e e okay let's do a roll call Mr stbridge Mr Valencia present Miss B Braza Mr Collins pres Miss pado Miss B brazza okay looks like we need to give it a a minute since we're in singing two [Music] people all right this panado and this better Baraza y well maybe someone should reach out to both of them all right apologies to our other members let's see what's going on I thought you gave us some l in and might be some folks confused in the meantime if anyone else the you're in the attending section right now and you need to be elevated to a panelist um please raise your hand we just want to make sure folks are in the right spot before we get started again if you are presenting oh I see a Matt um presenting at some point to be elevated to a panelist please feel free to raise your hand or send a message in the chat okay well we have Miss pado back we're just doing roll call Miss pado uh present okay well I'm just there we go can we miss better up present okay let's proceed Mr stbridge yes Madam chair um moving on to the red discussion schedule for 11:30 case boa 153 3784 with the address of 152 Washington Street if the applicant and know their representative is present would they please explain the case to the board yes thank you Mr stbridge good afternoon Madam chairman members of the board my name is George Mory I'm the attorney with the business address at 350 West Broadway uh Madam chair members this matter was deferred in order to allow for it to be read vertis I represent tinl and quanan who are proposing a change of occupancy of the building at 152 Washington Street in Brighton from a two family Mar to a three family dwelling in conjunction with complete renovation of the building this will occur through interior reconfiguration of the building with no expansions or additions to the structure this is a proposed uh addition um there is a proposed addition of living space not to include any bedrooms as well as three storage units to the basement level of the building as noted on sheet A1 which follows um successively sheet A2 shows first floor conditions uh where an existing two-bedroom unit would be Ren made it into a three-bedroom unit of 1168 ft sheet A3 shows the second floor with the existing two-bedroom unit also will be renovated into a three bedroomroom unit of 1144 squ ft sheet A4 shows the existing third floor plan where there are currently four bedrooms associated with unit 2 this would become the third unit of building a three-bedroom unit of 12002 square ft it will be new exter are finished materials as well as minor changes to doors and windows as depicted on the elevation sheets with respect to zoning this is a 2f 5000 zoning subdistrict meaning the proposed three family use requires a variance as the bpda recommendation notes this section of Washington Street is characterized by a mix of two family three family in multif family dwellings making the proposed use consistent with neighborhood conditions this violation is cited twice on the refusal letter which is clearly an oversight by ISD there's a violation for insufficient off street parking uh the building does have an existing curb cut and driveway with four parking spaces in the rear but under article 51 five parking spaces are required for three units finally there's a cited violation of insufficient lot Frontage I believe this violation to be cited in Era since this is not proposed new construction which would trigger lot with and Frontage requirements nor is there a frontage requirement different Frontage requirement under the code for three family dwelling as opposed to a two family dwelling uh this fact is also noted in the bbda recommendation with that Madam chair I'll pause and take any questions that board members may have thank you Mr Mory any questions from the board hearing none mayam public testimony uh yes hello Madam chair members of the board Frank Mendoza mayor's office of Neighborhood Services our office no in the Butter's meeting for this project on November 6 2023 uh we did not have any of Butters in attendance we did have uh one attendee from the larger Brighton neighborhood and uh one attendee from the city councilor's office of D9 um but uh we didn't hear any concerns or any questions from any of Butters um the applicant did go before the bright nson Improvement Association their zoning chair Anabell GES should be the on to testify so that their stance that said we'd like to defer to the Judgment of the board at this time thank you thank you Steve hello yes my name is Steve gunsur I own a home at 79 Clos road which is diagonally behind this uh proposed uh switch from two family to three family house three family house I want to go on record to say I'm imposed I am opposed to this this uh allowance I think the as it is a packing on the area is very tight across from this unit across from this house on Washington Street they've converted the monastery into hundreds of apartment units which do have parking but because they charge for parking the parking has become nearly unavailable adding bedrooms to these apartments will add more people people and additionally add more cards there is inadequate parking as it is and I am opposed to adding any more uh you particular unit should be allowed to be non-conforming free family but most of the homes in the area a two family conform thank you Jessica are there any other raised hands have no addition rais okay any other questions from the board hearing none may I have a motion is there a second second Mr