Boston Zoning Board of Appeal hearing for June for twenty twenty four is now in session. This hearing is being conducted in accordance with recording in progress in accordance of the applicable provisions of the open meeting law including the updated provisions enacted by the legislature last year. The new law allows the board to continue its practice of holding virtual hearings until March twenty twenty. This hearing of the board is being held remotely me in the room of an argument back from this hearing is also being wide-screen in order to ensure the hearing of the board is open to the public. Members of the public may access this hearing through telephone and video conferencing. The information for connecting to this hearing is listed on today's hearing agenda which is posted on the public notices page of the city's website while of members of the public go into the virtual hearing as attendees which means you will not see yourself on the screen and you will be muted throughout administratively unmuted. When asked to comment on members, applicants and their attorneys or representatives or participate in the hearing as panelists and they will appear alongside the presentation material. When speaking analysts are strongly encouraged to keep on while presenting to the board as well as our in-person meetings, comments and support will be followed by comments in opposition. The order of comments is as follows. Elected officials, representatives of elected officials and members of the public. The chairmen limit the number of people called upon to offer comment and the time for commenting as time constraints are for that reason the board prefers to hear from members of the public who are most impacted by a project that is those individuals who is closest to the project. If you wish to comment on our interview please raise hand button along the bottom of your screen in the Zoome webinar platform. Cook it again and your hands should go down when it sees your hand you receive a request to yourself so yes and you should be able to talk if you're connected to the hearing by telephone please press Steini to raise and lower your hand. We must press our six to amuse yourself after you receive a request from the host. Those called upon to comment will be asked to state their name address first and then provide their comment in the interest of time and to ensure that you have enough time to do so. Please raise your hand as soon as Mr. Stembridge release the address into the record. Do not raise your hand before the relevant address is called or the meeting house will not know to call on you at the appropriate times. OK Mr. Stembridge right good morning Mr. Valencia. More than pleasant. Good morning Mr. Lam good morning Madam President. Good morning Miss. We well good morning Madam has a good morning Miss Better Baraza good morning Martin Chairperson. >> Good morning sir. We just a note that we are a six member board today with I'll turn it over to Mr. Stembridge. Thank you Chair. We'll begin with the engines for nine zero zero two which I will read both to the remaining one behind the other before it is page VOA one of the one six three seven zero nine with the address of sixty three for four football three and next we have VOA one three one eight zero five zero the address of ninety four entry speed and if anyone has any question we get it right now otherwise thank you. May I have a motion to grant the request as the extensions as requested I make the most of the grant the extension as read may have a second signal that Mr. Stembridge yes. Mr. Valencia. Yes. Mr. Langham. Yes Miss Well yes. Miss Better Browsr. Yes. Yes. The motion carries I don't have a system give me the time frame of these extensions and the question which I assume is one year. Yes, ma'am. Do you want OK right next to discussion also give me more complaint for April 30th, April 24th appearing on while hundreds of thousands of B case number VOA one five seven zero zero two A.R.T. number one five five nine five three two and never questions are we answer yes. Hi this is Caroline. How are you? Are you welcome back. Thank you. Happy to be here. I can provide a statement about this. I'm going to give any questions you can certainly ask me. So a community group and Mission Hill alledged the board violated the open meeting law during the one hundred same Alphonsus Street hearing on April thirty two thousand twenty four. This was an article eighty thousand on a corner lot in Mission Hill with a permit application for the address fifteen fifty eight Fremont Street which is the current address of the existing building that will be then demolished to build a new building facing staying on the street. The community group contends that the project went through the process at best 15 to 18 Fremont but then at the CBA hearing it was presented as one hundred this we recommend that the former for this to Iestyn Legal to research over paragraph response on behalf of the board. We can then put this back on the agenda for June 25th and circulate a draft response for your review in consideration before the twenty fifth ranking . Caroline, are there questions from the board a hearing on may I have a motion to refer the complaint to I as the legal advisor to prepare a response on behalf of the board? Madam Chair before a motion to refer the complaint to the legal advisor to prepare the response we have the board may I have a second Mr Stembridge? Mr. Valencia. Yes, Mr Lynham. Yes as we well yes. Much better Broza Yes chair also votes yes the motion carries that we have one final offer today on thirty this is case the lady DVOA one three three two zero five the address the one thirty marginal street the applicant is the representative appointed for. Yes good morning Madam Chair. Members of the board Cinematical with what your children with the business address of one hundred Franklyn's on behalf of the applicant Mr Fraser Allen was also on this morning I believe Adam Glassman, the project architect is also joining us just to go into a brief summary of what we're seeking here this morning we're seeking a board final approval to reduce the previously approved project to a single family dwelling by way of a brief background. This case was approved by the board to a new residential building at one thirty marginal street in East Boston back in twenty twenty three. It was first approved on April 20 if twenty thousand twenty twenty three at that time the project was approved as a four story residential building with four units and three parking spaces for my client. Mr Allen recently purchased the property and still desires to a residential building. However he's seeking to reduce the size of the building in terms of both the unit count and the overall square footage specifically as I mentioned, he's seeking to a single family home with one parking space for his family to inhabit the proposed reduction in size and scale. The building would eliminate the need for much of the previously granted release and shouldn't trigger any new violations. However, we would still need the side yard setback as previously granted on the right side because we're still maintaining a zero yards side set back on the right side. We believe this change will not only allow Mr Allen to construct this building for the family but is in line with the community's goals of maintaining single family homes and creating new single family homes. We believe the proposed structure will maintain the general character as previously presented and approved but on a smaller scale by eliminating the fourth story and providing a larger set back so we can maintain some of the green and open space. With that I'll have pause and take any questions from the board if they have any. Thank you Mr Cole. Any questions from the board hearing that we have a motion Madam Chair preferrable now second Mr Stembridge. Yeah. Mr Luzia yes Mr Langen yes. Miss me well yes Mr Browsr yes chair also votes yes the motion carries. Thank you very much. Next we have Jean Claude Oberleutnant then he got and we VOA one five seven six two six address or fourteen Clermont Bar and actually along with that we have another case which would be a one five seven six to six two. So the address of 14th Street with the applicant and or the representative explained to the I guess I'm just in a way with our company's we are here to see believes Pontelli is one of them is the building refusal which is basically just putting in that onto this this building in the second part of the belief is its own code violation which is forty five which is the groundwater recharge system that had to install in that building. But this is a this is currently a multifamily building that we are changing to single balance. We've been hired as the architects and contractor to build a building for a nice family that intends to do that . It's is it's going to be the fall guy in the bottom of the building and and keep it short and sweet. Well, if you ask any questions they may ask you questions from the board as Mr Simonelli from the get yes Madam Chair good morning Christian Simonelli Balsinger a lot of trust and we have closing comments from the may have emotion. Madam Chair I like to go a motion of approval with with the proviso that the plans be reviewed by Boston Water and Sewer due to its location and groundwater conservation over Lake District and also that the project should receive a relief from a city building code violation or need for the single family use. Is there a second back Madam Chair those two hands raise oh I'm sorry. Yes, let's let's try to request on Good morning Madam Chair and board my commissioner. I accept and I am a resident at the abutting party at sixteen Claremont Park unit number three city middle level. I have submitted a official letter of opposition to the proposals put forth by Mr Hollande. Our ownership my Racheli of our building is extremely concerned about the proposals including Mr Hollande and their groups claim that they are not expanding and altering the footprint of the building. Our view of these plans by that not to be true including that they are planning on extending the back of the building by eight feet and building a force a great wall that will effectively impact all of the units in our building. I do want to draw some time for other members of our group to speak but I would request that the board please take time to review our letters opposition prior to considering this we have tried to be in touch with the builder as well as the developer for this group of the members of our HRA including our members have tried to be in touch with them with no reply which is extremely frustrating to us up until this point we wanted further clarification prior to this meeting and we have not received any return of our request by Mr Wood Group so we kindly request that you please review the letters of our position prior to approving this. Thank you stuff. Nothing to say yet another is now posted Mr Hello my unmuted . Yes sir. So thank you for the opportunity to provide some comment. My name is James Bandiana. I'm a owner next door also in the building where Shandra is and I just wanted to echo her comments so that we are at sixteen Claremore Park immediately about fourteen and I'm aware that several there's a fair amount of concern in the neighborhood and I'm aware that several other owners are submitting sort of letters about position and I just respectfully request that those letters be given due consideration. There are a number of issues that are detailed in the letters that I have seen I haven't seen them all but but they include the impact. So there's a there's a proposed four storey extension punching out the back of this building which potentially does affect groundwater in terms of changing the footprint. But it also affects historic because it's clearly visible from a public park where there's a structural issue because we have shared structure real wall sidewall that the proposed plans the interior plans no opposition to I think that got renovated and returning to please wrap up in our submission. Thank you. Yeah, I just wanted to I guess get that read into the the record and thanks again for your consideration and look forward to a response to our various letters. Thank you madam. Thank you. Can the applicant respond to the concern about the expanded back yard back? Yeah, yes. We've had the neighborhood meeting with the local park association. I've been I reached multiple times to Ragavan he said of that group the relocation and the redistribution on the back of this building is not up for relief. We explained that to the association. We had our last meeting. We did all our meetings and we also offered to some people that in opposition you take a meeting with them to go over the plans but it's more one nation meeting. It's you know, to you know and we've been they've decided to go on the road and just completely course we're not looking for relief. It's an absolute right. What we're looking to do on the back is totally separate. We're looking for relief on the ground water which we have a and no running water and and what we're looking for relief for the staircase going up to the roof that has had to support so that all of these things we're seeking relief are done every day in the settlement and we're having to coordinate with anybody in the neighborhood but we're not looking for a mission or something that's as of right. Thank you. Any any questions from the board? Yeah, my understanding is that the relief for the building violation is actually due to one one means of egress to no not necessarily the head house in the council correct me if I'm wrong I'll have to double check on that and get back to you. Oh, that was for the for the last four hours without that was a question for the applicant. So so the relief is that if you let a roof deck space to stand you the building code requires an but this is prohibited in the south and so this is a common practice to come to the CBA and ask for relief on this and what we're doing and what we're providing which is a standard in the South and is actually not a head because people don't want their sightlines to like I said I'm sorry and you this has improved by the historical commission of the Southern and the violation that I saw was literally quoted as roof access to a occupied roof at a fourth storey versus the head house. So I would need clarification from my the so I'm going to put forward a negative emotion this place. So I'm going to go for a motion to approve that with the proviso for Grant for God and I would like to do a separate motion to do a deferral for the building code violation to get clarity. Is there a second she get Mr Stanbridge? Yes. Mr Valencia Mr Rosia yes. Thank you Mr Langen. Yes that was very well yes. Mr Broza yes sure votes yes motion carries was the date. Oh sorry we need a date from Samantha Madam Chair we do a date of July 30th. Does that work for the applicant. It does just one notification. The only thing you're looking for is the only thing that's in question is this very late? Yeah I'm looking at the violation as one of the violation is yeah I'm looking at that violation right now and the violation comment is of access the question occupied by Ruth locatable for her story I want access that the actual building code violation is that henhouse that you're actually proposing a contract. OK, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you ma'am. We have wild card oh we've got only VOA one five eight nine three eight the address of twenty five George three the applicant and the representative from the explained the case for yes thank you Mr Stembridge Madam Chair members of the board Julie your legal counsel neighbor house formally is Boston Neighborhood Health Center. We have a very straightforward proposal we are looking to complete Baban work on the health centers parking lot and located in the quad district. The paving requires to court approval only and we are complying with the appropriate infiltration standards we've submitted the required letters from water and sewer and the letter of Noha. Thank you. Thank you. Is Mr Simonelli with us again? Yes Madam Chair. Good morning Christian Simonelli Boston girl what a custom we have both us from the OK any questions from the board any public testimony hearing that motion capture. I'm sorry I simply can't imagine there are Greystanes I'm sorry I can't hear you not racist. Oh OK what may I have a motion I will put forward a motion of appeal provisos that plans be reviewed and approved by also answer due to the location within the plan that the plans be submitted to the BPD. But I interviewed mitigate the impacts of surface parking appointments to ensure adequate buffers. Is there a second set Mr. Stembridge? Yeah, Mr. Valencia sorry Mr. Valencia just so am I working with I can see that Mr. Langham Yes. Because we well yes better Broza get your votes. Yes motion carries. Thank you very much. You VOA one five seven six seven one for the ad three forty three Commonwealth yeah get to represent export but Donna you are good good morning Madam Chair. Members of the board John Boran Alpine Advisory's services with the mailing address of one thirty Beechboro morning's mass Madam Chairman members of the board this is a reconstruction and reduction of occupancy from ten units to two units. The cost of the reconstruction is one eight