##VIDEO ID:Mz_ldWN0cU8## Boston zoning board I'll start over good morning the city of Boston zoning Board of appeal hearing for August 13 20124 is now in session this hearing is being conducted in accordance with the applicable provisions of the open meeting law including the updated Provisions enacted by the legislature last year the new law allows the board to continue its practice of holding virtual hearings until March 2025 this hearing of the board is being held remotely via the zoom webinar event platform this hearing is also being live streamed in order to ensure this hearing of the board is open to the public members of the public May access the hearing through telephone and video conferencing the information for connecting to this hearing is listed on today's hearing agenda which is posted on the notice Public Notices page of the city's website boston.gov members of the public will enter the virtual hearing as attendees which means you will not see yourself on the screen and you will be muted throughout unless administratively unmuted when asked to comment board members applicants and their attorneys or Representatives will participate in the hearing as panelists and they will appear alongside the presentation materials when speaking panelists are strongly encouraged to keep video on while presenting to the board as with our in-person meetings comments and support will be followed by comments and opposition the order of comments is as follows elected officials representatives of elected officials and members of the public the chair May limit the number of people called upon to offer comment and the time for commenting as time constraints require for that reason the board prefers to hear from members of the public who are most impacted by a project that is those individuals who live closest to the project if you wish to comment on an appeal please click the raise hand button along the bottom of of your screen in the zoom webinar platform click it again and your hand should go down when the host sees your hand you will receive a request to unmute yourself select yes and you should be able to talk if you are connected to the hearing by telephone please press star 9 to raise and lower your hand you must press star six to unmute yourself after you receive the request from the host those called upon to comment will be asked to State their name and address first and then provide their comment in the interest of time and to ensure that you have enough time to do so please raise your hand as soon as Mr stbridge read the address into the record do not raise your hand before the relevant address is called or the meeting host will not know to call on you at the approach for a Time Mr stbridge good morning Madam chair president good morning Miss better brazza present Mr langum good morning Madam chair good morning uh miss weell good morning presid good morning Mr Collins good morning Madam chair present good morning Miss Mahal is Miss Mahal with us okay so uh with that we're a six member board right now uh and I will turn it over to Mr strige thank you madam chair We Will We Will begin with the extension scheduled for 930 a.m. I will read all of the extensions for Forest uh one one after the other and then we will ask for a motion on those extensions um these are all asking for a one-year extension so we'll go from there we'll begin with case boa 788 662 with the address of 587 Albany Street then we have case boa 127 9022 address of 198 Bunker Hill Street then we have case boa 947 5201 12 121 Brookside Avenue case boa 66711 with the address of 151 Liverpool Street next we have case boa 109 7311 with the address of 14th scholar Street and finally we have case boa 119 2263 with the address of 335 Chelsea Street and that of the extension for us this morning any questions from the board may I have an may I have a motion to Grant the extension as requested I make a motion to Grant all the extensions for one year you have a second second Mr stbridge yes Miss B Braza yes Mr langum yes ma'am Miss weell yes Mr Collins yes is Miss Mahal with us okay the chair votes yes the motion carries next we'll move on to board final operater case schedu for 9:30 a.m. that is case boa 66711 with the address of 151 Liverpool Street if the applicant and their represent is present would they please explain Anthony is on give me one second because I having some issues um converting to a panelist Anthony if you're on can you raise your hand okay on I think he may have dropped off oh what someone hand is going up and down Jessica that's him who's on as Al as Al okay oh okay one second okay Anthony go ahead I sent a request to unmute you oh yes good morning uh yes all I'm sorry that's my initials Anthony El JC as opposed to the word all uh forgive me for that uh Madam chair uh members of the board uh again I'm Anthony chasy with the law firm of cedus and blin 600 Atlantic Avenue in Boston uh I need to request a deferral uh of this uh our project is subject to uh a small project review under article 80 and the planning department uh wants us to uh go through the uh project Change review process at the planning department because one of the changes involves uh a a reduction in the uh off street parking uh so uh I'd spoken to council at uh uh ISD and uh I believe she's on the on this call and uh uh we had discussed a deferral all right thank you uh uh Carol Carolyn is is he referring to you did he speak you yes you did okay uh any questions from the board what timeline do you need as far as a deferral well I'm told that there is an A A expedited Change review process for this type of U modification uh but the suggestion was 45 to 60 days okay do we have a a date for him Council would you preferred November December um I think uh I think December just to be safe sure would you like December 3D or December 10th let's go with December 3rd okay okay thank you well that may I have a motion Madam chair I'd like to make a motion of a deferral to December 3rd may have a second second Mr stbridge yes m b Braza yes Mr langum yes Miss Rell yes Mr Collins yes chair votes yes the motion carries thank you very much now um moving on to the hearing schedule for 9:30 a.m. we'll ask if there are any requests for withdrawals or deferrals from this time uh yes Mr secretary Madame chair attorney Nick suula MC mcquilty Miller and Hanley uh looking for a deferral on 46 High Street Mr secretary it's the last one on page three I believe of the of the um agenda 46 High Street so that would be for so that would be for case boa 159 9326 with the address of 46 High Street yes sir go I'm sorry Mr secretary go ahead I apologize would you go ahead and explain please yes sir sorry for that uh yeah Madam SEC Madam chair members of the board looking for a deferral um we've gotten a lot of uh community and planning input uh as to the project uh that we are hoping for some more time to review and uh address before we come before the board so we're looking for a deferral on this project please thank you um what time frame do you need a few months parine um we could do September 24th October 8th or October 29th um I think let's do October 8th please with that may I have a motion I make a motion to defer to October the 8th I have a second second Mr stbridge yes Miss B brazza yes Mr langum yes Miss weell yes Mr Collins yes chair votes yes the motion carried do you then thank you madam chair if I may uh attorney