##VIDEO ID:7wA0Jd6_iBM## e e e e e all right good evening everybody please take your seats good evening this meeting is called to order and welcome to the city of Boon Beach City commission meeting today is Tuesday December 17th 2024 and The Time Is Now 6: p.m. uh for those of you who have already seen the agenda we do have a closed door uh turn a client shade meeting uh but let's begin first with the roll call we'll come back to the agenda after after the shade meeting uh followed by invocation led by Pastor Bryce Hudson from Christ Fellowship Church which will then be followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by commissioner Thomas turkin city clerk let's turn to you for the roll call first mayor penserga here vice mayor Kelly absent commissioner Cruz here commissioner hay here commissioner turkin present mayor you have aor thank you so much uh Pastor if you'd like to do us the honor let's all stand for the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance thank you let's bow our heads well father we come before you in this season of celebration in a reminder that we have a Greater Hope and in this season and even in this meeting tonight we pray that we would look towards that hope as this uh commission as this committee as as the the agenda items that they speak of tonight that ultimately it would honor you that this would be a community that is a beacon of light and hope to all around so know that you have done an amazing work um through this Council father through this past year and as we look back we get to see all the amazing things that you've done but believing what you will do through this community in the years to come so we are honored to get to sit here tonight to have life and breath knowing that it's ultimately from you we have all of that in your name we praise amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all you thank you everybody and thank you Pastor before we move on to our closed door attorney client shade meeting I'd like to ask my colleagues if they're comfortable with uh we have a speaker here this evening School Board member Edwin Ferguson if they're comfortable just uh moving up that item yes is there any objection to that no council okay I'm just wondering how long do you think it'll be only because we do have a court reporter waiting so that it's fine I just it's not board member you're okay with it okay all right okay so um we do have a shade meeting thereafter not a problem all right thank you go ahead council do read the notice notice is here by given that in accordance with Section 28611 subsection 8 Florida Statutes the city of boyant beach commission will hold a closed attorne client shade meeting on Tuesday December 17th 2024 at 6 p.m. or as soon thereafter at the city of Bo Beach City Hall Room 44 440 located at 100 East Ocean Avenue Boon Beach Florida 33435 to discuss the following litigation Boon Beach Little League DBA East Boon Beach Little League plaintiff versus city of Boon Beach defendant Palm Beach County Circuit Civil Division AF court number 2024 CA 00005 517 following the commencement of the city Commission meeting the city commission will move into a closed attorney client shade meeting the meeting will be attended by mayor Ty penserga commissioner Angela Cruz commissioner woodro he commissioner Thomas turkin city manager Daniel Dugger Deputy city manager Andrew Mack City attorney shaa lamb Deputy City Attorney Stacy Wier and the court reporter Wendy Smith approximately 30 to 60 Minutes will be needed following the conclusion of the closed attorney client shade meeting the city commission will resume its regularly scheduled City commission meeting public business will be concluded at that time and the meeting will be adjourned all right thank you Council normally this is the point where we recess for the shade meeting but I'd like to call up School Board member uh Mr Ferguson to give us an update of Education thank you Mr Mayor and and good afternoon to the commission uh City attorney city manager uh I'll be brief but uh until all the Bon I want to say happy holidays it's always good to be here you know if we're in another school year you're going to see me here uh communicating with you all to give you all an update on how our district 7 schools are performing and also how the school district is performing at large oh all right thank you so anyone who who would like to look at the information that I'm reviewing you can scan this C all right this happens every here I'm going have to bring an assistant to do this thing for me you can scan that QR code before I get started so all of the information um that I'm going to be discussing you can look at it um at your leisure um but there's a treasure trophy of information there that I would really really encourage every resident in Boon Beach to kind of dig into um kind of understand and if you have questions you know ask us um but I think there's a lot of great information in there um in respect of the shade s session I just say Clos session down to the district close session new terminology I want to I'm going to blow through this a little bit but I will represent to you first of all thanks again for doing something that um I don't think it's been done in the county that large amount of money that you all uh ear marked for your schools I believe it is already bearing fruit in terms of performances so when you look through the uh respective schools in district 7 but then also uh the city at large you'll see that there has definitely been a bump and I think it's an appreciable bump um so again I want to thank you all for for being bold trying something new not just doing the same old thing and expecting a different result so again I say thank you to all of you for that and and I know our students and their families are thanking you as well um again there are a lot of hyperlinks inside of this inside of this um slide deck that you can click on at your leisure um Early Education is really the Bedrock of of education kids who start behind tend to stay behind those who start ahead generally tend to stay ahead and so there's a lot of information in there that I would encourage us to encourage our F our parents particularly of the one the two the threey old kids to try to master these words and things of that nature because it will it will bear fruit exponentially uh once they get into kindergarten and moving forward from there and again I'm just trying to be as brief as possible so that you all can get to their closed session meetings but as you can see uh from the charts here uh we have the last five years inclusive of this school year and you can see that uh going into the school year 23 which was last year most of the schools in distri 7 and I think Citywide there was a dip in English in math uh social studies generally not but in English and math for sure in science but I see that there's been a for most of the schools there been there has been an increase uh since you all um contribute that additional money for additional resources to be provided to our schools so again I say thank you for that U again I'm just being very brief here um again you can see the dotted line for those who have not attended these meetings when I've come in the past that's what the the districtwide average is so for example for science you can see that the districtwide average of students who are proficient a level three or above in my mind C or better 50% not necessarily great but again you can see where the school the city of Boon schools uh compare in relation to that and so again we're always looking to do better and looking to do more and you can see that while our scores are below the uh District average across at least in district 7 I do see growth there and so there's something that we can build on and so I never am a a Debbie Downer so to say I'm always looking for the positive of things and so I do see growth there and if our parents continue to engage and again this slide deck that I have there's a lot of tutorials and things that parents and other parties can do at home that can help bear fruit in terms of their children's aptitude in these various um examinations so I would encourage person to take advantage of that as well all right okay so I want to push through this and I want to get to a couple of things that are not set forth in the slide deck absenteeism I've been to two different um conferences across the country already the Council of great City schools and the Florida School Board Association uh from Florida to Hawaii absenteeism is a huge issue a lot of our kids are just not going to school and so if they're not going to school it shouldn't surprise that we're seeing a lot of Stack ation in terms of growth and gains um that we would expect I have called up a discussion item on tomorrow's uh Schoolboard agenda uh which you all definitely are invited welcome to come to or just watch it on YouTube I won't get into the specifics again to be respectful of your time but I am concerned of continued suspension of students for what are called level one violations so basically we have a policy that says level one violations are things that we might tap you on the hand but we won't send you out of school so I'm concerned about if you will kind of state sponsored absenteeism by sub suspending uh tyer cirle in the second grade or or the eighth grade for doing something that was a level one offense that we said is not something that you should be suspended for but yet and still TI is being suspended and then we wonder why Tai is not doing so well in math or science or English you keep suspending him for things that he shouldn't be suspended for so we're going to have a more robust discussion as as a board tomorrow uh in regard to that also metal detectors I think I know mayor perser you know that that was something that within the first year of me getting on the board that was something that I was able to kind of maneuver and we got metal detectors at our high school level but I was expecting us to have it also in the Middle School this year in elementary last year and on the heels of what happened uh in Wisconsin yesterday I think you all know where the the uh direction of my my discussion with the board will be tomorrow but again we want to make sure that our schools are as safe as they possibly can be so that our children can learn as much as they can possibly learn in the shortest amount of time so those are three things that I'm concerned about um for Bon and for all of our cities here in Palm Beach County but overall I would say that the district is doing well we were able to recover regain whatever word you want to use our a rating you should have been down at 3,300 for Hill they were dancing through the Halls when they realized that the district was back at a a again and I'm happy for that but I'm also concerned and most focused on proficiency levels so I'm less concerned about uh a school say Bon High School being an a-rated school as opposed to how many the children are actually proficient in English science and math because that's what I as an employer I'm most concerned about I don't really care what your school letter grade is I want to know if you Mr wood can write a complete sentence or what are your interpersonal skills and things of that nature so I I would definitely encourage you all as partners I consider you B to Beast to be a partner of the district I do we don't do this in a vacuum so we definitely want and need your your your input and your involvement um but that's something that I'm I'm very much um on Focus on so again I'm going to stop now because I know you have more important business but I'm happy to answer any question that you all may have today and if you think of something later please email me let me speak to staff and try to get you an answer back as soon as possible but thank you again for for allowing me to to make this very brief presentation thank you so much well thank you so much board member Mr Ferguson um so you know one of my key takeaways from your presentation is that Boon's making a comeback in terms of the scores which is always a good thing to hear yes we still have a lot of work to do relative to the average of the district but at least we're on the upswing uh my first question is what do you think is working well to make that upswing happen right so if there was a program or an initiative that we should double down on because it's working and it's serving our kids what would that be and my second question to go back to your uh topic of absent I can't pronounce it I'm sorry ABM yes there we go um is there anything that's really effective in reducing that I'll take the second one first okay sounds good I'm not really sure I'm not the subject matter expert of that I know I've listened to Mr Keith oswal he's one of the parties um down at Forest Hill who's kind of in charge of kind of overseeing that and trying to limit it um statutorily the the state is actually implementing laws whereby I think they actually are a tool if you will to ensure that kids go to school would be to actually put the parents in jail which I I I feel like that's asine that makes no sense and that would be very destabilizing for the child putting that way in the back maybe just kick it out the back of the house I think the main thing is maybe for us as adults if we see a child who's not in school during normal school hours if we feel comfortable maybe trying to encourage them you know hey how are you is everything okay hey what school do you attend kind of having that conversation with them or better yet if you know their parents to encourage the parents because that truly is the person or the persons that can help decrease the amount of absenteeism that we're seeing here in Palm Beach County and specifically in Boon So speaking to the parents the constituents out here hey of the importance of hey Johnny or Jane are going it's going to be very difficult for them to hit their highest Mark if they're not engage in um formal education and your first question U Mr Mayor I'm sorry was what what's working to cause the upswing literacy so when kids are when kids are very young they learn to read but ultimately after second or third grade they must be able to read in order to learn and so I know that all schools are always trying to have additional time with the child if they're they're in a deficit to get them to a level three a level four a level five when they get to that four or five that's really where I think they're in a strong position a position of strength so they understand what the lesson is as far as math or science or English so what I have seen in my my travels around point in and across the district is that we're seeing a greater emphasis not an emphasis we're seeing greater gains in terms of reading proficiency and if you have more proficient readers in school you'll see them perform better in their particular classes what you just said right there just Echoes with my experience I'm a physics teacher and uh I have students who because they struggle with the reading forget the math and the physics they they can't get there first uh because of the reading challenges so I completely see that let me turn to my colleagues if they have any questions for Mr Ferguson or comments U anything for you thank you for your presentation it's good to see you all right thank you commissioner commissioner hey thank you very much good to see you sir commissioner Turk see you edn pleasure having you here man absolutely absolutely all right thank you sir thank you for having me absolutely merry Christmas happy New Year everybody see I'm sure a few of you in Tallahassee next year Merry Christmas thanks so at this time we're going to recess for a closed door client attorney client shade meeting thank you so much everybody and we will will resume in about 45 minutes you said Council Council uh about 45 minutes half hour half hour okay sounds good e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e thank you everybody for your patience we will resume in a few minutes we are just waiting on one more board member he'll be here momentarily e e e all right good evening this meeting is called back to order we have returned from our recess from the attorney client shade meeting we're now going to proceed with the rest of the agenda the next portion of the agenda is agenda approval additions deletions Corrections uh after our closed door session uh Council has recommended an addition to our agenda Council I'll turn it to you okay at this time we will add 6h uh which will be approve a sports provider facility use agreement between city of Boon Beach and Boon Beach Little League Incorporated for the use of Little League Park located at 300 West wbgh Road and authorize the mayor to execute the agreement exchange for settlement of case number 2024 CA 0517 in the 15th judicial circuit in and for palach County Florida staff recommends approval of of the proposed resolution number r24 d329 all right thank you again that is six H any objections from my colleague let's go around the day if you have any other requests addition Solutions Corrections um let's begin with you board uh commissioner turkin thank you mayor um no I just want to add for future agenda item and discussion about uh rates for some of our recreational facilities I've been receiving some phone calls about rate increases for the pickle ball courts and then also I think there was something with the tennis courts back maybe a month or two ago you know I understand understand that you know the city we we have to match the economy and inflation with rates but I think that we need to make exceptions uh for senior residents many of them are on a fixed income and a little a lot of a little bit of rates will add up um you know an increase and so you know may not seem a lot at that time but when you're increasing multiple different things those things add up so I would like uh hopefully to have support from my colleagues to revisit these rate increases and make sure we can make it uh you know do what we can as far as affordability goes for our seniors and then the second thing I'd like to add is um if we have the ability I know that the Chapel Hill um trage project is going to include some road paving throughout majority of the neighborhood I do believe that there's some fingerling roads that do need to be addressed um not just Chapel Hill I think this is in Gul you Harbor there's there's a lot of roads that do need to be paved I know we paved some of those roads already so I'd like uh staff to look at you know funding sources for those roads whether it's fund balance transfer and CIP whatever that may be um you know these these roads have been saying this you know for a long time been neglected and uh I'd like to see what to like to see what we can do what we can now prior to that uh storm water Improvement project thank you Commission so from you I heard two requests one is a discussion on facility rates let me turn to our colleagues first were there any questions on that is there a general consensus commissioner Cruz Yes Yes actually I was going to bring that up as well um I got several emails with regard to the pickle ball fees increasing in the tennis court um increase in fees as well I was wondering if it's possible for us to briefly discuss that tonight as we know what the changes are it could if we don't have long discussion it could take like 5 10 minutes and we could make that change tonight if it's okay with my colleagues I I think that's even better commissioner Cruz that has to be on the agenda I'm sorry if you're going to make a consensus are you just going to do a consensus or are you vo the before us is a discussion on the rates uh for that reason Council I know that that needs to be formalized if there are any changes uh in the form of a resolution so I don't think we could take final action this evening but it could be discussed tonight and then depending on the discussion would have to come back with a formalized resolution thank you mayor yes the reason why um I think it would be better to uh discuss that tonight it's because the rates increase is going to affect January 1st 2025 and this is our last commission meeting before then I see for that reason I also share your sentiment I will support you and your request for this discussion we can have it tonight and then we'll hear the data thank you mayor okay uh for the second request from commissioner turkin regarding road paving uh in several parts of the communities that may not have already been included uh I believe if staff could put together a presentation on that and have that ready so this commission can have a discussion if that is all right with my colleagues city manager yeah the uh I believe what the uh commissioner was asking is I guess for alternative funding means is what you want to bring back as far as like where we can get the funding to do the additional Paving I know gulie Harvard which is in district one and you mentioned Chapel Hill which is in District 3 um would you guys like to us to bring back funding for each district as opposed to just two so we've we've done a presentation in the past about the rated roads you know I know they're graded between I think a through f is it f okay corre and so you know what I'd like to look at is we understand we know that these roads need to be paved and what I don't want to happen is that we you know we wait for this CIP project you know this is all over the city I think but specifically the Chapel Hill we don't want to wait for that CIP project to get done with the storm water and then those roads that aren't repaved for that project don't get paved and they're they're fell behind so what I'd like is to look at you know what we can do to get those roads paved and what are our funding uh resources yeah we'll make that part of the discussion we'll look at the uh planning and design and the actual location of what roads will be PID based on the utility project that you're referencing in 2526 and then we'll bring back some alternative locations and I I'll speak with I don't think Kevin's here tonight is he he on vacation oh he is here no an oh Anna is here okay and we'll uh we'll bring something back I I'll say this I think it's important for us to make these kinds of changes during the budget season and plan ahead of time I'm not opposed to having a discussion on it um but at the same time I can tell you for my district we did have about a million dollars allocated to um to pave gulia Harbor and from a million dollars we went down to about 450 something, where there's still all of that money that should have been spent in my district that wasn't spent and you know I don't there are no current plans at this time to make that happen I think as you mentioned it's important that we make sure we take care of all districts you know um equitably um and yes absolutely there are concerns with with uh the underground utility projects so maybe we could continue to have conversations maybe individually with staff so we don't take forever but also I'm open to having that conversation um but I want to make sure that it's something that's all around the city and not just in in two neighborhoods of the city yeah and that's why I said this is Citywide I know you know specif so you know a lot of times you you identify something and then you realize there's a larger problem you know with a larger scope so I think then a mouse so I think uh you know looking at this and then looking at the city as a whole is important we know which roads need to be paved we've been through that we've had that presentation here's my recommendation city manager if you could come back with just a brief update on the road paving projects across the city and we can use that time to have a discussion of all these items that have been brought up here what what's left uh how much money has already been spent how much more would we need what are some funding options to to fill whatever needs are less and also the time frame for uity we're expecting that that we'll we'll we'll bring back also the utility projects I know you got one in district one I believe District 3 has one also which is a a fairly large utility project and we'll bring back the locations we'll take a look at things so all right sounds good all right anything else moving on to commissioner hey do you have any request uh yes I really would like to um along those same line to make sure that we don't have a city-wide problem is to have a discussion about our lift stations based on what has recently happened as we all uh read in the paper um I think you know potentially looking at this thing in 2027 is a long long time so let's look at what what we can and cannot do and have that discussion uh to see where we are all right because you know the same thing that happened to this one could happen we need to just take a look at it and see what the year years are Behind These systems that that's uh that could be breaken down at any time and I've passed by that location several time myself and I concur that it is offensive so uh let's just talk about it and take a look at it thank you commissioner hey I see several had nods earlier when you were speaking so there is consensus to have that discussion okay did you want to add anything else commissioner hey were you finished no I'm finished okay thank you commissioner Cruz thank you mayor um I have two items to add to today's agenda number one I'd like to add $500 of Community Support funds to Pathways to prosperity in addition to the $500 that I currently have um in the agenda for Community Support funds and um the second request that I have is I would like to add to the meeting on January 7th 2025 um a moderate compl plan Amendment related to to rezoning Green Space Traffic studies and underground utility infrastructure as we consider rezoning um within our districts and then we'll be able to look at the maps and and really figuring out that every commissioner in every District can really take the lead on what they want to see in their District uh but there are things that there might be opportunities uh for things to happen that might not be uh feasible in my district so I just wanted to take that um um proactive approach to um to think ahead and to really look at the city as a whole um with regard to uh resoning and our comp plan so I like to have that discussion on January 7th 20125 so your two items is to add another $500 to your community support fund request to Pathways to prosperity and then discussion on the comp plan the comprehens the city's comprehensive plan yes mayor okay any objection to those two items no all right we have a list of items that have been added and again today we're going to have a brief discussion on uh the rates as we've discussed uh but no final decision can be made just yet because of the process legal process required may have a motion to approve the agenda as amended move move we have a motion from commissioner Cruz and a second from commissioner turkin all those in favor of approving the agenda as amended say I I I I all right motion pass this unanimously let's turn to informational items by members of the city commission uh commissioner turkin did you have any informational items yes thank you mayor um I just want to give a big shout out to our events team Gabby and everybody for the uh drone show and the uh holiday tree lighting that was amazing I know the community loved it and um you know it really stuck out beautiful beautiful thing and um you know I want to thank the police department as well as our marine unit for uh keeping everyone safe during the holiday boat parade and then then the other thing I'd like to discuss or maybe bring to staff's attention I I believe you guys are already aware of the situation on South Road it seems like there's a um a vessel in a residential slip that seems to be dumping Wastewater into uh the canal um so I'm not sure where we're at with that I know from what I've read in our codes that I believe that particular vessel has violated some of our codes and I know is causing some distress to the neighbors and so you know I know this is beyond not just within the city scope but beyond um the city into the EPA FWC Coast Guard everything like that so I just want to make sure that there's a communication line between the residents on South Road and the city to get updates on on where they're at with this because from my understanding this has been going on since the summer and you know for me I'm just now hearing about this and uh you know you know hopefully we can get this matter resolved thank you commissioner Council it looked like you had your hand up early nope all right thank you we're going to move on to commissioner hey any informational items uh no just uh echoing uh what previous commission was saying about the Drone show and tree lighting parade and also uh I was had a great time at uh I think they call it uh Kabuki uh that restaurant uh that that was uh impressive and uh we'll be going back probably won't be eating everything on the agenda on the menu but uh it's a glad to see uh someone in that spot it's been a long time being vacant and now I think this particular business is going to be successful so um just wanted to uh all of us were there uh just about yeah we were all there and um the uh the guys playing the band they uh it was just a great experience but that drone show uh was just off the off the chain um I would love to find out how they do that but uh just keep up the good works we we're doing a great job that's all I have thank you commissioner commissioner Cruz thank you mayor uh with regard to disclosures I do have a disclosure um for item 10A I did speak to the applicants legal council and then for the walked in item on the agenda for little league I had had a conversation with little league um I can't recall exactly the date but it was maybe a while ago maybe a month or more uh where I did have a conversation with regard to the agreement so just wanted to put those disclosures out there um and then I did want to give a moment to thank staff for all the work that they did during all of the holiday events every single one of them was extremely amazing and I think that the holiday tree lighting is the best that we've ever had um so thank you all and thank you to our First Responders as well thank you commissioner uh city manager I just wanted to uh take a moment one of uh B Beach's uh residents Travis Hunter won the Heisman Trophy over the last week from District 2 uh Boon Beach Bulldog Wildcat so I just wanted to give a public acknowledgement of that he uh I know he may be uh posting his draft party in the city so which would be uh pretty exciting news so and I believe uh assistant yeah assistant manager Temple has uh yes thank you sir um just to follow up on uh what commissioner turkin brought up with the with the vessel uh this this was recently brought to our attention I think I found out about it uh last week um we are in receipt of a of a petition from uh somewhere around 50 50 residents and uh there's a lot of allegations taking place and our Police Department Community standards departments are collaboratively working along with our attorney's office to uh address some of these uh concerns so we'll make sure that we follow up with uh those on the petition perfect thank you all right thank you we're going to continue on with the agenda we have two announcements here the first one is for Boon Beach's dog potty on the beach is hosted by the recreation parks department on Saturday December 21st