Good morning. The city of Boston zoning board with in twenty twenty four is now in session. This hearing is being conducted in accordance with the applicable provisions of the open meeting law, including the updated provisions enacted by the legislature last year. The new law allows the board to continue its practice holding virtual hearings until March twenty twenty five. This hearing of the board is being held remotely in the event platform. This hearing is also the 57th Street in order to ensure this hearing of the board is open to the public. Members of the public access this hearing through telephone and video conferencing. The information for connecting to this hearing is listed on today's hearing agenda which is posted on the public notices page of the city's website Austin Members of the public will enter the virtual hearing as attendees which means you will not see yourself on the screen and you will be muted throughout this administrative unmuted. When asked to comment board members, applicants and attorneys or representatives will participate in the hearing as panelists and they will appear alongside the presentation materials when speaking outside encourage them to keep video on while presenting to the board as our in-person meetings, comments and support will be followed by comments and opposition, the audio comments follow elected officials, representatives of elected officials and members of the public. The chair may limit the number of people called on to offer comment and the time for commenting is time constraints required for that reason the board prefers to hear from members of the public who are most impacted by project that is those individuals who those closest to the project. If you wish to comment on an appeal please click the reset button along with bottom of your screen in the webinar platform. Click it again in your as you go down when the host sees your hand you will receive a request to yourself. Yes. And you should be able to talk if you are connected to the hearing by telephone please press star nine to raise your hand we must press our six. Don't beat yourself after you receive us from the host of those called upon to comment will be asked to state their name and address first and then provide in an interest of time and to ensure that you have enough time to do so please raise your and as soon as Mr. Stembridge goes into the record not raise your hand before the relevant address is called or the meeting post. We're not going to call on you at the appropriate time. Hey Mr. Stembridge, what about your brother? Good morning Mr. Valencia. Good morning Mom shouted present. Good morning Mr. Broza. Good morning Professor. Good morning as we well good morning Madam President. Good morning Mr. Langham. Good morning Madam Chairperson. Mr. Aitkin Wineman I'm sure I'm here. Good morning. The floor is yours Mr. Stembridge. Thank you madam. Here first we have an is scheduled for nine thirty manumission Walsham now the second that it was just Ambridge. Yeah Mr. Rentier yes it's better Broza as we well yes Mr. Langham yes. Thank you Mr. Aken. Yes. All right chair also votes yes the motion carries next year we have Extension's BlackBerry I will read all overmanned at one behind the other and if there are any I'm sure for the of the work we have one zero two nine two three one the rest of the thirty seven Saratoga's Street next we have to prepare in case case Bohane nine zero three six three five regardless of two thirty five in the street that we have a nine zero three six three six thirty seven and we have a case VOA one zero one zero one five nine zero five with the abuse of 296 Colombus that we have filed we have DVOA seven six three six one six the address of seven Street questions from the board may entertain Irmo a single motion to grant the extensions as requested can make a motion to grant all the extensions. That's right. Thank you ma'am. A second. Thank you Mr. Stembridge. Yes Mr. Valencia. Yes Inspector Broza. Yes Miss. We well yes Mr. Langham. Yes, ma'am. Mr. Egan. Yes Chair also yes. Motion carries natural move on to one final opportunity also you get your doctor first we have KVOA one for three three five three zero in the areas of seven to nine. Fernvale Street is the can and will be represented by one person. >> Hello can you hear me? Yes ma'am. My name is Valorize. I am the owner of Nine Prunedale, one of the owners. We are here requesting that the board reconsider one proviso that is in our application approval that states we need to chromeo papers for the reason that this is in this is causing significant financial hardship and something that no one else on our block was required to abide to. So we please request that you reconsider and allow us to pursue alternative ways of securing water and paving our project question. So is this connected to all of them to searching for now or are they separate projects? They're a connected driveway project. OK, so this request applies to the whole seven to nine eleven to thirteen correct. OK, Mr. Hampton, can you when I think about it chairmans boy Jeff Hampton BPA usually with model operator comes to you it's because it might be an impasse at some sort of design issue. They haven't started the design process here so big could be a solution done to help