Jeff drgo at drgo and Tuscana with the business address of 11 Beacon Street uh is it still confirmed there is a six member board uh at this time yes okay uh we would like to uh seek a deferral for 36 and 36a Laden Street Ward one okay so the request so the request is for case vaa 161 6380 with the address of 36 Laden Street along with case boa 161 6384 with the address of 36a L Street would you please explain yes thank you madam chair MERS the V attorney Jeff drgo again um we were planning on moving forward but we would like uh a time when there is a full board uh so we would seek a def a deferral at a time at the board's discretion okay uh any of the dates uh that were mentioned workable for you Mr dro the earliest one would be fine since we're ple Community process Mr Caroline um so does Tuesday October 8th work sure okay okay with that may I have a motion Madame chair I'll put forward a motion of deferral for October 8th I have a second second Mr stbridge yes Miss B Braza yes Mr langum yes Miss weell yes Mr Collins yes care votes yes the motion carries thank you very much we give will ask if there are any more requests for withdrawals or deferrals from this time frame and a reminder that we are currently a six member board with that then we shall move on to case vaa 161 5932 with the address of 40 40 m Vernon Street if the applicant and or their representatives presid please explain to the board you can unmute yourself okay hi good morning Madam chair members of the board my name is z I live at 67 Pearl Street in Charlestown project maner uh for this project at 40 Mount burning Street also in Charles to I can walk you through the plans here if you want to scroll up a little bit to the first page sir I don't know if you can speak U more directly into your mic you're slight you're a little bit muffled see can you hear me better now uh keep going we we'll see can you hear it better now uh yes okay there it goes um okay so yeah basically we're seeking relief um for two articles here um with the zoning code one is floor area ratio being excessive and second is a roof structure restriction um the excessive floor area ratio is related to the additional living space that we are hoping to add in the lower level uh unit one uh we're looking add a a third bedroom down there a another bathroom and an office if there's still available uh that's really what brings us over the bar so um first level of this unit will have a another master bedroom in the back and a third bedroom in front of the house um with two additional bathrooms for each of those bedrooms uh if you scroll down to the following page um we have unit two and three shown here with unit two having uh three bedrooms as well one in the front one in the back and another one next to the one in the back uh kitchen living room um some outdoor space a deck off the back uh unit three um is going to have this roof deck that's hopefully going to be added to it it's going to be access via bubble hatch within the unit so only unit three will have access to this group deck uh they do have another deck off the side which is consistent with the levels below but um as I said this will be the only unit that will have uh roof access to the deck um this unit will also be a three bed uh to bath with laundry in the unit okay any questions from the board hearing none may have public testimony Madam chair members of the board sigy Johnson with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this petitioner has completed the on community process our office hosted Anna Butter's meeting on June 12th at which no concerns are raised were raised our office is unaware of other concerns at this time and we defer to the Judgment of the board with that background thank you thank you mam chair we have no raised hands at the moment okay well that may have a motion mam chair I'd like to perer a motion of approval with a provis that the roof deck sides Be inset 5et from the roof is there a second Mr stbridge yeah yes Miss better brazza yes Mr Langham yes Miss weell yes Mr Collins yes care V yes the motion carries good luck thank you next case has been deferred so we'll move on to case vaa 15969 15 with the address of 175f Street the applicant and O the representativ present they please explain to the board good morning Madame chair members of the board Mark laass laass law 75 Arlington Street in Boston attorney for the applicant also on the hearing are the project proponents Evan lank and David lank of sharp Venture group and the architect for the project Pedro Lucas from for Architects um before you on the screen are the plans as revised um following the community review process and I understand that the revised plans were um posted and these are the plans that are before you um the property consists of four Parcels of land running from West Third Street on the right hand side of that image down the hill on F Street to Bolton Street on the left hand side of the image and as you can see and the architect will speak to a little bit more the design features three separate masses yet uh constitutes one building which consists of nine residential units with six parking spaces on the lower level accessed on the Bolton Street side of the property currently there's just one small single building in the middle of the parcel and the balance of the lots are presently vacant so this will take largely underutilize vacant parcels and turn them into new units of residential housing uh the unit mix is varied there are two three bedroom units on the top floors four two bedroom units two one-bedroom units and one smaller Studio unit um the revisions since the planning department recommendation of approval memo um again as a result of the process the there was a half top floor on The Middle portion of the building and that has been removed which resulted in removal of the height violation in the original refusal letter and the revised refusal letter reflects the height violation has been eliminated that also resulted in a reduction of the proposed F from 2.96 to 2.67 and also the two private roof decks for the Upper Floor units were repositioned and pulled away from the edge of the building um the four Parcels consist of two middle Lots along F Street and two Corner Lots one on West Third and one on Bolton street again the existing building will be demolished and the entirety of the project represents new construction um as you can see the design is contemporary with materiality that reflects the context of the surrounding neighborhood mainly wood and brick and again I'll have pedo speak briefly to that um as noted in the planning department memo the scale massing and multif family residential use is consistent with the surrounding neighborhood excuse me um the property is 0.1 miles from the bus Network along West Broadway and a short walk to the Broadway Redline station which meets the goals of increasing density near Transit and Commercial Services outlined in go Boston and imagine Boston both planning studies commissioned um in 2017 uh the planning department memo does note that usable open space requirement is being um part of that requirement is being met with the creation of the two private roof decks and balconies um and actually recommends that there be an attempt to increase uh the number of balconies to create additional open space next slide please showing the site plan to give you some context next slide and the next