a quick update on our projects to date the Hale Building for Transformative Medicine the mass mental health office building campus additions including the Nick You and and the Stollman Centennial Centennial Park are all complete except these are meaningful community partnerships have resulted in the development of housing and community center at Mosaic Riverway with Roxbury tenants of Harvard and the construction and delivery of facilities for ownership and use by the Commonwealth for clients of the Department of Mental Health at Kenwood in and we look forward to commencing design see at some point a research building project that was approved in 2012. Next please. We are very proud of our robust community benefits and partnerships that enable us to deliver exceptional health care, education and easily accessible and essential health services to our Boston communities. Our community benefits include over six point seven million dollars and pilot contribution in twenty twenty three providing essential health care services in the community including the care provided at southern Jamaica Plain Health Center and Brookside Community Health Center D to include a few words about the region. As you may appreciate as is the case with most health care institutions, we have been at the forefront of providing essential care during covid-19 pandemic over the past four years and we are proud to continue to provide care for over forty six thousand inpatient at one point five million outpatients annually be the recipient of over eight hundred and forty four million dollars in research funding which supports groundbreaking research to advance the treatment and care of the sickest patients through innovation and discovery and employ over nineteen thousand eight hundred people over over thirty percent of whom our city of Boston residents. Thank you for your time with me tonight Gandhi deep of real estate and we'd be happy to answer any questions at the bar may have. Thank you. Any questions or comments from the blog and well I mean I would just like to say hello Samuel. Nice to see you. While there's no no additions yet to what you've accomplished under the past IEP plan is really incredible and so thank you for that and and for the benefit that you bring to the city both as an employer and to take care of us all I'm sure we all have a Brigham and women's health care story of how impacted us as residents and the world really so I just really appreciate that and feel lucky that we have this institution and been a good partner and contribute to the pilot program all of that really doesn't go unnoticed and so yeah, that's all I have to say. Any other questions or comments ? OK, hearing and seeing that emotion is an order. So second call for a vote that's been hit by Mr. Shepard after Landsmark and the chair but I motion passes. Congratulations. Good luck to you and thank Hank. All right. Item number nineteen point request authorization to issue a termination waiting for the review pursuant to section eighty eight, dash six of the zoning code or the Olmsted village project approve the First Amendment to the Smart Growth Development Plan pursuant to Section eighty seven, dash eleven and eighty seven dash twelve one of the code and to take all related actions Madam Chair I will be covering that. That would be great thank you. No problem. Thank you Madam Chair and members of the board Dr. Director Jonathan the proposal before you notice Project Change and Mark wrote his plan Amendment for previously approved Article eighty large project known as the Olmstead Village Project within the Homestead Green Mark Bogalay District and the proposed change to the proposed project page and the President Mark Brazillian plan amendment make minor changes to the unit count and affordability breakdown of the previously approved and overall the revised project will provide two hundred and eighty four units up from two hundred and sixty nine. There are also needed minor increases the overall growth for area by partner and a decrease in off street project remain majority affordable and there is a five percent increase in the unit portable to those making up to 80 percent. Am I including the introduction of units affordable for those making up 30 and 50 percent on the PPTA, the Joint Impact Advisory Group and public meeting on July eight twenty twenty four the meeting was well attended and had been advertised in the local newspaper and online. I will now turn over to the development team to bring in to begin their presentation. >> Thank you Madam Chair. Members of the board and Director Jennison my name is that we work and I'm the chief of real estate at two communities and I'm here representing the Almstead Village master developer which is a partnership between llena and Boston and to life as ethnic described. We are here to request the board's approval for our notice of Project Change for Almstead Village which is the transformation of the final ten acres of the form of Boston State Hospital in Mattapan with affordable rental housing for families, older adults, foster youth and adoptive families and together with supportive services, child care opportunities, health opportunities and a lot of community programs and connections. If you could go to the next time I'm Tent Village consists of six new buildings and three separate communities to spur house development which is one percent affordable senior housing with a community center, child care center and health care center tree house at Homestead Village which is in one hundred percent affordable intergenerational community with apartments for seniors, foster adoptive families and youth aging out of foster care and for buildings with mixed income homeownership opportunities. Brossel House Herberts Halvard House and to work their way townhomes the board granted article as Nic described the board granted Article eighty and Smart Development Plan approval in February twenty twenty three. Over the last year and a half we've been continued to refine and advance our development plans for the different housing projects including submitting multiple funding applications and receipt of multiple funding awards for various housing housing projects. We're now requesting approval of our relatively modest project changes which will allow us to address housing construction and financing costs by spreading those costs over more units as well as just increasing the number of affordable the amount of affordable housing in this community. So this notice of project change is related to a six unit increase to our tree house at Homestead Village Development which is number one on the plan a six unit increase to the Russell House Building which is number three on the plan and a three unit increase to the Harvard Street building which is number six on the plan and you can both the previous board approved plan and and the new plan discipline is largely the same building footprints are nearly identical. We've just been able to make the buildings more efficient and add some additional units in some of the buildings you want to go to the next lot. We're also increasing the as Nic described, we're also increasing the amount of affordability at Almstead Village with an 11 unit increase or almost five six percent increase to the number of housing units that are affordable to households 80 percent of area median income. We also have a number of additional housing units affordable in the city, a very area median income band. Fifty percent area median income and and up to one hundred twenty percent am I. We're also proposing minor changes to the system the car parking and by parking provided across the development and the project as devised by this NPC continues to comply with the Chapter 40 Our Smart growth requirements as well. So I think that's and we have a couple of just updated images of some of our buildings, the current images both Brookhouse of Treehouse, both of which I've already gone through Amaresh Finding and actually both of which have received funding awards from my marriage. And then if you go to the next the home ownership communities at Russell House, Halvard House and on Wobblier Way and so at Russell House and Harvard House I go to homeownership buildings which some additional units and and that's it it's a it's a pretty modest request. Thank you. Questions or comments from the board just to note for the record I am going to recuse myself but I'll still review I mean still do the roll call for the OK so if there are no other questions or comments and motion is in order so move second roll call for vote is finished by Mr Shepherd after a smart ah Mr. O'Malley I and the motion passes. Thanks for your presentation and best of luck. It's great read. Thank you very much. Chair item number twenty request authorization to issue a certification of approval pursuant to Article eighty Small Project Review of the zoning code for the proposed construction of fifteen residential residential homeownership including two IDP units, eleven car parking spaces and nineteen bicycle parking spaces located at fifty five three fifty seven Belgrad Avenue and to enter into an affordable housing agreement and to take all related meal. Thank you Madam Chair. Good evening members of the Board Dr. Jarvis's Secretary Polhemus my name is Camille. I'm a project manager at the EPA. The proposed project before you an article eighty small project located at fifty five and fifty seven Belgrade Avenue and the Russell Dale neighborhood of Boston. The proposed project contemplates the demolition of two existing two and a half one storey buildings in order to construct a four story and fifteen year residential condo building with up to 11 vehicle parking spaces in nineteen by parking spaces the proposed structure will contain approximately fifteen thousand eight hundred square feet of gross floor area with again fifteen residential units located across four floors. Two of the units will be designated affordable in compliance with the IGP policy. The proposed project will provide a maximum again of eleven vehicle parking spaces within a below grade garage. Nineteen secured by parking spaces will be provided any ground floor bike room. The project filed a small project review application with us on February twenty three of this year a public meeting was held and was very well attended by the community and directed Buttars and resulted in positive changes to the project through the review period. I would like to thank the Rossdale community who have consistently worked with in the article any process since February who helped to shape the project that you are about to see. I will now turn over to Ford to walk us through planning context that was considered in reviewing this project before the development team begins their presentation. Thank you for that Camiel. Good evening General Secretary for the members of the board and Director Jimerson my name is for Like You and I'm the Boss the planning department's own compliance review assigned to this project. Next slide please. The proposed project is located the next surprise and the presidential fabric and Roslindale Village villages makes it professional offices, restaurants and neighborhood retail. Rosendo Village is also located in the planning departments Ongoings whereas the Streets Planning study that we of the proposed project site directly above the media is needed. Needham's finds a right of way . The site in the surrounding neighborhood are within walking distance of transit including the Rosny Village commuter rail station and MTA bus routes number twenty five thirty five, thirty six and thirty seven. Next slide please the proposed projects look in the Roslindale neighborhood zoning district Neighborhood Shopping District there are no applicable overlay districts in this area. Statures sought to ensure contextual scale macing and design. The proposed proponent anticipates obtaining appropriate money for those projects from the zoning point of appeal. Thank you and will now turn