##VIDEO ID:KxKP1bF832E## I better go get the snacks go in the fridge thege out mostly what's the seating I already moved your thing over there I'm just trying to figure I just put it there made it up our concession stand Dan how are you just in case you get October I can't guarantee I know that's what I said good yeah that's where I always sit are you want to sit there I mean I guess I could sides okay go apprciate it thank you yes organic gummy bears it for the middle seat huh is a lot you already have it I do know knock it out did it again drew me off I was like yeah um it's for you to sign and then for um commissioner turkin to sign because that's the animal one the animal one that's saw than you I back for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e time's a six o'clock meeting start all right good afternoon everybody I just got the official thumbs up that it is ready and running and the broadcast has started good evening everyone and welcome to the city of Boon Beach City commission meeting today is October 1st 2024 and The Time Is Now 6:05 p.m. this meting meeting is officially called to order before we proceed with roll call I want to remind everybody of our Rules of Civility and decorum uh public speakers must first be addressed by the chair and not interrupt any other speakers public comments must be addressed uh through the board as a whole through the chair uh personal tax insults uh disruptive behaviors similar behaviors are all strictly prohibited should you violate these rules you'll be provided a warning and should you continue you may be asked to leave these Chambers let's move on now to the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance the invocation this evening will be led by Pastor Nate Santos of Living Waters Church followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by commissioner Thomas turkin mayor I apologize um Pastor nay will not be able to make it he actually texted me earlier and he say he sent an email to city clerk sorry but um we if we can have commissioner hey maybe do it yeah I'm comfortable with that but is I just want to confirm the passor is not here today okay with that commissioner he would you do us the honors of the invocation all right let's all stand for the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance let us pray Lord we thank you once again for an opportunity to serve this great city of Bon Beach Florida we thank you for all who was present especially those who are here as Commissioners and the mayor and all our staff we pray father that the decision that we make will be in your uh please in your eyes and in in your ears pray father that all the citizens will be uh blessed by the decision that we make here today we pray that as we move forward that we will make Bon Beach the city that you would have it to be we give all this in the name of Jesus Christ we pray let every heart say amen amen pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right thank you everybody thank you commissioner hey for leading Us in the invocation and commissioner turkin for the pledge uh we're going to move on now to agenda approval if there's any additions deletions I'm sorry let's for almost forgot the roll call let's proceed with the roll call Mayor penserga here vice mayor Kelly here commissioner Cruz here commissioner hay here commissioner turkin president mayor you have a quum thank you so much now to the agenda approval if there are any additions deletions or corrections to the agenda let's begin on my left with commissioner turkin if you have any requests for consideration um one thing I want to do I know I saw an email from uh Adam in regards to the mall I think uh if that sale does happen I think it's going back in the market I want staff um it's okay with my colleagues to reach out to uh that potential buyer so that maybe we can have a workshop with the community um with those private entities and uh give give the city a chance to talk about what they'd like to see there yep I I support that as well commissioner that's a good idea if our staff could reach out to them of course it depends what phase they're in and what stage I'm not actually sure all right and then um go ahead and then 10f I see there's a quite a bit of people in the audience in regards to 10f if we can move move that up to the first item in regular business and 10f the disposition of property for I'm sorry uh no 10 10f the carve orer unless I have a wronging agenda item you guys give me a different one in my copy that is 10 e so this is different from what that's the old one okay okay so I have no objection to that as well my colleagues move it up to where commissioner turkin what was your suggestion I'll move it up to the first item for regular business just making it 10A okay yeah so we'll make that 10A so 51e will be before 10 a okay anything else commissioner all right thank you good you're good commissioner hey vice vice mayor no I'm good thank you uh commissioner Cruz I'm fine as well all right thank you so we only have one Amendment um we have a motion to approve the agenda as amended so move we have a motion from commissioner haer a second we have a second from commissioner Cruz all those in favor of the motion to amend the agenda say I I all those oppose motion passes unanimously the agenda is approved as amended we're now going to turn to section two informational items by members of the city commission let me turn now to my right this time commissioner Cruz if you have any informational items uh I just wanted to give a quick shout out to the U Boon bulldogs for winning the Boon Bowl um they did a really great job last night and also to the cheer leaders for cheering them on and I don't have any disclosures for today thank you all right thank you vice mayor thank you mayor no I do not have any disclosures thank you all right thank you commissioner hey I'm good commissioner turkin with that we're going to move on to the next portion of the agenda which are announcements community and special events and presentations the very first item is a proclamation for Hispanic Heritage Month uh commissioner Cruz would you like to read the proclamation into the record uh sure thank you mayor all right um thank you everyone in the audience for being here for this Proclamation whereas Hispanic Americans present a wide range of nationalities and backgrounds coming from diverse locations including Central America South America the Caribbean and Spain whereas Hispanics of every race class and multiple nationalities have made historic contributions to the growth and strength of Palm Beach County and whereas Hispanics continue to enrich our nation's character shape our common future and affirm The Narrative of American unity and progress during National Hispanic Heritage Month we celebrate culture honor the invalidate ways Hispanics contribute to our common goals and work toward a stronger more inclusive and more prosperous Society for all whereas in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month we honor the contributions Hispanics have made in the city of Boon Beach and we highlight an important part of the the diversity that keeps our community strong now therefore be it resolved that I commissioner Angela Cruz and typ and serga of the city of Boon Beach hereby Proclaim September 15th 2024 through October 15th 2024 in the city of Wen Beach as Hispanic Heritage Month thank you thank you commissioner [Applause] I was informed that Juan Pagan president of the Florida Hispanic American Chamber of Commerce Laura Hanley and Virginia saviero from the Latino leadership Alliance government Relations Committee and city clerk mey Deus incoming president for the Florida Chapter the local government Hispanic Network are here to accept the proclamation yes mayor we also have a councilwoman Susie Diaz from the city of green AC and we have lordis kasanova present as well good evening everybody Welcome let's all stand down let's come down take a picture all right thank you so much you guys want to come in all right two so you want say a few words right please yeah good evening everybody when I on the mic pleas oh it want be to I don't need a mic but you you can tell I don't need a mic right do in this CH thank you very much you know if you look I've been a resident of Palm Beach County we don't want to talk about age but it's over 35 years already you know when I move here my company transfer me here over 35 years ago the Hispanic population in the whole County was not even 5% today as we move forward you know according to a 20 census you can speak to us they can hear you that time according to a 2020 census you know the Hispanic population was 24% you know what reality today is over 30% in the whole County that is about you know but this is not about you know Hispanic or no Hispanic it's about how do we get together how do we work together how do we help the community and that's what it's all about so guys we're looking forward to work with you you're part of the our Chamber of Commerce the Florida Hispanic American Chamber of Commerce Festa which white the way Festa let me ask a question to everybody who is the Santa Claus of the Hispanic kids the three Whit men exactly those three guys and they only come in one day guess which day it's only on jary the 6th and they come because Santa Claus get lost in Latin America they he get lost in Spain he gets lost in Portugal so you know so the three kings you know three wi men they come through January the 6 and then we've been celebrating in this County at the Green Acres Community Park for the last 11 year Fiesta the PUO which is an honor of the three kings what happened from 12th to 4:00 we got the senior citizens between 400 and 6 come the parents with the kids why because as 5:00 who shows up live and Living Color the three wise men and they bring presents to the kids these three lines that the Cherry's office help us organize 0 to2 years 224 426 and then everybody gets a present no return no exchange that's what you got but again it's about working with the community looking forward to you with all of you thank you again which gracias thank you [Applause] all right thank you so much everybody we're going to move on to the next item on the agenda it's another Proclamation for Animal Welfare month commissioner turkin if you'd like to read that into the record thank you mayor whereas the welfare of animals is a concern for the city of Boon Beach Florida and our community as a whole and animals enrich our lives and contribute to our community's well-being and quality of life and awareness and advocacy for Animal Welfare are essential for promoting the Humane treatment of all animals and whereas it is appropriate to recognize the month of October as Animal Welfare month and whereas through public engagement the city of Boon Beach seeks to encourage responsible pet ownership support local shelters and promote the importance of spaying and neutering and whereas residents are encouraged to utilize our dog friendly parks and participate in Animal Welfare events and initiatives throughout October to increase awareness and advocate for the protection of animals in our community and whereas local organizations and volunteers play a crucial role in fostering compassion and Care for Animals working diligently to ensure their safety and well-being now therefore I commissioner Thomas turkin and PGA mayor of the city of Boon Beach Florida do hereby Proclaim October as Animal Welfare month and witness whereof I've un unto unset my hand and cause the Seal of the city of Boon Beach Florida to be a fixed at Boon Beach Florida the first day of October 2024 all right thank you and do we have uh Miss Weinberger present to accept the proclamation come on up and if you'd like to say a few words about the great work that you're doing we would love to hear about that I'd like to hear from the great name thank you so much we honored and uh even more so honored on behalf of all of the animals that we are able to save and um facilitate into Better Homes I think it's important for us in our culture to realize the importance that animals do play in our lives many people you only know what you're exposed to so it's honestly been my life's Mission as I was uh fortunate to grow up with Foster siblings adopted siblings and um some special needs special needs sister and uh animal rescue so watching how my siblings would flourish was um really a gift so I've been fortunate to be able to continue doing that I think it's important for all of us you know you might not be able to take on an animal but you could just maybe uh share the story or Foster an animal a lot of my daughter in college a lot of the kids want a dog it's really not a great time but you can foster so I think it's important as I said you only know what you're exposed to in life so thank you so much for you know exposing this and and letting your community know the importance of the human and animal relationship so God bless thank you thank you you guys want to come down or yeah why not one okay thank you Miss Weinberger the next item on the agenda is just an announcement of our senior health fair the semiannual senior health fair will be held on Tuesday October 15th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Isel Hester Junior Community Center located at 1901 North seest Boulevard this event is free to the public providing Health Resources and services from health care providers for seniors and their caregivers along with free health screenings Fitness demonstrations and door prizes for more information you can contact our Boon Beach Senior Center at 561- 742 6570 okay so now we're going to move on to public audience uh this is a time if you'd like to be heard on consent agenda items or items not on the agenda it is 3 minutes per person is non-transferable this is a time to be heard so we'll be taking down notes but we'll we not be able to answer any questions after we conclude with those uh in the chambers in the room we will go to those online for those of you listening online I will let you know when you have 30 seconds remaining so you can keep track of your time okay uh let's begin in the room where's my timer let me switch to the timer if the gentleman who's standing in front of the timer could just scoot over just a little bit so I can see and keep track of the time thank you so much uh if you would like to speak on a consent agenda item or non-agenda item now would be the time to approach the podium if you are new to our meeting uh you begin by stating your name for the record and then you may begin alado oh Cindy Falco decado I would like to thank um the city manager for getting the lawn mode behind my back of my the alleyway even though they did half a side of it not the fullness of it at least my side was done but I do want to make you aware the complete job was not accomplished just so that you can have your people go back out there and do the other side but thank you for having my side done I appreciate it um I also believe that there's some Su suspicious Behavior as I see many people walking around and being dropped off near houses that they don't live in and then I watch and they walk into a house that that they get dropped off down the street as you know we have a large problem with the sex trafficking here in Buon Beach and we have a large problem with um also these um uh immigrants coming in I I I believe that they are um here and they got uh special privileges or they're not being searched out due to the fact that there was an accident just today on seest right in the kids zone where the children are walking and the people jumped out of the car and ran that happened once before and my house was filled with a whole bunch of police officers next door and all around because the guy jumped over the fence and was hiding uh this is becoming a real problem in Boon Beach we have a lot of car CR crashes with people who are ille legally driving and they're leaving the scenes of the crimes and people are being harmed now I know that we we talked about having these these camera lights well the camera lights don't save children the camera lights only make money they don't do anything else to help these children so the red lights are not going to work the cameras are not going to work we need the people staying in position so that we can catch people who are harming and possibly causing accidents where children are again this was in a child scho school zone I also want to bring up again that I see that Mr Jean Whitey still here I feel like it's a personal attack on me because I was attacked here in this room and I see that he continually gets to sit here up front and again he abused me when we talked about sex trafficking I was at the podium earlier that day speaking about that and then I was physically attacked by him um these things are concerning to me you are Representatives here of our community you are elected officials to make sure that we feel safe that our children are safe and that we are not wasting money time and energy and we're to walk freely in our streets and I bring back up again about the sex trafficking the human trafficking I don't know if you live in this community but if you walk the streets all day long you see groups of different people then all of a sudden they disperse then you see groups of different people they're dispersing they're being like I said dropped off down the streets from where they live and then I watch and they go into their houses of the same house something's not right in Denmark and I'm asking you to please do your D diligence we are not safe in the city and we are a small City and we should be safe in the city thank you thank you next speaker state your name for the record and you may begin whenever you're ready and I'm going to ask the vice chair if you could just keep track of time I quickly step out for the restroom all right uh you may begin Susan oer Boon Beach I wanted to say thank you um with all my