QU@ --------- Shares on the board may I have a motion picture I like to go for a motion of approval with the proviso that the applicant works would be P.D.A to work within the high limit of thirty five feet. Is there a second Mr Stanbridge ? Yeah, Mr. Valencia. Yes. Mr. Baraza. Yes. Leslie. Well, yes Mr.. I know. Yes. Mr. Aitkin. No I prefer to know that it's complying with the code and otherwise come back for reasons why it couldn't be. So my vote is now. Thank you chair votes yes the motion carries next week we have it right away one more time and effort will kick. Next we have a continuing one five one eight one zero zero with the address of one one on one to one two three rather and you see Afghanistan represent a very slight yes. Hello everyone. Madam Chair, members of the board, thank you for your time today. My name is Christopher. I'm a resident at one of the three Rutherford Avenue and I'll be speaking on behalf of Fabio Sello who is the person that submitted the appeal for this year's contractors working on this project. I'd like to start by just getting a quick overview and timeline of sort of our process here and what we're trying to achieve. So our objective is to reconstruct our reflecting the exact same footprint of the previous day in September of twenty twenty two we removed the existing roof and we had the roof replaced in May of twenty three we filed a permit to reconstruct the roof deck which was subsequently denied. Then we began the appeal process and started down that road in March of twenty four we held our community engagement meeting which is a very positive meeting and now that brings us to today Tony. Twenty four hour zoning board appeals meeting the files you should have on record should be our refusal to letter or the architectural drawings for our new the plans that you have in front of you and then I believe you should have photos the previous night illustrating that it is in fact the exact same footprint as the proposed points. That's a bit of an overview. Like I mentioned, we did hold our borders meeting with our community liaison Sean Green. The back that we received at the meeting was very positive. Everyone was in support of the reconstruction of the roof deck and with that I would pause and take any questions from the school to the second slide. I'm just trying to see where the actual image of the deck is or maybe I'm just missing it. Thank you for the questions from hearing public testimony. Madam Chair, members of the board Sean Green with the mayor's office and Neighborhood Services and the board meeting was held for one two one two one three Washington's local side one on one on three agreed to and so about that back in March. Since that time this office has received no what and support and none in opposition. With that we talk to adventure . I have no resistance. Any other questions from the board? I think I don't think we understand everything that the applicant you know, I only have the what was shown on the screen the two two sheets for our plans. I notice the BPA recommendation is denied without prejudice so they can resubmit with dimensional information relevant to restructure instructions and drawings that represent an inside Elevation's as well as information how it relates the public realm so that sure the board you know, if you want to get information but I think we only received the two sheets. OK, any other questions? I mean I mean the one question I would have is, you know, does the BPA support roof deck in this location because I think one can suggest that the project undergoes BPA is on review. But I think the larger question is because you can see how accessing the Earth from an internal I think they have kind of a henhouse already from the Google images. So I think the larger question would be for job for me as a PDA but recommend Decs better handling BPA. So I was necessarily opposed to the roof decks without any sort of height or so what I'm looking for, you know, vertical renderings of these decks go up where they are on the deck measured from the roof that that was our concern. The what is that you we don't know if you can see it from St. or if you sit back even further so that that was the reasoning behind it. I get it. OK, that's great context for a comment on that quickly. Yeah. To confirm you're rebuilding something as is exactly. Yeah there's two points of access it won't be visible from the street. It is compliant with all the zoning but of course it looks like you guys didn't actually receive the plans that we do have drawn up so it'd be possible to receive conditional approval based on that review of the plans. Thank you. So if I can pushing someone prepared to make a motion for a motion of approval with the proviso that BPA determines the size and location of the roof deck, is there a second upside I will start again but could I add just a tweak with consideration for how it appears from the public realm? Right. That's where the BPA determine the location to make sure that it's not visible from public way. Yes, OK, Mr. Stembridge. Yeah. Mr. Rentier. Yes. There's better buzzer against the Yes. Mr. Myname. Yes, Mr. Aikin. Yes sure. Also yes. The motion carries the rock'em . Thank you very much for your time today everyone that we work OK is are using yourself as better browser. Yes. Go let Mr. Stemberg read it on the record. OK, recusing myself go for kids who are No. One five seven six three. So what do you have to listen to for once you leave along with that we have kids play one five seven six three seven eight talking to you the and we have to be away one five seven six three eight zero to address Geneva Avenue and along we have