over to the development team to present the project in more detail. They are muted. Oh now you froze. >> It happens to that good nature. Chairman of the Board of Directors Center Project I am sorry. Good evening to the Board. We're working OK all right. Thank you for letting me present our project located fifty seven a.m. and four did a great job giving the overview we are forced to worry about the proposed development consists of the four storey residential building fifteen two bedroom units approximately a thousand square foot each total gross square foot of the of the building about fifteen thousand square feet twenty one hundred with the parking garage as mentioned the parking garage consists of eleven parking spaces below grade. Next slide please. So as I mentioned this is position Rossdale Square very close to Adams Park and about five hundred feet from the other lane makes this an ideal location for transit oriented development. On the right we see a number of images of existing buildings and Rozental Square. We use these as context as an informant to guide us in our design approach which I'll talk about a little bit. Next slide please as mentioned currently the psychosis of two parcels occupied by small residents living a small office previously occupied building are at building to be raised and allowed to be combined to accommodate the new development the waterfront Belgrad Avenue which is where these pictures are from and the lower side the lower side the plant and then the media commuter line on the rear of this plant. Next slide please. Now I'd like to take a moment to talk about the rendering whenever you design consideration was to draw from the architect which was the square particularly the use of brickwork particularly Bande . We've incorporated some of these elements in addition to Bay Windows and I sat back fourth floor to create a building that respects and enhances the character of the neighborhood. Furthermore, we have scaled the building horizontally with a pronounced entrance to mimic the size similar to the size of triple deckers going down in the other direction. This building a set back 10 feet at the front sidewalk to let us have a nice landscaping along the sidewalk enhancing the pedestrian experience. Next slide please. Once again these plans are oriented with a great avenue at the bottom and the liberty at the top. You can see here that we have a proposed drive on the right of the building. We take advantage of a significant great change from Belgrade Avenue to the rear of the site to allow us to have our garage underground and not only visible from Belgrade Avenue like here you can see on the right our parking garage fairly straightforward with our performers access to the elevator and stair in the ground floor on the left this would be broadly with Belgrade Avenue. So easy access featuring a small lobby, various chemical space, 15 bike rooms or Vikram with spaces for all fifteen years and three two bedroom units at the other corners. Next slide please level two and three fairly straightforward four two bedroom range in the corners. Next slide please. The sixth floor very similar except with a sixth floor set allowing for a private walk out deck for those units. Additionally we're providing a common accessible roof deck for the tenants and real private decks for the units facing the train. Next slide please find we have basic elevations that illustrate the frustration and slow change that accommodate the low grade parking garage and that concludes our presentation for fifty five XINBO Great Gleep. This project will enhance neighborhood providing much needed housing and a design that respects, reflects and adds to their character Rozental the fourth to any questions you may have. Thank you. Thank you. Questions or comments from the board. OK hearing and seeing that emotion is in order so move second call for a vote and it I shepherd I ectoplasmic Stromile I and the chair that I mentioned passes very good looking project. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Um OK item number twenty one has been removed item number twenty two request authorization to issue a determination weaving further review pursuant to article eighty of the zoning code of the five seven five Albany project reviewed as part of the Harris in Albany Project Block project as modified by the notice of project alteration and to execute an artist affordable housing agreement for a combination of five on site income restricted units and contribution to the Inclusionary Development Policy located at five seven five Albany Street and to take all related actions. I thank you Madam Chairman. Members of the Board. The proposal before you is a notice of project change proposing the conversion of five IDP rental units located at five seventy five Albany Street South then to live work artist unit housing and reduction in total units from fifty to forty four. The original project originally proposed project as a D unit is now changing to forty four home ownership units and doing so the original five units will be changed to live work artist housing. Lastly the BPA reached out to local elected officials to notify them of this project change and they were all in support. I'll now pass it over to Ted Schwartzberg to go over planning context remarks. There is no presentation for this board action by members of development team are on to answer any questions you may have. Thank you. Thank you Tyler. Good afternoon Cheruiyot. Some members of the board Ted Schwartzberg and Assistant Deputy Director for Planning Review filling in for the player who covered this project and I'll be talking about two topics in the planning context that were relevant to staff review of this proposed change. The first is the Harris and Albany Corridor Strategic Plan which was adopted in 2011 and codified into zoning in 2012. This plan provided a vision use and dimensional regulations for the area in this location the plan anticipated the use of plan development area overlays or PD to allow greater density for projects that provide specific public uses and amenities. Public benefit uses a PDA was approved by this board in twenty seventeen and the proposed shift used to add residential to the ground floor including artists live work is consistent with the uses allowed in that PDA fulfillment with the zoning requirements the PD committed to delivering twenty six hundred square feet of affordable cultural space and half of that space has already been constructed. The other half will be delivered as part of a future phase of the PDA and the second and final plan contest consideration that was reviewed by staff is that the proposed project is located in the city's coastal Flood Resilience Overlay District or Article twenty five the zoning code residential use is not typically allowed on the ground floor in the flood resilience overlay as proposed here. However, because the proposed project received zoning relief through P.D.A prior to the adoption of Article twenty five it's not subject to this resiliency requirement from Article twenty five in terms of other attributes, dimensions transportation and community benefits. There are no proposed changes and all of these attributes are consistent with the original P.D.A. Thank you and I'll now turn it over to the development team to present the project if there are no questions yes. No questions. Is there is there a presentation for this? No there is not a presentation. OK, right. So any questions or comments from the board hearing and seeing none emotion in order. So second call for a vote, Miss Bennet. Hi, Mr. Shepard. Dr. Landsmark. Ah, Mr. O'Malley. I and the chair that I mentioned passes. Thank you very much. Thank you. Item number twenty three request authorization issue scoping determination for the review pursuant to Article eighty be our project review of the zoning for the proposed construction of a single story warehouse and manufacturing facility located at fifty one from our street and to take all related action so thank you and good evening Madam Chair. Members of the board director Jimmerson and Secretary Polhemus. My name is always Shooty and I'm a project assistant and development review in the planning department. We are here before you this evening to discuss the proposed article Abebe Large Project located 151 Livermore Street in West Roxbury. The proposed project is located at 151 Livermore Street on approximately one hundred ninety two thousand square foot four point four acre site. The site is currently vacant and the majority of the site is currently paid parking. Previously there was an industrial building on the site which has since been removed. The proposed project consists of the construction of a new single story warehouse and manufacturing facility consisting of approximately sixty two thousand growth square feet. The proposed project will include a new driveway and parking areas for up to thirty vehicles with appropriate accommodation for tractor trailer movements. The proposed project will also provide twelve bicycle parking spaces on the project site improvements in landscaping, pedestrian connectivity and related public realm improvements in and around the site. The development team filed their project notification form on April 17 twenty twenty four I notice that the filing was published in the Boston Herald on July 1st twenty twenty four and was sent to the Planning Department mailing list. A scoping session for city and state officials was held on July twenty twenty twenty four the planning department hosted a virtual impact advisory meeting on July 10th. Twenty twenty for a virtual public meeting was held on July 11th. The comment period ended on July twenty. The public meeting and IEG meetings were posted on the planning department calendar and Web site. Email notifications were sent to all subscribers of the West Roxbury neighborhood. An email update lists and local elected officials and their staff were also notified of the meetings with I will turn it over to my colleague. I'm honored to present the zoning and planning context of this project followed by a presentation from the development team. Thank you so good evening here Brewhouse Secretary Paulina's members of the board and Director Jemison my name is Elon Ahamed and I am the planner assigned to this project. The proposed project is located within Article V. Oh sorry. Next slide please. Oh we missing it looks like we are missing the slides for this part of the project but I will read to you the the planning context anyway and we can just leave this map up to give you an idea of the proposed project is located within Article fifty six The Westbrooks or a neighborhood district in a local industrial subdistrict as proposed. This project requires conditional use to be granted for the site but no additional zoning really. There are no neighborhood scale planning initiatives that apply to the location of proposed project. However, citywide planning initiatives provide context for the project the city of Boston's Open Space and Recreation Plan recognizes the area around Millennium Park and the Cow Island pond area of the Charles River as an valuable wildlife corridor just south of the proposed development site. The DCR owned Hebei Beach has been identified by the Commonwealth as a biomarker or habitat. The open space Recreation Plan also recognizes the area surrounding the development site as an aquifer recharge area for high and medium yield aquifers in the region. Permeability on site will contribute to additional groundwater recharge the proposed development plan increases the percent permeable surface on site from four percent to a minimum eleven percent. The Urban Forest Plan provides additional this for increase permeability on site recognizing that West Roxbury is one of the neighborhoods at greatest risk for increased stormwater flooding as a result of severe storms by 2050, this neighborhood has also demonstrated a net loss of tree canopy in a study period for the Urban Forest