from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Ocean Front Park located at 6450 North Ocean Avenue this is the second of four schedule events being held on the third Saturday of each month through February this month's theme is happy holidays dogs and their owners are encouraged to dress up in their holiday to enjoy giveaways a photo contest sponsored by raising canes and more this event is free for all well-behaved licensed dogs and their owners uh dogs will be allowed off leash in a designated fenced area parking at the Ocean Front Park is free for the duration of the event for all Beach patrons for more information visit the city's website bo- beach.org the next announcement the city of Boon Beach Utilities Department will be performing a systemwide free chlorination flush for routine maintenance of the water distribution system from January 2nd 2025 to January 23rd 20125 customers particularly sensitive to The Taste and odor of chlorine May place an open container of drinking water in the refrigerators for a few hours to allow the chlorine to dissipate because of this change users of home dialysis machines owners of tropical fish aquariums and managers of stores and restaurants with holding tanks for fish and selfish are advised to seek professional guidance on how to operate their equipment during this period thank you that concludes the announcements the next portion of the agenda is public audience as always it is 3 minutes per person after we concluded with those in the chambers we'll go to those online and the same Rules of Civility and decorum apply personal tax insults are obviously strictly prohibited all right we do have two podiums excuse me state your name for the record excuse me and begin whenever you're ready Tom morning key first I want to thank your work as Commissioners uh a few of the things I have to say tonight are are Feelgood items one of them is the Andrew's house but uh when my dad was commissioner here the police would deliver his backup packet for the agenda uh to the house I'm sure they don't do that now it's online but uh it was pages I noticed today your backup is 1,800 pages so thank you for your hard work uh the uh uh two other things not related to the Andrew's house uh three years ago at City staff were tasked with fencing EOP Park to keep the dirt bikes out of there to help preserve that Natural Area and that never happened there big gaps in the fence and they're still going in and out so I would uh think it would be appropriate for the uh commiss to direct the city manager's office to complete that task the uh repair of Ocean Front Park sewage treatment is on the agenda almost a million dollars but I just wanted to make sure you all were aware that after people flush and it goes through the uh partial treatment it gets dumped under the parking lot the the uh drain field is right under the parking lot that goes into the surficial aquifer and under the Dune into the ocean so at some point in the future either waterless toilets or some other alternative would need to uh be another upgrade uh the uh Andrew's house is on your January 7th agenda and if you have not seen the current interior photos I'm going to be resending them to you in the next couple of days uh it's an excellent condition when it was renovated 20 years ago by Bob Catz directing my father as the uh Chief manager there uh the day County Pine was stripped bare inside and outside the outside was then painted the inside is still bare Dade County Pine it's just beautiful natural wood it also got all new Plumbing and Electric and it's three feet off the ground so the the uh uh the steel uh beams can go right in under there's even open slots there for those beams so it's not going to be hard to move it over to Ocean Avenue um our committee is very well represented uh in the Historical Society I'm on the committee Mike Fitzpatrick is on the committee uh we've got a website we've got a donor button that's going to go live in a few days here uh in the media since Thanksgiving there's been seven media articles Saturday was Front Page Palm Beach Post so if you didn't see the Palm Beach post this Saturday it was front page I have 7 seconds left I think it'll help re Revitalize downtown so let's do it here like we did in Del re thank you next speaker Mike Fitzpatrick 175 Southwest 2 Street uh this might be a little repetitive there uh thank you for including discussion of Andrew's house for the January 7th meeting we have had two meetings and formed a group called move historic Andrew's house I am the chair Tom wari is the vice chair Steve anthon has set up the web page uh Ann rimler and bomb Taylor are officers of the bo Beach Historical Society they are working to set up a checking account under the bbhs so we can offer tax deductable status for collecting some funds to help with the move I have had one 19-minute conversation with Mr mat it was a pleasant conversation where he expressed support for the move if done in a timely manner thank you thank you next speaker state your name for the record and begin when you're ready hello my name is Charles Hunt military um reti I live in roling green 1330 Northwest first Court we all due respect I would like to speak for the rest of my colleagues in ring green we are asking you for nothing but to do what's right just as God said in Luke 6 and 31 as you wish that others would do to you do so to them I don't know if any of you all have ever been accused of something that is not true but I would like to let you know that it's a bad feeling I've been through the military many years and I never SP felt this way I here to to just let you know that all of Roland green feel like we been um looked upon as different we are asking you to do undo those leans in the last two years those ridiculous unfair leans in the last two years against our homes Bon don't need our homes and we feel scely that you're trying to take them through scam for example I am still being charged 75 $5 a day for having something on my carport other than a car they sent them they sent the guy back through my home my my my my yard and he taking pictures again but please do a investigation and undo the leans on our homes we pray thank you next speaker you may be good whenever you're ready hi good evening all Jessica Ferguson here with East whiteon Beach Little League um I appreciate you guys taking the time to meet and have uh the meeting in regards to our agreement um I'm hoping that you know Good Vibes came out of that meeting and uh we'll be getting some good uh some good feedback in regard to or some good news that I would be able to then turn around and share in our board meeting on Thursday I know it's been uh quite a roller coaster ride but I think that where we are here tonight uh I I'm just truly truly truly happy and grateful that uh we're we're right there we're right at the Finish Line I can see it I can see it I can feel it and I am just super grateful for all of you I hope you guys uh you know you know agree and sign the agreement and we can start fresh and we look forward to a properous uh you know relationship with the city so thank you we appreciate you and go east thank you next speaker please my name is Flo rosov and um amongst other things I'm a pickle ball player and I feel like speaking to you is like uh speaking to the choir I really feel you support of the um the senior community pickle ball is not just about a game it's about a community feeling all the people that are here today I just would like to read this uh officially so we taxpayers some of us registered voters and seasonal visitors who play pickle ball in bordon Beach are urgently appealing to the heart of the bordon beach policy makers to keep last Year's pickle ball rates the same we judge a government by how they treat their children and their elderly and those in need if the rates are increased senior citizens that are retired living on fixed income and dealing with skyrocketing expenses for dwelling insurance and food will be forced to refrain from playing pickle ball at the Hester Community Center and the other pickle ball facilities presently we are paying $50 for 24 sessions which for regular players is $50 a month or $420 a year um Counting the uh the center's closing for residents $60 for 15 sessions will double the price to $820 the cost is greater than a a yearly seveny year a 7day membership at the YMCA or other private facilities uh if you increase the cost it'll be prohibitive for many of the present players and also um you will lose players with discretionary income who will go to more modern facilities to play pickle ball that are available now we are all aware of the health and the community benefits of having this resource available to us and to all seniors and we don't want to we don't want to limit it by making pickle ball a game for only the wealthy we are soliciting your support and understanding and ask you to keep the rates of $50 for 24 games would not require people on fixed incomes to opt out and primarily it allows pick a ball to remain an egalitarian game for all boen Beach residents appreciate you taking this this into consideration thank you thank you next speaker Cindy fala decado I'm here tonight in regards to documents that I sent to the city clerk yesterday in regards to fluoride in our water I have uh documentations with backings of evidences to prove what I'm about to share with you so I'm going to ask the Boon Beach uh City commissioners manager to really take this to Heart okay so the fluoride that they're um trying to put into our community are drinking water specifically There are 16 references in which I did share and it is on the record so you can take a look at that through the state Surgeon General Joseph lad laopo to discontinue FL fluidization of community water describe describing the adverse effects and the neurolog neurological toxicity the some of these words are a little bit difficult for me um my tongue um of fluoride Robert F Kennedy Jr has announced that he will be taking similar actions at the national level when confirmed as our health and human services secretary we have been exposed to hazards daily in food soil water air and our electromatic atmosphere even when we choose not to be exposed causing sickness impairments rashes on children children injuries and early deaths adding flation to our water lowers IQ in children setting them up for a lifetime of health and other problems weakens bones for the elderly it is a known neurotoxin which is adversely affects brain and health fluoride safely data sheets revealed it is to be harmful in many ways city workers should not be exposed to this Hazard and our drinking water should no longer be used used as involuntarily mouthwash the city of Naples has recently changed their ordinances to end the Flor fluidization which the city of Boon Beach should adopt as well requiring fluidization at our water treatment plants must cease immediately and permanently which may be done simply with the Health Department's approval Florida statute 381.986 poisoning of food and water render legal liability to officers fluoridating the water so this is going to come with a price to pay for those who do do this because it is a crime it's malpractice as per Joseph leadpole and adding Industrial Waste neurotoxins that is AKA rat poisoning to our drinking water is Criminal fluoride combined over time with arenic lead pesticides microwave radiation other hazards injures all people thus we demand that this not be put in our Waters in January also I want to bring up what happened at 500 oceans today I heard there was a shooting cops in full force what's going on in Boon Beach thank you there's gunshots every day thank you so much please check into that thank you next speaker state your name for the record and begin when you're ready hello uh Court mcquire 506 Whispering Pines uh thank you mayor commissioners city managers I just came here to say thank you um the events have been spectacular uh over the last a few weeks and more to come I think that our events are better than our neighbors so great job there the tree lighting uh I went with my wife and and three girls there was Mickey Mouse there was ice skating I've never seen that um really just spectacular the vendors were great the show was great um the Drone show as you mentioned I've never seen anything like that the candl light v v vigil I also attended uh that was those that are affected by DUIs that was very touching and moving beautiful event there was dance there was a choir I was very calm very peaceful cool night uh the boat parade amazing we also went to the toy uh giveaway uh that was on wbr across from McDonald's what a great turnout lots of excitement lots of children uh wonderful the parade Smash Hit I think it's what the 51st so great job on that uh and I also attended the Kabuki grand opening as a member of the CRA Advisory Board uh what a wonderful new addition so thank you staff and thank you members of the commission and uh for all uh that you did thank you thank you next speaker hello my name is Karen and I live in oh can you come closer to the mic please uh either one's fine okay my name is Karen and I live in the city of Bon I'm also here to talk about the floration in the water I think it's about time that you guys stop this nonsense trying to poison us with our food or you know water and everything else and there's also another legislation that's coming up in Florida and it's regarding putting these things in public places with the Rainbow on our sidewalk that I once it goes through I hope you guys pay you know pay to get that off of our street in the city it doesn't belong here it never did so please once the legislation goes through get that stuff out of our city we don't need it here thank you same with the fluoride we don't need it all right I see no one else approaching the podium let me check online and I see one person online it can you confirm thumbs up all right um Miss Moore go ahead I will let you know when you have 30 seconds remaining on the clock you may begin whenever you're ready and state your name for the record okay good e good evening I'm Lan Moore um I sent in a public comment of letter for the meeting of November 19th that I would like to raise tonight uh in light of the remanded legal status of the Federal Communications human exposure guidelines for microwave radiation and the decision of the federal agencies to cease any further studies I am again requesting review and update of the city's 2018 telecommunication ordinances and halts to residential and school deployments the Federal Communications Commission has been unable to Ure their approvals for wireless telecommunications safety since August 2021 when their guidelines were remanded by the court as inadequate based on a preponderance of evidence of harm as of January of this year the Food and Drug Administration has ended the studies they commissioned from the national toxicology program that have shown more evidence of harm and it has been announced oun these agencies will do no more studies and the FCC has no time limit to answer the Court's remand to provide adequate human exposure guidelines with these developments many have been waiting for the roll back of 5G while industry went on with 6G as Wireless body area networks and 7g with Optical networks and satellites without any kind of national state or local response for the protection of life and pro property no rollback no FCC response to the Court's remand it has become all too apparent that the FCC will not timely answer the Court's remand where they have no time limit thus pulling the rug out from under local authorities for assuring the saf safety of Wireless telecommunications and Facilities over the last 5 years I have experienced numerous problems with the city Management on matters of improper permitting improper responses to records requests and failure to keep current ordinances enforce or and enforce them to fulfill fiary responsibilities for the health and safety of the public I've been making records requests for wireless telecommunication facilities permitting in the city of Bon Beach since 2020 and filing complaints with the Federal Communications committee and local authorities for that long I repeatedly requested the city's 2018 ordinance be revised to stay up to date in compliance with technological health safety and environmental and legal developments yet these outdated ordinances remain in place allowing residents to abuses of a wireless thank you for your comments with that being the last person public audience is now closed we're going to go on to administrative there's two quick items under administrative the first one is a request from commissioner Cruz to allocate uh currently in the agenda there's $500 but earlier today the request that was approved was to increase another 500 is that correct commissioner so that's $1,000 to be appropriated to the heart to P2P Pathways to Prosperity so it's going to be 500 to the heart of boen and 500 to pathway thank you for that correction so it's 500 500 corre for the two organizations all right may have a motion to approve said request approve all right we have a motion and a second all those in favor of approving her request say I I I I motion passes unanimously the next request here is from commissioner turkin yes for $1,150 to the Boon Women's Club may have a motion to approve that request motion to approve we have a motion and a second from commissioner Cruz all those in favor of the motion say I I I I motion passes unanimously with that 5A is completed the next item is 5B this is the 2025 City commission calendar of meetings city manager do you want to introduce this item yes mayor uh what we're doing is over the next uh year or so of commission meetings you guys typically are scheduled to take four City trips and two CR uh sponsored trips uh the clerk of courts meley dius is here she's going to actually uh speak as far as the uh scheduling of those we had a brief conversation on Wednesday and on the agenda review where we got through a lot of the uh scheduling aspects and I I believe what the consensus was during that review is we're going to go all the way up to the summer months around June and then we're going to revisit scheduling some of those mey do you have the uh what we discussed as far as the um rescheduling of some of those so we can um briefly mention them there is a on March 4th that um meeting was cancelled because of palom County days um so the agenda review for the February 27th was canceled as well because of that um during the March 18 or March 13 meeting that is um you guys will be traveling for another conference I do not have the list for the conferences um but that was cancelled um and you guys will do one-on-one meetings for the agenda review and you said March 18th is that right the March 13 meeting that's when you guys will be oh so the agenda review is canceled but the actual meeting is the actual meeting is going to continue is the the agenda review will be one-on ones for that um and then I believe there's one more if we scroll a little bit down it can you scroll a little bit down yeah August 14 that's the same um there's a I believe that's the Florida Liga City's conference um and there is a conflict with the August 14 meeting and so you guys will be doing one on ones for that meeting and then after that there are a couple more conflicts but we will revisit that in during the summertime so mayor with that being said we uh had consensus to cancel one meeting which is the Palm Beach County day and that's when we go up uh to Tallahassee um and then to uh do one on ones for the other two agenda review meetings so there was only essentially one meeting that we requesting being canceled okay sounds good I have no major objections my only area of concern and but if my colleagues have no issue with it then I don't either the January 7th meeting um typically you know early January is still within the holiday period where families are traveling uh but if you guys will be here then I'll be here as well I just wanted to make sure all of you are okay with that including staff will you be here because the agenda review is on the 2nd of January right so correct I'm going to be here I'm not going to uh I don't know Andrew do you have any uh vacation schedu we'll both be here okay so Council you're okay with that as well fine all right sounds good um with that may have a formal motion to approve these calendar of meeting for 2025 we have a motion we have a second yes Council um M commissioner turkin stepped away for a minute okay we have a motion to approve the 2025 City commission calendar of meeting dates we have a motion in a second all those in favor I say I I I I all right motion passes unanimously thank you so much moving on to cons agenda are there any items under consent that my colleagues would like to pull please remember that we added item 6h from our discussion earlier on any request hearing none may have a motion to approve the entirety of consent agenda so move we have a motion from commissioner hay and a second from commissioner Cruz all those in favor of approving the entirety of consent agenda say I I I I all right motion passes unanimously thank you moving on to the next portion consent sent bids and purchases over $100,000 anything my colleagues would like to pull under this section hearing none may have a motion to approve so move second we have a motion from commissioner Cruz second from commissioner Haye all those in favor of approving the entirety of section 7 consent bids and purchases over 100,000 say I I I any objections motion passes unanimously that brings us to public hearing so um let's begin now to public hearing I know Council just stepped out um M let me turn to you to read the ordinance title and there are three related items here under uh under public hearing yeah go ahead and read ordinances U the first one's going to be proposed ordinance number 24-24 first reading an ordinance of the city Commission of the city boy and Beach Florida amending ordinance number 8938 by amending the future land use map of the city of boyon Beach Florida for an approximately 2.97 acre parcel of real property generally generally located north of the sea Stanley Weaver Canal on the west side of North CEST Boulevard boen Beach Florida by changing the land use classification from low density residential and recreational to Lo local retail commercial declaring the proposed amendment to the Future land use map to be consistent with all other elements of the comprehensive plan of the city providing for stability conflicts and providing for an effective date and all that all right thank you for reading that to the record and then we'll proceed with the swearing in and the remainder of the process proposed ordinance and there's also a second one proposed ordinance number 24-25 first reading and ordinance of the city Commission of the city of buam Beach Florida amending ordinance number 02-13 to reone an approximately 2.97 acre parcel of real property generally Loc located north of the sea Stanley Weaver Canal on the west side of North seest Boulevard bu Beach Florida from single family residential to PL commercial development declaring the proposed amendment to be consistent with a comprehensive plan of the city providing for severability conflicts and providing for an effective date okay um we're going to go ahead and do this wearing in any you want to speak can do that now or we can do our disclosures first whichever the commission prefers they're already standing just go ahead one way or another it's getting done anybody here to U speak in regards to any items for public hearing please raise your right hand do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes okay all right thank you we're going to move on to any disclosures now um my colleagues have on their table in front of them the format of the disclosures uh let's begin on my right commissioner Cruz as to this matter I have had expart Communications with the applicants legal council I have not I'm not sure I I don't think I've received any written Communications with regard to this but I would let the um any emails that I've received be reflected on the record um I have not conducted an investigation I have not made a side visit it although I plan to and I have I have received expert opinions only from our city staff I request that these disclosures and all written Communications be made part of the record all right thank you commissioner as for myself as to this matter I have had a exp parte Communications with their legal representative Bonnie mcll I have not received written Communications I have not conducted investigation I have not made a site visit and I have not received any outside expert opinions outside of our city staff I request that these disclosures and all R Communications be Mar made part of the record commissioner hay I have had uh communication with Bon Miser and Jonathan um I have not received written communication I have not conducted an invest investigation I have not made a well I have made a a site uh visit and I have received expert opinion from staff I request that these disclosure allw written communication be part of the record thank you commissioner turkin yes this matter I have had exper Communications with Bonnie miso I have not received written Communications I have her I have not conducted investigation have not made a site visit I have not uh received an expert opinion I request at these disclosures and I'll written Communications we made part of the record thank you we have concluded with all of the official steps now we will turn to the applicant to present their item I just want to make sure it's clear for the record there are three technically four related items here we will hear the presentation for all four of them together however we will vote on it separately thank you miss mcll the floor is yours thank you very much Mr Mayor members of the commission good evening it's nice to see you happy holidays I'm very excited to present this project to you today it really has been a true collaboration between your staff who's done an amazing job and have been very creative here as as well as our designers so we'll start with that um and do I need to control the um should I would that be easier okay ah I did it right great um this property is located at 1390 North seest Boulevard it's on it's north of the bo Canal on the west side of seest um this property was originally it's 2.97 Acres it was originally owned by the Bible Church of God across the street the pastor is is here this evening and happy to answer any questions that you may have as well um we'll keep going here so these are different perspectives of the cite it is vacant it's been vacant for a very long time um and you know I'm going to look at this because I can't see that far but the upper leftand corner is a view from the Northwest looking South as you can see it's vacant on the west side and it's across the canal from the Carol Sims Park as well as some other um buildings um upper right hand corner it's a view from the Northeast looking West lower left hand uh uh uh corner of the page A View from South the southwest and then on the right side A View From the southeast okay so we have four applications today as you are well aware the first one being a future land use map Amendment from ldr low density uh 7.5 dwelling units per acre to local retail commercial lrc second application and a corresponding application is a rezoning from r1a single family residential to PCD planned commercial development a third application is the master plan um requirement associated with a PCD U master plan approval for an 89 dwelling unit multif family residential development with 100% of the housing being Workforce housing in accordance with the live local act the zoning that this is being analyzed against is the mu2 zoning District or the application is being reviewed um against the mu2 and then lastly a variance to allow a minimum lot area of 2.97 acres in lie of the 3 Acre minimum lot area required for a PCD master plan zoning District by the way that means we're asking for a very very very minor request a 03 difference and the pictures on the right hand side show you the the upper picture is the lrc land use designation and the lower is the p CD um zoning and that would be what is proposed this evening so what this by the way I know there is um I know you've observed a sense that this is not the typical applications that you might see given that we are applying here the live local act ultimately um however you know and when I spoke before about a creative approach again it is 100% Workforce housing um Workforce housing is something that you just don't see enough of in South Florida with the real estate costs um but this was the way to do it applying the live local yet coming to you with a commercial underlying land use and and and Zoning request um and as you are also aware with a live local you must have either a commercial or an industrial land use so it is a bit different it's a creative way of doing it but the end result provides an extreme and very positive public benefit so looking at the screen you'll see a two building 89 unit thre story multif family building proposed we have almost half of this site as green space as open space which is significant and the minimum parking and the parking provided um meet the requirements it is again with one driveway access off of North seest bullet which you can see on the right hand side of the screen also shown on the lower portion on the south side of the overall project is proposed a shared use path for the entire length of the um project in the property um and we'll show you some uh renderings as to what that's proposed to look like okay did I just do that wrong yes I did okay here we go with some of the rendering um this is a conceptual rendering It's A View From the Northeast this is the entrance way into the overall project as you can see it is a threeory attractive building and the parking um it flanks on the north and south side of the driveway all of the parking requirement here is some additional renderings what you're you're looking at on the left side of the screen is the shared use path that is proposed it's a Meandering path very much like a linear Park um scenario it will be improved with a hard surface there will be extensive Landscaping um and use for the community and it does connect all the way from the west side of the site to seest there's some additional renderings this is looking South at the buildings again the parking is entirely on the North side and there is extensive setback between the buildings and the single family which is on the north side of the parking area some additional renderings this is a perspective of that shared use parklike area on the south side of the building running along the canal on this property it is not outside the property it is on this property some additional renderings and this is the common patio area between the two buildings so when you and I will have have to get this in front of me but when you um respond to the criteria for what we're asking for the questions that are on the screen must be responded to and must be um demonstrated that we comp are compliant first one demonstration of need I don't think there's anyone in the room that that questions the shortage of housing inventory in South Florida and in particular Workforce housing inventory every city is struggling with trying to provide adequate housing and a variety of housing for not just their residents