minimize the effect of this. But as you saw in the plants, the the backyard is going to be all paved for parking spaces. But our concern is that removing the proviso without even starting the process might set a bad precedent. So we just encourage them to reach out to the urban design department. I'm sure there could be some sort of solution worked out. Mr. Hampton, I have a question for you. Typically the BPA because forward motions that at least 30 percent of the open space be perennial surface, I wonder if that would be kind of a reasonable alternative because the proviso when I was looking at did say permeable pavers and I think we can be a little bit more loose so that's something that I would consider I would not be opposed to that or a better baraza just I'm here not to oppose you right now. I agree with you but I'd like provides it was a little bit restrictive so I was going to just clarify that to allow for the BPA to do its process in terms of the review of the site plan and that's why we are not so OK make sure process is followed which is yes. OK. Any other questions from the board. OK I'm sorry Mr. Stembridge go ahead. Should I agree with that. Yes yes sorry. So in any case for us to along with this in case voting one four zero eight seven three eight put the address on the one to thirteen Karambit we thank you. So may I have a motion Madam Chair I like to perform a motion to replace the proviso including specific permeable pavers to to this motion which would allow that BPA provide provides direction on the permeable surfaces and amount of the Ogola. OK so is it so if it relates to BPA I you I want to be able offices correct. It was only that specific proviso that they're coming before us right. Is there a Second Circuit, Mr. Stembridge? Yes. Mr. Valencia yes. Is better yes miss well yes. Mr. Langham, you're Mr. Aikin. Yes. Chair also votes yes motion carries thank you. Next we have you have around water conservation over Mr. Cage this case by the way, one five seven four three seven seven the address of twenty six on Chestnut Street with Apple and represent representatives run by Yes good morning madam Chair. Members of the board Martha casts the Castlebar seventy five Arlington Street in Boston. Attorneys for the applicant and this is a substantial renovation of a single family dwelling on chestnuts on Beacon Hill which is more than 50 percent of the assessed value of the building and therefore triggers the requirements of groundwater conservation over the district. And we have submitted the article 32 compliance letter from the Boston Water and Sewer Commission and the No Harm letter from our engineer and that is the request before he was a conditional use permit for the installation of a groundwater recharge system under article thirty two and that's that's the case. Thank you. Any questions from the board hearing nitinol? May I have a motion Madam Chair? I just want to testify that on the other side that's good morning. I'm an early boss and I'm trust and we have both from you. Thank you. Thank you. Well that may I have a motion I'm sure I make a milestone will motivation for the claims to be by transformation. It is very second sir. Mr. Stembridge. Yes Mr. Valencia. Yes, Miss Pedrosa. Yes. As we well yes. Mr. Ringham. Yes. Mr. yes. You're also yes. The motion carries thank you kindly up that we have been building code this case VOA one five seven seven eight six one to nineteen seventy three turn work at yes. Good morning again Madam Chairman. Members of the board the US the cast of seventy five Arlington Street in Boston attorney for applicant this board granted zoning relief for construction of a new fourth story for Unit Residential Building on August twenty nine of twenty twenty three and during the hearing the applicant agreed to convert ahead houses for roof access to couches for roof access and that is incorporated into this board's decision of the August twenty nine hearing one the the sole proviso I'm sorry no one of the provisos in that decision is to convert that head houses couches for roof access which was done by the architect and those plans were submitted to I as Dean and because there's an inconsistency between the zoning code and the building code that resulted in a building code, the letter citing that Riptech access will be done through a penthouse subclass. We seek a building code relief in order to comply with the previous proviso and provide for roof access through a hatch rather than a house which is what the revised plans currently show and that is that is the case for you. Thank you. Any questions from the board hearing that we have a motion? Madam Chair, I like to push for a motion of approval for building code really? Is there a second document, Mr. Stembridge? Yes, Mr. Amancio? Yes. Mr Barroso? Yes. Was we yes. Mr. Langham? Yes. Yes Chair also yes. Motion carries thank you kindly . Next we move on to hear from you in the area we have a case VOA want to ask any person to phone across but that would be a good idea if anyone have any request for Charles for the first time prior to the case being yes Mr Stanbridge one six four call any avenue that is both a zoning appeal and a building code appeal that would be the case be VOA one five seven six nine seven eight along with case be one five