hundred and sixty five thousand eight hundred fifty dollars. That amount exceeds fifty percent of the assessed value of the building which is a trigger for in the requisite approved plan for moderate. So intense complaints have been filed along with the engineer's hometown residents involved with and has been duly propagated. The request is made for entering court permanent. Thank you Mr Simonelli. Madam Chair, members of the Board Christian Simonelli Boston Broadcasting Association Card let us remain here. Any questions from the board? Any public comments? It's no raise your hands Madam Chair may I have a motion? Madam Chair I like to give a motion approval with the proviso that the plan to be reviewed by Boston Water Sewer Commission due to its location to the Groundwater Conservation District may have a second Mr Stembridge. Yeah. Mr. Valencia. Yes Mr. Langham. Yes Mrs Brown. Yes Mr Prasa. Yes yes. The motion carries move on to the hearing but not funereal about case VOA before we do that or ask if there are any request for withdrawal, Berle's from this not from. And we would also like to remind you that yes, we have we have six member board for this hearing scheduled this time and so and so that people who want case VOA one five eight nine seven one nine with the address of sixty one Ministry Street the applicant Abdel the president but before but yes. Good morning Mr Stembridge. Thank you and good morning Madam Chairman of the Board Richard Land is with a business at House of 245 Sumner Street ex-Post on behalf of the petitioner with us is Eric Person who is the project architect. I'm going to jump down a slide too. That's probably a good place to start. Madam Chairman of the board this is a proposed all that involves a 5000 square foot log in the heart section of East Boston. It seems that we are getting to the end of the legacy cases that were filed before the zoning method was effective for East Boston neighborhoods. This was filed prior version of Article fifty three essentially article twenty three would have allowed two of two family dwellings for a total of four units on the site. The amendments of the zoning codes would actually allow up to six units on the site if we were to divide this property and create two separate three family dwellings. Our proposal somewhere right in between old zoning and new zoning. Essentially what we're proposing is in five minutes one less than would be allowed under new zoning and also including five parking spaces I would point out to the board under new zoning if we were to propose to separate three family dwellings we would not be required to have any parking on the site as the parking requirements for one to three family buildings are no longer it's no longer part of any parking. We know that parking is a sensitive topic in this particular neighborhood. So we felt that the proposal to reduce the total number on the site as well as incorporate parking was the best bet for the area. We could jump down to the next slide please. So seeing here we are located in the new EB free district that has essentially been modified by the zoning commission on April twenty fourth. So with respect to eating our three while a single line would not permit more than three units this this site would be easily able to accommodate as I mentioned, two separate buildings, a total of six units I think I a quick high level comparison on the next slide. I think it's slide four. Yeah, So we could easily subdivide this institute as I said to twenty five foot lots by a hundred feet deep and comply in all the respects with the current zoning I get our proposal simply do one single building in five minutes with five parking spaces and so some of the violations that would be triggered under New would be use because one single building on a while cannot exceed three unless the land itself is within fifty five feet wide. But some of the other more important metrics I believe that are important in all of college and credibility to those in a moment we go to the next slide please. I will show some of the surrounding context the area so we see a bird's eye view here of the current conditions of the site. There's an existing single family that will be that is separate for the for this proposal. The next slide please. We rearview the building as you can see the context directly across the street is a mix of triple decker style buildings as well as two and a half storey buildings. The new zoning for this area permits up to three stories and thirty five feet which is consistent with our plan. We are also proposing a roof deck which is permitted under a new zoning as a matter of writing. Next slide please. Just a couple of different views of the existing conditions. Next slide existing building that would be demolished. I expect a proposal next slide John. One more and one more. So we have the architect who with us our desires and prepare an overview of what our building will look like in comparison to the existing building design site and just showing some the alignment we are setbacks the building as well as how it would fit relatively into the street context. The next slide please jump to one more slide after this. So our site plan is here. We are showing side here. It's on the left of three and a half feet and the side here on the right three feet that would be compliant under new zoning. I would also be compliant with the former zoning as well. We do show excise that is the required under new zoning and as I mentioned the coverage that is permissible in this particular district out of the new EBI will be a maximum of sixty percent. We're just slightly over that one hundred and fifty square feet and the reason for that is the requester desires seem to be better mutant's in order to continue building to accommodate three bedrooms which we have a total of four. We needed a little bit more room to make that work so I sat back in the is also slightly short but one third so that's required. However, we do need the accountability requirement which is a minimum of 30 percent. We're actually at thirty three percent so we feel that those metrics are being met under the new zoning and again just remind board that this was filed prior to the new zoning being enacted with respect to the height of the building and jumped down to the next I would to start getting to the front lines. Well I'm sorry. So this is just showing the garage level. We do have an existing Kirky on the property we would access the garage and allow for a total of five parking spaces, an enclosed garage. We do have the next slide shows the lower level unit which would be adaptable for persons with disabilities. That is a two bedroom unit at grade we get out to level two. We show the two of the other units and those those are the three bedrooms that we're proposing. Next slide please. Third level very similar. The second level also has three bedrooms and then we have biotech's on the upper level which are compliant with the design. So from elevation standpoint we do show some weird ex off the back for the second and third level and the roof that I mentioned with the garage as you can see him from elevation. Next slide please just outside of you and just to reiterate that we do keep this building within thirty five feet which is the allowable height we knew zoning regulation as well as a three storey building excludes just our other elevation here showing the contacts with Windows. So as I said, we are providing the adequate number of parking spaces that are required a new zoning. So it's one space per unit in this instance a total of five spaces, one unit this is intended for abortion so these will be sold as individual condominium units. How to address any comments or questions on the board regarding this proposal. Thank you. Questions from the board. It would be good to just hear from PPTA in regards to the argument that the project was filed before the new zoning was put in place and to get the baby discrimination and also BTD recommendation on parking space number five which is basically if we can talk about that. OK, let's start with Mr. Hampton. Are you with us? Yes, thank you, Madam Chair. Members of the board Jeff Ashton BPA our recommendation for this project is done now without prejudice. We understand that this was filed prior to the new zoning coming to play. However, we are reviewing the project now and one building with five units is not something that we support. We would recommend to everybody who's doing new projects and use Boston to comply with new zoning that was adopted by the zoning commission in April this year. So with that we're on the record to deny without prejudice. Thank you. BTB is on. If not I can not it can demand to get BTB recommended that five should be removed for renewability. So the question is to the applicant you have five minutes but is recommending for when the ability to remove one parking space does that still work? I think to the chairman's whereas I think that the adjustments on parking or something that we're going to be seeing more and more of I feel that most of the products that we present now there are recommendations from BTD to consider less working on projects and I understand that BGT approaches development now through a maximum. So it does work. We can certainly try to work with BP to satisfy the concerns if we want to try maintain five parking spaces but we fully understand it, their position requires some work and if I may ,Madam Chair, just quickly respond to Mr Abbott's comments. Yes, we fully understand and we're still trying to figure out and understand the intent behind actually allowing the six units on one what in the three districted seems like it's an interesting approach. However, one of the things that is required in order to get six units is on lithotripsy five feet wide or more. I would submit to the board and we're relatively new with this working through some of these concerns. What's in this section exposed to the most needy districts do not need fifty five feet and so it's almost an illusory requirement that I suspect will at some point work its way out through a challenge process. But what's typically in the neighborhood of twenty five fifty feet wide there are any fifty five foot lot so fifty five feet seems a bit arbitrary but it should be pointed out that the use is actually allowed in a district up to six units and once again I would point that compliance with the new planning Boston zoning would result in us doing two things one a actually parking entire which I can guess is going to be somewhat of a concern for surrounding neighborhoods and two would actually allow for two buildings because a subdivision of this parcel is permissible as there is no minimum size requirement under new zoning and we would be able to construct a total of six units on the site. I once again I just want to reiterate we we the compromise is to reduce the number of units as well as allow for the parking which we felt satisfied a number of direct other concerns and any other questions we would just want to point out to my colleagues that on this street there is no apology for improving door to door garage. There's usually street parking and the topology also that doesn't really exist as a kind apartment block but you do see side by side kind of units with both rents no further questions . Thank you very brother apartment BTD also there should be install an audio visual check person doing OK. Thank with that let's open it up to public testimony. Hello Madam Chair. Members of the Board of Governors of the Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services and hosted Abettors meeting for this project on March 12, 2020 board five veterans represent the butter to the back commented about privacy building lesson the currently proposed height as a way of mitigating the impact of the proposed changes as Butter Express that he feels like the sunlight will be blocked of his property ahead of the harbor. New Neighborhood Association was also on this call and he stated that he appreciated the bedrock. You would like to see less units so that the building does not eclipse the surrounding homes. The proponent met with the Harbor Neighborhood Association in March and April. Residents expressed concerns that if their if this project passes which exceeds height limits and planning for Boston it will set a precedent for other developers to propose taller buildings. Ultimately the group voted to oppose the project with 15 posts and six in favor at this time I would like to defer judgment to the board. Thank you. Good morning Madam Chairman of the Board shot from Councilor his office based on community opposition and based on not being complained his boss and because I would like to go in a position of this project. Thank you. Got one more recent. Yes ma'am. I sent a request to a million hello. Yes. Can you state your name and not just for the record please? I reached AirLand thirty seven Wall Street I'd like to say for this project especially appreciate the compromise for parking over an additional unit I've been in the community now for roughly two and a half years in a project that was just completed directly across the street from us was very similar added parking and I'd like to say that tricolore does a fantastic job maintaining that work site and again I'd just like to say that I'm for this project and very appreciative of the compromise for parking over any thinking manager about one more reason I say to my staff you would morning awesome TAYLOR residents of that eighty two more street unit four been here for about I think nine, ten months and I'm definitely for this project. I think the fact they've reduced the unit size as well as added parking I'm definitely for this project for sure. Thank you. No additional racism's Mamchur I sure and respond briefly to one comment the height I just want to be sure that the boys clear on this this is compliant with by these bosun's height requirement the issue I think that BPA as is the usage of units and again if this were a fifty five foot while this would be permitted as a matter of light. So the fact that we're reducing it down to a total of five units is something that we felt was the compromise. There are other buildings within very close proximity not specifically on a horn but at intersecting street war as well as more environ. I have a very similar style buildings and this board recently just approved the building directly behind this are the street behind us a very similar size layout that followed a lot of the same concerns of the neighborhood including parking as well as reducing you count. Thank you. Any other questions from the board hearing unman of emotion ,Madam Chair, I'm going to perform Ocean given that it was filed prior to the new zoning taking place. I'm going to prefer a motion of approval with a proviso that parking space number five be eliminated and that the project undergoes heavy design review on the exterior so it works more with the macing of its contents is the second said Mr Stembridge. Yes, Mr Valencia. Yes Mr Langham. Yes as we well I'm going to vote now. I think this should come by with these zoning. I'm also not in favor of trading off units in favor of parking. If anything it should be the opposite and I think some of these things could be remedied with the coverage by just reducing the massing of the building and I would be interested in seeing a project with two buildings and three units each. Thank you. Thank you Mr Bedrosian. Yes, Chair also votes yes the motion carries thank you very much. Next we have your weight one five six research one of the one eight one maverick street the and both from the bottom to the water. Yes. Good morning again to the record that Chairman is the board Richard Madden's business at two forty five Simon Street is boss I mean as the petitioner with me again is Eric Akesson from Context and we probably can jump right down. We can go to slide maybe two or three history as a good place to start. So as you can see here this is a horrible condition at the corner of Longlines and Maverick Street forget jump to the next slide. I think the storm photos just to give the board a little bit of context maybe one more slide after that one. Let's go one that close up. Yeah. So as you can see this building previously existed in the corner and was burnt out a little over a year ago and the owner is in the process of looking to rebuild our proposal would recognize that there has obviously been some changes here in Boston. This would be in the new Ghaffour district which would actually allow for multifamily use to different stories a total of 50 feet in height. So the proposal would replace essentially in a building that was er previously with a four story four unit building at the corner. So if we can jump down to maybe slide eight I do have a rendering. Yes. No more photos so the proposal here the building that you can see on the left here was a separate project that was also worked out that was actually the completely reasonable thing to do show the rendering of our building here at the corner. This is essentially following the footprint of the previous building that was on the site. I'm sure as this board may be aware, there are provisions out of the Boston zoning that allow for the reconstruction of Ayano Nonconforming structures. This would have been non-controlling under fire zoning no respects