Plan. Twenty fourteen to twenty eighteen go Boston twenty thirty rankest the West Roxbury neighborhood having one of the highest drive to work rates in the city of 70 percent. The NBA access to the proposed development site is limited with service by a single low frequency bass line to maximize transit accessibility of the site. The proponent has added sidewalk improvements in the form of an ADA compliant concrete sidewalk to better connect the local bus stops to the site. Development site is also located with one hundred feet of parkland and is therefore subject to parks Design Review as per city ordinance seven point four dash eleven after afterward approval and zoning Board of Appeal approval for the conditional use permit. The proposed project will continue design review at the Boston Planning Department. Thank you. I will turn it back to the development team to present the project in more detail and we might want to go back a couple of slides to where their presentation begins. Thank you. Yes hello my name is Ben Hildebrandt. Thank you for having us. I work with for engineering and I'm here on behalf of PM Boston Real Estate. As Zoe has already explained this project is located at one fifty one more street in the West Roxbury and in general we are proposing to construct a sixty two thousand square foot warehouse and light manufacturing facility. We have received preliminary comments back from Boston Planning and Development and we have integrated these comments into the project design. We have submitted a letter of intent and project notification form outlining the general scope of the project. We have also attended Project Scoping Session Meeting on July 25th and we incorporate these comments into the current set of plans. We've also put together a preliminary scorecard perform a feasibility study for installation of rooftop rooftop solar panels and we've also conducted a zero carbon building assessment. Next slide please. This is just a general outline of the presentation I began with project location existing conditions at the site of then describe proposed site improvement in current site plans developed for the project. I will touch briefly on article thirty seven combines and green building design and then I'll discuss proposed truck routes to and from the facility and the impact on local traffic in general and the presentation site and building renderings next slide please again my name is Dan Hildebrand. I'm a professional engineer with several engineering. I am with me on the call tonight is Brian Billick. He also professional engineer for engineering. Next slide please. This first slide is just a map of the project location. The subject parcels approximately four point forty acres and is located dead end street that is river more street it is zoned local industrial. It's bordered by industrial properties to the east and the west urban wide open space and the Charles River to the south and the MBT a commuter rail to the north and the next slide please. These are the existing conditions of the site as you can see it's virtually completely paved over currently and is in pretty tough shape. Next slide please. Oh sorry about this planning slides right here so we can skip forward to the next few slides I All right, perfect. So these are proposed site improvements. First we're proposing the installation of green space with tree and shrub plantings along Livermore Street. We are proposing to reduce the overall impervious surface area by twelve percent installation of downcast site lighting, repaving of deteriorating asphalt repair replacement of security fencing, stormwater management improvements we are proposing thirty one parking spaces which includes eight electric vehicle charging stations, the installation of an ADA compliant sidewalk and shade trees along the river Main Street and the sidewalk will be complete street combined to the maximum extent practicable. Next slide please. So this next slide is just article thirty seven in compliance right now the objective anticipates that this project will be able to achieve forty eight points which will qualify for LEED certification. There are currently twenty six points listed as maybe that is pending final design of the building the mechanical systems and FFP storage. The project would qualify as old reading with both of the twenty six maybe points because the project is located in an industrial area cuts based on high priority sites access to quality transit and neighborhood location are unobtainable for this project right now the proposed on the world but the building is sixty percent greater than what's required by international energy code and we also expect the building to qualify as energy positive design with the addition rooftop solar that will generate more energy than the facility will consider. Next slide please. This is the existing conditions at the site. As you can see it's more or less completely paved over there is existing fence that some pretty rough shape that will have to be repaired or replaced and some overhead power lines that need to be removed as well as some remnants of the industrial building that was Previously on the site. Next slide please. This is the proposed site layout plan. So a sixty two thousand square foot office excuse warehouse building with an office in the front we are proposing to move the driveway slightly to the east to facility facilitate truck move it onto the property so would be able to enter the property on this main driveway here would be able to maneuver on site back up to the loading docks and then ultimately leave out the same driveway. So we are not expecting or there will be no queuing necessary unremembered street. We are also proposing green space in the front of the property as well as the back of the property that would include 30 or so local shrubs and the reason for that the low growth shrubs is there are our there's a power line easement at the back of the property. Next slide please. So this is our landscaping activities plant again green space from the back of the property and then at the bottom of the building there we are proposing to put infiltration chambers in to help with stormwater management on site. Next slide please. So the purpose of this site is just to show the truck turning on site so trucks should be able to get onto the property easily would be able to completely maneuver on site back up to the loading docks and then ultimately leave out the same driveway. Next slide, please. So this is just a site detail she popped up at the top right is just a detail of the infiltration chambers from stormwater management and down at the bottom of the sheet here is just an a view of the sidewalk plan for the front of the property of Grimoire Street and we will be including additional plantings along that sidewalk as well. Next slide please. So this is just our proposed truck route. So tractor trailers would be directed to access more street I-95 to the street and then to BFW Parkway. So that's trucks entering and leaving the facility. No tractor trailer trucks would be directed to go north of the facility and to VFW Park. Right. Next slide please. So this is a traffic analysis that was performed by this office and so essentially we calculate the overall change of vehicle trip. Ms. based on the proposed use and the status of the trip generation May 11th Edition which is published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. So essentially the existing site as developed generates approximately thirty eight point twenty average vehicle tremendous. During the weekday and p.m. we peak hours. So what this means is basically between seven and nine a.m. in the morning and four of six p.m. in the evening when you would expect the heaviest traffic out. The proposed use would generate approximately forty seven point thirty six average vehicle trip and on during the weekday and peak hours. So in summary, the proposed redevelopment of the site would we would expect to generate an additional nine trips and eight trips respectively and so we're not expecting a significant add to the traffic in the area based on this year's next slide. So this is just a car site plan of the proposed building site again proposed green space at the front and the back of the property. Thirty one parking spaces in line with the Boston transportation standards and room for trucks on site to be able to maneuver and access the loading docks next year. Please. And then finally this is a preliminary rendering of the building. It'll be a pre engineered metal building and meet the overall character of other buildings in the area. There will be a maximum of thirty five feet in height so we're not expecting any impact on wind shadow daylight or solar flare. There will be an office in the warehouse space the back and then loading docks for truck access. Next slide please. So I believe this will be a positive project for the city of Boston. We will create construction period as well as long term jobs. It will clean up a vacant site, repropose to remove a half an acre of impervious surface and ultimately increase storm water and filtration. And we are also proposing to approve the sidewalk access along the river our street without a green space. Furthermore, we're committed to green building design. We need guidance and that energy positive building with the installation of rooftop solar panels and we're also proposing to exceed international energy standards. We look forward to working with possible planning and development and thank you very much for your time today. Thank you. All right. So do we have any questions or comments from the board? Thank you, Madam Chairman. Thanks for the presentation, Ben and team so I know this area very, very well. It's a small industrial park between the BMW Parkway and Thomas and Field at Millennium Park. So it's in line with the other buildings that currently serve there. The city archives are also there. I'm impressed that you're able to get that energy positive design on a building with manufacturing that's that's impressive. What what will you be manufacturing that allows you to sort of stay there? So right now there is no and use it for this building we are trying to get a together and then ultimately find it that would match the character of the neighborhood. OK, so so is that energy is is based on not vegetable warehouse use of electricity OK but OK and then that would be the primary focus is warehouse but it would be zoned for some manufacturing as well correct warehouse and some light manufacturing and it got shipped and so that's that energy positive is based on sort of whatever that the average yeah we had to take some certain assumptions this early on with the design but essentially we are proposing to put solar panels on almost the entire roof top right. It's great location part. So yeah. So listen, I would just urge you as you know as the process continues to work with a customer and there'll be other opportunities for us and for another city, it's just a way to keep with a tenant that could meet that because again I want to again underscore that's an impressive feat to have a building net zero carbon is what we often strive for. This is actually positive in particularly with something that includes manufacturing is not easy to do. So I commend you and your team for doing that. Someone who frequency area I look forward to watching this progress. Thank you very thank you. Additional questions or comments. I just want to press one and Mr. O'Malley comments regarding green energy it's definitely evident that you are intentional. That is a goal for you and it's it's it's really nice to see that that the the market is responding right to to our needs and that you know and to the needs of energy and moving towards green energy and so forth. So I think you're being a really great example for the industry right there. Any other questions or comments hearing and seeing none emotion in order still move second roll call for a vote. Miss Bennett. Mr Shepard. Dr