but for their employees and for the children that are leaving home to go to college and come coming back to look for somewhere to live so clearly there's a demonstration of Need for what we're proposing to do we also have to demonstrate that this application is consistent with the comprehensive plan policies we have a very extensive um response to that in the backup so I won't go into the details but one of the greatest policies goals objectives that that I believe this is applicable to is again a variety of housing for all ages but also for all income levels and that's something that we are doing here so that is clearly met by this application um we also look at compatibility and and I understand that you have an application that also speaks to a commercial land use and a commercial zoning designation so why am I talking about residential well I'm talking about residential because we intend to apply the live local but how do you know that you may question whether if I leave this evening and my client gets approved what guarantees that you're going to get the public benefit that I'm talking about that Workforce housing and so what we intend to do and we'll provide the city prior to Second reading is a deed restriction that will do a few things it will will profer a guarantee that this project will be 100% Workforce number one number two that it will be 89 units and no more whether we could fit more or not it will be a maximum of 89 units and it will be no more than three stories tall we do that for a few reasons one to assure you that we're going to deliver what we promise most importantly but secondly this acquisition was part of um the church across the street and the church across the street has has parishioners that live all around this property and so it was just as important for my client to satisfy them as it is to satisfy you because we wanted not just to be consistent and compatible with the area but to be a good neighbor with the group who happen to have been our seller so that's something that will be completed it will be recorded and it will require that no changes can be made without the consent of the city so that you have a guarantee that in the future that's what it will remain so um continuing on we had to address orderly growth which we think we are addressing location efficiency we have located the buildings um further south from the single family to create an adequate buffer between the multif family use and the single family uses to the north of that availability of public services and and infrastructure your staff has analyzed that in great detail and we are fully compliant um Economic Development impact this site has been vacant for a very very long time it is a long narrow site it makes it very difficult for any other development that isn't somewhat organized in the way that a multif family building would be it's an appropriate use given that site and then um we're not affecting any heavy commercial or industrial land Supply because right now it isn't designated that so we are not depleting your supply and then lastly the master plan and the site plan compliance with your ldrs which your staff has evaluated and we are compliant with those as well the only thing that we are not completely compliant with is the 3 Acre minimum for a master plan we are 2.97 point3 off so otherwise this meet or exceeds your code as I mentioned we have an extensive amount of open space here that is well beyond um not just expectations but any code requirements um and and I think um I won't go into detail over the variance criteria but um it is a unique and peculiar parcel and that's why anyone that try would try to develop this site would be challenged by one code section or another because of the length of the parcel and its depth and that you would be required to serve the entire length with adequate streets sidewalks Green Space and setbacks so it is a very challenged piece of property and we've managed to make a very efficient use of it um your staff recommendation is approval um I would like to commend your staff um I've had the privilege of working with this group for many many years and they are perhaps one of the most creative groups of planners I've ever worked with and I'm very proud to present this project we've worked very hard to give your staff something to work with and their creativity has been greatly appreciated so thank you very much I'm joined by my client we have our traffic engineer here we're happy to answer any of your questions or we can wait until after the public portion and we're H we'll we'll we'll stick around and be ready to respond thank you very much for allowing us to present this evening thank you Bonnie uh we appreciate your presentation don't go anywhere just yet uh Amanda and staff did you have anything to add or present to that I just want make sure I give you the opportunity thank you uh good evening mayor commission who been cos my principal planner um it is a pleasure to be here um just like Bonnie msco mentioned we did work closely um with the applicants to arrive at the project that is been presented to you that would hopefully you know Pro provide the most needed affordable housing we don't have much to add um but we're here to answer any questions you may have or concerns great all right thank you um it is first reading if I'm not M it is first reading and so there's no public comments or in this case would there be public comments yes public comment because you're acting as the planning board as well okay we'll do that so um let's turn to public comment and then after public comment we'll have both of you back up and then we'll have questions from the board thank you all right thank you if you would like to speak specifically on this item now is the time to approach the podium as always three minutes per person and goad Pastor Banks B CH go I we are concur with the company to develop the property we first purchased the property some 35 years ago that but we had envisioned something like that but I business is church business so we uh developed the east side with the intention to uh develop the west side and we have various groups over the years that come want try to purchase the property but we want to know what what was the agenda what going how it going to enhance the community if it didn't enhance the community we wouldn't enter in dealing with them and this Glo Global came up and gave us a great presentation we had a community meeting at our church and for invite for incom and the neighbors that had any uh question regarding the what we're going to do and how we going to operate and so we you know want to be positive in the community we've been in this community my family been in this community over 100 years and the churches has been there over 60 something years here and uh we thought it would be great to have some affordable housing also something that look fairly nice and also in a uh developed the neighborhood are currently in we notice on the south end of town there a lot of building going on but nothing cross the bridge so this would be one of the first new projects built on that side in quite some time and like I for stud we got you members throughout the community and been here a long time I think my if I'm not mistaken my great friend grandmother and grandfather was here before one was formally organized so we've been the community for a while and as a member of the community and as a church in this community we always want to do his best for the people in the community we make sure that the people that present these programs to us what are you going to do what type of how you going to put there cuz we don't want no junk we don't want nothing to be in be a ghetto in two years they assured us that we going they're going to prevent quality housing and a viable housing that people can afford what we need and so the church bought in on it and my as folen for the church we all agree with the project thank you very much thank you Pastor Banks anyone else would like to speak specifically on this item going once all right going twice we got one additional speaker and let me check online I see no one online so it's just you all right begin when you're ready Court mcquire 506 Whispering Pines um I came here to sort of listen to this presentation and I think initially I was thinking single family at going to like a high higher density but I mean after I saw the presentation uh and what was offered uh I think as a member of the community former member of planning and development and on the CRA Advisory Board I think it'd be a nice addition to the Community um affordable housing is needed and um the project looks nice so I just wanted to make that comment thank you all right seeing no one else public comment on this item is now closed at this time I'd like to call up the the applicant as well as staff for any questions that my colleagues may have and um before you begin commissioner Cruz let me just say because uh Pastor Banks just spoke uh Pastor Banks let me say this I think Workforce and affordable housing is truly a commendable use of church property and I'm not sure if you realize but you are taking a leadership role here because throughout the county in our great search for properties to build Workforce and affordable housing churches across the county are key to that so thank you for stepping up because this is going to be the example that everyone else is watching so thank you sir uh thank you sir commissioner commissioner Cruz thank you for your presentation I I've had multiple conversations and questions with staff as well as the applicant um and I think some of those questions have been already answered by you but I just wanted to I have a list so I'm just going to go through it real quick um thank you for providing that restrictive covenant I wanted to ask for a deep restriction to cap to limit the number of units and the height to make sure that it never goes above three stories and it never is built above the 89 units that you're predetermined to uh build I had um a couple of thoughts and questions as we're talking about resoning and one of those questions is you know with this rezoning conflict with adjacent Properties or existing neighborhood characteristics sorry um we don't believe so particularly by design it does not but um Ty typically multif family is a good transition between single family and other uses whether they're they're institutional or or beyond that commercial so we think it is appropriate and we designed it and your staff really pushed us to make sure we designed it in a way that created significant space between the multif family use and the single family use um and one other thing that I'd like to add you know and Pastor Banks referenced it at one point um we went went to a community meeting at at their request really very early on in the process and uh we had the privilege I wasn't at the meeting but from what I've been told we had the privilege of meeting a number of the neighbors and we feel that our design did address their interests and their concern hence why we're so proud of it it really was a collaboration so I think by doing what we did through design and through a low multifam project that that is in fact stereotypically a compatible um transition thank you and then the next um Cruz uh it looked like Amanda was about to jump in as well you have more okay I can I can also just add from a regulatory standpoint one of the things we do when we're reviewing lip local projects is we review them against the regulations um of the intensity of the project so this was reviewed against mix use 2 which is what we do within the heart of buen for some of the affordable housing that has been built there recently and that is um it's been presidented in that group that we do have single family against the zoning regulations that this project has been reviewed against thank you for that Amanda and then um this was probably my biggest concern as I talked to staff um and it was can our existing infrastructure roads water sewage utilities support the proposed zoning change all of those have been an and again Bonnie mcll here on behalf of the applicant all of those have been evaluated we've but through our expert um testimony and reports to your staff and they have looked at them I do have you know everyone talks about traffic because it's the one that we notice most oh I'll get there we'll get there we're ready thank you okay um perfect so we have the deed restriction um how many one two and three bedrooms okay let me pull up my list um we have 34 one bedrooms which really are comprised of some one bedroom and some one bedroom in a den but total 34 um 37 two bedrooms and 18 three bedrooms so we have a good mix of ones twos and threes right thank you and then uh the next question I had was you said a percentage of green space and you that was one of the concerns I asked staff during my agenda review but you did answer it was about a 40 yeah our our open space is shown I think that's either 40 is that 46.5 that's 46.5 I stand corrected I read that as 48.5 46.5 open space thank you that's pretty significant okay um one thing that we talked about was the linear walkway which it looks really nice I think it's something where people can actually use their bikes or or Jog and um get to exercise could you consider making that public so that all the residents that are on the west side can you know kind of walk over and um access Saras Sims yeah I believe give your name hi Jonathan carick uh the applicant um thank you all for seeing me tonight and uh taking a look at this project uh we would absolutely consider that we what we'll do prior to Second reading then is we'll provide staff your City attorney with an a public access easement across that we have not done a legal description so we can't go so far as recorded we'll have to prepare a legal for that area but we'll get all that done and it can be a condition part of building permit okay thank you once this goes through formal site plan approval it will be a condition of your permit fine thank you wonderful all right you guys work very well together I could tell all right um it's been a long time yes so one thing that we spoke about very aggressively was the traffic study I always have concerns as we have new development of what's what it's going to do to our roads how many more people are going to be you know driving out in the morning driving in in the evening and affecting the current neighborhood that we have so do we have a current um traffic study for this site we do and we have Adam Kerr here to explain it since that's his job good evening Adam Kerr with kimley horn and Associates yes we did three separate traffic studies one to support the land use study one the the rezoning as well as the site plan and those traffic Studies have been reviewed by staff as well as by Palm Beach County who has uh issued their approval letter of those traffic studies so palmach County approved the traffic study that you submitted correct okay yes I would personally just because I'm on the TPA I like I'm interested in that stuff I would like to delve into that with Amanda if I can um so if you guys can share a copy of the traffic study uh for me to discuss with our staff and and and and by the way if it's helpful at all Mr Kerr can be available for that meeting if you two wish for him to attend thank you all right I was going to ask you to have a community input meeting but you already had one so you've checked that box um do we have planned electric vehicle charging stations for this um so they were not planned but uh Jonathan I have talked about that and I think you you're committing to uh 10 EV ready spaces and uh typically uh we'll sign a deal with the company that will install them and track them and if they get to above 90% usage uh they'll start to install more so wonderful so we'll start with at least one or two EV stations but there will be space for 10 wait so you'll start with one or two or you're going to well so they're different yeah so they're going the infrastructure is going to be there for 10 okay okay so they they install one or two at first uh when the building opens and then they monitor it to see if it's if there's no usage which it's possible um they don't install anymore but if there's High usage they start to install more and more until they feel comfortable can you commit to putting at least two cuz the way I've seen it it's like each um electric vehicle station has two vehicles that can be charged at a time so we put a minimum of two it would be four vehicles that would be I mean we do have a 98 units in the I can commissioner Cruz um just to clarify this does still need to go through site plan approval and EV charging stations are required at a rate of at least two per 50 parking spaces so those at least what is required by code will be required at site planner approval your commitment to do more infrastructure ready although state law may have changed you're right it did recently so I I value your commit however we will absolutely be working with you at s plan to make sure thank you okay okay thank you and I'll I'll tell you because I have seen people almost physically fighting for vehicle Char for electric vehicle charging stations and I've seen it at our dock Park I've seen it at 500 Ocean I've seen it everywhere and I think that if we're going to be building I think that's something that we should definitely keep in mind um and I have a Tesla and that was me this morning fighting for a charger yep thank you oh right and we've discussed this as well but I wanted to make sure that we had enough parking it in itself for all the units that are going to be there so the the parking that you're be going to be providing meets code so I I believe it meets the live local provisions of code is that correct in Manda I don't want to say this wrongly yes so the live local does allow for some flexibility when it does come to parking um they did provide a parking analysis as part of this review um and again the details of exactly what parking will be provided will be part of the site plan submitt it's but we do have 154 that are shown on the plan that I showed you so that will be the minimum since it is posted within the master plan we're going to review based on all the minimum requirements that have been integrated into the master plan so as we go through site plan and refine the site plan further if we can get more on there staff will advocate for it if not we will park absolutely all right and then the last thing um with regard to my questions is setbacks I want to I wanted I know you talked about it and we are you guys are providing setbacks but I wanted to make sure that the apartments that are going to be obviously three stories are not infringing on the privacy of the um you know the one story single family homes so I wanted to see if we could in um make sure that we find a way to enhance privacy and provide a hedge buffer I don't know if this is something that's already been provided if I may yeah like Amanda said at time of site planning we would require the project to have a landscape buffer very dense landscape buffer along the west side and north side and the applicant well the master plan shows good enough space protect the privacy of the single family homes in the area yeah we can require possibly multiple layers and in between the treats and just to give you a sense of the distance between the North property line in the building um I'm showing on our data sheet and again it is a site plan um and that these May fluctuate slightly but I think it's about 124 ft that the building face is from the northern property limit so it's a significant distance but all of that will be contained um through the cyan you'll get to see it again thank you so much and then um the positive note that I had on here was affordable housing 100% of the units that are being provided here are affordable housing which I know the entire County locks it and our city locks it as well so I see that that's the benefit to the new site um I wanted to see if we would consider providing um potentially earlier marketing to Boon Beach residents and or city residents I know we have a lot of teachers we have a lot of um workers that might we know a lot of workers in the city might not be able to afford living in the city so if we could Market that to our local uh residents as well as potentially you know teachers and um government workers that would be something that I would appreciate absolutely um it's been done before it will follow the same practices that you've used with other developers that have given the city an opportunity to send their employees over or advertise to friends and family of this of the city that's fine that's all I have thank you thank you commissioner uh commissioner hey your turn I want to thank uh commissioner uh Cruz for asking those questions because those a lot of ones I just crossed them off my list as you were discussing but we we've had a discussion Bonnie and uh Jonathan uh about this and I really appreciate your response uh to the question that I was asking um you know I thought one time of delaying this so we have a full uh councel to discuss this cuz this is long long term and this is this is good stuff here and we want to make sure that everybody has an opportunity to have their input since then I've heard enough from uh Amanda and staff and from you guys to to move forward and the community is ready uh to move they ready to see some shovels uh in in the ground but I would like to to say that U uh I'm very happy about the uh 100% affordable housing uh that's something uh that that we really do need and this was somewhat a an interesting project because the approach was entirely different from anything that I've seen uh before in in terms of how we approached it and that was explained by staff and I understand uh better now why that is uh and and the deed restriction uh I go along with that 100% I would like to ask if and that's probably probably legal but I I think I know the answer but I ask it anyway if if for some reason the ownership of that property changed hand is the deed restriction still intact that's correct it would run with the land and it could not be terminated without the consent of the city so whoever although we know that the person that will be doing it is standing next to me but in the event something happened and someone came back in and wanted to do something different they would have to get your consent to do something different than what the Restriction says or it could not be terminated and that's anything other than what we agreed to put on that property it would have to come back to us if it's not 89 units and it's not 100% affordable and it's more than three stories they would need your consent okay um I didn't want to ask a question about the accessibility from the canal from one side to the other is is the only um access going to be along Secrest or is there going to be some type of walkway um other than yeah getting from the park to the project to this project and it is very close but you do have to go across CEST yes it would be very difficult to do a pedestrian bridge over a canal of that size not impossible but very difficult however the the beauty about this potential path that we're proposing that would have be be available to the public is that if the city can continue that on all the way west to the next intersection you give yourself and all of the community in between the ability to not get on the public streets to get to those Bridge connections it's a huge win it's a safer um scenario and hope you know there there are some Grant monies out there for those types of pedestrian um and bike connection ctions so we're kind of the beginning of that and it's a very large beginning for you because it's such a long parcel um you have an opportunity there to extend that even further west over time okay um assum everything goes according the plan which it seems to be uh what's your timetable roughly all pocket well it depends it depends on approvals typically a project like this takes uh 14 to 16 months to build um and we'll go as fast as we can uh the faster we get approved the faster we can get a shovel in the ground the faster we can get um residents of void and beach living here okay if you go back to one of your slides where you had the parking uh there were vehicles in the uh parking right here that um there seems to be double Park in there where someone could park behind the other vehicle vehicle and if they had an emergency need to get out that's that that's uh problematic those are T there are some tandem parking spaces within the site plan and those spaces are allocated pursuant to lease so for example if you had a three-bedroom then you're likely to be allocated a tandem space but they've done it before I'm going to let Jonathan about it each two-bedroom and each three-bedroom is allocated one tandem space so you're not going to be sharing a tandem space with another unit okay you do have one two and three bedroom uh there correct that's correct so so give a little little breakdown yes yes so the total the total two and three bedroom number is 37 plus 18 so you're at 55 units so what Jonathan is saying is for those units they would get tandem spaces they would get their two spaces so you so for example if it was a husband and wife or Partners they would be sharing the one space and they just have to coordinate who's in the back space right just like not having a circle driveway that's right if you have a singular driveway driveway you got you have to do the same thing I got you okay very good thank you that's all I have thank you thank you uh commissioner turkin thank you mayor um you know I would be inconsistent if I didn't complain about the uh potential rezoning you know I uh I do think the project is very nice and um I think this is one of the those situations where when you have Workforce housing and for the public to know we're not talking about lower income housing we're talking about Workforce which is majority of people that live in the city you're firefighters police officers teachers and um I do want to commend the pastor for uh for the for the sale of this property I think the mayor hit on the head is you you're taking initiative and being a leader and not just the county but the state as well so thank you sir um you know for the um for the density so it the site is 2.97 Acres that's correct and we're looking at 89 units correct 30 units an acre roughly so I just want to remind my colleagues that there was a project approved L on the other side of those doors right there that's 4990 plus units right and we're concerned about you know the single family home characteristics you know that that's great I wish that concern was when we had that discussion in all these previous projects in the downtown um as far as the infrastructure goes and and the traffic what what traffic and with the county they do a traffic study and they're graded they grade the study I believe a through F what was the grade on that so ccraft Boulevard is actually level service B in this area oh good yeah that's good that's very good so I think the city's requirement if I'm not mistaken I had discussed this a long time ago is is a d is that correct yes I believe so okay so so thank you for you know going above and beyond what the city's standard is I think that's something that I actually brought up before and uh there was no appetite for that and so I I'm going to bring that up again you know looking at our if we really want to combat traffic and I'm sorry I'm going on a on a tangent here you know I'm looking at a problem as a whole if we really are concerned about traffic and we really are concern concerned about the overdensity then we need to establish rules and policies in place that mitigate that right traffic study grading um a minimum being one of those things um you know but as far as this goes I mean you know I said it on our gender Workshop this is commissioner Hayes District I'm going to support what he thinks best and I do think uh the workforce housing component is super appetizing and um you know thank you for investing in Boon Beach and you know having that community meeting partnering with the church I think is huge you know that's thing I always admire is when when you have a developer you know or someone that has an interest you know in in building the city to come reach out to the Community First and that way there's no surprises right last thing you want to see is a bait and switch and so that leads me um to my thanks for the deed restriction that was my number one concern was you know could we get denser and um you've you've alleviated that for me um so you know I'm happy to support this project under all those conditions all right thank you so much everybody we are now going to proceed to voting uh if I recall correctly we're going to vote on items B and C the development order for the variance and for the new master plan at the second reading is that correct do I remember that correctly okay and under item 8A there's actually two separate ordinances here for the two different purposes but related so let's tackle them one by one this is proposed ordinance number 24-24 may have a motion to approve motion to approve we have a motion from commissioner hey is there a second and a second from commissioner turkin let's turn now to the city clerk for a roll call vote commissioner hay yes commissioner turkin yes commissioner Cruz no absent mayor penserga yes and R call vote the motion pass three we three three okay all right thank you so much the next proposed ordinance number 24-02 5 again another first reading may have a motion to approve motion to approve a motion from commissioner hay in a second from second all right from commissioner turkin we have a motion and a second city clerk commissioner hay yes commissioner turkin yes commissioner Cruz is absent mayor penera yes and Rollo the motion passed uh motion passed okay motion passes with that thank you so much everybody to the applicants and to staff the two remaining items uh I believe they need to be tabled until the next meeting yes we'll vote on it on the second uh second reading all right items 8A may have a motion to table to the second reading we have a motion and and the second came from commissioner hey all those in favor of tbling item 8 B to the second reading say I I motion pass us unanimously may have a motion to table item 8C to the next to the second reading we have a and a second from commissioner hey all those in favor say I I motion passes unanimously we'll address those at second reading okay so we're going to move on to regular agenda we're very close to finishing up for the evening we have three more items uh this is proposed ordinance number 24-26 again another first reading let me turn to city clerk one second and I believe this is the ordinance to fix the scrier error yeah proposed ordinance number 24-26 first reading and an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of Boon Beach Florida correcting a scrier error in the legal description contained in ordinance 23- 021 approving the abandonment abandonment of the 30 foot wide unimproved RightWay established on the Palm Beach Farms co- plat number8 as recorded in plat book 5 page 73 of the public records of the palach county authorizing the mayor to execute an amended disclaimer which shall be recorded with the ordinance and the public records of the palom Beach County of Florida providing an effective date and for all the purposes all right thank you