##VIDEO ID:bVvw7JoYeII## uh it's starting now there you go you're on well thank you all for coming to our meeting this evening uh we are excited for the first of the new school year and see so many smiling faces here for recognition my favorite part of each month for both our students and Educators so to get started I think I need to do reading do the pledge then we'll get ready so to confirm the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public have advanced notice of and to attend meetings of public buys at which time any business affecting their interests is discussed and activ in accordance with provisions of this act of Board of Education policy 0162 Board of Education of B Brook has caused notice of this meeting to be posted in the board office at B high school and mail for facts to The Courier News b b cler South Board of Education and any person who has requested individual notice and pay the require fee at this time please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance stes mroll please certainly Mr B here mron here here Carl here Mr here miss m Mr vas here miss high here Mr bumer here Mr J here president you have a quum present this evening thank you very much at this point I will turn over to Dr fre for our superintend good evening everyone and Welcome to our September meeting it is so great to see everybody out tonight we've been without students and families all throughout the summer so it's very exciting tonight that we're going to be giving out recogn to everyone so very very happy to see you at this time I would like to call forward Dr s for lont and [Applause] LaMont hi everybody good evening um congratulations to Dylan [Music] [Applause] [Music] s Dylan attends her preschool program his teacher Mrs chaparo was selected in for student of the month fun fact his sister was just selected for small e School area so congratulations ations um his favorite subjects play Plato in the Arts Center and do dramatic play um and his career PL become a police officer congratulations congratulations [Applause] okay congratulations to as moranda picado she's currently in our preschool Pro I mean our kindergarten program in Mrs dh's class her favorite school subject There She Goes she's coming [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so her favorite school subject is math um she her career plans she wants to also become a police officer when she goes up congratulations [Applause] [Applause] next student of month is Emma um Chone she currently in our first great [Applause] program writing um her favorite hobby is cheerleading drawing and her career plans is Emma wants to be a teacher [Applause] congratulations conratulations next up school [Applause] school our second grade student of the month is Tyler Bailey [Applause] Tyler is in second grade he's in Mrs Patrick's class who's here with us tonight he has one sister and five brothers his favorite school subject is math his favorite hobby is to play soccer and he wants to work at Walmart when he gets older [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] awesome okay our third grade student of the month is Stevenson boso Martinez [Applause] [Music] Stevenson is in third grading in Miss eso's class he has a siing named Jefferson his favorite school subject is math he loves to play soccer with his brother and he wants to be a soccer player when he grows up all [Applause] right next we have M winter from smaller [Applause] school so our fourth grade student of the month it's a very tonight ARA de ailla [Applause] so as you know ARA has a younger brother Dylan who was honored tonight as well her favorite subjects are art and gy she loves to play the piano and she either wants either wants to be a photographer an artist or a scientist [Applause] [Applause] our fifth grade student of the month is David [Applause] Hernandez David told me he has four siblings a lot of siblings at home right and his favorite subject is math and science he loves to play at the playground and watch TV he would like to go to the military when he grows [Applause] [Applause] up and our final student of the month our sixth grade is Michaela cwell [Applause] so Michaela has a younger sister her favorite subjects are math and gym her favorite hobbies are basketball Robotics and engineering and when I asked her what she wanted to do she had a lot of choices she told me either a professional basketball player a barber something to do with robotics and Engineering or an electrician she's a very [Applause] congratulations to our small school students of the month at this time we call Dr s up for the CMS students of hello everyone please join me in uh honoring the Community Middle School seventh grade student of the month emry [Applause] [Music] Medina Emory was nominated by Miss deetta emry has uh siblings Eden 3 years old and Elias yeah Elias eight months old so you got your hands full helping out at home um favorite subject is English and when you grow up want to become a soccer player currently enjoys playing soccer for the Community Middle [Music] [Applause] School enjoys painting uh nails with their friends doing hair and doing creative things like that and wants to go to college play soccer and become a veterinar [Applause] [Applause] the eighth grade student of the month from the Community Middle School Jeremy stellar [Applause] Jeremy was nominated by Mr Raphael has a brother Justin 17 years old sister Carly 10 and a brother lean who's one again very busy at home favorite subjects are social studies and I I have to kind of add something in Jeremy's running for eighth grade student council treasurer which the elections are coming up soon congratulations you'll be going to Washington DC to further learn a little bit more about uh Student