Landsmark ah Mr O'Malley I am the chair that I'm motion Kassis congratulate Shen's. Good luck. Thank you so much. Cheers. OK so we've got a secretary for him straightaway to take a break or do we squeeze in one more. Let's squeeze in one more squeeze in one more item number twenty four request authorization to issue a certification of approval pursuant to Article eighty e mail project review of the zoning code for the proposed construction of thirty residential homeowner units including six IDP units, eleven parking spaces, fifty six bicycle parking spaces and six thousand one hundred forty square feet of ground floor retail space located at two thirty one three two forty five Groat's Street and to execute an affordable housing agreement enter into Community Benefits Agreement in connection with the proposed project and take all related action. Scott. Thank you Madam Chair. Members of the board Secretary Bohemianism Director said My name is Scott Green on Project Manager with Development Review the proposed project before you it is an article eighty small project located at two three one to two four or five Grove Street in West Roxbury. The proposed project comprises the demolition of the existing on site buildings constructing a five storey building containing thirty homeownership residential units including five units and six thousand one hundred forty square feet of ground for retail vehicle parking is provided at great to be accessed from Washington Street through an existing project. The proponent has come into ownership of specifically fifty two of the five Washington Street Eleven motor vehicle parking spaces will be provided forty six interior bicycle parking spaces will be back will be provided for residents on the ground floor and ten extra person with bicycle parking spaces will be provided within the streetscape grounds . Fifteen of the home ownership units will be one bedroom units and 15 units will be two bedroom units. Staff at the mayor's office Economic Opportunity and Inclusion will continue to support the retail tenants relocation. The proponent filed a small project review application ESBATI on March 4th twenty twenty four a public meeting is appropriately advertised on March seven in the comment period and April 5th I'll now turn it over to Michelle to cover the in context before the design team begins their presentation. Thank you. Thank you. SNAP that evening General Secretary Dailiness members of the board and Dr. Jamison my name is Michelle and I am the planning review team plan I assigned to this project the proposed project at two thirty one to forty five Ghostery is located in the West Roxbury neighborhood district with the neighboring shopping district this portion of West Roxbury transitions and residential to commercial and street intersects with Washington State Transportation the proposed project of service for multiple MBT Bus lines including the thirty four and thirty five Lesters next. So any relief is recommended for the proposed project as opposed to use makes consistent with the local context as well as citywide polls or public realm improvement in the creation of new commercial and residential spaces staff review the project help increase the very outset backing consideration a single family residential I'm sorry abiding single family residential properties and align it better the flooding fifty two five Washington Street which is currently under construction. This project will bring many community benefits to the area such upgrading the sidewalks on Wall Street and Washington Street to meet both complete streets and ADA guidelines alongside fifty to five Washington Street. This project will also submit a transportation demand management plan which is not required. A six month project for this project will also reinstate the temporarily relocated bus stop on Washington Street with the installation of the new painted by spox thank you and I'll turn it over to the development team to present the project in more detail. Thank you Michelle. Thank you Scott. Good evening Madam Chair. Members of the board director Jemison's Secretary, blamers of Attorney General GenY on behalf of the component staff development and we would like to thank you for the opportunity to present this proposal tonight back in 2010 I worked on a project that fifty two or five Washington Street Scott had previously mentioned and at that point my mechanism was the designer at the BBA who looked at that and at the time he was like Gosh, I wish you guys could get the rest of this corner and around the corner because it's kind of buildings that have seen their lights and so here we are seven years later we were able to get that and as Scott stated, this is a new building. It's going to have thirty home ownership units in it. It will have revitalized retail for street activation on the first floor. And as Michelle stated, it's a tremendous amount of public realm improvements with sidewalks. Three trees raise crosswalks on not just where this project is itself but across the street on on both on Grove as well as Washington. In addition to that, obviously it's going to I think we're approximately 17 percent affordable and these again will be home ownership units. The architect could not be here this evening so I'm going to take my shot at presenting the plan so we can go to those that would be helpful. This right here is a rendering excuse me an aerial view of the area of Washington Grove with the proposed site and read it and you can see on the left of that is we are fifty two or five so they are directly adjacent next please again this is just another large aerial view showing the corner of Washington and Grove next slide. This is the proposed site plan showing all the new sidewalks, streets improvements. This also shows a connection from the existing 17 minute building for fifty two or five with a driveway into the access will come through fifty five WASHINGTON To provide access vehicle access to this proposal next slide again another site plan that shows the parking below and you can see the parking lot to the left and fifty two next slide. This is a landscape plan showing the street landscape and dogwalker landscape behind the building project includes extensive landscaping in the transition from Washington to grocery. Next slide please. This is simply an enlarged landscaping plan. You can see those improvements that are being proposed on the on both growth in Washington next page. This is what the existing building looks the buildings look like right now. Obviously one store, one story store fronts that are somewhat tired, not much continuity between them. Those would be ways we've worked extensively with the BPD staff specifically Adam Johnson on trying to design the new design to show an improved area and a revitalization of this neighborhood slide. This is a existing proposed site of the proposed grocery elevation with material selections. The left side of the image is the existing 17 unit structure at fifty two or five which was recently lifted and we work closely with the planners to make these two structures blend together but not but still at the same time look like two separate buildings. Next slide again this is just another large growth st elevation showing the original store front and how we design the new store front to be similar in the next slide. The slide section shows the relationship with the neighbors in the back. We work closely with the planners and having a 30 foot step back from the property line which provided a break between the neighbors. It's also as you can see from the plan in front of you the residential boroughs and I know Mr. O'Malley knows this very well a very high up there's a huge elevation change to where there is residential boroughs to this because and that is our proposal. Thank you. Thank you. Do for questions or comments from the board any member churches, what what will happen to the to the businesses on the ground floor while you're building this? So that's a great question. So initially the a lot of times we will but that being the case, the developer reached out to them and was trying to find them and giving them movie allowances to set them up in different areas scuppering offered to work with us, put us in touch with agencies in the city that are also working with the storefronts to find them other space until this this building is completed. So is there an expectation that they're that they're coming back or is it is the relocation expected to be permanent for that? It really depends on how I will feel. A lot of them may want to move to a different area. I think one of the there was a Venezuelan restaurant I think that was looking into Jamaica Plain and we are working with them on that. So we've had a realtor showing them properties now for about a year and a half and if they want to come back they can come back with a new improved store fronts and what's existing currently and new lease terms and new lease terms because as I stated there, all the leases have been launched long since expired. Thank you. Additional questions or comments around you just have a comment that I'm I'm I'm really excited for to see this density coming to to this area. I think there's a lot of opportunity there and you know, we do always have concern on how the existing businesses and retail business owners are going to you know, experiences impact. So it is good to hear that the city is being proactive and supporting along with the developer and so so we trust that that still continues and yeah, I think just to encourage you of as I know you don't know what the retail is going to be with the additional ones but to kind of really stay in line with some of the planning studies even if we haven't done one in this particular area but a type of community and walking walkability. Right of the of the various neighborhoods. So yeah, I think it's a really great opportunity there. No other questions mushiness more so moved second call for a vote Miss Bennet. Hi, Mr. Shepard. Dr. Landsmark. Hi, Mr. O'Malley. I and the chair that I mentioned is thank you very much. Thank you. I would enjoy your night. You too. OK, so we are at five thirty two so we are going to take a brief five minute break before we start the public hearing. So so let's see everybody at five thirty seven ish meeting simultaneous Mandarin Cantonese and Spanish interpretations are being provided for this meeting using the language interpretation function within Zoome we ask that you please be patient in case of any technical issues language interpretation will not be enabled until the instructions on how to access interpretation services have been translated into Mandarin, Cantonese and Spanish. Once interpretation has been enabled a glow icon will appear at the bottom of your screen also also an important reminder to all who are presenting and commenting today we ask that you please speak slowly for the interpreters if you are speaking too fast I may interrupt you and ask you to speak more slowly so that the translator catch up with your information. Thank you. To enable interpretation for Mandarin, Cantonese and Spanish please click on the Globe Eye at the bottom of your screen and select the language you to listen to. You must also mute original audio so I need that. Will you please now interpret the instructions I gave into Mandarin right? Come on I thought you thank you for what I want you and shout shout me teacher read it. You know education's important sehbai ah you know Nicollet to shout enpi ok if you now my apologies if I pronounce this incorrectly Zimpher will you please interpret the instructions that I gave it to Cantonese. Sure thank you. I go home I come on back I guess all the while you would say hello to S.A. Pando you're going to take that guy if only I can give you the I should tell you Cantonese don't come on how to walk I don't want my Cyberdyne you can find you get up. Thank you. OK thank you and finally one will you now please interpret the instructions that I gave into Spanish? Not