. Good morning. Good morning. Welcome to the public Facilities Commission. Before us today is the Public Facilities Department. This morning commissioners. This meeting is being recorded and broadcast live. My name is Schamus Silentium, assistant corporation counsel in city law department filling in for Public Facilities Commission legal adviser Teeley before we get started I will ask Colleen Daley, the PFC secretary, to take the roll call of the meeting participants. Eileen, if you would please conduct the roll call please me device and confirm your presence when I call your name beginning roll call with the commission Larry Moli Commissioner Present Donald Ray Commissioner President Seamus Hyland Assistant Grove Counsel Present and with Pedro McNulty Deputy Director Present Wayne Mackenzie Project Manager to present Tom Kazmierski Senior Project Manager President Delux Project Manager to present Rabson Casta Senior Project Manager President. I'll read for the remainder of the individuals who are in attendance but do not need to device Elizabeth Veltman, paralegal for the PFC Evan Brinkman Assistant Director for operations and design at Multi well assistant director for Construction and this concludes The Roll Call. Thank you Madam Clerk. Voting for the record and for the Public Facilities Department we have with us from McNulty, the deputy director of the Department PVD has four requests on the agenda for today vote No. One is being presented by Wayne Mackenzie, project manager to four vote number one concerns an amendment to the vote on July 19th twenty twenty three for a contract with util Inc. to provide architectural design and construction administration services associated with the South End Library Project located at six eighty five Tremont Street in the South and District asked for an increase of one million seven hundred seventy five thousand thirty dollars to the Design Services Contract or design development through construction documents. Wayne if you please present vote number one. Thank you. Good morning Commissioners. I'm here to request an amendment to the professional design contract with you to ink for the Selden Library project as far as the overview project overview the Public Facilities Department is managing the design and construction of the project which is located at 685 Fremont Street in the South and the background utility was retained to provide design and construction ministration services for the project which included the scope of services which requested an architect who was registered Commonwealth of Massachusetts to lead a team of consultants including the state landscape architect civil engineer Geotech engineer, structural fire protection plumbing HPC Telecommunications Interior Engineer a specification writer called Code Consultant Hazardous Materials Consultant Building Avallone Specialist Experience in the following types of projects urban leadership and energy and environment Design Lead and Community Engagement. The reason for this amendment the amendment is for additional money secours to cover design related costs from design development through construction documents not including the construction Administration. The original design contract was only funded for the design study through schematic design with the intent of coming back as additional funds became available. Construction Administration funds will be requested under a future amendment when again additional funds become available. The funds requested are approved by the city Office of Budget Management and now if I may direct your attention to the PowerPoint slides the first excuse me the first slide depicts the front of the existing library. The second slide you see the side of the existing library and the third slide will show the back of the existing library. This building is the one that's going to be torn down and the new one built in its place as far as design scene location this the is in accordance with the possibilities guidelines for for design calculation with negotiate additional services not to exceed one million seven seventy five thousand four hundred fifty three dollars with the completion of the remaining work to be done and final payment made on or before October 25th of twenty and twenty eight. In conclusion I'm seeking the party's approval to amend the professional design and Construction Administration Service contract with you to your bank for the reasons presented which are also noted in the project background memo memorandum submitted with this request at this time I welcome the opportunity to answer any questions you may have and thank you for your time and consideration are no questions about a project no questions Commissioner to of set in favor no one is approved but number two is being presented by Tom Keselowski Senior Project manager for PVD. Number two is a request for contract Warren to Sasaki Architects PC to provide architectural design and construction administration services associated with the North End Community Center Project located at 741 Commercial Street in the North End. The contract price recommended six million seven hundred forty six thousand eight hundred eighty four dollars. If you would please present vote no to thank you. Good morning Commissioners on the request vote for approval to a more conventional design and construction ministries administration service contract to architects for the North End Community Center Project. The Public Facilities Department has managed the design and construction Project which is located at seven forty one commercial Street Boston Mass. One on three. In