Government come the spring favorite hob hobbies are cooking baking listening to music and playing video games and when Jeremy grows up wants to be a chef and a restaurant owner congratulations [Music] [Applause] congratulations okay last but certainly not least we have Mr [Applause] school good evening everyone I would like to announce the Crusader citizens of of the month for the month of September those of you that do not know Crusader citizen of the month award is in recognition of students that demonstrate positive Crusader citizenship traits such as responsibility respect kindness Integrity cooperation tolerance and perseverance our first recipient Emma Baker [Applause] okay Emma is in the 12th grade she has two siblings Lily and Jonathan Baker her favorite subject in school are math and history her favorite hobbies include playing sports shopping and spending quality time with her family and friends in the future her career plans include studying to become a school psychologist [Applause] [Applause] our next recipient Nelson Santos I know Nelson could not be here uh this evening but I'll read his bio anyway Nelson is in the 11th grade he has three sisters vet Victoria and Melanie his favorite subjects in school are English and Entrepreneurship uh Nelson includes his favorite hobbies include playing football and working out at the gym and in the future he wants to become an entrepreneur sub [Applause] capacity our next recipient Allison Moa [Applause] Allison is in the 10th grade and she is an only child her favorite subject in school is history her favorite hobbies include playing soccer listening to music and painting and in the future her career plans include going to college to become an ultrasound technician [Applause] [Applause] and our final recipient for the high school is Xavier [Applause] Ortiz okay Xavier is in the ninth grade he has one sibling um JZ jzl JZ orti uh his favorite subject in school is math favorite hobbies include uh playing sports and in the future he plans to become a mechanical [Applause] engineer congratulations to citizens of the month next we have our employees of the month our educator of the month and supports staff at this time I'd like to call the educator the district educator up the mon with a big smile on face back there up to the front Miss aent CHR so this is only day three for me in the school district but with that said what I've read about Miss Christian really exemplifies what an educator of the month or even of the district or of the year would be so I just want to share with you what her colleagues have written about her Miss Christian being selected as a teacher of the month is no surprise for those of us fortunate enough to work with her she is exceptionally dedicated to her students she constantly goes above and beyond to ensure that each students feels valued understood and equipped to equipped to succeed whether it's through personalized instruction extra help after school or simply being a compassionate listener inside the classroom she demonstrates a deep commitment to evolving as an educator always exploring new methods and best practices to ensure her teaching is engaging effective and responsive to students needs outside of the classroom she remains a constant source of guidance and encouragement making herself available to help students navigate academic and personal challenges her leadership and professionalism sets a shining example for her colleagues and her positive impact is felt across the school Community it is this dedication both to student growth and her own professional development that makes Miss Christians deserving of being honored as to he's coming [Music] [Applause] us support sta of mon or [Applause] the Lafayette teachers and staff are delighted to recognize Arya Driscoll as Employee of the Month Mrs Driscoll con consistently exemplifies excellence in her role as school secretary as the first point of contact for staff students and families she warmly greets everyone with a smile creating a welcoming and positive atmosphere at Lafayette from the morning until the late afternoon in her role as principal secretary Arya manages a wide range of administrative duties with precision and dedication from answering phones and responding to inquiries to coordinating appointments and ensuring that I am always on time she handles everything with efficiency Arya metic meticulously oversees purchase orders and supplies making certain that all ordered items are received she also monitors lafayette's budget and spending ensuring that invoices are paid promptly and accurately her attention to detail extends to maintaining the confidentiality of all staff and student records and personal information more than anything Mr Mrs Driscoll's personality professionalism and dedication make Lafayette a wonderful place to work and visit she approaches each task and responsibility with care professionalism and thoroughness ensuring that tasks are completed effectively and with Precision her ability to manage multiple priorities while providing outstanding service to the entire School Community makes her an invaluable asset to Lafayette also she bakes us lots of cookies all the time and they are phenomenal so thank you Arya for that you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay at this time I'd like to call Kenny sin to the podium [Applause] okay for those of you who don't know K he's a lead bus driver and co-coordinator of Transportation besides being an outstanding bus driver and the Fe leader of our transportation team he is an outstanding human being would you agree [Applause] and I can tell you that you won't find a more caring compassionate person whose main desire in life seems to be to give a helping hand and put a smile