only that I'm sure. Thank you very much. Good evening everyone. This is one step interpreter. We'll provide interpretation in Spanish. We will just but it's also to be sure the interpreters you'll see more than in Mandarin Cantonese yes I know it's possible for this that they put them in here de la the interpretation there's this famous pathology unprecedented levels here. The interpreter knows it really do that US instruction is the access interpretation agency to interpreters Mandarin Cantonese yes but not when I was little I just I really don't need the global but I said very often each other suspect that this is important. They require that little let's almost given a blessing that was let me tell you I would love to assist you. I interpret this as is here this is ideal that he is covered . It's possible to leave and join us. Thank you very much Becky. You better smile. And now finally unable you can't turn the interpretation on now and we'll give a minute to join the channels so you can see that little icon is now bottom of the screen. I click on that and select the language you wish to to. OK, Secretary Bulkiness, do we have the language? Yes, we're good friends. OK, if you are having any difficulty activating your interpretation please call the phone number on the screen if you have difficulties with the translation later in the meeting you can call same number. We have interpreters available to assist you over the phone. The project presentation has also been translated into Mandarin, Cantonese and Spanish and it's available at the BPD website Bustan plans that slash about US slash BPA dashboard slash board meetings. Please take note of the website address on the screen to you. The translated project presentations. This is the FDA hearing on a proposed petition by the agency staff members will first present their case and are subject to questioning by members of the agency. All right. My screen just went Oh I'm sorry. Let me start that again. OK, this is a public hearing before the Boston Redevelopment Authority doing business at the Boston Planning and Development Agency being held conformance with section eighty a dash to section eighty B Dash five section ADC Dashboard the Boston zoning to consider the proposed development plan for the planned development area number ninety three five hundred Huntington Avenue and to consider the project as a development impact project. This hearing was duly advertised on July thirty thirty eight point twenty four in the Boston Herald. This is a big hearing on a proposed petition by the agency. Staff members will first present their case and are subject to questioning by the members of the agency thereafter anyone who wishes to testify about the proposed project will be afforded an opportunity. We are taking support and opposition at the same time. So if you're planning to testify please take time now to verify that your computer microphone is active and click on the hand icon on your resume control you. This will signal to the staff that you would like to speak when your hand is raised it will be blue and if you are calling into the meeting I would like to specify please out star nine to raise your hand when I call for all testimony staff will announce your name and allow you to talk. You must turn your microphone and your webcam will not be active in an effort to at all. Who would like to speak about this proposal? Each person will be given up in two minutes to comment PPTA stapel indicate one thirty seconds for me at that time please conclude your remarks so that the hearing may continue and others may be heard finally the proponents are allowed a period of five to ten minutes for rebuttal if they so desire mean now please begin the presentation quickly. I'm sure no more minutes after Director Damaso my name is Steven Harvey and I'm supervisor rather for the city of Boston Department. Thank you for your time today. The proposal I've read for you for consideration is the proposed First Amendment to the development plan for the development area number ninety three and the proposed article Large Project in Huntington at 599 and mission originally approved by the media or on September 12, 2013 the development plan set forth the zoning for the project as well as the years and appearance of the proposed structures. The proposed project files on March 13th twenty twenty three is approximately six hundred forty thousand square. Then he use his primary research officer LifeScience ground floor with a ground floor return portion of the proposed project will have a maximum of two hundred eighty. The proposed project will retain forty two existing parking spaces at the site and includes a maximum of three hundred thirteen new onsite motor vehicle parking spaces resulting in a total of three hundred and fifty five spaces in a single green garage under the footprint of the two proposed buildings. Overall the amendment reduces the number of parking spaces within the site from the initial proposed 410 to three hundred sixty five. The project will also provide interior of the proposal will also provide interior parking for two hundred fifty six sites. The First Amendment to the Highlander relation to the proposed project includes a reduction in height and increased and increase overall performance based from the original approved PVA over the course of the review the planning department has worked closely with the development team to shape the project specific proposal and I live with the numerous guidelines. The proposal has also continued to design and construct the Roxbury and wait for next door which will serve the country in important missing link in the Baghdad we're connecting the southwest corridor to the emerald necklace pursuant to Section eighty five point three of the code I hosted in an Impact Advisory Group meetings for the proposal on April twenty five twenty twenty three in July twenty twenty nine point twenty four also hosted public meetings for the proposal on May twenty twenty three on July 30 of the Conference for if approved by the board this proposal would grant the First Amendment to the 2013 Plan Development Area Development Plan via RBC that would allow the component to begin construction of the overall proposal by article after complete design review. With all that said, I will shortly turn it over to Huntington at team led by Donald Johnson of the Fountain Don and the rest team will showcase the proposal in the fall. However, before that occurs my client and Collin Hines will present the planning context for the proposal once the entire presentation is complete. The five hundred Huntington team will all be available to the I will be available to take questions from the board. I would also like to thank District Councilor Sharon Durkin and large City Councilor Hadrien Santana for their support for the proposal and kind words. Thank you again for your time to see. Thanks Stephen. Next slide please. Great. They're here this time. Good evening. Has Secretary calling as members of the board and Director Jemison my name is Ilana Haimes and I am the planner assigned to this project. The proposed project is located in a community commercial subdistrict within the Mission Hill neighborhood pursuant to Article fifty nine of the zoning code applicable zoning overlays with the Groundwater Conservation Overlay District and restricted parking district land use and dimensional regulations set forth by the zoning code and zoning overlay districts are superseded by the regulations set forth in the Planned Development Area Overlay P.D.A number ninety three as Stephen mentioned approved by the EPA board and the zoning commission in 2013. Next slide please. The proposed development site is located within the study area of the Avenue of the Arts Design Guidelines adopted in 2015 from the study the five hundred Huntington Block quote combines development sites for both Wentworth Institute and Northeastern University this large urban block will most likely see the most change as both I and PDF indicate substantial new development here and quote the other portion of this block owned by Northeastern University known as the Bernstine Rubenstein building is currently undergoing a planning department review as part of its ten year I Am Renewal Process Design Guidelines are detailed within the study and include priorities for open space building macing and ground floor uses. Guidelines include but are not limited to a minimum set back of forty five feet be maintained along Ruggles Street to accommodate transportation improvements and extension of the pedestrian access from the Fenway to the Ruggles MBT Station crosscutting and way open space connecting to Wentworth across Rundle Street massing to reduce shadow on the NFA and emerald necklace and active ground floor uses additional context for the design of the proposed project comes from the Boston Green Links Program Vision for the Roxbury of Fenway Connector. The Roxbury Fenway Connector is a proposed link between the existing double row of trees on Wall Street between Ruggles Station and Parker Street intended to fill in a missing section of seamless bicycle and pedestrian network connecting the Southwest Corridor and road station to the emerald necklace. The contribute by the project at five hundred Huntington Avenue to the Green Link include both on site and off site improvements connecting the site Brogo Street Edge from Parker Street to Huntington Avenue next line please. The proposed project includes a reduced height and increased open space provision from the planned development area number ninety three originally adopted in 2013. The proposal also reduces the number of parking spaces within the site from the initially proposed four hundred and ten to three hundred and fifty five in alignment with the goals of the Boston Boston Transportation Department parking maximums to reduce reliance on single occupancy vehicles in an area with myriad public transit connections. Aftonbladet approval. This project will go before the Zoning Commission for Zoning Approval the Planned Development Area Amendment. Thank you and I will now turn it over to the development team to present the project in more detail. Go ahead President also thank you. Good evening Madam Chair. Members of the board director jemison's I miss my name is Mark Thompson. I'm the president of the Wentworth Institute Technology . I'm grateful for the opportunity to speak about this. I wonder how you can project that strategic importance to Wentworth although Wentworth is not the proponent of the project at five hundred Huntington Avenue is being proposed Wentworth owned land under a long groundless but Bonington Development Group I want to speak for just a moment about why Wentworth decided to lease this property and what this project means for the university. That first mission is to prepare students for careers of tomorrow. We've done this for one hundred and twenty years by relying on experiential learning, carefully focusing our programing on demand players and professions and also ensuring that we are giving back to our community the funds from private redevelopment of our Homes Avenue will help members Wentworth ensure that it can afford to simultaneously support its educational programing and improve its physical campus environment. It presently requires the upgrading replacement of at least one half dozen residence halls and academic facilities that are very practical obsolescent also has a long history of being a good neighbor as evidenced by community commitments such as providing scholarships and vocational training programs. One of many examples is our partnership with Boston Public Schools STRIVE program which are honored to have met through Twitter recently on our campus . This partnership has been in place for over thirty five years providing workforce training to students with unique learning and physical needs. This vocational program has placed approximately six thousand Boston Public School students in internships and employment