one that's exist yeah okay this one enlarged so you can see on the upper portion of the site plan is Bolton Street which is one of those small half streets in South Boston F Street runs down the hill in a oneway direction and Bolton Street runs one way from right to left um the building is somewhat L-shaped you can see with the combination of the parcels along Bolton and F and then the parcel to the right of the L portion of the building is owned by another um another entity not related to this development but that remains open space there is a note in the planning department memo about head house access to the roof decks and of course as this board knows uh the building code requires head house access so we design it as such to not draw the building code violation but are amendable to if this board deems that appropriate as part of the bpda design review um to consider removal of the head houses and introduction of hatches which will require a separate um subsequent trip to this board for the building code issue but we are amenable to that um with that I would just like to have Pedro Lucas speak briefly to the design um iteration and the contextual Concepts that the Architects had in mind for the development of this new building on vacant Parcels of land Pedro thank you Mark um good morning everyone um my name is Pedro Lucas with that for Architects um so like uh Mark mentioned and I'll try to summarize here we are proposing a multif family building of nine units in total with a mix of uh one two and three bedrooms totaling uh just about 10,000 square feet uh to speak to our design decisions uh we were thoughtful in his contextuality um our height at three stories matches the neighboring contexts um and our use of brick all also references the neighborhood uh in F Street in particular um the subdivision of the facade uh reflects the rhythm of the neighborhood um the width of the brick portion mimics the typical building width seen nearby and the brick connects with a wood cladding uh on both sides to add warmth to the facade that will improve The Pedestrian experience um in addition we propose to add Greenery along that front facade uh where our foundation is exposed um in order to improve The Pedestrian experience for our neighbors um we're also proposing an elevator like Mark mentioned which provides us with the opportunity to create adaptable units um and lastly um as advocates for Indo indoor outdoor living uh we've worked hard to provide outdoor space for our units so in summary um we prioritized you know proposing a contextual size appropriate uh and thoughtful design that will be a positive addition to the neighborhood thank you questions from the board hearing none may have public testimony Madame chair members of the board sigy Johnson with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this petitioner has completed the on community process our office hosted in a Butters meeting on May 9th at which some concerns were expressed about the decks on the property although the design was generally supported by a Butters the St Vincent's lower-end neighborhood association the active Civic group in this area declined to take a position on the proposal although the proponents were in communication with them uh with that background our office defers to the Judgment of the board thank you Jessica it looks like Melissa L from Council Flynn's office wants to be elevated I see one second give me one second so okay Melissa uh one second is there anyone else mad please let me know if it's um time for me to speak on behalf of councelor Flint's office yes we can hear you please proceed thank you good morning Madam chair um members of the board um my name is Melissa low from counselor Flynn's office the councelor would like to go on record in the opposition based on feedback from Neighbors ands as well as the St Vincent's lower and neighborhood association during the community proces neighbors consistently Express concern on the height and density as well as quality of life concerns emanating from the roof deck due to already existing issues in the neighborhood with a Butters reporting that they often have to call Boston police on the party line on other nearby roof decks at all hours at this time as part of the top floor and roof decks remain counselor Flynn would like to oppose due to that feedback from Neighbors and the St Vincent's lower and neighborhood association thank you thank you any other raised hands just um I do see an additional raised hand here in one second um Sachin hi can you hear me yes sir hi uh my name is sain B I live um a J uh next to this property at 259 uh Bolton Street and I did submit uh testimony earlier on behalf of 20 neighbors who are opposed um to the project as as it is proposed today um due to the height um and the density of the project um it would be significantly taller than some of the uh single family homes that are right next to the property okay and then thank you B player two you looking to give testimony on this proposal yes sorry my name's different I'm Francis I'm um the adjacent neighbor on Bolton Street to this lot and um I just want to Echo sain's uh comments mainly concerned with the um size difference in height as compared to our houses looking at about 70% taller than our buildings on Bolton Street in addition to the um the density of this building in the additional neighborhoods and noise complaints as noted prev no additional r at the moment Mr lass would you like to briefly uh respond to those concerns yes Madam chair so I note that on height um the revised plans reflect removal of the half top floor and the proposed structure is 40 feet which is zoning compliant for this MFR subdistrict the the maximum is 40 and the proposed height is 40 as for density um we believe that the separation of the building to three masses across the four Lots directly is contextual with the entirety of the row of building on F Street coming down the hill on both sides of F Street three-story multif family residential buildings containing three or more units um so we think that the height is well we don't think the height is zoning compliant and that the um density is entirely consistent with the context of the neighborhood we also submitted a package of our own support letters and there are at least a dozen letters um addressing the very issues that have been raised by the opposition um expressing full support for the project the introduction of new houses and the Contemporary design of the project I also wanted to add um in response to the roof deex I know councelor Flynn's office had some opposition to roof decks and we did speak to some of the abuts on the roof decks um we did reposition the roof decks as far away from the concern and affected abutters as possible we reduced the size of the roof decks by uh 45 uh square feet since conversations with the abutters and then we've offered uh you know design input from them from a permanent screening perspective from an acoustical and visual perspective so our goal is to work with the community to make everything as palatable as it can be despite the concerns and Madam chair one of the support letters from Mr catsman on West Third Street notes the uh significant number of roof decks in this neighborhood along West Third Street along West 2 Street West 1 Street Bolton Athens they're pretty much roof decks if you do a Google aerial view on pretty much every