septic tank surprise issues um I've got to say the city has been exceptionally responsive and I want to say thank you to Aaron who I I can't believe I don't know her last name after all this time the pretty red-haired lady that works in utilities yes she is fabulous she has gone out of her way to be helpful to me um I want to say thank you to Michael G Griffin over in pnz because even though he wears an ugust shirt and went to the wrong University he's still does a good job although don't tell him I said that um I want to say thank you especially to Patrick Hart who's just been an absolute doll to deal with on a multitude of problems um and and Patrick and Aaron have been so responsive and helpful and I want to say thank you I want to say thank you to commissioner Cruz and commissioner turkin who've gone out of their way to be helpful trying to help me you know work towards a funding source or something so please don't stop because you know um commissioner mck Bernard from the county is not able to help so I would appreciate you all continuing to help me find funding for this um and and um Thor am I saying his name right Thorley Johnson um was very helpful and friendly and got back to me and gave me a whole lot of information last week I wanted to let you know how very thoughtful and kind it was of him to pull extra information for me um I I can never remember the kid's name who's up at the front in the pnz office his his name begins with the E young African-American super nice love love love him can never remember his name to save my life that's on me not on him he was especially helpful this last week when I was in there um and of course I can never say enough Fab things about Jay who's my favorite oh no not my favorite he's now my second favorite employee in the city because my favorite employee is info our newest employee in the fish tank and and so um I want to say we really need to get a live feed on him and have TVs in all the public facing areas so when people are getting irritated and grouchy they can watch the fish and calm down so let that be my suggestion to you and I want to remind everyone this Thursday is the Boon Beach um business o owners bruise um business owners over bruise um social at from 5:30 to 7: and that's it um the bo La the board Latina thank you um at 1500 Gateway it's open to everybody please come by I understand Adam's coming because the whole chamber is all excited that you're coming so thank you very much I figure if I'm going to bash you every once in a while I need to say some really great things and again info gets my my votee for employee of the month for being so cute thank you thank you vice vice mayor if I may um it looks like the item regarding the boat ramp does not include public comment and so I want to ask if we want to allow that public comment for that item or ask any members of the audience to speak now in regards to that item well that's probably the consistent what we'll just if there's anyone here to speak on any agenda items that wouldn't have public comment in particular the Harvey o one this be the time to speak during public comment okay perfect so if anyone's here to speak on the boat ramp this is the time that would be me David Dennis 1314 South Sea Crest Boulevard in bton Beach Florida thank you commission I appreciate you allowing me to be here and I believe in Boon Beach and I believe in the leadership here we've gone through a lot in Boon beach in terms of getting the things necessary to thrive and survive the cultural center was one back when it needed some work I didn't realize it needed that much work or that it was that beautiful but the community came together and made it happen and I look now and I see the wisdom of those decisions that were made from this side and from that side we have now another opportunity to do the same thing and do it even better we want to still be called Bingington Beach not just Boon we don't want to be landlocked okay if we give up our water access we might as well will just take the beach off we can't rely on the uh facility in Ocean R we cannot rely on the facility that the county has for us we do have property here and we need to keep that open that has ramifications for families industry here we're known for our fresh seafood here we're known for these things these are a lot of the things that bring people to our town that make us attractive but if we give up that we've BAS Al given up quite a bit and I believe that the leadership here really does recognize that but it is up to some of us to come and say something and say hey can we do something how important is it so I just ask you to find a way to make sure that the water properties that we currently have never leave the hands of Boyington Beach thank you very much for your time thank you uh next public comment speaker in the room good evening Captain Danny Barrow past vice president of the Florida guides Association I'm an environmental activist I'm also a local fishing guide um as far as Harvey or Park goes this is this board's chance to show the people of Boon Beach their loyalty to the people of Boon Beach that ramp's been there since I was a kid that as far back as I can remember I'm 64 years old I've been using that ramp that long I'm 22 years ago today I got sober at that ramp and I went through my steps with an old man AA stuff and that place means the world to me it's more than just fishing this is your chance to prove to the people your loyalty to them by doing something to guarantee that boat ramp never goes anywhere and the fisherman trust me love you for it and the people that vote for you they love you for it so please make the proper decision and thank you very much thank you we will be addressing that item at the very beginning of new business excellent yes next person yes hi Candice cabitt I live in Buon Beach and I would like to to uh bring up and encourage um we need speed bumps on our street I see some Buon Beach streets have them and others don't um the postage speed limit on that street there is 30 mil hour and they're going 40 and 50 and about a month ago I had to come in and uh Lodge a complaint regarding a bulk pickup driver I motion for him to slow down that that big truck was something to see barreling down the street and I was given the finger so that's why I had to come in to Lodge a complaint but my point is um it it mostly regards the little animals out on the street a lot of people let their pets out which isn't maybe appropriate you know because not everyone has a Fen in yard uh pets are getting killed and I did see that some streets had speed bumps and others didn't and I would really like to um have speed bumps put on our street I don't know how to go about that or who to speak with but the it's important I've been um watching the traffic and it's not one or two cars daily it's more than that and I found myself getting angry and kind of stepping out into the street to motion to slow and I get all different kinds of responses but that's another story anyhow speed bumps on our streets on some of the streets in Boon Beach and that's about it okay thank thank you all right next speaker good evening good evening uh Brian mcdevit um just be speaking on behalf of the local Boy Scout Troop group on Friday September 20th members from our local Scout Troop 296 participated in a uh Memorial vent at veter Veterans Memorial Park honoring PS and M um those missing in action uh this was an all night vigil was conducted at the park it was a presentation of colors playing of TAPS and uh a 21 gun salute performed by a local veterans organization really nice event had a few hiccups during the event um some of the lights weren't working reached out to our city manager he put Kevin Ramsay on it weren't able to get the lights working but Kevin got some of his people from facilities to come over and put up some portable lights so it was uh really want to send a shout out to those guys for coming out and helping us with that event um and vice mayor Kelly um also attended the closing ceremonies that morning so the event the the kids would go around to each Memorial once an hour and they would do a reading about uh different Wars that have occurred all over the all over the world that veterans participated in really a successful event kids kept vigil all night stayed there from 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. the next day um all in all it was a success um it's marred by one incident about 1:00 a.m. a vehicle began to circle the park and it came to the attention of the parents that were there the uh the other Scout Masters and the vehicle circled that event for nearly two hours then eventually the occupant of the vehicle got out and it was none other than our own village idiot Ernest MCN that'll be the only personal insult okay um I I think it Bears on this board hearing about this because mnol occupies more resources than he ever should he calls our dispatch constantly they are literally hundreds of calls that he places frivolous nonsense on a very regular basis he doesn't seem to want to live here and he's had negative interactions with nearly every employee that you talk to him about every single one just ask around not just PD not just FD building facilities everyone everyone's had negative interactions with this guy so I think it's important for us to call this person out at this point and say if you don't want to be here then leave there's nothing keeping you here leave this city all right there's lots of people that want to make it a nice place to live it's time for you to go that's all I good thank you all right thank you next speaker we have another Podium on the other side say your name for the record and begin whenever you're ready yes my name is Dan Williams um I'm a business owner in Boon in Boon Beach um I want to talk about the uh the public public boat ramp in the park that's there it's kind of important that we uh see the future and the actions of today what they can lead to with regards to development in state and Municipal Parks these are green spaces that we have very little left of okay we need to protect them you guys are the Forefront of that so in the meantime I'm going to I'm going to read you a little a little speech that I put together and then I'll finish really quickly um my name again Dan Williams a business owner of Boon Beach as someone who whose company plays a vital role in technology and was deemed critical infrastructure during during the pandemic I've seen firsthand how crucial our parks and access points like the boat ramp at Harvey oer Park can be during the 2020 pandemic when Road access was limited our business relied on special permission to use the park to travel by boat to Jupiter to essential work this park isn't just a business asset it's a life a Lifeline for the community the Coast Guard auxiliary service operates from this property ensuring boating safety in the region where such services are indispensable orer Park offers the nearest access to the Boon Inlet and it's Irreplaceable for local boers including fishermen and First Responders the thought of selling this park to developers after just 15 more years of protection is deeply troubling there is so much development already happening in Florida and the more that we pave over our green spaces the more we lose the very places that give us peace Recreation and vital Services oyer Park is not just another plot of land it's a vital resource for boers fishermen and Rescue Services alike we don't need more hotels or restaurants on this land we need to preserve it for public use Parks like oer are replaceable and critical to our communities when we sell off these Parks we lose essential spaces where families can relax businesses can operate and life-saving services can be rendered the proposed development threatens not only our ability to enjoy this space but also the safety of boers and the continuing continuing of essential services for local fishermen and Hunters especially in the Indigenous and undeserved undeserved communities access to such spaces is about more than just Recreation it's about survival and tradition this brings me to Amendment 2A fishing and hunting Are Not Just Sports but ways of life for many indigenous communities as well as local fishermen we must protect their right to continue these Traditions by voting yes on 2A this amendment is about preserving the right to access these resources sustainably ensuring that our future Generations have the same opportunities we do and as a representative of the tyo indigenous Community I stand before you to remind you that the first indigenous tribe enslaved by colonization should not be the last one recognized or respected thank you so much all right next speaker anyone else in the chambers otherwise we'll go to those online all right we have another we have one more person in the room and and if again if the gentleman standing in front of the timer could just scoot over Mr mcdevit I can't see the timer would you mind scooting over all right thank you one second all right you may begin state your name for the record and you may begin Destiny Williams right uh good evening mayor and commission my name is Destiny Williams uh I'm the daughter of tenil gross my mother began working at the city of Boon Beach and was praised for months by the commission and the city manager's office for her outstanding performance anybody who knows my mother knows that she pours her heart and soul into everything that she does uh but unfortunately uh the city did tarnish her reputation with false accusation shortly after she raised concerns about a comment made in August of 2023 and again in October and November regarding hiring too many black women when reviewing the report uh that the investigation um conducted who the City attorney also hired uh along with the ethics ruling on pecard usage and document forgery it raises questions about the credibility of the city's investigation compared to an external one the city claims my mother was not performing yet she would often come home late at night I'd see her stumbling in the door not knowing how she made it through the day uh and continuing to even work on weekends what's perplexing is despite this claim they initially hired my mother at1 169,000 and then granted her a $199,000 raise bringing her to $188,000 why would you provide a $119,000 raise if a person's not performing duties it doesn't make sense uh as her daughter it it frustrates me and simultaneously breaks my heart to see how much she suffered to see how much crying she did and how the city um just tore her reputation by telling a one-sided story can you point me to another HR director who within six months of being hired managed to close two Union contracts conducted a comprehensive compensation and classification review for employees or organized a career fair that filled 90% of Boon Beach's vacancies revised the employee handbook and improved the city's Insurance saving around $1.3 million annually yet the city claimed she wasn't performing my mother uh informed me which city staff called her and advised the city manager and advised me what the city manager was saying about me although I do serve the government at a federal and international level I don't work for this city that's embarrassing and humiliating that I was a topic of discussion 30 seconds what the city has done to my mother for personal reasons is deeply unfair would you want this happen to happen to your parents or to your loved one how would your children feel if they were going through this all of it has to stop immediately the slander uh the unethical Behavior Uh and the mental Warfare that it's imposing on people thank you for your attention thank you thank you next speaker I just want to say you're great officer okay all right state your name for the record you may and begin whenever you're ready tanil gross I'm only here to talk about three situations the first one I received an email from my attorney inform me that Ethics Committee has closed the inquiry due to the fact I did not misuse my PE card I did not Forge documents as the city uh attorney's uh investigator said I did which ruined my reputation I would be in um but they did say if any of the allegations were true it would be a violation I don't know if the commission was told the city manager reopened it and signed the paperwork on September 12th which my attorney informed me what's concerning is one of the topics is how ly Nazario was hired I can't direct hire I'm not the city manager but the city manager and the city is aware there's an appointment letter but I guess they forgot to send that to ethics just look at the other investigation and what they forget to give oig and ethics it's just concerning another example I was told by by Dan that turkin was upset because Deborah tend was in the office Mayor control your meeting uh I'm sorry um making personal attacks where's the personal attack I'm stating stuff it's in the investigation I don't want you to say any names okay just direct your comments okay I'll say a commissioner can I have my my time back please just keep going ma'am just keep going okay thank you um and uh the city accused me of holding a political meeting but they failed to provide oig and ethics the email of invitation offering employ es fruit for the city it wasn't a political meeting but the city forgot to give that second item I was confronted by the city manager excuse me twice he blamed the deputy city manager about the black Comet now all of a sudden we don't know about it but under my leadership I hired a Caucasian and a Hispanic individual but only four black employees were uh reorganized not the Hispanic not the uh Caucasian but there's no discrimination the third statement which it it blows my mind the city had the audacity to put my name in a resolution for something that you don't even know is true Did you receive a letter from the EOC for a right to sue did I say anything about a