addition is working with the Center for Used Boston Sallies to time deliver the design services for the project within two weeks of the contract execution. The School of Design Services consists but is not limited to preparation of schematic design alternatives and then design development services for the for the selected alternative development of construction contract documents which which will be inclusive of development of an early bid in site enabling package for site foundations superstructure as the design may allow procurement services prequalification bid in ward construction and administration administration service services and final closeout in warranty period period. I direct your attention to the PowerPoint slides so this slide is a view of the project site location located on Commercial Street in the Boston's North End Community. Thank you. That's the last slide the city the city publicly advertised for professional design services through request for qualification process pursuant to Master Loston 7c they advertise the advertisement was submitted to the city small local business enterprise office for Distribution notice on its listserv Infocom application in the city record in the Boston Globe on February seven twenty twenty four additionally the advertisement appeared in the Massachusetts Secretary of State said the Register posting on February 2034 in response to the article ten firms submitted a statement of qualifications for the project on March six. Twenty twenty four the selection committee comprised of five people with experience in design and planning and construction from the city of Boston's Public Facilities Department. The only project manager, which is PMA consultants in the Boston Center for Youth Families reviewed the qualifications of each firm on May 2nd twenty twenty four using defined criteria in the RFQ on May 3rd twenty twenty four for firms were short listed by the selection committee in Tazaki Architects. PwC was recommended as a top design firm due to its experience with the site and project for their involvement in the study The North End Community an excellent past experience with PFG on public construction projects. In addition, pursuant to the city's efforts in increasing participation and in WPE and city contracts, the following consultants to the firm a state certified women business enterprises and minority business enterprises the Women in Business Enterprises firms include JSC Consulting Engineers for Consulting Ivanna Inc for cost Estimating and Scheduling Soden Sustainability for Sustainable Design and Consulting HlV lighting designers Writing Consultant in Employment and Radlick Engineering for Energy Modeling the following some consultants are state certified minority business enterprises. Our associates Associates Structural Engineering Infonet Fernandez Associates for Fire Protection Environment in accordance with the Arcus Guidelines for Design Fee Calculation and Zakiyah Architects PFC negotiated the design fee not to exceed six million seven forty six thousand eight hundred eighty four including to four million three hundred thirteen thousand eight hundred eighty four for additional services. The design fee is based on an estimated construction cost of sixty five million dollars and conclusion I'm seeking the Public Facilities Commission's approval to water professional design and Construction Administration Administration Service Contract to Zygi Architects PC and I'm here to answer any questions you may have and I thank you for your time and consideration to comment. While certainly not everyone is thrilled by this and to the Federal Budget Office that this point is only approved the design funding the sixty five billion for construction is that of a capital budget are I believe it's coming out of the actual budget? Yes. Also wanting to go with this project we did we are receiving a federal grant of twenty million dollars and so persistance debate intensely not maybe more but right now we're getting a grant of twenty million for this project that that was the part that was taken. That's great Mr. Great work on the equity side would then be so excited about that particular motion to approve second all in favor I vote No. Two is hereby approved for a number three is being presented by Mr. Lux project manager to four PVD number three concerns recommended contract awarded to James Kalakh Texture and Design LLC to provide house doctor consulting services for various city facilities, projects and or sites. Design Review Consulting services will be performed on an as needed basis on July 1st twenty twenty three through June 30th twenty twenty eight the contract award is identified on the agenda and included in the supporting documents. The agenda identifies there's a recommended contract price not to exceed one million dollars for Category two which is green building technology and sustainability or a five year period. Alistar if you would please present this budget request. Good morning Commissioners'. The following information provide an overview of the fiscal year twenty twenty four for fiscal year twenty twenty eight Design Review Consulting Services Project which is being brought before you for a vote of approval to award the design services contract to James Carr Architecture and Design and Design Review Category to Green Building and Sustainability. The city publicly advertised for professional design services to request for qualifications process pursuant to mmHg all Chapter seven see the advertised. It was submitted to the City of Small Local Business Enterprise Office for Distribution