on the face of everyone he comes in contact with whether it's a student teacher or colle joke a nice thing to say definitely joke loosen up the week you know you go all right so we're very grateful for his dedication and commitment uh he has shown to our district in community and we're blessed to have him as part of our team but that's not why he's here tonight he's here uh because a couple of weeks ago he we had a situation with one of our buses a dangerous situation where he just quit thinking and calm response made a safe situation for passers by and um local local uh Walkers so as many of you that may have seen on the news one of our bus is caught on fire on Route 18 while Kenny was driving it back from being service keny being the professional that he is pulled over to the side of the road away from allcom traffic and a nearby overpass was a Qui P noticing the bus was catching on fire luckily no kids were on board he grabbed the fire extinguish and tried to do what he does tried to save our bus didn't work didn't work the exting work but C didn't work right and put it out before realizing it was too much so so he stepped aside and according to the police this is what they said Ken Quick's action prevented what would have been a very dangerous situation for oncoming traffic and the nearby overhead his quick thinking saves lives not to took on the bus but those passing by so tonight we want to take a minute to acknowledge Him for that so let's give him a round of applause [Music] thing I I'm not us to standing up here but I appreciate the recognition I think that most anybody that drives probably would have been the same thing I i' hope but I didn't have a chance to think about it I just had to do it but I I uh I saw I had a clear path to the right I just went over the curve away from the traffic just to get it far over I figured that nobody would be near me and I just stopped before the bridge it just seemed like also the timing of where it happened I was lucky too you know but uh nobody got involved there was police right there and uh two out of town police cars too actually were just cut through and they said you need help on the bus I said no thank God and first time I gra the extinguisher ever I never thought I'd have to do that you know I never did but there wasn't enough wasn't enough powder in the extinguish yeah a lot of fire thanks again for this I didn't expect this I I really appreciate we appreciate [Applause] you ready one two three smile there [Applause] do you want people up front or on stage big picture there's gonna be a lot last round of [Applause] applause at this time we're going to take some pictures toys in the month please say I want a picture with you tonight at this time our students of the month would you please and your fam students of the month and families please come to the stage to take a gr picture to put on Facebook yeah I when I saw enjoy yeah [Laughter] [Applause] you right there come on down guys come on down hello really we at all one more one two three all right conratulations every you did hey John we got that from a I heard was yeah I don't even have stay the way it is now I was Mikey Mikey was like that more baby Friday decided serious that's right the right us right speak right [Music] ex jemy I congratulations yeah tomorrow so depressing excited [Music] congratulations all right guys uh with our recognition out of the way why don't we move to our student board am report all right uh great long report today so to start uh sports teams boy soccer is currently on a three game win streak record of and are currently right number one in [Applause] Sky her soccer currently has a record of two wins four losses and one tie with their next home tomorrow against Delaware Valley at 4m. girls tennis currently has a record 3 and seven with their next meetting tomorrow atacul at 4m. girls volleyball currently has a record of three and five with their next game being tomorrow at gil and burnard at 4M and cross country currently had a competition at du Island Park today with promising cents including Runner Harrison mus who's running a 1911 5K with the Central Jersey group one qualifying time being around 19 minutes so good luck to him for school related there is a new club called the life skills Exchange Club which intends on teaching students various life skills that will Liv school well the high school and L back to school night is tomorrow uh September 26 uh professional development day for student Representatives over summerson County ATT of day for December 6 R volleyball is hosting an Applebees breakfast on October 20th with admission being $14 and all proceeds going to the team uh Bound Brook homecoming is October 19th being being a night in Paris in other news B recreation basketball trouts for this week on Wednesday Friday and Sunday Recreation soccer is hosting a soccer shootout on October 6 at 9:00 a.m. in collaboration with the bound L metx Lodge at the turfield the bomr fire department is hosting Fire Prevention Week events from October 6 to 12 where people can learn about fire safety and CD equipment and trucks and the Bound Brook robotics team te56 is open is is hosting robocon in collaboration with other teams in the area where there will be competition within the Bridgewater com Hall and that is this weekend the 28 and that's very good any questions for our student board member all right let's move on to committee reports first up is education Mr Dawson good evening everyone the education committe earlier this month we reviewed a club request for a math club that we're excited about we also spent some time looking at the end of year data from IR ready and iel we were really motivated and encouraged by the data which shows so many different students