disability was there FMLA was there Ada reason accommodations no but you excuse me the city manager came to me and said we have somebody who is drunk I need you to cover it up uh-uh first of all that's not a disability if your attorney was working for you you would know that so how you do $100,000 and include my name is is appalling so let me just say I'm done being on the defense I'm on the offense this is your notice that you're being sued and I'm personally suing people for slandering my name and I'm tired of it my public records requests are not being um answered so I want all text messages emails what's up apps with turken ACM CCM Miss um the City attorney and Temple all of it and emails thank you all right your time is up next speaker state your name for the record begin when you're ready Wesley schula I don't know and actually sir before you begin just want to remind everybody please address your comments to me through the board or through me for the board okay all right continue Wesley Schuler it sound like to me it's a lot of corruption going on and we don't know where the end and the beginning going to be but I know for a fact if the IG report closed it saying no wrongdoing the eics we need to find out mayor you need to put an investigation together against the city manager and the lawyer because now you ready to get into lawsuits that the city could been avoided but if they just sat back and just waited and just found out what the report was going to come back to S jump into the gun and firing these young ladies that right there could been avoided so now the question is asked as Commissioners what are y'all going to do y'all have a o to stand up for the right thing and that's what the community want and if we can't get that then we need to get another type of investigation in against the whole board thank you all right next speaker are there any other in-person public comment speakers with that we're going to go to those online let me double check I see no one online with that public audience is now closed all right thank you so much we're moving on to the next portion of the agenda which is Administrative Advisory Board appointments let me pull up the list I have it open here uh we have the affordable housing advisory committee but we have no applicants for that let's just skip to the ones mayor you skipped 5B did I skip 5B oh no we didn't sorry never mind we're not there yet that's all right sorry no that's all right so the next list here the next item on the list is the art Advisory Board no applicants building Board of adjustments and appeals no applicants education and youth Advisory Board no applicants and I'm mentioning all of this so if anyone's interested we have some uh openings here employees pension plan Board of Trustees uh the historic resources preservation board and the municipal firefighters pension trust fund there is one applicant a Mr Bob Taylor uh vice mayor Kelly it is your nomination for a regular position and the term is four years would you like to make a nomination vice mayor yes mayor I would like to nominate Bob Taylor to that vacant position all right is there a second we have a second from commissioner hey all those in favor of appointing Bob Taylor to the municipal firefighters pension trust fund say I I I motion passes unanimously okay the next uh board here is the Recreation and Parks Board we have one applicant frando Patterson vice mayor the appointment goes to you as well thank you I would like to nominate frando Patterson to that vacant position all right is there a second yeah second from commissioner Cruz all those in favor of appointing frando Patterson to the Recreation and Parks Board say I I I anyone oppose motion passes unanimously uh senior advisor board one applicant Cheryl Ryder commissioner turkin it is uh your nomination for the regular position um move to nominate all right is there second second second from commissioner hey all those in favor of the motion to point Cheryl Ryder to the senior Advisory Board say I I I all right motion pass this unanimously okay that concludes The Advisory Board appointments we're now moving on to uh 5B discussion regarding adding as sister city uh from Ireland uh vice mayor this was your request would you like to open it up for us thank you mayor yes I um have been uh conver having conversations with jeie um from sister cities um about uh what other excuse me what other countries we would like to uh try and um and partner with uh through sister cities International and Ireland came up it is a a country that I we have family from I know that the mayor also has uh family Connections in Ireland and we thought that it would be good to start that discussion on what city um in Ireland or County um because Ireland does have a lot of small towns and Villages but County um you know counties kind of cover a little bit more um land and um building and corporations and that sort of thing so we started that conversation um and we're just uh we're looking at a couple of different County options and just kind of looking for some direction I know Genie is here as well as Stephanie from sister cities and they would be happy to come up and kind of discuss um the process I know the last one was a little bit different that we did so maybe discuss the process on um moving forward what what sister cities does because my understanding is that we um take a very um take a backseat to the process and it's really more sister city so I wanted to um invite them to come up and and kind of go over that with you all right excellent good evening to both of you excuse me I'm a little bit worse so yeah we're really excited about say your name for the oh I'm sorry Jeanie hin um president Pointon Beach sister cities and Stephanie Kiani vice president so we're really excited about a sister city in Ireland um Stephanie and I have been doing a lot of the events the City events just promoting sister cities and every time we mention Ireland everybody lights up and says oo let us know when we're we're in so um vice mayor Kelly was um or identified that she had contacts over there that's usually how a sister city starts the process usually begins with some kind of a personal contact years ago um with China it was a somebody that worked for the city had adopted from China made some contacts with Finland it was um some contacts we had made here in the Finnish community and in Italy it was a local artist uh very well-known artist who had been to fenda and wanted to create some some more artistic exchanges um with Haiti obviously our connections with the Haitian Community here so we're kind of leaning I think a little on the vice mayor to be our Irish contact and mayor I don't want to exclude you I understand you have family so the first step is kind of establish that contact have that contact put together a small group in whichever City we identify and the nice thing now is we can use zoom to meet people over there kind of introduce the concept of City sister cities International explain some of the things that we've done with our sister cities um and then start to discuss um areas of commonality areas of differences what kinds of joint projects um and initiatives we'd like to work on then the fun part as we send delegation over to personally meet we obviously want to see the city before we would do anything official they would want to send a delegation here to meet us um and then we can proceed with asking for your approval and do officially become part of sister cities so that's very briefly the process and if I could ask vice mayor did you already have a particular City or or county in mind or maybe a list of them sorry we had um we met and we did discuss um there's a couple there's um County dagal which um the city of dagal is kind of matches us the population as far as the population goes um they currently have another sister city but it's not in Florida it's in Missouri um so I um have a phone call set up with them later on this week to see what the interaction is with Missouri and um if they're not very active it might be something that we um that we look into as being a possibility the other one West County Mayo which is another um kind of larger County uh that encompasses some um some coastal areas and as well as some some rural areas too so those are kind of the two that we were throwing around but you know obviously sister cities is open to to any suggestions as well we also look at access for travel is it a city that's easy to get to from a major airport we've made that mistake in the past sounds good and uh if my colleagues have any questions for Jeanie or Stephanie or the vice mayor now would be the time to have that discussion or suggestions you have family in Ireland I don't I'm not not Irish at all all right sounds like there's no questions um for me I just want to know what the next steps would be I know you're going to have that phone call um maybe we need to have a follow-up conversation next meeting on what you find out yeah and I'm sure we'll be getting together with the vice mayor we do have a list of the sister cities in Ireland um okay kind of a starting point so so what we'll do is um after my phone call I'll get with um Jeanie and Stephanie and see um what then the next steps are and then when we have some information we'll put it on the next agenda and report back whenever that comes sounds good okay all right perfect so staff to do that thank you both of you pardon I said Thank you to both of you yeah thank you uh we're moving on to the next portion of the agenda it is the consent agenda um are there any items that my colleagues would like to pull from consent yes uh commissioner hey what which item id like to pull item 6A 6A okay are there any other items that my colleagues would like to pull besides 6A may have a motion for to approve the remainder of consent agenda so moved we have a motion from vice mayor and a second from commissioner Cruz all those in favor of the motion to approve the remainder of consent agenda say I I I anyone oppose motion passes unanimously so now we're going to address uh 6A proposed resolution number r24 d216 approving the conditional settlement and release in the amount of 100,000 for the resolution of uh Katherine mat V city of Bo Beach EEOC charge I'll turn to um I'm sorry this item was previously tabled so we actually do need to remove this motion to remove from table remove from the table uh we have a motion to remove from the table all right there's a second all those in favor of removing this item from the table so we can actually discuss it say I I I Ione to oppose all right motion pass this unanimously uh City attorney if you'd like to introduce this item um yes with regard to this item there was um an EEOC charged by the um assistant city manager Katherine Matos related to the disclosure of personal private health information by the alleged former uh allegedly by the former HR manager uh specifically that information being disclosed to the media and So based upon that she um has alleged um violations of the Florida Civil Rights Act as well as the Ada and other claims and the city is seeking to uh resolve that matter with her all right thank you Council uh commissioner he you pulled the item if you wanted to begin the conversation or ask questions to Legal yes back on September 23rd at our last meeting on Monday I have the same question that I had then um I have not seen uh the charges or the results from uh EOC EOC about uh release or guilty or innocent or whatever uh and I still would ask the same question how we come up with $100,000 if it has not been um the results have not been handed out or given to us I don't know if I'm the only one who has not received the result I would like to see them now uh uh if possible so I can make a intelligent decision about this matter sure um if I may commissioner hey I um provided you a paper copy of the charge at the time of our meeting I would you repeat I mean not go ahead no I the charges that she made to the EEOC the EEOC does not make a determination of guilt or not guilty it's simply a administrative board that must give the person a right to sue letter and basically all they say is yes you can go forward with a lawsuit on the federal level or no you cannot go forward with a lawsuit and in that case then the only remedy is to go forward in a state law claim but the EOC does not make determinations and what did the EC say in this particular case they wanted us to mediate the case and we came up with a business decision given the cost of litigation and the reputational damages that were alleged that it was probably in the best the city's best interest to resolve the matter but of course you know we will support whatever decision um the city the city comes up but the next step if the E EEOC is going to require us to mediate the case to try to resolve it um if we are not able to come to a resolution then the next step says they give her the right to sue letter then she will be able to file a federal claim against us which has no cap and if not then if they do say no you don't have a right to sue under a federal claim then she can sue us under the Florida violations of the Florida Civil Rights Act which is in state court so in simple terms you're telling me that the ELC gave the green light uh for her to um sue the city they have not given the green light either way they can only give the green light to sue in federal court it doesn't preclude her from bringing a state court cause of action so why have we agreed to give her $100,000 because of the cost of litigating the claim as well as the reputational damages that she has suffered why didn't we discuss this uh prior to the amount being set um so typically that's where we discuss it is here at the commission meeting sir I'm still not satisfied with this whole uh matter um the way it was handled the way the amount came up fact that I did not receive the information in a timely manner and the first time I hear about it is when it's on the agenda to be approved um and it's coming up on on a consent agenda of all things so um I will still will not support this uh because I don't think it was handled properly okay all right uh thank you both of you uh I'm trying to process this back and forth so the a f a a file was made correct but the AOC has not made a determination yet no they have 180 days to make a determination but they requested that we mediate and in in lie of mediation and spending the money I had a conversation with the attorney her original demands were over $275,000 we were able to negotiate down to $100,000 so you've already had the mediation session and this is your mediated number not mediated in the sense that we had a third party as a go between two lawyers got together in a room and discuss the settlement gotcha okay I think I understand all right um any questions from my colleagues just some clarification mayor so so City attorney you're saying that in a federal lawsuit that there is no cap so this individual could sue the city the taxpayers the residents the people who live here sitting in this audience for millions of dollars that's correct yet we have an opportunity to settle for 100,000 is that is that is that correct that's correct sir I mean unless there's some politics involved or some type of personal interest involved I'm going to do what's best for the city and I'm going to save our taxpayer dollars so motion to approve this is there a second a motion has been made is there a second to this second all right we have a second um any further qu commissioner hey you had your hand up so let's continue the discussion but we do have a motion in a second on do um and I wish to say to my colleague um that's obvious if you can save uh money you would take that route right that is not where I'm coming from I mean Ray Charles could see that okay uh that's not what this is all about why not 80,000 why not 50,000 why not 200,000 my beef is that you came up with the figure without this board's input unless there was an outside meeting that I don't know about okay so that's my beef how we coming up with $100,000 versus $85,000 okay or 105,000 so that's where I am I don't like the way it was handled okay and we need to get this uh straight and I understand about about going to we could come out as a winner also that's an option and you can't uh uh always depend on uh we're gonna lose all the time okay so I'm still not going to support it but the claim is an EOC claim which right correct okay and so that's that goes to Federal right if let me ask you this City attorney you're a litigator correct how long 26 years for 26 years no one else sitting up here has a law degree I trust my City attorney we hired her to do this very thing right to put the taxpayers best interest so what I see is we're going to go down two roads we're either going to potentially get a risk of having the city sued for millions of dollars right or we could take the risk of maybe winning you know we could maybe win or we could maybe lose millions of dollars or we can settle for1 000 I think the safe conservative move forward is to think about the what the worst outcome is to the best outcome and the chances of that happening what are the chances that we that we win that would be up to a jury of six people that you don't know to make those determinations right and so if this you know this was reading this am I going to read out loud but the nature of this I think think I my position stands I'm not going to take a risk of putting the taxpayers dollars at risk and having the city and endless litigation for millions of dollars you know I I hear what you're saying commissioner hey I I also shared the same concerns um last meeting on how this happened the meetings but you know getting some clarification that's why we have a City attorney you know to litigate down and if what was said about $275,000 now we're down to$ 100,000 um you know know I'm I'm I'm willing to to take that instead of taking the