seven six nine eight zero. Thank you Mr Stembridge. Good morning Madam Chair. Members of the board my name is Jorge Francione attorney with the business address of three fifty West Point South Boston Madam Chair members I'd like to do two things on this case, the first of which is to withdraw the building. I would appeal that appeal should not have been filed. It's a little bit strange and references escape windows from sleeping rooms in a basement. This building doesn't have a basement. We will not be seeking building code belief in this matter. However that we wish to clarify with Iska Klans require no building code release so accordingly I withdraw Nemko appeal. I think the appropriate role would be to deny that without prejudice. Hey let's start with that. Any questions from the board may have a motion make a motion on case Boet one five seven six nine eight zero to deny without prejudice the building code relief request is there a second back and it's just Ambridge. Yes Mr. wants you. Yes it's better Broza Yes yes we will. Yes Mr. Right. Yes Mr. Aikin yes sure also yes. Motion carries thank you and George once again with respect to the zoning code we do seek a deferral by way of explanation . I believe that the BBA recommendation is based on an initial set of plans filed last November. That recommendation references a five story building with a parking garage which is not the case. The recommendation also references living space below base flood elevation which is also not the case. What we would like to do is defer the matter so that we can work with BP to get them the correct set of plans so that we can have appropriate zoning recommendation made to the board when the board acts on that matter. What time are you seeking? I I'm guessing that right now the board may be deferring naturally to June twenty eight I think which is enough time. We just need two weeks to work with the plans examiner and to and with the BBVA So I think that the next available date would work. >> I'm the next day so we have a this system the next available date that we have would be June 25th. Twenty twenty two and I'm sorry. Yes that that would be perfect OK I'm sure can you have something just clarify to George Marohasy regarding when PPTA recommendations are put forward is typically in Buffalo when they have reviewed the original drawings but it's not to say that the board necessarily follows the media recommendations. What is your question to Mr. Hampton that Mr. Hampton can clarify to George Morency that typically the P.D.A plan reviewers review the the the plans of drawings as they originally typically are submitted and there could be revisions sometimes they don't get back to it and that the board is independent from the Wikipedia recommendations. Mr. Hampton, would you like to reiterate this or unclever hard in any way? I think everybody on this follows of that is the case. OK, unfortunately if there were submitted revised plans submitted, they didn't make it to us in time for this recommendation and if that is the case, I'm sure Attorney Morency or I will send them over today. I mean that's usually how it works. We'll get an email on revise plans and we'll, you know, set aside accordingly and this attorney joining us out of definitely appreciate that better baraza. We do understand that just a couple of points. So we didn't know about the recommendation until yesterday when it was filed. But also there is frankly opposition to this project and again as an attorney to some zoning I am always cognizant of not just the fact that the BBB Zieba and I approve something with an unfavorable recommendation but if this were to be approved and appealed part of the court record would be a negative BBB recommendation which would potentially be considered by the trier of fact in any judicial appeal. So I think it is certainly in my best interest to try to get the recommendation from the PPTA of Dayton based upon the court's plans. But I do understand point. Thank you. Thank you and I appreciate that context which was a much larger context for us to consider further back. Thank Madam Chair that this is sad that the next few days available are either June 24th or July 16th up to that look at how much they prefer June 25th miscarriage would be fine. Thank you. Thank you and thanks for the clarifications without me I have a motion naturally to put forward motion before to June 2013 to June Trife now a second opinion. This was the Yeah Mr Luzia. Yes is better browser yes. Was we well yes Mr Langham yes Mr yes sure also just motion Carrisi then. Thank you. Any further request will draw from the state. Hello my name is now virtually on and I'm requesting a deferral for twenty seven Colonial out will be only one five three nine six nine nine is that it's after market yes. So that would be going one five hundred nine I know the address of twenty seven calling eleven will go ahead in spite for sure we were just informed a few minutes before this hearing started at the plant examiner has some additional violations that they want to sign the documents and so we haven't had a chance to see what those violations are and so I'd like a little bit more time to review those with the examiner and resolve them. OK, thank you. And Samantha, are the two dates you mentioned