##VIDEO ID:5yKmaaAWH4s## e e e e e are you all say commission is Rob Katherine Tiara yeah all right 5 4 3 2 one good morning good morning welcome to the public facilities commission meeting before us today is the mayor's office of housing Rob would you like to take over good morning again Commissioners this meeting is being recorded and broadcast live Colleen if you would please conduct the roll call thank you rob participants please unmute your device and confirm your presence when I call your name beginning roll call with the commission Larry mle commissioner present Donald gr commissioner presid Robert oen jelli senior assistant cor counsel present Katherine Pendleton aticle clerk present next with the mayor's office of housing Christine O'Keefe interim director NHD present thank you Tiara sachel Housing Development officer present I'll read for the record the remainder of the individuals who are in attendance but will not be presenting in today's meeting attendees do not need to unmute your device when your name is called Antonio Le senior development officer Lily I iara assistant director of American Rescue plan act implementation Lauren Forbes assistant cor counsel Law Department James mcdna senior staff attorney Sarah PLO specialist assistant to the director and this concludes roll call thank you thank you Colleen the first order of business before you this morning concerns draft meeting minutes for the Boston fire department and mayor's office of housing on December 18th 2024 is there a motion to approve the meeting minutes motion to approve second all in favor all the meeting minutes of December 18th 2024 for BFD andoh have been approved for the mayor's office of housing we have Christina O'Keefe interim director interim deputy director for the Neighborhood Housing Development Division ofoh moh has seven votes on the agenda for today uh but only six will be heard as they have asked for vote seven regarding conveyance to norick Capen LLC of 11 Capen Street 262 and 270 Nori Street in Dorchester to be tabled until further notice vote numbers 1 through five will be presented by Tiara satchell development officer with the Neighborhood Housing Development Division ofoh vote one is a request for Amendment to the tenative developer designation and intent to sell vote of January 31st 2024 to extend the designation period from 24 to 30 months to mtk Development LLC for five vacant Parcels Loc located at 376 to 376b to 384a Blue Hill Avenue in Roxberry tiarra if you would please present vote one thank you and good morning uh good morning Commissioners I'm here requesting PSC approval for a six-month extension of the tender developer destination of ntk development uh for the process outlining the vote package in the rockberry neighborhood of Boston the vote package includes a comprehensive memo about the project uh the PFC request uh including the RFP process designation process and Community engagement PFC approved the attended developer designation of mtk development on January 18 2023 for a 12-month period and improved an extension for another 12 months on January 31st 2024 since the last tday extension intk development has accomplished the following they have received bpda board approval in Spring 2024 received Zoning Board of approval in July 2024 completed funding applications um for State funding contracted various subcontractors to move the design forward and finalize the schematic design uh phase with the design team is requesting a six-month extension of the development destination to allow additional time for ntk to achieve the following task complete design and construction drawings for review and approval by the mayor's office of housing design team the city of Boston planing Department Urban Design Team Boston Water and Sewer Commission the Department of Public Works and other agencies as required receive all permit sign offs and building permits and finalize budget finalize their budget and receive M Mass housing construction lender funding commitments I have provided some slides related to this vote request which are displayed on the screens uh the first slide um is a locust map of the parcels the second slide displays an aerial map of the parcels and the final slide is a rendering of the proposed building in closing if PFC approves the vote request the project will Revitalize five AC Parcels uh long held in the city's inventory uh it is a new construction of 18 affordable home ownership units including nine units at or below 80% Ami and 9 units at or below 100% Ami and it provides affordable ground floor retail space to promote economic growth and Equity uh in this neighborhood um we expect to come back in uh spring 2025 for a conveyance vote thank you and I have and I'm here to answer any questions you may have um I just want to make sure that uh when you come back in 6 months that the uh appraisal which was done in 2022 is updated uh yes for 2025 yes you includ convenance oh excellent other than that good project commissioner yeah excited it's moving forward and thank you for your work on that uh Tiara working with this team I know this team was new to uh to the city so K on getting this uh moving forward