risk of paying out Millions all right um mayor if I can just say yes let let have other people jump in here commissioner based on the conversations that we have earlier uh my understanding is that the EOC has not yet provided a right to suit letter is that correct that is correct okay so with that being said because the EEOC has not made a decision on this I would say let wait to see what the EEOC says take their feedback and then if the EEOC says that we do have or she does have a right to sue at that point we can Circle back on this board and have that discussion but I think it's preliminary to make a decision of giving away $100,000 not knowing what the EEOC will be deciding where is possible that they could decide on the city's favor so to save the city $100,000 I'm going to oppose this thank you let me I me just say the only caution to that is if the EOC says you don't have a right to sue she still gets to go to state court yes and and there's also no Capen State Court under the federal civil rights claim so you're dealing with potential for lots of Damages the only other thing that I would caution you with is the EEOC could make no determination and after 180 days of no determination she gets the automatic right to sue so but I will the CD I support whatever this board decides and we will follow those marching orders absolutely 100% I I just want to hear from them to see if they believe that there is some legitimacy to the claim or not and then once we hear back from them then we can have that discussion thank you all right thank you vice mayor um City attorney the EOC though did recommend that we mediate which basically what they're requiring is before they move forward with any sort of determination that the parties get together and try to resolve it without going to litigation because what will happen um is that it will go into litigation and whether we win or lose we will pay hundreds of thousand dollars of attorney's fees um because we will have to hire outside councel to handle this case um and we will incur hundreds of thousands of dollars of attorney's fees no matter if we win or lose we could pay a mediator $1,000 to to mediate and come to the same conclusion that the attorneys have been able to reach outside of mediation this is not something out of the norm in the legal field this is not something surprising this is typical when we're up against a mediation the attorneys get together and they try and resolve the case without paying $1,000 for a mediator come in and muck everything up so I so waiting for the EOC see although I completely understand and I had this conversation with the city attorney and I said you know conversation should have been had along the way privately with each one of us so that we knew the procedure and I think going forward things will change in the in the back end so that we're all in the no so that something like this doesn't come on consent agenda but um you know this is we've given the Authority for the City attorney to negotiate on our behalf and to protect just like commissioner turkin said protect the residents and our tax dollars um and so so if if we don't mediate and we don't resolve this and we don't move forward um we will she won't just give up and go away this will be something that will go on for years and it will be costly for everyone and so um you know it is the right thing to do to to resolve this and to mitigate our damages because this is not something that is going to go away and so that those are my thoughts on this and um and so I would just caution that if it doesn't if we don't move forward um then we will be hearing about this for many years to come so thank you commissioner hey and then we'll come back to commissioner Cruz one last comment on on this um you call out my name uh commissioner Turk and I just want to say you're very selective in your support of uh our attorney yes you did uh but I want us to look at this long term also uh the Bo has already left the dock in terms of there's a line form on suing this city left and right and what we decide here needs to be handled very carefully and so that's why I'm saying until I receive the results I'm not going to move forward with this okay and and that's where we need to uh uh take a a good look at what we're doing here because it has long reaching tentacles uh in the future of the city of Buon Beach because uh if you if you really look at it I well I'm not going to name names but there there are several people just waiting to sue us and so I just say to us let's make sure that we're doing things decently and in order thank you uh I I'm going to just say I I support your comments commissioner hey I think that you know in order to have in order to sue someone you have to have standing and in order to have standing there has to be a a reason where a judge or a Court decides that you have the right to sue according to the EEOC the EOC has not yet stated that this individual has standing or the right to sue the city if we go down this path it could be a dangerous path where we could be opening up the city to potential future liability where anybody could make a claim and as commissioner hay said get in line and say well the city did this to me allegedly maybe have not enough evidence for the future people that might try to sue the city and then if we're setting this president that we're just going to pay people off it's going to provide uh an opportunity for people to line up without enough evidence or standing to sue in order to get a quick payoff from the city so again I'm more than happy to have this conversations once we hear from the EEOC which is a legitimate entity if they believe that there is standing then at that point I'll be more than happy to have that discussion with this board and with our City attorney and that's all I'm going to say thank you thank you uh commission thank you mayor um the word precedent was to use setting precedent have we ever settled before has the city ever settled litigation or settled any claims before yes okay so there is no precedent set let that be clear for the record um you know this is a common practice and uh you know I this is my position and uh I just ask that if you know if we do start incurring costs please get me what those costs are especially when it reaches up over 100,000 thanks uh City attorney is there any urgency to this matter uh and and the reason why I'm asking is because of the conversation that's been had about waiting for the EEOC uh to come back and listen I I'm hearing everyone's point of view there is a business decision to be made here that is a component to this um my worry and I think commissioner Cruz I think that may have been you who touched on it is that if someone just files a charge without seeing anything more than that well will there be other people who file charges and then we settle right away or should there be some sort of threshold or process a little bit more so that that's my concern and so if maybe we should wait until the EOC comes a little bit closer or maybe we don't wait the full duration and once we get some indication from them uh is there time sensitivity and is there a way to uh maybe you know find a middle ground here I do think you and I discussed specifically as well as uh with most the other Commissioners there is some time sensitivity specifically for October 1 with the new budget year rollout um which I don't want to get into because the litigation too much into that detail but if if you will Rec call the other um issue is that the EEOC is only saying whether or not she can be bring a federal law claim versus a state law claim I can just tell you in looking at this and in my 26 years of experience I negotiated the best deal I could for the city my concern and what I have seen based upon my past experience I had one of these go before at a prior employer there was a settlement recommendation it did not go through they litigated it for 2 years spent that in attorney's fees and then it ended up settling for the same amount the other concern is if it doesn't go through and the EEOC says you have the right to sue to go to run to Federal Court she's not going to take $100,000 because the cost and value of her claim goes up exponentially so those are those are my concerns but again I will do whatever this commission desires and whatever is in the best interest of the city as this commission deems it and do you have a plan in place should the commission not move forward with this then we will have to litigate okay um which we're already litig could the mediation occur again uh excuse me maybe that's not the proper term but you know maybe you have a mediation after you hear the EOC come back or at any point in between is that is that a possibility or how does that work possibility I just don't know if she'll be willing to to take that number depending on what the results of the EOC come back with and also as I mentioned to some of you before with the October 1 deadline you know there there's potential for some other um claims being raised okay you know I have so many questions about the strength of the case and whether or not it's likely to happen and to go through that I can't answer I'm not I'm not the judge I'm not the jury uh and we're operating with extremely limited information and I think there's still a whole lot of assumptions here there is a business decision to be made um all right are there any further comments from my colleagues I would just like to caution us to just hear back from EEOC as soon as you hear back I would I would like to direct you to just please communicate with each of us individually and let us know what you heard from EEOC um it's possible that they're going to say either way we don't know um but whatever they decide sure are we going to vote on the motion before we yes we will I just want to make sure everybody has spoken and um this is a robust conversation go ahead vice mayor um Shauna do we does does she have to wait to hear from the EOC before she can sue us in civil court in state no she does not she could bring so today has she put us on six Monon notice are we on notice she doesn't need to because she won't be suing us under 7628 she'll be suing under under a Florida civil rights um violation which is a constitutional law violation so 76828 doesn't apply and no six-month notice is needed right so she can tomorrow file a lawsuit against the city and absolutely withdraw her offer to settle that's correct right okay thank you or could she uh would this $100,000 make her go away or she could still sue us no sir she is as part of her claiming she is RA uh erasing and as one commissioner brought out um from the beginning of the time of this Earth all potential claims against this board against all employees against anyone um she is releasing that all attorneys fees and cost but not just with regard to these claims that they sh but with regard to any potential claims that could be discovered now or in the future I I would just say let's hear from the EOC it's possible that they could say that there is no standing to Sue and let's say the individual Su in State Court having the EO say C say there's no standing it's going to be substantial support for the city however we don't know what they're going to say I suggest that we wait to hear what the EEOC states to get feedback on whether they believe that they're standing there or not and then we can decide going and just for clarification it's not standing that they decide it's you know all it really is is whe they could not make a decision and then she has an automatic it just requires so to sue in federal court with regard to an employment law claim you have to file an EEOC charge and then the EEOC has 180 days to make a determination if they agree with your right to suit or if they don't and so that's they're not deciding standing in the legal sense of standing so I just wanted to clarify that all right any other questions otherwise we'll proceed with the vote no other questions no other comments okay so the motion before us was to approve item 6A there was a second from vice mayor Kelly I'm going to call the vote all those in favor of approving item 6A say I I I any anyone who oppose nay and we have we have two Nays the motion passes with two members dissenting commissioner hay and commissioner Cruz all right we're going to keep moving forward thank you so much for the conversation we're going to keep moving forward to consent bids and purchases over $100,000 are there any items under this section that my colleagues would like to pull any request um all right seeing none we have a motion to approve consent bids and purchase over 100,000 we have a motion from commissioner turkin I heard the second from commissioner hey maybe all those in favor of approving consent bids and purchases say I I I all right motion passes unanimously all right so we are now moving on to public hearing this is proposed ordinance number 24-18 it is a second reading uh M let's begin the process proposed ordinance number 24-18 second reading and ordinance of the city commissioning of the city of Buon Beach Florida amending chapter 18 Article 4 pensions for firefighters section 18-15 normal retirement date of the city code to permit normal retirement at 20 years of service by removing the second tier adopted in 2019 providing for inclusion in the code providing for severability providing for a repealer and providing for an effective date all right thank you um do my colleagues have any questions for staff and I'm not sure who from staff would be here to uh speak on this item but if there are any questions we'll have somebody come up yeah my only question was um I know we had table this we postponed it it was removed um and I think that was for a a cost savings to the city can we just get an elaboration on that please right we see I see we have our fire chief here assistant city city manager Adam Temple want to ask a chief rder to come up good evening everyone Hugh Brer fire chief uh yes commissioner uh in essence what we found out was is that if we had approved the item prior to October 1st uh we would have had to pay additional funds so by by by passing it tonight now we get to move all of the amounts that we have to pay till next year so it essentially saves the city about $247,000 approving tonight as opposed to approving at the last meeting perfect thanks so much for gief no uh very fiscally minded so thank you for taking that in consideration and and having the autonomy and taking the initiative to uh postpone that and keeping our residents in mind thank you welcome thank you anything else for my colleagues let's turn now to public comment on this item this is specifically item 8A if you'd like to speak on item 8A now is the time to approach the podium seeing no one approaching the podium let me look online I see no one online so public comments on this item is now closed if there's no further conversation from my colleagues I'd like to entertain a motion to approve to approve with a motion from commissioner hay a second from vice mayor Kelly uh melee if you could please begin the roll call commissioner hay hi commissioner turkin yes commissioner Cruz yes vice mayor Kelly yes mayor penera yes in a roll call vote the motion pass unanimously all right thank you we're now moving on to section 10 and we did move up in item 10e is the first item that we'll address this is proposed resolution r24 d236 approving and authorizing the mayor to sign a restrictive covenant for Harvey e oyer Jr Park who would like to uh okay Deputy City attorney this is item 10 e yes good evening Stacy wer Deputy City attorney um before you this evening you have a proposed restrictive covenant related to Harvey EO Jr Park um the restrictive covenant we discussed a couple of meetings ago and I just want to go through um the highlights of what the property may be used for as well as the activities that will be expers prohibited so the proposed Covenant before you this evening will allow the property to be used as a public park for use by the general public it will provide Perpetual Public Access to the Waterfront it will provide public access to the boat ramps um one item that the fire department requested that I add for your consideration this evening would be to permit a public safety Marine complex um and fire station and dock lifts for the Boon Beach Fire Department fireboat and police department response vessels to operate out of that Park um as well as allowing Coast Guard auxiliary activity to be performed on site um it will also authorize City approved special events and programming and permit ancillary uses um which would include public parking restrooms concessions that are defined as drinks Bait and Tackle prepackaged foods and Ice um Marina industry retail commercial and recreational Fishing Charters and recreational rentals such as kayaks boat and canoes that would other bewise be permitted by the city code the proposed Covenant expressly prohibits all residential uses on the property it prohibits any hotel or lodging uses on the property and it expressly provides that there shall be no restaurant use um outside of the concessions that were described above so that's what's proposed for you this evening and I welcome any discussion comments or anything else that you would like to see uh thank you Stacy any questions for our Deputy City attorney go ahead commissioner thank you mayor um for the this might be a question for chief Bruder as well for the public safety Municipal uh potential dock right can I get an elaboration on where we're thinking of having that because it seems that there's been some chatter about one of those ramps actually being closed off I don't think that's the case I believe that we're going to utilize that Northern end for the um that that Northern dock for a boat lift for both the police and fireboat so I just my the reason I'm asking that question is I want to ensure the Public's comfortable that there's