stole the next batch? Madam Chair, we could do June 25th or July 16th and June 2015 I'm sorry June 20th with be great. OK with that may I have a motion I make a motion to defer to June 25th is the second segment Mr Stembridge. Yes Mr Vonzell yes Mr Barroso yes it was really well yes Mr Langham. Yes Mr Yes Chair also votes yes motion carries Cevdet thank you . Yes well I have a further request you open the door front if not continue with the hearing for not doing for us we have a case VOA one four seven nine six three to the address one on five Chelsea Street yeah and will be represented by Good Morning Madam Chair the morning board members I need to turn to James Costello. I represent the applicant and let me give you a little background in market. It's located on five Chelsea Street and those of your board members that aren't familiar with it it's about twenty five feet from Chantaburi which is kind of a landmark in East Boston. Also the area is a dense population of Latino families the in that neighborhood London market is a small family owned business that showed the community for maybe eight or nine years now the only sector yes. From El Salvador and Beetroots is his wife. She's from Colombia. Beecher's also is an accountant. And what's amazing to me she has an office about ten doors down the street on Chelsea Street. They are really good people and well respected in the community and they provide very good service through the grocery and also from incompetencies I'm currently living in Mochan hasn't been wine license and they've had it for about twenty five years. We're here today looking for relief to grant an upgrade from the beer and wine to an alcohol license that they're looking to serve alcohol and if we're fortunate enough to get any easier and we go before the boss and licensing the standard there is a need for in a community. As I stated earlier, it's a densely populated Latino community. They feel very comfortable would have to be Spanish speaking Latinos speaking and they feel very comfortable shopping. That's kind of what kind of be like a one stop shop they have approximately seventy five letters of support that was submitted so that also equates to a need for it and also they're looking to get out of the house like what did they where you probably couldn't get at any of the other for lack of a better term American liquor stores that has an excellent track record. He's been operating the store for years upgrades constantly with new floors and refrigerate . Currently there's no violations on the beer and wine license which he's had for approximately five years. The support we have support from just about everyone we but it's meeting a number of members of the community came down to support him. There was no opposition. There's actually no opposition from either the state legislators and as I stated earlier, we have seventy five letters of support. We also have support from Maverick Central and they want change. Thank you. Thank you Mr Costello. I think OneSource speak to that as well. Are there are there any changes other than that request to stay on firstly for us which is basically hit great from giving wine the liquor it's a grocery store looking to sell liquor back. Any other questions from the board? No, I appreciate the cultural reference about giving here the seventy five letters of support. Yes, Without May we have a public tax money. Yes Madam Chairman, members of the board with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services inside the Mayor's office to defer to the judgment its board can confirm what the applicant representation said in a letter is being held by all councils very positive. The outcome then went on to the Maverick Central Neighborhood Association which calls letters in support a majority of which are residents on Chelsea Street without an offer to the board at this time. Thank you. Hello. Good morning members. The board my name is Alexandrians and I am here on behalf of council at this time the council I like to go recruit and support. Thank you Sam. I do with that we have motion but they would like to make a motion of the second Derek Mr Stembridge. Yes Mr Violencia yes Mr Broza yes Mizue well yes Mr Lynham yes Mr Egan yes chair also votes yes the motion carries thank you Madam Chair. The members of the board Benjamin next VOA one five six six four three nine oh seven sixty one seven nine Boylston Street. If the outlook and what represent the case what good morning members of the Board Chairman my name is Rebecca Lee. I'm a real estate attorney at Minch with a business address of one financial center in Boston. This case is about a returning of the former Crate and Barrel space on Boylston Street between Avon Lewis and Atlantic Fish. We're requesting a conditional use permit for a restaurant in the basement level and the ground floor level and mini golf facility on the second and third floors of the building with is Rob Holmes from Tavistock Development which is the application here and he will speak to this property. And then I have Jeremy Simmons from the proposed operator of the mini golf facility which is going to be called Swinger's Sareb. Well, let me just give you a little background on the community support before Jeremy presents Swinger's. This request is supported