. >> Good morning. Good morning and welcome to today's second prior to the meeting of the Boston Public Utilities Commission, I'm going to hand it over to Rob. What are you getting Commissioners? This meeting is being recorded and broadcast live. Colleen, if you would please contact the roll call. Thank you. Participants please in your device confirm your presence when I call your name beginning roll call with the commission Catherine Kraven Chair thank you. Larry Mumolo Commissioner President Donald Regan. Mr. President Rob Arcangelo, legal advisor President Catherine Pendleton, Admiral Clark as in next with the mayor's office of Housing Christine O'Keefe, interim director for state represent true sister children program manager Gro Boston President Joe Baca Senior Development Officer NEHTA President. I'll read for the record the remainder of the individuals who were in attendance but will not be presenting at today's meeting attendees you do not need to review your device. Elizabeth Felton, a paralegal for the PFC Shani's Fletcher assistant director Boston Lawrence Ford's assistant counsel and James McDonough McDonough senior staff Attorney Manoogian Program Manager of Real Estate and Management Sales Division and this concludes Roll Call. Thank giving this morning Christine O'Keefe, interim director nominated for the mayor's housing motion. Just five votes on the agenda for today. Just to note we will be taking the votes out of water and we'll be hearing those five first vote number five is also being presented by Joe Baca, senior development officer with NHP. This is a request for amendment the vote of July ninety two thousand twenty three to extend the deadline to designation and to sell period from twenty four to thirty six months. The Madison Park Development Corporation vacant land located seventy five negating one W. Street Roxbury also to know Commissioner Wright submitted a disclosure notice for seventy five one Dudley Street and is requesting to recuse himself from discussing and voting on the above referenced matter. Avoid a potential conflict of interest yo if you would please present my thanks and good morning Commissioners. I'm here requesting the approval of an extension the developer designation of Madison Park Development Corporation for the parcel identified in the vote package in the Roxbury section of Boston as background voted to approve a twenty four month tenant of developer designation of Manhattan Park on July 18th twenty nineteen and a subsequent nine month extension was approved by the FCC on August 18th twenty twenty one. However subsequent to those votes the development team determined the changes to the site planning building layout were needed in order to comply with city requirements for the protection of street trees bordering the castle including a change number of total proposed residential units in the course of progressing these new designs and revised budget, the developer designation lapsed so the UPMC voted on June 15th twenty twenty two to approve a twelve month attended developer designation that included a new development plan and voted again on July nineteen twenty twenty three to extend that designation you can refer to the enclosed project memo submitted by the Commission vote requesting the full process development and designation in background. This project will create fifteen total home ownership residential units comprising four one bedroom units and eleven two veteran units. These homes will be affordable to households with incomes at eighty percent and one hundred percent. Alabamy the Madison Park team has made significant progress in the time since the most recent both and they have completed the milestones that we expected it to achieve in that time. This included securing the EPA for approval of the project changes this March and Zoning Board of Appeals approval of the updated and requested zoning variances this past May Madison Park has also continued to provide regular community updates to neighborhood groups including the Roxbury's Strategic Master Plan Oversight Committee, the Highland Park Project Review Committee and the Highland Park Architectural Conservation District Commission. If the FCC votes to approve this extension of the tentative developer designation, Madison Park will advance the designs for this building through to construction drawings this summer selected general contractor and finalized all the remaining funding and financing amendments that it needs for the project have included slides related to this request. One is site map. The second slide is a photograph of the site and the third site is a architect's rendering of the proposed building if approved this time extension request which expects to return to the PSC for conveyance request when funding sources are committed and when project designs are advanced sufficiently for construction to begin. I'm here to answer any questions you may thank you. Thank you. Any questions will commission from very little questions like that. I believe I will probably process by extension yes. Second I have it thank you for trying to recruit. Thank you. Going back to the agenda to vote No one vote No one is being presented by Teresa Strickler, program manager with the Girl Boston Division of MSH . This is a request for a tentative designation and intent to sell the Boston Farms Community Land Trust Inc for vacant land located in one fifteen to one twenty three Byrd Street Dorchester the purchase price is recommended at one hundred dollars. Teresa if you would please present one. Thank you Robert. Good morning missioners I'm here requesting PFC approval for a tentative developer designation of Boston Farms Community Land Trust Inc hereafter referred