not going to be any misuse in operations or interference with utilizing that ramp but really promote a culture of safety and making sure that you know if we need to get out there we can get out there like that so I will defer to the chief to address the specific location but just so we're aware this restrictive covenant does not designate what that location is or isn't that would come before this board for approval at some future date when planning for that would occur so you would still control that this just authorizes that as a permitted use at the park at some point in time correct okay and and if I may just add to that as this commission has approved with the budget uh which you just passed and as well as the fire assessment fee those those monies are designated for that facility uh so that that decision's already been made by this board as as well as a city staff and administration that that facility that North End dock is going to be used as a public safety Dock and then the Coast Guard building is going to be our marine operations between police and fire for both our fireboats and that's going to be in perpetuity and that's already been passed by this body perfect no thanks for that um welcome thanks for that clarification I think that's important because you know that was that was a big concern so that is simple no it is not going to interfere with any of the ramps that's correct and then on that topic there's a uh there's a cleaning station at the end of the dock I know that's probably going to be closed off so no one can get into those boats can we make sure that that's uh relocated in an appropriate area so we're not wasting yes sir okay and then um second question about the commercial use um so you talked about the commercial use of of of of boating in that in that park right that protects Charter captains guides for special needs Chillin recreational fishing obviously uh that authorizes commercial and recreational Fishing Charters and rentals and perpetuity yes okay perfect nope I I uh I like what's in front of me I just want to thank you Stacy and staff for working so hard on this thank you to the public for coming out and uh and being here you know I talked to uh Susan and uh Harvey oer Jr um you know about this and I know they're super grateful and and making sure that um you know we keep this in remembrance you know for for their father and uh you know more importantly for the public you know this is a staple in Boon Beach this is the gateway to the Gulf Stream and you know big big thank you to uh City attorney shaa and city manager for catching this you know they they saw the vulnerability so give them a round of applause guys thanks all right thank you anything else from my colleagues on this matter go ahead commissioner one question um I understand the uses my question is I do see that there's going to be a retail component um and a concession stand do we have a like a space limit of how how much we can construct or build in the park is there a percentage of the land that we're like allowed to build on or not so as currently written no if that is something this board desires that's absolutely within your purview to discuss um again any development or anything of that nature or changes to the park would again come before the commission just for the record I just want to put it out there that this is a park and the main purpose of it should be for a park if we have additional uses that's great um but I just want to make sure it doesn't get the building per se where we're going to do the um retail or the concession it doesn't get to be too large to the point that it kind of overtakes um a majority of the park space so that's all otherwise I'm fine with it thank you thank you commissioner uh Stacy so I think last time when we had this discussion I think the consensus was optimizing or utilizing the space already what's built there already because that used to be right um and I'm glad you brought that up that's a great Point commissioner so thank you for Illuminating that um I I think what's restricted as far as the use is concession and so I would imagine you know no nobody from the the private side is going to build an 8,000 square foot commercial building to sell hot dogs and prepackaged Jimmy Dean sausages you know so uh I I I I I I uh yeah no I thank you commissioner Cruz for bringing that up um so it seems like we're good to go though all right thank you I'm not hearing any other questions or comments from my colleagues and just to confirm you already had public comment on this item did I understand you correctly yes mayor What was decided during public comment was that because this doesn't typically allow for public comment that we encouraged U those in the audience to speak during regular public comment all right sounds good with me just want to make sure we confirm that and there's no one online with that either uh let's begin with the vote uh I'll entertain a motion to approve this item now move we have a motion from commissioner turkin I heard the second from commissioner Haye all those in favor appr approving proposed resolution number r24 d236 say I I I anyone oppose motion passed this unanimously [Applause] congratulations all right thank you we're going to keep moving on with the agenda the next item was 10A we're going to conduct the annual performance evaluation actually one second we'll wait for everyone to uh all right thank you let's just give it a minute okay so the next portion of the agenda is to conduct the annual performance evaluation of Daniel Dugger city manager uh this is pursuant to the appointment agreement and um this is done annually all right um Lynn please begin good evening mayor vice mayor Commissioners and staff um Lind Nazario human resource director and I am here to present um this item um on the city manager's performance evaluation annual performance evaluation um I don't know where's the clicker I think it's right next to you on the other side oh okay all righty so um you all were provided with a um a performance evaluation which is um much shorter for you to respond to I wanted to um go over the criterias for which we asked you to rate um the city manager Dan Dugger and so you see them here on the screen um based on leadership and vision each of them also had some subcategories but these were the nine areas for you to rate him with the rating of um one through five five exceeding expectations and one um unsatisfactory so um so the criteria included leadership and vision and vision financial management personnel management communication skills intergovernmental relations Community engagement project and pro program management strategic planning and ethics and integrity so those were the criterias that you were given um to rate his performance for the past year um any I'm open for discussions at this point any discussion or comment or questions on the ratings anything you want to discuss on his um Performance Based on that Forum all right thank you Miss Nazario let's begin I don't know who was ready to go um maybe on my right commissioner Cruz are you ready or should we move on to the next person you're ready next person I'm not ready you go all right anyone who's ready just go and um you can address the comments that uh Mr nario has mentioned about the valuation or the city manager I assume everybody's had their private oneon-one with the city manager by now so okay all right I have a question uh that I want to ask um you now have the CM at $215 15,250 could you tell me when that went into effect when did that become effective that became that became effective October 1st 2023 October 1st of October 1st 2023 where you gave him a 5% on the salary he had at that time um if you want to move to that part I do have a slide that I wanted to share on a salary comparison of city managers within the county as um know as you evaluate that um that salary for him in the coming year because after we're done with this part you know he is going to also share with you his key accomplishments so if you would just allow me just a minute to show you here um some comparisons uh I want to direct you I mean you can see the municipalities that we have listed here they're all in the Palm Beach County you can see where we've also shared the population from the highest to the lowest um and the positions and you see their base salary for each person so if you look at the city of West Palm Beach the city administrator um makes actually 269 294 city of Bo boa Raton city manager makes 290 uh 290,000 city of Boon Beach that's um that's our city manager he's currently at 215 250 city of Del R Beach um 230 city of Palm Beach Garden um 392 862 um Village of Wellington 222 352 town of Jupiter 225 and the City of Rivera Beach at 29764 so you know if you look at the population based on their current salad that can give you you know something to look at I do want to um go back to this slide here and see if it shows up where um the last column okay what I did was I took an average so to to be able to guide you through some thought process as to what would be um you know appropriate for his increase if if if you so decide decide to so on the far right what we did and normally what you do is you take the highest um number out and you take the lowest out and we did an average and the average came up to 25,500 68 okay so just just to provide some data I think that you know any time that these decisions are made you have to make him around you know smart you know make a smart decision around data so I wanted to provide you that as um you may have some discussions around it after you hear all that he has accomplished since October 2022 to date in 201202 2024 how is this salary to 215 250 compared to our current uh Deputy city manager salary um our our our Deputy city manager currently makes 225,000 so he's making $10,000 more than the city manager yes sir is that going to affect that 225,000 that went to effect um I want to say in September right September 1st of 2024 September of this year yes sir last month yes sir I don't recall discussing that either but again uh I have a a a problem here on on these things being negotiated dialogue talked about and then it appears to us already in a package done deal me just why was he raised above the city manager you know those who made that decision point of order um can we get some clarification does the uh city does the deputy city manager is that something that the commission decides or is that something that's improved can you clarify on that yeah that's what I was going to say that's a decision that's made at a city manager level as he reports to to him and I address my question to the city manager why did you raise the deputy super uh Deputy city manager greater than your own salary because I wasn't going to marginalize his salary based on his value I thought he was definitely worth $225,000 whether or not this body decides to give me a pay raise tonight it's not going to change I'm going to keep his salary $225,000 so you thought he was worth more than you are financially I think he's worth more than 225,000 that's your opinion no I do not I'm not putting his value above mine nor am I putting his value above yours or anybody else and just from a organizational standpoint if you're done commissioner hey um go ahead commissioner um would so I look at outside government right you have compression issues would that create a reason you know not just I guess in the administrative side but police fire I mean we just went through this with the police department you know with a Union contract you know with compression issues right and what we see here is you know I mean with 254,000 for the average city manager yet had you know let me stick to the compression let me let me hear that answer first so what we did was whenever we move to raise the police department salary based on recruitment issues which I will say solve those recruitment issues I think we're three or four positions away from having a fully staffed Police Department when I took over I want to say we were around 129 or 132 police officers in the city we fell vastly below the FBI national average and since then now we're standing at about 170 to 172 officers again that's not me that's with the support of this body I'm not doing anything I'm just putting the right people in place and you have to pay the right people to stay because if you don't the market will go out they will recruit your individuals and I'll say Andrew how many uh how many job opers do you get a uh a month on average uh usually I get two or three um from head hunter or recruiter I recently got one from pelis County Andrew why do you stay working for the city of boy Beach the residents and the employees so with that being said I'll address the compression issue now the compression issue was a direct result of me having to raise the administrative salaries of the police department's administrative staff from major up so what that created was the police chief went above the deputy city manager I in turn made the uh decision to raise not only Dey city manager Andrew Mack salary but all also assistant city manager Adam Temple salary as well as Deputy City Attorney Stacy wer salary that was my decision I thought it was um definitely a logical and a reasonable decision it was objective uh I looked at other positions around the county as well um I think there's some cities out there where there's assistants and deputies making more money than I am I'm not here tonight the lobby for a pay raise you guys decide not to give me a pay raise I'm going to be fine but I'm not lowering anybody salary that I've adjusted I'm going to keep their salary the same whether they're making more money than I am if it's your opinion they're more valuable than I am again that's your opinion and those salary increases those were um those were in the budget correct those were in the budget that everyone vot that that was part of $169,000 uh salary adjustment now so if you find tooth the budget you would know that or if you ask questions you would know that you're correct so you know I thanks for the compression issue right like this this this this happens private government and uh you know before I get into your review I just want to commend you for what you said about your colleagues and Andrew you know whether or not you get a raise tonight you're going to fight for your people that's what a really does he puts self or he puts others in front of self and uh that's the culture I want to see in this city and I'll reserve my comments for later thank you commissioner hey I hope your implication wasn't what I thought it was but what percent increase was that just was I think it was roughly 10% 10% yes sir um go ahead Comm commissioner I was G to ask a question um can you remind me what the general increase was for most employees in the city this year for the budget so what we looked at is the employees that were making over $150,000 when the HR Director did a marvelous job with the comp class study she pretty much did a comparison with our consultant and what ended up happening was um we saw that there was some issues with compression on the general employees so some of those salaries were recipients of pay raises that moved them more into the top of the market overall in the county and some of the individuals or employees that were on the bottom they didn't receive that much of a pay raise so what we did was we moved some employees last year got close to 15 to 20% pay raises move them into the market average and some of the directors they were still in the upper half so what I did was I did a tiered system I gave 1% to those directors that were more towards the upper average I gave 3% um Cola pay raise to the ones that were below 150,000 okay thank you 3% all right commissioner hey you were about to say something earlier just want to make sure no go ahead I change my mind all right anything else from anyone all right I guess uh then we'll hear from the city manager and then we'll give our comments the city manager will um go through his key accomplishments let's do that and um I'm I'm not going to force you guys to go through two years of work that half of the stuff that you guys approved I I can say that I'm just thankful that I had your guys support again and I'll Echo the words of commissioner hey no one in this room is bigger than the city best interests and I say that all the time if it's in the city's best interest I'm going to support it what we have done as a team because I couldn't have did any of this stuff without you guys especially Andrew most of you guys know I S it's Praises all the time Adam Temple just a uh marvelous staff and I uh I put those guys in place I gave them the autonomy to do their jobs and I I couldn't be prouder so with that being said I I do want to highlight some of the larger aspects of what we done as as a city so I came in in uh October of 2022 fund balance I want to say stood right around 15 million today fund balance is right around 32 million what is that what does that represent essentially essentially that represents that the fiduciary responsibility that this body has you guys have increased essentially your rainy day fund when we have a type of event like 2008 2009 2020 whenever there's a catastrophic event I know commissioner Cruz she's been huge huge uh voice of reason whenever it came to uh came to stuff like that and I think it speaks volumes that we've went from as a policy as a city to say in our fund Reserve general fund Reserve stands at right around uh 10% and I want to say we're closing in on 30% now Wellington is at 95% but we still need to be reasonable with the taxation on our new residents which brings me to my next point we did all that by fully Staffing your Public Safety entities the fire department the police department with some of the most competitive pay in the county and you barely have any vacancies at all so again that's a sign of commitment and also one