including the setbacks as well as street parking requirements under new zoning a number of those nonconformity would be eliminated including the height of the proposed height of our building as well as the number total number of units because this was previously located in the three of two thousand district. So we are in compliance with the multifamily use. We are also in compliance with the height of the building as we are less than fifty feet as well as the requirements concerning Sabat profile inside is those are aligned with both public ways of our means and maverick street. The new zoning does provide some special exceptions for corner lots. In this particular case the coverage can actually be up to 75 percent or more like Invision and the permeability is reduced by 50 percent. While we cannot necessarily meet those specific requirements, I think it's important to point out to the board that the building could have rebuilt under either zoning or at least under the provisions of Article four for reconstruction of damaged or destroyed buildings to the exact same footprint that was there previously. By way of relief we would require a number of items under prior zoning because we are replacing this what they mean for the building. This also was file under fire zoning before the amendment that was ultimately adopted by the zoning division up to the next slide please let's go one more slide so you see in our site plan here we do maintain that passageway there is an absolute behind the building. We are set back from that. So you do have an actual actually on an eight foot separation between the we are building in the building that's to our right along or we street that is the exact same footprint that previously existed on the site as is typical for all conditions, especially in the Jeffrey's point in our square area, the building occupying most of the site is not an uncommon characteristic. Next slide please. Just showing up for plan layouts. These are all two bedroom Shoebat units. The upper levels units three and four are by living and to enter the third floor and have bedrooms on the fourth level which is a pretty consistent theme for these types of buildings along within the Japanese public square neighborhood. Next slide please. We do a section and I do want to point out this is in the Seabright as well as Jinky overlays although because again this was filed for by the enactment of Article fifty three we are not subject to see fraud. We do show Unit one as being pertinent to I'm sure the basement level being important to Unit one that is for exclusive use area only. We're not proposing any habitable space at the lower level Unit one would be grade and although again as I mentioned this is within the C probably requirements for design slight elevation based on elevation calculations would not be applicable to this particular project because it was filed for the amendments to the fifty three. We do provide obviously the adaptable unit at level one and levels to three units to three and four is actually going up next slide please. Just our elevations we do maintain this building that is consistent unusable under current zoning which would be under 50 feet and for stories is permissible in district. Next slide please. I believe I said I'm sorry it's all there for any questions or comments report. Thank you from the board and the only question I have is BPA right. You know US recommends new units be in the basement but I don't really see a basement is just on the ground floor. It is it is substances to flooding so can Geoff Hampton clarify? OK, so unit one is that a basement unit because I'm right. So once three four because my this elevation's that I have is that that's on ground floor unit one is the same slab also so you know why it's showing unit one the basement area in unit one. What were your plans? Yeah, so you know floor plan for you don't want to go. Yeah I'm not proposing have a space there should be a notation every unit form towards the left side of your screen as well as uniform unit three are Bilel back to back but unit one we're identifying that as explosive use as an exclusive use area towards the final building for Unit one right now what's what's in the basement and you don't have a plan. What was what were you proposing in store storage for the building but exclusive use for Unit one and the lower level will be the only storage. OK, that's the clarification. Geoff can also read the previous recommendation. I thank you Madam Chair. That was the point of have to BPA. Mr Barroso like you we saw that labeling and thought it was going to be occupied space within the basement unit. So that's why we recommended that that be eliminate our recommendation understanding also that this was a fire building fire damaged building up by biologies. We still are in on the record for deny without prejudice because of the DeWees. But now that the basement occupied space has been clarified, I think that's not applicable. Like attorney said but because of the new zoning we still are on the record is denying without prejudice even given the the condition of the building. Thank you. Thank you. Other questions from the board hearing concerns hearing 9am public testimony. Madam Chair, members of the Board of Governors of the mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services and as I have said in Buttars meeting for this project on November eight of twenty twenty three no bidders were present on the call. The applicant met the Grove Street Citizens Association took a vote in November to support the project with a vote of eleven in favor and to oppose voters commented on liking the concept and once stated I support the development concept and I think the whole series is acceptable this location and purpose of this project because I was initially presented as approximately the same height as the building and in the second meeting there is an acknowledgment that the building was totally adjacent building but maintained the building. It was forty one feet. The drawings presented by the project team clearly showed the top of the furnaces forty five feet and the renderings continue to mislead the public at this time my office without judgment to the board. Thank you Mr Good morning Madam Chair. Members of the board Christian Monali Grammar Trust we have both key got letters from the applicant. Yes no additional Raytheon's Madam Chair I can't hear your muted manager. Sorry about that. Any other questions from the board hearing? None. May I have a motion, Madam Chair, given that the new zoning amendments allow for maximum height for stories and fifty fifty feet and there are buildings are much higher than what is being proposed in the vicinity I'm going to push for a motion of approval with a design review. Is there a second statement Mr Stembridge. Yeah Mr Landsea. Yes. Mr Langham. Yes as we well yes I think the location at to off to additional eight stories this better was yes chairman yes. Motion carries thank you. Next we have to be away one five eight nine seven zero four what does one seventeen as such street fialka then we're going to run yes. Good morning once again. NAB Chairman of the board Richard and business hours of to forty five these that on behalf of the petitioner with us is Talia Cannistraro our companies I was a project architect man and share this we can jump down next. This project involves the demolition of an existing two family dwelling with the replacement of a multifamily secured dwelling on Addison Street as a street has received a good deal of attention over the past several years for new development. It is formally called the Economic Development Area all today which ironically would have permitted this project basically as a matter of right under under prior zoning with the exception of use. So even though as predominantly residential residential use was previously forbidden under zoning, zoning, new zoning allows for about four or under the district now allows for multifamily use that that violation would now be removed with respect to compliance with current zoning. This as I said would be multifamily use which is allowed there is a lot of size a with so we do comply with the five thousand square foot wide the items such as live coverage variability can be better. Sixty percent maximum coverage fifty six percent with the creditability requirement at least 30 we're about forty two percent we can jump out of that size. So just showing here for district is identified as being this portion of Addison Street you can see here located right next to the former home. The next slide please. A bird's eye view seat is a relatively larger nine unit multifamily residential located directly next door as a four story building with a garage located ground level to the next slide please. You can see here some of the context as you're going down Addison Street towards Saratoga . Directly across the street is a relatively larger commercial building commercial site. You can see just off in the distance sort of the top of the screen a larger two hundred unit multifamily residential project was completed recently. Next slide please. Just a different view looking at Addison next slide and here's our Street View we do have that for you to watch the building nine units look at to left that tree is located on the property so not necessarily within our within the public way that would be removed. We did make a commitment during the community process to incorporate street trees that are appropriate species do have powerline located directly above us on that side of the street. We also need to make a commitment to trees for additional trees to be planted in the neighborhood. Next slide please. Just a different view here looking down next slide and side view here. Next slide we start here with our renderings so we do in the moderate sum being set back on the Ford model which is a typical design feature that we do see in a lot of buildings in the vicinity. Would you include some balconies in the second and third level the garage entrance way which I assume will ask that we incorporate a motion allowing for vehicles exiting the building which we have no issue with next slide please. Just a different view here looking Addison I'm seeing that set back about fourth level please jump down on one more slide here. Swamplands as far as our side plan we do show our side here setbacks at minimum of five feet both left and right that is combined with new zoning, prior zoning do not require any side setbacks. So there was a condition that certainly allowed me to fill out the entire lot under our zoning. So we did set back with respect to the proposed by the time the proposed New Zealand five we had set that ranges we do have going from thirty three feet to about twenty feet at its shallowest our left corner of the building just within twenty eight feet of the property line. However we do come back to about thirty three feet. We have those proposed on the right side of the building that would be compliant with the the new zoning amendment which allows for the measurement to go to the building. The desks are being shut out of the property so we do have a requirement to maintain thirty three feet for the site similar to the previous project that we had. We did want to incorporate three bedrooms in this so we do have a total of three three bedrooms and three to bedrooms. So in order to make that work we thought we needed a little bit more depth on the building to get the size of those units to work. Other than that, as I mentioned, the wall coverage would be at fifty six percent and then the permeable area that would be available is in excess of 30 percent or forty two percent. So both of those comply with the new specification but the amended zoning. Next slide please. Just showing our parking we have a total of four spaces that we are providing for a total of six units and similar to our previous proposal we talked about earlier this morning, we understand parking would have been critical for this neighborhood. They've us to consider incorporating parking but we understand meatiness approach as a maximum not necessarily minimal for parking. This would not necessarily comply specifically with the design as it does require one space per unit. But we felt that it was important to incorporate some parking at the lower level as opposed to trying to have more units and that's one of the conversations that we did have with the buyers during the planning process for this project backslides. So just illustrating the general layout and size of the units that you can see we have our back to back with some outdoor space of front and back as well as a mix of three and two bedroom unit BioBlitz and a similar layout as well the levels to level three and level for the next slide to next slide. Yes. Or elevations where we're allowed to have 60 feet the height for stories this is below that I believe we're just forty four feet for this building. We are proposing a roof decks as we provide outdoor space and for each of the levels both back. So with that I'm happy to answer any questions the thank you questions from the board. I just wanted to say that I agree with the recommendation they were just wonderful of parking space close to the garage door. I was looking at this parking and it seems that being uncomfortable was very hard for guys to get in and out of basic partner an next makes the door so that I want to put on the record the comment from maybe a combination of including the beach. This should have allowed them to protect both against. Thank you Mr. Lindsey. You want to comment once again we're happy to work with you. If there's a reconfiguration through the design review process that we can work on, we were trying to lay it out based on what we felt was available for space but certainly willing to address the concerns of BTB first before eliminating any spaces but certainly as part of the request the environment through design review that we can we can certainly do that. Thank you, Madam Chairman. There were also comments from this village with Mr Lance. You mentioned them but if you want to reiterate, please feel free of this question. Yes, real journalism only provides access to one second slash ground floor. Both units should be accessible . >> So I believe we do have time Mr er I my understanding is that requiring at least one accessible unit is is is what's required. I'm under any analysis by agreed great need to be able to do that but I don't want to go ahead I'm here thank you. As your father I heard my name is Mr Courtland Companies we have the flexibility to relocate that live to be able to provide accessible quality to both the units on that second floor. So within the design iterations we can accommodate any requests or concerns that the commission has. Thank you. OK, was that any of the questions from the board open it up to public morning. Hello Madam Chair. Members of the board that will be attendance with the mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services and supposedly the Buttars meeting at this project on March twenty six two thousand twenty four the applicant met with the hard working Neighborhood Association in March and April twenty twenty four the vote was taken in April meeting and the group voted to oppose the project with a vote of eleven oppose and seven in favor. However when I said receive six letters in support of a project that were forwarded to the board at this time I would like to to bring judgment to the board. Thank thank you. Good morning Madam Chairman of the Board Sébastien from Concert Politics Office based on the opposition from Rene and its noncompliance with plan is Bellson the council would like to go a position on this project. Thank you. Any I see any additional risk management you know the responsibility Madam Chair just on the council. Yes, yes. Yes. So just couple of things to point out. So this is actually would dimensionally comply of building under Barazani the allowable limit was forty five feet previously but I would point out that the set back and we are underminers on twenty feet and there is no sign here step back so this would be dimensionally complied building but the use was all that was essentially forbidden under the new zoning amendment makes the use and allowable use and then we are generally in alignment if not on point with all of the zoning amendments perhaps with the exception of the set back which ranges from a compliant thirty three feet down twenty feet as I said I would be critical component here is that we do meet the maximum coverage as well as the minimum probability for the site and allows us to incorporate three better units into the building itself. Thank you. May I have the motion Madam Chair? I can propose a motion seem to give my colleagues agree I like to put forward a motion of Proval with a couple of provisos one being that one mark to be removed from venerability the second being that an accessible list be accessible to the two units. The third is to allow for my PDA to work with the applicant on the overall site plan of the building to increase set backs to allow for a building that is more contextual. That's all I have. That's plenty. We have a second second Mr Stembridge. You Mr. Valencia. Yes Mr Langham this is we yes. Mr Barroso I actually say yes. I said yes. OK sorry Jerrold's yes the motion carries thank you very much. I think that next