and Notice on its listserv after publication in the City Record and the Boston on March 27th twenty twenty three additionally the advertisement appeared in the Massachusetts Secretary of State's Central Register weekly posting on March twenty nine twenty twenty three due to the limited number of African firms responding to the initial RFQ, the RFQ was reissued and appeared once again in the city record and in the Boston Globe on May twenty nine twenty twenty three and additionally the advertisement also appeared again in the Massachusetts Senate race Secretary of State's Central Register a weekly posting on May thirty first twenty twenty three the scope of services were detailed in the RFQ the term of the FBI twenty four to twenty eight design review consulting services contract is from July 1st twenty twenty three to June 30th twenty twenty eight in response to the reissued RFQ one additional firms submitted a statement qualifications for Category two by the Aso Kudo date of June 14th twenty twenty three at 11:00 a.m. the aforementioned proposal was reviewed and discussed among a designer selection committee members on July 18th. Twenty twenty three and thereafter each member evaluated and rated Q using the evaluation criteria stated in the published RFQ. Next the ratings were tallied by the designer selection administrator and the firm. The shortlist then ranked in order of appropriateness for the project on July 18th twenty twenty three the ranking was based on experience of similar design review projects in Category two and unqualifiedly Patients and experience with design review of new and renovation chapter one forty nine one forty nine eight projects and the quality of past design review comments the Design Select Design Selection Committee recommended one firm for the FBI twenty four to twenty eight design Review Consulting Services category to to the director of the Public Facilities Department as a result of this firm's overall qualifications and experience with design review consulting services no interviews were conducted and the proposed contract price is as follows. A design review category to green building sustainability a one million maximum amount per contract for a five year period. Thus I'm seeking the Public Facility Commission approval to award a design review consulting services contract to James Carr Architecture and Design LLC and wants to know that this vote request is delayed due to obtaining necessary paperwork from this vendor. I look forward to discussing and answering any questions you may have and thank you for your time in review of this important matter. No questions. No questions Mr. Out of Favor I the number three is hereby approved but number four is being presented by Robertson Caster's senior project manager for the phone number for is a request for contract awarded to Perkins Will Architects Inc to provide programing and design through schematic design associated with the Madison Park Technical Vocational High School Project located at seventy five Malcolm X Boulevard Roxbury. The contract prices recommended at seven million four hundred twenty five thousand dollars Robertson if you please present vote number four. Thank you. Good morning Commissioners I presenting some for you the contract with Perkinson will as stated aforementioned by Mr. Howard the scope of services is to provide programing design services during the design phase for the renovation of the massive part technical vocational high school currently located at seventy five Malcolm X Boulevard and Roxbury National Park Technical Vocational High School Harlene takes up sixty percent of the education complex located at the aforementioned address and was dorms in the 1970s and is the major repairs and renovations. The intent of the project is to update facilities so the faculty can provide technical vocational training for the jobs of the present and future as part of their services design the education plan in approved programing to help determine the optimal layout of the new facility in Project will qualify for LEED neeps silver certification and will incorporate the new ordinance from December 11, 2019 to requiring them to report there will be an extensive public engagement and presentation portion of this project process to the selection committee put together as a minimum of six members combination of both PMG members, Boston Public Schools representatives and the opio for this project Leitchfield LLC. We also have a committee member who also happens to be a massive partner on the Designer Selection Committee. The request for qualifications for design services only appeared in the city's small local business enterprise office city record and the Boston Globe on March 25th twenty twenty four. Additionally, the advertisement appeared in Carmines and the Massachusetts Secretary of State's Central West through weekly posting on March twenty seven point twenty four in response to the answer to the following. So we had seven firms submit applications on April 17 twenty twenty four the aforementioned associates from the seven firms were received on May 22nd by This is not a selection committee and four firms are short listed at the end of the preliminary round there was an interview process held at massive for the foreign firms and selected companies as well was recommended for the project as a result of the firm's experience with other public vocational high school projects via the Chapter one forty nine process in similar cost projected cost as well as for the burden of team members on the extensive experience in their fields for similar projects