by the Back Bay Association and by Councilor Durcan. The Neighborhood Association in the Back Bay is interposing no objection provided that the recreational use of the second and third floor is a mini golf facility. They wouldn't want this to switch over to a fight club or something like that and if we can screen show the presentation Jeremy, I'll let you talk a little bit about swingers, which is a mini facility of the sort that we've seen in other parts of the city . Sure. Hi everyone. Good morning. What is Jeremy Simmons? What was actually going to bring a presentation of things that were technical difficulties? I'm going to talk you through to the product or wondering what's going on with the link. It's OK. I'm happy to tell you through this give you the salient points and then I will try rather than lose time all the trouble the presentation of the latest on wasting my time with the presentation we combine miniature golf with retro portable games and food and beverage in an upscale environment and we predominantly cater for groups of young professionals looking for a fun night out. We have four existing locations to London in the UK, one in Washington DC and one in New York. We've been operating for ten years and we are opening in Las Vegas in November. All of our locations are in highly sensitive locations some one hundred feet from residential. We have never had any disturbances or licensing issues in ten is in any operations. Ninety five per percent of our business pretty but which means there is a steady inflow and egress of guests at all times and never large crowds gathering on the streets and this is due to time reservations and spreads get out over the course of the day our peak operating times are in the early evening between 5:00 p.m. and 8pm p.m. We all know late late activity. We are a seat of any so we have 350 seats in the location. Everything is from food and beverage perspective as table service and the majority of people were standing all playing the games our proposed operating hours on Monday to Sunday noon until midnight and then Friday and Saturday noon until 2:00 am and we always have a security presence at all times when we are operating we print only Katsas as I said towards supergroups young professionals. But at select times we allow families in and we have very strict regulations to ensure that no minors also at those times. Thank you for your time. Thank you for your questions from the board hearing that we have public testimony. Yes Madam Chair members of the board continuing with the mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services this time mayor's office defer to the judge from this board. I can confirm Association and Buttars meeting on March six were no concerns raised. The applicant then went on to meet with Knab which expressed on opposition to the restaurant use in the basement and ground floors but had expressed some concerns regarding the recreation use and the top two floors. It sounds like it worked through that of the applicant. We have also received a letter in support from the Back Bay Association as well with that of front of the board at this time. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. The morning Madam Chair, members of the Board Councilor Durcan would like me to read the following statement into the record. The proponent work with the community extensively to make the proposal work for a neighborhood back Bay is in need of more funding sources like the one proposed by residents and visitors alike can enjoy a nice meal or joyous rounds. Many go the project and receive the support of the back. The association and not opposition from the neighborhood association affected by these reasons. I urge the board to approve this proposal. Thank you. Thank minor. Thank you. Thank you Mr. Chairman. A very is with a carpenter's union. Will one reference report support this this morning? Thank you. Have a motion. I made a motion to approve this project. I have a second I can Mr Stembridge. Yes Mr Valencia. Yes, that's better. Buzzer Yes well yes Mr Langham yes Mr Egin yes sure also was yes motion carries the book. Thank you very much. Extubation good. Next KVOA one five three five nine five three the editors of Fortune are square is empty and they represent more than one person. Good morning. This is a member of PINNACLE Owner and at home for the first one is the article ninety six and seven recirculation. We've already received letter support from the community from the businesses and city councilor and we signed a community agreement agreement with the city of Boston for the parking. I don't understand how the zoning board find us going on the park and we have plenty of parking as you can see from the picture we also have overflow parking. There's also no residential housing in this area to business the business area like I said before, that's pretty far as you can see from the picture. There's also an overflow parking across the street. We even went above and beyond where we have a garage door that opens up a loading and unloading the product. This is that no customer on site. So that's only employees that that are allowed at the facility. Mr Hampton, do you want to weigh in on the recommendation? Yeah, I think Madam Chairman to be BBA I've going along nicely. I