building in the in the neighborhood and Mr catsman noted that those were never a problem and did not represent an issue in the neighborhood whatsoever with that we'll conclude our presentation thank you any other questions from the board hearing none is there a motion Madam chair I like to per for a motion of approval with a Prov visil that the project undergoes um Boston planning Department's design review paying special attention to site planning specifically on the rear setback on Bolton Street um and also to the review review the head house to make sure it's not visible from the street and lastly on the elevations is there a second second dembridge yes Miss B Braza yes Mr langum yes Miss weell yes Mr Collins yes votes yes the motion carries thank you so much thank you thank you next we have case boa 160 0437 with the address 139 to 141 Min street it's the applicant and or the Representatives present would they please explain to the board yes thank you Mr secretary Madame chair members of the board attorney Ryan Spitz with Adams and Mory business address of 1688 Street first floor South Boston uh joining me today are the owners Michael and Maggie manuso as well as the project architect Michael Schilling this is a proposal to update an existing two-story two family dwelling by way of interior renovation along with a rare and vertical addition creating much more needed additional living space for a growing family in this neighborhood the third story Edition will expand the unit to living space the rare addition will create more space at the first floor The Proposal will also provide new rare decks on first and second level as well as widening the first and second floor front decks The Proposal is located within a 2 f5000 subdistrict unit one is a three-bedroom will be continue to be located on the first floor unit two will be Loc Lo at on the second floor and the newly proposed third floor will be a four bedroom there are four zoning violations we have a floor area ratio violation the current floor area ratio violation is pre-existing non-conforming at a 0.52 and the new proposal calls for 0.93 what is allowed by code is a 0. five we have a front yard and a sidey yard that is insufficient again those violations are pre-existing non-conforming know changes being made to the sidey yard setback at 6' 8 in on the left-hand side the changes to the front are due to the widening of the front decks uh the front yard setback is at 9' 4 Ines we also have a height violation the building is compliant with feet but has been cited for stories at as two and a half stories is what is compliant in The Proposal calls for three uh at this point I'm going to pause for any questions or comments from the board thank you any questions from the board hearing none may have public testimony good morning Madam chair and members of the board my name is Eva Jones and I'm with the mayor's office and neighborhood services at this time the mayor's office would like to Def to the Judgment of the board the community process was held for 139 to 141 Min Street uh an Butter's meeting was held on May 28th of this year and was lightly attended by three constituents uh all who voiced their support uh and Mr moand said that he was fully supportive of a family staying in Boston um The Proposal then went before the Cedar Grove Association on June 18th of this year and is supportive of The Proposal as well and requests that the proponents be granted necessary reliev to move forward with the project at this time the mayor's office would like to Def to the Judgment of the board thank you much everyone even hello Madam chair members of the board Liam Reis from Council Office our office would like to on record and support not right because the document they sent me say showed 47 and a half can you please mute J okay sorry Mr Remis please proceed oh yeah so uh lamary Mr Council Ferd's office off would like to on record and support this proposal thank you thank you any other raised hands yep Ain I see your hand is you're unmuted hi thank you hello and good morning U my name is Kevin oan I'm from councelor Aaron Murphy's office um m Madam chair and members of the board councel Murphy would like to go on record in support of this project uh standing with the community and the proponents thank you very much for your time and consideration thanks and then I'm also going to make you a panelist so that you can unmute yourself I I have no additional raise hands at the moment okay with that may I have a motion make a motion to approve may I have a second second Mr stbridge yes Miss B brazza yes Mr langum yes Miss yes yes Mr Mr Collins yes chair votes yes the motion carries great thank you next we have case boa 158 7720 with the address of 52r River Street if the applicant and their representativ was presid they please explain to the board good morning good day Madam chair and members of the board my name is Juan SoDo and I reside at 52 River Street I own apartment number three 52r is a 7unit condominium uh my unit is located east side of the building facing uh River Street and a gas station right next to me uh with an outdoor um Auto Repair Center in it all other porches in the building fa north towards the nepon river I am here today because I am looking to convert the roof section next to my unit into a simple um roof deck this area is only accessible from my unit um the plan to convert it into a deck has been fully bettered and approved by all other units in the building and the HOA um I would like to reference the second page on my presentation uh the one above this one y um so so um so as you can see the area in question here is the one that shows the railing um on the right side the two levels of Windows that you see on the left side that is my unit so as you can see it is only accessible from my unit um on the next page you can see uh the space a bit more in context um the so the green area is the proposed roof deck um as you can see the auto repair and gas stations are very very close to to my to me um the plan for this space were developed by an architectural firm that review the plans for the building and confirm the stru Integrity of the area um the proposed plan is very very simple um as you were able to see on the image above uh it only consists on a decking to protect the roof and railing for safety it is very similar if not identical to the other uh two roof decks at top my building as well as the um the ones um on the ab buildings in addition to providing me with an outdoor sitting area it will hopefully mitigate the noises and the view from the gas station and the auto repair center that have um outdoor lifts um it will provide shade and cover the black tarp that currently sits on top of the area that gets extremely hot reducing hopefully the need to use AC or a SM AC during the Spring and Summer and to close up because we have very limited green area around the building this space will provide for plant to help pollinators and insects in the area thank you and happy to answer any questions thank you any questions from the board hearing none may have public testimony yes Madam chair members of the board Connor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's office like to defer to the Judgment of this board some background information the community process um on facilitated a community meeting on May 20th uh no opposition was voiced in the meeting and one attendee did