of the goals of your strategic plan of having a clean and safe City so let's get to another one social media branding and um image I know the mayor that's one of your big big uh initiatives uh I know along with the beautification Department that we uh that's going to go uh in service here I want to say did we post today Andrew we posted okay after the six okay so we're going to have a fourman beautification uh team that's going to go around Clean safe city right so Public Safety Numero Uno you want your citizens to feel safe and you also want a clean City I know uh Kevin and Andrew probably tired of me calling them telling them I see I'm tired of seeing Weeds on the sidewalk and yeah I mean at the same time you can still be clean and uh they've did a mar marvelous job of uh helping so let's talk about our Enterprise funds Andrew what was the uh Solid Waste fund when whenever I came in in uh October of 2022 we had a negative balance yeah had a negative balance is that fun now in the green yes sir okay utilities department tier increases Kick the Can down the road for a long long time and this commission you guys were put in a pretty precarious political position but you stood strong you Ste you were steadfast you saw the need now that department doesn't have to take money out of it fund balance again that's one of our larger Enterprise fund the golf course again with utilities Dr uh calcott you guys know she's marvelous she's uh always working hard very uh very solid with communication the golf course what was the revenue last year for the golf course in the green Andrew I think we're at 3.6 or 7 million 3.7 million we're in the green right yes sir where was the golf course two years ago um I think they were around 2.5 million they were bringing in so over a million dollars more so with that being said again I just want to tell you guys from a financial standpoint the city is doing amazing from an employee standpoint all these employees back here it's 753 okay their commitment is unwavering to the system or to this city it's unwavering to you guys you put the right team in place the city is moving forward I can tell you now more than ever that the compensation the place that we uh that we work it's good and again this isn't me this is my staff this is you guys so I just want to thank you for your support I'm not going to sit here and it's just not my style to go through a a PowerPoint presentation I gave you guys a copy of it each one of those came from all the differing departments I think all of you all the department directors for putting that stuff together it means the world to me but um yeah I'm just I I love this job and I love being able to affect change and have this having the uh support system to do that so thank you thank you Lynn what's next that pretty much you know closes that on on the city manager's performance evaluation if you all have anything to discuss regarding his performance regarding any salary adjustments anything around his performance evaluation you know I guess this is the time all right I'll break the ice um so I can I can sit here and tell you how I feel personally about you and and I'll I'll I'll very be I'll I'll be very limited with that because I think review should be objective and culture driven right um Dan you work hard you're always on your phone because if I call you no an answer you call back right and uh you know I don't know what my colleagues experience is but I know you're always quick to find Solutions and I've called you at 8:00 at night I've called you on the weekend and you answer and you I live down the street so I can see when you're truck to City Hall you're always here and um you know you've been your family has been targeted and you've maintained the utmost professionalism that I have seen and being in the seat that you're in is not an easy seat it's difficult you have to oversee this a staff of I think around 900 employees you know manage a budget of over $300 million in conjunction with this Das you also have to partner with your your colleagues at the county and other Municipal levels and build relationships and you know I know a lot of the County Commissioners are you know very happy you know with you ever after they have a conversation with you um you know and and and you're and you're you're you're linking that Gap and you know for me um you know when I see that other cities were the third largest city in Palm Beach County and um you know you've you've gotten your feet wet you've you've you know You' made some mistakes everyone makes mistakes we're human beings you know we have Grace for a reason and uh I think you have exceeded my expectations uh both on a Prof personal and professional level and um you know I know I know last year was was very minimal but you know when I look at these accomplishments and I look at the amount of the amount that we've cut into saving money with the budget just in marketing alone is hundreds of thousands of dollars in partner with your staff right because you're only as good as your people you know and your people work hard for you that's a reflection of leadership so having this creative outside of the box thinking to you know find these you know simple mechanisms to offset costs for the taxpayer right and and generate you know private Monies to help sponsor events and this is just an example that's the type of thinking that we need in this role right that's being fiscally responsible we hear that word all the time fiscally responsible and I admire that you know you know a lot of these big projects the eel has their football field right huge people are still talking about that JC Park I mean you know there's there's countless we were Police Department staffed I think the most it's ever been in in 20 years and um you know a lot of people are saying a lot of good things about Boon and uh you know the what I hear the most common one is I like what you guys are doing there there's a lot of things happening I like I like what's going on and I think that reflects a lot with the branding you know I've looked at the data I you know 150% increase you know in exposure just on our our our SM social medias and I will brag sushi post I think is the most popular post so I'm going to say that it's always good to highlight local always good always good to highlight local businesses and Sushi Simon's aome and so thank you Lucy and um so you know I where I'm at is you know whether I like you or I don't like you when I look at the metrics and I look at what's been accomplished and when I talk to you know residents right I talked to Residents that are like yeah the the city manager called me or showed up on site you know we had an issue with Chapel Hill last Friday that's still ongoing you know within hours you're onsite Kevin I met with this morning I mean your staff is ready to jump to solve problems right outside of their job description and what that tells me is that they're passionate and they love what they do in order to be passionate and love what you do you have to have a sort of emotional investment in that you know and that's something money cannot buy you can't buy the love of a city you can't buy the love of our residents you know and uh to serve in that capacity and you know we we don't see that a lot you know and you you've dedicated 20 years of your life to the city I don't think you have to do this I think you want to do this and um you know you know I'm sure there's you know there's other things we we could highlight here um but you know I think looking at Riviera Beach which is I think it was 32,000 the population and their city manager making 297 I know we cut out the highest paid Palm Beach Gardens which I think was like 62,000 people and that city manager was making 294,000 or something2 say again 39 so almost $400,000 right obviously you know I would want to take a look at their budgets you know you're not getting that from me but um you know I thank you again Lynn for cutting out the top and lowest that was you know my research that I did to get that mean salary and uh you know I think regardless of who's in this role right we want to have a good culture we want to have talent and we want to show you know and whether you're here or you're not here we want to show the market we want to show that we want stability and continuity in this city and we want the culture to be we want to work hard and we want to put the residence first and I've seen that and I think showing that is is by you know it's not about pay it's about getting what you deserve right and uh not just you and and Adam and and Andrew like you mentioned and shaa all the city employees here are worth their weight in gold and um you know they work hard every single day and that's a culture that's driven from culture and so I'm uh I'd like to propose the mean that Lynn uh had proposed the 254 thank you commissioner uh the proposal was just made to move it to 254 what are the thoughts of my colleagues on that number so it's currently 2115 The Proposal is 254 mayor real quick before we go into can I just give my comments of course thank you I'll be brief because I'm um my I'm struggling here to not cough so um you know commissioner turkin um you know you you um your points were were right on target you know we're um when we went down this road you know we um challenged you um with doing some some pretty amazing things um you know and you're six months away from your NBA right is that right mon that's correct um what's your if you don't mind sharing what's your grade point average it's uh 3.9 yeah so you know we have we challenged you with um you know some high standards of you know running an entire city of like you said 900 employees um and 80 plus thousand residents um on top of getting a master's degree um so that you had a piece of paper saying that you could do the job um but in the interim you have far exceeded doing the job um and I think that you um as well as just about anyone else in leadership can tell you that a piece of paper doesn't teach you what you have learned in the last two years doing this job and I know that Andrew can share that and Adam can share that too that um you can have a bunch of piece pieces of paper on the wall from every College in the world and still not get the education that you get by walking around the city and you have walked the streets of the city you have participated in countless events countless Town Halls you know one of the things that um that was important to me and has turned out to be important um with you know other um commissioners is having Town Halls you know something that this commission has never done I I can't I mean in the 20 years I've lived in the city I've never I know I knocked on doors and I had residents say I have never met my commissioner I didn't couldn't even Point them out to you I would have no idea um and so to have these to embrace what us up here have um as being active Commissioners in our community and want to to Really um to be out there um that you have run with our ideas um and really made sure that we had the resources by and and just like commissioner tricken said you know you're not forcing all the employees to show up that show up to our town halls you know I have you know the the fire chief is excited to show up and talk about you know what's going on Citywide what's going on District wide you know the police chief is is excited to to talk about how our crime stats are down um on a regular basis um how we are um continuing to serve um the residents in the best way that we can and so um so by you by your actions and by the actions of the staff it shows um the value you know one of the things that we talked about and anyone who's in any sort of business knows that there's always room for improvement and you and I have talked about it and we've talked about it not during your review time um you know and and you'll continue to find those things and and I think that and and you know them um and we've talked about them you know delegating is is very important um and and you know that so um you know he very briefly went over a few things and I don't want to go into a bunch because you know I know that most people who are in this room know um just the the magnitude but um commissioner turkin you briefly talked about our social media platform um we had a very stagnant social media platform and we weren't really promoting the city and and promoting the activities and um you know city manager brought in um Danny our Pio who has um and and and other team and Chelsea and and and Abby and or Gabby and you know everyone else to to really boost the The Branding of the city and the city as a whole and really show um what we have to offer um that we really truly are um an amazing city to live in and work in and play in and so um you know so that so the social media aspect though I think you said um um our followers are it's like 166% um of an increase um since we've really started getting out there with our PI and and and visualizing what the great things are that we have going on in the city and then the viewership is up by 3,600 per not people percent right so we're um so there is amazing things going on in the city and so I just want to um commend you for continuing to take the lead and to take the initiative and to work with us um up here to make sure that we're meeting the residents needs also um and to keep the city running and so I know you are looking out for the staff and you're looking out for the residents um and so I just I just want to thank you for that you talked about a couple of other things um you know but you've also so and I think with your union background it has helped you in dealing with um our Union contract employees um in particular coming up with creative ways um on the PD end and on the Fire end to um benefit our personnel and in and in many ways um being budget neutral and being creative we did that this year on the utilities and two where where we found um budget neutral ways where we could still provide services to the residents um but without um you know without the cost so and I know there have been some comments made in the last couple of weeks with regard to the budget and where this budget money is going it's going to fund it's going to fund balance and it's going to takeing care of our staff and so um I just want to say thank you for um you know for taking on this Challenge and continuing to um to really just exceed expectations and uh and doing a great job so thank you thank you vice mayor uh Lynn I just have a quick question for you um in determining the the average salary here that your last most column did you factor in the fact that some city managers may have more than one role uh so for example uh I believe it's the Riviera Beach city manager that uh has multiple yeah make sure saw that yes sir confirmed okay I did I did see that all right and also you know thinking about you know the longevity and things like that so absolutely all right thank you go ahead commissioner Cruz okay I don't think you've spoken yet on this matter okay so I do want to provide some uh positive feedback with regard to when I sent emails asking for um staff to do anything there's usually a prompt response and um you know things do get taken care of when I do request things uh by email um there are definitely um I would say opportunities for improvement for the city as a whole I would like the city and that's also related to the commission but I would like for us to um have a significant increase in our reserves uh due to the economy we know all know what's going on with the economy a lot of businesses are closing um a lot of people are getting laid off from their jobs and I think that we've done a good job with you know maintaining Public Safety um and providing all those benefits but at the same time you know seeming to be uh fiscally responsible and maintaining um the changes to be budget neutral so that's a positive um in the future I would like to have the budget at least a week or two in advance prior to the budget meeting I think this week we this year we got it probably on a Thursday and we had to be voting on that following Tuesday so just you know real feedback um I do understand that there's back things that happen that you know maybe Staffing changes and that sort of thing where it might have made an impact with that but just going forward in the future um I would definitely like to see us provide um you know the budget a little bit sooner and also maybe having more conversations with the commission with regard to you know projects that they want to see or maybe just make it a little bit more interactive um I do want to commend you for supporting our local businesses um for this event coming up thank you for that um and thank you for smoothing the situation with the little league I think that was that was good it was a very tense situation where we needed somebody to step in and you know figure that out so I think that you did do that um there was a delay with the goie harbor Paving for you know close to two fiscal years like it's being done now so that's good um but I I did get a lot of um I did get a lot of thrown me from my constituents because of that delay I understand that there are you know financial reasons for it and federal funding and all that but I did want to you know just be transparent about it um and then with transparency and decision making I would say I would like to have more communication with any changes prior to implementation um and my goal for the next review period I want to see a park in leisureville and I want to see the implementation I would like to have um the way that we have at City Hall like with all of our names it could be the commission the city manager all that um and actually like have a ribbon cutting for for my constituents because I know it's something that you know that I started on my first year and I want to make sure that I do that before my term is over um and yeah but other than