can only assume that because there was no parking layout submitted there they don't know which parking goes with which building. So we were just going along with Estey it could probably be solved very easily with the parking plan that shows the dedicated parking spaces for business. But knowing that is the site of them, we're going along with them just until they get the parking spaces submitted that shows which are designated to propose business. We're not opposed to the use the parking spaces that we have . We want to see where they are. That's all it almost seems like deferral would allow the applicant to provide that documentation. I think that would be appropriate. Well, we discuss this with the zoning board so there is plenty parking in the building is shared with the Boston briskets . The parking there is shared between two years and also in front of the building is also parking space in the side of the building across the street. Mr yes. Thank thank you. Yes she me it's great for you to tell us that but we need it in writing. You just need we just need the plants laid out so therefore what on the plant parking for what currently you're just seeing this parking here this parking there there's lots parking everywhere and we're asking to specify what parking parking would be inside the building but it's basically delivery of our parking space that shows that these parking offsite parking the building basically allows us to it's a location inside us for we load the park inside the building there's an overhead door that allows a vehicle to go inside the building and basically build the product. You were cited for insufficient parking, no parking proposed so we have in front of us so that we don't we're not able to reasonably review what parking is being provided and separate from from the loading. It doesn't indicate that that is part of the parking. It's just under the same subsection and second, if it is off site that may trigger a separate a separate refusal. Sometimes that's a conditional use so my question is parking for what it's so I think the parking is not shown on a plan then you are cited for the lack of parking. Why are these stalls? I'm saying it's a warehouse. It's not as basically people customers are coming in thinking I don't think it matters zoning issue that you have a parking facility we don't have a plan for. But my last question was is a parking currently straight where those cars are? Yes, I have a question on my screen. I don't know. You can't so I don't know if you included it was what you said because it's a straight stripe and Google you can see that on that so I can see that the stripes is plenty more that oh, let me have you pause there because I think I can see where the the members are going so why don't we put a motion forward? I think that would be wisest and you can work with the staff. Can I have a motion equal or a motion to defer? Is there a second ticket? OK, Mr. Stembridge. Yes Mr. Valencia. Yes is better. BROZA Yes. MIDGLEY Well yes. Mr. Lingham yes. Mr. ECan yes. The chair votes yes the motion carries SAMANTHA Can you let him know the next date and have staff work with him on what is needed? Just the next one then the next date is June 25th is sufficient amount of time. Yes ok ok thank you Madam Chair this is the last slot for June 25th. Sounds good to me. All right thank you. We'll see you then. Thank you. Next we have been away one five three one zero one with the address of forty seven roll the apple get together their representatives from various forms of Good morning Madam Chairman. Members of the board turn to Anthony Ross. My office is at three forty three available in Roslindale. This is a proposal by the owner Maryknoll to build a new single family home on the vacant lot that she adjacent to her home at thirty seven Hopkins Road at twenty seven Halflings Road. And I should start by saying that a vacant lot adjacent to her home was not in common ownership with her current home when it was constructed and therefore none of the land area the vacant lot was used to satisfy any zoning criteria for her coming home. The proposal for the vacant parcel at twenty seven Hopkins' is as the plans before you show for a single family two and a half center entrance colonial with two car garage. The proposal requires only three variances first Loteria insufficient required in this one half nine thousand as you know is nine thousand square feet the lot at twenty seven hopkins' consists of seven thousand six hundred ninety two square feet so the line is one thousand three hundred and eighteen square feet shy of the requirement allowing this proposed lot size is not character for the immediate area. There are several homes on Hopkins Road that have less than nine thousand and seven and several of them even have less than the allotted twenty seven. The second variances for floor area ratio the maximum for the ratio in this district is point three. The proposed house would have approximately twenty six hundred and ninety two square feet in character with surrounding homes and an area of about point three five we're only about three hundred eighty five feet by in excess of the requirement and the variance is for side yard on one side the left side of the home where the garage is located, the side