opportunities upon graduation graduation approval. This proposal will Wentworth not only continue but also expand on these types of benefits for an institution that relies on its tuition for ninety six percent of its operating budget. The funding from the ground is about 500. Huntington is extraordinarily significant to my worst long term success and stability as an institution of higher education. Finally, I'd be remiss if I did not also mention was interest and excitement in the opportunity to locate a state of the art lab R&D in life sciences works directly adjacent to our campus. The success of 500 Huntingtown is tied to the continued success of Wentworth's and we'll be lucky to have the opportunities for future training and hiring literally at our front door. Wentworth is glad to be partnering with the Huntington Development Group given its members longstanding relationship with the city of Boston and support of the community members. I believe you'll hear from Clayton Trimble from the Huntington Development Group. Thank you for your time and consideration. Thank you. President Thompson. Madam Chair Board Members Chief Jamison and Community members, thank you for inviting us to this session of your board of directors meeting. We are humbled and delighted to be here at this juncture. My name is Clayton Turnbull, CEO of Welcome Development. I have two great general partners in founded company and owns company that together we're 110 developing about in any owns and myself. We've known each other for many years. Our values and commitment to the city of Boston. It's all on one accord and enable us to do great things with us this evening as Don Johnson Brian Paul Richard Martini along with a great set of professionals, Don Johnson, the project director will be making the detailed presentation of this project shortly. We're so excited about five hundred ninety nine and the great impact it will have on the surrounding communities. This building will signify an open and celebratory new feel to the avenue of the arts. The vibrancy and attraction of this building would be a jewel to its tenants, the neighbors and the city of Boston after Wentworth Institute of Technology. But why does this project a couple of years ago our team began working with all neighbors and stakeholders. We listen we learn and we improve now Don Johnson will present to you five hundred Huntington up. Thank thank you. President Thompson and Clayton . Good evening, Madam Chair. Members of the Board Board Secretary William Director Jarvis and the community my name is Donald Johnson with the Palin company and I have the pleasure of walking you through the design of the building before we start I want to thank Stephen Harvey and the staff of the city's planning department and the CDC for their guidance during this process as their input has contributed greatly to the project's evolution and design. The project is a two building science development and as I mentioned this is the Sweeney field site that is currently owned by Wentworth Institute. As many of you know, the site is currently on more accessible to students and it's fenced off from the public. We worked very hard to make this project work within the current zoning network that was approved in twenty thirteen while also incorporating recommendations the Avenue of the Arts guidelines making it better for the site. The community and its neighbors. Our goals for the public realm are to create a vibrant and sustainable pedestrian and bike friendly development that integrates with and accentuates the broader neighborhood to provide over one point five acres of new publicly accessible open space while providing strong connectivity through the site to different parts of the neighborhood together and to bring accessible and inviting ground floor restaurants and retail to the community orienting everybody the site plan Huntington Avenue runs diagonally across the page starting at page left and working counterclockwise. We have Wentworth across the street from the project denunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral across the intersection of and Ruggles North-Eastern at six o'clock across the street and also adjacent to the site on the right and then the MFA and the upper right corner of the Huntington Avenue as you can see this project occurs at the nexus of many important civic, cultural and educational institutions and will enhance connections to all of them by allowing for pedestrians and bikes to cross the site from every direction while also providing a direct link to Wentworth's campus for the first time a direct path between the MFA Green Onestop and the Orange Line and commuter trains that rumble station just off the page to the bottom. We'd also like to point out the planned Roxbury dependancy connector along Ruggles Street but the project enables the Connector is a protected low stress two way bike path that connects the Southwest border to the fence and will be partially constructed on a project site. The two buildings of the project are slated to provide for a new large open space that is oriented towards the neighborhood instead of being on the interior of the site. This open space was designed with input from neighborhood youth and will become a destination for the community. It is designed to be flexible and welcoming to the neighborhood for their use either casually or through programed events and performances. First or retail lines. The Huntington, Ruggles and Plaza edges of the buildings to activate the sidewalks and park green arrows on the site indicate the main building entries at the twenty four that embodies being considerate to neighborhood concerns about developments. Impact on traffic was important to us so the loading dock entry indicated by Red Arrow is situated only within the East building. Both buildings are served by this one loading dock through a below grade connection. The loading dock is designed to keep operations completely within the footprint of the east building all trucks will pull in different ways to the east building maneuver within the enclosed loading area and and pull back out of the street but with no trucks will be permitted to back into the garage from Parker to potentially block traffic. Lastly, parking for the project is by way of an underground parking garage shared between both buildings that can accommodate three hundred and fifty five cars and two hundred and fifty six bikes. Parking is planned to be accessible to the public during business hours in particular like congregants of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral. Next slide please. Quite a bit of thought has gone into the project since twenty thirteen working with EPA to further enhance the project and make it better while also incorporating the recommendations of the guidelines focusing on the roads and green. We've improved on the existing zoning for the project by significantly reducing the max height of the buildings by two floors will decrease the amount of parking that will be built with the project and added more open space to reach about seventy thousand square feet total the building uses include lab and office with a biosafety level of two or lower. Next slide please working within numerous constraints such as the forty five point set back on Wall Street. The open space requirements of the current zoning and minimizing the shadow impact on the public realm. Our design team work closely with the EPA to refine the design of the project over 30 months including six meetings with the CDC. The designers analyze the context of the site and found that there are three titanium's that exist in the neighborhood that are color coded as shown with the key at the top of the page. The green buildings are between 10 to 50 feet tall. The buildings are fifty to sixty four feet tall and the white buildings are taller than sixty feet. There are buildings taller than sixty feet. Our goal was to knowledge the 50 to 60 foot datum as much as possible to anchor the building to their surroundings. We did this by designing a three story podium on all sides of the building that aligns with the Huntington other and Ruggles Street walls as shown in the image on the upper right . This podium is activated with ground floor retail in large public lobbies that bring light to the adjacent sidewalks and plaza. The buildings then rise from the podiums and the upper floors twist incur as they go up to add visual interest and further down the building's mass and as shown in the macing model on the left the materials of the neighborhood were also studied and analyzed in the lower right we see examples of the predominant materials and tones from the buildings in the vicinity that our project takes cues from the design of its lower levels to further blend in with its context in the next slides we'll see. We'll see how this all comes together. Next slide please. Here is an overall view of the building from Huntington Avenue to the south of the site. What you see are the two buildings with three storey podiums onto the newly created open space on Huntington Avenue, the podium to use the warm earthy tones of the neighborhood and then as the buildings go up in height, they become classier and more transparent. The podiums are reduced by four floors in response to VXI and PPTA input both to respond more contextually to the neighborhood and to reduce the shadow impacts on the MFA while the podium is clad in earthier tones, the upper floors will have to take cues from petina to copper roofs of the nearby historic buildings. Matignon Green highlights will be present in the window walls of the podium while Brown highlights will be visible up above to the podium and the upper floors together. This view also shows how open and inviting a site will be to the neighborhood with the park at the corner softening the intersection of Huntington Avenue Rubble's St. and Louis and St. People will come from all Four Corners to enjoy this open space. Next slide please. Here you can see what the building looks like from north of the project on Huntington Avenue. You can see how the project is consistent in height to other existing buildings in the neighborhood northeast the West Village complex is in the foreground. Our proposal was in the middle and arts tree house is in the background. Next slide here we have a closer view of the building from Bugel Street at the Plaza. Both of these images are the same view but the trees have been digitally removed from the image on the left a better see the building detail as mentioned previously the podium of the building will be clad in terms of line with the neighborhood context and a top portions of the building will have a profound window value that mimics whether copper alabi entries and first for retail and how they open onto the space can be seen on the first floor. Next slide please. We're very appreciative and excited to be presenting this project here today. Our hope is that the project will open up our mission and create a welcoming inviting project that will contribute positively to the neighborhood both in terms of open space and connectivity and also in terms of economic and workforce development opportunities. This process have been very positive and we appreciate the support we've with the neighborhood. One of the things we haven't spent a lot of time on in this presentation but we have worked on extensively is workforce development for the community. We are committed to providing employment and training opportunities to neighborhood residents and youth in life sciences and building industry careers. One example of this has been our partnership with Street to provide for Real Estate Youth Entrepreneurship Program which seeks to equip local communities with the skills, knowledge and mentors needed to participate in real estate and set them on a path to help eliminate the income and wealth disparity in Boston will be heavily recruiting in Mission Hill for next summer class. I typically enroll students from all over the city of