case VOA one five seven six three eight one address and choose says you need an attorney to recuse myself in four cases. Thank you. Thank you. We are now a six member board. Please proceed and with that we will ask the applicant and what representative is going through for you. That's good afternoon Madam Chair. Members of the board attorney up with Fletcher Tilton with the business address of one hundred Franklin Street. With me this afternoon are Duane Boys and Admiral Bernadin from Norfolk Design and Construction for group from six eight six architects and Tarasov from the mayor's Office of Housing. I'm here for you this afternoon on behalf of the four companion cases that were just read into the record all of which are part of phase one of the Welcome Home Boston initiative. Overall the project includes four residential buildings across four sites three in close proximity along Geneva Ave. being located at two forty one to sixty eight and to seventy eight Geneva and fourth site located at twenty two units Street overall the project proposes twenty six total units all which will be affordable home ownership units with thirteen offered at eighty percent army and thirteen offered at one hundred percent army all for the lots have been owned by the city historically and are currently vacant that are located in three or five thousand zoning districts just to go through each one and proposal briefly to forty one Geneva and we're proposing a three story building with six affordable units and four parking spaces. The floor plans for this. The basement would contain mechanical and sprinkler rooms and then floors one through three will each contain two units per floor in total that would be three two bedroom units and three three bedroom units moving on in to sixty eight Geneva and we're proposing a four story building with seven affordable units before plans for this the first floor would be essentially at grade these this side of Geneva Ave. has a large topology of basically three and a half raised foundation or basement structures. So we are proposing four stories each year but our first floor would have a mechanical room sprinkler room, a trash room and one unit and then floors two through four would have two units per floor to seventy six would be largely the same to seventy six Geneva and that is we're proposing about a four story building with seven affordable home ownership units, similar layout and typology. The first floor would have a mechanical and sprinkler room, a trash room and one residential unit and then floors two through four would each have two units per floor by May of twenty two units street we're proposing a three story building with six affordable units and three total parking spaces. This would contain a basement with mechanical and sprinkler rooms as well as two units per floor for the second and third floor. This project went through a community process during both the RFP and zoning process and the team multiple times with the Buttars and the Greater About in Geneva Neighborhood Association with that I know there are four different sites and a lot of information I pause and take any further questions on each building of the zoning that the board may have. Thank you. Questions from the board for the building and what would be the strategy number of bedrooms what the size of the units one three two bedroom through three bedroom seven hundred fifty two three bedroom four point two years bedroom three to three three hundred and thirty six twenty four to six one bedroom apartment 352 seven problem three two bedrooms seven seven six seven three fifty thirty one at about six hundred thirty thirty three two bedroom about 150 bedroom thank. All right other questions from the board chair I should like to hear from your spouse during public comment period just about consistency with the Welcome Home program and their review of this. Thank you. With that let's turn it over to public testimony. Oh, NSA Chairman and members of the board Kaname with the mayor's office and neighborhood varices decided to defer to the judge from the board as you heard from the representation they went through a lengthy and which led community process meeting with the president several times their feedback. They also checked in the Pacific the Greenbelt Road in Geneva and the group and presented what I'm told is a positive community meeting without referring to the board at this time. Thank you, Officer. Good afternoon, Madam Chair. I know from Council Royal's office for the reasons that were stated previously the council would like to recommend support Tiaro hi my name is TerraCycle. I'm a housing officer with me I saw this housing this project the dispositional city owned land associated with the Boston program which is initiative to create a service for the city of Boston designing construction is to designate for this size project has gone through an extensive committee process and has to support Emily. Hi, good afternoon. I am a resident of No Younus Street and I also believe that I have one phone another resident of you in the street at 12 and 14. I would like to leave my letter of opposition to this project on twenty two Union Street only specifically but the fact a lack of parking will be paramount a situation that will be disaster aid on this small street due to another building project and one seventy seven dash one seventy nine Bonynge Street currently in progress. That building at the base of units will have mixed use space Street cleaning problem of admissions will demand residents park on side streets and present union Street only has one sided parking well with the influx of additional park vehicles go