vocalize their support the applican then went on to present to the River Street civic association who supported the proposal and voted to uh approve um with that will'll refer to the board at this time and there should be a copy of that River Street letter that the board has access to thank you thank you madam chair we have no raised hands at the moment okay with that may I have a motion I'll make a motion to approve we have a second second Mr stbridge yes Miss B brazza yes Mr langum yes Miss weell yes Mr Collins yes chair votes yes the motion carries good luck thank you next we have boa 158 6587 with the address of 1086 High Park Avenue if the applicant and or their representative is present will they please explain the case to the board yes Mr stbridge good morning Madam chair members of the board attorney Derek small have a business address of 51 doson Road brry Mass um with me today are the owners of the property uh Miss P Brad James and Mr KT Copeland Madam chair we're here today seeking relief to rebuild and reconstruct the rare addition uh to this two family to the two family house um the reare addition on the house was damaged heavily damaged by water due to a uh pipe burst in the property so we are seeking to replace what was there um minus the damage Madam chair the zoning subdistrict cares a 2f 5000 our lot size is is 9,500 ft and we have one violation which is a side yard insufficient the requirement in this zoning subd district is 10 feet we have 8.5 or8 and a half feet and that is a pre-existing non-conforming um violation that is on the right side of the property we'll stop there and entertain any questions that the board may have thank you Mr small any questions from the board hearing none may public testimony yes madame chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of neighborhood services at this time the mayor's office like to defer to the Judgment of this board some background information in the community process um ow hosted in a Butter's meeting on May 9th uh that was lightly attended uh there were no concerns um expressed uh in that meeting uh the applicant went on to meet with the Hy Park neighborhood association which was supportive of this uh proposal that information will defer to the board at this time thank you thank you and Madam chair we have no raised hands at the moment with that may I have a motion I make a motion to approve this project second thank you uh Mr stbridge yes Miss B brazza yes Mr langum yes M Rell yes Mr Collins yes chair votes yes motion carries thank you madam chair members of the board have a good day next we have case boa 160 0186 with the address of 67 billing Street the applicant and or their representatives present they please explain the case good morning Madame chair and board we have proposing to add a second floor along with attic space for storage to our current home for our growing family uh we also are adding a 12 X6 twostory addition to the back of the house um in summary we'd be adding two bedrooms to the second floor and two bathrooms and then the storage for the attic um the attic space our violations for the uh for the sidey or the house to our left uh which there was actually already an existing deck when we moved in there um we're just proposing to uh enclose it and put a second story for more space upstairs and the other violation was the front where we would like to add a front porch um we thought it would make the house look better for Aesthetics and we could watch our kids play out front so that was our reasoning okay questions from the board hearing none may have public testimony Madam chair members of the board sigy Johnson with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this petitioner has completed the on community process our office hosted in a Butters meeting on May 29th at which no concerns were raised the proponents additionally appeared at the West Roxbury neighborhood Council zoning subcommittee they voted to support this proposal with that background our office defers to the Judgment of the board thank you thank you and um I have no raise hands at may I have a motion yes I'd like to make a motion to approve this project may I have a second second Mr stbridge yes Miss B brazza yes Mr langum yes ma'am Miss weell yes Mr Collins yes chair votes yes motion carries good luck thank thank you next we have case boa 161 7226 with the address of 53 to 55 Dustin Street if the applicant Andor their representative present would they please BL through the board uh yes Mr secretary uh Kyle Smith of stera law business address of uh 359 Newbury Street in Boston's Beck Bay happy to jump in if the board doesn't have any preliminary questions please proceed okay um so we have a relatively uh decent sized lot of about 5271 square feet uh there's a pre-existing structure which is a pre-existing two family with approximately a footprint of about 1,200 square feet there's an existing drive as you can see with uh a garage that uh Services two vehicles uh the proposal uh having personally been on site I can tell you that this property that's been owned by the family for the better part of you know many generations about a 100 years is in the need of a a full gut rehab uh the plan in this proposal is to convert uh existing living space on the third floor by adding Dormers left and right running linearly down uh the property to expand the able square footage in the attic space the third floor uh and also to take what is existing storage area uh Mechanicals in the basement and to convert a part of it to approximately 684 square feet of livable square footage in the uh basement level which would then be tied into the uh first floor unit therefore rendering the building converted two to a three family uh part of the process will be updating uh all of the required Safety Systems including the installation of sprinklers converting from a two to a three um so just running briefly through for you the uh refusal letter um we are adding a space to accommodate the third proposed separate unit um it does bring it into close proximity with the uh right lot line so we have um several maneuverability parking related issues even though we do have an existing driveway and off Street uh garage and parking uh the conversion to a three family seted violation uh we have a 6 allowable F that proposed f after completion would be sub7 69 uh so a modest increase again adding a slight amount of liable square footage in the existing third floor and then also adding 684 square feet of square footage to the liable square footage to the basement um we have allowed two and a half stories per code uh by increasing the F the livable area of the third floor we're effectively having a three story building hence another side of violation uh and then by building vertically uh through the Dormers we are then triggering exacerbation of a pre-existing non-conformity for the front and side uh setbacks um the only real I'll just run through for you the uh units proposed first unit would now be a basement and combined first floor uh for a net three bed three bath uh of approximately uh 1,700 and change square feet uh the second floor mirrors the first floor layout about 1,50 9 squ ft it is a three bed two bath and the third floor the only real substance substantial difference is that the um livable area of the rear extension does not carry forward to the third floor or carry upward uh the proposal is to