Boston. The cost of the program for the students is fully covered and we are currently in our fourth year of running the program. I just want to mention good luck to this year's students. His final presentations and graduation is tomorrow evening at the Crabtree Community Space at Farm here in Seaport. Thank you madam Chair and members of the board that concludes our presentation. Great. Thank you so much, Mr. Johnson. All right. So this is a public hearing. So what we'll do is we'll take public testimony first and then go into for questioning. So Secretary, what do we have anyone who would like to testify? Yes, Jack Hart, you can limit yourself. Thank you. Thank you. Madam Secretary. Can you hear me? Yes, I can hear you. Thank thank you. Thank you. Madam Chair Director Jefferson talking to other members of the board. My name is Jack Heart. I am an attorney consultant working with the Museum of Fine Arts, the MFA in the Board of Trustees. Thank you for the presentation from the Huntington Development Team. Credit belongs to them because they've worked with for a long period of time when this and this this is a very, very good project. However, the MFA trustees, many of them developers and contractors themselves I respect asking the board to table this agenda item for thirty days. This is due to unresolved issues and concerns related to enter intake brown water vibration, traffic and other matters. As many of you know, the MFA has over five hundred thousand pieces of art, many in the basement in lower basements of basement of the MFA and we are concerned with any significant impact. So we'd like to and we hope to support this project in the near term. We cannot support it today but we are asking the board to give us this 30 day reprieve if you can table this item and we pledge to work collaboratively with the BPA in the development of group to resolve these issues and allay any concerns and hopefully support this project 30 days from now. Thank you for your time and we hope you'll honor our request. Thank you, Jack Courtney right. You can name yourself. Good evening, Secretary. Ladies and board members. My name's Courtney Wright. I'm the executive director at Mission Hill Main Street's I'm speaking tonight in favor of this project the development team has been inconsistent and meaningful conversations with Main Street's over the last year, including doing district business walks with the organization they've been responsive to our desire to have increased exposure to our local business district within their new proposed retail space and opportunities to use the outdoor space in addition to opportunities to bring restaurants, artisans and organizations to the site for events, promotion and programing. We're excited about the creation of modern wayfinding guides and maps that will help support mainstream strategic goals of increasing foot traffic, foot traffic excuse me to local businesses to street facing ground level marketing exposure especially in this heavily traveled intersection that includes MTA bus stops train stops at the corner of Huntington Ruggles, thank you. Thank you and Calderon, you can meet yourself. Good afternoon. Members of the welcome customers Sultana's Alliot-Marie Santayana's orses councilor. I appreciate that first project manager Stephen Cairene in guiding the project in we thank you sir for starting an inclusive process that has addressed feedback from the IAG and the public. We acknowledge that significant improvements made to the original proposal to end the articulated process particularly in response to community concerns such as the Alice Taylor Development and the Greek Orthodox Cathedral. The proposal promises substantial benefits to them neighborhood including the transformation of our currently off site into accessible public open space. These are spaces designed for flexibility and various users and enhancing connectivity and engagement. Additionally, the project includes thanks Escape operator Barker's three Huntingtown three which will enhance bike parking pedestrian access and introduce environmentally friendly services. Finally we encourage the developer development team to continue engagement with the community throughout the approval process, especially regarding construction projects and any modification to the plans. Thank you. Thank you. I'm Brenda Jackson. You can meet yourself. Good evening to members of the board and Director Kirk and second. Secondly, my name is Brenda Jackson. I am a special education teacher for the Boston Public Schools. I work in a strong department which stands for support and training to be independent vocational experiences. I am here today to express my strong support for the Five Hundred Huntington Project. This development is not just about constructing and building, it's about investing in the future of our community, particularly in the lives of our young adults with special needs. The funds generated from this project will enable went to continue supporting invaluable value programs like us strive one between growing for over thirty five years strive with program has been a cornerstone in our partnership with seven novikova special education students age 18 to 20 to through this program we have successfully provided vocational training opportunities. They have transformed the lives of more than 6000 students. These students, despite the challenges they face, have been able to secure meaningful employment thanks to the skills and experience they gained and the potential for future expansion that this project brings is crucial in not only ensure the sustainability of Strib we're training program but also opens the doors for enhancing and growing offerings to serve even more students. The impact of this program is far reaching providing these young adults with the tools they need to lead to independent lives. In closing, I urge you to consider the immense spend that the 500 project brings not just in terms of infrastructure but the profound difference it will continue to make in the lives of our students and their families. Your support for this project is in support of the continued success of a program that has been changing lives for decades . Thank you so very much. Thank Thom Yorke. You can amuse yourself. Good evening, Madam Chair. Members of the board Chanhassen Secretary Polymaths Thank you for the opportunity to comment . Hi my name is Tom Yodlee. I'm vice president of our Planning and Development along with collective work the nonprofit representing the Twenty two member institutions along with medical and academic career and this includes Wentworth Institute of Technology. For 50 years we've served as stewards of the loanword advancing our improvements. Our mission is to drive collaborative solutions to support the district and includes the planning and design and implementation of projects that benefit the district and the surrounding neighborhoods. And on behalf of the collective I'm offering our strong support for the proposed project a key benefit as President Thompson stated, the project is a key strategic value to Wentworth not only Wentworth but also the diverse community of people that it serves and teaches. As we've just heard from other speakers this evening. In addition and I know I only have two minutes but there are very many aspects of this project that have very thoughtfully conceived over extensive public outreach process and there's been substantial alterations to the project based on that public feedback. So I do commend the PDA for that process and I think it's resulted in a very strong project. You know, one of the key benefits as well as improved connections and the transformation of privatized fenced off space somewhat privatized I should say to becoming a far more open and welcoming site with over an acre of publicly accessible open space. There's a lot of other benefits that I want go through but thank you for the opportunity to comment and again, we offer our strong support for this project. Thank you, Tom. Qahtan Green. You can meet yourself although I don't go near Miss Green. I'm the business agent for the Boston Globe Trade Unions. We represent over thirty five thousand members and their families as well as thousands of members who reside in each neighborhood of the city of Boston. I'm a proud lifelong Boston Roxbury resident. I want to say thank you to the Boston and the Boston Department and members of the board. Thank you, Madam Chair for facilitating these important community public meetings and the opportunity community voice to be heard and shared is so important. I also want to take a second to think Joe and Baron Richard Richard Martini and the whole our companies the ballet companies that work have always that the gold standard for fairness in our region they have they help us set the example I'm sorry excuse me they help us set the example every worker deserves a key partners in the fight for justice, the great work and dedicated planning that goes into Make It Five Hundred to Madam Project. We know and understand that a good project is one that not only of this community and worker standards but events but with advances can really drive the standards. All those key sorts of things and strong families families who can look forward to relying on a great career opportunities with training through registered apprenticeships, the training level programs are being and wages are while receiving health care but every day and retirement benefits for every day work economic justice is allowing the community to build and be included in all the benefits. This is what it takes to build strong communities of families and to stay and thrive in the neighborhood. And for that we speak of strong support of this project. Thank you. Thank you. St. Jun only you can meet yourself. Thank you so much. I actually pronounce my name while you're the first person to pronounce my name correctly. I just want appreciate that so much. Thank you for sharing the community. My name is Jun Me and I am engaged policy manager at the Nexus Conservancy a nonprofit restoring and improving the eleven hundred acres of emerald necklace. I will be speaking for a couple of folks today so bear with me. This is just a statement from Karen Multi-product, president of the Emerald Necklace Conservancy. We appreciate that the shadows reduced from the other versions onto the new version from the development team. We understand that there is significant new public space provided in this project which is great and it is also going to support the development of the proposed Roxbury Fenway Connector in Beijing by BTD and P.D.A. It is great to see that more people will be able to connect to the emerald necklace. As you may know, the Necklace Conservancy has been calling for sunshade protection guidelines for all parties in Boston. The Conservancy advocated for the development of systematic guidelines that can guide and manage development citywide which Boston does not have on January 19th twenty twenty three that BPA approval for the Long Workplace Project provided one million dollars and funds for this study more than one year later there has been not many much progress on this important goal. In the meantime, many projects which include new shadow impacts on the parks are under citywide review. We invite you to join us in our efforts to expedite the Shadow City policy process together and we can take action to protect the emerald necklace and other vital open spaces from being compromised by individual projects. Your support is crucial in advocating for sustained sustainable development that prioritizes our communities natural resources. And then this is just a few statements from our Admiral like this project review committee members absence of uniform citywide policy is really any restriction on parks adjacent development forces, residents to spend time reviewing proposals, sitting through hearings, writing letters and tying up both elected and appointed officials in meetings and communication for every single project