stbridge yes Mr Valencia yes Mr brao toins yes Miss pado yes chair votes yes the motion carries thank you why would you do that next we have cas boa54 7345 with the address of 1457 BFW Parkway this is a cannabis case would the applicant and or their representative please explain you raise your hand if your on for this proposal mron case Mr Byron are you on for this case 15457 BFW Parkway yes I am can you hear me uh we can now please proceed um Dr shal are you going to proceed trying to unmute I don't know if you can hear me though we can ma'am okay good good hi my name is Armstrong thank you madam chair and other members of the board uh for having us today we are proposing a um cannabis delivery in manufacturing facility located at 1457 BFW Parkway the reason that we're coming before the board today is because we are in um breach of the buffer zone which is 0 five so we had a traffic study done to show the path from our facility to the next facility and that is around an immovable object um which is median in the middle so when you go around it you can see the dotted lines from our facility to theirs and that's 42 so that's what we're here for oh just St we're asking for a [Music] variance okay questions from the board I have not I have a note oh I'm sorry I misread a note no further questions okay thank you uh with that may I have public testimony yes Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of neighborhood services at this time the mayor's off referred to the Judgment of this board uh on has hosted a community meeting where the applicant was able to address uh questions that community members had and other um attendees were in suppor of The Proposal they went on to meet with the West rockbury neighborhood Council I believe twice uh before the West rocksbury neighborhood Council offered their support uh for this proposal uh with that we refer to the board at this time thank you thank you raise hands okay uh any other questions from the board hearing none may I have a motion motion to approve may have a second second Mr stbridge yes Mr Valencia yes m b brazza yes Mr Collins yes Miss pado yes chair votes yes motion carries good luck thank you next we have case Bo Mr the withdrawals and deferrals yes we will ask um we will ask for any withdrawals or deferrals from the 1:00 hour hearing hearing no request for withdrawals from the 1:00 hour or withdrawals of deferrals we'll move on back to 11:30 for case boa [Music] 15517 with the address of 451 East 7th Street if the applicant Android there representa is present would they explain please yes thank you Mr stbridge Madam chair members of the board attorney Ryan Spitz Adams and Mory with the business address of 1688 Street first floor South Boston um I'm here on behalf of the applicant and joining me today also is the project architect Eric zerson uh this is a proposal to change the occupancy from a three family dwelling to a four family dwelling by renovating the basement into a two-bedroom unit the front of the basement is at grade but gradually slopes down to a full walk out in the rear POS design is staying within the existing footprint of the entire building and all Renovations of the property will be interior for this unit proposal is located within an MFR subdistrict in the property consists of approximately 1755 Square ft which creates two violations one for lot size and additional lot size majority of the Lots along east7 Street are non-conforming with both lot size and additional lot area Purge Ming unit um if we could go to well perfect this is Page Three we could leave it right here the basement unit will consist of a two-bedroom one bed bathroom in an open concept kitchen the existing entrance weight in the rear yard will be relocated and replaced with an egress window there will also be another egress window located in the rear also there are a new entrance from an interior stairway on the main foyer as well as the entrance a new main entrance in the rear of the of the property as well uh we have additional violations for FS excessive the proposed f is a 2.2 um as we are capturing the basement space and a 2.0 is what is compliant there was an administrative error on the plans relating to the proposed F uh the existing square footage is exactly 2952 Square ft and with the addition of 910 ft for the for the basement unit of habitable basement space amounts to 3,862 which equates to a 2.2 proposed f u and the last violation that we do have is insufficient parking required to provide 1.5 parking spaces per new unit of hous but unfortunately this property doesn't have any ability to offer parking on site however is a two-minute walk to the bus stop and is aligned with the Boston Transportation Department's parking maximum ratio guidelines in 2020 um and at this point I'm going to turn it over to the board for any questions or comments thank you any questions from the board hearing none may have public testimony hello Madam chair members of the board Lydia plasy with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services and a but meeting was hosted on January 10th during that time no concerns were voiced our office received one letter of opposition in relation to scarcity of on street parking aside from that our office is unaware of any additional concerns with its proposal we would like to defer to the Judgment of the of the board this time thank you good afternoon Madam shair and members of the board this is Laura speaking from cn's office at this moment CN would