we have case we'll wait one five eight one zero five year old Theodoros Neren what role if the applicant and what representative they respond to . Yes hi my name is David Friede and I'm an architect insurance company and I'm here to present the project at sixteen. We are here just to get approval for tuition dormers on the existing entrance colonial house colonial style house. Next slide please. The dormers are conditional use so we were cited for restructuring restrictions and also for a very large set back the houses you can see there's a lot just behind the rear of this house were set back just to see from that Lalime These additional these two dollars would give us much needed headroom height in this third story of the House. Next slide please. That's an image of our reclaimed next slide please. The building in particular here is the Blue House and you can see where we have a modest schedule around the top floor. Next item is here's a view of your elevation. Do we have a side view? Yes, we do this this idea of a project and we had a budget meeting. We do have there was no opposition at the meeting and with that I will open up to any questions about thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Mr Crean. Any questions from the board hearing the public testimony and and members of the board shall be at the mayor's office neighborhood services. Anybody's meeting was held for six new well on April twenty twenty four. Since that time this office has received zero support in zero in opposition. >> With that we would defer judgment to the. Thank you Mr I don't see any additional raise hands Madam Chair. Thank you. But that motion malfunctioned. I make a motion while we do the assembly will consider Vincent Bodrov structure. Thank you. May have a second but Mr. Valencia sorry went out Mr Stembridge yeah Mr Lexia yes Mr Langham yes Venezuela. Yes yes better yes Travelex yes the motion carries thank you very much. Next we case VOA one five three five one four six the address of twenty three o'clock Street if the outlook and inverted representative is very important in the case of the Falkland I can you hear me? Yes sir. This is some development here in the North then I'm represent running quixotry. This is a family owned building existing ten units the ten unit was the ground floor unit which was at some point or another it was a store I was considered commercial space and since the owners of the building were continuing construction to all the other nine units one at a time they were cited by I need to install sprinkler and fire alarms throughout the whole building. So at this they wanted to take the opportunity to turn this commercial space on Clark Street into a studio residential unit. So we're seeking relief for article fifty four, Section twenty one ofthe Popken is sufficient in article fifty four Section Ten uses of open space in sufficient. Yes sir. So the building is gone under the construction for the sprinkler in the fire on systems in the renovations to the other units because we received that on an additional parameter eighty one for all for one or two which allowed us to do the work to the to the three other units that were existing residential units and this particular commercial unit we are asking for the board today to approve us to make it a residential assessment board hearing our public testimony Madam Chair members of the board and even with the mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's office defer to the judgment this board on association bothers meeting on March 20th. The applicant then went on to meet with the two Northan Civic Association's new and unique levels offered letters of non-objection to this proposal with Adam in front of the board at this time. Thank you. Thank you. Yes. No additional excuse, Madam Chair. Thank you. With that may I have a motion Madam Chair put forward a motion of approval. I have a second that I get Mr Stembridge. Yeah Mr Valencia. Yes Mr Langen this as well yes was better browsr yes yes the motion carries because I thank you Madam Chairman next we have a case VOA one five seven to seven read four with the address thirty six thirty eight Ellenville pardon. Yeah and all their representatives from there explained to I just sent a request to UN to make you a panelist Mike I sent a request to you. Yes hello. You can hear me now are you presenting this project this morning. Yes I am. I called in yesterday to let you know I'm going to make you a panelist. OK? OK. Sorry about that. Good morning Madam Chairman. Members of the board my name is Mike Afra. I am the owner of thirty six thirty eight L.M. Park. This project is to add a crabcake driveway and street parking onto the property as there is currently no street parking on this property and on street parking is very limited. I'm seeking relief of front and side yard setbacks. Excuse me as well as the off street parking requirements and a little bit to the parking area in the front of the house . So for the front yard setback that we are seeking relief from we we are rebuilding the existing retaining wall that is there. It's a Marine Corps sheep so we're not moving out front yard. Our team will at all we're going to rebuild in place and then on the east side of the plan we are building the existing retaining wall and pushing it back a couple of feet to allow for the 20 foot parking space. And then we are we are also seeking approval for parking in the front of the House as there is not enough room on the side of the house to allow for parking. Are there questions from the board? Yes. Quick question the ruling I see that there is a handicapped parking space at this moment located where you want to put the correct yes. So that was for the previous owner who was an elderly gentleman that needed the handicapped spot. Currently we are renovating the building so there is no occupants there but we would be able to dedicate one of these spots to handicapped if one of the occupants requiring that the driveway on the left does not belong to you. Does that belong to your neighbor? Yes, the neighbor pretty much all the houses on the street have a driveway except for my house and been the one directly across the street. >> The road. OK, other questions from the board hearing no public testimony. Yes, Madam Chairman, members of the board are continuing with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's office defer to the judgment this this allocation went through a full community process bonus and a budget meeting was held on April 1st that was well attended by the applicant. Then we're on to meet with the Almanzo Park Neighborhood Improvement Association in April I the only concern this difficulty was to confirm retaining wall was structurally sound which the applicant was able to answer with that I will defer to the board at this time. Thank you. Thank you. Yes. No additional raise has mentioned any other questions from the board. No motion I'm sure I am pleased that a commendation from the BBVA Protection Department to be both within I. I agree with the recommendation based on the location of the proposed parking in front of the house that night the night of is there a second that Mr. Stembridge I would vote no on the of understanding? Yes it is Parkening understanding the parking condition as I know it in the neighborhood. I don't know. Thank you Mr. Garcia. Yes. Mr. Raynham. Yes we yes. Yes. Better browser. Yes. Share votes. Yes. The motion carries next next we advocate VOA one five five seven to form the address of twenty six point thirty three is the outlook and what Dear represented present day explain the case the worker with morning Madam Chair and members of the board I am an official of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church St. Michael located 026 went from St.. This is so Alec Station to our church for Sunday school purposes. So if you go to Slater this is just a brief agenda. What are we talking about to just give some context about our church and its history within the world and also how it impacts African American history and give us the state of our church and they were here today properly of space and then I would share with you the plan and some pictures and then I will show you what we've done with the action items that came out of the Abiders the neighborhood association meeting Tripolis this this is just to give you some context to go to those churches is very ancient church. It dates back to the times with that person. So we focus mostly our purpose is spreading the gospel and also has very much involved with the black liberation and also part of Africa to movement especially here in America. I made a significant role in the civil rights era by encouraging leaders like Marcus Garvey and also other black leaders in the country. So it's a very ancient church currently once our church is currently located in District Roxbury area slightly please. So our church is just a little incorporated as a five one three C three hundred thirty two thousand one and we purchased our current place of worship and also in 2003. So we've been serving peacefully quietly in that area for the last twenty one years. We we have good relationship, our neighbors. So our mission is spreading the gospel of our savior Jesus Christ and providing spiritual guidance and education to the youth and also the adults and to the needs of our community. Our main focus is educating the youth about their culture and empower them to become active and responsible citizens. So we so far with our priest ordained a fifteen year Usborne deacons will be serving our church and they become a positive role model for for the younger Americans group growing up here to go to the next level please. So we are here today because our church is scheduled to see the voting in December. Twenty twenty two. The purpose is to serve us Ascendis a room for our younger children and this will help us educate the youth about their heritage and face and then it will see the responsibility and citizenship. We will not create any inconvenience for our no doubt many important and also we with only a few hours on Sundays. Next slide please. So the Pope has delivered US bases that used to be on Sunday mornings mostly an hour or two hours every Sunday sorry kids first come to church. They attend service in the main part of the building then after that when the kids are separated upwards into age kids the age of probably six to ten equal to the shed with their teacher to attend Sunday school . Can I just clarify so this is already built correct? Yes. OK, can you just speak to the what what the violation is for the for the space so that we can have a.. >> I think it was just an illegal use of the necessary structure so they're just trying to correct that. Yeah. I mean it says insufficient Sigerson back but I don't you know I don't know if that's a did you did you already know this did you do this or was it already there. Do we we both decided that we had a permit when we purchased this or that is brother approved placement but I think the resolution was we finished inside our community members. They will have to finish it and start using that us. Gotcha. OK, so are there questions from the board? OK, hearing none can have public testimony. I don't thank you Madam Chairman of the board and board members my name is Jeremy Member of the Office of Neighborhood Services Office didn't go to committee process for twenty six went through St. Street but as many months out on April 10th as having me on April 16th there on both meetings concerns were raised in regards to trash and run an activity which was dressed as an exterminator did do a survey and concluded that there were no on the property. There was very little opposition. We do have support from a few constituents in there during the meeting the Civic group did show they did us show support and received one letter of support from the group as well. I at this time the mayor's office neighborhood services would like to defer to the judgment of the board. Thank you. Thank you. I just want to add that I just told a pest control issue we set up mailboxes with use position. This certainly any other raised hands, no additional ratio's. Any other questions from the board hearing? None. May I have a motion? I'm getting back to FDA approval, OK? Yes OK now the Second Circuit OK Mr. Stembridge. Yeah. Mr. Valencia. I think he's a little frozen. We'll keep going. Mr. Langham. Yes, Misery well yes because better Broza Yes. Mr. Valencia, do you want to try going off camera all right . Well the chair votes yes and that is CEGEPs. OK, great. Thank you. We can hear you now. Motion yes. Thank you very much. Not to be cheered but I have ten fifty nine. Why don't we take a five minute break. >> All right. Good see you back in five minutes. Thank you source thank you. Do roll call Mr. Stembridge President Mr. Valencia President Mr. President we welcome Mr. Brazil President. Thank you for your eyes. Mr. Stembridge. Thank you, Madam Chair was brought back to me this morning scheduled for 11:00 a.m. We'll ask Arkhangelsk question which calls for the girls from yes Mr. Stembridge ninety on Radclyffe Road with very small that would be VOA one five seven two zero five six put the address of the ninety one world . Would you go ahead and explain for sure? Good morning madam. I remember the border turning dark small business address of fifty one Dobsonville we're here today seeking a deferral there are some changes made to the class and the HSDPA examiner has yet to review those plans. We are seeking a deferral to come back after that the plans are reviewed. Thank you Samantha. Any day soon. Greatly appreciate Samantha. We can indeed Madam Chair July 30th. OK Mr Small that's fine. I'm glad that I have a motion. I make the motion to go forward on the fourth of July 30 first 1st July 30th I do may have a second Mr Stembridge. >> Yeah Mr Valencia yes Mr Langham. Yes yes Mr Roso yes chair votes yes motion carries see you that much but now I can worry in terms of my name is not Muehler of you architecture I'm representing your design collaborative part of the whole Boston program we submitted changes to a design and we had project you're referring to please so that Mr Stembridge can read it into the record. Yes I'm sorry correct. Yes yes. OK we are I don't know the agreement but it's unfortunate anyway ignore Wall Street go that and be one with Boeing one five nine zero you with the second one all four no Wall Street also keep your weight one five nine six zero three four with the address. No no no ain't no Wall Street along with those two KVOA one five nine six zero three two with the address of one of six Local Street you go ahead and for yes we made some minor modifications to our room to dwelling units on the first floor which they knew violations were flagged. But these new violations are actually on the original. But since they were originally I think are being invited to go back and and send notifications to the voters. OK, I do hope we can do this as soon as possible as this is a pretty strict timeline with this project. So we need you to help me. I was able to find let's find out what's available next to me . Is this the date of July 16th? That's correct. Yes. Yes. So we have this will be for next July 16th if that's all right with the applicant. Madam Chair, Madam is that if that's as soon as you do it that's that's perfect. OK, thank you madam. I make a motion before you like to send man a second sack Mr Stembridge. Yes Mr Valencia. Yes Mr Langham. Yes as well yes Mr Roso yes chair votes yes motion carries ok thank you Chair Gerard let me six member yes is a reminder that we are a six member board of returning to the hearing scheduled for 11:00 a.m. We have to companion case first case VOA one five six five eight zero five with the address of forty Colquitt for the moment that we have Kaysville one five six five seven nine seven also with the one where is the applicant and who are the representatives of the patients to move forward please. Thank you Mr Stembridge. Madam Chairman, members of the board John Moran Alpina Advisory Services was a mailing address of one thirty controlled d'Orleans mass. Madam Chair we are seeking three release one is building code, the other is a cheat card permit and the last is variances. May I start with the building code? Yes, if we can scroll down to show the front of the building which would be a two one yes. Yes. This is a four story building under the state building code access to the proposed roof must be what the building code Chermside Penthouse we commonly call it a hen house. We are proposing a hatch access if a if a penthouse is required it would require zoning really as drawn the proposed roof that conforms to the zoning code as a matter of great the property is located in the south in historic district it is listed as contributing structure under the Native South and the National Historic District. The proposed hatch is a common means of access to roof decks. It would not create an unsafe condition. Boston Fire has adequate equipment to reach the roof of this structure. The hatch would be in the proposed to family structure and the roof deck is for the exclusive use of other unit. We would suggest that the proposed hatch is an acceptable compliance alternative to the head house and seek a variance to utilize the proposed hatch. Do you want to proceed with both? Are you