to as Boston firm SEAL Team for the parcel identified in the vote package in the Dorchester section of Boston MSH conducted an extensive public process that resulted in this vote request MSHA has engaged community members about the future of this site dating back to a twenty fifteen Magnolia and Alexander corridor planning process which resulted in the selection of this site for our future urban farm. Most recently MSH held community meetings in partnership with the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative in March twenty twenty two January twenty twenty three and May twenty twenty three to discuss with community members the preservation of this parcel is open space for urban agriculture support by community members and neighbors with strong requests for proposals was issued on January 16th. Twenty twenty four and advertised in the state Central Register The Boston Herald and the City Record. Two development teams applied to the RFP and were determined to meet the eligibility criteria MSH held a community meeting in partnership with the Street Neighborhood Initiative to review both eligible proposals and March twenty twenty four based on community feedback and I'm to review of the proposals against the RFP evaluation criteria we recommend the designation of Boston firm Keltie Boston firm SEAL Team has developed urban farms in Boston and has identified experienced partners to successfully complete this project. Acquisition of this parcel will enable Boston firm Keltie to develop an urban farm with community garden gathering space. The vote package includes a comprehensive memo about the project and possible request. I've also provided for slides related to the budget request which are going to be displayed on the screen. The first is an aerial map of the parcel. The second is a satellite view of the parcel. The third is a street view of the parcel from Birch Street and the fourth is the preliminary design for the urban farm which includes annual vegetable production space, a shaded seating area and a shed and produce watch station. In the summary, if PFC approves the vote request it will result in the following public benefits the proposed project will permanently preserve this open space as an urban farm. In addition, the city will avoid approximately seven hundred and fifty dollars per year in annual maintenance costs and return the property to productive use after more than thirty two years in our inventory I'm here to answer any questions you may have no questions I'd like to get do with a lot of questions outstanding by the motion to approve. Second, all in favor are no no one is approved. We are told no to vote. No two is also being presented by Theresa Strickland program manager for Gro Boston. Vote two is a request for conveyance to mass liberation or vacant land located at one ninety one ninety eight and 192 Blue Hill Avenue Roxbury. The purchase price is two hundred dollars. Theresa if you would please that vote to thank you Rob. I'm here requesting PFC approval for the conveyance to Mass Liberation Inc hereafter referred to as Mass Liberation for the parcels identified in the vote package in the Roxbury neighborhood of Boston. This matter was last before you in January of twenty twenty four when PFC voted to approve the extension the tentative developer designation of mass liberation. To refresh the commission's memory, MFH conducted a public process that led to that vote in this subsequent request Emily held meetings in July, August and November of twenty twenty to discuss with community members the development of these parcels as part of the Blue Hill Avenue Action Plan a holistic approach to the disposition and development of city parcels along the Blue Hill Avenue corridor community members supported the issuance of a request for proposals. An RFP was issued on April twenty fifth twenty twenty two and advertised in the state Central Register. The Boston Herald and the City Record. One development team applied to the RFP for the parcels identified in this vote package and was determined to meet the eligibility criteria. M.O.B. We told a community meeting to review all eligible applicants responding to the RFP in September twenty twenty two support from community members for this proposal with strong PFC approved the designation of Mass Liberation Inc on January 18th twenty twenty three and the designation was advertised in the city record on May 6th and thirteenth of twenty twenty four since designation mass operation has finalized the site design and development budget with community input and completed fundraising for the project including one hundred and fifty thousand dollar award of grassroots funding and a three hundred and twenty three thousand dollar award of community Preservation Act funding. The vote package includes a comprehensive memo about the project and PFC budget request . I've also provided slides related to the budget request which are displayed on the screen. The first is an aerial map the parcel's the second is a satellite view of the parcels. The third is the street view of the parcels and the fourth line is the proposed design for the site with Blue Hill Avenue on the left hand side and including raised garden beds for community use a short walking path through a wooded area and a stage and lawn for community events. This project has the support of local residents, neighbors and city Councilor Tony Fernandes Anderson. In summary, if he approves this request it will result in the following. Public benefits will preserve approximately five thousand and forty seven square feet of land as protected open space after more than thirty two years and which is inventory will create community gathering space with