like to go on record and support based on a good the community process cons respectfully requests that the proponent work closely with the Neighbors at the CB group and on any quality of life issues that may arise during the conion phase thank you dri denri would you like to give testimony I have no additionals okay what that mean have a motion a motion to approve with bpda design review is there a second second second Mr Valen uh Mr stbridge yes Mr Valencia yes m b brazza yes Mr Collins yes Miss Pat yes Fair votes yes motion carries great thank you the uh the next case is has been deferred so we'll move on to case boa 148 6245 with the address of 1260 oyon Street if the app representative presid will they responding to it can you raise your hand if you're on to this proposal you see any raise stands I do not okay then I say we keep going and come back if they show up 'll be going until 1: p.m. after this yep okay then with that we go to the 1 p.m hearing and we will ask for case boa 156 5948 with the address of 196 Beach Street if the applicant were their representatives present for this case would they please explain to the board uh good afternoon Madam chair members of the board uh Attorney John on behalf of the applicant Tony Ferraro who is with me today uh 196 Beach Street in Rosendale the zoning in this neighborhood is one family 6000 and the lot size is 5,984 square ft this proposal is to build a single family home with four beds 2 and 1 half BS approximately 2500 ft on uh what is now at vacant lot the dwelling will include a garage that will hold two cars the new building will fit seamlessly with the existing neighborhood context in this one family 6,000 subdistrict the parcel is Abed by on three sides by three story single family dwellings the neighborhood of L at large is comprised of predominantly single family homes as well the project has undergone an extensive Community process with the proponent meeting with the abuts and neighborhood residents twice privately allowing them to give him input and shape the project and what is being presented to the board today this includes inom accommodating the neighbors request that the building front got set back Al line with the existing home at 200 Beach Street it's worth noting that initially there was no violation for existing building Conformity uh This was done at the request of the immediate abutters uh the proponent has held a formal abutters meeting with on where the Project's final form was well received and had unanimous support from all participants and all this lot is 18 ft short of the 6,000 ft requirement and only 2 1/2 ft short on width and this again is consistent with many other properties in this neighborhood in addition to the support of the on meeting we also submitted eight letters of support uh from the immediate of Ls happy to answer any questions thank you any questions from the board hearing none may have public testimony yes Madam chair members of the board call honor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's off like to defer to the Judgment this board some backround information in the community Pro on as hosting a but's meeting on February 22nd um those in attendance were appreciative of the work that the applicant had done prior to that meeting with meeting with many of others and sitting down to discuss uh what they would like to see out of the project residents expressed um admiration for the Landscaping plan as well as the orientation of the building on the bottom of land itself after numerous conversations uh we're unaware of any concerns at this time and we'd like to defer to the Judgment of this board thank you thank you Madam CH I have no rais hands that may I have a motion Madam chair i' like to put for a motion of approval we have a second second Mr stbridge Mr s yes okay Mr Valencia yes m v brazza yes Mr Collins yes M pado yes share votes yes the motion carries thank you very much everyone next we have case [Music] be4 0888 with the address of 53 to 57 Harvard Street if the applicant and or their representative present would they explain the case to the board please uh good afternoon Madam chair members of the board my name is Matt Mueller of H architecture located at 53h Harvard Street um we are the owners and the representative of the advocate of the neighboring property of 53h Harvard Street um this is a very simple project basically we own the building at 53h adjacent to 53 to 57 and they're landed wraps around behind us uh we have a small architecture office on the first floor and we are just proposing to purchase that little uh approximately 1,200 square feet piece of land behind the property just to use as open Green Space and garden space thank you questions from the board hearing none I have a public testimony Madam chair members of the board Conor new with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's office defer to the Judgment this board um an aish meeting was held on February 28th um there was no one in attendance um we have weren't aware of any concerns at this time I understand they reached out to the local civic association which was supportive of this proposal that would refer to the board thank you m chair I have no oh I'm sorry Brian go ahead just to clarify is this um the project for uh this is 53 to 57 her street they're just purchasing an AB buding small piece of land yes our office would like to offer support to this project as a the Civic and also gotten the support thank you uh will that may I