looking at the I would suggest a vote on the three individual or whatever I can go for one. Why don't you walk us through the whole thing and we can we can we seek a G permit the requisite Boston water and sewer approved can be a compliance letter in cameras that have been filed with the board and with the appeal and the third is variances if we could scroll to the next slide down one this shows the proposed rear decks there are true there was extensive meetings concerning the Steck and a compromise substitute plan was submitted and approved by ISG, the section to the left which shows the red ink area the change to the original plan was to pull the proposal and step back from the insurance property at 42 Konkan Square three feet to change the way the proposed store would open. So with open from the left to the right and at the initial portion of the deck with only project four feet and then would continue to project six feet around the bay the bay is a substantial portion of the rear of the building. If we could scroll to the next slide this shows the proposed placement of the condensers that's in the back of the proposed roof the black area. It is set back five feet from the rear. Well it is concealed in part by the proposed back and we respect suggest that it will have minimal effect upon the profile of the roof of the streetscape again the blocked area shown the true colors text projecting into the rail yard and with that I will be open to questions from the board. Thank you. I appreciate from the board hearing the testimony. >> Yes Madam Chair. Members of the board Thornton the mayor is also say services this time the mayor's office to refer to the judge from this board. Our office held an important meeting on February 20th after there were some concerns raised from some neighbors about setbacks the size of the debts the Alkon met some of those neighbors did a walk through of the site I understand in early April agreed to reduce the width of the deck from six to three feet and the gap between forty two hundred square and this proposal I understand that some of the residents were pleased with that although some others potentially would have liked to have further reductions. They then around Grandmont Neighborhood Association that information referred to the board at this time. Thank you. Thank you Mr Simonelli. Morning Madam Chair. Members of the board Christian Boston Trust we capital letters on the album. Thank you. We have an additional raise and Madam Chair please. I sent the request I there thank you so much. Hi General thank you for can see these plans again it's adjacent to number forty and forty two and we did all of us all of the owners here did meet with John Kennedy and discussed some compromises as the initial proposal for the decks were huge. My biggest concern is that they are right next door to all of our bedrooms though and Sean was able to appreciate that which I was glad for his empathy while I watch Sean to be able to carry on with his livelihood that there had to be a misunderstanding because the big issue is where do they start from our building and I just want to provide context that it's the back of the building for both of our buildings are not being allowed. So are bedroom is both right. So the ask was to start it where the actual window currently exists. I said three feet I thought it was three feet from the downspout in when I saw the players it was three feet from the property line which is so it's been basically they could change my TV channel and so my my only adds is while I appreciate the initial accommodation, the proposed deck is huge and that's fine but if we could just have the start of the deck five feet from the property as opposed you know, right where the window is instead the three feet from the property line that would be great. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Mr Moran, can you comment on that? Yes. At the actual site meeting many of the parties are trying to I should say the above is from forty two who attended the site of the meeting agreed with Shaun by pulling the deck back three feet from the property line and also changing the opening of the door so it will swing out so people going out onto the deck with B facing the bay we thought we had an agreement. My understanding that one of the that we had an email erm confirming that they were very pleased with this plan and I know Sean had received some communication from Kate I don't know as of last week whether they actually talked but we thought this was the compromise we submitted the compromise to the board and said copies to all those who have attended the site meeting in and received no objections from those attending the site. I thought we had reached a compromise. Thank you. I have questions from the other parties from the board. Yes. Have you examined some of the S and landmark historic commission or design review? Yes, they have approved as it is that was proposed yes. OK, great. No further questions. OK, with that may I have a motion to motions three motions Madam Chair OK Matt Mantri I'd like to perform a motion with a proviso that the project gets reviewed by Boston Water and Sewer Commission that the project also gets reviewed by Boston s landmark historic mission and the third one would be that the project receives a building could relieve for approve cash access to the roof and that's it. Go I did I said I'm sorry. OK, may I have a second Mr Stembridge this is yeah thank you Mr Valencia. Yes Mr Lynham this as well. Yes this but it was a yes chair vote yes the motion carries Madam Chair if I may know they would be I would try to separate opinions from the one for building code since that was a separate appeal and the second for the German to release. OK Caroline concerns questions now so just to clarify it would be two separate letters one for God and one for the building code. OK, thank you. All right. Thank you. Next we have case VOA one five six eight one three four the address of two eighty three Balwyn Avenue. If the applicant or their representative explained to reporters Thank you Mr Stembridge and good morning Madam Chair and members of the board. My name is Rachel Alexander also joined by my colleague Gerard Henderson. We are writing to receive permission from the board to continue to host food trucks at this out which is two eighty three Burwood Avenue abody Boston Children's Hospital Patient Families Garage. This program started in July of twenty twenty during the pandemic as part of a greater neighborhood wide placemaking initiative and since then have been running under a temporary permanent estie and seeking to renew our permit again in September of twenty twenty three we were asked to seek an appeal with the zoning board. I'm happy to answer any other questions but I think it was if we had the approval for Boston Children's Hospital and have provided a letter of support here as a certified plan, I just overall has been a great opportunity for us to be able to work with both existing food trucks and young entrepreneurs those are permitted in the city and we just have a critical mass of people involved with food for the while with neighborhood that I think really appreciate having a variety of programs is happy to answer any further questions thanks to you. Any questions from the board, your public testimony, Madam Chair, members of the board continuing with the mayor's office neighborhood services this town the mayor's office defer to the judge on this board with the app and circulate fliers to about three hundred feet unaware of any constraints at this time without refer to the board. Thank thank you. Additional raise can't mention with that man have a motion for a room. Is there a second bathroom, Mr Stembridge? Yeah Mr Landseer. Mr Linamar yes Mizue Well yes is better Broza Yes votes yes the motion carries the lot. Thank you so much. Thank you. Care next we have VOA one five eight nine eight five four the address of twenty six requires three hours to get the other one to represent or explain the case in through. Yes thank you Mr Stembridge. Good morning Madam Chair members of the board my name is George Maretti. I'm an attorney with the business address in West Broadway and South Boston. I represent my quarter the owner of this property twenty six rows clear street is currently two and a half storey building with a legal occupancy of two family dwellings located in a twenty five thousand seven subdistrict and Dorchester Article sixty five is indicated on the architectural drawings. The building actually currently has very well a unit in the adding level. This was an existing condition and this property was sold in twenty seventeen different ownership unit which at the time included was not controlled by my client approximately one year ago my client his business partners and immediately undertook to legalize the occupancy of the currently vacant three units, legalize the occupancy of the building as a three family dwelling and so doing. He is also proposing to square off and convert the building to a three storey structure. Here is an existing could catch and driveway on the right side of the building leading to a garage in the back which is in poor condition. This garage will be arranged to be replaced by three service parking spaces as these spaces would occupy an area actually less than the current garage footprint. This change would result in additional landscaped open space in the rear yard building's foundation footprint of change by the first and second floor rear will increase slightly in size and a new deck will be added to the third floor level front in the back of the building. It would also be a 12 by 20 foot roof deck for the exclusive use of Unit three we access directly from the union Square staircase unit one of the first floor currently has four bedrooms and this will not change Unit two on the second four currently has three bedrooms and this also will not change Unit three which is a small attic which again is currently vacant will grow from a one bedroom two three bedroom units as the half storey attic will be converted into a force more with respect to the zone we requested invariance is needed for the proposed three family use while zoned to ask there are numerous three family dwellings in the immediate neighborhood while preparing for today's hearing I actually came to notice that I represented for twenty two rows Claire Street which was converted into a three storey three hamlet in 2017 and twenty Rose Claire which was converted to the same in two thousand eight two violations related to the width of the water which is just over forty four feet as opposed to the fifty required by code. This is an existing condition of course which cannot be changed and which is a typical wadewitz for the neighborhood also typical for the neighborhood and reasonable for the proposed uses of the proposed floor area ratio. Twenty nine President apartment building is point seven seven whereas the maximum that Arizonan's provides relief is required for the proposed three storey height building height would increase to thirty four and a half feet which is a zoning compliant but the story height limit in this district is two and one half storeys once again in terms of neighborhood context the fifteen buildings on the even side of this block Rose Claire Street thirteen of those fifteen are three storey Wellons relief is also required for a front yard set back violation arising from the third floor porch which is within the areas of Portus existing with the first and second floor levels and there is a side yard insufficiency which also means the vertical extension of the building within its existing footprint. So it's a vertical expression of a preexistence at back nonconformity without pause and take any questions that members may have antiperspirants any questions on the board at Retno and what Speed's recommendation on this project consider submit any. And so I'd like to know from Jeff Hampton what's his opinion. Thank you Mr Baraza. We didn't have any information for this which is why we didn't submit a recommendation but I did go back like attorney Morante and said to look at the twenty two and twenty four was clear and as he said also this is almost an exact replica of zoning review in those two cases we recommended for OK great thank you. And is why is there a reason to propose a roof deck when you have adequate roof deck at the rear of the property for each unit? I think it was just viewed as an additional benefit for unit during night during nights views from this location and the client believed it would be just additional you know, nice open space 134 on it. OK, thank you. No further questions. Let's open up to volunteers from oh good morning ma'am or crosscourt from the mayor's office services. The cat has completed their community process at this time our office Tony Blair's meeting in March of this year where residents joined in and they shared some concerns about parking and we're just curious about construction timeline and etc. They also presented to the local civic association. However, I do not have a letter of support or opposition on file this time. Likewise I do not have any letters of support or opposition of a Buttershaw constituency at this time we'd like to defer to the sports department. >> Thank you. Thank you. Hello Madam Chair. I was on board with some Councilor Fitzgerald's office seems like to support the proposal. Thank you. No sorry madam I can. The Civic Association did in fact be voted in favor of the project people are to support. Thank you. No additional race against manager thank you Stephanie that we have a motion. Madam Chair I saw a motion given that in the vicinity there are no exterior stairs into a roof and there is only one example four houses down that has an internal stair access to the roof with these reasons I do think they have adequate use of exercise space from the rear deck. I like to perform a motion of approvable the proviso that the project removes the roof deck and roof deck access from an exterior stair. I have a second set that Mr Stembridge yeah Mr Unsere yes Mr Lyneham. Yes as we well yes Mr Roso yes chair votes yes the motion carries thank that chair so I will ask you are any requests for withdrawals for any discussion about yes Mr Stembridge ten thousand square please. So that would be the case VOA one three zero four four three three would you got the address of ten thousand square that he asked. Good morning Madam Chair. Members thought of a name is George TLM attorney with the business Abdirashid speaking West Side Hardway representing the petitioner Madam Chair I was actually to request a deferral before I became aware this morning this is a six member board which means of course I'm entitled to an administrative deferral. This would allow us to benefit from sending some additional time. We're very, very close in working with both the Charlestown Council and the design professional members, architects and otherwise in Charlestown Preservation Society we've reduced the building from four stories to three stories and we're currently working on some design issues since this is viewed as a very sensitive site in Taksim Square historic location in Charlestown. So I would like to take benefits rather ministry for all of this to allow us some additional time to finish up work with those groups and hopefully have the community support. So what time frame are you looking for because you have deferred multiple times already on this one. Yes, that is true. So we we probably have just a couple of meetings last with each group I would suggest I think the board maybe was out on July 30th the last time I heard in the file. So maybe next available date after that to give us at least a couple of months to continue to work with the community. And Samantha, what are you looking at? Madam Chair, we have August 13th or August 7th. I think August let's be safe and say these twenty sevens and that would be appropriate. OK, is there a motion I make a motion to defer to August 7th. Is there a second strike on Mr Stembridge? Yeah Mr Rosia yes. Mr Lynham yes. As well yes. Mr Roso yes Chairman. Yes the motion carries thank you. Any further request for withdrawal from the the time for non is there is a hindrance . John Lyons are you here for a deferral. I said after meeting this morning Madam Chairman my name is John Lyons. I'm an attorney with an office at Atikokan Street and Quinsy representing the people on a Tindall. We're requesting another deferral give sufficient time to continue working with two different civic association. We have met twice with the to see what the project is as far what is the address I'm sorry this is Gaudí Temple Street. OK what are you guys ready to please allow Mr Stembridge to read into the background chair so that would be your case VOA one five two zero three the of forty to forty two examples . Yeah well Mr sorry for the interruption again my name's John Lyons. My address is in Golden Street and Lindsey Graham is general the proponent requesting another extension to permit additional time to join you working with two civic associations. We did meet twice with the Mary Street Association and we met with to the board for the Mills and again with the LS general membership to the present concern relates to the architect style. Sorry you don't need to go into those details of the stock. Why were we