raised garden beds for food production and increase the tree canopy with the addition of new shade trees. I'm here to answer any questions you may know. Thank the no questions no no no questions. Good project voted to approve second all in favor are No. Two is approved we go number three but number three is the final vote we presented by Theresa's four children program manager for Gro Boston. This is a request for a vote to amendment to the tentative developer designation extension vote of December 13th. Twenty twenty three to extend the tentative designation and intend to sell period from fifty four to six months to Urban Housing Corporation for vacant land located in unnumbered parcel on Amory Street Roxbury. Teresa if you would please present both three. Thank you Robert. I'm requesting Yevsey approval for the extension of the tentative developer designation of Urban Edge Housing Corporation hereafter known as Urban for the personally identified in the vote package in the Roxbury section of Boston as background prior to the developer designation in January twenty twenty which conducted an extensive public process, M.O.B. told Community a community meeting in March of twenty nineteen to discuss with community members the development of this parcel as open space support by the community was strong. Our request for proposals was issued in July twenty nine twenty nineteen and advertised in the State Central Register, the Boston Herald and the City Record. One development team applied to the RFP and was determined to meet the eligibility criteria. PSC approved the tentative developer designation of Urban Edge Housing Corporation on January 15th. Twenty one since the initial designation vote, Urban Edge has made substantial progress on the construction of an affordable housing project adjacent to this person. This parcel is currently licensed to a subsidiary of Urban Edge and is in use as a construction staging area for that affordable housing project once the parcel is cleared of construction material which is scheduled for late summer twenty twenty four Urban Edge will be able to begin construction on the public open space staff changes at Urban Edge initially delayed the advancement of the design and budget for this project, but Urban Edge has a strong track record of completing projects with more complexity than the average street park and now has the staff capacity on hand to complete the project. Urban is currently in the process of refining recently advanced site design designs based on community feedback which will allow them to finalize their project budget in the spring of this year, Urban Edge received an award of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars in grassroots funding and has made progress and significantly reducing the overall project budget Urban Edge continues to work with them staff to explore additional funding opportunities and face the project design based on available funding sources and their timelines. I'm just requesting a six extension of urban areas tentative developer designation to allow the development team additional time to finalize their site design and budget for the project which expects to return to PSC or conveyance vote this fall to make possible the development of this important community resource. The package includes a comprehensive memo about the project to PFC budget request. I've also provided for slides related to this budget request which displayed on the screen. The first is an aerial map of the Pursell second is a satellite view of the parcel. The third is a street view of the parcel just prior to its use for construction staging and the fourth shows three preliminary design options for this site all of which include new shade trees and public seating areas. In summary, if PNC approves the budget request to extend the tentative developer designation by six months, it will lead to the following public benefits. It will preserve a long vacant property as a community open space for a neighborhood with limited green space. In addition, the city will void approximately nine hundred seventy six dollars per year in annual maintenance costs and return the property to productive use after more than 13 years in our inventory I'm here to answer any questions you may have. We do expect that in the next six months you'll vote yes then the team has been making really good progress recently and they're very close to getting a finalized design and budget based on that design. No questions with no right no, obviously this is moving forward. The question motion to approve. So again all in favor greaseproof. Thank you both for oh number for being presented by Joe Becker Senior Development officer with the Neighborhood Housing Development Division of Mammoet. This is a request for amendment to the vote of July 19th twenty twenty three to extend the designation and intend to lease period from 60 to seventy two months to Kroos Development Corporation. This is for portions of vacant land located at one thirty five Dudley Street two four three zero nine two four zero six Washington Street in Roxbury. Joe if you would please present OK one thank you. Good afternoon Commissioner. I am requesting the approval for a 12 month extension to the developer designation and approved development corporation for the parcels identified in the package. The Roxbury section of Boston PSC voted to approve the twenty four month tenant developer designation approved development on July 17th twenty nineteen and voted to extend the designation on August 18th twenty twenty one as well as July 19th twenty twenty three you can refer to the enclosed project background memo submitted to prior permission both requests for the whole process development