at so many different grade levels um making progress we think we are off to a great start and that we're hopeful that this data will give teachers a lot of good information and small groups and uh me kids really are and help continue to push them to grow certainly we expect kids to make a great level of growth every year but it was really inspiring to see that all the work our our teachers and our administrators are doing we have students growing a year a year and a half in a a single year's time so that speaks to the students hard work but also the hard work of our our staff in responding to their needs and and targeting their instruction so we had a really positive uh meeting and we're excited about where we go next thank you Mr Dawson any questions on education all right hearing n you're of the governance Mr B okay uh we spent a lot of our meeting going over new policies most of which are mandated a lot of them have to do with vaccinations one that stood out that didn't was um that students are going to be allowed to attend One Civic day per year as an excused absence it'll have to be approved by the district but they can get out and kind of see government and Civics in action and have that excused um another thing that's coming through the New Jersey state legislature right now that we discussed is a possible it's a bill now possible law that would allow uh athletes to forgo fizzed and replace it with a study hall um of course we have to really flesh it out as far as um which athletes are eligible what sports qualify things like that um there's there's you know some things that would have to be worked out but there's a lot of pluses to it um including I thought a really big deal is a lot of kids in high school especially who have jobs after school and other things and watch siblings and they don't get the opportunity to play because they have so many other commitments would have a study hall where they can maybe get homework done and that would allow them to play uh which would be great so it's something definitely for us to explore it's not a law in New Jersey yet but there are other places um that do it so we're definitely going to look into it uh we also got a draft of our uh newly written strategic plan to look over so uh the committee will probably next month have a report on that but it looks nice so we'll we'll let you know we'll let you know and the last thing I did email today I contacted our field rep and after a little bit back and forth she actually has our meeting schedule she said the next meeting that she is available for training is in December so if you didn't check your email I think it's December oh now I forgot 18th 16th or whatever December is um she will be here at 5:30 before the meeting to do our training on student achievement which also will be the hour we need to um officially achieve Master board certification so also keep your calendar open for next year when we get um recognized by the county uh obviously it doesn't mean that's the last training was ever do we'll keep going but this one's a big one so please try to attend uh our December meeting at 5:30 that's it for me excellent job thank you Mr B any questions on governance yeah one question sure it's a simple one the master board level is that the highest we can get as a group or I think it is right so within the New Jersey school boards associations hierarchy the answer to that is yes is there another hierarchy we should Cheo for I'm not is there National or world that's right if that exists that's what I want we will find out what the next ties but when um Miss Reese was here last month she did say that very few Boards of Education in the state of New Jersey attain this uh because it requires not only a commitment to training and continuing education but some amount of stability on because turnover also will affect it so I think it's really commendable that we've reached this point but as Mr B said you intimated we're not done so we will find out what comes next thank you so much for for being the leader in set absolutely did a great job any other comments or questions for governance all right uh we are up to now human resources uh miss high was actually uh unavailable for the meeting she called out sick from our H paid positions that day um and miss m isn't here tonight so I will just give a brief report um as you can see from agenda item number seven which I think goes 90ish 91 resolutions deep uh the administrative team has been actively attempting to fill as many open positions as possible uh was in the run up to uh the first few days of school and that work continues even now um we did go through all of the open positions uh that were still available to be filled uh and not only the strategy to fill them but the strategy to cover for the ones that we didn't have and you know Dr fan and his team have done a really fantastic job of making sure that even though we haven't found all the right teachers just yet um that all of the classes will be covered suff um and given the volume that really was the majority of what we discussed during that any comments or questions on human resources okay hearing not Mr zco you are up for operation okay buck up so as request of the committe profal Services contract the law firm along with historic filling amounts for the past two years the commun reviewed everything opposed items terms conditions and reced contract Mr Cory also was a phenomenal and presented an update to the committee on the status of the fiscal audit indicated that much of the testing exception of sub events have completed testing dis dis have completed AIT of the state New Jersey is again disclosing letter I'm going to stop here I'm going have Mr thank you Mr zuo um state of New Jersey provides numbers