working the plan that's that's essential for thank you. What are you on our return. >> All right, bye. August 13th that's open Samantha we can do August 13th Madam Chair. OK, without me I have a motion back to August 13th. I have a second that that the average Mr. Valencia. Yes, Mr. Langham. Yes. but we will yes. Yes. Mr Roso. Yes, Chairman. Yes. The motion carries thank you very much. It's an upper hand raise Madam . I'm going to the stand to request to our mutual was that not one I sent a request to the Nederland. Are you here to request a deferral? Yes. OK, can you give us the address . I'm sorry what street is ok Mr what was that again. Astoria's eighty six Astarita Street is that correct. Yeah ok so that was the case we you down the VOA one five three eight six eight six with the address of eighty six Story Street and along with that in this case VOA one five three eight seven four zero also with the address about eighty six the story street would you go and explain the importance. Yes the last time I was they said I said you want to buy me to meet with the city of the Western community but I get a date for the Chinese Fourth of July of July. OK, so you so you need time in order to meet with them. Samantha, what's available after the step is this on July 16th at our backs? No, you can defer to whenever you OK great. So we the next day Madam Chair would be July 30th. No time for the applicant is there enough time for you now. OK, all right well that may have motion motion to the side of the line thirty second again Mr Stembridge. Yeah Mr. Valencia yes Mr Langham that's Mayor as we well yes is better Broza Yes the chair votes yes the motion carries that. Thank you very much. We should turning to the right oh we will move on to case VOA one five nine two two seven one with the address one twenty to one twenty four Bathroom Street . Yeah and there is President I want to imagine that is in the blood. My name is James Christopher six eight six architects of the business address of Ten Floors Road and Dream House here before you on one twenty Bassem Street this is actually it's just a project of forty three Fremont Street that was subdivided it was a real violation that was created on the existing law and the existing building with the Fremont law application has been approved. This violation just recently cut and so the when we originally filed the application these violations but it was not heard at the board it should have been we don't know how it happened. So we here correct that today questions from the board here of public testimony. Madam Chairman of the board regarding with the mayor's office neighborhood services at this time the mayor should defer to the on this board as you heard from the representation consumers went through a community assessment before the board. They had letters of support from aboutus on that street. There was also some concerns and opposition from local civic association with that information will defer to the board at this time. Thank you, Mr. No additional racism's membership that may have a motion by man chair I just put it I like to put forward motion of approval a second that Mr. No Mr. Valencia . Yes, Mr. yes. we well yes that's better Baraza yes. Chair votes yes. The motion carries I do. You've been burned so that takes us to case VOA one five eight two eight to the atmosphere three or five Chesnut Derfner have to get debilitative representatives from Datapoint to the board for Good Afternoon Madam Chair. Members of the board Luis I have you know for this project and this has to presentation so I can also show the existing issues of the existing association. What we have here is a change of policy from that to five million to six units we are proposing an inferior to the left hand side of the building and if you see no real also we are in dollars to the real construction. If you can please go to the next slide. So this is the existing condition we are in on to get into the basement. We are in this building right here. We've got to maintain it as it is. Next slide please. This is the first again on the left hand side includes the infield which would be in the rear of the building as in this area would contain dwelling units. One entrance would be on the left side. The second floor is basically duplicate of the first row would go be front and rear. And so finally on the next slide we have the attic space which would be converted into one unit. We are in three on the right side of and explicit. So this is our elevation and we are trying to preserve the front of the building as it is now in the addition was visible towards the rear would be located right behind the in line with the back on the left hand side and you can see the elevation that has the diversion. We are increasing the higher degree of portion of construction by just about two feet of and this is the entrance to base on the left hand side of it also didn't feel on that side. So this building has been violations. We have in six parking spaces as the parking is insufficient . We are short in spaces. We have the ratio of one per deteriorations in excess also by a fraction of single beat or about seven hundred square feet and the other financial institutions. Security is not permitted without just to give us some context to a presentation I would like to remind you that I share with Stephane Dysgraphia as you can see for most if you're going to start there of the first two pages of Page this building has been condemned to present my state of this meeting was does I believe six or so and again in twenty twenty and it has been in disrepair for many, many years. The new owner decided to take over and make this commercial operations people are going to the next slide please Yamuna in the the building is vacant and this is the present commissioner. He has been like that for at least the last four years. If you want to the next slide please sir. This is the drums and the building is on either side or taller than our building except for the next slide. Please think this is the area for that side we're reproposing in feel in line with that we very strong so from Portugal construction next like please I highlighted the area where the red line the other shows the area the the initial this degree of caution that we be feeling as well now this is what we are proposing. We maintain this area in front of the building as it is as you can see this bretheren reflects Berisha but is not visible from the corridor. A slight increase in high line in Bay Window. There is practically no visible from the street. Next please. This is a very I feel so and the changes that includes a parking space. We had our property in one side Parkinsonian side next the previous slide to that one because the contents of the proposal issues as you can see is the only visible front is three because you're going to see the proposal addition on the left hand side immediately behind this bay window with the left and I will emphasize that we have been front play at the conclusion of the presentation from side view of control place . This is an analysis of the to be seated within the feet of the subject. We are determined not to investors and back out because not now I can't see any of the numbers. I apologize. >> Thank you. This is this is an analysis in terms of the real number of Sterzenbach information religious in the two respondents I remember it is the largest district in this country that only two large most of the properties of are significant properties that are formerly in that parking spaces and they have an since I in in they are so that relates to our project instead we individual requirements except for different I would be exceedingly obstruction of points you meet in Alzner and he was obviously balcony's deficient just by his one point which is slightly better to see the next slides this property is a summary of our nations and how we requirements as you can see identifying on like this. So when we met in Geneva see its only copy we had another meeting as well. We offered several conceptual concessions. We reduce the size of additions we eliminated one unit, reduce it one six and seven to six which is why we have no concern expressed by wanted to ask us to reduce the periodic and significantly reduce as well. We eliminated an existing side on the right side of system that was considered to be made about. There were several concerns about the trees on the property to address that same review in landscape of plans by landscape architect that process we would be installing fences in order to conceal the of lot and I imagine that this project would be subject to repeated by the consumer the period to design on the site. Apologize for that. Can you stop and just run for we just revision as possible so to strengthen this building has spent contextualized the Massachusetts cultural records information system in the Massachusetts Commission. This is not a landmark in this building has not been designated yet although the area has been inventoried and he has architectural significance due to the connection with the person the buildings, he said, is a quick revival architecture and he has some significance. But again he's not about these companies that are historic nonmarket just for context. That being said, we are planning to furnish the different structure exactly as peace so there will be no changes to everything else we have been towards building and we've had I open to any questions that you want me to but how does the length of the building compare to three oh nine chestnut out from three or I will be the building on the right one. You're looking at Google Maps. It's on the left excuse of the left is that is several holes in the others is there one, two, three quarter place and that place is going to continue building those areas. As you said there are two units in each one of those buildings to get out of line in any significant numbers. All of these smaller buildings in relationship reduce the numbers in your presentation. I thought I heard you mentioned basement dwellings but in the previous slide it says you eliminated basement drawings. Can you please come from initially we have two basement units in working with the community offering concessions . We reduce the number of minutes from seven to six by eliminating units in the basement. So there's still a basement think that is one one basement apartment passage from the ward hearing nonmetal testimony. Morning Madam Chairman. Members the board my name is Caroline Peters from the Office of Neighborhood Services. Our office has no Buttars meeting for this project on September 3rd twenty three and this project went before the Jamaica Neighborhood Council the zoning committee three times the zoning committee held a split vote on this project and therefore does not recommend either approval or denial on this matter. We received a letter of opposition signed by tomorrow Buttars citing the number of units insufficient all strengthening interdisciplinary concerns. We have not received any letters of support and at this time we'd like to defer to the judgment of the board. Thank you is no additional raised hands madam you. Thank you. Any other questions I don't chair someone just wasting it. It it just didn't mention OK they just wasted OK we have to two additional hands now ok let's get with them. Thank you. Well I just sent a request to you how can you hear me. Yes. Oh I'm so first of all we're happy to see that somebody wants to take over this neighborhood. I saw which is kind of been in this condition for decades but the density is just too much. I think the parking is the situation is untenable. I'm not sure the parking spaces are too cold. I think they're supposed to be eight by twenty. They have a few that are seven by eight and haven't lived in the neighborhood since nineteen eighty seven. I just want to say there's no to put the snow. People are not going to be able to park in that backyard. There's insufficient real estate given to trash and disposal if you're having six units on the basement I have kids I guess they're proposing a unit in the new park but not all part of the house. I know it's moldy. I don't know if it's at all has to be remediation just because a home has been Celebes and so uncared for for so many years. So you know, we're happy something's going to be done. We just think the scale is enormous for the property and you know, it might be the same way that we are nine but this was a nice property that had a backyard and I'm six units with a basement. It just seems excessive and just ask for some recognition of ACIS residents and taxpayers. That's it. Thank you very. Let's complete public comments. Are there any other race can Stephanie? >> Yes. I said to request state your name and not just for the record please. I live directly across the street in a three decker unit which I own and I've seen this building from basically nineteen eighty from when I bought my property and yes it is deteriorated and I like to see something done with it. But again the density and putting six units in it on that fairly small lot is overwhelming. It initially was registered as a two family so now they want to make six units which seems obviously excessive. You put six parking spots in it, you know that already the area is overwhelmed by parking on the street. This is going to bring more parking into it from people that visit the other people and again this presents parking issues for the people that live here. So it just seems that they're cramming just too much into this this building and even though they want to build more in the back, it just presents more density. OK, thanks. Thank you. Any other questions from the board? Mr. Santana? Did you want to respond briefly by Coleman of to the Spaces? She's correct there hopefully spaces already out there. Twenty seven ninety and that is an acceptable acceptable call about 50 percent of worksite seven. Why do we we are insufficient in terms of the excessive requirements which is one point two point of unit that brings the require spaces to be six which is the ratio of one to one. So that definitely significantly reduces the number of parking that maybe if you between you can do that thing is that this project is designed for transportation so it's transit oriented which is one of the things on the new draft it changes from design in terms of in terms of available space. This is a very large amount but also of the standards is almost a dozen states in the region we are able to cover the most parking spaces. It is still comply all the setbacks and use of an open space is a testament to the fact that it's for the most part they stay within the existing building with exceptional. OK, thank you. Any other questions from the board structure? There were comments from the disciplinary commission. I don't know what the channels are where you free them into the record please. The proposed building appears to have no access to the entrance as far as the private includes extensive renovations at least one of them common entrances should be made. Was there another question or comment from one board member? I just want to have them all play my question, Madam Chair, regarding the trash. I see it on the landscape plan. It's behind space number five. There's an enclosed trash recycling area. It looks like the door or kind of gate whatever it would be opens an orientation with the front. I'm just wondering how that would function since it opens onto a grassy who's picking it up? Are they bringing bins out to the street? Is it private and got those kind of so disability disability and trash can you address those two? Absolutely. In terms of the ability to answer but first of all, do we want to see Urban Dictionary access for the requires that you do substantial limitations in terms of building them that you can get our beautiful boy has to comply with the access code because of the character of this we are not touching the envelopes. The meeting emeritus will remain in the dark and you can not access that being said there seems that one point to the on unit we we can make it accessible and we can detail does it make sense in some way with respect to the trash and also provide for units around the corner? We do accessibility because we only in the future will to except for the entrances in terms of the trash. Those are issues that were raised with our administrative community. But as you understand, plans presented in the beginning, those are the construction documents and the details such as that would be worked out and developed further the same process might not be a final application or perhaps even adequate the storage of garbage or even stored that's one the questions during the meetings. But we definitely will address any any other questions is down ocean Madam Chair, I have one more recent that just went out OK last hand five Chestnut Unit one of three one chestnut. I just wanted to acknowledge that the trash was brought up that multiple meetings like they just was a concern that was brought up meetings before and I think the presenter said that it hadn't been addressed at all. So I just wanted to point out I've attended all the meetings and it has been a concern for us as well. Thank you. Thank but that may I have a motion, Madam Chair for a motion of approval with a proviso that the project undergoes PPTA design review to preserve existing historic detailing for