and designation background since the last PSC vote group's development has hit a number of very significant milestones in advancing this project. Crucially approved development successful this winter in securing an award of eight point three dollars million in funding from the state's Executive Office of Housing and Local Communities as well as an allocation of nearly thirty dollars million in tax credits and in partnership with the city of Boston. This project has been awarded four million dollars in mass works infrastructure funds from the executive Office of Economic Development, the city of Boston increased development staff from the Bronx Great Courthouse and the state's division of Capital Asset Management Maintenance also reached an agreement regarding how your side of this new development will interface with the Roxbury courthouse and this required close coordination over a number of months to ensure that the needs of all of these parties were properly approved. Development has been in close and frequent contact with our team at the mayor's office with housing to revise and update the plans and budgets for this very complex project as all this work has moved forward, Cristabel has worked hard to keep the community updated, including multiple updates delivered to the Roxbury Strategic Master Plan oversight Committee, which originally endorsed the developer designation of increased development. I've included in slides for the the the first shows the site map with the parcels in the package the second and third slides show renderings of the proposed project and fourth slide shows the current street level view of the site though in summary the extension of the tenant developer designation will allow crews to finalize its financing commitments from public and private lenders and investors and to prepare for the beginning of construction if PFC approves the time extension request which expects to return to the PFC for a conveyance vote request once those funding commitments are made at once, designs have advanced sufficiently for work to begin. I can answer any questions. Well there's some history but those are relatively the electroplate the to for the two states the go ahead so it's good to see something actually moving on this project. I also understand covid and other issues have delayed a lot of stuff but as I did get concerned we're getting to seventy two months of a designation. But that being said hopefully this project looks like a good project. So questions for the yeah. I just want to commend Joe and the team for the work they've done on really trying to drive this home. I know that it's a complexities to that site. So again a lot the diligence by the team is definitely paramount. So appreciate your work on that and to approve second all in favor of both the fourth group to return our favor. This concludes the agenda for today's meeting. >> Thank you. Thank someone that both. --------- Good morning. Good morning and welcome to today's meeting of the Public Service Commission McRaven joined by my fellow commissioners. I'm a lowly right hand man over huge. Good morning Commissioners. I'm sorry but that's OK. Morning Commissioners. This meeting is being recorded and broadcast. Before we get started I will ask Colleen Daley, the FCC secretary to take a roll call of the meeting participants. Thank you. If you would please conduct the roll call. Sorry for jumping in so quickly . Thank you. Please enter your device and confirm your presence when I call your name beginning roll call with the commission Catherine Kraven Chair President Larry Mumolo Commissioner. Larry can use of sorry Donald Ray Robert Arcangelo Assistant Counsel Catherine Pendleton out of the clerk as in with Patty Carleson Jones who was recommended for the position of director today primarily a senior project manager Robert to DeSalvo Special Project Manager Operations Cabinet, May's office president and I'll read for the record the remainder of the individual in attendance attendees do not need to hear your advice when I call your name Ron McNulty deputy director Elizabeth Felt my paralegal for the PFC Stephen Ipoh assistant director for construction and this concludes thank you. Thank you, Colin. The first order of business before you this morning concerns staff meeting minutes with the Public Facilities Department and the mayor's office of Housing on May 22nd. Twenty twenty four is there a motion to approve? So I'm all in favor once and for all I meeting minutes of May twenty second twenty twenty four from PVD and Midwater hereby approved for the Public Facilities Department. We have Jones was recommended for the position of director of PMC today PMed has three more requests on the agenda. Oh no one is being presented by Brian Melior Senior Project Manager for PFG. Oh no one concerns an amendment to the vote of December 14th two twenty two year contract with Sasaki Architects PC to provide architectural design and construction administration services associated with the Boston City Hall and Plaza Renovation Phase two project located on City Hall Square request for an increase of Wonderly and sixty nine thousand nine hundred fifty one dollars for the design services contract. Brian if you would please present no one. Thank you. Good morning Commissioners both No one is for a design amendment for society architects PC for design services related to an increase in scope for the phase two of City Hall Plaza. The the phase two of work will where the south side of the city on Lozar which will raise new renovations to the congesting steer's and structural and waterproofing reconstruction for the garage. This also includes a continuation of services on the fourth floor patio area which was a