thank you uh motion to approve uh second all in favor vote number one is approved moving on to vote two vote two is a request for conveyance to kzb notingham LLC for four vacant land Parcels located on Nottingham Street in Dorchester this is for a vacant land located at 19 Nottingham Street an unnumbered parcon Nottingham Street 21 Nottingham Street 23 Nottingham Street all in doorchester the price is recommended at $400 tiarra if you would please present vote too thank you uh and good morning again I'm here requesting PFC approval for the conveyance of port four Parcels of vacant land located at 19 notingham Street a number Nottingham Street 21 Nottingham Street and 23 Nottingham Street uh in the dest neighborhood of Boston these Parcels are offered as part of the welcome home Boston program which is initiative to help loow to moderate income Bostonian to become homeowners uh kzb naughtingham LLC uh was created is a single purpose entity and they will have ownership and see of the project as background these Parcels were included in the welcome home Boston phase to request for proposals was just publicly adverti pursuing to chapter 3B requirements including advertisements in the State Central register on October 4th 2023 in the Boston Herald on October 2nd and October 9th 2023 and in the city record on October 9th and October 16th 2023 the RFP was issued on October 2nd 2023 um prior to advertising in executed an extensive Community engagement plan that included postcard mailing surveys focus groups open houses office hours neighborhood briefings and sidewalks um moh held to applicant conferences one virtual and one in person at the Brucey bowling building um and after the RFP submissions were received the eligible applicants were invited to present to the community on February 13th and February 15 2024 uh KY Builders were one of two applicants for this parcel offering uh they met the RFP eligibility cred criteria and invited to present to the community um on February 13th 2024 uh they presented the proposal and guarded support from both Community um groups residents and elected officials uh recommended the selection of KZ Builders as a Disney developer of these site of this site uh PFC approved the T developer designation of Ky builders on on April 17 2024 for a 12month period the vote package includes a comprehensive memo about the project the PFC vote request and I have provided some slides related to this vote request which are displayed on the screen uh the first slide shows a Locus map of the parcels the second slide shows an areial of the parcels the third slide shows an image of existing conditions and the final slide shows a rendering of the proposed building the project consists of 12 affordable home ownership units with six units offered at or below 80% Ami and the other six units are offered at R 100 the Ami the unit mix consist of one one bedroom unit 7even two bedroom units and four three bedroom units in this project we create affordable home ownership units on four Parcels of City owned vacant lands if PFC approves his vote request kzb nonh LLC will be able to accomplish the following task finalize funding commitments close on the sale of the city owned parcel and begin construction of the project slated to begin in May 2025 thank you and I'm here to answer any questions you may have uh no questions great project same here no questions commissioner good project thank you s motion to approve a second all in favor I I vote number two is approved moving to vote number three vote three is a request for conveyance to BNT 355 Park LLC for vacant land located at an unnumbered parcel on Park Street in Dorchester the purchase price is is recommended at $100 Tiara if you would please present vote three um I here requesting PC approval for the conveyance of one parcel of vacant land located at unnumbered uh parcel Park Street as identified in the vote package in the doest neighborhood of Boston uh this parcel was offered as part of the welcome home Boston program and BNT 355 Park LLC was created which is a single purpose entity and they will have ownership of the project as background these Parcels were included in the welcome home Boston phase two requests for proposals uh which was publicly advertised pursuant to chapter 30b requirements including advertisements in the C register the Boston Herald and the City record um BNT was one of two applicants for this paral offering uh they met the RFP eligibility requirement and were invited to present to the community at an moh sponsored meeting on February 13th 2024 uh BNT presented his proposal and garnered support from Community residents uh local elected officials and Community associations uh M recommended the selection of BMT as designated developer of the Park Street site PFC approved the tentative developer designation of BNT on April 17 2024 for a 12-m month period uh the vote package includes a comprehensive memo about the project and the PFC vote requests I've provided some slides related to this vote request which are displayed on the screen the first slide shows a locust map of the site the second slide shows an aerial map of the site the third slide shows