the additions to complement the historic structure and the second Provisor would be to allow BP to do a site plan review to ensure that there is an accessible power to a unit and that you have a solution for for trash and to kind of review the program to ensure adequate maneuverability. OK, is there a second take Mr. Stembridge? Yes, Mr. Valencia. Yes, Mr. Langham. Yes we well yes. Mr Barroso. Yes. Chair votes yes. The motion carries thank you. Just want to move on to the discussion study before early the first case has been postponed so that takes us to KVOA one three four one zero one five the address of one forty six M Street the applicant was represented by Stan. I'm going to send a request to Madam Chair. I'm not sure you understand but I'm Sackville Street in Charlestown. I the project on the architect of the project to K I think Mr. Sterling is trying to get on. He had he had planned to let Mr. Sterling are you prepared to present I am on as well. >> It looks like my family is having some trouble. Yeah I think you may have to go without video sir. All right I just need one of you to proceed. I'll start to the project is simply to add in private static to their home at the top. So this my story? Well I am straight and if you scroll down to the next page I next page to I pretty basically live on the cost of this unit and we would be adding a spiral staircase within the building to go up to the roof deck above Unit three. We had previously proposed a deck in the rear of the building or a stair in the rear of the building that the neighbors asked us to make more in time and that's why we elected to go with a little bit of unconventional interior spiral staircase. But that's what kind of fits with the pattern unit in this South Boston apartment. So you see it in your plan of the third floor in the middle going the roof deck itself being 20 by 13 foot two and then section come through another that spiral staircase work next time. I think that there is a lot to be seen how it works and the elevations well next time that's about and the rest of is just existing plans you can see how it is today but it's not a huge, huge unit so there aren't a lot of options as to where we can put the stairs a deck. Are there questions from the board hearing? I mean can I have a testimony? Yes, Madam Chair, members of the Board of Continuity with the mayor's office neighborhood services, the Sandomierz I defer to the judge from this ward some back information the community process its first question it bothers me back in September twenty six of twenty twenty three the applicant after receiving feedback from the Civic Association and from a Buttars made reductions to the size of the roof to address concerns about potential noise, nuisance and other issues after resubmitting those plans in connection with the city point Neighborhood Association which offers their support for the proposal and our office also received two letters and support from aboutus which will be forwarded to this board. That information will refer to the board at this time. Thank you. Thank you. I have one voice here Madam sent a request to you. Thank you. Can you hear me? Yes. OK so what Conor Newman is saying is correct most of it I do want to go on the record is stating that in a Buttars meeting was held in two thousand twenty two and suddenly this project came before a Ziba hearing of this year of March and April of twenty twenty four. So we were quite surprised that this came forward. We did ask for another meeting since it was over a year and Carnamah and denied that request but did allow the proponent to come before the City Point Neighborhood Association. So I want that on the record and so far as process the starting point the neighborhood association did in fact vote to support this rendition of the truth that we would like to state that we don't want this to set precedent on Elm Street for Residex. Thank thank you is one additional more Laura Muzo. Thank you. That's good afternoon. Manager and members of the board. This is larger consulting council similar to record a position due to a lack of community process and engagement and specifically the neighborhood about that was held in twenty twenty two and no what is the meeting has held in over a year and a half. This has provided no opportunity for everybody's neighbors only they were both members and attended the neighborhood association meeting to refresh your memory on this project, on this project or examine any changes that may have been made during this extensive period of time, it is wholly a reasonable amount of development and community meetings in South Boston that neighbors neighbors will be able to weigh in and inform opinion on this proposal with the last bodies meeting nearly a year and a half ago. In addition, it is open for new neighbors who may not have lived here in twenty twenty two. I don't have no knowledge of this project. I saw no relief from the city near Kozlovsky respectfully request that this proposal be denied due to the precedent this will set and so that the gentleman community process anybody's meeting can take place without neighbors having to go back to their notes and memories for a meeting that happened in twenty twenty. Thank you. Thank you Madam Chair. Members of the board as a result of last thank you very much for the opportunity to request the variance of this and some in the honor with another classroom Sterling we're both at a 146 suite in response to the comments about the lack of engagement process over the last year and a half during the first two batters meeting we had no opposition to two votes of support and likewise in response to the comment there hasn't been commercialization of community over the last two. That's not true. There was firing as you said in association meeting prior to the meeting with Randomizing Point Neighborhood Association and likewise in between the meeting and the last meeting I suppose meeting the rest neighborhood association meeting we met with the neighborhood association and present the first and which was alerted that we reduced in size due to the neighborhood associations comments about. So we just wanted to put that out as well as I referred to the letters of support and further emphasize that we have this neighborhood association support for this project. Thank you. Other questions from the board hearing that I have a motion Madam Chair, I would like to make a motion is there a second Mr. Stembridge? Yeah, Mr. Valencia. Yes, Mr. Langham. Yes. As we well yes. Better answer yes chair votes yes. The motion carries a nearish we have actually we have case voting one five six three five eight four the address of True Iterable Street. This project this case is coming from the mayor's Office of Housing and the Afghans and their representatives present with they explain to work with I am going to make your panelists make good afternoon madam Chair. The members of the board TransAlta Development Business addresses to thirty six Huntington in Boston with me today is also the Mets and hurry also from Atlantic Development and Kendra Halliwell if I can architecture you today presenting no to Hillsborough this project is an offshoot of the Humphrey Street Artist Studios project located just to the east of the site in twenty twenty two working with the mayor's Office of Arts and Culture and the artists at the Humphrey Street Studio, we were able to help the artist form a nonprofit secure financing and purchase our building with funding provided by the city and private sources we are able to preserve the affordable studio space in perpetuity for a diverse group of long term tenants. A total of forty five studios have preserved providing affordable workspace for artists including painters, photographers, sculptors, graphic artists, woodworkers and mixed media artists, a blacksmith, an architect and many others many of whom operate small businesses out of their studios providing employment opportunities. In addition, there are included in the acquisition of this building was a vacant lot behind the Henry Street studios located at the end of Hillsborough Street tucked in behind the recently completed Indigo Block working with the artists at Humphries, the mayor's Office of Arts and Culture, the Mayor's Office of Housing we created we created a program consisting entirely of affordable condos ranging from studios to three bedrooms with eighteen of the twenty one units being designed as live work units with a preference for certified artists in addition to the live work units, the building will have display space throughout the common area. A gallery at the lobby and shared workspace in the basement is only relief requested includes use regulations for multi-family residential or mixed use accessory parking dimension regulations for a fair number of stories I want width and rear occupancy in addition parking and loading requirements. The project is also included. This project also includes the abandonment of an unimproved section Pennsbury Green. If approved, this project will create one units of desperately needed affordable housing development under utilized vacant lot directly adjacent to the corner commuter rail stop the building is designed to be passive house certified one hundred percent electric with zero emissions. As part of our outreach efforts we met with the abettors one on one held community meetings with the b'day and met Danni's Sustainability Development Committee and we have received overwhelming amount of support with us. We have over fifty letters of support from neighbors and about additionally, the project has already received its funding award from the Mayor's Office of Housing and approval from the EPA without a pause and take any questions. Thank you. Any questions from the board and then we have public testimony. Stephanie. You can only do so. Thank you. Good afternoon Madam Chair and members of the board my name Stephanie Silver and I'm a housing development officer with the mayor's Office of Housing. The Mayor's Office of Housing supports this fully affordable homeownership project has been working with the team since their application for funding in fall twenty twenty three the team was awarded funds based upon their response to my interest Undeground RFP for affordable housing development proposals and will continue to work with the team as they progress toward construction. Thank you Liam Liam. Hello Madam Chairman on board Lee and Mr. Cantor Fitzgerald's office would like to go record support the proposal. I have one additional raise here next year please. I sent a request to a million state you name and not just for the record please. I thank you Madam Chair. My name is Camille Platt. I'm actually a project manager for the Two Hills Street project so I am speaking in support of the Affordable Homeownership Project today we at the BPP held a virtual meeting for the project on October twenty four twenty twenty three just about one month after they filed meeting was well attended and nothing of positive feedback on the currency of the project. Our review team worked with the proponents to ensure a neighborhood context was met and standards adhere to so again going on record in support. Thank you for your time. Thank you. No additional risk has mentioned with that may I have a motion? I'm sure this is a good project . I appreciate it. How do we think and we make the most of what we do here in is there a second but Mr. Stembridge yeah. Mr. Valencia. Yes. Mr. Langham. Yes. Amazingly well yes. This better answer yes sure. Votes yes. Yes the motion carries thank you. OK and with the next two cases deferred it looks like we are going to one that Mamchur All right. See you all then recording stopped --------- this there's no recording in progress President. Sure, but I'll have issue with the video there with me. That's OK. Today's a technology problem for everyone. Oh, you know Mr. Valencia President Mr. Langham President Mizue well President was better Broza president of the four years Mr. Stembridge. And in the meantime I'll just remind folks that we are a six member board and with that to begin hearing scheduled for 1:00 PM we have two companion cases case VOA one five seven eight five zero four with the address of 217 Paris Street. Along with that we have case VOA one five seven eight five zero five also with the address of 217 Paris Street is the applicant and or the representative from the plane the plane to the four. Yes. Good afternoon Mr. Secretary. Madam Chair and members of the board Bernie Madoff go with what you told him with a business address of one hundred Franklin Street. With me today is Eric Sacristan from contextless Project Architect. We're seeking to a roof deck at 217 Paris Street for the exclusive use of Unit five. You can see the outline of the roof deck there on top of the page the square kind of in the somewhat in the middle of the structure but creeping towards the front to the right Unit five encompasses the top floor of the existing residential building. As mentioned, this would be exclusive to unit five and would be accessed from within the existing unit by an internal stairs and attach the deck itself is approximately sixteen feet by 16 feet. That has specifically been designed to be set back from the front of the building to limit any impacts on Buttars or the streetscape. The project originally was slated for roof structure restriction, height violation and an extension of a non conforming use based on the five units that already existed at the property that was part of our original filing. However, based on the adoption plan e Boston the proposal now is largely aligned with the goals of the new zoning and planning for this area. We're also seeking relief for the site and building code violation as read into the record by Mr. Secretary which was cited due to the fact that the roof access isn't proposed through a head house. It is through a hatch as is typical with roof decks that the board sees we're proposing to access the hatch so as not to alter the profile of a building and any impacts on the neighborhood. We did hold about a meeting and met with the maverick Central Neighborhood Association and submitted over twenty letters of support including one from the Neighborhood Association. With that I'll pause and happily take any questions from the board. Thank you. Questions from the board hearing none of the testimony. Hello Madam Chair. Members of the board will be at the mayor's office Neighborhood Services Oh Nice hosted in a Buttars meeting on April ninety thousand twenty four Buderus president called the applicant met with the Maverick Central Neighborhood Association in April twenty twenty four vote was taken. They voted to support the project with the understanding that a roof deck would be built for the fourth condo owners to receive twenty five letters in support of the project that were forwarded to the board. At this time our office would like judgment to the board. Thank you. Good afternoon Madam Chairman. Members of the Board of Ocean far from post office the council would like to go in support of this project. Thank you. Thank you. No additional risk has left you with may I have a motion but hey I heard someone say motion to improve was that that was made down here seconds. OK, Mr. Stembridge. Yeah. Mr. Valencia. Yes. OK, OK. Mr. Langley. Yes ma'am. As we well yes this better Broza yes chair votes yes the motion carries thank you very much Madam Chair Chairman members have a good day and for the remaining question I will ask if there are any requests for withdrawals from and also remind folks that we do have a six member board and with that two case VOA one five eight four seven three six the address of seven to thirteen false road system that we can and with their representative was president. Please explain to the board. Yes. Thank you Mrs. Thomas. Good afternoon Madam Chair. Members of the board trade Derek Small of a business is just a small Dobsonville. We're here today generally to demo the existing structure in my town hall style residential units disaster district here's A to F six thousand and our lot sizes approximately fifteen thousand five hundred square feet. We have a very big lot. The violations are as follows the uses of the building as it is and to have six thousand zone and we are proposing non residential units that the FAA are required if we are to zero point eight we are proposing one point to the requirement is two and a half stories at thirty five feet we are proposing three stories but below the height requirement with regard to the footage as we are thirty two feet in height from the outset that requirement is fifteen. We are thirteen so the requirement ten we have twenty one you can leave it there in Ambasador and I'll get to that a second. Sorry go back as requirement is ten twenty one feet on the right side and we are in violation on the left side which is five feet and the real requirement is thirty feet and we are not proposing a levy to what we have here qiong is the design plan which shows five three bedroom units with two and a half bath at twenty three hundred square feet and three four bedroom units at two and a half baths in twenty three hundred square feet as well we do we are proposing one indoor garage parking space for each of the units and these are home ownership units that will go out into the community. The owner of the property the