yard proposed is nine point eight feet at its lowest point when there's only requirement requires twelve feet. We speak briefly to the community review process because it involves some extra measures by the applicant we Buddies meeting on December 18 hosted by the Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services. There was no opposition at that meeting and most of the questions related to design landscape drainage and the construction process. My claim against landscape architect prepare a landscape plan which she shared with her neighbors and also at the Jamaica Hills Association meeting on January 10 where the Jayjay voted to not oppose subject to the applicant engaging in arborist for protection and construction, adhering to the landscape design that she had prepared and having a stormwater plan which of course is required in any case by regulations and we worked with the Boston Water and or commission. We also appeared at the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council the zoning committee on February seven and the committee voted to support this variance. There are four letters of support from Hopkins River property owners and residents and one half those road owners led her to not oppose would be happy to answer any questions that the board has. Thank you, Mr. Ross. Any questions from the board hearing may public testimony? Yes, Madam Chair. Members of the board were concerned even with the mayor's office of neighborhood Services this time of year. I defer to the judge from this board. I can confirm that the applicant representation is saying hosting the Buttars meeting. We have then worked with the borders to secure several letters of support including the letter and not opposition from the butter as well. They went on to meet with the Jamaica Health Association and then on to the champion C or the GNC voted to support a proposal without referring to the board at this time. Thank you. Thank you very much. I mentioned raise hands without me. I have a motion now the second such as Mr. Stembridge. Yes, Mr. Valencia. Yes. Mr. Generosa. Yes. As we well yes. Mr. yes ma'am. Mr. Aikin. Yes. sure. Also just motion carries thank you very much. Know we have been away one five six three six one one seven Commonwealth Avenue is the end of the government of president for if you are raising your son Basil see anybody stand up so I won't just David are you here for this proposal? I am. I believe Poliziano is he on as well? Yes, Robert here we go. provide OK sort of twenty one Magrath Highway representing Avonwood Associates limited partnership with James Company work with the chairman's company for over twenty five years. With me is David Newhall from Design. So engineer Paul Beale from Regional Associates a long time architects this property is a seventy two Commonwealth Avenue between the chambers we have Chambers Jaguar Land Rover dealership. This is my largest campus and a longstanding campus has been in the location since nineteen ninety seven when we promoted the BMW dealership and in 68 Humboldt Avenue we had a Honda Infiniti dealership on the other side which became going through the zoning board would be only around twenty eighteen. We got approval to put a Jaguar Land Rover new property there is somebody on this board or the EPA board referred to the Porsche dealership with its almost hundred year old building has been renovated numerous times. There's a missing tooth in our campus so we're going to fill in the missing two to the national building. I think you have the return on your own added I saw on the screen terribly that you need to put it up if it's going to be helpful. It's a slide show that Stephanie organized that's under your control but the rent but essentially you have under six thousand square feet in the city of Boston because of the way the line moves and about eighty two thousand square feet in Brooklyn the the the applicant has successfully navigated with twenty five Ellen in Brooklyn and the zoning planning approvals and obtained all of those we waiting to make sure the main majority of the square footage of the building was was finalized by design before we filed with the CBA the as it turned out but we don't have we we under the thirty five feet maximum height be things that we will need we replacing in the exact same footprint a Porsche dealership with a Porsche dealership prior to that until Saab went out of business some time twenty years ago it was a solid dealership also chambers' dealership so the footprint before is twenty three thousand with the footprint and just about thirty one thousand square feet with parking of course is tight in the area and therefore we're doing this to internalize our operations and create a very usable functional. The access is primarily of Commonwealth Avenue, the it's because it's going to be a customizable thing where you just drive your car in the service representatives take your car immediately from you. You go into a custom lounge and proceed to the upper floors. The car will proceed to an upper service and you will go to the customer lounge or jump on the media. The relief that we need is the same thing we needed from BMW and for the Jaguar project we need the green belt overlay because we're on Commonwealth Avenue in that regard you may