an image of existing conditions in the final slide shows a rendering of the proposed building the project consists of six affordable home ownership units with three units offered at or below 80% Ami and three units offered at below 100% Ami the unit mix consists of two one bedroom units two two bedroom units and two three bedroom units if PC approves vote requests the NT 355 Park will accomplish the following tasks finalize funding commitments close on the sale of the city- owned parcel and begin construction of the projects lated to begin in April 2025 thank you and I'm here to answer any questions you may have uh no questions good project no no questions there motion to approve second all in favor I I vote number three is approved moving to vote four vote four is a request for conveyance to 34 whale Street LLC for vacant land located at 34 whale Street in Dorchester the purchase price is recommended for $100 tiarra if you would please present vote for I am here requesting PFC approval for the conveyance of one parcel of vacant land located at 34 will Street in the door Chester of Boston this parcel was offered as part of the welcome home Boston program um as background these Parcels were included in the welcome home Boston Phase 2 request for proposals which was publicly advertised pursuant to chapter 30b requirements including advertisements in the State Central register the Boston Herald and the City record andry Development Group were the only applicant for this parcel package uh they met the RFP oability criteria and were invited to present to the community at which sponsored meeting on February 13 2024 uh Amry presented its proposal and garnered support from Community residents elected officials and Community associations both during the meeting in the subsequent Public public comment period um and M recommended the selection of Ambry as designated developer of these sites PFC approved the atted developer designation of Ambry Development Group LLC on April 17th 2024 for a 12- month period the vote request includes a comprehensive memo about the project in the PFC vult request um and 34 will Street LLC was created um which is a single purpose entity that would have ownership of the project I've provided some slides related to this book request which are displayed on the screen the first slide shows a Locus map of the site the second slide shows an aerial map of the site the third slide shows images of the existing conditions on site and the final slide shows renderings of the proposed building the project consists of 12 affordable home ownership units um with six units offered at or below 80% Ami and six units offered at or below 1% Ami uh the unit mix consists of six two bedroom units and six three bedroom units if PFC approves the vote request 34 whe Street LC will accomplish the following tasks they'll be able to finalize fund commitments um finalize uh design plans to close on the sale of the city owned parcel and began construction of the project slated to begin in May of 2025 thank you and I'm here to answer any questions you may have uh no questions great you've got it all done in less than a year commission yeah no questions kudos to you tiar uh motion to approve second all in favor I I vote number four is approved moving to vote 5 vote 5 is a request for conveyance to 83 Wildwood LLC for vacant land located at 83 Wildwood Street in matapan the purchase price is recommended at $100 tiarra if you would please present vote five I here requesting PFC approval for the conveyance of one parcel of vacant land located at 83 Wildwood Street in the matapan neighborhood of Boston uh this paral was offered as part of the welcome home bosson program um in 83 Wildwood locc was created a single purpose entity will be the ownership entity of the project as background these part this parcel was included in the welcome home Boston phase to request for proposals which is publicly advertised purs to chapter 30b requirements including advertisements in the Cal register the boss heral and the City record uh k&t realy were the only applicant for this parcel offering uh they met the RFP eligibility criteria and were invited to present to the community at an moh sponsored meeting on February 15 2024 uh K&J realy presented its proposal um and govern support from Community residents uh both during the meeting and the subsequent public comment period M recommended the selection of K&G realy as a designated developer of the sites PC approved the attended developer designation of K&G reality on April 17th 2024 for a 12-month period the vote package includes a comprehensive memo about the project and the see vote requests I provided some slides related to this vote request which are displayed on the screen uh the first slide shows a Locus map of the project of the site the second slide shows an aerial map of the site the third slide shows uh sorry the proposed rendering of the site the project consists of nine affordable home ownership units with five units offered at or below 80% Ami and four units offered at or below 100% Ami the unit mix consist of one onebom unit two two bedro units and six three B units if PFC approves the vote