and their combination of WB and firm selected as part of the team, Perkins and Will has partnered with the following MBA WB firms strongly Ark-La-Tex Singular Communications semiotician for civil engineering engineering Essi JSC Consulting and HGL in terms of a contract for one hundred fifty six weeks from data execution and he was determined to using the fixed schedule provided and design a solution handbook the termination of six point five percent. It should be noted that the seven point seven billion four hundred twenty five thousand dollars is about twenty percent of that overall free as it is already covered for the schematic design phase. But the reasons for the following reasons I think the public facilities emissions approval to want to design services contract to well I would like also to turn to the slide presentation. First of all, Mr. Bird's eye view of the overall campus Masataka early 2000 buildings seven one two and shares building four with adjoining O'Brien High School unicyclists this is building seven which is the Occupational Family Occupational Resources where vocational education programing is housed. Unicyclist and this is from the courtyard where building one which is to the left similar building seven of these buildings are being considered and consideration of the design process as well as to to the left of building number one inside and this is a rendering of potentially what what was said and feasibility studies configuration building seven, building one. Thank you to the commission for any questions you may have on the floor to answer no questions. A great project. Welcome. I am glad Commissioner will work on that. I can talk of selling all of our and a phone number four is hereby approved. This concludes Paddys agenda for today's PFC meeting. Is there a motion to adjourn this portion of the meeting to second all in favor of either. Thank Mr.. --------- Good morning. Welcome to a meeting of the Silence Commission before us this morning in the mayor's office that you take over. Yes, good morning Commissioners as a friendly reminder meeting is being recorded and broadcast live. My name is Schamus Financial Assistance Corporation counsel in the city law department filling in for the public facilities Commission legal adviser Teeley before we get started I will ask Colleen Daley, the PVCs secretary to take the roll call of the meeting participants please. Thank you Shamis participant please. I'm your device and confirm your presence when I call your name beginning roll call with the commission Larry Mimolette Commissioner Donald Ray Commissioner President Seamus Ireland Assistant Counsel present next with his Office of Housing Sheila Dillon Chief and Director Present Reanna Bernell Assistant Director FWD Present Manoogian Program Manager Real Estate Management Sales Division President read for the for the record the remainder of the individuals who are in attendance but will not be presenting in today's meeting. Attendees do not need to review your device. Elizabeth Felton, a paralegal for the PFC Antonio Senior Development Officer engaged Sierra Club special assistant to the director Lauren Forbes Assistant Counsel Law Department James McDonough Senior Staff Attorney MSH Rose Cho Acting Director of Real Estate Management Tools. I think I've included everybody. This concludes Roll Call. Thank you. Thank you for the first order of business before you this morning commissioners concerns the draft meeting minutes with the public Facilities Department and the Mayor's Office of Housing from the meeting on June twenty six twenty twenty four is there a motion to approve those minutes to a close second all in favor. I thank you. The meeting minutes of the June twenty sixth twenty twenty four meeting are hereby approved beginning this morning we have Sheila Delling, chief and director of the mayor's Office of Housing. There's obviously housing has to votes on the agenda for today but no one is being presented by Arianna Bernau, assistant director with the Neighborhood Housing Development Division of MSH. This is a request for amendment to the vote on August 17 twenty twenty three to extend the tentative designation and intend to sell period from twelve months to twenty four months to i l y b LLC for vacant land located at two unnumbered parcels on Washington Street in Roxbury grandnephew please present no one. Thank you Seamus. Good morning Commissioners' and are requesting PSC approval for a twelve month extension of the designation for the nominee NYP C of the partially identified package No one in the Roxbury neighborhood of Boston s background and extensive community process began in 2016 including numerous community evaluation committee meetings as part of a plan to be in square planning process in connection with the Roxbury Strategic Master Plan Oversight Committee also known as our symposium Dorothy is advertised pursuant to the provisions of the Massachusetts General Law Chapter 13 and made available to the public on November 18th. Twenty the advertising for the RFP appeared in the Boston Herald on November 18 in November twenty two thousand nineteen in the Central Register on November 20th twenty nineteen in the city record on November twenty in November twenty two thousand ninety employees received two responses that met the RFP eligibility criteria a project review committee associated with the RSPCA was established review committee consisted of community residents and businesses that worked with NOAA and EPA to evaluate the application sponsor community presentation and evaluate community comments and ultimately