called on behalf figures and that's the pension numbers that the state pays on behalf of the school district those expenditures that are the obligation of the state are are related to the school district operation so they over into our government wide financial statement but the state is laid again with these numbers so it could cause a slight delay in our audit report we expect it to be ready in November but we're anxiously waiting the data to come from the state thank you Mr gorsy I appreciate that we also talked about payroll verification Mr informed the committee that the district is require LA to verify the existence of all fulltime employees receiving compensation the process is being planned for October 15th 16th and 17 whereby staff authorized by superintendent will visit each school to request that all full-time staff present suitable picture ID and sign a roster the state's purpose of requiring this verification is confirm that there are fictitious employees the bar of the process will conclude with a certification by superintend executed the county Mr you want to comment on that no I think that was very complete thank all right now the chip structure uh this is so Mr gorsy updated the committee on structural issues that were recently identified High School chin by a contractor proposing to replace retractable backboards P contractor identified new crimes and Chin block WS let me stop here I have to say that this conversation uh the committee was very involved and very concerned about this this subset of what we're talking about speak is something that glad the administrative team and I want to take the head off to them as well as the Comm meting took very seriously uh structural engineer was retained to inspect the facility he recommended a ground penetrating radar test to determine the existence of rebar the existence of rebar is important in determining the extent of repairs that requir separately the structural opinion that he feels that the cracking is caused by recent so the district notified the insurance carrier finally the ground tra radar test did not identify the existence of re re are so more extensive repair work will be required before the new baset equipment can be installed proposal for engineering is be presented to the board at the next meeting engineer has issued aary report indicating that the structure is quote in no immediate danger associated with these conditions is to address D structural issues oper of Investigation including the radar skin destructive probing is recommended to evaluate the detailed properties of the SE walls and a plan for permanent communiation Express concern I just recently noted that the J sports activities in particular be considered possibly outsourced at another venue now Mr Gorski would you like to expa upon that yes thank you first of all um we don't want anybody getting alarmed with the situation the structural engineer has determined that the facility is safe for use otherwise it would be closed um however we want to make sure that it has structural Integrity that it needs to have a long and continuous life so there's going to be two proposals presented to the board as far as repairs now that rebar which are steel be are go through the block that have some Integrity to them are not there they probably weren't required by code back then so we're going to have two um operations one is to put rear through the blocks into the into the ground so that it it stiffens up the building the other one is a new technology that provides like a a mesh steel membrane on the inside of the walls which will take up a couple inches of space um the engineer has offered his opinion that he thought the traditional way of of putting the rebar through was better and we'll study that at maybe the price is actually higher for the new technology although the benefit of that is it saves a couple weeks of construction time and there may be a little less dust and debris um again the facility is safeer use we're working with the High School administration and the athletic Administration to provide some additional security at the game just to make sure that the bleachers don't get too rocking during those basketball games and uh everything is is being used um as it should and everything's fine we'll provide more updates in the future thank you Mr gski we also just a little redundant bus fire update weede that the bus fire has been by Insurance character boss replacement bus has been identified and transfer request isai for the county uh specifics on replacement bus was reviewed about Transportation driver Cy and the commit finally uh new field trip request the committee deliv we talk about un budget request unbudgeted request for a field trip to the Planetarium as presented by Dr committee inquired about fundraising attempts and how much the board contribution was expected to be and that's all so questions Comm concerns thank you Mr SEO any comments questions all right hearing none uh I will just report that item for item 4.5 we don't have update for this meeting but we will have at a future date uh which brings us up to item 4.6 which is our southbound board member report thank you um much to report since school just started but Dr GOI was invited by sea cubby stepen Cubby's son to participate in an advisory committee related to the leader and me program and she accepted and then southbound Brook is getting ready to start strategic planning our first meeting is on October 29th that's it and just one question on the strategic planning are you guys setting that up similar to the way we did it with Community engagement and involvement or is it just Bo activity we have our first pre-planning meeting oh pre-planning so um yeah we're going to figure that out sounds