according to the notice that the proposed unit at twenty two the Union Street three storey residential building has three designated parking spots for six units. It is obviously clear the needs and concerns for visitors residential parking butters through streets and handicapped designated resident communist street have not and possibly will not be met. In addition, both units street and demonstrate the next street over that cut sidewalks further adding to possible aforementioned problems and issues are prohibiting the enjoyment of property use. There's an ongoing rodent problem on the streets possibly due in part to the home that is being that is abandoned for several years at the corner of the building and street in the room. The problem has only increased since the new construction digs in this area. All has been reported to inspection services several times but not been than just the noise back generated in this small densely populated area is already a concern for residents. I would like to also say that being a unit, being a resident of five on the street, this information in this construction project is all information to pass to actually live on the street. It will have to deal with this ongoing problem. We have houses that that are favored on that front devastating but have parking in the yard four on Unit Street. So when we have street cleaning where are we going to park where a car is going to go if you open up the street it becomes a roadway for people who are trying to avoid traffic on Bodansky, which is a main theme. So all of these things are concern for the people live actually on the street and then with the bus stops on the ends of street that makes even less parking for anybody who needs to move a car late at night there we all work at various hours of the day and so that's also an issue and in my home alone we have elderly and a blind person so then we step off it to our side. Well, what happens is it poses a danger for those who live in the area. They get said I am yes. I'm Kevin . Yes, everyone my name Kevin Whelton. I live on forty two on these streets so buddying up right to twenty two unit street and I am in opposition to this project specifically as well very much in agreement with what was just stated specifically around parking I think this project would actually infringe on my current property eliminating one of our parking spaces McMeel Ways the private way that blocks up to this that may be impacted is also very concerned about that noise. There's also a huge factor and I'm afraid that additional residents and having the street be more of a cut through would be a concern. So I've lived in this building for seven years six years now and I'm extremely concerned that this will have bad impact on the neighborhood. Thank you and no additional waste. I'm not sure if this is for the applicant or low and weak for does someone want to address the concerns on Unit Street? >> Certainly we we understand and recognize the kind of time constraints on Unit Street currently and parking is always a concern with this proposal we were trying to balance providing some parking without overburdening the site. We have no inclination of turning this into a cut through on either side of the street. We understand or have heard this rodent problems. I believe this project will help improve that by going through some pest control process that's required by city when when pulling a building permit. So I believe we can actually be of some assistance in terms of that current concern and ongoing concern which seems to be kind of a line and maybe neighbor wide issue that we can we could help with. But again we felt three parking spaces was a nice balance as mentioned in some of the comments, we are directly adjacent to some bus stops and in close proximity to two MTA stations. So this will be kind of a mixture of private parking as well as transit oriented development. Thank you. Any other questions coming on board? What is the parking restrictions on Bowdon Street that Dunedoo other community now in terms of resident parking stop where were you? No, no, no parking, no parking times obviously the street is a small street. Understand that. And not everyone can have parking in front of their door. So just trying to understand in terms that purpose voting does have parking on both sides of the street. There is three cleaning as well as some bus stops which obviously take up some public on street parking but there is various parking on both sides of the street. Yeah, I understood. OK, I have a question trying to you know, street so those six units and three parking spaces and how is the parking is it parking assigned to units? You know I know an affordable household a car can be a huge asset and I'm just wondering how it's decided what parking goes with what you if at all or is it just first come first serve so they will be assigned to the part of a home ownership benefit is that you kind of know what you're going to get if and when you were to purchase one of the units. So you know if you had it then it would be assigned it wouldn't be a free for all. I'm not sure if the exact units which would have the parking space have been designated yet or if that's still going through the process. But if be designed that they are attached to a unit. Thank you. Hey, without emotion clamshells flawed emotion of approval is there a second Mr Stembridge? Yeah Mr Luzia yes Mr Baraza introduce satellite Mr. Well yes Mr Langham you know Mr yes I think these are appropriate developments. The Welcome Home Improvement here are also votes. Yes the motion carries. Thank you very much Madam Chair of the Board. Thank you everyone de .