add a roof deck to that existing structure from exterior space for the third unit uh and the third unit is proposed to be 856 square feet and a two bed two bath um we conducted B baia meetings as um and will test to after us we had I think good uh reception in those meetings we held the butters meetings with um lighter turnout but no negative feedback um so I think hopefully this you know property is in the need of some TLC I do have representatives of the family on the call um we do have sons who are now co-owners and looking to undertake this project themselves as opposed to offloading it to a developer who would probably do something very similar so we're trying to keep this inside of the family for for for use and uh rental purposes for the family uh and with that I'll happily turn it over to the board for questions thank you are there questions from the board hearing none can I have public testimony Madam chair members of the board sigi Johnson with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this petitioner has completed the on community process our office hosted in a Butters meeting on June 11th at which no concerns were raised proponents additionally appeared at the regularly scheduled June meeting of the Brighton Alon Improvement Association the active Civic group in this area and that group is in support of this proposal with that background we defer to the Judgment of the board thank you Annabella thank you and I I'm chair the members of the board Annabella Gomes from the Brighton Austin Improvement Association the proponent uh did present to the Bia and the Bia voted to support this project thank you thank you it looks like we have no additional raised hands at the moment okay any other questions from the board hearing none may have a motion Madam chair I'd like to put forward a motion with the Proviso that motion approval a motion approval with a provisor that the project eliminates that additional parking space is there a second um sorry um this is Caroline I just um would wonder if that could be reconsidered because it could trigger other zoning violations the zoning violation would be the parking requirement correct I mean I'm looking at the I'm looking at the violations and they're cited for already off street parking design off street parking requirements they they're already cited for off street parking requirements okay so that would not okay apologies so that wouldn't can can I ask Council what's requ what's required for three unit in terms of parking yes so effectively doing so would eliminate our our maneuverability and location issues but then trigger a number issue so it would it would trade it would trade uh two zoning violations for another right so then I think the option that we would have would be to to um have a motion uh of of deny without prejudice and have you come before us um to to potentially right um or to to move forward with the Proviso and have you submit for um add for that additional violation with ISD either way it sounds like you'll be back got is that a Lynch pin requirement or Proviso correct so um Caroline can you provide us a little bit of because we've run into this issue before so if I was to if it was to trigger another violation or if Jeff Hampton's here um what would be the what would be the process for the applicant so they would have to return again to the zba for the relief for reducing the parking space correct but at least it provides them with an approval versus with the with the denial it doesn't guarantee that it would be approved so I think so I think what I would like to move forward is with the original motion um a motion of of approval with the provisor that eliminates that one additional parking space is there a second second Mr stbridge yes Miss B Braza yes Mr langum yes Miss weo yes Mr Collins yes fa votes yes motion carries is Mr Hampton on yeah Kyle if you wouldn't mind giving me a call uh offline after this i''d be happy to talk with you about this yep and no objection uh my concern too is uh if the community through that process objects to its removal we could then raise concern we otherwise have had none but I certainly will email you afterwards yeah why don't you shoot me an email and we can uh we can talk thank you all right thank you thank you next we have case vaa 160 8586 with the address of 353 Cambridge Street is the Afric and do the representa present would they please explain to the board hi if you're on can you raise your hand for this proposal Donovan okay I say we keep moving and back with that we'll move on through case boa54 6868 um which is one of three companion cases the address for the first is 3A glenley Terrace along with that we have case boa 161 31 62 with the address of one to three one Le terce and along with those two we have case boa1 161 3166 with the address of five fly terrorist if the applicant and know their representative was present they explain to the board please yes hi you there you go yes uh good morning um my name is Timothy Burke I'm the architect for the project I have a business address of 142 Berkeley Street in Boston and also um on the uh meeting is George Mory who is the attorney for the project and I uh George did you want to make any introductory remarks yes Tim thank you I'm sorry I uh my headset had not been connected when I when I began my presentation for the record my name is George Mory I'm an attorney with the business address of 350 West Broadway in South Boston I represent Patrick O Sullivan who owns three 3A and five glenley Terrace the project architect Tim Burke just spoke and we'll return to Tim after I talk about the project in the zoning a bit um the project is three uh connected Parcels as Mr stbridge mentioned uh the planning Department's recommendation does an excellent job of providing a simple explanation of what is being proposed under these three related applications namely the demolition of the existing garage at 3 glenley Terrace Construction of a new two family dwelling building at 3A glenley Terrace uh which is currently vacant and the addition of a shared driveway serving the three properties which are as I mentioned in common ownership the result would be a new two uh would be two new dwelling units and six parking spaces with three of those parking spaces serving three glenley Terrace one serving three a lley and two dedicated to five glenley Terrace with respect to the zoning the properties are located within a 2f 50002 family residential subdistrict in the Alon Brighton neighborhood article significantly and also as recited in the planning recommendation the site is further within the Alston Brighton needs assessment study area which expresses concerns about both the affordability and the qu and the quality of affordable I'm sorry of available housing options within in the area uh this proposal would respond positively uh to that by adding a new uh two family building with a two-bedroom unit and a three-bedroom unit we likewise agree with the planning department that relief for the cited setback violations is appropriate in light of the size and shape of this corner lot site the configuration of the parking layout prevailing setbacks in the neighborhood as well as in the context of adding much needed new housing units to the area finally we concur with the planning uh recommendation that if approved uh we would work with the planning department to eliminate or minimize any impact