that I think that you know when I when I send requests you know they're definitely answered and they're responded to I know I talked to a lot so um that is what I have thank you all right thank you commissioner just have one more thing yeah about The Branding the so the reason I brought up the B branding is because what that does is it drives Economic Development it drives investment into the city right we are tasked to balance the budget we are tasked to try to pave every pothole pave the roads build Parks do everything we want how can we do that without increasing the burden on the tax payer right you invite commercial investment and um you know I pulled this data from from you Adam over the last year and a half correct me if I'm wrong maybe two years how what we almost a billion dollars invested into the city with it B right or yes sir commissioner uh we we average uh a little over a billion dollars in uh construction investment in the city on an annual basis $1 billion and that created how how many businesses I think n 900 new businesses I don't recall off the top of my head sorry I think it's around I think it's like 9900 or something it's a lot right so what does that do when you have a good brand and you have stability and you have continuity you know in city government you get that private investment right and it's a domino effect what I mean we have so the we probably need an expander pering Department I would imagine because I mean we have so much going on you guys are doing so well right but what that does is it makes everybody want to invest and how does that help us that helps us because we get to then take that burden off the taxpayers and fix that PA oh fix those roads build that Park in leisureville right pave the roads in Chapel Hill that have also been delayed for a few years that I'm still waiting on you know and so you know storm water drainage there's so many projects that we that we can accomplish with that private investment but what the private side what business wants to see is stability they want to see a a commission that's working together and even more so departments that are working effectively and well with the private side and I've heard you know countless of uh you know compliments and Praises you know not just for you know Adam Temple and um you know your departments but you know the city as a whole and you know there's always a few you know there's always a few outliers but I think you know I I think it's important to send a message that you know Boon's open Boon's open for investment and we welcome you know to be be a part of what we're trying to do here right and you've helped do that with us right so thank you thank you uh let's make this final round of comments if there's nothing else because we do need to move on uh commissioner hay and then we'll is this your go ahead go ahead I would like to say that uh branding is nothing new U it is important that's why I had the city branded in 2012 and 2013 that's where we get America's gateway to the golf stream that's printed on all of our documents so uh I welcome that it's time for an update um so but I do want to say that um you know I have to go back and take a look at a previous um city manager who had uh some 20 years uh experience and to this date you've had two and it's no secret you know that I did not support you uh when you first came in because I felt that you had no experience as a city manager um had nothing to do with you personally and I think where I as now I think youve made some improvements but I don't think you're there yet will you get there probably will but you're not there yet in my mind so um I will support some type of movement um I would like to thank you for uh working on the P program and getting that back uh uh with the um uh football uh Bulldogs uh and all the work that you've done in The District Two um you you really Excell in that area and congratulation on your 3.9 average and uh I do feel that uh you're on the right path whether you're there or not uh I would say no at this point but I'm willing to to give a bump not to the 254 uh I would be more in favor of something like 230 um that's that's where I am and I'd like to see more transparency uh both in uh well from you um I like to know about things ahead of time I don't like to be BL blindsided I don't like to see things for the first time as I come to this uh Das Uh I that that turns me off and I don't even know what the product is but when you do it that way it doesn't set well with me so I what I have to say to you uh I say to you face I'm not a bashful when it come to speaking my peace and I think you know that by now okay um I just feel that um we just got started out on on the wrong foot and it's slowly uh improving but from my standpoint you're still not there yet thank you U thank you Commissioners uh Lynn my question for you is I'm I'm not sure if you have this information approximately how many employees does Del Ray have I'm trying to do a comparison uh because the proposal was made uh by commissioner hay for 230 and I just want to see in terms of number of employees to be managed do they have more do do we have more I don't I don't have information on the employees okay all right if somebody could in the meantime quickly find that out I would greatly appreciate that mayor Del has about 1160 employees they have more than us 30 um and uh I want to get your thoughts on which of those two numbers you're leaning towards if no one else wants to chime in I'll I'll chime in who was that commissioner Cruz were you about to say something um it's it's a tough one because I think about all the staff right and like the staff does the majority of of the work um and we gave staff a 5% race this year um so I just I wish I could give staff a bigger race um but I just wanted to kind of be mindful of that I would support an increase um but I want to make sure that it's a fiscal responsible increase and um I'm not sure what the number is I think we can definitely discuss it amongst the board um so I'm open to well that is the question that I'm asking you guys I mean there are two numbers here again there's 254 from commissioner turkin and commissioner Hayes recommending 230 uh this is what I need your in what percentage increase would 230 be versus 254 like what so his current I don't know the exact some could use the calator uh I know his current is 25 so if we move to 230 that's a 15K increase right there in terms of percent I don't know somebody percent just to compare um opples to opples I guess to see what what's you know if you give him um $115,000 more if you think about that he makes 215 and 10% of that you know is um 20 20 grand so it's about exactly so it's 230 you got to go back a little bit so uh 230 would be a 6.85% increase and at 254 would be 18% all right uh so for that reason I'm going to lean towards 230 um we've got a lot of positive uh movement in the city which I'm happy about but at the same time I know it's you've completed two years there's still plenty of years to go in terms of growth uh so you know I know the other city managers that's listed here have probably been there much longer so I mean I'm comfortable with the 230 I I could be comfortable with a little bit more but uh that's my starting point just to keep the conversation going I I would support um I would support 230 or up to a 10% but no more than a 10% because I again I think about the staff and uh 254 would be I think a $39,000 increase um so again just thinking about the other staff members and what they received so I guess if the two numbers being proposed are 230 I would support 230 or maybe up to a 10% let me hear from commissioner Haye because he's the one who recommended 230 are you comfortable with a little bit more with 230 I'm sorry the question was a little bit more commissioner Cruz was asking if it was in what the number 10% is 236 is what commissioner Cruz I see 236 so 230 would be 6.8% and 10% is 236 if I heard you correctly yes 236 can I can I make a comment I just want to make sure and remember and I know that that this is not his goal okay the city manager's goal but take into consideration where the dis um Deputy city manager you know is all right in terms of coming up with that number because you don't want to have then another pay compression you see what I'm trying to say so so think about that in your number I mean it's still above the DC did I hear you correctly it was 225 no it is it is it is just wanted to bring that perspective so you can think about it but what is is your number she said she was comfortable with 10% that brings it to 236 just a little bit more than what you recommended commissioner hey okay this 6,000 more all right I I'm comfortable with that comfortable all right um City attorney do we need a formal motion um yes I'm sorry let me just bring up one other issue there is some confusion with regard to um some of the benefits he would be entitled to his letter doesn't address it in the contract where my letter does address stuff like PTO and vacation and stuff like that his is completely silent as to that so it does make it a little bit more difficult with regard for financing them as to who does what and so I would like to also just amend that portion to make it clear um with regard to the P the paid time off the vacation and the SI time um I I normally would not have a problem with that but this is my first time hearing about it and I have not I mean have you discussed this already I've never heard about that before yeah well it's again unfortunately I don't think it was something that you have a new finance department you also have lawyers that are looking at it going why doesn't your contract address those things when every other Employment contract does uh well is it can we just do that in a separate separate meeting bring that up you guys no there's there's we can keep my contract exactly like it is have vacation your contract no no no no I put in my contract the stipulations whenever I originally got hired that's perfectly okay yeah he doesn't get the paid time off that other city employees get he only gets vacation and sick okay okay all right so what we have here is 236 so uh attorney do we need an official motion just a motion to approve a salary inre increase 2 Bas salary all right is there that motion I'll make a motion to have a salary increase of 10% which is6 okay so we have a motion from commissioner Cruz second from Comm say 23 it would actually be 10% would be 236 and $500 yes whatever the ex whatever that is 10% all right we have a motion from commissioner Cruz a second from commissioner turkin um because it is a final action we're going to need uh public comment if I'm not mistaken 236 236 all right it's administ 26 no public comment we don't need public comment okay just confirming um okay and did you have any final com commissioner were you about to say something did you have it answered asked he's good all right all right we have a motion in a second all those in favor of the motion say I I I all those anyone who oppos motion passes unanimously all right congratulations thank [Applause] you say J is the man I missed something someone had a sign that said Dan is the man oh oh jeez all right moving on to the next item on the agenda uh 10B discussion regarding an ordinance regulating the sale of recreational marijuana in the city of Bo Beach City attorney you were the one who requested this item so I'll turn it to you actually one second City attorney let's let them leave first and then you say do we want to take just a quick two-minute break I don't know if anyone needs the restroom I'm comfortable with that let's make it a five minute recess all right no any objection to five minutes all right we will return in about five minutes thank you so much everybody e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ladies and gentlemen we will begin in about five minutes or not even soon as everyone is here I'm just waiting on one more person um so if we could all begin to start moving back to our seats so we can begin as soon as possible and if if somebody sees commissioner turkin in the hallway please let let them oh perfect okay all right the board is back if everybody could take their seats thank you so much uh this meeting is called back to order from our recess and uh we are now going to discuss item 10B this is the discussion regarding an ordinance regulating the sale of recreational marijuana in the city of Bo Beach City attorney if you could please introduce this item yes so oh Mike um I've have asked that we discuss the ordinance potentially drafting an ordinance regulation or regulating the sale of recreational marijuana uh within the city in anticipation of the vote that is coming forward my and in reading the background and um the senior City attorney sent a memo to everyone I apologize but you guys just received it on Monday but essentially um what they're looking to do what the legislature will do if it passes by a super majority is it looks like they're going to allow um the medical marijuana pharmacies and dispensaries to go ahead and sell also recreational marijuana but it does make a provision in there that they may allow other facilities and it doesn't describe or um discuss what those are are and so the recommendation is that we as a city consider whether or not we want to outline certain places where if these other facilities are allowed to sell uh recreational marijuana that they not be be within so far of a park or a school or any of those things similar to what we do with our current medical marijuana sales um and also looking at our current medical marijuana sales then we might also want to um just adjust some of the definitions and include that in there my understanding and I don't know that this is correct again this could all be for nothing but my understanding is that um they are going to if you had an ordinance on the books prior to the enactment in January of 2025 again if this passes then you will be grandfathered in to being able to prohibit these new dispensaries which they haven't defined what they are yet in certain areas so I'm just looking for a direction from the commission to see if that is something that you would like my office together with Planning and Zoning to come up with a proposal with regard to the regulation of recreational marijuana yes oh sorry oh that was that was really fast that that's great just keep going you started um yes I for me I don't know about the rest of the board but I I do think that it's important to regulate that um I think we already have a lot of them all over the place and you know also in addition to preventing them from coming into the city I mean anywhere you go there's going to be a school nearby you know it's it's pretty much I don't know unless it was a I don't know I guess you'll have to figure those things out in detail but my concern is that the the current uh dispensaries that they have that are medical right now if they decided to add to to provide recreational at that point I would not be in favor of allowing that so we're not going to be able to pre prevent that that is going to be the leg we cannot uh the way the current provision is written that they are automatically going to allow if you have a medical marijuana dispensary they are going to be able allowed to sell it what we're more interested in what we can regulate is if they say okay you can sell it at gas stations well is that something we want to allow if that gas station is within 500t of a school you know you don't want kids go into the corner store and picking up some marijuana I mean you're supposed to be over 21 but you know how that goes and so whether we want to look forward to possibly regulating that so you're saying that even if we say let's have a total ban in the city theoretically speaking just you would say that at that even if we did that the current medical ones would still be able to sell recreational legally in the city correct that is how it is currently written um with regard to the Florida Amendment Three and specifically the language that it uses I'm sorry let me put that a yes vote supports legalized in cannabis for adults 21 years old and older and allowing individuals to possess up to 3 ounces of cannabis it would um add to existing law in Florida as related to legalization uh it would also allow for lure of entities other than existing medical marijuana treatment centers to cultivate and sell cannabis marijuana products so um we so the thing is it will it is they have said they are going to they anticipate these being able to be sold at like pharmacies what are current dispensaries right okay but what my concern is is because it says may allow other and we don't know what that other is and so I I do think if the commission wants to regulate not knowing what that other is then we get something down sooner rather than later and it may not pass cuz it does need a super majority so we could either wait till after November and if it passes it just has to go through by January so we do have a little bit of a time but again remember you know that time frame we're going to have if we don't cancel any of our meetings we're going to need two meet two meetings to it's going to be a tip frame time frame is what I'm trying to say could we prevent any dispensaries at all whether it's medical or whatever to being like within a certain proximity to schools within our city we already do we do okay and Adam can speak to the specifics I do have that ordinance pulled up but I think it's within 500 feet is it 500 feet that's it it's close right that's so close so close it might be a, feet is it a th000 or 500 1500 I have it right here I apologize wow I I'd have to look to see if that was something we wanted to change if we could change that Amanda's the guru on all things Planning and Zoning so I'd really have to get with her um sorry is 500 feet it is yeah I read it today so it's not it's you know whether you want