approve the development recommendation. PRC determined that IOI Be LLC was responsive to our criteria addressed important local equity and inclusion. Our P values our AYP LLC is a Roxbury based, is Roxbury based and minority owned and will provide the most appropriate and significant development and community benefits to the Roxbury community in the form of dance studio spaces, community cultural spaces and public transit for community use. The review Committee recommended the developer designation of AOB LLC the oversight committee who approved the recommendation on December 7th twenty twenty Aoba I am ybe Pelosi was recommended and approved for definitive developer designation at June fifteen twenty twenty two meeting after the parcel owned by the state was conveyed to Ms which the package includes a comprehensive memo about the project and request. I have also provided for handouts related to the policy related to this request which are displayed on the screen I all right the first is a locust mount. The second is an image showing the existing site and building . The third is a site plan showing a coordinated park design with the adjacent parcel eight and the fourth is a rendering of the future building i well I l y the LLC is proposing to rehab and extended building on the existing foundation in order to create ten performing arts studios and media mixing room at approximately seven thousand square feet of outdoor fire. The corridors of the building interior will provide a gallery space displays reflecting the cultural and artistic influences of the Nubians their neighborhood students. Piercey approved the developer designation. Weibe has submitted the initial plans to OASDI received feedback Dreambox and landmarks and the design submitted an application to match historic commission for historic tax credits submitted application to the mayor's Office of Arts and Culture Capital Funding and coordinator of the Park Design with the Castle Eighteen as required in this RFP AOB is still seeking private funding and other grants to complete the capital stack if PSC approves this request the nominee IOI B LLC will be able to identify a development consultant or partner continue to advance the designs, receive approval from the Zoning Board of Appeals and compile the necessary funding. The project will result in the following public benefits it will add to the cultural and performing spaces for small entrepreneurial artists in Union Square by offering studios at an hourly rate by providing youth programing in the performing arts and establishing a mentorship environment for the area youth. That concludes my presentation . I'm here to answer any questions. Thank you. Remuda. Thank you all. Sounds like a great no questions no exciting project. I know that there are some problems activation happening on the site. I want to thank you for allowing that to happen. Good use Gateway Arch so interesting. Great so said Internal Second our favorite you no one is approved but number two is being presented by Medwin project manager with the Real Estate Management and Sales Division of A.H. two is a request for a tentative developer designation and intend to sell to Candice, Terry and Lisa as Terry for vacant land located at an unnumbered castle on Mount Calvary Road in Roslindale. The purchase price is twenty six thousand dollars and if you would please present number to the morning Commissioners' my name is in New Year number one I'm a project manager in the Real Estate Management and Sales Division of the Mayor's Office of Housing. I am here requesting a PSC approval for the tentative developer designation to Terry and Lisa as Terry for the past identified the full package in the Roslindale neighborhood of Boston Mayor's Office of Housing conducted a public process that resulted in the developer designation and as tentative designation requests community notifications, letters were mailed in March and April twenty twenty four to inform the mayor's Office of Housing's intent to issue a request for proposal for the parcel. A request for proposal was issued on April twenty second twenty twenty four advertised in the state Central Register on April twenty four twenty twenty four The Boston Herald on April twenty second and twenty nine of twenty twenty four in the city record on April twenty nine in May six of twenty twenty four one proposal is received in response to the RFP by May twenty two thousand twenty four deadline and thus was determined to meet eligibility criteria and the offer price is appraised value. As for the appraised value the whole package includes a comprehensive memo about the project and PSC request also provide handouts related to this request which are displayed on the screen. The first is a sitemap Mr. or Mrs. Terry will utilize this site as a backyard to a new home and they plan to construct on the adjacent parcel they own on fifteen Mount Calvary Road. I think the other photo is there we go. We have an aerial view in summary as PSC approves this route requests arose and the following public benefits return to the vacant property and mayor's 2073 for four years back to productive use and the tax rolls the sell also generate twenty six thousand dollars and initial revenues from the sale and to answer any questions you may have thank you. No questions that the nobody we want to approve so our vendor number two is hereby approved and this concludes the agenda for today's the major portion of today's meeting. Is there a motion to adjourn this portion of the meeting motion to adjourn in our favor? I thank you. Thank you, commissioners. >> Thank you