melee um are there any questions on this item council did you have anything to add my colleagues do you have any questions for Council okay with that we have a motion and we have a second all those in favor of the let's turn to S let's do the roll call the second was made by commissioner turken right okay commissioner H yes commissioner turkin yes commissioner Cruz yes May PGA yes in roll call vote the motion passing unanimously thank you that concludes item 10A we're now moving on to item 10B discussion on leaving the banion tree at Dewey Park lit up year round this was your request commissioner turkin you can kick it off unless you want to pass the staff yeah I mean I think um we we kind of discussed this in our agenda workshop and as far as the funding mechanism I'm going to bring that up in a different different Forum different board okay I would like to I would like to know the the cost impact of uh having a year round versus what it is now so you don't have to answer that now okay something to look into when we do uh discuss yeah yeah the only comment I have about the lighting is that I know with the Christmas lights that people have used it's always it's for whatever reason it just keeps breaking uh but there are other kinds of lighting so I just want to open that up to staff be you know look into other options yeah mayor I think I think you're that's absolutely right because that it's still going out I think they fixed it like over the weekend and still went out well clearly so they didn't really fix it right so I I I agree I agree and take a look at whether solo energy would be up or down solar yeah so that would cost uh all right anything else to on this item okay I'll proceed all right 10c discussion regarding the tennis court improvements and maintenance at Boon Beach tennis and pickle ball Center commissioner Cruz this was your request kick it off for us oh I think are you guys gonna present all right if you're ready go ahead good evening uh is it on good evening everyone happy holidays I'm Craig Clark director of recreation and cultural services and this is Fabian Derulo assistant director we're happy to be here this evening to give you an update on the uh bton Beach tennis and pickle ball center before uh Fabian gets started with the presentation I just want to preface this with um there's kind of a perfect storm of uh Staffing changes that went on for several months we lost our director and assistant director of Recreation and Parks back in February uh we hired Fabian in um May and then I uh was promoted June 1st is uh Recreation is one of my five departments that I oversee and then once we got our feet wet we determined and learned from the public as well that there were issues at the tennis uh tennis uh center with maintenance so I'm going to let Fabian go ahead and start the the uh presentation and then I'm going to finish with uh um there were a couple of other uh proposals from um outside firms that are interested in taking over the center if you were to move in that direction all right uh good evening mayor commission uh staff and members of the public uh we put together a brief presentation just to discuss kind of a little bit of the history of the facility uh what has taken place over the course of the past couple months and kind of the plan moving forward for this facility uh first uh at this facility we have 17 hardre tennis courts which are clay courts essentially uh six pickle ball courts and two composite tennis courts which are essentially hard courts uh the Staffing at the facility um are one full-time uh Tennis Center supervisor uh which we just brought on board about two months ago uh two full-time Tennis Center maintenance workers uh which just started at the end of October uh those are two new positions and three part-time Pro Shop attendance we currently have two vacancies but we are looking to fill those vacancies at the moment uh so just a little bit of background on the the Staffing um the tennis center supervisor as I mentioned uh just got started late summer uh August 26th was his first day on the job uh really hit the the ground running uh there was substantial you know challenges that we faced with the transition of the maintenance team um as well as some other things that we'll get into in this uh this presentation um the maintenance workers were brought on after the hiring freeze uh so they started October the 21st uh and we opened up November the 4th so not too much of a turnaround time for them to be able to get everything in order but they got a good amount of the courts uh in good shape and playable for the re opening uh so uh a little bit of background of the facility maintenance uh we were being maintained uh by a company called ptcs uh from January 2022 uh until we got a 30-day notice uh late summer uh that they will no longer be um servicing our courts there at that facility uh we know that prior to um recently there were complaints you know dating back to last year about some of the maintenance and we had our concerns with the organization we spoke to them about it um things weren't really improving and then you know they kind of left us with short notice which kind of uh eliminated all staff that were maintaining the facility there as well as uh all the equipment so tens of thousands of dollars of equipment also left uh with the organization leaving um so we uh the last day of service that they had with us is August the 31st um and it was determined that the best course of action based off of the fact that we were lacking the St and the equipment uh to maintain this facility properly because this type of facility has to be maintained regularly especially the clay courts uh the decision was made to to do a facility closure uh so we can take care of some of the maintenance items as well as get staff on boarded to be able to fill some of these positions to operate the facility uh the removal of the the Nets uh took place on September the 6th and uh September the 9th it was determined that we would need it to extend the closure because everything wouldn't have been ready uh for the October 1 reopening as initially planned uh we retrieved the the we received the harre material uh September the 19th uh which is the clay material uh in order to resurface the 17 harre courts um and continue to do research on the best way of resurfacing this facility uh Recreation manager and supervisor began their preparation of the course shortly after uh of course we had two storms that came through the area around that time as well too uh so that kind of halted a little bit of the the maintenance of process that we were planning to take course in so removing the Nets all the wind screens things like that getting all the facility and the F the furniture on site uh prepared for the pending storms that were looking to be headed our way um we did all the assessments after that luckily we didn't have too too much damage at that facility um we brought our tennis maintenance workers as mentioned before on board October the 21st um and then we had an outage unfortunately a major uh Transformer went out U affecting our property as well as the surrounding properties uh for 3 Days uh on November the 1st which delayed our opening to the 4th uh which was that following Monday um so just for the reopenings um October the 8th we had six courts playable um so we had the women's tennis Association the local women's tennis Association playing during closure because we did not want to impact their season uh so they essentially had uh exclusive usage of the facility for six courts um to have their home matches there at the site at the Boon tennis center and pickleball Center uh November the 2nd uh the six pickle ball courts re opened um and then our opening day we had the six clay courts and six pickle ball Courts open for usage uh by the end of November we had 10 clay courts six pickle ball courts and the two composite Courts open and then currently to the point we are right now we have 13 clay courts so 13 out of our 17 are open and in great shape they've been resurfaced things like that made sure we had the lining in order um All Nets put back up and all type of Maintenance needs uh taken care of um as well as the six pickle ball courts and two composite courts we're projected to have all courts up and running by the end of the year the calendar year here so we're on track to have everything completed um just so you guys know the attendance for November after reopening we had 279 Court reservations so we're back full speed um so here are some shots of the facility these were taken just last week just so you guys can get an idea of the state of some of the courts uh we apologize for some of the shading in some of those images too it's casting uh some shade from some of the trees nearby but the courts are in fantastic shape especially from where we came before uh and we included some before and after pictures so you guys can get a real idea of what it looked like and where we are now there's more of a sky view uh from the Drone shots that we took of the courts also again these took place uh last week some before and afters uh so uh before uh to the left-and side there uh from August we had some plants growing we have major irrigation issues some of which have been addressed and we're still working through some of them uh but that led to some of this growth that is taking place on the court as well as some of the mill that was taking place um and after uh we had in partnership with public works as as well as uh the new staff that we brought on board they were able to alleviate a lot of the issues we had out there and you can see there's a major major Improvement on what the court states are and pretty much all of the courts are looking like that we just had about I'd say four of them that were looking like the ones on the left hand side so those have been taken care of some growth from outside of the fence ways too we had all of that taken care of by staff also we know that was a major concern uh so we made sure that that was addressed immediately when we had staff on board this as well too uh some of the sand from under the pathways around the facility we kind of leaking onto the courts and mixing with the hard true material uh so we worked in tandem with Public Works to get the issues uh the source of the issue addressed and then staff uh took it upon themselves to take care of all of the the mixing of the sand and getting the courts in good shape again the future of the facility um so we have a 5year CIP proposal uh to look to address a lot of the concerns that we have as it pertains to irrigation Court maintenance and things like that and getting us to a modern space of having all of our courts under the hydro system uh which means that they'll be watered from underground instead of over the surface as we currently have most of our Courts at the site um so starting in 2025 uh we're looking into getting a fur app Grant uh for $400,000 um with with a small I think it's what 50% City match $200,000 match $200,000 match so that would be $600,000 to invest into this facility uh year one uh going into this 5year plan we're looking to address four of the hydro courts with the new um in ation of the irrigation underground as mentioned before we're looking to do some Pro Shop Renovations that facility is pretty dated um and not up to speed with a lot of our neighbors and some other facilities that we had a chance to go and check out over the past couple months um so we're really looking to hone in on that and uh provide a good space where folks can check in as well as potentially some space where they can reserve uh for any type of functions that they're looking to do at the site uh restroom Renovations uh moving uh potentially moving uh some things around the property to so it flows a little bit better and allows us to secure this property a little bit better because anybody that's been there notices that there's probably about 20 different ways to enter uh this facility which of course is a security concern um upgrading some of the Furnishings out there too as well as the shade structures uh tables chairs awnings lighting uh benches uh as well as the the storage shed that we have out there and fencing as I mentioned before to to secure the facility um laser grading and reining the quarts just to make sure that they're graded correctly um that's something that we have to do every so often too um so that is something we're looking to do next year as it's been about three and a half years since the last time we did so 2027 same thing four additional courts getting them up to hydro irrigation system um doing the actual construction so in 26 design and potentially Construction in 27 uh the parking lot needs a little bit of TLC out there too so we're hoping to do some uh resurfacing and some new Landscaping in that space uh Court resurfacing uh as I mentioned before it was done about 3 years ago so by then uh and we did some resurfacing over the closure too but by then we'll probably need to really do some revamping with the surfacing of the clay quartz um as well as installing LED lighting uh for efficiency as well as giving us remote control of um the timing of the lights setting them on timers things like that or being able to turn them on and off remotely using the musco system um and then 28 and 29 addressing the the last eight courts getting them on the hydro irrigation system and that is it those are our hours of operation up there in case anybody is curious and we are here to answer any questions I make sure there's no more yeah that's it gentlemen thank you for your presentation very welcome commissioner Cruz I'll turn this to you since this was your request thank you uh thank you both for your presentation and for the conversations that we've had um after the agenda review I think one of the things that we talked about was the ab the ability um the improvements that we still need to make and also um the potential opportunity to turn two of the hard chords into potentially six pickable chords correct um do we have any data to and this is just basically public knowledge everybody knows a pibl like become really popular but do we have any data um with regard to the pickable courts versus the tennis courts and the usage of it like are they always are the pickable ones always sold out or not available absolutely I can answer to go um yes so uh just in conversations with staff over there at site um the two hard Courts at that particular facility don't get a ton of usage the pickle ball courts are very busy um there's high demand for that across the city as well as across the country uh but we're going to continue to Monitor and get some actual data and numbers based off of usage if we recognize that the hard courts are not getting a ton of usage especially since we have about 12 more around the city also uh we'll look to convert those into six pickle ball courts thank you and and I don't know what the um for the city manager I don't know what the process would be to potentially see if we can do that in the future um but if we have significant wait times for the pickle ball courts and we can maybe potentially transfer those to uh pickle ball um in the future I think that's something that it's become so popular that there's just not enough and it's been on newspapers it's been on social media it's just been everywhere no I agree obviously that's uh as far as the process I guess it would be essentially Market driven what's the Demand versus the demand for the tennis courts so we can certainly get pricing on that as well mayor there is a couple one more thing I wanted to mention before if we if I may um there was a proposal received from a local tennis company that Andrew Mack um uh gave us direction to review we reviewed the proposal and we went to another local uh government where the the tennis company had taken over their tennis courts which were very nice and very well-run um The Proposal uh Fabian and I looked at it closely it was a 10-year contract and that would tie tie our business up for 10 years and we didn't think that was very good um then they submitted a second proposal that um over three years they would do some Revenue sharing with us and uh during that time we also received a separate proposal from another uh outside company that was interested in taking over uh you know and running and managing our tennis courts so I just wanted to bring that up to you as well um and we're certainly open to Direction and how you want us to proceed um we'd certainly be willing to we want to turn this around bring in more Revenue um getting the hydro courts we won't have to close the tennis courts down in the afternoon because you have to water them when you water them from underground you don't have to close them so yeah open to any direction uh Craig thank you for clarifying that uh as of now I don't think I've seen either of those two proposals I'm not exactly sure what services they're providing but I know you have them have you compiled the data for us to assess um I can certainly do that um one of the proposals uh was not clear on um monetary issues they just said we want we would do this we would do that um so I can you certainly share those proposals with you we spoke to Andrew in um the manager of purchasing and he said since there was maybe one more than one company that may be an RFP if you went in that direction would be the appropriate way to go but that's up to the commission yeah I'm I'm I'm interested in Reading I'm sorry commissioner Cruz yeah no I mean during our conversations I think we talked about how the city's currently spending about $660,000 is it a year 70 y $70,000 we were upside down 70,000 but we we're going to turn that around yeah so we're currently upside down $70,000 a year for the maintenance and and uh management of the courts um I think it's worth a shot to take a look to see what options are out there um but if we do that I think that we should do an RFP and a competitive biding process I think that would be the right thing to do and then at the same time comparing that to our current cost so seeing what we're paying right now we're $70,000 under like losing money um if we have an opportunity where they might you know somebody might be able to cover costs potentially again I haven't seen any of the proposals that we're talking about um or any that might come in if we decide to move in that direction um and also looking at what it's costing us you know our staff benefits all of that um with the ability of the courts the maintenance the repairs the potential change from uh the hard courts to six pickle ball courts all of that it's something that we should um definitely consider and see not only a cost benefit but look at efficiency um so I would be open to you know if the board agrees to take a look at a potential RFP just to see what's out there what opportunities are out there um with some potential Revenue share you know if we do move forward in that direction it would be good to have somebody who's had government or you know public sector experience somebody who's had um significant experience specifically with these types of sports like bracket Sports um and significant experience would mean you know at least like five five contracts or you know something where you do this a lot and you're an expert at it I think that's something that would be important to look at that um obviously if we have consensus from the board to move forward in that direction so thank you commissioner anything else that was it uh I think that's it for now yeah all right um I am interested in reading these proposals I'm open if if it can solve a problem I'm open to it but I need to see them first all right commissioner hey your questions or thoughts no I too would be uh supportive what I need to see some pros and cons why would we want to do that and um if it's to our advantage then then yes but uh right now I don't see it um maybe it's a man pile thing I I don't know but you you tell me uh at the next meeting that we have okay that's all I have thank you go ahead commissioner thank you uh thank you mayor a quick question on the operating hours out of curios why is it closed in at 1 on the weekends when I feel like that would be prime time because a lot of people aren't working I mean in the winter time too right yeah so we tend to these operating hours year round do they change with the season yeah no they're they're year round that's correct um so we tend to get most of our patrons in the morning uh the the days that we do stay open a bit late is when we tend to have like our our men's leagues women's leagues and things like that that play play later into the evening uh but those all take place during the week um outside of that drop in players things like that especially a lot of our pickle Ballers as well tend to come in the morning um so I know in the past those hours were a little bit longer uh staff are recognizing that we weren't getting people for the last like 3 four hours that we were open uh so it only made sense to kind of consolidate a little bit um but it's something that we can continue to explore too you know that's something that can change and fluctuate Through Time absolutely so the last three or four hours you said is when you weren't seeing a lot of correct correct so then that would be I mean if we looked at 9:00 it' be like 5:00 5 or six o'clock but to go down to 1 p.m. you know I think that's like I think it's a little bit dramatic I would like to see those operating hours expand that's just me um before I start I just want to thank you both for all your hard work not just on this but with everything Fabian thank I know you're newer thank you so much for everything you've done you hit the ground running and uh you got on uh you know whether it was vandalism or whatever happened with the dog park you know signage and and over there thank you so much for getting on that so I appreciate that um I agree with what's been said I think there's an opportunity to produce an ancillary Revenue source and allow a vendor to maybe do something that you know maybe not necessarily we we're experts at right and alleviate your guys' bandwidth if there's one Department that I think think could always use more money and more resources and more Staffing it's parks and wreck right there's always something the the residents see that it's a subjective department they see the parks they notice if there's inadequacies you know what I mean and so you know I look at this as like a win-win-win situation right we can you know first foremost produce some Revenue you know Le lessen the burden on the taxpayers lessen the workload on Parks and wreck um obviously it's got to make sense you know I'd like whether we look at the proposals or do an RFP I'm indifferent you know I would like to see you know what the best deal is and uh provide an additional Revenue source for the city you know um you know ultimately we do this enough times time and time again throughout multiple dep departments we have the ability to continue to lower our millage rate right and and cut costs and then focus on other Pro CIB projects so I would like I would like to investigate and direct staff to you know look at a potential vendor yeah looks like he's finished commissioner Cruz yep no thank you for that um no I just wanted to follow up with like focusing on efficiency and revenue share and thinking about how much it's costing us and how much are we losing like if we're losing $70,000 a year running it currently then is that something where we could turn it around and potentially do a revenue share but again we can get into the needy greedy details of anything until you know we I think the the best way to really see if if it would even be worth it or not would be to maybe open up for an RFP and see what we receive and if it turns out that it's not something that it's good then we we won't go forward with it but if it turns out that it is something good um that would benefit the city and you know not have that loss like Revenue loss um and also being able to up the courts and change it to pickle ball and and all that and and as you said extending the hours I think how many years do we go back as far as uh that the tennis court facilities have been in a deficit I know we only talked about year One what are what's been the previous three years do you guys have those numbers we don't have them currently on us that over to you guys like either been in the black or the green at all or have we consistently stayed in a red it it has been operating at a loss for the past couple years the years that we looked into so ESS you're running a deficit as a business yes yes but we were also paying a substantial amount of money to have ptcs maintaining this facility also too so that's something to take into consideration also um we were paying them approximately $80,000 uh do you guys have any numbers as far as the revenue shares did you guys bring those tonight or do you not have them we can we do we do have them trying get like versus the deficit that we were running over the past few years of60 $70,000 wor of it what would be the positive you if you brought in a vendor to actually take over the operation of the tennis court because obviously if we're going to be having a revenue sh or a revenue share yes not only are you correcting the deficit but you're also going to be turning essentially revenue and income for the city yes correct um so the most recent proposal that we got there was a rent factor to it too so that is guaranteed income that we would get from that as well as a percentage of profit share um these are numbers as Craig mentioned before that we think that we can reach with some of the new programming that we have listed right there at the top too um so we do feel like we do potentially have the ability to get similar numbers to this by running the operation in house this comes with some additional insurances um so there's that benefit uh for going to this direction too so it really kind of depends on if we want to kind of look at this for a year and see how things kind of go with this new kind of Staff setup that we have or do we want to kind of play it a little bit more safe and and go in this direction is pretty much the two options we have before us yeah the model from the one company the second proposal they sent uh they had a uh based on estimated numbers obviously the first year rent 6,000 second year 72,000 year three 96,000 and then there would be a Revenue split of gross revenues each year um of first year 1% second year 1% third year 2% that's what I calculated and those aren't based off performance metrics Matrix or those are based off of estimate so that's guaranteed income that would be coming in no matter what um it's based on their revenues yeah okay okay so it is based off the revenues of that's based off their revenues what I would say is just to kind of be fair I think it would be it's worth a to see what proposals we get maybe I would say if the board agrees let's give it a 30-day window to do an RFP to see what we receive if anything at all it's possible we get nothing it just depends so if we do a 30day window um where we open it up for for competitive um bidding and seeing what we receive and seeing the revenue share how much money we would be comparing it to what we're losing now to how it could be in the future um and really getting the numbers looking at operating hours as commissioner turkin stated earlier I think those are things that are valid to take a look at and then we can Circle back um and then maybe staff can provide a recommendation um after that 30-day review if that's something that the board agrees to Andrew uh yes sir um one of the things that we did notice that when we initial proposal that came in um one of the vendors proposed actually actually renovating the courts which significantly impacted the revenue um when we met with them we we talked about potentially doing the court renovations inh house or not inhouse but with uh through our CIP projects and then allowing them and then do it phased over a certain period of time which is similar to what they had proposed in the second proposal uh I just want to make sure that in in either scenario that you guys are comfortable with us moving forward with the renovations and then we' just be looking for a vendor because there is also potential to include the renovations in this as well and get it from the open market but it would significantly impact the the term of the agreement which is why they were asking for 10 years because they were going to invest a million dollars into our facility to renovate the courts which the hydro courts are the most significant thing that we need to do there and if we can potentially get a grant to cover that then that would cost correct yeah okay and there were and I think staff felt like they were significantly thought they could get that grant that was a very high probability I think there's a high probability we can I would defer to if you know if staff whatever staff's recommendation is if you think it's a good idea to include that on there I think it's something that once we get a vendor we would work with them in tandem to make sure that the courts that we're renovating suit their needs as well so obviously this wouldn't happen in vacuum it would be done in tandem with any approach that we had I just wanted to make sure that we're comfortable that we would move forward with the CIP to renovate the courts and then work with the vendor all right let me just jump in and say in general using CIP that that's perfectly fine with with me but gentlemen I have no idea what both of you are talking about all three of you okay so I know you're reading off your pages and you're telling us numbers let's sit down together let's do a deep dive because I don't I haven't seen these things and I and I I think that's why it's it's better to get some proposals so we can look at them and maybe have staff review maybe get a recommendation um because we don't know what we're looking at right now if possible maybe uh Fabian and Craig is set up one-on ones with each you go through what we've gotten so far get some notes and then we could and we could look through it and then then we'd have a good reflection of what we' like to do in RFP yeah I think that would clear up some of your questions yeah um just in FYI the the Grant application for the next Grant cycle would be due September of 2025 and that those dollars will come to us the following year in 2026 so just so you know that and anything else for my colleagues all right it sounds like we're finished finally um thank you so much everybody I appreciate the presentation gentlemen our pleasure thank you if there's nothing else for my colleagues we have a motion to adjourn so move we have a motion a second we have a second all those in favor of a journey say I I I have a good night happy New Year Fel NAD yes happy Kwan e --------- ##VIDEO ID:DOgqU3vlNLM## >> MAYOR: ALL RIGHT. GOOD EVENING, EVERYBODY. PLEASE TAKE YOUR SEATS. GOOD EVENING. THIS MEETING IS CALLED TO ORDER AND WELCOME TO THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING. TODAY IS TUESDAY DECEMBER 17th, 2024. AND THE TIME IS NOW 6:00 P.M. FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE ALREADY SEEN THE AGENDA, WE DO HAVE A CLOSED DOOR ATTORNEY-CLIENT SHADE MEETING. LET'S BEGIN FIRST WITH THE ROLL CALL. WE'LL COME BACK AFTER THE ROLL CALL FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION FROM BRYCE HUTSON FROM CHRIST FELLOWSHIP CHURCH