have a motion motion approve design revie I have a second uh Mr stbridge yes Mr Valencia yes Miss better brazzo yes Mr Collins yes yes chair votes yes motion carries Madam chair Madam chair this is Sam I apologize for the record um would we be able to have what office Brian is from and representing uh short Brian can you state your uh affiliation absolutely my apologies I was trying to figure out but um my name is a from the office of City councelor Brian warell thank you thank you very much M chair all right thank you next we have case boa 157 5505 with the address of 15 51 Townson Street with the applicant and representative president they explain to the board please yes Mr strid good afternoon Madam chair members of the board attorney Derek small of a business address of 51 doson Road and today we're here seeking relief to change the legal occupancy of the building from a two family dwelling to four residential units here the zoning subd district is a 3 f4000 our lot size is 7,7 30 s ft and the violations are as follows with regard to open space we are required for 650 per unit we have 633 per unit um it's a forbidden use because it's a 3F district and we are proposing four residential units the F the required f is 0.8 and we are are proposing 0.9 and our side yard um violation is a 10t um requirement and on 8T propos and that's a pre-existing non-conforming use now sh all of the the work being done here is interior to the building the units will consist of um two two bedroom one and a half bath at, 1450 ft and two three bedroom three bath at, 1550 Square ft Madam chair we are proposing living space in the basement and I will tell you that the basement floor to ceiling height is 8' 2 in um um and we are propos proposing to sprinkle the building if you can scroll down U Madame ambassador to the rear um elevations plan you can see that a good portion of go down one more right yep right there's good up up one right there a good yeah if you zoom out a little bit more so we can get the bottom too a good portion of the um the lower level is is above grade or um it exposes out into the rear rear yard and and then is above um the grade of the of the house um with that I'll stop and we can take any questions that um board members may have thank you Mr small any questions from the board public testimony well is wait is this a walk out basement yes in the rear it is walk out that's a door there yes it is any other questions from the board okay may I have public testimony yes madame chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's office like to defer to the Judgment of this board to back information the community process and a Butters meeting was held on November 20th that went well um the applicant they went on to meet with the Garrison troter neighborhood association which offered their support to this proposal I would that refer to the board at this time thank you thank [Music] you you going to are you looking to give testimony are [Music] you put his hand down thank you oh are you speaking no I apologize I think my hand was over from uh last case thank you any uh with that may I have a motion and chair like to put for for a motion of approval second thank you Mr stbridge yes Mr Valencia yes Miss B Braza yes Mr Collins yes Miss pado yes here also votes yes the motion carries thank you madam chair members of the board have a good day next we have case bo3 8 643 with the address of 40 Demar Street if the applicant and or the presentative is present will they explain please yes um Madam chair and board members my name is Sam Dennis and I'm representing the demic center um they have a um an old Victorian building that they have been uh they're requesting a um Pinacle use which is is an allowable use or it's conditional on your um agreement um they have been using this building as a clinical building recently it has a temporary occupancy but um ISD has been leaning on us to get it formalized as a permanent occupancy and we're hoping that you'll agree that that's uh reasonable yeah let good uh any questions from the board hearing none may have public testimony yes Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's office to defer to the Judgment this board some background information in the community process on head in AB but's meeting on January 16th the app was able to answer questions that neighbors had uh they upom then went on to meet with the Garrison troter neighborhood association as well as the eglon square neighborhood association uh both focalized strong support uh to granting this variance as they believe it provides an important community service by allowing the continued and expanded service to the treatment of substance abuse uh with that defer to the board at this time thank you you I have no way stand that may I have a motion now a second second Mr stbridge yes Mr Valencia yes uh Miss B brazza yes Mr Collins yes Miss pado yes the chair also votes yes the motion carries good luck thank you next we have case bo8 154 7905 with the address of 120 Brookline Avenue this is this is a cannabis case if the applicant and the and their and representative would explain to it good afternoon ladies and gentlemen uh my name is attorney Alexis kachuk uh my address is one State Street Boston Mass and I am here with the uh management team of Fenway cannabis company I realize that everybody on this Zoom uh especially uh the board members have been seeing a lot of proposals today and it's been a long day this is a long presentation but