part of the amendment number three scoring services which includes one including staff the weakness and accessibility up on the fourth floor the the total of basic services and design V is nine hundred and sixty nine thousand five hundred fifty one with one hundred thousand dollars for additional services for that for that first increase in design gained I can elaborate a little history of this and this amendment wanted to work for phase one which was a great success for the city and the community at home amendments three and four today it's for the phase two portion which I just mentioned includes the fourth floor of City Hall and the south side of the plaza. There's been a lot of it maybe Catherine, that we can share that the slides just to show some of the existing conditions . You can see the first of all I believe it's a bird's eye view of the scope of work we're trying to achieve here which will show the fourth floor work . There's as I said, little snapshots of the fourth one versus part of this building. It also includes the south side and garage repairs including the Congress Street stairs which is currently shown in a temporary situation because the failure it's in a failure mode. So it's saying we want to make sure it's safe for the next 50 years. It's really what we're doing is really addressing the bones of the building in this in this design phase which already has and waterproofing excessive next. So over here is a snapshot of which I just talked about. That's the big skylight. There's a lot of currently there's a lot of leaks up on the fourth floor which wall down into occupied spaces. So we will be addressing the skylights and waterproofing the decking and also as part of this work is dressing the concrete which is the vertical on the building itself within that courtyard next. This is just a concept plan of the area that we're dressing up on the fourth floor Midcity will as part of the phase one that we see on the bottom of your screen there was a new handicapped ramp that we made to the fourth floor and what we intend to do is is carry that through so we have accessibility on the fourth floor right down into the city hall plaza and of course waterproofing structure is up there as well. Next and these are just a snapshot of some existing conditions. You can see the Congress stairs. Those will be completely redone in some of the existing conditions the plaza and then underneath where the garage is you can see the failure some of the existing beams and concrete deck which are 60 years old and the waterproofing steel you can see some of the netting that was put out by property management to protect persons or property in the garage. So we're addressing all these we did we did an extensive study and investigative work with the structural engineers we have on board and we've determined exactly the areas that need to be addressed next questions slow motion. Thank you. Thanks very much. We have a vote on the approval of I thought we did. I couldn't hear it. It was like all in favor. No no one is approved vote no to vote no to is a request for the vote. No. Two was a request for the appointment of Carleton Jones to the position of director of the public facilities Department and a request for amendment to the prior Certificate of Authority approved by the Commission. If approved, Garland will serve at the pleasure of the Commission is director of the Public Health Facilities Department will be the Executive Officer of the Commission authorized and empowered to exercise such powers is necessary for the administration and management of the facilities department and to perform such duties as the Commission shall determine from time to time the amended Certificate of Authority that's called Jones the FDA's new director and Ronn McNulty as deputy director to be authorized signatories on behalf of the public facilities Department for the purposes stated therein this is a housekeeping matter the motion I have a motion to approve second, I thank you all very well. Graduation's Karlton. Thank you very much. Thanks to these commissioners our number two is approved on to vote number three introduced Derek de Silva, special special projects manager operations cabinet, the mayor's office. Phone number three is being presented. Our vote number three concerns the adoption of the naming or renaming of municipal buildings policy pursuant to the authority granted under under the City of Boston Code Ordinances Section eight dash eleven point one. Derek, if you would please present well number three good morning, Commissioner. I'm here to request a vote to adopt the naming or renaming of municipal buildings policy pursuant to the authority granted under City of Boston Code Ordinances Section eleven dash one or Section eight dash eleven point. The purpose of this policy is to establish city process and procedure in connection with the premises authority to name or rename municipal buildings. The policy outlines the requirements for renaming position renaming petitions which originate with the mayor, city council or department holding care and custody of the building to be renamed. We are seeking the PVCs approval of this policy in order to provide the consistency to naming or renaming petitions and operationalize the PVCs authority on these matters. I welcome the opportunity to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for your time and consideration for any questions from the Commissioner's request during your emotion. Both interviews on favor. I thank you motion carries a number three is approved this includes please agenda for today's meeting. Is there a motion to adjourn motion to return on the favorite holiday I think you have just a couple of minute break