WHICH WILL BE FOLLOWED BY THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY COMMISSIONER THOMAS TURKIN. CITY CLERK, LET'S TURN TO YOU. >> MAYOR PENSERGA. >> MAYOR: HERE. >> VICE MAYOR KELLEY, ABSENT. COMMISSIONER CRUZ. >> HERE. >> COMMISSIONER HAY. >> HERE. >> COMMISSIONER TURKIN. >> PRESENT. >> MAYOR, YOU HAVE A QUORUM. >> MAYOR: THANK YOU SO MUCH. PASTOR, IF YOU'D LIKE TO DO US THE HONOR. LET'S ALL STAND FOR THE INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. >> THANK YOU, LET'S BOW OUR HEADS. WELL, FATHER, WE COME BEFORE YOU IN THIS SEASON OF CELEBRATION AND A REMINDER THAT WE HAVE A GREATER HOPE. AND IN THIS SEASON AND EVEN IN THIS MEETING TONIGHT, WE PRAY THAT WE WOULD LOOK TOWARDS THAT HOPE AS THIS COMMISSION, AS THIS COMMITTEE AS THE AGENDA ITEMS THAT THEY SPEAK OF TONIGHT, THAT ULTIMATELY IT WOULD HONOR YOU. THAT THIS WOULD BE A COMMUNITY THAT IS A BEACON OF LIGHT AND HOPE TO ALL AROUND, TO KNOW THAT YOU HAVE DONE AN AMAZING WORK THROUGH THIS COUNCIL, FATHER, THROUGH THIS PASTOR YEAR. AS WE LOOK BACK, WE GET TO SEE ALL THE AMAZING THINGS THAT YOU HAVE DONE, BUT BELIEVING WHAT YOU WILL DO THROUGH THIS COMMUNITY IN THE YEARS TO COME. SO WE ARE HONORED TO GET TO SIT HERE TONIGHT TO HAVE LIFE AND BREATH KNOWING THAT IT'S ULTIMATELY FROM YOU THAT WE HAVE ALL OF THAT. IN YOUR NAME WE PRAISE, AMEN. >> Group: AMEN. >> Group: I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND TO THE REPUBLIC FOR WHICH IT STANDS ONE NATION UNDER GOD INDIVISIBLE WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL. >> MAYOR: THANK YOU, EVERYBODY. AND THANK YOU, PASTOR. BEFORE WE MOVE ON TO OUR CLOSED DOOR ATTORNEY-CLIENT SHADE MEETING, I'D LIKE TO ASK MY COLLEAGUES IF THEY ARE COMFORTABLE WITH -- WE HAVE A SPEAKER HERE THIS EVENING, SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER EDWIN FERGUSON, IF THEY ARE COMFORTABLE JUST MOVING UP THAT ITEM. >> YES. >> MAYOR: IS THERE ANY OBJECTION TO THAT? >> NO. >> NO. >> MAYOR: COUNSEL. >> I'M WONDERING HOW LONG YOU THINK IT WILL BE ONLY BECAUSE WE DO HAVE A COURT REPORTER WAITING. IT'S FINE. >> MAYOR: BOARD MEMBER, YOU'RE OKAY WITH IT? OKAY, ALL RIGHT. SO WE DO HAVE A SHADE MEETING THEREAFTER. NOT A PROBLEM. THANK YOU. GO AHEAD, COUNSEL, DO READ THE NOTICE. >> NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2866.011 SUBSECTION 8, THE CITY OF BOYNTON WILL HOLD A CLOSED ATTORNEY-CLIENT SHADE MEETING ON TUESDAY DECEMBER 17th AT 6:00 P.M. OR SOON THEREAFTER. AT THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY HALL ROOM 440 LOCATED AT 100 EAST OCEAN AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA TO DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING LITIGATION. BOYNTON BEACH LITTLE LEAGUE DNA, EAST LITTLE LEAGUE PLAINTIFF VERSUS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY AF COURT NUMBER. FOLLOWING THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING, THE CITY COMMISSION WILL MOVE INTO A CLOSED ATTORNEY-CLIENT SHADE MEETING. THE MEETING WILL BE ATTENDED BY MAYOR TY PENSERGA, COMMISSIONER ANGELA CRUZ, COMMISSIONER WOODROW HAY, COMMISSIONER THOMAS TURKIN, CITY MANAGER DANIEL DUGGER, DEPUTY CITY MANAGER ANDREW MACK, DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY AND THE COURT REPORTER WENDY SMITH, APPROXIMATELY 30 TO 60 MINUTES WILL BE NEEDED. FOLLOWING THE CONCLUSION OF THE CLOSED ATTORNEY-CLIENT SHADE MEETING THE CITY COMMISSION WILL RESUME ITS REGULARLY SCHEDULED CITY COMMISSION MEETING. PUBLIC BUSINESS WILL BE CONCLUDED AT THAT TIME AND THE MEETING WILL BE ADJOURNED. >> MAYOR: ALL RIGHT, THANK YOU, COUNSEL. NORMALLY THIS IS THE POINT WHERE WE RECESS FOR THE SHADE MEETING BUT I'D LIKE TO CALL UP SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER MR. FERGUSON TO GIVE US AN UPDATE OF EDUCATION. >> THANK YOU, MR. MAYOR, AND GOOD AFTERNOON TO THE COMMISSION, CITY ATTORNEY, CITY MANAGER, I'LL BE BRIEF. TO ALL OF BOYNTON, I WANT TO SAY HAPPY HOLIDAYS, IT'S ALWAYS GOOD TO BE HERE. IF WE'RE IN ANOTHER SCHOOL YEAR, YOU'LL SEE ME HERE COMMUNICATING WITH YOU AND GIVING YOU AN UPDATE HOW THE DISTRICT 7 SCHOOLS ARE PERFORMING AND THE SCHOOL DISTRICT AT LARGE. THANK YOU. SO ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO LOOK AT THE INFORMATION I'M REVIEWING, YOU CAN SCAN THIS -- I WILL HAVE TO BRING AN ASSISTANT. YOU CAN SCAN THE QR CODE BEFORE I GET STARTED SO ALL THE INFORMATION I'LL BE DISCUSSING YOU CAN LOOK AT AT YOUR LEISURE. THERE'S A TREASURE TROVE OF INFORMATION THERE I WOULD REALLY, REALLY ENCOURAGE EVERY RESIDENT OF BOYNTON BEACH TO KIND OF DIG INTO, KIND OF UNDERSTAND. AND IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, YOU KNOW, ASK US. BUT I THINK THERE'S A LOT OF GREAT INFORMATION IN THERE. IN RESPECT OF THE SHADE SESSION, JUST SAY CLOSED SESSION. >> MAYOR: CLOSED SESSION. >> NEW TERMINOLOGY, I'M GOING TO BLOW THROUGH THIS A LITTLE BIT. I WILL REPRESENT TO YOU, FIRST OF ALL, THANKS AGAIN FOR DOING SOMETHING THAT I DON'T THINK HAS BEEN DONE IN THE COUNTY. THAT LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY THAT YOU ALL EARMARKED FOR YOUR SCHOOLS, I BELIEVE IT IS ALREADY BEARING FRUIT IN TERMS OF PERFORMANCES. SO WHEN YOU LOOK THROUGH THE RESPECTIVE SCHOOLS IN DISTRICT 7 AND THEN ALSO THE CITY AT LARGE, YOU'LL SEE THERE HAS DEFINITELY BEEN A BUMP. I THINK IT'S AN APPRECIABLE BUMP. AGAIN, I WANT TO THANK YOU ALL FOR BEING BOLD, TRYING SOMETHING NEW. NOT JUST DOING THE SAME OLD THING AND EXPECTING A DIFFERENT RESULT. I SAY THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU FOR THAT. AND I KNOW OUR STUDENTS AND OUR FAMILIES ARE THANKING YOU AS WELL. AGAIN, THERE ARE A LOT OF HYPERLINKS INSIDE OF THIS SLIDE DECK THAT YOU CAN CLICK ON AT YOUR LEISURE. EARLY EDUCATION IS REALLY THE BEDROCK OF EDUCATION. KIDS WHO START BEHIND TEND TO STAY BEHIND. THOSE WHO START AHEAD TEND TO STAY AHEAD. THERE'S A LOT OF INFORMATION IN THERE THAT I WOULD ENCOURAGE OUR PARENTS, PARTICULARLY OF THE 1, THE 2, THE 3-YEAR-OLD KIDS TO TRY TO MATCH THESE WORDS AND THINGS OF THAT NATURE BECAUSE IT WILL BEAR FRUIT EXPONENTIALLY ONCE THEY GET INTO KINDERGARTEN AND MOVING FORWARD FROM THERE. AGAIN, I'M TRYING TO BE AS BRIEF AS POSSIBLE SO YOU ALL CAN GET TO YOUR CLOSED SESSION MEETINGS. AS YOU CAN SEE FROM THE CHARTS HERE, WE HAVE THE LAST FIVE YEARS INCLUSIVE OF THIS SCHOOL YEAR. AND YOU CAN SEE THAT GOING INTO THE SCHOOL YEAR '23 WHICH WAS LAST YEAR, MOST OF THE SCHOOLS IN DISTRICT 7 -- AND I THINK CITYWIDE, THERE WAS A DIP IN ENGLISH, IN MATH, SOCIAL STUDIES GENERALLY NOT. BUT IN ENGLISH AND MATH FOR SURE AND IN SCIENCE. BUT I SEE THERE HAS BEEN FOR MOST OF THE SCHOOLS AN INCREASE SINCE YOU ALL CONTRIBUTED THAT ADDITIONAL MONEY FOR ADDITIONAL RESOURCES TO BE PROVIDED TO OUR SCHOOLS. SO AGAIN, I SAY THANK YOU FOR THAT. AGAIN, I'M JUST BEING VERY BRIEF HERE. AGAIN, YOU CAN SEE THE DOTTED LINE FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT ATTENDED THESE MEETINGS WHEN I HAVE COME IN THE PAST, THAT'S WHAT THE DISTRICT WIDE AVERAGE IS. SO, FOR EXAMPLE, FOR SCIENCE, YOU CAN SEE THAT THE DISTRICT WIDE AVERAGE OF STUDENTS WHO ARE PROFICIENT, A LEVEL 3 OR ABOVE, IN MY MIND, "C" OR BETTER, 50%. NOT NECESSARILY GREAT, BUT AGAIN YOU CAN SEE WHERE THE CITY OF BOYNTON SCHOOLS COMPARE IN RELATION TO THAT. SO AGAIN, WE'RE ALWAYS LOOKING TO DO BETTER AND LOOKING TO DO MORE. YOU CAN SEE WHILE OUR SCORES ARE BELOW THE DISTRICT AVERAGE, ACROSS AT LEAST IN DISTRICT 7, I DO SEE GROWTH THERE. SO THERE'S SOMETHING THAT WE CAN BUILD ON. SO I NEVER AM A DEBBIE DOWNER SO TO SAY. I'M ALWAYS LOOKING FOR THE POSITIVE OF THINGS, SO I DO SEE GROWTH THERE. IF OUR PARENTS CONTINUE TO ENGAGE -- AND AGAIN, THIS SLIDE DECK THAT I HAVE, THERE'S A LOT OF TUTORIALS AND THINGS THAT PARENTS AND OTHER PARTIES CAN DO AT HOME THAT CAN HELP BEAR FRUIT IN TERMS OF THEIR CHILDREN'S APTITUDE IN THESE VARIOUS EXAMINATIONS SO I WOULD ENCOURAGE PERSONS TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THAT AS WELL. ALL RIGHT. SO I WANT TO PUSH THROUGH THIS AND I WANT TO GET TO A COUPLE OF THINGS THAT ARE NOT SET FORTH IN THE SLIDE DECK. ABSENTEEISM, I'VE BEEN TO TWO DIFFERENT CONFERENCES ACROSS THE COUNTRY, THE COUNCIL OF GREAT CITY SCHOOLS AND THE FLORIDA SCHOOL BOARD ASSOCIATION. FROM FLORIDA TO HAWAII, ABSENTEEISM IS A HUGE ENGLISH. A LOT OF OUR KIDS ARE JUST NOT GOING TO SCHOOL. IF THEY ARE NOT GOING TO SCHOOL, IT SHOULD NOT BE A SURPRISE TO SEE STAGNATION IN TERMS OF GROWTH AND GAINS WE SHOULD EXPECT. I HAVE CALLED UP A DISCUSSION ITEM ON TOMORROW'S SCHOOL BOARD AGENDA WHICH YOU ALL DEFINITELY ARE INVITED AND WELCOME TO COME TO OR JUST WATCH IT YOUTUBE. I WON'T GET INTO THE SPECIFICS AGAIN TO BE REVIVAL OF YOUR TIME, BUT I AM CONCERNED ABOUT CONTINUED SUSPENSION OF STUDENTS FOR LEVEL 1 VIOLATIONS. WE SAY LEVEL 1 WE MIGHT TAP YOU ON THE HAND BUT NOT SEND YOU OUT OF SCHOOL. I'M CONCERNED ABOUT IF YOU WILL STATE SPONSORED ABSENTEEISM BY SUSPENDING TY PENSERGA IN THE SECOND GRADE OR THE EIGHTH GRADE FOR DOING SOMETHING THAT WAS A LEVEL 1 OFFENSE WHICH IS SOMETHING YOU SHOULDN'T BE SUSPENDED FOR AND TY IS BEING SUSPENDED AND WONDER WHY HE'S NOT DOING GOOD IN MATH AND ENGLISH. YOU KEEP SUSPENDING HIM FOR SOMETHING HE SHOULDN'T BE SUSPENDED FOR. WE WILL HAVE A ROBUST DISCUSSION TOMORROW IN REGARD TO THAT. ALSO, METAL DETECTORS, I KNOW, MAYOR PENSERGA, YOU KNOW THAT WAS SOMETHING WITHIN THE FIRST YEAR OF ME GETTING ON THE BOARD -- THAT WAS SOMETHING THAT I WAS ABLE TO KIND OF MANEUVER AND WE GOT METAL DETECTORS AT THE HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL. I WAS EXPECTING US TO HAVE IT ALSO AT THE MIDDLE SCHOOL THIS YEAR AND ELEMENTARY LAST YEAR. ON THE HEELS OF WHAT HAPPENED IN WISCONSIN YESTERDAY, I THINK YOU ALL KNOW WHERE THE DIRECTION OF MY DISCUSSION WITH THE BOARD WILL BE TOMORROW. BUT AGAIN, WE WANT TO MAKE SURE THAT OUR SCHOOLS ARE AS SAFE AS THEY POSSIBLY CAN BE SO THAT OUR CHILDREN CAN LEARN AS MUCH AS THEY CAN POSSIBLY LEARN IN THE SHORTEST AMOUNT OF TIME. THOSE ARE THREE THINGS THAT I'M CONCERNED ABOUT FOR BOYNTON AND ALL OUR CITIES IN PALM BEACH COUNTY. THE DISTRICT IS DOING WELL. WE WERE ABLE TO RECOVER, REGAIN, WHATEVER WORD YOU WANT TO USE OUR "A" RATING. YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN DOWN AT 4400 FOREST HILL. THEY DANCED THROUGH THE HALLS WHEN THEY REALIZED THE DISTRICT WAS BACK AT AN "A" AGAIN. I'M ALSO CONCERNED AND MOST FOCUSED ON PROFICIENCY LEVELS. I'M LESS CONCERNED ABOUT A SCHOOL, SAY, BOYNTON HIGH SCHOOL BEING AN A-RATED SCHOOL AS OPPOSED TO HOW MANY CHILDREN ARE PROFICIENT IN ENGLISH, SCIENCE AND MATH BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT I AS AN EMPLOYER ARE MOST CONCERNED ABOUT. I DON'T CARE WHAT YOUR SCHOOL LETTER GRADE IS. I WANT TO KNOW IF YOU, MR. WOODROW HAY, CAN WRITE A COMPLETE SENTENCE, WHAT ARE YOUR INTERPERSONAL SKILLS AND THINGS OF THAT NATURE. I WOULD ENCOURAGE YOU AS PARTNERS -- I CONSIDER YOU, BOYNTON BEACH, TO BE A PARTNER. WE DON'T DO THIS IN A VACUUM. WE DEFINITELY WANT YOUR INPUT AND INVOLVEMENT. BUT THAT'S SOMETHING THAT I AM VERY MUCH FOCUSED ON. SO AGAIN I'M GOING TO STOP NOW BECAUSE I KNOW YOU HAVE MORE IMPORTANT BUSINESS. BUT I'M HAPPY TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS THAT YOU MAY HAVE TODAY. IF YOU THINK OF SOMETHING LATER, PLEASE EMAIL ME, LET ME SPEAK TO STAFF AND TRY TO GET YOU AN ANSWER BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU AGAIN FOR ALLOWING ME TO MAKE THIS VERY BRIEF PRESENTATION. THANK YOU SO MUCH. >> MAYOR: WELL, THANK YOU SO MUCH, BOARD MEMBER MR. FERGUSON. ONE OF ME KEY TAKEAWAYS FROM YOUR PRESENTATION IS BOYNTON IS MAKING A COMEBACK IN TERMS OF THE SCORES WHICH IS ALWAYS A GOOD THING TO HEAR. >> YES. >> MAYOR: WE STILL HAVE A LOT OF WORK TO DO RELATIVE TO THE AVERAGE OF THE DISTRICT. BUT AT LEAST WE'RE ON THE UPSWING. MY FIRST QUESTION IS, WHAT DO YOU THINK IS WORKING WELL TO MAKE THAT UPSWING HAPPEN? RIGHT? IF THERE WAS A PROGRAM OR AN INITIATIVE THAT WE SHOULD DOUBLE DOWN ON BECAUSE IT'S WORKING, AND IT'S SERVING OUR KIDS, WHAT WOULD THAT BE? AND MY SECOND QUESTION TO GO BACK TO YOUR TOPIC OF ABSENT -- I CAN'T PRONOUNCE IT, I'M SORRY. >> ABSENTEEISM. >> MAYOR: YES, THERE WE GO. IS THERE ANYTHING THAT'S REALLY EFFECTIVE IN REDUCING THAT? >> I'LL TAKE THE SECOND ONE FIRST. >> MAYOR: OKAY, SOUNDS GOOD. >> I'M NOT REALLY SURE. I'M NOT THE SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT OF THAT. I HAVE LISTENED TO MR. KEITH OSWALD ONE OF THE PARTIES AT FOREST HILL KIND OF IN CHARGE OF OVERSEEING THAT AND TRYING TO LIMIT IT. STATUTORILY, THE STATE IS ACTUALLY IMPLEMENTING LAWS WHEREBY I THINK THEY ACTUALLY ARE A TOOL, IF YOU WILL, TO ENSURE THAT KIDS GO TO SCHOOL WOULD BE TO ACTUALLY PUT THEIR PARENTS IN JAIL. WHICH I FEEL LIKE THAT'S ASININE AND VERY DESTABILIZING FOR THE CHILD. KICK THAT OUT MAYBE THE BACK OF THE HOUSE. I THINK FOR US AS ADULTS IF WE SEE A CHILD WHO IS NOT IN SCHOOL DURING NORMAL SCHOOL HOURS, IF WE FEEL COMFORTABLE MAYBE TRYING TO ENCOURAGE THEM, YOU KNOW, HEY, HOW ARE YOU, IS EVERYTHING OKAY. WHAT SCHOOL DO YOU ATTEND, KIND OF HAVING THAT CONVERSATION WITH THEM OR BETTER YET, IF YOU KNOW THEIR PARENTS TO ENCOURAGE THE PARENTS. BECAUSE THAT TRULY IS THE PERSON OR THE PERSONS THAT CAN HELP DECREASE THE AMOUNT OF ABSENTEEISM WE'RE SEEING HERE IN PALM BEACH COUNTY AND ESPECIALLY IN BOYNTON. SPEAKING TO THE PARENTS, THE CONSTITUENTS OUT HERE OF THE IMPORTANCE OF, HEY, JOHNNY OR JANE IS GOING TO BE VERY DIFFICULT FOR THEM TO HIT THEIR HIGHEST MARK IF THEY ARE NOT ENGAGED IN FORMAL EDUCATION. YOUR FIRST QUESTION, MR. MAYOR WAS -- >> MAYOR: WHAT'S WORKING TO CAUSE THE UPSWING? >> LITERACY. WHEN KIDS ARE VERY YOUNG, THEY LEARN TO READ. ULTIMATELY AFTER SECOND OR THIRD GRADE, THEY WILL MUST BE ABLE TO READ IN ORDER TO LEARN. I KNOW ALL SCHOOLS ARE TRYING TO HAVE ADDITIONAL TIME WITH THE CHILD IF THEY ARE IN A DEFICIT TO GET THEM TO A LEVEL 3, A LEVEL 4, LEVEL 5. IF THEY GET TO THAT 4 OR 5, THAT'S REALLY WHERE I THINK THEY ARE IN A STRONG POSITION, A POSITION OF STRENGTH SO THEY UNDERSTAND WHAT THE LESSON IS AS FAR AS MATH OR SCIENCE OR ENGLISH. SO WHAT I HAVE SEEN IN MY TRAVELS AROUND BOYNTON AND ACROSS THE DISTRICT IS THAT WE'RE SEEING A GREATER EMPHASIS -- NOT EMPHASIS, WE'RE SEEING GREATER GAINS IN TERMS OF READING PROFICIENCY. AND IF YOU HAVE MORE PROFICIENT READERS IN SCHOOL, YOU'LL SEE THEM PERFORM BETTER IN THEIR PARTICULAR CLASSES. >> MAYOR: WHAT YOU JUST SAID RIGHT THERE JUST ECHOS WITH MY EXPERIENCE. I'M A PHYSICS TEACHERS AND I HAVE STUDENTS WHO BECAUSE THEY STRUGGLE WITH THE READING FORGET THE MATH AND THE PHYSICS, THEY CAN'T GET THERE FIRST BECAUSE OF THE READING CHALLENGES. SO I COMPLETELY SEE THAT. LET ME TURN TO MY COLLEAGUES IF THEY HAVE ANY QUESTIONS FOR MR. FERGUSON OR COMMENTS. ANYTHING FOR YOU? >> THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRESENTATION. >> IT'S GOOD TO SEE YOU. >> MAYOR: THANK YOU, COMMISSIONER. COMMISSIONER HAY? >> NO, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. >> MAYOR: COMMISSIONER TURKIN. >> ALWAYS A PLEASURE HAVING YOU HERE, MAN. >> ABSOLUTELY, ABSOLUTELY. >> MAYOR: THANK YOU, SIR. >> THANK YOU FOR HAVING ME. >> MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY NEW YEAR. I'M SURE I'LL SEE A FEW OF YOU IN TALLAHASSEE NEXT YEAR. >> MAYOR: AT THIS TIME, WE'RE GOING TO RECESS FOR OUR CLOSED DOOR ATTORNEY-CLIENT SHADE MEETING. THANK YOU SO MUCH, EVERYBODY, AND WE WILL RESUME IN ABOUT 45 MINUTES YOU SAID, COUNSEL? COUNSEL? ABOUT 45 MINUTES? HALF-HOUR, OKAY. SOUNDS GOOD. [BREAK] >> MAYOR: THANK YOU, EVERYBODY, FOR YOUR PATIENCE. WE WILL RESUME. WE ARE WAITING ON ONE MORE BOARD MEMBER, HE'LL BE HERE MOMENTARILY. [BREAK] >> MAYOR: GOOD EVENING. THIS MEETING IS CALLED BACK TO ORDER. WE HAVE RETURNED FROM OUR RECESS FROM THE ATTORNEY-CLIENT SHADE MEETING. WE'RE NOW GOING TO PROCEED WITH THE REST OF THE AGENDA. THE NEXT PORTION OF THE AGENDA IS AGENDA APPROVAL, ADDITIONS, DELETIONS, CORRECTIONS. AFTER OUR CLOSED DOOR SESSION, COUNSEL HAS RECOMMENDED AN ADDITION TO OUR AGENDA. COUNSEL, I'LL TURN IT TO YOU. >> OKAY. AT THIS TIME, WE WILL ADD 6H, WHICH WILL BE APPROVE A SPORTS PROVIDER FACILITY USE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND BOYNTON BEACH LITTLE LEAGUE INCORPORATED FOR THE USE OF LITTLE LEAGUE PARK LOCATED AT 300 WEST WOOLBRIGHT ROAD AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO SIGN FOR SETTLEMENT IN THE CASE IN THE 15th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. STAFF RECOMMENDS APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION R24-329. >> MAYOR: THANK YOU. AGAIN, THAT IS 6H. ANY OBJECTIONS FROM MY COLLEAGUE? LET'S GO AROUND THE DAIS IF YOU HAVE ANY OTHER REQUESTS, ADDITIONS, DELETIONS, CORRECTIONS. LET'S BEGIN WITH YOU, COMMISSIONER TURKIN. >> THANK YOU, MAYOR. NO, I JUST WANT TO ADD FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEM AND DISCUSSION ABOUT RATES FOR SOME OF OUR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES. I'VE BEEN RECEIVING SOME PHONE CALLS ABOUT RATE INCREASES FOR THE PICKLEBALL COURTS, AND THEN ALSO I THINK THERE WAS SOMETHING WITH THE TENNIS COURTS BACK MAYBE A MONTH OR TWO AGO. YOU KNOW, I UNDERSTAND THAT, YOU KNOW, THE CITY -- WE HAVE TO MATCH THE ECONOMY AND INFLATION WITH RATES. BUT I THINK THAT WE NEED TO MAKE EXCEPTIONS FOR OUR SENIOR RESIDENTS. MANY OF THEM ARE ON A FIXED INCOME. AND A LOT OF A LITTLE BIT OF RATES WILL ADD UP, YOU KNOW, IN AN INCREASE. SO, YOU KNOW, IT MAY NOT SEEM A LOT AT THAT TIME, BUT WHEN YOU'RE INCREASING MULTIPLE DIFFERENT THINGS, THOSE THINGS ADD UP. SO I WOULD LIKE HOPEFULLY TO HAVE SUPPORT FROM MY COLLEAGUES TO REVISIT THESE RATE INCREASES AND MAKE SURE WE CAN MAKE IT -- DO WHAT WE CAN AS FAR AS AFFORDABILITY GOES FOR OUR SENIORS. AND THEN THE SECOND THING I'D LIKE TO ADD IS IF WE HAVE THE ABILITY, I KNOW THAT THE CHAPEL HILL DRAINAGE PROJECT IS GOING TO INCLUDE SOME ROAD PAVING THROUGHOUT THE MAJORITY OF THAT NEIGHBORHOOD. I DO BELIEVE THAT THERE IS SOME FINGERLING ROADS THAT DO NEED TO BE ADDRESSED. NOT JUST CHAPEL HILL. I THINK THIS OF THOSE ROADS ALREADY. I'D LIKE STAFF TO LOOK AT FUNDING SOURCES FOR THOSE ROADS, WHETHER IT'S FUND BALANCE, TRANSFERRING CIP, WHATEVER THAT MAY BE. THESE ROADS HAVE BEEN SAYING THIS FOR A LONG TIME, BEEN NEGLECTED. I'D LIKE TO SEE WHAT WE CAN DO, WHAT WE CAN NOW PRIOR TO THAT STORMWATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. >> MAYOR: THANK YOU, COMMISSIONER. SO FROM YOU, I HEARD TWO REQUESTS. ONE IS A DISCUSSION ON FACILITY RATES. LET ME TURN TO OUR COLLEAGUES FIRST. WERE THERE ANY QUESTIONS ON THAT? IS THERE A GENERAL CONSENSUS? COMMISSIONER CRUZ. >> YES, MAYOR. I WAS GOING TO BRING THAT UP AS WELL. I GOT SEVERAL EMAILS ABOUT THE PICKLEBALL FEES INCREASING AND THE TENNIS COURTS INCREASE IN FEES AS WELL. I WAS WONDERING IF IT IS POSSIBLE FOR US TO BRIEFLY DISCUSS THAT TONIGHT AS WE KNOW WHAT THE CHANGES ARE. IF WE DON'T HAVE A LONG DISCUSSION, IT COULD BE FIVE OR 10 MINUTES AND WE COULD MAKE THAT CHANGE TONIGHT IF IT'S ALL RIGHT WITH MY COLLEAGUES. >> THAT'S PERFECT, COMMISSIONER CRUZ. >> THAT HAS TO BE ONED AGENDA. ARE YOU DOING A CONSENSUS. >> MAYOR: THE ITEM BEFORE US IS DISCUSSION ON THE RATES. FOR THAT REASON, COUNSEL, I KNOW THAT NEEDS TO BE FORMALIZED IF THERE ARE ANY CHANGES IN THE FORM OF A RESOLUTION. I DON'T THINK WE COULD TAKE FINAL ACTION THIS EVENING, BUT IT COULD BE DISCUSSED TONIGHT AND THEN DEPENDING ON THE DISCUSSION, IT WOULD HAVE TO COME BACK WITH A FORMALIZED RESOLUTION. >> THANK YOU, MAYOR, YES. THE REASON WHY I THINK IT WOULD BE BETTER TO DISCUSS THAT TONIGHT IS BECAUSE THE RATES INCREASE IS GOING INTO EFFECT JANUARY 1st, 2025. >> MAYOR: I SEE. >> AND THIS IS OUR LAST COMMISSION MEETING BEFORE THEN. >> MAYOR: I SEE. FOR THAT REASON, I ALSO SHARE YOUR SENTIMENT. I WILL SUPPORT YOU IN YOUR REQUEST FOR THIS DISCUSSION. WE CAN HAVE IT TONIGHT AND THEN WE'LL HEAR THE DATA. >> THANK YOU, MAYOR. >> MAYOR: FOR THE SECOND REQUEST FROM COMMISSIONER TURKIN REGARDING ROAD PAVING IN SEVERAL PARTS OF THE COMMUNITIES THAT MAY NOT HAVE ALREADY BEEN INCLUDED, I BELIEVE IF STAFF COULD PUT TOGETHER A PRESENTATION ON THAT AND HAVE THAT READY SO THIS COMMISSION CAN HAVE A DISCUSSION, IF THAT IS ALREADY WITH MY COLLEAGUES. CITY MANAGER? >> YEAH. I BELIEVE WHAT THE COMMISSIONER WAS ASKING IS -- I GUESS FOR ALTERNATIVE FUNDING MEANS IS WHAT YOU WANT TO BRING BACK AS FAR AS LIKE WHERE WE CAN GET THE FUNDING TO DO THE ADDITIONAL PAVING. I KNOW GOLFVIEW HARBOUR IN DISTRICT 1 AND CHAPEL HILL IN DISTRICT 3. WOULD YOU GUYS LIKE US TO BRING BACK FUNDING FOR EACH DISTRICT AS OPPOSED TO JUST TWO? >> SO WE HAVE DONE A PRESENTATION IN THE PAST ABOUT THE RATED ROADS. I KNOW THEY ARE GRADED "A" THROUGH "F." IT IS AN "F." WHAT I'D LIKE TO LOOK AT IS WE UNDERSTAND AND WE KNOW THESE ROADS NEED TO BE PAVED. WHAT I DON'T WANT TO HAPPEN IS THAT WE WAIT FOR THE CIP PROJECT, YOU KNOW -- THIS IS ALL OVER THE CITY, I THINK, BUT SPECIFICALLY CHAPEL HILL. WE DON'T WANT TO WAIT FOR THAT CIP PROJECT TO GET DONE WITH THE STORMWATER AND THEN THOSE ROADS THAT AREN'T REPAVED FOR THAT PROJECT DON'T GET PAVED. AND THEY FELL BEHIND. SO WHAT I'D LIKE IS TO LOOK AT, YOU KNOW, WHAT WE CAN DO TO GET THOSE ROADS PAVED AND WHAT ARE OUR FUNDING RESOURCES. >> YEAH, WE'LL MAKE THAT PART OF THE DISCUSSION AND LOOK AT THE PLAN AND DESIGN AND THE ACTUAL LOCATION OF WHAT ROADS WILL WE PAVE BASED ON THE UTILITY PROJECT THAT YOU'RE REFERENCING IN '25-'26. THEN WE'LL BRING BACK SOME ALTERNATIVE LOCATIONS. I'LL SPEAK WITH -- I DON'T THINK KEVIN IS HERE TONIGHT, IS HE? >> HE'S ON VACATION. >> OH, HE IS HERE? >> NO, ANNA LEE. >> ANNA LEE IS HERE AND WE'LL BRING SOMETHING BACK. >> I'LL SAY THIS. I THINK IT'S IMPORTANT FOR US TO MAKE THESE KIND OF CHANGES DURING THE BUDGET SEASON AND PLAN AHEAD OF TIME. I'M NOT OPPOSED TO HAVING A DISCUSSION ON IT, BUT AT THE SAME TIME I CAN TELL YOU FROM MY DISTRICT WE DID HAVE ABOUT $1 MILLION ALLOCATED TO PAVE GOLFVIEW HARBOUR AND FROM $1 MILLION, WE WENT DOWN TO ABOUT 450 SOMETHING THOUSAND DOLLARS WHERE THERE'S STILL ALL OF THAT MONEY THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN SPENT IN MY DISTRICT THAT WASN'T SPENT. AND, YOU KNOW, I DON'T -- THERE ARE NO CURRENT PLANS AT THIS TIME TO MAKE THAT HAPPEN. I THINK, AS YOU MENTIONED, IT'S IMPORTANT WE MAKE SURE WE TAKE CARE OF ALL DISTRICTS EQUITABLY. AND YES, ABSOLUTELY, THERE ARE CONCERNS WITH THE UNDERGROUND UTILITY PROJECTS. SO MAYBE WE COULD CONTINUE TO HAVE CONVERSATIONS MAYBE INDIVIDUALLY WITH STAFF SO WE DON'T TAKE FOREVER. BUT ALSO I'M OPEN TO HAVING THAT CONVERSATION. BUT I WANT TO MAKE SURE IT'S SOMETHING THAT'S ALL AROUND THE CITY AND NOT JUST IN TWO NEIGHBORHOODS OF THE CITY. >> YEAH, THAT'S WHY I SAID THIS IS CITYWIDE. SPECIFICALLY, SO A LOT OF TIMES YOU IDENTIFY SOMETHING AND THEN YOU REALIZE THERE'S A LARGER PROBLEM, YOU KNOW, WITH A LARGER SCOPE. SO I THINK -- SO I THINK LOOKING AT THIS AND THEN LOOKING AT THE CITY AS A WHOLE IS IMPORTANT. WE KNOW WHICH ROADS NEED TO BE PAVED. WE HAVE BEEN THROUGH THAT. WE HAVE HAD THAT PRESENTATION. >> MAYOR: HERE'S MY RECOMMENDATION. CITY MANAGER, IF YOU COULD COME BACK WITH JUST A BRIEF UPDATE ON THE ROAD PAVING PROJECTS ACROSS THE CITY. AND WE CAN USE THAT TIME TO HAVE A DISCUSSION OF ALL THESE ITEMS THAT HAVE BEEN BROUGHT UP HERE. WHAT'S LEFT, HOW MUCH MONEY HAS ALREADY BEEN SPENT, HOW MUCH MORE WOULD WE NEED, WHAT ARE SOME FUNDING OPTIONS TO FILL WHATEVER NEEDS ARE LEFT. >> ALSO THE TIME FRAME. >> MAYOR: AND TIME FRAMES, WE CAN DISCUSS ALL THAT DURING THAT TIME. >> WE'LL BRING BACK ALSO THE UTILITY PROJECTS. I KNOW YOU'VE GOT ONE IN DISTRICT 1, I BELIEVE DISTRICT 3 HAS ONE, ALSO, WHICH IS A FAIRLY LARGE UTILITY PROJECT. WE'LL BRING BACK THE PLOAXES AND TAKE A LOOK AT THINGS. >> MAYOR: SOUNDS GOOD. ALL RIGHT. ANYTHING ELSE? MOVING ON TO COMMISSIONER HAY, DO YOU HAVE ANY REQUESTS? >> YES. I REALLY WOULD LIKE TO -- ALONG THOSE SAME LINES, TO MAKE SURE THAT WE DON'T HAVE A CITYWIDE PROBLEM. IS TO HAVE A DISCUSSION ABOUT OUR LIFT STATIONS. BASED ON WHAT HAS RECENTLY HAPPENED, AS WE ALL READ IN THE PAPER, I THINK, YOU KNOW, POTENTIALLY LOOKING AT THIS THING IN 2027 IS A LONG, LONG TIME. SO LET'S LOOK AT WHAT WE CAN AND CANNOT DO AND HAVE THAT DISCUSSION TO SEE WHERE WE ARE. >> MAYOR: ALL RIGHT. >> BECAUSE, YOU KNOW, THE SAME THING THAT HAPPENED TO THIS ONE COULD HAPPEN. WE JUST NEED TO TAKE A LOOK AT IT AND SEE WHAT THE YEARS CONSIDERS ARE BEHIND THESE SYSTEMS THAT COULD BE BREAKING DOWN AT ANY TIME. AND I PASSED BY THAT LOCATION SEVERAL TIMES MYSELF. AND I CONCUR THAT IT IS OFFENSIVE. SO LET'S JUST TALK ABOUT IT AND TAKE A LOOK AT IT. >> MAYOR: THANK YOU, COMMISSIONER HAY. I SEE SEVERAL HEAD NODS EARLIER WHEN YOU WERE SPEAKING, SO THERE IS CONSENSUS TO HAVE THAT DISCUSSION. OKAY. DID YOU WANT TO ADD ANYTHING ELSE? COMMISSIONER HAY, WERE YOU FINISHED? >> NO, I'M FINISHED, THANK YOU. >> MAYOR: THANK YOU. COMMISSIONER CRUZ. >> THANK YOU, MAYOR. I HAVE TWO ITEMS TO ADD TO TODAY'S AGENDA. NUMBER ONE, I WOULD LIKE TO ADD $500 OF COMMUNITY SUPPORT FUNDS TO PATHWAYS TO PROSPERITY IN ADDITION TO THE $500 I CURRENTLY HAVE IN THE AGENDA FOR COMMUNITY SUPPORT FUNDS. AND THE SECOND REQUEST THAT I HAVE IS I WOULD LIKE TO ADD TO THE MEETING ON JANUARY 7th, 2025 A MODERATE COMP PLAN AMENDMENT RELATED TO REZONING GREEN SPACE, TRAFFIC STUDIES AND UNDERGROUND UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE. AS WE CONSIDER REZONING WITHIN OUR DISTRICTS. AND THEN WE'LL BE ABLE TO LOOK AT THE MAPS AND REALLY FIGURING OUT THAT EVERY COMMISSIONER IN EVERY DISTRICT CAN TAKE THE LEAD ON WHAT THEY WANT TO SEE IN THEIR DISTRICT. BUT THERE ARE THINGS THAT THERE MIGHT BE OPPORTUNITIES FOR THINGS TO HAPPEN THAT MIGHT NOT BE FEASIBLE IN MY DISTRICT SO I JUST WANTED TO TAKE THAT PROACTIVE APPROACH TO THINK AHEAD AND TO REALLY LOOK AT THE CITY AS A WHOLE WITH REGARD TO REZONING AND OUR COMP PLAN. SO I'D LIKE TO HAVE A DISCUSSION ON JANUARY 7th, 2025. >> MAYOR: SO YOUR TWO ITEMS IS TO ADD ANOTHER $ $500 TO YOUR COMUESHT SUPPORT TO PATH WAITION TO PROSPERITY AND THEN A DISCUSSION ON THE COMP PLAN, THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. >> YES, MAYOR. >> MAYOR: ANY OBJECTION TO THOSE TWO ITEMS? >> NO, NO. >> MAYOR: ALL RIGHT. WE HAVE A LIST OF ITEMS THAT HAVE BEEN ADDED. AND AGAIN TODAY WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A BRIEF DISCUSSION ON THE RATES AS WE HAVE DISCUSSED. BUT NO FINAL DECISION CAN BE MADE JUST YET BECAUSE OF THE PROCESS, LEGAL PROCESS REQUIRED. WE HAVE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS AMENDED? >> SO MOVED. >> SECOND. >> MAYOR: WE HAVE A MOTION FROM COMMISSIONER CRUZ AND A SECOND FROM COMMISSIONER TURKIN. ALL THOSE IN FAVOR OF APPROVING THE AGENDA AS AMENDED, SAY AYE. [AYES] ALL RIGHT. MOTION PASSES UNANIMOUSLY. LET'S TURN TO INFORMATIONAL ITEMS BY MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION. COMMISSIONER TURKIN, DID YOU HAVE ANY INFORMATIONAL ITEMS? >> YES, THANK YOU, MAYOR. I JUST WANT TOO GIVE A BIG SHOUT-OUT TO OUR EVENTS TEAM, GABBIE AND EVERYBODY FOR THE DRONE SHOW AND THE HOLIDAY TREE LIGHTING. THAT WAS AMAZING. I KNOW THE COMMUNITY LOVED IT. AND, YOU KNOW, REALLY STUCK OUT. BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL THING. AND, YOU KNOW, I WANT TO THANK THE POLICE DEPARTMENT AS WELL AS OUR MARINE UNIT FOR KEEPING EVERYONE SAFE DURING THE HOLIDAY BOAT PARADE. AND THEN THE OTHER THING I'D LIKE TO DISCUSS -- OR MAYBE BRING TO STAFF'S ATTENTION, I BELIEVE YOU GUYS ARE ALREADY AWARE OF THE SITUATION ON SOUTH ROAD. IT SEEMS LIKE THERE'S A VESSEL IN A RESIDENTIAL SLIP THAT SEEMS TO BE DUMPING WASTEWATER INTO THE CANAL SO I'M NOT SURE WHERE WE'RE AT WITH THAT. I KNOW BELIEVE THAT PARTICULAR VESSEL HAS VIOLATED SOME OF NEIGHBORS. SO I KNOW THIS IS NOT JUST WITHIN THE CITY KNOW, >> ECHOING WHAT THE PREVIOUS COMMISSIONER SAID ABOUT THE DRONE SHOW AND TREE LIGHTING PARADE AND ALSO I HAD A GREAT TIME AT I THINK THEY CALL IT KABUKI? THAT RESTAURANT, THAT WAS THE IMPRESSIVE. AND WE'LL BE GOING BACK. PROBABLY WON'T BE EATINGA ING EVERYTHING ON THE AGENDA -- ON THE MENU, BUT GLAD TO SEE SOMEONE IN THAT SPOT. IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME BEING VACANT, A AND NOW I THINK THIS PARTICULAR BUSINESS IS GOING TO BE SUC SUCCESSFUL SO JUST WANTED TO -- ALL OF US WERE THERE JUST ABOUT. YEAH, WE WERE ALL THERE AND THE GUYS PLAYING THE BAND, THEY, IT WAS JUST A GREAT EXPERIENCE. BUT THAT DRONE SHOW WAS JUST OFF THE CHAIN. I WOULD LOVE TO FIND OUT HOW THEY DO THAT. BUT JUST KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. YOU ARE DOING A GREAT JOB. THANK YOU THAT'S ALL I HAVE. >> MAYOR: THANK YOU, COMMISSIONER. COMMISSIONER CRUZ? >> THANK YOU, MAYOR. WITH REGARD TO DISCLOSURES, I DO HAVE A DISCLOSURE FOR ITEM 10A. I DID SPEAK TO THE APPLICANTS LEGAL COUNSEL AND THEN FOR THE WALK-ON ITEM FOR THE AGENDA FOR LITTLE LEAGUE, I HAD HAD A CONVERSATION WITH LITTLE LEAGUE. I CAN'T REMEMBER RECALL EXACTLY THE DATE BUT IT WAS MAYBE AWHILE AGO MAYBE A MONTH OR MORE. WHERE I DID HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH REGARD TO THE AGREEMENT SO JUST WANTED TO PULT THOSE DUS CLOSURES OUT THERE -- PUT THOSE DISCLOSURES OUT THERE. AND THEN I DID WANT TO GIVE A MOMENT TO THANK STAFF FOR ALL THE WORK THAT THEY DID DURING ALL OF THE HOLIDAY EVENTS, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM WAS EXTREMELY AMAZING AND I THINK THAT THE HOLIDAY TREE LIGHTING IS THE BEST THAT WE'VE EVER HAD, SO THANK YOU ALL AND THANK YOU TO OUR FIRST RESPONDERS AS WELL. >> THANK YOU, COMMISSIONER. CITY MANAGER? >> I JUST WANTED TO TAKE A MOMENT. ONE OF BOYNTON BEACH'S RESIDENTS TRAVIS HUNTER WON THE HEISMAN TROPHY OVER THE LAST WEEK FROM DISTRICT 2. BULLDOG BEACH WILDCAT I WANTED TO GIVE A PUBLIC ACKNOWLEDGMENT OTTHAF. OF THAT. I KNOW HE MAY BE POSTING HIS DRAFT PARTY IN THE CITY, WHICH WIL BE PRETTY EXCITING NEWS. SO. AND I BELIEVE ASSISTANT, YEAH, ASSISTANT MANAGER TEMPLE HAS A -- >> YES, THANK YOU, SIR. JUST TO FOLLOW UP ON WHAT COMMISSIONER TURKIN BROUGHT UP WITH THE VESSEL, THIS WAS RECENTLY BROUGHT TO OUR ATTENTION. I THINK I FOUND OUT ABOUT IT LAST WEEK. WE WERE IN RECEIPT OF A PETITION FROM SOMEWHERE AROUND 50, 50 RESIDENTS AND THERE WERE A LOT OF ALLEGATIONS TAKING PLACE AND I UNDERSTAND OUR COMMUNITY POLICE DEPARTMENTS ARE COLLABORATING ALONG WITH OUR OFFICE TO ADDRESS SOME OF THESE CONCERNS SO I'LL BE SURE TO FOLLOW UP WITH THOSE ON THE PETITION. >> PERFECT, THANK YOU. THANK YOU, WE'RE GOING TO CONTINUE ON WITH THE AGENDA. WE HAVE TWO ANNOUNCEMENTS HERE. THE FIRST ONE IS FOR BOYNTON BEACH'S DOG POTTY ON THE BEACH. IT IS BY THE RECREATION PARKS DEPARTMENT SATURDAY FROM 9:00 A.M. TO 12:00 P.M. AT THE OCEAN FRONT PARK 6415 NORTH ASIAN AVENUE, THE SECOND OF FOUR -- OCEAN AVENUE, THE SECOND OF FOUR EVENTS BEING SCHEDULED ON THE THIRD SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH THROUGH FEBRUARY. THIS MONTH'S THEME IS HAPPY PAW LIDAYS. DOGS AND OWNERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO DRESS UP IN THEIR HOLIDAY TO GIVEAWAYS A PHOTO CONTEST SPONSORED BY RA RAISING KANE'S. DOGS WILL BE ALLOWED OFF LEASH. PARKING IS FREE FOR THE EVENT IS FREE FOR ALL BEACH PATRONS. FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT THE CITY'S WEB SITE BOYNTON-BEACH.ORG. THE NEXT ANNOUNCEMENT THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH UTILITIES DEPARTMENT WILL BE PERFORMING A SYSTEMWIDE FREE CHLORINATION FLUSH FOR ROUTINE MAINTENANCE OF THE WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM FROM JANUARY 2nd, 2025, TO JANUARY 23rd, 2025. CUSTOMERS PARTICULARLY SENSE TO HAVE TO THE TASTE OF CHLORINE MAY PLACE AN OPEN CONTAINER OF WATER IN THEIR REFRIG IF IT'S A THEIR REER REFRIGERATORS FOR A FEW HOURS TO ALLOW THE TASTE TO DISSIPATE. OWNERS OF RESTAURANTS AND STORES WITH HOLDING TANKS FOR FISHING AND SHELLFISH ARE ADVISED TO SEEK PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE ON HOW TO OPERATE THEIR EQUIPMENT DURING THIS PERIOD. THANK YOU, THAT CONCLUDES THE ANNOUNCEMENTS. THE NEXT PORTION OF THE AGENDA IS PUBLIC AUDIENCE AS ALWAYS IT IS THREE MINUTES PER PERSON AFTER WE CONCLUDE THOSE IN THE CHAMBERS WE WILL GO ONLINE AND THE SAME RULES OF CIVILITY AND DECORUM APPLY. PERSONAL ATTACKS AND INSULTS ARE OBVIOUSLY STRICTLY PROI PROHIBITED. ALL RIGHT WE DO HAVE TWO PODIUMS. EXCUSE ME. STATE YOUR NAME FOR THE RECORD. EXCUSE ME, AND BEGIN WHENEVER YOU'RE READY. >> I'M WARREN KEY. FIRST I WANT TO THANK YOUR WORK AS COMMISSIONERS. A FEW OF THE THINGS I HAVE TO SAY TONIGHT ARE FEEL GOOD ITEMS, ONE OF THEM IN THE ANDREWS HOUSE. BUT WHEN MY DAD WAS COMMISSIONER HERE, THE POLICE WOULD DELIVER HIS BACKUP PACKET FOR THE AGENDA TO THE HOUSE. I'M SURE THEY DON'T DO THAT NOW. IT'S ONLINE. BUT IT WAS 200 PAGES. I NOTICED TODAY YOUR BACKUP IS 1800 PAGES SO THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK. TWO OTHER THINGS NOT RELATED TO THE ANDREWS HOUSE, THREE YEARS AGO CITY STAFF WERE TASKED WITH FENCING ECO PARK TO KEEP THE DIRT BIKES OUT OF THERE TO HELP PRESERVE THAT NATURAL AREA. AND THAT NEVER HAPPENED. THERE ARE BIG GAPS IN THE FENCE AND THEY'RE STILL GOING IN AND OUT SO I WOULD THINK IT WOULD BE APPROPRIATE FOR THE COMMISSION TO DIRECT THE CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE TO COMPLETE THAT TASK. THE REPAIR OF OCEAN FRONT PARK SEWAGE TREATMENT IS ON THE AGENDA. ALMOST A MILLION DOLLARS, BUT I JUST WANTED TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU ALL WERE AWARE THAT AFTER PEOPLE FLUSH AND IF GOES THROUGH THE PARTIAL TREATMENT, IT GETS DUMPED UNDER THE PARKING LOT. THE DRAINFIELD IS RIGHT UNDER THE PARKING LOT. THAT GOES INTO THE SURFICIAL AQUIFER AND INTO THE DUNE IN THE FUTURE. SO IN THE FUTURE WATERLESS TOILETS OR SOME OTHER ALTERNATIVE WOULD NEED TO BE AN UPGRADE. THE ANDREWS HOUSE IS ON YOUR JANUARY 7th AGENDA, AND IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE CURRENT INTERIOR PHOTOS, I'M GOING TO BE RESENDING THEM TO YOU IN THE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS. IT'S IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. WHEN IT WAS RENOVATED 20 YEARS AGO, BY BOB KATZ, DIRECTING MY FATHER AS THE CHIEF MANAGER THERE, THE DADE COUNTY PINE WAS STRIPPED BARE INSIDE AND OUTSIDE. THE OUTSIDE WAS THEN PAINTED. THE INSIDE IS STILL BARE DADE COUNTY PINE. IT'S JUST BEAUTIFUL NATURAL WOOD. IT ALSO GOT ALL NEW PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC AND IT'S THREE FEET OFF THE GROUND SO THE STEEL BEAMS CAN GO RIGHT IN UNDER. THERE'S EVEN OPEN SLOTS FOR THOSE BEAMS. SO IT'S FO NOT GOING TO BE HARD TO MOVE IT OVER TO OCEAN AVENUE. OUR COMMITTEE IS VERY WELL REPRESENTED IN THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. I'M ON THE COMMITTEE, MIKE FITZPATRICK IS ON THE COMMITTEE. WE'VE GOT A WEB SITE. WE'VE GOT A DONOR BUTTON. IT'S GOING TO GO LIVE IN A FEW DAYS HERE. IN THE MEDIA SINCE THANKSGIVING THERE HAS BEEN SEVEN MEDIA ARTICLES, SATURDAY WAS FRONT PAGE, PALM BEACH POST. SO NOW -- IF YOU DIDN'T SEE THE PALM BEACH POST THIS SATURDAY IT WAS FRONT PAGE. I HAVE SEVEN SECONDS LEFT I THINK. IT'LL HELP REVITALIZE DOWNTOWN, SO LET'S DO IT HERE LIKE WE DID IN DEL RAY. >> MAYOR: THANK YOU, NEXT SPEAKER. >> MIKE FITZPATRICK, 175 SOUTHWEST 2nd STREET. THIS MIGHT BE A LITTLE REPETITIVE THERE. THANK YOU FOR INCLUDING DISCUSSION OF ANDREWS HOUSE FOR THE JANUARY 7th MEETING. WE'VE HAD TWO MEETINGS AND FORMED A GROUP CALLED MOVE HISTORIC ANDREWS HOUSE. I AM THE CHAIR, TOM WARNICKY IS THE VICE CHAIR, STEVE SET UP THE WEB PAGE, ANNE REMLER AND BOB TAYLOR ARE OFFICERS OF THE BOYNTON BEACH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. THEY ARE SETTING UP TO SET UP A CHECK-IN COUNTER SO WE CAN OFFER TAX DEDUCTIBLE STATUS TO COLLECT FUNDS TO HELP WITH THE MOVE. I'VE HAD ONE 19-MINUTE CONVERSATION WITH MR. MATO. IT WAS A PLEASANT CONVERSATION WHERE HE EXPRESSED SUPPORT FOR THE MOVE IF DONE IN A TIMELY MANNER. THANK YOU. >> THANK YOU. NEXT SPEAKER. STATE YOUR NAME FOR THE RECORD AND BEGIN WHEN YOU'RE READY. >> HELLO, MY NAME IS -- HUNT. MILITARY RETIREE. I LIVE IN ROLLING GREEN, 1330 NORTHWEST 1st COURT. WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, I WOULD LIKE TO SPEAK FOR THE REST OF MY COLLEAGUES IN ROLLING GREEN. WE ARE ASKING YOU FOR NOTHING BUT TO DO WHAT'S RIGHT. JUST AS GOD SAID IN LUKE 6:31, AS YOU WISH THAT OTHERS WOULD DO TO YOU, DO SO TO THEM. I DON'T KNOW IF ANY OF YOU ALL HAVE EVER BEEN ACCUSED OF SOMETHING THAT IS NOT TRUE. BUT I WOULD LIKE TO LET YOU KNOW THAT IT'S A BAD FEELING. I'VE BEEN TO THE MILITARY MANY YEARS AND I NEVER FELT THIS WAY. I'M HERE TO JUST LET YOU KNOW THAT ALL OF ROLLING GREEN FEEL LIKE WE'RE BEING LOOKED UPON AS DIFFERENT. WE ARE ASKING YOU TO DO UNDO THOSE LEA LIENS IN THE LAST TWO YEARS, THOSE RIDICULOUS UNFAIR LIENS IN THE LAST TWO YEARS AGAINST OUR HOMES. BOYNTON DON'T NEED OUR HOMES. AND WE FEEL STRONGLY THAT YOU'RE TRYING TO TAKE THEM. IT'S A SCAM. FOR EXAMPLE, I AM STILL BEING CHARGED $75 A DAY FOR HAVING SOMETHING ON MY CARPORT OTHER THAN A CAR. THEY TOOK A PICTURE OF THE MAN IN MY YARD AND HE TAKING PICTURES AGAIN, BUT PLEASE DO AN INVESTIGATION AND UNDO THESE LIENS ON OUR HOMES WE PRAY. >> THANK YOU, NEXT SPEAKER. >> YOU MAY BEGIN WHENEVER YOU'RE READY. >> HI, GOOD EVENING, ALL, JESSICA FERGUSON HERE WITH THE EAST BOYNTON BEACH LITTLE LEAGUE. I APPRECIATE YOU GUYS TAKING THE TIME TO MEET AND HAVE THE MEETING IN REGARDS TO OUR AGREEMENT. I'M HOPING THAT, YOU KNOW, GOOD VIBES CAME OUT OF THAT MEETING, AND I WILL BE GETTING SOME GOOD, SOME GOOD FEEDBACK IN REGARDS TO OR SOME GOOD NEWS THAT I WOULD BE ABLE TO THEN TURN AROUND AND SHARE IN OUR BOARD MEETING ON THURSDAY. I KNOW IT'S BEEN QUITE A ROLLER COASTER RIDE BUT I THINK WHERE WE ARE HERE TONIGHT, I AM JUST TRULY, TRULY, HAPPY AND GRATEFUL THAT WE'RE RIGHT THERE, WE'RE RIGHT AT THE FINISH LINE. I CAN SEE IT. I CAN SEE IT, I CAN FEEL IT, AND I AM JUST SUPER GRATEFUL FOR ALL OF YOU. I HOPE YOU GUYS, YOU KNOW, AGREE AS AND START FRESH AND WE LOOK FORWARD TO A PROPER RELATIONSHIP WITH THE CITY. THANK YOU, WE APPRECIATE YOU, AND GO EAST. >> MAYOR: THANK YOU. NEXT SPEAKER, PLEASE. >> I'M A PICKLEBALL PLAYER AND SPEAKING TO YOU FEELS LIKE SPEAKING TO THE CHOIR. I REALLY FEEL YOUR SUPPORT OF THE SENIOR COMMUNITY. PICKLEBALL IS NOT JUST ABOUT A GAME. IT'S ABOUT A COMMUNITY FEELING. ALL THE PEOPLE THAT ARE HERE TODAY ARE, JUST WOULD LIKE TO READ THIS OFFICIALLY, SO WE TAXPAYERS SOME OF US REGISTERED VOTERS AND SEASONAL VI VISITORS WHO PLAY PICKLEBALL IN BOYNTON BEACH ARE URGENTLY APPEALING TOOT H TOO TO THE BOYNTON BEACH POLICYMAKERS TO KEEP LAST YEAR'S PICKLEBALL RATES THE SAME. WE JUDGE A GOVERNMENT BY HOW THEY TREAT THEIR CHILDREN AND THEIR ELDERLY AND THOSE IN NEED. IF THE RATES ARE INCREASED SENIOR CITIZENS THAT ARE RETIRED LIVING ON FIXED INCOME AND DEALING WITH SKYROCKETING EXPENSES FOR DWELLINGS AND FOOD WILL BE FORCED TO REFRAIN FROM PLAYING PICKLEBALL AT THE HESTER COMMUNITY CENTER AND OTHER PICKLEBALL FACILITIES. CURRENTLY WE ARE PAYING $50 FOR 24 SESSIONS, WHICH FOR REGULAR PLAYERS IS $50 A MONTH OR $420 A YEAR. COUNTING THE CENTERS CLOSING. FOR RESIDENTS, $60 FOR 15 SESSIONS WILL DOUBLE THE PRICE TO $820. THE COST IS GREATER THAN A YEARLY SEVEN YEAR, SEVEN-DAY MEMBERSHIP AT THE YMCA OR OTHER PRIVATE FACILITIES. IF YOU INCREASE THE COST IT'LL BE PROHIBITIVE FOR MANY OF THE PRESENT PLAYERS AND ALSO YOU WILL LOSE PLAYERS WITH DISCRETIONARY INCOME WHO WILL GO TO MORE MODERN FACILITIES TO PLAY PICKLEBALL THAT ARE AVAILABLE NOW. WE ARE ALL AWARE OF THE COMMUNITY BENEFITS OF HAVING THIS RESOURCE AVAILABLE TO US, AND TO ALL SENIORS, AND WE DON'T WANT TO, WE DON'T WANT TO LIMIT IT BY MAKING PICKLEBALL A GAME FOR ONLY THE WEALTHY. WE ARE SOLICITING YOUR SUPPORT AND UNDERSTANDING, AND ASKING YOU TO KEEP THE RATES OF $50 FOR 24 GAMES WOULD NOT REQUIRE PEOPLE ON FIXED INCOMES TO OPT OUT AND PRIMARILY IT ALLOWS PICKLEBALL TO REMAIN AN EGALITARIAN GAME FOR ALL BOYNTON BEACH RESIDENTS. APPRECIATE YOU TAKING THIS INTO CONSIDERATION. THANK YOU. >> MAYOR: THANK YOU. NEXT SPEAKER. [APPLAUSE] >> SUNDAY FALL CODECORRADO. I'M HERE TONIGHT IN REGARDS TO DOCUMENTS THAT I SENT TO THE CITY CLERK YESTERDAY IN REGARDS TO FLORIDE IN OUR WATER. I HAVE DOCUMENTATIONS WITH BACKINGS OF EVIDENCES TO PROVE WHAT I'M ABOUT TO SHARE WITH YOU. SO I'M GOING TO ASK THE BOYNTON BEACH CITY COMMISSIONERS, CITY MANAGER TO REALLY TAKE THIS TO HEART. OKAY? SO THE FLUORIDE THEY'RE TRYING TO PUT INTO OUR COMMUNITY, OUR DRINKING WATER SPECIFICALLY, THERE ARE 16 REFERENCES IN WHICH I DID SHARE AND IT IS ON THE RECORD SO YOU CAN TAKE A LOOK AT THAT THROUGH THE STATE SURGEON GENERAL JOSEPH -- TO DISCONTINUE FLUOREDDIZATION OF COMMUNITY WATER DESCRIBING THE ADVERSE EFFECTS AND THE NEUROOLOGICAL TOX ITTY, SOME OF THESE WORDS ARE A LITTLE BIT DIFFICULT FOR ME. MY TONGUE. OF FLUORIDE. ROBERT F. KENNEDY, JR. HAS ANNOUNCED THAT H HE WILL BE TAKING SIMILAR ACTIONS AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL WHEN CONFIRMED AS OUR HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SECRETARY. WE HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO HAZARDS DAILY IN FOOD, SOIL, WATER, AIR, AND OUR ELECTROMAGNETIC ASMOUS FEAR. EVEN WHEN WE CHOOSE NOT TO BE EXPOSED CAUSING SICKNESS, IMPAIRMENTS, RASHES ON CHILDREN, INJURIES, AND EARLY DEATHS. ADDING FLUORUDDATION TO OUR WATER LOWERS I.Q. IN CHILDREN SETTING THEM UP FOR A LIFETIME OF HEALTH AND OTHER PROBLEMS, WEAKENS BONES FOR THE ELDERLY, IT IS A KNOWN NEUROTOXIN WHICH IS ADVERSELY AFFECTS BRAIN AND HEALTH. FLUORIDE SAFELY DATA SHEETS REVEALED IT IS TO BE HARMFUL IN MANY WAYS. CITY WORKERS SHOULD NOT BE EXPOSED TO THIS HAZARD AND OUR DRINKING WATER SHOULD NOT BE USED AS INVOLUNTARILY MOUTHWASH. THE CITY OF NAPLES HAVE CHANGED THEIR ORDINANCES TO END FLUORIDIZATION. REQUIRING FLUORIDIZATION AT OUR WATER TREATMENT PLANTS MUST CEASE IMMEDIATELY AND PERMANENTLY WHICH MAY BE DONE SIMPLY WITH THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT'S APPROVAL. FLORIDA STATUTE 381.026, THE FLORIDA PATENT BILL OF RIGHTS AND 859.01 POISONING OF FOOD AND WATER RENDERED LEGAL LIABILITY TO OFFICERS, FLUORIDATING THE WATER SO THIS IS GOING TO COME WITH A PRICE TO PAY FOR THOSE WHO DO DO THIS BECAUSE IT IS A CRIME, IT'S MALPRACTICE. AS PER JOSEPH LADPOLL IN ADDING INDUSTRIAL WASTE NEUROTOXINS, THAT IS A.K.A., RAT POISONING TO OUR DRINKING WATER IS CRIMINAL. FLUORIDE COMBINED OVERTIME WITH -- >> MAYOR: 15 SECONDS. >> -- WITH OUR PESTICIDES, MICROWAVE RADIATION, OTHER HAZARDS INJURES PEOPLE THUS WE DEMAND THIS NOT BE PUT IN OUR WATERS IN JANUARY. ALSO I WANTED TO BRING UP WHAT HAPPENED AT 500 OCEANS TODAY. I HEARD THERE WAS A SHOOTING. COPS IN FULL FORCE. WHAT'S GOING IN BOYNTON BEACH? >> MAYOR: THANK YOU. >> THERE ARE GUN SHOTS EVERY DAY. >> MAYOR: THANK YOU SO MUCH. PLEASE, CHECK INTO THAT. THANK YOU. >> NEXT SPEAKER. STATE YOUR NAME FOR THE RECORD AND BEGIN WHEN YOU'RE READY. >> COURT MAGUIRE, WHISPERING PINES. THANK YOU, MAYOR, COMMISSIONERS, CITY MANAGERS. I JUST CAME HERE TO SAY THANK YOU THE EVENTS HAVE BEEN SPECTACULAR OVER THE LAST FEW WEEKS AND MORE TO COME. I THINK THAT OUR EVENTS ARE BETTER THAN OUR NEIGHBORS', SO GREAT JOB THERE. THE TREE LIGHTING I WENT WITH MY WIFE AND THREE GIRLS. THERE WAS MICKEY MOUSE, THERE WAS ICE SKATING. I HAVE NEVER SEEN THAT. THE VENDORS WERE GREAT, THE DRONE SHOW, I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THAT. THE CANDLELIGHT VIGIL I ALSO ATTENDED. THAT WAS THOSE THAT WERE AFFECTED BY D.U.I.s. THAT WAS VERY TOUCHING AND MOVING, BEAUTIFUL EVENT, THERE WAS DANCE, THERE WAS A CHOIR, I WAS VERY CALM, VERY PEACEFUL, COOL NIGHT, THE BOAT PARADE, AMAZING. WE ALSO WENT TO THE TOY GIVEAWAY THAT WAS ON WOOLBRIGHT ACROSS FROM MCDONALDS. WHAT A GREAT TURNOUT. LOTS OF EXCITEMENT, LOTS OF CHILDREN. WONDERFUL. I ALSO ATTENDED THE KABUKI GRAND OPENING AS A MEMBER OF THE CRA ADVISORY BOARD, WHAT A WONDERFUL NEW ADDITION. SO THANK YOU, STAFF, AND THANK YOU MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, AND FOR ALL THAT YOU DID. THANK YOU. >> THANK YOU. NEXT SPEAKER. >> MY NAME IS KAREN AND I LIVE IN -- >> CAN YOU COME CLOSER TO THE MIC PLEASE. EITHER ONE IS FINE. >> OKAY, MY NAME IS CAREEN AND I LIVE IN THE CITY -- KAREN AND I LIVE IN THE CITY OF BOYNTON. I'M ALSO HERE TO TALK ABOUT THE FLUORIDATION IN THE WATER. I THINK IT'S ABOUT TIME YOU GUYS STOP THIS NONSENSE TRYING TO POISON US WITH OUR FOOD, OUR, YOU KNOW, WATER, AND EVERYTHING ELSE. AND THERE IS ALSO ANOTHER LEGISLATION THAT'S COMING UP IN FLORIDA, AND IT'S REGARDING PUTTING THESE THINGS IN PUBLIC PLACES WITH THE RAINBOW IN OUR SIDEWALK. THAT, ONCE IT GOES THROUGH, I HOPE YOU GUYS -- YOU KNOW, PAY TO GET THAT OFF OF OUR STREET IN THE CITY. IT DOESN'T BELONG HERE. IT NEVER DID. SO PLEASE, ONCE THE LEGISLATION GOES THROUGH, GET THAT STUFF OUT OF OUR CITY. WE DON'T NEED IT HERE. THANK YOU. SAME WITH THE FLUORIDE. WE DON'T NEED IT HERE. >> MAYOR: ALL RIGHT, I SEE NO ONE ELSE APPROACHING THE PODIUM. LET ME CHECK ONLINE. AND I SEE ONE PERSON ONLINE. I.T., CAN YOU CONFIRM? THUMBS UP? ALL RIGHT. MS. MOORE, I WILL LET YOU KNOW WHEN YOU HAVE 30 SECONDS LEFT ON THE CLOCK. YOU MAY BEGIN WHENEVER YOU'RE READY AND STATE YOUR NAME FOR THE RECORD. >> OKAY, GOOD EVENING. I'M -- I SENT IN A PUBLIC COMMENT LETTER FOR THE MEETING OF N NOVEMBER 19th THAT I WOULD LIKE TO RAISE TONIGHT. IN LIGHT OF THE RE MANDED LEGAL STATUS OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS HUMAN EXPOSURE GUIDELINES FOR MICROWAVE RADIATION AND THE DECISION OF THE FEDERAL AGENCIES TO CEASE ANY FURTHER STUDIES, I AM AGAIN REQUESTING REVIEW AND UPDATE OF THE CITY'S 2018 TELECOMMUNICATION ORDINANCES AND HALTS TO RESIDENTIAL AND SCHOOL DEPLOYMENTS. THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION HAS BEEN UNABLE TO ASSURE THEIR APPROVALS FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS SAFETY SINCE AUGUST OF 2021 WHEN THEIR GUIDELINES WERE REMANDED BY THE COURT AS INADEQUATE BASED ON A PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE OF HARM. AS OF JANUARY OF THIS YEAR, THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION HAS ENDED THE STUDIES THEY COMMISSIONED FROM THE NATIONAL TOXICOLOGY PROGRAM THAT HAVE SHOWN MORE EVIDENCE OF HARM, AND IT HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED THESE AGENCIES WILL DO NO MORE STUDIES AND THE FCC HAS NO TIME LIMIT TO ANSWER THE COURT'S REMAND TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE HUMAN EXPOSURE GUIDELINES. WITH THESE DEVELOPMENTS, MANY HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THE ROLL BACK OF 5G. WHILE INDUSTRY WENT ON WITH 6G AS WIRELESS BODY AREA NETWORKS AND 7G WITHOUT NETWOWORKS AND SATELLITES, WITHOUT ANY KIND OF NATIONAL, STATE, OR LOCAL RESPONSE FOR THE PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY. NO ROLLBACK, NO FCC RESPONSE TO THE COURT'S REMAND IT HAS BECOME ALL TOO APPARENT THAT SCC WILL NOT TIMELY ANSWER THE COURT'S REMAND WHERE THEY HAVE NO TIME LIMIT. THUS PULLING THE RUG OUT FROM LOCAL AUTHORITIES ASSURING THE SAFETY OF WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND FACILITIES. OVER THE LAST FIVE YEARS I HAVE EXPERIENCED NUMEROUS PROBLEMS WITH THE CITY MANAGEMENT ON MATTERS OF IMPROPER PERMITTING, IMPROPER RESPONSES FROM RECORDS REQUEST AND FAILURE TO KEEP CURRENT ORDINANCES AND ENFORCE THEM TO FULFILL JUDICIARY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF THE PUBLIC. I'VE BEEN MAKING RECORDS REQUESTS FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES PERMITTING IN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH SINCE 2020, AND FINALLY, COMPLAINTS WITH THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES FOR THAT LONG. I REPEATEDLY REQUESTED THE CITY'S 2018 ORDINANCE BE REVISED TO STAY UP TO DATE AND COMPLIANCE WITH TECHNOLOGICAL, HEALTH, SAFETY, AND ENVIRONMENT AND LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS YET THESE OUTDATED ORDINANCES REMAIN IN PLACE, ALLOWING RESIDENTS TO -- ABUSES OF A WIRELESS -- >> MAYOR: THANK YOU SO MUCH. YOUR TIME IS UP. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMENTS. WITH THAT BEING THE LAST PERSON, PUBLIC AUDIENCE IS NOW CLOSED. WE ARE NOW GOING TO ADMINISTRATIVE. THE FIRST ITEM IS A REQUEST FROM COMMISSIONER CRUZ TO ALLOCATE CURRENTLY IN THE AGENDA THERE ARE $500 BUT EARLIER TODAY THEY REQUEST THAT APPROVED WAS TO INCREASE ANOTHER 500 S. THAT CORRECT, COMMISSIONER? SO THAT'S $1,000 TO BE APPROPRIATED TO THE HART, TO P2P TO PATHWAYS TO PROSPERITY. >> $500 TO HEART OF BOYNTON AND $500 TO PATHWAYS TO PROSPERITY. >> MAYOR: THANK YOU FOR THE CORRECTION. 500 AND 500 TO BOTH ORGANIZATIONS? I HAVE A MOTION TO APPROVE FOR SAID REQUEST. WE HAVE A MOTION AND A SECOND. ALL THOSE IN FAVOR OF APPROVING HER REQUEST, SAY AYE. MOTION PASSES UNANIMOUSLY. THE NEXT REQUEST IS HERE FROM COMMISSIONER TURKIN, YES. FOR $1,150. TO THE BOYNTON'S WOMEN'S CLUB. MAY I HAVE A MOTION TO THAT QS. MOTION AND A SECOND FROM COMMISSIONER CRUZ. ALL THOSE IN FAVOR OF THE MOTION, SAY AYE. MOTION PASSES UNANIMOUSLY. WITH THAT, 5A IS COMPLETED THE NEXT ITEM IS 5B, THE 2025 CITY COMMISSION CALENDAR OF MEETINGS. CITY MANAGER, DO YOU WANT TO INTRODUCE THIS ITEM? >> ES, I MAYOR. WHAT WE'RE DOING IS OVER THE NEXT YEAR OR SO OF COMMISSION MEETINGS, YOU GUYS TYPICALLY ARE SCHEDULED TO TAKE FOUR CITY TRIPS AND TWO CRA SPONSORED TRIPS. THE CLERK OF COURTS MAYLEE DE JESUS IS HERE SHE IS ACCOMEEL ACTUALLY GOING TO SPEAK AS FAR AS SCHEDULING OF THOSE. WE HAD A BRIEF CONVERSATION ON WEDNESDAY ON THE AGENDA REVIEW WHERE WE GOT THROUGH A LOT OF THE SCHEDULING ASPECTS, AND I BELIEVE WHAT THE CONSENSUS BECAUSE DURING THAT REVIEW IS WE'RE GOING TO GO ALL THE WAY UP TO THE SUMMER MONTHS AROUND JUNE AND THEN WE'RE GOING TO REVISIT SCHEDULING SOME OF THOSE. MAYLEE, DO YOU HAVE WHAT WE DISCUSSED AS FAR AS THE RESCHEDULING OF SOME OF THOSE SO WE CAN BRIEFLY MENTION THEM? >> THERE IS A ON MARCH 4th THAT MEETING WAS CANCELED BECAUSE OF PALM BEACH COUNTY DAYS, SO THE AGENDA REVIEW FOR THE FEBRUARY 27th WAS CANCELED AS WELL BECAUSE OF THAT. DURING THE MARCH 18 MEETING, YOU GUYS WILL BE TRAVELING FOR ANOTHER CONFERENCE. I DO NOT HAVE THE LIST FOR THE CONFERENCES. BUT THAT WAS CANCELED AND YOU GUYS WILL DO ONE ON ONE MEETINGS FOR THE AGENDA REVIEW. AND-- >> YOU SAID MARCH 18th IS THAT RIGHT? >> MARCH 13 MEETING. THAT'S WHEN YOU GUYS WILL BE -- >> OH, SO INAGENDA REVIEW IS CANCELED BUT THE ACTUAL MEETING IS -- >> THE ACTUAL MEETING IS GOING TO CONTINUE AS THE AGENDA REVIEW WILL BE ONE ON ONEs FOR THAT. AND THEN I BELIEVE THERE'S ONE MORE IF WE SCROLL A LITTLE BIT DOWN. >> MARCH 14th IS FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES CONFERENCE AND THERE IS A CONFLICT WITH THE AUGUST MEETING EXPCH. AND THEN AFTER THAT THERE ARE A COUPLE MORE CONFLICTS AND WE WILL REVISIT THAT DURING THE SUMMERTIME. >> SO MAYOR, WITH THAT BEING SAID, WE HAD CONSENSUS TO CANCEL ONE MEETING WHICH IS THE PALM BEACH COUNTY DAYS AND THAT'S WHEN WE GO UP TO TALLAHASSEE, AND THEN TO DO ONE ON ONES FOR THE OTHER TWO AGENDA REVIEW MEETINGS. SO THERE WAS ONLY ESSENTIALLY ONE MEETING THAT WE'RE REQUESTING BEING CANCELED. >> OKAY. SOUNDS GOOD. I HAVE NO MAJOR OBJECTIONS. MY ONLY AREA OF CONCERN BUT IF MY COLLEAGUES HAVE NO ISSUE WITH IT, THEN I DON'T EITHER. THE JANUARY 7th MEETING, TYPICALLY, EARLY JANUARY IS STILL WITHIN THE HOLIDAY PERIOD WHERE FAMILIES ARE TRAVELING, BUT IF YOU GUYS WILL BE HERE, I WILL BE HERE AS WELL JUST WANTED TO MAKE SURE YOU WILL BE OKAY WITH THAT. INCLUDING STAFF WILL YOU BE HERE? BECAUSE THE AGENDA REVIEW IS ON THE SECOND OF JANUARY, RIGHT? SO SNACORRECT, I'M GOING TO BE HERE -- I DON'T KNOW -- ANDREW, DO YOU HAVE ANY VACATION SCHEDULED? WE'LL BOTH BE HERE. >> MAYOR: OKAY, COUNCIL, YOU'RE OKAY WITH THAT AS WELL? >> I'M FINE. >> MAYOR: ALL RIGHT, SOUNDS GOOD. WITH THAT, MAY I HAVE A FORMAL MOTION TO APPROVE THESE CALENDAR OF MEETING DATES FOR 2025. WE HAVE A MOTION, WE HAVE A SECOND. YES, COUNSEL? >>> MAYLEE, COMMISSIONER TURKIN STEPPED AWAY FOR A MINUTE. >> MAYOR: OKAY. WE HAVE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE 2025 CITY COMMISSION CALENDAR MEETING DATES. WE HAVE A MOTION AND A SECOND. ALL THOSE IN FAVOR, SAY AYE. AYE. ALL RIGHT, MOTION PASSES UNANIMOUSLY. MOVING TO THE CONSENT AGENDA, ARE THERE ANY ITEMS MY COLLEAGUES WOULD LIKE TO PULL? PLEASE REMEMBER WE ADDED ITEM 6H FROM OUR DISCUSSION EARLIER ON. ANY REQUEST? HEARING NONE MAY WE HAVE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE ENTIRETY OF CONSENT AGENDA. WE HAVE A MOTION FROM COMMISSIONER HAY AND A SECOND FROM COMMISSIONER CRUZ. ALL THOSE IN FAVOR OF THE APPROVING THE ENTIRETY OF CONSENT AGENDA, SAY AYE. ALL RIGHT, MOTION PASSES UNANIMOUSLY. THANK YOU. MOVING ONTO THE NEXT PORTION OF CONSENT BIDS AND PURCHASES OVER $100,000. ANYTHING MY COLLEAGUES WOULD LIKE TO PULL UNDER THIS SECTION? HEARING NONE, MAY WE HAVE A MOTION TO APPROVE? WE HAVE A MOTION FROM COMMISSIONER CRUZ, SECOND FROM COMMISSIONER HAY. ALL THOSE IN FAVOR OF APPROVING THE ENTIRETY OF SECTION 7 AND CONSENT BIDS AND PURCHASES OVER $100,000, SAY AYE. ANY OBJECTIONS? MOTION PASSES UNANIMOUSLY. THAT BLINGS US TO PUBLIC HEARING. NOW LET'S BEGIN TO PUBLIC HEARING. I KNOW COUNSEL JUST STEPPED OUT. MAYLEE, LET ME TURN TO YOU. TO READ THE ORDINANCE TITLE. AND THERE ARE THREE RELATED ITEMS HERE UNDER PUBLIC HEARING. >> I WILL GO AHEAD AND READ THE ORDINANCES. FIRST IS 24-024, FIRST READING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, AMENDING ORDINANCE 89-38 BY AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FLORIDA FOR PRXLY 2.97-ACRE PARCEL OF REAL PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF THE C STANLEY WEAVER CANAL ON THE WEST SIDE OF NORTH SEACREST BOULEVARD BOYNTON BEACH FLORIDA BY CHANGING THE LAND USE CLASSIFICATION FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND RECREATIONAL TO LOW, LOCAL RETAIL COMMERCIAL DECLARING THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP TO BE CONSISTENT WITH ALL OTHER ELEMENTS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. OO. >> MAYOR: THANK YOU FOR READING THAT INTO THE RECORD AND THEN BE -- WE WILL PROCEED WITH THE SWEARING IN AND -- >> PROPOSED ORDINANCE 24-025, FIRST READING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE 02-013 TO REZONE AN APPROXIMATELY 2.97-ACRE PARCEL OF REAL PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF C STA STANLEY WEAVER ON THE NORTH OF SEACREST BOULEVARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, FROM SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT DECLARING THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WE'RE GOING TO DO THE SWEARING IN. >> WE CAN DO THAT NOW OR WE CAN DO OUR DISCLOSURES FIRST, WHICHEVER THE COMMISSION PREFERS. >> MAYOR: THEY'RE ALREADY STANDING, JUST GO AHEAD. [LAUGHTER] ONE WAY OR ANOTHER IT'S GETTING DONE. >> ANYBODY HERE TO SPEAK IN REGARDS TO ANY ITEMS FOR PUBLIC HEARING? PLEASE RAISE YOUR RIGHT HAND. BREACT DO YOU SWEAR TO TELL THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH? ALL RIGHT WE'RE GOING TO MOVE ONTO ANY DISH CLOSURES NOW. -- DISCLOSURES NOW. MY COLLEAGUES HAVE ON THEIR TABLE IN FRONT OF THEM THE FORMAT OF THE DISCLOSURES. LET'S BEGIN ON MY RIGHT, COMMISSIONER CRUZ. >> AS TO THIS MATTER, I HAVE HAD EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS WITH THE APPLICANT'S LEGAL COUNSEL. I HAVE NOT -- I'M NOT SURE I, I DON'T THINK I RECEIVED ANY WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS WITH REGARD TO THIS. BUT I WOULD LET THE, ANY E-MAILS THAT I RECEIVED BE REFLECTED ON THE RECORD. I HAVE NOT CONDUCTED AN INVESTIGATION, I HAVE NOT MADE A SITE VISIT, ALTHOUGH I PLAN TO, AND I HAVE, I HAVE RECEIVED EXPERT OPINIONS ONLY FROM OUR CITY STAFF. I REQUEST THAT THESE DISCLOSURES AND ALL WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS BE MADE PART OF THE RECORD. >> THANK YOU, COMMISSIONER. AS FOR MYSELF, AS TO THIS MATTER, I HAVE HAD A EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS WITH THEIR LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE, BONNIE MISKEL. I HAVE NOT RECEIVED WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS, I HAVE NOT CONDUCTED INVESTIGATION, I HAVE NOT MADE A SITE VISIT, AND I HAVE NOT RECEIVED ANY OUTSIDE EXPERT OPINIONS OUTSIDE OF OUR CITY STAFF. I REQUEST THAT THESE DISCLOSURES AND ALL WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS BE MADE PART OF THE RECORD. COMMISSIONER HAY. >> I HAVE HAD COMMUNICATION WITH BONNIE MISC MI MISCAL AND JONATHAN. I HAVE NOT RECEIVED WRITTEN COMMUNICATION. I HAVE NOT CONDUCTED AN INVESTIGATION. I'M NOT -- WELL I HAVE MADE A SITE VISIT, AND I HAVE RECEIVED AN EXPERT OPINION FROM STAFF. I REQUEST THAT THESE DISCLOSURES AND ALL WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS BE PART OF THE RECORD. >> THANK YOU. COMMISSIONER TURKIN. >> I HAVE HAD EXPART AI COMMUNICATIONS WITH BONNIE MISKEL, I HAVE NOT RECEIVED WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS, I HAVE NOT CONDUCTED INVESTIGATIONS, I HAVE NOT MADE A SITE VISIT, I HAVE NOT RECEIVED AN EXPERT OPINION. I REQUEST THESE DISCLOSURES BE MADE PART OF THE PUBLIC RECORD. >> MAYOR: THANK YOU WE HAVE CONCLUDED WITH ALL OF THE OFFICIAL STEPS. NOW WE WILL TURN TO THE APPLICANT TO PRESENT THEIR ITEM. I JUST WANT TO MAKE SURE IT'S CLEAR FOR THE RECORD THERE ARE THREE, TECHNICALLY FOUR RELATED ITEMS HERE. WE WILL HEAR THE PRESENTERATION FOR ALL FOUR OF THEM TOGETHER HOWEVER WE WILL VOTE ON IT SEPARATELY. THANK YOU, MS. MISKEL. THE FLOOR IS YOURS. >> THANK YOU VERY MUCH, MR. MAYOR. MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, GOOD EVENING. IT'S NICE TO SEE YOU. HAPPY HOLIDAYS. I'M VERY EXCITED TO PRESENT THIS PROJECT TO YOU TODAY. IT REALLY HAS BEEN A TRUE COLLABORATION BETWEEN YOUR STAFF WHO'S DONE AN AMAZING JOB AND HAVE BEEN VERY CREATIVE HERE AS WELL AS OUR DESIGNERS. SO WE'LL START WITH THAT. AND DO I NEED TO CONTROL THE, SHOULD I? WOULD THAT BE EASIER? OKAY, I DID IT RIGHT. GREAT. THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED AT 1390 NORTH SEACREST BOULEVARD. IT'S ON -- IT'S NORTH OF THE BOYNTON CANAL. ON THE WEST SIDE OF SEACREST. THIS PROPERTY WAS ORIGINALLY -- IT'S 2.97 ACRES. IT WAS ORIGINALLY OWNED BY THE BIBLE CHURCH OF GOD ACROSS THE STREET. THE PASTOR IS, IS HERE THIS EVEN WELL. SO THESE ARE THE PERSPECTIVES OF THE SITE. IT'S VACANT. IT HAS BEEN VACANT FOR A VERY LONG TIME, AND YOU KNOW, I'M GOING TO LOOK AT THIS BECAUSE I CAN'T SEE THAT FAR. BUT THE UPPER LEFT-HAND CORNER IS LOOKING SOUTHWEST. AS YOU CAN SEE IT'S VACANT ON THE LEFT SIDE AND IT'S ACROSS THE CANAL FROM THE CAROL SIMMS PARK AS WELL AS SOME OTHER BUILDINGS. UPPER RIGHT-HAND CORNER IT'S A VIEW FROM THE NORTHEAST LOOKING WEST. LOWER LEFT-HAND CORNER OF THE PAGE, A VIEW FROM THE SOUTHWEST. AND THEN ON THE RIGHT SIDE VIEW FROM THE SOUTHEAST. OKAY. SO WE HAVE FOUR APPLICATIONS TODAY AS YOU ARE WELL AWARE. FIRST IS A FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT FROM LOW DENSITY TO LOCAL RETAIL COMMERCIAL LRC. SECOND APPLICATION AND CORRESPONDING APPLICATION IS A REZONING FROM R1A SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO PCD, PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT. A THIRD APPLICATION IS THE MASTER PLAN, REQUIREMENT, ASSOCIATED WITH A PCD, MASTER PLAN APPROVAL FOR AN 89-DWELLING UNIT MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WITH 100% OF THE HOUSING BEING WORKFORCE HOUSING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LIVE LOCAL ACT: THE ZONING THAT THIS IS BEING ANALYZED AGAINST IS THE M U2 ZONING DISTRICT OR THE APPLICATION IS BEING REVIEWED AGAINST THE M U2 AND THEN LASTLY, A VARIANCE TO ALLOW A MINIMUM LOT AREA OF 2.97 ACRES IN LIEU OF THE 3-ACRE MINIMUM LOT AREA REQUIRED FOR A PCD MASTER PLAN ZONING DISTRICT. BY THE WAY THAT MEANS WE'RE ASKING FOR A VERY, VERY, VERY MINOR REQUEST OF .03 DIFFERENCE. AND THE PICTURES ON THE RIGHT-HAND SIDE SHOW YOU THE UPPER PICTURE IS THE LRC LAND USE DESIGNATION, AND THE LOWER IS THE PCD ZONING, AND THAT WOULD BE WHAT IS PROPOSED THIS EVENING. BY THE BAY I KNOW YOU'VE OBSERVED A SENSE THAT THIS IS NOT THE TYPICAL APPLICATIONS THAT YOU MIGHT SEE GIVEN THAT WE ARE APPLYING HERE THE LIVE LOCAL ACT ULTIMATELY. HOWEVER, YOU KNOW, AND WHEN I SPOKE BEFORE ABOUT A CREATIVE APPROACH, AGAIN, IT IS 100% WORKFORCE HOUSING. WORKFORCE HOUSING IS SOMETHING THAT YOU JUST DON'T SEE ENOUGH OF IN SOUTH FLORIDA WITH THE REAL ESTATE COSTS. BUT THIS WAS THE WAY TO DO IT APPLYING THE LIVE LOCAL, YET COMING TO YOU WITH A COMMERCIAL UNDERLYING LAND USE AND ZONING REQUEST, AND AS YOU ARE ALSO AWARE, WITH THE LIVE LOCAL YOU MUST V EITHER A COMMERCIAL OR AN INDUSTRIAL BLAND USE SO IT IS A BIT DIFFERENT. IT IS A CREATIVE WAY OF DOING IT BUT THE END RESULT PROVIDES AN EXTREME AND VERY POSITIVE PUBLIC BENEFIT. SO LOOKING AT THE SCREEN, YOU'LL SEE TWO BUILDING, 89 UNIT, THREE STORY MULTIFAMILY BUILDING PROPOSED. WE HAVE ALMOST HALF OF THIS SITE AS GREENSPACES, OPEN SPACE, WHICH IS SIGNIFICANT, AND THE MINIMUM PARKING AND THE PARKING PROVIDED MEET THE REQUIREMENTS. IT IS AGAIN, WITH ONE DRIVEWAY ACCESS OFF OF NORTH SEACREST BOULEVARD, WHICH YOU CAN SEE ON THE RIGHT-HAND SIDE OF THE SCREEN. ALSO SHOWN ON THE LOWER PORTION ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE OVERALL PROJECT IS PROPOSED A SHARED USE PATH FOR THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE PROJECT AND THE PROPERTY. AND WE'LL SHOW YOU SOME RENDERINGS AS TO WHAT THAT'S PROPOSED TO LOOK LIKE. DID I JUST DO THAT WRONG? YES, I DID. OKAY. HERE WE GO WITH SOME OF THE RENDERINGS. THIS IS A CONCEPTUAL RENDERING, IT'S A VIEW FROM THE NORTHEAST. THIS IS THE ENTRANCE WAY THERE TO THE OVERALL PROJECT. AS YOU CAN SEE IT IS A THREE-STORY ATTRACTIVE BUILDING. AND THE PARKING, IT FLANKS ON THE NORTH AND SOUTH SIDE OF THE DRIVEWAY ALL OF THE PARKING REQUIREMENTS. HERE IS SOME ADDITIONAL RENDERINGS. WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING AT ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE SCREEN IS THE SHARED USE PATH THAT IS PROPOSED. IT'S A MEANDERING PATH VERY MUCH LIKE A LINEAR PARK SCENARIO, IT WILL BE IMPROVED WITH A HARD SURFACE. THERE WILL BE EXTENSIVE LANDSCAPING, AND USE FOR THE COMMUNITY. AND IT DOES CONNECT ALL THE WAY FROM THE WEST SIDE OF THE SITE TO SEACREST. THERE IS SOME ADDITIONAL RENDERINGS, THIS IS LOOKING SOUTH AT THE BUILDINGS, AGAIN, THE PARKING IS ENTIRELY ON THE NORTH SIDE AND THERE IS EXTENSIVE SETBACK BETWEEN THE BUILDINGS AND THE SINGLE-FAMILY WHICH IS ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE PARKING AREA. SOME ADDITIONAL RENDERINGS, THIS IS A PERSPECTIVE OF THAT SHARED USEPARK-LIKE BUILDING ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE -- RUNNING ALONG THE CANAL ON THIS PROPERTY. IT'S NOT OUTSIDE THE PROPERTY. IT IS ON THIS PROPERTY. SOME ADDITIONAL RENDERINGS. AND THIS IS THE COMMON PATIO AREA BETWEEN THE TWO BUILDINGS. SO WHEN YOU, AND I WILL HAVE TO GET THIS IN FRONT OF ME BUT WHEN YOU RESPOND TO THE CRITERIA FOR WHAT WE'RE ASKING FOR, THE QUESTIONS THAT ARE ON THE SCREEN MUST BE RESPONDED TO AND MUST BE DEMONSTRATED THAT WE COMPLY -- ARE COMPLIANT. FIRST ONE DEMONSTRATION OF NEED. I DON'T THINK THERE'S ANYONE IN THE ROOM THAT QUESTIONS THE SHORTAGE OF HOUSING INVENTORY IN SOUTH FLORIDA, AND IN PARTICULAR, WORKFORCE HOUSING INVENTORY. EVERY CITY IS STRUGGLING WITH TRYING TO PRO PROVIDE ADEQUATE HOUSING AND A VARIETY OF HOUSING FOR NOT JUST RESIDENTS BUT FOR THEIR EMPLOYEES AND FOR THE CHILDREN THAT ARE LEAVING HOME TO GO TO COLLEGE AND COMING BACK TO LOOK FOR SOMEWHERE TO LIVE. SO CLEARLY THERE'S A DEMONSTRATION OF NEED FOR WHAT WE'RE PROPOSING TO DO. WE ALSO HAVE TO DEMONSTRATE THAT THIS APPLICATION IS CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES. WE HAVE A VERY EXTENSIVE RESPONSE TO THAT IN THE BACKUP SO I WON'T GO THERE TO THE DILLS BOUGHT ONE OF THE -- DETAILS BUT ONE OF THE GREATEST POLICIES, GOALS, AND OBJECTIVES THAT I BELIEVE THIS IS APPLICABLE TO IS AGAIN, A VARIETY OF HOUSING FOR ALL AGES BUT ALSO FOR ALL INCOME LEVELS AND THAT'S SOMETHING THAT WE ARE DOING HERE. WE ALSO LOOK AT COMPATIBILITY AND I UNDERSTAND THAT YOU HAVE AN APPLICATION THAT ALSO SPEAKS TO A COMMERCIAL LAND USE AND A COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATION. SO WHY AM I TALKING ABOUT RESIDENTIAL? I'M TALKING ABOUT RESIDENTIAL BECAUSE WE INTEND TO APPLY THE LIVE LOCAL BUT HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT? BUT YOU MAY QUESTION WHETHER I LEAVE THIS EVENING AND MY CLIENT GETS APPROVED WHAT GUARANTEES THAT YOU'RE GOING TO GET THE PUBLIC BENEFIT THAT I'M TALKING ABOUT THAT WORKFORCE HOUSING. AND SO WHAT WE INTEND TO DO AND WILL PROVIDE THE CITY PRIOR TO SECOND READING, IS A DEED RESTRICTION THAT WILL DO A FEW THINGS. IT WILL, WILL PROFFER A GUARANTEE THAT THIS PROJECT WILL BE 100% WORKFORCE NUMBER ONE. NUMBER ONE THAT IT WILL BE 89 UNITS AND NO MORE WHETHER WE COULD FIT MORE OR NOT IT WILL BE A MAXIMUM OF 89 UNITS, AND IT WILL BE NO MORE THAN THREE STORIES TALL. WE DO THAT FOR A FEW REASONS. ONE IS WE ASSURE YOU WE WILL DELIVER WHAT WE PROMISE, MOST IMPORTANTLY, BUT SECONDLY, THIS ACQUISITION WAS PART OF THE CHURCH ACROSS THE STREET, AND THE CHURCH ACROSS THE STREET HAS PARISHIONERS THAT LIVE ALL AROUND THIS PROPERTY. AND SO IT WAS JUST AS IMPORTANT FOR MY CLIENT TO SATISFY THEM AS IT IS TO SATISFY YOU BECAUSE WE WANTED NOT JUST TO BE CONSISTENT AND COMPATIBLE WITH THE AREA, BUT TO BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR WITH THE GROUP WHO HAPPENED TO HAVE BEEN OUR SELLER. SO THAT'S SOMETHING THAT WILL BE COMPLETED. IT'LL BE RECORDED AND IT'LL REQUIRE THAT NO CHANGES CAN BE MADE WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE CITY SO THAT YOU HAVE A GUARANTEE THAT IN THE FUTURE THAT'S WHAT IT WILL REMAIN. SO CONTINUING ON, WE HAD TO ADDRESS ORDERLY GROWTH, WHICH WE THINK WE ARE ADDRESSING, LOCATION EFFICIENCY, WE HAVE LOCATED THE BUILDINGS FURTHER SOUTH FROM THE SINGLE-FAMILY TO CREATE AN ADEQUATE BUFFER BETWEEN THE MULTIFAMILY USE AND THE SINGLE-FAMILY USES TO THE NORTH OF THAT. AVAILABILITY OF PUBLIC SERVICES AND INFRASTRUCTURE, YOUR STAFF HAS ANALYZED THAT IN GREAT DETAIL. AND WE ARE FULLY COMPLIANT. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IMPACT. THIS SITE HAS BEEN VACANT FOR A VERY, VERY LONG TIME. IT IS A LONG, NARROW SITE. IT MAKES IT VERY DIFFICULT FOR ANY OTHER DEVELOPMENT NAT ISN'T SOMEWHAT ORGANIZED IN THE WAY THAT A MULTIFAMILY BUILDING WOULD BE. IT'S AN APPROPRIATE USE GIVEN THAT SITE. AND THEN WE'RE NOT AFFECTING ANY HEAVY COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL LAND SUPPLY BECAUSE RIGHT NOW IT ISN'T DESIGNATED THAT SO WE ARE NOT DEPLETING YOUR SUPPLY. AND IS THEN LASTLY, THE MASTER PLAN AND THE SITE PLAN COMPLIES WITH YOUR LDRs WHICH YOUR STAFF HAS EVALUATED AND WE'RE COMPLIANT WITH THOSE AS WELL. THE ONLY THING THAT WE ARE NOT COMPLETELY COMPLIANT WITH IS THE THREE-ACRE MINIMUM FOR A MASTER PLAN. WE ARE 2.97 OFF. OTHERWISE THIS MEETS OUR EXCEEDS YOUR CODE AS MENTIONED. WE HAVE AN EXTENSIVE AMOUNT OF OPEN SPACE HERE THAT IS WELL BEYOND NOT JUST EXPECTATIONS BUT ANY CODE REQUIREMENTS. AND I THINK I WON'T GO INTO DETAIL OVER THE VARIANCE CRITERIA, BUT IT IS A UNIQUE AND PECULIAR PARCEL AND THAT'S WHY ANYONE THAT WOULD TRY TO DEVELOP THIS SITE WOULD BE CHALLENGED BY ONE CODE SECTION OR ANOTHER BECAUSE OF THE LENGTH OF THE PARCEL AND ITS DEPTH, AND THAT YOU WOULD BE REQUIRED TO SERVE THE ENTIRE LENGTH WITH ADEQUATE STREETS, SIDEWALKS, GREENSPACE AND SETBACKS SO IT IS A VERY CHALLENGED PIECE OF PROPERTY, AND WE'VE MANAGED TO MAKE A VERY EFFICIENT USE OF IT. YOUR STAFF RECOMMENDATION IS APPROVAL. I WOULD LIKE TO COMMEND YOUR STAFF. I'VE HAD THE PRIVILEGE OF WORKING WITH THIS GROUP FOR MANY, MANY YEARS, AND THEY ARE PERHAPS ONE OF THE MOST CREATIVE GROUPS OF PLANNERS I'VE EVER WORKED WITH. I'M VERY PROUD TO PRESENT THIS PROJECT. WE'VE WORKED VERY HARD TO GIVE YOUR STAFF SOMETHING TO WORK WITH, AND THEIR CREATIVITY HAS BEEN GREATLY APPRECIATED SO THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I'M JOINED BY MY CLIENT, WE HAVE OUR TRAFFIC ENGINEER HERE, WE'RE HAPPY TO ANSWER ANY OF YOUR QUESTIONS OR WE CAN WAIT UNTIL AFTER THE PUBLIC PORTION, AND WE'RE, WE'LL STICK AROUND AND BE READY TO RESPOND. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR ALLOWING US TO PRESENT THIS EVENING. >> THANK YOU, BONNIE. WE APPRECIATE YOUR PRESENTATION, DON'T GO ANYWHERE JUST YET. AMANDA AND STAFF, DID YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO ADD OR PRESENT TO THAT, I JUST WANT TO MAKE SURE I GIVE YOU THE OPPORTUNITY. >> THANK YOU, GOOD EVENING, MAYOR. COMMISSION. IT IS A PLEASURE TO BE HERE. JUST LIKE BONNIE MISKEL MENTIONED WE DID WORK CLOSELY WITH APPLICANTS TO ARRIVE AT THE PROJECT THAT IS BEING PRESENTED TO YOU. THAT WOULD HOPEFULLY YOU KNOW PROVIDE THE MOST NEEDED AFFORDABLE HOUSING. WE DON'T HAVE MUCH TO ADD BUT WE ARE HERE TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS THAT YOU MAY HAVE OR CONCERNS. >> MAYOR: THANK YOU. IT IS FIRST READING IF I'M NOT -- IT IS FIRST READING AND SO THERE IS NO PUBLIC COMMENTS. OR IN THIS CASE WOULD THERE BE PUBLIC COMMENTS? >> YES, PUBLIC COMMENT BECAUSE YOU'RE ACTING AS THE PLANNING BOARD AS WELL. >> OKAY, WE'LL DO THAT. SO LET'S TURN TO PUBLIC COMMENT AND THEN AFTER PUBLIC COMMENT WE WILL HAVE BOTH OF YOU BACK UP AND THEN WE WILL HAVE QUESTIONS FROM THE BOARD. OKAY, THANK YOU. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SPEAK SPECIFICALLY ON THIS ITEM, NOW IS THE TIME TO APPROACH THE PODIUM AS ALWAYS THREE MINUTES PER PERSON, AND GO AHEAD. >> BAXTER BANKS, BIBLE CHURCH OF GOD. WE ARE CONCUR WITH THE TO DEVELOP THE PROPERTY. WE FIRST PURCHASED THE PROPERTY SOME 35 YEARS AGO, WE HAD ENVISIONED SOMETHING LIKE THAT BUT OUR MAIN BUSINESS IS A CHURCH BUSINESS SO WE HAVE DEVELOPED THESE SIDE WITH THE INTENTION TO DEVELOP THE WEST SIDE. AND WE HAVE VARIOUS GROUPS OVER THE YEARS TO COME TRY TO PURCHASE THE PROPERTY BUT WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT WAS THE AGENDA, HOW IS IT GOING TO ENHANCE THE COMMUNITY. IF IT DIDN'T ENHANCE THE COMMUNITY -- DEALING WITH THEM. AND THIS GLOBAL CAME UP AND GAVE US GREAT PRESENTATION. WE HAD A COMMUNITY MEETING AT OUR CHURCH AND INVITE COMMENTS FROM ANY NEIGHBORS THAT HAD ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE WHAT WE'RE GOING TO DO AND HOW WE'RE GOING TO OPERATE, AND SO WE, YOU KNOW, WANT TO BE POSITIVE IN THE COMMUNITY. WE'VE BEEN IN THIS COMMUNITY, MY FAMILY HAS BEEN IN THIS COMMUNITY OVER 100 YEARS, AND THE CHURCH HAS BEEN THERE FOR OVER 60 SOME YEARS HERE AND WE THOUGHT IT WOULD BE GREAT TO HAVE SOME AFFORDABLE HOUSING, ALSO SOME FAIR ELA NICE AND ALSO DEVELOP THE NEIGHBORHOOD WE ARE CURRENTLY IN. WE NOTICE ON THE SOUTH END OF TOWN A LOT OF BUILDING GOI GOING ON, GOING ACROSS THE BRIDGE SO THIS WOULD BE THE FIRST PROJECT IN THERE FOR QUITE SOMETIME AND LIKE I SAID WE HAVE MEMBERS THROUGHOUT THE COMMUNITY THAT HAVE BEEN HERE A LONG TIME. IF I'M NOT MISTAKEN MY GRANDFATHER AND GRANDMOTHER WERE HERE BEFORE ONE WAS FORMALLY ORGANIZED SO WE HAVE BEEN IN THE COMMUNITY FOR A WHILE AND AS A MEMBER OF THE COMMUNITIES AND AS A CHURCH IF THE COMMUNITY WE WANT TO DO WHAT'S BEST FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE COMMUNITY. WE MAKE SURE THAT THE PEOPLE THAT PRESENT THESE PROGRAMS TO US WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO. WHAT TYPE OF HOUSING ARE YOU GOING TO BUT THERE BECAUSE WE DON'T WANT NO JUNK, WE WANT -- WE DON'T WANT TO BE A GHETTO IN TWO YEARS. THEY ASSURED US THEY ARE GOING TO PROVIDE QUALITY HOUSING AND VIABLE HOUSING THAT PEOPLE CAN AFFORD, WHAT WE NEED AND SO THE CHURCH BOUGHT IN ON IT AND I SPOKEN FOR THE CHURCH WE ARE WHOLEHEARTEDLY AGREE WITH THE PROJECT. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. >> MAYOR: THANK YOU, PASTOR BANKS. ANYONE ELSE LIKE TO SPEAK SPECIFICALLY ON THIS ITEM? GOING ONCE? ALL RIGHT. GOING TWICE. WE GOT ONE ADDITIONAL SPEAKER. LET ME CHECK ONLINE. I SEE NO ONE ONLINE SO IT'S JUST YOU. BEGIN WHEN YOU'RE READY. >> COURT MUCHOIR, I CAME HERE TO SORT OF LISTEN TO THIS PRESENTATION AND I THINK INITIALLY I WAS THINKING SINGLE-FAMILY GOING TO LIKE OR HIGHER DENSITY BUT I MEAN AFTER I SAW THE PRESENTATION, AND WHAT WAS OFFERED, I THINK AS A MEMBER OF THE COMMUNITY, FORMER MEMBER OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ON THE CRA ADVISORY BOARD I THINK IT WOULD BE A NICE ADDITION TO THE COMMUNITY. AFFORDABLE HOUSING IS NEEDED, AND THE PROJECT LOOKS NICE. SO I JUST WANTED TO MAKE THAT COMMENT. >> THANK YOU. ALL RIGHT. SEEING NO ONE ELSE, PUBLIC COMMENT ON THIS ITEM IS NOW CLOSED. AT THIS TIME I'D LIKE TO CALL UP THE APPLICANT AS WELL AS STAFF FOR ANY QUESTIONS THAT MY COLLEAGUES MAY HAVE. AND BEFORE YOU BEGIN, COMMISSIONER CRUZ, LET ME JUST SAY BECAUSE PASTOR BANKS JUST SPOKE, PASTOR BANKS, LET ME SAY THIS. I THINK WORKFORCE AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING IS TRULY A COMMENDABLE USE OF CHURCH PROPERTY. AND I'M NOT SURE IF YOU REALIZE BUT YOU'RE TAKING A LEADERSHIP ROLE HERE BECAUSE THROUGHOUT THE COUNTY, IN OUR GREAT SEARCH FOR PROPERTIES, TO BUILD WORKFORCE AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING, CHURCHES ACROSS THE COUNTY ARE KEY TO THAT SO THANK YOU FOR STEPPING UP BECAUSE THIS IS GOING TO BE THE EXAMPLE THAT EVERYONE ELSE IS WATCHING SO THANK YOU, SIR. THANK YOU, SIR. COMMISSIONER, COMMISSIONER CRUZ. >> THANK YOU, FOR YOUR PRESENTATION. I'VE HAD MULTIPLE CONVERSATIONS AND QUESTIONS WITH STAFF AS WELL AS THE APPLICANT. AND I THINK SOME OF THOSE QUESTIONS HAVE BEEN ALREADY ANSWERED BY YOU BUT I JUST WANTED TO, I HAVE A LIST SO I'M SCWUTS GOING TO GO THROUGH -- JUST GOING TO GO THROUGH IT REAL QUICK. THANK YOU FOR PROVIDING THAT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT. I WANTED TO ASK FOR A DEED RESTRICTION TO CAP, TO LIMIT THE NUMBER OF UNITS AND THE HEIGHT TO MAKE SURE TAT IT NEVER GOES ABOVE THREE STORIES. AND IT NEVER IS BUILT ABOVE THE 89 UNITS THAT YOU ARE PREDETERMINED TO BUILD. I SAID A COUPLE OF THOUGHTS AND QUESTIONS AS WE WERE TALKING ABOUT REZONING, AND ONE OF THOSE QUESTIONS IS YOU KNOW WITH THIS REZONING CONFLICT WITH ADJACENT PROPERTIES OR EXISTING NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS. >> SORRY. WE DON'T BELIEVE SO, PARTICULARLY BY DESIGN IT DOES NOT, BUT TYPICALLY MULTIFAMILY IS A GOOD TRANSITION BETWEEN SINGLE-FAMILY AND OTHER USES, WHETHER THEY'RE INSTITUTIONAL OR BEYOND THAT, COMMERCIAL. SO WE THINK IT IS APPROPRIATE AND WE DESIGNED IT AND YOUR STAFF REALLY PUSHED US TO MAKE SURE WE DESIGNED IT IN A WAY THAT CREATED SIGNIFICANT SPACE BETWEEN THE MULTIFAMILY USE AND THE SINGLE-FAMILY USE. AND ONE OTHER THING THAT I WOULD LIKE TO ADD, YOU KNOW, AND PASTOR BANKS REFERENCED IT AT ONE POINT, WE WENT TO COMMUNITY MEETING AT THEIR REQUEST, REALLY, VERY EARLY ON IN THE PROCESS, AND WE HAD THE PRIVILEGE I WASN'T AT THE MEETING BUT FROM WHAT I'VE BEEN TOLD WE HAD THE PRIVILEGE OF MEETING A NUMBER OF THE NEIGHBORS AND WE FEEL THAT OUR DESIGN DID ADDRESS THEIR INTEREST AND THEIR CONCERN HENCE WHY WE'RE SO PROUD OF IT. IT WAS A COLLABORATION. SO I THINK BY DOING WHAT WE DID THROUGH DESIGN AND THROUGH A LOW MULTIFAMILY PROJECT THAT THAT IS IN FACT STEREOTYPICALLY A COMPATIBLE TRANSITION. >> THANK YOU. AND THEN THE NEXT -- >> COMMISSIONER CRUZ, IT LOOKED LIKE -- WAS ABOUT TO JUMP IN AS WELL. >> I CAN ALSO JUST ADD FROM A REGULATORY STANDPOINT, ONE OF THE THINGS WE DO WHEN WE'RE REVIEWING LIVE LOCAL PROJECTS IS WE REVIEW THEM AGAINST THE REGULATIONS OF THE INTENSITY OF THE PROJECT. SO THIS WAS REVIEWED AGAINST MIXED USE 2, WHICH IS WHAT WE DO WITHIN THE HEART OF BOYNTON FOR SOME OF THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING THAT HAS BEEN BUILT THERE RECENTLY. AND THAT IS, IT'S BEEN PRESIDENTED IN THATT GROUP THAT WE DO HAVE SINGLE-FAMILY AGAINST THE ZONING REGULATIONS THAT THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AGAINST. >> THANK YOU FOR THAT, AMANDA. AND THEN THIS WAS PROBABLY MY BIGGEST CONCERN AS I TALKED TO STAFF AND IT WAS CAN OUR EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE ROADS, WATER, SEWAGE, UTILITIES, SUPPORT THE PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE. >> ALL OF THOSE HAVE BEEN -- AGAIN, BONNIE, MISKEL HERE ON BEHALF OF THE APPLICANT. ALL OF THOSE HAVE BEEN EVALUATED. WE'VE, BUT THROUGH OUR EXPERT TESTIMONY AND REPORTS TO YOUR STAFF AND THEY HAVE LOOKED AT THEM I DO HAVE YOU KNOW EVERYONE TALKS ABOUT TRAFFIC BECAUSE IT'S THE ONE THAT WE NOTICE MOST. >> I'LL GET THERE. WE'LL GET THERE. >> WE'RE READY. >> PERFECT SO WE HAVE THE DEED RESTRICTION. HOW MANY ONE, TWO, AND THREE BEDROOMS. LET ME PULL OUT OF MY LIST. WE HAVE 34 ONE BEDROOMS WHICH REALLY ARE COMPRISED OF SOME ONE BEDROOM AND SOME ONE BEDROOM AND A DEN BUT TOTAL 34. 37 TWO BEDROOMS, AND 18 THREE BEDROOMS SO WE HAVE A GOOD MIX OF ONES, TWO, AND THREEs. >> THANK YOU, AND THEN THE NEXT QUESTION I HAD WAS YOU SAID A PERCENTAGE OF GREENSPACE, AND THAT WAS ONE OF THE CONCERNS I ASKED STAFF DURING MY AGENDA REVIEW, BUT YOU DID ANSWER IT WAS ABOUT A 40. >> OUR OPEN SPACE IS SHOWN I THINK THAT'S EITHER 40 IS THAT 46.5? THAT'S 46.5 I STAND CORRECTED. I READ THAT AS 48.5. 46.5. OPEN SPACE. >> THANK YOU, THAT'S PRETTY SIGNIFICANT. THANK YOU. >> ONE THING WE TALKED ABOUT WAS THE LINEAR WALKWAY, WHICH IT LOOKS REALLY NICE. I THINK IT'S SOMETHING WHERE PEOPLE CAN ACTUALLY USE THEIR BIKES OR JOG AND GET TO EXERCISE. COULD YOU CONSIDER MAKING THAT PUBLIC SO THAT ALL THE RESIDENTS THAT ARE ON THE WEST SIDE CAN KIND OF WALK OVER AND ACCESS SARAH SIMS? >> YEAH, I BELIEVE THAT'S -- HI, JONATHAN CARLIC, THE APPLICANT. THANK YOU ALL FOR SEEING ME TONIGHT AND TAKING A LOOK AT THIS PROAMGHT. PROJECT. WE WOULD ABSOLUTELY CONSIDER. >> WHAT WE WILL DO PRIOR TO SECOND READING THEN AND WE'LL PROVIDE STAFF YOUR CITY ATTORNEY WITH A PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT ACROSS THAT. WE HAVE NOT DONE A LEGAL DESCRIPTION SO WE CAN'T GO SO FAR AS RECORD IT. WE'LL HAVE TO PREAIR A LEGAL FOR THAT AREA, BUT WE'LL GET ALL THAT DONE AND IT CAN BE A CONDITIONED PART OF THE BUILDING PERMIT. >> OKAY. THANK YOU. >> ONCE THIS GOES THROUGH FORMAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL WILL BE A CONDITION OF YOUR PERMIT. >> FINE. >> THAT'S FINE. >> THANK YOU. WONDERFUL. ALL RIGHT. YOU GUYS WORK VERY WELL TOGETHER. I CAN TELL. ALL RIGHT. >> IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME. >> YES. >>> SO ONE THING THAT WE SPOKE ABOUT VERY AGGRESSIVELY WAS THE TRAFFIC STUDY. I ALWAYS HAVE CONCERNS AS WE HAVE NEW DEVELOPMENT OF WHAT'S, WHAT IT'S GOING TO DO TO OUR ROADS, HOW MANY MORE PEOPLE ARE GOING TO BE YOU KNOW DRIVING OUT IN THE MORNING, DRIVING IN IN THE EVENING AND AFFECTING THE CURRENT NEIGHBORHOOD THAT WE HAVE. SO DO WE HAVE A CURRENT TRAFFIC STUDY FOR THIS SITE? WE DO AND WE HAVE ADAM CUR HERE TO EXPLAIN IT SINCE THAT'S HIS JOB. >> GOOD EVENING, ADAM CURWITH KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES YES WE DID THREE SEPARATE TRAFFIC STUDIES ONE IS FOR LAND USE STUDY ONE REZONING AS WELL AS THE SITE BLAN AND THOSE TRAFFIC STUDIES HAVE BEEN REVIEWED BY STAFF AS WELL AS BY PALM BEACH COUNTY WHO HAS ISSUED THEIR APPROVAL LETTER OF THOSE TRAFFIC STUDIES. >> SO PALM BEACH COUNTY APP APPROVED THE TRAFFIC STUDY YOU SUBMITTED? >> CORRECT. >> OKAY I WOULD PERSONALLY BECAUSE I'M ON THE TPA I'M INTERESTED IN THAT STUFF I WOULD LIKE TO DELVE INTO THAT WITH AMANDA IF I CAN SO IF YOU CAN SHARE A COPY OF THAT TRAFFIC STUDY FOR ME TO DISCUSS WITH OUR STAFF. >> BY THE WAY IF IT'S HELPFUL AT ALL, MR. CURCAN BE AVAILABLE FOR THAT MEETING IF YOU TWO WISH FOR HIM TO ATTEND. >> THANK YOU. >> ALL RIGHT I WAS GOING TO ASK YOU TO HAVE A COMMUNITY INPUT MEETING BUT YOU ALREADY HAD ONE SO YOU'VE CHECKED THAT BOX. DO WE HAVE PLANNED ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATIONS FOR THIS? >> SO THEY WERE NOT PLANNED, BUT JONATHAN AND I HAVE TALKED ABOUT THAT AND I THINK YOU'RE COMMITTING TO. >> TEN EV READY SPACES, AND TYPICALLY WILL SIGN A DEAL WITH THE COMPANY THAT WILL INSTALL THEM AND TRACK THEM AND IF THEY GET TO ABOVE 90% USAGE, THEY'LL START TO INSTALL MORE, SO. >> WONDERFUL. >> SO WE'LL START WITH AT LEAST ONE OR TWO EV STATIONS, BUT THERE WILL BE SPACE FOR TEN. >> WAIT SO YOU'LL START WITH ONE OR TWO OR YOU'RE GOING TO PUT TEN. >> THEY'RE DIFFERENT, SO. >> SO. >> INFRASTRUCTURE IS GOING TO BE THERE FOR TEN. >> OKAY. >> OKAY SO THEY INSTALL ONE OR TWO AT FIRST, WHEN THE BUILDING OPENS, AND THEN THEY MONITOR IT TO SEE IF IT THERE IS NO USAGE, WHICH IS POSSIBLE, THEY DON'T INSTALL ANYMORE BUT IF THERE IS HIGH USAGE THEY -- >> CAN YOU PUT TO PUTTING AT LEAST TWO BECAUSE THE WAY I HAVE SEEN IT IS AT LEAST ELECTRICAL STATION HAVE TWO VEHICLES THAT CAN BE CHARGED AT A TIME SO WE PUT A MINIMUM OF TWO IT WOULD BE FOUR VEHICLES THAT WOULD BE -- WE DO HAVE 98 UNITS IN THE. >> I CAN COMMIT TO THAT. >> COMMISSIONER CRUZ, JUST TO CLARIFY, THIS DOES STILL NEED TO GO THROUGH SITE PLAN APPROVAL AND EV CHARGING STATIONS ARE REQUIRED AT AT LEAST TWO PER 50 PARKING SPACES SO AT LEAST WHAT IS REQUIRED BY CODE WILL BE REQUIRED AT SITE PLAN APPROVAL. YOUR COMMITMENT TO DO MORE INFRASTRUCTURE READY ALTHOUGH STATE LAW MAY HAVE CHANGED. >> YOU'RE RIGHT, IT DID RECENTLY. >> HOWEVER, HOWEVER, WE WILL ABSOLUTELY BE WORKING WITH YOU AT SITE PLAN TO MAKE SURE, OKAY. >> THANK YOU, I'LL TELL YOU BECAUSE I HAVE SEEN PEOPLE ALMOST PHYSICALLY FIGHTING FOR VEHICLE -- FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATIONS, AND I'VE SEEN IT AT OUR DOG PARK, I'VE SEEN IT AT 500 OCEAN, I'VE SEEN IT EVERYWHERE AND I THINK THAT IF WE'RE GOING TO BE BUILDING, I THINK THAT'S SOMETHING THAT WE SHOULD DEFINITELY KEEP IN MIND,. >> AND I HAVE A TESLA, AND THAT WAS ME THIS MORNING FIGHTING FOR A CHARGER. >> YEP, THANK YOU. ALL RIGHT, AND WE'VE DISCUSSED THIS AS WELL BUT I WANTED TO MAKE SURE THAT WE HAD ENOUGH PARKING, IN ITSELF FOR ALL THE UNITS THAT ARE GOING TO BE THERE, SO THAT PARKING THAT YOU'RE GOING TO BE PROVIDING MEETS CODE. >> SO I BELIEVE IT MEETS THE LIVE LOCAL PROVISIONS OF CODE IS THAT THE CORRECT AND AMANDA I DON'T WANT TO SAY THIS WRONGLY. >> YES SO THE LIVE LOCAL DOES ALLOW FOR FLEXIBILITY WHEN IT DOES COME TO PARKING. THEY DID PROVIDE A PARKING ANALYSIS AS PART OF THIS REVIEW. AND AGAIN, THE DETAILS OF EXACTLY WHAT PARKING WILL BE PROVIDED WILL BE PART OF THE SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL. >> I THINK IT'S 100 -- >> WE DO HAVE 154 THAT ARE SHOWN ON THE PLAN THAT I SHOWED YOU. >> SO THAT WILL BE THE MINIMUM SINCE IT IS POSTED WITHIN THE MASTER PLAN, WE ARE GOING TO REVIEW BASED ON ALL THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS THAT HAVE BEEN INTEGRATED INTO THE MASTER PLAN IF WE CAN GET MORE ON THAT, STAFF WILL ADVOCATE FOR IT. >> I WILL DEFINITELY ENCOURAGE MORE PARKING. >> ABSOLUTELY. >> AND THEN THE LAST THING, WITH REGARD TO MY QUESTIONS IS SETBACKS I WANT TO -- I WANT, I KNOW YOU TALKED ABOUT IT AND YOU GUYS ARE PROVIDING SETBACKS, BUT I WANTED TO MAKE SURE THAT THE APARTMENTS THAT ARE GOING TO BE OBVIOUSLY THREE STORIES ARE NOT INFRINGING ON THE PRIVACY OF THE, ONE STORY SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES. I WANTED TO SEE IF WE COULD MAKE SURE THAT WE FIND A WAY TO ENHANCE PRIVACY AND PROVIDE A HEDGE BUFFER. I DON'T KNOW IF THIS IS SOMETHING THAT'S ALREADY BEEN PROVIDED. >> IF I MAY LIKE AMANDA SAID AT TIME OF SITE PLANNING WE WOULD REQUIRE THE PROJECT TO HAVE A LANDSCAPE BUFFER VERY DENSE LANDSCAPE BUFFER ALONG THE WEST SIDE AND NORTH SIDE. AND THE APPLICANT WELL THE MASTER PLAN SHOWS GOOD ENOUGH -- >> GOOD ENOUGH TO PROTECT THE PRIVACY OF THE SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES IN THE AREA. >> YEAH, WE CAN REQUIRE POSSIBLY MULTIPLE LAYERS AND IN BETWEEN THE TREES, YEAH. >> JUST TO GIVE YOU A SENSE OF THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE AND THE BUILDING, I'M SHOWING ON OUR DATA SHEET AND AGAIN IT IS A SITE PLAN, AND THESE MAY FLUCTUATE SLIGHTLY BUT I THINK IT'S ABOUT 124 FEET THAT THE BUILDING FACE IS FROM THE NORTHERN PROPERTY LIMITS SO IT'S A SIGNIFICANT DISTANCE BUT ALL OF THAT WILL BE CONTAINED THROUGH THE SITE PLAN. YOU'LL GET TO SEE IT AGAIN. >> THANK YOU SO MUCH AND THEN THE POSITIVE NOTE THAT I HAD ON HERE WAS AFFORDABLE HOUSING. 100% OF THE UNITS THAT ARE BEING PROVIDED HERE ARE AFFORDABLE HOUSING WHICH I KNOW THE ENTIRE COUNTY LACKDIZE AND OUR CITY LACKS IT AS WELL SO I SEE THAT'S THE BENEFIT TO THE NEW SITE. I WANTED TO SEE IF WE WOULD CONSIDER PROVIDING POTENTIALLY EARLIER MARKETING TO BOYNTON BEACH RESIDENTS AND/OR CITY RESIDENTS. I KNOW WE HAVE A LOT OF TEACHERS, WE HAVE A LOT OF WORKERS THAT MIGHT, WE KNOW A LOT OF WORKERS IN THE CITY MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO AFFORD LIVING IN THE CITY, SO IF WE COULD MARKET THAT TO OUR LOCAL RESIDENTS AS WELL AS POTENTIALLY YOU KNOW TEACHERS AND GOVERNMENT WORKERS. THAT WOULD BE SOMETHING THAT I WOULD APPRECIATE. >> ABSOLUTELY, IT'S BEEN DONE BEFORE. IT WILL FOLLOW THE SAME PRACTICES THAT YOU'VE USED WITH OTHER DEVELOPERS THAT HAVE GIVEN THE CITY AN OPPORTUNITY TO SEND THEIR EMPLOYEES OVER OR ADVERTISE TO FRIENDS AND FAMILY OF THE SITE. THAT'S FINE. THANK YOU. >> THAT'S ALL I HAVE. THANK YOU. >> THANK YOU, COMMISSIONER. COMMISSIONER HAY, YOUR TURN. >> I WANT TO THANK COMMISSIONER CRUZ FOR ASKING THOSE QUESTIONS BECAUSE THOSE, A LOT OF THE ONES WH I JUST CROSSED THEM OFF MY LIST AS WE WERE DISCUSSING. SO WE'VE HAD A DISCUSSION, BONNIE, AND JONATHAN, ABOUT THIS AND REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR RESPONSE TO THE QUESTION THAT I WAS ASKING. YOU KNOW, I THOUGHT ONE TIME OF DELAYING THIS SO WE HAVE A FULL COU COUNCIL TO DISCUSS THIS BECAUSE THIS IS LONG-TERM AND GOOD STUFF HERE AND I WANT TO MAKE SURE THAT EVERYBODY HAS AN OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE THEIR INPUT. SINCE THEN, I'VE HEARD ENOUGH FROM AMANDA AND STAFF AND YOU GUYS TO MOVE FORWARD AND THE COMMUNITY IS READY TO MOVE, THEY ARE READY TO SEE SOME SHOVELS IN THE GROUND. BUT I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THAT I'M VERY HAPPY ABOUT THE 100% AFFORDABLE HOUSING THAT'S SOMETHING THAT WE REALLY DO NEED AND THIS WAS SOMEWHAT AN INTERESTING PROJECT BECAUSE THE APPROACH WAS ENTIRELY DIFFERENT FROM ANYTHING THAT I'VE SEEN. BEFORE IN TERMS OF HOW WE APPROACHED IT. THAT WAS EXPLAINED BY STAFF AND I UNDERSTAND BETTER NOW WHY THAT IS. AND THE DEED RESTRICTIONS WITH ALONG THAT WITH THAT 100%. I WOULD LIKE TO ASK IF, AND THAT'S PROBABLY, PROBABLY LEGAL BUT I THINK I KNOW THE ANSWER BUT I'LL ASK IT ANYWAY, IF FOR SOME REASON THE OWNERSHIP OF THAT PROPERTY CHANGED HANDS, THE DEED RESTRICTIONS STILL IN TACT? >> THAT'S CORRECT, IT WOULD RUN WITH THE LAND AND IT COULD NOT BE TERMINATED WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE CITY SO WHOEVER ALTHOUGH WE KNOW THAT THE PERSON THAT WILL BE DOING IT IS STANDING NEXT TO ME BUT IN THE EVENT SOMETHING HAPPENED, AND SOMEONE CAME BACK IN AND WANTED TO DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT, THEY WOULD HAVE TO GET YOUR CONSENT TO DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT THAN WHAT THE RESTRICTIONS SAYS OR IT COULD NOT BE TERMINATED. >> RIGHT. AND THAT'S ANYTHING OTHER THAN WHAT WE AGREED TO PUT ON THAT PROPERTY. IT WOULD HAVE TO COME BACK TO US. >> IF IT'S NOT 89 UNITS AND IT'S NOT 100% AFFORDABLE, AND IT'S MORE THAN THREE STORIES, THEY WOULD NEED YOUR CONSENT. >> OKAY. I DID WANT TO ASK A QUESTION ABOUT THE ACCESSIBILITY OF FROM THE CANAL FROM ONE SIDE TO THE OTHER. IS THE ONLY ACCESS GOING TO BE ALONG SEACREST? OR IS THERE GOING TO BE SOME TYPE OF WALKWAY OTHER THAN. >> YEAH,. >> FROM THE PARK TO -- >> THIS PROJECT. >> AAND IT IS VERY CLOSE BUT YOU DO HAVE TO GO ACROSS SEACREST. IT WOULD BE VERY DIFFICULT TO DO A PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE ACROSS A CANAL OF THAT SIZE. NOT IMPOSSIBLE BUT DIFFICULT. HOWEVER, THE BEAUTY ABOUT THIS POTENTIAL PATH THAT WE'RE PROPOSING THAT WOULD HAVE, BE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC IS THAT IF THE CITY CAN CONTINUE THAT ON, ARE THE WAY WEST TO THE NEXT INTERSECTION YOU GIVE YOURSELF AND ALL OF THE COMMUNITY IN BETWEEN THE ABILITY TO NOT GET ON THE PUBLIC STREETS TO GET TO THOSE BRIDGE CONNECTIONS. IT'S A HUGE WIN. IT'S A SAFER SCENARIO AND HOPE YOU KNOW THERE ARE SOME GRANT MONIES OUT THERE FOR THOSE TYPES OF PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE CONNECTIONS. SO WE'RE KIND OF THE BEGINNING OF THAT, AND IT'S A VERY LARGE BEGINNING FOR YOU BECAUSE IT'S SUCH A LONG PARCEL. YOU HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY THERE TO EXTEND THAT EVEN FURTHER WEST OVER TIME. >> OKAY, ASSUMING EVERYTHING GOES ACCORDING TO PLAN WHICH IS IT SEEMS TO BE, WHAT'S YOUR TIME TABLE ROUGHLY? >> WELL, IT DEPENDS, IT DEPENDS ON APPROVALS. TYPICALLY A PROJECT LIKE THIS TAKES 14 THROUGH 16 MONTHS TO BUILD. AND WE'LL GO AS FAST AS WE CAN. THE FASTER WE GET APPROVED THE FASTER WE CAN GET A SHOVEL IN THE GROUND. THE FASTER WE CAN GET RESIDENTS OF BOYNTON BEACH LIVING HERE. >> OKAY. ACTUALLY GO BACK TO ONE OF YOUR SLIDES WHERE YOU HAD THE PARKING, THERE WERE VEHICLES IN THE PARKING -- RIGHT HERE, THAT. THIS SEEMS TO BE DOUBLE PARKING THERE WHERE SOMEONE COULD PARK BEHIND THE OTHER VEHICLE AND IF THEY HAD AN EMERGENCY NEED TO GET OUT, THAT'S PROBLEMATIC. >> THOSE ARE -- THERE ARE SOME TANDEM PARKING SPACES WITHIN IT SITE PLAN, AND THOSE SPACES ARE ALLOCATED PURSUANT TO LEASE SO FOR EXAMPLE IF YOU HAD A THREE BEDROOM, THEN YOU'RE LIKELY TO BE ALLOCATED A TANDEM SPACE. BUT THEY'VE DONE IT -- >> EACH TWO BEDROOM AND EACH THREE BEDROOM IS ALLOCATED ONE TANDEM SPACE, SO YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BE SHARING A TANDEM SPACE WITH ANOTHER UNIT. >> OKAY AND YOU DO HAVE ONE, TWO, AND THREE BEDROOM THERE, CORRECT? >> THAT'S CORRECT. >> CAN YOU GIVE ME A LITTLE BREAKDOWN. >> SO THE TOTALING, THE TOTAL TWO AND THREE BEDROOM NUMBER IS 37 PLUS 18 SO YOU'RE AT 55 UNITS. SO WHAT JONATHAN IS SAYING FOR THOSE UNITS THEY WOULD GET TANDEM SPACES, THEY WOULD GET THEIR TWO SPACES SO FOR EXAMPLE, IF IT WAS AHEADS AND WIFE OR PARTNERS, THEY WOULD BE SHARING THE ONE SPACE AND THEY JUST HAVE TO COORDINATE WHO'S IN THE BACK SPACE. >> JUST LIKE -- NOT HAVING A SURFACE DRIVEWAY. >> THAT'S RIGHT IF YOU HAVE A SINGULAR DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY YOU HAVE TO DO THE SAME THING. >> I GOTCHA. OKAY. VERY GOOD. THANK YOU. THAT'S ALL I HAVE. >> THTHANK YOU. >> MAYOR: THANK YOU. COMMISSIONER TURKIN. >> THANK YOU, MAYOR. YOU KNOW, I WOULD BE INCONSISTENT IF I DIDN'T COMPLAIN ABOUT THE POTENTIAL REZONING, YOU KNOW, I DO THINK THE PROJECT IS VERY NICE AND I THINK THIS IS ONE OF THOSE SITUATIONS WHERE WHEN YOU HAVE WORKFORCE HOUSING AND FOR THE PUBLIC TO KNOW WE'RE NOT TALKING ABOUT LOWER INCOME HOUSING WE'RE TALKING ABOUT WORKFORCE WHICH IS MAJORITY OF PEOPLE THAT LIVE IN THE CITY YOUR FIREFIGHTERS, POLICE OFFICERS, TEACHERS, AND I DO WANT TO COMMEND THE PASTOR FOR THE SALE OF HIS PROPERTY. I THINK THE MAYOR HIT IT ON THE HEAD IS YOU'RE TAKING INITIATIVE AND BEING A LEADER AND NOT JUST THE COUNTY BUT THE STATE AS WELL. SO THANK YOU, SIR. YOU KNOW FOR THE, FOR THE DENSITY, SO THE SITE IS 2.97 ACRES, THAT'S CORRECT. AND WE'RE LOOKING AT 89 UNITS. >> CORRECT. >> 30 UNITS AN ACRE ROUGHLY. SO I JUST WANT TO REMIND MY COLLEAGUES THAT THERE WAS A PROJECT APPROVED LITERALLY ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THOSE DOORS RIGHT THERE 490 PLUS UNITS RIGHT AND WE'RE CONCERNED ABOUT YOU KNOW THE SINGLE-FAMILY HOME CHARACTERISTICS THAT'S GREAT. I WISH THAT CONCERN WAS WHEN WE HAD THAT DISCUSSION AND ALL THESE PREVIOUS PROJECTS IN THE DOWNTOWN. AS FAR AS THE INFRASTRUCTURE GOES, AND THE TRAFFIC, WHAT TRAFFIC, WOULD COUNTY, THEY DO A TRAFFIC STUDY AND THEY'RE GRADED. THEY GRADE THE STUDY I BELIEVE A THROUGH F WHAT WAS THE GRADE ON THAT? >> SEACREST BOULEVARD IS ACTUALLY LEVEL OF SERVICE B IN THIS AREA. >> OKAY. THAT'S GOOD. THAT'S VERY GOOD. SO I THINK THE CITY'S REQUIREMENT IF I'M NOT MISTAKEN I HAD DISCUSSED THIS A LONG TIME AGO IS A D. IS THAT CORRECT? >> YES. >> I BELIEVE SO; YES. >> SO THANK YOU FOR, YOU KNOW, GOING ABOVE AND BEYOND WHAT THIS CITY'S STANDARD IS. I THINK THAT'S SOMETHING THAT I ACTUALLY BROUGHT UP BEFORE, AND THERE WAS NO APPETITE FOR THAT. AND SO I'M GOING TO BRING THAT UP AGAIN YOU KNOW LOOKING AT OUR, IF WE REALLY WANT TO COMBAT TRAFFIC AND I'M SORRY I'M GOING ON A TANGENT HERE, I'M LOOKING AT A PROBLEM AS A WHOLE. IF WE REALLY ARE CONCERNED ABOUT TRAFFIC AND WE REALLY ARE CONCERNED ABOUT THE OVERDENSITY THEN WE NEED TO ESTABLISH RULES AND POLICIES IN PLACE THAT MITIGATE THAT. TRAFFIC GRADING AND STUDYING A MINIMUM OF THOSE THINGS. YOU KNOW BUT AS FAR AS THIS GOES I MEAN YOU KNOW I SAID IT ON OUR AGENDA WORKSHOP THIS IS COMMISSIONER HAY'S DISTRICT ANDIAL SUPPORT WHAT HE THINKS IT'S BEST AND I DO THINK THE WORKFORCE HOUSING COMPONENT IS SUPER APPETIZING, AND YOU KNOW THANK YOU FOR INVESTING IN BOYNTON BEACH AND HAVING THAT COMMUNITY MEETING, PARTNERING WITH THE CHURCH, I THINK IS HUGE YOU KNOW ONE THING I ALWAYS ADMIRE IS WHEN YOU HAVE A DEVELOPER YOU KNOW OR SOMEONE THAT HAS AN INTEREST, YOU KNOW, IN BUILDING THE CITY TO COME REACH OUT TO THE COMMUNITY FIRST AND THAT WAY THERE IS NO SURPRISES, RIGHT? LAST THING WE WANT TO SEE IS BAIT AND SWITCH AND THAT LEADS ME TO MY THANKS FOR THE DEED RESTRICTION. THAT WAS MY NUMBER ONE CONCERN WAS COULD WE GET DENSER, AND YOU'VE ALLEVIATED THAT FOR ME. SO YOU KNOW I'M HAPPY TO SUPPORT THIS PROJECT UNDER ALL THOSE CONDITIONS. >> MAYOR: ALL RIGHT, THANK YOU SO MUCH, EVERYBODY. WE ARE NOW GOING TO PROCEED TO VOTING. 2350EUR8 CORRECTLY WE'RE GOING TO VOTE ON -- IF I RECALL CORRECTLY WE'RE GOING TO VOTE ON ITEMS B AND C, THE DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR THE VARIANCE AND FOR THE NEW MASTER PLAN AT THE SECOND READING. IS THAT CORRECT? DO I REMEMBER THAT CORRECTLY. >> OKAY, AND UNDER ITEM 8A, THERE IS ACTUALLY TWO SEPARATE ORDINANCES HERE FOR THE TWO, DIFFERENT PURPOSES, BUT RELATED. SO LET'S TACKLE THEM ONE BY ONE. THIS IS PROPOSED ORDINANCE NUMBER 24-024. MAY I HAVE A MOTION TO APLUV? >> MOTION TO APPROVE. >> WE HAVE A MOTION FROM COMMISSIONER HEY, IS THERE A SECOND? AND A SECOND FROM COMMISSIONER TURKP. LET'S TURN NOW TO THE CITY CLERK FOR OUR ROLL CALL VOTE. >> COMMISSIONER HAY. >> YES. >> COMMISSIONER TURKIN. >> YES. >> COMMISSIONER CRUZ. >> MAYOR PENSERGA. >> YES. >> IN ROLL CALL VOTE THE MOTION PASSED 3 -- >> MAYOR: OKAY. ALL RIGHT. THANK YOU SO MUCH. THE NEXT PROPOSED ORDINANCE 24-325 MOTION TO APPROVE. MOTION FROM COMMISSIONER HAY AND A SECOND FROM? ALL RIGHT, FROM COMMISSIONER TURKIN. WE HAVE A MOTION AND A SECOND. CITY CLERK? >> COMMISSIONER HAY. >> YES. >> COMMISSIONER TURKIN. COMMISSIONER CRUZ IS ABSENT. MAYOR PENSERGA. >> YES. >> AND ROLL CALL VOTE THE MOTION PASSED. >> MAYOR: OKAY. MOTION PASSES. WITH THAT, THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYBODY TO THE APPLICANTS AND TO STAFF. THE TWO REMAINING ITEMS. >> I BELIEVE WE NEED TO BE TABLED UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING. >> MAYOR: YES, WE'LL VOTE ON IT ON THE SECOND READING. ALL RIGHT. ITEMS 8A MAY I HAVE A MOTION TO TABLE TO SECOND READING. MOTION AND -- AND THE SECOND CAME FROM COMMISSIONER HAY. ALL THOSE IN FAVOR OF TABLING ITEM 8B TO THE SECOND READING, SAY AYE. MOTION PASSES UNANIMOUSLY. MAY I HAVE A MOTION TO TABLE ITEM 8C TO THE NEXT -- >> SECOND. >> TO THE SECOND READING. WE HAVE A MOTION AND A SECOND FROM COMMISSIONER HAY. ALL THOSE IN FAVOR, SAY AYE. MOTION PASSES UNANIMOUSLY. WE'LL ADDRESS THOSE AT SECOND READING. OKAY. SO WE'RE GOING TO MOVE ONTO REGULAR AGENDA. WE'RE VERY CLOSE TO FINISHING UP FOR THE EVENING. WE HAVE THREE MORE ITEMS. THIS IS PROPOSED ORDINANCE NUMBER 24-026 AGAIN ANOTHER FIRST READING. LET ME TURN TO CITY CLERK. >> ONE SECOND. I BELIEVE THIS IS THE ORDINANCE TO FIX THE SCRIVENER'S ERROR. YEAH. >> PROPOSED ORDINANCE NUMBER 24-026 FIRST READING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, CORRECTING A VIV VIVVIVNER'S ERROR IN THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTAINED APPROVING THE ABANDONMENT OF THE 30-FOOT WIDE UNIMPROVED RIGHT-OF-WAY ESTABLISHED ON THE PALM BEACH FARMS COPLAT NUMBER 8 AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5 PAGE 73 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AND AMEND THE DISCLAIMER WHICH SHALL BE RECORDED WITH THE ORDINANCE IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THE PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. >> ALL RIGHT, THANK YOU, MAYLEE. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS ON THE THIS ITEM? COUNCIL, DID YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO ADD? MY COLLEAGUES, DID YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS FOR COUNCIL? OKAY. WITH THAT, WE HAVE A MOTION AND WE HAVE A SECOND. ALL THOSE IN FAVOR OF THE -- LET'S TURN TO CITY -- LET'S DO ROLL CALL. THE SECOND WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER TURKIN, RIGHT? OKAY. >> COMMISSIONER HAY. >> YES. >> COMMISSIONER TURKIN. >> YES. >> COMMISSIONER CRUZ. >> YES. >> MAYOR PENSERGA. >> YES. >> IN ROLL CALL VOTE THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. >> THANK YOU. THAT CONCLUDES ITEM 10A. WE'RE NEW MOVING ONTO ITEM 10B, DISCUSSION ABOUT LEAVING THE BANYAN TREE AT DEWEY PARK LIT UP YEAR ROUND. >> I'M GOING TO BRING THIS UP IN A DIFFERENT FORUM, DIFFERENT BOARD. >> MAYOR: OKAY. >> I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW THE COST IMPACT OF HAVING A YEAR ROUND VERSUS WHAT IT IS NOW. YOU DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER THAT NOW. >> SOMETHING TO LOOK INTO. >> WE DO. >> YEAH, THE ONLY COMMENT I HAVE ABOUT THE LIGHTING IS THAT I KNOW WITH THE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS THAT PEOPLE HAVE USED IT'S ALWAYS,IST FOR WHATEVER REASON IT JUST KEEPS BREAKING. BUT THERE ARE ORT KINDS OF LIGHTING SO I JUST WANT TO OPEN THAT UP TO STAFF, BE, YOU KNOW, LOOK INTO OTHER OPTIONS. >> YEAH, MAYOR, I THINK YOU'RE, THAT'S ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. BECAUSE THAT, IT'S STILL GOING OUT. I THINK THEY FIXED IT LIKE OVER THE WEEKEND AND IT'S STILL WENT OUT. >> WELL, CLEARLY, SO THEY DIDN'T REALLY FIX IT, RIGHT? >> I AGREE. I AGREE. >> TAKE A LOOK AT WHETHER SOLAR ENERGY WOULD BE UP OR DOWN. >> SOLAR THAT WOULD COST -- >> ALL RIGHT, ANYTHING ELSE ON THIS ITEM? OKAY. WE'LL PROCEED. ALL RIGHT 10C, DISCUSSION REGARDING THE TENNIS COURT IMPROVEMENTS AND MAINTENANCE AT BOYNTON BEACH TENNIS, AND PICKLEBALL CENTER. COMMISSIONER CRUZ, THIS WAS YOUR REQUEST. KICK IT OFF FOR US. >> I THINK, OW GUYS GOING TO PRESENT? >> ALL RIGHT, IF YOU'RE READY, GO AHEAD. >> GOOD EVENING, EVERYONE, HAPPY HOLIDAYS. I'M CRAIG CLARK, DIRECTOR OF RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES. AND IS THIS IS FABIAN DEROULEAU, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR. WE'RE HAPPY TO BE HERE THIS EVENING TO GIVE YOU AN UPDATE ON THE BOYNTON BEACH TENNIS AND PICKLEBALL CENTER. BEFORE FABIAN GETS STARTED WITH THE PRESENTATION, I JUST WANT TO PREFACE THIS WITH THERE IS KIND OF A PERFECT STORM OF STAFFING CHANGES THAT WENT ON FOR SEVERAL MONTHS. WE LOST OUR DIRECTOR AND ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF RECREATION AND IS PARKS BACK IN FEBRUARY. WE HIRED FABIAN IN MAY AND THEN I WAS PROMOTED JUNE 1st AS RECREATION AS ONE OF MY FIVE DEPARTMENTS THAT I OVERSEE AND THEN ONCE WE GOT OUR FEET WET, WE DETERMINED AND LEARNED FROM THE PUBLIC AS WELL THAT THERE WERE ISSUES AT THE TENNIS CENTER WITH MAINTENANCE SO I'M GOING TO LET FABIAN GO AHEAD AND START THE PRESENTATION AND I'M GOING TO FINISH WITH, THERE WERE A COUPLE OF OTHER PROPOSALS FROM OUTSIDE FIRMS THAT ARE INTERESTED IN TAKING OVER THE CENTER IF YOU WERE TO MOVE IN THAT DIRECTION. >> ALL RIGHT, GOOD EVENING, MAYOR, COMMISSION. STAFF, AND MEDICATION OF THE PUBLIC. WE PUT TOGETHER A BRIEF PRESENTATION JUST TO DISCUSS KIND OF A LITTLE BIT OF THE HISTORY OF THE FACILITY. WHAT HAS TAKEN PLACE OVER THE COURSE OF THE PAST COUPLE OF MONTHS AND KIND OF THE PLAN MOVING FORWARD FOR THIS FACILITY. FIRST AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE 17 HARD TRUE TENNIS COURTS WHICH ARE CLAY COURTS ESSENTIALLY, SIX PICKLEBLE COURTS AND COMPOSITE COURTS WHICH ARE ESSENTIALLY HARD COURTS. THE STAFFING AT THE FACILITY ARE ONE FULL-TIME TENNIS CENTER SUPERVISOR, WHICH WE JUST BROUGHT ON BOARD ABOUT TWO MONTHS AGO, TWO FULL-TIME TENNIS CENTER MAINTENANCE WORKERS, WHICH JUST STARTED AT THE END OF OCTOBER, THOSE ARE TWO NEW POSITIONS, AND THREE PART-TIME PRO SHOP ATTENDANTS. WE CURRENTLY HAVE TWO VACANCIES BUT WE ARE LOOKING TO FILL THOSE VACANCIES AT THE MOMENT. SO JUSTATE LL BIT OF BACKGROUND OF THE -- A LITTLE BIT OF BACKGROUND ON THE STAFFING. THE TENNIS CENTER SUPERVISOR AS I MENTIONED JUST GOT STARTED LATE SUMMER. AUGUST 26th WAS HIS FIRST DAY ON THE JOB AND REALLY HIT THE GROUND RUNNING. THERE WAS SUBSTANTIAL YOU KNOW CHALLENGES THAT WE FACED WITH THE TRANSITION OF THE MAINTENANCE TEAM AS WELL AS SOME OTHER THINGS WE WILL GET INTO IN THIS PRESENTATION. THE MAINTENANCE WORKERS WERE BROUGHT ON AFTER THE HIRING FREEZE SO THEY STARTED OCTOBER 21st AND WE OPENED UP NOVEMBER THE 4th, SO NOT TOO MUCH OF A TURNAROUND TIME FOR THEM TO BE ABLE TO GET EVERYTHING IN ORDER BUT THEY GOT A GOOD AMOUNT OF THE COURTS IN GOOD SHAPE AND PLAYABLE FOR THE REOPENING. SO A LITTLE BIT OF BACKGROUND OF THE FACILITY MAINTENANCE, WE WERE BEING MAINTAINED BY A COMPANY CALLED PTCS FROM JANUARY 2022 UNTIL WE GOT A 30-DAY NOTICE LATE SUMMER THAT THEY WILL NO LONGER BE SERVICING OUR COURTS THERE AT THAT FACILITY. I KNOW THAT PRIOR TO RECENTLY THERE WERE COMPLAINTS DATING BACK TO LAST YEAR ABOUT SOME OF THE MAINTENANCE AND WE HAD OUR CONCERNS WITH THE ORGANIZATION. WE SPOKE TO THEM ABOUT IT. THINGS WEREN'T REALLY IMPROVING AND THEN YOU KNOW THEY KIND OF LEFT US WITH SHORT NOTICE WHICH KIND OF ELIMINATED ALL STAFF THAT WERE MAINTAINING THE FACILITY THERE AS WELL AS ALL THE EQUIPMENT SO TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OF EQUIPMENT ALSO LEFT W WITH THE ORGANIZATION LEAVING. SO WE, THE LAST DAY OF SERVICE THEY HAD WITH US IS AUGUST 31st. AND IT WAS DETERMINED THAT THE BEST COURSE OF ACTION BASED OFF OF THE FACT THAT WE WERE LACKING THE STAFF AND THE EQUIPMENT TO MAINTAIN THIS FACILITY PROPERLY BECAUSE THIS TYPE OF FACILITY HAS TO BE MAINTAINED REGULARLY ESPECIALLY THE CLAY COURTS. THE DECISION WAS MADE TO DO A FACILITY CLOSURE SO WE CAN TAKE CARE OF SOME OF THE MAINTENANCE ITEMS AS WELL AS GET STAFF ON BOARDED TO BE ABLE TO FILL SOME OF THESE POSITIONS TO OPERATE THE FACILITY. THE REMOVAL OF THE NETS TOOK PLACE ON SEPTEMBER 6th, AND SEPTEMBER 9th IT WAS DETERMINED THAT WE WOULD NEED TO EXTEND THE CLOSURE BECAUSE EVERYTHING WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN READY FOR THE OCTOBER 1 REOPENING AS INITIALLY PLANNED. WE RETRIEVED THE, WE REC RECEIVED THE HARD TRUE MATERIAL SEPTEMBER 19th, WHICH IS THE CLAY MATERIAL IN ORDER TO RESURFACE THE 17 HARD TRUE COURTS AND CONTINUE TO DO BEST RESEARCH ON BEST MAINTENANCE OF THIS FACILITY. RECREATION BEGAN -- OF COURSE WE HAD TWO STORMS I COME THROUGH THE AREA TOO SO THAT HALTED SOME OF THE MAINTENANCE PROCESS WE WERE PLANNING TO TAKE COURSE IN. SO REMOVING NETS, WIND SCREEN, GETTING FACILITY AND THE FURNITURE ON SITE PREPARED FOR THE SPENDING STORMS LOOKING TO BE HEADED OUR WAY. WE DID ALL THE ASSESSMENTS AFTER THAT, LUCKILY WE DIDN'T HAVE TOO TOO MUCH DAMAGE AT THAT FACILITY. WE BROUGHT OUR TENNIS MAINTENANCE WORKERS AS MENTIONED BEFORE ON BOARD OCTOBER 21st. AND THEN WE HAD AN OUTAGE UNFORTUNATELY A MAJOR TRANSFORMER WENT OUT AFFECTING OUR PROPERTY AS WELL AS THE SURROUNDING PROPERTIES FOR THREE DAYS ON NOVEMBER 1st WHICH DELAYED OUR OPENING TO THE 4th, WHICH WAS THAT FOLLOWING MONDAY. SO JUST FOR THE REOPENINGS, OCTOBER 8th, WE HAD SIX COURTS PLAYABLE, SO WE HAD THE WOMEN'S TENNIS ASSOCIATION, THE LOCAL WOMEN'S TENNIS ASSOCIATION PLAYING DURING CLOSURE BECAUSE WE DID NOT WANT TO IMPACT THEIR SEASON SO THEY ESSENTIALLY HAD EXCLUSIVE USAGE OF THE FACILITY FOR SIX COURTS TO HAVE THEIR HOME MATCHES THERE AT THE SITE, AT THE BOYNTON TENNIS CENTER AND PICKLEBALL CENTER. NOVEMBER 2nd THE SIX PICKLEBALL COURTS REOPENED AND THEN OUR OPENING DAY WE HAD THE SIX CLAY COURTS AND SIX PICKLEBALL COURTS OPEN FOR USAGE. BY THE END OF NOVEMBER WE HAD TEN CLAY COURTS, SIX PICKLEBALL COURTS AND THE TWO COMPOSITE COURTS OPEN AND IS THEN CURRENTLY TO THE POINT WE ARE RIGHT NOW WE HAVE 13 CLAY COURTS SO 13 OUT OF OUR 17 ARE OMEN AND IN GREAT -- O OPEN AND IN GREAT SHAPE. ALL NETS PUT BACK UP AND ALL TYPE OF MAINTENANCE NEEDS TAKEN CARE OF. AS WELL AS THE SIX PICKLEBALL COURTS AND TWO COMPOSITE COURTS. WE'RE PROJECTED TO HAVE ALL COURTS UP AND RUNNING BY THE END OF THE YEAR, THE CALENDAR YEAR HERE, SO WE'RE ON TRACK TO HAVE EVERYTHING COMPLETED. JUST SO YOU GUYS KNOW, THE ATTENDANCE FOR NOVEMBER AFTER REOPENING WE HAD 279 COURT RESERVATIONS SO BACK TO FULL SPEED. SO HERE ARE SHOTS OF THE FACILITY TAKEN JUST LAST WEEK SO YOU CAN GET AN IDEA OF THE STATE OF SOME OTHER COURTS. WE APOLOGIZE FOR SOME OF THE SHADING IN THOSE IMAGES TOO. IT'S CASTING SHADE FROM SOME OF THE TREES NEARBY BUT THE COURTS ARE IN FANTASTIC SHAPE, ESPECIALLY FROM WHERE WE CAME BEFORE AND WE INCLUDED SOME BEFORE AND AFTER PICTURES SO YOU GUYS CAN GET A REAL IDEA OF WHAT IT LOOKED LIKE AND WHERE WE ARE NOW. THERE IS MORE OF A SKY VIEW FROM THE DRONE SHOTS WE TOOK OF THE COURTS ALSO. AGAIN THESE TOOK PLACE LAST WEEK. SOME BEFORE AND AFTERS. SO BEFORE TO THE LEFT-HAND SIDE THERE FROM AUGUST WE HAD SOME PLANTS GROWN WE HAD MAJOR IRRIGATION ISSUES SOME OF WHICH WERE ADDRESSED AND WE'RE STILL WORKING THROUGH SOME OF THEM BUT THAT LED TO THIS GROWTH TAKING PLACE ON THE COURT AS WELL AS SOME OF THE MILDEW THAT WAS TAKING PLACE AND AFTER WE HAD IN PARTNERSHIP WITH PUBLIC WORKS AS WELL AS THE NEW STAFF THAT WE BROUGHT ON BOARD, THEY WERE ABLE TO ALLEVIATE A LOT OF THE ISSUES WE HAD OUT THERE, AND YOU CAN SEE THERE'S A MAJOR, MAJOR IMPROVEMENT WITH THE MAJOR SITE PLAN IMPROVEMENT AND PRETTY MUCH ALL OF THE COURTS ARE LOOKING LIKE THAT. WE HAD ABOUT FOUR OF THEM THAT WERE LOOKING ABOUT LIKE THE ONES ON THE LEFT-HAND SIDE. SO THOSE HAVE BEEN TAKEN CARE OF. SOME GROWTH FROM OUTSIDE OF THE FENCEWAYS, TOO, WE HAD ALL OF THAT TAKEN CARE OF BY STAFF ALSO. WE KNEW THAT WAS A MAJOR CONCERN. SO WE MADE SURE THAT WAS ADDRESSED IMMEDIATELY WHEN WE HAD STAFF ON-BOARD. THIS TOO IS SOME OF THE SAND FROM THE PATHWAYS AROUND THE FACILITY WERE KIND OF LEAKING ON TO THE COURTS AND MIXING WITH THE HARD TRUE MATERIAL. SO WE WORKED IN TANDEM WITH PUBLIC WORKS TO GET THE ISSUES, THE SOURCE OF THE ISSUE ADDRESSED AND THEN STAFF TOOK IT UPON THEMSELVES TO TAKE CARE OF ALL OF THE MIXING OF THE SAND AND GETTING THE COURTS IN GOOD SHAPE AGAIN. THE FUTURE OF THE FACILITY. SO WE HAVE A FIVE-YEAR CIP PROPOSAL TO HOOK TO ADDRESS A LOT OF THE CONCERNS WE HAVE AS IT PERTAINS TO IRRIGATION, COURT MAINTENANCE AND THINGS LIKE THAT AND GETTING US TO A MODERN SPACE OF HAVING ALL OF OUR COURTS UNDER THE HYDROSYSTEM WHICH MEANS THEY WILL BE WATERED FROM UNDERGROUND INSTEAD OF OVER THE SURFACE LIKE WE HAVE MOST OF THE COURTS AT THE SITE. SO STARTING IN 2025, WE ARE LOOKING TO GETTING A FRDAP GRANT FOR $400,000 WITH A SMALL -- I THINK IT'S WHAT? 50% CITY MATCH. >> $200,000 MATCH. >> $200,000 MATCH SO $600,000 TO INVEST INTO THIS FACILITY. YEAR ONE, GOING INTO THIS FIVE-YEAR PLAN, WE'RE LOOKING TO ADDRESS FOUR OF THE HYDROCOURTS WITH THE NEW INSTALLATION OF THE IRRIGATION UNDERGROUND AS MENTIONED BEFORE. WE ARE LOOKING TO DO SOME PRO SHOP RENOVATIONS. THAT FACILITY IS PRETTY DATED AND NOT UP TO SPEED WITH A LOT OF OUR NEIGHBORS AND SOME OTHER FACILITIES THAT WE HAD A CHANCE TO GO AND CHECK OUT OVER THE PAST COUPLE OF MONTHS. SO WE'RE REALLY LOOKING TO HONE IN ON THAT AND PROVIDE A GOOD SPACE WHERE FOLKS CAN CHECK IN AS WELL AS POTENTIALLY SOME SPACE WHERE THEY CAN RESERVE FOR ANY TYPE OF FUNCTIONS THAT THEY ARE LOOKING TO DO AT THE SITE. REST ROOM RENOVATIONS, MOVING POTENTIALLY SOME THINGS AROUND THE PROPERTY AND ALLOWS US TO SECURE THIS PROPERTY A LITTLE BETTER. ANYBODY THAT'S BEEN THERE NOTICE THERE ARE ABOUT 20 DIFFERENT WAYS TO ENTER THIS FACILITY WHICH, OF COURSE, IS A SECURITY CONCERN. UPGRADING SOME OF THE FURNISH I. OUT THERE AS WELL AS THE SHADE STRUCTURES, TABLES, CHAIRS, AWNING, LIGHTING, BENCHES AS WELL AS THE STORAGE SHED THAT WE HAVE OUT THERE AND FENCING AS I MENTIONED BEFORE. SO TO SECURE THE FACILITY. LASER GRADING AND RELINING THE COURTS TO MAKE SURE THEY ARE GRADED CORRECTLY. THAT'S SOMETHING WE HAVE TO DO EVERY SO OFTEN, TOO. SO THAT IS SOMETHING WE'RE LOOKING TO DO NEXT YEAR AS IT'S BEEN ABOUT THREE AND A HALF YEARS SINCE THE LAST TIME WE DID SO. 2027, SAME THING, FOUR ADDITIONAL COURTS. GETTING THEM UP TO HYDROIRRIGATION SYSTEM. DOING THE ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION, SO '26 DESIGN AND POTENTIALLY CONSTRUCTION IN '27. THE PARKING LOT NEEDS SOME CARE AND WE ARE HOPING TO DO RESURFACING AND LANDSCAPING. COURT RESURFACING AS I MENTIONED BEFORE IT WAS DONE ABOUT THREE YEARS AGO. AND WE DID SOME RESURFACING OVER THE CLOSURE, TOO. BY THEN WE'LL PROBABLY NEED TO DO SOME REVAMPING OF THE SURFACING OF THE CLAY COURTS AS WELL AS INSTALLING L.E.D. LIGHTING FOR EFFICIENCY AS WELL AS GIVING US REMOTE CONTROL OF THE TIMING OF THE LIGHTS, SETTING THEM ON TIMERS, THINGS LIKE THAT OR BEING ABLE TO TURN THEM ON AND OFF REMOTELY USING THE MUS-GO SYSTEM. AND GETTING THEM ON THE HYDROIRRIGATION SYSTEM. AND THAT IS IT. THOSE ARE OUR HOURS OF OPERATION UP THERE IN CASE ANYONE IS CURIOUS AND WE ARE HERE TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS. YEAH, THAT'S IT. >> MAYOR: GENTLEMEN, THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRESENTATION. >> YOU'RE VERY WELCOME. >> MAYOR: COMMISSIONER CRUZ, I'LL TURN THIS TO YOU SINCE THIS IS YOUR REQUEST. >> THANK YOU. THANK YOU, BOTH, FOR YOUR PRESENTATION AND FOR THE CONVERSATIONS THAT WE HAVE HAD. AFTER THE AGENDA REVIEW, I THINK ONE OF THE THINGS WE TALKED ABOUT WAS THE ABILITY, THE IMPROVEMENTS THAT WE STILL NEED TO MAKE AND ALSO THE POTENTIAL OPPORTUNITY TO TURN TWO OF THE HARD COURTS INTO POTENTIALLY SIX PICKLEBALL COURTS. DO WE HAVE ANY DATA -- AND THIS IS JUST BASICALLY PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE. EVERYBODY KNOWS THE PICKLEBALL HAS LIKE BECOME REALLY POPULAR, BUT DO WE HAVE ANY DATA WITH REGARD TO THE PICKLEBALL COURTS VERSUS THE TENNIS COURTS AND THE USAGE OF IT? LIKE ARE THEY ALWAYS -- ARE THE PICKLEBALL ONES ALWAYS SOLD OUT OR NOT AVAILABLE? >> ABSOLUTELY. I CAN ANSWER. >> GO AHEAD. >> YES. SO JUST IN CONVERSATIONS WITH STAFF OVER THERE AT THE SITE, THE TWO HARD COURTS AT THAT PARTICULAR FACILITY DON'T GET A TON OF USAGE. THE PICKLEBALL COURT ARE VERY BUSY. THERE'S HIGH DEMAND FOR THAT ACROSS THE CITY AS WELL AS ACROSS THE COUNTRY. BUT WE'RE GOING TO CONTINUE TO MONITOR AND GET SOME ACTUAL DATA AND NUMBERS BASED OFF OF USAGE. IF WE RECOGNIZE THAT THE HARD COURTS ARE NOT GETTING A TON OF USAGE, ESPECIALLY SINCE WE HAVE ABOUT 12 MORE AROUND THE CITY, ALSO, WE'LL LOOK TO CONVERT THOSE INTO SIX PICKLEBALL COURTS. >> THANK YOU. AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE -- FOR THE CITY MANAGER, I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE PROCESS WOULD BE TO POTENTIALLY SEE IF WE CAN DO THAT IN THE FUTURE. BUT IF WE HAVE SIGNIFICANT WAIT TIMES FOR THE PICKLEBALL COURTS, THEN WE CAN MAYBE POTENTIALLY TRANSFER THOSE TO PICKLEBALL IN IN THE FUTURE I THINK THAT'S SOMETHING THAT'S BECOME SO POPULAR THAT THERE'S JUST NOT ENOUGH. AND IT'S BEEN IN THE NEWSPAPERS AND ON SOCIAL MEDIA, IT'S JUST BEEN EVERYWHERE. >> NO, I AGREE. OBVIOUSLY, AS FAR AS THE PROCESS, I GUESS IT WOULD BE ESSENTIALLY MARKET DRIVEN, WHAT'S THE DEMAND VERSUS THE DEMAND FOR THE TENNIS COURTS. >> WE CAN CERTAINLY GET PRICING ON THAT AS WELL. MAYOR, THERE IS A COUPLE -- ONE MORE THING I WANTED TO MENTION IF I MAY. THERE WAS A PROPOSAL RECEIVED FROM A LOCAL TENNIS COMPANY THAT ANDREW MACK GAVE US DIRECTION TO REVIEW. WE REVIEWED THE PROPOSAL AND WE WENT TO ANOTHER LOCAL GOVERNMENT WHERE THE TENNIS COMPANY HAD TAKEN OVER THEIR TENNIS COURTS, WHICH WERE VERY NICE AND VERY WELL RUN. THE PROPOSAL FABIEN AND I LOOKED AT IT CLOSELY. IT WAS A 10-YEAR CONTRACT AND THAT WOULD TIE OUR BUSINESS UP FOR 10 YEARS AND WE DIDN'T THINK THAT WAS VERY GOOD. THEN THEY SUBMITTED A SECOND PROPOSAL THAT OVER THREE YEARS THEY WOULD DO REVENUE SHARING WITH US. AND DURING THAT TIME WE RECEIVED A SEPARATE PROPOSAL FROM ANOTHER OUTSIDE COMPANY THAT WAS INTERESTED IN TAKING OVER, YOU KNOW, AND RUNNING AND MANAGING OUR TENNIS COURTS. SO I JUST WANTED TO BRING THAT UP TO YOU AS WELL. AND WE'RE CERTAINLY OPEN TO DIRECTION AND HOW YOU WANT US TO PROCEED. WE WANT TO TURN THIS AROUND, BRING IN MORE REVENUE. GETTING THE HYDROCOURTS, WE WON'T HAVE TO CLOSE THE TENNIS COURTS DOWN IN THE AFTERNOON BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO WATER THEM. WHEN YOU WATER THEM FROM UNDERGROUND, YOU DON'T HAVE TO CLOSE THEM. >> MAYOR: YEAH. >> SO OPEN TO ANY DIRECTION. >> MAYOR: THANK YOU FOR CLARIFYING THAT. AS OF NOW, I DON'T THINK I HAVE SEEN EITHER OF THOSE TWO PROPOSALS. I'M NOT EXACTLY SURE WHAT SERVICES THEY ARE PROVIDING, BUT I KNOW YOU HAVE THEM. HAVE YOU COMPILED THE DATA FOR US TO ASSESS? >> I CAN CERTAINLY DO THAT. ONE OF THE PROPOSALS WAS NOT CLEAR ON MONETARY ISSUES. THEY JUST SAID WE WOULD DO THIS, WE WOULD DO THAT. SO I CAN CERTAINLY SHARE THOSE PROPOSALS WITH YOU. WE SPOKE TO ANDREW AND THE MANAGER OF PURCHASING. AND HE SAID SINCE THERE WAS MAYBE MORE THAN ONE COMPANY, THAT MAYBE AN RFP IF YOU WENT IN THAT DIRECTION WOULD BE THE APPROPRIATE WAY TO GO. BUT THAT'S UP TO THE COMMISSION. >> MAYOR: YEAH, I'M INTERESTED IN READING -- I'M SORRY, COMMISSIONER CRUZ. >> NO, I MEAN DURING OUR CONVERSATIONS, I THINK WE TALKED ABOUT HOW THE CITY IS CURRENTLY SPENDING ABOUT $60,000, IS IT, A YEAR? >> 70, YEAH. >> $70,000. >> WE WERE UPSIDE DOWN 70,000 BUT WE WANTED TO TURN THAT DOWN. >> WE ARE CURRENTLY UPSIDE DOWN $70,000 FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND MANAGEMENT OF THE COURTS. I THINK IT'S WORTH A SHOT TO TAKE A LOOK TO SEE WHAT OPTIONS ARE OUT THERE. I THINK TO DO AN RFP AND COMPETITIVE BIDDING PROCESS WOULD BE THE RIGHT THING TO DO AND COMPARING TO THE CURRENT COST AND SEEING WHAT WE ARE PAYING RIGHT NOW. WE ARE $70,000 UNDER, LIKE LOSING MONEY. IF WE HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY WHERE SOMEBODY MIGHT BE ABLE TO COVER COST POTENTIALLY, I HAVEN'T EVEN ANY OF THE PROPOSALS THAT WE'RE TALKING ABOUT OR ANY THAT MIGHT COME IN. IF WE DECIDE TO MOVE IN THAT DIRECTION. AND ALSO LOOKING AT WHAT'S IT'S COSTING US, STAFF, BENEFITS, ALL OF THAT WITH THE ABILITY OF THE COURTS, THE MAINTENANCE, THE REPAIRS, THE POTENTIAL CHANGE FROM THE HARD COURTS TO SIX PICKLEBALL COURTS, ALL OF THAT IS SOMETHING WE SHOULD CONSIDER AND SEE NOT ONLY A COST BENEFIT BUT LOOK AT EFFICIENCY. SO I WOULD BE OPEN TO LOOKING AT A POTENTIAL RFP TO SEE WHAT'S OUT THERE AND WHAT OPPORTUNITIES ARE OUT THERE WITH SOME POTENTIAL REVENUE SHARE. IF WE DO MOVE FORWARD IN THAT DIRECTION, IT WOULD BE GOOD TO HAVE SOMEBODY WITH GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC SECTOR EXPERIENCE, SOMEBODY WHO HAS HAD SIGNIFICANT EXPERIENCE WITH RACKET SPORTS. AND SIGNIFICANT EXPERIENCE WOULD MEAN, YOU KNOW, AT LEAST LIKE FIVE CONTRACTS OR, YOU KNOW, SOMETHING WHERE YOU DO THIS A LOT AND YOU'RE AN EXPERT AT IT. I THINK THAT'S SOMETHING THAT WOULD BE IMPORTANT TO LOOK AT. OBVIOUSLY, IF WE HAVE CONSENSUS FROM THE BOARD TO MOVE FORWARD IN THAT DIRECTION. >> MAYOR: THANK YOU, COMMISSIONER. ANYTHING ELSE? THAT WAS IT? >> I THINK THAT'S IT FOR NOW, YEAH. >> MAYOR: ALL RIGHT. I AM INTERESTED IN READING THESE PROPOSALS. I'M OPEN. IF IT CAN SOLVE A PROBLEM, I'M OPEN TO IT BUT I NEED TO SEE THEM FIRST. ALL RIGHT. COMMISSIONER HAY, YOUR QUESTIONS OR THOUGHTS? >> NO, I TOO WOULD BE SUPPORTIVE, BUT I NEED TO SEE SOME PROS AND CONS. WHY WOULD WE WANT TO DO THAT? AND IF IT'S TO OUR ADVANTAGE, THEN YES. BUT RIGHT NOW, I DON'T SEE IT. MAYBE IT'S A MANPOWER THING, I DON'T KNOW. BUT YOU TELL ME AT THE NEXT MEETING THAT WE HAVE, OKAY? THAT'S ALL I HAVE. THANK YOU. >> MAYOR: GO AHEAD, COMMISSIONER, THANK YOU. >> THANK YOU, MAYOR. QUICK QUESTION ON THE OPERATING HOURS. OUT OF CURIOSITY, WHY IS IT CLOSED AT 1:00 ON THE WEEKENDS? WHEN I FEEL LIKE THAT WOULD BE PRIMETIME BECAUSE A LOT OF PEOPLE AREN'T WORKING. I MEAN IN THE WINTER TIME, TOO, RIGHT? >> YEAH. SO WE TEND TO GET -- >> ARE THESE OPERATING HOURS YEAR-ROUND? DO THEY CHANGE WITH THE SEASON? >> THEY ARE YEAR-ROUND, THAT'S COCORRECT. WE TEND TO GET MOST OF OUR PATRONS IN THE MORNING. WHEN WE STAY UP LATE IS WHEN WE HAVE OUR MEN'S LEAGUES AND WOMEN'S LEAGUES THAT PLAY LATER INTO THE EVENING. THOSE ALL TAKE PLACE DURING THE WEEK. OUTSIDE OF THAT, DROP-IN PLAYERS, THINGS LIKE THAT, ESPECIALLY A LOT OF OUR PICKLEBALLERS AS WELL TEND TO COME IN THE MORNING. SO I KNOW IN THE PAST THOSE HOURS WERE A LITTLE BIT LONGER. STAFF WERE RECOGNIZING THAT WE WEREN'T GETTING PEOPLE FOR THE LAST LIKE THREE, FOUR HOURS THAT WE WERE OPEN, SO IT ONLY MAKE SENSE TO KIND OF CONSOLIDATE A LITTLE BIT. BUT IT'S SOMETHING THAT WE CAN CONTINUE TO EXPLORE, TOO. THAT'S SOMETHING THAT CAN CHANGE AND FLUCTUATE THROUGH TIME, ABSOLUTELY. >> THE LAST THREE OR FOUR HOURS YOU SAID IS WHEN YOU AREN'T SEEING A LOT OF USE? >> CORRECT, CORRECT. >> SO THAT WOULD BE -- I MEAN IF WE LOOKED AT 9:00, THAT WOULD BE LIKE 5:00 OR 6:00. TO GO DOWN TO 1:00 P.M. YOU KNOW, I THINK THAT'S LIKE -- I THINK IT'S A LITTLE BIT DRAMATIC. I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THOSE OPERATING HOURS EXPAND. THAT'S JUST ME. BEFORE I START, I JUST WANT TO THANK YOU BOTH FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK, NOT JUST ON THIS BUT WITH EVERYTHING. FABIEN, I KNOW YOU'RE NEWER. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE, HIT THE GROUND RUNNING. >> THANK YOU. >> AND YOU GOT ONTO VANDALISM OR WHATEVER HAPPENED WITH THE DOG PARK AND SIGN ANNUAL, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR GETTING ON THAT. SO I APPRECIATE THAT. >> THANK YOU. >> I AGREE WITH WHAT'S BEEN SAID. I THINK THERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY TO PRODUCE AN ANCILLARY REVENUE SOURCE AND ALLOW A VENDOR TO MAYBE DO SOMETHING THAT, YOU KNOW, MAYBE NOT NECESSARILY WE ARE EXPERTS AT, RIGHT, AND ALLEVIATE YOU GUYS' BANDWIDTH. IF THERE'S ONE DEPARTMENT THAT I THINK COULD ALWAYS USE MORE MONEY AND MORE RESOURCES AND MORE STAFFING, IT'S PARKS AND REC, RIGHT. THERE'S ALWAYS SOMETHING. THE RESIDENTS SEE THAT. IT'S A SUBJECTIVE DEPARTMENT. THEY SEE THE PARKS. THEY NOTICE IF THERE'S INADEQUACIES, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN? AND I LOOK AT THIS AS LIKE A WIN-WIN-WIN SITUATION. WE CAN FIRST AND FOREMOST PRODUCE SOME REVENUE, LESSEN THE LOAD ON THE TAXPAYERS AND PARKS AND REC. OBVIOUSLY, IT HAS TO MAKE SENSE, WHETHER WE LOOK AT THE PROPOSALS OR DO AN RFP, I'M INDIFFERENT. I WOULD LIKE TO SEE, YOU KNOW, WHAT THE BEST DEAL IS AND PROVIDE AN ADDITIONAL REVENUE SOURCE FOR THE CITY, YOU KNOW. ULTIMATELY, WE DO THIS ENOUGH TIMES, TIME AND TIME AGAIN THROUGHOUT MULTIPLE DEPARTMENTS, WE HAVE THE ABILITY TO CONTINUE TO LOWER OUR MILLAGE RATE, RIGHT. AND CUT COSTS AND THEN FOCUS ON OTHER CIP PROJECTS. SO I WOULD LIKE TO INVESTIGATE AND DIRECT STAFF TO, YOU KNOW, LOOK AT A POTENTIAL VENDOR. >> MAYOR: YEAH, LOOKS LIKE HE'S FINISHED, COMMISSIONER CRUZ. >> YEAH, NO, THANK YOU FOR THAT. NO, I JUST WANTED TO FOLLOW UP WITH LIKE FOCUSING ON EFFICIENCY AND REVENUE SHARE. AND THINKING ABOUT HOW MUCH IT'S COSTING US AND HOW MUCH ARE WE LOSING. LIKE IF WE'RE LOSING $70,000 A YEAR RUNNING IT CURRENTLY, THEN IS THAT SOMETHING WHERE WE COULD TURN IT AROUND AND POTENTIALLY DO A REVENUE SHARE? BUT AGAIN, WE CAN'T GET INTO THE NITTY-GRITTY DETAILS OF ANYTHING UNTIL, YOU KNOW, WE -- I THINK THE BEST WAY TO REALLY SEE IF IT WOULD EVEN BE WORTH IT OR NOT WOULD BE TO MAYBE OPEN UP FOR AN RFP AND SEE WHAT WE RECEIVE. AND IF IT TURNS OUT THAT IT'S NOT SOMETHING THAT IS GOOD, THEN WE WON'T GO FORWARD WITH IT. BUT IF IT TURNS OUT THAT IT IS SOMETHING GOOD, THAT WOULD BENEFIT THE CITY AND, YOU KNOW, NOT HAVE THAT LOSS, LIKE REVENUE LOSS, AND ALSO BEING ABLE TO UPGRADE THE COURTS AND CHANGE IT TO PICKLEBALL AND ALL THAT -- AS YOU SAID, EXTENDING THE HOURS. >> HOW MANY YEARS DID WE GO BACK AS FAR AS THAT TENNIS COURT FACILITIES HAVE BEEN IN A DEFICIT? I KNOW WE ONLY TALKED ABOUT YEAR ONE. WHAT'S BEEN THE PREVIOUS THREE YEARS? DO YOU HAVE THOSE? >> WE DON'T HAVE THEM ON US. >> HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN THE BLACK OR THE GREEN AT ALL? OR HAVE WE CONSISTENTLY STAYED IN THE RED? >> IT HAS BEEN OPERATING AT A LOSS FOR THE PAST COUPLE OF YEARS, THE YEARS THAT WE LOOKED INTO. >> SO ESSENTIALLY, YOU'RE RUNNING A DEFICIT AS A BUSINESS. >> YES, YES. BUT WE WERE ALSO PAYING A SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT OF MONEY TO HAVE PTCS MAINTAINING THIS FACILITY ALSO, TOO. THAT'S SOMETHING TO TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION, ALSO. WE WERE PAYING THEM APPROXIMATELY $80,000. >> DO YOU GUYS HAVE ANY NUMBERS AS FAR AS THE REVENUE SHARE? DID YOU GUYS BRING THEM TONIGHT OR DO YOU NOT HAVE THEM? >> WE DO HAVE THEM. >> I'M TRYING TO GET TO VERSUS THE DEFICIT THAT WE WERE RUNNING OVER THE FAST FEW YEARS OF $60,000, $7,000, WHAT WOULD BE THE POSITIVE IF YOU BROUGHT IN A VENDOR TO ACTUALLY TAKE OVER THE OPERATION OF THE TENNIS COURT? BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY, IF WE'RE GOING TO BE HAVING A REVENUE SHARE OR -- A REVENUE SHARE. >> YES. >> NOT ONLY ARE YOU CORRECTING THE DEFICIT, BUT YOU'RE ALSO GOING TO BE TURNING ESSENTIALLY REVENUE AND INCOME FOR THE CITY. >> YES, CORRECT. SO THE MOST RECENT PROPOSAL THAT WE GOT, THERE WAS A RENT FACTOR TO IT, TOO, SO THAT IS GUARANTEED INCOME THAT WE WOULD GET FROM THAT AS WELL AS A PERCENTAGE OF PROFIT SHARE. OUR NUMBERS THAT CRAIG MENTIONED IS SOMETHING WE THINK WE CAN REACH WITH THE NEW PROGRAMMING THAT WE HAVE LISTED RIGHT THERE AT THE TOP TWO. SO WE DO FEEL LIKE WE DO POTENTIALLY HAVE THE ABILITY TO GET SIMILAR NUMBERS TO THIS BY RUNNING THE OPERATION IN-HOUSE. THIS COMES WITH SOME ADDITIONAL INSURANCES. SO THERE'S THAT BENEFIT FOR GOING TO THIS DIRECTION, TOO, SO IT REALLY KIND OF DEPENDS ON IF WE WANT TO KIND OF LOOK AT THIS FOR A YEAR AND SEE HOW THINGS KIND OF GO WITH THIS NEW KIND OF STAFF SETUP THAT WE ARE OR DO WE WANT TO PLAY IT A LITTLE MORE SAFE AND GO IN THIS DIRECTION IS PRETTY MUCH THE TWO OPTIONS WE HAVE BEFORE US. >> YEAH, THE MODEL FROM THE ONE COMPANY, THE SECOND PROPOSAL THEY SENT, THEY HAD -- BASED ON ESTIMATED NUMBERS, OBVIOUSLY, THE FIRST YEAR RENT $60,000, THE SECOND YEAR $72,000, YEAR THREE $96,000. AND THEN THERE WOULD BE A REVENUE SPLIT OF GROSS REVENUES EACH YEAR. FIRST YEAR 1%, SECOND YEAR 1%, THIRD YEAR 2%. THAT'S WHAT I CALCULATED. >> AND THOSE AREN'T BASED OFF PERFORMANCE MATRIX? >> THOSE ARE BASED OFF OF ESTIMATES. >> THAT'S GUARANTEED INCOME THAT WOULD BE COMING IN NO MATTER WHAT? >> IT'S BASED ON THEIR REVENUES. >> YEAH, OKAY. >> SO IT IS BASED OFF THEIR REVENUES. >> IT IS BASED OFF THEIR REVENUES. >> WHAT I WOULD SAY IS JUST TO KIND OF BE FAIR, I THINK IT'S WORTH A SHOT TO SEE WHAT PROPOSALS WE GET. MAYBE I WOULD SAY IF THE BOARD AGREES, LET'S GIVE IT A 30-DAY WINDOW TO DO AN RFP TO SEE WHAT WE RECEIVE IF ANYTHING AT ALL. IT'S POSSIBLE WE GET NOTHING. IT JUST DEPENDS. IF WE DO A 30-DAY WINDOW WHERE WE OPEN IT UP FOR COMPETITIVE BIDDING AND SEE WHAT WE RECEIVE. AND SEEING THE REVENUE SHARE, HOW MUCH MONEY WE WOULD BE COMPARING TO WHAT WE ARE LOSING NOW TO HOW IT COULD BE IN THE FUTURE, AND REALLY GETTING THE NUMBERS -- LOOKING AT OPERATING HOURS AS COMMISSIONER TURKIN STATED EARLIER, I THINK THOSE ARE THINGS THAT ARE VALID TO TAKE A LOOK AT. THEN WE CAN CIRCLE BACK AND THEN MAYBE STAFF CAN PROVIDE A RECOMMENDATION AFTER THAT 30-DAY REVIEW IF THAT'S SOMETHING THAT THE BOARD AGREES TO. >> MAYOR: ANDREW. >> YES, SIR. ONE OF THE THINGS THAT WE DID NOTICE THAT WHEN WE -- THE INITIAL PROPOSAL THAT CAME IN, ONE OF THE VENDORS PROPOSED ACTUALLY RENOVATING THE COURTS WHICH SIGNIFICANTLY IMPACTED THE REVENUE. WHEN WE MET WITH THEM, WE TALKED ABOUT POTENTIALLY DOING THE COURT RENOVATIONS IN-HOUSE -- NOT IN-HOUSE BUT THROUGH OUR CIP PROJECTS AND THEN ALLOWING THEM -- AND DO IT PHASED OVER A CERTAIN PERIOD OF TIME WHICH IS SIMILAR TO WHAT THEY HAD PROPOSED IN THE SECOND PROPOSAL. I JUST WANT TO MAKE SURE THAT IN EITHER SCENARIO, THAT YOU GUYS ARE COMFORTABLE WITH US MOVING FORWARD WITH THE RENOVATIONS AND THEN WE WOULD JUST BE LOOKING FOR A VENDOR. BECAUSE THERE IS ALSO POTENTIAL TO INCLUDE THE RENOVATIONS IN THIS AS WELL AND GET IT FROM THE OPEN MARKET, BUT IT WOULD SIGNIFICANTLY IMPACT THE TERM OF THE AGREEMENT WHICH IS WHY THEY WERE ASKING FOR 10 YEARS BECAUSE THEY WERE GOING TO INVEST $1 MILLION IN THE FACILITY TO RENOVATE THE COURTS, WHICH THE HYDROCOURTS ARE THE MOST SIGNIFICANT THING WE NEED TO DO THERE. >> AND IF WE CAN POTENTIALLY GET A GRANT TO COVER THAT, THAT WOULD REDUCE THE COST. >> THAT WAS THE OTHER. AND I THINK STAFF FELT THEY COULD SIGNIFICANTLY GET THAT GRANT. THEY THOUGHT IT WAS A HIGH PROBABILITY. >> I THINK IT'S A HIGH PROBABILITY WE COULD GET THE GRANT. >> I WOULD DEFER TO WHATEVER STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION IS. IF YOU THINK IT'S A GOOD IDEA TO INCLUDE THAT ON THERE. >> I THINK IT'S SOMETHING THAT ONCE WE GET A VENDOR, WE WOULD WORK WITH THEM IN TANDEM TO MAKE SURE THE COURTS WE ARE RENOVATING SUIT THEIR NEEDS AS WELL. OBVIOUSLY, THIS WOULDN'T HAPPEN IN A VACUUM. IT WOULD BE DONE IN TANDEM WITH ANY APPROACH WE HAD. I WANTED TO MAKE SURE WE'RE COMFORTABLE AND WE WOULD MOVE FORWARD WITH THE CIP TO RENOVATE THE COURTS AND WORK WITH THE VENDOR. >> MAYOR: ALL RIGHT. LET ME JUMP IN AND SAY, IN GENERAL, USING CIP, THAT'S PERFECTLY FINE WITH ME. BUT, GENTLEMEN, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT BOTH OF YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT -- ALL THREE OF YOU. I KNOW YOU ARE READING OFF YOUR PAGES AND TELLING US NUMBERS. LET'S SIT DOWN TOGETHER. LET'S DO A DEEP DIVE BECAUSE I DON'T -- I HAVEN'T SEEN THOSE THINGS. >> AND I THINK THAT'S WHY IT'S BETTER TO GET SOME PROPOSALS SO WE CAN LOOK AT THEM AND MAYBE HAVE STAFF REVIEW THEM AND GET A RECOMMENDATION. BECAUSE WE DON'T KNOW WHAT WE'RE LOOKING AT RIGHT NOW. >> IF POSSIBLE, MAYBE FABIEN AND CRAIG COULD SET UP ONE-ON-ONES WITH EACH OF YOU AND GO THROUGH WHAT WE HAVE GOTTEN SO FAR, GET SOME NOTES. >> MAYOR: THAT'S MY INTENTION. >> THEN WE CAN LOOK THROUGH IT AND HAVE A GOOD REFLECTION OF WHAT WE HAD LIKE TO DO IN AN RFP. >> I THINK THAT WOULD CLEAR UP SOME OF YOUR QUESTIONS, YEAH. JUST AN FYI, THE GRANT APPLICATION FOR THE NEXT GRANT CYCLE WOULD BE DUE SEPTEMBER OF 2025. AND THOSE DOLLARS WILL COME TO US THE FOLLOWING YEAR IN 2026. GIST SO YOU KNOW THAT. >> MAYOR: ANYTHING ELSE FROM MY COLLEAGUES? ALL RIGHT. IT SOUNDS LIKE WE'RE FINISHED FINALLY. THANK YOU SO MUCH, EVERYBODY. I APPRECIATE THE PRESENTATION, GENTLEMEN. >> OUR PLEASURE. >> MAYOR: IF THERE'S NOTHING ELSE FROM MY COLLEAGUES, MOTION TO ADJOURN. >> SO MOVED. >> SECOND. >> MAYOR: WE HAVE A MOTION AND SECOND. ALL THOSE IN FAVOR OF ADJOURNING, SAY AYE. [AYES] WE ARE ADJOURNED.