good all right any questions on that report all right before we move on any final questions or comments at all on committees at this point we are up to item 5.1 which is open to the public for agenda items only um anybody who's interested please come down to the podium uh sign in with name address and affiliation uh and not that we do have a speaking limit of I believe five minutes per item uh to allow all people that want to talk to have the opportunity uh at which point we can recycle them back through potential speakers don't see anybody on site here rushing to the podium how about online nobody's on nothing online as well so we are closed for item 5.1 and moving to item 6.1 be it resolved that the bound Board of Education upon recommendation of the superintendent approves the minutes of the following meetings regular and executive meeting minutes for August 21st 2024 have a motion motion thank you Mr da second second thank you miss any discussion none roll call please Mr B abstain thank you Mr Dawson yes M gazino yes M Carlton abstain thank you Mr zco obstain thank you Mr minus yes Miss High yes Mr vmer yes and Mr Jan yes motion passes thank you item s .1 being resolved that the superintendent recommends for approval of resolutions as outlined in District Personnel resolutions this is 7.2 through 7.91 have motion motion thank you Mr Zu a second second thank you Miss car any discussion it's a long it's a long yes all right can we have a roll call please certainly second was Miss Carlton yes thank you Mr B yes Mr Dawson yes M gazino yes Carlton yes abstain from 7.49 to 7.90 thank you Mr zco yes M M M bous yes Miss H yes Mr yes yes social test thank you item 8.1 be a resolve that found rep of Education approves the resolutions is outlined the district education resolutions this is 8.2 through 8.15 I have a motion aome thank you Mr B a second second thank you Miss Carl any [Music] discussion all right hearing none can we have a roll call please Mr Bell yes Mr Dawson yes M cazino yes M Carlton Yes except for 8 7 to 8.15 where you abstain I abstain yes Mr Z yes M Mr Minas yes M High yes R yes yes thank you be it resolv that the bound Board of Education approves the resolutions as outlined in board action resolutions this 9.2 through 9.48 I have a motion motion thank you Mr F second second thank you Miss H any discussions just wanted to add that I think it's really exciting the agreements that the board and the district are entering with the universities around I think we're it's no shortage there's a big shortage of Educators in the country in New Jersey right now and I think building those relationships and cultivating opportunities for people to student teach here intern here is a really smart way for us to get to on great candidates in the future so it's one of 40 something resolutions but I think it's a really important step for the district we should be in agreed and the only thing that I would add is it's just one of many programs that have been implemented recently to help address that and not only you know to attract Talent from the outside but to build uh some of the talent that we already have in house so excellent job Mr yes I just wanted to I'm looking at the agenda here 9.7 faes the other thing is that just want to look at I think I speak we really appreciate the Don that we're get um you know I hope you realize that every helps so so appreciative so thank you than I wanted to make a comment also um it's on 9.15 which was class in 1974 thank you so gonna ask you to talk about that you oh I can go on forever as you all know but I I really want to say you know there's so many to think but um we had our 50th High School reunion this past weekend it was actually absolutely fantastic and we wanted to thank so many from B School District who just started us off to an incredible weekend so Dr Freeman Mrs Griffin Mr Ross and Mrs Heisman Heyman excuse me we met at the board office there were um five of us who met four who are on the committee and they greeted us first of all with coffee and pastries wonderful and they gave us uh the committee did backpacks we had a t-shirt we had a water bottle we have our pen which I love entered to serve go fourth to U enter to go fourth to serve and every one of us wor to the reunion and I've seen people since and they still are wearing it it was just a hit um we also got a copy of um the novel BGA dreams which I will be reading because I'm going on the trip so I'll do that this week um we went to the high school we got the grand tour with Mr Smith Mrs lson Mr clear um we also got T-shirts from the high school wow yes we went through every in and everybody had a story and they were so gracious and listen to all of our stories we went on to the community school and everybody on this committee had been in B from kindergarten through the through high school so we started kindergarten we all graduated we had one person who went to what was in St Jones and again all these stories um there were three students who gave us a tour they were so articulate they were so pleasant they were excited they answered all of our questions it was fabulous um from there we went on to Lafayette and we were greed with Mrs cahas and there were six student tour guides there were This Tall they second graders and third graders they had little clipboards with pencils taking notes and then sharing with us what their favorite things were tell them who your favorite tour guide was well my tour guide so one of the tour gu Tes is my backyard neighbor who happens to be my son and from what I hear too he went home because I was talking to Nicole open fence and she go and he went home and said yes we had a torque gu who did you show he goes S I say perfect um but so la it just would oh their