have noticed if you drive by the area that there are islands out front that also constructed the chamber's suggestion at a public private partnership with us the chambers rebuilt the parallel we call the carriage road. The parallels come the avenue in front and we eliminated some parking, some angular parking and created these islands which I believe had previously existed but still in the 1930s the seems to me to rip up all the green areas so we put them and we have grass and trees we'll have to put flowers but DPW didn't think flowers would survive snowplows salt so we didn't do that. But they look nice there in front of all three dealerships. So green belt all the way is one requirement the usually conditional use for all the other three automobile related uses which sales and service repair and storage flammables. We have two others which floor area ratio is excessive allowing just one point you know if you take this project to stand alone as Boston treats it as a standalone project that assesses London seventy two as a standalone project we're only at point to three. But if you combine it with BMW what is 168 is the Brookline Dosso it's one point thirty three. We were granted a three point zero for every show on Jaguar Land over by this board. So we are asking in an abundance of caution that we get the four year ratio which would be one point thirty three just a little one point zero required yard is because we have a design feature on the second floor, an overhang but it only hangs onto our Jaguar property which is a common ownership with Avonwood. The engineers are in the process of moving a lot line but we would again in the budget I should like to get the sybian release required with that. I think it's pretty much a car dealership where the dealership is and we presented it to the also the Civic Association Tony Isidoro on February 21st. This is very cordial and referred to us Mr Chambers specifically as a good corporate citizen we've been before his group before there was no notice of opposition. Just a few questions the next night Frank Mendoza from the Neighborhood Services arranged for a meeting and we had that meeting when similarly smoothly with no noted opposition just a few questions that were answered beyond that I have no I can provide as much more information as the board needs there you can volunteer at any questions from the board? I know but certainly in the architecture access specialist did have a question regarding assessable from the designate accessible parking space. If they can comment on that, I'm going to defer even David knew all along our architect on that we still need to go to our friends BPA because of the small size of the project in Boston will be just basically the showroom and societies of Boston will be under design will be one of the architects with the the the handicapped access doesn't comply. Obviously we'll make it comply if David could comment on anything, I see just how I see is different if you're ready to speak. Mr Hall, I didn't even do a design group. Yes. The road for the handicapped space is basically straight across from the space to the front entrance and meets all ADA requirements for an accessible room. This brain doesn't show any grading on it but our existing conditions survey and our preliminary grading shows that this mix of requirements without public testimony. Yes, Madam Chair, members of the board fragment those here mayor's office and neighborhood services we did Horsnell meeting for this applicant. It was not attended by any of us who had any questions. There was one person who was unable to mute himself. He sent a letter of opposition to the board which we forwarded on March 1st. Another neighbor reached out and had some concerns but was connected to the applicant via email and he also the Civic Association voted to support the proposal. With that said, we'd like to defer to judgment of the board at this time. Thank you, Tony. Good morning, Madam Chairman. Members of the board changes to your presenting the Alstom Civic Association. We'd like to go to work and support as Paul noted, Trampas has been a good corporate citizen and has given back to the community. We also applauded her changes and we hope the effort will continue. They continually look at circulation traffic issues in the area. They also look at light emanating from the entire campus and noise mitigation and we encourage them to continue their efforts in the future to mitigate and minimize those issues as much as possible. So we want to go on record in support. Thank you. Thank you my name. Thank you, Ambassador. I'm sure members of the board this is mineable representing hundreds of union carpenters and the workers oppose them. I look like a strong supporter of this proposal. I have no additional stance. Thank you but that may I have a motion mantra before a motion of approval with a proviso that the plans be reviewed by the EPA and Parks and Recreation. Is there a second circuit Mr Stanbridge? Yes, Mr. Valencia. Yes. Let's go to Brazil. Yes. As we yes. Mr. Lang. Yes. Mr. Aikin. Yes Chair also yes. The motion carries a you're welcome. Looks like we need a break until the Alemany. Is that correct, Samantha? That is correct, Madam Chair. >> OK, we'll see you all then. Thank you for recording stopped