proposed near a city park or open space. Likewise absence of policy forces, environmental justice groups, grassroots friends of the parks groups, civic association actions to divert scarce resources to same activities beyond obvious negative impacts on parks themselves. Passive resistance to citywide policy for protecting artists from the shadow cast by new development represents a hidden tax on the residents. Thank you for this opportunity to comment or question would anybody else like to testify about this project? Please raise your virtual hand Madam Chair. This concludes the public hearing portion of this item. OK, great. Thank you very much. So let's go into question do we have any questions for the board or comments through the chair? I'd like to make a comment. I just would like to say it's a wonderful project. The and development team did a great job with the presentation but I would just ask to continue with communication with the neighborhood and I would also like had communication with Madison Park young men and women out of Madison Park definitely the only vocational school that we have in the city of Boston that definitely needs the attention. I was a kid. I grew up in this area. I was able luckily through Mission Hill along with the Fenway area to work eighteen years in the field out there and I would love the opportunity for plenty other young men and women from the Boston neighborhood to have that opportunity as well. So that's basically all I have to say. Thank you very much. Additional questions or comments. I was not aware that the Museum of Fine Arts might be expressing some concerns about some of the issues that this particular development might raise. I'm a trustee emeritus there and I in advance I probably would recuse myself from the beginning of this discussion but I've heard it now and my one request would be that the proponent should this proposal move forward, continue their discussion with the neighbors as Rahim is as requested in order to address the remaining questions that exist around shadow and traffic and related impacts. Thank you. Additional questions or comments I do have a different question so I want to be responsive to to a letter that we received from the MFA trustees or an email and be the gentleman who commented today in the open hearing. So can we talk about those those unresolved issues or questions particularly surrounding the you know, the the safety and the impacts of that this project could have on, you know, all of the priceless in your replaceable art that we hold there at the MFA very dearly. So some context would be lovely to play you terribly and Dr. Landsmark, we appreciate your concern not only by hearing this today but also what you're going to say does and I will assure you that we have just as much respect and passion for what the museum does. A lot of the concerns that were outstanding was brought to our team just within the last few days and we've tried our best to reassure them we will continue to work with them on this. We given them a letter and so we will come in to you whatever the pleasure of be board the issue that are being raised are Solomon are your kind of typical with construction the that we've done so there's nothing that we heard that is monumental but they are going to not opportunity to hire their consultants to help them along to make sure that all the T's are crossed and Eisenstat and so I think that we're definitely in agreement for to give them an opportunity to feather that out. But there's no doubt that we've not minimized our comments but we have just we've met with the believe four or five times and it's only in the last two or three days that this strong opposition has really surfaced and we're confident that there is nothing we've heard and what their consultant will come up with that will be so significant or so prohibitive of us to have a great project. They're so into Director Shepard. I grew up in this neighborhood also I would be very keen on Madison Park and I think our partners will and I think our development is big enough to stretch out over different areas going into the neighborhood. It's not it won't be just the immediate area. So I will also commit to our team continuing to focus on the geography of of our benefits and attributes to that. Thank you so much, Mr. Carroll, for your for your response. You know, as the chairman going to take some just as I'm evaluating this I did see your your letter in response to some of the concerns I think it was a well written letter and I do you know, given the the amazing potential impact that a project like this could have on so many people you know, this is I want to be really clear. I really I really do like and support this project and I also want to place Steven on all of the work that you've done to get this project which is no easy feat to this point. So but I think as a fellow board member of a different board with a different fiduciary responsibility, I I do believe that the request for 30 days is is is reasonable given the fiduciary responsible MFA board and the trustees they do have to to exercise. I'm very, very assured by your your previous comments on the solvability of these things and I think just in the spirit of risk management and getting everybody giving everybody just a little bit of time I just happened in the past few days but I would like to honor the the request made by by the MFA board trustees for an extra thirty days. I am confident in your confidence of you know, this can be done with you guys have done an amazing job with collaborating with the community and all the institutions and that that so I don't want any any doubts or slights really to be to be reflected on this project because I don't I think this is all solvable. I think we're just kind of in a crunch from a time perspective even when people found things out so so with that I I am going to make with respect and very praise of this project make a motion to table this item until next month's board meeting and I'll give you give you a couple of weeks there have the conversations you know, respect the fiduciary responsibility that the trustees and and we can we can come back so emotion is on the table. Do I have a second? OK, all right. We're going to roll call for a vote. Miss Bennet I Mr. Shepard by Dr. Landsmark or you recusing or oh you're saying OK, I think I just read your lips this you were actually sorry I'm understanding it OK. Yeah. Mr. O'Malley. Yes. OK and the chair votes I motion passes which again we're really excited to get all those all of those eyes and D t's crossed and to to see you next month again very very supportive of this project that we're still supporting. We're still excited about we're still not supportive of your decision. So we appreciate that. Appreciate his time tonight. We're looking forward to making this happen. I'm totally in agreement with your decision. Thank you so very excited. Thank you. Be an excellent thank you. I appreciate it. OK, so with that let's look around, find my agenda. OK so that was item number twenty. We are item number twenty six personnel Mike. Yep. Thank you Madam Chairman. Members of the board Madam Secretary, you and Director Jefferson we have one item for your consideration the very agenda with the exact details and the board members we have one appointment in the director's office Devonport acting director effective September sixty. That's everything. Thank you. Sorry allows me to ask any questions or comments from the board hearing and seeing that emotion is in order. So I second offer a vote. Mr. Bennett I Mr. Shepherd I Dr. Landsmark I Mr. O'Malley I and the chair that I mentioned Texas thank you Mike. And item number twenty seven contractual I made a motion to pay the bills I move that we pay our bills our second call for a vote in the Senate I shepherd Dr. Landsmark I Mr. O'Malley I and the chair that I mentioned says please state bills and finally directors update Dr. Jamison, the floor is yours. Yes. Good. Good evening everyone. Thanks for your time and attention. Great to be here with you. So tonight's board meeting we approved three new development projects composed of forty five residential units of which seven or income restricted. The total developer's cost estimate is a little over 18 million dollars probably represent one hundred thirty one thousand square feet of new development by half of which third of which is central square footage twenty two point one hundred two tradespeople work and create over one hundred eleven direct jobs just to highlight a couple of votes today we designated made a designation on the front site tonight the board awarded the designation to the Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corporation at this development and the Caribbean Integration Community Development Organization to redevelop five parcels on Toubro Street. They're proposing to build twelve homeownership units a portion of which will be income district properties is a great example of the importance of our real estate tools staff worked carefully with the development team and we're able to acquire a lot of vacant private land between ports of public land that will enable the development of the entire site into affordable housing. This is a classic example was using public land for public good only the staff who worked hard of this disposition as well as the community for working with us to ensure their vision was carried out for the seniors take shape in the future. Tonight we also approved the release of our people Pier five Charlestown It's been an effort to redevelop provide for many years with engagement of my own staff held public meetings this year to ensure that was consensus among the community before releasing another RFP. The development of the pier will need to comply with Plan Charlestown and focus on open space waterfront access, education, cultural resilience report reviewing the responses to the RFP and working with the Charlestown community on a pathway forward for Pier five. So as you heard the personnel item since our last board meeting I did hear publicly that my last day with the city of Boston will be on September 13th the 13th September board meeting on the 12th the mayor's asked chief to work with my strong endorsement to serve as interim chief planning for the city the interim director of the EPA once I leave devastated right beside me and all the changes we've made here at the agency and cared forward with development reform agenda we created together with the leadership team of this organization and with a very appreciative of the mayor and her team. Of course this board and staff for their partnership and support over the last two and a half years. I have more to say in September and I think we can use September to talk about this if necessary. But I wanted to make note it was highlighted in the OP and the administrative actions that Baker described just now and with that I'll pass back to you us for the to help us close out the meeting. Yeah, great. Thank you so much. And and yes, we will we will cover a lot more of that in September. But you know, for for now I mean nothing but praise and honor for your leadership and your contributions to this city. So and and also to you to the staff. We're so supportive and know that all of your contributions like individually are what's making all this great development in Boston and helping us shape this city to yeah. Just a great city to to live, work, play and be a community. So so we just want to encourage everybody to keep the great work we well we'll make it through the transition as we always do and yes we'll discuss a little bit more. But I just want to say we're fully supportive and the board is very supportive of of all your your work and so with thanks and appreciation I think we I need a motion to join this meeting. So move we'll all offer a vote. Miss Bennett, Mr. Shepard, I'm Dr. Landsmark. I Mr. O'Malley I am the chair of the Motion Passes Meeting adjourned. >> Thank you everyone. Well we'll see you next month