request 83 Wildwood LLC will accomplish the following tasks they'll be able to finalize funding commitments close on the sale of the city on parcel and begin construction of the projects lated to begin in May 2025 thank you and I'm here to answer any questions you may have uh no questions again good project commissioner no questions T I just want to commend you on you know these past five projects a lot of work had to go into this and just want to commend you for moving uh the agenda forward on creating these uh well- needed affordable housing unit so thank you very much for that work and no no no comments or more questions than approve uh second all in favor all right vote number five is approved moving to vote six thank you vote number six is being presented by Antonio Le senior Senior Housing Development officer with the Neighborhood Housing Development Division ofoh vote 6 is a request for conveyance to mass Vibe homes LLC for five vacant land Parcels located on Belo Avenue in Seldon Street in Dorchester this is vacant land located at 65 belue Avenue 71 Belo Avenue 80 Seldon Street 106 Seldon Street in an unnumbered parcel on Seldon Street doorchester the purchase price is recommended at $500 Antonio if you would please prevent please present vote six great thank you and good morning Commissioners I am here to request PFC approval for the conveyance of five Parcels as mentioned located at 65 Bellow Avenue 75 excuse me 71 Bellow 80 Seldin 106 Seldin and unnumbered Seldin Street in D question neighborhood to the ownership entity of mass 5 homes LLC these Parcels were made available through a land disposition request for proposal issued by the mayor's office of housing emphasizing a preference for income restricted home ownership the comprehensive details of this project and the associated PFC vote request are included in the enclosed memo as background PSC approved the tenative designation to Visionary uh investors building Equity LLC by and mass construction Management Inc on April 17th 2024 or 16 move period Mass VI homes LLC the single purpose entity will be the ownership entity of the project these Parcels were included in wel home Boston initiative request for proposals which were publicly advertised Pur student to chapter 3B requirements including advertisements in the a and Herald in the central register and City record the RP was issued on October 2nd 2023 prior to the advertising moh announced the inclusion of the above Parcels in the welcome home Boston Phase 2 program at various Community meetings in the summer of 2023 after receiving resident support M MOA issued the RFP on October 2nd of 2023 furthermore M staff attended in held Community presentations uh on February 13th and February 15th of 2024 to review the comments uh to review and comment on the preferred developer which was meant with positive response Visionary investor building Equity LLC and mass construction Management Inc presented a strong application with a good development track record the they outlined the most comprehensive and reasonable development budget and have the capacity to take on the development in addition to their experience the applicants provided evidence of the group's ability to access financing VI and mcmi is a certified M or wbe company that meets M diversity and inclusion goals in it's leadership and development team an important element of its proposal the development team has included a plan to engage local and minority contractors and subcontractors to maximize through its bidding process uh with that being said I've provided slides related to this vote requests which will be displayed on the screen the first provides an aerial map of the Bellow Parcels which there are two the second slide shows the preliminary renderings for those sites the the third slide displays an aerial map of the Seldon Parcels which there are three and finally the fourth slide is the lary renderings for those Parcels as well the in conclusion the project will create the following public benefits the creation of 18 affordable home ownership units in five buildings the affordability mix will include nine prate income sales for households earning below or at 80% of area Medi income and nine uh middle income sales for households earning or at uh 100 Ami in addition uh these new home ownership opportunities will be for bostonians that are firsttime home buyers if PSC approves the vote request mass by homes LLC the ownership entity will complete various tasks or undertake undertaken to date that include uh closing on all funding for the project closing on the sale of the city own parcel and begin construction on the project slated to begin in the second quarter of this year with that being said I want to thank you and I here to answer any questions you may have uh no questions sounds like great project commissioner uh go you all right can't hear you me now did we lose them we can hear you now better enough no further comment motion to approve second all in favor I I vote number six is approved this concludes the agenda foroh for today's meeting do we have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all in favor hi all meeting in J thank you for