on existing site trees while ensuring adequate vehicular maneuverability I would like to turn it over to Tim Burke to briefly walk the board through the project plans and then we'll take any and all questions from board members Tim M sorry Tim George just a quick question since we're on this slide how many parking spaces are there now and where are they there's currently an existing uh garage um at um as I say uh three glenley Terrace the project site is on the leftand side which show who proposed two family residents that's currently a vacant lot the parking at number three glenlee is essentially in existing condition in that tandem formation I believe that's all correct Tim that is and we are adding uh part behind number five as well there's nothing there now yep thanks does that answer your question Madam chair yes ma'am yes sir thank you thank you Tim if you want to go through the plans that would be great yes thank you very much George um during the community process we did hear a lot from The Neighbors about uh the importance of parking and that's where we came up with this scheme that uh you're seeing on the screen now it um provides a lot of um versatility to how the parking can work when visitors are over for um just visiting for the evening or something they can park in the driveway and then pull out without disturbing the regular Parkers the um the site is a um unusual shape site and a bit of a challenge but um in our meetings with the neighbors they did uh seem to like the idea of another two family they like the idea of smaller scale housing being built rather than large giant projects and this is very similar to one that I did with the same owner over on Atkin street that was very successful fall in terms of filling in a space between two buildings that he already owned um the next drawing does show the U plans of the building so it's a side by side uh basically two family the uh both units are run about 1140 square feet and the um one has two bedrooms and one has three bedrooms so it would be suitable for a family which was another thing we heard from the neighborhood and on the uh the next drawing shows the elevations of the project and it's designed to be using uh traditional forms of the neighborhood uh clabber sighing double hung windows and Gable roofs so we um we feel it's going to be a nice addition to the neighborhood our hope is that it just fits right in and seems like it's always been there be U happy to answer any questions you may have thank you are there questions from the board there um there's no questions but um Bob Deo has commented on the chat and it would be good to get his opinion on this project um but Bob to answer your question we have we did receive your comments they're very helpful from the Boston transportation department and it weighed weigh in a lot on the last project so just wanted to comment on that so Mr Mory or Mr Burke so the the feedback was to remove two spaces uh in the front yard for 3A glenley if you'd like to respond to that can we go back to the site plan yeah we don't have any spaces in the front yard of Glen 3A Glen leay um we were adding two behind number five glenley which is at the top of the drawing and we did create one spot on the side there uh on the sort of the back side of 3A so as Tim is relating the only uh parking that's being introduced is the two spaces to the rear of five glenley in that sidey yard or backyard or side yard space it's an unusually shaped lot of the single car parking at 3A glenley uh the condition the parking condition at fre glenley is in existing condition uh you know that that driveway has been there cars pull in and they Park in tandem formation but you know if if board members were to look at a Google Earth shot you would see that that is um that is an existing condition so it's it's the the the new parking spaces are at 3A which is not in the front yard and five which is clearly in the rear yard thank you I mean the the other issue that I have is or concerned would be um if there's families you know what makes it safe for kids it it looks like you know for any of those four structures um doesn't seem very safe for children to roam around in the in around their house I think the perimeter fences um um bordering the Lots in other words creating a border fence between driveway area and the Lots uh could be could be helpful um you can see in the in the Green Space areas indicated on the Lots um you know the the driveway certainly um runs past you know to the South plan south of number five and and plan north of number three and then that U parking space for number 3A is very close to the uh to the to the driveway exit or entrance anyway but you know we could certainly look at that with with the planning department If This Were to be approved okay thank you no further questions any other questions from the board Bob's hand is up I understand that and I'll go to that during public comment any other questions from the board hearing none may have public testimony yes uh good morning Madam chair members of the board Frank Mendoza here mayor's office of Neighborhood Services we hosted an abutters meeting for this project on January 11th at that abutters meeting abutters expressed concerns with parking size density Shadow noise construction setbacks loss of green space and attractiveness to families some other attendees at that meeting were supportive and expressed that they felt the project was necessary to support the developer and that parking was reasonable uh we are aware that this project got the support of the Brighton nson Improvement Association we've not received any letters of support or opposition at this time we'd like to go uh on record and defer to the Judgment of the board thank you I see your hand is raised are we GNA give testimony Bob oh yes U Madam chair members of the board Bob Deo BTD um it's a beautiful project the only thing unless I'm missing something I don't see the curb Cuts uh shown on the plan and um I know there's one already in place but uh I'd like to see them reflected on the drawing for you know um the legal purposes if you will um and that's all I have to say thank you Annabella Madam chair members of the board Annabella Gomes and the wri and all Improvement Association we' like to go on record and support uh we think this is a great use of a vacant lot to add much needed housing and we do commend the developer for addressing the parking issues that the neighbors had a lot of concerns about so we'd like to go and Recon support thank you thank you Association we like to go Rec and support uh we think this is a great use of a vac LA to needed housing and the dev developer for addressing the parking issues that the mes had a lot of concerns so thank you can you can you clarify when you say address the parking issues do you mean do you mean enough parking or do you mean reducing parking I don't is that Annabella or I'm not sure why that's replaying um but um what was brought up during meetings were that trying to mute that person yeah please do yep okay okay sorry about that Annabella if you're still there neighbors yes NE had concerned that there wouldn't be enough parking if another un two units were built and so they address having parking off street so that the neighbors concerns of losing on street parking to for themselves would be addressed okay thank you yeah uh Richard uh good morning uh can you hear me