favorite thing too they love love love the new cafeteria it was such a hit we went out on the playground they showed us four squares they played a couple games for us it was great and then at Lamont and LaMont um Annex Dr s she found in her final cabinet the 75th anniversary of lont school we went through every single thing my mother actually taught at that school many many years ago but um just seeing all these names we got to walk across the street we met teachers and we met students on the playground um we then went to um some had to go so two of us went to SMY school which is my old school and boy what have walk down memory lane so many changes to the school since I was there but it was U Mr who walked us through and then he took us outside because as you know we have that beautiful new digital sign and on it said um welcome to SMY class of 1974 so we posed and then he sent me a text and he goes you know what I'm gonna leave it up for the weekend in case anybody wants to come and get their picture taken and I will tell you there were a number of alumni who went too smly to get their picture taken but the two things that out the most one the calmness in every single school we went into there was this atmosphere of learning and it was just calm it was energetic but peaceful it was wonderful to see and the other and the committee members kept saying this over and over the positive relationships between students and their teachers and students and teachers with the administ ministration it was because every they were like our principles didn't do this our principles didn't know it was like such a different feeling um and I have to tell you Dr Freeman thank you he spent over two hours with us we were like a company that wouldn't leave but we we just had such a fabulous time and I will tell you that there were others at the reunion were like can we go see the school but it was just such a wonderful community outreach between um alumni and now the administrators and teachers staff everybody it was phenomenal and I I have to clap through you guys because we had our cheeks were hurting we were smiling so much so I thank [Applause] you I could I talk about I want to guys on on on accepting something new people coming to school during the day which I know is something different you know but uh I I wanted to do it because I wanted to see the great things that you're making happen to school like I said in our meeting earlier this week nothing happens in that school without your leadership so I want to commend you on that and the way you embrace the alumni I'll tell you I I I know they're going to go out to the community and talk about the great things that are happening which is very important for us to do because sometimes people know things that are Dr up or social media but coming into the school and seeing things firsthand the comment about the Cal and the positive relationships that's what we're striving for they got to see it so now the world's going to spread so I commend you for that I really do as far as the the alumni I tell you I was very moved I was very moved because of the fact that it was 50 years ago and they were able to pinpoint in these hallways where certain things happen the history of their school tell us about certain classrooms and M this one and M that one and all of these special things but what what what showed most was the pride The Pride that everyone takes in being compound it was amazing I was very very moved by it and and it was uh it made spending all that time made it work it was a pleasure for me it was a long it was a pleasure for me so that's off to you all and uh for giving us some tradition we appreciate it as much as you appreciate us we appreciate I have one more thing um we've had we had uh students who moved in you know their junior sophomore year who came to theunion from Maine from Tucson Arizona because they said you know what I made friends in high school but it wasn't like B Brook and that really is what B Brook is so again thank now it's a great reminder that you know we are in the business of making memories every day when these kids show from school so it gives you a reminder to take that to heart so thank you very much Dr Freeman and your entire team for putting that together and so glad you guys oh great it was great all right you sure you don't want to say anything else though no I'm teasing I'm teasing all right any other comments or questions on uh uh section number nine all right here Mr g roll call please Mr B yes Mr Dawson yes M cazino yes M Carlton yes accept abstain from 9.7 9.12 9.14 9.25 to 9.28 and 9.45 Mr zco yes Mr minhas yes Miss H yes Mr Balmer yes Mr Januzzi yes motion passes thank you uh I have received no other matters to come before the board uh so at this time we are open for new business if there's any matters that were not on the agenda tonight that the committee members all right hearing none we are open to the public now for discussion uh so same culation rules apply if you're in the rooms sign in with name affiliation uh everybody gets an opportunity to speak minutes and uh I don't see anybody in the room we have anybody on nobody's online nobody onl all right so at this time we are open up to item 13 which is executive session be it resolved Board of Education and executive session is allowed by njs for the purpose just seven so just number seven uh can I have a motion motion thank you Mr B second second I'm G give it to miss she has all in favor your ex e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right welcome back we are up uh nothing to move coming out of executive sess so I'll entertain a motion toour motion Mr second Mr Z all in favor good night everybody all right good night have a good evening everyone see