existing property is developed this floor for the family she wants to leave something for her children which is a great thing to do and will entertain any questions that that folks may have at this time. OK, questions from the board, madam. Maybe a question, Nancy, but you know the VP determinations are interesting that it seems to focus on policy rather not rather than but in addition to what is before us and I was wondering if Mr. Hampton if he is still with could elaborate on that and whether or not feedback made it to applicant. Thank you Miss May. Well thank you Madam Chairman. Jeff have to update our on the record here for approval. I have to make my apologies today without prejudice we would prefer to see the abuse be used in this instance where we don't have to demolish the existing building and show the policy as you read this we well we would prefer because in number of violations that the main building be maintained use be used here instead of in townhouses. OK, thank you Mr. President. Your question? Well, it's significant that it's a one family residential district and I just want to get confirmation that that is true, that it is on a one family residential district in the review letter we are said to have six thousand residents of some district. Right. That's what I thought that it was in your refusal actually has it as a white family. So I just to clarification that you know, there's been going by with the refusal but that's what we've always gone about. Yeah, but yes, that again was resolved automatically and it was resolved a month or two ago. So this is things like nine hours and yeah. So we got a good information zoning bill up to date, correct? Well as Attorney Smollett said, this was applied for under the old zoning so there are two to two issues with our recommendation. One we prefer to see the ADA you asked me enacted in a situation like this also because planned Mattapan the new zoning there now in effect would also like to see proposed projects adhere to the plan in the new zone. >> Yeah, so just remind me again then for clarification what is this zoning subdistrict ? It's our one right now is the current zoning Mattapan zoning correct. Got it. So then the zoning board is correct. Yes but zoning refusal is incorrect. No zoning you are correct me if I'm wrong you will drive for the new zoning went into effect correct? That's correct. That's correct. That's why you see that you have six thousand zoning right from the previous one. They're both correct at the same time I guess. Yes you can say that yes. I just want to make sure that the zoning here is the correct current management zoning so it's one out OK, you know we started this process approximately eight months to a year ago. Darren, regarding if we were to assume that to you know, you basically you're you're the applicant basically like just used up all the LA area and if we were going by the previous zoning which allowed you more of an increase, it seems like six units is more doable than nine because nine just takes off all the open open LA area. Is there a reason for that? No. Yeah, we were trying to maximize fifteen thousand square foot lot that we have and the trouble with the fact that the owner of the building the existing building was doing this is trying to create so living space for family members so that they can remain in the city of OK thank you. Thank you. Other questions from the board hearing no public testimony. Madam Chair, members of the board are gotten with the mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services inside the mayor's office to defer to the judgment is flawed. When I said it bothers me back in September twenty six point twenty three where the applicant answered questions from Bunyan's related to whether or not there should be rentals or condos and the number of parking spaces and how that would be in there were concerns expressed by one resident in particular about potential overflow of the density leading to more cars ending up on the street and competing with the existing residents there. Parking I understand now was in contact with the Greater Mattapan Neighborhood Council without will defer to the board at this time. Thank you. No additional raised hands Ng'andu. I believe there are several letters support letters in the file as well from correct. I believe they're both support and opposition voters. Are there other questions from the board hearing? None. Is there a motion that you get a complete motion for bearing on seventeen? My motion is denied without prejudice. I think this just needs a little more work. I think the variance are excessive and due to the recent zoning change it should be more in line with, you know, kind of the most up to date plans for Mattapan. So that's my motion is there a second second horizon, Mr. Stembridge? Yes. Mr. Valencia. Yes, Mr. Langham. Yes, we will. Yes, Mr. Generosa. Yes, sure votes yes. The motion carries thank you, Madam Chairman. I was born of day the next we have the other way one five eight one zero seven five if addition of twenty one street it's the outcome and all the representative is present. They explained the case and if if you're in the attendees section and you hear this address twenty one Holbrook's Street please raise your hand Gary I to request to you area. Yes sir. OK thank you. Thank you. I want to thank the board for taking the time this afternoon to give me on this matter. My name is Jerry DPL. I'm representing Blowing Center twenty one Holbrook we're looking to as you can see on the draw we're looking to remove a smaller dome whether it's on the right hand side of the property and had a lot to do for you should be on the top floor putting a bathroom. She does a lot of exercise so she'd like to put a gym up there and some open space a large large closet for shoot for something she needs space for. Sorry Kim. Don't bring anything up to my wife. I'm on my phone my computer decided to call this morning. No worries. Maybe we can turn it in for questions and go that way and the questions OK here and then let's have public testimony. I am Madam Chair members on Carolyn Peters from the Office of Neighborhood Services. Our office called in the Buttars meeting for this project earlier this spring and also in for the Pond Association and the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council and both groups voted to support the project. We have not received any letters of support or opposition so at this time we'd like to defer to the judgment of the board. Thank you. Thank you. >> No additional maintenance manager but that may I have a motion of one second that Mr. Stembridge? Yes. Mr. Valencia. Yes Mr. Langham. Yeah Mizue well yes that's better BROWSR Yes votes yes the motion carries. Thank you. We'll tell you the morning. Thank you very much. And next we have to case you one five nine zero four one eight with the address of three fifty Chestnut Hill Avenue. I believe the stables may be a of four so that the applicant do they represent present day please explain the FPO in the attendees section and you here to present for this project please raise your hand. Hi my name is Josh Butterman proponent for three fifty in Chestnut Hill at the George Morency zoning attorney for the project be on as a panelist he just let me know he lost connection. So he's he's walking back in if you'd like me to run through the plans then he can when he gets back on we can go through the zoning summary if that works for the the board. Good afternoon, Madam Chair. Members of the board dinner Tejas with Mark Design, the architect for the project address of 580 Harris staff. The parcel is an oddly shaped parcel between Beacon Street and Inglewood Ave. and along Chestnut Alev in the brain neighborhood the existing structure is a older commercial building underutilized in our proposals to keep the existing footprint but to reconstruct the building and put a three story addition on the existing height of the parcel working with the Aberdeen historic district in this area that was advised to us that a new structure on this parcel taking some of the design guidelines from the surrounding context was a bit more more interesting than maintaining the existing facade of the building. So that's the direction we went. The building will have thirty units and nineteen parking spaces to the rear parking will be accessed off Chestnut Hill of utilizing the existing traffic pattern into the site and then on this on this plot plan to life to the left of the plan parking egress goes out through a shared easement onto Englewood. So we're maintaining the existing parking and vehicular traffic pattern on the site because this parking area is also shared by lots on Englewood to have with our soul in terms I think we can go to the next slide please or the slide afterwards one thank you . In terms of the design of the building, as I mentioned we tried to take some cues from the context of the area tying into the Aberdeen historic district. So at the right hand side of the elevation we're tying the chorus line break and messing with our neighbor on the corner of Beacon and Chester Olaf creating a tripartite design the strong base middle and top to the building and signifying both the commercial retail entry on the right and side of the parcel and the residential entry on the left hand side will be signified by a vertical element more modern in an election providing large openings, viewing has a whole reservoir across the street. Additionally, in terms of the macing we looked at using Angle D in the shared driveway easement to angle views away from the building next to us and focus views on the reservoir as well. Next slide please. Just again the site plan in working with the PPTA we removed parking spaces existing parking from the rear to enlarge our rear green space and we're providing an accessible path from the rear of the building back to that parking space on the site including three more trees than are currently on the site as well as an additional street train along Cheston had Halab at the front of the property next please. In terms of the breakdown of the interior, the building we're providing accessible access from both the front and the rear of Arcel Chestnutt Halab has significant great change Beacon Street Untangle would have in the current condition isn't it is while it is accessible it is it isn't ideally accessible so we're working the front entry providing almost 500 square foot retail space off of Chessell have small amenities space, a bike room as well as a single unit to the rear and then that accessible pathway via a ramp from the rear parking into the building. Next slide just going through the upper floor plans a mixture of Studio one and two bedroom units evenly dispersed throughout the building. Next slide please at the six more we'll be pulling back to create that to carry that strong corniest line with the building next door providing area for a green roof included on a project. Next slide please. And yes, again just just ending on the the elevations showing that clear and clear base middle and top and then the vertical moderate inflation signifying the residential entry level check if George is back on the call and then. All right. Thank you George. I'll turn it over to you. Thank you, dear. I apologize, madam. Team members board my name is George Zimmerman's attorney. He 350 going South Boston and I'm not going to activate my video that is of course my brief moments ago. OK, I think the presentation I will speak briefly to the zoning and it was basically I covered a lot of the bases that I covered in describing the project as a new six story mixed use building the project site is seventeen thousand six hundred twenty square feet currently occupied by three story commercial building containing four working being used to up restoring offices. The applicable zoning here is an Annex one which is a neighborhood shopping subdistrict. As Mr Stembridge noted, this is a really small project. It was approved by the board on the four on February 15th of this year. What is proposed is a new building containing thirty residential apartment units with possible retail space nineteen accessory residential parking spaces as Dan just described that green in the rear five of these units will be IDP units representing 17 percent affordability specifically units one one and two or three being two bedroom units units for you two one for a one you hear units and units five also one one bedroom units are designated units that have been accepted by the BBVA The mayor's office housing with respect to the zoning relief was required here for the conditional use permit for any single ground floor unit of restoring residential units are not allowed use maximalists maximum area ratio. No one here is seated with the proposed one point sixty two there is a street level continuity set back violation arising from the commercial zoning but the front set back here has been reviewed and approved both by the BBA and by the Aberdeen Architectural Conservation District Commission which has design review jurisdiction over this project. There's a usable open space violations which I point out that the site is located directly across from the active and passive recreational amenities of the Chestnutt Reservation the reservoir trail in the Valley recreation's was nineteen off street parking spaces building does not satisfy the court's current requirements with respect to speak parking but the site is located within a few minutes walking distance of the Chestnut Hill Avenue in Cleveland stops on the screen line branch has been in C and of course will be on street parking in street loading requirements in this building have been deemed by the VA and city transportation planners through the article Eighty says to meet current parking and loading guidelines that requirements finally with respect to the cited parking design violation, there's actually no proposed in the parking. I believe this is a leftover violation from the previous parking design. I would not take any questions members may have questions from the board of speaking parking. We have comments from the BTD in regards to I would like to request the apartment where dimensions of space and with what what they're asking for. Thank you Mr. Damrosch. Madam again this is going to be TV review to the article it says But we would of course if this is approved work with BPA and continue to work with transportation officials for conventions are the parking spaces. But as I said, the only violation attributable to parking design was for tandem space situation no longer exists. Any other questions Mr. Stembridge? No. OK, you have public testimony. Yes, Madam Chair, members of the board concerning them with the mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services design. The mayor's as I say, defer to the judge from this board. I just went through the community process for small project review involving one public meeting that was held August twenty eight to twenty twenty three. It is a pretty light meeting from my understanding. There were some concerns raised about green space and adding more trees to the neighborhood and whatnot as well as conversation around parking. They met with the Brightness and Improvement Association with their president goes on to comment on the stance that they took that will go to the board at this time. Thank you. We have three ways council madam chair please and Bella, I just know I'm sure members Ford Addabbo comes from the right and also the improvement association. I'd like to go on record in support. We think this is a good we'll be changing a commercial use into residential and residential use on record. But thank you Gary. Just a medium state your name and not just for the record. Good afternoon. My name is Gary. I live in City and go with just down the street from his father's apartment. I think it's a good location for density and that's the specific area a medium state your name and not just for the record I Jerry I'm currently in a Buttars eighteen Sutherland I've been in the area for three years and I'm on this call to support the project. I welcome the addition of new housing in the neighborhood. Thanks Minor you can meet yourself incoming ambassador and chair members of the Mynabirds representing the Carpenters Union on behalf of all our members and I live in more than one glowing reference for thank you. I have one additional rescanned haven't you? I just needed to stay I just for the record please it is sure to be kept I forty six the road and I support this project no additional raise manager thank you. Any other questions on the board. Thank you George Burns I just want to correct the record quickly. We do have a situation I'm the one who's looking at a different version plans so the architect has corrected me on that. But what I also said goes in terms of statement that we will make sure that everything gets to mention Warkentin if approved work with PPTA and the Conservation Commission staff. But I do want to correct that for the record. Thank you with that may I have a motion for an ambush of approval? Is there a second second there Mr. Stembridge? Yes, Mr. Valencia. Yes, Mr. Langham. Mr. Langham, I'm sorry. Yes OK thank you Mizue yes. Miss Better Baraza. Yes schierholz yes the motion carries thank you. Thanks everybody. Have a nice day. Thank you. All right everybody a good day Nikita.