me to consider changing that too I can also look what I'll propose is I would like to increase that to make it a significant distance from schools from churches I know it's complicated because we have a lot of schools and churches but I think it's important um for the safety of the city and also as we move forward um where they already are we can't remove them so and there's a lot of them so right I'll hear out the rest of the board so maybe going forward schools and churches any new ones within 1,000 ft and Parks obviously or maybe 2,000 ft whatever I don't know I the zoning experts will will look into it is it is tiered and it's it's based on the distance is based on the square footage of the facility um okay there so so in the mu4 MU uh mu District which was in our which is in our downtown uh it's 750 ft uh for uses with less than 5,000 squ ft of gross floor area 1,500 ft uh for uses with a gross floor area equal to or greater than 5,000 uh gross Square fet anything not in the MU mu4 mu core area uh it's 500 ft from a school commissioner turkin yes uh commissioner Cruz I couldn't I couldn't agree with you even more I think we should increase the space and so from what it sounds like it doesn't matter if they're already if they're already doing sales medically they can do it recreationally we're preempted by the state if this passes right what it's I mean again this is on the the ballot that but sure if it passes on the ballot correct in in that language it will allow current medicinal uh retail sales to then be able to look at recreational sales correct so yeah I'm I'm definitely in favor of just Banning any addition outside of that and then also increasing um you know the space I we got we have plenty of marijuana shops plenty of bong shops one of the things I hear is that there's so many in the city you know and and business is business you they can do that and you know um I just I think we have enough and I don't think we need any more and you know if someone wants marijuana they can go to the medicinal place to find a way to get it exactly yes sir um one of the things I am noticing and again I was really looking at this from you know the recreational standpoint but I don't see where there's any current restrictions uh with regard to a dispensary being located near a park I only see it with regard to elementary middle and secondary school within uh you can't have too many uh medical marijuana treatment facilities within a th000 feet of each other and then um so I you know again I I also and not prepared for this because it's kind of ancillary but whether we are limited by the legislature and what our requirements could be I can speak to that because I was part of that team that wrote this ordinance um there were some preemptions by the state as far as distances requirements so we'll have to look at that when you go through that exercise that's something that we'll have to consider there may be some preemptions that restrict what we can and can't do but I can certainly if it's something the board wants to do I'll look at at this current ordinance to see if we can make any changes and then also look at the recreational and then it would just be the time frame for bringing that before you thank you so much vice mayor um so shaa I was out for most of this sorry um but the ordinance that we currently have we can amend that to limit I'm going to say ban but limit um use can we limit use to strictly just the medicinal it's no unfortunately the current ballot if you look at ballot pedia um and what they have indicated is on the proposed amendment is that they are going to allow recreational sales from current medicinal sales the concerning point is again it says they may authorize other dispensaries so other to me logically would be gas stations and I you know cuz where else would you typically buy tobacco products and alcohol and those sorts of things your convenience stores and gas stations right so we may be able to prohibit that but again it's all speculative until November right so um and in our conversation there isn't a municipality or anyone that has made any moves yet I know you mentioned that there were some in the works I was under the impression that uh Wellington had already changed it they have not actually changed it to ad recreational but they have a very robust um medical marijuana they only allow medical marijuana to be sold on their 441 Causeway area um but this came from a discussion with the City Attorneys at Wellington as well as um Coconut Creek that they intend to pass something prior to January is there anyone you can get us a copy of what Wellington has just so I can read it and I actually could email it to you right now okay thank you and I will also email you our current and if you'd like I can send it to everybody on the board please okay yes vice mayor did you have any other comments no I just um so what are you I guess what's the next step or what's your next plan I'm sure you said it and I was out so if you could just sorry repeat so the direction I need is if you would like me to do two things one um limit those other type of facilities I don't know if I can ban them but I I should be able to do the same limitations that we have currently for medicinal marijuana with and I'm not talking about dispensaries cuz that's going to be complete preempted but at least ban those other areas that they can't be within you know a certain feet of schools and all have to get with planning to decide kind of what the legislature has said those are and um then I can also look at um boosting our definition obviously we have to put a definition of recreational marijuana in the statute and then whether or not we can expand our current restrictions to size Place location because I I also see on here that parks are not um excluded just schools so I I just need direction on those two things okay oh I'm sorry and then third whether you want me to wait to bring it until after November 2nd because it all might be for nothing oh I see saying and then understand that I could have it that first like whatever that mid November meeting is and then the second reading in December well I think that some of the conditions though that we're wanting to do we would be wanting to do anyway it sounds like we want to look at the you know the distance we want to look at clar and I think I I don't think it's ever a bad thing to continue to clarify where we see a weakness and so I am off we just moving forward with you know what staff is recommending that we can do as far as if we if we can enhance the the amount of feet and we can change different you know Avenues and we can do the I want I want to see those and how we can change those so I don't necessarily see a need to wait because I think that there are things that we want to change regardless and we've been looking at Seattle Colorado some of the places that they've done that and uh some of them have very robust um ordinances so I can certainly do that my recommendation I'll probably be able to bring it to you um I don't know if I can get it October 15th but the first meeting in November and then we'll know after that first reading of the ordinance if it passes or not so we can always kill it on second reading if we need to right I'm comfortable with that um let's let's call this final round please because this is just a preliminary discussion no just just for the sake of the public there will be public comment on this when we bring it back for a vote yeah discussion okay that is correct well I'm sorry just clarify there will not be public comment at the first reading they'd have to do it on consent but on consent or on the second reading yes and by then we'll know if it's worth it yeah yes okay thank you all right thank you so much no final comments we're going to move on uh 10 C proposed ordinance number 24-20 it's a first reading melee proposed ordinance number 24-20 first reading and ordinance of the city Commission of the city of BU and Beach Florida amending article two of chapter 18 of the buyon beach code of ordinances entitled employees pension plan amending section 18-145 city of boyon beach investment policy for General employees pension pension fund providing for codification providing for severability of Provisions repealing all or ordinances in Conflict here with and providing for an effective date all right thank you any questions I know we discussed this already in the uh Workshop but any questions on this matter all right um we have a motion to approve then we have a motion from commissioner turkin a second from commissioner hay uh melee if you could please begin the roll call commissioner hay yes commissioner turkin yes commissioner Cruz yes vice mayor Kelly yes mayor penserga yes in a roll call vote the motion pass unanimously all right thank you item 10d proposed ordinance number 24- 021 once again another first reading go ahead M proposed ordinance 24-21 first reading and ordinance of the city Commission of the city of white and Beach Florida amending part three chapter 4 site development standards article 10 flood prevention requirements section 1. c uh Administration Section 1 pointd applicability applicability and section 5. e building and structures providing for codification severability conflicts and fighting for an effective dat thank you um before you begin are there any specific questions for staff on this matter it's only first reading we will see it again uh vice mayor yeah um I guess so this is to update based on the latest part of this is to update based on the latest um FEMA flood maps is that why we're looking at the the changes okay yes ma'am it's uh to adopt the latest firm um required by the state and FEMA and there's a couple other uh Corrections uh two others perfect thank you that's my only question thank you anything else no I just wanted to say I I had brought up um a future discussion with regard to flooding in the city but that's something that I'm working on with staff and so this is not related to that okay motion to approve second all right we have a motion from commissioner Cruz second from commissioner turkin go ahead meley commissioner hay I commissioner turkin yes commissioner Cruz yes vice mayor Kelly yes mayor penserga yes in a roll call vote the motion passing un nously thank you we've already addressed item 10e we're going to go to item 10f proposes resolution number r24 d237 this one reads approved the disposition of land by the bo Beach community redevelopment agency to maple tree Investments LLC for the property located at 401 East Bo Beach Boulevard 407 East Bo Beach Boulevard and 411 East Bo Beach Boulevard for purchase price less than fair market value questions for staff no questions for staff anyone uh who would like to speak specifically on this item now is the time to approach the podium seeing no one approaching the podium this is item 10 F F this the dis the uh yeah item 10f yeah one second let me switch to the timer item 10f um Cindy Falco deado I just wanted to get the which property um 401 East Boon Beach so these are all on East Pointon Beach okay I just wanted to make sure there's a property near my home and I just was wondering if that was one of the properties but I noticed it's not it thank you thank you all right let me check online I see no one online with that public comments on this item is now closed um any further questions or comments from my colleagues seeing none may have a motion to oh oh that's all right we could do a motion and a second with discussion I do have comments okay all right let's take the motion in the second then we'll do discussion is there a motion motion motion from uh vice mayor second from second second from commissioner turkin all right for a discussion go ahead commissioner hey I have two um items I want to um bring forth wait no we're not finished about this particular item F yeah we okay two items about 10 that I thought that was on your motion to adjin I your say that so before I said I'll wait so you get those things out so okay so let's go ahead proceed with the vote oh my it's getting that time of the night perhaps uh it is okay we have a motion and a second all those in favor of approving item 10 F this is proposed resolution number r24 d237 I I anyone oppose motion passes unanimously okay so before we adjourn I guess you wanted to make a closing comment yes um first I want I got two two comments okay first I want to publicly um thank my wife for spinning her an iversary today here at this meeting [Music] happy 59 [Applause] years she deserves a proclamation for 59 years she does deserve a proclamation all right okay well we do do that for major Milestones uhoh uh oh uh this other one I I I really want to have this discussion happy anniversary um yeah I I want to to add an item to our October 15th 2024 agenda of the city commission um I want to have a discussion on a super majority vote versus a simple majority vote I want that on October 15th of what uh of this month for what super majority for what I want to add an item to uh October 15th 2024 City commission agenda a discussion on super majority vote versus simple majority vote for what no it's all right um for what what the city manager I want to I want to add an item to uh October 15th 2024 City commission agenda discussion on a super majority vote versus a simple majority vote in regards to what because there's different things that require we we have not discussed the rationale behind each person's uh reasoning for adding things to the agenda except for now okay all right okay I'm okay to have that on there if you don't want to have the the discussion on it then vote no that's fine no I'm okay to have that on there I just want to put forth for the record that um there was an email sent out to I think everyone on the commission that called for this so any discussion for a super majority or versus a simple majority will be a violation of Sunshine Law and that came from the previous um uh staff member so I just want to get that out there that uh if we are going to have this discussion if it does pertain to the employment of the city manager employment City attorney there is a potential Sunshine live violation and I think there would be some form of conspiracy to follow up with that thank you and you would be the last one to talk about a meeting before the meeting okay so I don't want to get into that discussion on the 15th I want to discuss it if you want to have that discussion vote Yes if you don't vote no right and I'm more than happy to have that I'm just telling you if that pertains to the employment of a city manager or City attorney for the super majority versus super majority there's a sunshine violation there if you check your email you'd see that okay um we do have a workshop before any meeting so I think unless anyone objects but I think that would be the appropriate place to do it since it's just a draft agenda at that point um unless you want to have it formally at the actual meeting I'm whichever way is the proper way to do it I mean I see where this is going and while we're on the topic I'd like all public records of communications between commissioner hay involving this manner with any member of the community um regarding the super majority versus simple majority time to say are you accusing me of communicating with someone outside this I think both of you talk to me I'm going talk to you right now me right now be accusing me of anything commission okay because out of order you understand commissioner hey commissioner turkin let's put it on a pause we're going to end this night because this is not going anywhere okay we'll do the public records we'll do the email I'm not even sure what your which email but we'll we'll we'll discuss it we'll discuss it okay sorry just a point of clarification not to be lab the point believe commissioner Haye just said he wanted on adding things to the agenda was that cor yes that was his request for discussion that was my on how things get added to the agenda correct no he's that's no he's talking about a simple majority versus a super majority vote but not for clarification on what policy okay okay I'm sorry I misunderstood I'm okay to have that conversation when we do I think there's a lot of questions answer all right so okay but this back and forth just put it on I didn't raise my voice mayor yes vice mayor I'm don't raise a mine either but I don't want you making accusations against me all right I want you to fully understand commissioner you make ACC you just made an accusations against me earlier gentlemen I wouldn't I could get L okay guys please practice you preach all right all right people are watching online let's just please we will have a conversation we can do it then we've got things to go to okay all right um who I'm sorry vice mayor you were about to say something thank you mayor um Adam can you um can we and and this can be future agenda doesn't have to be I just thought of it when I was talking about um the cm's um review can we get an update on Downtown Development where we are with certain projects because I know that we're looking at anywhere from I think it's two to $2.5 billion dollar of of Permitting funds funds and and permitting projects that are coming up so can we get an update on what's going on downtown also I know of at least one live local project so if we can get an update on on that project and what it is going to bring to the city because that's not something that would normally come before us so if I could get those updates at sometime in the next you know a month or so when you have it ready that'd be great would you like would you like me to have somebody present those updates or just send it out to the commission okay that's fine thank you yeah um that's a good idea thank you for bringing that up okay any other closing comments otherwise I'll entertain a motion to adjourn toj all right is there a second second all right have a good night everybody this meeting is adjourned