okay yes sir yes I'd like to go in support of this uh I I know the person who's the developer and uh he's got a good reputation all of his other properties fit in well with the community and he maintains his property very well I'm speaking on behalf of my mother who lives at 20 great Cliff Road who grew up in that house and my brother who also lives at 679 Washington Street with third generation Brighton residents in a neighborhood with uh only 20% owner occupancy we certainly appreciate uh the kind of work that Mr O Sullivan does not only as a businessman but as a property owner his properties are all well-maintained and they all fit in with the community so I'm in full support of it and uh I ask the community and the zba to also support this please thank you thanks I got a few more raised hands Kim yeah yes hi can you hear me yes ma'am okay um yes my um my husband and I own ad Brighton Road uh my name is Kim Ren and I did submit written testimony as well for this project and support for today's hearing but we have known Patrick O Sullivan for 20 years he raised his family in Brighton is an invested in the community all of his properties developments and business Endeavors have always bettered the community um I've seen plans for this project and I've attended all the meetings to date and I am in full support of the project um I'm also a long resident of Brighton was raised and lived there for 30 years um I feel this development will provide much needed quality housing in the city uh Patrick is always in Brighton and I have no doubt this property will be properly maintained and supervised thank you um clette hi I'm Claud Gardell I'm an AB butter I've lived in my house for 68 years longtime person and I'm not the only one like that in my neighborhood there's many of us who are longtime family uh people and were for the most part pretty friendly I was glad this project was rejected because of all of its violations of codes this is a nice neighborhood with some Gardens we have Birds we raise kids and the people in support of the developer and the owner yeah he's probably a really nice guy he doesn't live here he lives in a very uh remote place that has lots of trees and he likes to sort of build here okay uh and and what seems like to me a maniacal pursuit to overcome the parking violations he's now modified his plans to pave over an area of grass which is adjacent to me and so um this area this offshoot of this long tandem parking uh I think will be congest it will be unsafe like uh someone commented it will provide confusion it's disruptive it's chaotic how will they shovel the snow where will they put the snow uh it's it m you know the pictures make it look really nice what we have there now is this beautiful old tree trees are good they like clean the air they provide shade and you know uh and shade is very important now the grass that will be paved over this is a place where water can absorb into the ground this is a this to me is a nightmare okay I know there's a need for housing I understand that understand I'll finish up I'll finish up okay I understand and uh and they're they places being built all over okay but we we need we need our air we need our grass and this parking thing is just crazy guts please please believe the code violations please protect the people who have lived here they're there for a reason okay and I was really happy that it was rejected before this is really bad thank you madam I have two additional ra here can I should I take those yep please proceed and please uh get add new information Peter hello yep can you hear me yes sir yes my name is Peter golden I am at two Academy Hill Road and I just want to express support for the proposal I do think that the Brighton neighborhood does need more uh housing for families and uh based upon the plans I can see that there's going to be no impact on the parking as most will be off street parking um but I'm fully support of the uh the developer and the development thank you Jessica you said you had another raised hand Jessica is there another raised hand sorry it looks like they lower their hand let me just okay yeah all thank you would the applicant like to address uh some of those concerns any additional comments before we proceed uh Madam chair this is George Mory I think the plans in the project stand for themselves I understand that one of the previous speakers does have concerns uh about the parking but as was mentioned uh during Community process this was the major issue that came up that my clients sought to address and I think the uh parking situation is actually quite manageable it it is only introducing three additional spaces and there is that shared driveway that is virtually a present condition uh because of the uh the common ownership of the three Parcels so we think it's a good project and that it will serve to make um good use of what is currently a vacant lot with again trying to preserve as many Street trees I'm sorry as many site trees as possible and adding two units on an otherwise done develop thank you any other questions from the board would that may I have a motion I'll make a motion to approve with bpda design review is there a second second second Mr stbridge yes Miss B Braza yes Mr langum yes Miss weo yes Mr Collins yes chair votes yes motion carries thank you thank you very much um do we have the Cambridge Street can you raise your hand if you're on for the Cambridge Street proposal I see two raised hands Harry or Willie is that you are you on for the Cambridge Street proposal 353 Cambridge Street I did send requests to unmute them but they haven't answered Madam chair this is George fry could I be heard for a moment please on this matter on 353 cber Street yes and I'll I'll explain and and the board can of course do what it what it wishes my name is George Mor to the reca I'm an attorney with the business address of 350 West Broadway in s blast and I recognize the name of GRE Greg dunan uh he is a client of mine I have nothing to do with 353 Cambridge Street but I did um text him when this matter was first called and I have not heard from him I guess all I'm requesting is as a courtesy since he is a client of mine even though I'm not related to the project I know sometimes the board will deny without prejudice a matter where the applicant or petitioner doesn't appear I guess what I'm requesting is if nobody in fact appears uh since we're at the end of uh of the 9:30 block of hearings rather than deny without prejudice that this matter could be deferred and I will advise Mr dunan of that uh I think we're open to either option so maybe Mr stbridge can read it into the record either way we need to make a motion so so this is in regards to excuse me case boa 160 8586 with the address of 353 Cambridge Street um Mr morancey you were saying well he's just seeking a deferral up so yes if this could be deferred I'm not involved in the case but I will I will let the applicant know of the deferral date if that is the will of the board okay with that can I have a motion motion Madam chair would you like me to give you a date for the motion sure let's let's have a date um Tuesday October 29th okay Mr Collins motion to at Tuesday October 29th is that it may I have a thank you may I have a second second Mr strige yes Miss better browa yes Mr Lang yes Miss weo yes Mr Collins yes fa votes yes motion carries you're welcome we will recess I believe until 11