I can probably quickly summarize this 120 Brook Line Avenue was one of the originally cited cannabis establishments in the city of auson back in 2019 it has been open uh for over 3 years uh the current situation before us is because the ownership at 120 Brookline Avenue is changing um so the old owners are turning off the light and the new owners are turning it on uh the new ownership team is a Massachusetts based cannabis company they are experienced operators they were approved by the CCC for this change of ownership in November of 2023 but because cannabis is such a a new industry um we reinitiated the process not only with the Boston cannabis board but also with inspectional Services um there will be no significant changes proposed for this site District City councelor Durkin has uh submitted a letter of support for this proposal as have AB buding businesses uh and there was no objections raised during the public community meeting nor before the Boston cannabis board happy to discussing more specifics but there's just a wealth of information regarding security cameras is um and Staffing and other models that have already come before this board generally our presentation for you is just a new applicant and Company and again they have passed background checks with the state and are already operating in other parts of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts thank you you so just to confirm no one Proviso correct no so just remove the Proviso that says for this applicant right okay thank you that's what I asked any questions from the board hearing none may have public testimony Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's office deferred to the Judgment of this board as you heard from the applican representation uh there was lengthy community outreach we're unaware of any concerns at this time with that refer to the board thank you thank you any other raise t well that may I have a motion motion to approve is there a second second Mr stbridge yes Mr Valencia yes Miss B brazo yes Mr Collins yes pado yes chair also votes yes motion carries thank you for your service next we have case bo8 157 5468 with the address of 350 352 Handover Street if the applicant and know their representative is present will they explain please yes thank you Mr stbridge thank you madam chair members of the board attorney Jeff Drago at Drago and Tuscano with the business address of 11 Beacon Street uh here on behalf of Jennifer marazza the owner of locali restaurant in the North End uh the proposal before you was to change the OCC occupancy and you're looking at the building existing conditions uh in this picture here at 350 and 352 hanova Street uh from two apartments a barber shop and existing pizza shop uh that is what locali is now to two apartments and full restaurant uh and expanding the restaurant to uh at 352 Handover Street uh it's a pretty straightforward proposal uh This falls within Handover Community commercial District um so it is within a commercial Corridor um and as part of The Proposal locali uh is an existing Pizzeria um and does have uh be wine and cordials they're looking to expand uh their seating it's a small space about 600 square ft in change and this would give them about 1,300 square ft it would add if we go to the uh further plans uh Madam Ambassador yeah right here is perfect um as you can see there would be a u a connection between the walls there was an existing barers shop on the left uh commercial space and that would be converted uh to give them more space it would have additional seating a bar area some high tops a few tables and it would give them a widened kitchen area for food preparation and also um to put the bathrooms both on one side um and really would allow them to expand their their business which has been growing over the last 10 years um there were two zoning uh violations that were cited it's non-conforming use change because um we would be extending an existing non-conforming use and then restaurant with take out on the first story is conditional um and uh with that I can pause and answer any questions at the board if I have all of the work would be interior work aside from um windows and doors thank you any questions from the board hearing none may have public testimony yes Madam chair members of the board Conor Newman with the mayor's office of Neighborhood Services this time the mayor's off defer to the Judgment of this board on hosted a but's meeting on February 21st the applicant then went on to meet with nura and nck the two active Civic groups in the area uh both voted to support this proposal with that we confer to the board at this time thank you and M have no raised hands thank you thank you would that may I have a motion motion to approve I have a second second Mr stbridge yeah Mr Valencia yes Miss vza yes Mr Collins yes Miss pado yes yes the motion carries thank you very much thank you are we circling back to 1260 Boston uh Madam chair we reached out to the applicant um via phone and email we haven't heard anything back from them yet okay so uh may I have a motion to uh I think uh is it deny without prejudice Samantha that makes sense or you could you could either way Madam chair the choice is up to you and the board I will leave it up to the mo person who makes the motion may I have a motion motion to den I right may have a second second Mr stbridge yeah Mr valeno yes Miss V brazo yes Mr Collins yes Miss panado yes there votes yes motion carries thank you [Music] everyone e